#but I’d have to find a way to explain things before I say anything
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stellewriites · 3 days ago
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cw: soft & sweet, stud gaz, ace gaz
thank you to woolie who practically wrote half of this fic with me on discord and to birdy who continues to get me hyped and inspired about butch 141 as a whole <3 ily guys
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the bar wasn’t new, but you’d never been inside despite how your friends had raved about it in the group chat over the last few months.
you weren’t one to go out late often, your work kept you busy and tired more often than not, and the rest of the time you just didn’t like to have to explain that you don’t drink.
but it was a gay bar, a good gay bar from what you’d heard, and your friends had reassured you that the alcohol-free menu was more than just a glass of oj or a can of coke. so you went.
it didn’t take them long to recognise other regulars there, each of your friends nipping off one by one with a quick, “i’ll be right back, i just want to say hi,” until you were stood alone. you debated joining one of them, making new friends with any of the numerous people they knew already, but ultimately decided to head to the bar first and grab yourself a drink before joining whoever was nearest when you turned around.
the place was smoky, low lit, like something out of an old movie; and with its live band and carefully curated secondhand furniture, you’d have been tempted to call it pretentious if the authenticity wasn’t really working for the vibes of the place.
you hopped onto a barstool and picked up a little menu, humming in disappointment when you couldn’t find the alcohol free section. you noticed the lack of prices on the other drinks however and sucked your teeth, recognising it as a sign of an expensive establishment; you knew your pockets would be woefully empty by the end of the night.
“can i help you with a recommendation?” a smooth voice had you looking up into gorgeous, deep brown eyes. even the bartender looked like she belonged on the big screen with the way her locs framed her slim face. your breath caught. “i bet you like something sweet,” she continued now that she had your attention. “fruity?”
“do you have a non alcoholic beer?” you asked. you’d be paying through the nose for it in comparison to the other dives you usually haunt, but it’d give you a baseline for how much anything else would be costing.
the bartender winced. “sorry, honey, we’ve only got a local brewery’s ipa on tap.”
you looked back to the menu as if it will have suddenly spawned the information you wanted.
“prefer something earthy then? hint of spice?” she asked you. “we have a few non alcoholic gins.”
it was your turn to wince. “i like something with a bit of bite,” you admitted.
she grinned. “i’ve got just the thing,” she said and turned to start making your drink. “i’m gaz, by the way.”
you introduced yourself and she grinned over her shoulder, her attitude was infectious and you felt yourself relax as you sat there.
“did you come alone tonight?”
“no, i came with some friends but they’re just saying hi to a few people so i figured i’d check out the menu while they were busy,” you said.
“there you go,” she placed your drink down in front of you. it was a deep red that faded in to orange, garnished with a slice of lemon. “clean whiskey sour.”
you took a sip and felt your eyes widen. she laughed at your expression and dusted her hands off exaggeratedly.
“wow, that’s amazing. how much was that? think i’ve found my drink for the night,” you chuckled.
“mocktail so it’s cheaper than the real stuff,” she said and gave you the price. you ordered a second as you pulled out your purse and handed her a note.
you turned to see if you could locate one of your friends and pursed your lips as you saw them all engaged midway through their conversations. it’s maybe be a little awkward to go and interrupt to join now, but you didn’t want to sit alone all night either.
“hey, honey,” gaz called gently. you turned back to her and she reached forward with an empty hand towards your ear, you didn’t have time to frown or flinch before she was pulling it back in front of your face, a £2 coin suddenly perched between her fingers.
you blinked before you processed that the hot bartender had just given you your change via sleight of hand magic.
fucking hell. as if you weren’t already interested in her.
you bit back your budding smile and gently took your change, your grin breaking free when you made eye contact with her and she waggled her eyebrows.
“that part of the usual service or does it come with the ‘sour?” you asked as she placed the second glass in front of you.
she moved to clean up what she’d used to make your drink with a casual shrug. “reserved for my more interesting customers.”
you hummed.
her eyes flickered to the booths dotted around, the thin crowd sat at your back.
“i know you probably have your friends to go find soon,” she started coyly. “but if you don’t think they’ll miss you too much, i’d enjoy having some good company for once.”
she came to stand in front of you again, placing her palms on the bar-top and broadening her already impressive, toned shoulders. you were glad it was warm inside and that she’d decided to go sleeveless for her shift if only for the current view of her as she leant ever so closer into your space. “it’s a slow night; if you’re willing to stick around here with me it might keep me from going stir crazy.”
“we can’t have that,” you said, playing along. “who would make me another one of these if you started climbing the walls?”
“exactly,” she agreed. “it’s a public service you’d be doing really. without me, the bar would close.”
“oh is that so? your boss know you have such a high opinion of your drink making skills?” you joked.
“i own the bar, babes,” she said with a gloating grin. “and you don’t think i deserve to talk big?” she nodded to your almost empty glass and you pursed your lips.
“ok, yeah,” you admitted. “and it’s pretty impressive that this place is yours too.”
“yeah?” she asked with a teasing grin.
“i think i need to test your knowledge, though, to see if it’s all for show or not,” you pushed back, not letting her gain the upper hand in the flirty conversation.
“go ahead, honey, i’m ready,” she curved her fingers in a bring it on motion.
“ok, how do you make a mojito?” you asked pulling your phone out.
she reeled off the ingredients one by one confidently and you checked she was correct via google as she laughed.
“ok, that was an easy one.” you sniffed, squinting your eyes jokingly. “now the real challenge begins.”
you continued to quiz her in between the orders made further down the bar until one of your friends tapped you on the shoulder.
“hey, i came to collect you, you strayed from the group for a while there,” vanessa teased.
“oh i was just having fun with gaz,” you said and grinned at the bartender. “keeping each other company.”
“making sure i know my stuff,” gaz added with a wink sent your way. “i think i convinced you enough for one night. go have fun with your friends, honey.”
you reluctantly stood from your stool, but when you grabbed your drink - a non-alcoholic mai tai gaz had made without hesitation when you said the recipe had sounded yummy - you realised you’d not paid for your last two drinks. turning back to the bar you moved to pull out your card but gaz was already at the other side, serving someone else.
you sat down with your friends and made a note to pay later in the evening, but when time came to corral your drunk group into the taxi, the thought never crossed your mind and you didn’t even get a chance to say goodbye to her.
next time you go, it’s a weekend and a lot busier.
your plan to sit with gaz, reacquaint yourself and pay her back for the drinks goes out the window.
by a stroke of luck you manage to get to the bar as she’s serving instead of her colleague mixing drinks at the other end.
“hey,” she greeted you happily, tipping the brim of her cap up an inch to better see you looking up through her lashes as she half-focused on the drink in her hands. “same as last time?”
you glowed at the idea of her remembering what you’d had over a week ago, but you shook your head.
“surprise me,” you offered, felling butterflies run rampant when she grinned in return.
“take a seat,” she offered before setting to work. you pulled out one of the stools that had been tucked beneath the bar and sat patiently as she mixed your drink. it was a deep blue when she brought it over but she poured the final ingredient in and the top half turned a shimmery purple. she plopped in a straw for you and you took a sip, pleased to find that she’d stuck to non-alcoholic for you again.
“mm, that might be my favourite so far,” you gushed, biting your lip when she grinned at you. her upper lip glinted in the low light and you paused, noticing the new philtrum piercing. “you got a piercing? it’s cute.”
gaz raised a cocky eyebrow and licked her plush lips. “noticed that quick. did you spend that long staring at my lips last time you were in here, babes? cute.”
you flushed, unable to deny it, and took a flustered sip of your drink to give you time to gather your thoughts.
she chuckled and went to deal with another customer, talking to you over the raised voices of the busy bar as she started fixing the drink.
“it’s still healing but i’ll be swapping it to a gold sun when i can,” she said as she came closer again to grab a slice of lime.
“oh? we’ll be matching, look!” you said without a second thought. grinning, you pulled up a moon shaped necklace from beneath your shirt. “bought it on a whim the other day, must be fate,” you teased and snorted a quiet laugh. gaz weakly laughed along.
“must be,” she said softly, her deep eyes heavy and focused solely on you. she cleared her throat before moving to finish up the drink, leaving you alone again for a moment.
your eyes followed her along until you heard a mean snicker from your left, a muttered, unbelievable. you turned and saw another woman clearing her throat and covering her mouth with her palm, her eyes darting away from yours when you turned your head.
a bout of self-consciousness hit and you faced back towards your drink with hot cheeks. you’d not thought twice before speaking to gaz, it was second nature to be genuine with her since it’s what she gave back, but thinking back on it you could see why calling your jewellery matching would be cringey. possibly even seen as desperate on your end.
you swallowed and stood from the stool and separated from the crowd around the bar with your drink in hand. you found a small table near the edge of the room and took a seat, watched gaz from afar instead as she made the orders proficiently.
it didn’t take you long to notice how gaz didn’t linger with the other customers like she did with you; she knocked back clear flirty attempts for her attention and turned away other gorgeous women.
you watched the lemon slice go around and around as you stirred the melting ice in your cup. the fact that gaz’s gaze didn’t linger for a moment on those beautiful women had a stray thought that maybe she wasn’t interested in women flicker to life in the back of your head.
“refill?” you looked up from your glass to see gaz hovering by your table. she put down a second drink and took the first from your hands. “on the house, my treat.”
“oh, thanks,” you said with a shy smile. “busy night.”
“mm.” her hum was noncommittal. “is that why you moved seats?”
“felt like i was getting in the way,” you shrugged, avoiding her eyes. “i was thinking of leaving soon anyway, i’ll finish this off and probably head home.”
her free hand rose to pet your cheek. “i’ll save you a seat next time. i prefer it when you’re smiling at me while i work.”
“even when i make it awkward?” you couldn’t help but ask.
she frowned. putting her serving tray on the table between you, she pulled a chair close to yours and sat. “when have you made things awkward, babes?”
“that thing i said about fate, it was silly.” you tried to move past it, rolling your eyes at yourself.
“i liked it.” that shut you up quick. “a pretty girl calling me her soulmate? you think i’m letting you take that back now?” she joked, leaning in so that your shoulders knocked. “me and you are like this, now.” she crossed her fingers in front of you. “whether you like it or not.”
you snorted. “i can deal with that,” you hummed. “thanks for the drink, gaz.”
she nodded and stood reluctantly to go back to the bar, noticing her coworker growing flustered on their own. “i need to get back, but enjoy. stay as long as you want.”
though you appreciated her offer, you left soon after. you made sure to pause where she could see you and wave to her on your way out and she held up her crossed fingers again with a grin. you felt a giddy feeling bubble at the back of your throat as you headed home.
you started to tag along with your friends more and more often when they mentioned gaz’s, always spending a good portion of the evenings sat at the bar with gaz.
and she kept her promise, saving a barstool for you in the corner on even the busiest nights with a fierce scowl and well placed coughs to anyone that tried to sneak into it.
anyone that didn’t get the message would be ignored, no drinks made, until they’d moved again.
on a slow night, when she rolled a pound over her knuckles back and forth you asked her about her magic tricks.
“what even got you into all of that?” you gestured to the coin and then vaguely at her as a whole.
“magic?” you nodded. gaz smiled and looked down at the coin before placing it flat on the bartop between you. “my nan. she was an magician’s assistant when she was younger. she could’ve been the main star with how much she knew, but it was the 50’s. people weren’t willing to bank on the main talent being a black woman,” she scoffed and you nodded along with a sympathetic hum.
“she taught you?” you asked.
“everything i know. i’ve loved it ever since.”
her hand hovered over the pound coin, snapping her fingers on her other hand. your eyes darted away for a split second and when you looked back she was moving her hand away to reveal a penny.
you laughed and picked it up, turning it around as if it would reveal the real coin when it was in your own hand again.
“you’ll have to tell me how you do it,” you said.
she sucked her teeth. “a good magician doesn’t reveal her tricks,” she sing-songed and took the penny back from you, letting her hand hold yours for a second too long to be casual.
“aren’t you two cosy in this corner?” gaz’s coworker asked from over her shoulder. gaz turned and rolled her eyes at chris as he smirked at the two of you. he leant by to grab a chopping board before leaving the pair of you alone. as he left, he spoke, “i’m sure our gaz could show you a trick or two,” he said with heavy innuendo.
you snorted and didn’t notice how gaz stiffened.
“it’s a work night,” she said to you suddenly. “getting late. you’ll be wanting to go home soon, won’t you?”
you blinked at the sudden change in tone and nodded. with only half a drink left, you downed the bitter drink in one and stood from the bar.
“i think the girls are planning on coming in sometime soon again so i’ll see you then?”
gaz’s smile grew less shaky and she wiggled her fingers back at you as you headed out to the carpark.
sat at home, cross legged on the couch, you leant over the coffee table and practiced the rudimentary card trick you’d found from an online video.
“and then use the heel of your palm and the pad of your thumb to flip the correct card over the top,” the video said and you bit your lip as you tried it. you huffed when it didn’t work and tried again until the card moved how you wanted it to.
it was far from smooth and the other cards fell to the floor, but you were slowly getting the actions down. it just had to become muscle memory.
it’d take over two more months of practicing before you’d finally feel confident enough to show gaz.
you sat at the bar and grinned when she set down your drink. when you sniffed at it, gaz chuckled and answered your question.
“prickly pear flavour, i think you’ll like it,” she said.
you were inclined to agree, she’d not been wrong once so far. taking a sip, you hummed and took a bigger drink. you palmed the pack of cards in your jacket pocket nervously before pulling it out.
“ok don’t laugh, i’ve been practicing.” you spread the pack out in your hands as gaz stared with wide eyes, slowly growing more amused by the second as you fanned the cards out towards her. “pick a card.”
your showmanship was stiff, the words you’d memorised the man on the video saying coming across a little less flamboyant, and you fumbled the trick a little. nerves left your grip a little sweaty, but gaz reached out in time to keep the pack from falling out of your grasp. she cupped your hands and adjusted your fingers, smiling sweetly when she pulled back again and nodded for you to go on.
you cleared your throat and remembered the next step for the trick, pulling out the card fourth from the bottom and presenting it with a little more flourish.
“is this your card?” you asked.
it wasn’t.
“it is,” gaz said with an excited smile and started clapping. too smitten to bring your mood down by telling you where exactly you’d gone wrong, not when you were smiling at her like that and not after you’d obviously put so much effort into this for her.
you grinned triumphantly, ignoring the few people that had looked over at gaz’s enthusiastic applause, and put the pack to the side. you leant over the bar and snatched the sharpie from her shirt pocket; you wrote your number on the back of the card she’d claimed was hers alongside a wonky moon and sun then presented it once more to her with a softer smile.
she laughed and pulled out her phone to add your number in straight away, adding a moon emoji after your name. she rang the number and you pretended to ignore the call with an eye roll to make her laugh.
snatching your phone from you gaz huffed and muttered, “guess i’ll have to add my own cutesy nickname, huh?”
“i can be cutesy,” you argued but didn’t change the name when you saw it. you snorted.
super sexy bartender (the one with the eyes and the smile and the arms and the…)
“would’ve been quicker to type ‘humble bartender’,” you said with a snicker.
“oh, babes has jokes now?”
“i’m a barrel of laughs,” you sniffed. you turned when you heard your friends call for you. “see? i’m missed already.”
“hmm, you’ll be missed here too,” gaz hummed. “go back to your friends, i’ll text you later.”
“‘course.” she smiled widely.
the next couple of weeks were filled with you messaging back and forth during your breaks at work and throughout the day on the weekends before the bar opened and gaz got busy until the late evening… or more accurately the early morning.
one day she offhandedly mentioned that her replies might be slow because it was stock day, and her coworker had called in sick so she wouldn’t have anyone to help until their cover arrived at opening time.
you’d quickly offered her a hand (claiming you may not have muscles like her, but you could carry a box or two without sweating) and headed down when she’d eagerly agreed and the pair of you spent the afternoon together just hanging out and fixing up the stock room, music playing tinnily from gaz’s phone.
it became a habit, you going by when she had stock taking to sort out and more often than not she let her staff come in a little later so she’d have the time with you to herself.
> if you’re not busy do you want to come down to the bar later? xx
> around 12? xx
> it’s kinda important xx
< yeah of course! what’s up? xx
> my mums are in town, wondered if you want to meet them? xx
< i’ll be there for 12 xxx
despite just being friends with gaz - though you were self-aware enough to know you’d like more - you were nervous to meet her mums. you wanted to make a good impression. in fact, you wanted to impress them; leave them wheezing with laughter and contemplating your intriguing and thoughtful insights on the hot topics of the afternoon for months to come.
however likely that would be.
gaz seemed nervous too from where she stood outside the bar smoking. she dropped the cig and stubbed it dead with her trainer when she saw you however, and a wide grin overtook her face, her nervous energy calming considerably as you got closer.
“you look gorgeous,” gaz said before you got a chance to say hello. you laughed, flattered and feeling less nervous yourself as she made you do a spin in front of her before you were allowed inside.
you weren’t wearing anything special, but you supposed the last few times you’d seen gaz you’d been dressed practically to help her lift heavy boxes or dressed for your own work. your short denim skirt was maybe a little more daring than you’d first thought, despite the casual way you’d styled it.
“come on in, they’re dying to meet you,” gaz said as she led you in finally. she rubbed a hand nervously over the back of her neck, tugging at two short locs as you got closer to the table her mothers were chatting at. “might’ve talked about you a fair bit.”
“a fair bit? try a hell of a lot,” one of her mum’s said and you turned to them.
they were like chalk and cheese to look at. one dressed head to toe in flowing light cotton - a dress or skirt, you couldn't tell with the way the layers folded and sat - dyed vivid colours that seeped into each other in no particular pattern and complemented her rich skin tone. her hands were adorned in gold rings and her arms rattled with the layers of beaded bracelets she wore up her forearms. her hair, styled in passion twists, was half tied back with what looked to be a scrap piece of glossy ribbon. "i'm jasmine, kyla's mum."
“nice to meet you,” you said cheerfully and shook her hand when she held it out. her returned smile was reserved and her eyes watched you sharply.
you nervously turned to the other woman. her pinstripe suit fit her like a glove, the trousers flaring at the bottom, and her short, natural curls highlighted her round cheeks. she was just as gorgeous as jasmine, but the stern frown she was sending her wife had your hand almost shaking as you reached out for another introduction. your plan to charm them both didn’t seem as realistic as you’d hoped all of a sudden.
she turned to you and her frown broke, a splitting grin like gaz’s spread to flash the gap between her front teeth and she used your hand to pull you close for a tight and warm hug; she cooed excitedly in your ear as she swayed side to side with you still pressed close.
“we’ve been wanting to meet you ever since kyla first mentioned her new friend,” she said and finally let you go to sit down.
“mama,” gaz groaned a little embarrassedly, sitting next to you. her arm slipped to rest on the back of your chair.
“oh calm down, kyla,” jasmine tutted teasingly, swatting a jingling hand over the table at her.
you turned to her and mouthed, ‘yeah, kyla.’
she pouted but managed to hold back a second groan. menace, she thought fondly, a bashful smile tugging her pout loose.
“we were eager to see who caught our baby’s attention enough to be pulling extra shifts,” jasmine said before turning to gaz. “even tho she should be taking more breaks instead,” she finished pointedly at her daughter.
“i tell her this all the time! she works so hard,” you agreed immediately, nudging gaz’s side as if to say, ‘see?’
“not you too, honey, please. i get enough of it from my mum, i don’t need you siding with them.” gaz shrunk in her seat slightly, her hand drifted from your chair back and closer to your neck.
“‘honey’?” imani hummed, eyes bright and flicking between the pair of you with a knowing smile. “mhm.”
it was easy to see how gaz had grown to be so confident given the women she’d been raised by and the community of loving, intelligent women back in her home town that imani and jasmine spoke so fondly of like they were family. they were, really.
you spent the afternoon listening avidly as they told you about how they came to buy the bar with gaz after she finished what would be her second and final tour in the military; their hurdles when getting it set up; how much they missed her at home but loved seeing her grow and thrive here.
kyla reached out and squeezed her mums’ hands at that and you rubbed her back when you saw the glassy shine to her eyes.
“you know i’ll come back to visit soon,” she promised them. “i’m not waiting ‘til christmas again this time,” she huffed.
“your aunties will give you hell if you do,” imani warned with a wink.
“i was thinking of getting a taper and line up since these have grown in a little more anyway, and ty would kill me if she found out i went to anyone else when i could’ve seen her for it,” gaz said with a chuckle, gesturing to her locs. “i won’t leave it long.”
satisfied with her promise of future plans, her mums took advantage of their small audience and for the rest of the conversation showed you photo after photo on their phones of gaz growing up. a photo of her open-mouth smiling with her front teeth missing as a child; dressed in a small, ill-fitting suit at her prom; stood with three men in uniform, her hair shorn shorter then but with the familiar cap on her head; a picture with her mums’, this one more recent, with jasmine wearing a graduation cap and gown stood, in between to the two masculine women.
even as gaz pretended to sigh and groan in embarrassment at the memories shared, you could tell she was enjoying herself. that even if you weren’t wowing her mums like you’d imagined, your first impression had still been a good one.
you spent the afternoon with them and it was only when your stomach grumbled, having only grabbed a small lunch before setting off to meet gaz so you weren’t late, that the conversation stopped. all three women turned to you in concern and you flushed hot under the heavy attention.
“oh kyla, you dragged the poor girl over here and now she’s starving to death,” imani tutted.
“take her out for an early dinner,” jasmine said, deciding your time together was finished. “we’ll meet you back home later, there’s a few things we wanted to do before the evening anyway.”
gaz turned to you with a hopeful glint in her eyes. “wanna go grab some food? my treat.”
you nodded.
“that settles it!” imani pulled you into another long, tight hug when she stood to leave, rubbing the tops of your arms and smiling at you. “it was lovely to meet you, i can see why she’s so smitten,” she said, causing your stomach to flip and your smile to falter momentarily before widening again bashfully.
gaz was too busy grinning at her mum to hear her mama gossip, and you smiled softly at the pair as jasmine cupped her daughters cheeks and pet the soft skin beneath her eyes gently. jasmine looked the gentlest she had all afternoon, her edges softened.
she turned to you and you expected her gaze to harden a little like it had when she’d sat opposite you across the table, but she stayed soft and took your hands in hers while imani pulled gaz down for a kiss on the cheek and the forehead.
“you’re not what i’d expected,” she admitted, then moved her hand to pull our your moon necklace from beneath your shirt. her smile became knowing and satisfied, like she’d confirmed what she’d already thought true. “have a lovely dinner.”
“thank you,” you said and let her pull you in for a quick hug. “you too.”
you waved as gaz led the pair out, lingering only for a moment at the door before turning back to you.
“got a place in mind?” you asked, grabbing your jacket and bag.
“how does thai sound?” gaz asked as she opened the door for you again.
“so you were in the military?” you asked as you ate. gaz nodded and put her chopsticks down as she spoke about her time with the 141.
“they’re still in the service but they visit when they can,” she said with a shrug. “that’s reminded me actually, johnny should be down soon enough. pretty sure he mentioned having a few weeks of leave coming up. he’s a bit full on, like a puppy, but you’d get on with him.”
you snorted. “i can’t wait to meet him.”
gaz laughed along with you as a warm, gooey feeling spread in her chest.
you walked back to her bar afterwards and lingered outside for a moment.
“want to come in?”
you shook your head. “i shouldn’t. work night and i’ve got laundry to put away when i get back.”
“ooh exciting,” she teased.
you stubbed the toe of your trainer against hers with a roll of your eyes.
“i had fun, we should do this again,” you said.
“yeah, we should,” she stepped a little closer. “thanks for coming to meet my mums, they’ve been hounding me about it.”
“oh really?” you asked with raised eyebrows and an expectant smirk.
gaz licked her lips and nodded. “yeah.”
you noticed her lidded eyes and slow breathing and sucked up the courage to make a move. you lifted a hand to rest on her hip and began to lean in to kiss her, when her eyes widened and she stepped back.
your hand hung in the air for a damning second before dropping.
“sorry, i should get inside. people will be arriving soon and i’m behind on the opening procedure because of dinner, need to cut some lemons,” she joked weakly.
“right,” you agreed faintly. “uhm, of course. sorry. i’ll see you around then.”
“i’ll text,” she said before slipping inside.
you stood there for a moment, a heavy frown settling in as dread and regret pooled low in your stomach.
you turned on your feet and walked to where you’d parked your car and headed home with an uneasy feeling roiling in your gut.
had you read it all wrong? had gaz ever really given you a signal that she was into you or where you only suddenly confident in her interest after her mums mentioned it teasingly?
you spent the evening pissed off and frustrated at yourself, roughly folding your laundry and when you were still full of an anxious energy after you’d finished, you vacuumed, changed your bedding and wiped down all of your kitchen until it was sparkling.
you collapsed on your sofa hours later with an exhausted sigh but when you closed your eyes that nervous energy still buzzed under your skin. so much for an early night before work.
“fuuuuuck it,” you threw yourself back up onto your feet and stormed to the front door, shoving on your shoes, grabbing your jacket and your keys and leaving without a second thought to how sweaty and unkempt you looked after your manic cleaning spree.
you arrived at the bar and bit your lip when you saw how busy it was, unusual for a sunday night, but maybe there was a bank holiday you were unaware of. it wasn’t as if your work gave you them off.
you pushed through the crowd and leant against the bar, waiting for gaz to notice you.
her eyes widened and her lips twitched up in a smile, faltering when you only frowned back.
“what’s up?” she asked, concern slowly bleeding into her tone.
“have i been reading this wrong?” you asked bluntly, not wanting to skirt around the topic any longer. you gestured between the two of you. “have i been pushing for something you don’t want?”
gaz shook her head and put the glass bottle she was holding down on the bar top with a thunk. her eyes were sad as she swallowed and she looked at her coworker behind the bar serving the crowd before deciding she had a moment to spare.
“full disclosure? i’m ace,” she said with a shrug. “and i guess i’ve felt like i’ve been waiting for the other shoe to drop with you.”
“oh.” you nodded. she nodded too, looking resigned. “‘waiting for the other shoe to drop’, you like me that much, huh?” you grinned and she looked taken aback. “does being ace mean you don’t like kissing?”
gaz blinked before stuttering out a reply. “n-no i do, i just— it’s the rest of it i could go without.”
you nodded again and tapped your fingers on the bar as you pushed closer, your stomach pressing into the wood.
“were you going to kiss me earlier? outside?” you gestured to the front door and bit your lip.
“yeah,” she said softly, her eyes dipping to you mouth before flitting between your eyes.
“because you like me?”
“yeah, babes,” she laughed.
“and i like you,” you confirmed eagerly, excitedly, as she leant in on her elbows.
she slowly grinned, her piercing shifting and glinting under the smoky lights. “yeah.”
“great. well. stop me if i’m wrong then.” you leant over the last few inches of the bar and kissed her, cupping her face with one hand and using the other to balance yourself. you felt her own hand trail along the back of your hand as she kissed back fervently.
“met your bloody mums and then you had me thinking i was going crazy for thinking you wanted this,” you grumbled when she pulled back for a second.
“i’ll make it up to you,” she promised with a peck to your lips again. “prickly pear?”
your eyes brightened and your pour was immediately replaced with a grin.
“oh, yes please!” you tapped your hands on the bar again, no longer full of an anxious energy but an excited one instead.
gaz leant in for another quick kiss, her lips twisting into a fond smile against yours. when she pulled back she lifted a hand to your ear and twisted it, revealing an orange slice held between her fingers.
“christ, it’s unfair how sexy that is,” you whined. “but that better not be the one going in my drink.”
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butch/stud masterlist
and the moodboard!
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moonfirecookies · 2 months ago
Silent Salt Headcanons I had for a while:
Silent Salt was mute way before he corrupted. When did try to speak after first being baked, his voice can barely be heard, his yelling is as loud as a whisper. Despite this he was still able to do his duties well.
Before sign language was made and became widely used (I headcanon that Twilight Milk (Shadow Milk) made sign language for cookie kind), Silent Salt had to find another way to communicate other ways. While he couldn’t vocally make noise, he can make different kinds of noises with whatever he can use (mainly with his sword). Each pitch and type of sound can mean something, and he can make many different noises, combined with body language. This is his main form of communication, but Shadow Milk, when he’s not causing chaos, does take the time to teach him sign language, and he begrudgingly lets him.
On note with his way of communication, Mystic Flour was the first to learn it and translate each sound to the others so they could understand what he’s saying. However, after he was sealed away, cookie kind used sign language more, and as he was forgotten, so was his way of communicating (Elder Faerie would remember though, but I’m not sure if any other faeries would know depending on how old they are) and Without any of the Beasts there to translate, no one will understand what he’s trying to say.
Silent Salt found a way to remove the sound of metal from his armor, so no one can hear him move. On top of that he learned how to walk without making sound. Really the only way you can hear him, is if you can hear him breathing.
Silent Salt will move his soul jam from his chest plate to his sword to put more power into his attacks, and vice versa to strengthen his armor. He mostly wears it on his chest plate so he can communicate without cutting something in half with his sword however.
Out of all of the Beasts, Silent Salt is closest with Mystic Flour, and it’s continued to be that way throughout the centuries (no this is not a ship, if anything it’s more platonic than romantic)
On the contrary, he doesn’t really like Shadow Milk (but he did like him when he was Twilight Milk). He didn’t like him ever since he corrupted for a lot of reasons, some more personal than others. He’ll still work with him but very begrudgingly, and only because the other beasts are with him.
He and Burning Spice have a friendly rivalry due to the fact he’s the only one that’s willing to fight Burning Spice and entertain him for a few hours. Sometimes Burning Spice can scare him a bit though.
He doesn’t like anyone taking off his armor. At all. Just don’t do it for your own sake.
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ponderingmoonlight · 5 months ago
How JJK Men React to Seeing You in Their Clothes
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Pairings: Gojo x fem!reader; Megumi x fem!reader; Yuta x fem!reader; Nanami x fem!reader
Word Count: 2,5k
Warnings: fluff over fluff, I'm pretty sure I already wrote something like this but I can't find it anymore lol, all scenarios talk about the clothes of the said jjk men being big on you so please don't read if this isn't what you vibe with (but feel free to let me know if you want a version in which their clothes actually fit reader quite well!)
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Gojo Satoru
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The apartment is unusually quiet as you move through the living room, your bare feet padding lightly across the cool floor. Gojo had left early this morning to deal with some “business,” leaving you alone with nothing but a mess of his belongings scattered around. You’re not one to complain though - cleaning up after him has become second nature after spending so much time together.
As you tidy up his place, you come across one of his oversized hoodies. It’s sprawled across the back of a chair, still slightly wrinkled from when he wore it the night before. The faint scent of his cologne lingers in the fabric, and for reasons you can’t quite explain, you find yourself reaching for it.
It’s soft, much softer than you expected. You hold it for a moment, staring at it thoughtfully before a mischievous grin tugs at your lips. You slip the hoodie over your head, the fabric swallowing you whole. The sleeves are comically long, almost covering your hands completely, and the hemline reaches down to your thighs. It’s so big that it feels like you’re wearing a blanket, and despite yourself, you giggle at the sight of your reflection in the hallway mirror.
You sit down on the couch, pulling your legs up under the hoodie, and let yourself relax into the comfort of wearing something that smells like him. His signature cologne that follows him around wherever he goes, that makes your heart skip a beat every time you smell it. To be honest, you really miss him. These past weeks were so busy that you didn’t really get the chance to see him more than 2 hours before passing out sleeping. What you’d do for a whole afternoon, just you and him…
Not long after, you hear the oh so accustomed sound of the door unlocking, followed by the familiar voice of Satoru calling out, “I’m home!”
You stiffen for a moment, wondering how he’ll react, but you can’t hide now. Fuck, you never wore his clothes before. After all, they belong to him and you have no right to grab his stuff as you please.
Before you can say anything to defend yourself, Gojo steps into the living room, his bright blue eyes immediately locking onto you.
There’s a beat of silence. Then, a slow, amused grin spreads across his face.
“Well, well, what do we have here?” he teases, leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed.
His sunglasses are perched on his head, revealing his crystalline eyes that seem to glow with delight.
“Did you raid my closet while I was gone?”
You roll your eyes, trying to play it cool despite the sudden warmth creeping up your neck.
“Your place was cold. Figured I’d borrow something.”
Gojo doesn’t respond right away. Instead, he walks over to you, crouching in front of the couch as he eyes you up and down. His grin widens as he takes in the way the hoodie completely engulfs you, making you look even smaller than usual.
“Looks good on you,” he murmurs, his voice lower now, laced with something playful but undeniably affectionate.
He reaches out, tugging on one of the oversized sleeves gently.
“In fact, I think it suits you better than it does me.”
You scoff, though your heart skips a beat at the way he’s looking at you, like you’re the most fascinating thing in the world.
“You think everything looks good on me.”
“That’s because it does.”
His grin is infuriatingly confident, but there’s a softness in his gaze that makes your breath catch.
“But you, wearing my clothes? I think that might be my favorite look.”
He leans closer, his nose brushing against your temple before pressing a soft kiss there.
“You can keep it if you want,” he whispers, his breath warm against your skin.
“I don’t think I’m getting it back anyway.”
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Megumi Fushiguro
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It’s early morning, the sun just beginning to rise over the horizon, casting a soft glow over Megumi’s small apartment. He’s still asleep, his dark hair a mess of unruly strands as he breathes softly beside you. You’ve been staying with him for the weekend, a rare break from the chaos of jujutsu sorcery.
As you quietly slip out of bed, careful not to wake him, you feel the cool air hit your skin. Without thinking, you look around the room for something to cover yourself with. Your eyes land on one of Megumi’s plain black shirts, tossed haphazardly over the back of a chair. It’s oversized, much bigger than anything you’d typically wear, but you shrug and grab it anyway.
Slipping it over your head, the fabric is soft and familiar, carrying the faint scent of him. It hangs loosely on your frame, the sleeves too long and the hem falling halfway down your thighs. You glance at yourself in the mirror, a small smile tugging at your lips. There’s something comforting about wearing his clothes, like having a part of him with you even when he’s asleep.
As you turn back toward the bed, you freeze. Megumi’s awake. His dark eyes are half-lidded, still clouded with sleep as he watches you from the bed. You can’t quite read his expression -it’s a mixture of surprise, confusion, and something else you can’t place.
“You’re up early,” he mutters, his voice still thick with sleep.
You shrug, feeling a little self-conscious under his gaze.
“Couldn’t sleep. I didn’t think you’d mind if I borrowed your shirt.”
Megumi blinks, his gaze drifting over you slowly. He doesn’t say anything right away, but you can see the way his eyes linger on the way the shirt swallows you, how it looks like you’re drowning in fabric. After a long moment, he finally speaks, his voice quieter than before.
“It looks good on you,” he finally speaks out, a little awkwardly, as if he’s not quite sure how to compliment you.
“Better than it does on me.”
You can’t help but laugh at how flustered he seems, even though he’s trying to play it cool.
“Really? I think it’s a little big.”
Megumi shakes his head, sitting up in bed and running a hand through his messy hair.
“No. It’s perfect.”
He pauses for a moment before adding, almost shyly,
“You should wear my stuff more often.”
His words catch you off guard, and you raise an eyebrow at him, surprised. Even though you know all too well that Megumi Fushiguro has a soft spot for you, you never really thought about stealing or borrowing his stuff. After all, he is the guy who slaps the back of Yuji’s head each and every day over stealing his sandwich or equipment. And now…he’s telling you straightforward that he wants you to wear his shirts?
“You want me to?”
He looks away, his usual stoic mask slipping just a bit as a faint blush creeps up his cheeks.
“I mean... yeah. It suits you.”
Your heart skips a beat at his admission. Megumi isn’t one for big, flowery declarations, but this, this small, almost hesitant compliment, is enough to make your chest warm. You walk over to him, climbing back into bed and curling up beside him like you always do after waking up.
“Well, if you insist,” you mutter teasingly, leaning your head on his shoulder.
“I might just steal more of your clothes.”
Megumi huffs, but there’s a softness in his eyes as he wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you closer.
“Go ahead,” he mumbles, tugging at the hem of his loose shirt.
“I don’t mind.”
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Yuta Okkotsu
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You’ve been staying at Yuta’s apartment for the past few days, crashing at his place while you’re both on a break from missions. It’s been nice: quiet, peaceful, just the two of you enjoying each other’s company without the usual chaos of jujutsu high looming over you.
It’s late in the evening now, and you’ve just gotten out of the shower, feeling refreshed after a long day. As you towel off your hair, you realize you forgot to grab something to wear. Your suitcase is still in the living room, and you don’t really feel like walking out there in just a towel.
Your groan in frustration over your usual absent-mindlessness, eyes landing on one of Yuta’s old sweatshirts, folded neatly on the chair by his desk. It’s a little worn, clearly well-loved, and the idea of wearing something of his brings a smile to your face. Yuta definitely wouldn’t mind you wearing one of his shirts, right? And even if he did…you’d love to see that little blush creep up his face.
Without thinking twice, you pull the sweatshirt over your head. It’s oversized, the sleeves long enough to cover your hands, and the fabric is soft and cozy against your skin.
You’re adjusting the sleeves when the door creaks open slightly. You look up just as Yuta steps into the room, his eyes widening in surprise when he sees you.
“Oh, hey-” he starts, but then he freezes, his gaze locking onto the sweatshirt you’re wearing.
His face flushes almost instantly, a deep red creeping up his cheeks as he stares at you.
“Uh… is that…?”, Yuta stammers, clearly flustered.
You glance down at the sweatshirt and smile sheepishly.
“Yeah, I hope you don’t mind. I forgot to grab my clothes, and this looked comfortable.”
Yuta blinks, his face still bright red, but he quickly shakes his head.
“No! I mean, I don’t mind at all! It’s just… you look… um…”
He trails off, his eyes flicking away as if he’s too embarrassed to finish the sentence.
You giggle softly, stepping closer to him, to tease the hell out of him even more. That poor innocent boy who doesn’t even dare looking your direction when you stumble in the bathroom in the morning with noting but a shirt and panties on.
Even though you’ve been together for over a year by now.
“I look… what?”
Yuta clears his throat, still avoiding your gaze.
“You look… really cute,” he mutters, barely audible.
“In my sweatshirt, I mean.”
Your heart swells at his words, and you can’t help but smile as you reach out and take his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.
“Thanks, Yuta.”
He finally meets your gaze, his face still red but his expression softening as he squeezes your hand back.
“You can wear my clothes anytime you want,” he says quietly, a shy smile tugging at his lips.
You grin, stepping closer and wrapping your arms around his waist.
“I might just take you up on that.”
Yuta chuckles, his arms wrapping around you in return as he pulls you close.
 “I wouldn’t mind,” he murmurs, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head.
“Not at all.”
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Nanami Kento
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It’s late, and Nanami is still out on a mission. You’ve been waiting for him to come home, but the clock is ticking past midnight, and exhaustion is beginning to catch up with you. After all, you’ve had a long and exhausting day at work yourself.
You’re curled up on the couch, half-asleep, when the chill of the evening air prompts you to grab something warmer to wear.
Your own clothes are in the bedroom, and you don’t feel like moving that far. Instead, your eyes land on one of Nanami’s neatly folded dress shirts, sitting on the back of a chair. It’s probably not the warmest option, but the idea of wearing something of his feels comforting, like having a part of him with you while you wait for him to return.
You slip the shirt on, the crisp fabric soft against your skin. It’s too big, of course, the sleeves hanging past your wrists and the hem falling almost to your knees, but it’s cozy in its own way. You curl up on the couch again, pulling the sleeves over your hands and breathing in the faint scent of him that still lingers on the fabric.
You don’t realize you’ve dozed off until the sound of the front door opening stirs you awake. You sit up groggily, blinking as Nanami steps inside, looking tired but unharmed. He pauses when he sees you, his eyes widening slightly as he takes in the sight of you wearing his shirt.
For a moment, neither of you say anything. Then, a small, almost imperceptible smile tugs at the corner of Nanami’s lips.
“You’re wearing my shirt,” he observes, his voice calm but with a hint of amusement.
You rub your eyes sleepily, nodding.
“It was cold, and I didn’t feel like getting up.”
Nanami walks over to you, his expression soft as he takes in the sight of you.
 “It suits you,” he murmurs, his voice low and warm.
“I didn’t expect to come home to this.”
You shrug, feeling a little self-conscious under his gaze.
“If you don’t like it, I can-”
“I like it,” he cuts in, his tone firm but gentle.
He reaches out, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear before his hand lingers at your cheek.
“I like it very much.”
You smile, leaning into his touch as you look up at him.
“I might have to borrow your clothes more often, then.”
Nanami chuckles softly, his thumb brushing against your cheek before he leans down to press a soft kiss to your forehead.
“You’re welcome to them,” he breathes out.
“Though I have to admit, you make my clothes look much better than I do.”
You laugh softly, your heart warming at his rare display of affection.
“I doubt that.”
Nanami shakes his head, his eyes soft and filled with affection as he looks at you.
“It’s true. But regardless, you’re welcome to them anytime” he insists.
With that, he sits down beside you on the couch, pulling you into his side as he wraps an arm around your shoulders. You snuggle into him, the warmth of his body and the comfort of his shirt making you feel safe and content.
“Thank you, Kento,” you whisper, closing your eyes as exhaustion starts to pull you back into sleep.
Nanami presses a soft kiss to the top of your head, his voice low and soothing as he murmurs,
“Anytime, love.”
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glamourscat · 3 months ago
May i please request headcanons, maybe a drabble of the batboys where reader is trying so hard to pretend that they don't know anything about their partner being a vigilante because they want to be told with trust and the boys are growing increasingly concerned about their s/o's obliviousness bcs like?? and the their s/o keeps saying things like "haha yeah!! red robin's super underground but that costume is pretty good timmy!" and "oh? i do have a thing for morally gray men, lovely red hood costume" whenever they accidentally see parts of the costume and can't pretend they didn't see it
idk i just think it would be funny af, ty in advance!!
i decided to go for drabbles. they are quite long so i only did jason and tim. should i do dick, maybe steph too, in the near future? let me know!
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"You can't be serious," Jason thought. It's not that you're blind, and he’s not exactly being subtle. He knew from day one that being involved with a civilian meant the topic of his nightlife would eventually come to light. Before getting together you two had been friends for a long time, but he never quite managed to outright say, "Hey, by the way, I’m Red Hood." How do you even drop something like that into a conversation? 
Yet, as your relationship grew, more milestones came along and suddenly, you two were approaching your 2 year anniversary. Now, more than ever, as you found yourselves living together, Jason knew it was going to be harder to explain his secret. How many lies could he keep telling about going to help Roy or some emergency with Dick? How many nights could he still sneak out after you’d fallen asleep, only to return aching from a patrol?
So, he started leaving subtle hints. From his domino mask to his gloves… but hell, at this point, he might as well leave his whole costume out, because how in the hell are you not picking up on the clues?
“You know, Jay, that vigilante... What's his name? The one in red? Oh right, Red Hood. He’s pretty cool, right? I mean, he has a different approach than the others, i think some would say morally gray. I mean, hot.. Anyway, but—oh, wait, this is a lovely Red Hood costume! I didn’t know you were a fan too?!”
At that moment, Jason didn’t know whether to laugh, cry, or do both at the same time. Maybe by accident—maybe not—he had left his entire costume out. And it wasn’t exactly cheap. The fabric was thick, heavy, it was definitely not something you’d find at a Spirit Halloween. Yet, you just folded it, didn’t ask any questions, and continued with your little chat.
“Doll, you got a moment?” he asked, trying to keep his tone as calm as possible because he was seconds away from laughing his lungs out.
“Yeah, Jay?” You looked at him, internally sweating. Did you give anything away? Did he suspect that you knew?
“You know, doll… that… the costume. I mean, it’s not fake, right? I…” He sighed, trying to find the right words.
“It’s real. Because I’m the Red Hood.” There. He’d said it. A relieved sigh left his lips as the words came out. Now comes the hardest part: your reaction. Would you laugh? Be shocked?
“Oh, yeah. I knew.”
“What—? I beg your pardon?” Jason asked, his voice laced with disbelief, eyes scanning you to figure out if you were lying.
“I mean, you’re not exactly the most subtle, love, are you?” You said, amusement dancing in your eyes as you tried to hold back a smile. “Besides, I found out a while ago. I was just waiting, I suppose. It wasn’t my place to ask or say anything. I figured when you were ready, you’d say something.” You shrugged nonchalantly.
“Wait… when did you find out?” Jason raised an eyebrow in confusion.
“Well, you see… It wasn’t that hard. At the beginning of our relationship when I’d tell you, ‘Hey, I’m going out with my friends tonight,’ and then coincidentally, when something happened—because it’s Gotham, let's be honest—there you were, Red Hood, swooping in to save the day. Always fleeting, never lingering too long. But what was really odd was that both Red Hood and my new boyfriend had the exact same walk style. Not to mention, Jay, mask or no mask, costume or no costume, I could still recognize you. Even in a crowded room.”
Jason just stood there, stunned. How had he missed all the signs? A part of him was relieved, he didn’t have to keep lying, but another part of him couldn’t believe he had been so obvious. You were too sharp for him to pull anything past you. And to think he was under the impression he had you fooled…
As he looked at you, he realized there was more to your patience than just waiting for him to confess. You’d known, but you’d never pushed him. It made him wonder how long you had really been aware. But now that it was out in the open, Jason found himself surprised by how easy the weight of the secret seemed to fall away. He’d been carrying it for so long, and yet, with you, there was no judgment, no shock. Just acceptance.
"You've always been patient with me," he murmured, his voice soft but grateful.
You gave him a warm, knowing smile, stepping closer. "Because I know you, Jason. And I know what you're doing matters. It’s a part of who you are, just like everything else."
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Tim was stressed, but to be fair, Tim was always stressed. You two had been dating for a good while now and had been friends for much longer. However, somehow, he still hadn’t brought up the whole vigilante thing. Maybe it was because he was scared, or maybe it was due to his own selfishness. For once, he just wanted someone to see him as Tim and only Tim. But the truth was, he couldn’t exist without Red Robin. He knew that. And it had been too long. He knew he had to say something. But… does he?
Still, something didn’t sit right with him. It was the way you weren’t questioning him anymore on why he was always so tired, why sometimes he had to be gone for an entire week or why he trained so intensely. His physique, though not the most built, was still incredibly fit for a “simple rich kid.” And for the life of him, he couldn’t understand if you were just pretending not to notice or if you honestly hadn’t put it together. But when you suggested what costumes to wear for Halloween, he almost passed out on the spot.
“Yeah, I mean, we can do a couple’s costumes or… I don’t know, Tim. We can always go as… hmm? What about we go as vigilantes? I can be Wonder Woman and you can be Red Robin. It’s pretty underground. I’m sure the costume will look great; besides, you already have a good replica in your wardrobe. Fits like a glove, no?”
Like, this had to be a joke, right? Sometimes Tim wondered if his life was some kind of reality show, secretly followed by cameras just to capture his reaction to these weird, questionable moments.
He froze for a moment, staring at you, trying to piece everything together. Was this your way of telling him you knew? Was this a test?
“Uh... you... know?” he asked, his voice betraying a mix of confusion and disbelief.
You look at him confused. “Know what?” You shrugged, casually leaning back in your chair.
Tim blinked, his mind racing. He was smart, very so, but at this very moment he felt like the most ignorant being on planet Earth. He looks at you and you look at him and for a moment there is this unspoken, silent battle.
“You know, that I am Red Robin.” he says, quietly. Eyes searching yours for an answer.
“And what if I do?” you reply back equally quietly.
He had expected a lot of things. Shock, anger, even confusion, but not this calm, almost nonchalant acknowledgment. And yet, a wave of relief washed over him. You weren’t angry or disappointed. You weren’t even all that surprised.
“I’ve always known, Tim,” you continued, your tone softening. “You’ve been dropping clues left and right. The late nights, the cryptic phone calls, the strange bruises... And don’t even get me started on your ‘training’ routines. I never pushed because I knew you’d tell me when you were ready. And now, here we are. Although… I certainly did not imagine it to happen in such a way” you say, letting out a small soft laugh. 
Tim let out a shaky breath, his shoulders sagging in a way that felt like he’d been carrying a weight for far too long. "I didn’t want to burden you with it. I didn’t want to be Red Robin to you. I just wanted to be... just Tim."
You smiled softly, walking over to hug him. “And you are. You’re Red Robin, sure, but you’re not just that; are you? You’re Tim. My Tim. Two things can coexist at the same exact time, this is just what makes you.. You, ya know?” 
Tim stared at you for a moment, hands around your waist, his mind still processing. It was as if the entire weight of the secret identity he’d been carrying all this time suddenly evaporated. He had been so worried about how you would react, but now that it was out in the open, there was nothing left to hide.
"Thanks," he whispered, his head dropping to your neck. Hiding, but not really. It was more or so a way to feel you even closer. 
Your head gently resting against his, brushing a kiss against his hair. “Always, Tim. You’re still the same guy I fell for. I love you.”
© GLAMOURSCAT (all rights reserved. do not share, modify, translate and re-upload my work outside of tumblr)
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fastandcarlos · 6 months ago
Soft Launch : ̗̀➛ Charles LeClerc
summary: follow along to see the journey of charles’ soft launch to reveal your relationship…
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liked by carlossainz55, landonorris and 2,493,172 others
charles_leclerc: another week and another race, looking forward to heading to montreal with the team for another race ✈️
username1: did you think you could just post those legs and we wouldn’t say anything??
arthur_leclerc: it’s taken you long enough to start dropping some clues 😂
oscarpiastri: @/arthur_leclerc this feels like something a member of the family would know about??
username2: is this a stupid way of telling us you’re in a relationship 🤔
landonorris: I’m not gonna leave you alone until you tell me all about this at the race just so you know
username3: no idea who the person is but I’m already insanely jealous that they got to rest their legs in your lap…
alex_albon: let’s all now guess what charles’ media questions are gonna be about this weekend 🤔
carlossainz55: and here I was thinking that I was the only love in your life 💔
charles_leclerc: @/carlossainz55 please don’t get jealous sweetie 💕
username4: please don’t go all soft launch on us leclerc 😭
username5: wishing it was me getting to fly around the world with you instead!
pierregasly: wait you’ve not just kept this a secret from the world but a secret from me too 😱
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liked by lewishamilton, georgerussell63 and 2,038,604 others
charles_leclerc: I think these photos are what the cool kids call living my best life ☺️
username6: I wonder if there’s a certain someone that’s suddenly made him live his best life!?
landonorris: you would never know you’ve never been cool in your life 😉
username7: you need to explain yourself mr leclerc!!!
olliebearman: we get it, you’ve got a girlfriend now, quit bragging 😂
username8: there are so many questions in my mind right now that need answering 😂
carlossainz55: 😊😊😊😊
username9: we should put a ban on soft launches they’re the cruelest things
maxverstappen1: that second photo you were secretly smiling at me across the media pen I’m sure!
charles_leclerc: @/maxverstappen1 whatever helps you sleep at night my friend
username10: you just know he’s absolutely loving the fact he knows he’s winding us all up rn too ☺️
oscarpiastri: as a cool kid, I can assure you that the cool kids have moved on from this phrase now 😝
username11: at least charles has finally realised that he’s not cool anymore 😂 danielricciardo: can’t believe you’ve finally decided to make our
relationship public!!
charles_leclerc: @/danielricciardo I just couldn’t hide my love for you any longer 😂
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liked by oscarpiastri, arthur_leclerc and 2,473,081 others
charles_leclerc: somewhere new with someone new. life doesn’t get any better than this 🌴🌊
username12: even from behind they look like such a good match 🥺
carlossainz55: I remember before you got a girlfriend and you used to go on holiday with me 😔
charles_leclerc: @/carlossainz55 forgetting like we’re not going away at the end of the season??
username13: how much longer does he plan on keeping these games up for!?
georgerussell63: I feel like a fan hanging on to find out more about your girlfriend too 😂
iamrebeccad: I want to meet her and tell her lots of embarrassing stories about you!!
username14: I want to hate him for doing this to us but it’s impossible…
pierregasly: I’d argue that life would be better if I was there with you guys too ☺️
username15: notice how there’s three beers, I wonder who else is with them??
lewishamilton: I refuse to believe you rode that bike in those jeans 😂
charles_leclerc: @/lewishamilton fashion first and comfort second 💯
username16: can we all agree if he doesn’t reveal soon we’ll all just unfollow and leave him to post to no one??
arthur_leclerc: not you leaving the family waiting like the fans to actually meet her properly 🙄
username17: have I ever told you charles how damn impatient I am??
alex_albon: nothing like impressing a new girlfriend with a holiday 😂
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liked by landonorris, danielricciardo and 2,493,072 others
charles_leclerc: introducing my beautiful girl to the beautiful sunsets that monaco has to offer 🌅
username18: ofc charles would make it too dark so we can’t actually see her 😔
danielricciardo: this might be the most aesthetic group of photos I’ve ever seen from you!
charles_leclerc: @/danielricciardo I’ve been getting lessons from the best 🥺
username19: the way they look at each other I don’t need to see anymore to know they’re happy together!
maxverstappen1: you’ve got a girlfriend??? you should’ve mentioned it!
charles_leclerc: @/maxverstappen1 one day I’m gonna block you!
username20: I’m already in love I don’t need to be tormented anymore 😂
oscarpiastri: you gotta gimme some tips charles so I can up my game if these are the sorts of dates you’re organising
username21: im more jealous that she got to go on a boat date with him than anything else!!
lewishamilton: you guys are such a good couple, annoyingly adorable all weekend at the race
carlossainz55: told you a sunset was a good date idea 😉
username22: I hate how most of the drivers know about her now…they’re probably enjoying teasing us too 😭
landonorris: welcome back romantic charles leclerc, we missed you 💞
username23: what spy tricks is he using to be able to take her to races and have absolutely no one realise!?!?
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liked by maxverstappen1, pierregasly and 2,429,013 others
charles_leclerc: no one else I would rather adventure around the world with than you 🌎✨
username24: ah we finally got a proper reveal, she’s stunning charles!!
landonorris: nothing like flexing just how strong you are for the gram 💪🏻
charles_leclerc: @/landonorris no problem for these guns 🔥
username25: look at how perfect they are together ✨
carlossainz55: feel like you’ve grown up right before my very eyes 🤧
maxverstappen1: I remember when you used to moan to me about how badly you wanted a girlfriend 😂
username26: the day we’ve waited for so long has arrived, goodbye soft launch era 👋🏻
georgerussell63: I along with all your fans thank you for finally giving us what we want 😂
alex_albon: you’ve become as soft as your launches with these captions of yours
username27: I’m officially obsessed with the two of them together omg
arthur_leclerc: stop gatekeeping your girlfriend and bring her home to all of us too!!
username28: I knew she was gonna be beautiful but this is something else 🥺
oscarpiastri: idk about that, I can take you on some pretty cool adventures too charles 😉
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liked by carlossainz55, scuderiaferrari and 2,894,162 others
charles_leclerc: feeling beyond lucky to finally bring my girl to her very first podium and deliver a trophy back home with us too 🏆🏎️
username29: we’re all so happy for you charles, congrats on the win!!
scuderiaferrari: congratulations charles, the whole team is so proud of you ❤️
username30: we finally get to see her in the paddock too this is so exciting 🥳
iamrebeccad: it was so lovely to finally meet her this weekend charles, you’ve got yourself a good one there!
charles_leclerc: @/iamrebeccad I don’t plan on letting her go anytime soon either 🥺
username31: okay can we officially agree that she’s a good luck charm and needs to be there forever!?
carlossainz55: can you leave your celebrations with her for when I’m out of my driver’s room please 🔇
charles_leclerc: @/carlossainz55 stfu we weren’t even doing anything 🙄
username32: that third photo was from when charles found her in the crowd…look at his little smile!
landonorris: thought we’d be nice and give you the win seeing as your girlfriend was there 😝
username33: that was an incredible drive charles, right back in contention for the championship 🎉
maxverstappen1: forgetting the part where ferrari steal your trophy and take it back to base with them 😂
pierregasly: no pressure now but she’s got high standards of you on race weekends!
username34: the way he ran over to her when he got outta the car, I can’t 😭
danielricciardo: huge drive my friend, I would say enjoy the celebrations but it sounds like you already are 🤫
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liked by arthur_leclerc, oscarpiastri and 2,583,203 others
charles_leclerc: introducing my angel to the family, safe to say she’s definitely got the seal of approval ✅
username35: ahhh I can’t believe she met the fam, this must be serious!!
arthur_leclerc: we absolutely loved meeting her, you guys are the cutest 🥺
username36: they’re still all smiling so they must’ve loved her ☺️
carlossainz55: you’re family are adorable so ofc she fits right in 😂
username37: how could they not fall in love with her, she’s adorable!?
oscarpiastri: I don’t think she’s quite met all the family yet…has she??
charles_leclerc: @/oscarpiastri you’re not letting this go are you??
username38: finally arthur got exactly what he’s wanted for so long 🥺
username39: I’m so happy that this all went well, I’ve got a good feeling about these two…
landonorris: don’t remember you posting when she got our seal of approval 🤔
charles_leclerc: @/landonorris don’t remember you ever being as important as my family 😂
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liked by landonorris, pierregasly and 3,092,174 others
charles_leclerc: seeing as you guys have been thirsting over my girl for so long, I’ll finally give you what you want. a whole post dedicated to my love, isn’t she just perfect!? 💞✨
username40: she really is perfect, you’ve got yourself a good egg charles!!
danielricciardo: I feel like a proud father seeing these photos 😭
username41: how dare he suggest we’ve been thirsting over her 😂
maxverstappen1: I don’t think it’s just the fans who have been thirsting (@/georgerussell63)
georgerussell63: @/maxverstappen1 no idea what you’re talking about 🤭
username42: charles always knows how to deliver exactly what we want!
pierregasly: thank goodness we don’t have to listen to you moan about being single anymore!!
username43: I don’t think charles could’ve found a more perfect girl if he tried…
carlossainz55: as much as it pains me to say it…you guys are pretty cute ❤️
username44: forever obsessed with these two and forever praying for more content from them too 🙏🏻
iamrebeccad: 10/10 agree that she is in fact perfect!
landonorris: you’d look cuter with me by your side, but I guess she’ll do 😂
username45: we hate you for soft launching but we love you for the fact that you’re just so happy 💕
ynusername: 🥺🥺🥺
˗ˏˋ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ! ´ˎ˗
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galactic-magick · 3 months ago
Maybe in Another Universe, You're Still the Man I Love: Viktor x Reader
Summary: You get sent to the same alternate timeline with Ekko and Heimerdinger, and you find out just how wonderful your life could've been.
Words: 2.1k
Author's Notes: Yeah so that finale sent me into deep grief and writing is the only way I can heal I fear. I hope you enjoy this interpretation of what Viktor could be doing in the alternate timeline.
“Are you alright, darling?”
Your vision comes into focus, though your head is still pounding. You’re extremely nauseous, feeling like your body is not your own as you become aware of the all-too-familiar voice that just spoke to you.
You’re sitting on a desk in an Academy classroom, journals and various papers surrounding you. The sun is shining through the windows, cascading gold onto the other desks and tables. It’s a peaceful, simple sight. Something that feels so wrong for precisely that reason.
“I don’t have another class for a while, you can talk to me,” Viktor says, brushing his fingers against your face. “Care to tell me why you’re looking at me like that?”
You suppose you look like you’ve seen a ghost, which isn’t so far from the truth. You must be dreaming—maybe hallucinating—anything to explain how this isn’t real.
“I…” you start, failing to find the words to say.
You storm into the lab, locking your eyes on the empty hexcore cocoon, then at Jayce.
“Where the fuck is he?”
“I don’t know!” Jayce fires back at you, clearly just as distraught as you are. “He woke up and told me he needed to leave me and this place. I have no idea where he went!”
“Why didn’t you follow him?” you scream, your mind spinning. Who knows how the hexcore changed him, he could literally be anywhere.
“He didn’t want me to! What don’t you understand?” Jayce slumps back into his chair, his face in his hands. As soon as he notices a tear fall down your cheek, his tone softens. “Look, I...we both know he’s been different since he started messing with the hexcore. He had told me to destroy it...but I couldn’t. And now he’s even more different. I’m so sorry,”
“Jayce…” you walk towards him. “I’m not blaming you for anything that’s happened. He’s been pushing both of us away for a long time. I guess...I just thought maybe when he woke up he’d love me again like he used to. Did he even ask about me?”
Jayce shakes his head, and your heart sinks even further.
“I think I’m dreaming,” you finally say, and Viktor tilts his head. “This...this isn’t real. We’re not like this, we haven’t been like this in a long time. You’re not...what are you here, a professor?”
He cups your face and kisses your forehead, “Darling, I don’t think you’ve been getting enough sleep, you’re talking nonsense,”
“No, no, no,” you jump off the desk and pace around the room. “If this isn’t a dream, then where am I? Some sort of other reality?”
“You mean to say you believe...this is not your world?” Viktor takes in your words intently.
“Well in my world, you fell out of love with me in favor of your work, and then you nearly died and got severely mutated by the hexcore. So yeah, I’d say things are pretty different,”
He raises an eyebrow, “Hex...core?”
“You don’t have that here?”
“Seemingly not,”
You sigh, perching yourself back on the desk, “You don’t believe me, do you?”
“No, I...I have theorized the possibility of alternate universes before, but I never thought I would come face to face with it in my lifetime,” he starts writing on the wall chalkboard. “I see no reason not to believe you. After all, my wife of this universe would probably not be saying these things,”
“We’re married?”
“Of course. Now tell me, what else is different in your universe?”
You’ve tried to find him everywhere—going all the secret places the two of you would go in the past, and asking people if they’ve seen him both topside and bottom. There’s no signs, not even a clue. He doesn’t want to be found.
You make your way back to Jayce’s lab, surprised to see Heimerdinger and a young man you don’t recognize with him. They fill you in on their concern about wild runes showing up around the city, and their plan to check on the hexgates. You’re desperate for anything to get your mind off Viktor, so you go along with them.
You’ve never been to the source of the hexgates before, and it’s even more grand than you imagined. One thing could go wrong and the entire thing would explode, but it’s precisely the potential of destruction that makes it all the more fascinating.
That is, until it becomes entirely unpredictable.
Your surroundings change at the blink of an eye—warped visuals and sounds you can’t make out. You scream for the others, but no one can hear.
You do your best to describe all the important events and details of your timeline, while Viktor takes notes on the chalkboard and compares what you say to his timeline. He seems particularly interested in his inventions in your timeline, and his partnership with Jayce—who’s no longer alive in his timeline.
“He died in an explosion here at the academy several years ago, it was a tragic accident that also killed a young girl from the undercity. He was a friend and a brilliant mind,” he pauses. “We...actually named our son after him.”
Your eyes widen, overwhelmed by this possibility of what could’ve been, “We have a son?”
“We do. And he’s perfect,” Viktor smiles softly. “You really are from a different time, aren’t you?”
You nod, trying to hold back tears. Why does this reality’s version of you get to be happy? Why does this Viktor get to dodge corruption and the hands of hubris?
Viktor gazes once again on the chalkboard notes, looking for patterns and causes for the differences in your timelines. Would he have reached the same fate if Jayce was still alive? What caused the Undercity to heal and thrive in his timeline but not in yours? Was this hextech you speak of really so destructive?
You are the same person he fell in love with, there’s no doubt in his mind about that, but you’ve been significantly more hurt than the Y/N he knows.
He steps close to you again, wiping the tears from your face and pulling you into him, “I’m so sorry your version of me has taken a different path.”
You sob into his chest, gripping his clothes. He runs his fingers through your hair and rubs your back, soothing you as if you’re his own.
But you’re not his. This isn’t your life.
You pull away, taking a deep breath, “As much as I want to stay here, I can’t keep taking over the consciousness of the me in this world. I need to find the others,”
“I don’t know if it’s possible for you to get back,” he says. “You say you got here through hextech, and that was never invented here.”
“We’ll find a way,” you run to the window, looking out to get a gauge of where you are. Heimerdinger might have landed somewhere here in the Academy too, and Ekko probably went back to the Undercity. But Jayce—if he’s dead in this universe—where would he be?
“Before you go,” Viktor places a hand on your shoulder. “Would you like to meet our son?”
Anxiety washes over you, your body going numb from the prospect. Would it only hurt you more to see a life that you could’ve created?
“Don’t you have more classes to teach, professor?” you smile, trying to turn your nervousness into something lighthearted.
“I’ll cancel for today. It’s about the time you usually pick him up from school anyway,”
He grabs his cane with one hand and takes your hand with the other, posting a quick note on his door as you leave.
You sit on a bench outside the elementary school, your heart pounding. This child is going to run out that building any minute, eager to see the mother he’s always known.
But you’re not her. You didn’t carry him, birth him, or raise him. You don’t have the same memories and experiences.
But you must pretend that you do.
You know which one he is immediately. He’s a perfect combination of yours and Viktor’s features, just like you’d imagined. His smile is contagious, and he wastes no time jumping into your arms.
“Look what I made at school today, Mommy!” he puts a crafty contraption in front of your face, a colorful collection of sticks and paper glued together.
“That’s so creative, honey, I love it,” but your attention is solely focused on him, his sweet face glowing with pride and joy.
“Quite the little inventor, aren’t you?” Viktor applauds him. “What else did you learn today?”
“We did reading and spelling. I can spell family now. F-A-M-I-L-E!”
“Close, sweetheart. There’s a ‘Y’ at the end,” you laugh,
“Are you sure about that?” he says, wincing his adorable face in thought. “Whatever. I learned how to spell brother and sister too, but I don’t have any of those. How do I get one of those?”
Viktor chuckles, “I’ll talk about it with your Mommy, how about that?”
“Okay!” he jumps up and starts walking home with the two of you.
What if I stayed? You wonder.
You’re playing with your son on the living room floor, with toys mostly made by Viktor himself. The house is small but cozy, a home you wish was really yours. What if you just stay in this dream reality forever?
What if you never find the others? What if there really is no way to get back?
But no, that wouldn’t be fair to the you of this reality. She’s the one who has this life, not you. Besides, Viktor and his son deserve their wife and mother back.
You hear a knock on the door, and Viktor goes to open it.
“Oh, Viktor, it is so good to see you.”
Your head swivels instantly towards the yordle in the entryway, “Heimerdinger! You found me!” you join Viktor at the door, “Where’s Ekko and Jayce?”
“I have not found Jayce as of yet, but I did find Ekko and sent him back to his timeline about a week ago. We found some hextech fragments and were able to use them to jump through time and space.”
“So...I can get home too?”
“As soon as you’re ready. We built the machine in a young girl’s lab in the Undercity,” he looks between you, then Viktor, and finally your son. His attitude of urgency dissipates as he begins to understand. “But...I could not blame you if you want to stay longer.”
Your son Jayce comes running to join you, grabbing onto your leg, “Who’s this guy, Mommy?”
“This is Professor Heimerdinger, he used to work at the Academy,” you pat his head, “Your dad used to be his assistant.”
“I’m sure you already have a brilliant mind, my boy,” Heimerdinger says. “Your parents must be proud.”
Little Jayce giggles.
“Actually, I would very much like to see this new invention you’ve built, Professor,” Viktor speaks up. “I’m now quite intrigued by the prospect of other universes.”
“I have no rule against you observing, Viktor, but I’m sure you understand I must destroy it after we all get back. It is too dangerous to be left here unsupervised,” Heimerdinger’s tone becomes more serious. “I’m sure Y/N has told you of the destruction hextech caused in our universe, especially to you.”
“Of course, Professor. I understand.”
You’ve never seen the Undercity look this beautiful.
It seems that the other version of you comes here often, so many people wave to you and little Jayce automatically runs off with some kids his age to play.
You meet a blue-haired young lady named Powder, who helped Heimerdinger and Ekko in their experiments. She looks so familiar to you, but you can’t place where you’ve seen her in your reality.
Heimerdinger explains how it works, and both you and Viktor listen intently. With everything up and running, you could go back this instant.
The pull to go back is strong, like an obligation to return to your rightful place in the universe. But the pull to stay is equally strong, as you gaze into your husband’s beautiful amber eyes that you want to find solace in forever.
“It’s your choice, my love,” Viktor says, as if reading your mind.
“I know I need to go back…” you exhale, tears welling in your eyes once again. “But I don’t know what I’m going back to,”
“I don’t know either,” he caresses your face, “But I do know you are strong in every universe,”
“I’m not,” you shake your head, “Not without you.”
“Don’t say that,” his thumbs smooth across your cheeks.
You nod, turning towards the device.
“Could you…could you kiss me one last time?” you ask.
Viktor wastes no time honoring your request, crashing his lips to yours with lasting passion. He pulls away only as you back into the circle, leaving you with one last affectionate whisper:
“I’m so fortunate to have met another version of you, my love.”
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phoenixrisingastro · 27 days ago
𝐖𝐡𝐲 𝐖𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐦: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 & 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐬
There are some people in this world who can make you do anything.
Some people who can make you question yourself, warp your reality, surrender your power, and beg for more.
They own you before you even realize it.
You think you’re immune to it.
"I’d never fall for that"
But that’s exactly what they want you to think.
Because by the time you realize you’re in their grasp—it’s already too late.
This is the astrology of the dangerous. The worshipped. The ones you can’t get enough of. The ones who make people burn their entire lives down just to be close to them.
And if you see yourself in this…
You hold a power most people can’t even fathom.
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𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗦𝘂𝗻: 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗟𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗪𝗵𝗼 𝗦𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀 𝗧𝗼𝗼 𝗕𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝗟𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝗔𝘄𝗮𝘆
☀ Sun in Scorpio, Leo, Capricorn — The ones who command respect without ever asking for it. Their presence alone is enough to make people hang onto their every word. You don’t follow them because they tell you to—you follow them because you can’t imagine a world where they’re not leading you.
☀ Sun Conjunct Pluto — The puppeteer behind the curtain. The one who radiates raw, primal authority. They are not just a person—they are a force. You don’t get close to them without being changed forever.
☀ Sun in the 8th or 10th House — These people own rooms. They step in, and people take notice. Even in silence, they demand attention. And they always, always get it.
𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗠𝗼𝗼𝗻: 𝗘𝗺𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗹 𝗗𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗗𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗹𝘆 𝗪𝗲𝗹𝗹
🌙 Moon in Scorpio, Pisces, Libra — They know what you need before you even say it. They play into your vulnerabilities like a maestro composing a symphony. You’ll find yourself trusting them blindly, even when you shouldn’t.
🌙 Moon Square or Opposite Pluto — They pull you in and keep you there. The power to emotionally own people, to entangle them so deeply that escape feels impossible. They don’t manipulate—they consume.
🌙 Moon Conjunct Neptune — The illusionist. The one who makes you believe they are everything you’ve ever wanted. You’ll never be able to tell where their mask ends and where they begin.
𝗠𝗲𝗿𝗰𝘂𝗿𝘆: 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀 𝗧𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗖𝗮𝗻 𝗗𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗼𝘆 𝗬𝗼𝘂 (𝗼𝗿 𝗘𝗻𝘀𝗹𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗬𝗼𝘂)
🗝 Mercury in Scorpio, Gemini, Aquarius — They talk, and you listen. You hang onto every syllable because they know exactly how to say what you need to hear.
🗝 Mercury Conjunct Pluto — The mind-fuckers. The ones who say the most innocent things in ways that make you rethink your entire existence. Every word they speak rewires your brain, making you see only what they want you to see.
🗝 Mercury Trine Neptune — The spell-casters. They can make you believe anything. They can spin a lie so beautifully that it becomes reality.
𝗩𝗲𝗻𝘂𝘀: 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗣𝗿𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗹 𝗔𝗯𝘀𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻
💋 Venus in Scorpio, Pisces, Libra — They make love feel like religion. You don’t just fall for them—you devote yourself to them.
💋 Venus Square Pluto — The ones you never get over. The ones who haunt you, who make you feel like you’ll never experience love like that again. Because you won’t.
💋 Venus in the 8th House — The sirens. The ones who pull you into deep, endless, sexual obsession. They don’t have lovers—they have worshippers.
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𝗠𝗮𝗿𝘀: 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗠𝗮𝗴𝗻𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝗗𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗿𝘂𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻
🔥 Mars in Scorpio, Aries, Leo — They don’t ask for control, they take it. These people don’t just exude power—they are power.
🔥 Mars Conjunct Pluto — The destroyer. The one who obliterates people’s self-control just by existing. A touch, a look, a single fucking sentence—and you’re done.
🔥 Mars in the 8th House — Their sexual energy is so potent it warps people’s perception of them. People want them, need them, obsess over them. And they don’t even have to try.
And so I ask you this…
Have you ever felt drawn to someone in ways you couldn’t explain?
Have you ever given yourself over to someone completely, without knowing why?
If you recognize yourself in this…
You are either the enslaved… or the enslaver.
There is no in-between.
And once you’ve stepped into this world…
You’ll never escape.
© PhoenixRisingAstro, 2025. All rights reserved
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shadowbriar · 2 months ago
Bucky Barnes — Dishwasher
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Pairing : Bucky Barnes x (she/her) wife!Reader Word Count : 1.5k Warning : None? Synopsis : Bucky knew that he was a man out of time, but never would he expect that this world no longer accepts home appliances as presents. Notes : If you like this story and would like to support me, please visit my kofi page and perhaps get me a coffee?☕
Bucky’s palms were starting to sweat. He knows when she’ll return home, down to its minutes, but he still couldn’t shake the jitters that were brewing up his spine. He has more than enough window to finish his quest, perhaps even sparing himself a good other hour to clean up any possible mess and wipe the apartment clean before she could smell anything amiss, but with the ticking of the clock taunting on him, agitation was starting to pool a little thicker in his gut.
He taps on his watch, wondering where the technicians that were supposed to be here half an hour ago might be at. The drive from the store to their apartment shouldn’t be that complicated. He’s written in bold font the address and their unit number. There should be no issue for them to find it.
He was just about to ring the store when the doorbell rang.
“Mr. Barnes?” one of the technicians asked, looking at the clipboard in his hand “You ordered a dishwasher, Sir?”
“Yes,” Bucky answers with a slightly annoyed grunt “I’ve been expecting you.”
The technician shows a corporate disinterested smile, walking in the apartment as his partner wheeled the boxed item.
“Where do you want us to install it, Sir?”
“Right here,” Bucky says as he pulls the cabinet door that hid their old dishwasher “Could you bring the old one with you? I’d rather not leave any trace of mischief for my wife to find.”
“Of course,” the technician says as he begins to unbox the appliance “Wait, you didn’t make this your wife’s Christmas present, right?”
Bucky frowns, shaking his head with his brows knitted, “No, why?”
“Cause the guy at the last house did and that was a bad scene, man,” the other guy finally speaks up.
“Bad scene, why?” Bucky’s arms were folded to his chest now “They didn’t like the dishwasher?”
“No,” the first guy snorted with his laugh “They didn’t like it, alright.”
“The wife was insulted. Said home appliances don’t count as a gift,” the second guy further explained as he begins to take out the tools to install the item “She said it’s not fair that she always gets ‘gifts’ that are just things that their household needs to function while he gets all the niche personalised presents.”
“Not going to lie, I felt bad for the lady,” first guy chimed in “It was a bloodbath there, man. She was yelling and crying by the time we finished installing the dishwasher. Poor woman, I hope the husband found her something better for Christmas.”
Bucky could only nod in agreement. The crease on his forehead only gets deeper as the technicians continue their story. A new sense of guilt and anxiety brewed in his stomach. Perhaps the dishwasher wasn’t a great idea, afterall.
At first, he thought giving out a lie to a random technician about whether or not the item was his Christmas gift for her wife would never bring any harm. These men are just strangers that need not know any of his business, anyway. But now that they’ve told the story of their last customer, Bucky wonders if he should’ve just answered truthfully and see if these men have any better ideas for a replacement gift.
In his defence, the dishwasher was something she said was listed in her wishlist. He got her the very one she pointed at when they went to the electronic store the other day, down to the very colour that she said was her favourite. He thought that this would be the grand gift to reveal for her, the grandiose early Christmas present that would get her jumping and squealing in excitement, but having the story sinking into his brain now, such fantasy might not be the reality he’ll witness.
Bucky knew that he was a man out of time. That the world has progressed in ways that his mind couldn’t catch up still, but never would he expect that this world no longer accepts home appliances as presents. Perhaps he needs to whip out that notebook of his again and relearn the rules of gift giving in the twenty-first century.
“Doll,” Bucky starts while his fingers cut through the meat of his dinner, trying his best to act as nonchalant as he could “I have a proposal to offer.”
She nods, chewing her food, “I’m listening.”
“Since you’re pretty busy with work and I have the whole month off from missions, why don’t I take the kitchen duty? I’ll cook our meals, make our coffee, wash the dishes, everything that’s involved in the kitchen, I’ll take care of it.”
Her head darts up to face him, an impressed smile tugs on the corner of her lips, “Okay..? Why?”
“Just wanted to take some of the burden off your shoulders,” Bucky lies through his teeth, shrugging “I’ve seen just how tired you’ve been lately. It’s the least I could do.”
“You’re very sweet,” she replies as she places a small kiss to his forearm “I’ll take the laundry duty, then.”
Bucky smiles, nodding in agreement.
His brain has been wiring since the technicians left their apartment. He wonders what he could get for her that would match the brilliance of the dishwasher that he thought would have been. He tries to squeeze the essence of his memory, trying to find anything that she might have mentioned that he could get for her, but everything she’s ever told, he’s bought, and he still wasn’t sure if there would be anything bigger than the dishwasher.
Now priding himself as a good husband, how could he not know what his wife wants most?
In his defence, a twenty minutes longer sleep was something he earned for all the hard work he’s done in the kitchen for the past week. Bucky has made every meal, every coffee and every snack that he’s promised to make. He’s taken out the trash without being asked and has done all the dishes before the grease could even set on their plate. Now he might be a supersoldier, alright, but waking up early to brew some coffee and make breakfast was still something he’s not accustomed to and letting his eyes rest a little bit longer feels like a reward he’s very well earned.
So now he finds himself buried under the many layers of their blankets. The fluffiness of their pillows and how the scent of her shampoo still lingers on them made him drown in the pool of comfortness. He snuggles tighter to the pillows, burying his face on the softness of its fabric, before slumber was abruptly yanked off of his feet.
“Good morning,” she says after jumping right on top of him, now sitting on his stomach with a teeth-rotting grin “I love you.”
“I love you too, Sweetheart,” Bucky grunts, smiling through the regret of his lost doze “You’re up early.”
“No, I woke up on time. You’re just taking a little more nap than usual,” she answers as showers his jaw with kisses “When were you going to tell me?”
His eyebrows knit, trying to understand her words with a brain that’s still partially asleep, “Tell you what?”
“That you got me the dishwasher.”
Bucky’s eyes shot wide. His blue fraught-filled eyes were clashing against her fevered ones. He studies her face, trying to find any trace of disappointment or anger, but the only things he could find were the lovely creases around her eyes and the big grin that he thought must’ve ache her cheeks after a while.
He sits up, leaning against the bed frame as he tries to assess his situation better. Wrath was devoid from her face. She was jumping a little, evidently excited upon unravelling his confidence. Something that he wasn’t sure how to react to now.
“You’re not mad?” he asks instead.
“Why would I be mad? You got me the dishwasher!” she exclaims, placing another kiss to his lips “I was planning to get it next week after my Christmas bonus is in, but here you are playing Santa. You’re quite literally crossing wishes off my list. I love you.”
 “I love you,” he answers “But— You’re sure you’re not mad?”
She sits up, studying his attentive manner with a raised brow, “Why would I be mad?”
“Because the technicians said home appliances don’t count as presents anymore,” Bucky answers, looking further lost “They said dishwashers don’t count as Christmas presents.”
“Sure, they do! Home appliances or not, a present is a present,” she argues “It’ll only be an insult if all your gifts are home appliances. That wouldn’t count as Christmas presents. But that’s not what you’re doing. You’re giving me something that I want, which so happens to be a dishwasher.”
Bucky closes his eyes, letting out a sigh, “I am so confused right now. I thought I ruined your Christmas.”
“On the contrary, you’ve just made my Christmas,” she beams, pampering his face with little kisses “I love you, thank you.”
“I love you, Doll,” with his eyes still closed, Bucky pulls her face to his chest, trying to tame her excitement a little so he could recollect the drowsiness that was slipping off his fingertips “Does this mean I can forfeit from kitchen duties, now that you’ve found the surprise?”
She looks up, resting her chin to his chest with a satisfied laughter, “Yes, baby, we can get back to our usual schedule now.”
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singmyaubade · 6 months ago
OKAY OKAY idk if you still do Eddie Munson if not it's fine but I just ended a situationship/fwb with a rude white boy, I lowk wanna see a fanfic. where Eddie has this relationship with reader, then he flirts with someone else and takes them to bed, and reader is just heartbroken,and gets revenge
toxic!eddie munson x female!reader
summary: you think I’d let him destroy me and end up happier than ever? no fucking way. he doesn’t get to win.
warnings: smut! 18+, cursing, very much angst, arguing, mature content, etc..
a/n: wow, you actually got me out of hibernation with this one. i haven't wrote eddie in a long time so bear with me but since fuckboys very much PISS ME OFF, i had to do you a solid and i hope you enjoy! as always, apologize if you hate this.
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Your relationship with Eddie was not something that you could explain in a few short words. Of course, it was complex, complicated, difficult, angering, loving, warm.... But again, not something you could name with a few short words.
It had been about three months ago when you caught Eddie staring at your ass while you were playing dodgeball and he was sitting at the bleachers.
He had that sly smile on and his back leaning on one of the levels on the bleachers, staring at you intently. Not only was it enough to catch your attention but enough for you to keep looking.
All it took was a wink and a few whispers in the locker room for you to be hooked. But after, Eddie had made it clear with you that he wasn't ready to be in a relationship.
Eddie kissed your neck while his grip on your neck was harsh, "Listen baby, I want this so fucking bad but I'm not ready for somethin' serious," He whispered but the trance you were in only had you saying,
And since then, you had been stuck in a friends with benefits situation with Eddie Munson.
It wasn't the worse thing in the world but sometimes, it never felt the best. I mean, it wasn't like Eddie was an asshole who didn't care about you after you fucked or did anything. He would always cuddle you or clean you up when you felt tired.
He would always let you vent to him, give you kisses, and make you laugh. Those were the times when you felt like you could be more with him.
And then there would be times where he talked about Stacey Callahan's ass with a sly smile and glint in his eye, almost making you want to stab him.
You would shoot daggers into him but he would never notice because he considered you a friend.
And you could never tell him your real feelings because then you guys would be nothing and that seemed like a worse fate.
But at least, he never made an actual pass at girls in front of you and from what he had told you, he hasn't fucked anyone since you and him had started.
And that made you feel like you could be more.
But you were afraid you spoke too soon when you were trying to find Eddie and saw him and Caroline Blaren making out under the bleachers.
His hand groping her ass and her moans echoing throughout the gym. If it wasn't for the fact that it was after school, almost half the school population would've been cursed with this sight.
His mouth leaving hot kisses on her neck as he did with you a multitude of times, whispering sweet nothings into her ear as she giggled.
For the first time in your life, you had felt as if your heart had shattered.
A part of you wanted to make a scene, maybe go batshit crazy and curse Eddie to the brink of eternity and then the other part of you wanted to walk away, realize that you were worth more than someone who you thought cared for your feelings or for you at all.
Before you could leave the gym and maybe cry in a corner, Eddie locks eyes with you and smiles before he excuses himself and tells Caroline to wait under the bleachers.
She scoffs a little bit but twirls her hair as she stands there, mugging you.
You still have a shocked expression as Eddie approaches you, grinning ear to ear,
"I know I said we were gonna meet today but," He shyly cheers, "I've been trying to bag this for months and I really need this, Y/N, we can meet tomorrow though," He says as if this was casual.
You blinked at him as he awkwardly laughed at your expression, "Earth to Y/N?" He waved his hand in your face as you closed your mouth and swallowed.
You did your best to form a smile, "Uh- yeah sure,"
He cheered, kissing you on the cheek, "You're the best, I owe you one," He winked at you before going back to Caroline.
He put his arm around her shoulder before exiting the other way of the gym.
You couldn't believe that you let Eddie Munson break your heart.
There were multiple thoughts entering your head the sight of this.
One was that you were a complete idiot and let Eddie Munson play you like a fiddle. The second was that he had never taken you seriously. The third was that you needed to make him feel as you did.
And maybe it was petty for you to feel like you needed revenge but you couldn't let Eddie get away with making multiple girls feel this way,
Harmless to him but cruel to you.
And now you had to make him pay which you knew wasn't going to be easy.
Making Eddie Munson jealous was one of those things that was damn near impossible. He always prided himself in being as 'chill as a cucumber, when it came to his love life.
You had never seen him get jealous once and you didn't even think it was a feeling to him.
But you did know Eddie hated being ignored.
You remembered when he jokingly called your ass flat and you ignored him for an hour before he looked like he was on the brink of tears.
That was the one sore sport of his that you knew of and it certainly wouldn't hurt to use it to your advantage.
So when Eddie had called you that very night, you answered but not with the same eagerness you always had,
"Hello?" You answered, holding the telephone up to your ear.
"Hey Y/N," You heard Eddie's voice on the other side of line, voice excited.
You swallowed before answering back flatly, "Hi,"
He sounded surprised at your tone but didn't mention it, "Jus' wondering if you wanted to come over, Caroline just left,"
Your blood felt like it was boiling. It was as if he wanted a snack to go with his meal which only pissed you off more and it had been six hours, he had been fucking Caroline for six hours.
"I can't," You said, concealing your anger.
He sounded astonished, "Uh, why not?"
"Busy," You replied, annoyed.
You could feel your vagueness starting to worry him, "Busy with what?" He said snarkily.
"Stuff," You scoffed.
When did Eddie care so much about what you were doing? Maybe once he realized you wouldn't be at his beck and call any longer.
He took a breath, "What about tomorrow?" He asked, hoping your answer would be different.
"I'm busy, Eddie," You snapped.
There was silence on the other line for a few seconds that felt like decades before he replied again, "Is something wrong?" He asked, the worry present in his voice.
"No, I really can't talk right now, I'll see you later," You said quickly, putting the phone back on the link before he could answer.
You sighed, trying your best to feel as if this was the best decision. Of course, you knew ignoring Eddie wouldn't be the easiest thing in the world but you didn't expect it to be the hardest either.
Once Eddie gets fixated, there's not really a way to get him off the case.
And that turned out to be a fact when you saw him at school the next morning,
"Y/N," Someone grabbed your arm, pulling you in the custodian closet.
You made a surprised sound before realizing it was Eddie, "Jesus, I thought you were a murderer," You said, releasing your arm from his grip.
He ignored your joke, locking his eyes into your eyes, "What's up with you?" He asked.
You gulped, "I don't know what you're talking about,"
He scoffed, "You fucking dodged me on the phone,"
You rolled your eyes, "I told you I was busy,"
"You've literally let me eat you out before you had an huge exam in the next hour so that's a load of crap," He replied as you gawked, "So tell me what's actually up,"
You moved your jaw to the side, looking away as Eddie fumed in front of you.
You were lost for words but this didn't stop Eddie from waiting for answer so you gave one,
"I'm done fucking you,"
Eddie looked shocked, lost for words, he almost seemed as if he was having a stroke. He snapped out of his trance by laughing, "Are you serious?"
Your demeanor didn't change, "Deadly."
He bit his lip, almost wanting to laugh because this had to be a joke, "Baby, thats a big decision," His chest was against yours at this point, "Are you sure about this?" He asked, his breath whispering against your ear.
You could feel yourself breathing harder and a bit turned on but you knew this cycle wouldn't end if you didn't stop it. You pushed against his chest as he stepped backwards, "I'm done Eddie." You stated, walking out of the closet and leaving him in there.
You took a deep breath before walking to your class, it was hard to believe that you had just rejected Eddie and that he didn't utterly make you regret it.
You sat in class as you watched Eddie come on minutes after, always arriving after the bell. You could feel the tension radiating off you both but he didn't care to take a glimpse of you, his hard expression already telling enough.
You eyed him as he sat down next to you, a shocked expression on your face. Eddie had never sat down next to you in classes or let alone even show up.
You could already tell he was about to start fucking with you.
As Ms. Rodriguez started her lesson, you started to feel a fingertip tracing your knee as you swallowed. You looked at Eddie but he kept his hard expression, not even a smirk forming.
You watched him as his finger rose higher, almost at the hem of your skirt.
There was something in you that wanted to let him, maybe get your last taste Eddie before it was over forever but if you did this, it would never be over.
You knew this was Eddie trying to win and you couldn't let him.
In a flash, you grabbed his hand which caused him to finally look at you and you slammed it into his own lap. He looked furious and you felt a small victory as he pushed out his chair and stormed out while Ms. Rodriguez yelled for him to come back.
The bell rang as you went towards the cafeteria, going to sit with the mutual friends you shared with Eddie.
Ever since you and Eddie had started hooking up, he had introduced you to his friends and you didn't actually mind sitting with them. They would always banter in front of you which always made you giggle and it was never superficial with them.
Usually, you would've sat next to Eddie but since shit hit the fan, you took a seat next to Gareth.
You saw Eddie shooting daggers into your soul but you kept your composure and ignored him.
You could hear them arguing over something about D&D which only made you laugh before Gareth noticed you, "Hey Y/N!" He beamed as you smiled.
"Hey Gareth, what are you guys talking about?" You asked, looking at him.
Gareth grinned, ready to start his tangent, "Oh so basically, we were talking about if Paladin or the Monk had more of a power bu-"
Eddie cut him off, "What are you doing?" He asked, looking at you as the table went silent.
You steamed, "What are you talking about?"
He began his theatrics, "I mean did I say you could sit here?" The whole table looked between you and him, there had never been one argument between you and Eddie, let alone one in front of them.
You sneered, "Why would I not be allowed to sit here?" You asked, wanting to kill Eddie for doing this in front of everyone.
"Well because, you don't belong here," He said, nonchalantly.
You laughed, "I don't belong here?" Your eyes were locked onto his, anger present in them.
"Yeah," He smirked which only made your blood boil.
"So since I'm sucking your dick anymore, I can't sit here?" You questioned, causing the entire table to gasp.
You weren't planning to reveal that you and Eddie had fucked several times but since he was really trying to get under you, there was no other choice.
"You can't sit here because nobody wants you here, Princess," He said, hatefully.
You looked at everyone around the table but they kept their gazes low, not wanting to go against Eddie.
Eddie was expecting pure anger to come out of you or maybe you would have to reconcile with him and you guys could go back to how you were but instead, you had gotten up and a smile was present on your face.
"I think I'm actually gonna sit with Jason," You slyly said as Eddie felt enraged, "I think that's a dick I actually would like to suck," You grabbed your tray heading over to jock table.
It wasn't exactly the best plan considering you hated Jason but Jason had been trying to get under you for years and this was the only way to get under Eddie's skin.
Your skirt rose up as you blinked dumbly at Jason sitting next to him, "Hi Jason," You sweetly said as he grinned from ear to ear.
"Y/N, what do I owe the pleasure?" He asked, him eyeing your body.
"I was wondering if you could teach me a few things about basketball at yours, I've got a research project," You said, fingers grazing his thigh.
It was not your best effort at being seductive but it was enough to get Jason Carver.
"I think I could help with that, mine at seven?" He said as you nodded.
You turned your back to see Eddie staring at you, more mad than you had ever seen him.
He was jealous.
And this was only the beginning.
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luv-lock · 2 months ago
Do you think Bruce would introduce y/n to the justice league? I could totally see her simping over the flash (Or conner Kent 👀).
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The first time you meet Conner, you’re immediately smitten. He’s tall, gorgeous, and has that perfect blend of confidence and awkward boy-next-door energy that you thrive on.
You don’t even bother introducing yourself properly. After the initial “Hey, pretty boy, wanna fuck?” incident, you lean into your new role as his unsolicited sugar mama.
Conner, tries to respond, but you’re already calculating how much of Bruce’s money you’ll need to spoil him.
During one mission, you dramatically announce, “Conner deserves everything! Clothes, gadgets, vacations—all on Daddy Bruce’s tab!”
Once, you bought him an entire motorcycle. When Bruce found out, he dragged you into the Batcave, his voice dangerously calm.
“Explain why my credit card statement says you purchased a $50,000 bike.”
“It’s for Conner. He deserves nice things.”
Bruce’s eye twitches. “Conner can fly. He doesn’t need a bike.”
You shrug. “But he looks so good on it, Bruce. Don’t be stingy.”
You’re constantly “borrowing” Bruce’s money for ridiculous things.
“Bruce, I need a million dollars.”
“For what?” he asks, already exhausted.
“To buy Conner a pony. He’s always wanted one.”
Bruce pinches the bridge of his nose. “I’m not giving you a million dollars.”
“Fine,” you huff. “But don’t come crying to me when Conner’s sad and pony-less.”
You have a love-hate relationship with Diana. You’re in awe of her beauty, strength, and grace, but you’re also deeply insecure.
During one mission, you stop mid-battle to dramatically compare your boobs to hers, much to everyone’s horror.
“Diana,” you sniff, clutching your chest, “I’ll never be able to compete with perfection like yours. It’s not fair!”
Diana, ever graceful, reassures you, “You’re beautiful in your own right.”
“You’re just saying that because you’re perfect,” you reply, before glaring at Bruce. “He never says anything nice to me.”
Bruce, utterly done: “Because you don’t deserve it.”
During a training session, you randomly grab Diana’s hand and place it on your boobs.
“Feel that, Diana. Am I Amazon material yet?”
She humors you, nodding seriously. “You’re getting there.”
You: “If I bulk up, can I join Themyscira?”
Barry finds you hilarious. He loves how unfiltered you are, even when it gets way too inappropriate.
Once, during a mission, you casually said, “Barry, do you think you could vibrate fast enough to—”
Barry, cutting you off, flailing: “DO NOT FINISH THAT SENTENCE.”
You just smirk. “I’m just saying. There’s potential.”
He starts speed-dodging your flirting, but you’re persistent. “One day, Speedy, you’ll come around.”
You have exactly one question for Hal when you meet him:
“So, hypothetically, could you make a functional dild—”
Hal, already holding up a hand: “Nope. Don’t even finish that thought.”
You pout. “Why do you even have the ring if you’re not going to use it creatively?”
Clark tries his best to remain polite and patient, but you test his limits.
“You must’ve been sculpted by the gods,” you tell him once, blatantly checking him out. “What’s it like being perfect, superdaddy?”
“I… um… thank you?” Clark stammers, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck while Bruce glares daggers at you.
You immediately give Arthur the nickname “Aquadaddy” and refuse to call him anything else.
“Look at those arms, Aquadaddy. What’s your bench press, a blue whale?”
Arthur smirks, clearly amused. “Something like that.”
You: “Bet you could throw me across the room.”
Arthur: “Why would I do that?”
You: “For fun. And because I’d enjoy it.”
You’re also obsessed with his tattoos.
“Did it hurt? Can I touch them? Are you planning on getting more? What if we got matching ones?!”
He indulges you for about five seconds before realizing you’re just trying to find an excuse to grope his arm.
“You’re worse than Barry,” he mutters.
During an underwater mission, you accidentally blurted out, “Do mermaids exist? Be honest.”
Arthur: “They’re… complicated.”
You: “Complicated? Are they, like, your exes?”
Arthur groans, swimming away while you cackle.
You’ve made it your life’s mission to torment Bruce.
When the League gathers for a meeting, you always find a way to embarrass him. One time, you slid into the room dramatically, pointed at him, and declared, “That man is the reason I’m not married yet!”
Bruce: “How is this my fault?”
You grin. “Because I’ll never find another man who looks as good in a suit. You’ve ruined my standards.”
You are Bruce’s biggest headache. Every time he turns around, you’re doing something wildly inappropriate.
During a League movie night, you plop yourself on the floor between his legs, resting your head on his thigh.
“Your thighs are so firm, Bruce. You ever think about becoming a leg model?”
Bruce just stares down at you, utterly done. “Go sit somewhere else.”
You grin up at him. “Nope. This is my spot now.”
As unhinged as you are, everyone in the League has a soft spot for you. You make them laugh, even if it’s at Bruce’s expense.
And while your antics are embarrassing for Bruce, they all know you’re a fierce fighter and incredibly loyal. When it matters, you’ve got their backs—and they wouldn’t trade you for anything.
Except Bruce. Bruce would absolutely trade you for five minutes of peace.
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achilles-rage · 2 months ago
Bad Thing Turned Good
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summary: you hate your friend’s brother, buck. you think he’s smug, and egotistical, and too attractive for his own good. the tension snaps, however, when you find yourself at a bar with him and maddie.
word count: 2.8k
a/n: thank you to @bookishbuddie for requesting buck and hate fucking!! this got away from me, and is definitely longer a short little drabble, so i thought i’d post it as a full length fic instead!! this idea stems from this post, and i think the fic will make more sense if you read this, since i couldn’t find the words to explain it again during the fic lol. anyway, enjoy<33
warnings: smut, reader is sort of a bitch lol, no use of y/n, fem!reader, plus size!reader, race inclusive!reader
MDNI - 18+ only!
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“I wasn’t aware you were gonna be here,” you mutter as you walk into the bar to meet Maddie, coming face to face with Buck as he turns to face you. Your lips are downturned into a frown, and your face scrunches in disgust when he gives you his usual smug smirk.
“Come on, you say that like it’s a bad thing,” he teases, holding his arms out as his eyes travel down your body. He’s not sure why you hate him so much; he’s never done anything to you, but that doesn’t stop him from still trying; desperate to finally make a smile grace your pretty face.
“Oh, it is. If I knew, I wouldn’t have shown up,” you huff as you swat one of his arms out of the way, walking around him and towards the bar.
You’ve been friends with Maddie for a few months; ever since you started working at dispatch, and while you quickly became friends with everyone that works with her husband, Buck just irks you in a way you can’t describe.
“No?” he pesters as he begins to follow you, his long strides helping to quickly catch up to your smaller ones.
“Definitely,” you say with a shake of your head, stopping at the bar and leaning against it as you wait for the bartender to come over to you. Your fingers are angrily tapping the countertop, and you try to keep your eyes ahead of you as Buck stops beside you and angles his body towards you, eyes locked on the side of your face.
“Because I think you still would’ve come. Just to give me trouble.” you shrug, frowning indifferently as you think about his words.
“Maybe you’re half right,” you reply before telling the bartender your order. You can see from the corner of your eye that the smirk is back on Buck’s stupid face, and you finally turn to face him once the bartender looks away, your eyes narrowed.
“Are we finally agreeing on something?” he jokes once your attention is back on him, leaning closer to you and bending down just enough that his face is level with yours. You scoff, rolling your eyes. Why is he always like this, you think?
“Fuck off,” you snap just before the bartender slides your drink towards you. You turn on your heel and walk back to the table Maddie has saved for you, but not before telling the bartender to add your drink to Buck’s tab. It’s the least he can do for pissing you off, you think with a silent laugh.
You spend the next hour or so talking with Buck and Maddie at your table, trying to keep your annoyance more hidden than usual around your friend. You know she’d be upset if the two of you didn’t get along, so you don’t do much more than roll your eyes or shoot him the occasional glare.
You almost catch yourself letting your guard down around him as you all talk, because you don’t really hate him. He fucking gorgeous; you’re not blind. And tall, and muscular, and has the most beautiful blue eyes you think you’ve ever seen. You try not to think about that, though, because you know guys like him. You’ve been scorned by one too many Bucks, and you’ll be damned if you let it happen again.
Finally, Buck does another thing to remind you of what he’s really like, which is much different than what anyone else sees him as, and you watch from your table as he flirts with a beautiful woman. His signature smug smirk is still on his face as he talks to the woman; leaning in close to her and letting his eyes travel down her body, and it makes your blood boil for some reason.
As Maddie finishes her story about a call she got at work the other day, you down the rest of your drink, then excuse yourself to get another drink with a small smile.
When you walk up to the bar, Buck suddenly pulls you against him, hands squeezing the fat of your hips as he grins widely.
“This is my gorgeous girlfriend that I was telling you about!” he says to the woman in front of you, who gives you a friendly smile. You look up at him with a confused expression, brows furrowed and mouth slightly agape as you process his words. Girlfriend?
The rest of the conversation between Buck and the woman is tuned out completely as you stand there in his embrace, acutely aware of Buck’s hand rubbing your back soothingly as his other hand remains firmly planted on your hip. 
When the woman finally walks away, and Buck’s hands are still on you, you turn in his grip, swatting his hands away as you take a step back.
“What the hell was that?” you hiss, eyes narrowed as you look up at him. You try to ignore your heart hammering against your ribcage; your true feelings threatening to bubble to the surface because his touch felt so good.
“Just wanted to see if me calling you my girlfriend would make you mad,” he asserted with a smirk, eyes travelling down to your chest as you cross your arms.
“If I were to ever actually be your girlfriend, I’d kill myself,” you retort, practically seeing red at the motive behind his actions. Like playing with women’s emotions is merely a game to him.
“Seriously?” he says, raising his brows as he looks at you with slight surprise mixed with his usual smugness, although there’s a hint of sadness that flickers behind it for a split second, not that you can see it in your rage driven haze.
“Seriously,” you confirm in a low voice, narrowing your eyes further. You see the way his smirk finally falls, and it makes yours grow. Finally, you seemed to have gotten to him.
“Because I think you just like me, and that pisses you off,” he states as the smirk returns to his face. He felt how you melted into his touch a minute ago. It was subtle, but he was sure he felt it, and he can also see the lust in your eyes, hidden deeply behind the rage and annoyance.
“Why the hell would that piss me off?” you say, voice getting louder as you throw your arms up. You don’t even have the mind to think that that was the complete opposite part of his sentence that should’ve pissed you off; too focused on arguing with Buck. The air surrounding you is palpable, and neither of you can take your eyes off of each other; completely oblivious to those around you.
“You tell me, sweetheart,” he says with a tilt of his head, stepping closer to you and running his tongue along the inner side of his teeth. 
“Maybe because you’re fucking infuriating?” you exclaim, uncrossing your arms and pointing a finger to his chest.
Your outburst only seems to egg him on more, and he chuckles lowly, leaning in closer to your face.
“Oh, I’m infuriating?” he asks, raising a brow.
“Yes,” you seethe, your eyes darting down to his lips for a split second as he licks them.
Without another word, he smashes his lips to yours, one hand moving to the side of your neck while the other pulls you in by your hip. His lips move sloppily, yet hungrily, and for a moment, all you can do is stand there with wide eyes.
After a moment, though, you melt into the kiss, lips meeting his with equal fervour as your hands move up to grip the fabric of his shirt that’s covering his chest. Your back arches into him as he tilts your head up into the kiss, effectively deepening the kiss and allowing him to feel your plush body pressing against him.
When he finally pulls away, it takes a second for your eyes to open and focus, and when they do, he’s pulling you to the bar bathroom vehemently, a hunger in his eyes so intense that your knees go weak.
You follow, looking down from his broad back to your fingers intertwined between you two, and for a split second, you feel a little bad for leaving Maddie at your table so you can sneak off with her brother. What you don’t notice, however, is that she’s watching you two from the table, a small smirk on her face as she sips on her drink. She’s been waiting for you two to give into each other since she intentionally introduced you months ago.
As soon as the door is closed and locked, Buck has you pinned against the wall, pressing sloppy, open-mouthed kisses to your neck and slotting a knee between your legs. 
“Buck-” you whimper as his leg comes up to meet your dripping cunt, pushing against you in a way that has you gripping his shirt tightly and pulling him closer.
You’re not even sure what the next words out of your mouth were going to be; you’re not sure if you want to push him away or rip his clothes off, but before you can think further, he cuts you off with a growled “just shut up, for once.”
You oblige without any hint of resistance, resting your head against the cool wall behind you as he moves further down your neck and towards the part of your chest that’s uncovered by your shirt.
Finally, he trails his hands down your plush middle and unbuttons your jeans before dipping one hand under the waistband of your jeans and panties and finding your clit with ease. You let out a loud, shuddered moan, pushing your hips forward to get as much friction as you can as his fingers move in rough circles. 
“God, sweetheart, can you ever hide what you’re feeling?” he teases, condescension laced in his tone as breathy moans tumble from your lips.
“Fuck me,” you whisper to yourself as he pushes two of his fingers past your glistening folds and curls them up to hit that spot inside of you. You let your eyelids flutter shut as you grab onto his biceps, trying to ground yourself as he moves his fingers quickly in and out of your greedy pussy.
“Is that a request, baby?” he says with a chuckle, pulling back from your neck to watch your face twist in pleasure with a smirk.
“What? N-” you begin to say, opening your eyes and looking up at him through hooded lids. your words are cut off by his lips on yours again, kissing you slower and more passionately; a harsh contrast from the way his fingers are working you, making the pit in your belly grow bigger with each passing second.
He continues to fuck you with his fingers, pace fast and rough as his thumb rubs your clit. He keeps his lips on yours, greedily swallowing each pretty moan and whimper that you let slip. He feels oddly possessive of you in this moment; he doesn’t want anyone else in the bar to be able to hear the sounds made for his ears only. 
He senses that you’re nearing the edge; your grip tightens on his biceps as your moans get breathier and more high pitched, and he lets out a quiet groan when he feels you clenching around his fingers. 
As you’re about to fall over the edge, he pulls away completely, holding your hips in place as they buck, eagerly chasing the pleasure. He breaks the kiss to watch the way your brows furrow, smirking as an unsatisfied groan leaves your lips.
“That’s payback for being such a bitch to me,” he purrs, then flips you around and pushes your chest against the wall, making you bend forward at the hips as you put your hands out to catch yourself.
He pulls your jeans and panties down to your knees, then unbuttons his own pants and pulls his leaking cock from his boxers, stroking himself a few times before rubbing the head of his cock through your dripping folds.
You let out a soft whimper, which turns into a louder moan as he pushes into you, not giving you a chance to adjust before he’s fully engulfed in your warmth. He pulls almost all the way out before snapping his hips forward again, hips meeting yours forcefully as he feels you stretch around him.
“You still hate me, huh, sweetheart?” he asks in a condescending tone, his thrusts hard and deep as he pulls your hips back to meet his. 
“Yes,” you manage to get out, your words and thoughts quite literally being fucked out of you as your body lurches forward from the force behind Buck’s actions. You feel like you can’t breathe properly as he splits you open, his cock brushing against the spot inside of you that has your head dropping in pure ecstasy.
“It doesn’t seem like it. Look how eager you are for my cock. How desperate you are to be filled,” he pants, trailing one hand up your side before wrapping a muscular arm around your soft middle and pulling your back up to meet his chest.
“Fuck you,” you hiss, your voice cracking as a strangled mewl cuts off your harsh words. 
He chuckles at the way the words die in your throat, then digs his teeth into the side of your throat, right where your shoulder meets your neck, biting down on the skin and eliciting a sharp cry from your lips as you try to hold yourself up on shaky legs.
He keeps up his rough thrusts as he pushes you against the wall, his chest still pressed to your back as his hands move down your arms and then bring your hands up to the wall above your head, the feeling of the cold wall against your palms causing a shiver to run down your spine.
“Feels so good to get the attitude fucked right out of you, doesn’t it, baby?” he drawls after a moment, letting his hands come back down to your hips, but not before bringing his right palm down to spank your ass harshly.
When you don’t respond right away, too focused on pushing your hips back against his in a desperate attempt to chase your quickly approaching high, he stops his thrusts, keeping himself buried to the hilt as his gravelly voice whispers in your ear; “if you want me to let you cum, you’re gonna answer me. Does it feel good to be fucked like this by me?” 
“Yes!” you practically scream, your head dropping as he continues with his thrusts and your ass and thighs meet his hard body with a loud slap. “Yes! I’m gonna-” you continue, your voice getting quiet and desperate as you clench around him.
“Let go, baby. Cum on my cock,” he demands, and in a few more thrusts, you’re cumming around him, coating his cock in your juices as he spills into you with a low moan. He keeps himself buried inside you as he empties himself, balls twitching as he paints your walls with his seed.
When he finally pulls out, he brings his fingers down to your pulsing cunt, pushing his cum back into you, and then brings his fingers up to his lips to taste your mixed releases on his tongue.
Before any more of his release drips from your poor, abused cunt, he pulls your panties and jeans back up, then flips you around to face him and buttons your jeans back up before doing up his own pants as you watch him in a daze.
“Now, you’re gonna sit like this for the rest of the night. Teach you to not talk to me like that.” All you can do is nod at his words, struggling to catch your breath as he firmly holds your face in his hand.
“Good girl,” he whispers with a wink, a smirk appearing on his face as he leans down and gives you a chaste kiss. 
He’s gone in an instant, leaving you with shaky legs and a racing heart as you stare off into space in front of you, blinking slowly. You’re not sure what happened has even happened, although you can tell that it has by the pool in your panties. 
You move slowly over to the sink, washing your hands and splashing some water in your face to snap you out of your haze before you finally exit the bathroom, being met once back at your table with Buck’s familiar smirk as he sees the state that he’s put you in.
You’ll be his soon. He just needs a little more time.
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part two
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wonkizz · 2 months ago
to be or not to be: brat
정원 x older!fmr genre: smut warns: usage of noona, cunnilingus, fellatio, pretty vanilla smut (not great), begging, unprotected sex, cumming inside, fingering wc: 2.3k
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Bratty pop stars weren't anything new to you. You’ve dealt with enough to know their type.
They party day and night to escape from the lives that they claim have plagued them.
You don’t fully understand because you’re not famous like them, but you understand the concept.
One minute you’re a regular person, the next you’re a star in the eyes of everyone.
You don’t blame them for acting out the way they do sometimes. You try to be understanding and listen to their frustrations, although you’re not a therapist and some of them definitely need that.
You’ve been assigned as a new manager for pop star Yang Jungwon.
He made his entrance to the entertainment industry 4 years ago and is just now having his “rebellious stage”.
Whatever, again, nothing new to you.
You’re meeting him for the first time today, anticipating the same as you always do.
Rude, closed off, not willing to talk.
So you can only be surprised as Yang Jungwon walks in, greeting you warmly.
“Hi, I’m Jungwon. It’s nice to meet you.”
You’re confused. Where’s the snide remarks? The cold exterior?
“It’s nice to meet you too, Jungwon.”
You both sit in the meeting about you being his new manager, but you’re barely paying attention.
You didn’t realize how attractive he is.
His features are strong but give off a unique softness.
His eyes are especially captivating.
They remind you of boba balls, funnily enough.
You’re soon tasked with driving Jungwon back to his apartment, as the meeting was his only schedule of the day.
The car ride is silent, until you break it with your curiosity.
“Not to be rude, but why aren’t you more…bratty?” You ask Jungwon who soon begins to giggle in his seat.
“The whole rebellious thing is just an act the company wanted to put me on to get attention.”
Oh, that would explain it.
“But you already have millions of fans, why the need for possible bad publicity?”
Jungwon shrugs, “I don’t know, to be honest. I just do what they tell me.”
“Well, you still probably struggle with this life sometimes, no?”
“I do! Like any other celebrity, I do. But I don’t see the point in acting out over it. It was my choice to become this and I have to own it.”
You smile, hoping he catches it, “That’s a very mature mindset to have, Jungwon.”
“Thank you, noona. Is it okay if I call you that?”
“Of course!” You nod, “I want you to be comfortable with me.”
“Can I be honest then?” Jungwon asks.
You nod, waiting.
“The reason you became my manager so suddenly is because.. I saw you at a party a few weeks ago and I thought you were pretty. I wanted to know who you were so I got my team involved.”
Your mind halts for a moment. He found you pretty?
Does he feel some type of way about you?
“I’m flattered, Jungwon. I haven’t heard that one before.”
“I’m sorry, you probably feel weirded out but I couldn’t help it.” Out of the corner of your eye, you swear he’s pouting, like he just got scolded.
“I’m not weirded out, Jungwon. Like I said, I’m flattered. I find you very handsome myself. When they said I’d be working with you, I got excited. Even though I thought you’d be a brat.”
That gets a chuckle out of him and you laugh along.
The conversation flows more easily after that.
When you reach the address that was put into your gps, you’re surprised to see your own complex come into view.
“You live here?” You ask incredulously, “There’s no way! I live here too.”
Jungwon looks just as amazed as you.
“That’s kinda convenient,” he says.
You park in the building's private garage before making your way to the elevator.
You’re both even more shocked when you reach for the same floor.
“Don’t tell me we’ve lived so close and never met?” Jungwon says.
“Maybe it’s fate,” you respond as he smiles at you.
When you reach Jungwon’s door, you point to your own door down the hall, “If you need me, you know where to find me.”
You wait until Jungwon is about to shut his door, when suddenly it opens again.
He looks almost shameful as he asks, “Do you wanna stay for dinner?”
You know you shouldn’t, he’s supposed to be your responsibility, but you can’t help yourself, “Sure.”
He lets you in, checking to make sure no one is present before closing the door.
His apartment is like the word cozy defined.
The furniture is minimal but not so little to feel empty.
It all matches with each other, quite fine taste if you say so yourself.
“I like it,” you praise, “it’s got a nice homey feel.”
You take your shoes off at the door as Jungwon offers you slippers.
“I actually don’t know what we’re having for dinner, I figured I would just take the chance and ask,” Jungwon says sheepishly, blushing.
You excuse him with a wave of your hand, “How about we just order out?”
“Sounds good,” he agrees.
You end up ordering Korean food, your favorites as well as Jungwon’s.
Once you’ve eaten and cleaned up, Jungwon suggests relaxing for a bit.
As you sit on his couch making quiet conversation, you think about the fact that you’ve never done this with other employers you’ve worked for.
Why is Jungwon the exception to that?
Is it because you’re attracted to him?
That’s so unprofessional, you know it is, but…is it that bad?
“What's going on in that pretty head of yours?”
Jungwon’s voice breaks your thoughts, snapping you out of your trance.
You don’t know what’s come over you, but you decide being bold is the way to go.
“I was thinking about you.”
He looks directly into your eyes, his own swarming with something you can’t pinpoint just yet.
“What about me?”
You laugh as you think about it, “I was expecting some angry, cold, closed off person. Yet I got warmth and kindness instead. It’s a nice change.”
“I was thinking about you too,” Jungwon says. “Thinking about how you’d sound, what you’d look like up close. How you’d greet me, what you’d think of me. Then I started thinking about other things once we met.”
“Like what?” You smile as you ask.
“Like what your voice would sound like when you’re moaning my name. Or what you’d feel like wrapped around me. I’m still thinking about it. I can’t stop and I know I shouldn’t but…”
As he trails off, the atmosphere instantly changes.
You would blush, if it weren’t for the fact that your mind was thinking the same things.
Slowly, you lift yourself onto your knees, making your way to where Jungwon sits.
His arms welcome you, wrapping around your waist as your lips slot against his.
Your hands make their way up, gripping the back of his neck as you sit right in his lap.
Lips moving ferociously, your tongues intersect.
You tug on the hair at the nape of his neck, making him groan.
His hands move down your waist, coming to grip your ass.
He kneads it, essentially grinding you back and forth over his lap.
You can feel his cock harden beneath his pants.
Pulling away, you stroke the sides of his face, smiling gently as he pants.
“You want me to make you feel good, Wonnie?”
“Please, noona. Need you so bad.”
You go down on your knees, rubbing Jungwon’s thighs as he waits in anticipation.
You unzip his jeans, pulling them down along with his underwear as he lifts his hips to help you.
His cock is too pretty for this world, at least in your eyes. The tip is shining with precum as you take the tip of your finger to rub it around, releasing even more.
Jungwon throws his head back, groaning pitifully.
You spit into your hand, lathering his cock with it, beginning to jerk him off.
“Please, noona, please.”
“What do you want?” You’re teasing him and he hates it, but he knows you won’t relent.
“Please suck my cock, noona. I’m begging.”
“Whatever my pretty boy wants.”
You take him in your mouth, slowly but surely.
Sucking the tip, you moan at the taste of his precum, becoming addicted to it almost immediately.
You begin to bob your head, taking him deeper until he hits the back of your throat.
He wants to grip your hair so badly, you can tell but he doesn’t want to hurt you. You take his hands, guiding them to your head as he gently grips your hair.
Jungwon uses his hands to gently guide you up and down on his cock.
“Fuck, noona. Feels so good.”
His moans and swears get louder as you continue. You swirl your tongue around his cock, focusing on the tip as his grip lightens, you use your hand to jerk what’s not in your mouth.
“I’m gonna cum, noona. Please let me cum,” Jungwon whines, bucking his hips, forcing you to take him deeper.
You slide him out of your mouth, continuing to jerk him off. “Cum in my mouth, Jungwon.”
Opening your mouth to present your tongue, Jungwon lets out a final huff, cumming in your mouth.
You swallow it eagerly and pump him through his orgasm.
His breathing is heavy as he calms down, but he’s not finished yet.
Jungwon pulls you up, pressing your lips together once more, tasting himself on your lips.
“Can we go to my room?” He asks.
You nod.
He takes your hand, leading you down the hall to his bedroom.
The door is open and unlike the living room, his bedroom is a bit more decorated. But not with furniture. He has figurines galore decorating his room.
You can’t help but find him even cuter than you did before.
Cute when he begs, and cute without even trying.
He lays you down on the bed gently, like you’re fragile and going to break.
“Can I please you, noona?”
“You can do whatever you want to me, Jungwon.”
He takes your words as a chance to discard your clothing as well as his own.
Your naked body is the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen.
He begins littering kisses across your neck and chest, taking a nipple into his mouth and sucking on it while playing with the other.
He swirled his tongue around it until it hardened, then nipped at it, making you moan in delight.
Your hands find his blonde hair, gripping it tightly between your fingers.
He gives attention to the other nipple, doing the same as before, then leading his kisses down your stomach to your cunt.
“You’re soaking wet, noona. All for me?”
It’s his turn to tease you, but you don’t give into it.
“All for you, Won. Are you gonna please me?”
“Yes, noona.”
With that, he dives into your cunt. He licks through your lips, collecting your arousal on his tongue before swallowing it enthusiastically.
He brings his attention to your clit, nipping and sucking at the bud, making you jerk and moan.
As he swirls his tongue around it, a finger makes its way to your hole, entering you hesitantly.
You sigh at the feeling. It’s been a while since you had time to please yourself.
But it feels so much better when it’s someone else.
As Jungwon fingers you and plays with your cunt, your own hands are busy playing with your breasts,
tweaking your nipples to gain even more pleasure.
He adds another finger to the first, fingering you at a moderate pace.
You can feel yourself about to cum, and you warn Jungwon with a tug on his hair.
He continues regardless, wanting nothing more than for you to come in his mouth like he did.
You whine as your body thrashes lightly, the pleasure almost becoming too much.
“I’m gonna cum, Jungwon, please!”
His fingers speed up as well as his tongue and you’re cumming before you can even say something.
Jungwon takes all your come with vigor, the slurping sounds making you blush.
As you come down from your high, Jungwon pulls away from your cunt.
“You ready?” He asks.
You nod, “Give it to me.”
He pumps his cock a few times before rubbing it against your cunt, collecting your arousal on it.
Just when you’re about to find yourself begging, he finally pushes inside you.
You both groan, you at the intrusion and him at the tightness.
“Fuck, you’re sucking me in, noona.”
He lets you adjust for a few moments, before slowly starting to thrust.
In and out, in and out. All you hear is the sound of skin slapping against skin as your sweaty body slides against his.
You pull him down by his hair, connecting your lips in a searing kiss.
“Faster, Wonnie,” you say against his lips.
Jungwon speeds up, fucking you vigorously.
Your moans are getting louder and higher by the second, filling the room along with his grunts.
“‘M gonna cum in this pussy, right noona?”
“Yes Jungwon, yes! Cum inside, I need it!”
His pace is almost animalistic at this point, fucking your so hard your cunt starts to ache.
You hold onto him tightly as both your orgasms wash over you.
Feeling his cum fill you up is exhilarating, and he feels the same as your own orgasm splashes against him.
As he rides you both through your highs, you begin to calm down. That was the best orgasm you’ve had in a long time.
Jungwon leans down to kiss you gently. “Was it okay?”
You hum, “More than okay. I needed that.”
Jungwon lays down beside you as you both breathe somewhat heavily.
“So… how are we gonna explain this to the team?”
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wonkizz 2025
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bomber-grl · 5 months ago
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Sal Fisher Fluff Alphabet!
Pairing(s): Sal Fisher x Gn!Reader
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Art Creds (going left to right) ~ @/pinetre3, @/mawny666, (couldn’t find, let me know if you do)
A - Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you)
It really depends on you tbh
Like if you’re an artist or musician-
If you have any talents or skills really, just something you’re passionate about
Then I definitely see that as something he’d adore about you
Especially if you’re constantly portraying such talents and draw him stuff, crochet him anything or give him some sort of trinket or gift relating to your skill
It’s either that or your constant willingness to help out with the paranormal
There aren’t many people who would and regardless if you do so with a face of bravery or cowardice, he’d still greatly appreciate it and admire you for it
A - Attention (how much attention do they want in the relationship?)
I’d assume about a good amount?? I mean you’re dating each other so it’s only natural 😭
You see eachother everyday too and most likely hang out in either of your apartment rooms/ houses
As much as I see him liking the attention I also think he’d like some solitude
Not that your attention doesn’t have him flustered and all giddy
Just something to consider I suppose
Plus he’d probably like to give you all the attention as you’re the center of his affections
B - Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
His favorite part of your body would most likely be your hands
Not for their appearance but because of how often you’d comfort him with them
In school and in class you’d show little affections by intertwining your hands together
When that wasn’t possible you’d link pinkies
At home you used your hand to cradle his face when he revealed it to you-
And you often gently played with his hair with your hands
Now, if you told him you liked a body part of his because of the same reason: the acts of affection done through them, then he’d feel happy you felt the same
But if you also added that you thought this specific body part was hot or attractive then he’d definitely get flustered and laugh awkwardly 😭
Don’t even get him to talk after or he’d probably stutter a bit
B - Boo! (do they scare people? How do they act when scaring you/people?)
Honestly Sal probably gave a few people jump scares when he first started attending school
Half because his prosthetic was unexpected and also because I feel like he just has that energy when standing there 🧍
It was totally unintended too 😭
Poor Sal
Overall I don’t really see Sal as a scaring person type
He’d probably join in if you or Larry did but wouldn’t do much but stand by
If it was a bad idea he’d either lightly discourage it or not say anything and watch it happen
If he did manage to scare you for some reason then he’d feel bad
Especially since it was most likely not on purpose and was only cuz you opened the door and weren’t expecting anyone to be on the other side
B - Beauty (what do they admire about their s/o? what do they think is beautiful about them?)
Anything really
As I mentioned before it really depends on you and your personality traits/passions
If you’re particularly kind or often defend others then that’s something Sal would admire about you
As well as if you were unapologetically yourself, especially when around someone like Travis
Now when it comes to how he views your beauty it’s difficult to explain
The only way I can is when you’re looking at your friend and can’t help admire how beautiful they are
Maybe that’s just me 😭😅)
But that’s how he’d see you, there isn’t any particular traits but maybe it’s how you look when your thinking or doing what you love
Maybe how you look when the wind blows through your hair, or even when it’s cold out and your nose is visibly cold
Just little things like that
C - Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
Sal doesn’t have much of a preference more often than not
I mean if you want to be big spoon and him little spoon he’s more than happy to cuddle that why and vice versa
Although I do imagine him liking to cuddle by mutual holding
He liked to be close to you and feels especially safe/warm when you’re really close to eachother this way
It’s nice to cuddle with him too, especially during winter although I do see Sal as one of those people that are cold so even if you’re one of them too-
You’re automatically his new heater
Whether you’re aware of it or not 😭
Sal would probably not be too fond of pda but I think it’s likely he’d huddle with you if it’s the colder months
D - Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
Honestly his ideal date would probably just be the two of you hanging out somewhere, anywhere really
Like you two could just be hanging out in his room, order pizza and get snacks and that would be an ideal date in his mind
As long as he gets to spend time with you, really
If you’d rather do something else like go out shopping, go to an actual restaurant and stuff then he’s more than fine to go along
E - Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
Sal is pretty open all around
He’s never been one to shy away from expressing how he feels or be overly self conscious about it
If something is bothering him or just stressing him out he’s likely to communicate that with you
Although he’s pretty open I’d imagine he might not let you know how he’s feeling all the time
Especially if you’re particularly stressed then he wouldn’t want to add onto that stress with something else to worry about: him
Honestly he’d probably realize pretty quickly by being snapped back to reality by you or another factor and realize he should just let you know how he feels
It’s just for the sake of good communication and not ruining your relationship
E - Equal (do they prefer to be more in control or laid-back in the relationship?)
It really depends on you, like many of the other prompts 😭
If you want to be more in control in the relationship then sals more than happy to let you be
Same if you’d want to be laid back
Honestly Sal would probably be more laid back regardless of how you are
As long as you’re both equals and communicate effectively the dynamic you two have isn’t really a concern
F - Future (What are their plans for the future? Do they see themselves getting married, having kids?)
Sal never really thought of marriage, kids or anything of the sort
School wise he only ever thought of graduating, never anything after
When you two start dating and getting closer he might think briefly of marriage but that’s as far as it goes
Anything that happens from then on is not because of his plans but the course of events that just happens to follow
If you two get married that’s something you both ended up deciding is best
F - Forgiving (If they had a fight with their partner(s), how would they apologize? Or would they be petty about it?)
Sal would probably need some space from the whole thing
He isn’t one to get upset or overly angry when arguing, at most it’s just a discussion without any heat
On his part at-least, it depends on you and how you handle it
Especially if you “try” to make him mad, it just makes him feel weirded out and want some space
If you’re upset about something he’ll just want you to communicate that with him
He’ll always listen, as long as you do too
So if he did something that hurt you he’d apologize, he wouldn’t be afraid too and he always will
But he’d appreciate that you do the same when you realize a mistake done on your part
G - Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
Sal is always gifting you little things
Maybe little trinkets he finds or even some cool looking acorns or rocks
Though in his opinion these aren’t even gifts, just something small he does on his part
Gradually his gifts get actual “gifty” in his opinion and he starts giving you things you talk about
Obviously taking note of your likes and interests
If you’re a big gift giver then Sal is one to be appreciative but it might also be uncomfortable for him to accept
Not for any particular reason, just the closer you get and casual it is to gift each other stuff, will he be more accepting
G - Gratitude (how grateful are they to have you? what do they think your relationship is worth in comparison to other things in their life?)
Sal is honestly so grateful and him telling you that he loved you even as friends wasn’t uncommon
He’d always let you know how much you meant to him and still does, though telling you he loved you at the beginning of your relationship obviously meant something more
So he’d fluster and hesitate to say it
Because you’re likely one of his oldest friends since he moved to the apartments in the first place, he’ll likely see you as a huge part of his life
You helped out in more ways than he could’ve asked but I think that comparing what you have to anything else in his life is offensive to him in the sense that the amount he loves things are not on the same level as another
Take what you will from this, maybe it’s his weird way of saying that he loves you
Who knows
G - Gentle (how gentle are they? physically and emotionally)
Sal is literally the gentlest person known to man
He is so kind and attentive that it’s crazy, this of course causes him to somewhat neglect himself and his feelings but that’s a discussion for after this one.
He’ll always be there for you to listen, just make sure to communicate that you’re not in the best mood if you don’t feel like going to a Sal therapy session
Plus, it’s not like it’s all that one sided
We all know how much Sal has through in his life, mixed with the cult, losing his mom, murdering half the apartment residents, and so on so forth in his adult life
Obviously the nightmares that happen depend on what part of his life and your relationship it takes place in, but my point is that you’re there for him just as much as he is there for you
Physically too, at first you would’ve believed him if he told you he was afraid of shattering you
Going purely based off that fact that he acted as though you were glass
Highschool Sal was just that flustered by it and adult Sal isn’t that much different- just faux nonchalant
H - Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
Highschool Sal is filled with immense nervous energy when you try to hold his hand
He isn’t opposed, don’t mistake it for him disliking it, if anything it’s the opposite
He’ll enjoy you trying to hold his hand at any time, even at school
Though depending on your identity and sexuality it might provoke some unseemly comments from the resident closeted gay Travis
Either way, the older you get the more Sal is happy to hold your hand
If you even want to swing your arm and along with that his, he’ll laugh and find it endearing
Might even play along too, you can always hold his hand
That much is obvious
H - Hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they do it, and what are they like?)
Sal loves hugs so much but ,again , the younger he is when you start dating the more stiff and unfamiliar he acts
Not that he always is, just that when these acts of affection are done in a romantic context only does he feel flustered
He will eventually be more comfortable, it inevitable. But, even if he’s more towards the awkward beginning stage of your relationship he’ll always hug you back.
Sal will always be open to hugs, he doesn’t really initiate it often because I don’t think that’s his love language
But he is always more than welcoming to affection that you want to give, so it’s more dependent on you
Whether you hug people often or not, that’s how often he will
Excluding you needing to be comforted and when you say goodbye, he always will hug you no exceptions
His hugs are like hugging a pole when you’re in front of others 😭
He’s not too fond of PDA because he’s hyper aware but when he’s not it’s honestly amazing
Especially since cuddling is mostly mutual holding and its just great
I - Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
Sal would be so worried if you were to somehow be harmed and this varies on the state of your injury
Like if it’s just a cut on your hand or something he’ll likely give you a bandaid and do something silly as “kiss it better”
If your injury was more extreme like say a broken bone or an even more grotesque injury- he like anyone, would be concerned (understatement)
He’ll immediately try and help you any way and if this warranted a hospital visit or something then he’d try to be there for you
Because him not being able to do anything for you is inevitable, he would have to stand by and just wait- feeling useless
(Even though doing nothing and letting the professionals is helping you)
I- I love you (how fast would they say ‘i love you’?)
Sal would probably either tell you he loved you immediately or wait for the longest time
Let me explain
During Highschool, Sal is just new to romance and likely as told you that he loved you when you were friends
So, because of a slip up and because of how much affection he held for you, he accidentally slipped up and told you he loved you
You two were probably just chilling in his room hanging out like usual and after that is just pure silence
He slowly looks at you and then what happens next is dependent on how you react
If you tell him you also loved him, with an romantic undertone he’d flush but not argue because believe it or not
He also loves you
Now the next is him waiting a long time, well I lied
There is no world where he’d take a long ass time because he either blurts it out when you’re about to kiss or something, Larry teases him about it and tells you for him (on accident) or something else ensues
Either way if he tried to hold it in he’d probably burst from it
J - Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
Yes yes and yes
Sal isn’t actively trying to pull pranks or harsh jokes
That’s just not how he is, but he will tease and shoot back a playful insult or two depending on you
If you’re the type to push people when you laugh or are just playful then he’ll always go along with it even if it isn’t how he is
Despite this, he occasionally has the mischievous urge to participate in a harmless prank here and there
Nothing more because that’s just not how he is, I really can’t say anything else
J - Jealousy (what makes them jealous? what are they like when they’re jealous?)
Honestly Sal is not really a jealous guy whatsoever
He’s secure in your relationship and is honestly pretty chill
As long as you tell him you’re only into him and only will be then that’s good enough for him
Honestly it’s sort of unnerving
I guess the only instance I can see it is when he’s new to the relationship, even then you guys were likely friends before so why wouldn’t he trust you?
K - Kisses (what are their kisses like? who kissed who first? where do they like to kiss you?how do they like to kiss you?)
Sal could either be the one to initiate your first kiss or not
Leaning to not just because of his hesitance to any affection done in a romantic context
Again, even then he’ll be more than happy to let you kiss him
He isn’t shy to let you know when or if he gets uncomfortable or if you’ve breached his boundaries
The first time you two kissed was likely back in high school
It was done after you two hung with a crowd of your friends and loved ones and finally got time to spend alone
Likely at a park or even in Sals room
You don’t know what possessed you to but maybe it was the already tension filled air that caused you to silently ask Sal before leaning in and kissing him
He’s honestly flushed from head to toe and just stares (?) at you afterwards because of how much he refuses to even test much less trust his voice
It was shocking to him since this was the few times he didn’t have his mask on (in room) and you probably only kissed his cheek with his mask still on
Sals kisses are usually on your cheek or forehead
It’s mostly because that’s a pretty tame and surface level of affection and most times it’s when you’re sleeping or resting on his lap
When you’re in public you hardly have any chance to actually kiss since he has his mask on, so as weird or silly it may seem he’ll let out a small laugh if you kiss him with it on
Mostly just goes with how you like to kiss too, otherwise small pecks on the lips and other places like your cheeks and forehead are for him.
L - Love (how do they show you they love you? What’s their love language?)
Sals love language is definitely somewhere between quality time, gift giving, and words of affirmation
Highschool was the only way you could actively be near each other and Sal loved having classes with you soley because he got to hang out with you
Even then, you guys often hang out outside of school (the whole paranormal cult thing) and by also just having been living in the apartments at the time
That continues even as adults
Also the reason why you ended up moving in with Sal because he wanted to desperately hang out with you but couldn’t because you were unable to due to jobs, higher education, etc
At least this way you’re able to see each other at the beginning and near the end of the day
Sals gifts and also somewhat can be considered acts of service has always been apparent
Even in high school where he’d love to give you little trinkets (as previously mentioned) and would also be more than happy to help you with things
Literally what is Sal doing if he’s not doing something for you to show you he loves you?
And words of affirmation? He’s always just complimenting you
If you’re into handy things like crocheting, art, any hobbies or skills that you have at all
- Sal is absolutely just complimenting you
Without a care too
It all just comes naturally to Sal so when you tell him how loved you feel by him, he doesn’t really get it but is happy regardless
M - Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Lazy and chatty
You’re likely just lazing around in his bed with him and once you both wake up you just talk about whatever
Obviously how it goes is dependent on what you have to do for the day (any jobs or responsibilities) but because of Sals nightmares you two often start your mornings earlier than others
Even lazing around gets somewhat tiring and you two are just some rats scurrying around the house before dawn that Larry and Neil end up bringing up
All just to tease
N - Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
None Sal has no bad traits-
self sacrificial when it comes to you
(Willing to elaborate)
O - Obvious (How obvious do they make it that they like you?)
Literally Sal would be blushing and stuttering around you when he likes you
Larry is always pushing Sal to talk to you and is always teasing him in a friendly and playful way
Not exactly in a covert way either
Ashley and Todd probably know too and so when you’re in class working in groups they’d probably also bring it up to you
Yknow- just in case Sals crush isn’t obvious enough
Make the first move please it’s slowly killing them and Sal
P - Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
Pet names would strike Sal down
The cringe /pos and romantic aspect of it all would be too much
If you want to call him a pet name he’d be fine with it but he’s secretly screaming inside
Even as you two mature in your relationship he’d still be flustered by it but not as much as he was by the beginning
P - Patience (how easily do they get angry?)
He doesn’t get mad whatsoever
The most is getting mildly annoyed or inconvenienced, only when directed towards you
If someone else brings a sensitive topic up or insults you then that’s another thing
Even then he’s eerily calm
Q - Quiet (How are the calm, quiet moments with them?)
The calm, quiet moments with Sal are relaxing
There is no pressure to say anything nor is there any need to
Your presence each other is enough and because of that prolonged silence, usually you two stay that way
He will make sure you’re alright occasionally, depending if you seem thirsty or uncomfortable- just asking if you need anything basically
Otherwise, the need to speak is nonexistent
R - Rhythm (what songs reminds you of them?)
Idk why, don’t ask
Something About You - Eydress & Dent May
Christmas Kids - ROAR
Sweet - Cigarettes after Sex
Pretty Boy - Tv Girl
R - Romance (How romantic are they? What are their go-to ways of being romantic?
Sal isn’t romantic, in his opinion
It’s just how he naturally is towards you, which makes it even better
He’s always willing to do chores for you and gift you stuff
Little ways of showing affection
When he’s trying to actually be romantic he’s pretty nervous about it and his usual way of existence is amplified by like a million
He tries to buy you gifts, set up a fancy dinner, honestly anything that you personally enjoy
He just wants to make sure you feel loved
As long as you do then there’s no need to worry
S - Secrets (how open are they with you?)
He’s really open in the sense that he tells you stuff that he’s ready to share
And doesn’t with the information he’s not ready to
Not that’s he’s purposely hiding things from you
So no, he doesn’t have any secrets, just things about him that takes time for him to open up to you about
S - safe (What makes them feel safe and comfortable around you?)
Just the fact that you’re you
You’re his best friend and significant other
Why wouldn’t he feel comfortable and safe with you? Honestly if anything you’re the one of the few people that he genuinely feels calm around
Just from your presence alone
When he wakes up gasping from a nightmare you’re always there
When he’s feeling a bit on edge when going outside to throw the trash- you’re always there
It’s only natural that he begins to associate safety with you when you’re just always there when he’s feeling not his best
S - Security (how protective are they? how would they protect their s/o?)
He’s pretty protective
Not because he doesn’t think you’re capable of protecting or handling yourself
That’s not the reason at all
You’re his significant other and obviously someone he cares deeply about so it’s only natural he’d worry about you
If you weren’t previously involved with the cult or paranormal then he’d attempt to protect you by separating you from it
We all know it’s in vain
T - Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
Depends on you
It really really does
You two likely got to know each other in highschool and we all know how Sal was back then (romance wise)
So even if his crush on you was painfully obvious, it ultimately depended on you
So it could either be you two getting each other immediately or taking awhile
Have your pick
Please get together asap, it’ll be slowing eating at everyone alive
T - Tend (How do they act when you’re hurt or sick, and vice versa?)
He’d be really attentive
Not the best if he’s still a teen since the only times he can see you is by going to your living space
As an adult he significantly improves and would bring you water, cook, and just be there for anything you need
A bonus is that he thinks your still cute even if you look like shit
When he’s sick he doesn’t expect you to focus a lot on him
I mean Larry probably would drop in and bring him stuff like medicine if you didn’t so it wouldn’t be that serious
But if you’re constantly on top of stuff like doing his chores and keeping track of his personal and like social (school, job) stuff then he feels really happy (for the lack of a better word)
T - Tease (how do they tease you?)
He does it unknowingly
It’d probably be an attempt at flirting but end up just with him teasing you
Not that it’s a bad thing or anything because even then he doesn’t do it with bad intentions
Or with any intentions at all
U - Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
He brings it up and asks you about it
If you prefer to be given space then he’d be happy to oblige
The same can be said for if you want to be held or bundled up together in his room
It really depends on you because he’s more than happy to respect your boundaries
U - Ugly (what are some bad habits of theirs?)
Can’t really think of any in particular, let me know if you can
V - Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
Sal is proud of many things but not in a flaunty way
He’s pretty humble about his own accomplishments and the most he’d “flaunt” something he did would be just showing off the fact that he beat Larry’s high score on a game or something
Even then it’s only because of the playful and unserious nature of the situation
When it comes to you he’s not really one to show you off either
He’d be proud of you and everything you do
Especially if you have hobbies and skills that you’re passionate about
He just thinks that because your skill is so obvious, it’s only natural that everyone immediately knows
No point in showing off it it’s a well known fact
V - Vanity (how concerned are they with their looks?)
Sal isn’t too concerned with his looks in the sense that looks are everything and he’s overly cautious of how he looks
He does like to look nice at least and achieves that on the minimum
Overall he doesn’t think about it much besides dressing how he wants to express himself
Otherwise I have nothing else to say
W - Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
Because of the cult and paranormal, fighting becomes essential at one point and no longer a choice
Even if he felt like you shouldn’t fight, it wouldn’t matter once your faced with the horrors you need to overcome
Plus, he trusts you enough and knows that you’re well aware of your capabilities
Sal would both fight for you and beside you
He’ll always be there to protect you and seeing as you’re willing to fight the cult, then you’re also always there to protect him
Even then he’d worry for you, and you him
Which he for some reason is shocked by
W - Wild card (random relationship headcanon!)
Not liking Gizmo is a huge deal breaker
And not liking his friends or willing to be around them to some extent is one too
X - X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
He’s able to read you eerily well
He’ll always be able to tell how you’re feeling and especially if you’re upset
Which helps him be his caring self and help you out
The same goes for him, he’s so obvious when he’s upset or feeling a negative emotion
It’s written all over his face and oddly silent self
He’s so oblivious to the fact that its obvious that he’s surprised that you notice 😭
X - XO (How do they show you affection? How much PDA are they willing to show?)
Sal shows you affection in the obvious ways
He hugs you, cuddles you, kisses you, etc etc
He isn’t one to shy away when giving you affection but he does get a bit flustered, that doesn’t deter him either way
When it comes to pda Sal isn’t exactly jumping at the opportunity to be making out 💀
He isn’t one of those people and most certainly doesn’t want to be that overly affectionate couple that’s outright gross
He will hug you and hold your hand but that’s really it
He feels a bit awkward otherwise 😭
When you guys were in highschool you’d hold pinkies rather than hands at most snd occasionally hug in public
Kissing was too much for Sal at the time
Y - Yearn (What do they do when they miss you?)
When Sal is missing you he spends a good amount of time looking at stuff you’ve given him (necklaces, drawings, etc)
If it’s easily accessible then he’d probably chill in your room for a good while before doing something else
Other than that it’s mostly in how he’s feeling
Especially if you’ve built a routine with him then he feels especially sad and misses you
Once you return from a trip or simple outing he’d let you know how he missed you
Z- Zzz (How do they act when they get sleepy? How is it sleeping in the same bed?)
When sals sleeping he can hold out on sleeping for awhile but then it’s lights out 💀
Don’t ask for anything more and he’ll just knock out if he’s especially tired
Most nights he’s not too tired when he decides to go to bed tho so the occurrence isn’t that often
When sleeping in the same bed as Sal he’s honestly a pretty good sleeper
Even in his sleep he’s considerate and you never have problems sharing blankets or space
The only time either of you would ever fall off would be if your own accords (in which Sal probably has)
I mean most times you’re cuddling so there’s no issues there, especially if it’s cold
The only problem is when it’s summer and it gets hot, otherwise sleeping with Sal is enjoyable.
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clemswinecorner · 5 months ago
Take a break [Harry Lewis/W2S]
Summary: When something's off with Harry, there's probably only one person that can make him feel better: his girlfriend.
Wordcount: 2.1k
Warnings: a bit of anxiety ish and mentioning of a potential burnout. Nothing extremely angsty :)
I'm back! Except not with a driver fic, sorry for these followers. I want to upload more UK YouTube fics so if you like this make sure to follow :))
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It was Tobi that shot Y/N a text that afternoon. She was sitting in a random café working, rounding off her things before going home, and Harry was somewhere around London recording. Hey Y/N, I think smth is up with Harry. Dunno if anything has been bothering him recently, js wanted to let u know. He acts fine on camera but if ure near, could you hop by? we just finished up the vid, he’ll be in the studio recording the podcast w me josh and Ethan. It didn’t take much convincing, and since she was nearly done, she was in the studio an hour later. One of the production members opened the door, “Hey, I didn’t know you would come by,” the girl smiles at her. “No, wasn’t in the plans, but just picking up Harry,” Y/N explains, walking into the building. When she walks into the studio, Harry is simply listening to a story Ethan is telling, staring into the distance with his mind visibly somewhere else. Tobi spots her before Harry does, greeting her with a subtle nod. She smiles at him as she sits down behind the lights and cameras, out of view. “I know this is a podcast, but I need to pee really bad, can we do a short break please?” Tobi suggests once Ethan is done with his story. He looks at the production members, as Ethan nods in agreement, “yeah, regroup in 10 minutes then. I’ll keep everything rolling, just so you know,” Tobi nods and stands up, walking out the Studio. He gives Y/N a quick smile when passing her, and she stays seated as the boys all relax. “I’m hungry, haven’t eaten much today,” Ethan stands up as Harry pulls out his phone. He nudges the Guernsey boy, “D’you want anything?” To which Harry shakes his head. Ethan frowns but moves away from the desk nonetheless, as Y/N stands up. “Oh, hey, didn’t know you were here!” Ethan says as he passes her. She smiles, hugging him back quickly. “Yeah, I was around, so I figured I’d come by,” she explains. At the sound of the new voice, Harry’s head slowly perks up. A tired smile forms on his face as they make eye contact, with her nodding her head to signal him over. He stands up and walks over to the pair, making Josh look over, giving the girl a quick wave, which she returns. “Hi,” she softly smiles as she lets him embrace her. “Hey, are you okay?” She nods. “Yeah, did you eat anything yet? I heard Ethan just now,” He softly shakes his head as they pull apart, “No, haven’t been too hungry,” he admits, and she sighs with a knowing look. “Don’t forget yourself, Harry. When you’re done, we’re getting some food, yeah. I’ll order it during the recording, and we’ll go pick it up, go home, and have a night us to, yeah. Maybe all of tomorrow, too?” She suggests, and he nods. “Thank you,” He quietly replies, wrapping his arm around her to press a kiss on her hair. 
As they get back to recording the last part of the podcast, Y/N sits back in her original spot. She now finds Harry looking over more often, and she sends him a smile every time. He seemed a bit more relaxed, a bit more involved in the conversations. He was laughing, that stupid half-assed laugh, that made him look too damn cute. She hated it, though— she hated how she could tell he just laughed because of the cameras. Even if he liked the joke, the smile didn’t reach his eyes the way it usually would. Soon enough the recording’s done, and Harry is given the green light to go, the rest of the crew all seeing the tiredness in his body language. As they stand at the car, Tobi has walked out after them to give them a quick goodbye. “See you later bro, take care, yeah?” He simply tells Harry as they clap hands, before the younger steps into the passenger seat. He gives Y/N a proper hug, “Thanks for coming, let me know how he’s doing, please?” She nods as they let go. “Yeah, thanks for texting. He looks pretty overwhelmed, and he didn’t eat much breakfast either, so…” Tobi sighs, as he looks towards the car. “We didn’t really have time to eat, I should’ve pushed to get lunch more,” Y/N shrugs. “Not much to do now. Again, thanks for looking out for him. I’ll see you soon, yeah?” He nods. “Yeah, thank you too. See you Friday,” he mentions, reminding her of the Sidemen’s anniversary party. “See you then, bye Tobi!” She says, stepping into the car. Harry looks up at her with a questioning look on his face, “What were you chatting about?” He asks, dropping his phone in his lap. She looks at him for a second, “Tobi texted me when you were done with the video if I could hop by. He said you acted fine on camera, but something was off, and I was nearly done with work anyway so I wanted to pick you up. He just asked me to let him know if you were okay,” She answers honestly, to which he nods slowly. “Hmm.” A short silence falls between them as she gets settled, looking over at him before turning the key. “Are you, okay?” She asks. He doesn’t reply immediately, fiddling with his phone. “I- I don’t really, uhh, I dunno. I’ve just… It’s weird, I, uh…” He doesn’t seem to find the words, so she puts her hand on his thigh. “That’s okay. You don’t have to talk, we can get home, have some food, maybe a cuddle, and then talk. Or cry, or scream, or say nothing. Whichever, yeah?” He nods as she squeezes his thigh before moving her hand back to the steering wheel. His hands automatically find her body as they pull out the car park, making her smile subconsciously. “Oh, and there’s something else Tobi mentioned, which I almost forgot. We are going to the Sidemen party, which you probably conveniently forgot is this Friday,” she changes the subject, making him groan in fake annoyance.
Y/N collects the food they ordered, and after a short ride with some soft background music, they’re carrying the bags of food inside. “If you want to change, you can do that now, we can watch a movie or some Brooklyn 99. Do you want a drink?” She asks, as he walks towards the bedroom. He nods, “Just a tea please,” he asks, before changing into his pyjamas. She makes them their drinks, making herself an iced tea, and puts them on the coffee table. Walking back to the kitchen to get the bags of food, she sees Harry taking out the plates and cutlery, and smiles at him. “Do you want to watch anything?” He looks at her and shrugs, “Just something quick. Did you watch the race?” He asks, and she nods. “I had it on, yeah, but was working during it. We can watch the race in 30?” She suggests as they sit down on the couch. He nods, leaning over the table to make himself a plate of food. “Yeah, sounds good,” he says, as she finds the compilation of the latest Formula One race. Harry sits closely next to her, thighs touching each other and occasionally leaning backwards, putting his head on her shoulder. 
He was tired, she could tell, and by the time they’d finished the food he was lying on her lap. She softly combs through his hair as the F1 outro played, and she sighs. “Are you alright?” She asks, and he’s quiet for a minute. “I don’t know,” he answered honestly. She motions for him to keep talking, and he sighs. “I’ve just, I’ve been feeling anxious all day and I don’t know why. Didn’t sleep as well either, but that’s not really anything new recently,” he mentions, and she nods. He had been having trouble sleeping recently, falling asleep late and waking up in the middle of the day, unless he had recordings in the morning. “Any reason why? Like, something big happening or a change in something?” He shrugs. “No, not that I can think of. I mean, we have the anniversary coming up and don’t really have anything planned and maybe people will expect something, but that’s not really my doing anyway. I also need to have a video worked out and a more sidemen thing ready by Saturday, but I’ll get that done,” he mentions, rolling his head so he’s looking at her. She looks down at him, looking into his eyes. “I think you should take a break, first, just tonight and tomorrow. No Sidemen business, no YouTube friends, just us. Wasn’t Rosie in Manchester? We could visit her,” she suggests, and he nods. “Yeah, that sounds good,” he softly says. They sit in silence for a bit, thinking about the conversation that just occurred. “If you still feel anxious or weird after that, that’s okay too. We can look into it, if you’ll let me help you, and see what makes you feel better, yeah?” She breaks the silence. He bites his lips as he hesitantly nods. “Hmm. I’m just worried it’s a lasting thing. I’ve got nothing to be stressed about really, people like Simon and JJ are doing way more than I am yet here I am,” he expresses his concerns. “Well, you’ve been doing this for over a decade, baby, and even when you quit uploading you started doing more things for the channel. That and recording not only for the Sidemen but also all of your friends’ channels, plus all the behind the scenes stuff you’re involved in, it’s not hard to be burnt out or overwhelmed,” He nods, fiddling with their hands. “It just feels so unfair to take a break, when I have lots of time off already. I have the one of the easier jobs on the Sidemen channel, you know,” She looks up for a second, thinking about his statement. “Hmm. For you, yeah, but I think Lucy wouldn’t want to switch with you. Just because it’s fun and comes naturally to you doesn’t mean it’s easy, and you don’t work hard,” She explains, to which he nods. “Hmm, I guess that’s true,” he agrees. She shuffles around a bit, and Harry raises his head so she can sit more comfortably. “And like, you have time off, but when do you actually? You’re always recording, or golfing, or on a date with me, which is nice, and you’re busy which is good, and it’s fun, but you know… You need to take care of yourself, have some time for you, as well.” He sighs as he sits up. “Whenever I’m with you is enough. But I do need more time without anything else, maybe,” he admits, grabbing his cup of tea from the table. She smiles at him, “I know you love them, but I know you as well, you’re an introvert. We spend all your other time together, too, which I obviously have zero problems with, but you need your alone time, too,” He looks at her over the rim of his glass. “Don’t be silly, I never need time away from you. Like, I consider nights like this alone time. I can recharge with you,” he sheepishly smiles at her, and she blushes. “I… Wait, that is actually so cute,” She leans against his chest, and he chuckles, wrapping his arms around her. “It’s true,” he simply says, and she giggles. She looks up at him to see him already looking down at her with the same smile still on his face. Despite dating for over two years, it still felt like the honeymoon stage, and the look in their eyes’ says enough. Harry smiles before he presses his lips against hers, and she smiles into the kiss.
Their cups of tea were long forgotten as they get even closer to each other, the kiss filled with love instead of the lust they sometimes were. They both smile into the kiss, just taking in each other's presence, until the sound of the Formula One intro promptly makes them pull away. “Jesus Christ,” Harry just says as Y/N leans into his chest, giggling at the scare. Harry looks for the remote, turning off the video that autoplayed. He looks at her with a loving smile, as she looks up again. “Right, where were we?”
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nelle-y · 16 days ago
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A love story told through voicelines (Alhaitham ver.) I
C/W: alhaitham x gn!reader, not that slow of a burn, characters find the other annoying, reader is a teacher at the akademiya (Vahumana), they have history (iykyk), one nsfw innuendo, not proofread
Note: my humiliating attempt at writing Alhaitham’s smart ahh attitude >A< anw, lmk how you guys want this story to go! (comments and reblogs are encouraged and appreciated)
Part 2
(You) About Alhaitham
Scribe Alhaitham? He’s… intelligent. That’s all I have to say.
(Alhaitham) About you
(You) About Alhaitham: History I
He and I partnered up in a thesis which, thankfully, got approved by our professors. Working with him was challenging, to be honest. Every idea I had, he’d shut it down with some counter argument—“they’d never approve of that,” or “it has too many defects.” A conversation with him may as well be a debate! Frustrating and infuriating.
(Alhaitham) About you: History I
They are competent, I’ll admit that much. But their ideas? Flawed. Reckless. It’s as if they refuse to consider consequences before leaping into action. Every discussion turned into an exhausting debate—because, naturally, I had to be the one to explain why their half-formed theories wouldn’t hold up to scrutiny.
Really, for someone who specializes in history, you’d think they’d have learned from past mistakes. And yet, they persist.
(You) About Alhaitham: History II
Talking about this in my place of work is not really appropriate. … Fine! Yes, we were in… amorous congress. But it happened a long time ago—when we were still students. Just once. A drunken mistake, that’s all it was!
… Keep this between us, though. I love my job.
(Alhaitham) About you: History II
I’d rather this particular detail remain in the past where it belongs. It was years ago, an irrelevant event. I fail to see why anyone would find it worth discussing now.
Though, knowing them, they’d likely frame it as some dramatic mistake rather than what it was—an ill-advised but ultimately inconsequential decision. Either way, I don’t intend to entertain the conversation.
… You think I should drop by? Hm, I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to evaluate their current methodology.
(You) About Alhaitham: Work
It’s inevitable that we cross paths—he’s the Akademiya’s Scribe, after all. I can handle brief interactions, but when he lingers, it’s… bothersome. Always with that unreadable expression, listening too intently to everything I say. I know he’s just waiting to poke holes in my arguments. Ugh. Some things never change.
(Alhaitham) About you: Work
They have an irritating tendency to be vague, as if I won’t immediately notice the gaps in their reasoning. Do they think that being imprecise will make me less inclined to argue? If anything, it has the opposite effect.
I don’t intend to debate them at every opportunity, but when they make it so easy, I see no reason to hold back.
(You) About Alhaitham: Annoyance
Do you know how aggravating it is to give a lecture, only to see him sitting there in the back, arms crossed, silently judging every word that comes out of my mouth? He doesn’t even work in my Darshan! What is he doing there?! “It was on my way,” he says. “I had time to spare,” he says. Liar.
Having the Scribe in my classroom is distracting—both for me and my students. I’d appreciate it if he found a different way to pass the time. Preferably far away from my lectures.
(Alhaitham) About you: Observation
I fail to understand how they manage to get results. Their lectures lack structure, their methods are inconsistent, and yet… their students actually retain information. It goes against all logic.
Still, I suppose there’s something to be said about efficacy, no matter how unorthodox. Not that I’ll be admitting that to them. They’re insufferable enough as it is.
(You) About Alhaitham: A Final Thought
I swear, he only comes to my lectures to irritate me. He just sits there, arms crossed, waiting for me to say something he can nitpick. It’s distracting. The other day, I caught myself scanning the room to see if he was there before I even started teaching. Ridiculous.
…No, that doesn’t mean anything! It’s just easier to prepare for battle when you know the enemy is near!
(Alhaitham) About you: A Final Thought
They’ve developed an odd habit of pausing mid-lecture, glancing toward the back of the room—toward me. If I were to be charitable, I’d say they’re checking whether I have any objections.
But that would imply they value my opinion. Which, of course, is absurd.
(Your student) About you and the Scribe
… So, uh. Are those two dating or something?
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artsninspo · 7 months ago
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➨ rio's library - good girl nbc
「 ✦ full library & archive ✦ 」
Authors Note: Inspired by this ask, i've come to deliver 'sweet' Rio. Let me know how I did lol.
Summary: This ones fluffy 🐻 🐻 🐻, when boyfriend Rio hears you celebrating your friend getting spoiled by her man he has questions and answers.
Pairing: Rio (Good Girls) X Reader
Word-Count: 1.2K
Sitting in your backyard you laugh sitting forward as you take a break from your book. You slide back on the recliner to get a better look.
“Eeeeeeeee” you squeak, looking at the haul in front of your best friend.
“I know right!” She smiles wide eyed.
“I can’t believe it! You need to come over and see” she laughs hand to head in disbelief as you talk on FaceTime.
“Trust me, I’m coming” you nod sipping your morning green juice. 
“Okay, yes! Come over, I'll order pastries and we can play dress up.” She proposes.
“Okay!” You smile hanging up to head back inside. You head to your bedroom to find something to wear and then into the bathroom to get ready. You’re nearly finished when Rio appears in the doorway.
“Morning, you’re up early” he says, kissing your temple and pulling you into a hug.
“Morning baby, I’m headed over to my bestie's place.” You smile.
“What do you two have going on?” He asks as you finish your hair, always curious, always protective.
“She’s seeing this guy who … oh my gosh! Babe you should see it. He bought her like three designer bags, and cleared out her shopping carts for Amazon and another site.” You smile but Rio doesn’t. He doesn’t like the excitement you carry while talking about another man.
“Sure it’s all real?” Rio says and you roll your eyes.
“Don’t be a hater” you mumble, casting a disappointed look over your shoulder.
“When are you coming back home?” Rio asks, looking you over.
“We just need an hour or two,” you shrug.
“Are all the girls gonna go?” he asks.
“Don’t know but I’d assume her sisters are coming too.” You explain. Nodding Rio takes your chin giving you a kiss to love on you. He never lets you leave his sight without giving you affection, it's something about him that you love. When he pulls away your eyes open to find him taking your expression in before he steals a few more quick kisses, holding you against him.
“Come back around 4” he says into your hair.
“Okay” you nod. “Need anything while I’m out!”
“I’m good, have fun with your friends.” Rio says, letting you go.
Rio’s always admired how you speak about the people you love. You never hate, you’re such a good person you don’t take your friends’ excitement and milestones as bragging or showing off and you’re not a jealous person. Yet, you never brag about yourself.
“I will” you smile but he doesn’t leave. “What?”
“Nothing, I just didn’t know you like designer” he shrugs looking you over with folded arms.
“It’s pretty, I can appreciate it” you shrug.
“How come you don’t have any bags?” He asks.
“Can’t justify the expense. I don’t dress up or go out enough” you tell him honestly. You’re the inside friend. The green juice over tequila friend. The Pilates and picnics over clubs and vip sections. You aren’t above the latter but it just isn’t you.
“Makes sense,” he nods. “Want me to drop you off?” He asks.
“Bet, I’ll be in the car” he mutters, patting your butt as he leaves you to it. You’re out in five minutes. Rio gets your door, always the gentleman. The drive is short and you give him a quick kiss before you’re off.
You walk out to Rio’s car giddy. Girls' time is much needed. Nothing is better than hearing about when your friend’s man has done well. You prefer it infinitely to the contrary.
“Hey” you smile leaning over the console to give him a kiss.
“Have fun?” he asks.
“Yep, she’s happy and I love that for her.” You tell him. Rio nods not giving a fuck about your friends one way or another.
“I gotta pick up a few things before we head back to the house,” he says.
“Ok” you nod powering up your kindle for the ride. Rio smiles watching as you read.
“Are you reading some shit we can get into later?” He teases. You blush and he laughs.
“Maybe I don’t know yet?” You respond. He gets a call from his cousin Nick and you tune it out noting the hostility in his tone. You figure the pick-ups are for Nick but when the car stops at the high end shopping plaza in your city you’re confused. You follow him into Hermes. 
“Called ahead, booked the private room with my girl. Gave the sales associate her sizes,” he says as you look down at your yoga outfit, glancing at your casual hairstyle in the mirror horrified.
“Baby” you quip just above a whisper.
“You look beautiful,” Rio responds, kissing your temple.
“Right this way” the associate smiles, taking you into a room. You see sandals, bags and a picnic basket on the table. Along with comfortable seating, mirrors and champagne. “I’ll leave you to it,” she smiles.
“Rio” you sigh, heart racing.
“Don’t start mama. If I want to do something nice for my girl, I can.” He says with defiance seated.
“But baby, I can’t return the favour” you pout looking at all the luxury items around you. Rio pulls you in wrapping his arms around your waist as he looks at you from the elevated seating. 
“You keep my head clear, you don't stress me out, you take care of me and don't ask for shit. It’s priceless” he explains. You smile feeling appreciated and he smirks. “Go one have fun!” he nudges.
“I love you Christopher” you giggle holding his hands.
“Love you too” he responds. You look at a few of the sandals wincing at the price. You look at the picnic basket and see it’s like $20k.
Gasping you look at him. “Rio this stuff is seriously too expensive.”
“Money isn’t a problem,” he reminds, picking up a sandal. You sit overwhelmed.
“Rio people have real life problems and I’m walking around with a bag that’s worth a car?” you question the ethics and implications of these kinds of wealthy displays.
“Well look at that Cinderella” he teases. It’s a perfect fit. You smile admiring the design elements. It’s your style and the colour compliments your skin tone. “The purses can fit everything, shoes you can wear anywhere, and there’s no monogram.” He explains and you pause relenting when you see he won’t drop it. You accept his generosity allowing yourself to accept the grandiose gifts. Your heart races as you turn back to the bags. You pick up a bag in your favourite colour and one in black. He buys you a couple of sandals and you leave the overpriced picnic basket knowing it’s highly likely to be stained or damaged. The total of everything makes your heart race but Rio doesn’t flinch paying with a smile. An associate boxes everything up and places them into the trunk of Rio’s car for you.
“Thank you” you smile giving him a kiss.
“You clap for everyone around you, sit back and let me take care of you alright?” He asks, holding your gaze calmly. It makes you a little misty eyed. Rio chuckles, giving you a peck.
“Big baby,” he says, pulling out and heading home. Rio helps you arrange your closet with your new things and you show him some appreciation in the shower. You're all ready for bed when you get a facetime call from your bestie. Rio sees it first.
“Make me sound good, yeah?” he teases, stepping out and you laugh answering with a smile before bragging on your man.
Authors Note: You know the drill, don't forget to like comment and reblog. Let me know how I did in the replies. I have so much fun writing for Rio's smartass.
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