#but I am a George Karizaki apologist
scoups4lyfe · 2 years
I have already seen the first episode of Vail special. We could say that having a terrible boss/mentor is a Karizaki's family trait.
I’m going to have to watch the second episode before I form an option cause honeyyyy, Daddy-Karizaki truly is that person who says one thing but then does not a single thing to change his toxic behavior (LOL!)
Like yeah the boss is one horndog mfer for the suffering of others through science (Lmao sheeeeeeeesh) but girlllllllll
Daddy still walked into Junpei’s room (pre-battle) to gaslight, mansplain, and
M a n I p u l a T e
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Like oh no, homie.
With George at least you know he’s a bastard. Dude doesn’t pretend to be anything else. In fact if you said “he’s just some guy” George would laugh in your face after scoffing, says he doesn’t like you and then deprive you of any sweet sweet suite upgrades.
But Daddy-Karazaki?
That dude is the true mfer. He comes off as a guilty human, someone that cares, and yet that fake a$$ still out here not learning from his mistakes
This dude was playing Ikki like he’s Junpei Jr.
Used him as an experiment by giving him the Rolling Stamp, found the Vikki combo amusing LOL until Vikki started going out of control, which caused him to send out the goons to TAZE Ikki, and lock him up in a dank asf room, cuff and chained.
That sound familiar?
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Literally some of this stuff is like
✨ Direct Parallels ✨
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And boss wise? Homieeee, all I know about Daddy’s relationship with his boss-man is that they’re 100% fking (there’s no doubt in my mind.)
Not that George can’t or doesn’t have that relationship with his own boss, buuut since I’ve theorized George was raised by Davy-Jones bitjazz if that was happening then there’s a whole whammy of lines being crossed there, honey.
Like not even Dr. Phil would be equipped to handle THAT mess.
Now again, even if George isn’t sleeping with the Director, everybody and their mother knows he’s def been sleeping with any and all of the other men out in authorial positions within his vicinity. He just can’t help himself. He just sees a slightly older man with any kind of power and it’s like Winnie-the-Pooh in a 🍯 honey-factory. AKA
A series of bad life descisions.
(But we’re not here to talk about George’s bad life decisions, because then we’d be dead before this is even posted 🤷)
Anyway the point is — I think George is in an even more powerless position at Fenix than his father was at NOAH.
And yet out of the two of them, I still think George is more trustworthy.
Like I am serious as sh#t when I say that I’d trust Daddy-Karizaki only as far as I can throw him 👻
and I can barely walk two steps without fainting, so 🏃🙈😔👀🤠🤙👻
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