#but I do love writing for gorgor
hi!! could you write tagora having a flushcrush on a human (gender neutral) reader who was in the ✨espionage✨ business previously, and is very good at sneaking around, lock picking, getting dirt on someone, and tricking people into confessing to things elle woods style? i’m sorry if this is too specific!! happy new year
(My requests are not open I am getting to the last ones I have in my inbox, thank you! ❤️)
HOWDY!! Yes i can! Gosh I am Late Late Late to these my apologies!! Happy belated new year sweetie XDD;
One shot Tagora ❤️x human Reader (Good at bein sneaky!!)
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To say that Tagora was impressed by you is an understatement- He was absolutely enthralled by you and your skills! How easily you could sweet talk a poor Troll into giving you their whole bank information and how much you were gonna HELP them.
Gorgor couldn’t ask for a better assistant…but he wanted something more than that! Something more than alien friends- something more red..brighter!! Bright red!!
He didn’t even notice himself how much he liked you until it was too late- When you leaned over his shoulder to type on Tagora’s husktop, he realized how BRIGHT TEAL his face became having you that close
“Come on switch the tab!! We almost got him!”
You cheered while Tagora snapped out of his daze of looking at you, He went away, typing, sending the troll on the other end into MORE DEBT on top of his DEBT for reaching out to GorGor himself and not even to schedule something just to make an email complaint. How unprofessional!
Tagora sent it out with his usual malicious grin cracking his neck some. Again there you were with all your energy hugging onto the teal and glad to be working with one of your favorite people!!
Gog dammnit this was gonna be hard…
Tagora gulped down the frog in his throat and hugged you back.. very very closely might I add! You could feel the warmth from the troll despite his outfit and kinda…let him hold you for a bit…it couldn’t hurt right?❤️
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Hey! Happy birthday!!! I hope it’s awesome, take care of yourself, and have fun! :o)
I saw your post, Can you do tagora with a partner who is normally very energetic and chaotic but is really calm with him? Just likes to braid his hair and do his makeup. (He needs affection! The Ferret man is starved of it!!)
I had a LOT of fun! I also hope I wrote it well :x it's my first time writing for Gorgor and I'm not entirely sure of what I'm doing yet hah
Tagora with chaotic S/O who is calm around him
Reader here is gender neutral
Whenever you're out in public you act like your regular self. Full of surprises, lots of possible actions that will sooner or later require legal intervention...
But after such storms there's just the two of you. You suddenly become more calm and everything changes.
There is nothing he loves more than relaxing with you. It's like the outside world stopped existing for a moment.
When you brush his hair and style it he sometimes can get a little sleepy but he never really falls asleep.
And when you do his make up he's basically perfect to work with. He isn't afraid to show his gratitude after you take good care of him either.
He usually uses words to do that. But if you're up for it he just repays the favor.
He likes taking care of you, but he loves seeing the ending result much more. He's also not going to hesitate using some top quality products on you.
~Mod Auvana
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yandere--stuck · 3 years
I’m the Ellen anon, thank you so much I loved it and you didn’t have to write it but Im so happy you did and I loved the emotion in it 😭 a million out of ten!! If you don’t mind me asking, AM seems to be your favorite (though I could be wrong!) what’s your favorite thing about him? He is easy to sympathize with (and easier to be mad with too) but I’m curious if he has any little quirks of behaviors you like? Sorry if this is random! I just love hearing a writer’s thoughts on their favorite characters
I'm so glad you like it!!! :D
And, ye, I'm definitely partial towards AM! But I do also like to focus on Ted, Ellen, and Gorgor, hehe.
There's just something about characters that you hate at first, then slowly gain sympathy for as you begin to understand their situation. And as much as I love the more emotional(?) presentation of AM in the radio drama, I adore how hammy he is in the game. ESPECIALLY, during Benny's section, like when he switches between referring to himself in first and third person, or when he references The Wizard of Oz djfjsjdndwnd. It's cute to see him being so silly, even if it's just him yucking it up in front of the survivors. I also love this line that wasn't inputted in the game, where it's just AM singing? It's cute!
Thank you for asking! ^^
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amjustagirl · 3 years
hellooo hope your day's been okay by far <3 mine was fine (ig), tho suffering from writer's block
if you dont mind 😗 do you get writer's block often? and like how do you usually deal with it
because like i rlly want to write something (and i have EVERYTHING planned out) but writer's block just goes no. furthermore im more free nowadays and i wanna write so bad?? like hurry up la, go and use ur free time to write before your mom comes back with more work to do!!
i try reading fics for motivation (yours included) but i tend to get sidetracked because theyre all so good djdhdhdb
also can i call u jie jie *looks away shyly* n like ur one of the first people i ever called jie jie bc im one of the oldest kids in my family- besides i dont even know the names of my older cousins my family is so big oml
also super excited for your upcoming fics!!! need to prepare for the angst though (if theres any 😀)
i think thats all have a nice day💞 (sends virtual hug)
Well if you wanna call me jie jie, it'll be an honour! I shall call you aki meimei then if you like ❤️ Asian families are liddat hor, we just call each other uncle auntie gorgor didi jiejie mei mei and I think it's super cute! And I shall accept any hug of yours and respond with tenfold hugs and love!
My day has been...eventful to say the least LOL. I shan't traumatise you but yeah I detailed it in my previous response 😂😂😂
But okay re writers block! I find that just writing even summaries of the scenes I want help, but if I'm looking for inspiration, I like you go reread fics that I truly admire and love, at least to jog my brain to be creative! I also just like to imagine the plots of the fics and kindaaaa feel the emotions of the characters (feel their pain, more like!) I don't stress myself to produce fics cos stress isn't condusive to inspiration, but i like to read and edit my fics if I'm less inspired, it gets me back in the groove so to speak!
Hope this answers your qn and pls feel free to ask me more if you want more details!
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Coffee Date
Summary: Tagora and Oz are out enjoying a small coffee shop on Alternia. Oz has a few mental issues to sort out and Tagora is being a sneaky ferret.
A/N: Take my s/i and what they are as part of a Homestuck/Hiveswap AU where I change the canon facts a little. I am aware of canonical facts concerning trolls and their biology as well as cultural norms, but again this is an AU and also *gives you a permit that says “I do what I want”*. 
I should also specify that adults are indeed allowed on Alternia in my self insert  au and Tagora and Oz are both depicted as 18+
It was a Fall day on Alternia. Well, what someone like Oz would consider Fall weather. The weather on Alternia was anyone’s guess on this bitch of a planet anyways.
Oz was wearing a lovely purple scarf given to him by Gamzee. It was a bit clumsily made at first but Gamzee did his best. With a bit of help from Marvus and Kanaya, the scarf turned out amazing. Gamzee said it was sort of something to “make a brother feel all welcome and shit into the dark carnival family.”  The Dark Carnival being the name of the circus run by the purple bloods.It was wild and eccentric, but never left you bored. Then again, boring was never in a purple trolls nature. That’s one of the things Oz liked about them. He was still getting used to being a part of it himself. Though, despite his best efforts, he wonders if he’ll ever truly belong with them, even if he is a purple blood himself. 
“But I’m only half,” he whispered to himself. Suddenly, his phone rang interrupting his thoughts. The phone ID said the words “GorGor” on it. Oz answered it without a second thought. 
“Hey Gorgor what’s up,” Oz said casually. “Same old as always,” Tagora said with a pleased smirk. “I just called to inquire if you wanted to join me for a nice cup of coffee a bit of a ways into my area. It’s about a 5 minute walk from my office.” “Don’t you usually make your own coffee,” Oz asked. Tagora could be incredibly picky about his coffee. “That’s not what I asked.” Straight to the point as ever. “Or does practice schedule not agree with this,” Tagora asked.  It’s true the circus practice schedule left him somewhat busy. Being both a tightrope act and a tarot reader was no joke. Also, not to mention everyone on Alternia wanted to come see the half troll from Earth. It was an overnight sensation. 
“Nope, not today. It’s a bit of an off season right now,” Oz answered. “Excellent, meet me by my office in 10. Don’t be late,” he said with a click of the phone. He hung up afterward.  “As expected, he never likes to waste time with pleasantries,” Oz said heading towards his office. It was going to be a boring day anyhow. All the other trolls were off doing something or another. Gamzee was having a jam with Tavros, Marvus was off doing god’s knows what, Karako was doing his own little art projects,and etc. Oz would have called Tagora earlier himself, but he didn’t want to bother him in case he was busy. Guess that answers that question. 
Luckily, it wasn’t much of a walk to get to Tagora’s place. He kind of knew how to get there by heart by now anyhow. Oz gave a timid knock at the door. He was probably inside not wanting to be outside for as much as possible. This is another reason why Oz was surprised he asked to go to a cafe out of the blue. Being in a somewhat open and social environment isn’t really Tagora’s style. What was going on today? The door opened for Oz and he stepped inside. Tagora was busy getting his coat and scarf. Both in shades of teal and purple. Oz looked around as Tagora quietly got his stuff together. Oz would never stop being impressed with Tagora’s interior decorating nor his cleanliness. It smelled nice too. Wait, was that smell actually Tagora? What scent was he wearing? It was a nice floral scent, but also had a hint of cologne to it. Very nice combination. 
“Ready to go,” Tagora said suddenly stepping into Oz’s line of sight. “Oh yeah sure,” Oz still kind of startled. It was then Oz noticed Tagora’s lusus over his shoulder. The ferret gave him a soft bit of acknowledgement. The lusus was already used to his presence. 
“Well, then lets go. The seats in this place are sporadic and I don’t like standing around waiting for a table,” Tagora said leading him off. “Oh yeah, good idea,” Oz said following behind him.
“By the way, nice scarf.” Wow, a compliment from Gorgor was as rare as a blue moon. “Thanks. Gamzee, Marvus and Kanaya made it for me. Gamzee wanted to make me a gift,” Oz said giving a sentimental smile. Tagora made a small noise that made him sound almost impressed. “Whats up,” Oz asked. “Nothing just uh...never mind. Coffee shop is up here,” Tagora said clearly avoiding the question. 
Oz had passed by this coffee shop a few times himself, but had been putting off going in.There were a few trolls outside. Some clearly art students. Tagora opened the door for Oz to step in. As Oz stepped through, Oz could tell that it wasn’t that crowded. Guess too many people don’t want coffee at this time of day. Pity. It was a nice day for it.  Tagora was already off at the counter ordering for what appeared to be both of them. “Wow, not even gonna ask me,”Oz mumbled. Fair enough though. He probably knew more about Alternian coffee and tea than he did at this moment. Being around juggalos meant drinking lots of faygo and water. None of them were really that much of tea or coffee drinkers.  Tagora came back with a couple of cups ushering Oz to sit in a nice place downstairs. “It’s a bit quieter down here to be honest. The only people you’ll find down here are people trying to study or writers,” Tagora shrugged picking a table towards the wall. Everything screamed him wanting to be away from people as much as possible. So again, why invite Oz out. 
“I ended up ordering you the closest thing to a decaf mocha or whatever it was on the menu.” Now it was Oz’s turn to be impressed. “What? You don’t think I remember your preferences. For shame,” Tagora snarked. “But you didn’t ask,” Oz still kinda confused.  “That’s cause I know you’re still having problems reading our writing and you can’t really understand cafe jargon yet I’m guessing. Plus, I know you get nervous in those situations. Your as much of an anxious wreck as I am face facts,” Tagora said in a matter of factly voice. “Plus, you don’t think I remember this stuff? Of course I do.”  “Oh yeah. I told you that a few months back didn’t I,” Oz remembered. Tagora was being strangely open today. What was going on? What was up with Tagora period? Did he lose a bet or something?
“Anyways, how’s practice going? No accidents via the tight rope as of late I hope,” Tagora said taking a small sip of what could be described as something with a dark, burboun but very rich scent. Slightly sweet actually. “Meh,I had a close call the other day. Luckily, Gamzee has fast reflexes and a quick panic button,” Oz explained as he took a sip of the mocha. Wow, this was so nice. Tagora really did know what he was doing. 
Oz looked up and..wait, was that panic on Tagora’s face. “Hey, you ok,” Oz asked taking notice being a bit concerned. “Yeah um I”m fine.” Liar. Tagora moved to once again change the subject. “They seem to be treating you well. That’s nice to have here on big bad Alternia.” Tagora was apparently trying to prod something out of Oz.   “Yeah they are...” Oz said seeming distant. Tagora’s lawyer mind had already detected red flags. “But...” Tagora said getting to the point. Oz was taken aback.  Well, no use hiding it now. Oz was used to Tagora being able to see right through him. To be honest, having someone like that around him that can see right through his bullshit is refreshing.  “Well....god, how long has it been since I came to Alternia. Like almost a year,” Oz explained. “I’m just...I’m still getting used to the idea of being half Alternian. Ever since Dad found me and explained what he was...what I was...I thought I’d be ok,” Oz continued. 
Oz then pointed at the several troll features that were slowly starting to develop on his body. He was in his 20s sure, but he was a late bloomer. His horn had fully grown and his teeth and eyes were following after. “When I started growing these, I was with my mother who didn’t tell me who my father was. My dad didn’t even know he had a kid,” Oz said kind of sadly.
“Does your mom know you’re here,” Tagora asked even though he kind of knew the answer. “No. Dad kind of found out about me on one of his visits to Earth. He wasn’t too happy mom hid me from him. She was kind of an abusive bitch anyhow,” Oz said bluntly. “So, it’s best she doesn’t know.”
“And to be honest, I’ve been getting acquainted at the idea of being a purple blood, but..” Oz cut off trying to find the words to say. Tagora leaned forward with a raised eyebrow. “I have no idea if I really fit in. Like they can rap. I can’t. I don’t have much of the clown thing going for me. What am I? Why am I here? What can I do? I want to be part of them so bad, but what if I can’t.” Oz held his head in his hands semi defeated. This had been bugging him for ages, but was afraid to tell his best friend Gamzee because he was afraid it would make him and the rest of the purple bloods like they weren’t doing a good job. That’s the last thing Oz wanted especially since they have been so welcoming and kind. 
The sound of a chair can be heard backing up. The sound of steps moved closer to Oz. Oz looked up to see Tagora placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. “Give me your hands for a minute,” Tagora asked. Oz did as he said. Tagora took them both gently in his hands. 
“Listen Oz,” Tagora said rubbing Oz’s hands in little circles with his thumbs,”You really do fit in with them in so many ways. They’re a pretty accepting and laid back bunch, which you are. You may not be able to do what they can do, but it’s ok to be just a little different. I’m pretty sure they are too. They just want you to be a part of their lives Oz. They worry about you. I hope you know that. You’re going to fit in, even if you’re different and you’re not going to lose them. I promise.” 
Tagora always did have a habit of getting to the heart of a problem. It was his habit as a lawyer and as someone whose very much sharp as a whip. He may not be able to socialize much, but it’s moments like these where he shines. 
“Besides, you’re a circus clown in your own way,” Tagora joked. Oz smirked and laughed a little. “Besides, don’t you have your own song writing and creative writing thing you do. It’s not rap or painting, but it’s your own thing . Trust me when I say you’re definitely one of them,” Tagora smirked. 
“Hey Tagora...,” Oz said smiling a little,”Thanks.” 
“Hey, I’m here ok. Just don’t be afraid to open up to them ok,” Tagora grabbing the cup from his original seat.
Oz gave a small smile. “Ok but no promises.” 
Tagora shrugged. Something told him that’s was as far as he was getting right now. “Anyhow, tell me when your next show is,” Tagora asked.
“Why do you ask,” Oz said with a raised eyebrow. Wouldn’t he hate going to something like that?
“Curious. I want to see where our schedules land,” Tagora answered.
“Oh, in a month. We don’t have as many shows this time of year,” Oz explained. “Noted,” Tagora said taking a sip of his coffee. 
Oz took a sip of his as well, but Oz couldn’t help but feel like Tagora was hiding his own secrets. Could just be the mocha or emotional high he was on, but Oz shook it away as just being paranoid. 
Tagora walked Oz back to his hive where Gamzee was waiting. “Hey Gorgor. See you helping a brother out,” Gamzee said giving Tagora and small wave. “It’s fine just please use netting under those tight ropes please,” Tagora said in a bit of a naggy tone. 
“Oh, you told him about your accident the other day huh,” Gamzee chuckled. “Yeah, but I’m fine as you can see,” Oz sighed. Tagora pulled Oz into a quick hug. “Just take care of yourself ok,” Tagora said before walking back to his own hive.
“So Gamgam, how was your jam quest with Tav” Oz asked letting Gamzee in. The sound of a huge dog was running to the door. The dog lusus was about as big as Oz. That wasn’t saying much seeing as Oz was 5′2. 
“Oh you know. Crack some sick motherfucking beats. Lay done some wicked lyrics. Ya know how it is,” Gamzee said petting Oz’s lusus. 
“So what you been all up to,” Gamzee asked flopping over onto the couch. “Went to a coffee shop with Tagora. It’s weird. He’s never usually into doing that stuff. He even asked when my next show was. He’s been acting weird all day.”
“Mmmhmmm about that. I was kinda waiting and keeping this little thing all up to myself and shit, but I think you gotta know seeing as it’s not ok to leave a brother confused and all,” Gamzee said. “We’ve been kinda noticing you haven’t been your old beautiful self, so we may have kind of caught Gorgor after one of our shows to lay down the deetz. He goes to all of them you know. I know you be all not up with the facts, but he does. You perform late, so I’m not surprised you don’t up and notice him from your tarot tent,” Gamzee explained.
“Wait, what, but he hates going to places like that.” This was shocking to say the least. “He does don’t get me wrong, but he cares. It’s why he all up and invited you for a feelings jam at the cafe. We told him we kinda had a hunch you hadn’t been yourself and something wasn’t right up in that thinkpan of yours and I think that kinda worried him a bit. We thought that you might be feeling a little out of place, so he thought maybe taking you to more places like a cafe would be a mighty fine solution. I figured that whatever you weren’t ready to be sharing to us you’d share in time. So, may as well get it all out with someone who can help,” Gamzee explained with a small smile.
“So wait he took me to a cafe cause he wanted me to feel comfortable with Alternian life and talk about my problems at the same time,” Oz asked. “Yeeepp,” Gamzee confirmed. 
“Oh,” Oz face palmed. That explaines so much. “Shhiittt, he even suggested we make that nice scarf for you. Something about making you feel more at home or whatever. I was trying to use this old thinkpan of mine to think of a motherfucking idea on how to do that and Gorgor be all up and knowing a lot of amazing things, so I asked him,” Gamzee explained.
Well, that explains why he wanted to change the subject. Tagora you absolute goober. “But uh listen my brother, whenever you wanna slam down a cold one and have a good feelings jam, I’m here for ya,” Gamzee said giving Oz a soft but slightly protective hug. 
“Actually, can we do that,” Oz asked. May as well. This afternoon with Tagora may have been just what Oz needed. 
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Omg hiiii I love the way you write Tagora!!! Could we get more pale stuff with him and a human reader who's his partner in crime? (I mean the reader helps him with his legislacerator stuff if that makes sense ^^)
DAWW THANK YOU ANON!! I’d be honored to write another ^7^!💖💖💕💕❤️❤️💜💜
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You were sitting on Tagora’s lap as he wrote on some documents. He was in his big fancy teal office but he didn’t care at all about you being there. His words not yours, you weren’t “pestering as he worked”. Tagora is a real interesting guy- you loved him though.
And whose to say you weren’t working too?? You made sure Tagora’s long bangs didn’t get in his eye or his mouth. See? You were working so hard.
“Y/N dear?___*”
You blinked as you finally snapped out of your inner monologue to see Tagora was trying to get your attention
“Would you be a dear and get that paper I just photocopied? I need to cut it into the pieces I need then put into this folder for an upcoming case___*”
You huffed slightly
“Cant you get it yourself?” You teased making the teal scoff dramatically
“I ask my moiral for ONE favor, you’re sitting on me not a chair so I figured you’d wanna help out___*”
You rolled your eyes playfully with a grin on your face getting up to the printer near the edge of the wall. It was all in trollian of course so thankfully all you had to do was grab a paper.
“Here you go Legislacerator GorGor”
You giggled some sitting back on his knee and watching the teal work. Tagora had a spare hand on your hip so he wasn’t gonna drop you or anything. You hummed some watching him cut with a pair of pretty fancy metal scissors and fold a multitude of papers. He even let you staple them all together afterwards
After the Teal was done and had the folder in his palms, he lightly gestured for you to hop off as he had to get up. You did so easily and followed him out of his office. Tagora locked the door with a 6 digit keypad password and the door automatically shut behind him.
He made his way through the teal colored hallways. At times he glanced behind him to look at you sometimes to check that you were still there. The troll wouldn’t admit it to your face of course but there was a small tiny worry that you could very easily get snatched up. Humans are quite lil things.
Tagora seemed to find the place he was looking for and knocked on the large metal door of this other office. It opened and a few other teals were in there. There clothes all varied but what they all had in common was there was a hint of teal in there clothes somewhere.
All of the teals in the room started happily waving to you when they saw you behind Tagora. Tagora groaned some in annoyance and you simply smiled and waved. Everyone knew you were his moiral sense he brought you to work with him so much. The teal office,(as well as many other offices that aren’t teal) allowed moirals with trolls on duty if they needed them.
“As you can see..I’m gonna be in a meeting for the next hour, you can get a bite to eat or something from the cafeteria if you want___*”
“Ok! I’ll see you”
You grinned hugging at the troll, he hugged you back pecking a few small kisses at the side of your head.
you waved bye and watched the metal doors close once more.
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