#but I’m not about to give AI scraping shit lords free content so 😤
cloakchameleon · 10 months
I’m gonna say it because I know nobody cares about this opinion thst follows me but I have to draw the line somewhere cause it’s making me MAD!!
I want dead space inspired games to Hecken stop with the “ooooo it’s a mysteryyy” when the mystery kinda sucks ass and the story sucks even more.
Like! I’m sorry!!! But Fort Solis and the Callisto Protocol are just terrible. Both are directly inspired by dead space but they both have such /terrible/ storytelling that I wish I could just Hecken SHAKE the plot into something more!!
“Cham why does this make u mad” LISTEN
I love dead space so much, all three games I enjoyed cause you felt so utterly hopeless and follows a story of the space engineer who loses his partner and has to move on from the trauma while surviving through a space virus frenzy!!
That shits so cool, and the necromorphs come in so many shapes and sizes and have abilities and can actually affect the environment around themselves as well as all look very different apart from what they host!
b u t
*points at Callisto protocol* the monster designs all literally look and feel the same, hell they don’t even look remotely as terrifying as a necromorph and I honestly don’t even feel bad for the main character who gets trapped— like there’s nothing really that likeable about him. There’s something missing that should’ve been impactful of the story that should have changed how we feel about him but in all honesty I just didn’t get him at all, didn’t seem to have a goal or nothing and the enemies are boring and bland.
*Points at fort solis* I hated this so much. I hate plot lines where you hint that something is gonna happen— and it doesn’t? And for what? I admit I was hooked on the idea of these two people surviving in a base in Mars but the result of what was going on felt so… lacking? Like? That was it? That’s it??? That’s ALL there’s nothing to fight or avoid or even anything going on other than some people freaked out about some mars dirt??
I’m just so tired of seeing a plot as good as dead space get taken and reused but not used to it’s fullest extent and it feels like such a waste cause it CAN be good, dead space has made a lot of fun plot lines through three whole games, but for some reason the best thing to add to these plots are “oooh maybe zombies are outside of our base” but there’s nothing to be scared of but dirt and protags that don’t have a lot of relatability to them.
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