#but I am still laughing over the fact it wasn’t even my idea and Kat was the one who that particular fungus somehow spread to
myname-isnia · 26 days
I cannot believe I’m making an OC whose appearance is based on my mom’s blorbo. How did I end up here
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zukkoxx · 3 years
mha boys doing the hickey prank on you
(w/ bakugo, kiri, shinsou)
bakugo 💥
you and bakugo’s relationship started with bickering and annoying each other till you drive the other crazy.
and that didn’t stop when you started dating.
now, it’s more of pulling silly little pranks on each other.
and each time you would try to one up the other.
well, the last prank you pulled in bakugo had him fuming, he was mad for a week.
so obviously he had to get you back even worse.
he got mina to help him, figuring she’d be best at making the makeup look like the actual thing.
she berated him the whole time, telling him if he broke her best friend’s heart she’d shoot acid in his eyes.
he brushed off her comment. you deserved this.
it was a little late in the evening after you get to bakugo’s dorm, finished with all the tasks you had to do today.
“hey kats.” you greet, placing your things on his desk and joining him on the bed where he was sitting on his phone.
he looked up at you, almost feeling bad when you gave him a genuine smile before snuggling up next to him. “whats up?” you say when he doesn’t respond.
“nothing. how was your day?” he quickly asked.
the two of you talked for a while about random stuff, and at some point you went up to kiss his cheek, laughing at a comment he made.
but you freeze when you see a dark, purplish mark on the side of his neck, in plain sight.
you furrowed your brows, wondering how you hadn’t noticed to before.
“katsuki...what’s this?” you ask, making him turn from his phone and look at you.
“what’re ya talkin about dumbass?”
“don’t call me a dumbass, what the hell is this on your neck?” you speak louder, pressing a finger under the mark.
“it’s nothing, probably a bruise from a mission-”
the blond widens his eyes at your deep tone and the way you said his name. he never really heard you speak like this unless it was towards a villain. but even then, you never sounded this serious.
“you and i both know that’s not a fucking bruise.”
he stares at you silently, not knowing if he should end the prank or not.
he decides to push on.
“i don’t know what you want me to say.” he shrugs, looking away from you. he couldn’t stand seeing the hurt in your eyes.
you scoff, trying to get rid of the pressure building in you throat. “you really are just a big asshole, aren’t you?”
he stayed quiet. “if you wanted to break up with, you could’ve just told me.” you try so hard to keep your tears at bay, not letting them cross your waterline.
but it feels like a dagger had been stabbed through your heart.
“and to think, i thought you could have actually loved me.” you chuckle darkly before trying to get off the bed.
upon hearing your words, bakugo quickly grabbed your hand, pulling you against him.
“i do love you-”
“let me go you asshole!” you push his chest, tears finally escaping. “we’re done! that’s what you wanted right?”
“y/n it’s not real! calm down.”
he holds your waist so you were sitting on his lap, keeping you still. you look at him, trying to figure out what he was talking about. “what the hell do you mean it’s not real?”
he stared at you for a second, almost scared that if he looked away, you’d be gone. but he eventually reaches to the table beside his bed and grabs a makeup wipe mina lended him. he quickly wiped the mark, staring at you intensely.
“see?” he turns his head, and you find the purple mark gone, only a slight red pigment left from where he wiped so harshly. “fake.” he holds up the wipe so you see the purple stains covering it.
“it was a prank.”
you felt like you could finally breath again, but your relief quickly turned into anger, and you punched bakugo’s chest out of instinct. he didn’t react.
“i hate you. why would you do this?”
“you pranked me last week!” bakugo states, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“i put pink dye in your shampoo katsuki. this was overboard.” you mutter, wiping your cheeks to get rid of sparse tears.
bakugo frowned, feeling even more bad about the whole thing. he had to admit, he took it too far. “you’re right. i’m sorry.” you didn’t respond, but accepted his apology.
“hey.” bakugo lifted your chin to look at him. “you know i love you, right? more than fucking anything.” you nod. “don’t ever doubt my love for you, or i may have to blow myself up for making you feel that way.”
you laugh slightly, bending down so you could hug when, pushing your face into his neck.
“you know i’m getting you back for this.”
kirishima often does things without thinking ahead.
not fully comprehending the consequences of his actions.
this was one of those moments.
it was april fools day! great right?
except kiri and the boys made a bet, wondering who could pull the best prank on someone in their class.
kiri took a while thinking about who he should prank. and eventually, a perfect prank to pull on his precious s/o came to mind.
a hickey prank. haha....ha. -_-
he had seen tons of videos where someone made a fake hickey and pranked their s/o with it. he always laughed his ass off at them.
this would be the perfect opportunity!
so he sprinted to ochaco’s back room, hers being the closest, and asked for some makeup he would return quickly.
he went to his room, doing his best at imitating the red, purplish bruise you’d often give each other.
when he thought he did the best he could, he leaves his room, trying to find you so he could get the prank over with.
he sees you in the kitchen, eating a bowl of fruit, chatting with jiro.
he makes his way over slowly, nervousness creeping up his spine with the amount of people in the common area at the moment.
he didn’t want to embarrass you, but he didn’t want to give any of the boys 50 dollars either.
he stood behind you, awkwardly waiting for you to finish talking to jiro.
jiro looks past you, motioning for you to check. you turn, eyes brightening as they land upon your boyfriend.
“hey kiri, what some fruit?” you push the bowl towards him, and he shakes his head with a dopey smile. “no thanks babe. just checking on you.”
you melt at his kind words, about to respond when jiro speaks up beside to. “i think you should be checking on yourself kiri. jeez y/n, are you human or a leech?” she covers her moth to stifle a laugh, pointing to a very specific spot on kiri’s neck.
you halfheartedly laugh, confused, and glanced at the area yourself.
you breath stops when you notice a big purple mark covering the side of his neck.
you didn’t do that to him...
kirishima stands uncomfortably still, not real really knowing what to do this far into the prank.
“kirishima? wha...” you can’t even speak, just utterly astonished at what you’re seeing.
you stare at him and shake your hands, waiting for him to explain himself.
“are you going to say something!?” you ask, the hurt in your voice making his heart break.
he didn’t like this. not at all. why did he do this?
“...fuck you kiri.” you spit, ignoring the fact that you still used his nickname while you were mad at him.
you walked away in a hurry, leaving jiro glaring at kirishima.
“what did you do?” she asked.
“i-it was a joke! a prank! i...it’s april fools!”
“well go tell them that!” jiro says, pushing kiri to go follow you.
kirishima runs after you, getting to you as soon as you enter the elevator to go to your dorm. he sprints inside, crashing into you in the process.
he looks at you with wide eyes when he sees tears running down your face. “why are you here?” you quickly yell.
“y/n it’s a prank! it’s april fools day, please baby! i’m sorry!” he goes to hug you. you don’t return it but you don’t push him away either.
“what the heck eijiro! that wasn’t funny!” you yell in distress. you were happy it wasn’t real, but the feeling from being absolutely heart broken to feeling better in the span of seconds was overwhelming.
“i know. i know it was stupid of me to even attempt this. i made a stupid bet with the others. i am so sorry. you know i’d never do this to you. please, forgive me.” he begs, holding onto you for dear life.
“i’m really upset with you right now, eijiro.”
“you should be. i don’t blame you y/n. but please, don’t leave me.”
you sighed, finally going to hug him back. “i’m not going to leave you kiri. i was scared you were leaving me!”
“i’d never! never in a million years!”
“i know, just don’t do that again. you really scared me.”
he nods against you. “never again.”
shinsou 🌀
shinsou was never good at expressing his emotions.
he was very reserved and even though you were his s/o, you often had trouble figuring out what was going on inside that complicated head of his
so when you laughed at izuku’s jokes, or praised shoto’s quirk
of course he wouldn’t tell you how jealous it made him feel. how it made all his insecurities rise up.
you didn’t mean to make him feel this way, god no. you had known the two boys longer than him and were used to having the comfortable playful conversations with izuku and serious quirk related talks with shoto.
but shinsou didn’t like all the attention you gave them.
and he couldn’t find a way to let you know how he felt that didn’t involve telling you. which he wasn’t going to do.
so he ended up doing the next best thing that came to mind.
make you feel what he was feeling.
he gets some makeup from someone he had already forgotten the name of and went to his dorm, doing his best to make the fake hickey at least a little believable.
he didn’t want the prank to be too serious, just to hit you with a quick realization that you had been making him feel this way.
so he waits for you to meet him in his dorm like you always do, and even leaves the makeup out in the open to see if you’d catch on yourself.
“hellooo my love.” you say cheerfully, and shinso smiled at your happy mood.
“hi y/n. had a good day?” he asked, sitting on the edge of his bed as you approached him, standing between his legs.
“mhm. but i missed you.” you muttered, pushing his face against your stomach as you hugged his head.
hitoshi frowned at your words. maybe this wasn’t a good idea. maybe he’s been overthinking and this stupid prank will just make things worse.
“so, what did you do today-”
you pull back from hitoshi and catch a glimpse of a bruise on his neck. you grip his chin, turning it to the side with slight force and narrow your eyes.
“what happened here?” you asked curiously
“nothing babe.” your boyfriend shrugs
“hitoshi is this a fucking hickey?” you asked after getting a better look, hoping to whatever god there was that his answer would be no.
“what does it look like?”
“don’t talk to me like that, you prick.” you seeth, and push his head away until he falls on his back on the bed.
“we’re over! i hate you.” you say the last part quietly, still not wanting to believe what you saw was real.
“wait y/n, it’s fake!” hitoshi yells before you could leave his dorm.
“how is it fake hitoshi? what, you had no real feelings for the bitch that sucked on your neck? do you think i’m stupid or something?”
“the hickey is fake y/n. i made it.”
you stared at him with deceiving eyes, crossing your arms and tapping your foot. “is this some type of mind joke hitoshi? i told you don’t use that shit on me.”
“please babe, c’mere. wipe it off.”
you slowly made you way back to him, gripping his chin to turn his head again and swiped at the mark. it smeared a little, but didn’t come off. you licked your thumb before rubbing it into the mark, finally making it disappear.
you pushed him back slightly, eyes still angry. “what was that all about? why’d you do that?” you ask.
“just thought it’d be funny.” he lies, looking away from you. you knew he was lying. he always looked directly at you when talking about something. especially something serious.
“do not make me even angrier than i already am shinso. fess up.”
hitoshi groaned, putting his hands over his face before looking at you with tired eyes. “fine, i got jealous of you hanging out and being friendly with midoriya and todoroki. i just wanted to get you back in a way.”
“so you pretend to cheat on me?”
“i’m sorry. it was really immature of me and i should’ve just talked to you. the makeup is right over there if you still need proof.” he points to his desk and glance at it, seeing the makeup sprawled on top.
you sighed, not wanting to forgive him so easily. but you couldn’t help it with the way he rubbed the back of your legs soothingly and looked at you with love filled eyes.
“ugh, you’re lucky i love you.” you state, trying to stop the smile growing on your face as you see him smirk softly.
“and i love you. more than anything. thank you for forgiving me.”
“and...i’ll try not to make you jealous. i really didn’t mean to.” you say, remembering the reason for the whole situation.
hitoshi shook his head. “you can hang out and be friends with whoever you want. i know you wouldn’t leave me or be unfaithful. and i’d never be unfaithful to you. i’m so thankful for you.”
“stop getting all mushy on me.”
i always see hcs where the boys get pranked, i thought it’d be cool to do the reverse. i can still do y/n pranking the boys if you guys would like that! hope you enjoyed this! leave a request here! -> 🥀
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milkacchan · 4 years
Fav boys thinking S/O reader has a kid bc they misunderstood a conversation with friends or on the phone but in reality they were talking about their pet
Bc i talk to my dog like he's a small child and care for him like one and its caused confusion
• he's just chillin
• youre in another room of the dorms
• You're within the ear shot
• and your phone rings
• he doesn't really think anything of it but he can't help but eavesdrop when youre on the phone
• nothing alarming until
• "How's my son?"
• and he freezes
• he feels himself pale but he keeps listening
• "I miss him so much, I didn't know it was going to be this hard to be away from him," you groan. "I just want to see him and boop his nose and coddle him."
• Jesus christ
• "he's getting chubby though, thats good, he was so tiny when he was born. So much loose skin-"
• Ngl his stomach kinda drops
• You have a kid??
• How did this happen- WHEN did it happen?
• It couldn't have-
• oh it very well could
• You disappeared for your 2nd year in UA- it could've happened then-
• and you didn't tell him.
• Not when he was your best friend and not when he was your boyfriend
• He feels betrayed- he feels gross-
• he has a right to at least KNOW of the child's existence- I mean he knew it wasn't his, but still.
• And so for the next days he's really weird.
• he tries to he normal with you, text when he can, hug you goodbye, just continue like things were
• but he just couldn't.
• And he dreads when you confront him about it- he knew you would, you've always been like that
• "You have a kid!" He snaps. "You left during second year, didn't tell anyone about it and then you came back- and you didn't tell me. I wouldn't have been mad! I wouldn't have pushed you away, I-"
"Katsuki what the FUCK are you talking about?"
"You. Have. A. Child."
"When you were on the phone with your mom?"
You paused for a moment. "Jesus Christ Kat, I was talking about my puppy. I got a dog while I was traveling ABROAD during my SECOND year, with my COUSIN. I helped deliver him because I was interning at a vet. He was the runt and they thought he was gonna die. So I stayed an extra two weeks and I brought him home."
He clenched his jaw. "God damn."
"Katsuki, I tell you everything. I wouldn't hide that from you. Besides," you made a face, "i'm too scared to have sex with you, because sex is scary. Why the fuck would I have it with anyone else?"
"I dunno." He mumbled.
• You take him to see your dog, obviously
• he isn't even entirely sure what you were doing
• all he knows is that you're cooing into the phone held against you ear
• "Hey baby, its me! You miss momma?"
• Momma.
• bro- he just kinda zones out.
• his mind immediately going to the fact that you might have a child- not might- you do
• I mean how else could you explain that?
• he didn't even stop to think WHEN you could've had a child. He just jumped right in.
• He wasn't mad- how could he be?
• it wasn't wrong for you to have a kid.
• maybe you should've told him but you could've been scared.
• afraid he might leave you
• he wouldn't leave you, God no.
• he loved you and it was going to stay to help you
• I mean, he doesn't want you to go through this alone.
• You guys are what, just barley 18? You already have a kid, thats gotta be tough.
• So he makes the decision, instead of being upset or hurt that you didn't tell him, he's just going to step in and see if you'd like help.
• He won't push to meet the kid, thats up to you. Introducing kids to partners before its really serious doesn't always go over too well.
• he plans what he's going to say in his head, goes over it twice and nids to himself.
• that all goes out the window when you sit on the couch again
• "You have a kid?" He blurts and mentally kicks himself afterwards.
"I'm sorry what?"
"It's okay, I'm not mad, really," he put his hands up, "It's hard to tell someone about it. You can trust me with stuff, even things like that. I won't use it against you or get mad- I'll even help out if you need. Sure its not mine but it really doesn't need to me-"
"Eiji, baby, shut the fuck up for a second."
He closes his mouth, stopping his ramble.
"What are you talking about?"
"On the phone, you were talking. To your kid right? You said 'it's momma,' and-"
"Babe I was talking to my dog. I haven't seen her in two months and she recognizes my voice over the phone. I talk to her most nights before bed. We just had to do it earlier today."
• He feels his face flush.
• Jesus christ.
• you're cackling.
• he doesn't think its that funny
• he profusely apologizes for thinking you had a kid, implying that you did /things/ with anither person
• Obviously you take him to meet your dog because what kind of mother would you be if you didn't?
• Dekus the kind of guy that would definitely take a few days to himself if he found that out.
• You've got a 50 50 chance of him staying
• He doesn't like it when people lie to begin with, it makes him feel weird
• So for him to find out you have a whole ass /child/ that he didn't know about?
• he's pissed. And sad. And confused. Because when the fuck did you have it??
• You'd think with all the analyzing he did, he'd be able to pick up maybe you were talking about a pet or something??
• Wrong. His emotions take over and he's just gone
• and once you get off the phone you're like?? Zuku? Baby where'd you go???
• 3 days.
• 3 Days he ignores your texts, calls, approaches before you get tired of it
• during those 3 days, well- day 3 more like, he goes to his friends
• like fuck i have a problem
• and theyre like ?????
• "So um- they have a kid."
"They what??????"
"Y/n has a kid. I heard them talking over the phone."
"Do you think maybe you mught've misunderstood? I mean when yould they even have had time to have one?"
"I don't know! But they didn't tell me! What am I supposed to do?"
"First off," todoroki begins, "what did they say that led you to believe they have a child?"
"Well, they were like, he's my son- not yours, and then they were like, he's growing out of his clothes, and but that his feet were still tiny-"
"Did they use a name?"
"Yeah, well, a nickname I guess, stubby? I think it was?"
"Midoryia that's their dog. They have a dog who likes to wear sweaters. Since he's a puppy " Todoroki sits up. "She refers to her dog as her son.
"I thought they only had a bird," he dropped his head to the table and whined.”They only told me about their bird,” 
"Good luck fixing that."
• He brings you flowers.
• and chocolate
• to your dorm
• and when you answer you look very displeased.
• you just kind of eye him, waiting for him to speak.
• "Angel," he begins, "I'm sorry. I- I jumped to a conclusion."
"And what conclusion was that."
"That you had a kid." He mumbled. "When you were talking about your dog."
"You dumb fuck, we haven't even had sex yet. Who else would I be with? When would I even have had time to make a human being?"
"I know. I'm sorry."
• He wants to meet the dog.
• You make him wait.
• You do show him pictures.
• He's high off his ass bro.
• fuckin zoinked
• you take a phone call in which you clearly mention dog features but he only seems to catch baby, princess, daughter, small toes, and chubby
• N he's like sweet you have a daughter,
• and then he forgets about it, too caught up with staring at something on the ceiling
• a bug he thinks
• and then he starts laughing because he thinks the word bug is funny lmao
• and when you get off the phone he leans his head against you
• and like 10 minutes later he remembers as he's kissing your neck
• "oh, so you have a daughter? How old is she?" He's so nonchalant too lmao
"Baby what?"
"You have a daughter, right? You were talking about her over the phone. She has small toes. How old is she?"
"Sero, you're gone," you smile, ruffling his hair.
"What? Did I do something? I don’t want to leave,” He frowns. 
"I’m not making you leave babe. I don't have a daughter. I have a puppy named bubbles, but I call her princess. She's a teacup."
"Oh that's so cute,"
• its just amazing that he wasn't conflicted by the possibility that you may have had a daughter
• maybe its because he's high
• maybe he just really doesn't fucking care
• either way he vibed with the idea
• and then was like oh cool can I see a picture of your dog then
• and then fell the fuck asleep when the high started to wear off
• boy what a day
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crhinge · 4 years
Breaking Down The Classic Rom-Com
I feel like I haven’t written a fun post in a hot sec so lets talk about one of my favorite subjects: Rom Coms
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According to wikipedia, a Rom Com, also known as Romantic Comedy, is “a subgenre of comedy and slice-of-life fiction, focusing on lighthearted, humorous plot lines centered on romantic ideas, such as how true love is able to surmount most obstacles.” In the past, Romantic Comedies have also been called “Chick Flicks” but I think this is devaluing of both women and  the romantic comedy genre. 
The other day, I woke up to find that the most wholesome rom-com couple of all time reunited: Matty & Jenna (Aka Mark Ruffalo & Jennifer Garner). This got me thinking about the beauty of the Rom-Com and how unappreciated they can be. It has been years since we have seen a rom-com with the cultural impact of 13 Going on 30, and I would like to petition for more of them after a sad and painful year. 
I can already hear the millions (in my head this blog is extremely popular) of comments “What about To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before?!?” “What about The Kissing Booth?!?” And too that I say, "Good Riddance!” If you’re rating your rom coms on a TATBILB scale, or even WORSE The Kissing booth, I feel sorry for you. Truly I do. So let's dive into the best Rom Coms of all time, but first... 
What makes a Rom-Com good? Well let's start with a relatable as hell main character. I am talking a girl (sometimes guy), who has many flaws, but the audience can see themselves within her/him. Let's use Jenna Rink from 13 Going On 30 as an example. Well, she's literally a 13 year old in a 30 year olds body, but don’t we all still have a preteen hiding inside of all of us? She is 100% willing to be herself at every step, even if that means dancing thriller all alone. She touches on all of our insecurities, while teaching us how to break down our walls. 
Rom-Coms also need characters to make realistic choices. This does not mean that the movie itself is realistic, but rather than you can understand the choices the characters make. Again, 13 going on 30 does a fabulous job of this. Obviously, Jenna traveling in time because of wishing powder is not realistic, but the choices that her and her past self make are. Due to the insecurities of her childhood and a need to feel included, relevant, and powerful Jenna pushes important people out of her life, which happens to so many people in the real world. These decisions force her to miss out on the love of her life, and ultimately, the story ends sadly: the love of her life marries someone else and she is left with tears, wishing powder, and an old doll house. That is until she is able to travel back in time and change the course of her life. 
Lastly, Every classic Rom-Com couple needs to have chemistry. There. I said it. Hollywood loves just casting random famous actors without giving them a proper chemistry read. One great example of this is Julianne Hough and Josh Duhamel in Safe Haven. Both fun, famous, Hollywood actors who have zero chemistry. Mark Ruffalo and Jennifer Garner had more chemistry throwing back Razzles than those two did during an intimate sex scene. 
Alright, now that we have broken down the requirements of a Romantic Comedy, let's jump into the best and worst of all time.
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Best: When Harry Met Sally. 9/10. A classic. A tale as old as time. Both Sally & Harry are very flawed, yet relatable characters. Sally is too picky and particular, while Harry is a player. They both suck at relationships, but make rational decisions based on their motivations. We all have friends like these two and their chemistry is on point, both on a friendship and romantic level. They bounce off of one another splendidly. 
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Worst: Sleepless in Seattle. 1/10 I know, this is a strong take, but this is a terrible movie about a stalker. Meg Ryan (I don’t even remember her character's name) is the stupidest most unrelatable character I have seen in a long time. She is extremely unlovable, cheats on her SO emotionally, and flies across the country to stalk a man that she has never met before. And then you’re telling me that Tom hanks FALLS FOR HER? Nope. No. I refuse to except this. Plus, their chemistry in this is pretty mediocre (You’ve Got Mail is Way Better) and we only get to see them together once. 
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Best: 10 Things I Hate About You. 8/10. I was tempted to leave all high School Rom-Coms off this list, but Heath Ledger is my exception. Talk about likability. Kat is a strong, powerful, independent woman who learns how to be more vulnerable while still being a feminist badass. We all wanted to be Kat growing up. Meanwhile Heath Ledger is the classic bad boy with a soft side, and who wasn’’t into that? Both characters grow into new people throughout the movie making them relatable, complex, and realistic. Not to mention the angel that is Joseph Gordon Levitt, who keeps the audience up beat and smiling throughout the course of this Shakespeare tale
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Best: My Big fat Greek Wedding. 10/10.  Have you seen this film recently? Because it is an absolute DELIGHT and so relatable. It dives into the difficulty of family expectation and cultures merging. It also has the cutest proposal of all time with a realistic couple that fights for one another on a daily basis. You laugh. You cry. You get a dynamic cast with wonderful chemistry. You feel invested in the family and the relationship. Just a joyful wonderful film.
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Worst: Something Borrowed. 0/10. If you’ve never seen this movie, don’t. Ginnifer Goodwin sleeps with her best friends fiancé and we’re supposed to be okay with it because she liked him first. Hard pass. And she ignores John Krazinski who is right in front of her. She is unlikable, unreliable, and makes dumb decisions that no one else would. 
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Best: He’s just not that into you. 9/10  I will go to bat for this movie. It follows several realistic storylines in a Love Actually manor, except they actual seem legit. A woman realizing her boyfriend is never going to marry her. A girl facing the fact that maybe some guys just aren’t that into her, and she isn’t an exception to the rule. A man slowly making the decision to cheat on his wife as they are growing apart. A woman realizing that she is worth way more than her bastard husband. A woman realizing that the person she’s sleeping with will never leave his wife for her. It's compelling, has realistic characters that we can relate to, and still warms your heart in the end. 
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Best: The Big Sick. 8/10. Okay to be fair, this is based on a true story so it automatically has realistic characters and decisions. Maybe I should leave this off of the list, but I wish this film got the recognition it deserves. Two lovable main characters who make mistakes that are understandable. Wonderful chemistry between Kumail and his girlfriend as well as her family. 
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Best: About Time. 11/10 This is hands down the best Rom-Com of all time and Potentially the best film of all time as well. If you don’t cry in this movie you do not have a heart or soul. The characters are SO insanely likable and adorable.It touches on the importance of family and valuing time and how little of it we have. The chemistry within the whole cast is palpable, and we can all relate to at least one character, whether it is the protagonist Tim, his wife Mary, his sister Kit-Kat, or his father. 
Well it is important to point out the obvious here: this list is lacking diversity in a huge way. All but one of these movies follow a cis, straight, white couple, and that is extremely concerning. People have attempted to make more diverse rom-coms over the past few years, but they all seem to be lacking one of the three core components of what makes a rom-com great: Relatable, realistic, and great chemistry. For example. Crazy Rich Asians was a fantastic film, but the high level of wealth that Nick Young comes from, made his character difficult to relate to, and I’m sorry but the chemistry just wasn’t there for me. Always Be My Maybe’s characters fell flat and it’s not a film I would want to watch more than once. Love Simon made some huge waves for LGBTQ representation in the media, but that ending kiss was unrealistic along with his friends reaction to fining out he was lying, which left the movie anti-climactic by the end. 
Now, the most recent film on this list was made in 2017. And before that 2013. So where have all the Rom Coms gone? Why don’t we see more of them. There are a few Rom Coms that could be contenders on the “Best” list from the last couple of years that include a small amount of diversity: 
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Yesterday 7/10. The big question here is does this count as a romantic comedy? The love story isn’t the main plot, but is definitely a large sub-plot. This movie features an interracial couple and is highly re-watchable. The main characters are entertaining, relatable, and have pretty good chemistry. We will see if it stands the test of time. 
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The Broken Hearts Gallery 7/10. This movie has gotten NO recognition. The main character, Lucy, is an extremely likable 20 something, not unlike our Ginnifer Goodwin in He’s Just not that Into You. The plot is fun and predictable but keeps you watching. I don’t know if this one will stay on my list long, but it’s definitely up there. 
But here is my challenge to Hollywood: create some new, beautiful Rom Coms that celebrate diversity but that don’t throw away the relatable, realistic, and high chemistry characters that we are just waiting to fall in love with. It’s got like 16 ideas up my sleeve, so just give me a call Hollywood. 
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lumini-317 · 3 years
This will be my official “introductory” post!
My real name is Erica, but I go by many names. My nickname repertoire includes but is not limited to: Lumi, Lumini, Cricket (I have a habit of rubbing my feet together, lmao), Jinx, Eri, Er, EriJoy, Sunbaeby, and Aceir (my real name but in alphabetical order).
This is my first ever Tumblr blog. I’ve had it for a while but have rarely posted anything, that along with the fact that I’m on mobile is kind of a mess so I apologize for mistakes and all that.
I have 3 older brothers, an older sister, and a younger brother.
I’m an ambivert. Sometimes I love hanging out with bigger groups of people, other times I dread it.
I’ve taken the “16personalities” test 4 times and all 4 put me in the “Diplomat” category, however I got “Advocate” (INFJ) 2 times, and “Protagonist” (ENFJ) and “Mediator” (INFP) 1 time each.
I am LGBTQ+. I’m asexual, aro+panromantic flux, and while I feel like I’m genderfluid, the changes are very subtle and so I sometimes just go with agender, gendervoid, or neutrois. It’s a lot less complicated that way. I’m ambiamorous, and also pronoun apathetic!
I love whump. I’ve loved it for as long as I can remember but only found the whump community maybe 3(?) years ago.
I also love K-Pop, C-Pop, J-Pop, and Asian dramas, mainly K-Pop and K-Dramas, though.
I’m a HUGE multistan. ATEEZ, SKZ, TBZ, EXO, BTS, Red Velvet, SHINee, iKON, MONSTA X, TWICE, TO1, WANNA ONE, SuperM, X1, MIRAE, Ciipher, Golden Child, Purple Kiss, BAE173, SF9, IU, ONEUS, ONEWE, The Rose, PIXY, LUCY, STAYC, WEi (which I pronounced as “way” for an embarrassingly long time), Dreamcatcher, Brave Girls, TXT, ENHYPEN, SNSD, KARD, AKMU, SHAUN, Gaho, NCT, GHOST9, 1team, SE7EN, Cross Gene, D1ce, AB6IX, CRAVITY, BLACKPINK, CIX, VIXX, f(x), 4Minute, CLC, YEZI, B.I, Wonho, (G)I-DLE, EVERGLOW, SEVENTEEN, BROOKLYN, Ha Hyunsang, DAY6, GOT7, Teen Top, BAP, TREASURE, UNIQ, etc! It goes on, far longer than I can list. I am also very much against fanwars, they disgust me.
I’m also a HUGE animal lover, and a big softie. I can’t even squish insects. I don’t care that they can’t feel pain and don’t experience emotions, I just can’t bring myself to. I make it my mission to save any type of animal I come across. I find toads in our koi pond and immediately pick them out and take them to a safe place. I help turtles across the road. I got a mouse out of a puddle and revived it, releasing it when it was healthy enough. I saw a snail on a piece of wood that was going to be thrown on a fire and carefully pulled it off and put it somewhere else. So far I’ve found 5 stray cats (Piper, Toothless, Felix, Kai, and Kit Kat—all were found as skinny, sickly kittens) and took them in, raising them as my own. I rescued a chipmunk from certain death-by-cat. I’ve even saved a few baby raccoons, ducklings, lizards, spiders, and snakes in my time. And I’ll keep doing so for as long as I live.
I love writing, drawing/sketching, and painting, however I’m not confident that I’m good at any of those things, lmao. I mean, I don’t think I’m the worst, but my finished “works” often leave me unsatisfied with my “skills”. But of course, that won’t stop me from trying to improve!
I’m a maladaptive daydreamer. This can cause issues in some places while helping me out in others. On one hand, it makes doing chores and such kind of difficult. Like one time I had to take care of my dad’s pigeons while he was fixing our shed and one time he pointed out how slow I was with the chores. His words were something along the lines of, “I’m already almost done with what I have to do and you’re still working with the pigeons.” Also, it (and maybe ADHD if I do have it?) made school a nightmare for me. But it’s also helpful because then during church it’s really easy to keep myself occupied while the pastors go on about their Magical Sky Daddy™’s son throwing a tantrum and killing a figtree because it didn’t have any figs and how that story should “challenge” us or something.
The characters in my daydreams are weird, though. They merge and separate with each other to make different characters depending on the situation. Most of them don’t have definite genders. Only a handful of them have names because they’re always merging and separating like some kind of Shadow Clone Masters or something. Stuff like that.
One of my characters is for sure a demi-boy, though, and his name is Kyler.
I brought this up because I was watching The Andy Griffith Show and Andy was giving Opie a lecture on how many poor kids there are in the world and used the ratio “one and a half boys per square mile”. Opie then says that he’s “never seen a half a boy before”. Kyler just sort of pops into (fake) existence, jumps off the couch, and throws his arms in the air while saying, “Half a boy, right here!” I burst out laughing. Thankfully it didn’t seem weird, since my parents started laughing at Opie and thought that I was just laughing at it, too.
If I daydream while I’m standing, I’ll often pace and gesture with my arms while moving my lips. Sometimes I’ll even whisper. If I’m sitting down, I usually fidget a lot (such as pick at my shirt and rub my feet together), stare into space, and move my lips or whisper. My family sometimes ask me, “Why are you whispering?” Or, “What are you grinning about?” And I just shrug because I don’t know how to explain it to them without risking them calling someone to pray over me, lmao. I mean, I wasn’t even allowed to have imaginary friends because that was “evil”. When I was about 7, I told my parents about my imaginary unicorn friend and they gave me a lecture and “prayed over me”. It was embarrassing and awkward for me.
I’m suspicious that I might have ADHD, but don’t have the money to actually get a professional diagnosis. I’m also too scared to ask my parents about it.
Speaking of which, my family and I don’t see eye-to-eye. I mean, they don’t know it because I’m good at hiding it, and they think I agree with mostly everything they do but boy, is it a mess.
You see, they’re evangelical conservative Christians. “LGBTQ+ people are going to hell”, “ThE LeFt ARe eViL AnD ARe TrYiNg To BrAiNwAsh OuR ChiLdrEn”, “Trump was sent by God”, “Intersex is fake”, “Women must submit to men”, “You should get married no later than in a year or ‘the temptation’ to have sex might become too much”, the whole bit.
Meanwhile I’m over here with my (imaginary) pride flags, just existing as an agnostic leftist who wants everyone to have equal rights, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation, and would rather redo my horrifically atrocious kindergarten closing program role than pray to a god who (if they/he/she/it/whatever exists) gives cancer to kids and killed millions of innocent animals and people in the Bible.
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But they have no idea that this is how I feel and now expect me to be baptized within the next month to show that I have “accepted Jesus Christ as my savior”. Yeah...that’s gonna be an awkward discussion...
Anyway, that’s just some things about me. Sorry that I got sidetracked a few times, lmao!
I look forward to posting more and maybe even making friends!
Thank you for reading (:
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jenn-i-guess · 3 years
First Kiss//Kiribaku
It was always Eijirou.
The one who initiated almost anything affectionate with him, the one who reached out...
The one who held out his hand.
It wasn't that Bakugou didn't appreciate the loving acts and gestures that he gave him, in fact he ate them all up quite hungrily.
But the fact was that while Bakugou wasn't exactly touch shy, he lacked the confidence to urge towards Kiri first.
To reach out for him!
The thing was...they've never actually kissed yet.
Everything that Kirishima initiated was only a smaller act of affection.
A kiss to Bakugou's cheeks, in between his eyebrows, a light peck underneath his jaw, and so on.
But there was never any lips to his own. Nothing too intimate and too close.
If Katsuki was being honest with himself, he'd probably accidentally blow Ei up if he were to do it.
That is if he was on the receiving end of the kiss.
See, he had an idea. A great plan, a scheme you might say.
He was gonna kiss Eijirou!
Not his stupidly pretty boyfriend, him! He was finally going to initiate the first step towards intimacy.
Now, he just needed to find his boyfriend to do so.
Sero had said he was in his room, Kaminari said he had headed to the bathroom, and Mina said that Kiri was in his room.
Well, Bakugou checked all locations and found no trace of his redhead anywhere.
So there was only one place left.
Bakugou's room.
Usually it wouldn't be odd to find his boyfriend in his room, but Kiri tended to ask Katsuki instead of just...showing up.
But it didn't matter to Bakugou anyway. At least he finally found the fucker.
But not in the way he expected.
Instead of lounging on his bed, or doing stretches on his floor, Eijirou was instead passed out on his desk, which he apparently thought would make a good napping spot.
And as he finally came close, standing near inches behind him, Bakugou noticed a piece of paper on his desk, scribbled with Ei's messy handwriting.
A corner was wet with drool as Katsuki slid the paper out, flapping it in front of him.
It was a checklist, that was obvious.
Bakugou snorted at the headline and continued to read.
There were seven boxes, with six of them checked, each with their individual sentences.
✅Ask Katsuki out!
✅Plan a successful date!
✅Hang out with him in his room more!
✅Kiss him on his cheek!
✅Tell him how manly his hair looks!
✅Kiss him on his face more!
And lastly, the last box which didn't have a check mark next to it.
So far, Katsuki couldn't contain the wide grin on his face as he read through it, especially as he skimmed over the last sentence.
⭕️Kiss Katsuki for real!
Well. Looks like he didn't get to follow through.
That was fine though. Bakugou had his own plan anyway.
"Hey, Ei." He whispered, lightly shaking Kiri's shoulder.
There was a slight grunt. "Mmph."
Katsuki chuckled lightly, "C'mon, get up already dumbass."
Kirishima whined before he blearily opened his eyes, blinking a lot before finally setting them on his boyfriend.
"Kats? 'S that you?"
Bakugou rolled his eyes, already beginning to crouch down and lift up Ei.
"Who else would it be? You're in my room, Ei."
Kiri slumped against him before he let out a huge yawn, "Ohh yeah, I forgot what I came in here for."
Bakugou scoffed before throwing Eijirou onto his bed, climbing onto it himself.
Ei was already beginning to fall asleep before Bakugou lightly slapped his cheek, keeping him awake.
"Hn? What, wassit?"
Bakugou's heart started thundering in his chest, wearing his heart on his sleeve as he took in the sight of his disheveled boyfriend.
Before Kirishima could say another word, warm hands cupped around his jaw and he felt his tired eyes widening as he was moved closer to Bakugou.
He held his breath as their lips were pressed against each other, barely moving as Bakugou just held his there in a chaste kiss.
There was a light smack as Kirishima moved even closer, wrapping his arms around Katsuki's neck.
He was a lot more awake now.
And he wanted more.
Eijirou curled his fingers in blonde locks as he pushed harder on those intoxicating plush lips, shivering when he felt warm hands resting on the small of his back.
Being so hungry for more touch, he hasn't realized that they were beginning to tilt back.
Until of course when Bakugou pulled away as he fell back, Kirishima whining at the loss.
As he looked down however, he began to laugh, "Haha! Sorry, got a little carried away there." He sheepishly rubbed his lips with the pads of his thumb, feeling the lingering sensation.
He was rested on Bakugou's waist, straddled over his hips as his boyfriend glared at him from below, struggling to sit back up with the weight.
"No shit. Now get off me, you're fuckin heavy." Katsuki retorted.
Eijirou gasped in mock hurt.
"What?! Wow, I can't believe you can't lift me. Must not of worked out in a while, huh?" He teased, slyly looking away as he could feel the vibrations of his boyfriend's growl rumbling through his chest.
Before he could let out another remark, two hands gripped his thighs and he let out a (very manly) yelp as he was flipped onto his own back, Bakugou now glaring above him.
Kiri snorted as he affectionately placed his hands around Katsuki's neck, rubbing the stray baby hairs.
Bakugou's face softened as he slowly moved closer, so close that Kiri could probably count each individual eyelash if he wanted to.
But he didn't.
Katsuki's lips were back on his, and he let out a pleasing sigh as his boyfriend fell completely on top of him.
"You're such a fuckin buttmuncher." Katsuki mumbled against his lips, but Eijirou could still feel the light smile on his lips.
"I'll only munch yours." He murmured back, raising his shoulders as he prepared himself for a blast to the face...yet-
Yet there was nothing.
Nothing except for a huff of warm breath ghosting over his lips as Katsuki snuck down to slam his face inside the crook of his neck.
"God, why am I with you?" Bakugou snorted, trying to muffle the hardest of his laughter, but Eijirou could still feel it.
"Because you lo-ove me~!" He said in a singing tone of voice, patting Bakugou's head as he spoke.
The blonde sighed, moving his head up so that he was staring directly into Kirishima's ruby red eyes.
"Yeah. I do."
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madpatkats · 4 years
Kat the spider
idea given to me by @vpow Setting: human au Ship: prinxiety Description: Roman knows that Kat is Virgil’s favourite pet, and he knows that she would be around all the time.  But he still couldn’t get over the fact thatshe was a spider! tw: spiders
Roman looked around at the familiar house, even though it wasn’t his own.  He’d been at Virgil’s so many times, he knew every nook and corner.  But this time something was different.  Stopping just inside his bedroom, Virgil turned around and grinned at Roman.
“Do you want to meet Kat?” he asked, eyes sparkling.
For weeks, Virgil talked about the fact that his parents had finally let him adopt a pet, though he’d been refusing to tell anyone what it was.
Roman raised an eyebrow. “Do you mean your cat?”
“No,” Virgil went over to his bedside table before coming back, “I meant Kat, my spider.”
Inside his open hands, was a spider.  Shrieking, Roman stumbled away, and found himself hitting the wall.
“Why have you got a spider?”
Furrowing his eyebrows, Virgil looked down at his pet. “Because I like spiders.”
Seeing Roman clinging to the wall, Virgil began to laugh.
Through his laughter, Virgil said. “I can’t believe that Roman King.” He edged closer.
“Don’t you dare.” Roman muttered.
“The brave and popular theatre kid.”
“Is scared of a spider!”
Virgil put his hands close to Roman and the other teenager scrambled away.  Again, Virgil started cackling with laughter.  Relaxing a bit, Roman folded his arms and pouted.
“It’s not funny, okay?” he muttered. “Spiders are scary!”
“You sound exactly like Patton.”
“I do not!” Roman exclaimed. “And, hey, maybe he has a point! Those things have too many legs, and they’re dangerous!”
“We made sure that she not, okay?” Virgil smirked. “Did you really think y parents would let me get a poisonous spider?”
“I don’t know!”
Virgil broke down laughing again.
It had been a couple of weeks since he’d met Kat, and Roman hadn’t seen her for a while.  Though he’d initially reacted by laughing, Virgil felt bad about making Roman scared and tried to distance himself from the boy for a while, which Roman hated.  So one day, when he went round Virgil’s house, while the emo was getting them snacks, he found himself sat in front of Kat’s cage.
“Okay, Kat.  I know that I didn’t exactly... like you, when I met you, but... y’know Virgil loves you and I feel that I must become more.... calm, I guess? Around spiders.”
The many pairs of eyes just stared at him.  Roman sighed but continued talking.
“And I really, really like Virgil,” he sighed, staring at the ceiling. “And I don’t want to mess things up with him because I’m scared.  So, what do you say, Kat?  I be more appreciative to you and you don’t scare me as much?”
Again, he got no answer.
Roman finally realised the situation. “Wait, what am I even doing?  I’m talking to a spider, where did my life come to?”
He got up to move but the spider reached forwards and placed one of her legs on the glass.  Noticing the movement, Roman smiled slightly.
“I’m gonna take that as a yes and not a ‘I want to kill you’.”
Soon, Kat edged away, and began weaving one of her webs again.  watching the intricate design form, Roman couldn’t help but be in awe.
“I guess,” he muttered, “web weaving is kind of like, an art form isn’t it?  Huh.  I suppose you and I are not so different as we thought.”
And little did Roman now, that Virgil was sat outside the door smiling bashfully and blushing; he’d heard the whole thing.
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infiniteoddball · 4 years
Hi love the writing ❤️❤️could you possibly write something where the svu squad accidentally meat Rita’s wife...like they didn’t know she was married especially to a woman 😂❤️I mean it’s just a suggestion but I haven’t read anything like that before... what are your thoughts on this???
// Thank you so much for such a fun request!! I thoroughly enjoyed writing this and thank you so much for all the love! You really made my night (: Since there wasn’t a specific character pairing for Rita, I did Rita x Reader!//
Rating: Friendly! This is light and fluffy with a bit of obscene language. Nothing too serious! 
Tag: @vivis-ghost-wife @teamsladsandgents @angelicdestieldemon @storiesofsvu
Surprise Cocktails 
You and Rita sat in the back of the bar, happily hidden away from everyone else. The both of you sipped on your separate drinks. Rita enjoying a dark & stormy while you were on your second glass of chardonnay. You enjoyed the feeling of your thigh touching hers, only to lean in and steal a soft kiss, “I have missed us doing this,” You murmur against her lips, smiling. 
Rita smiled, “I am sorry I have been so busy baby. I have missed you. I have missed us. I am glad that we are finally able to have a date night.” 
You glanced at her hand, enjoying the ring on her finger. You knew that this was something that you didn’t get to see in public, so it was definitely something that you enjoyed when you could. Rita smiled even bigger, sliding her arm around your waist as she pulled you closer, placing a few kisses up your neck, “What else do you have in mind for tonight?” 
“Making your dress hit the floor,” You murmur, moving your hand further up her thigh as you hear her breath hitch. You enjoyed the feeling of the silky black wrap dress, but enjoyed the feeling of her skin even more.  
“Mm, that does sound perfect. But how about we eat some food so we have energy for that later?” 
“Okay,” You smirk, watching as she called over a waiter. You smiled even bigger as she ordered for the both of you. 
“One chicken alfredo and a chicken parmesan please,” She smiled, “As well as another dark & stormy.” 
“Water too please,” You add in. You felt the familiar warmth in your stomach. Her dominance was something that turned you on quickly, “How was your day?” 
“I gave Rafael a run for his money again. That was fun,” Rita smirked, finishing her drink before continuing, “My client, I am not saying they are the most squeaky clean person ever, but they are not guilty of this crime. I can just feel it, plus I don’t think they are lying to me. Rafael will be putting his star witness on tomorrow and when I cross examine, he is going to feel the annoyance in his bones,” Rita giggled. 
“You never cease to amaze me.” 
“Good or bad?” 
“Good,” You squeeze her thigh, “Definitely good. You make everything that much better.” 
“Y/N you have gone soft on me,” She smirked, thanking the waiter for her drink before leaning back in the curved booth to smile at you. 
“Not soft, I am a high school counselor. What else would you expect?” You question, spinning the wine glass between your pointer finger and thumb. 
“Nothing,” She answered honestly, “How is Ryan doing?” 
You heave a sigh, finishing off your glass, “I don’t know how to help him. I can see it in him. The need to prove himself, but something is holding him back and I don’t know what it is. I don’t know how to fix it.” 
“Babe, you are doing everything that you possibly can. I know that you think you can save everyone, but sometimes you can’t and that isn’t your fault. Okay?”
You nod, knowing she is right, but after all these years, you still struggle to accept that, “I know...I know. I just don’t know how else to feel about that.” You feel Rita take your chin in her hand gently, pulling you closer before you feel her deliciously warm lips on yours. 
Rita slips her hand to the back of your neck, pulling you in closer, before finally moving away, “I love you. Please don’t let this wreck you. I hate seeing you so broken up over something like this.” 
You bite your lip, but nod, “Okay,” You murmur, sniffing the air appreciatively as the food is delivered to your table. 
Rita can’t help but smile as she wraps her arm around your waist, whispering all the things she is going to do to you once you two get home. You feel a delicious chill run down your spine as you slide your arm around her shoulders. 
“Aye Calhoun! Is that you!?” Carisi called, smacking Amanda’s shoulder as he turned on the stool. 
You felt her tense up before you both look at the voice who said your wife’s last name, “Who is that?” 
“Get ready,” Is all you get as she drops her arm from your waist, but intertwines your fingers. 
“Holy shit,” Amanda says as shock spreads through her features. 
“Olivia, Odafin, Dominick, Amanda, Kat. I would like for you to meet my wife, Y/N.” 
You can help but smirk as you see Odafin blow his own beer into his face and the rest of the SVU squad utterly speechless. You were barely able to hold back your laugh with the way that Kat nearly choked on her drink. Of course you knew who they were, but they had no idea who you were. Your marriage was kept exceptionally quiet due to the fact that Rita was a defense lawyer with a lot of enemies. The last thing she wanted was you to get harmed because of that. 
Kat was the first to recover before she stood, holding out her hand, “It’s wonderful to meet you! I had no idea that Rita was even...” 
“A lesbian?” Rita finished for her, “Yes. I have had many amazing relationships, but once I met Y/N, I knew that I met the love of my life.” 
You felt your cheeks warm, hearing the way that Rita talked about you. You knew she loved you, but this was a rare occasion where she could demonstrate it so publicly, “You must be the infamous Olivia Benson,” You smile, shaking her hand. 
“I wouldn’t want famous anywhere near my name,” She joked, “I am happy to meet you. Rita, how long have we known each other and you just simply didn’t tell me?” 
“Some things are simply better left unsaid. I am surprised to see that the entire crew is able to make it out.” Rita grinned. 
“You owe me ten bucks Rollins,” Carisi smirked before turning to Rita, “You are a profile that is hard to miss. Rollins and Sarg didn’t believe me when I said that was you.” 
You burst out laughing at this before turning to Rita, “How terrified do you have them?” 
“Scared enough to where the most private question they have outright asked me is what I like to drink.” 
You squeeze her hand, not feeling surprised in this fact of the manner. Every time that you think your wife couldn’t surprise you, she always manages to do that, you fall more in love with her. 
“Aye, why don’t y’all join us for a drink? This revelation has definitely made the night more interesting,” Fin smirked. 
“And you are?” 
“Fin Tutuola,” He smirked, holding his hand out to you. 
You smirk back, taking his hand, “Fin? Like a fish?” 
“Haha, very original! What can I get you two ladies?” 
You glance at Rita, accepting her shrug as a yes, “Knob Creek Bourbon, neat please. A dark & stormy for Rita,” You smile before feeling Rita’s arm wrap around you again. 
“So,” Olivia looked between the two of you, “How did this even happen? As far as I knew, all Rita does is work.” 
“Hey there, you are the pot calling the kettle black!” Rita pointedly said. 
“I have slowed down. I don’t want to hear it,” Olivia responded, “How did you two meet and why didn’t we know about you sooner Y/N?” 
“Well, we met because of a blind date. One that I reluctantly accepted. Let me tell you, I wasn’t sure if we were even going to make it past the second date. But then, out of left field, Rita surprised me and the rest is history.” 
“Please,” Rita scoffed, “You make me sound like a softie!” 
“Well, you are with me,” You smiled brightly. 
“But definitely not me,” Barba smirked, “Rita, Y/N. It’s nice to see the cat is out of the bag!” 
“Barba, you mean to tell me that you knew the entire time!?” Kat’s jaw dropped. 
“Careful. Flies will be around soon. Yes, I have known Rita longer than any of you. Please, tell me this,” He watched as Fin handed them each their drinks, “Was this planned?” 
“Rafael, please,” Rita rolled her eyes. 
“You haven’t even gotten to the good part yet everyone. Y/N, why don’t you tell them what it is that you do for a living.” 
“I am a high school counselor. I work at Martin Luther High.” 
“No fucking way,” Fin said slowly, a smile spreading over his face, “That is amazing.” 
You did a double take before noticing that Rita was smiling at you, “I know,” Rita grinned, taking a long sip off her drink. 
“How did this happen?” Barba questioned. 
“Date night,” You responded before giving him a brief hug. 
“Mm, so how does this work?” Rollins questioned, “You’re okay with the fact that next to no one knows you two are together?” 
You touched Rita’s shoulder, before nodding, “Yes. It was something we had a long discussion about. Rita is a high profile defense attorney. I know that on the rare occasion that she doesn’t drag Rafael, her clients can tend to get hostile. So, for the sake of both of us, we chose to keep a low profile so my safety and her safety isn’t put at risk.” 
“Smart move,” Olivia laughed, glancing at Rafael. 
“Anyways,” Rita said, finishing her drink, “If you don’t mind, it’s date night and I would love to be able to spend some more time with my wife. Thank you for the drinks Odafin. Shall we go Y/N?” 
You finish your bourbon quickly before nodding, “It was nice to finally meet everyone!” You say brightly. 
“Rita, now that we know, you are so going to have to bring her around for drinks sometimes,” Olivia stated. 
“And submit her to torture? Pass.” 
You can’t help but laugh at this, “Okay, okay. No promises! I hope that everyone has a great night!” You smile, tugging Rita away from the group. As much as you enjoyed telling more people that you got to marry the love of your life, you wanted more than anything to follow through on all the things that she wanted to do to you. You couldn’t help but smile at the chorus of goodbyes behind the two of you.
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Fandom: Sanders Sides
Characters: Virgil, Logan, Katrina Flores (OC), Nico Flores
Relationships: Familial Logan &Virgil, hinted at Logan x Nico
Additional Tags: abortion mention, bisexual disaster logan, teen parenting, hate sex mention, logan having an emotional breakdown in a walmart, nico being a smooth motherfucker.
Word Count: 1805
Summary: Logan made a dumb decision when he was eighteen, which led him to being saddled with a difficult choice when he was just nineteen. Now he's living everyday with the consequences.(in the accidental adoption universe, but can be read as a stand alone. no prior knowledge needed)
Notes: *me, looking at the lack of nico x logan*: Fine, I’ll do it myself.  Also, I have an actual angst logan x nico fic coming out later today maybe, probably.
@psychedelicships  here’s some logan and nico... at the end, but I promise it’s worth it.
He was nineteen, young and dumb when it happened-
Logan stared down at the sleeping boy in his arms, a newborn that was only five hours old, with a shock of black hair that was reminiscent of Logan’s baby photos.  He was the only one awake, his ex also asleep from the sheer toll of birth on her body.
She had wanted to keep him, and then, now that Logan was holding the infant, she had admitted that she was going just… throw him into the foster system and hope that someone wanted him.  Logan hadn’t wanted to keep the child, he’d begged her to have an abortion, but he’d promised in the end to still pay child support if that’s what she wanted.
But now…
Now he was holding his son.  She didn’t want him, he looked too much like his dad, and Logan could feel his own heart tearing apart as he thought of giving him up.  
His ex stirred and Logan looked up as she opened her eyes, a look of displeasure on her face.
“You’re looking at it all weird.”
Logan smiled softly down at the infant.  “I know.  He’s beautiful.”
“Easy for you to say, you’re not a teen mom.”
“You told me that you don’t want him.”
“And I don’t.”  She looked up at the ceiling of the hospital room and sighed.  “Where did we go wrong Lo?” Lo.
Ah yes, the nickname that she’d called him for so long, when they were first dating junior year in highschool.  Logan used to look back on his past with fond memories, but now everything was tainted the smallest bit darker with the realization that he had, in fact, cut his younger phase short.
“It was the drunk hate sex, I’m sure.”  He responded and she laughed.
“I can’t take him.  I want a life Logan.”
Logan nodded.  “I’m sorry.  But if I may?”
“May what?”
The infant yawned in his sleep and Logan’s heart broke again.  “I’d like to take him.  You won’t have to pay child support, we can go our separate ways and never talk again if you want, but goddamnit, I want to raise him.”
She shot him a rueful look.  “Take him.  After I’m discharged, I never want to see you again though.”
“Of course.”  Logan held back his happiness, but his face betrayed him and even she knew as she watched him hold the infant just a bit closer.
Maybe a part of her wondered how someone like Logan could have ever loved that deeply.
Maybe a part of her didn’t care.
Logan had a harder time the next morning convincing the nurse who was filling out the paperwork to put him down as the provider.  After all, the kid was supposed to go straight to adoption, and now the father wanted him.
Not to mention the whole naming thing.  She was less than impressed when Logan told her that he wanted the infant to be named Virgil.  
Logan won both battles and after a talk with Virgil’s doctor, he was heading out to his car with the infant safe in a carrier, which he buckled in before getting in the driver's seat and leaving.
He had no idea what he was doing.  Virgil was sitting in the shopping cart child spot, chattering happily in the gibberish that only babies spoke as Logan had an emotional breakdown in front of the baby food.
It’d been six months since Virgil had been born, and according to online and the various books he’d read, advice from his mother and also from his great aunt, the kid should be fine starting solids, but he didn’t know which.
Virgil babbled something and a tiny hand patted Logan’s hair.   He looked up and Virgil giggled before reaching for his glasses.  Logan leaned his head back a bit.
“Virgil, we’ve discussed that you cannot gnaw on my glasses.  You have a teething toy or a pacifier if you’d like.”
Virgil clapped.
There was a gasp behind him and Logan looked back to see a woman, who was grinning at the pair.
“Is that your son?”  She walked up to him and cooed at Virgil.  “How old is he?” “Six months.”  Logan said tiredly as Virgil clapped again and the woman smiled.
“He’s clapping so early.  Most don’t for a good while.”
Logan pumped a tired fist in the air.  “Wonderful.”
“I’m Katrina, I’ve got some little ones at home, it can be tiring.  How old are you? You look a little young to be this sweetie’s daddy.  What’s your name?”
Logan held out his hand for her to shake.  “Logan Alt, nineteen.”
“Oh!  Is your lucky bride at home?”
Logan bit his lip and looked down at the floor of the supermarket.  “Ah, no.”
Katrina seemed to freeze for a moment, but it was fleeting enough that Logan ignored it as she looked up at him.
“Six months you say?  He should be in prime time to start solids.”  When Logan nodded, she seemed to straighten up.  “Would you like some help with a list of foods that you can start him on?  I also have a wonderful book in my car I can grab you.”
Logan stared at her.  
Then he burst into tears and Katrina pulled him into a hug, rubbing a hand soothingly across his back.
“Hey darlin, I know how hard it can be, having a young one so early.”  
Logan nodded into her shoulder and she pulled him back to arms length, a soft smile on her face.  “You’re gonna be the best dad this kiddo ever has.  Let me help you get him some starter foods and then I’ll give ya my number and you can call me on my phone whenever.  We sure are damn lucky for these samsung flip phones, aren’t we?”
“Thank you…”  Logan stuttered out as he wiped at his eyes.  Katrina nodded and gave him another hug before turning to Virgil and patting his head. 
“Hey buddy.  I’m here to help your daddy, okay?”
Virgil babbled something and mirrored her smile.  Katrina gave him another gentle pat on the head.  “Thank you for letting me know that very important thing.”
Logan looked down at Virgil.  “What’d he say?” Katrina’s response was simple.  “That he loves you very much.  Onward to the bananas!” …
Katrina and her family were there when Virgil first waddled up to Logan, and said his first word.
Logan blinked as Virgil made grabby hands, but he complied and lifted his son up into his arms.
Katrina leaned over.  “Looks like you have a little science nerd.”
Virgil reached out and excitedly patted Katrina’s shoulder.  “Space!”  He crowed out and Logan couldn’t help but grin as his now one year old excitedly chirped the word again, squirming in Logan’s arms.
“Looks like you might be right.  Would you like down?”  Logan asked and Virgil nodded vigorously.
Logan set him down.  Virgil laughed and clapped again before looking up at his dad with glee.  
“That’s right.”  Logan nodded solemnly.  “Space.”
Virgil waddled off to where Katrina’s other kids were playing, and the group easily parted to include him.
“Kat.. thank you for inviting us to your Christmas celebration, you didn’t need to.”  Logan looked away from Virgil and she shrugged.
“Lo, with your mom’s passing in November, you told me that you didn’t have anywhere to go, of course I’d offer you my home.”  Katrina picked at a loose thread on her sweater.  “Virgil deserves a good first Christmas, and you need social interaction.”
Logan laughed softly.  “I guess you’re right.”
“I always am.”  Katrina crossed her arms.  “I need to go check on my husband, but I’ll see you around.  Try talking to my younger cousin.”
Logan looked around the room.  “Where are they?”
Katrina pointed to a man Logan’s age, who was sitting on the couch, surrounded by the stuffed animals that the other kids were bringing to him.  “Nico Flores.  He’s single.”
She winked and Logan rolled his eyes at her fondly before heading over to the couch.  Nico looked up from the kid who was speaking to him, a grin splitting his face.  “Hey!  I could use some company!”
The kid that he’d been talking to rapidly fired something at him in Spanish and Nico laughed before responding in kind as Logan carefully moved the stuffed animals and sat next to him.
Once the kid had gone back to the others, Nico held a hand out for Logan to shake.
“Nico Flores.”
“Logan Alt.”
“That your son?”  Nico pointed to Virgil, who was sitting on the ground as another one year old passed him blocks, which he promptly threw down with a laugh.
“Yeah, how’d you guess?”
“He’s the whitest child here.”  Nico ran a hand through his hair and grinned at Logan.  “You’re extraordinarily pale.”
“It’s the german from my father’s side.”  
“Ah.”  Nico laughed as a girl brought him another stuffed animal, taking one from the pile on the ground at his feet as she switched them out.
“Thank you Tio!”
“It’s just Nico, you know that Gemma!” 
Gemma gave a screeching laugh as she ran off.   
“So, how’d you meet my cousin?”
“I had a bit of a rough time finding Virgil, that’s my son, some food as he was about to start solids and I’ve never had a child, so I was unsure of what to buy him and she helped.”  Logan smiled as Virgil looked up to find him, getting off the ground to waddle over and hold his hands up.   He picked up Virgil, who pulled his glasses off his face and held them out to Nico.
Nico took the glasses and nodded seriously.  “Space.”
Virgil, pleased, wiggled out of Logan’s grip again, but not before stealing a stuffed animal from the pile.
Nico handed him his glasses.  “He’s sweet.”
“Indeed.”  Logan smiled fondly before shaking himself out of it.  “So, what brings you here?”
“Kat invited me because, and I quote: ‘There’s gonna be a hot boy here, I swear it.’”  Nico grinned at him.  “She wasn’t wrong.”
Logan felt the blush start to creep up his face and he swallowed nervously.  “Oh?”
“Yeah.  It’s a pity I don’t know his number.”  Nico leaned back on the couch and shrugged.  “It’s also a pity that there’s not really any mistletoe nearby, the cat’s allergic.”
Logan felt like he was gonna die.
“Guess I’ll never know.”
“Ifyoureallywantmynumberyoucouldhaveit.”  Logan blurted out in a rush.
Nico gave him a blinding grin.  “Sounds like a date.”
Yeah, Logan had made some dumb decisions in his teenage years.  But if it had led him to a warm Christmas party, with a cute boy his age next to him and an adorable son playing with his friend’s kids…
Was it really dumb?
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Halloween prompt: Alfred is getting increasingly annoyed at whoever is eating the halloween candy. No one will confess. (Bruce is sitting in a corner somewhere with a bag of... [insert Batfamily appropriate candy here])
Three Musketeers
Rating: G 1,844 words Gen AO3
Bristol was technically in Gotham City limits. Though the gilted mansions and private woods with pastures and stables seemed like a whole other world in comparison. The residents liked to think so too, especially because – despite Gotham’s robust public transportation system – it was almost impossible to reach the rich suburb from the city proper. It was because they lived in this separate world that Bristol’s wealthy residents often fought to receive special treatment or even secede from the city all together.
Except when it came to Halloween.
The residents of Bristol were more than happy to hold their trick-or-treat night during the same time as the rest of Gotham. Mostly, because it discouraged the city’s poorer residents from coming out to ask for literal handouts from them. The time it would take to sit in train stations and bus stops to get there ate up a large chunk of trick-or-treat’s two-hour window. And the walk from the last stop and between the houses took up the rest.
Despite all this, many made the trek out to Wayne Manor and its residents always made it well worth the work.
It was known that the Manor didn’t simply give out full-sized candy bars, no, they gave a whole bag of king’s sized bars. And from the entrance way to the ballroom off to the side were decked out and fitted to be a haunted house with games and entertainment and even more snacks. There was no reason to go anywhere else when you went to Wayne Manor.
Except, this year the seemingly endless supply of candy was mysteriously missing in the week leading up to the big night. Which was ironic considering the Manor was populated by detectives.
Alfred was suspicious. And annoyed. But mostly suspicious. He had raised the world’s greatest detective and then helped raise the current world’s greatest detective. In addition to the other seven vigilantes he’d actively cared for over the years. And countless others who hadn’t lived under his roof. Which meant that he was extremely hard to pull something over on. Extremely.
Yet, his stockpile of trick-or-treat candy was gone. Completely. And his list of suspects was long and skilled.
First, was Barbara because he loved the young woman dearly but she was a bit of a chocolate fiend. Also, if he could rule her out then he could enlist her assistance. It was easy enough to make her coffee just the way she liked and message her to come to the kitchen when she was working in the Cave one evening. She was happy enough to come up, thinking it was just for a chat but knowing something was up when Alfred passed her the mug.
They studied each other from across the long wooden table that took up the far side of the kitchen. Alfred sipped his tea from the good china that after the last family debacle was his alone to use. Barbara narrowed her eyes as her glasses slipped down her nose. They were playing a high stakes game of chicken and they both knew it.
Barbara broke first. “Is there something you wanted to talk about, Alfred?” she asked sweetly, setting her coffee down and pushing her glasses back up in the same movement.
“Now that you mention it, yes. I was wondering if you happened to know where my trick-or-treat supply is disappearing to?” Alfred’s lips turned up in kindness, but his eyes were hard and steady as he held her gaze.
An adult, a seasoned crimefighter, an honest to god superhero and yet Barbara wanted to wriggle in her chair, knot her fingers in the hem of her t-shirt, under that look. Pure willpower was the only thing that stopped her. Though it didn’t extend to her mouth. “No, I’ve been out of town most of the week.”
This was true, Alfred knew, but not necessarily an airtight alibi.
“Besides,” Barbara continued, “I have a Costco card. The Birds and I split it. If I wanted to eat a whole bag of candy, I’d just buy my own.”
Alfred nodded, lifting his tea to take another sip. He accepted that answer, she knew better than to lie to him. “In that case, might I enlist your skills to uncover the real culprit?”
This was what Alfred had truly wanted to ask, they both knew, and Barbara smiled in delight at the prospect. “I’d love to.”
The next suspect was Tim. He knew exactly how to cover his tracks and misdirect their attention. Tim was sly, smart, and still technically a teenaged boy so sugar was irresistible. Barbara set the trap, crashing the Batcomputer one afternoon when everyone else was out. This forced Tim up, out of the Cave and to Alfred lying in wait in the kitchen.
Tim had climbed up onto a kitchen chair to get at the stash of poptarts on the top shelf of the cabinet above the stove. Proving that he had means, motive, and a record.
“Master Timothy,” Alfred drawled as he stepped out of the shadows. Bruce had to learn the skill from somewhere.
Startling, Tim whirled around and nearly fell from the chair. Dropping the silver packet in the process. It landed on the tile with a crunch. “Look I need the brain power to get the computer back up,” he said hastily, glancing guiltily between Alfred and the fallen junk food.
“I am not here to reprimand you about the poptarts,” Alfred said and Tim immediately relaxed, shooting him a relieved little grin. “But I may have to reprimand you for sneaking something else,” Alfred continued, causing Tim’s face to fall.
“I swear, I only had the one Monster the other week. And I split it with Kon ‘cause we were trying to keep Bart from drinking it. Me and him on an energy drink bouncing round the Tower is way better than a speedster on an energy drink.” Tim’s eyes were wide and the blood that had drained from his face made the boy almost impossibly paler.
Alfred lifted an eyebrow at the confession. Not what he was looking for but good to know all the same. “And what of the candy for trick-or-treat?”
Tim’s brows drew together in confusion. “Uh, I don’t know? I suggested we get milkyways but if you got snickers again then I’m not going to complain.”
“So, you did not eat the supply?” Alfred confirmed, though the fact that Tim was already feeling guilty and hesitant to lie on top of the fact that he had no idea Alfred had purchased boxes of three musketeers cleared him of the crime.
“No?” Tim shook his head as he shrugged.
Satisfied, Alfred nodded. “Enjoy your poptarts, Master Timothy. I shall be moving them shortly.”
“It wasn’t Jason,” Barbara said over the phone. “I have a couple different angles of him being in Paraguay all last week.”
“I never suspected him to begin with,” Alfred admitted as he pushed the shopping cart, restocking for the big night tomorrow. “He never liked three musketeers. Dark chocolate kit-kats are a separate story.” He smiled at the memory of a young Jason carrying a huge box of the candy bars to drop in the cart during his first Halloween with them.
“Cass and Dick are out too,” she continued. “Cass laughed at me when I even suggested it and then confirmed Dick was telling the truth when I questioned him.”
Alfred hummed. Richard had been his next guess, though he was more likely to take them to hand out while on patrol or pass on to his friends’ children than to eat himself. “Master Damian is innocent as well. He scoffed at the implication he would, quote, ‘stoop so low as to steal candy from children.’ He also vouched for Master Duke and neither were anywhere near the spare pantry recently to begin with.”
“Security cameras confirm that.”
“That leaves Miss Stephanie,” Alfred frowned. Stephanie tended to decline any offers of assistance from the Manor’s residents that weren’t directly related to masked vigilantism. Though she recently had allowed Alfred to slip her gas money when she visited during daylight hours. The thought of her taking the Halloween candy just did not sit right with him. It was almost as impossible to imagine as Damian taking it. Cassandra was more likely to be playing a trick on them all, having hidden it for some soon to be revealed reason. “Are you positive Miss Cassandra is not the culprit?”
Barbara chuckled. “I mean, not really. But at the same time why would she? Though why would Steph either? I don’t think it was either of them but I can vouch for Steph. She hasn’t been anywhere near the Cave or the Manor since last month. What with school she’s been staying close.”
“Which leaves us back to the beginning,” Alfred sighed and got in line. “We could create a sting operation though I’d loathe to lose this supply as well. There’s nearly no candy left in the entire state.”
“That I believe. Alright, I’ve got the feed from the events kitchen running on one of my screens. I’ll keep an eye on it for the rest of the night, see if anyone stupid enough to try it again.”
“Thank you, Miss Barbara. I really appreciate your assistance in this matter,” Alfred told her before exchanging their goodbyes. He had plans for a little stakeout of his own.
Placing the boxes in the spare pantry, Alfred settled himself on a stool next to the industrial fridge in the dark. He typed out a careful message in the family’s groupchat informing them all that the missing candy had been replaced and politely asking that it not disappear again before the next night. They would all be getting ready to go out for the night so there is no doubt they would see it. And he would have plenty of time to wait for them to strike.
Hours later, the family was returning and Alfred was still lying in wait. A creak echoed in from the ballroom where decorations were mostly in place. The light padding of rubber soles on the marble tile came closer and closer. Alfred leant further back into the shadows as the door swung open. He held his breath, waiting as the guilty party walked into the kitchen proper, headed directly towards the pantry. Alfred slipped from his hiding spot, keeping low as he crept around the island to come up behind the culprit.
Alfred contained his gasp of shock and annoyance as he flipped on the light. Forcing the candy thief to whirl on him. “Master Bruce!” Alfred scolded. He hadn’t thought his first charge would do such a thing and hadn’t even considered him as a suspect.
Having the good sense to look ashamed and like a ten-year-old boy again, Bruce offered a wavering grin in apology. “You bought three musketeers,” he said as his only defense.
Alfred frowned as he crossed his arms. “And your penance will be handing them out tomorrow night.”
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stormcrawler75 · 4 years
For the prompt thingy, Reluctant Caretaker With Janus and Infant!Patton? (Aka sunshine pure baby and unqualified papa)
Tumblr media
Characters: Janus, Patton, Virgil, mentions of Logan, Remus, and Roman
Warnings: Coma, drunk driving, bruises, stitches
“Unnnnnnnnn’caaaaaaaaa, ‘Anu!”
Janus groaned, cracking his eyes open and rubbing at his eyes sleepily. He glanced at his alarm clock and after blinking a few times, he groaned again when he saw just how early it was. “Fucking- ugh,” he muttered, rubbing his hand down his face. He sighed and got up, slowly walking out of the room.
“Unnnnnnnnn’caaaaaaaaa, ‘Anu!”
“I’m coming, I’m coming,” Janus muttered, yawning so hard that his jaw clicked. He walked into the room that had been nothing but a guest room a few days ago - when things had still been normal and Janus didn’t have to worry about raising a baby - and to the old crib that he had gotten three splinters setting up. 
His nephew was standing up in the crib and looking up at Janus with wide eyes and a bright grin. He bounced up and down and made grabby hands at Janus. “Un’ca ‘Anu’, up! Up!”
Janus yawned and picked Patton up, bracing him against his hip. “Yes, Uncle Janus is up now. Though, the fact that either of us is up at four fifteen is a crime,” he told the one-year-old seriously. 
And in return for the great wisdom that he had given his nephew, Patton reached up and grabbed Janus’ nose. Well... Janus supposed that he had gotten worse feedback from people who he had given advice to.
“Alright now, no playing games now,” Janus hummed sleepily, gently moving Patton’s hand away and walking out of the used-to-be-a-guest-room. He glanced out the window and sighed. The stupid sun could already be seen peeking up over the horizon. “Are you hungry? Is that why you woke me up?”
“’anna ‘ee Daddy,”
Janus froze right at the top of the stairs, feeling like he had just been slapped. He had been so good pushing back and ignoring the heart-crushing grief, confusion, and helplessness that the last few days had brought. And with three words, his one-year-old nephew had almost completely toppled all the walls that Janus had put up to try and cope. Janus took a shaky breath, eyes burning with unshed tears. “I’m afraid that you can’t see your Daddy right now,” he said softly, walking down the stairs. “You’re living with me for now, Patton. I... will explain in the morning, okay?”
Patton gave him a look with so much of Virgil’s stubbornness that Janus almost let out a sob. Virgil had barely had Patton for a year and his son was already so much like him. 
“For now, let’s think of better things,” Janus said with forced chipper in his voice. He walked into the kitchen grabbed a small box of cheerios from his cupboard. “Even though it’s far too early to be up and awake, five o’clock is also the time when the old cartoons come on. I used to watch these shows with your daddy when I was just a toddler and he was your age.” He managed a weak smile as he walked into the living room. “Doesn’t that sound fun?”
“Yes,” Patton chirped, grinning at Janus widely that wrinkled the stark white bandaid that he had gotten at the hospital. “Yes!”
Janus chuckled, sitting down in his favourite old armchair, shifting Patton so he was in one arm so he could open up the box of cheerios. “Did you watch these shows with your daddy? Or did Mr. Lawyer show his son more serious shows? Educational programs?” He got a blank stare in response and decided that it was far too early in the morning to use big words with his nephew. So instead he just switched the channel until he found old reruns of ‘The Bugs Bunny and Tweety Show”.
Besides, Patton’s excited cry of, “T’eety!” made Janus think that maybe this wasn’t the first time he had watched these shows.
Janus’ shoes clicked against the hospital tiles, the only sound in the eerily quiet hallway. He could hear distant coughs and the quiet sound of people talking but here, in the long term care section of the hospital at eight o’clock in the morning, there wasn’t much noise. And it made Janus so sad. His poor baby brother didn’t belong in a place like this.
He stopped outside the last door in the hallway, knocking gently at the half-open door. “Good morning,” he said softly, walking in and draping his coat over one of the chairs. He sat down with a sigh. “I’m sorry that I’m here so early but your son woke me up at four AM. I left him with my friends so I can come to see you. Please don’t worry about your son, Virgil. Logan and Remus are good people and they already love Patton." He took off his bowler hat and put it in his lap, tapping his finger against it gently. “Do you have anything to say about that?”
Of course Virgil didn’t. Though, Janus supposed that he couldn’t be too upset with his brother. It was rather hard to speak with tubes down your throat. And the fact that Virgil was in a coma made it even harder, Janus was sure.
Virgil was lying completely still on his hospital bed, looking strangely peaceful. He didn’t seem bothered at the dark purple bruises on his cheeks or the stitched-up cut on his forehead. And then Janus remembered how he had looked a few days ago when he had first been brought to the hospital and had to look away.
“Your friend Roman came to my house the other day,” Janus said, forcing himself to continue. He had to speak talking. He feared what would come out of his mouth if he didn’t. “I must say, Roman may not be as interesting as his brother but he is a good lawyer. He’s pushing me to press charges and he is assuring me that I would have a very good case.” He snorted and shook his head. “Though, I suppose that you don’t have to be a good lawyer to know that driving while is against the law.”
When there was no response to his words, Janus sighed and reached forward, gently putting a hand over Virgil’s bruised one. “Do you remember how happy I was when you made me Patton’s Godfather,” he whispered softly and with a slight tremble to his words. “Well, I change my mind. Virgil... I have no idea how to care for a baby. You have to wake up so you can raise your son. Please.” He laughed and blinked, vision turning a little blurry. “I am begging, Virgil. You have to wake up. I can’t do this. I don’t know how to do this.”
The only response Janus received was the steady beeping of Virgil’s heart monitor. It looked like Janus was on his own for now.
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fellowbrock · 4 years
House Warming-Colby Brock
summary: my first req! thank you anon!! "colby x reader where they have a trap house house warming pool party, the reader and colby are dating, but some girl is all over colby and the reader gets upset/jealous? ty!!"
   You change into your purple bathing suit, tying it tightly just in case the boys got a little too hyper. Which, nine times out of ten, was the case. Looking in the mirror you couldn't help but check yourself out. You looked and felt great in the suit, and you couldn't wait for Colby to see it.
After changing and leaving your clothes in Colby's room, you head downstairs to the kitchen. Sam was setting up some snacks for the house warming party. It wasn't going to be anything big like the parties they used to have at the old house, just a chill barbecue with the usual group of friends (or as Kevin and the fans have named you, the Stranger Friends) plus Kian and JC.
"Need help with anything?" You ask Sam. As much as you both enjoy the craziness and antics, the two of you seem to take on the responsibility roles. It's part of the reason you grew so close to Sam over time.
"Sure! Can you bring that tray and case of drinks out? I've got the rest. Thanks y/n." He says, grateful to have you around. The boys have been excited to move into this gorgeous house, but sometimes they get a tad distracted. Lately it's been because of Tik Tok. You bring the tray and drinks outside to the little tiki hut where Corey is setting up the barbecue. Colby and Jake are off messing around in the basketball court like usual. You laugh and roll your eyes at them, going over to the lounge chairs to join Tara and Kat.
"Wow you look great y/n! That bathing suit is hot!" Tara compliments you and Kat nods in agreement.
After everyone has arrived, the guys hang out in the hut while Corey cooked lunch and you girls were chilling on the lounge chairs and sitting by the edge of the pool. You were taking pictures of Devyn and Xepher as your eyes wandered over to the guys. It seemed that one girl had joined not the rest of you having fun, but she was in the hut with the rest of the boys standing awfully close to Colby. You scowled at the sight. Tara notices you and takes the phone from you, becoming Devyn's photographer. Kat and Chelsea pull you to the side.
"Are you okay?" Kat asks, concerned by your sudden change in mood. Your eyes dart between her and the girl with Colby.
"Who is she?" you ask, not fully answering her question.
"I don't really know her, she came with Kian's girlfriend. All she could talk about on the way here was seeing some cute boys." Chelsea informed you, scowling as well seeing that this girl was trying to get close to Colby. You and Chelsea were super close and she would never want to see anyone come between you and Colby. You take a deep breath.
"Obviously she's going after the wrong cute boy." You say, slightly fuming. Colby doesn't look too comfortable standing next to her, which keeps you somewhat calm.
"Foods ready!" Corey calls out to the group of you, and you all make your way over to the hut. Most of the girls greet their boyfriends, you decide not to. Standing beside Mike and greeting him instead. Everyone fills up their plate and gathers around the outdoor couches. Some of the guys tease the girls about the fact they took a bunch of photos instead of actually enjoying the pool at this so called pool party. Welcome to being an influencer in 2020. You feel the couch dip beside you and the familiar cold metal rings grazing your lower back. Colby wraps an arm around your waist and smiles at you. You send him a small smile back, continuing to eat your lunch and tuning back into whatever Jake and Corey are arguing about now.
"Hey," Colby says softly "You having fun?"
"I guess so," you shrug "It's nice to be around everyone" His face scrunches up, he's not completely satisfied with your answer. This boy knows you way too well.
"Are you okay baby? It seems like something is bothering you." Colby says, concerned. He always wants to make sure you're enjoying yourself. He loves to see you happy.
"I'm fine Colby, I guess just a little drained." You respond, and he still doesn’t believe you. You couldn't help but be a little jealous at the fact that for the past two hours this blonde has been stuck to him and he hasn't even acknowledged you.
"Y/n. I know you, just tell me what's up." He pleads, giving you slight puppy dog eyes. The jerk knows you can't resist those big blue eyes.
"I dunno I guess she was bothering me." You confess, eyes darting to the girl in the black bikini that may as well be underwear.
"Ohh I see now, you're jealous!" Colby laughs, it's not often you get territorial. You start to get red and roll your eyes.
"I'm not jealous! It's just..well you're mine and I hate seeing her fawn over you like that. Twirling her hair and touching your arm, it's disgusting." You tell him, avoiding his gaze. Colby puts his hand on your cheek to get you to look at him. He chuckles.
"Baby, you're jealous. But that's okay because guess what? I have eyes for you and only you." He smiles, looking you up and down. "And especially in that suit," he licks his lips, practically drooling over you. "I want everyone else to know that I am yours." He kisses you. You melt into it, relieved that you have nothing to worry about. After pulling away, you catch the blonde scowling at you and you smirk back smugly. You turn back to Colby.
"You know, I was kind of waiting for you to comment on my new bathing suit." You tell him confidently. He laughs at you striking a pose.
"It's been hard to keep my eyes off you beautiful." He smiles, kissing your cheek. For the rest of the pool party, Colby doesn't leave your side, constantly reminding you how amazing you look. - After most people have left, leaving just you, Tara, Kat and the four boys, you head upstairs with Colby. The seven of you had been in the hot tub just enjoying each others company, but Colby had other ideas.
"As great as you look, lets get that suit off of you." He smirks, pulling you close and tugging at the strings of your top. You giggle, utterly and completely in love with the boy you get to call yours.
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misssophiachase · 4 years
All You Never Say - Part 3
I’m back! Thank you for all the awesome comments and notes, it means a lot! Here is part 3, and you can read it all from the beginning on AO3 HERE. Also, I referenced the word torch a few times last chapter, to those who asked it means flashlight hehe. I changed it so it wasn’t confusing lol. 
Synopsis: One wedding and a confused maid of honour and best man with years of pent up feelings and unresolved tension.
Mrs Florence Mikaelson and Mr James and Mrs Audrey Pierce request your presence at:
The Rehearsal Dinner
On the twenty-second of June, twenty twenty-one at 1830h at Poets House Restaurant, Ely Cambridgeshire
Dress: Semi Formal
1 day before the nuptials - Poets House, Ely, Cambridgeshire - 7:29pm
“I love your grandparents, Kat, but why did they insist on a venue with such a cramped ladies bathroom?” Bonnie muttered, attempting to nudge Rebekah away from the only mirror.
“Hey, you’ll make me smudge my lipstick,” she growled, standing her ground. No one messed with Rebekah’s primping and preening time and got away with it.
“Oh maybe because my grandparents didn’t choose the venue,” Kat responded, the frustration evident in her voice. Clearly, the wedding festivities and all the protocols were wearing on her last nerve.
“It’s okay, you can say it,” Rebekah said. “My grandmother is even more overbearing than my mother. Which you didn’t think was remotely possible, but it is. Trust me, I’ve lived with it for long enough. I’m already dreading my own wedding.”
“Well, I’m sure if anyone can handle it, it’s Enzo, you two have grown up together after all,” Bonnie offered, Rebekah froze, that shocked expression on her face allowing the brunette to push in and free up some space to touch up her make-up.
“Funny joke, Bennett,” she hissed, attempting to push back. “Kol is related to over-bearing Florence too, you know just saying.”
“What exactly is that supposed to mean, Mikaelson?”
“Hey, hey, break it up you two,” Katherine intervened, attempting to keep the peace but in such a small space it was proving difficult. “Caroline? Maid of honour? Some help please?” 
Even with all of the bickering, Caroline was somewhere else. She’d been largely silent most of the dinner because all she could think about was what transpired earlier that morning with the best man.
Mikaelson Manor, Ely Cambridgeshire - 18.5 hours earlier (12:05am)
“So, what you’re telling me is that you think the ring box flew into the garden while you were shaking out the picnic rug?” He was still standing there and he was still partially naked.
Unfortunately for Caroline.
“That’s exactly what I am saying,” she muttered, trying to pretend she wasn’t affected by his seemingly toned chest.
“I’m just checking, you said there were a few wines consumed.”
“Oh, I get what this is,” she growled. “You think I’m a bad maid of honour because I had a bit too much to drink?”
“I never said…”
“Yes you did,” she shot back. “And even if you didn’t, it’s all there in that judgmental gaze. I really should know that look by now.”
“Excuse me, what’s that supposed to mean? If anything, judgmental looks are your thing, love, not mine. I seem to recall more than a few reaching me during school.”
“I’m surprised you noticed given you were usually too busy with your tongue down some girl’s throat.”
“I’m surprised you were keeping such close tabs on me,” he said. “I thought you would have been too busy with that guy with the hair.”
Sure, she dated Stefan for a year during school but she doubted he even noticed, let alone cared given he was too busy dating most of her class.
“Yes, he had hair,” she bit back, unable to help herself.
“You know what I mean, Salvatore couldn’t last an entire class without having to rush to the bathroom to check on his hero hair. I’d take a guess that he took a lot longer in front of the mirror than you ever did.”
“Maybe,” she offered, a smile tugging at her lips, unable to help herself. He even knew his name? “But if we’re going to compare love interests then…”
“Okay, I surrender,” he interrupted, holding up his hands defeatedly. “Let’s not open that pandora’s box, especially standing in the garden in the middle of the night.”
“Yeah, we may never get out of here,” she teased. “But yes, I think the ring box went in that direction.” She gestured to the green hedge before them.
“Well, I think for starters I need to get a better flashlight than that.”
“What’s wrong with this?” She asked. While Rebekah had been showering, Caroline had snuck into her childhood bedroom and found it in her bedside drawer.
“That is my sister’s Hello Kitty flashlight and, I don’t know about you, but I can barely see you let alone a small, black, ring box in that hedge.”
“Fine, what do you suggest?”
“Well, the sane person in me would suggest waiting until the morning but given that defiant glare and stance I know you’ll try to press on with or without me and who knows what could happen without my supervision?”
“You are so…”
“It was a joke, Caroline.” A low, throaty laugh pierced the air and Caroline didn’t think she’d ever heard anything so arousing. She decided to blame it on the whole no shirt thing. “I’ll go and get a heavy duty flashlight from the shed, stay here and try to not to get into any trouble.”
Before she could ask him what that meant, he was gone. What kind of creatures did they have on the loose in rural England? Caroline realised she probably should have done some more research before the trip.
Although, if she was being honest, it was probably just one kind of enticing but annoying creature that she was afraid of. A Klaus Mikaelson. Why did she always have to turn into a rambling fool when he was around? At least she only had a couple more days and this and him would be behind her.
Caroline shivered, rubbing her arms over the goosebumps that had recently gathered. Why she wasn’t too sure, it was either him or the climate. Caroline hoped it was the latter. What she wasn’t expecting was for him to return five minutes later with two impressive flashlights and a white top slung over his bare shoulder.
“I thought you might be cold so brought you something to cover up,” he handed it to her and Caroline couldn’t miss the heady aroma of his aftershave on it as he did.
“And you’re not?” She asked, hoping he’d cover up too and not because she was worried he’d catch a cold. Far from it.
“Oh no I’m fine, love, I did grow up in these parts so am used to the weather, tonight has nothing on an English winter,” he smirked knowingly before making his way toward the hedge in question. “Now let’s find this ring, shall we?”
He didn’t cover up on purpose. Bastard. Caroline wanted to play him at his own game but could feel the cold seeping into her bones and had no choice. Although, once she’d slipped on the henley, Caroline knew she was a goner.
It felt too good.
Too familiar.
It felt like home.
But at the same time, Hayley’s face came to mind and Caroline knew a heartbreak was on the cards. Hers.
Present Day
“Hello, Caroline?” Kat asked, nudging her in the ribs.
“Present,” she offered by way of response, like she’d been caught out by a teacher during roll call at school and not in a tiny bathroom by her friends.
“What is wrong with you?"
“I’m just thinking about everything I need to do before the wedding tomorrow,” she offered, albeit weakly. Although, in truth one of the things on her to-do list was to fall out of love with Klaus Mikaelson. Easy, right?
“Caroline, I love you and everything you’ve done to make this week perfect, but you need to learn to relax a bit too,” Katherine smiled, squeezing her shoulders affectionately.
“Well, that’s a bit difficult when…” Rebekah said before Caroline immediately interrupted.
“The bride and groom have to make a speech in five minutes. So, I think you and Elijah need to make sure everything is set.” Kat gave them dubious glances before eventually shrugging her shoulders and leaving.
“Okay, what the hell is going on here?” Bonnie asked. “And before you try to give me some bogus excuse to leave I’d like an answer. What’s up with you two? You are acting weirder than usual and that's saying something.” Of course, Bonnie would cotton on and demand an explanation.
“Well, Caroline we’re waiting,” Rebekah added, her devious smile not lost on Caroline.
“For the last time, there is nothing going on, Rebekah,” Caroline hissed, trying to keep her voice down and glad no one had decided to use the facilities. “And I’d prefer you don’t fill Kat’s head with gossip and hearsay the night before her wedding. She does have a lot more going on right now.”
“Gossip and hearsay?” Trust Bonnie to only focus on that part of her sentence.
“You were wearing his henley, what do you expect me to think?”
“Henley? Oh my god, you and Klaus!” Bonnie exclaimed, albeit too loudly for her liking.
It really was a dead giveaway. Why did Henleys have to be his signature style? Caroline didn’t mean to leave it on, but it was so comforting and warm and it smelled so heavenly. Then the next thing she knew she fell asleep, only to have Rebekah jump on her bed in the morning before she’d had a chance to both wake up and remove it. Needless to say her discovery had been all she could talk about the whole day. Trying to water down speculation hadn’t worked because once Rebekah had an idea in her head it was difficult to remove.
“Shhhh,” she muttered. “How about a little discretion?”
“How about you just fess up, Care,” Rebekah insisted.
“Fine, I might have been wearing his shirt, yes,” she whispered. “But it’s not what you think.”
“So, pray tell what was it?” Clearly Bonnie wasn’t going to let this go either.
That’s when Caroline decided not to revisit the fact that while she was wearing his henley, he was shirtless. No good could come out of telling her friends that particular fact. So, she decided to skip over it and get straight to the point.
“I sort of lost the wedding ring…”
“You lost the ring?” Now it was Rebekah’s turn to be a little too loud for her liking.
“What did I say about discretion?” She chided. “Look, I found it so crisis averted.”
“And you just happened to fall into Niklaus’ top in the meantime?” Again, the volume didn’t seem to be a factor with either of her friends.
“I didn’t fall into anything,” she shot back tersely. “Okay, I was outside in the garden trying to find the ring and your brother happened upon me. The ring must have fallen into the garden when I was shaking out the picnic rug.”
“And he gave you his shirt?” Bonnie asked, a dimple in her left cheek giving away her untoward thoughts. Damn, that whole thing about not drawing attention to Klaus being shirtless.
“Only because it was cold and then I must have forgotten to take it off before I fell asleep, I mean it was a stressful night all things considered, “ she rambled.
“So, let me get this straight,” Bonnie said in sudden realisation. “He was naked. Did you two?”
“Ew, no. I think we’re losing track of the point here.”
“Even I’m with Caroline on that point,” Rebekah drawled. “So, my brother gave you his shirt because you were cold? Now, that does not sound like him at all unless….” The silence that hung in the air was thick as each girl processed exactly what that could mean.
“He likes you,” both Bonnie and Rebekah deduced.
Caroline immediately blushed, not because she thought he returned her feelings but because this wasn’t how she saw things going. Klaus Mikaelson and her feelings for him were Caroline’s secret and didn’t belong to anyone else, especially her nosy friends.
“Ah, no,” she mumbled. “He has a girlfriend and, not just that, you know I can’t stand him. I mean do you remember school?”
“Oh come on, Care,” Bonnie acknowledged. At least her voice had gone down a few decibels. “We always thought you two had a bit of a crush on one another.”
They did? Clearly she didn’t hide things as well as she thought. Although, she never sensed Klaus returned her crush, not for one moment.
“More than a crush,” Rebekah intervened. “It was this lingering sexual tension bubbling below the surface.”
“Yes, tension which played out in the form of hostile insults and banter. Katherine used to say she wasn’t sure if you two were going to have sex or kill each other.”
“I’m glad you three had private jokes about me,” she muttered, feeling incredibly stupid.
“Only because we knew it would make you even more determined to avoid him and we secretly hoped you two would move past all the bluster and get together.”
“Clearly we underestimated both of your powers to hold a grudge,” Rebekah noted. “You know if you like my brother, it’s okay right?”
She wanted to cry. It was as if the emotions she’d tried so hard to contain were threatening to spill out. Unlike her friends seem to think, it wasn’t just about admitting her feelings. It was so much more than that. It was whether he even reciprocated them, not to mention his girlfriend and his family and the money and status she didn’t have. It was too many things and now wasn’t the time to visit them.
Caroline had no intention of losing it, especially at the rehearsal dinner for her best friend. She was Caroline Forbes, maid of honour and it wasn’t the done thing.
“Speech!” They heard the incessant tapping of glasses and all Caroline felt was relief.
“Saved by the bell,” she heard Bonnie mumble, but Caroline was out the door as she did making sure she plastered on a smile.
Mikaelson Manor, Ely Cambridgeshire - 5.5 hours later (12:30am)
Klaus couldn’t sleep and it wouldn’t be the first time either.
Given his previous night’s adventures with Caroline in the garden, he assumed sleep would be easy to come by tonight but no such luck. He pushed away the bed covers, careful not to wake Hayley. Klaus was glad for once that she was a heavy sleeper. He doubted he would have gotten away with his disappearing act last night if she wasn’t.
She was clearly tired from all the complaining. Apparently the bed sheets didn’t have a high enough thread count, the bathroom facilities were outdated, the food at the rehearsal dinner was mediocre and Kol was annoying her. On the last one he could concur but the fact she felt the need to share was frustrating. He was allowed to say his younger brother was annoying and no one else.
Well, except for when Caroline made a joke about little Kol finally growing into his suit but she had known him since he was sixteen so had the right. Plus, when it came to Caroline, she could pretty much do or say anything and it didn’t change his feelings for her.
He grabbed the leather notebook and pen on his bedside table and found a stray, grey t-shirt to put over his boxers hoping it would suffice given the late hour and made his way from the room. Klaus figured he might as well use his time productively and work on his half-finished best man speech. To be honest, it had been playing on his mind ever since Elijah asked him to be the best man. What did he know about love? Let alone how to articulate it in front of his family and friends. If this was a joke on Elijah’s part he was certainly getting his revenge even if he didn’t realise just how cruel it was.
Klaus walked to the kitchen. As a boy, it was always his favourite room and not just because he liked to eat. There was a certain warmth and comfort it afforded and Klaus figured what better place to make a sandwich and finish his speech. As he raided the contents of the refrigerator and busied himself with slathering mayonnaise onto the bread slices his mind wandered.
After he’d endured the suit fitting and all of their remarks about Caroline in school, Klaus had really started to evaluate their time together. Yes, he’d dated most of her class but Klaus could still remember that when he was with anyone his attention was most definitely not focused on them, more so on the blonde in the corner of the room and secretly hoping she’d lift her eyes from her book and see him. It was juvenile in hindsight, but he was a teenager and clearly he thought trying to make her jealous was a sure fire way to make her notice him. How mature.
Then when they were trying to find the ring last night she mentioned his wayward tongue that would apparently be busy stuck down some girl’s throat. So, clearly she did notice him. Given his hasty response about Stefan Salvatore, it was clear he noticed her too. Something he seemed to have blocked out, until now.
Could he have loved Caroline Forbes since high school? Klaus knew his feelings had taken a sharp turn two years earlier when they’d run into each other in Los Angeles. But he didn’t realise it spanned so many more years. The big question now was, had she loved him too or was it just his imagination?
When he came across her skulking in the garden, Klaus had never felt so pleased to be awoken. She looked stunning too and seemed caught off guard by his bare chest. Klaus would be lying if her long legs and delicious curves weren’t distracting him too. So much so that he decided to give her his top.
Two birds, one stone and all of that.
Unfortunately, their moments together playing poker, opening champagne bottles and searching for wedding rings seemed to be fleeting. The worst part was that he’d barely spoken two words to her at the rehearsal dinner. Sure, she was busy but there was clearly something else happening. He did notice she seemed a little upset after returning from the bathroom with the girls, even with that fake smile she was wearing. Klaus immediately wanted to know why she was upset and, more importantly, if he could help make it better.
“We need to stop running into each other like this,” a familiar voice interrupted his thoughts.
His eyes flickered across to the girl who’d been incessantly on his mind for the better part of a week. At the rehearsal dinner he thought she couldn’t look any more beautiful than in the blue dress that perfectly matched her eyes. But here she was in plaid, pyjama pants and a white tank, her face free of make-up, her hair piled into a messy ponytail and looking absolutely breathtaking.
“Are you following me, love?” He couldn’t help it, she brought it out in him.
“Says the guy who followed me into the garden last night,” she scoffed, swiping half of his sandwich and taking a bite.
“I’d offer you some of my sandwich but clearly you prefer to help yourself.”
“I figure you owe me,” she offered, opening the refrigerator and extracting the orange juice.
“For what exactly?”
“Well, for starters, forcing me to endure a full hour with that shameless display of nakedness. I mean, that kind of thing is going to scar me for life, Mikaelson.”
Klaus couldn’t miss the way her cheeks turned a light shade of pink at the mention. Scarred. Yeah right. Clearly, it was all she could focus on and he decided it was genius to make her cover up and for him to stay shirtless.
Klaus 1. Caroline 0
“Last time I checked, I prevented a monumental wedding disaster by finding that ring and let’s not forget about the whole champagne incident.”
“I could have found it on my own.”
“Yeah with that Hello Kitty flashlight,” he snorted. “Also, I can’t see how I owe you when you fleeced me at poker.”
“You totally deserved that,” she countered, pouring a glass of juice and turning around to put the carton back in the fridge. The perfect opportunity for Klaus to swipe her drink and take a large gulp.
“You snooze, you lose, sweetheart,” he replied lazily. “So, what brings you here this late? You know, besides stealing half my sandwich.”
“I couldn’t sleep, too many things to think about and do before the wedding,” she groaned, taking a seat at the bench by his side.
“I think you’ve done pretty well so far, love, well, besides that whole episode with the ring last night,” the thunderous look she gave him was a clear sign it was too soon to joke about it. “Which I am taking to my grave, never to be mentioned to anyone ever.”
He noticed her face soften, a hint of a smile telling Klaus she was relaxing, albeit slightly. “So, what are you doing here besides stealing my juice? If I wasn’t so tired, I’d say something about yucky boy germs,” she teased, pulling the glass back towards her and taking a sip.
“I couldn’t sleep either,” he admitted. “I haven’t told anyone this but my best man speech isn’t finished, not even close.” He noticed her eyebrows shoot up knowing exactly where this was going. Crazy Caroline, pseudo wedding planner had returned with a vengeance. “Relax, Caroline, it will be done in time. I’m, uh, just fine tuning it.”
“Liar,” she shot back. “Relax, Klaus, I’m not going to go into crazy, organised, Caroline mode on you." It was like she could read his mind. “Would it help if I listened to what you have so far?”
No, it most certainly wouldn’t given he was trying to write about love and emotions and feelings and doing it with Caroline present was nothing short of awkward, not to mention private.
“Okay, how about this,” she pressed, clearly noting his unease. “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours?”
In a clothes-shedding context that last sentence definitely held much more appeal. But if he was going to do this, Klaus needed to allow himself to be vulnerable and doing it in front of the woman he loved wasn’t exactly how he saw things going.
A/N What exactly happened two years ago? And in the kitchen? Stay tuned...oh and there’s a wedding too.
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thechangeling · 4 years
Your heartbeat is disguised as mine.
This is a platonic oneshot between my OC Janessa Williams and Kit Herondale. Full disclosure, I am a nonbinary person writing about a binary Trans woman. I pulled all of the information for constructing Nessie's background and character profile from other peoples stories both fictional and real. If I have spread misinformation of any kind or written anything that members of the community find offensive, please let me know! I will fix it immediately. Also I'm a useless Demisexual so sometimes I blur the lines between romantic and platonic too much, but hopefully this reads as platonic. Enjoy!
Janessa Williams was in trouble.
It wasn't like this was an uncommon occurrence. Nessie had spent the majority of her life weaving in and out of dangerous situations, but in her defense it usually wasn't her fault.
Kids picking on her when she was younger because she was wearing "girls clothes." Angry people yelling obscenities at her while she was walking home and men threatening to beat her up in the middle of crowded places when she was still transitioning and looked more "obvious" according to some people. Whatever the fuck that meant. And Nessie knew it probably would have been even worse if she hadn't been white.
She relished in the fact that now she was a vampire she was essentially invincible. Like many other people, becoming a downworlder was a source of safety. Which is why it was so painful to hear shadowhunters talk about how "tragic" the creation of vampires and werewolves was.
There were girls whispering behind her back in high school. Just trying to go to the bathroom without there being some sort of public debate amongst her teachers and principal was also a factor.
Jenessa was certainly no stranger to conflict or adversity. But this? This was something else entirely.
Before she had died. Nessie had actually made a decent connection with other members of her community. Even making casual acquaintances was comforting. The queer community overall could be a bit of a shit show at times. With exclusionists, TERFs and biphobes rampaging about. But getting the chance to talk to other trans people was incredible. Especially Bi trans people like herself. But despite that she still felt as though something was missing.
Janessa still felt distant and isolated despite the fact that she now had everything she wanted. It was like a dark black cloud had plagued her for all of her teenage years. Depression. It wasn't just due to being in the closet or not being able to be her true self. It was just there. Corrupting her brain and dragging her down into despair.
It was that same despair that had lead to her death. And when she was reborn as a member of the undead, at first she hadn't exactly been grateful. But in time she had found her footing. Music, therapy, a new community of downworlders who were diverse, powerful and brilliant. She moved from LA to basically all over with her band. All of these things helped Janessa re shape herself and her new life into something better. Something stronger.
But yet she still felt a little isolated at times. A little incomplete. Like she was waiting for something.
Fuck that sounded so pathetic. But it was true. Or at least it was true until a wayward mess of a shadowhunter had wandered into the bar Nessie and her band played regular gigs at, looking for information on a particular downworlder.
Janessa was not pleased. She knew she needed to get this asshole far away from her and her people.
Kit certainly had other ideas. It would not be the last time they disagreed on something.
But she had noticed something that day. Something in his eyes. That same lost look of despair she recognized in herself. This of course hadn't stopped her from calling him an angelic, inbred, self righteous asshole and he had thrown his head back and laughed.
Despite Nessie's better judgement, she had decided to trust him that day. He had complemented her t shirt which said "In my defense, I was provoked" and her leather jacket which had the trans symbol on the back with the Bisexual flag as the background.
So she had helped Kit with his mission that day, which turned out to be pretty harmless, which then led to hanging out at the park after dark and eating fast food on the balcony of Ciernworth. He asked her questions about her life and her unlife. He asked the questions that she usually got about hormones and discovering her gender identity, and less common questions about becoming a vampire. She in turn asked him questions about his past and his coming out. Her fate was sealed that day. Janessa just didnt want to admit it.
And now, several weeks later that shadowhunter she had chosen to trust was currently sobbing into her arms.
"Kit it's gonna be ok alright? Just take some deep breaths" Janessa cooed. She was running one of her hands through his blond curls, and another along his back attempting to soothe him.
Kit gasped for air against his sobs as he pressed his forehead closer to her neck. "I mean-. Nessie I just-" he gasped, unable to properly get the words out.
Janessa shook her head. "Shhh no it's ok" she reassured him. "Take your time."
It broke her heart to see Kit like this but all she could do was focus on helping him. Not once did it occur to Nessie that she currently had a live human being pressed up against her, viens full of rushing blood.
She rubbed his shoulders. Kit sighed and began to speak in a more calm tone. "It's just that when I gave Magnus the necklace to give to- you know to him, it brought all of those old feelings rushing back you know?"
Janessa sighed. Him was Tiberius Blackthorn. The boy that Kit was hopelessly in love with. The boy that had broken his heart.
Janessa was most certainly not a fan. Anyone who made her friend cry was instantly on her shit list. Nessie was more then a little protective of Kit but she couldn't help it. He was always getting himself into trouble. Like the other day, dealing with the Devon Vampire Clan which Nessie was kind of a part of now that she was living in Devon temporarily. Kit was picking her up from a meeting so they could get Midnight snacks and play video games at her place.
The Devon Clan was really not happy to see a Shadowhunter. They antagonized her over trusting one of the nephilum. They called her a traitor to her own people. Janessa personally thought they were being a little overly dramatic. It led to a fight that most definitely put the accords in jeopardy.
Janessa also discovered that day that she and Kit fought beautifully together. Almost like Parabatai.
Whoah. Where the fuck did that come from.
Janessa heard a light snore from below her. Kit had fallen asleep in her lap. She snorted fondly. The emotional labour of crying must have tired him out. She didn't really blame him for that. As Nessie stared down at him, this shadowhunter who had become so significant to her, she wondered if this was going to end badly for her.
She could hear the words of hundreds of downworlders echoing in her head, including her own. Shadowhunters can't be trusted. Shadowhunters are selfish. Shadowhunters hate downworlders. They don't believe we're worthy of life so why should we be nice to them? Fuck them all.
And all of that was what she firmly believed.
Kit snored again.
Well for the most part.
It wasn't like she was in love with him. That much she knew. The thought of kissing Kit or dating him or anything like that made her quesy. But the idea of holding him while he cried, or laughing at his jokes, or even staying here watching his chest rise and fall and relishing in the fact that yes, he is alive, that sounded perfect.
Janessa scooped her arms under Kit's body and pulled him up off of the floor. "Come on Kit-Kat" she muttered. "Let's get you to bed."
Kit moaned in protest but didn't try to fight her as she pulled him over to her bed. Nessie could only hope that Kit had told his parents where he would be. Kit smiled sleepily at her and opened his eyes.
"You're my best friend you know?" He murmered.
Janessa swallowed down a sob. "Really?" She asked, trying to keep her voice steady. "I've never had a best friend before."
Kit closed his eyes. He was probably nodding off again. "Me neither" he whispered. He probably didnt want to count Ty considering all of the romantic angst.
And in that moment Janessa made a choice. She made the decision to lay down next to him and relax. She made the decision to forgive him for things that were out of his control.
She leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to his temple. "You're my best friend too ok?" She said softly.
And when she saw the slightest of smiles appear on his face, Janessa made another decision as well.
She let herself love him.
Your heartbeat is disguised as mine.
My lullaby.
The song I used for this fic is Always be together by Little Mix.
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drabbleoclock · 3 years
Everything Changes P.3
Part 1| Part 2
Ahsaki meets her parents and learns that she really only has one choice for her foreseeable future.
I awoke again without the comfort of Katsuki by my side. In fact, there was nobody in the room with me now. Just me. And the silence that seemed increasingly loud in my head. Where was everybody? I sat up, letting the blanket that was tucked up under my chin fall to my lap. Did they leave? Was I alone now? No. They wouldn’t do that would they? I swipe my hand through my hair, trying to create the same comfort Izuku gave me when he ran his fingers through it, to no avail.
They wouldn’t just leave. They would tell me first… Right?
My world crashes around me as I realize something I allowed myself to blissfully forget: I don’t know them. I have no idea if they would leave without telling me. These boys could be anybody, lying to play some cruel trick on me maybe. Any second I could be brought back to him.
I paused in my own thoughts. Him? Who is He? I sit, staring at my hands, wracking my brain for any idea who this mystery man could be. Why does he make my heart pound? Why can’t I conjure an image of the man that makes me feel so panicked? I take a few deep breaths, trying to regain focus on the world around me.
The room I was in was rid of any trace of plant life and once again pristine looking. I guess they no longer want any plants around me. I think, looking at the empty vase on the table next to my bed. I suppose I don’t blame them. After all, I did almost cause panic the last time there were plants around. A wave of guilt washes over me as I think back. Why can’t I control this? Why was I so weak?
I’m brought back to the room by the door swinging open, the woman from the photo Aizawa gave me panting in the doorway, followed closely by the soft looking man. My parents. I stare up at them standing in the doorway, tears in both their eyes.
“Ahsaki…” My mother, Mitsuki, breathed out coming into the room further. “I never thought-” her voice cuts off with a crack, the man, my father, coming up and putting a hand on her shoulder. I just stare at them, unsure of what to say. Unsure if they even know I have no memory of them. She takes a step closer, reaching out for my hand where it sits on the bed. I don’t move away but also do not bring it toward her to grab.
“They said you don’t remember anything.” My father, Masaru, said a few tears streaking his face. “Is that true?”
I nod, looking back down to the hand that remained in my lap.
“They also said Kats was with you. Where is he?” The woman looked up, her eyes now red from holding back the tears I could tell desperately wanted to fall. I just shrug. Bringing my knees to my chest, I think of the boy no longer here to comfort me. “What? Are you telling me that good for nothing boy left you here all alone?!” She said suddenly filled with a familiar rage. The same rage that Katsuki held, the one that was loud but not mean.
“What are you screaming about now hag?” Katsuki walked in the door, his hands in his pockets, Izuku not far behind him carrying two steaming cups.
Relief flooded over my body, relaxing it. He wasn’t gone, neither of them were.
“How could you just leave your sister all alone like that, Katsuki Bakugou you are damn lucky I don’t ground you!” She yelled at the boy now taking a seat next to my bed.
“You can’t ground me idiot, I don’t live with you.”
“How dare you Katsuki!” She raged, flinging the bag she brought with her at his head, which he easily deflected. I laughed, leaning back against my pillows. The sound seemed to stop everything in the room. Mitsuki bursting into tears, grabbing my shoulders and pulling me into a tight hug.
“I never th-thought I’d hear you laugh again” She cried, burying her head into my shoulder.
I froze when she grabbed me, suddenly feeling like all the air was pulled from my lungs. It didn’t feel like when Katsuki hugged me, or when Izuku held me, It was more foreign than that. I felt like I couldn’t move, like any movement would only constrict me further.
“Wow, what a crybaby.” Katsuki mumbled next to me, unknowingly saving me from the hug. For the next moment Mitsuki was back to berating the boy, tears still falling from her eyes. I look to the other side of my bed where Izuku and Masaru were engaged in a conversation about something, talking in hushed voices. A soft panic washed over me watching the two converse. Why, I'm not sure, making me increasingly more frustrated. Why do I keep feeling these things for no reason? Is there something in my past with the Bakugous that could explain it? Would they just worry if I asked? I don’t want them to worry, in fact that’s the last thing I want.
“Anyway,” Mitsuki said, turning back to me, finished with Katsuki. “Your doctor said they want to keep you for observation today but since there is no lasting damage they are discharging you tonight. We were thinking we could take you to that little soba shop you liked on the way home, maybe it will jog your memory a bit.”
I nodded, having no clue what shop she was talking about.
“In the meantime I brought you these.” Masaru took the bag from his wife’s hands, setting the contents on the edge of my bed. “They are old family albums. We thought they may help.”
I softly touched the soft red cover of the book sitting on top of the small pile. It felt nice against my fingers, the worn leather like an old friend. I picked it up looking at the first few pages.
Me and Katsuki as babies, us huddled under a blanket by a christmas tree, me and Izuku playing in the dirt, Katsuki spraying us with a hose, Mitsuki running after Katsuki after being sprayed by the hose. All of the pictures brought light to my heart but also sadness with each one. It was like looking at someone else’s photos, none of them felt like memories, just stories that happened to someone else.
Tears sprang to my eyes again as I looked through the photos, Izuku happily telling me the stories behind them all. I would not let the tears fall this time. I would be strong for the people around me, the family I need to convince myself is mine.
We looked at a few more photos before a knock sounds through the room, followed by Aizawa entering with a stoic expression. I could see the officers behind him, trying to stay out of my line of sight. My heart skipped a few beats, panic bubbling in my throat. Why were the police here? Why was Aizawa looking at me like that? Where had the man who questioned me gone? Replaced by this cold calculating figure.
“I need to speak with you two.” Was all he said, looking at my parents. They stared at him then turned to look at each other, worry etched onto Masaru’s face, a fierce look in Mitsuki’s eyes. Mitsuki turned to me, gave me a smile, then walked out of the room with my Masaru on her heels.
The three of us stared after them for a moment, an anxious silence settling over all of us.
“I’m sure it's nothing.” Izuku said, smiling at me. I nodded and did my best to smile back at him, feeling like any moment could be my last with them.
“What did you mean earlier?” I asked, turning my attention to Katsuki. “About not living with them?”
Katsuki seemed distracted, still staring at the door his our, parents walked through moments before. Izuku answered, also noticing Katski's distracted face.
"We both attend UA High school, it's the school with the best hero course. We live in dorms there with our other classmates."
I know of UA High School. I think they told me about it, a long time ago. The memory burns just outside of my reach. I just nod, looking down at my hands.
"What's wrong?"
"It's just, that means we wont see each other doesn't it?"
The silence that followed only added to the stones pressing down on my chest. They won't be around to help me become the person I was. They won't be there to help the next time panic rises and I lose control.
"It's not like we'll never see you." Katsuki stated, his tone was tight and commanding, making what would be a statement into a promise. "Besides, how am I gonna make sure you don't get yourself hurt again if I never see you." I nod, offering him a weak smile, which he returns with a toothy grin.
"Oh ya, here this is for you Ah-san." Izuku drags my attention to the no longer steaming cup in his hand. "It got a little cold but it should still taste just fine! It used to be your favorite..."
I take the cup from him bringing it to my lips. It smelled amazing, I could smell the chocolate before I tasted it. I took a grateful gulp of it. Flavors spread across my tongue one after the other. Chocolate, cream, and then a small kick of spice.
"It's delicious!" I exclaim, feeling the drink warm my chest. The boys chuckle as I gulp down more of it.
"Oi, slow down, you're gonna make yourself sick idiot." Katsuki grumbled next to me, his smile contradicting the annoyance in his voice. I feel my cheeks burn a little as I put the mostly finished drink down on the table next to my bed.
Katsuki returned his attention to the door, waiting for the adults to return and tell us what is going on. To his annoyance the door remained firmly closed.
"So Ah-san, what do you want to see first when you get home? We could go to the creek like we used to, or we could walk to the mall, it's not to far from your house."
I thought for a moment. The mall sounded fun, but there would be so many people, it would be too loud I think. The creek sounded nice too, although I could see myself getting bored quickly there. I was spared having to answer, interrupted by the door opening.
Katsuki drew himself up, straightening his back and tilting his chin up waiting for the news. Izuku grabbed my hand, making me worry about what may be said next.
Why were they so on edge? Were they expecting bad news? Why?
The Bakugous walked back in the room holding hands, Masaru's arm around his wife's shoulder, followed closely by Aizawa. She looked at me and gave me a weak smile, the kind you give to a child when you are about to give them bad news.
"Ahsaki..." She trailed, unsure how to tell me whatever news needed to be given. She turned to look at Aizawa, her eyes turning hard and cold as she glared at him.
"Look kid, you are being given two options. One: you can live in a quirk care facility," Izuku's hand tightened around mine, Katsuki was about to get up and yell but his mother's hand pushed him back down into the chair by his shoulder. Aizawa sighed at the look of confusion plain on my face. "It's a facility run by the government to host individuals who either cannot be trusted with their quirks or outright cannot control them. Though hearing some of the stories about the facilities I would not recommend it." He said offhandedly, not breaking eye contact with me and ignoring the glares he got from everybody around him. "Or, you could come live at UA, you would stay in the 1A dorms, with Bakugou and Midoriya until you learn to control your quirk and I deem you safe to re-enter society."
"Safe to re-enter society, what the hell are you talking about! She's not dangerous!" Katsuki roared beside me, shoving Mitsuki's hand off his shoulder.
Aizawa opened his mouth to answer but Katsuki was already yelling again. I did not pay attention to what he was yelling, instead I looked to the photo album still open on my lap, I looked at the picture of me, Izuku, and Katsuki all curled up together on the ground. Katsuki was laying on his back, one hand under his head as a pillow and the other around me, curled up into his side. Izuku curled against my back one of his hands grabbing my shirt at my waist. We were maybe six.
Despite the yelling, some of the weight on my chest lifted. I could stay with them, I wouldn't have to be alone. I looked up to see Katsuki red in the face, still yelling at his teacher who only looked forward, ignoring his rude remarks.
I lifted my hand resting in on Katsuki's arm, instantly quieting him.
"It's alright Katsuki, he's right, I can't control it. I would be a danger. I'll stay at UA." I say trying not to show how excited I was. I did not want to make my parents upset.
Katsuki, still glaring, sat again at my side.
"Great. We will send a car to pick you up tonight." He said and walked out of the door without any goodbyes.
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meganshinsou-tm · 5 years
two peas in a pod. (f)
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☙ pairing: izuku x reader
☙ theme:  pro hero/expecting father deku
☙  cw/tw: profanity, mentions of sex, fluff pure fluff, dad deku, domestic, yukio midoriya*
☙  a/n-request: after re-watching BNHA one day and seeing baby deku, i felt compelled to give him his own adorable own mini me.
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Deku’s emerald eyes were wide with shock, his hands waving in the air as he continued to sputter and full on panic. Sweat was crossing his brow and his freckled cheeks turned red.
“B-but how?”
You smiled and ran a hand through Deku’s unruly green hair before grabbing and rubbing his shoulders to try and calm him. The hero took a few deep breaths as he walked back and sat against the big oak desk in his office. His index finger tugged at the collar of his hero suit as the other fanned himself.
“Izu, you and I both know how it happened,” you chimed quietly and cupped his cheek, tilting his face up to look at you.
There was no possible way for the hero’s face to get redder but like always he proved you wrong. A yelp came from his mouth as he hid his face in giant scarred hands, a fucking yelp! Even at over 6 ft. and a hulking 200+ pounds, Izuku Midoriya could still become a mumbling trembling mess from embarrassment. As always it was adorable.
“Oh, oh man, y-yeah … of course,” he blushed harder before feeling you taking his hands away from his face.
“I can’t imagine what’s going on in your head right now and I’m sorry to just barge in on you here at work but … I just couldn’t wait to tell you, maybe I should’ve waited till you got home -”
The heart in Izuku’s chest dropped and he gasped, realizing how his reaction probably wasn’t what you were hoping for. Man he could be so dumb sometimes, letting his over-dramatic tendencies get in the way at the worst of times!
“No, no, no! I-I’m sorry sweetheart, that wasn’t how I meant to react … I mean I don’t know how to react. We’ve never talked about this, how are you feeling?”
You shrugged, holding Izuku’s hands and looking down at them.
“Well, I feel a little nauseous and tired but that’s normal, other than that I don’t know? You’re right we’ve never talked about, well kids. To be honest on my way here I thought about how I didn’t even know myself if I want kids or if you want kids. I actually cried, I was worried, scared.”
Izuku wrapped his fingers around your hands, securing them tightly in his hold with a reassuring squeeze.
“I mean a kid is a lot of responsibility Izu, it’s an entire other small human whose life we’re responsible for, not like I don’t believe we can’t manage but it’s a lot of work. A lot of time, patience, sleepless nights and long hours. You being a hero, having a kid … I don’t want that to be too much for you is all.”
Too much? Izuku chewed on the inside of his cheek, the sting of tears brimming his eyes.
You were thinking of him, despite what you were saying, the underlying point is that you were thinking of him - before yourself. You, the one with this lifeform developing inside of you, the one whose body would be going through changes to accommodate to that, all while he would just be there. Izuku may have been a self-sacrificing person but he was no competition when it came to you.
“Hey,” Izuku spoke softly and cupped your cheek that fit perfectly in his massive hand, “Forget about my job. For you I’d quit and leave this place without a single regret if that’s what you wanted. Forget about this being too much for me and think if it’ll be too much for you. Baby - you’re the one who would be carrying this child for 9 months, not me. If this is something you want, know that I’ll be there every step of the way to take care of you, make sure you don’t miss a single doctors appointment, rub your back and feet when you need it, get you weird foods at ungodly times, I’ll take off work whenever you need me to. I don’t need these people, this agency, I just need you! I need you happy and healthy, I need you to put yourself first this time. I love you so much with my entire heart and soul, no matter what you choose.”
Your eyes blinked at the hero, tears starting to stream down them and teeth chewing on your lip as you nervously nodded.
“With you … yes, if it’s not too much to ask. Together I know we could do it.”
Izuku smiled, sniffling as he cried softly as well and held your small face in his hands, leaning in and placing a kiss to your lips that was so full of love and joy. Your hands held onto his wrists, standing on the tips of your toes to deepen the action with a growing smile before parting and pressing your foreheads together.
“You could never ask too much of me sweetheart. I’ll do anything, get anything, be anything just for you,” Izuku hummed as he placed a hand on your hip and let his thumb brush over your stomach. “And our baby.”
Did Izuku cry at the birth of his bouncing baby boy? You bet he did, way more than you in fact. When the nurses handed him over into the hero’s arms the waterworks were unstoppable.
“He’s so small! I want to hug him but I’ll probably crush him, how will I ever be able to love my own baby if I crush him!”
You giggled thinking about the day as you loaded the washing machine full of clothes, watching as Izuku and Yukio played heroes and villains in the living room. In your husband’s hand was a Godzilla toy, your son held a Ground Zero and Shouto action figure in both of his own tiny palms with a menacing smile on his face that matched the one of Izuku’s fellow work partner.
“Die, die, die!” Yukio yelled with all his might, green unruly locks like that of his father’s bouncing in front of matching green eyes.
The kid was an exact copy of Izuku, just more freckles. His personality was brave and unwavering, there was no fear in his little body whatsoever. He’d climb the furniture and stand at the highest points with his arms flexed out and yell, “I am here, prepare to die!” Just a little mesh of Izuku and his Uncle Kat’s famous phrases. 
The greenette had no idea where his own son’s unabashed spitfire bravery came from, being that when he was a toddler himself he was the exact opposite. Maybe some of it came from you, you could be sassy and a lot to handle at times but Yukio took that to another level.
However though, your kid had his sweet and precious moments that were no doubt all from his dad. He had the same adorable looks, his passion for hero’s or anything else he was interested in was just as fanboy-ish. Of course Izuku encouraged all those things, he never wanted his son to be ashamed of himself but for him to have that burning desire to fulfill his dreams and become whatever he wanted to be. There was nothing that could stop his son but himself.
You walked back into the living room, catching Yukio running and jumping on top of his father with a war cry and releasing his action figures. Izuku laughed and caught the toddler with ease, hugging him close and tickling his sides as he attacked every last freckle on his cheeks with kisses. 
So much for being scared of crushing his own kid anymore, now Izuku was a confident father, a wonderful one, more than you could ever ask for.
The two rolled around on the floor laughing and rough housing, they were plain and simple boys to their core and you could never get enough of watching the two interact. Finally, sitting up and crossing his legs, Izuku grabbed Yukio from under his arms and tossed him up into the air as if he weighed nothing, the boy giggled, eliciting a high pitched squeal as he was caught safely in big protective scarred arms. Izuku smiled a lot before but now, it’s as if the smile never left his face, it was permanent. Brushing back his son’s hair, the hero kissed his forehead sweetly. Emerald eyes sparkled at emerald eyes before both sets were looking at you.
“Hey mama,” both voices spoke in sweet and happy unison.
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