#but I thought it'd be a nice homage
astxrope · 9 days
I'm feeling kinda bleh right now (hey, schools out for the term so INLY 3 WEEKS LEFT THEN I'M GRADUATING WOAHHH)
Anyways here's some art of my oc's
They're pretty personal, infac tthey're inspired by me and my sibling in a pokemon mystery dungeon context.
The shinx is named Aster (my user is literally asterope) and while that's not my name, it's the nickname my sibling has for me.
And the Eevee is Bee based on my sibling, I love them very much :)
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zimtlees · 3 months
Regarding your last post about the kids' names, it really depends (for Orel's son) on whether or not Orel learned how terrible of a father Arthur was but as you said, he ought to find out sooner or later, and the truest thing to his character is to indeed avoid giving homage to another abuser (even if not towards him) because I like to think he'd try to break the cycle of abuse in every way (he doesn't wear a belt, and indeed not naming his son after an abusive family member despite them not affecting him directly.)
I also really like your suggestion of Holly, it's so cute. 😭😭
Personally I thought his daughter's name could be something related to angels or something angelic like Angelina cause I like to think both Christina and Orel would often refer to their kids w affectionate epithets like little angels or little sweethearts (cheesy af but it's cute) and it'd be a good occasion to give a name related to that. Besides it's also tied to religion, it means "messenger of God", and I think it's really a 50/50 of Orel's side and Christina's; his grandmother's name is Angela and u take the "ina" of Christina and there u go LMAOO
Anyways sorry for the fucking essay and if this ask is super unprompted 😭😭😭 I just love speculating about Orel's future in general cause we have literal crumbs 😭😭
Anyways I was also the anon asking for the Orel and his kids interaction thing so I was very fed, you're doing gods work as always I simply love ur art 🙏🙏
Have a nice day keep on slaying 🙏🙏
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You probably don't know how much I loved the idea of the name Angelina...it sounds damn cute.
And of course, you are right, he would never repeat that horrible cycle of abuse, but, as usual, I feel like at some point he couldn't be so understanding with his kids (I mean, no hitting, just scolding, normal stuff, but he feels it's the worst thing in the world) so...uh then he would have a little anxiety attack, maybe he would lock himself in his room to cry or blame himself for everything, he doesn't like his kids to see him like that, he's afraid they'll see him like he saw Clay. (Ohh silly traumatized man)
And oh, thank you so much HAHAGGG, I always try to give my best, I love Orel, I love talking about him, but I also love hearing opinions, and drawing related stuff, you know.
I'm so normal about him, yeah.
Plus anon you can talk whatever you want, I to like read the questions, and answer them :)
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wakasagayhime · 3 months
aaaa i think i've seen your skaspec fanchild before and her design's really cute! do you have a name for her, or anything about her personality and her interactions with her mamas? if you do have any whaleshark bebe lore, i'd love to hear it!
thank you so much!! <3 honestly, coming up with a name has been pretty difficult. I'm sure it'd be something fancy sounding like all the other abyssal hunters' names, maybe the name of a famous artist or sculptor since her mom is Laurentina after all..... i did almost impulsively adopt a cat with my gf a while back who i was set on naming Artemisia (in part due to baroque artist artemisia gentileschi) so i feel like i like that name?? but at the same time, i know Laurentina is a sculptor, so maybe it'd make more sense to pay homage to a sculptor rather than a painter.... who knows at this point....
as far as lore goes, i like to think she mostly takes after laurentina in appearance and skadi in personality. she's kind of shy and takes a while to warm up to strangers. but she does really love her plushies and they bring her comfort, just like skadi as well! but a reply i got to my art of her on twitter also made me think she has a bad habit of whacking people with the plushies just like skadi in her summer skin. i do also like to think she's an only child so she gets doted on a lot by not only her moms but also gladiia who is surprisingly sweet and takes great care of her and spoils her quite a bit. idk how ulpianus would act and im not sure if he would be good with children but im sure he at least tries to be nice.
i think aside from that the only other thought i've had about her is that due to being a whale shark she would grow to be taller than both of her moms by the time she's in her teens. maybe even close to gladiia's height. it would make for a cute family photo :)
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ALSO after careful consideration (some light googling) I've come up with middle names for the hexsquad
Luz's middle name is Manuela. It's a feminine form of Manuel which I figured could very well be her dad's full name. Luz's connection and similarities to her dad are very important to her and to the story overall, so an homage to him feels sweet and fitting!
I was torn between Amity's middle name being either Regan or Cordelia. Regan because I thought "little ruler" sounded EXACTLY like something odalia would've chosen for one of her kids, but I think overall I prefer the verbal flow and meaning of Cordelia (which means "heart" btw). I just think it'd be nice if Amity had this imposing last name with a threatening legacy and then a first and middle name that represent the things actually important to her
Back when the toh "next time on..."/"pilot" was released and we all found out that Willows pilot name was Paulina/Polleena (I prefer the latter spelling since it's plant themed! Pollen and whatnot), I saw some people suggest Polleena as her middle name, and the hcs just stuck ever since! It fits since (going off the spelling I decided) pollen helps things to grow, and Willow not only has a very fleshed out arc, she's also the catalyst/important to many others! Also again, it just rolls off the tongue well. Can very clearly picture Harvey or Gilbert saying "Willow Polleena Park >:(" in their Dad Voice.
Since Gus' full name is Augustus, I immediately thought of the Roman emperor and started looking at other Roman names for him, before settling on Antony. The most obvious reason for this is alliteration and the fact it sounds really nice to say "Augustus Antony Porter". His first name means "venerable" or "sacred", and Antony means "priceless". Hence, I think it'd be cute if (consciously or unconsciously) when Perry named him he was just hammering home how much he fucking loves his boy. Alternate ideas with the same scheme though is Julian (comes from Julia which means "youthful", Gus' age is relevant to his character in many ways.)
Hunter...doesn't even have a confirmed last name. In demon realm paperwork? It's probably Deamonne. But as much as I love dadrius, I am also a fan of the "it takes a village" approach and you can pry Hunter Noceda from my cold, dead hands. So no matter who he lives full time with, I hc hunter sees a lot of different people as "family". He'd be excited about it! He went from no parents to, like, 4! That's counting Darius, Camila, Eda and Raine (though tbh I hc the latter as more "cool aunt and her cool partner" in hunters eyes but Dells like a cool grampa to him. He's not gonna turndown the clawthorne name!) All this to say, I think Hunter is an elusive tripple-barreler for last names. So I hc he takes part of his alias from ASIAS and uses that to complete his silly, dramatic name, officially crowning himself "Hunter Jasper Bloodwilliams Noceda-Clawthorne-Deamonne". What a guy. I love him
In conclusion I love giving characters middle names so FUCKING much. Get birth certificate-ed idiot!!!
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localmacguffin · 8 months
Egeria Fan Design
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Here's my fan design for Egeria! From her hair I thought she was either a Seele/Cecilia expy, but I went with Seele because Furina seems to be loosely based on Sin Mal.
Her outfit is heavily based on Furina/Focalors'. I thought it'd be a nice homage to both, especially since as an Oceanid Focalors would owe a lot to her.
Her outfit glows like Oceanid fins and her sleeves are like the bioluminescent plants you find in the water to signify that she's the "Regina of All Waters, Peoples, and Kindreds".
Fun fact: I decided to make her skin have a bluish tint and gave her a four-pointed star pattern because she was created by Celestia to be the heart of the Primordial Sea. This is also why her eyes should be the same color as Neuvillette's, though it's too small to see here.
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cyberkevvideo · 2 months
Race Conversion - Wyvaran (PF1e to 5e)
Sharing this conversion that I did for a friend. It's her first campaign character, and the game was supposed to be Pathfinder, but the GM has decided to change over to the new 5e Revised rule system. She doesn't want to play a winged tiefling or aarakocra, and really liked the idea of a winged kobold hybrid, so I agreed to help out and do a quick conversion. The race will essentially be a simple 1-to-1, but I'm also borrowing a little inspiration from the owlfolk UA regarding flight.
Honestly, my initial thought was just to add a flight option to the Monsters of the Multiverse's kobold's Kobold Legacy, but somehow that's too powerful? I didn't argue.
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Art from Paizo and World Anvil.
As always, if you like what I do, whether it’s monster conversions, adventure path add-ons, or race builds, I have a Ko-Fi page (linked) for those who would like to support me monetarily. There is no pressure or obligation to do so. A like and/or a share would also be appreciated just as much. It lets people know I exist out there.
I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy.
Now, let’s talk stats.
Unlike Pathfinder, there's no real "official" way to judge how powerful a creature is. There are definitely a lot of 3PP supplements and homebrew out there, which I tend to have to use as a guide. As long as it's not more powerful than the original aarakocra or yuan-ti, or even the satyr, I feel like it's a win.
For the Nimble Flight, I took the original owlfolk's ability as it matches the wyvaran's standard flight as well as part of their vestigal wings ability which ignored 20 feet of falling damage. Thought it'd be a nice homage to that.
Wyvaran Species 5e
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1. Age. Wyvaran mature a little faster than humans, reaching adulthood around age 14. They age noticeably faster and rarely live longer than 60 years. Alignment. Wyvarans are thought to be troublemakers because of their kobold heritage, but they have no alignment tendencies and can be of any alignment, independent of their scale color or parent. Size. Wyvarans have the same are more or less the same size as humans, ranging from 5 to well over 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium. Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Darkvision. Blessed with a divine soul, your vision can easily cut through darkness. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. Dragonblooded. You have advantage on saving throws you make to avoid or end the paralysis condition on yourself, and magic can't put you to sleep. Nimble Flight. Thanks to your wings, you have a flying speed equal to your walking speed. You can't use this flying speed if you're wearing medium or heavy armor. When you fall, you can use your reaction to make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 10) to stop falling and fly in place until the start of your next turn. Tail. You have a tail that you can use to make unarmed strikes. When you hit with them, the strike deals 1d6 + your Strength modifier bludgeoning damage. Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Draconic.
On the Detect Balance homebrew race breakdown spreadsheet, this race would be roughly 37-38 points. It's solely because of flight that it's so high. This type of flight is seen as being worth roughly 18 points, and paralysis is a worse condition than charmed, so Dragonblooded is worth more than Fey Ancestry. Given that the current revised aarakocra is worth roughly the same amount, that's pretty good overall.
My friend is planning on taking this species and using Matt Mercer's blood hunter class. Originally, it was going to be an order of the profane soul, but there's no dragon patron (despite so many people telling WotC to make one). So, instead, with permission, she'll be playing an Order of the Dragon, which was found on Reddit.
I'm hoping that she has a lot of fun with this character.
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johntayjinf · 2 years
Sonic & Knuckles Alternate - Miscellaneous Themes/ Jingles (Pt. 1)
So I'm working on an alternate soundtrack for Sonic & Knuckles, in a similar fashion to Leila Wilson (a.k.a. Woofle)'s Sonic 3 Alternate, and what I planned to write includes writing new jingles. I figured it'd be nice to make some documentation here, showcasing drafts and versions of jingles that I wrote. I dunno if I'm re-blogging this to make a re-blog thread though, 'cause honestly that'd be kind of a pain to read through, given how lengthy I usually am in writing like this.
Without further ado, I present to you the jingles (and their drafts) that I've written so far. These may or may not change in the future. Feel free to give me any thoughts.
Title Theme
The first jingle I wrote.
My compositions are different dependent on what music I've been listening to recently, and around this time I was trying to find inspirations through Yousuke Yasui's work, particularly in Mamorukun Curse!; a downwards perspective shoot-'em-up. My earliest inspirations in music was listening to a lot of Yousuke Yasui and other shmup music (and also Toby Fox but that's not important atm), and I obviously can't escape it.
Here is an obvious nod to Bless you! boy (or Bless you! girl but that's obviously rewritten in minor key), and at one point I even changed the drum samples to what Yasui uses. Though, after making it I didn't exactly find this to be favorable, especially since the melody was so cutesy. But at the same time, I thought that it was a pretty good foundation to start, so I kept it.
This leads us to:
Version 2 has instrumentation closer to Sonic & Knuckles', as well as a little Naofumi Hataya influence in it. This also has a decreased tempo compared to Version 1, which made me like it more. Overall, the volume mixing has more polish to it, and fits the tone of the original a liiiittle better. Just a little.
The second theme I wrote.
My plans were that I carry the same motif to the other jingles that had the same, just like what Sonic & Knuckles did with its title theme, invincibility theme, and 1-up jingle. The next few jingles have a heavy Virtua Racing Deluxe influence, partly because of the SHC '22 ROM hack Sonic & Johnny and partly because "racing" is also part of the Sonic experience, so in a way this is kinda clever.
While it's decent, this version of the invincibility theme felt like it was going too fast, which I didn't like one bit, and it barely fit the 20 second period of invincibility. I was making the decision on whether I flesh it out more or make a new track instead, and I ultimately decided to do the latter.
I just rewrote this one today. It obviously is yet another homage to Takenobu Mitsuyoshi's Lap 3 from Virtua Racing Deluxe. idk about you but personally I like making references here and there in my music (unless if I was coincidentally capable of writing original music one day). This actually came out better than I expected.
The loop is a bit awkward since 1) I don't usually come by invincibility monitors in the game so I thought it wasn't too important to loop to the beginning and; 2) because I don't suck at the game so I don't particularly need invincibility either way, but at least I tried.
I intend to carry the influence of Virtua Racing Deluxe into other jingles as well.
The third jingle I wrote.
Initially I thought I'd go with a more traditional styled 1-up jingle; a more orchestral focused one before I made the decision to take on the Virtua Racing Deluxe influence. I decided to give this a Rocket Knight Adventures feel but I felt it was out of place with the other jingles (so far). I of course, reworked it.
This takes influence from Takenobu Mitsuyoshi's Select B.G.M., notably heard in Sonic Megamix V3(~V4 I think?). No extra comments here.
All tracks are made with tildearrow's furnace tracker.
-End entry.-
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infini-tree · 6 months
Hope you don't mind me whamming you with Multiple Characters for the ask meme, but if you have received other asks covering some of these then that would lessen it a bit, right??? XD Alright: Cap + 16, Sam + 18, and 32 for THREE different characters: Oogway, Soothsayer and Krupp. We can also throw in Cap as a fourth for good measure. Optional bonus questions: Soothsayer + 29, and Horton + 25. Okay we're done, hope that wasn't too much XD. They're fun questions I got curious ahaha
honest favorite character asks
16. Have you ever cried when thinking about this character? Genuinely? (captain)
is it bad if i say no? emotional anguish, yes, but i don't think i've genuinely physically tears-on-my-face cried. in fairness, a lot of the emotional anguish comes from me putting him through the Horrors (tm).
its kind of like tickling yourself-- you already know you're doing it, so you don't laugh. its the same principle (ha) here. i know what i'm putting captain through and sticky notes au was never meant to be a tragedy so much as a long-form character exploration. its probably why i feel confused about people considering this au is dark,
18. Do you prefer to see this character suffer or know peace? Angst or comfort? Both? (sam)
on the one hand i think sam deserves the stability he never got growing up with no mom/as a thief. i think him being the Weird Uncle to EB and her new little brother would be really sweet, considering his orphaned past. the man would spoil them so badly.
plus him and pam need to catch up and figure out how to be a mother and son together in less stressful times (i know there's an episode that speedruns that but again. that still had the underlying threat of the whole moo-lacka-moo conflict)
on the other hand, i think sam has one more in him to go through the Seussian Horrors. they figure out their world is on a speck of dust and have to catch horton's attention but he's been captured by the circus mcgurkus? a season that pays homage to seuss' dark paintings? the cat in the hat is there? i don't know man
32. If you could make this character a meal, what would you make them? (oogway, soothsayer, krupp, cap)
ok, here's the thing. i am not adept in the kitchen, but lets also add the additional caveat that this is a scenario in which i can cook and also have the resources for this theoretical scenario.
additionally, the food mentioned would still have to be food i'm aware of prior to this, so i just can't go completely out of pocket in this theoretical scenario.
oogway: some sort of waffle (vegan) and a fruit smoothie/juice.
i don't think oogway eats... like, a lot. comes with the territory of meditating (and tortoise metabolism). so something with a smaller portion may be more appropriate-- it'd still be a lot by his standards, lol.
really my thought process starts and ends with i think giving him a breakfast food would be nice. could even arrange some fruits around to make the waffle look like a little turtle.
(i'm specifying vegan here because eating things with milk or eggs/meat is probably weird or just straight up taboo in the kfp-verse. note also applies to soothsayer too.)
soothsayer: some kind of vegan tacos (spicy), espresso.
ok i imagine her usually eating fancy a lot of the time anyway, so something much more casual then? i imagine it being a bit overstuffed with a soft shell-- she tries eating it and part of the insides fall onto the plate on the other side, that sort of thing. its spicy because i think she'd like spicy food.
espresso because. i think she needs it.
krupp: one (1) tv dinner. Some Sort Of Soup (butternut?) and a slice of brownie.
ok, for real, he's the one that NEEDS something homecooked out of all these characters. something filling, but easy to have a lot of and have leftovers of for in the oncoming week. soup, of course is the obvious answer. my butternut squash soup bias is coming through, but really any thicker soup will do. he'd be able to customize it a bit further as he needs to with salt/pepper/green onions and maybe grab some crackers if he's so inclined.
my brownie bias is also coming through. it won't be as sweet, but its still pretty rich. again, ease of leftovers is a priority here as you an just make a tray of it, cut it into portions and put it in the freezer. imo, it tastes better like that because now its just ultra dense and fudge-y and cold.
cap: something like palabok? (though, with substitutions to the shrimp and pork if that's the case) and halo-halo.
the name of the game here is novelty and having him try something new-- stuff that wasn't mentioned by the comics or his sidekicks or could be offered by the aforementioned. i've mentioned things like sushi and i've always thought he'd enjoy tiramisu here and here, but in terms of making i was thinking some sort of noodle? my brain keeps going back to palabok (i think he'd appreciate how bright orange it can get), but that's not kosher hence the point about substitution.
halo-halo is fun and colorful. lots of textures. some of the elements separately are familiar (the shaved ice and the gelatin) but the stuff he'd associate with more savory food (beans and corn) would be a surprise.
29. Do you affectionately bully this character? (soothsayer)
no, that's what oogway is for /j
25. What kind of fan-fiction do you read about this character? If you don’t read fan-fics about them, why not? (horton)
i don't because there isn't a lot?
ok i may be exaggerating, there has to be some fanfics that popped up as a result of the 2008 movie, but frankly i don't feel like trawling through what i can only assume is an overabundance of jo-jo fics. and the version of horton in my head is so specific on account of picking and choosing parts of everything he's been in, so i feel like nothing will satisfy me.
that being said, i do remember a story-- not a fic, but a fancomic set post-canon to the events of 2008, where the who scientist lady made a device to make the mayor big enough to be visible and actually interact with horton. cue shennanigans once he realizes that he doesn't have the creature comforts of whoville on account of being in the middle of a jungle. and also there's a jaguar oc who wants to eat the mayor. it was cool! at least kid me thought so.
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watchmenanon · 2 years
If Byler is not endgame at this point, it would be terrible. The thought of all these homophobic incels having the Duffers cater to them and their stupidity actually makes me sick. I can just imagine them harassing a group that already is underrepresented, shoving it in their faces that they didn't get, and don't deserve, representation.
On top of that, it would mean the Duffers intentionally utilized the "born sexy yesterday" trope, and they will send the message that women need boyfriends to have a happy ending.
Hi Anon!💛💙
I understand your sentiments and I completely agree with you because it'd be an awful message for the audiences and a twisted way of betraying their own product.
Stranger Things is a show about outcasts and its intended audience are people like the Duffers: cinema fans with media literacy that can understand their multiple references and homages to movies made in the 80's or full with the 80's nostalgia.
They never intended for the show to be a hit but a niche thing, so the incels have never been the target audience of Stranger Things but they believe they are because media has normalized certain tropes and this phenomenon has created certain expectations for the Duffers to preserve them.
Underrepresented groups deserve to see their experiences and stories show on the screen with fully realized and three-dimensional characters, regardless of the opinions of the gatekeepers of the status quo.
Yes, there's also evidence of the "Born Sexy Yesterday" trope being used in a purposeful way for mlvn (the quintessential "Born Sexy Yesterday" film is on the inspiration board of ST4).
And mlvn is not only built in this trope but in the notion that women owe men a romantic relationship because they are nice to us.
So, Byler endgame and Single El would be the best outcome and not only in a narrative-wise sense.
Have a good day and thanks for sharing your thoughts with me!!💚
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The second post promised regarding a ZXAU in which Grey/Ashe are on Albert's side and PnP are heroes working with the Hunters and Guardians! Namely their designs, which I put a fair bit of thought into (but again, pardon the messy colouring). The goal was to switch elements recognisable to both of them from canon into something new that still felt familiar and fitting to the world of ZX/A.
In Ashe's case, I wanted her to look villainous but still stylish, in a sense - so she's got the top that PnP would have when Megamerged, coupled with the bandolier belt from her original design. I thought double belts looked cool and somewhat more appropriate for a villain character, so she gets double bandolier belts with red highlights.
Regarding her colour scheme, it's orange and gold for two reasons: one, orange is sort of her primary colour in civilian form and it pays homage to her canon jacket collar, two, it resembles Serpent in his Model W form. Unfortunately I don't have a blue/black pencil dark enough to achieve the canon colour of the ZX/A bodysuits but hers should be that colour. I kept the red headband from her original design (come on, it's iconic!) but made her hair wilder and gave her a cybernetic eye (which spawned from a colouring accident but oh well), plus much more smudged double-winged eyeliner. I also adored the idea that she'd have a snazzy pair of boots. Additionally you could see in my last post that she's got a gap tooth, which is a staple for me whenever I draw her.
You can see elements of both Ashe and Grey's canon designs here; Ashe in his Hunter jacket, Grey in his gauntlets. I figure Prometheus is a little bit vain no matter what universe he's in and basically saved up to get a purple sleeveless version of the Hunter jacket/top specifically made for him. This turns the red/purple in his OG design from something villainous to something heroic, almost regal even (which is reflected in the gold bits on his gauntlets). Still, the upturned collar does invoke his canon merged design, which as I've said with Ashe is a deliberately switched element.
Kept the shorts from his canon version but thought it'd be way cooler for him to also have a nice pair of boots, and left his grey bodysuit as a way for him to sort of stand out against the blue/black and immediately give away he's different in a sense from the other Hunters. I did also like the idea that he's still got wild hair to reflect his wild, hotheaded nature but again in the name of vanity takes the time out to braid it. That note on his eyebrows is also written specifically because my headcanon is that Prometheus in canon has some violently bushy eyebrows under his helmet, here he has more time to stop them from getting so bad. I also forgot to draw on his eyeliner here, but he definitely wears it in varying shades of black or red.
Hope you enjoy :)
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nintendoteuthis · 2 years
do any of your ocs names have meanings behind them?
Many of them are either derived from the scientific names of squids/octopi or chosen just because I thought they sounded nice! There are a few that have additional layers of meaning though:
I figured that, for the effective mascot of the whole franchise, there wasn't a more fitting name than the Japanese word for squid - Ika. Plus I think it's a cute-sounding word, and she's an adorable little squid. (fun fact, it's also the word for fish in a few Polynesian languages)
Yma is named for Peruvian singer Yma Sumac, whose stage name comes from the Quechua phrase ima shumaq - "how beautiful". I thought it'd be a nice fit
Ian is named for both Deep Purple frontman Ian Gillan and Motorhead frontman Ian "Lemmy" Kilmister. Fits his personality, music taste, and rockstar ambitions
Rube's name is an allusion to both his red ink color and to Rube Goldberg machines - he would totally build some of those
Viola comes from the scientific name of the blanket octopus (Tremoctopus violaceus), but it also matches her purple ink color
I named Ripley after Ellen Ripley from Alien thanks to this post. The Smallfry's name (Jones) followed suit
I wanted one of my OCs to have a Hawaiian-based name because I have family that live there. Hence, Kaimana (from the Hawaiian word for diamond)
I wanted to put in a reference to Planet of the Apes somewhere in homage to the numerous parallels between it and Splatoon. Out of all the ape names from the original PotA film series, Milo sounded the most squidlike to me. Don't ask me why
Antonio and Susan both came to me in dreams
(and that's not getting into their last names, most of which are either derived from scientific names or references to things)
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noatpad · 7 years
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One final break at the Roar Street Cafe.
Roar Street Journal is one of my favorite webcomics out there, and it's probably one of my main reasons of how I got into webcomics in the first place and kickstarting ideas in my head. So when it ended, I thought it'd be nice to pay homage to it in some way.
Man, it's something to revisit this one because this webcomic is also a huge inspiration to how I started making my own characters, stories, & even pieces of my style. I don't think it's an understatement to say that this lil' piece of media left an impact on me, & I wouldn't be here if it weren't for this~
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mochamercy · 6 years
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I haven’t really stayed caught up with it, but Adventure Time has always had a special place in my heart. While the times I watched it were far apart and I’m always late to the AT party, I still love this show and I’m sad to see it go.
But what a way to go! I love every second I watch of this show <3
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rsmrymnt-tea · 2 years
hi love! i have a question for you…..where did you come up with the name Dolasach? what does her name mean? also i would like to know what you think maybe her and my self inserts relationship would be like? i hope you’re having a good evening mwah 💗
Gray!!! So nice to see you!! You've been popping into my mind throughout the day tbh >w< How are you? How have you been? :0 I hope your day's been nice to you!
As for Dolasach... I got her name from a character I play as in Guild Wars 2 who's a sentient plant person, hence the constant theming of florals and plants as a sort of homage to her origins :3
But like I also had to come up with the name of that original Dolasach dfkgfh and because I'm weird about my characters fitting in within the game world, I followed the naming conventions for that species when I came up with the name; which is that all the names they have are taken from/inspired by Irish and Gaelic words/names. And since the original Dolasach is a necromancer, I thought up a bunch of words related to death/grieving and just looked up the Irish or Gaelic translation of them, and eventually I landed on this:
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from 'An Irish-English Dictionary' by Edward O'Reilly. It's also why I say Dola's probably of Irish heritage, it's just that I don't know much about Irish culture (yet) so I can't lean into it >.> My main cop-out is that she doesn't live in anywhere near Ireland anymore lmao but once I'm free I really wanna look into Irish culture more
I went through a bunch of other names before landing on Dolasach for my Obey Me MC though. I remember trying out Sybil, Mairsinna, and Graineann (all also names of my other characters hsdjk) but 'Dolasach' was the only one that felt right to me when held up next to everyone else's names. Haven't settled on a surname for her >.> (Also been toying with the idea that her birth name is something completely different but she just prefers going by her art alias? Mostly because I can't fucking find/think of a surname that sounds right with her name >.> And also because I think it'd be funny if everyone except Lucifer didn't know that that's not her real name lol)
Anyway anyway!! The fun part!! Thinking about her with your self insert!!! <3
Assuming they meet when Dola's already landed somewhere healthy and well-adjusted in her life (perhaps when she's immortal and somehow finds herself hopping realities?) I think they'd get along pretty fine tbh! I am imagining a situation where they're somewhere in the human world and none of the others know that they know each other but Gray and Dola know that they're both essentially the other human exchange student, just to set the scene >w< tho idk how relevant it is, I just feel the need to lmao
So like, I am looking at your info post for Gray and I think there's plenty in common but also plenty of stuff where they won't see eye to eye?
But first I wanna say, seeing those two next to each other would be exactly this hsdfghdf lmaooo their styles are so different it's funny 😭
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But okay on a serious note, I think they'd get along and have fun talking about whatever hobbies they have in common, and also not in common because I think they'd have fun learning about the Thing they haven't tried. My mind goes to them talking about fashion, makeup, self care, and also just the general things they do when they're working??? Idk why but I feel like the discussion would go to serious stuff like work habits and then them talking about their feelings when they have to stop and how they cope. Dola would definitely get into a spiel about not burning yourself out in an effort to take care of others, especially if its the brothers lmao "they're big boys, they can take care of themselves" or something to that effect lmaooo
Tbh I can see them talk about pretty much anything and they'd find a way to have pleasant discussion. Just going off of what I know about ENFPs, the conversation could go from like, lighthearted to something more serious/deep without too much challenge too? Though Dola would still somehow not get too personal? Like she'll never relate anything to a personal experience (Gray will just have to assume that Dola went through something similar) or willingly say anything too revealing.
Which is why even though they're both in relationships with Satan, she's never going to offer much information about her relationship with her Satan? >.>;; Sorry if you were hoping for fun discussion about their sex lives shjkgdfg Dola only talks to Asmo about it and even then it's like... rare and very awkward for her sdhjkf
Another thing that Dola would prefer not to talk about is children and the thought of raising families? She's not really fond of kids and the thought of her ever having children squicks her out like crazy. So if the conversation ever goes there she'll try to steer the conversation to literally anything else.
However! I think if Gray wanted to discuss immortality with Dola, that's when Dola would willingly open up a bit and thorough in answering questions, vague only where she thinks it's unnecessary to go into full detail. Dola would get that it's a huge, huge deal to Gray and would do her best to give her some sort of clarity on what she wants for herself.
Ajksdfhsdfg Suddenly thought about them going shopping together?? Like the difference in taste seems like it would make shopping so fun and interesting because I can see them finding something they thing the other would like then showing it them >w< Also thinking about Gray trying to get Dola to at least try on some shorts and shorter skirts for fun? And Dola would give it a shot at least and maybe get a few to wear at the beach or something >.< However any tops that show skin are fine and will likely be bought and worn in the summer
OH??? Dola making and gifting Gray clothes tho????? I see it!! I think she'd have fun making something that's in a completely different style from what she usually makes for herself :3 Anything she makes will still have that ~Dola Touch~ but she's careful to make sure it suits Gray's tastes
Overall I think it would be a pretty pleasant relationship? I think since the stuff Dola wouldn't really get or agree with are all matters of personal taste and differences in reality (like literally), Dola would just agree to disagree instead of trying to debate (especially the bit where Gray loves Barbatos lmao).
I think they can get close over time if they meet often enough? But the problem would be that Dola's social battery is even worse than Levi's so between Gray and everyone else Dola spends time with, idk if they could hang out that often >.<
I also have thoughts if the situation were like... If Dola were something like a character in Gray's canon instead of an MC from a different one but this is getting very long >.>
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tuesdayscanons · 3 years
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Chicken Run Headcanons
I read about Rocky having daddy issues and I can't help but think his bandana was from his father, a rare moment where his father acknowledged his existence.
To add onto that, Rocky became a loner because he lost his mother somehow (either he was taken away from her or she passed away) and the only parent he had was distant af
This post stuck with me for some reason and I could totally see it...though I'm not 100% sure. A couple of hens got flirty with Fowler and I don't remember if Mac was one of them.
When Pepper was taken from Ginger, you bet Mac was by her side the whole time. I could even see Mac sleeping next to her until they're too big to fit in the same crate.
Ginger would be the first person Mac would come out to...and possibly be the one who makes her realize she likes girls to begin with.
I saw another post about Mac being with Ginger while Ginger is with Rocky and I thought that'd be an interesting concept? Though Mac has known Ginger for longer, she doesn't think she could compare to Rocky...but that might be a good thing? Mac and Rocky would fill different niches; neither could replace the other. Ofc, idk if anyone would be up for that so this is all hypothetical.
Either way, I can't see Mac getting incredibly jealous of Rocky? He's a good guy...he saved Ginger's life for Pete's sake! I could see Mac attempt to give Rocky little tidbits about Ginger, given how much longer she's known her for. I say "attempt" because it's established in the movie that Rocky can't understand a thing Mac says and Ginger has to translate...which would make things awkward when something is supposed to be a surprise for Ginger.
Why do I feel like "Paprika" would be cuter name than "Molly"? I know "Molly" is a kinda old fashioned name and it sounds similar to "Rocky", but I think it'd be nice if they continued the spice theme and having her name start with "P" could be a homage to Pepper.
This is more of a joke headcanon, but I can see Babs suggesting Mac to have a chick and name them "Cheese" so they'd be "Mac and Cheese". Mac thinks it sounds utterly ridiculous, but she's too polite to tell Babs it's definitely off the table.
If Mac were to have a chick somehow (I don't think it's her thing but it's not completely implausible), I could see her name them after a Scottish cheese (taking some inspiration from Babs). In pure Babs fashion, this would fly over Babs' head.
I like the idea of Mac and Babs bonding...
I feel like Fowler noticed Mac didn't have the best vision and build the glasses headband. If Mac has bad vision, I doubt she built it herself.
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linksayshyaaaaaahh · 5 years
So this is going to be a weird venting post, but today I went to my friends commencement ceremony. It was specifically one for those who identify as Latinx and I am someone who appears racially ambiguous. I was also raised with what feels like a "lack of culture".
My friends were saying that the three if us should do this next year and I had to point out hey, but I'm not in the culture wouldn't that be weird. They went on to say I'm an honorary Latina which honestly is a very nice sentiment but I expressed I think I'd feel a bit out of place. You see I'm technically Filipino American, but I was not raised with any of the traditions or even speaking Tagalog. I explained that I know I'd be welcome but that I'd wish to have a place of my own...and I felt really bad for saying that. Like it was bad to want my own separate place for my heritage to be celebrated.
I watched performers give beautiful and moving dances that were tied to the culture and I thought maybe if I participated I could do a small performance with stuff from my own culture with the help of some Latinx friends. Honestly our cultures have worked close together for years. We fought together during the Caesar Chavez agricultural movement. It wouldn't be so wrong to share a little of that except...I realized I would be just as lost as my friends.
What I really wanted was to feel like I belonged somewhere. All my life I've never had a racial category so my Latinx friends have always welcome me with open arms. There's a portion of the commencement where right after their names were called they were given the chance to speak to their families in a small speech in Spanish, or English should you choose.
I realized I couldn't give my family a speech in tagalog and even if I did they wouldn't understand. I'd want to say it in Spanish or at least a portion of it so as to pay respect and homage for the very reason we were there. I guess I ended up deciding if I had to give a speech it'd go something like this:
"I stand up here not because I have worked for my family, but for me. You all have families to thank but I have my friends to thank. Te quiero mucho mi familia elegida gracias por darme un hogar cuando estaba sin hogar, una familia cuando estaba sin hogar."
I wouldn't have anyone in the stands to cheer for me. My family would not be there. But my friends would be, their families would be and they'd cheer for me louder to make up for all I didn't have.
My friends families, the ones that have usually taken me in, have been Hispanic. They learned ways to communicate with me, they gave me a place to love, food to eat, and when I was suicidal...a mom and dad that would love me.
What I've always wanted was the very values that are prevalent within the Mexican culture: family, love, and hard work.
I wish I had a place I belonged. I wish I had a family that valued each other the way you all seem to. I'm both humbled and in awe at how many struggles you all overcome. Our current political climate is shitty to immigrants, but my family were immigrants too and well "Immigrants? We get the job done."
Thank you for giving me a place within your culture when I had no business being there. Thank you for allowing me to see your strength and model myself after it.
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