#but I'm counting it as 1830s fashion
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cressida-jayoungr · 2 years ago
Reblogging for the month of weddings. And here's a link to the version from the Victoria TV show for comparison.
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One Dress a Week Challenge
March: White
The Young Victoria / Emily Blunt as Queen Victoria
I'm trying not to use too many wedding dresses for the month of white, but I definitely wanted to include this one. It's the dress that set the fashion for white wedding dresses for going on two centuries, and it's seriously gorgeous, to boot! You barely see it in the movie, and only from the waist up; fortunately, we have this detailed publicity shot, and the dress has also been exhibited.
Looking at it, I try to imagine being surprised by a white wedding dress, as people apparently found it quite mind-blowing at the time. But the assumption is just too firmly ingrained, so I can't quite wrap my head around it.
I really like the effect of the long royal chain of office, or whatever you call that piece of jewelry, over the lacy bodice.
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erinsvintageemporium · 10 days ago
It's Fashion Plate Friday!
This Friday I have plate number one from The Magazine of the Beau Monde for February of 1837.
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PLATE I. FIGURE 1. - EVENING DRESS. - Astral satin dress, close fitting corsage, a spirally twisted ribbon passes round the extreme upper portion of the sleeve and part of it ornaments it near the elbow, several rows of blond produce a rich finish to it. A zig-zag ornament beaded by a few ears of corn and a small feather goes round the bottom of the skirt. [Back view of hair above at top left]
FIGURE 2. - EVENING DRESS. - A crape dress trimmed with a satin ornament on the bust, richly embellished with blond edging, is decorated down the front in the form of an apron; the sleeves short and puffed full out.
FIGURE 3. - EVENING COSTUME. - Striped muslin dress over satin slip, caught up and connected to the underneath dress at a nearly equal distance from the bottom of the skirt all round. A garland of roses proceeds entirely round the hem. [Back view of hair above at top right]
CAPS composed of net and blond and ornamented with the latter and Valenciennes.
Fashion plate from my collection, description from digitised copy held by the Bodelian Libraries/Oxford University.
1837-02 BEA3
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cringeborg · 1 year ago
200 Followers Gift: 19th-century Men's Lookbook
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Finally, here it is. A gift to you all for getting my follower count up to a whole 200. I know it's not a huge milestone, but I'm excited about it, and I'm glad so many other people are interested in the things I make. As of right now I have 212 followers, and there were only about 190 students at my elementary school. That's weird. That's a lot of people.
This is a more informal lookbook than my usual ones. I haven't really gone all in on the photo editing. It's more of a timeline of fashion than a true lookbook. Note that it's a mix of casual wear (1810, 1820, 1830, 1850), regular daywear (1800, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1890) and evening wear (1840).
1800s: hair / glasses (TSR) / suit / boots (Base Game)
1810s: hair / facial hair (Base Game) / vest / breeches / boots
1820s: hair / facial hair / vest / pants (Discover University) / boots
1830s: hair / facial hair (Base Game) / outfit / boots (Base Game)
1840s: hair / facial hair (Base Game) / suit / shoes
1850s: hair / facial hair / outfit / shoes (Base Game)
1860s: hat / hair / facial hair / suit / gloves (Base Game)
1870s: hat / hair / facial hair (Cottage Living) / jacket / pants (Sack Pants) / gloves (Base Game) / boots
1880s: hat / hair / facial hair (Horse Ranch) / suit / boots
1890s: hat / hair / facial hair (Cats & Dogs) / suit (Professor Plum) / shoes (Get Together)
huge thanks to all the cc creators included in this! you rock!
@simverses @anachrosims @johnnysimmer @peebsplays @birksche @joliebean @happylifesims @theroyalthornoliachronicles @feralpoodles @chere-indolente @buzzardly28 @vintagesimstress
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fashionhistorysoup · 2 years ago
A Long but Necessary Guide
Hello! I am Soup and this is my History, Anthropology, and Archeology sideblog! Welcome to my current passion, and here are a few things to make your stay a bit easier.
Tagging System
I try to tag in this order and with these details: decade, century/millennium, era/age, continent, region, country, culture, medium, misc.
Example: for a picture of a museum's embroidered Irish wedding dress worn at a lesbian wedding from 1837, I might tag it like this: 1830s, 19th century, Regency, Victorian, Europe, Western Europe, Ireland, Celtic, Exhibit, Embroidery, Queer History, Wedding, Veiled (usually in this order but most likely in any order. I will list multiple places, labels, decades, centuries, and ages/eras as I feel necessary. I will also omit tags if necessary/if no plausible info can be found).
Places are stated as nouns and cultures are stated as adjectives. Example: America not American, but Jewish or Nubian not Jews or Nubia.
Countercultures, societal generas, and established aesthetics count as cultures lmao. (Pirates, Bollywood, Punk, Cottagecore, Cavalier, Goth, Greek Revival, Hanfu, Rococo, Pop Culture, Grunge, Disco, etc.)
Miscellaneous tags so I don't forget:
Bags and Belts
Body Art and Tattoos
Charms and Amulets
Glass and Glasses
Pajamas and Bathing
Pins and Patches
Socks and Shoes
Ceremonial or Religious
Fabric and Textile
Folk Regalia
Momento Mori
Black History
Celtic History
Disabled History
Indigenous History
Islamic History
Jewish History
Maritime History
Queer History
Fine Art
High Fashion
Art Reference
Fantasy (for costumes)
Fiction (for fan art or similar)
Not Clothing (for posts I couldn't resist)
Resources (posts with heavy info or link to other references and sources)
Shopping (for posts with links to purchase items)
Dating Method
This is very important as things maybe get confusing.
This blog will primarily use the Holocene Calendar, in which the current year is 12,023 HE and the Human Era began at the building of the oldest known structure on Earth. The equation is (10,000 + current year) - (date + current year) = Human Era year. So if it's 2023 CE and the object is from 494 BCE, the object is now from 9506 HE.
All CE (Common Era, formally written as AD, the most recent 2000ish years) dates will be referred to by traditional methods and not tagged with a corresponding millennium to save myself the headache: 18th century, 1900s etc . HOWEVER, all BCE dates (Before Common Era, formally written as BC and with numbers going maddeningly backwards) will be instead portrayed by Human Era dates only. Luckily this will only be a problem from the Mesolithic Era and back so I'm not terribly worried about causing confusion.
Example: a picture of an exhibit of a bone necklace from North Italy dated from 3300 BCE might be tagged like this: 5320s, 54th century, 6th millennium, Neolithic, Chalcolithic, Bronze Age, Europe, Southern Europe, Western Europe, Italy, Alps, Exhibit, Archeology, Jewelry. Again, I overlap labels, eras, and regions as I feel necessary.
It seems confusing at first but it actually makes reading history a whole lot easier; rather than everything from before a certain Nazarene being squished together in a confusing hodgepodge of jumbled backwards dates, we now have a clear context of just how long ago an object is from as well as a clear linear view of history. Which of course leads to better appreciation.
Traditional Eras in Human Era Context:
Paleolithic: 2.5 million years PreHE - 0 HE
Mesolithic: 0 HE - 2000 HE
Neolithic: 2000 HE - 5000 HE
Bronze Age: 5000 HE - 8800 HE
Iron Age: 8800 HE - 9500 HE
Classical Age: 9500 HE - 10500 HE
Middle Ages: 10500 HE - 11500 HE
Modern Age: 11500 HE - Present
FINALY: Please note that this is a work in progress, and I only work on it when I want to, so not everything is tagged yet qwq.
Thank you! And enjoy this blog!
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archduchessofnowhere · 1 year ago
Hi! I've been wanting to look deeper into that, but I haven't yet, so I can't give a definitive answer. But so far in my very superficial research, the oldest I've been able to track back the rumor was around the beginning of the Second French Empire. What's interesting is that it seems that in the earlier version of the rumor it wasn't Archduke Maximilian the alleged love child, but his eldest brother, the newly ascended Emperor Franz Josef. Which makes you wonder how much the tumultuous political mood of the 1850s played a role in the rumor spreading.
Again, I haven't researched deeper into this, but it seems the switch to believing it was actually Max came after the falls of the Second Mexican and French Empires; in retrospective, Napoleon III's fondness of the ill-fated Max and his decision to put him in the Mexican throne was attributed to them being relatives (which makes his eventual abandonment the more cruel).
Another thing that I found interesting is that this rumor seem to have spread in the old fashion way: mouth to mouth. I can count with the fingers of my hand the mentions of it I found in gossip columns from the 19th century, but right after the Habsburgs fell from power it pops out in almost every book about Archduke Maximilian and the Duke of Reichstadt (and to a lesser degree, Franz Josef). And yet no book presents this as brand new information, all authors assume this is common knowledge. So it seems the origin wasn't a particular gossipy newspaper article or a scandalous memoir, but really just people talking to each other (tho keep in mind I may be completely wrong, I only searched for key words in the archive/google books and tried to look for journals and memoirs). I'm not aware of any primary source (say, the correspondance of anyone involved in this) that mentions it, and to be honest I doubt anyone would've even dared to write it down. So we don't know how they felt about it.
The thing that seems to have been common knowledge since always is that Sophie and Reichstadt were close, you can find mentions in the 1830s of Sophie making him take the last sacraments and feeling very afflicted by his death. For exemple, in this article about Vienna written in 1834 by Napoleon d'Abrantes (is this Junot's son??) for the Paris ou Le livre des Cent-et-un, he quoted a letter written after Reichstadt's death by a woman from Vienna that had this line: "Archduchess Sophie, the wife of Archduke Franz [Karl], is inconsolable: she had an affection for this unfortunate young man that he paid back with the most tender return". So I wouldn't be surprised either if I eventually find evidence of the rumor predating the 1850s.
Sorry that my answer isn't more concrete! Rumors are a mess to track down.
It is known when the rumors about Archduke Maximilian's paternity began? Was it right from his conception and birth or when Napoleon III offered him to became the Emperor of Mexico? Was it has his dethronement and execution? Was it along afterwards? If there was prominent during his lifetime, it is know what his action was or his parents or his wife Empress Carlota?
Sorry, I'm totally out of my depths here. I am only dimly aware of these rumours myself, and the one biography of Napoleon II/Duke of Reichstadt that I have read dismissed the idea out of hand.
Maybe @archduchessofnowhere could help?
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clove-pinks · 5 years ago
TOO MUCH 1830s
Stage one: You think the language is appealing in its quaintness— a mix of the very old-fashioned with surprisingly modern idioms. Your sentences lengthen almost imperceptibly; commas appear, in unexpected places.
Stage two: "Actually, 1830s hairstyles aren't that bad." You may attempt to replicate a weird recipe or try a dramatic side-part. Romanticism seems more logical.
Stage three (TERMINAL): You are wearing this dressing gown.
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thelioncourts · 5 years ago
I'm gonna join the people asking for Capri fic recs! Any you've got from 2019?
oh boy do i! 2019 was the year i read the most capri fanfiction (since i didn’t read the series until 2018, kind of makes sense) so some of these or even a lot might not be from 2019, but i read them in 2019.
kimihia by thewriterofperfectdisasters
Laurent frowned and drummed his fingers against his laptop as he considered what to say. In theory, nothing was stopping him from going to Greece. Nothing was stopping him from maybe running into someone he met over Tinder. The only thing standing in his way was his own apprehension and mistrust about the whole situation.
Rating: Mature; Word Count: 22876; Warning(s): None
Receipts and Reciprocity by itallends (and its sequel
Damen has a thing for buying Laurent stuff.
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 49948; Warning(s): None
The Tall Kingdom I Surround by yekoc
The first time it happened, in the midst of battle preparations at Karthas, Damen had dismissed it as a momentary lapse. Laurent’s voice, issuing curt orders, and his own involuntary reaction: nothing more than force of habit, the instincts he had trained into himself, deliberately, in order to survive.
Nikandros had noticed then, and had let it go with the circumspect silence of a kyroi to his king. That was as it should be, Damen thought. It was not worth discussing. It was not even worth thinking about.
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 3719; Warning(s): Power Dynamics
to taste your beating heart by onekingdomonce
It had been Laurent’s idea.
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 10531; Warning(s): Aphrodisiac 
Homeward Bound by Seek_The_Mist
In Vere, a Récurrence marks the five year anniversary of every married couple, from humble commoners to Kings and Queens. The Kingdom hasn't seen royal celebration for two decades when Laurent decides to hold one.In the distance, the bells of Arles chimed up, marking the eleventh hour of Laurent and Damen’s fifth anniversary, one ring at the time.
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 12382; Warning(s): READ TAGS!
got we walkin’ side to side by sweetricebuns
They're both really sweaty. It shouldn't be hot, but somehow, it is.
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 1830; Warning(s): None
Felled by You, Held by You by okhotnik
Laurent has some hang ups that are worsened by Nikandros's inability to knock. Damen is just glad to no longer be bedridden.
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 5423; Warning(s): None
Kiss Me on the Mouth (Set Me Free) by tasteofink
Breathlessly, Laurent spoke. “I’m not sure we are playing this courting game anymore.” “I graciously accept the loss if you’ll have me in spite of it."
Rating: Teen; Word Count: 6474; Warning(s): None
Only Human by exyking *Laurent/Nikandros*
He hopes against hope, for a brief and whimsical moment, that perhaps Damen hadn’t left. That it is him taking the shower that Nik has just walked right in on. But of course, Nik isn’t so lucky.
It’s blue eyes he meets when he turns his head, not brown; golden hair turned a nutty colour under the spray of water, not black.
Ok, this is fucking awkward.
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 5622; Warning(s): Infidelity, Degrading Praise
Paradigm Shift by Just_Another_Day
After years of coming to terms with how misplaced his unrequited teenage crush on Damen probably was, Laurent finds that Damen starts actually paying attention to him after all. Laurent's not very good at dealing with the change. (Nor is Damen, for that matter.)
Rating: Teen; Word Count: 4181; Warning(s): None
Since When? by MimiJae (2016 story)
Eventually he understood clearly he was soon to witness the two most powerful people on the continent make love, and there was nothing he could do about it.
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 3793; Warning(s): Voyeurism 
Take Me Down in White by covertius (and its sequel!)
The staff at Charls’s bridal salon is no stranger to a difficult entourage.  But when accommodating bride Lykaios brings along her opinionated mother, her fashion-conscious sister, her ex-boyfriend, her sister’s ex-boyfriend, a close friend of the groom, and the brother of her sister’s current boyfriend, it could prove a recipe for more drama than dresses - especially when those last four?  Are the same person. It’s up to fashion-director Laurent to get this appointment back on track, this week on Say Yes to the Dress.
Rating: General; Word Count: 11463; Warning(s): None
Mine Again by FanaticeIllabantur
After Damen spends a month in Ios, Laurent intends to make up that lost time in a single night.
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 12666; Warning(s): None
there are, no doubt, so many more, but here are some! they are all kinds of wonderful and deserve all the love
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thelittlepalmtree · 3 years ago
OKI have 2 thoughts on that gallowaque Before I get to those though Taylor Swift why didn't you come because I wanted to see you?
My 1st thought is that it is very clear to me that celebrities have no idea when the gilded age was because many of them are clearly coming with 1920s inspired looks and the gilded age is like 1880s to 1910s. I can definitely see some twenties some 1830s Some 1930 inspirations even some like 1950s and sixties inspirations buthese inspirations but I am not seeing anything that really smacks of 1890s to me. I'm not seeing a lot of silhouettes that looked like the 1880s and nineties. We've got a few people with a little bit of a bustle in the silhouette but most of them have more of an overall A-line skirt which is not really what I think of when I think gilded era. So I don't know who was involved in this but clearly none of these celebrities understood what the gilded air clothes looked like. Literally all the necklines were incredibly low and you see a lot of skin in the torso area and I feel like what is key in the 1830's looks is that that area is completely covered and is usually like and it's usually like the most busy part of the look. So like in most of the dresses from that era I feel like you have these really ornate bodices and Lacey necklines that are really high up with like necklaces and collars and many layers. And all of these looks from the magala you've got like a bear neck and just chesticles sticking out and very boring looking Bodices. I think a lot of people tried to do kind of a bustle look but they ended up with like this long wedding dress train and that's not really 1890s either. That to me comes off much more modern. There were a few people who were clearly inspired by like what we would call lounge wear of like the beautiful robes and like dressing gowns and I thought some of those looks were cool. A lot of the men absolutely killed it but like always it's easier to do men's fashion. But yeah I love this era in fashion and I didn't see anything the anything that was particularly gilded era.
Which leads me to my next point I can not help but see the irony in the metgala not only choosing this theme but the way that most of these celebrities chose to interpret. Because I have often said and I will say it again that our current era is very similar to Aries similar to the gilded era in American history. This was a time period that was absolutely defined by wealth inequality and our current time period is very heavily defined by wealth inequality. You had really strong social movements that felt like they were stalled By corruption and the power of the wealthy. You had politicians who weren't willing to take the action that was needed to make people's lives better. And you had rising tensions that would eventually become World War I. So the fact that so many of our countries most visibly rich humans decided to not portray this theme as a relic of the past and instead take on these very modern looks kind of reinforces this point. Like what is the magala if not a sort of naval gazing volgazing party for rich people to show off their wealth. It is truly a celebration of wealth at a time when people literally cannot afford to pay rent or The gas to get to work. One of the defining political issues right now is inflation and people not being able to afford groceries and basic necessities. And the metgala chose this theme That we are supposed to see a sort of abstract and historical. But instead it is seeming very modern I mean what is this but a second gilded age? Where we have people literally covering themselves in gold and going to a big really expensive really exclusive party and getting all this press about what they're wearing. Meanwhile everyone watching them is trying to count pennies to see whether or not they can put food on the table. I don't know that the people involved are aware of what part they are playing in this statement because honey you don't come off as good as you think you do. Even a very aware person Who thinks they're in on the joke is not in on the joke if they went to that party. And I think it's funny that you have some of the biggest capitalists like Elon Musk very much going into the theme I mean he looks like he stepped out of an 1880s catalog. To him this is an abstract idea he is trying to put distance between his normal self and the theme of this party. But you see some of the other people around him wearing clothes that you might see them wear on any red carpet. And that to me draws this connection that they are seeing themselves as the elite of a gilded age. They are the Gild on the age. And the rest of us are what's underneath which is the cheap metal that is rusting and Rotting. And because of the Gild on the outside no one is willing to admit the truth.
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