#but I want to vibe and finish this shit so I’m not tempted tomorrow
Nah tommrowo I’ll stop but that means I need to finish this shot
And the rest of my drink
Cuz I don’t wNt to be like her
I’m stronger
I won’t turn to drinking like she did
0 notes
hunflowers · 4 years
okay inspired by dwd suit wearing harry :) enjoy *nose boops*
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You haven’t seen Harry in a couple months now. At least not physically, what with guidelines for his new movie and the restrictions of quarantine in general.
Whenever his name does pop up on your phone you can’t hide the smile that breaks out onto your face, especially when it’s a facetime call so you can see him in real time. This day however was a little different. He texted you bright and early -- at least for him because of the time difference -- saying he won’t be able to talk much because a busy day lies ahead of him. A frown nestled into your features at the misfortune, but you replied back with understanding.
Whenever his name does pop up on your phone you can’t hide the smile that breaks out onto your face, especially when it’s a facetime call so you can see him in real time. This day however was a little different. He texted you bright and early -- at least for him because of the time difference -- saying he won’t be able to talk much because a busy day lies ahead of him. A frown nestled into your features at the misfortune, but you replied back with understanding.
It came as a surprise a couple hours later though, when he texted you a picture of himself in a full body mirror, adorned in a caribbean blue suit and a matching striped tie, with the message of Do you like it?
Your mouth dropped at the sight, and you’re pretty sure a bit of saliva slipped past your lips too. His hair was parted in meticulous manner that truly gave him the proper 50s vibe, and his clean shaven face was the true cherry on top that had your heart beating in your chest. You wanted to pull him close, preferably by the tie around his neck, and plaster lipstick stains across his jaw while carding your fingers through his hair, tugging slightly as you rocked your hips together.
You had to close your legs at the wormhole your brain was going into, biting your lip into your mouth as you wished he were next to you. I like it a lot :(
Why the sad face?
Because I want to rip it off of you.
You giggled as you saw the daunting three dots appear then disappear a few times, before he replied with a quick Don’t start. He’s at work, so it’s selfish to rile him up especially when it seems he’s about to shoot his next scene, but you couldn’t stop the wink face you sent back along with:
Can’t stop thinking of me on my knees for you. 
Wouldn’t you like that? 
Unbuttoning your pants and pulling the zipper down with my teeth just like you taught? Leaving the whole suit on as you fuck my mouth? 
Hearing me gagging for you, choking on you as I feel you down my throat.
As much as you think you’re making him suffer, you’ve punished yourself just as badly. You were mindlessly watching your current TV fixation, sipping on a glass of wine, but now all you could think about was him and how he wasn’t by your side to help you out. 
When Harry hadn’t responded for a couple minutes, you had half the mind to shove your hand in your panties and finish the job, and you were about to do it too, but you heard the familiar text tone. You pulled your phone close to you and read his daring message, causing you to bite your lip back into your mouth. 
We’ll finish this later.
But then about an hour or so later you got another text from him, this time a picture of him in a brown suit with another tie to match. He said nothing aside from a teasing smiley face, because he knew the game he was playing. The brown one brought out the color of his eyes more, making you ogle just a little harder than the first, and making you crave him even more.
So, you got up from your spot on the couch and marched up to your room to find something to send back. You searched high and low for something worth your time until you finally found a time-piece. A light blue, see-through babydoll dress that you hadn’t worn since your first anniversary together. It came with a matching light blue thong and lace collar piece that you remember Harry practically frothing over the sight.
You quickly changed into it, and pulled your hair back before stepping closer to the full-length mirror in your closet. You angled yourself in a desirable way, and even brought your free hand’s thumb up to your mouth and nibbled on the tip of it as you snapped the picture. Satisfied with the photo on the fourth try, you sent it with a taunting caption of a typed heart.
He opened your message almost instantaneously, but had left you on read which caused your heart to sink a bit in your chest. But, you attributed it to him being called to set and picked your chin up and waltzed back downstairs in your new attire. You picked up your wine glass and continued with your show, simply waiting.
As time ticked on and your body grew sleepier, you were tempted to call it a night and text him saying you would continue this — whatever this is — tomorrow. But you kept your determination, because you missed your boyfriend and even if he couldn’t touch you, you knew he was going to make you cum. And besides, just when you started doubting him, that’s when he decided to ring you.
You picked up the phone giddily, the connecting ... under his name taunting you before his beautiful face popped up on your screen. You were ready to chirp a greeting at him, excited to talk to him after a long day but he was quicker to the punch.
“Y/N... y’had to send that while I’m working, did ya? Fuck, babe, do you understand how difficult it was to focus on set with that at the back of m’mind?” He ran his ring-less fingers through his shorter hair, and you noticed he was back in his hotel room. That’s a good thing, you thought, now you had no restrictions.
You pouted at him mockingly, “Oh no, you poor thing.”
He blinked at you once, then twice, before stating, “Get up. Let me see you.”
Because you were still downstairs, you trekked back up to your room, going over to the original mirror you took the photo in before flipping the camera around and showcasing yourself. You toyed with the hem of the dress, picking it a bit to give him a better viewing of your panties, to which he groaned in response.
“I’ve missed that little number. Remember the night you wore it? Could hardly walk for days after.”
You let out a breath at the thought, bringing your hand down and slightly grazing your throbbing clit for him to see, just at the mere thought.
He continued, “But that’s why you put it on isn’t it? Because you know it’s my favorite and I’m not there to put my hands on you. You wanted to get back at me for the pictures I sent — which, hardly even compare.”
You nodded your head in response, flipping the camera back around to face you as you stepped out of the closet and onto your bed. “Want you to miss me just as much as I miss you.”
“Oh, baby.... Words can’t describe how much I miss you. Look, I’ll show you how much I miss you,” and then the next thing you know, is he’s flipping the camera around and showing you his very hard cock.
You couldn’t help but moan at the sight, your free hand dipping into your baby blue thong and swiping your dripping folds and circling your wetness across your clit. “Show me how much you miss me too.”
You flipped your camera back around, letting him see your fingers slowly working your clit, hidden beneath the fabric of your panties. He groaned, telling you to give him a closer look, so — as comfortably as you could — you pushed your thong to the side and angled your phone so he had a better view of your soaked pussy.
“Shit Y/N– Push two fingers inside, imagine it’s me doing it,” he told, and you could see his fist beginning to pump his cock at a faster rate, him most likely imagining your smaller hand stroking him just like you usually do. You listened to him, inserting your ring and middle finger inside your wet hole, while keeping the heel of your palm pressed against your sensitive bud.
“Baby... I need you so bad,” you whined, softly hitting your front wall as you curled your fingers, before fastening your movements — like you know he would.
You watched him spread his precum around his shaft, paying extra attention to his tip before he thrusted his hips up into hand. “Ugh- I know baby, I need you too. Just a little while longer. Fuck yourself for me, y’can do that can’t you?”
You hummed back, picking up the pace of your hand, going the extra mile and pushing a third finger inside, causing you to screw your eyes shut in ecstasy.
“Wish it was you fucking me right now. Your big cock inside my tight pussy - shit - you fill me so good.”
You heard him groan at your words, mumbling a quiet ‘keep going,’ because he’s always been a fan of your dirty talk.
“Want your hand around my throat... squeezing me as I squeeze you. Wish you were hitting the spot only you could reach. God, want to feel me stretched around you, leaving me sore for days after you’re done. Do you want that too?” You felt the heat in the pit of your belly begin to stir, your palm pressing harder against your sensitivity.
“Could imagine your face pressed into the mattress as I take you from behind. Your tits in my hands — I miss them. Want m’mouth sucking on you... can’t cum yet, don’t even think about it, Y/N.”
You whined at the restriction, feeling your impending high reaching you. So, you helped him to his quicker. “H, H, H... miss having my lips around you. Love when you mess up my lipstick and it’s smeared all around you, mixed with saliva and cum. Never forget about your balls either, I kiss ‘em and suck on them, give them just the right amount of attention. Know you love when I press my finger into you too, hearing you moan until you’re coming down my throat.”
Back and forth for a few moments all you both could do was moan, wishing the other were by your side as you sent yourself into euphoric oblivion.
“Can I cum now? Please, please,” you begged, rubbing fast circles on your clit.
“So close, babe, so – holy fuck — so close,” he murmured, twisting his wrist and keeping more of his focus on the base of dick now. “G’na cum with me?”
You whispered a ‘yes’ in response, your thighs beginning to shake as your toes curled into the bed sheets. Within seconds, hot lava coursed through your body as flashes of white danced across your eyes, you back arching off the mattress. You could hear Harry hitting his climax, your eyes opening quickly to watch him spray his orgasm all over his fist and stomach. 
You nestled your head into your pillow as you brought the phone back up to your face, your eyes falling close as you let your body relax. Harry turned the camera back to him, getting up from his position to wash himself. You would get up eventually too, but you just laid and calmed yourself in the mean time as you watched him.
“Miss you,” you mumbled, tears threatening to break past your waterline as you wished you could snuggle up to him.
He looked at you, his mouth forming into a pout as you could hear the sink water running from the bathroom. “I know. Just a few more weeks and I’ll be home.”
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gondowan · 3 years
Communal Property
Pairings: Din Djarin x f!Reader, allusions to Paz Viszla x f!Reader, Boba Fett x f!Reader, other Mandalorians x f!Reader, big gangbang vibes here lads. 
“I hear you Mandos like to share your women anyway.”
Tags/Warnings: NC-17. Explicit sexual content. Established relationship. Verbal humiliation.  Dom/sub. Choking. Lots of finnnngerrring (vaginal/anal). Canon-typical violence (Din stabs a rando). Soup, but make it sexy. Daddy kink (ehe). Suggestions of a threesome, gangbang, public use, bondage, breeding, double penetration (if I missed anything please let me know), its fluffy at the end :D
Word Count: 4,709
Notes: <:3c please don’t read if you’re not comfortable with anything listed above lol. Seriously though. 
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It was getting late, and the only clientele left at the dingy cantina were either drunk and rowdy or on their way to out. Which was fine, it was rare for the two of you to have some time together and you relished every second you could get. Din had just bagged a large bounty for Karga, enough that he could be persuaded to take a short break. It had been far too long since the two of you could spend some time together without a bounty puck hanging over your head or fears of Imperials looking for the Child.
Besides, Sorgan was as quiet as it got, and with all the planet-hopping and close calls in the last few cycles, the two of you really hadn’t had any time to yourselves and you were getting a little...tense from the lack of release. 
It wasn’t that Din ignored your needs, but rather you were both so caught up with everything that there was barely any time to sleep, let alone indulge in a long scene. There just weren’t enough hours in the day to both take care of the Crest, the Child, and yourselves while on the run. You could tell he too was tense from the lack of physical connection; from the moment you stepped planetside, he was constantly touching you, either guiding you with a hand on the small of your back or  
Din was in a mood. 
“What will it be?” the barkeep had asked when you both walked in. 
Before you could open your mouth, Din replied “Some stew and cider for her please, nothing for me,” he said in a clipped tone, not bothering to look at you or even ask what you might want. 
As the barkeep walked away, he turned his helmeted gaze towards you. “Any objections sweet girl?”
You felt your face get hot. “No,” you murmured. 
He cocked his head to the side, waiting. He was in that kind of mood tonight. Out of the corner of your eye you could see the barkeep coming back to your table. 
“No...daddy,” you mumbled, dropping your gaze away from him right as the barkeep put down your drinks. 
“Let me know if you all need anything else!” she said cheerfully as she set your plate of food and drink in front of you, oblivious to what had just occurred. 
“That’ll be all, thank you.” Din said, not even bothering to look at the barkeep. She must’ve thought you were mute or the two of you had an argument or something, the air between the two of you felt so charged. You hadn’t spoken a word since you two stepped in, and this armor-clad Mandalorian was basically bossing you around. 
She walked away, and you reached for the soup. 
You blinked at him in confusion. 
“I’m going to feed it to you,”. 
If you weren’t embarrassed before, you were now. Although the two of you had conversations about taking your dynamic outside the bedroom, Din hadn’t tried anything outside the ship just yet. The two of you were constantly surrounded by others anyway (Cara, Mayfeld, Boba, etc),  so there wasn’t much of a chance to be naughty in public.
Except now, you suppose. You should’ve known. 
“Mando, we’re in public,” you hissed, looking around the cantina. It was crowded and loud, and you were in a corner booth, but there was still a nonzero chance that someone might glance over.
His vocoder crackled, “Just the first spoonful,” he said, dipping the spoon into the soup and raising it towards you. You knew better than to say no, not if you valued the ability to sit down comfortably tomorrow. If you were really uncomfortable, all you had to do was blurt out your safeword, and you knew he would stop. 
You licked your lips, “Just the one.” You prop your forearms on the table and lean towards him, parting your lips, fervently hoping that no one would look towards your table. Din carefully tips the soup into your mouth, watching intently as you swallow.  
You lick your lips, despite the (admittedly delicious) soup, your mouth feels dry, “Y-yeah,”. 
“Finish it and we can leave,” to do what it is we really want to do, is the unspoken statement hanging in the air. He pushes the bowl towards you; you hastily grab the spoon, not even tasting it anymore.  Din watches you eat, unmoving save for an impatient drum of his fingers on the table. 
You relax a little, and ramble at Din about this-that-and-the-other to fill in the silence as you move onto polishing off your cider. Din says little in return but traces circles at your thigh, gloved fingers leaving a burning trial in its wake. Right as you are about to finish, a drunken man saunters over. You can smell the stench of alcohol rolling off of him. So much for a quiet night. 
“What’s a pretty lady like you doing with a tin can like that?” the drunkard giggles, pointing at Din. “Come with me instead, I can show you a great time, and you can see my face!”.
You sigh, so much for a quiet night, “I’m not interested, thank you,” you say with a clipped smile, turning away, hoping to the maker that he’d leave. 
Unfortunately this idiot can’t read the room, “Awww, don’t be like that, I can-”.
“She’s not interested.” Din said, voice flat, gaze still directed at you, not even bothering to give the drunkard the luxury of his full attention.
The man scowls, throwing up his hands. “Whatever, she’s probably all used up. I hear you Mandos like to share your women anyway.” 
The air got deathly still. Before you can turn to stop him, Din’s vibroblade is sticking out of this man’s shoulder. He screams, sobering up instantly, as Din twists the blade. 
In a flash, the barkeep shows up, blaster in hand, “OUT! All three of you!”, she yells, “Sa’al, I told you if you were going to get in trouble for this shit one day. Don’t let me catch any of you back here again.”
You throw down a fat wad of credits at the table, face apologetic as Din pulls his knife out of Sa’al’s shoulder, returning it to his boot. Sa’al collapses and scurries away in pain, clutching his shoulder. Din calmly stands up, takes your hand in his and leads you towards the exit. You mouth apologies at the barkeep before stepping out into the cool night air. Sorry, my partner is...touchy tonight have a good night so sorry I’m so sorry. 
You shiver, not looking forward to the long walk back to the Crest. Surprisingly, Din turns you in the opposite direction, marching you towards the inn. 
“Don’t want to wait,” he says. “Besides, it’s getting cold, and I know you don’t like that,” he drapes his cloak over your shoulders, and despite the reaction he had at the bar, your heart feels warm, and you lean into him. 
The inn is quiet, and you were lucky to get a larger room at the end of the hall. A bath would be nice, the refresher aboard the Crest did its job, but five minute showers really didn’t leave any time for luxuriating. Maybe you could MacGyver some bubbles and really indulge with Din. 
Din however, has other ideas. He all but shoves you into the room, closing the door behind him and quickly doing his usual checks for cameras and recording bugs. Old habits die hard. Once he’s satisfied, he sits at the edge of the bed. He pats at his lap, gesturing for you to sit. This had become a bit of a ritual for the two of you, he would often decompress by holding you as you sat there, either in the cockpit or the sleeping quarters. You amble over, planting a kiss on his helmet, and sit down.
Din doesn’t say anything at first, just lays his head on your shoulder. You reach in between his armor to rub at the tense muscles on his back, and for a few moments, it’s just the two of you and the sound of his breathing out of the vocoder. 
“You didn’t have to go so hard on the poor man you know,” you murmur as you massage the back of his neck. Din doesn’t move, just continues to hold you on his lap, head on your shoulder as he scoffs. 
 “I’m getting soft. Before I met you, old me would’ve killed him,”  the voice underneath the helmet is deadly. He releases his hold on your waist and takes off his helmet, immediately peppering kisses along your mouth. You knew he wasn’t lying, he had done worse--for less. “No one talks to my girl like that,”. 
“It’s fine, you dealt with him. My honor remains intact, I swear.” you giggle as his lips reach a particularly sensitive spot behind your ear. Except the idea was enticing. Maybe you could bring it up another time, when Din wasn’t fresh out of nearly killing someone for saying that. The idea of being sandwiched between two Mandalorians was...tempting. You squeeze your thighs together, willing the thought away as you card your fingers through his hair. For someone who routinely kept it covered, it was so, so soft, and one of your favorite parts about him. Din still kept his helmet on more often than not, so you relished every chance you could get. 
His mouth wanders to your collarbones, hand reaching into your shirt, fingers smoothing over your nipple. 
“Although Din--ah,” your breath hitched as he rolled your nipple between his fingers, “What was that with the soup?”
“You didn’t like it?” his voice is muffled as he sucks a bruise onto your shoulder. 
You loved it actually. 
“Need to make sure babygirl has enough energy for Daddy,”. He continues to play with your nipple as you fuss around his lap.“Although...you averted your eyes earlier sweet girl,”. 
You whimper, body tensing. Shit. That had one been one of the rules he had laid out for you at the very beginning. Eye contact whenever you were playing. Din loved it because it made you embarrassed to have to admit to your desires to his face and it put you in an almost automatic submissive mindset. 
“Are you ashamed of being my baby girl?” he murmured, catching your chin with his hand, tilting your face to meet his. You knew it was a trick question, you could never be ashamed of the relationship the two of you shared. It had grown from just business to more, and despite the near-constant danger, you never wanted to be away from him, and you knew Din felt the same. 
“Of course not,” you sigh. You could never be anything but happy to be his. 
“Then why did you look away from me?” he asked, keeping your chin in a gentle grip, looking at you fondly, a smile of wicked pleasure gracing his handsome features. His voice was calm, and he maintained an innocent demeanor even as his other hand drifted away from your breast onto your thigh, squeezing gently. 
“I was just caught off-guard, we were in public,”. You braced yourself for what you knew was coming-- punishment. 
The other hand that had been trailing along your thigh paused, prompting you to freeze. “Well, it looks like you need to be taught a lesson. Always be ready for me, kitten.” 
“I think five is good,” he releases your face, hands roaming to your bottom, groping as you let out a shuddering breath, “Remember to count them”. 
You burrow your face into his shoulder, holding on tight. Din keeps his gloves on, knowing that you have a special fondness for being spanked while he was wearing them. The leather just adds that extra touch. 
The first hit takes you by surprise, and you buck into him, feeling the sting of his hand. 
The second and third hit right next to the first, causing you to moan into his neck. 
Din rubbed the growing warm spot on your asscheek, “You should be in a museum kitten, your body is a masterpiece,” he growled, “Almost makes me feel sorry to hurt you.”. He lifts his hand away and you close your eyes, bracing yourself.
“But not quite,”. The next hit has you whimpering.
“Four.” you manage between clenched teeth.
He murmurs, “Last one okay? You’re doing so well.” You steel yourself, knowing that this one will be the most painful. You loved it when he was cold and domineering, playing with your body, inflicting both pain and pleasure at his desire, extracting whatever he needed out of you. 
Din’s hand comes down, hard. You cry out, shifting forward with the force, but are caught by his chestplate. 
“Five!” you call out, relieved. “T-Thank you Daddy,”.  
Din kisses your cheek, phrases of adoration and love filling your ear. He moves you off his thigh, pushing you onto the bed in one swift motion. You land with a soft ‘oof’, getting up on the back of your forearms to look at him. 
Din hurriedly takes off the rest of his armor and looms over you on the bed, arousal rolling off his body in waves. His palm reaches down between your legs. “Babygirl...you’ve already made a mess.” Din pulls at the crotch of your panties, feeling the wetness that has seeped through. He yanks them off, making a big show out of sniffing them, all the while maintaining eye contact with you as you squirm under him.  
“Is this all for me sweet girl?”. You nod feverishly and Din groans, as he inhales deeply again, your ruined panties pressed right against his nose, “It’s too good--I should just keep your pussy under lock and key.”  
“Did the spanking get you all riled up?” he asks, the curve of his cock visible even through his pants, making your mouth water. 
“Or…” his voice drops precipitously, “Were you thinking about being passed around?” 
Damn, of course he’d know. Your eyes widen and you swallow, stomach twisting. 
Din grins as he continues to let his hands caress your hip, “Was that it? Is that what you want? Passed around and used up by a bunch of Mandalorians?”
You whine, biting your lip, refusing to give him the pleasure of confirmation.
A sharp slap across your nipple brings you back to reality. “Answer me.”
You nod, lips parting, unable to answer as Din pushes a finger into your mouth and across your tongue. You lap at his finger, pleased at the subtle shiver that goes through him. He adds a second finger, reaching deep into your mouth, making you gag as you garble out an affirmation. 
Din grins ferally. “You know I could call up Paz and Boba, let them take turns on you”. You shudder, the thought of sucking Boba’s cock while Paz worked your pussy was hot. You hadn’t done more than exchange a few conversations with the two of them, but you knew that Din would trust them with his life, they were his vod. Paz was the biggest one and you knew he wouldn’t take it easy on you. Boba, however, would be brutal, possibly even more so than Din.  
“Although I don’t know babygirl, I’m not sure I can share your pussy-- maybe I’ll keep my cock in your pussy and the others can take turns on your ass and mouth, keep you airtight and so full. Would you like that baby? Be stuffed full of cock?” Din hums as he pulls his fingers out of your mouth. The image he’s painting in your mind is disgusting and oh so good, you imagine yourself straddling Din as his cock fills your pussy, holding on for dear life while Paz eases himself into your other tight hole and you choke around Boba’s length, utterly debauched. 
Din pets your cheek, soft gesture contrasting sharply with the utter filth coming out of his mouth. His hand finally reaches down towards the apex of your thighs, knuckle grazing up and down your folds. “We better train your asshole then, don’t want Paz or Boba to hurt you,” your heart flutters, filthy images of you on your knees plugged up making your blood pound.  
“That’s Daddy’s job after all.” he says absentmindedly, eyes laser focused on your pussy as he briefly dips his finger even lower, just barely skimming across your other hole.    
“Look at you,” he says, admiring the way you shudder as he inserts his fingers into your pussy, you’re so turned on you can hear the squelch as he pushes in. “Knew you were a greedy slut since the first day I set eyes on you.”
You keen under his touch, mind flying high, pussy throbbing as you move your hips into his hand. “I’m your greedy slut Daddy,” 
“Yeah you are, sweet girl.” Din says fondly. You wonder how it is that you’re already this close even though he’s barely started to finger you.  
“Can I kiss you? Please?” you whimper, reaching for him. Din hums and puts a knee on the bed, leaning over, chest pressed against yours, pressing a kiss to the underside of your jaw. You pull him closer, needy for more of him as you wordlessly beg for more. He nips at your bottom lip and you open your mouth to let him in, never minding the mess of saliva. 
 “Never thought you were that much of a whore,” he hisses against your neck, teething grazing along the line of your skin as you tilt your head back to allow him better access. His fingers continue to work their magic on your slick folds, and you’re pretty sure you’ve made a mess on the bed already, and dear maker, he hadn’t even made you cum yet. 
“Alternatively…”. Din stands up, mouth leaving yours and withdrawing his fingers as well. You whine at the loss of sensation. He nips at your breast before reaching down to pull his pants down. You swallow, chest heaving as you part your legs further for him. Din rubs the head of his cock on your clit, 
“Spread yourself,” he orders with a sharp smack to your inner thigh. You scramble, reaching down to give him better access. Din lets out a moan at the sight of your dripping pussy and your debauched dreamy expression, fresh bruises adorning your neck and chest, all his doing. He loved the way you folded under his touch as if you were made for him, always so sweet and anticipatory of his needs. A beautiful complement to his twisted desires. The thought of it made his heart swell. He was never going to let you go.  
Din makes an appreciative noise as you follow his command, lining himself up with your wet hole. You’re breathing so hard in anticipation that you feel light-headed, “Or...I could take you back to the Covert, let everyone else have a turn at you,”
Before you can fully register what he said, he pushes deep into you with one fluid motion of his hips. You squeeze down on him, grateful for the pressure and the way he fills you up every time like he was made for you.  
“We could get your implant taken out, make you take all of our loads in your pussy. All of our cum mixing together.” You moan, head dropping back, shuddering as he continues to thrust, bottoming out, not giving you any time to breathe let alone think. 
“Would you like that babygirl? Naked in the middle of the Covert for all to see?” you scramble to hold on to his arm, legs circling around his back. You squeeze around his length, getting close, but you don’t dare to cum without his permission. 
“D-daddy…” is about all you can muster out, eyes looking at his face but unseeing as he continues. You pull at the arm he’s been using to brace himself against the bed, gesturing at him to put his hand around your neck. He obliges with a small laugh, the span of his palm encompassing your neck, lightly resting his hand there and not squeezing, yet. 
“Close baby?” 
You tremble, “Y-yes Daddy fuck, please may I--” 
His hand returns to your clit and he presses down, taunting you, “You’re close already? If you cum, you acknowledge that you’re a filthy slut who needs Daddy to keep them in check. Is that what you are? A whore for Daddy?”. The hand on your throat squeezes just right and you can’t hold on any longer.  
“Always Daddy f-fuck.” you cry out as you curse, feeling your release overtake you as Din fucks you through your orgasm. 
“What do you say,” he snarls, ignoring your attempts to scramble away from the overstimulation of his cock and fingers. 
You blink and take a deep breath, “Thank you for letting me cum Daddy.” You’re past the point of embarrassment at this point, he has you wrapped around his finger, all mental filters long gone. 
You can see Din’s jaw clench before he pulls out quickly and you whimper at the loss of sensation. He flips you over and pulls your hips up. He huffs out as he pushes himself back in, chasing his own pleasure this time, nailing you to the bed and all you can do is continue to take it.  Your mind swims as you let out a sob; you’re so deep in a trance that you barely register his finger at the edge of your asshole again. He pushes in slowly, first knuckle breaching the tight ring of muscles as you tense up around his thick finger. 
“I knew you would love being the Covert slut; you always need so much to be satisfied,” he sneers, voice dropping even lower as he continues to mock you as his thick cock continues to work your hole and his finger fully breaches your asshole. “Maybe we won’t stop until we’re sure you get pregnant huh? You won’t ever know who the father will be since you won’t ever see their faces.”
 You’re nonverbal at this point, your litany of ‘yes Daddy’ and ‘more please’ muffled by the pillow.
“I guess we’ll just have to hope it looks like me huh?”. You groan, too overcome to do anything but moan.  
“Gonna give us warriors babygirl?”. Din snaps his hips particularly hard, you’ll be feeling the smack of his thighs against yours in the morning. 
You can feel yourself getting closer, the combination of the obscene image he had planted in your mind coupled with the press of his cock at your back and the fullness of his finger in your asshole was getting to be too much. You grip the sheets in a vice grip, mind falling into the web Din painted, of you on your knees, collar tied to a post, all your holes dripping with cum while the other Mandalorians all take a turn at you. So filthy, and you love it. You know nothing would please Din more than your complete and utter submission, and if that involves the entire covert or Paz and Boba, so be it. 
Din’s hand comes back up to your throat, and squeezes, playing with your breath right as his other hand inserts a second finger inside your asshole. You clutch at the hand wrapped around your neck, feeling your head swim, closing your eyes as you bounce up and down on his cock.   
He growls, biting into the shell of your ear, “Aww baby are you drooling?” he smears your spit across your cheek with his thumb. “Look at you, you’ve only cum once, and all of this is already making you cockdumb. Might have to call Paz and Boba in after all.”
You could only mewl in affirmation, mind floating, body only anchored by the points of contact made by Din’s hand on your throat, his cock in your pussy, and his fingers in your ass. You feel so good being used like this.  
“I love it when you’re like this babygirl, so helpless for Daddy,” Din growls in your ear. His eyes are hooded as he chases his own orgasm, the rhythm of his hips becoming more erratic. 
“I-I--” your tears break free, running down your cheeks as you struggle to form coherent words. 
Din is unaffected, unrelenting in his thrusts against your walls. “Tears aren’t your safeword babygirl. You can do better than that.”
You manage a moan, barely registering his words, cries reverberating around the room as he knocks the breath out of your lungs with each thrust. “Tell Daddy you love this.” he hisses. 
“I-I fuck, oh, oh, iloveitdaddypleaseplease,” you struggle to find enough breath to answer him, mouth dry from all your panting, Din’s hand unrelenting across your throat. 
“I know you do baby. Is it getting hard to breathe? It’s okay, Daddy’s got you,” his voice full of pride as he rails you, splitting you open, filling the room with nothing but the sound of his cock moving in and out, his hips slapping against your ass. “So good for Daddy fuck-- I’m gonna-- this pussy is too good--such a good girl for me.”
His words fill you with warmth, and you squeeze your pussy against him right as he pulls out. Din moans, his hand letting go of your throat, looking for more leverage as he gets closer to his own completion. “Make a mess all over me babygirl, it’s o-okay I got you,”. You wail and sob as he pushes you over the edge again. All you can hear is your garbled ‘thank you Daddy thank you’ as you thank him devotedly over and over again.  All the tension drains out of you, leaving you boneless on the bed, only held up by the fingers still in your ass and his cock. 
“S-shit. You made a mess all over me f-fuck, oh fuck.” Din groans as he finishes inside you, filling you with warm cum. He pulls his fingers out and collapses on top of you. Din places his head against yours, peppering kisses all over you as he pulls out, his cum oozing out of you. It’s quiet as you both catch your breath. 
You open your eyes blearily, “Fuck.” is about all you can manage before giggling, the endorphins making you feel so good. You can feel Din smile as he lifts himself up, pushing you back on your back. He looks ethereal, hair sticking to his forehead, sweat dripping down his body as he gazes at you fondly. You reach up and caress his face and he leans into your touch. 
“How do you feel?” he murmurs, warm brown eyes on yours, laying a kiss on the back of your hand; ever the gentleman when he wasn’t busy degrading you at your request. 
You stretch languidly, a little sore, but no more than usual. “I feel great actually. And you?”
Din smiles softly as he caresses your face, “Never better,”. You love all these aspects of him, the bounty hunter, the Mandalorian, your lover. Nothing made you happier than getting to share these moments with him. The two of you lay there for what feels like eternity, happy, sated, no concerns, just kissing each other softly, coming down together. You feel your eyelids close.
His voice brings you back from the edge of sleep. “Sweet girl...we need to clean up,”.
You blink at him blearily, “Ah right...I made a mess,”.
“We made a mess,” he chuckles, pulling you up into his arms (how did he still have all that energy?) before depositing you in the tub and turning on the warm water. Right as the water covers your shoulders, he gets up. 
“Where are you going? The water is niiiiice.” you say as you make a big show of sinking into the bath. “Although not as nice as your ass.”
He smirks, “I need to send a message to Paz and Boba. Got exciting news for them,” he says as he turns towards his discarded armor. 
Your eyes widen. Wait what? 
I regret nothing lmfao. This is 100% me procrastinating from the fact that I have six months to finish writing my dissertation nbd. The line “you should be in museums” and “pussy under lock and key” is from Megan thee Stallion’s Sex Talk and Dance respectively. As always, comments/reblogs/keysmashes are always appreciated and give me much serotonin :)
Might do a part two with actual Boba and Paz but there are only so many euphemisms for cock that I know of ahaha. 
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grumpigremlin · 3 years
College Blues - Chapter 2
Here it is. Grammar checked 4 times but probably still hiding some errors <3 This chapter turned out longer than the first, so I’m glad.
Themes: Tired Student Vibes - Uni is hard ok? - Angst - Family
Synopsis: With only 3 months left of their first year attending University, Danny and Sam decided to take a trip back down to Amity Park to visit family for a week to take the edge off. It soon becomes clear that visiting home was something Danny desperately needed.
Word Count: 1482 
06:00 << Guess who brought a load of snacks for the trip 🍫🍿 >>
06:15 << Remember the train leaves at eight >>
06:30 << U alive? And if u reply with no I swear… 😂 >>
07:30 << Danny? >>
Sam sat there, thinking of what to type next. She didn’t like to pester but considering Danny hadn’t even looked at his phone for this long, giving him another poke seemed more than reasonable. Sam knew how assertive she could be towards both Danny and Tucker at times. It was normal for both of them to leave things until the last minute. But after checking in with Tucker to see if he’d received any replies, Sam was half-tempted to head round to Danny’s dorm and spam the buzzer until he responded. No, that’s too far. They weren’t kids anymore. She should’ve tried to call him instead. Why didn’t she think to do that earlier? Ping. A new message.
07:35 << Sorry, yeah dw im on my way >>
Typical, she thought. It was a little rude that Danny didn’t even think to give a reply sooner than 25 minutes before their train was due to arrive. At the thought of this, Sam began jabbing at her phone, crafting he perfect response to convey her annoyance. What happened next caught her completely off guard. It was silent, but the action of Danny swiftly phasing through the wall behind her was enough to cause Sam to jump up from the bench.
“Shit Danny, do you even use doors anymore?”
“Sorry I was… I was in a bit of a rush. Didn’t have time to, you know, take the long way here.”
Furrowing her brows, Sam opened her mouth, ready to lecture Danny that if he had only gotten up earlier then he wouldn’t need to rush. But she paused, taking in her friend’s face. Danny looked… awful. His normally brightly lit blue eyes were dull with fatigue. It was almost as if he had just rolled out of bed. Considering the chances of a late-night ghost encounter, she chose to let it slide.
“You look...” She begun.
“-Like crap? Yeah I know.” He’d moved to slide off his backpack and sit down on the bench. “Was it a ghost? You could’ve woken me up you know. I don’t mind.” He shook his head, slumping forwards to rest his elbows on his knees. “No, just got distracted with other things.” Probably playing the new video game that he and Tucker had been raving about for the past week, Sam had figured. Now that Danny had eventually turned up, they had around 20 minutes to spare. After grabbing some coffees from the platform over, they returned to the bench and continued conversation. As they spoke, Sam continued to take in the state of her friend. His hair was slightly unkempt, and she was surprised to see that he had only brought a small singular backpack along. Though this made sense due to how much time he had given himself to pack. “I really am sorry by the way, I completely lost track of the clock.” He repeated for what must have been the third time. Finishing what was left of her drink, Sam gave a small laugh and looked back up. “Nah it’s fine. You wouldn’t be you if you didn’t lose track this often, right? I’m just glad you’re alive.”
“Debatable.” He smirked. She practically walked into that one. Ghost jokes were their only source of humour at this point, and the boys would take any chance they got to use them. After a few more minutes of back and forth banter the train finally arrived and the journey commenced. Amity park was a good two hours and thirty minutes away. This made food a must, and as promised, Sam had brought a selection of treats for them both to snack on. “Oh, I actually already ate.” Danny shrugged sheepishly looking down at the pile of treats that had been laid out between them. “But you said you didn’t have time to get anything this morning?” Did he say that? He played back their previous conversation from the platform. He must have done because Sam was right. He took a second to think of an appropriate response “Oh, I meant that I had something on the way over. Good thing I had time, right?”
Things were not adding up at this point. Sam wasn’t stupid and she could tell when she was being lied to. But what he was lying about was still unclear. Was it that he disliked what she had brought? No, that couldn’t be it. Sam had made sure to include things that he liked as well as the usual vegan variations for herself. Maybe he felt unwell? She looked over at Danny, who was gently resting against the train’s window, staring unfocused at the passing scenery. He didn’t look much better than he had around 10 minutes ago. Danny never really liked to let his guard down, especially since being outed as Phantom. While this made sense, it irked Sam when Danny refused to come forward about anything. “Hey, you alright? We could crack open the window if you want.” She motioned, giving him a light nudge. Jolted back into reality, Danny wearily lifted his head. “Huh? Yeah that’d be nice. Could do with some fresh air in here.” That was good, she hadn’t expected him to comply so easily. Getting up, Sam reached overhead and pushed the window latch open. “What do you think is up? Could it be your ice core?”
Danny shook his head. “I doubt it. I haven’t had issues with my ice core in years now. It’s probably just a lack of sleep. It’ll be fine.” There it was. It was this kind of dismissiveness that became so irritating to put up with. It made Sam want to retort back in defiance, but that wouldn’t be fair. It was best to assert herself without causing any more stress than there likely already was. But what else would work other than to push a little further? “Come on, at least drink some water.” She’d insist, offering him one of the many water-bottles she brought. After slight hesitation, Danny accepted the bottle and moved away from the window. He didn’t drink much from it, but it was something.
While most of the snacks remained untouched, the rest of the journey was well spent as the two continued to reminisce over the new ghosts they encountered over the course of the year, and how less manageable they were compared to the ghosts of Amity, which was saying a lot. They discussed what they would do once they got back. While meeting with Tucker at the Nasty Burger was on the agenda for tomorrow, today would be spent settling into their homes and catching up with family. When Danny had notified Jazz that he would be visiting for the week, she was more than happy to travel back down herself. While small, the Fenton family were close. To their parents, it wouldn’t feel the same if only one of them visited at a time. With this in mind, Jazz had insisted that her little brother mention if he were to come down so they could plan accordingly. Familiar buildings could now be seen through the window, indicating that they had reached Amity Park. The two gathered their bags and prepared to leave the train.
“Let me know when you touch base.” Sam said, giving him a quick hug as her parents pulled over to the side of the road. Danny gave an affirmative nod, returning the hug and stepping back. The two waved to each other as the vehicle turned a corner and out of sight. Now it was just him. Five minutes or so had gone by when the phone in his pocket began to buzz. Once again being brought back into the land of the living, Danny hastily grabbed the phone and slid it right to answer. “Hello?”
“Danny-o! Just calling to let you know we’re almost there! Did you arrive safely?” The screeching of car tyres through the other end of the phone were grating to listen to. “Uh, y-yeah, Dad. I’m waiting outside…” The blaring of a passing car horn caused Danny to move the phone away from his ear. “Remember to watch the road, Jack.” Maddie chimed in from the passenger seat. They were definitely close, as the same sound of the car horn was heard from a few blocks down. As if on cue, the all too familiar Fenton Family Ghost Assault Vehicle slide into view. It was a miracle that the tires were able to withstand the backlash as the vehicle came to a sudden halt. Rolling down the window, Jack beamed at his son.
“There he is. Our favourite ghost boy!”
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smokinholsters · 4 years
A Decision at the Crossroads
A Heartland AU - Chapter 3
“I am just a poor boy
Though my story's seldom told
I have squandered my resistance
For a pocket full of mumbles, such are promises
All lies and jests
Still a man hears what he wants to hear
And disregards the rest
“Oooh oooo Ooohoo
When I left my home and my family
I was no more than a boy
In the company of strangers
In the quiet of the railway station
Running scared,
Laying low, seeking out the poorer quarters
Where the ragged people go
Looking for the places
Only they would know
Lie la lie, lie la la la lie lie
Lie la lie, lie la la la la lie la la lie”
The music cut off abruptly which startled Amy from her revelry “In .5 Kilometers take Erin Kiln Road exit and bear right at the crossing.”
Amy chose to cut the radio at this point so that she could pay attention to her navigation app. Unlike Mitch’s truck Amy’s had satellite radio which had several channels to keep the kids occupied on trips, short and long. The music helped to keep her mind from straying too much about seeing Mitch, seems the longer they were married the more she hated being away from him.
Ty pulled into his spot by the house and walked over to where Mitch and Matt were sitting.
“Shouldn’t be much longer, you done at work ?” Mitch asked Ty “beer ? coffee, water ?”
“For now, water would be great thanks.” He answered sitting as Mitch pulled a cold bottle out of his cooler.
“So who’s coming ?”
“Surprise guest, Mitch’s wife misses him.”
“Really ?” Ty said “that’s nice actually, good for you Mitch.”
“Think it would be Ok to let those guys out in that meadow for a few hours ?” Mitch asked nodding towards the small barn.
“It’s a sound space, fencing’s good so if they won’t jump I don’t see why not . Come on, I’ll give you a hand.”
“Three horses.” Matt said standing as well.
Once out Ty went over to fill the trough by turning on it’s automatic spigot not used often and Mitch and Matt to fetch some hay for them. Coming out of the barn they heard, then saw Amy’s blue dodge pulling in slowly.
“Go ahead Mitch, I’ve got this” Matt said hoisting the half bale onto his shoulder.
Mitch smiled, pulled off his gloves and wiped his hands on his pants while he walked over to meet the truck. At 190 cm in bare feet Mitch was tall, with boots and his hat on he stood an imposing 200 cm and Amy was in love with every one of them. When she slid from the front seat in her tank top covered in flannel both hiding her maternity jeans, and as always her boots and hat, he picked up his step to get to her faster. She smiled at him and he surreptitiously dropped his hat gently to the ground as he placed his hands softly under her flannel and onto her belly as she reached up and pulled him down to kiss him.
Ty and Matt came around the end of the barn and stopped. Mitch and Amy whose face was blocked from view were locked just as described, her arms around his neck, his hands on her belly leaning down while she strained up, her hat not even a second thought.
Matt laughed after a few seconds and seeing no end to the spectacle before them “Ahem, get a room you two.”
Amy dropped her head and leaned it against Mitch’s chest for a second before answering while still hidden behind him. “We brought a room actually.”
Hearing her voice cut through Ty like fire, he’d know it anywhere and everything Mitch had said and he had heard from Matt came flooding back especially the name Lyndy, odd for sure and the name of Mitch’s daughter. Matt had said two family ranches, horses, white face, Hudson. TY then recalled he thought he’d heard Mitch refer to his son once as Jackson. It couldn’t be and then he moved and there she was, Mitch’s long arm wrapped around her rather expanded waist as they turned to the two men.  He looked from her belly up into her face and her eyes, which were disbelieving and following his gaze.
“Amy ?”
“Ty ?”
Matt smiled “the plot thickens.”
“Amy ?” Mitch asked looking down.
“Ty Borden Mitch, my high school boyfriend ?”
It bothered Ty hearing her trivialize their relationship as a matter of fact high school fling.
“Oh, oooohh,” Mitch said “sorry Ames, I told Matt the name was familiar but I couldn’t figure it out.”
“Actually first you thought he was Ty Burton because of Kelsey Burton.”
“There is that” Mitch said, “regardless, Ty, it’s good to finally meet you” he finished laughing.
“Sorry, can we sit anytime soon ?
“Sorry sweetheart come over by the trailer. Ginger Ale ?”
“Tea ?”
“I think there’s the orange ginger you like.” Mitch said as he dropped his hand from her waist when they got to the chairs.
Amy smiled at him again before she sat and raised her hand to his face gently, “perfect, thank you Mitch.” Ty watched as she awkwardly lowered herself into the seat.
“Why don’t we get that rocker arm out of Amy’s truck and unwrapped.” Ty said ready to get out of earshot. This was all too surrealistic for him.
“Sure you don’t want to catch up ?” Matt asked playfully.
“Let’s get started Matt, let Amy and Mitch visit for a while.” Ty said with a small smile at Amy before turning to walk around the trailer.
“Good to meet you Amy, sort of missed this part, I’m Matt Connolly.”
“The deputy, Mitch told me you’ve been very kind, it’s nice to meet you Matt. Uhm, is he Ok ?” She asked softly with a nod towards where she guessed Ty headed.
“I think he’s just surprised, I’m sure he’s fine.” Matt said with a half smile Amy didn’t believe at all.
“I should give Ty a hand.”
“I’ll let you have Mitch back in a few minutes.”
“It’s fine Amy, he’s been missing you too.”
Amy smiled and Matt returned it before heading off to follow Ty.
Mitch sat down after carefully handing Amy her mug. She sipped as she looked at him with her piercing blue eyes over the top of the mug.
“Good ?”
“Mhmmm, she hummed, “thank you Mitch.”
“So this is a bit weird.”
“I’m thinking it may get weirder, I’m getting a vibe, like a Georgie vibe.”
“You don’t think …”
“I don’t know, you should go help.”
“And you ?”
“Maybe a lay down after this tea.”
“I like hearing that.” He said reaching over to kiss her belly, then up to catch her lips before standing and reaching for his hat.
“Want to tuck me in ?” She asked reaching for his hand.
“No, no, no” he answered playfully dancing backwards a little.
Amy pouted, “ No, no, no ? Ok, go off and play with the boys then.”
He smiled and turned to leave.
“I love you Mitchell Cutty.”
“I love you Amy Fleming.” He answered turning briefly and smiling at her before disappearing.
Mitch found Ty and Matt struggling to get the cracked rocker arm off.
“Problem ?” Mitch asked standing back as Ty hauled on the end of the ratchet arm before losing it and banging his hand.
“Shit. Sorry, the bolts are frozen tight, we’ve got one off. We may have to use a cutting torch.”
“Well, let me give it a go, take a few minutes and rest.”
Mitch checked under the fender and fit the ratchet to the nut before reconnecting the ratchet arm. He looked at it for a second and then asked “maybe it’ll be easier if we could extend this, maybe a pipe ?”
“Physics might help.” Ty nodded taking a pull on a cold water battle. “There are pipes in the shop.”
“I’ll go.” Matt said moving before the others could say anything.
“How long have you two been married ?”
“About 8 years give or take, I got back to the states and discharged about when she got back from Europe the second time.”
“How did you meet ?”
“It’s funny, I was a senior when she started high school and then joined the military. She claims at least to have had a crush on me as she says half the incoming class did. Anyway, when I got back I was a bit aimless and was thinking of hitting the oil fields but I had a horse with a problem so I went to Amy and the rest is what you see.”
“So the funny part ?”
“Oh right, I dated Lou once, her sister” Mitch said looking over for acknowledgement  “through an on-line thing.”
“Lou ? What happened to Peter ?”
“Really. They had a kid though.”
“Yup Katie and then Georgie of course, anyway after Maverick, my horse Amy and I dated, then I took a job working for Heartland for a while, partnered up on the herd, my parents retired and we took their ranch over and here we are 2 ½ kids later.”
“How’s this Mitch ?” Matt said coming out of the shop with some black gas pipe in the right size and length.
“That may be the ticket, let’s give it a whirl.” Mitch said when they heard the distinct closing of the trailer door and Mitch looked up.
“Want to check ?” Matt asked.
“No she was going to lay down and rest after her tea.”
“She Ok ?” Ty asked thinking a second later that maybe his tone was a little enthusiastic.
“Oh yeah, it’s being 5 months pregnant. Amy carries heavy and up front on that small frame of hers.”
Mitch took a few minutes to lay a couple padded shop blanket’s over his door, now that they had a longer handle that could conceivably slip he didn’t want to damage the door.
Next, he took off his flannel exposing his long arms and then leaned against the pipe. Both Matt and Ty watched the muscles on Mitch’s arms swell and define impressively.
“Damn man, what do they feed you on that ranch of yours.” Matt said watching.
“Grass ….. fed …….beef” Mitch answered his voice straining until the load sound of metal screeching against metal as the pipe moved forward a bit.
He leaned back and took a breather for a second “well it moves, got any penetrating oil Ty ?”
Ty nodded and got up to fetch it. He leaned under the fender and a few minutes later straightened up “let’s give it a few minutes.”
Mitch grabbed a bottle of water and sat down in one of the metal chairs when his phone rang. He pulled it out of his pocket, checked the screen and answered.
“Hey Buddy, how’s it going ?”
“Just out of the shower Mitch, fence is done and Cass called over to your place to see if we could tempt Amy to join us for burgers at Maggie’s, seems she’s with you. Alright if we grab yours for dinner ?”
“Oh sure the kids will love it, I’ll let Amy know.”
“How’s it going over there ?”
“We’ll be back tomorrow, I’ll let you know when we’re back.”
“Have a good night Mitch, I’m sure Cass will send some pics.”
“Thanks Caleb, have a good night, hi to Cass.”
“Caleb ?” Ty asked “O’dell.”
“Yup, I guess you two knew each other. He’s the third partner in the Heartland herd.”
Ty nodded filing that away, “who’s Cass ?”
“Caleb’s wife.”
“Wife.” Ty repeated “what happened to Ashley ?”
“Divorced, really and Cass ?”
“Scott’s partner at the clinic, she’s a vet. They’re taking their kids and ours I guess for burgers at Maggie’s, we’re pretty tight.”
“Maggie’s is still there huh, Soraya in charge ?”
“Soraya lives in London now, so does Maggie actually. Lou owns Maggie’s.”
“That’s right I read that in an article I found when she became Mayor.”
“What do you think, give these bolts another go ?” Mitch asked finishing his water.
Once they pushed through the bolts the repair was textbook, they fit the rocker, reattached the brake assembly and the new tire and ran the software looking for errors, that last thing they did was a quick test drive.
They were wiping up, putting assorted tools away and discussing dinner which they decided they’d all feel better eating take -out around the fire rather than fighting a restaurant.
They heard the window slide open and all turned “Mitch ?” Amy called out in a somewhat amusing voice.
“Right here” Mitch answered obviously used to it.
“I’m hungry.”
“There’s a bag of clementines in the fruit bin.”
“I want Bar-B-Que.”
“Bar-b-Que.” Mitch repeated.
“I’ll ask.”
“Thank you my love” was followed by the window sliding closed.
“So PJ’s ?” Matt asked laughing.
“Is that Bar-b-que ?”
“Really good but not so close so it’s a pick up, an hour easy.” Ty answered.
“OK well, quick shower, order and go, call it a test drive.”
“I’ll go with you” Matt said. “Meet you back here in 20 minutes, I’m just down the road, tell Amy we’ll be covered in sauce in 90 minutes or so.”
Mitch smiled “On us.”
“The tab and the sauce.” Matt answered heading to his truck.
“Well I have a couple of patient follow up calls to make from the house after showering so I’ll leave you with Matt for now.”
“Thanks for everything Ty.”
“Nothing to it Mitch.”
In the trailer Mitch immediately stripped off his dirty flannel shirt followed by his T shirt and dumped them into the washing machine that doubled as the dirty clothes hamper on short trips. Turning, he spotted Amy standing in front of the mirror as he sat to pull off his boots and socks. She was standing before the mirror in panties and her tank top which she had lifted over her belly, when he stood she was running her hands over her belly and he walked up behind her.
“Hey sexy.” He whispered leaning down to kiss her neck and run his hands under hers on her belly.
“I look like a beach ball.”
“You don’t look like a beach ball, you’re beautiful. What’s up ?”
“Nothing,,,,,,, Ty,,,,,,, he was staring at my belly because I look like a beach ball.”
“I think maybe Ty is having a case of what could have been Ames, it’s natural. I have to shower.”
“Shower ?”
“Alone Ames, bar-b-que remember ?”
“Clementines bin, got it” she said turning and planting a kiss on his lips “go hunt and gather me some food.”
After Mitch left Amy came out of the trailer with the intention of setting up their table for dinner. Instead she heard a truck door open and looked around her trailer to see Ty closing the passenger door on what she assumed was his truck, a mid 70’s GMC.
“Hey” she called out.
“Oh hey, everything OK ?”
“Fine, come visit, we can catch up.”
Ty stood for.a second as if the question itself was shocking.
“Ty ? Come talk to me” she said gently and smiling.
He nodded “let me just grab my phone.”
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flipsideds · 4 years
Tumblr media
“ oh, haha... ”  a default response to a very non-default situation –– a little post-show, barside rendez-vous with an older man who insists nour has been singing to directly to him the entire night. “ flirting ?  i... ”  
gentle eyes gloss over the banquet hall’s dimmed lights, bright smiles, flickering electric candles... “ . . . what’s that ? ”  and then he’s off, gin and tonic in hand. three strides and it’s already half-drained. yikes.
or, alternatively :  greetings loved ones!! my name is linc ( 21 / est / she/her ) and here is the ever so graceful, ever so unintentionally magnetic nour al-busiri! below the cut you’ll find a messy run-down. i am so excited to plot & write with all of you !!
( i’m scheduled for a tonsillectomy tomorrow so i’m gonna be so grateful for the distraction, y’all have no idea. ) 
if you want some great mood-setters for this beb’s backstory / insight into his soul, slap on some jacob collier, kevin garrett, or charlie burg ‘n let’s get cookin’ !
so this is all copy-pasted from a discord chat with devon bc i improvised nour’s entire life story over a span of... 10 minutes ?? bahaha pls enjoy i apologize in advance. ( i also put this in normal text size bc it is v long and i don’t want anyone hurting their eyes !! protect dem beautiful retinas <3 )
h i s t o r y .
his parents met in grade school in egypt, but then didn't reconnect until their masters studies crossed paths in london... immediately fell head over heels again ( had they been searching for one another in crowds since being 6-7 years old?? maybe... ). graduated top of their class, accepted job offers in london in the biopharmaceutical realm. but then. when nour was 3...
they were involved in a freak monorail accident on their way back from a science conference in amsterdam. the babysitter paid 80 quid to watch the kids for two nights became their sole protector in this world. british authorities had trouble contacting other kin, but managed to reach mr. al-busiri's mother, rashida, who was still living in dahab with her second husband, zaim.
the al-busiri's came from old money. so off nour goes ( and potentially his older bro if i decide he exists... potential wc with a rami malek fc tbh ) to live in the city which, unbeknownst to him, sparked his parents' storybook love.
so nour grows up in this like... picturesque seaside childhood. collects shells. bonds with his grandmother and her husband. they encourage him with school, etc. but he quickly shows that he excels at maths and... music? wow. that's unexpected. gets his first piano at 5. first guitar at 6. by 8 1/2, he's managed to hodge-podge together a little recording studio for himself in his bedroom, and he's constantly serenading his friends at school.
( death tw / illness tw ) then comes zaim's stroke. he lives for four months after, but he loses his ability to speak. his motor skills deteriorate. nour and his grandmother do their best to tend to him –– she's already about 40% down the macular degeneration path, but hasn't told him yet that her vision's going. so 10 y/o nour does what he does best: unconditional love and support, delivered through the gift of song. zaim dies after requesting his favorite song: 'blackbird' by the beatles, sung in verses alternating from english to arabic.
after,  it's just nour and rashida against the world ( maybe his brother too bergorghre if i decide he's a thing ) . rashida's forced to come clean about her vision the day she can't for the life of her find the bloody pen she just put down so she can finish signing off on nour's choir trip permission slip. ( it's right next to her, to her left, just out of her closing field of vision. ) things progress more rapidly after that. by the time nour's 16, his grandmother is legally blind. it's not an uncommon sight to see him at the markets or strolling along the beach with her on his arm. she refuses canes as long as nour's around. ( “ don't rob me of my youth, nuri-nuri [ my light ] ”  )
despite her growing dependency on him, she encourages him to apply to unis all over the globe. by the time college apps roll around, nour is somewhat of a local household name: he plays summer concerts, coffee shops, and is even asked to play at his teacher's wedding ceremony –– and his neighbor's cat funeral.
acceptances roll in. julliard. berkeley. chicago school of music. he chooses chicago, because there's someone there. someone he connected with online a few years back, a friend, but... could turn into something more. this hopeless romantic heedlessly ventures off to find out if this boy in chicago might... be someone. something more.
spoiler alert: he gets to chicago, starts music school. and each meet-up they set? gets pushed. sometimes it's traffic. a cold. transit trouble. can't get work off, sorry. things with ma are really tough. the excuses kept coming but... nour's naive. he believes every word. but in his second year of uni, things....... start getting suspicious. by chance, he spots this man in the window of a coffee shop downtown. overjoyed, he texts as much. but ... messages go read and unanswered. phone calls dwindle.
his music suffers. so does his muse. so much so that he's tempted to drop out, to throw in the towel, to just...... go back home. he speaks with his grandmother each day on the phone. she's doing well, stop worrying, nuri-nuri, your uncle is taking good care of me. nour goes on dates. thinks about chicago boy. thinks about him a lot.
he's 20 when it happens. sat on a stage in a little dive bar, tuning his acoustic guitar for an opening number, and there. those eyes. he knows them.
they talk after the show, in the alley. share a cigarette. and it's almost like... maybe things are finally clicking. maybe this is finally their shot.
except chicago boy ( neil ) says they have to stop talking. that he had to just... see nour for himself. see that he's real. hear him sing, and... move on. nour doesn't buy it. pushes back. asks why the hell neil'd come out now only to slink back to the shadows. things get heated. neil yells. and the men... the men who hear and come running ?  they think nour is the cause of it all.
( hate crime tw, violence tw )  how many kicks does it take to break to the center of a broken heart ? twelve. how many broken ribs does it take to immobilize a probably terrorist, dude ? four. shattered wrist. snapped ankle. broken arm. cracked skull. and neil scuttles off like nour's bad meat. bad blood. like he asked for this. 
chicago school of music receives a call from weiss memorial three days later.
nour never gets his degree. he breaks his apartment lease. flies home after he heals, spends a year with his grandmother and uncle. just... creating. writing, playing, trying to fill that void with something. but then things with his uncle get heated. he wants to put his own mother in a home, sell the estate, pocket the cash. nour fights it, but he's got no legal bearing.
the nursing home concept never takes hold, though, because his grandmother's still sharp as shit and refuses to sign anything nour doesn't read first. eventually the uncle grows tired of fighting and stops trying, just... slinks back to his husband and keeps his mouth shut. nour's grandmother pressures him to go back to chicago, make that city wish he never left. take back his own story. together they work to find a live-in aide they trust. freshly 22, nour ventures back to the city that broke him.
he finds cheap housing, a gig. the malnati, seems legit. good money. good exposure. and then he meets @ryderxmms​ –– they form one night stand. when not scheduled for malnati banquets, you can find nour providing vocals ( and occasional keys ) in the dive bars / parties the band lands gigs at.
g e n e r a l .
nour creates like food and drink don’t exist, sunlight is an illusion, and all the human body needs for sustenance is sound. he can find his way around just about any instrument under the sun, but his main poisons are piano, acoustic guitar, and digital recording tools –– think jacob collier and you’re right on the money.
actually, i’m stealing a lot of jacob collier discography and pegging it as his creations. this kid’s got an experimental sound and loves it.
he grew up speaking english and arabic equally, but because he learned english in london and then continued in egypt, he does have a mild brit-arab accent. it’s v cute, i promise.
looks like he’d be a total lothario, yeah ?? but. he’s so shy ?  so sweet ?  get him on a stage and he’s shameless but plop him in a bar and eye him up and he’ll honestly just smile nervously and pretend you’re looking at someone else.
love languages : singing to his succulents and plants before his 5am morning runs. facetime calls at times least convenient for him, but most convenient for you. little notes written on napkins, smiley face doodles included. candy bars. lingering a little longer in doorways after saying hello, just to see you smile.
he’s got major water sign vibes. birthday comin’ up in march, woot woot !!
he often wears very simple statement pieces. he likes rings, crystal pendants, leather bracelets. soft tees layered with embroidered jackets, metallic blazers. somehow he pulls off mixed media and crazy prints that should never go together ?  he just... is so easy breezy.
he often wears his hair wild ‘n curly, unless the gig he’s got mandates a more streamlined look. 
falls in love.... 14 times a day ??  really.
has a scar across his left temple from the incident with neil. will probably write it off as a bike riding accident. ( he doesn’t know how to ride a bike. )
don’t let him cook ever, okay ??  unless you want him to literally do this.
pls come at me for all the plots ?  i’m so open for all the things !!!  y’all got me on discord, so feel free to slide on into my dms. i promise i will be so thrilled <3
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acabloe · 6 years
Soon Goodbye, Now Love: Chapter Three
chapter one
chapter two
tw’s: cursing, religion? kinda? depression, anxiety 
still based on this song lol
a/n: psa I have done surprisingly little planning for this fic beyond the synopsis and basic plot-point interactions and ending so if you have some specific fluffy (or non winky face ((JUST KiDDING ⁱˢᴴʰ))) moments in mind for future chapters, my inbox is SO open and welcome also this will pick up pace after this chapter I promise, I just really needed to set up enough emotional stuff to make ur eyes wet later. ok das all read it n sheep.
Chapter Three: Draw the Oceans
Chloe stopped in her tracks and stepped backwards at the sight of such distress on the girl’s face. 
“Oh my God, I’m totally invading your privacy! I’m so sorry, I’ll leave you alone.” The girl had stopped as well and after a second of Chloe standing back with her hand over her mouth she reached forward and touched her back gently. Hoping she could add at least a small amount of positive energy into the situation, she quickly added “...Although, um, don’t take this the wrong way, but I can also stay with you if you just need to vent to someone who isn’t gonna judge you and who you’ll probably never see again- if thats what you need. Just let me know okay? It’s kind of my thing to go out of my way to make people feel better.” She smiled and made the kind of eye contact that she hoped would give off the most telepathically generous vibes.
The girl stared at Chloe, taken aback but still in consideration. A small split in the cover overhead had opened up briefly to illuminate the pair of them and Chloe saw her face for the first time. Her lips were sucked in and her eyes spilled shimmering streams down her cheeks . “I’m fine. Really. Thank you. I um...It’s...it’s complicated. It’s Really complicated.” Her voice broke on the word ‘really’ and her quaking hands passed to her face to rub at her eyes. Chloe begrudgingly let her do this contrary to her instincts of taking the girl’s wrists away and hugging her- she didn’t want to violate this stranger’s privacy more than she already had. She waited patiently for the girl to think about the situation while she kept her hand on her shoulder to stabilize her.
Beca’s stomach churned and she chewed her lip as she weighed her options. The three best responses that sprung to mind were not the most reliable ideas she’d ever had, but they would be better in the long run than simply to lay on the ground and give in to a breakdown.  Firstly, she could reject Chloe’s help and give no explanation for her current state, but ask her to keep walking with her ‘for comfort’ to hopefully form some kind of closer connection which she would use later to see her again. Secondly, she could, as fast as possible, concoct a story similar to the truth but somehow without mentioning the factors of reincarnation, the confirmation of some kind of legitimate higher power’s existence (or at least a medium power), that Chloe was supposed to die almost two years ago, and the matter that Beca was a fucking guardian angel. Or thirdly she could just tell Chloe the truth. The last one was, she admitted, both the worst idea and the most tempting one. No. She doesn’t know you, remember, she’s going to think you're high or something. (her brain did feel very unprepared for this sudden mental gymnastics, she thought.) Her heart physically ached with want to hold Chloe tightly and sob into her shoulder about how she thought she’d never see her again and how exhausted and lonely she felt. She sighed heavily and tried her best to smile without letting her emotions contort her face (harder than she expected) and prepared herself to express the second biggest lie she had ever told to her best friend.
“Thank you. I really appreciate that. Let’s keep walking...um, I’ll try not to bore you too much.” 
“No, no, please! Onward!”
Beca frowned as the comforting warmth in her shoulder from Chloe’s hand left her shoulder blade.
“Well...basically, a few years ago I had this friend. We...cared about each other a lot. We’d been really close since high school and we’d gone through some really tough shit together. She was there for me and I did my best to do the same. We were kinda like each other’s moms in a sense.” Beca chuckled softly. “Then about a year and a half ago...she...my friend was in an accident. She was hit on the highway by a drunk driver and she wasn’t found till a few hours after. When she was, they did their best but...um...she didn’t make it.” Beca paused, to both protect herself from crying again and also to stall for a second to think about what could possibly replace the concept of swapping places with the dying girl you love and returning to earth a guardian angel. 
“I was um...My mental health plummeted and I was in a really bad place for a very long time...I developed a bad drug and alcohol problem. I did some horrid, inexcusable things to a lot of people I cared very deeply for, which left me basically without my friends and family...But starting two months ago, I decided to get better for her. I’ve been sober for um...a few months. I was in rehab in Massachusetts up until a few days ago and I came back to New York for the first time in over a year today...honestly, I don’t know why. Closure? A message from her?! Maybe I needed to see you- her. Sorry, I’m just really disoriented. This is the first time I’ve been in the neighborhood where we used to live since...” Her tears were back, this time as equally fake as they were real. “I reached out to a few friends but no one will talk to me. I’m just filled with so much remorse. Like, immeasurable guilt. You have no idea. Fuck, I don’t even have a place to stay, I’ve only been here a few hours.” She hunched her back and hid her face in her hands taking deep shaky breaths. She did pride herself on her woven web, however, especially the bit about her friends.
Chloe had been quiet and patient with Beca through her whole story and finally when Beca had made it clear she had finished Chloe placed her hand on her shoulder again. She then spoke such soft and warm words that made Beca’s stomach tighten even further with emotion and nerves.
“Wow. I am so sorry. You’ve gone through so much, I really appreciate you sharing your story with me. You are such a strong human being and...I really admire how far you’ve come after everything you went through. Can I...Do you want a hug? I don’t want to invade your personal space.” Chloe’s voice grew somehow even kinder as she said those last few words and Beca nodded, not wanting to seem too eager. 
Chloe enveloped Beca in her arms and tightly held her to her chest as Beca’s sobs became involuntary and incessant. She had not felt so many emotions at once since...well, since as long as she could remember. Her knees were week and she almost clung to Chloe to stay upright. Chloe rubbed slow circles on her back and murmured comforting words to her.
“Shh. It’s okay, everything’s gonna be fine. You’re okay.”
Her familiar soft and sweet scent was painful with lost memories and Beca fit just so in Chloe’s arms as if Chloe had retained the experience of hugging her even through Chloe’s memory-obliteration. 
Finally after three or four minutes, Beca’s sobs became sniffs and she staggered gingerly away from her, afraid of making Chloe uncomfortable.
Chloe had such a curiously strong impulse to take this stranger in and help her restart her life and make amends with her friends. She knew how potentially dangerous it would be to let someone she had only spoken to for about fifteen minutes into her home but the girl’s story was pretty believable and she had a lot of spare time. The nearest police station was less than a four minute walk away from her home and she was confident that she was safe and unafraid to call if anything happened. She was surprised at herself for how much pity she harbored for this girl, but for some reason her tale struck an empathetic chord that Chloe had not heard before and was unaware had even existed. As their embrace broke, her impulsive thoughts got the better of her and she acted quickly as to not change her mind or overthink.
“Okay, you know what, hear me through. How would you feel if you came back to my house and you can sleep on my couch for the night? I have to stay up anyways. I can drive you in to the city on my way to work tomorrow and you can look at places to stay or job ops, if thats what you need. I have a friend at a café that could use an extra hand! Do you have anyone in New York you can talk to or trust?”
Even though it was still dark out, Chloe could tell the girl was stunned by her sudden advance. 
“I...uh...thank you, that’s really generous of you. I...guess? Wow, I feel like such a creep right now, I promise I’m telling the truth. If that’s really okay with you, I would so appreciate the help. Also, no I don’t think so. I mean, there might be someone, but I’m gonna need a couple days to figure out how to even get in touch with her.” She combed her hands through her knotted hair in a fluster. 
“Yeah dude of course! Here, come with me. Do you have any bags or anything?”
“Um, no. Most of my stuff is in a storage unit in town. I didn’t really bring anything with me when I left. Thank you so much, I don't think I’ll ever be able to repay you.” Chloe found that odd and questions of how the girl had even come from New York without possessions filled her mind but she pushed them aside.
Half an hour later of Chloe walking the weak girl back to her house in a comfortable silence (Chloe wanted to overwhelm her as little as possible with questions or conversation in her fragile state), they came through the door and she went to the tap to get the girl some water. When she checked the little yellow clock above her sink she was surprised to see that she’d been out for almost two hours and it was nearly 1:00 in the morning. The lights were dim coming from her living room but just bright enough for her to finally see what the girl looked like as she handed her the glass. She was small and frail with long, mousy brown hair and deep set blue eyes that were again cascading tears down pale blanched cheeks. Her minimal tank top and sweatpants were a little grassy but otherwise free of stain or dirt, Chloe supposed she had sat or perhaps lain in the field earlier. When she looked down, Chloe realized the girl’s feet were bare and bruised but said nothing.
“Drink all of that. The bathroom and shower is just through that door behind you. I’m going to run upstairs get you some spare clothes, and sheets for the couch, will you be alright down here?” The girl gave a small nod as she chugged down the water with huge gulps.
Beca shut the bathroom door behind her and immediately slid to the floor, breathing rapidly with her hand over her mouth to stifle her sobs.
The house was exactly as she had left it. All her belongings were gone, but most everything else was the same. Same couch, same photographs covering the stairwell, the same colored walls. Even the odd yellow clock Aubrey had bought them as a housewarming gift was still in the kitchen. She managed to push herself upright and turned on the faucet to the temperature she had grown so familiar using. She leant over the sink and forced herself to breathe evenly as steam rose to the ceiling and filled her lungs. 
She was here though and everything was going to smoothly. Everything that she had planned (or rather hoped without depth or consideration) was happening! She was home with Chloe and Chloe was taking care of her! She felt the corners of her mouth twitch as her thoughts grew more hopeful.
An instantly recognizable sensation reached her fingertips and she was no-longer concentrating on her good fortune. Her palms grew hot and it quickly spread to her wrists. Shit. 
Her hands were glowing bright white and her veins were accentuated by visible electric currents racing down her arms under her skin. This isn’t supposed to happen, you’re not supposed to glow on earth, it’s literally impossible. Her heart beat faster. This was a regular behavior in the Higher City. It was completely random with no rhyme or reason and it was also another phenomenon that the head-angels refused to digress. But they had strictly told everyone that it wasn’t supposed to happen after they had left to earth. It’s gotta be a glitch or a kink in the system when I changed my fucking assignment. You bitch! Beca Mitchel, you have fucked up so royally. The light had spread down almost the entire length of her arms and she felt her knees grow hot as it climbed up her legs as well. She threw off her clothes and rushed to the shower, desperate that the water could somehow stifle the course of electricity running through her bloodstream. It did nothing but scald her skin and she yelped in shock.
five or six seconds later a knock came to the door which startled Beca to jump.
“Everything okay in there?” 
“Yeah, um, I turned it too hot haha,” She laughed nervously.
“Okay, I’ll leave these clothes by the door. There’s fresh towels under the sink.”
“Great, thank you!” She groaned quietly in frustration, but when she looked back down to her hands, they were back to her own pale skin. She sighed heavily in relief. Usually it lasted longer; around five to ten minutes, but she guessed because it was only a glitch it would affect her to a much lesser extent.
Twenty minutes later she sat on her made-up bed in Chloe’s pajamas waiting for Chloe to bring her tea she hadn’t asked for. She had been considering maybe telling Chloe the truth after all. The level of gullibility involved with people she cared about was something that the two of them had been working to correct before everything was shoved at them left and right. Beca had begun to worry that one day in the future she would not be immediately accessible to force Chloe to see every angle of the situation and to hold herself over others when the circumstances required. A significantly large piece of Beca’s mind suggested that Chloe would swallow the whole story with complete belief and acceptance. However Beca had not seen her in so long and she had romanticized their friendship so laboriously during their time apart. There was a chance that the more stripped down version of Chloe that Beca remembered was not as surface-level innocent and credulous as was reality. There was too much of a risk that Beca’s tale would turn her out onto the streets and she would definitely never see Chloe again after that. She was woken from her musings by a warm mug of lavender-smelling steam being gently placed between her palms.
“Here you are! It’s hot, careful. So, I’m leaving around 8:00 tomorrow and I’ll drop you off wherever you need to be?”
“Um, yeah that would be great. Thank you so much for all of this. You have no idea how much it means to me.” No really, she had No. Idea. 
“Yeah, no worries! I totally got your back! Um, I’ll just be right here in the kitchen finishing up some work. If you need anything just holler.” Chloe patted Bec’s leg affectionately and stood, still facing Beca. Her eyes suddenly somehow grew wider than her already enormous size and she exclaimed. “Wait, oh my God! I’m such an awful person! I don’t even know your name! And you don’t know mine! What the hell is your name, dude?” Beca laughed and looked down sheepishly.
“It’s Beca. Mitchel.”
“Well, nice to meet you Beca, my name is Chloe. I think we’re gonna be really fast friends.”
A/N: Hey friends just wanna say thank u sm for all these positive responses I’m really enjoying this process n it’s my first proper fic since my 2014 doctor who days. if you can’t tell I've been trying really hard to write different pov’s in styles closer to how I think the characters think idk we’ll see how it goes ::,,))) ps. if someone wants to make me a fic cover I will love you forever and ever I would do it myself but I can’t edit for S H I T :// woohoo what a ride this is gonna be I really hope y’all keep reading !!
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losingitinjersey · 7 years
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Today was SO busy!  It was an event day so I was very focused and had a steady stream of stress and anxiety all day.  
We had an “all hands on deck” meeting first thing which meant I didn’t get to my protein shake until 11 a.m.  Then I didn’t even finish it because I knew I was leaving the office at 1:30 p.m. and wanted to eat my lunch before I left so I could have sustenance to last me through the meeting. 
Then I got lost on the way to the meeting!  Gah.  Well, that’s not entirely true. I followed by GPS to a T, but it just happened to take me to the wrong location so then I had to back-track 30 minutes to where I already passed by to get to the destination.  So. Annoying.  BUT, this is why I always leave with tons of time to spare because of shit like this.    
After the meeting we always host receptions and this time I went all out with the menu.  There was fried shrimp, chicken satay with peanut sauce, prosciutto and melon, crab cakes, bacon wrapped scallops, meatballs, raspberry & brie torts along with a full bar of premium liquors.  By the time I finished picking up after the meeting it was 5:30 p.m. and I was getting hungry so I picked out the most keto friendly options I could find, the bacon wrapped scallops, chicken satay with no sauce, and one meatball.  The weird thing?  I wasn’t even tempted to cheat.  Like, sure I could have and it would have tasted great but I wasn’t pulled to it at all.  Knowing how well I’m doing and how much the weight is coming off by sticking to keto and my macros is really encouraging to keep at it.  
When I got home at 7:30 p.m. I expected dinner on the table but nooope, Kevin was upstairs studying.  I sweetly convinced him to cook dinner for us and he made me what I made him last night which worked out great for me!  Fast, easy, delicious and fit within my macros for the day.  Yum!  Good thing I walked a bunch today to make up for the extra calories I consumed!  
AND our box of Keto Chow arrived!  Long live variety!!  Mixed that shit up asap and got it in the fridge for tomorrow.  
The day after event day is almost always on a Friday and those Friday’s are my favorite.  Lower stress because the meeting is finally over and Friday happy vibes :)
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ulyssessklein · 6 years
PART TWO: The Struts Look to Conquer the World with Young and Dangerous
By: Craig Hunter Ross
In part two of our exclusive conversation with The Struts, Guitar International dives into the process and pitfalls of producing an album while simultaneously touring like there’s now tomorrow.  For those of you just now being introduced to the lads, they are: Luke Spiller (lead vocals), Adam Slack (guitar), Jed Elliott (bass) and on drums, Gethin Davies. PART ONE: HERE!
Being on the road while trying to write and record new music for a new album is a great challenge for any band, let alone for a young band looking to make an even bigger splash with the career critical follow-up to a successful debut album.  The Struts share some of the struggles and triumphs of the process and their excitement for the release of Young and Dangerous, which will be released October 26, 2018.
  Craig Hunter Ross: With all of the touring you have been doing over the last two years, how did you find time to write?
Luke Spiller: With great difficulty.
Adam Slack: We just kissed our days off goodbye basically.  Any day off that was near the west coast, we’d fly to Los Angeles to write.  If we were on the east coast, we’d go to Nashville.  One time we played in Quebec, left the next morning and flew to London, then to New Jersey and immediately had to get to writing.  I remember we went out and got absolutely trashed because we had such bad jet lag.
Luke Spiller: Hey, that was my birthday, wasn’t it? We weren’t allowed into this shitty little club.
Adam Slack: Oh yeah!
Luke Spiller: Actually, it wasn’t a club, it was some little hotel bar and they said they wouldn’t serve us, because we were too drunk and we’d only had literally three pints. So, we went chasing a balloon down the road.  Anyway, a different story that is! [Laughs]
Honestly, for me and Adam, for our part, mentally…it just felt liked you were getting fucked in the head by a giant dick every night.
Adam Slack
Adam Slack:  At one point we are staying in this hotel in New Jersey and we were approaching like day five of not coming up with a song.  We’d go down for breakfast in the morning and they are constantly playing Enya, like every morning, like clockwork.  It was really old people there.  I felt like we were in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest or something.
My brain was aching by the time I’d go to bed from trying to squeeze some kind of song out.  We can look back and laugh now, but we would really sit there and have conversations just saying “I hope we can come up with something today”.
Luke Spiller:  It’s good though.  We really pushed the boat out, when you think about it.  We had to squeeze the potential of five years of writing that went into Everybody Wants, into a time period I’d say of intense writing that went over about a period of six to seven months. That’s six months of writing, recording and cutting tracks spaced out over a period of two years.
Craig: Did everyone come in with their own ideas or parts, or do you sit together in the studio and hash it out?  Do you work in the studio, rent a house, etcetera?
Jed Elliot:  A few of them had some different approaches.  Because this one has been so intense, a lot of it was just Luke an Adam with a producer working anywhere and everywhere when they would have 48 hours off.
Others, when we have had a bit more time, then yeah, we’d have houses with a drum kit set up and such.
Luke Spiller:  We really pushed for that…we needed time in these places where we could sit as a band and really conjure up something.  I was making this argument that we were being booked into all of this studio time and we were constantly on the road and it was getting to the point where we had exhausted all of these ideas.  I was saying to management and the label that we need the band to get into a house and start actually creating something, because we really had nothing left.
So, we did and got six or seven out of those couple of weeks and like two of them made the album, so it was a really good experience.  We could kind of turn the page and realize, okay, these are really cool songs.  That felt good, they were original and that kind of gave more fuel to carry on and finish the album.
Craig: From the singles that have been released so far, you have some really big arrangements and a lot going on with some of the tracks.  Was it a struggle to know when to stop and say, okay the song is finished, without being tempted to keep massaging and adding, editing?
Luke Spiller: It depends.  With a big arrangement, there’s only so far you can go.  I think you know when it’s the end.  If you are pushing for something larger than life, I believe you know it when you hear it.  You say to yourself that it’s as far as you can go within your own personal taste.
Adam Slack: There was a point when were writing “Ashes” and we’d come up with a verse like a week before we’d gone in the studio, then put that old verse in, so like one verse was a slow ballad and the other was an up tempo, so we were wondering what to do and Luke suggested we go into a big breakdown, like a big moment…and it was like if we do that, it probably won’t be a single anymore, but we were like, fuck it, let’s go for it. Sometimes those moments can come naturally in the studio.
Luke Spiller:  Again, it comes down to your personal taste, if you are out there to create something huge, it’s up to you as a committee to come up with what the boundaries are.  If you are on the same page, and want it to be something special, not “I Would Do Anything For Love, but I Won’t Do that” and go on for nine minutes or some shit…there’s a line of being ridiculous or pompous.
With some of these songs, I personally, out of sheer exhaustion, didn’t know if I thought they were finished or not.  I think I speak for Adam as well when it comes to that.  Some of the people who really saved our asses were people that came in from the outside, who stepped in and would say “This is brilliant, but not quite yet the best it can be, you guys should go rehash it.”
Adam Slack
Gethin Davies: I remember when they came in with “Body Talks” and were like “This is shit” and I was like “Uh, no this is great”…
Jed Elliott: Yeah, it was like one of the strongest
Gethin Davies: Still they were like no, no…you could tell they were just drained.
Luke Spiller:  We had no idea what was good.  Thank God people were brutally honest with us, like our management and our families, girlfriends, whomever.  It’s how hard we had gone to that point, we had no idea what was decent and if anyone would like it or if we even liked it.  It’s only when we stepped back and listened to the mix and I was like “Yeah these are incredible songs”.
Craig:  Here’s a fan question from Ted in Virginia…”Even though it’s early on, do you have any songs off the new album that have become your favorites to play live?”
Gethin Davies: I love “Ashes” because it’ so epic.  Even though it’s not even out yet, the crowd really connect with it.
Jed Elliott
Luke Spiller:  I would agree, I like doing “Ashes” because I get to play piano on it.  I spoke to someone about that the other day.  I love doing the whole front man thing, prancing about and what not, but it is fucking hard work.  It’s nice to actually play with the band on a different level.  I can experience their company in a different way, as four musicians, without being the constant over the top pantomime, which I also love, but being able to play gives me a different sense of responsibiility on a different level.
Jed Elliott: Mine would be Fire. It was one of the ones I wrote with Adam and Luke along with Butch Walker.  As soon as Luke came with that chorus, and the piano, it checks off all my boxes musically.
Craig:  That tune could easily reside comfortably on the Queen album Innuendo.
Luke Spiller:  It does sound a bit like later Queen.  A bit like “Mr. Bad Guy” (Mercury solo), as well.
Jed Elliott:  It’s got some Smiths, some arpeggio guitar, some Meatloaf epicness, Thin Lizzy, dual guitars, it’s all my favorites wrapped into one.
Luke Spiller:  The reason it has those arpeggio guitars is because I laid down the piano track, as it was going to be piano driven like say “Bat Out of Hell”, and our management were like “You can’t play piano the whole song”.  So, then Adam and Butch went to work on it and created a really original vibe.
Adam Slack:  it’s one of my favorites to do live.  “Ashes” is too much with the pedals and too much concentration.  “Fire” has a cool solo to play live and I’m not just playing fucking power chords the whole song.  It’s a bit challenging, but a fun challenge.
Craig:  I love the covers you all have done, like Royals (Lorde), Get Lucky (Daft Punk), so many others.  I think it’s time now that you’ve got a tremendous second album under your belts to record an album of nothing but cover songs. You should call it “The Struts: Under the Covers”
Jed Elliott:  Nice! I like that!
Luke Spiller:  I had another cover idea last night.  Don’t know when or how to do it, but a piano arpeggio version of System of a Down’s “Aerials” (sings his version)….
Jed Elliott:  Are you high? [All Laugh]
Gethin Davies
Craig:  So, in plans for this cover album project I’m going to give each of you two songs to potentially be on the album. You have to choose which one goes on.
Craig:  Okay, Adam…”Saturday’s Alright For Fighting” by Elton John or “I’m Your Boogie Man” by KC and the Sunshine Band?
Adam Slack:  Well, I don’t know the second one, so the first one.
Craig: Luke…”Freedom” by George Michael or “Livin La Vida Loca” by Ricky Martin?
Luke Spiller: “Livin La Vida Loca”, because “Freedom” is “Kiss This”. [Laughs]
Luke Spiller
Craig:  Jed your turn…”Does Your Mother Know” by ABBA or “Big Bottom” by Spinal Tap?
Jed Elliott:  Nice! It’s gotta be ABBA, always.
Craig: Last one, Geth, “Can’t Stand Losing You” by The Police or “Nights on Broadway” by The Bee Gees.
Gethin Davies:  I’m gonna go with The Bee Gees.
Jed Elliott:  But, that Police song is amazing dude.
Craig: That’s all for now fellas, thanks for your time and much success with the new album, which will be released October 26
The Struts:  Thank you so much!
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