#but I thought it'd be nice to share them cause I really do love these sketches!
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lonndoodles · 7 months ago
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Me too Eda. I wouldn't be able to keep it together if Raine looked at me like that.
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moonsprcngs · 9 months ago
I love love love your writting. can you do an enemies to lovers Sirius Black one shot? idk like make it hella dramatic, like fighting in the rain n then they kiss, or like a truth or dare n they have to kiss or sum. again love u sm have a good day stay healthy
hi my lovely, thank you so so much for the compliment & the request! i'm so flattered that u love my writing. i love YOU and i hope this did ur idea justice! <3 i also decided to make the reader a hufflepuff in this cause i thought it'd be a cute lil asset, hope u don't mind!
sirius black x fem!hufflepuff!reader <3
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One thing about you is that you could not stand Sirius Black.
Everybody seemed to love him. Not just the students, but teachers too; even Professor McGonagall couldn't hide her smirk behind her hand when she often gave him a good scolding.
Really, the only one of the four marauders you could stand was Remus Lupin. Peter Pettigrew was okay, though he was far too much of a tag-a-long for your liking, and James Potter was practically Sirius' right hand man. Remus was your Potions partner and he was, admittedly, as much of a sweetheart as a marauder could get, often helping you study and walking you back to your common room when he caught you asleep in the library during his prefect rounds (which only happened once... or maybe twice).
"They're not so bad," he promised you one Potions class, watching for your reaction with a sheepish grin as Sirius and James messed with Snape's potion at the back of the room. "They're actually really nice once you, y'know, get to know them."
"Nice?" you questioned him, scoffing out a laugh and grimacing at the sound of Sirius' laughter bellowing through the classroom. "Need I remind you what Sirius did to me in third year?"
"I know, I know! But he's changed, Y/N, honestly! He's more... mature?"
Even Remus couldn't quite believe the words that had just left his mouth as you both watched the boy in question actually spit into Severus' cauldron. "Oh yeah, Rem, so mature."
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One thing about Sirius Black is that he could not stand you.
He'd always believed what he did to you in your third year was harmless, something that would be forgotten within a month or two and not to be dwelled on. He knew you harboured a secret little crush on him at the time, so he figured... why not?
He really did mean it when he asked you out, though. Sure, he didn't know you too well; you were really just another Hufflepuff that he shared some classes with. But Remus seemed to like you, so he figured it could at least be a good way to make a new friend if nothing else.
You looked up from your book on Herbology at the rude interruption, and of all the people you were expecting to be standing before you, you were surprised at the sight of Sirius Black. You cleared your throat awkwardly, willing the immediate blush to disappear from your cheeks. "Hi?"
It came out as more of a question than you intended it to, but he grinned at you nonetheless and your face felt warm, was it warm in there?
You did a quick scan of the library in search of any of his smug little friends, but you saw no one. Just him.
He didn't wait for an invitation before pulling out the chair beside you and sitting down, still grinning ear to ear. "You free Saturday?"
You couldn't help but raise your eyebrows in surprise, your yellow tie suddenly feeling far too restrictive around your neck as you somehow managed to splutter out a "yes". Sirius pulled a bouquet of flowers out from behind his back (pink and white roses) and offered them to you with the same lopsided grin. "Meet me at the Three Broomsticks? Two o'clock?"
The only problem was... James had gotten into his head.
That same afternoon, Sirius entered his dorm with an air of confidence, not dissimilar to usual, but he had a different sort of spring in his step.
Remus and James were sat on their respective beds. The former looked up at him over his book and raised a single eyebrow, clearly noticing something different about his entrance, though James didn't look up from the Quidditch magazine he was reading and paid no mind.
"Afternoon, boys," he announced, his voice dripping with glee as he crashed down onto his bed.
"Afternoon, Pads," Remus responded, a curious tone to his voice as he kept his eyebrow raised. "What's gotten into you today?"
"Scored a date," he said, far too matter-of-factly for the grin he was still sporting. "With Y/N."
Remus' book fell shut on the ground with a thud, jaw dropped open and lost for words as James finally cocked an eyebrow. "Who's that?"
"Y/N L/N. Y'know, the Hufflepuff girl in our Potions class?"
"And Herbology, and Charms," Remus finally composed himself, now staring at Sirius with a pointed look, well aware of his friend's... reputation. "Look, Pads. I know she likes you, but you have to be careful about this. Y/N is my friend, and I don't want to see you hurt her."
James suddenly barked out a laugh, finally dropping his magazine as he engaged in the conversation. "Be careful? There's nothing to be careful about, Moony. As if Sirius is actually going to go on a date with a Hufflepuff. Don't embarrass yourself like that, Padfoot."
"Don't be such a dick, Prongs," Remus spat, tossing a cushion at his mate and hitting him square in the head. "She's my friend."
Sirius said nothing.
So the next Saturday rolled around and you arrived at the Three Broomsticks at five minutes to two. Though, five minutes to two became two o'clock, which became two thirty, which became three, which soon became four.
And Sirius never showed.
The next day at breakfast, you'd found him, slapped him across the face, threw the bouquet of pink and white roses back at him and left without a word.
Sirius Black did not like to be publicly humiliated. He decided there and then that he wanted nothing else to do with you.
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It wasn't until your sixth year rolled around that Remus realised things were changing.
Gryffindor had just won their first match of the season against Slytherin and, as usual, there was a huge party in their common room.
You weren't much of a partier, usually preferring to stay in the comfort of your dorm with a book that you and Remus were bound to discuss within the next few days. Of course, you'd attend the parties when Hufflepuff won, but you were never one to join in with the other houses.
Although he knew this, Remus Lupin had a plan.
He was beginning to grow sick of the constant complaining on both sides of his friends. It was always "Come on, Moony, she's so bloody weird" or "Look at him, Remus, how on earth can you stand to be friends with him?" and, quite frankly, he'd had enough.
He loved the marauders, of course; they were his best friends, his brothers. But he also loved you, and though he knew that Sirius' young and dumb actions in third year hurt you, he really wasn't lying when he said he'd changed.
Yes, Sirius would call you weird or strange or annoying to his friends, but Remus knew he was deflecting. He saw the way something in his eyes changed when he watched you enter Platform 9 3/4 on the first day of your fifth year. He saw the way he'd been secretly pining over you for the last year.
Likewise, he knew the same went for you too. No matter how badly he hurt you, your feelings for Sirius never really left. He saw the way your gaze lingered on his friend for just a little bit too long. He knew the way you shook your head and muttered "what a dick" under your breath every time you looked away was a cover up.
The party in the Gryffindor common room was in full swing by the time Remus convinced you to join him. It had taken a lot of begging and a fair few promises to buy you more books before you agreed, and you found yourself awkwardly at Remus' side as you entered through the portrait hole.
It wasn't long until James had found his friend and immediately tugged him away. Remus tried to fight it but found him impossible, shooting you an apologetic smile before you lost sight of him. You made a mental note to demand another promise of more books when you found him again.
You accepted defeat and made your way over to the drinks table, in need of at least something before you inevitably called it a night early and headed back to the comfort of your own common room.
Smoothing the fabric of your dress down, you suddenly felt very out of place in the yellow and white floral fabric, but an unfortunately familiar voice snapped you out of your thoughts before you got too caught up in them.
You immediately snapped your head up and fought the urge to roll your eyes at the source of the voice. "Black."
Sirius seemed surprised at your presence, his eyebrows raised and an interesting sort of smirk gracing his features as he looked down at you. "And what exactly are you doing here?"
"Remus invited me," you kept your answers short, trying to slow your rapidly beating heart as you reached for the firewhiskey and flashed him a sarcastic smile. "Is that a crime?"
"No." His smirk only grew, seemingly amused at your snap back as he kept his eyes on you. "Not a crime at all, love."
He knew what he was doing. How dare he try and flirt with you now after what he did before.
"Don't call me that," your response came immediately and you felt yourself trying to fight the shiver that was so desperate to creep down your spine. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a party to enjoy and somebody to stay far away from."
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That was an hour ago now, and since then you had already downed way too many cups of firewhiskey for your body to handle. You were so set on trying to avoid Sirius that you tried to make yourself forget he was even there at all.
An hour became two and Sirius ended up finding you back at the drinks table again, barely even holding yourself up as you tried to pour yourself a cup of whatever alcohol was nearest to you. Sirius, though definitely not sober, was painfully so compared to you, and he watched in slight amusement as you managed to get more of the liquid on your dress than in the cup.
"You alright over there?" His voice snapped you out of your pitiful concentration and in turn made you jump, even more of the liquid spilling down you when you did.
"Hello, Sirius," you responded, turning to look at him with a big smile and almost stumbling into his chest, causing him to wrap his arms around you as he caught you.
In your clouded state of mind, you couldn't for the life of you remember that you're supposed to hate this guy, and instead only found memories of the longing gazes when you racked your mind. You'd regret this tomorrow; you most certainly could not handle your drink.
"Hello, Y/N," Sirius raised his eyebrows at your state as he answered you, still amused as he copied your tone of voice. "You look like you've had enough."
You gasped as if he had just suggested you were You-Know-Who himself. "I have not!"
Despite your best efforts, your words came out slurred and Sirius knew Remus would not be happy that you're left out here alone in this state. He cast a quick glance around the common room but couldn't find a single glimpse of his mate in the crowd, and he let out a quiet curse under his breath.
I'm supposed to hate her, he thought to himself, letting his eyes fall back on your smiling face. She embarrassed you Sirius, shoved a bouquet of bloody roses at you in front of the entire Great Hall to see. But why did she have to grow up and be so bloody pretty?
"Let's get you back to your common room, yeah?" He suggested, gently taking the cup from you and placing it back down on the table.
He admittedly felt bad for you. Remus was nowhere to be found and he couldn't just let you get all the way back to the Hufflepuff common room by yourself in this state. You're just being a decent guy, Sirius, he told himself again. You'd do this for anyone.
You either didn't seem to hear him or his words didn't register in your brain, because when he placed a hand on the small of your back to carefully lead you through the crowd and back through the portrait hole, you only spoke with a grin.
"Are we going on a walk?"
"Yeah, love. We're going on a walk." Sirius couldn't help but chuckle at your reaction, but deep down he felt a little tense. With the state you were in, anyone could've taken advantage of you, and he was glad he found you before anyone else did. Maybe it was the little bit of firewhiskey still running through his veins, but Merlin, Black, the fuck is wrong with you tonight?
The walk back to the Hufflepuff common room was slow and quiet, and Sirius ended up wrapping an arm around your shoulders and taking most of your weight against him to stop your constant stumbling.
Once you'd reached the portrait, you muttered the password and allowed Sirius to half-carry you through, still not completely aware of what was going on, and the pair of you only stopped when you reached the bottom of the stairs leading to the girls' dormitories.
He'd never been in this part of the castle before, and he couldn't stop the small smile that graced his lips when he noticed it smelt like a lovely mixture of flowers and freshly baked cookies.
You turned to face him once you reached the stairs and something suddenly clicked in your drunken mind.
"Sirius? Is that you?!"
He chuckled quietly again and nodded his head, raising his eyebrows with an amusement smile. "Yeah, it's me. You're back in your common room now, yeah?"
You took a moment to process his words through the thick fog clouding your brain and nodded your head, still smiling too before looking down at your dress. Your smile fell into a sad frown. "Oh no, it's ruined! It was so pretty!"
The boy in front of you took notice at the alcohol stains on your dress and shrugged his shoulders. "It's still pretty. I mean, you look pretty. I mean-"
If you did notice him stumbling over his words and the blush that rose to his warm cheeks, you didn't show it (though Sirius doubted very much that you did notice in your state). You simply smiled again, turning away from Sirius without another word as you all but skipped up the stairs.
It wasn't until he neared the portrait hall to leave again that he heard your quiet little drunken giggle. "Sirius Black thinks I'm pretty."
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That was months ago now and you and Sirius hadn't even uttered a word to each other about that night.
Actually, if it was possible, you started avoiding each other more.
You were finally starting to admit to yourself that you had feelings for Sirius Black, but that scared you. How could you fall for him again after he stood you up in your third year? He left you there for two hours, your single butterbeer looking pathetic in front of you as Madame Rosmerta shot you sympathetic smiles from behind the counter every now and again.
You hadn't been in there since.
Little did you know, Sirius was avoiding you for exactly the same reason.
Okay, perhaps he was a little embarrassed to admit that he liked you. James was a dick that day three years ago and, although Sirius knew the both of them had matured since then, he couldn't help but worry his best friend just wouldn't approve. He knew deep down that James, especially now older, would just want him to be happy, but he was scared.
Remus had been so angry with him when he stood you up that he was also scared to face him again. Would he even believe him or force him to stay away from you for your own wellbeing?
The rain was pelting down heavily in early February as you trudged into Professor Slughorn's Potions class. The castle at this time of year was sickening, with pink and red paper hearts hovering over your heads in the hallways and fluttering around the tables in the Great Hall as Valentine's Day drew closer.
Even your professors had taken on the Valentine's theme, and you couldn't help but groan as you gathered around Slughorn's desk with the other Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors.
"Amortentia," the professor announced, and a group of Gryffindors standing behind you giggled to themselves. "The most powerful love potion in the world. If brewed correctly, the scent will be different to everyone according to what attracts them."
James Potter scoffed on the other side of the crowd and whispered something in Sirius' ear. The latter laughed loudly, pulling the attention of everyone in the room.
"Mr Black?" Slughorn spoke through the boy's laughter, keeping his calm demeanour. "Perhaps, since you find this so amusing, you'd like to demonstrate for us?"
"Don't mind if I do, sir," Sirius just laughed again and made his way through the group, going to stand by the professor with a cocky smirk. "I bet it's just a load of old bollocks anyway."
"Well, I suppose we'll find out, Mr Black. Tell us what you smell, won't you?"
You watched as Sirius leant over the cauldron and you took a moment to take in his appearance. His shirt was untucked and unbuttoned a quarter of the way, his red and gold tie hanging loosely around his neck, and though you willed it not to, your heart couldn't help but flutter slightly.
At that moment, you realised that, if Slughorn was right, Sirius was about to reveal the scent of the one he loved.
"Smells like..." his voice pulled you from your thoughts as he took in the scent of the potion, "vanilla, fresh cookies, and..."
He trailed off, and his eyes suddenly flicked up to meet yours, an unreadable expression on his face as he muttered quietly.
"And, uh, roses."
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Whether it was the intensity of Sirius' gaze or the fact that everybody had turn round to look at you that made you storm out of the Potions classroom, you couldn't be sure.
Not even the heaviness of the rain could stop you as you tried to get as far away from the castle as possible. What the fuck just happened?
You shook your head, refusing to turn around as you continued walking. "Leave me alone, Sirius."
"Y/N, please-"
"I don't want to talk to you right now."
"Merlin's beard, L/N, would you stop and listen to me for one bloody second!"
He'd caught up to you now, throwing himself in front of you to stop you on your course. You'd almost crashed into his chest, and Sirius suddenly remembered how you'd done the same thing at that party four months ago.
"Sirius, please-" you begged quietly, trying to push past him.
You didn't get very far as he gently grabbed your elbow and brought you back in front of him. "No, Y/N, we're going to talk. For the first time, we're going to bloody talk."
"About what, Black? What could you possibly want to talk to me about? You haven't wanted to talk to me for the last three years, why start now?!"
He couldn't help it as his voice raised slightly, and you watched him grab at his dripping wet hair in frustration. "I just openly admitted my feelings for you in front of the entire fuckin' class and you won't even talk to me!"
"Because it's bullshit, Sirius!"
Sirius stopped at this, his eyebrows furrowing as he shook his head slightly. "What the bloody hell do you mean?"
"This is just another one of your plans to humiliate me, just like you did three years ago. I'm not falling for it this time."
Successfully this time, you pushed past him, shoulders brushing together as you did. He tried to grab your wrist to pull you back but you shook it out of his grip and continued walking away from him again.
"Y/N, come on-"
"I said no, Sirius."
"Y/N, I fucking love you!"
His words halted you in place. Neither of you spoke for a moment, and the only sounds you could hear was the violent pattering of the rain and his heavy breathing.
You shook your head slowly, not even turning around to face him. "You can't. You can't do this shit to me, Sirius."
"Why not? It's true!"
His words dripped with exasperation. He seemed desperate now, his body moving back in front of you again and Godric, were those just raindrops on your face or had you been crying too?
"Sirius, I can't- I can't let myself be hurt by you again," your voice cracked slightly as you refused to look at him, feeling your throat clog pathetically. "I liked you. I really bloody liked you and when you stood me up I was so humiliated."
Something in his face softened at your words, and his voice grew quieter. "Y/N, I didn't know-"
"I haven't been on a single date since, Sirius. I can't let anyone even attempt to get close to me like that because every time they do I think they're just gonna stand me up anyway, because that's what Sirius Black did. Do you have any idea how much it hurts to fall in love with you when-"
But suddenly all words were forgotten as his lips were on yours.
Sirius' hands were now on your waist, pulling you impossibly closer. He tasted faintly of cigarettes and some chocolate that was no doubt stolen from Remus, and it took a moment to process what was happening. But you kissed him back.
Godric, did you kiss him back.
It was a few moments later when you pulled away, his forehead finding place against yours. Neither of you spoke for a moment and your eyes took their time to flutter open, only to find him already looking at you.
"You love me, you said it yourself. Give me a chance," his voice came as a whisper, his breath fanning against your mouth as his eyes searched your features desperately.
You nodded your head breathlessly, your hands sliding up around his shoulders as you gave him a pathetically pointed look. "You pull that third year shit ever again and you're dead."
"I swear. Merlin, I swear."
You laughed quietly and Sirius broke out into a wide smile. The silence that took over you both was comfortable, the rain providing a settling background noise despite the cold that chilled your bones
"For the record, I would have smelled you too."
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cixerr · 24 days ago
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I've been so fixated on Daisuke and have built up some headcanons over time. Thought it'd be nice to share them here hehe
I know these have been said countless times and er. Well it's not my fault that we all think the same! I guess it's just very easy to tell all the shit he'd be into lol. I'll try to go a bit more indepth with them too so enjoy <3
no specified gender for the reader. But they are a tit and pussy haver
Well without further ado, let's get on with it!
🌺 - oral oral ORAL. His favourite form of sex by far. He LOVES eating out your pussy. And he can go on for HOURS. sorry I don't make the rules 🫶 (also sit on his face...he says please....)
🌺 - VERY big on tits and thighs.
Loves to squeeze and shove his face in your breasts. He also enjoys licking/biting/sucking your nipples - bonus points if they're pierced *wink*
🌺 - he's EXTREMELY loud during sex (or even just makeouts tbh). Whimpering, moaning, groaning you name it he can NOT shut up. He'll try to, especially if you're in a more public setting, but it doesn't take long for him to break.
🌺 - same topic as above, you try to shut him up by pressing your hand to his mouth. This also doesn't work too well as he ends up either biting down on your hand too hard or wanting your fingers in his mouth.
🌺 - massive praise kink... call him a good boy and he's already about to cum.
Praise him throughout the entire session, he needs to hear that he's actually doing a good job to please you.
🌺 - i see him as a dom, but i like to think he's only a sub when it comes to vaginal sex. He's also a big fan of the cowgirl :3 (probably his least favourite cause he preferes giving but don't get me wrong he still really likes it!!)
🌺 - ohhh he is SUCH a begger. (Of course if he knows you're not 100% up to it he won't push you) He can be REALLY needy and desperate to do things with you. He eventually gets his way...it's hard to say no to someone like Daisuke after all...
🌺 - he isn't a one round type of guy. He can go for multiple in just one night (´ 3`)
🌺 - he's always open and excited to try out new things. Even if they seem very extreme or he has little to no experience. Doesn't hurt to give things a go!
🌺 - aaaand finally he's really quick to get turned on. That's it. Just that. Oh what a freak.
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weirdkpopgirl · 1 year ago
Stealing Kisses | Dream Reaction #14
Reaction: When their gf steals a kiss from them
Genre: Fluff, slight angst in some
Warnings: insecure thoughts, kinda suggestive, light making out in Jaemin's, kissing (obviously lol)
Word Count: ~3.1k
Author's Note: This idea came to me last week I think, and I thought it'd be fun to write. I think you guys like this type of stuff too lol. It was also nice to write something sweet and fluffy, a break from my recent stuff. Hope you all like it and thank you for reading ^ ^
P.S. I'm currently have a few fics I'm working on. But I'm going to try writing some shorter stories for the members and group things to fill up my second masterlist.
~ ~ ~
The two of you were lying side by side on his bed, your gazes fixed on the ceiling. Mark was sharing his late-night thoughts, and you were listening attentively. Nights like these were a regular occurrence, mostly because Mark often had something weighing on his mind. Though it was usually just him recounting his busy day, tonight things seemed to carry a more serious tone.
“Sometimes, I’m just really not satisfied with myself,” he admitted, running a hand through his hair. “Like so many people are relying on me— with the company, 127 and Dream. Then there are the fans too, I don’t want to fail them. But no matter how much time and energy I put in, it’s not enough.”
You carefully processed your boyfriend’s concerns, trying to put yourself in his shoes. It was so easy to say he was just overthinking and shouldn’t worry so much. Yet you couldn’t bring yourself to do so, given that you faced similar struggles. Those dismissive words weren’t what either of you needed to hear. Mark was undoubtedly the most hardworking person you knew, but you understood all too well the feeling of never quite doing enough.
Before speaking this time, you opted for a different approach of consolation. You shifted around to gently place your hand on his cheek, guiding his gaze towards you. With closed eyes, you leaned in to kiss him softly. Your lips moved slowly against his, hoping he could feel the comfort of your touch. Soon enough, Mark’s hand rested comfortably on your back, reciprocating the affection.
You stifled a light giggle as you pulled away, catching his slightly confused expression. Offering a small smile you used your thumb to caress his cheek reassuringly.
“You’re doing great, Mark,” you whispered sincerely. “You might not think so at times, but I’m always so proud of you.”
And it was those words that caused tears to gloss over Mark’s eyes. Then he was pulling you into a much-needed embrace, holding you tightly in his arms. You could feel the warmth of his smile as he mumbled, “Babe, I love you so much.”
Though you didn’t necessarily need to return the words for him to understand, you still said you loved him too. He deserved it, after all. He deserved every bit of love, understanding, and support. And you were more than willing to give it to him, wholeheartedly.
You emerged from the kitchen, holding a plate of freshly cut mango in your hand. Renjun was sitting at the table, fully absorbed in the watercolor painting in front of him. Seeing him use the paint set you got for his birthday brought a smile to your face. He was so engrossed in the activity that he almost didn’t hear you sit in the empty chair beside him.
Renjun momentarily glanced up from his artwork to greet you. “Hey.”
“Hey,” you replied quietly, carefully placing the plate of fruit on the table. The two of you shared a smile before his attention was on painting again.
For a moment, you paused to admire the way his focused expression softened his features, making him even more endearing in your eyes. You always found joy in watching your boyfriend immerse himself in the things he loved. Renjun consistently poured his heart and soul into everything he did, and that dedication was one of the many reasons your relationship flourished so beautifully. 
After a few minutes passed by of you silently observing the boy, you leaned into place a quick kiss on his cheek. His eyes widened in surprise, and a faint blush followed. 
“What was that for?” he asked, voice laced with curiosity.
You simply shrugged in response before confessing, “Just thought you looked cute.”
Renjun’s soft chuckle was like honey for your ears, and you couldn’t suppress a smile. “Oh is that so?” he teased, amusement twinkling in his eyes even as his gaze softened when he looked at you.
Now it was your turn to feel shy, heat naturally rushing to your face. Without a word, you reached for a slice of mango and lifted it to Renjun’s lips, quietly offering the yellow piece of fruit to him. Lucky for you, his eyes sparkled with fondness as he accepted the treat. 
However, he didn’t waste the chance to quickly steal a kiss from your lips, before taking a bite. Your eyes mirrored the surprise he had experienced earlier, and Renjun laughed now the tables had been turned. He savored the sweetness of the mango, just as he savored the sweet moment shared between the two of you.
You weren’t exactly expecting to return home to Jeno sprawled across your sofa. It was late at night, and you technically should have been back in your apartment much earlier. However, you got caught up in helping your friend rehearse for an audition and lost track of time. If you had known your boyfriend would be coming, you definitely would’ve gone home sooner.
 After quietly removing your shoes and shedding off your jacket, you carefully crossed the room to check the man resting on the couch. He looked so peaceful with his eyes blissfully shut and the pillow he held close to his chest. Yet, you couldn’t help but frown, thinking about how he must’ve been exhausted from work. While he never complained, you usually saw through his facade.
With a barely audible sigh, you fetched a cozy blanket to drape over him and tucked it snugly around his sleeping form. Leaning down, your lips pressed to his forehead and let your lips linger for a moment before pulling away. You straightened up, ready to start your nightly routine before heading to bed yourself. However, you froze when a warm hand tugged at your wrist. 
“Don’t go,” he murmured, almost sounding like a child begging his mom not to leave. 
The unexpected sound of his voice made your heart skip a beat. “Sorry for waking you up,” you apologized sheepishly, turning back to see him.
He shifted over a bit to give you some space, and you sat down beside him. Without thinking, your hand subconsciously moved to stroke his hair gently. He hummed at the sensation, appreciating any sort of affection from you.
“Don’t apologize. I liked it,” he said softly, leaning further into your touch. “Do you always kiss me when I’m asleep?”
“Sometimes,” you admitted quietly, feeling a blush creeping up your cheeks.
A small pout formed on his lips in response. “You should just kiss me when I’m awake so I can give you one back.”
His words would’ve sounded playful if they hadn’t been spoken in such a sulky tone. But of course, you sort of expected this reaction from Jeno. Chuckling softly, your embarrassment gradually began to melt away.
Moving your hand to caress his face, you casually said, “Well you can give me one now if you’d like.”
With your permission, Jeno happily sat up to pull you closer for a kiss that made your head spin. Nonetheless, it was a tender moment that left you both with silly smiles as you parted. Afterward, you took his hand in yours and suggested you both move to the bedroom so he could sleep more comfortably.
Later, as you cuddled up together in bed, Jeno smiled to himself as he felt a rush of love he felt for you. Even though it was past one a.m., he still found himself falling for you all over again.
To say the least, Haechan was a little restless just chilling in his apartment with you. Usually, he liked being at home, especially with your company. But the original plan for today was to have a lovely date at Han River, which was forfeited due to the ongoing thunderstorm outside. He regretted not looking at the weather forecast beforehand.
So to cure his self-proclaimed “boredom,” Haechan proposed the idea of playing the pepero game. At first, you tried to decline, knowing that you’d be signing up for endless teasing and blushing on your part. That didn’t sound very fun to you.
“Oh come on, babe!” he pleaded, shaking the pepero box. “I won’t be annoying this time, promise.”
Knowing he was going to keep whining until you agreed, you reluctantly set aside the book you were using to ignore him. “Ugh, fine. But just this once!” you conceded, holding your pointer finger up as a warning.
Haechan grinned triumphantly as he tore open the bag inside the box to retrieve a Pepero stick. He moved to where you were sitting on the couch and lifted the chocolate-covered treat to your lips, gesturing to open it. With a resigned sigh, you reluctantly complied and took the stick with your teeth. Haechan took hold of the other end, his eyes already sparkling with mischief.
As the two of you started nibbling, Haechan promptly contradicted his earlier promise of not being annoying. His eyes sparkled with mischief when you hesitated after he took the next bite, leaving only a few centimeters left. No matter how often you had been in close proximity with your boyfriend, there was something uniquely captivating about the way his warm tan skin was adorned with scattered moles, and how you could get lost in his deep brown eyes. Seeing those features up close always stirred a weirdly fluttery sensation in your heart.
“Don’t tell me you’re getting shy already, (Y/n),” he teased, his words slightly muffled by the long biscuit between his teeth. You merely glared at him in response, unwilling to admit how easily you were influenced by him.
To rebel, you decided to make a bold move of your own this time. Despite your racing heart, you seized the opportunity and bit the remaining piece, but not without planting a swift kiss on his lips. Haechan froze for a moment as you pulled away. A laugh escaped when you saw that he was too stunned to speak. Well, that was one way to shut him up.
Feigning innocence, you asked, “That’s what you wanted, am I wrong?”
It didn’t take long for a grin to spread across the boy’s lips. The initial shock of your unexpected kiss was replaced by a look of amusement. In the next moment, his right arm encircled your waist, drawing you close once more. You didn’t even have time to blush before his lips began to explore every exposed inch of your skin.
“You’re so bad for me,” he murmured between kisses, his fingers tangling your hair. “But I love it.”
You giggled, surrendering to the warmth of his affection. Maybe you’d be more inclined to indulge in games with Haechan now, knowing they’d end up like this.
In the solace of his apartment, Jaemin observed you interact with his cats in the living room. Usually, he’d be cooing and snapping a hundred pictures of you and his children. However, he wasn’t very amused at the moment.
Na Jaemin never thought he’d be jealous of his babies until he saw Luke rubbing against your leg and hopping into your lap. Your giggly response and the way you tenderly stroked your fingers through the feline’s soft white hair, certainly didn’t make him feel any better. Although he loved his pets dearly, seeing them snuggle up to you so easily made him feel a bit envious. 
“Hmmph, it seems like you’ve become more fond of Luke than your own boyfriend,” he scoffed, not even bothering to hide it. 
You looked up, noticing how he was resting his head in the palm of his hand, his elbow propped on the couch’s armrest. His body language fully displayed his discontent, and you tried not to laugh. Rolling your eyes, you returned Luke to his siblings and tugged the collar of Jaemin’s hoodie to pull him in for a sweet kiss. 
Any negative feelings dissipated instantly as his heart fluttered at the touch of your lips against his. Warmth spread through him like wildfire. But before he could reciprocate the kiss, you pulled away with a playful glint in your eyes.
“Does that make you happy?” you teased, gently pushing him back to give yourself some space.
Adoration shined over Jaemin’s eyes as he grinned. “Hm, I think another one would make me even happier,” he said, his voice husky with desire.
Before you could even respond this time, Jaemin was already leaning in to capture your lips in a passionate kiss that sent sparks flying between you. One of his hands rested on the nape of your neck, allowing him to press his lips harder against yours, while the other was placed firmly on your waist. Though you were initially caught off guard by the sudden intensity of the kiss, you decided to enjoy this moment of intimacy.
As you melted into each other’s arms, Jaemin was reminded once again of just how amazing it felt to be loved by you. Honestly, if he could have one wish, he’d probably wish to kiss you forever.
The steaming pot of oxtail soup stared up at you, and you lowered the heat to let it simmer some more. It was your first time cooking the Chinese soup. But recalling how your mom used to make it when you were younger, figuring it on your own hadn’t been too difficult. Although you were mostly confident in your culinary skills, you still wanted to be sure.
“Lele, can you come here for a sec?” you called out to your boyfriend who was probably playing some mobile game in the living room. 
You could hear rustling sounds, and soon the sound of slippers padding against the wooden floor reached your ears.  “Smells good babe,” he said, shuffling over to your side. 
Something about seeing Chenle waddle into the kitchen, wearing a black sweatshirt with the hood over his messy hair, made your heart strangely beat faster. But instead of ignoring that feeling like you usually did, you decided to act on it this time.
After dipping a spoon in the red broth, you raised the utensil to his mouth. “Taste it for me.”
Chenle complied, allowing you to feed him some of the soup. You tried to suppress a laugh as a smug yet impressed expression appeared on his face. However, before he could give you his feedback, you swiftly leaned in to give him a peck. 
The male froze for a moment at your actions. You chuckled softly and hugged his waist, as your cheeks flushed with embarrassment. His eyes widened in surprise before the corner of his lips curled into a smirk. A part of him wanted to tease you for stepping out of your shy image, but he also found himself enjoying it a little too much. 
“Did you like it?” you asked, glancing up at him innocently.
Chenle’s cocky grin widened as he leaned in closer. His eyes twinkled with mischief, as he used his pointer finger to gently tilt your chin upward. “Wait, let me taste it again to just be sure,” he teased.
It didn’t take much for you to understand that he was not talking about the food. You simply smiled as his lips brushed against yours before he went all in. Shivers danced down your spine as you melted into the electrifying kiss. By the time you finally pulled apart, Chenle was smiling like an idiot.
“Hm, that was delicious,” he breathed, earning a playful smack on the shoulder from you. Even though you had started it, his comment was unnecessary in your opinion. Was he trying to kill you?
Trying to recover from your now flustered state, you returned your attention to the brewing pot on the stove. Chenle’s laugh rang through your ears, and then he was squeezing you into a backhug. It was those types of moments that reassured you that being with Chenle could never be boring.
Amidst the dark sky, the street lamps cast a soft, golden glow as you walked back to your apartment. Jisung strolled beside you, holding your hand securely. Occasionally, you smiled to yourself, thinking about how tonight had been another lovely date, filled with laughter, shared stories, and stolen glances that spoke volumes without a single word.
As you neared your apartment building, you felt Jisung’s fingers intertwined with yours tighten. A sense of reluctance washed over him, realizing that he wasn’t ready to say goodbye tonight yet. Your presence always brought Jisung a sense of warmth that made him the happiest when you were together. He wanted to experience that just a little while longer.
Pausing in front of your door, your eyes widened when you were pulled into a tight embrace. Jisung seemed clingier than usual this evening, but you honestly couldn’t complain. You returned the hug by wrapping your arms around his waist and letting your nose press against the oversized hoodie he was wearing. The scent of the perfume Renjun recently bought for him filled your senses. It wasn’t bad, you thought to yourself.
“I miss you already,” Jisung murmured, his chin relaxing against your head. 
The soft longing in his voice left your heart melting. These were the types of words you expected to read in texts from Jisung. So hearing them in person was even more touching. A smile tugged on your lips and you pulled away slightly to glance around, ensuring there were no cameras around. Once you confirmed there were no prying eyes that might stir trouble for either of you, you reached up on your tiptoes and pressed a quick but passionate kiss to Jisung’s lips.
He blinked in surprise, heat immediately rushing to his cheeks as the unexpected affection registered through his mind. Any kiss from you always made his heart flutter and left him wearing a shy smile. Nonetheless, witnessing the fondness in your eyes as you were blushing too was irresistible for Jisung.
Chuckling he moved his hand to gently pat your head. “Cute.”
You blushed a little at his words and squeezed in one last hug before he reluctantly released you to head inside. 
“I love you, Ji,” you said quietly, glancing back one last time to ensure he heard you. He exhaled shakily and said he loved you more.
There was an unspoken sadness shared between you, both feeling the weight of the parting. The two of you were uncertain of when or where you’d meet again. However, you found comfort in the knowledge that the love you had with Jisung was too strong to let too much time pass without seeing each other. In the meantime, you would cherish those precious memories together.
previous masterlist -> new masterlist
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yunniestars · 6 months ago
"maybe this time, love won't end."
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. . . ACT IV. "Oh No, I'm Falling In Love." ʚɞ pairing: kinich x gn!reader ʚɞ cw: kind of short sorry, mostly fluff hehe, reader is shit at cooking
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"sorry..." you dry his hair off using a towel as you apologize. "to be fair, it started to rain heavily, too. so it would've saved you from being sick."
"it's fine," kinich responds as he mesmerize over how your hands knead his hair with tender. "i would've said yes either way. but you really didn't had to headlock me like that," he frowns which erupts a giggle from you.
"i literally never seen you make that face. i should do it more often." he scoffs at your suggestion.
even with such childish banter, kinich feels so much warmth from what was happening at the moment. the loud and thunderous rain contrasted the comforting laughter from the both of you. it reminded him of how you'd tend to his wounds when he came home from a commission that made him end up in a bunch of bruises.
this very moment felt like one of them, however he knew it wasn't the same.
the love and affection he felt, though, remained.
suddenly, he felt something caress his hair. and it wasn't a towel.
"hmm?" kinich feels your hand on top of his hair, which surprised him. "what are you doing?"
"feeling your hair. it's so soft," you tell him as you bask into the softness of the strands. "seriously, how do you have better hair than me? it's so annoying," you sounded a pout which made him chuckle.
"maybe it's because you're the one taking care of it."
time ticks down and before the both of you knew it, the hour of supper had arrived.
kinich would expect that it would've been domestic, cozy and full of laughter. he thought that it'd be a simple moment of peace with shared fondness.
boy he was so wrong. because apparently alongside your memories, your amnesia also caused you to forget your ability how to cook -- or more like, you have no idea how to measure things and the portions you pour in the dish ends up altering the taste completely.
"oh my archons- i said SALT."
"look at the label closely, and it says 'sugar'."
it was rare for kinich to get verbally upset, but this very moment had him wanting to throw punches at you and toss you from the very top of tectipac peak. he tries his very best to not show his frustration and be patient but oh goodness gracious of all archons you were stubborn.
"kinich! how much soup do i pour in?" you ask but even though you did, your hand had a mind of its own and poured a lot of soup on the bowl which could only take half of the amount you poured on, which ultimately led you to dropping the bowl and a loud yelp from you.
kinich immediately stopped what he was doing and immediately ran up to you, caressing your burnt hand while bringing you to a place away from the shards of glass.
"are you okay? how bad does it hurt?" he asks while checking for any bruises.
"a little..." you responded while feeling a bit faint from the altercation that just happened. kinich sighed and carried you to your couch, gently laying you on top of there.
"stay," he instructs while he goes off to grab your first-aid kit. you were confused on how he already knew where it was placed, but perhaps it's due to the amount of times he crashed in your place.
besides everything, though, you felt your heart thump at how he'd take such good care of you. even though you were stupid to pour an unreasonable amount of soup in the cup, he never insulted you and just immediately came to your aid. it felt nice, considering how you'd always get called out for being clumsy when you still lived with your family.
it wasn't just that, though. the way he'd gently hold you felt like you just fit right in his arms. is it platonic to say that being your friend's arms felt like home? because that's exactly how you felt.
you were used to how boyfriend-material kinich would be but goddamn it still made your heart skip a beat each time.
then again, he said it's how he treated his friends in general, so did you really have any right to feel like that?
after a time of thinking, he soon comes back with the first-aid kit in his hands and kneels in front of you, grabbing that injured hand onto his immediately to treat it.
"so reckless... you just do whatever you want, huh?" he huffs while applying ointment on your burn.
"i'm sorry," you apologize, feeling a lot of guilt while refusing to look at him.
"for being clumsy and... not being a good host."
"host?" kinich raises a brow and remembers the main reason how he winded up in your abode. "ah, you don't need to apologize for any of that." "but-"
"but what? no matter the amount of apologizes you utter to me, you'll still do the same thing ever again, and i would be a fool to repeatedly tell you that it's 'okay'," he chuckles lightly and touches your bandaged hand. "i treasure you a lot, so i'm willing to put up with your antics."
ah fuck.
you feel yourself burning up at your words, while also feeling tears well up in your eyes. "i mean that much to you?"
"of course."
you smile and look at him with a gaze you'd only ever show to him. "well, i feel the same."
a few hours after eating and cleaning up, the rain hasn't still gone away which led up to the reason why he's staying at your home overnight for the time-being.
"i'm going to sleep at the couch," kinich says, about to tell you good night until you beat him to it.
"no, you're sleeping in my bed," you refute. "you're the guest, i should be the one sleeping on the couch."
kinich sighs and crosses his arms. "well, looks like this is another argument i can't wait, so how about this -- we share a bed."
the idea made you blush. even though kinich looked nonchalant on the surface, deep down he was pulling his own hair for saying such crass things. now he felt kind of like some creep for saying it.
"sorry, i shouldn't have said anything," he apologizes, wanting to break the awkward tension. but you just shake your head and drag him on your bed.
"it's fine. we can share," you fiddle your hands together.
oh. well... that definitely surprised him.
"what? are you sure? i just suggested it because i didn't want you to sleep on the couch and i know you're going to force me to sleep on your bed so..." he trails off and you just put your index finger on his lip, which immediately shuts him up.
"if i say we can share, then we can. okay?" you huff and place your finger back down, leaving him to no choice (even though he really liked the idea). "
and so, you two end up sharing the same comforter. surprisingly, kinich ended up falling asleep real fast. after all, you did notice how exhausted he looked even before the two of you got soaked by the cold rain.
you smile and stop any urges to go and caress his face. you notice his long lashes, the marking on his neck, and of course your favorite part of him, how soft his hair looked. even while sleeping, he looked so undoubtedly beautiful that you'd think about what it'd be like if you kissed him- woah there.
you notice how you used such words towards him, ones that only couples would ever refer to each other. but can you blame yourself? he was so full of love, giving you attention when you barely ask for it, doing things that you'd only let him do to you.
the more you think of it, more the realization finally dawns upon you...
you were in love.
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୨୧ act iii | act v ୨୧ masterlist
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♡ tags: @lvvcian @sunsethw4 @wutap @gasoline-eater @ellieloverrr @romyoia @lunavixia @hipsdofangirl @3lectraheart @keiiqq @fantasyhopperhea @idontevenknow129 @kimura-uzuri
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a/n: finally!! ive been wanting to finish this chapter ive had the idea since act 3 but i am so sorry for not updating a lot as of late!! :( ive been preparing for lots and lots of projects + exams r coming up. not sure if i can keep on updating consistently, but most likely when exams end and also during our club week hehe. thank u so much for being patient :')
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winterslibrary · 1 day ago
okay okay okay this is like. general poppy's advisors and kingdom yap (and i actually mean it because goddamn i SURE talked). let's start with the advisors first because they are a little silly and i really really like them!!! (is the one who killed them) + a small explanation on the naming process
poppy's kingdom is located high in the mountains sooo i figured it'd be nice to name all the cookies and the kingdom's citizens after mountain plants/flowers/all other flora! it fits nicely since in my head they are all some kind of mountain fairies (we have faeries already so why not...) and just. yeah. yet at the same time i'm a little unsure because those aren't really food related names, but theeeen there's a pretty amount of cookie run characters not named after some kind of food so. i guess it's all fine. please let me have my silly mountain fairies cookies HAHA
starting first is! viola alpine cookie (she/her) and she's inspired by small, purple mountain flowers of the same name. she's the defense strategist, helping poppy ensure the kingdom's safety.
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+ the rest is utc because it's a rather long post so 🙏 sorry the yap demons won (i didn't even try to fight them)
viola is a positive and hardworking person! she gets along with other people very easily, even with her blunt nature. she says what she thinks freely, even if it might cause the other person to get mad at her (but unlike some people, she knows when to better keep quiet...). she values honesty a lot– many times when viola didn't agree with or would question poppy's decisions, she would always speak out and share her thoughts— and poppy would listen to her every word and they would discuss it. poppy values her inputs a lot, especially when it's about to the kingdom. admitedly, viola is somewhat easy to anger. you don't need much, just be an asshole and you'll get a scowling viola, ready to throw a shoe at you. but poppy is always here to calm things down before they get too heated, god bless her.
although viola is a strategist first, she helped train the small army of soldiers the kingdom has. she's also excelent with weapons in general– it's just that viola prefers to not be on the battlefield. she feels better planning, thinking, creating battle scenarios, tactics... anything she can do with a map and a few wooden figures. but if the situation calls for it, viola won't hesitate to fight with all she has, if it means saving someone's life.
viola... loves. well. life. she finds happiness in small things– birds singing, flowers blooming, the smell of delicious food, good music being played on the streets, viola loves it all. to be alive and to be able to experience the beauty of life is the greatest gift. she gets in her feels sometimes, getting all emotional just how glad she is to be alive and appreciate how amazing this world is, and how glad she is to have her friends... she also really loves animals. viola always wanted a small garden, so poppy just. organized viola that garden. there's the royal garden, big and beautiful thing and then there's viola'a garden. small, but she's really happy about it and so thankful to poppy!
second to go is drumrolls... rowanberry cookie (he/him) and i'm sorry he doesnt get a second picrew but thats because no picrew other than this one can capture his vibes. he's themed after the rowanberry trees that can be found in the mountains, alongside with... a lot of places actually. but they are also called mountain-ash so id say it fits! he helps poppy with kingdom's politics.
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absolutely ruthless during any meetings with absolutely no bullshit tolerance. you try to disrespect poppy or viola? try to say something bad about the kingdom? good luck because he will make sure you won't get away with it. incredibly smart and well educated on earthbread's politics, rowan is here to ensure that any political meeting poppy has to go through will go smoothly and end positively (for them, of course)... and to ensure that poppy won't say something stupid by an accident. she does that sometimes when she gets too passionate about earthbread's politics, she has strong opinions on... people. so does rowanberry, but he knows how to call someone an ignorant buffoon without actually calling them that. poppy doesn't. and neither she would be allowed to either way, for she is the ruler and some neutrality... would be nice. or– or so rowan says, and that sounds very true, so poppy agrees with him...
though, the moment the meeting ends... he locks himself in his room, flips on the imaginary "do not disturb" sign and goes to sleep for the rest of today– do not talk to him, he is resting, he needs his beauty sleep, and then he needs to sunbathe for two hours while eating fresh fruit and reading fine literature, thank you! rowan loves lazing around, just spoiling himself and doing nothing like some lazy cat, and the only reason why he is so efficient with his job is because he hates all these meetings and paperwork; he really just wants to chill! poppy and viola constantly clown him for that. though his interest in politics is genuine– he is the one who taught poppy a lot of what she knows now.
when the dark flour war started, rowanberry and viola were against poppy's decision to heavily prioritize citizens' evacuation over defending the kingdom. don’t get them wrong, no one wanted a single person dead, but the kingdom needed to be protected too. they had soldiers, viola would lead them and make sure that no one would get hurt, but no matter how hard she and rowan tried to convince poppy, they didn't change their mind. you can rebuild a house, but you can't bring back a lost life. in the end, i guess they saw something in poppy's stubnorness of making sure that no one dies and agreed to their plan.
viola was shocked that poppy's plan actually worked and that everyone survived... even if at the cost of the kingdom, and rowan was one second from losing it, because, oh, rebuilding the kingdom would going to cost them so much and it would affect them for a long, long time, but... poppy was happy, overjoyed even that it worked and despite everything, that made viola and rowan happy too.
there was a time after the dark flour war where poppy felt really alone and just so, so sad about what happened to their friends (some completely disappeared, with some they lost contact), and rowan and viola noticed that. poppy was trying hard to not let it show, but the closests to her still noticed that... so they helped her realize that poppy never was as alone as she thought. she had rowan and viola on her side– her advisors, but most importantly friends that were willing to support and be there for her. it didn't fix everything, no, but it made life a little easier for poppy.
but they died. how, you might ask. when. why did i kill poppy's besties. WELL SO poppy said that they have to go to beast-yeast to deal with their beast and rowan and viola said hey, stop, we are NOT letting you go alone!! count us in!! we will help you!!
the rest is history. god bless them 🙏
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herestomyhaters · 1 year ago
right so i just finished everything now on netflix and i really wanted to share my unfiltered opinions on it and see what other ppl thought as well. here it goes!!
- i think my favorite characters were carli, becca and alex
- carly made for an impeccable love interest tbh
- icl i didn't love the main character as much as i thought i would, idk if that was the writing but sometimes i felt like they were trying too hard to make her relatable? it felt a bit forced
- also she was extremely selfish and though i understood why it still got jarring 😭
- i loved how they gave alex an episode !!! it was so moving to see things from his pov, 100% necessary
- god knows they weren't meant to be together but alison deserved way better tbh
- as for couples i was fond of becca/cam and will/theo. i also rly liked will's lil storyline at the end. as someone who's been the "funny friend" i could definitely relate
- carli and mia's chemistry was insane and if the show does get renewed i'm curious to see how things will be for them in the future. for now it's clear that carli's been portrayed/seen as more of a fantasy so it'd be nice to actually get to know more about her like really
- also i wish we'd seen more of carli and will doing theater kid stuff
- one thing i really loved abt the show was the wardrobe !!! especially becca's like i need all her clothes immediately
- i know euphoria was basically a cultural reset in media so it's inevitably rubbed off on other shows but sometimes it did seem like they were trying to replicate it a bit too much, esp the cinematography/music. it felt unoriginal
- which is a shame cause i think that distracted me at times (joined w the whole awkward/quirky mc). still, this is a very important story and i'm glad they told it
we all know netflix so i don't know if we're gonna be able to see these characters again but i look forward to seeing how the show levels up if we do. i think it has great potential. i wanna hear what u thought as well so share it below if u feel like it !!! <3
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roenters · 5 months ago
(Fight Club spoilers. Obviously.)
As best as I can breaking down some of my thoughts on Fight Club (cause man I have a new love):
Originally thought it'd be some action shit and only put it on cause I'd heard the name before, saw it on netflix recommended (by the time I got to it, it'd been taken off 🙄) and knew it was a cult classic.
On the first watch, what do we have?
A mental breakdown. Absolute brain fuck that when I started picking up suspicions they were fucking right and brother has DID. Crying my eyes out, that song is now a sure-fire way of producing a breakdown. Absolutely love it.
And I was damn well glad they put that bit in about the dad cause that explains where their trauma could've stemmed from for them to get DID in the first place. Good fucking shit.
What do we think of Dickhead Durden?
Can you guess?
Fucking manipulative prick. He's becoming him. Oh shit, he is him. They're sharing the fucking body. Mental. Brain fuck. He fucked up his entire life and our fucking guy was useless to do anything because he knew what he'd do, where he'd go, that he'd try to stop it and exactly what to say to make sure our guy found out jack shit and didn't know a damn thing about what was going on or about them.
Beautifully done.
However, I've just watched it a second time. I've been wanting to for weeks. I feel like I could watch it over and over again. It's such a good fucking film.
I didn't notice the first time round- we were playing where's fucking Tyler- I saw him pop up behind the doctor bloke and I said, he's there. He's fucking there! And my mate said no he isn't- are you going nuts? Where? And I rewinded it and didn't fucking see him and I'm like I swear it. I saw him. Had to do it a good four times until I got it on just the right spot and saw him again. Was well fucking cool. Great detail for people rewatching cause I literally did not notice that shit the first time round at all. And then again- at the fucking therapy thing. He's got his arm round the guy- and I'm like he's fucking there. Again. I'm not nuts I swear it! And we have a repeat fucking performance until I get it on the right spot. Swear down I thought I was seeing things for a hot minute. What a good way to get your viewers feeling empathy for the main sodding character 💀 and a good nod to the film reel stuff. Pretty fucking sick if you ask me.
Also like just all the little details when that guy was walking down the train, bus, whatever and avoided Tyler but then butt shoulders with our guy. Like yeah-- understandable. I doubt you can even fucking see him.
It's so cool‼️‼️ I love it. I didn't have a mental breakdown the second time which yk, is always a good sign. It was more like an awe thing honestly. Like pointing shit out. Also like- I noticed in one scene you see him wearing that check jacket right? The camera follows him but really you'd just think he was a background character otherwise. Well, I did the first time anyway. But then when we meet him on the plane, the check from his jacket has migrated to his pants and he's wearing the same getup, just the other half. It's such a nice nod. Love that shit. And with like- when our guy is talking about space and how corporations will name things and that perfectly links in with Tyler's anti-consumerism ideals. Like. I just love it. Okay, rant over. I just love it.
Oh shit- also the whole fucking stuff with Tyler- like before I think he's a manipulative dick (which he still is don't get me wrong), turning our guy into him basically. But it's not just that- he thinks that's what he wants. He knows they're a system. He's the only one aware of that. He thinks he was made for the sole purpose of bringing about the life our guy dreamed of having. In his books, he's just bringing that about. Helping him. Even tho it's incredibly irresponsible, not great at all and by most views - completely fucked his life up. He's just doing what he thinks he needs, wants, strives for. Helping him achieve that. Wild.
Oh yh and the shit like when he was on the stairs and he's like 'just tell them you did it'- our guy had no inkling that they would think he was the one that blew up his own apartment before Tyler said that. Tyler just put that thought in his brain. It's wild honestly.
There's probably more shit I could say- like how Marla is actually an alright person to be fair and she's just 1. A bit fucked up herself and 2. Reacting to how fucking mental those two are. Ain't her fault. She's cool in my book. Absolute icon.
Okay- anyway. Good day.
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lonely-north-star · 2 months ago
"okay so imagine"
I have these thoughts all the time, I wanna hear yours :3
HIIII LENI heheheh
me looking through my screenshots like "hmmm what can i ramble about" (bc everything happens on discord tbh)
putting it under a cut bc I YAPPED TOO MUCH
so funny you asked this though bc i was LITERALLY thinking about a reversed au inspire by this drawing that my mootie did- LIKE OKAY IT'S BEEN IN MY HEAD FOR A WHILE..BUT I WAS THINKING ABOUT THE LOGISTICS OF IT ATM AND OUTFIT CHOICES
okay so imagine solomams are roommates Mammon moved in after Asmo decided to travel) who summon Paula, and I'm making her a greed demon 🫵 secondary sin is gluttony. Why did they summon her?? We have yet to find out
okay so she's a demon right? they make pacts all the time, she probably can't leave until she fulfills SOME kind of request/contract for them. She's literally stuck there
but i imagine she really dislikes humans/is wary of them bc i was like "damn what if a past person ripped/cut off her wings" bc i love making myself sad ?!?! (I don't want to draw her wings)
and so she's like. Snappy and irritable and basically a scared cat is the best way to describe it. She's curious so she's snooping and messing with things, some things she's never seen before, but it's all so that they hurry up and give her a request so she can LEAVE. She wants to get OUT of there
i was also thinking she doesn't like having her back towards people, like she tries to keep herself facing people at all times (at least when in confined spaces. Other demons probably stare at her scars)
i think it'd be really funny if she sneaks out and follows either Mammon to work or Solomon to class. And just causes trouble. And people are staring at her bc she has horns and a tail and everyone is like "yooo sick cosplay bro how did you do that?!" which would obviously terrify her. Maybe leaving the house wasn't a good idea?
Mammon desperately dialing Solomon to come pick her up bc he's already on his third strike at this job and she isn't helping (ough. What if this gets him fired. Yay conflict.)
I have lots of thoughts churning in my brain over this. I think it'd be nice if they take her shopping for different clothes to try and cover her demon features. Horns are hard though, she is rejecting every hat they try to shove on her head
Also. Imagine Solomon offered up Mammon's bed instead of her using the couch. So funny, he def did it on purpose so Mammon could share with him. "And there was only one bed"
Anyway there is ONE (1) cute scene in my head of Solomon saying he needs to visit a crystal shop and Mammon whining he doesn't want to be left alone babysitting. So they drag her along. And she might complain on the way there, but the second they get there, she's all starry-eyed
She's so careful with interacting, even afraid to pick things up. Maybe gets real close to stare at spheres, but overall, she's really docile (?) and fascinated. They've never seen her like this. I think Mammon might clink two crystals near her just to see her reaction. Solomon might explain names and properties while she pretends not to be super interested. Blue sandstone catches her eye even though it's a man made crystal (maybe there's irony in that lol)
IM GONNA SHUT UP HAHAHA SORRY FOR THE ESSAY it was either this au or ANOTHER royalty au (this one. Might not have a happy ending who knows?)
almost all my "okay so imagine" have to do with my ship ajsjwjw sometimes .... sometimes i think about friends ships bc it's fun OKAY BYEEEE teehee thank you for stopping by
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yandereunsolved · 1 year ago
In reference to your post about Hylian sign: 
BotW Link signing is really popular fanon I think, and I myself like the idea a lot. I wrote a miniscule amount about it a long time ago, but I like the hc that BotW Link's vocal chords were irrevocably damaged during the Guardian showdown and the shrine of resurrection couldn't repair them enough to facilitate speech, so he had to fumble through learning sign after waking up. I also agree with your take about Hylian sign language being relatively unknown.
Not only does Hyrule not have the networks for teaching that we do, (the internet or modern educational tools for example) but it would be harder to spread, and visual languages don’t do amazing in textbooks.
Plus I have a personal headcanon, that due to the elongated ears of Hylians, (meant for hearing the words of the goddess or something) they have advanced hearing, and therefore hard of hearing/deafness is a much rarer affliction and there is much less need for sign language. 
As for Nintendo implementing something like this in their games, I agree that it would be an awesome thing to see, but I doubt Nintendo would ever do it.
Portraying a visual language like sign would require them to create conversation-specific character models for every sign made, individualized to each different character speaking (unless they used the exact same character model) which would greatly extend the process of creating dialogue. Not that a AAA company like Nintendo couldn’t pull it off, but it would be a much bigger expenditure of resources to implement than just…dubbing over moving mouths. 
(Plus they would be forced to either default to a specific localized sign language for every model or create their own language, which…creating a visual language with rules and syntax and signs is much more complicated than writing an alphabet.
Not to mention that Link has always been a blank slate, even in his gender lol. I doubt they’d apply such a polarizing (is that the right word??) trait to him. Seeing a disabled character in general is probably wishful thinking with Nintendo, but..I agree it’s an awesome headcanon and would be so cool to see portrayed one day.
…Sorry for saying so much lol. I didn’t realize I had so many thoughts on HoH Link..
I absolutely love your thoughts. Like, I do. That's the reason I posted my thoughts in the first place. I wanted to know what others thought ofc.
I do agree about the character modeling. I didn't know much about it so thank you for sharing the info. I do believe the word 'polarizing' would be correct because of how disabled characters are portrayed in media. If Nintendo just said one of the Links is HOH and uses sign language—it would cause an uproar.
I'm not a master in politics or anything but lately anything progressive has been labeled as 'woke' by more extremist and right-wing groups online. Not that I am trying to bring politics into this, but I'm saying that the uproar would be due to mostly grifters hoping on the bandwagon of 'represention evil, they are just doing it to appease the masses.'
I personally am always a fan of representation and even if it is wishful thinking, I still think it's a nice wish to have. I'd personally say that as well as what you already said about him becoming HOH. I think the goddesses may have had an unintended affect on it as well. Think about it. Rarely are mortals actually spoken to by the goddesses. Due to the constant exposure of hearing divinity is hearing could have also waned. (The pressure of a mortal hearing divine gospel isn't an easy one. Even if he is the chosen hero.) Second, for specifically BOTW Link I also think his lungs would be weak after a 100 years of sleep, so he wouldn't be able to form words or even groan or grunt correctly until further along in his journey.
Even if it wasn't portrayed in a game it'd be cool to see it in an animation released by Nintendo or at least some more information in something official. It could also just be a fan-made thing. Which would be really cool to see a Fandom come together to do something like that.
I guess I had a lot of thoughts. I usually proofread for grammar mistakes, but I'm tired. So don't mind the mistakes in grammar. :)
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ivyembracertifiedbitch · 8 months ago
Lucy and Ivy both were crushing on each other pre ragestar however after the ragestar and with lucy absence ivy forgot/pushed it out of her mind (thats why ivy was so egar to meet with fig disguised as lucy as it triggered her memory of the crush)
Adaine and Lucy originally bond over both being transfem
Adding on to that Adaine was the first person Lucy sees when she is resurrected and is the first bad kid (along with kristen) to become friends with her
Ivy helps Adaine experiment more with her personal style and eventually adaine starts dressing more alt and stealing clothes of ivy (even tho most of them dont fit)
Ivy is the shortest for reasons
Ivy has a lot of moles and Lucy likes to draw lil flowers around them
Ivy leaves threatening love letters in both adaine and lucys locker
Adaine never really tells the bad kids shes dating both lucy and ivy but still acts couply with them so half the bad kids think shes dating lucy and the other half think shes dating ivy
obvs theres ivy and osin both have crushes on adaine and r secretly very competitive about it (pre-dating)
(i feel like ive adopted some of these from u cause u just always have correct opinions <3)
Yes!! I can't say it enough, no matter what ship I'm writing Ivy in, she dated Lucy for like a week when they were younger. I do love the idea that she forgot about her crush (due to the rage star? I'm taking notes)
TRANSFEM GIRLFRIENDS!!! I think Ivy should get to be transfem too so they can all be transfem and hold hands in a circle and make out
I love Adaine and Kristen being the first bad kids to become Lucy's friend, almost as much as I like Gorgug being Lucy's first bad kid friend. I think it'd also be funny (because I like to think Lucy had a crush on Kristen) if she saw Kristen when she was resurrected and was like 'oh hi <3' and then she sees Adaine and is like 'move out of my way Kristen.'
Nodding, taking notes
I love a good height difference
Cute!! I love the idea of Ivy eventually getting tattoos of some of the flowers Lucy drew around her moles
Ivy is the type to leave someone a note that says 'get out of my school' because she doesn't know how to deal with her crush on them
I agree, and it should be played for comedy all the time
Ivy and Oisin very aggressively flirting with Adaine to try and get a date with her, it's what she deserves
Loved to hear your opinions, they're very good <3
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tobiasdrake · 9 months ago
Still venting about my mom but didn't want to take over OP's post any more than I already did. So this is just going to be a big ol' oversharing mess.
Seriously, though. My mom insists that she just recognizes my skills and I'd be a good fit for her company. But she has no idea what I do. Just that I'm good at computers.
The only thing she's ever been able to say about my abilities is that I "type fast, but not as fast as me, wink."
I type 119 wpm. This is a woman who needed me to come to her office once because "The window is supposed to be big. Like, the entire screen, big. But it's just this in this little window now. How do I make it big?"
No shame meant for people who aren't super experienced working in data. But I'm going to need some convincing before I believe that her repeated, insistent job offers are really because she understands the value of my work and not at all because I'm her kid.
During one of my refusals to come work for her, she once actually said to me, to my face, "Everybody has a price." No hint of irony or self-awareness at all.
When I started becoming more politically aware, I'd try to have conversations with her about the things I was learning. Because she was my mom, and I loved her.
As I spent more time living in the lower-class and got to know the experiences of being poor and listening to minority voices and exploring what it means to be neurodivergent and LGBT, I would bring what I was learning to the table. Because I was discovering things I never knew were there, and I thought she didn't know either. I thought she was as ignorant as I was discovering myself to be.
She was not. She had the typical conservative rhetoric in-hand to stamp down on everything I tried to share with her. Drugs. Crime. Welfare.
The day I gave up on her, the day I realized who she really was, was after Trump got elected. When she told me to my face that she voted for Trump because of a Hispanic family down the street that has a nicer truck than hers. "It's not fair, because those people don't have to pay taxes." So she wanted Trump to come in and deport them. For having a nice truck.
I don't even know if they're even immigrants. I don't think she knows either. I think it'd be pretty hard to afford an acre of land in rural America and a nicer truck than a rich white woman's if you were working undocumented migrant wages. So I'm like 80% sure she's racist-ing at documented American citizens.
And it's still not okay even if she's not.
That was the day I realized that she isn't just uneducated about these issues. She is a hateful bigot. She thinks civil rights are over because we solved feminism, the only civil rights cause that matters. And she thinks we solved feminism because she, personally, has a cushy job and plenty of wealth and can live on a horse ranch where she never has to see other human beings again.
My mom has always loved the idea of me. She's proud of having a son. Of being a mom. But we've never had any shared interests or activities. She's upset because she tried to get me into horses when I was a kid, and I didn't take to them.
She warned me when I was five that you shouldn't go behind the horse because it can kick your head clean off. And from that moment on, that's all I could think about any time I saw a horse. Dangerous animal can take my head right off. I did not enjoy any attempt she made to put me and horses in the same space.
And she's always kinda held that against me. That I didn't take interest in the activities she enjoyed, so we never had anything to connect over.
But like. I was a child. It was her responsibility to take interest in the things I cared about. Where was she when I was playing Power Rangers with my friends and getting into roller blading and learning that I loved writing and analyzing and dissecting media.
Where is she now when my family is struggling and all she has to say is, "I don't give handouts. But I do have this nepo-job for you if you're interested. Don't worry, it's because of your qualifications, I promise."
My mom has always wanted to love me. But only on her terms.
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misc-obeyme · 1 year ago
hihi I'm back, i was rambling about solomon and immortality the other time
BUT i just got a tiktok, and apparently there's a trend with the song that goes "nothing's new" and the first slide is a tweet saying "who had every right to become a villain?" And the second slide is a character
anyway my first thought was MC because they literally get dumped into a new world, whole life turned upside down and expected to adapt, in both OG and NB. Nightbringer i'd say is different since they have a goal they're working towards and at least they have Solomon
But in OG it's like "try to survive :)", you're looked down upon as a human, you're kept in the dark about the attic, there's so many little things that add up-
But in the end MC chooses kindness, chooses to keep going and make it work, and yes there's the chaotic options but no harm is done without cause I guess you could say?? They're not afraid to stand up for themselves and they're stubborn, but they won't sink down to the lowest of the lows after everything they've gone through
I dunno if i made any sense, I just needed to ramble and share with someone 🤣 thank you for being a welcoming blog
- ✨
Welcome back to my ask box! I will add ✨ to the anon list!
And of course I love all the ramblings, so know you're always welcome to come here to share your thoughts!
Now I gotta say the generic OM MC is one unhinged mf and I don't understand how they stay so chill and happy all the time. Like I would argue their ability to put up with so much crazy is what makes them unhinged rather than the chaotic options that are sometimes given for them. That stuff feels like a normal reaction considering everything they go through. Like the time they threatened to explode Mammon's door? Yeah, that feels like something someone who has been pushed beyond their limits might do.
And yet so often, the choices are nice. So often the choices are MC giving and giving and giving. They care so much and are willing to go through so much and do so much in order to keep their demons safe. And MC is the human in this scenario. I know, MC is OP with their pacts and their sorcerer stuff and their Ring of Light, but you would still expect the demons to take better care of them. And I mean more their mental state than anything. But the game kinda just takes for granted the fact that MC can take all the crazy in stride. I'm pretty sure I would have had a mental breakdown after the first week lol.
All that being said, I love the idea of MC turning into a villain. This is where you really can get into different story lines and outcomes based on your personal MC. Because I think it would be very easy for an MC to turn villainous in this situation. It depends on how conniving your MC is as to how this goes down.
Like do they deliberately wait to betray everybody until they've secured all seven pacts and the Ring of Light and so on?
Or is it more like one day they just snap and they never meant to turn?
In the first scenario, the question is what is their goal? Why would they do that to begin with? Maybe they want to rule the Devildom themselves and the goal is to have all the bros under their spell for the sole purpose of like dethroning Diavolo or something. I mean, good luck with that lol but it'd sure be interesting.
In the second scenario, it's definitely more chaotic and just MC loses their mind. Maybe starts destroying things Satan-style because they can't control it anymore.
I think it's a fascinating idea. And you could go with MC succeeds or you could go with someone (whoever MC is closest to perhaps) is able to talk them down from destruction.
But yes, in the end our OM MC always chooses kindness. Even when they're not going to take any nonsense, they're always solution oriented. They're always about helping the characters and I would say they're almost stubborn in their kindness too? Like they're determined not to be anything other than kind because to them, that's the right thing to do. It's precious.
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carlytayjepsen · 1 month ago
okay initial yellowjackets thoughts!!!!!
this is mostly a ramble and i need to rewatch but for now:
LOVE the opening scene and the spring setting for the 90s timeline. love getting to see them just be silly bitchy teenagers!!!! they're building huts and having dinners together and raising ducks and bunnies!!!!!! after that entire timeline in the last season being very dark and cold, it's so nice to completely switch it up to something more colourful.
i love mari. i love that she's getting more in this season right from the start and i can't wait to see what they do with her and ben. mari technically being the first pit girl is very funny (and her popping her knee back in made me want to throw up)
shauna writing in her diary like she's a child who wasn't invited to the sleepover😭
shauna and mari fighting is so funny. "i can't believe we didn't eat that bitch first"
i want to give teenage shauna hug so bad. those flashbacks to the birth episode. ooooof.
nat really doesn't want to be a leader huh
callie being the first one we see in the present timeline!! yessss it's her season!!!!!!!! her whole storyline with the bullies. "are we sure they weren't human?" "the girls???" "the guts!" her and shauna bonding over the video. i love these three (and randy lol)
misty grieving and nat's funeral made me want to cry
i'm glad walter's still a part of it cause his role in season 2 was really silly and i need there to be more to him. i really love him and misty together, and he had two of my favourite lines so far: "misty. no one picked up before they got to w" and "a sleepover? it's 11pm..."
misty i love you🥺 her little joke about the taxes and lighting their dicks on fire bit. and constantly going on about the bond her and her teammates share. thinking it's an intervention when she's called to shauna's house when they have no idea about any of it :(
i'm really enjoying adult lottie so far! i didn't get into her character in season 2 - but that might just be me always hating cult storylines. her blaming jeff for brining callie with him, and when callie mentions shauna kicking her out on the lawn "yes! she said that!"
that whole sleepover scene with the rum and milk and the animal face masks. and misty organising the cupboard
the whole speak to the manager bit
the restaurant scene. jeff not knowing how tapas works and shauna calling out the nepo guys
i have a horrible feeling that simone and sammy won't be in this season at all. which i absolutely hate. very glad that tai's whole senator storyline is seemingly over with cause i wasn't a fan, but their home life and sammy being terrified of "the bad one" was soooo good. but thank GOD the man with no eyes showed up!!! was starting to think we wouldn't see him again. but literally who the fuck is he
her and tai doing a runner to i think we're alone now😭 really curious to see where the server dying takes us. does the man with no eyes show up when someone's dying???
van and tai both lying about the restaurant/doctors?
i really we do get to see tai as a leader for a bit in the wilderness
coach ben!!!! i love you and i don't want you to die. i fully thought that case of survival stuff he found was a hallucination. could still be? but i hope not cause it'd be so interesting finding out how it got there. could potentially be linked to the tunnels/bunkers etc? him seeming surprised about the cabin burning down..... fully don't think he knew. had he been hiding in the cave when it happened? otherwise he would have seen it.
mari drinking the hot chocolate and ben talking to himself/someone. both hallucinating somewhat? yeah i need to watch this back lol
teen lottie.... slowly becoming one of my favourites. but can you please leave travis alone, i don't think giving him drugs is gonna help. watching that and knowing that his final moment is spent with lottie, trying to connect back to the wilderness... ugh
travis holding his duck 🥺
please let akilah be okay and look after her animals <3
i'll be really annoyed if nothing comes of the cabin burning down (aside from finiding out who did it). i was really hoping they'd go looking through the rubble and find bones or something. i just wanna know more about cabin daddy. literally wasn't even touched upon in season 2?
just remembered the scene in the last season where misty was wanting to reminisce about "that summer" and they all shut her up. this season is going into that summer right???
THE KISS!!!!!! can't wait to see how jackie's brought up in relation to it. did they purposely dress melissa like that? also i just really love melissa's character. yay more melissa!
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stuffed-gutz · 11 months ago
hey! i've got something to ask, no judgment- i look at blogs like this out of curiosity, and i was wondering what the appeal of gore is to you. could you explain it? it'd also be interesting to know if pain tolerance or your experience of pain have any influence, if you're fine with sharing.
Oh I'm actually kindve excited to finally get this ask, I've seen other guro blogs get similar. I wanted to give it some thought though so sorry it took a while!!
First as far as pain tolerance, I'm kindve a wimp? I'll admit I've self harmed before but despite the fact I do find pain sexy and cool, it doesn't take a lot to make me cry. That doesn't necessarily make it a deal breaker but I'm kindve a huge baby XD
But at the same time, admittedly, I want someone to hurt me. This is TMI even if you asked but I get a lot of sexual gratification from the idea of being killed. I want my body to be enjoyed and used, even if I'm dead. The idea of being cut up and eaten or even fucked is extremely arousing to me. There's an almost worshipful intimacy in dying by someone else's hands and having them discover and learn and maybe even love every part of you. My self esteem is really really low, and its a kind of love I doubt I'll ever experience while alive. I want to be owned and controlled and known inside out and still accepted for everything I am down to the last drop of blood.
Again, that's TMI, but you did ask.
I would also say my obsession with guro started very young. As a kid I had a baby sitter who used to show me horror movies and classic 80s slashers when I was around 7, and it warped my dumdum baby brains the same way that people end up with vore and inflation fetishes from Sonic and stuff. The older I got and the more self loathing, the worse it got.
I've talked to my therapist and she's even said as long as it's fictional & I'm not actively suicidal & it doesn't cause me distress, this isn't harmful as an outlet.
That said, I've also had some experiences with early internet shock sites and irl gore online that for sure fucked me up a little, I've seen more than I really wanted to in some regards and the fascination just kindve kept growing. I have OCD and tend to fall into patterns of obsessive thinking and some very vivid memories and scenarios, so I think that's a part of it? Not sure.
Anyway I hope this helps !! Here's a nice soft safe image for ur troubles
Tumblr media
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ezrisdax-archive · 1 year ago
Do you have more thoughts on Star Trek: Aventine? I know your pinned post is older but I’m always so enchanted by it when I visit your blog
oh! thank you! it's still my pinned post cause I love it so much.
I do have a few more ideas, like Ezri having to visit her brothers again when something she's investigating leads back to them and I wanted to really go more into a deep dive with Trill and explore Ezri eventually getting rid of symbiosis commissions laws in some areas. I know Discovery goes into it with Adira but I want Ezri to feel something about the fact that she has to keep this secret that any Trill can be joined as shown with her. also she's vocal about that time she was a murderer, hey symbiosis commission remember when you fucked that up? And talk more about the other hosts, we know a little about some of them and a bunch more about others but my god am I curious.
I def wanted to do a thing where Harry and Ezri worked their way to Captain together on Geordi's ship and thus have this camaraderie but Ezri hadn't met Seven before she was assigned to her ship and is like 'wow you're so different than Harry's stories' 'Captain Kim has a tendency to embellish', I think Ezri would set up little things with her command crew for bonding but when it comes to her and Seven it's just complaining about having different voices in your head and coming to terms with it a) suddenly being gone for Seven and b) suddenly existing for Ezri. and when it came to Seven being there it's because the Borg had shown up in the Gamma Quadrant for unknown reasons. I don't wanna make them the big bads like in TNG and VOY but I wanted some throwbacks to them, just in here and there episodes. I think if I was gonna make a big bad it'd be that Odo's talks with the Changelings created a division down them (look I'm not immune to the Geth division from Mass Effect) and now some of them are wondering why they're still not controlling what they had.
I dunno if you ever read this comics called Divided We Fall but in it Ezri has this sudden need to find Lenara after she goes missing but then the comic just...doesn't do anything with that, like Ezri finds her but there's never a conversation we get to see and the plot moves on which is why I wanted to ignore that completely and go with an episode where Ezri runs into Lenara, I just thought Lenara now going through the pain of losing a Dax twice and knowing neither that she loved can ever come back and meanwhile here's the new one in front of her is just something so interesting.
also I wanted to have anything where Molly or Naomi was the central character have a thing where it's them writing messages to Jake/the O'Briens/Kirayoshi or Samantha/Janeway. and an episode where Naomi works with Seven and makes a joke about it being just like old times and the two of them still get together for Kadis-Kot, maybe they've somehow found a technology that lets them get a message out to Neelix or Naomi has been writing all these reports to her godfather to one day share everything with him because Naomi believes in seeing her whole family again one day. meanwhile Molly's much more used to station life/earth life and is having some trouble adapting to the ship and wondering if she's cut out for it, I wanted to give her some more depth but not go full Barclay anxiety levels. It'd also be nice to have Molly get an episode where Kirayoshi is in trouble somehow and Ezri shares her wisdom when it comes to having a sibling.
Worf absolutely shows up too and Ezri is a little too gleeful he's admitting to all the changes that needed to be done on Q'onoS. 'Jadzia would not do such a vindication celebration' 'Yes she would'.
I also had a vague idea of a flashback where Ezri meets with Deanna and Deanna is the one who inspires her to make the move to join command and then she runs into Deanna again and thanks her. I'm a sucker for mentor-to-Ezri!Deanna type deal.
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