#but I wrote it for myself back in the day when there was no Kiba stuff on the internet!
poppy-thatcher · 2 years
Too Scared (Kiba Inuzuka) - Part 1
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A/N: I wrote this back in 2019. @tired-biscuit has convinced me to resurrect it. I had to rewrite it because my writing style has (oddly enough) gotten better. If you think you don't like your writing... just keep going. Cause I'm not the best, but I definitely write a lot better than I did in 2019! 🤭
You'd give anything for your aloof best friend to notice you as more than one of the guys. You've been pining for him since you were little. Having him in your life as a best friend was better than nothing at all, so you kept those feelings bottled up tight. But... what happens when he finally attracts someone of the opposite sex? Can you still call him your best friend when you hardly see him?
Warnings: None whatsoever! Sakura being the best, Kiba being dumb, and Lee being too sweet.
I lay in bed, quickly scrolling through his Instagram feed, rolling my eyes so strongly that I was even annoying myself. 
“What does that big dummy even see in her?!?” I asked myself quietly, scrunching my nose at Kiba’s new girlfriend filling up his feed as of late.
Sakura pinched my plush thigh, making me squeak a small wounded cry at the unexpected action.
“Leave him alone,” she chuckled, “they’re cute together and she’s really nice. Besides, you can’t blame anyone but yourself. Since you never made any sort of move on him.”
“He’s my best friend, Sakura. Or have you forgotten that fact?” I sighed heavily, rubbing the back of my neck, my eyes not meeting hers since I was feeling crappy about being stupidly in love with my best friend and being too utterly chicken to ever tell him. “Besides, he never seemed interested in me anyhow. Why ruin what we have?”
“And what, may I ask, do you two actually have as of recently?” she asked, quirking her brow.
My face contorted in annoyance at Sakura and her smart attitude. I pushed her off the bed, a loud thump following her, as she lightly chuckled from the floor. 
I looked over the edge of the bed to assess the damage. 
My eyes met her jade gaze in shock, realizing she wasn’t angry at my harsh action. She pushed herself onto her elbow and sighed, looking at me.
“You two just don’t seem to be hanging out as much. I know you don’t want to see him with her. But I swear she’s not that bad. I know it’ll hurt for a little bit. But are you willing to throw your friendship away, something you’ve basically had since birth, because of one girl?” Sakura reasoned.
“I just…” and I looked at her, my hands nervously wringing together, “I’m not ready.”
“Well, when you are… I can be there for moral support.” she smiled my way outstretching her hand for me to help her up.
I smirked at her, wrapping my hand in hers. She, all too quickly, pulled me down onto the floor causing me to land with a hard thud next to her.
“You deserved that!” she laughed at me as I lay there groaning in agony.
“Fair,” I chuckled through the pain, spinning to stare at the ceiling. 
“I gotta head out. I’ll see you tomorrow, sweet cheeks.” she smiled, kissing my cheek and standing to leave my room.
“Thanks, Sakura, for being a really great friend,” I spoke into the room my eyes not daring to meet hers.
“Sure (Y/N), you got my back, I got yours. Love you, bug. Now go out and get some damn fresh air!”
“Yes, mother! Love you more!” and she closed the door behind herself, leaving me alone with my thoughts.
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I came to the town square to shop from our local vendors and try and get out of my head. Retail therapy always did wonders for my mood. So long as I didn’t look at my wallet.
I heard a really loud, nasally laugh and looked up, catching them both in my sight.
Of course, they’d be here. 
My heart beat erratically in my chest, not wanting to deal with either of them in any capacity. I quickly turned to put the cute hairbow I had found back on the table when I bumped into someone at full force. My eyes lifted and met the jet-black eyes of Rock Lee.
“Careful there, (Y/N). You could have gotten hurt.” Lee mock chastised, using his million-watt smile to ensure that I knew he wasn’t being mean.
His hands were gently holding my elbows in his grasp, keeping me planted firmly in my place at a safe distance apart. Blush still dusted our cheeks at the contact we shared.
A slimy, cold feeling pressed against the back of my bare calf, making me squeal and push further into Lee’s personal space. I quickly spun to find out what the foreign object was. With my heart now hammering in my chest, perched tightly in Lee’s sturdy arms, I was able to face Akamaru.
I let out the biggest sigh, resting my forehead on the side of Lee’s neck, noticing how severely warm he was. I pulled away from his grasp, my eyes going wide when I took in just how incredibly red he was. I blushed and pushed gently out of his arms, muttering a quiet ‘sorry’ and turning my attention to the furry companion that gave me a fright. My mood shifted knowing that his master would be coming to collect him any minute now. Escaping was definitely futile.
“There you are, Akamaru!” I heard behind Rock Lee and myself.
I muttered a quick ‘fuck’ under my breath and turned, bumping shoulders with Lee, coming face to face with Kiba and his new girlfriend, Asami. She was wrapped tightly to his side. Suddenly the cool autumn air felt overly warm and suffocating. I planted a fake smile on my face, fidgeting with my hands. 
Lee quickly noticed how uneasy I became, pulling my hands to rest in the crook of his elbow. His eyes found mine and he offered a small smile my way, doing his best to calm me down and handle the situation.
“Hey guys,” Kiba said, showing off his sharp canines in his wide smile, “I was worried that Akamaru was pestering someone. But I see he just came to visit our favorite girl.”
My heart picked up its pace at the mention of being his favorite while his girlfriend was melded so closely to his side. Asami cleared her throat and Kiba nervously laughed, rubbing the back of his neck, but didn’t do anything to correct what he previously said.
“Good afternoon Kiba, Asami. How are you two doing today?” Lee asked, his overly bubbly tone doing good to change the subject and cut the awkward tension that was brought on so quickly.
Akamaru moved to sit between us, facing the group, his head cocking back and forth between us as we maneuvered this weird conversation.
“We’re doing great! It’s a beautiful day and Kiba brought me shopping. Look at this cute hairbow he got me!” she explained excitedly, pulling the item from her bag.
I saw that it was one similar to what Kiba had gotten me in our youth together. My heart sank a little as I tried to remind myself to throw the stupid hairbow away when I got home.
“That’s really pretty. Though,” and Lee turned my way, “(Y/N), don’t you have something similar.”
“I did,” I said, peering into Kiba’s amber eyes for a second, to show him just how hurt I was at the action.
He seemed worried at my comment but didn’t get to press on the matter as Asami kept powering through to keep the attention on her.
“Well, Kiba and I are heading out. You two enjoy the rest of your date!” Asami quickly quipped, quickly pulling Kiba away, his furrowing brows engrained into my brain as he looked us both over without being able to question if that’s what we were doing out together.
Akamaru sat still, planted in his same spot, as he gave me obvious puppy dog eyes. I laughed, kneeling down to hug him tightly while ruffling his fluffy head.
“Better head out with them before you get in trouble.” I lightly chuckled at him as he licked the whole side of my face and did as I told him to. “Be good!” I shouted his way as he ran to catch up to the two.
“I’ll try!” Kiba shouted back, making me roll my eyes and laugh.
I turned to Lee and smiled at him.
“Thank you for staying with me during that.” I exhaled, feeling my heart sink into the pit of my stomach for inadvertently involving Lee in my mess of a love life. Or lack thereof.
“How long have you been in love with Kiba?” Lee asked, turning to pick up the previous hairbow I had been admiring, signaling to the clerk that he wanted to purchase it. 
“Since I was five. I didn’t know it at the time though. It took me many years to understand my feelings,” I sighed, watching Lee intently, wondering what he was doing, as he handed over his money and spun to face me, outstretching his hand with the forest green bow.
I quirked my eyebrow at him and attempted to push the bow back his way. He smiled at me and pushed the bow back in my direction.
“It’s a gift. To replace that bow you’re going to go home and throw into the trash,” before I could grab it from him, he gently clipped it to the base of my updo. “There, it even matches your shirt.” 
I blushed and dropped my gaze to the floor. I wasn’t sure what Lee was up to, but I knew there was no way that I could return any sort of feelings for anyone. I was hopelessly, stupidly in love with my very taken best friend.
Before I could think too much on the matter, Lee looped his elbow with mine and pulled me towards Ichiraku Ramen, rambling about how he was supposed to meet Naruto for lunch and how I was now required to join him, his treat.
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This has a part 2. Very ambitiously of me, I wrote two different "endings". One with Kiba... and one with Lee. 🤭 Lee is just too sweet to not have an ending.
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cleolinda · 2 months
Weekend links, May 5, 2024
My posts
It seems like it couldn’t possibly be true, but Lauren Bacall seems to be the first “Lauren,” and you can see in the U.S. baby name graphs when she hits the screen. I’m leaving open the possibility that someone female, somewhere, was named Lauren before 1944, but as a Lauren, I haven’t seen evidence of it yet. 
Reblogs of interest
Late-breaking news: Bernard Hill (best known as Théoden in Lord of the Rings) has passed at age 79. 
The Hot Vintage Lady Polls: Reminder that I’m not affiliated with the Hot Vintage Brackets (or any brackets); I just like vintage ladies and get easily obsessed with things. Greta Garbo and Rita Hayworth are in danger this time (I am letting the chips fall where they may with Ava). I would say I don’t understand people, but I’m sure Audrey people don’t understand me, either. That said, the Flaming Chaos Elmo inside me wants to see the Hepburns matched against each other. 
@hotvintagepoll is also running polls to cast an imaginary vintage Dracula movie, as a treat.
Speaking of: Season’s Greason’s, Dracula Daily fans! Good Friend Jonathan’s time loop begins again. 
May the Fourth be with you (And also with you)!
New music from Garbage! “Better Not Lie to Me,” “Revenge and Hurt,” a cover of “Song to the Siren,” and a new mix of “Bad Boyfriend” with Dave Grohl on drums this time. 
New music from Dua Lipa! I’ve liked all the singles a lot so far, and ”Whatcha Doing” is the album song I like the most as of this writing. Good luck to Dua this week cracking the Billboard Taylor 100!
Hozier Watch 2024: At first I was just poking fun at myself for having links here two weeks in a row, and now it’s just a thing? I see this “All art has political dimensions” gifset go by at least once a week, but I’m reblogging it this time for the user discussion.
(“I wrote a song called the Monster Mash, so you should play that. That’s one of mine.”)
“Here are some more articles about the increasing number of First Nations who have been able to reintroduce bison to their lands.”
How to spot fake news (namely: slow the fuck down)
The illustrious career of clip-art wolf Lumpy Kiba
Call an ambulance… but not for Alfred Pennyworth
No one was doing it like costume designer Eiko Ishioka
Crab Cake (Scott Fraser, 2019) 
Unhinged lifestyle editorials, a triptych
Honestly this dual mating dance was my favorite video this week
The Donna Summer song that Brian Eno called “the sound of the future”; I added a video of her performing it 22 years later, and he wasn’t wrong
This seems fine: An... upside-down... deer guitar that...?
Watch for the exact moment this dad realizes why his child thinks mothers in labor foam at the mouth
Come for Werner Herzog’s fear of chickens; stay for a quote that will blow you straight back to Journalfen 2004
This video of birds eating seeds and drinking orange juice is also self care
Eventually someone will stop Chocolate Guy, but today is not that day
The sacred texts
Hope is a weapon. Hope is a skill
Personal tag of the week
Cats, including this cat full of love, designed by poll, and the two types of kittens.
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excitedlysuffering · 4 years
How He Hurts Your Feelings
Here’s some angst for ya :p wait is this even angsty?? Idk it’s the angstiest thing I’ve ever wrote XD
Masterlist Part 2
You sighed as you neared your second home, a ramen shop. You loved ramen, of course, but it was tiring having to cater to your boyfriend’s uncanny obsession with it. For once you wanted to have a choice. He never listened to your ideas anymore, recently he had made your relationship all about him, and it was beginning to eat at you.
You didn’t even necessarily want to eat. You just wanted to spend time with Naruto without having to eat ramen. Was that too much to ask?
“Naruto, we always go to Ichiraku’s for dates… maybe we could do something different?” The blonde turned to you with a pout. “Why? I thought you loved ramen?” You sighed, shaking your head.
“I do, but it’s all we seem to do these days.” His frown deepened. “But, I’m hungry!” You nodded, trying to control your patience. “Me too, but maybe we can go somewhere else to eat? I heard there’s a new BBQ place opening!” He was full-on scowling and his arms were crossed.
“Why are you being so disagreeable? You wanted to go out and here we are.” Your face fell at his hostile demeanor, but you refused to back down.
“I’m not being disagreeable, Naruto. You always pick out our dates without considering my opinion, I’m simply asking if we can do something different.” He rolled his eyes, his cerulean eyes burning with irritation.
“Fine, whatever. Go to your BBQ place. I’m going to get ramen.” Without another glance, he turned around and ducked into Ichiraku’s, leaving you alone on the street. Tears filled your eyes and blurred your vision as you ran back home, suddenly having lost your appetite.
The Uchiha rarely got sick, but when he did he was more irritable than usual. You knew that when he did it was best to take his words with a grain of salt, as he was just trying to seem tough to make up for his perceived weakness at being sick. However, there was only so much you could take and you were slowly reaching your limit.
With every snide remark, you felt yourself grow a bit more upset. As it was Sasuke had tried to slam the door in your face when you had arrived, given you the silent treatment, complained about every little thing about the soup you made, he even griped about the tomatoes you’d brought him.
However, what was really pushing you over the edge was his ungratefulness. When you were sick, you let him take care of you, why couldn’t you return the favor?! You had been nothing but patient and gracious, and still, he had a problem with everything you did.
“For crying out loud, woman, I don’t want the medicine!” He snapped. At that moment, you snapped too. You threw down the spoon of medicine and a loud clang resounded. “FINE! I’ve done nothing but help you, same as you’ve done for me, but all you’ve done is treat me like some kind of pest! I get that no one is themselves when they’re sick, but I am not you’re personal punching bag, Sasuke!”
He seemed taken aback by your outburst, even to the point of silence. “You’ve made it clear I’m not needed here.” His eyes narrowed as you grabbed your bag. “Because you’re not.” You froze, trying to school your expression. “What?” He scoffed. “I said you’re not needed.”
Refusing to tolerate any more of his verbal abuse, you walked out his door without a word, not caring if he saw your tears.
If you were being truthful with yourself, you knew you had been a bit neglectful of Neji lately. In the last two weeks, you had last minute canceled three consecutive dates. In your defense, you were so close to finishing the novel you were working on, and you had completely immersed yourself in it, excited for it to be so close to completion.
You had pushed him to the back of your mind and wrote day and night. You were just pages away from completion when you heard an obnoxious knocking at your door.
You were surprised to see your boyfriend, who looked furious, to say the least. “Oh, hey, Neji, what’s up?” You stepped back letting him in. His lilac eyes met yours and it felt like staring into a typhoon.
“It’s been three weeks since we’ve gone out, and all you can say is ‘what’s up’?” His voice was deadly quiet and you sheepishly avoided his eyes. “I’m sorry, I know I’ve been distant, but I’m so close to finishing my novel, and I just-”
He was in your face before you could blink. “Your novel?! You’ve been avoiding me for that stupid thing?!” Even though his words stung, you knew he had every right to be mad; you hadn’t been very considerate lately.
“I’ve been working on it for so long and I just wanted to finish it, I didn’t mean to hurt you.” You insisted. He sneered. “I can’t believe you’re spending so much time on a pipe dream. I’ve read it, and it will amount to nothing.” You had no idea how to respond, you could feel tears forming. “Get out.” Your voice was quiet but firm. “What?” You looked him directly in the eyes. “Now. I won’t repeat myself.” He stormed away with a scoff, leaving you with new insecurities.
Much to your delight, Shikamaru had agreed to go walking in the park with you. He had been away on a mission for a month and had gotten back a few days ago. You had missed him greatly and you were ecstatic to finally have him back.
“What did you do while I was away?” You looked up at the Nara as you walked. “A lot of training, really… not much else besides that. I missed you a lot.” He threw an arm around your shoulder, a small smile on his face. “I missed you too, (Y/N/N). I’m glad to be back.”
You passed a few kids who were playing a game of tag and weaving in and around the area, laughing all the way. You smiled at the sight, leaning your head onto Shikamaru’s shoulder.
“Shika?” He looked down at you letting you know he was listening. “How come you didn’t want to go cloud watching? Not that I’m complaining, it’s just unusual.”
He chuckled, steering you around the rambunctious children as they ran by. “I’ve been gone for a while, I figure it’d be nice to walk around a little bit. Don’t get used to it though, this is special.” You giggled, not surprised in the least.
“At least some things don’t change.” He raised an eyebrow. “Oh? What things?” You smirked. “You’re still as lazy as can be!” He dramatically rolled his eyes before letting a smug expression settle on his face.
“And you’re still abnormally short!” Shikamaru snickered. You rolled your eyes, punching him in the shoulder. You were about to reply when there was a plume of smoke. Shikamaru was no longer in sight.
You felt your mind blank for a second. A shadow clone. Your own boyfriend had rather send a clone than actually see you after a month of being apart. You felt an ache in your chest as you angrily wiped the tears from your eyes. Had he really not missed you at all?
You screeched indignantly as a bucket full of water rained down on you. Tears of frustration gathered in your eyes, much to your chagrin. This was the third prank today, and you were more than tired of Kiba’s antics.
You were going to your room to grab your jacket and was in too much of a hurry to notice the trap. Now you were in the doorway, soaked to the bone, shaking with anger and cold while Kiba just laughed.
First, it had been replacing the sugar with salt so your morning coffee had been spoiled, then it had been hiding every article of clothing you owned and then having to find each individual piece, one at a time. Now you were wet and miserable and Kiba looked like he was only just beginning your torment.
“You know what, Kiba, this isn’t funny! This is the third prank in as many hours! What is your deal?!” He looked confused as if he didn’t know why you were angry. “They’re just harmless pranks, babe, no reason to get worked up.”
They were harmless pranks, but it was your… not so special week and you didn’t have the energy to deal with it. “Look, I’m tired, okay? So can you please just quit it?”
He rolled his eyes as if he were exasperated. “You’re so boring (Y/N). Why can’t you just loosen up once in a while?” You harshly rubbed your temples, trying to push down your hurt. You knew you weren’t overreacting, you were sore and drained, and he was making it that much worse.
“I’m going back to bed. Please don’t bother me.” You waved a hand towards him and walked away and slammed the door behind you. “God, what did I do to get such a whiny girlfriend?”
Your mouth fell open as you heard his voice. Was that really how he thought of you?
You sighed dejected, as you stared at the empty seat your boyfriend was supposed to be. You knew that as the Kazekage, Gaara was a busy man, but he was the one who planned the date and he had promised to be there.
After thirty minutes of pity filled stares and waiting, you figured he wasn’t going to show up. This was the fourth time this month that he had stood you up and you couldn’t help but find yourself hurriedly heading in the direction of the Kazekage building to confront him.
By the time you had finally reached his office, you had calmed down, but that wasn’t to say you weren’t still angry. You knocked harshly on his door and waited for his response. “Enter.” You stormed your way in, your dress swishing behind you as reached his desk.
“Gaara. I was expecting you forty-five minutes ago.” Seafoam eyes met yours, before sweeping over your outfit. “Oh, god, (Y/N), I’m so sorry, I got caught up-” I scowled at the overused excuse.
“This is the fourth time! For goodness sake, this date was your idea!” He stood up, holding your trembling hand. “I know, and I’m so sorry. I’m going to make it up to you.” Your frown deepened as you turned away.
“Do you know how foolish I looked? Having a reservation for two, and sitting there for thirty minutes?” He sighed, but it didn’t sound remorseful. “I said I’ll make it up to you, okay? I was in the middle of something important.”
Your eyes hardened as they met his. “Important? So more important than me apparently? I know you’re busy, Gaara, I do, but this is getting ridiculous! Not only are you neglecting our relationship, but you’re also neglecting your own health!”
The crimson-haired Kazekage’s eyes left yours as he sat back down. “I’m very busy right now, (Y/N), can we finish this later?” He suggested emotionlessly.
Your fists were clenched. “Don’t bother, I have nothing more to say.” The slamming door had a note of finality to it as your left.
You hissed as the peroxide touched the wound on your stomach. “You were reckless, (Y/N).” You glowered at the head of silver hair that was hunched over your bruised and bloody form, medical supplies in hand.
“I wasn’t reckless, Kakashi. My team was in shambles and we were outnumbered. I did the best I could with what I had and the mission was a success and everyone is okay.” Even through his mask, you could see his frown. “But at what cost? You should’ve waited for back up!”
I rolled my eyes. “Tsunade-sama was proud, everyone is fine. These injuries are nothing. I’m a shinobi and so are you. You know the cost and this can barely be considered a cost.” He shook his head, frustrated, as he wrapped your bandages.
“I get worried, okay? I know you, and I’m scared of the day you finally go too far and do something stupid-” You shot up, no longer being able to tolerate his attitude.
“Do you doubt my abilities that much? Even though I graduated from the academy, passed the Chuunin exams, and got my Jonin promotion the same as you?!” Kakashi simply crossed his arms.
“Well, I’m having to stitch you up, right?” You swatted his hand away from the cut on your shoulder. “That’s enough! I don’t have to take this! I’ve earned my place here, no matter what you say! The number of times I’ve patched you up and never complained and this is how you treat me?” Your words faded to a whisper hurt shining through your tone.
“That’s different! I can handle it!” Your eyes widened at the words. “Seriously? So what? You’re calling me weak now?”
“That’s not what I said, (Y/N).” You chuckled humorlessly, still in disbelief that you were even having this conversation. “You didn’t have to. It was pretty clear. I think it’s time you left.” The Jonin did just that, without another word or even a glance in your direction.
With tears dripping down your cheeks, you addressed all your minor injuries, trying not to think of Kakashi.
In hindsight, you knew it wasn’t the best idea to rip up the forest fighting Hidan. But the Jashinist had run his mouth a little (a lot) too far this time and you dismembered him. It wasn’t that big of a deal, almost everyone had done it at some time so you thought nothing of it. Pein didn’t have the same sentiments, however, and had wasted no time calling you to his office.
“What were you thinking?” He hissed. You simply raised an eyebrow, your lover hadn’t succeeded in intimidating you in a long time. “Hidan went too far and I did what everyone else has done in the past.”
He pinched the bridge of his nose, exhaling. “That’s not an excuse, (Y/N). You’re being immature, and I will not stand for it.” You snorted. “Look, Kakuzu cuts off Hidan’s head like once a week and you’ve never had a problem, so what’s got you pissed about it this time?” He scowled, his Rinnegan becoming more prominent.
“I recruited you for your smarts and potential, not so you could bounce around doing whatever you wanted! I don’t have time to deal with your childish antics!”
You just snorted, trying not to show how deeply his words were cutting you. Pein was never like this with you, he always treated you like a goddess, and now here he was berating you over a minuscule problem.
“You don’t have to ‘deal’ with me, Pein! I’m not a kid, and if someone offends me, you’d best believe I’m not going to let it slide! Now I’ll ask you one more time. What. Is. Your. Problem?” He shot up, his hands slamming down on his desk causing you to step back, startled.
“My problem is that my girlfriend is being a fool and embarrassing me!” It really did feel like he had stabbed you through the chest this time. But you bit your cheek not to let it show. You wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. “So that’s what it is, huh? You think I’m not good enough for the great ‘God’ Pein?” You mocked.
When he didn’t respond you waved a hand, walking towards the door. “I haven’t dismissed you yet, (Y/N).” Pein’s voice rang out. You shook your head as you reached the door.
“I don’t know about that, I feel pretty dismissed right now, actually.” With that, you left, not caring to hear what else he had to say.
You watched as Sasori and Deidara worked on their separate projects, while you yourself worked on your own. A large, half-filled canvas was before you, baring your newest artwork. It was an abstract graffiti painting, creating a 3D letter effect. You were quite proud of it actually.
However, you could feel eyes on you and you turned, giving Sasori a questioning look as you set your paints down. “What?”
His blank brown eyes ran critically over your artwork, before shrugging and going back to his puppets. You rolled your eyes at his typical behavior before walking over to Deidara’s table.
“Hey, Dei. Whatcha working on?” He turned to you, his smile wide as he held up a clay sculpture to you. It was a chibi version of you, causing you to blush. “Do you like it, hm? It’s my best one yet, yeah!” You handled it carefully, laughing a little. “Yeah, it’s adorable!” The blonde puffed up causing you to giggle more.
“And deadly, un! These are advanced, only for special circumstances, yeah.” You were just about to question what kind of special when you noticed the puppet master in front of your canvas, looking unimpressed.
“Um, Sasori?” He didn’t respond, just waved the two of you over. You sighed as you both followed him, slightly nervous about what he was going to say. “Look, brat.” You watched as the artist’s eyes looked over every line and color. “The strokes are uneven, and the shading is off. You call this art, (Y/N)?”
Your mouth fell open at his bluntness. “Okay, one it’s abstract so that’s the point, it’s not supposed to be precise! Second, yeah, I do call this art.” Deidara offered you an apologetic smile. “Sasori no Danna is right, un, it’s a little off…” You blinked twice not comprehending his words for a moment.
“Seriously?! I never speak badly about either of your pieces, so why don’t I get the same respect?!” Sasori just rolled his eyes, sitting back down at his desk. Typical. You turned your glare to your boyfriend. He crossed his arms, not looking at you.
“It’s fine, (Y/N/N), we all have bad days, un, nothing to get worked up about, hm.” You didn’t warrant his statement with a response. You just scoffed in disbelief as you stalked out of the room. Unbelieveable.
Tbh the pic has nothing to do with this but I found it and I thought it was hilarious?
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snickiebear · 3 years
yo nadia <3333 i'm bored in my online classes and u reblogged the questions thingy at the right time lmao, so get ready: 1, 4, 5, 9, 10, 17, 23, 24, 28, 30!!!, 34, 38, 39, 40 (the intimacy of being understood) (imma stop here lol) (also i'm sorry u're not feeling well, ily and hope u'll feel better soon!! <33333)
ELE ILY. (and thank you, i’m stayin home today cause,,, yeah. i appreciate you sm.) you’re the literal best, i adore you. 
1. How long ago did you start reading fanfiction? Writing fanfiction?
The first fanfiction i read was for The Lunar Chronicles when I was like 11?? and it was 100% on accident and it scarred me because it was a hardcore porn one with a period kink and i was like WHAT IS THIS??? OH MY GOD???? LMAOOOOO i didn’t pick it back up until i was 13-14 and really got into the Fairy Tail fandom. I still reread my favorites on ff.net cause i love them. 
As for writing, I wrote a horrible, terrible x-men fanfiction when I was twelve. (my friend still brings it up and REFUSES to delete it so it still gets comments and views, that shit HAUNTS ME ELE.) then tried again for Fairy Tail, posted like two chapters before taking it down cause i wasn’t really feeling it. And then I posted The Intimacy Of Being Understood and here we are. 
4. Link your three favorite fics right now.
OMGG okok 
@mouseymightymarvellous ‘s We Were Screaming In Color (Only A Possibility) yes, yes I KNOW. i always point into mousey’s direction but i WILL always advocate that everyone reads her fics, they’re literally so beautiful???? i just happen to be rereading WWSIN rn 
@safelycapricious ‘s Shaking Up And Breaking Down series. I found this like?? idfk but i’ve been raving about it ever since. ALSO CHECK OUT THEIR FICS IN GENERAL. 
fuck i have more than three but also check out @ambivalens999 ‘s Masks
i do wanna make a fic rec thing where i just rav about my favs,,, might do that later or sum
5. What are your fanfic pet peeves? Do they have a huge effect on whether or not you decide to read something?
Omniscient third person. I don’t like it. Like I can understand that it can be a little hard to stay in one person’s perspective but, in my opinion, if you can, it shows how disciplined you are as a writer. Plus, i just get so confused when I go from A’s thoughts to suddenly what B is thinking about A. 
When writers use ‘ ‘ instead of “ “. When writers put thoughts in ‘ ‘ instead of just italicizing them. It’s small things but like they just bother me sO MUCH. most of the time i can ignore it and try to enjoy but other times i just dip. 
9. Tag 3 fic writers you think are underrated/unknown in the fandom/fanfiction community.
@espoir-et-reves !!!!! THEIR SHISAKU FICS ARE SO SO SO SO SO GOOD. And they have a warring states one going on THAT I AM SO OBSESSED WITH. 
@writer168 idk if they’re really “underrated” but THEY HAVE SUCH GREAT FICS ON AO3. Like theres an AU with sakura, kiba, and shino that i reread constantly because it just. is. so. fucking. GOOD. and they posted a new one that i’m YELLING about. 
@eggtoasties okay they only have 2 in the naruto fandom (one shisaku which is still ongoing) BUT THEIR WRITING STYLE IS SO NICE?? I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. I still go back and reread their shikasaku one cause UGH i can’t get enough. I love it. 
10. What’s your favorite fandom, pairing, or character to read fic for?
Fandoms: Naruto, Soul Eater, The Old Guard, ATLA
Parings: KakaSaku/ShikaSaku/ShiSaku/MultiSaku, SoMa, Joe X Nicky, Zukka
Character: SAKURA. I will read anything with Sakura as the main character and her being a fuckin badass or becoming a badass. I love her.
17. How obsessively do you sit and stare at your fic after you’ve just posted and wait for feedback?
aha.. haha.. well. I check my email like three times an hour. its the first thing i check in the mornings too. I’m literally a whore for praise and literally eat up feedback like its going out of style. I also reread a lot of my stuff because i make so many mistakes and spelling errors, or the spacing is weird oR SOMETHING. plus, literally any and all comments make my day, i go back and reread them cause they just make me feel so tingly and warm like “wow. this person enjoyed the fic/my writing enough to tell me. thats HUGE!”
23. What’s your absolute favorite trope to write?
Angry, feral, bloodied, morally gray women. They aren’t bad guys, they’re probably the good guy, but that doesn’t mean they cant be fucking raging at the world with raw knuckles and blood on their teeth. I just love an angry woman who struggles with her emotions and just has so much inner conflict but that doesn’t take away from her character or badassery, it adds to it. 
24. What’s a trope that you’d like to never hear about as long as you live, let alone write?
The fake dating or miscommunication troupe. LIKE GUYS JUST TALK. AND TELL EACH OTHER OMFG. the entire like obliviousness of “nah they dont like me” while the They holds their hand and kisses their cheek. MOFO WHAT. it makes me so impatient and like mad HAAHHAHA. its probably because i’m a pretty confrontational person so seeing stuff like that just “cmon bro, USE YO HEAD.”
28. How do you deal with writing pressure (ie: pressure to update, negative comments, deadlines, etc)?
I have yet to receive a negative comment! Which i was really surprised about tbh. As for deadlines or pressure to update, i just kind of do whatever. I do set goals, but i set them flexible enough that hey, if i can’t do it, that’s okay. 
I have a lot of mini goals, like “i want to write this chapter and get it done this week” and then the large goal is “FINISH BY END OF MAY” so i have time. 
Actually, now that I think on it, the entire pressure to update thing is probably why i’m waiting until I have all of OL&W written to post it weekly,, cause well. I wouldn’t wanna leave you guys waiting as I tried to write and work out the next chapters and stuff, you know?
30. Post a snippet from your current WIP without context - no more than 300 words.
Have you seen the way the dead dance, World Breaker? They roar, half mad and starving. Do you not wish, do you not hope to see them twist and bend and dance to your will?
Shikamaru snarls, looking behind his shoulders to where his Shadows lay. “Patience.” He spits. “Is of the essence, Things of Ancient. Know your place as the dark you are.”
34. How much of yourself and your life experiences do you put into your writing? What do you think your readers’ image of you is?
None of my experiences match up to anything I write tbh,,, probably the only thing that is me in my writing is maybe the emotional turmoil? I’m pretty emotionally and mentally mature because from a pretty young age i started forming my own opinions, started looking into the world around us and being like “dude what the fuck this is not what disney advertised”. Then i started talking (read: arguing and debating) with my dad about a lot of it. So, like emotions are kind of hard for me. Like i’m pretty good at controlling them or understanding them, but still. idk its hard to explain ig.
Like the weight of stress, the anger, the sadness. It’s kind of therapeutic to write. Cause i don’t know how to put those feelings to verbal words so writing them really helps. 
As for my readers’ image? Probably like some kind of hunched over figure typing away in the dark with a maniacal grin on their face. I honestly don’t know AHHAHAHA but it is fun to think about. I think they’d see me as someone with potential but a lot of room to grow and someone who is imperfect but in a charming way LMAOOOO
38. What does your writing process look like? How chaotic is it on a scale of 1 (very tame) to 10 (you can’t handle this kind of chaos)?
I’m gonna be real honest. Its probably like a 2. I’m a bit of a control freak so I almost always go in chronological order, my writing is pretty linear. Unless, i get bored and jump to one of my fav parts. It's pretty much i sit down, i open the doc, read over my notes and just start writing. 
It’s a little boring to explain AHAHAHA but once i get into the groove of things its really fucking great, I can like feel myself in the world, I can feel what i want the characters to, i love it. I catch myself mouthing the words as i type too, which i find hilarious.
39. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
I rather like how raw my writing is sometimes. Which might sound really vain, but i do like the way i word things or describe things. I love juxtaposition and repetition, or making a good ole circle back to some minute detail that wouldn’t stand out until i repeat it at the end and you’re like “omg” AHAHAHAHA.
Like those little poetic snippets or certain wording i just sit back and go “damn thats kinda good nadia! go you!’ HAHAHA  
40. How did you come up with the idea for The Intimacy Of Being Understood?
AAAAA this fic is like my first child, my pride and joy LMAO
so the idea initially came when i was reading some fic, idk if it was even naruto, but i was like “i don't like this, but i do like the rain symbolism.” And I knew i wanted to write something kind of slow paced, something a little sad and angsty, but would show KakaSaku slowly but surely falling in love.
Idk if you’ve noticed but a lot of my fics, the pairings don’t change each other dramatically. They accept each other as they are and then they grow with together. Like that acceptance is something i just love writing, its so subtle, it isn’t something you declare. Its simply “I am going to love you. I am going to love you despite your flaws and faults. I am going to love you unconditionally because I know you, I understand you, and there is nothing you could do to drive me away.” 
The fic kind of wrote itself after that first scene. I kept going back to the rain, go being ghosts, and resurrection, and the small epiphanies one gets. I wanted to focus on each character’s growth with each other. They didn’t find light in life because of each other, but with each other. And i think that’s my favorite thing about that fic. 
I wanted something raw and real and just something beautiful. I’m actually really proud of it tbh. Would i go back and rewrite/edit it? Oh of course! I’d do that with every single one of my fics, but i’m not gonna cause i think its in its rawest form right now. :))))
ask me shit plz
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lotusfartstwice · 3 years
I wrote this a million years ago. Part of the crack Uchiha!Lee au that @fineanimesideblog shared with me.
This takes place um after the kage summit. Sakura doesn't knock out her team and instead faces Sasuke with them. I mean, it's an au might as well go nuts, right? But ye I'm not the best at action/fights but I think it came out ok. 🥴
No, you will be fine. Just push through it as you always do.
Lee frowned as his head throbbed and his vision blurred. He worried that maybe he had an intense migraine and it would impede his performance.
“Are you alright, Lee?”
He spared Sakura a glance, giving her a small reassuring smile. “I am fine.” 
Their group finds Sasuke and his apprehension only doubles. 
Sasuke is dangerous. 
He keeps quiet as Sakura speaks to her former teammate. He and the others owed her to try and help him see reason. After all, Sakura and Naruto still held hope for him.
“I’m not going back unless it’s to destroy the Leaf.”
His frown tightens at the declaration, he can feel Sai and Kiba (and Akamaru) tense beside him.
“Then you leave us no choice, Sasuke.” Sakura’s voice trembles but she looks determined as she pulls out a kunai.
“Just leaves me less people to deal with later,” Sasuke taunts. 
“As if!” Kiba growls as he and Akamaru run at the Uchiha. 
Lee's head feels like a vice as he moves to try and join only to pause as his vision worsens.
"MOVE LEE!" He sees a flash and hears chirping as he moves to dodge Sasuke's lightning.
He curses when he sees how close it was.
"What's the matter?" Sasuke's cool voice is dripping with disappointment. "I thought you were fast! So much for a rematch!"
Sai takes this as an initiative to come at the Uchiha only to get pushed back. "Ah the replacement."
"ONLY BECAUSE YOU LEFT!" Sakura cries, flinging a kunai. 
"And you were willing to follow!” He laughs as he flings the projectile aside. “You were crying and begging me to take you! So don’t act high and mighty, Sakura!”
Lee gritted his teeth by now he would have opened his gates but with the way his eyes were working he didn’t want to waste the gambit. He desperately wanted to open the gate of joy and to shut the Uchiha up. He would have to do what he could so with great splashes to the water underfoot, he frees his legs of weights. 
“Finally!” Kiba cheered. “Get serious Lee!” 
Lee didn’t reply, just moved and was met with expertly timed parries from the rogue ninja. 
“What was that about being too fast for my sharingan?” Sasuke taunted.
Lee sneered. “I do not remember you being so talkative.”
“Well, you’re all just so hilarious I can’t help myself!” He struck him, sending him into a tree. 
Lee groaned his vision even worse, he grabbed his head with a hiss. What the hell was going on? He raises his head when he hears splashes and thuds. He can barely make out Sakura facing her former teammate. Sakura.
Vision be damned he would keep his promise.
I will protect you till the day I die.
He doesn’t comprehend it but he swears his vision is dyed red as he pushes himself to move between the former teammates.
His vision is clear and he sees an expression of shock from Sasuke when catches his fist. The fist had been generating lightning so the contact makes his hands burn but he bears it with a hiss.
“What the hell-”
Lee takes the opportunity to knee the Uchiha in the gut. It’s enough. Lee doesn’t let up and punches the former leaf-nin with as many as he was allowed. 
Rock Lee wasn’t one to hold grudges but he couldn’t help himself.
One punch was for Naruto. The loyal friend who never gave up on the Uchiha. Then there were punches delivered for the retrieval team. Neji, Choji, Kiba (and Akamaru) and Shikamaru who had almost died trying to help him. Then of course there was Sakura. He delivered a punch to his throat for her. 
“Lee stop!” 
He blinked, stopping mid swing. 
Kakashi-sensei? Where did he come from?
“Impossible,” he heard him say, his gaze on his face intense.
He panted but took a step back, eyes darting to look at Sasuke. 
Bloody, furious Sasuke who shakily stood up. “What the hell-where-”
Before he can open his mouth Sakura is in his peripheral then in front of him delivering a chakra powered punch to Sasuke's gut. 
Sasuke Uchiha goes flying.
Kakashi is still staring at him, gaze confused but also fearful. He doesn’t understand. The jonin darts in the direction Sasuke flew in. Lee’s shoulders sag as he realizes Sakura is at his side. 
“Lee...your eye,” her face is pinched in concern. “What’s going on?”
“My eye?” Reflectively he reaches for it.
Sakura shakes her head before moving to her side pouch, pulling out a compact.
What he sees makes him nearly drop the mirror.
“That is...the sharingan,” he whispers.
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lexpressobean · 3 years
Catching Up
A Sasuke and Shino... thing... It's not terribly organized.
This is just a thing I wrote, I have too many ideas going around in my head.
AU where Sasuke and Shino are childhood friends and Sasuke never leaves and other self indulgent bullshit
Mention of SasuNaru (only feelings); Mild Swearing.
The sun would be getting ready to set soon, but Sasuke had finally found Shino out in the outskirts of Konohagakure, where a gentle stream passed through a small ravine in the forest. This was a spot where water striders were commonly found, almost seeming to play on the surface of the flowing water and as agile as any ninja walking on water.
Sasuke had meant to catch up with Shino, who had come back from a mission earlier in the day. Though, it was strange. Usually Shino wasn't all the way out here doing who knows what right after a mission. Sasuke would have thought he would be resting at the Aburame compound, especially since it had been a bodyguarding mission that seemed more lively than not according to Lord Shibi. Though Lord Shibi wasn't sure exactly where Shino had went, Sasuke had an idea.
Except, when Sasuke arrived, he was met with a cold reception. Which was very strange. Usually the only people who Shino got with like this were Naruto and Kiba, and, well, for good reason. Those two were idiots. And Shino could tolerate A LOT before he decided he was done tolerating. It was also worrying, seeing as Sasuke had been looking forward to seeing Shino today, so what gives? As far was Sasuke knew, the mission was a success. And Sasuke could use some company after today. The telltale signs of a having been in a fight were literally all over Sasuke's face, but no substantial damage had been done. At worst, maybe a sore jaw. Surely Shino had noticed.
Sasuke: Why are you so moody all of a sudden?
Shino: I don't want to talk about it.
Sasuke: Oh no, I know you, Shino. If we don't talk you're gonna just keep digging yourself into a huge pit, so just tell me!
Shino: It's nothing to be concerned about. You can let it go.
Sasuke: I can't let it go if you don't let it go. And I know you wont let it go. I know it's hard to talk sometimes but, it's better to, isn't it?
Shino: ... It'll be fine.
Sasuke: Which means it's not fine now! ... C'mon Shino... You're really the only one I can talk to myself. I don't even tell my brother half the things I tell you.
Shino: !?
Sasuke: So, even though I'm not all that great at this, the least I can do is at least try to understand. If it means something to you, then it means something period. Right...?
Shino: ... Huh. If you needed to talk, I would've thought you and Naruto had gotten that close by now, seeing as I was absent till this afternoon.
Sasuke: Huh!? Me and Naruto!? (Why would he bring him up all of a sudden!?) That idiot is as useless as a thin hammer! I mean, we might have been on the same team for a little more than a year now, but even then he's NOWHERE as thoughtful as you! He's just so dumb and oblivious, why would I ever trust him with any of my problems!? You know how much of a moron he is, his brand of stupid is legendary!
Sasuke got so worked up he was flushed in the face. It was mostly out of embarrassment, thought he hoped Shino took it as rage.
Shino: ... Is that how it is?
Sasuke: Yes! He wouldn't know tact if it came and bit him in the ass!
Shino: ... It sounds like you're mad at him, which is surprising. Why? Because but you were laughing with him earlier today. Is he responsible for your face too?
Sasuke: !! Huh? You saw us earlier? I didn't see you.
Shino: I know you didn't.
Sasuke: !?!?!? (OH... shit... I see...).
Shino: But now I'm curious... What exactly happened today?
Sasuke: !? N-Nothing happened! He's just not a very ideal candidate for conversation in general... Talk to him all you want about training and Shinobi business, but there's a pretty huge lack of depth there for anything else... And maybe he ended up pissing me off a little...
Shino: That's pretty strange... You seem to enjoy yourself so much in his presence despite.
Sasuke: !? ... ... ... *eye squint* ... Shino... do you... have a problem with Naruto?
Shino: No. *starts to walk away towards the village*
Sasuke: H-HEY!! Don't you walk away from me!
Shino: Don't tell me what to do.
Sasuke: !! (He can be kinda scary when he's pissed...) But how am I suppose to hear you out if you're not here!? *follows*
Shino: I told you, no need to concern yourself.
Sasuke: Augh, you can be so difficult!
Shino: So I've been told.
Sasuke: ... Has Kiba been giving you trouble again?
Shino: I wasn't insinuating anything.
Sasuke: And I know you could kick his ass yourself if you wanted to, but you're not like that. I know he can be just as irritating... Or you tell me what is actually bugging you.
At that moment, time seemed to stop the second Shino did. Sasuke heard himself too late, but instantly regretted everything.
Sasuke: *SWEATING*  ... I... am so sorry... I didn't mean it, you know I didn't.
Shino: ... Sounds like Naruto is starting to really rub off on you.
Sasuke: !?!? (This is the third time he mentions him! ... Alright) Shino, did Naruto upset you recently?
Shino: I haven't had the pleasure of even speaking with him recently, so no.
Sasuke: Then... if it wasn't Naruto, or Kiba... Is it cause I didn't see you earlier?
Shino: There's no reason to be upset over that. You were already engaged in something else and I simply happened to pass by and see you. It's okay Sasuke, I'll live if you don't say Hi everytime we cross paths.
Sasuke: Then what is it??
Shino: ... I already realized it's nothing to worry about... So you really don't have to worry either...
Sasuke: ... So... What... you don't trust me, then? Just gonna keep it all to yourself?
Shino: It's not that.
Sasuke: It's what it feels like! Can't you see I'm trying here!?
Shino: I've simply gone past it, why even talk about it?
Sasuke: BECAUSE IT'S WHAT FRIENDS DO!? Sometimes you're over it but it's nice to be filled in! I care! Stupid Shino!
Sasuke crossed his arms as he started at the back of Shino's head. Shino wouldn't turn to meet his gaze, and Sasuke wasn't gonna hold his breath, but, you know, it'd just be nice.
Shino: ... ....
Sasuke: ... Well?
Shino: ... ... I was... starting to feel... lonely...
Sasuke: !? O-Oh...
Shino: But we all have obligations and things to do... And you should spend your free time however you wish.
Sasuke: !! However I... Holy shit, are you JEALOUS of Naruto?
Shino: No. The feeling passed. Why? Because I realize now it's... nothing to be worked up about... We're still friends even if we're not together all the time...
It made sense. Ever since they had been spilt into seperate teams, Sasuke and Shino hadn't been able to see each other as often. Their different teams' specialties meant they wouldn't be working very close together any time soon.
Sasuke: ... Hmm... I guess... If I really think about it, we haven't properly hung out in a while...
Shino: We're getting busier as we get more experience. It's just the natural course of things. We're not academy students anymore, and soon, we'll all be chunin, I'm sure of it. We have to prepare ourselves.
Shino had this way of constantly trying to logic everything into a workable justification or solution. In a way, Sasuke respected that a lot, but sometimes it was just a too much of a cold stretch for his liking. Shino had all the makings of a great Shinobi, and Sasuke looked forward to the day Shino would head his clan, an equal with his older brother Itachi. He knew he was going to be excellent. But while he was still young, it certainly wouldn't kill Shino to try and live a little more. Sasuke decidedly walked up next to Shino, copying his friend's pose by pocketing his hands.
Sasuke: Yeah, but... It just means we gotta plan things out more, that's all. We can figure something out.
Shino: ... That could help.
Every once in a great while, Shino went soft in mid conversation. And Sasuke always knew he could take it as a good sign, and it always made Sasuke happy to hear that softeness. It was also kind of cute in a way, though Sasuke'd never say that outloud.
Sasuke: *smirks* Shino, sometimes I forget how sweet you really are.
Shino: Don't push it, Sasuke.
Shino decided they would continue to walk, and Sasuke followed, both boys a lot more relaxed now.
Sasuke: *laughs* ... But you know... I am sorry...
Shino: There's no need to apologize. My reaction wasn't very logical or fair. I should be happy for my friends.
Sasuke: First of all, you're a great friend... but if you were feeling like that. Well, I know first hand Naruto is hard to deal with... He's my teammate, but now I'm starting to think we, he and I, don't make very good friends. I think I have to remember sometimes it's, okay if you don't... you know... feel that strongly about each other. Some people just don't mix, and I don't want to be the kind of person that neglects my actual friends trying to improve my professional relationships more than possible.
Shino: Well that's a lie if I've ever heard one.
Sasuke: ??
Shino: Anyone with eyes can see you two get along exceptionally well.
Sasuke: !?
Shino: But if the problem is that he's oblivious and tactless, then maybe you should be asertively honest and tell him upfront about whatever it is that's troubling you.
Sasuke: Tch, I don't wanna hear that from you.
Shino: I told you I was over it, because I was. You obviously are not over it. Whatever this thing of yours is.
Sasuke: Ha, there's no thing.
Shino: ...
Damn it, Shino really could see through Sasuke sometimes. Maybe he was a Yamanaka in a previous life. His intuition was nerve wracking some days.
Sasuke: Seriously, there's no specific thing! I was speaking in a general sense! Naruto is a good teammate, and he's always going on about being rivals and becoming Hokage... And that's fine! If he thinks he can beat me, I'd like to see him try. But we'll probably never be very good friends, that's all I was saying. I've realized this recently.
Shino: Wait, Sasuke.
Sasuke: What is it?
Shino: ... Do you smell that?
The two boys stopped in their tracks and Sasuke put his guard up and looked around, analyzing their immediate surroundings. He saw no smoke, no signs of fire or recent activity, nor could detect any smells of animals that could give off scent.
Sasuke: Huh? Smell? I don't smell anything significant.
Shino: Really? Because to me... It's smells an awful lot like bullshit.
Sasuke choked on a scoff and became exasperated. This absolute jerk!
Sasuke: OH SHUT THE HELL UP SHINO, YOU SHITHEAD!! UGH!! Naruto rubbing off on me, sounds like maybe you've been around Kiba too long!
Shino: I can't force it out of you. But just like you, I'll be patient.
Sasuke: ??
Shino: When you're ready, you can tell me. I won't forget though.
Sasuke: Hmph, yeah yeah...
Shino: ...
Sasuke: ... ... I will... Just... just not right now... Okay...?
Shino: ... Eventually...
Sasuke: ... ... Eventually...
Shino: Okay.
Sasuke: ... Thank-you...
Shino offered a fist in Sasuke's general direction. Usually, it was Sasuke which initiated it, but coming from Shino, it meant a lot. He reluctantly smiled and bumped it. And if he guessed, correctly, Shino smiled under his collar too.
Sasuke: ... C'mon let's go get something to eat.
Shino: Huh?
Sasuke: My treat for a mission well done.
Shino: I can't have you do tha-
Sasuke: Shut it. Just take the damn offer!
Shino: If you insist.
Sasuke and Shino decidedly walked side by side, taking their time through the forest. As they talked about Shino's mission, Sasuke's progress, their brothers, and whatever else they thought up, Shino already seemed a hundred percent lighter in his mood. But Sasuke couldn't shake it from his mind. He knew Shino was made of tough stuff, but he'd never wanna cause any friend to feel like that. This was a wake up call.
Sasuke was sure of his feelings. But his feelings for Naruto should never have gotten the better of him. He lost his temper today when Naruto just wasn't getting it. He thought for a hot minute and seventeen seconds Naruto might have actually been flirting with him. Flirting. With HIM. But he realized it was just him being delusional after Naruto made some off colored remarks.
What an idiot. Sasuke was actually thankful Shino hadn't seen that part...
... And yet... Sasuke wasn't over it, as Shino so smartly pointed out...
... Maybe it was time to burry these feelings, before they really got out of hand. Sasuke cared about Shino, his best friend since the academy. Always willing to lend an ear, surprisingly sassy and snarky once you got to know him well, loyal and understanding. Severely underappreciated by the rest of their cohorts, though Sasuke was sure Hinata Hyuuga was definitely a good match for him team-wise. And maybe if Shino played his cards right, something more?
... Sasuke was sure the day would come when Shino found a girl to be interested in and charm. But he was also dreading that day, seeing as it'd probably be easy for Shino once he decided he really wanted a girlfriend. Sasuke knew Shino had a pretty nice face under all those layers, especially around the eyes when he could see them in profile. But even before the gravity of his personal situation really hit him, he had already decided he liked Shino as a friend, and would rather not lose that. Sasuke thought he knew better, yet, here he was, in the closet with no active intention to follow through, but nonetheless undeniably drawn in by his clamorous teammate. Sasuke still had the upperhand on the field, for now, but Naruto was still getting the best of him in his own damn head. He still wasn't sure what it was about Naruto, all he knew is that this had to stop. He really didn't want to make Shino feel like that again, and cause drama within his own team for reasons he was unwilling to explain like earlier. Even Kakashi was visibly more invested than usual, and Sasuke loathed the idea of creating unecessary misunderstandings in general, or anything else like that. Sakura also looked so worried...
So for the sake of peace of mind, Sasuke decided that evening that he'd be done with Naruto.
No more distractions and wishful thinking. Shino was right.
It's time to focus on the future.
But y'all know they ain't never gonna be done. Tune in next time as Naruto tries to bring "the old Sasuke" back and makes an absolute scene amost every other week over not getting enough of Sasuke's attention for the 2 years lmao.
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missvgj98 · 4 years
Peace: a shikatema fanfic
Chapter One: Shikamaru
Since I was a kid, I was never the type to engage that much. I wasn’t adventurous or outgoing. I kept to myself and wrote stories as I watched the clouds go by. People never interested me. I didn’t mind going to school and talking to no one or even minded being the last pick for a game of dodge ball. Honestly, I would rather sleep more than anything.
           It always worried my parents so, they pushed me to play with their friends’ kid who was the same age as me. I met Choji. He was a… plump guy. Very friendly and had a big heart for butterflies. He’d always chased after them in attempt to get a hold of one, but it never worked out. When he’d get sad, I’d always treat him to his favorite BBQ chips and share a few good laughs. We were fast friends and soon enough he introduced me to his other friends.
           Choji was one who would get picked on a lot because of his weight. So, that would make it hard for him to make friends, but over the years, He eventually did have the luck of meeting some that excepted him for who he was…. Not the best choice at first, but still it was something.
           Naruto and Kiba were the loudest trouble-makers you could ever meet. I seriously thought they were insane and had a peanuts for a brains. The only reason you would find me late after school was because I was suffering the consequences of tagging along with them. But I can’t lie… I did have some great times with them.
           As we approached middle school, we met Neji and Saskue. I was grateful for them because for the longest time I was the father of the group. Neji and Saskue knew how to keep Naruto, Kiba, and at times, Choji in line.
           Neji and Saskue were both very intelligent but at times Naruto could bring them down a notch. I think his stupidity is at times contagious. Saskue had more of an anger issue more than anyone. Neji seemed almost perfect but, push his buttons right and you’ll get something out of him. For the most part he’s a bit like a stone wall.
           We’re an unlikely group, but I’m really happy to do life with them at least. We’ve gone through thick and thin. School fights (guess the two who started those), many detentions, festivals, Kiba’s breakups, supporting each other in sports: Saskue and Neji in Jujitsu (hence how they met), Naruto in Baseball, Kiba plays on the soccer team, and Choji…. After weeks of pestering him- respectfully! We convinced him to try sumo. AND IT’S NOT BECAUSE OF HIS WEIGHT!
           “Choji we’re not saying to go for it because you’re f-…..fluffly- I was going to say fluffy.” Naruto reassured. “We all just thought that you would be a good fit and a great talent for this sport.”
           “The guy even said He’d put you on the team easy.” Kiba contributed.
“No, you guys just think I’m fat!” Choji pouted.
“No-“Neji tried to console him but Choji’s cries over powered him.
           “Look Choji,” I said. “We’re in high school now. And if we want to get into K.U., sports look good our applications. We think Sumo is good for you because you got the proper build for it and out of everyone in this room, you’re the one with the greatest brute strength.”
           “Yeah… and you’re one hell of a bulldozer.” Saskue is speaking from experience.
           We all laughed and Choji finally joined the High School Sumo team. He loves it cause after every match they go to his favorite BBQ spot.
           As my first year of High school progressed it was time for me to the choose something. Which was a surprise for everyone cause I barley even run. I’m the Lazy-ass of the group. You can find me in the dorm room sleeping at any given time. School is a bit of a breeze from me since knowledge is my trump card. I carry an IQ over 200+ and have been invited to get into prestigious academic programs but turned them down. It’d be too troublesome in my book. And I like where I’m at right now.
My favorite teacher and personal mentor Asuma-sensei convinced me over a game of Shoji to take on Boxing. He’s the coach for the team and throughout the years of knowing me, he clams I could make it. I looked at him as if he was mental. I mean- sure my dad showed me some stuff throughout the years to stand-up for myself but, boxing…for real. I don’t know about all that.
           An incident that happened our second year of middle school is something he likes to use as backup to prove his point, always comes to mind.
           We (meaning the gang and I) were on our way home, taking our usual route before we have to split up, walking and munching on some onigiri from our favorite “Go-go” mini mart. And as we were on our way some guys from school had caught up and cornered us in a back ally. We had no idea what was going on until one of the kids spoke up and said:
           “Naruto you bastard, you better take back what you said!”
“ME! What did I say?” we all looked at him with a fierce look.
           “Guys, I promise I didn’t do anything.” He told us.
“Look, if this only pertains to Naruto. We’ll gladly be on our way.”
           “NEJI!” Naruto exclaimed.
“Nah, I think we’re good with pumbling all you assholes to the ground.”
           They all began cracking their knuckles with sinister laughs as they began approaching closer to us.
           Saskue and Neji assumed fighting positions. Naruto slowly grabbed a stick on the ground. Kiba pulled out Akamaru out of his book bag. Choji began to brace himself as I stood behind them simply standing. You could say I’m the eyes of the group in case something goes south.
           “Thanks a lot Naruto.” Saskue whispered.
“If I miss my piano lesson, your explaining this to my dad.” Neji hissed.
           “I don’t even know what that hell this kid is angry about guys! I swear!” Naruto said.
           With a shout they charged. It was four kids against us five. For a moment it was fair fight because I was just standing watch. Neji dodged one kid’s punches and then swiftly gave him an uppercut. Saskue caught the others foot in mid kick and knocked him on his butt by kicking his foot out from underneath him. Kiba sent Akamaru to charge and keep his attacker at bay as he went in with a running start to RKO the kid. Choji simply belly bumped the kid who charged up against him. And Naruto was having a hard time with his opponent as they were duking it out through various punches. The leader was getting more punches in than Naruto, but Naruto still could take it as he finally got the winning shot and knocked the kid off his feet.
           “Lets Go! Quick!” Naruto shouted.
And we were off. We ran out of the alley and made a break for it. Choji was a little behind so, I slowed down to his tempo. He was heaving as he then suddenly realized. “I think I dropped my inhaler back there.”
“Are you serious?” I said. We came to a halt.
“Hey guys! Choji dropped his inhaler. I’m gonna go get it!”
           The guys came back towards us.
“Don’t you think they’re still there?” Kiba asked.
“Well, you want Choji to die? It’s okay Shikamaru. We’ll stay with Choji.” Neji said.
“And I don’t think they’re still there. I saw one of them leave after us in the other direction.” Saskue said.
           “Alright.” So, with that I left and went to retrieve Choji’s inhaler. As I got back to the alley, I found his inhaler on the ground and picked it up. As I was about to leave, I found the Leader still there. I guess his friends left him. He looked at me as he held his chin in pain.
“What the hell do you want?” he shouted. “Come back for more?”
I lift my hands up to show peace. “I don’t mean any trouble. I just came-“
           “I don’t want your apology!”
“I did-“
           “And who needs those looser friends anyway! I just called for real backup! My brother’s coming to kick your ass.”
And not a second later a shadow overcame me. I slowly turned around to see a boy who looked a couple years older than me, with slicked back silver hair, red eyes, towering over me. I saw that he had the high school uniform on.
           “Is this the little shrimpy kid who kicked your butt, Hido? Wow! I can’t believe it.” He laughed.
I got nervous. Maybe I should’ve got Neji or Saskue to come with me. Dammit! What the hell am I going to do?
           “Look here kid, my names Hidan.” He crotched down to my level. “I don’t really appreciate anyone messing with my family. So, I want you to pay very close attention-“
           My eyes shifted to where his hand was reaching for. He had a knife in his coat pocket.
The guy looked as if her was only a year or two older than me- what the hell was he doing with a knife?
           At the sight of it I panicked and without a thought I went into a stance and gave a right hook to the center of his face. He was caught off guard and started falling backward so, to help him out I finished him with an uppercut with my left and ran as fast as I could.
           I never found myself in that type of situation before. Only in hypotheticals with my dad and even then, I wasn’t putting out full blows. Just pretend with my dad.
I ran as fast as I could back to the guys, not giving a single glance back no matter how many voices I heard shouting after me. The guys came back to my line of vision and as they saw me approach their faces looked frightened. I was about to call out but, then a hand grabbed my arm.
           “Hey, slow down there kid!”
I looked to see Asuma-Sensei. Where the heck did he come from?
           “Asuma?” I said. “Wh-“
“If you’re gonna fight, don’t do it next to my store.”
           That was the day I found out that after school Asuma-sensei ran/owned a convenient store. He allowed me to return Choji’s inhaler to him but, I had to go back and explain to Asuma what happened. I was the only one caught so, Naruto said to not rat them out. But Neji dragged him to his house to explain to his dad why he missed his piano lessons.
           When I returned to Asuma, he explained to me that I broke the kids nose and badly bruised his jaw with my punches. He only knew the other guys side of the story so, it looked like I was the attacker.
           “He was about to pull a knife on me so, I panicked.” I simply explained.
           We made it back to the incident and the kid was getting treated by one of Asuma’s workers.
“Is that so?” Asuma said. “Hidan!”
           The silver headed boy looked at him with an eyebrow raised.
“You got a weapon on you boy?”
           His eye filled with panic for just a split second, but he kept his cool as he covered himself up.
“No sir.” He said. “Look, I told you, my little brother called me saying he and his friends were getting jumped. So, I ran over here to help him. I get here and that little shit was still on a rampage and out of nowhere attacked me!”
           ‘Rampage’ was not the word to describe me. Asuma knew that. So, in a single movement he got the knife out of his pocket.
“You bring weapons to school?” Asuma questioned him.
           Instead of Hidan expressing an emotion of guilt, he starred at me with what felt like a murderous intent. I looked away quickly and asked Asuma if I could leave. But he was already making a call to the school’s deputy. When deputy came, he questioned us again and it all ended with Hidan and his little brother being put in the back of the cop car with handcuffs. Turns out they both had a pilling record on their heads. Soon after the deputy left another cop car pulled in. It was Saskue’s dad. He offered me a ride home but before I left Asuma said:
           “And before I forget. Nice right hook.” He smiled and waved as we drove away.
           He saw the whole thing.
So, my first year of high school I took on Boxing per-Asuma-sensei’s request. And… I don’t hate it. It’s a good stress reliever.
           As the year went on it was just me and the guys as usual. Doing our thing. Until… Ino.
           Ino was a girl I saw almost every single day since elementary school. I knew our parents knew of each other but, she had so many friends Choji and I never really mingled with her. Whenever I saw her outside of school it was a single “Hi” and “Bye”. I’d be lucky if I got one in school though.
           But the point is that whenever I saw her I knew that I liked looking at her and my friends could obviously tell. For the longest time they urged me to go and really talk to her but, I never took the shot. I was okay with just looking at her.
           I didn’t know much about romance and never thought about it ever but, when I saw her I tried to imagine what it would be like. She seemed nice…. That all I could get from her. The guys didn’t know much about her either- only that she was best friends with Sakura…. Who had a huge crush on Saskue. Sakura was an acquaintance of ours and was relatively nice but, she refused to let us know anything about Ino. She said something about paying respect to some stupid girl code. And Saskue refused to put anything on the line if it meant talking Sakura.
           Sakura and Ino were- for the longest time- and still are part of the ”Popular”s. Top of the social ladder and they liked their place there. So, going out with a guy like me or Naruto or Kiba or Choji meant Social suicide. Saskue and Neji made the cut because apparently their good looking but, don’t care for social status or people so they gave them the middle finger.
           But one day, after Biology class, Ino came to me. I was quite surprised she even knew my name when she approached me.
“I need your help, Shika- Shikamaru? Right?”
           “Yea.” I said.
“I’m failing this class and if I don’t pass, the teacher is threatening me with summer school. I heard you’re the top of our class so, do you think you could help me?”
           She asked me in a pretty straight forward way. No hair flip or puppy-dog eyes. She just simply asked. I could see the desperation in her eyes so, I agreed.
           She had already set days that’s she had free so that we could be able to meet up and study. Afterwards I met up with the guys at lunch and they claimed it was fate…. Well, Naruto and Kiba. Choji was happy for me and gave me a pat on the back. But Neji and Saskue simply nodded and told me to be careful. To them they took my liking towards Ino as quite a surprise. They said they didn’t see me with a girl like her but, weren’t gonna put up a fight with my choice.
           As time progressed and I tutored her. The time came to the mid-quarterly exam. She passed with flying colors and Thanked me. Nothing happened over our study dates. It was strictly Biology. But, at the end I got the courage to ask her to the Winter Festival but, she turned me down.
           I didn’t know that it got to me until my boxing match came up. I was up against some guy from Sound High. He was pretty good and in the beginning of the match he was landing a lot of good hits on me. But when the second round came in, he gave a nice jab that woke me up real good. After that I just lost it. I didn’t give him enough time to block or recover and I won the match with a KO.
           The day after, Kiba told me that I was the “Talk of the Town” saying that everyone was talking about my match last night. And a couple days later Ino and I had plans for a date.
           Our relationship happened suddenly, and I quickly got blinded by her. I only saw her and nothing else. I could care less about the popularity and all the people she had around her. I just wanted to know what she was about, her likes, interests, things that made her happy, or sad. Everything.
           I wasn’t one to show PDA at school and I made if very clear to her. She respected my boundaries and I respected hers. The only perk to all this (to Naruto and Kiba) was that we got into all the parties now. Choji used this opportunity to become more of a social butterfly. So, it was kind of a win-win situation because Neji and Saskue would sometimes attend those parties which made Sakura and a bunch of other girls happy.            
           Very quickly we were no longer losers. All in the span of our first year in high school. Choji went with the flow. Kiba loved it. Naruto was through the roof. Saskue could care less but, I do see the way he looks at Sakura at times. And Neji… I’m surprised he’s even still around.
           The beginning of Ino and I’s relationship was great. I had no problem. I didn’t really know how to do all this so, I was just following after her lead while also getting tips from the guys…. Which helped… more or less. Until one day, I asked Asuma.
“What do you see in Ino, Shikamaru?” He asked. “Why did you choose her?”
           I thought for a minute. “Well, I never really thought of girls until I saw her. I saw her and I thought she was beautiful. She was the first girl I ever saw that made me…pause.”
He nodded and then asked. “How did you feel when you kissed her for the first time?”
           “Pretty good.” I said.
He nodded. “Honestly, Shikamaru. I’m not surprised by your answers…. But, If you want my opinion. I don’t think Ino is a nice a choice… for you.”
           I stayed quiet.
“She’s a nice girl. All around personality with a face to match it. But if she’s the one you like- I can’t really tell you how to live your life. But I will I give you this advice: When you know you’re with the right person, it all just comes naturally. Without a second thought.”
Thank you guys for being so patient! It was so hard to get this out on time with school getting in the way. I hope you like the first chapter. The second one will be out soon! Where you’ll see a little bit of Temari’s back story. And art too!
What do you think about ShikaIno? How did this chapter make you feel for the most part? I’d love feedback.
Chapter Two: Temari
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fiction-queen-blog · 5 years
The Five Kingdoms
Genre: medieval fantasy, Game of Throne Universe, romance. (I am open for feed back because this is my first medieval fantasy and it is heavily based on Game of Thrones) Pairing:   Naruto x Sasuke (SNS) ROMANTICALLY Summary: “Game of throne Universe. Sasuke Stormborn of the house Uchiha first of his name and prince of the five kingdoms comes to visit the warden of the North, Lord Ashina of house Uzumaki. Here he meets Knight Naruto the Jinchuriki (bastard) of Lady Kushina. He discovers there is more  about the boy than his golden hair and sky blue eyes. 
Chapter 1  Naruto Jinchuriki
Naruto was a young men, just sixteen years of age; he had short blond hair that sat untamed on his head. The wind was his comb and he never managed to make it look neat, not even the sweetest handmaid with the softest touch could undo what tangles of the wind. His great grandmother, Lady Mito, had them give it a try a lot of times. His hair was always all over the place, sticking out from the top and from the sides. It had become a characteristic trait of his. His wild golden locks caught most people’s eyes. It was rare, almost unseen up in the Northern lands; as were Naruto’s ocean blue eyes, that were rumoured to be as deep as the ocean itself. His skin has a natural tan, that was unheard of in the cold land. The sun was almost never shining bright enough. There were only two known seasons and that was winter and fall. There had never been a bright shining sun or a clear blue sky, not for centuries at least.
Naruto was riding on horseback through the woods in the afternoon, he returned back to the castle gates where two guards were standing.
“Had a nice ride, Junchuriki?” One of them asked as he signalled for Naruto to enter the courtyard.
Naruto was not particularly fond of people using his last name…A baster’s name. It was a cold reminder of what he was.
“I always do, old-man.” Naruto said back as he indicated his horse to walk again.
He knew the guard did not mean to offend him, he was the youngest knight the North had seen. He was well respected for his skills, but he preferred to be called by his first name. It reminded him less of the tragedy that was the beginning of his life.
Naruto stepped off the horse and handed him to the stable boy, Kiba. The Jinchuriki greeted him politely and thanking him for taking good care of the horse. He proceeded turn around, seeing his grandfather look down on him from his chamber’s window. Naruto lowered his eyes. Lord Ashina, the warden of the North and lord of the Uzumaki house, was not particularly fond of him as many of the town folk were.
His eldest daughter, Kushina Uzumaki, was Naruto’s mother. She was said to be a beautiful women, but a fears warrior.  She was never the lady of the house as her youngers sister was. Lady Mito had handed her the family sword, made of ancient magical steal that was passed down in the family for centuries. It was not given to the next lord in line, it was given to the best warrior of the family which Naruto’s mother had proven herself to be on many occasions. Blessed by lady Mito, she set out on her journey around the North helping those in need. Only years later did her younger brother, Nagato, receive a raven from an inn telling him lady Kushina was in a terrible condition. Nagato had raced towards her location and was just in time to see his sister holding a baby covered in blood. With her last words she handed Nagato the baby and told him his name was  “Naruto”.
Nagato had vowed to protect his sister’s son and took Naruto with him back to the castle. The news of Kushina’s passing had hit the family hard and as Nagato, Lady Mito, and Lady Mariko had not blamed Naruto, Ashina did. Looking at Naruto the lord of the north could only imagine how the men that killed his daughter looked like. He threated Naruto like the bastard  he was and there was nothing Naruto could do to change the men’s mind. He had lived his entire life being hated and reminded of the fact he was the reason his mother was no longer alive.
“Where have you been, bastard !?”
Naruto was woken up from his thought when he heard Karin, daughter of Lady Mariko, shout from the balcony.  She was wearing a beautiful laced violet dress, her hair was braided and tied neatly and she had never looked better than she had that moment. It made Naruto suspicious of what she was up to. Was there a change some lord were coming over to ask for her hand?
“Taking out your noble stallion for a ride. It seems it ain’t getting any action from you. How many times did you fall form your horse last lesson…Five…Six times?” Naruto smiled as he looked up at Karin’s annoyed face.
“Twelve, but I did not expect a jinchuriki to count that far!” She snapped back.  Some laughter was heard around the courtyard, causing Naruto to blush slightly.
“Oh yeah!” Naruto pointed an accusing finger at Karin, but did not really know what exactly to say. He was getting flustered. “Don’t you need to get your hair combed a hundred times or something!”
Karin rolled her red eyes, shaking her head.
“Lord Grandfather wants to speak with you. It is urgent.”
Naruto was surprised, hearing the news. It was odd for Lord Ashina to summon him. Naruto rushed inside the castle, surprised at how clean everything was. The maidens were scrubbing every inch of the place, leaving not even a spot of dust behind. As Naruto walked past the kitchen he could smell the spices from down the hall. He quickly peaked inside, seeing every cook the castle had working hard. He wondered who was coming, it must be somebody important for Karin to have made a perfect dress like that and for the staff to be working so hard.
For a brief moment Naruto’s heart jumped. Could it be Lord Ashina wanted him to escort this high lord to the castle? Did he thrust him enough to do so? Perhaps it was a sign of acknowledgement. Finally.
With his heart pumping like a little boy in his chest, Naruto walked faster towards the court room. When he entered he saw four maids cleaning the floor as three lords from the nearby lands were talking around the rectangular table. They all looked up when Naruto entered.
“Lord Ashina…” Naruto bowed, “Karin said you wanted see me?”
There was a dreaded silence followed by the lord of the Uzumaki house saying: “It is lady Karin, I have no bastard disrespect my granddaughter. Next time I’ll have your head for it.”
Naruto looked slightly up, feeling a lump in his throat…The excitement he felt was gone. He was feeling dreadful now.
“My apologies…” He said in a whisper, he cleared his throat, gathering his courage. “You…You wanted to see me, my lord?”
“Yes” he said, “the prince of the five kingdoms will arrive today. We got latter from Lord Nara he has passed their land. It would be half a day before they reach our castle.”
“The prince of the Five Kingdoms…” Naruto’s eyes widened and he wanted to smack his head against a brick. That was right, around a month ago they had received a raven with the royal seal on it from the noble Uchiha clan. The king has said he sent his brother over. Nagato had told him this and yet he managed to forget.
He was so excited about the prince to arrive. He had heard so many stories about his conquests. He was said to be the greatest warrior known to the kingdoms. He had stopped the rebellion in the Sand Lands, he had lead his forced and put an end to it. He was the same guy who burned down a battle field, riding on a big black dragon’s back, he had stopped the Hyuuga rebellion by himself. He was Naruto’s role model. All the song Naruto knew about battle glory where made about him. All the stories old nan had told him when they were sitting by the fire drinking some ale.
“It Is our top priority to leave a good impression, that is why-“
Naruto’s eyes widened, was he going to meet the prince and escort him to the castle? The thought alone made his guts feel lighter. He was feeling so excited for a moment.
“-I want you to stay out of eye sight from him.”
Naruto stared at his grandfather. For a moment he thought he hadn’t understood his grandfather correctly.
“I don’t want a jinchuriki near him. It is highly offensive to have you even look at him.”
Naruto lowered his eyes.
“Of course…” He said, trying not to show how crushed he was by his grandfather’s words.
“If I see you near him, even in his eye sight, I will have you executed. Understood?”
“Yes, lord Ashina.” Naruto said, nodding softly.
“That will be all.”
With those words Naruto left the courtroom and sighed deeply once he closed the door behind him. What was he expecting? Some glory for his knightly duties around the country. How he had slayed a huge bear terrorizing a village or how he fought the mountain raiders and instead of killing them made them the warriors of the hilltops, that now escorted and protected those in needs through the harsh roads.
He walked out of the castle and ignored some of the usual calls he got around the courtyard.
“You look gloomy,” Kiba noted as he walked outside of the stalls, he sat down on a small wooden box that once contained hay. Naruto leaned against the barrel and told his friend about his conversation with his grandfather. Soon they were joined by the singer, Sai. Who had his little guitar in his hands and was playing around with some notes. He often came around the castle to entertain the guests with he songs. Some everybody knew, some the wrote himself. Naruto particular liked the ones about the prince of the Five Kingdoms, there seemed to be a lot about him.
“That sucks, but are you really surprised? Being a knight doesn’t give away your status and Jinchuriki…”
“Thanks Kiba, appreciate that…” Naruto sighed, “It is not that what bothers me…It is the way he said it. I thought I had really proven myself with the Mountain riders.”
“You didn’t kill them,” Kiba said, “wasn’t that your job.”
“I didn’t kill them because I saw the good in them. They just needed somebody to show them the right way.”
“Ah the Mountain Riders, I am actually working on a song about that achievement.”  Sai said, looking amused at Naruto who looked amazed at this information.
“Really?! You’re writing a song about me!” Naruto said.
“Of course I couldn’t say Naruto Jinchuriki, so I named you the golden haired knight. It is still a work in progress” Sai said amused.
“That actually made me feel better,” Naruto said with a soft smile on his face. “I wished I got to see Prince Sasuke. I mean, now I am throwing dreams out there, I really want to spar against him. I think I can just learn so much from him. He is just this awesome warrior.”
“You better stop talking or else people might suspect you’re in love with the prince.” Sai joked. “I’ve heard my fair share of stories around the kingdom.”
“Really, like what?” Kiba asked, looking around him to make sure they were not overheard.
“I heard that where ever he goes, he brings his personal handmaid. One, old women, apparently the one who nursed after the passing of the queen. He won’t even allow any other handmaid in his chambers.”
“Why is that weird?”
Sai gave Naruto a weird smile which made Naruto remind him of when Sai made a small dick joke. Suddenly it popped up on him and his eyes widened.
“I don’t think you can say that about the prince!” Naruto said, causing all three to laugh.
“What if he is a girl, and that is why he won’t allow anybody else in his chambers. What if he pretends to be a boy?” Kiba whispered.
“No, during the Sand Rebellion the songs clearly state a prince burning down Suna .” Sai began to sing the part of the song, “The prince emerged from the dragon flames, untouched, unhurt, unburned.”
“Also the Uchiha’s are no strangers to female warriors. There was Princess Naori, Princess Izumi and Queen Mikoto.”  Naruto said.
“But it is whispered among lords and ladies that the prince is still unwed.” Sai said, “never looked at even looks at the women. One time the warden of the Raining Island put a few whores in his chambers, the most beautiful of the beautiful the islands had to offer. He send them away…Almost beheaded the lord if he wasn’t so merciful. I guess it was offensive to him.”
“Many lords fucks around in whore houses,” Kiba said.
“But he the prince, he could get anybody he likes. I bet he doesn’t have to pay for it.” Naruto said.
“The songs say that his beauty rivals the full moon,” Sai said, playing a little on his guitar.
“Really? You wouldn’t expect somebody to look pretty after emerging from dragon flames.” Naruto noted.
“He just said he was unburned.” Kiba said, slapping Naruto’s knee.
“Oh right.” Naruto scratched the back of his head and apologised.
The small rays of sun that was shining down on them suddenly disappeared and Naruto, Kiba and Sai all looked up in the sky. Their yaws dropped open when they saw a massive dragon flying above them in the sky, bocking the rays of sun and casting a shadow down in the court yard.
Everybody in the courtyard dropped what they were doing and stared in awe at the rare creature flying above them. None of them have ever seen a dragon before. There wee only two left in the world and both belonged to the Uchihas. One of them was a hundred year old silver dragon, described as magical looking, a gift from the sky. The other was hatched sixteen years ago during a biggest storm the capital had seen in centuries. The night Queen Mikoto had given birth to prince Sasuke and died. The same moment the rumours said her soul was reincarnated into a dragon, causing the egg to hatch and become the prince’s guardian dragon. They called him the Son of the Dragon after that day. That dragon grew up to be twice the size of the silver one, told to have emerged from the depths of hell. It was big and terrifying and yet so majestic and amazing.
“Dragon….” Naruto whispered, not believing his eyes for a moment. When the dragon flew around the castle and was descending, Naruto was woken up from his trance by his grandfather’s warning.
“I have to get out of here!” Naruto suddenly said, getting up and running off to the horse stalls.
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1090506 · 6 years
Yello, it’s your Secret Santa! I can only really write fanfics, so I’d like to know maybe three or five AUs/tropes you’d like to have a fic written about! I promise to do my best!
I’m sure anything you create will be great, i love fanfiction and can’t write myself so this is really great/nice
Maybe a fic about the scarf Hinata was supposed to give to Naruto?  she never gives it to him and a year or so when she and sasuke are together now Sasuke finds it (maybe while they were looking for something at Hinata’s place to keep him warm), he asks if he can use and flustered she says no, and he’s confused and maybe a little hurt.  But a day or so later she comes up behind him and wraps it around his neck, it’s also red (or not up to you) feels familiar but doesn’t at the same time.  Looking down, unable to meet his eyes, she apologizes saying she didn’t want him to have it because she wanted to make him a new one just for him, not one that was meant for someone else.  She put a little Uchiha symbol in the corner and everything ^-^
OR a fic about Sasuke secretly following Hinata around or being kinda weird when they’re together, cause her birthday’s coming up (December 27) and he has no idea what to get her so he’s in super alert/panic mode (but like silently in his own Sasuke way).  He wants to get the perfect present but she just says she’ll be happy with anything he gets her.  You can decide whether or not he gets her the perfect gift, cause I know she’ll love his gift no matter what
OR a fic about Sasuke and Hinata buying presents together for their friends/family as a couple for the first time, and they’re deciding the perfect gifts but disagree sometimes like Sasuke wants them to get Naruto Ramen coupons, Kiba a dog collar for himself lol whether he’s joking or not Hinata is always either pouting or laughing at his choices.  Hinata is really thoughtful and good at picking presents for the people she cares about, it impresses Sasuke and encourages him to think and try a little harder as well, in the end they pick the perfect thoughtful gifts for everyone.  Even Sasuke impresses Hinata as he suggests gifts for his teammates that she never would have thought and only someone as close to them as Sasuke would know if he just really tried, also her sister Sasuke suggests a good present for her even though he thinks she’s a brat at times.  The present i mentioned are just suggestions, feel free to pick what presents they decide to get for their friends/family ^-^
OR Team 8 and Team 10 joint Christmas party, their teams are close because Asuma and Kurenai loved each other.  Sasuke is Hinata’s plus one, Sasuke is at first entranced at seeing Hinata carry a red eyed baby, giving him flashes of a future with her but then gets jealous when he sees how close Hinata and Shikamaru are (they could be the godparents of Kurenai’s baby maybe) since the two of them rotated the most in taking care of Mirai when Kurenai was away on missions.  Shikamaru notices and thinks its funny, he whispers to Hinata about it, making Sasuke even more jealous cause she giggles.  She leaves Shikamaru who goes back to Temari, his plus one, to tell her what just happened.  Hinata smiles kindly up at Sasuke and hands him the baby, making him all flustered as he scrambles to hold the toddler properly.  Then they both blush when someone comments how’d they look like a cute family
I hope that’s enough!  Sorry if i got carried away, since I can’t write all these ideas kinda just pile up with nowhere to go lol.  Please don’t feel like you have to write it exactly like i wrote, I’ll be happy with anything you make just wanted to give you some ideas to go from if you needed help ^-^
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oneyanderegirl · 6 years
The Disease of Unrequited Love Chapter 8
This is for Sasuhina Renaissance Week 2018! Not sure how long this story is going to be, so hope you all enjoy the ride like I will be. I haven’t written in a while, so apologies for any mistakes. I’ll probably end up rewriting this someday because I didn’t like how I wrote in some parts, but for now please enjoy the story~
A/N: Slowly moving this story forward. By slowly, I mean SUPER SLOW....Anyways, thank you for taking the time to read this story, hopefully I’ll be able to finish writing this before the end of the year so I can start writing some other stuff xD If you ever have any questions about my stories, don’t hesitate to send me an ask! 
“ You’ve gotten worse.”
Sasuke had woken up not too long ago while laying in one of the beds at the Konoha hospital. The familiar scent of chemicals and death that he hated seemed to linger everywhere. When he finally sat up, he was met with an angry Tsunade.
“ Do not ignore me, brat.”
He glared at Tsunade, but did not say anything. Instead, he tried to remember what had happened before he had passed out.
He had been assigned a mission with Hinata and her teammates. Hinata, Kiba, and Shino were supposed to track a missing shinobi and bring them back. There had been rumors of an organization that had been recruiting rogue shinobi in an attempt to overthrow the current allied powers that had formed between the hidden villages as a means of peace. Tsunade had assigned a Konoha shinobi to try to find their whereabouts, but within a week they had disappeared. When a week had gone by with no leads, she had decided to assign Team 8 with the task since they were known as the best trackers in the village.
When Hinata had told him, he had demanded to come with them.
“ Why does this bastard have to come with us?” asked an angry Kiba.
“ Sasuke will be going with you three to act as a bodyguard.” Tsunade answered.
“ Forgive me, Hokage, if I sound out of line, but are you suggesting that we can not take care of ourselves?” Shino questioned.
Hinata did not seem to mind, but the expression she wore seemed to be in agreement with Shino.
“ You all may be trackers, but I’m a much better fighter than all of you.” He said.
Shino had to restrain Kiba from punching him. Or rather, restrain him from getting hurt by Sasuke.
Tsunade let out a frustrated sigh.
“ Settle down. I have decided to assign Sasuke to this because I believe his powers and abilities will come in handy. While I do believe you three are more than capable of taking care of yourselves, it is true that Sasuke is a better fighter as evidenced by the past. This mission is no joke, and I want to take extra precautions. I do not want to lose my best trackers, so I made the decision that I saw would ensure the best outcome. I have already discussed this with Kakashi, Shikamaru, and a few others and they are all in agreement as well.”
“ Then assign us someone else! Why does it have to be him?” Kiba growled.
“ I understand, Hokage-sama. Thank you for the clarification.” Hinata bowed.
“ Yes, I understand as well. While I do not fully agree with this decision, I understand the need for this.” Shino responded.
The man stared at his teammates in disbelief.
Sasuke remained silent.
“ Kiba, whether or not you agree with this, I have already made my final decision on this matter. Sasuke was the only one available at the moment, and he had volunteered to assist with this mission as well. If you still disagree with this, you are more than welcome to drop the mission and I will assign you something else. Do I make myself clear?”
Not wanting to anger the woman any further, Kiba had annoyingly agreed and bowed his head in submission.
“ Uchiha! Are you even listening to me?!”
Unaware that he had become lost within his own thoughts, Sasuke glared at Tsunade again.
“ I heard you.” He said.
He could hear the woman sigh.
“ You haven’t taken my advice at all. Your chakra systems are worse than I thought. I’m taking you off missions for the time being.”
This made Sasuke furious.
“ You will not.” He angrily replied.
“ Excuse me? Do you realize what sort of situation your body is in?” She shouted.
“ It’s my body! I have the right, as a patient, to decide what I do with it. You can not force me off missions!”
“ I am not just ordering you as your doctor, but also as your Hokage. You are not fit for missions, so I am ordering you off of them!”
Sasuke sent the woman an icy glare that would have scared most people.
“ If you won’t let me go on missions, then I will go on them myself. You cannot stop me. You may be the Hokage for this village, but you do not have the authority to order me. I chose to stay here, I chose to follow your orders only because it benefits me. If I wanted to I could send this entire village into a frenzy within mere seconds. You would not want that would you, Tsunade?” He threatened.
They continued to exchange glares. Eventually, Tsunade closed her eyes and let out another frustrated sigh.
He knew this meant that she understood the validity of his threat. Taking the clipboard that had been lying at the desk nearby, she grabbed it before sitting at the chair next to his bed. Looking over what he assumed was his records, he noticed the blonde woman scribbling something before looking at him again.
“ What color are your petals now?” She asked.
“ Dark pink, almost red.” He answered, remembering the last time he had threw up.
“ Do you know what that means?” She asked again.
This time Sasuke did not say anything.
“ I did a scan on you earlier. Your chakra system has been damaged badly, to the point where it is irreversible. This damage has caused your chakra to leak throughout various parts of your body. I assume you have been feeling more tired lately and taking more breaks during training, yes?”
He nodded.
“ The reason why is because the chakra that has been leaking into your body has slowly been destroying your organs. Your lungs, heart, and muscles have been damaged, resulting in internal bleeding. When this happens, the tissues in your body automatically tries to heal itself. That is why the disease hasn’t killed you yet. But it takes time to fully heal, and even when it is healed, it leaves scars and doesn’t work the same anymore.”  
Tsunade flipped through a few more pages of his records and wrote something else down before continuing again.
“ However, when you continuously wear your body down like this, when you continuously let the disease take over, and when you continuously go on these kinds of missions and get injured from it, your body will eventually be unable to keep up with healing your organs. That is the stage where you’re at right now, Sasuke.”
“ What does this mean then?” He asked.
“ The color of your petals indicate how much internal bleeding has been done and how much damage your body has taken. You may not feel much of the damage now, but you will when those petals turn red. You are already experiencing the symptoms, and they will only become more prominent as time goes on, unless you follow the advice I gave you. But once they turn red, the damage will exceed the amount of healing your body can do. You will feel a lot of pain and be significantly weakened. At that point, the damage to your body will be almost impossible to reverse. That’s why you should rest and let your body recover.”  She answered.
Sasuke looked at his hands, remembering what had happened during the mission.
For the most part, Hinata and Sasuke were able to get along fine. Even Shino had eventually accepted that their friendship was genuine and had started to converse with him as well. Although there was still a distance between the two, to everyone’s surprise, Shino and him were able to get along as well. They would not consider each other friends, but they had formed a mutual respect and understanding that was enough to be of comrades.
However, Kiba was not so accepting.
It did not bother Sasuke because he didn’t expect anything from them, but the man’s stubbornness had made their mission difficult to complete. He would completely ignore Sasuke’s suggestion or pretend he wasn’t there in the first place. When no one else would follow his attitude, the man would start unnecessary arguments with Sasuke or his other teammates. At that point, everyone had become fed up with his attitude. Even Akamaru, the large dog who was always loyal to his master and friend, became fed up with him.
That did not stop Kiba though. He continued to treat Sasuke that way for most of the mission. It wasn’t until they had found a lead to the missing shinobi, did Hinata had finally snapped at him for his lack of professionalism. However, it was only when Hinata threatened to fight him and send him back to Konoha alone, did Kiba finally shut up.
Once they had located the missing nin, the team was able to retrieve him and were on their way back to Konoha. The journey back had been fine, and they only needed to travel one more day before reaching the village.
However, when night came, that was when they had been attacked.
“ And what happens if I don’t?” He asked.
“ Sasuke-kun!”
There had been five of them waiting deep within the forest. They were surrounded from all sides and were taken by surprised. Shino had been the first to get hurt. A poison-laced kunai had hit his arm causing the man to collapse in pain, while the missing nin was unconscious. It seemed the poison was specifically meant for Shino; the beetles in his body were unable to get rid of it. Akamaru was guarding the two, so that meant only three of them were able to fight.
Under normal circumstances, Sasuke would have been able to sense them and taken them all out before they would have arrived. But he hadn’t been able to notice anything astray. Neither had the others, but only because the enemies had seemed to know how to deal with them. It seemed his senses had been dulled from the disease. Not only that, but after just taking out two, Sasuke was already low on stamina.
“ We need to leave.”
Hinata nodded in agreement, but Kiba disagreed.
“ We can just take them all out! You already took two.” He growled.
“ No. We need to leave now.” Sasuke said as he continued looking around, waiting for them to strike.
“ Sasuke-kun’s right. We don’t know how many more there are. Our mission is to bring the nin back, not to fight. This isn’t the time to argue, Kiba-kun!” Hinata answered.
It seemed Hinata knew what Sasuke was thinking.
When two more kunais were thrown at them, Kiba finally agreed. The mission was more important.
“ Fine!” The man groaned.
“ Hyuga, Inuzuka, take those two and put them on the dog and leave.” He said.
When Hinata was about to protest against his instructions, Sasuke cut her off.
“ I’ll be following closely behind. I need you two to protect the others and get back to the village in one piece. Do not lose the nin. I’ll make sure to keep them off of you all. Now go!”  Sasuke shouted.  
Kiba nodded and started to gather the nin and Shino onto Akamaru, while Hinata and Sasuke continued to ward off the weapons thrown at them. When Kiba was finally done, he called for Hinata to get ready to leave. Right as they were ready to go, Sasuke had cleared an opening for them to go.
As Kiba and the others began running, Hinata gave him one last look. Her large, worried eyes stared at him as if she was trying to find something. When Kiba shouted again, it seemed to startle Hinata out of her thoughts.
“ Be careful.” she whispered before going to Kiba.
That was the last time Sasuke had seen Hinata before his eyes turned red.
“ If you don’t, then your body will continue to damage itself until it completely breaks down. When your petals turn as red as wine, then there will be no going back.” She said.
Sasuke looked at Tsunade again, this time with a blank expression.
“ Once that happens, it means you will die.”
A sudden crash by the door startled the two of them. When they both turned to see what had caused the noise, all they could see was a girl with short pink hair and green eyes standing by the door with a fallen tray and pieces of cut fruits on the floor. The girl looked terrified as she looked at them.
It was Sakura.
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manabingu · 6 years
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@sylphwriter I know this is hella obvious recommendation coming from me but honestly if you ARE gonna watch any idol/singing show first, I suggest starting with Uta no Prince-sama because it’s literally THE trailblazer that started it all. I have yet to encounter anything that has topped this one in terms of how well they wrote the main heroine, plus everyone in the cast is AMAZING. And the songs will just warm your heart ^^! ((AND SEASON 4 WILL DESTROY YOU 8D)) You know I don’t kid around when it comes to feels lol. Currently I got my friend Wraith10 (abridged Ryoga Kamishiro in ZEXAL Abridged) to watch it and he is in love with it 8D! 
ALSO if you want to definitely have your hear shattered while also enjoying some hella good action, greek mythology, and adventure I recommend my other beloved show Saint Seiya Omega. I love the original Saint Seiya but I think if this is your first exposure to this classic franchise, I think thas a good place to start. I like Omega because the female cast is much stronger, they actually give bigger roles to the women (back in the day we didn't have female Gold Saints- which is the highest rank warrior status in this world & Omega has multiple) And IF you’re like me & you like Tokyo Mew Mew, the show was written by Reiko Yoshida! And she is a wonderful storyteller! I think you’d like it :D Also it gets hella dark hella fast and I love it @u@
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RECOMMENDATION 3: Kaleido Star. I dunno if you like Cirque du Solei or circuses but this show 8D IS ANOTHER EMOTTTTIOOONAL ROLLERCOASTER. Like , it looks happy at first but gosh diddly darn I can SAFELY say that THIS is the anime I have rewatched THE most in my entire life. honestly I might rewatch it again XD ahaha its just THAT good. It’s so heartfelt and sincere & it makes you wanna reach for all your dreams! I haven’t called anything perfect but to me, Kaleido Star is the one anime that can do no wrong & I see a lotta myself in the main character Sora Naegino. She a blessing.
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And my 4th recommendation is  THE VERY UNDERRATED Kiba. Honestly if you like YuGiOh ZEXAL, I REALLY think you’d like Kiba! The main character Zed & his spirit beast Amir Gaal has a similar partner dynamic  to Yuma and Astral. But it’s like an older & more mature version of Yuma. You basically follow Zed a troubled kid in a dangerous neighborhood who has a lotta inner turmoil cuz his mom is in the hospital with an unknown medical condition, and  he also struggles with learning what is freedom. One day when he is being chased by the cops, he suddenly finds a portal to another world. The world he is in now is a magical land where people fight using “spirit beasts” and he goes on a CRAZY adventure. (this one has a LOTTA feeeeeeels too. Like, there was one side story that scarred me for life 8D IT WAS AWESOME....but still Im scarred lol.) The ending was so emotional for me. I’m sad more people don’t know about this hidden gem of a show.
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newrageinc · 7 years
SasuHina Month
Day 1: Trampoline
No profits are being made off of this. In case my Full Time job didn’t tip you off on that. 
This is a drabble I wrote branching from @delightfulharmonypoetry‘s Runaway. I just had to borrow the kids for this one. I did ask for permission on this in case you were wondering. The plan was to post in the afternoon but I’m an impatient ho so here it is early. (: 
The return of spring and warmer weather invited for a lot of time spent outside. The sun’s gentle rays on cool skin and endless blue skies were enjoyed as days got longer in preparation for summer.
Sasuke was happy he could indulge his family’s days and afternoons with running and playing in the well-kept backyard of the home he and Hinata had put together. He had gone to great lengths to ensure the children would always be safe and that Hinata could rest easy whenever they ventured outside to enjoy the weather.
So he was incredibly annoyed when one “uncle Kiba” had shown up one Saturday afternoon, unannounced and red faced from exertion of hauling a heavy box up their drive way. It was one thing to drop in, but to drop in with “gifts” had Sasuke reaching for the nearest sharp object to throw at his “friend.”
One look at the colorful label on the box had Hinata’s brow furrowed in worry, bottom lip pulled in between her teeth anxiously as the kids crowded around Kiba and the box.
“What is it?” Itachi had asked, coming from around Sasuke to get a closer look. Sasuke’s plan of covering the box with his body before the boys could understand what was being offered to them wasn’t working out as Naruto squealed in delight.
“A trampoline! It was on sale. I thought to myself, ‘I know a couple of kids who could get some real use out of this.’ So who wants to help set it up?”
Sasuke was about to interject with a stern “thanks but no thanks,” but the kids were too fast. Naruto and Itachi were already clawing at the box, tearing at the cardboard viciously as Sora hovered just behind them, drawn downstairs from the commotion. Her mischievous grin a mirror image of her father’s as she watched her younger brothers get to work.
Haku came and stood by Sasuke, watching with mild interest as the others started dragging the pieces of the rig towards the back door. The three of them shouting promises to come back and pick up the mess in a minute.
“This’ll be interesting,” Haku chuckled, trailing after them with his hands in his pockets.
Hinata ran a hand over her hair to smooth it. “You… really shouldn’t have Kiba.”
“That’s putting it lightly. I hope for your sake the first emergency room visit is for a minor injury because I’m sending you the bill on that one.” Sasuke bit, finally resigning himself to helping his children with putting together their new toy lest they do it wrong and it falls apart mid-use. Kiba had the audacity to beam at them.
“You guys worry too much, they’ll be-“
A loud crash followed by a peel of laughter and angry shouting as an argument erupted outside cut him off. He frowned.
“First ER visit you said? I’ll pay for the second one too.”
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griffinsanddragons · 7 years
So About Hinata’s Story...
I’ve gotten into Naruto again and I have a lot to say.
I told myself not to do it, but @crowlesbian told me I might as well, so I wrote this in an attempt to get across how I’d personally rewrite Hinata and Neji’s story to maximize their character development. 
I’ve seen some people write their own but this is simply my take.
You see, Hinata isn’t a character we see a whole lot in the manga so there isn’t really much to go off of because Naruto has what I affectionately refer to as ‘Sailor Moon Syndrome.'
Because like Sailor Moon, only a few members of the cast have character development. Understandably Naruto is the title character so of course, those closest to him (that being Team 7) are the main focus and it’s fine.
[[This is, however, why I believe both the  Sailor Moon and Naruto anime are more beloved: The humanization of the other characters.
(The best example is Rock Lee, whose only real story arc happened in Part 1. Nevertheless, he remains a popular and beloved character and people enjoy the episode’s with him in it.)
The anime did a great job with the stories unfolding around Naruto by developing the other members of the Konoha 11, the other Jonin, etc… regardless of whether or not it’s ‘canon’ to the source material or not, I personally choose to consider the anime as canon to itself — it’s simply a different way to tell the same story and while some of the episodes are a bit, uh, much and many times out of place, I appreciate it.
But I digress.]]
The point is we don’t see Hinata much so there really isn’t much to go off. Nevertheless, I believe her story could have been better had more emphasis been put on her role as a member of the Hyuga Clan and her relationship with Neji.
The problem is that Neji and Hinata’s stories are intrinsically intertwined but the more interesting parts of their relationship aren’t very well presented if you ask me.
On the outside, yes, Neji and Hinata’s story begins as your average Genius vs. Loser face off, but there’s much more than that going on.
Their story is about Social Class and Privilege.
Neji’s anger at the Main House of the family wasn’t unjustified, he was right and things aren’t actually solved just because he learned his Father choose to die in place of Hiashi…
[Keep Reading]
The Branch Family lives to serve the Main Branch and while it’s hinted things began to change, er… there isn’t really any definitive information about that.
I don’t want to spend too much time on things we already know, but Neji was angry because he believed his father was murdered in the place of his uncle.
And it frustrated him to know that no matter how talented he was or how high he ranked, his literal purpose was to serve the Main Branch of his family.
He’s so talented he was able to learn so much by himself but how many other Neji’s are in the Side Branch? How many bright and talented kids never even get the chance to learn the more advanced family techniques because they’re forbidden to be taught to them?
How many have been punished via Cursed Seal for having the audacity to be unhappy?
Meanwhile, Hinata’s suffering isn’t necessarily caused by the Main House / Side Branch Family structure, but it is a symptom of it:
Her problems stem from the fact her Father has deemed her too unworthy to be considered the heir for the Main Branch of the family and disowned(?) her due to her more gentle and timid personality (if she were a member of the side branch I’m sure this wouldn’t be a problem.)
But what does all this mean?
Well, it means that Neji and Hinata’s story should have been about them trying to fix the system that lead to their troubles in the first place.
And here’s how I think it should go:
In their fight, Hinata mentions that she shows Neji is suffering but I don’t think she knows the full extent of it. I’d like it if she learned that during his fight with Naruto.
Neji’s putting all his family’s business out there anyway, so it might as well be used to set something else up.
After Hiashi apologizes to Neji, tells him the truth and begins training him, Hinata should speak with Neji.
They have their first real heart-to-heart where he apologizes for trying to kill her and she apologizes for not realizing just how badly he’s been suffering and promises that she’ll do whatever she’s able to help him and everyone else who’s suffering thereby giving her a new goal.
Never breaking a promise is her nindo, after all, and it’s definitely a worthy goal.
Neji would simply thank her for her apology.
From there on out, Hinata trains hard to obtain her new goal–becoming strong enough to reclaim her status as Clan Heir.
She trains harder with Kiba and Shino and as her resolve strengthens they begin to perform better on missions.
Hiashi and Hanabi begin to notice her newfound resolve and so does Neji.
He begins to think that maybe she’s serious about what she promised (prompting a flashback of Naruto claiming he’ll never go back on his word and will become Hokage,) and he goes to watch Hinata train.
She still has trouble pushing herself while training alone and Neji extends the offer to assist her.
Hinata agrees and that’s when they begin training.
Kurenai, Kiba, and Shino notice how much better her relationship with her family has gotten and how cheerful she’s become now.
Neji’s a strict teacher but a really good one and she begin improving quickly.
Their newfound relationship shouldn’t just benefit Hinata, however, it should also benefit Neji.
So as they grow closer as friends, Neji begins to feel more comfortable telling Hinata about his dreams and ambitions, the ridiculous antics of his team and things like that.
Gai, Lee, and Tenten begin to notice a change in Neji too. He seems less on edge than usual and begins improving his performance as well.
He’s been able to perfect and refine his understanding of what Hiashi teaches him by applying it to his lessons with Hinata. (because once you truly understanding something you’re able to teach it.)
This is where things really take a turn because I think that Hinata should begin to admire Neji as her inspiration.
She doesn’t have to stop liking Naruto or stop admiring him–he’ll always be the person who inspired her first— but it would be nice to see her take inspiration from other people too.
Because Neji didn’t have anyone there to teach him, he didn’t have anyone to really encourage him to get up and keep trying, he learned all of this on his own, he became strong on his own and he did it while knowing he was ‘only’ a member of the side branch of the family.
Neji is amazing and she hopes to one day be as strong as him.
Eventually, they take the Chunin Exams again and Hinata becomes a Chunin. Neji, of course, becomes a Jonin and they begin working on the Gentle Step Twin Lion Fists in hopes she can further impress her Father and Hanabi.
Hiashi asks Neji what spurred Hinata to start working so hard and why he agreed to help her and Neji simply tells him they have a goal they must work together to obtain–because he fully believes in his and her power to do this.
They’ve also become best friends.
Gai believes that Neji really has the makings of a teacher and is proud of him for coming so far. He has so much youthful determination!
This, of course, spurs on Lee and Tenten to train even harder!
In fact, it’s clear to everyone how far both he and Hinata have come thanks to their training together.
Not wanting to fall behind, Shino and Kiba up their training and Team 8 have risen to become one of the best tracking teams in the village!
Over this time Hinata begins to have a more sunny disposition. She still has anxiety because those things don’t really go away so easily but it’s a bit more manageable now so by the time she meets Naruto again maybe she won’t faint.
Nevertheless, she’s happy to see him.
Naruto’s story pans out as usual.
Hinata, as always, tries to buy time for Naruto by jumping in front of Pain, confesses her feelings but also feels sorry she couldn’t keep her word to Neji—Pain almost kills her, Naruto beats him up, and everyone turns out ok.
When Hiashi learns Hinata jumped in front of Pain he muses about how much she’s grown and speaks with her about how admirable her actions were. He tells her she’s happy she’s alright and that making difficult choices is something a leader must always do. Hiashi also lets her know that believes she’s shaping up to be a really good one under Neji��s influence.
At this point, Hanabi realizes that Hinata might actually reclaim her status as heir to the clan and they decide to spur each other on —neither wanting to lose but also wanting to fight while the other is at their best.
[If I wanted to get into any shipping stuff I guess this is where Naruto would ask Hinata if she was alright and if maybe she’d want to get some ramen when Ichiraku is rebuilt. He also makes a point to say goodbye to her when he goes to talk to the Raikage, to the Falls of Truth and whenever else he leaves the village, alluding to them become closer as friends.)
Hinata greatly improves her confidence and taijutsu abilities in time for the 4th Great Ninja War.  
She and Neji fight side by side and protect a lot of people.
They both survive. Naruto pulls some protagonist shit and protects them from the splinters.
[Again I guess this would be where Naruto tells Hinata how happy he is that he got to save her from danger this time and it’s cute or whatever. They hold hands when Naruto takes time to ask if she’s okay and she’s happy she gets to stand beside him and all that jazz.)]
Regardless, both Neji and Hinata are trapped by The Infinite Tsukuyomi where they both have similar dreams about uniting the Hyuga Clan. (In Hinata’s case I guess Naruto could be there to congratulate her on fulfilling her dream.)
Sometime after the war, Neji begins to think about becoming a Jonin leader since he seems to have a knack for teaching and asks Gai what he thinks about the idea first.
Gai is very proud of him and thinks he’ll do great! Now he’ll have his own students to pass his youth unto! And Neji is very pleased.
After the war everything is peaceful and happy. 
(Naruto and Hinata begin spending more time together as friends and then Naruto decides he really likes Hinata and tries to ask her on an official date but she’s been busy preparing for a very important duel with her sister. 
When he finally gets the chance, the events of ‘The Last Movie’ take place and Toneri kidnaps Hanabi. Neji was off on a mission or something so he isn’t part of the Hanabi rescue team. Either that or he joins them and makes it a six man squad??? idk.
At some point, someone (Sai?) might ask Hinata why she’s fighting so hard to get Hanabi back when she’s competition for her. Hanabi stands in the way of her dreams. But Hinata tells him that, while that’s true, her sister matters more to her than the title. She and Neji can fulfill their dreams without hurting anyone or leaving them behind.)
When both Hanabi and Hinata are adults and Hiashi is ready to retire, they fight to see who will become heir to the Hyuga Clan.
Within this time Neji and Hinata managed to rally Hanabi to their cause as well as some others who see the need to change.
While I’d like Hinata to win as a show for all her hard work, I think I’d have to give the heir position to Hanabi anyway.
Regardless the three of them all work together to reform the clan.
Hanabi as the head, Neji as her advisor and Hinata can help train some of the younger clan members in both The Gentle Fist Taijutsu and Tracking, which she, Kiba and Shino are still greatly recognized for.
Meanwhile, all of Team Gai becomes Legendary Shinobi! 
(I guess this is where Hinata marry’s Naruto and starts her own family. Neji helps to oversee Boruto’s training and visits them a lot. When Himawari becomes a ninja she’s assigned to Neji’s Squad.)
Nevertheless Hinata, Neji and Hanabi remain close and everything is beautiful.
I say all of this not because I dislike Hinata, but because I like her. She’s a good character but Kishimoto could have done more with her story and tied it into her family issues better. 
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FMK Naruto Dad Edition: Maito Dai, Sakumo, Minato
THE TRAGIC DAD CLUB???? All we’re missing is Fugaku and we’d have a whole set lol!
Maito Dai… I’m sorry but, it’s in the name. You get to die. Yes, that is how I’m choosing. So mature. Ok no, in reality I can’t say no to Sakumo, and Minato… I can’t do that to Naruto. Naruto deserves a dad. (And if I’m not being completely self absorbed, Kakashi deserves a dad and a teacher and not to have a tragic past). Gai turned out fantastic without a papa. Sorry Gai. They made me do it.
Soooo, since I didn’t get to marry Sakumo in the last ask you can bet your fucking ass that I’m marrying the fuck out of Sakumo (daaaaamn it feels so good to say that finally, lol)!
I’ve said it before and I will say it with my dying breath, Sakumo would be an amazing husband. Sakumo is, like, that “best of both worlds” husband. No, a better expression would be “a gentleman in the streets but a freak in the sheets” lol! Like, he would be so lovely and considerate and sweet (he’d probably insist on holding open all doors and pulling out your chair and I imagine he’d be an arm-linker not a hand-holder, or have his hand on the small of your back (and I turn into so much mush when someone puts their hand on the small of my back)).
He whispers “I love you” in your ear without prompting, and sometimes he just stops to gaze at you and thinks “how did I get so lucky?” And when you ask him what he’s staring at he’ll say something cheesy like “just the thief who stole my heart,” and you’ll smile and bump him with your shoulder but he’ll pull you in and plant a soft kiss on your cheek or your hair or maybe on your shoulder and you’ll feel so perfectly at peace (chase after his lips while he retreats and show him how lucky you feel to be wrapped up in him, offering featherlight kisses and maybe even teasing nips at sweet lips filled with unstoppable grins and gentle chuckles. It will be soft and sweet and you’ll sink into each other like two halves of the same soul finally reunited). Ugh, I’m in love.
(this whole thing got super long (is anyone still surprised?) the rest is under the cut).
Omg wait. SAKUMO HELPS WITH ALL THE CHORES IN THE HOUSE. I’m calling it. He’s super equal about things (but he often takes on your chores if he has the time because he’s just super industrious). Sakumo makes you breakfast in bed.
(I feel like his wife had an amazing life with him. I imagine Kakachibi snuggled up between his parents, and then Sakumo gets up to make breakfast (maybe Kakashi can walk and he comes to help, or maybe he can’t but he clings onto Papamo and they go into the kitchen together anyways) and they all eat breakfast in bed, snuggling and cuddling and laughing and so many soft kisses and light tickles and if that isn’t perfect than idk what is)).
Sakumo would be so charming and silly and a total bit of a dork. But then he’d take you home and ohhhhhhh boyyyyy you don’t want to know what I think Sakumo would do. Let’s just say, Sakumo is probably a very dynamic lover. He can go soft and slow and sensual or hard and fast and frenzied, all in the same night… I’m going to have to stop before I go into too much detail. Moving on.
ok I can’t help myself. Biting, body worship, dirty talk in the form of praise (I wrote out some examples and deleted them because it was too much for me haha) veeery generous, makes it all about you (please please pleeeeaaase take the time to make it about him. He makes the sweetest sounds and he’s got such a healthy diet that I’m sure he tastes amazing and ugggh his face when you have him wound up is just 🤤😵🤐 (i’m sorry I almost died from blood loss I can’t continue this train of thought)) lazy kisses, handholding, maybe some mild bondage… I should stop. I’m stopping. Likes having his hair pulled. Ok I stopped. Ask me again later lol
That means I get to fuck Minato. Maybe I’m projecting on all these boys, or maybe they just seem like feelers to me, but I also don’t think Minato would be much for one-night stands. Idk why. Actually, I think it has to do with how he just totally fell for Kushina, and so early on. Like, he found his lady and then he just went for it. There was no one else for him. Which is why I think Minato wouldn’t marry me, wouldn’t even fuck me (as I am not Kushina lol). Maybe in a world where he and Kushina didn’t meet, he’d shyly ask you out on a date, after pining and pining away. If he ever got the courage lol. But idk if he would tho. Maybe I’d ask him out and show him a good time. It might break his heart when it was all over tho. I’d feel bad, but idk if I care that much, not when I get to wake up to Sakumo every morning (when he’s in the village of course. But those reunions??? Mmmm I’m too into this it can’t be healthy).
Minato would treat you good tho. If I couldn’t have Sakumo I’d probably marry Minato in a heartbeat. But we’re talking about fucking him aren’t we?
Ok. I think that Minato would want to romance you. If it was a one night thing he’d probably be super uncomfortable (not in a grossed out or unwilling way but like “that’s not proper!!!” kind of way. Like, he would be all “uhhh, are-aren’t we m-moving a bit too fast?” (Yes he stutters when he’s nervous about sexy things lol).
But I think he could get swept into it. Like, just nibble on his neck and he suddenly can’t think. Trail your hand down his chest and settle your fingers on his belt buckle and then whisper in his ear “do you want me to keep going?” And he’s babbling and nodding and there’s your chance to ride him into the sunset.
I do feel like sex with him gets better with time. He gets more confident. He’s able to take more control. He’ll be more of an active participant and less a… victim of sensory overload haha. I feel like the first few times he’s nervous but so eager to please.
…His eagerness might help him actually. Like he’ll notice you doing all the work and then something snaps and he’s rolled you over trailing kisses down your chest and across your belly and then lower and he’s blushing and asking “is this good?” And poor baby, you should show him how to touch you (he’s so embarrassed and so turned on (I can’t decide if he’s more turned on by watching you go solo or by having your hand on top of his, guiding it to all those special spots on your body). But he’s blushing and eager and I feel like our boy has a good deal of stamina so by the end of the night you’re going to be worn out with your hair in a mess as Minato pulls you close into his chest and rests his nose in your hair. He’d prob also be down for being the little spoon, tbh, but he’d still be down for the big spoon too—it all depends on what you want.
For a fuck he’d be pretty vanilla, but if you’re in a friends-with-benefits thing that’s long term and not hit-and-quit, or dating for a while, he’d be more open to other things. I was trying to keep the details down but look at me. I failed.
Can I add a bonus? Fugaku. I’d kill Fugaku. No one asked, I just wanted to. Die die die die diiiiieeeee (oh wait he’s already dead, if only it were sooner…)
Thanks for the ask! Let’s play FMK
Already done:
Neji, Kiba, and Chouji?
Kakashi, Sakumo, Madara?
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