#but I always do feel about those conversations a little bit like I'm under examination and like I'm considered less reliable
complete-gay-chaos · 3 months
I think it's pretty cool to be able to talk to my brother about politics. we're both in a similar position of having to vote pretty soon, which is yknow kind of insane that a birthday happens and suddenly your opinion officially matters. so it's nice to have someone that you can joke around with and not necessarily know all the answers around because they won't judge you.
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camellia-thea · 6 months
What would Tamerlane's life had been like if Annabelle Lee had gotten to keep sole custody, do you think?
:eyes::eyes::eyes: long post so under a readmore
okay so. i indeed have thoughts about this. so, we know that without the deal point blank, roderick would've been a poet and frederick would've been a dentist (rip). not quite the same scenario as annabel lee keeping custody of course, but a good stepping stone.
another interesting thing i feel about tamerlane is that she is the only one who i think's Issues:tm: would continue without the deal/roderick and madeline/fortunato's influence. she'd still have severe ocd and identity issues and these would still colour her life experiences.
i think the key difference between tamerlane with annabel lee alive/having kept custody is that she wouldn't have lost her ability to see other people as people. it wouldn't have become (something i personally see as) a coping mechanism for fame and riches at a young age, and also a way to protect herself from the mental illness i interpret she has (mentioned above, though that's a discussion for another time). i think that annabel's presence also would've turned that coping mechanism into being a bit of a people-pleaser; she already cares so much about her image and how people see her, i think that there was a coin toss made (one side of the coin being madeline, the other being annabel lee) and it dictated which side she favored.
i actually think freddie would still end up with roderick, because, from what i gather from the conversation in the last episode, roderick asks them to move in with him, and they accept because he's been, essentially love bombing them with money. tammy saying no to this would be really interesting. but, it leads her to being happier in the long run. i don't think she ever stops wondering about what would've happened if she said yes, but i think after a point, i think she stops caring, even as the thought crosses her mind.
i think she probably, at least from my interpretation of her, would've taken a similar route, minus the business degree i assume she has; that is to say, studying nutrition and kinesiology, with a focus on wellness. i think that she'd probably have stepped into being a (less... predatory) life/fitness coach, with a primary focus on matching her client's abilities and needs to try and give them a little control over their health (as always, it's all about control). if we're playing around with tamerlane keeping the heart condition i hc her as having, it only makes the drive to help people more important, as she'd be aware of just how difficult it is for disabled people to find care that actually accounts for their conditions and illnesses. it's also a profession that would help her see people as people, i think, because you have to get to know your clients to do your job well (and she's a perfectionist, she doesn't believe in less than 110%).
the other route i see, which would still play into tamerlane's Issues:tm:, would be a nurse. specifically this would be interesting in comparison to victorine being the daughter of a nurse and going into medicine as well. this would be really interesting to examine if annabel lee died in tamerlane's early-mid twenties. roderick and madeline try to bring her back into the family and she ends up as almost half an usher. freddie trying to convince her to come back -- or maybe he tries to push her away, because she's a threat? i'm not sure -- and victorine absolutely feeling threatened by tamerlane's approach. tamerlane would feel like an imposter, in this situation, with victorine being "her but better" in a way that links the really awful systemic disrespect of nurses against other medical careers. i think those comparisons would push her to cut all contact.
i like to think she would've met bill anyway, and they'd have had a far healthier relationship, just because the touches of honestly we get from tamerlane about how she cares about him is important to me. she'd still be incredibly insecure in said relationship, don't get me wrong, but i think she'd be more ready to work with bill over it. i don't think they'd have kids together, but they'd have a dog (this features in my tamerlane wip), and a nice but small house. tamerlane would value privacy, i think, and so i doubt they'd live in a city. suburbia maybe?
the deal still taking place, verna would make her die in her sleep, quietly, knowing she was loved. her funeral is planned by bill, who doesn't let roderick and madeline sweep in.
i think overall, she'd still be tamerlane; capable of being really cruel when she's feeling defensive, but i think that she'd have the capacity to step back and admit that she was at fault.
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slime-the-awesomeguy · 5 months
hguvbhghn so much write
coughs up little ball made purely of digital letters and tiny green apples (whole)
i dont know if we've seen Wren b4,, so here he is!!... i have yet to update his design a bit
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Wren had his head hung over his shoulders as boredom overcame him, seeing as he'd been waiting for quite awhile. He stared at the grassy, warm-toned ground, subsequently sighing with an unamused expression, before hearing some footsteps off to the right.
He'd tilt his head to get a look and see a familiar figure, scowling lightly as he fixed his eyes on Sir. He scooted over, adjusting his bag and straightening his posture to be fixed up against the back of the bench he'd been sat on. Sir would have been making his way through the park, humming softly before spotting his brother on the bench. He put on a smile and made his way towards Wren, subsequently sitting down once he got there. Sir leaned against the back of the bench with a relaxed demeanor, waiting for Wren to initiate some form of a conversation; Whether it be a 'hello' or something along those lines, he just waited patiently.
"... Hey. " Wren muttered, keeping his eyes off his sibling and focusing on the nearby creek running under a small bridge. He didn't want to see Sir, but he felt it had been too long since the two talked. "Good afternoon, Wren!" He greeted back eagerly, starkly contrasting Wren's quiet demeanor. "It's nice to see you again!... I'm sorry I never got to apologize after the fight we had at Jovial." He admitted, rubbing the back of his neck with an awkward expression, though trying to keep a warm expression.
Wren would roll his eyes lightly in response, fumbling with the strap on his bag. "It's... Whatever." He'd mutter once more, barely keeping his voice over a mumble. Sir was used to it, but it didn't exactly change how guilty he'd feel knowing Wren wasn't exactly open to talking to him. Especially considering the fact that he'd felt he failed as both a sibling and some sort of parental figure for Wren. Sir couldn't help but frown a little, glancing off to the side and examining the ground. He slowly reached into his own little travel bag and pull out some cherry shaped and flavored gummies, handing the plastic packaged item to Wren. "Here," He started, putting his hands in his lap once Wren took them. "I saw them at a store and remembered you liked cherries, so I thought you'd like them!... Err.. Unless you don't like them anymore, it has been awhile." Sir chuckled, smiling gently.
He'd hold the bag for a few moments, soon opening it and taking one out. ".. Thanks. " He stated, before eating it and placing the baggie in his satchel. "..So... What'd you want?" He asked plainly, not bothering to meet Sir's gaze. "Oh! Right, haha! Well,,... Ehhmm.." Sir would nervously fidget with his tie, glancing off to the side before returning his gaze toward Wren. "I did just want to say sorry.. I do know you're still upset for what had happened but--..." He'd soon be interrupted, frowning lightly. "Don't tell me how I feel." Wren spat, clenching his jaw slightly and scowling. "I'm not forgiving you." He responded with a huff, crossing his arms and glaring off to the side. He didn't even wanna think about it, or hear Sir speak. He was practically a traitor, and stupid, and so easy to hate with his stupid smile. Sir always tried too hard, never left things alone even if they needed to be left alone. He was annoyingly anxious and always asked stupid questions. AND- "Listen.. I know, what I did was... a bit unwise ,but knowing what I know now.. It's better I hadn't taken you with me... Though, letting you stay with dad those couple years wasn't the best choice either." Sir sighed softly, watching as Wren's tensed frame would soon soften, though keeping the upset expression. He didn't respond, although.
Sir would soon smile lovingly and sit back, looking towards the woods in front of them. "... You know you're allowed to tell me what I did wrong,, right? No one's really around us, and it's nice to finally be... Well, out in nature." Sir chuckled, glad to be able to be somewhere else than his work or his apartment. Wren spoke up after a few moments, mumbling under his breath. "..Maybe-.. We shouldn't--.. I just- You-" Wren began to uncross his arms, fidgeting with the strap of his bag and staring at the ground. " Grhhnn.. Have you even gotten better? You left with zero warning besides a small goodbye, change your name, move several states away and then-- DISAPPEAR!! You just.. Cut contact! Especially after all the stunts you pulled and everything you did to dad and mom and-" Wren looked up, staring at Sir. His demeanor had changed and he had a saddened expression on his face filled with guilt and regret, holding a hand over his mouth. He couldn't bare to make eye contact with Wren or even say anything.
"...Was what we even know the truth..?"
Wren's voice asked somewhat shakily, of which snapped Sir out of the small spiral he was pulling himself into. "Wh.. What?" Sir responded, pulling himself to look at Wren. "I.. You just-.. We-... Listen,, he's been lying, hasn't he?" ===
cpoguhs and smiles not my best work but this was just a one off situation i thought would be fun to write!!! yippie yahoo!! this is missing so much context but ooooo maybe i'll come back with more ooo spooky haejhhehee idk if this is even canon but maybe it will be ahehehehee @therealjackdsaf
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ailar023 · 1 year
The tiny spider boy
Chapter 4:
Having the little boy under his care, he did not want to swing with the risk of him falling, luckily some 600m from the abandoned factory, in one of the many alleys, he had left his backpack with normal clothes. He always brought one for any situation.
Delicately he removes the child from between the fabric and the collar of his suit with his index finger and thumb, leaving him on top of one of the many containers that adorn the narrow streets while holding the backpack with the other.
-Wait here a minute, okay? I'm going to change quickly- he tells the little boy while he examines the surroundings so that there is no one walking or a lost animal -I'll be right back-
Watching her walk away, Miles sits shakily as he gazes at his new sight, trying to hold on as he rubs the constant cold on himself -it's a good thing the wind isn't blowing here- he tells himself, otherwise it would be so much worse.
It's not like I have anything else to do at this point; With the first rays of the sun peeking out, he shows this narrow street made of old bricks that extends for kilometers above him, with this size they seem like infinite skyscrapers that touch the sky, and a few large windows adorn it, all with the lights still off, surely the owners of those homes are still dozing.
This makes you wonder what date of the year it is now, being locked up in that seedy prison for so long, you completely lost track of time...
His thoughts are unexpectedly cut off when he hears footsteps, sees a young man walking in his direction and gets completely scared, stopping immediately with labored breathing, trying to find a hiding place, he almost completely forgets that Spiderman went to get dressed and was no longer there.
Wears his suit Peter notices that the boy is startled when he sees him, knowing instantly that he did not recognize him because he was not wearing his mask, making him realize his mistake, he should have shown him his face before leaving, which he did not do for two reasons, first he never First he showed his face to no one, only his beloved M.J, and secondly because he wanted to get to his apartment as soon as possible to take care of the child immediately.
Once again he curses himself internally. In order not to scare the child more than he already was "again", he stops walking and speaks to him in a whisper -hey! I leave you for a minute and you don't recognize me anymore? I'm Spiderman- he says, giving his voice a friendly tone.
Hearing his voice, Miles calms down a bit as he recognizes his savior now without the mask.
He looks like a young man with brown hair and is wearing blue jeans, a navy blue t-shirt covered by a gray hoodie, and is wearing black sneakers.
-By the way, now that I think about it, I've never introduced myself correctly- he says quietly as he resumes his march towards him more slowly. -Tell me little one, what is your name?-
-My… My name is…. Miles Morales- tries to respond as best he can, but his disused vocal cords gave him away making him stutter, and the cold he had didn't help him at all.
It hurts Peter to hear him like this and he realizes that he is shivering again, so he decides to end the conversation to take him to his apartment before people get up and fill the transports to the top. The questions come later.
Resting his right hand palm up on the container, he invites Miles to go up, this time the boy goes up without hesitation and internally thanking him for the heat that his body radiates, once positioned Peter moves his hand to the side of his right pocket, rests the half of the 4 phalanges inside the pocket of the sweatshirt
-I hope you're more comfortable there- he says subtly.
-thank you- Miles responds smiling, barely in a whisper before crawling into the fabric cave to the bottom, he can feel the threads of fabric that are sewn together to create the sweatshirt, once he reaches the bottom, he turns and lies on his back enjoying of the warmth and softness that emanates around him, finally being away from that cold cage prison and that winding and battered place.
Sensing Miles settle, Peter puts both hands in his pocket, the left one going all the way in while the right one halfway in, making the boy jump a bit as he sees the hand balled into a loose fist enter where he is, but leaving enough space for you to be comfortable
-Anything you need, just hit my hand twice- he tells the boy as he begins to walk towards the exit of the alley, taking quick and precise steps until he finds the entrance to the subway. From there he could take a direct line to Queens.
He goes downstairs while keeping the pocket where Miles resides stable so he doesn't wobble, once downstairs he goes to get a ticket in one of the many machines and cranks it, just in time for the next trip, but what he didn't expect is that this train was already half loaded despite being the morning -I hope this doesn't complicate things-
Miles from his pocket can't see anything other than Peter's hand in front of him and the fabric that surrounds him, but he can hear the outside, at first he didn't know where they were going until he recognized the characteristic sound of the cranks turning. entering the subway, followed by the sound of it arriving and opening the doors.
He feels when Peter enters and notices that there are people on the subway due to the constant chattering and the multiple footsteps around him, although where he is now muffles the sound a little, it is still loud for him thanks to his small size, and having been there so much. time alone and without having contact with anyone, this touched every fiber of his nerves and his breathing began to become agitated.
-The sound is too much,- he thought, desperately covering his ears. -Someone shut them up!- he said to himself as he had a small panic attack.
Desperately looking for some emotional support, he hugged the index finger in front of him as tightly as he could while gasping for breath. Peter instantly feels the little boy hug his finger, noticing his altered breathing and slight tremors. He would love to ask her but he can't risk taking it out. middle of the public.
Thinking about how to calm the boy without anyone suspecting, Peter moves his hand a little, making Miles release his finger. He slowly opens it with his palm up and brings it closer until he makes contact with Miles. The boy stumbles up until he reaches the center of the palm and settles immediately, this time without red fabric to separate it and feeling the soft and warm skin of the hero, he feels how the fingers around him close once again in a protective manner.
He is finally far from that icy and dark place, all that toxic environment that surrounded him did not let him sleep in peace, he always had nightmares and woke up at any time, he never knew if it was day or night.
This softness that surrounds him now and the comforting warmth completely relaxes him, he decides to lie on Peter's palm using one of the proximal phalanges to support his head and the rest of his body on the palm, he curls up and softens in the comfort of Your skin is soft and warm, you feel your eyelids getting heavy, you can finally sleep peacefully for the first time in a long time, your whole body begins to relax until you fall into a deep sleep.
-So... let me see if I understand... it turns out that the experiment escaped because ACCORDING TO YOU the old lock broke????- Kingpin barked with venom in his voice.
The doctors who were experimenting on him under his watch were pale as white, fearing the punishment their boss would give him.
-I don't think that happened- responds a distorted voice behind him, it is The Brawler who was examining the cage room with his high-tech mask.
-I can detect footprints of an intruder and barely visible fingerprints on the edges of the lock, as if someone had broken it- says the purple-clad man, making Kingpin turn red with rage towards his scientists.
-You just had to WATCH that he didn't run away and PERFECT IT!!! AND THEY DIDN'T FIND OUT THAT SOMEONE STOLEN IT???? - he shouts at the end of his sentence to the men in white coats, their faces were pale as ghosts.
Even the Brawler himself seemed surprised at the level of fury that the burly man reached now, it is the first time he has seen him this furious.
-It took me so much time and money to develop that serum…. So many failures I had until finally one came out positive... All for a couple of idiots to ruin it," he finally said with a tone of heaviness in his voice while massaging his hair. You better act fast to get it back.
-Prowler- he calls with an authoritative voice, whatever he is going to, -follow the footprints, it can't be very far from here- he orders, barely 15 minutes had passed since the scientists entered to find the cage empty, the thief couldn't be there. very far away, or so I wanted to think.
-Yes, sir- he responds without a word, to which he activates the mask's camera in ultraviolet light to see the criminal's footprints and follow his trail.
As he begins to follow his tracks, Davis is deep in thought, wondering what is this experiment so precious to his boss, he very rarely hides things from him and this is one of them, which seemed strange to him.
He sees that there are several characteristic footprints of the subject along the corridor, and in some points they are cut to what gave him an idea, when looking at the ceiling he sees the ventilation duct and something white on the edge of a pair of grilles in the inside side, in one jump, nails its metal nails into the duct and tears off the end of the grill where the hinge is, leaving it hanging from the white and sticky substance "spider web"
-Sir, I have something, it seems that it was spiderman who stole your experiment- he warns him before continuing his search, entering the duct.
-So it was that damn spider- she hears him say with an angry voice echoing in the metal tunnel.
Another thing that caught his attention is the traces that were inside the cage, they were small footprints the size of a rodent... only they had the shape of a human... that completely baffled him.
His reflections fade when the trail of the masked hero disappears without a trace in an alleyway full of containers, or so it seems, in the same place where the footprints fade, completely new ones appear out of nowhere, as if he had changed, so He decides to follow these new footsteps until he reaches the subway, there he already loses all trace of the young hero.
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harryhoney-bee · 3 years
omg hi bae can you write about like demon!harry and angel!y/n and they're playing around and she accidentally hurts one of her wings and harry takes care of it 🥲
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Summary: Harry accidentally hurt reader's wings.
Word count: 1.3k
A/n: Demon!h speaks latin, so here are the translations of some expressions: meo amore (my love), meo columba (my dove)
They were both watching a horror movie together, the angel was snuggled to Harry's side. The demon had a bored expression on his face, while Y/n was very agitated, clutching to his arms as if her life depended on it.
Harry wrapped his arms around her, bringing her closer. "Sweetheart, you don't need to be scared, this movie is a total lie, ghost could give two fucks about a family moving into an old house."
The little girl in the movie had just got a glimpse of something behind her, the camera moved to the side, showing her reflection in an old mirror, moments later the lights went out a terrifying face screamed next to the girl's ear. The last thing the scenes showed was a putrid hand being placed on the girl's mouth, dragging her to the darkest corner of the room
Y/n quickly hid her face on Harry's shoulder, climbing on his lap unexpectedly. "Turn it off, now!" She demanded, feeling Harry's body moving under her, looking for the remote.
Harry turned off the tv, making the room silent again, he stroked the skin of her neck gently, trying to calm her down. "That's why I don't like horror movies, they always make you scared," he mumbled on her ear, kissing the side of her cheeks. "C'mon, look at me, wanna see your face, my little cherub."
She turned her face to him, feeling shy. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ruin our movie night."
He held both of her arms, pushing her softly so he could have a proper conversation. "Ya' never ruin anything, all time I spend with you is a good time."
"Those movies just seem wrong, I don't know if it has something to do with the whole–" she pointed at her head, a golden halo appearing on top of her before disappearing again "–celestial thing, or if I'm just not a fan," she explained.
"Angel, you're literally dating me, I'm the farthest you can get from celestial," he pointed at his head, where he materialized small, pointed horns. "You're just a rom-com kind of girl, but that's good because I'm a rom-com kinda guy too," Harry said, making a dorky face, which made the girl smile.
"I still can't believe you enjoy romantic movies," Y/n said giggling. "It's not very hellish of you." She teased, kissing his lips.
The demon looked at her with his eyes arched arrogantly. "Oh, would you like me to say what's something that you like that isn't very celestial of you?" He watched as realization hit the angel in front of him, she rolled her eyes, leaving his lap.
"You're so annoying," she muttered under her breath.
The demon turned his body to her. "I am what now, ya' getting bold, I see." He said, before playfully throwing himself on top of the angel, making her fall on her back on the couch, she was laughing, but it quickly turned into whines of pain when Harry pressed his chest against her body.
"Harry, no! My wings, my wings!" She cried, trying to free herself from his body, but the demon had already gotten up, worriedness taking control of his body as he saw his girlfriend sitting by his side and taking off her shirt.
Her beautiful silver wings extended at their fullest, except for the lowest part of it, which were crooked.
"Harry, it hurts," the angel said, trying to look at her own back while tears fell down her face.
Harry sat by her side, taking a closer look at her wings. "Mea columba, I am so sorry, I didn't know it would hurt you! Can I touch you? The feathers seem a bit crooked." He said, examining her back.
His poor thing, he was such an idiot. That's why he shouldn't be rough with her, she was delicate, she wasn't like him. Harry was physically robust, his wings were rigid, made out of bones, hers were the complete opposite.
"No, don't touch, It will hurt more," she said, taking his arms from her body. "Don't want anyone to touch it, I–"
Harry got on his knees in front of her, ignoring her naked chest, he cupped her cheeks and cleaned the tears off her face. "Mea amore, your wings aren't going to heal themselves, we need to fix it, alright? If you don't want me doing it I can leave you at heaven's door and the archangels can take a look at them."
She shook her head. "No, I don't wanna go the-there."
"We don't have any more options, amore." He sighed, stroking her face. "I promise you, I’ll be gentle." The demon was trying to reason with Y/n. She was already very sensitive to pain, so having her most fragile part bruised was really getting in the way of her logical thinking, leaving her with only fear.
She stared at him, pouting on her face. "Please be careful,'' was the last thing she said before turning her back to him, exhibiting her wings, clutching to one of the couch cushions, trying to concentrate on anything but her feathers.
Harry placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "I'll go get some ointment and gauze, stay here, don’t move.” The demon left her alone in the living room as he made his way upstairs to the bathroom, taking the first aid kit in hand before going back downstairs.
The angel still seemed very shaken, she was looking down, eyes shut. He got closer to her, placing the kit on the carpet. "Stay still, amore, I’m gonna take care of you.” He said, waiting to hear her faint ‘okay’ before starting.
He carefully took a hold of one of her feathers, applying a small quantity of the balsam cream before putting the feathers in their original up straight position. The angel tried to writhe when he touched her father, but Harry held her in place by her waits.
“Shh, It’ll be over soon, I promise,” he spoke in a soft voice, wrapping her feather in the gauze, repeating the procedure until all of her bruised feathers were involved in the white material.
Harry kissed the back of her neck, putting the items inside the first aid kit. He sat on the couch, placing her on his thighs, her teary eyes made him crumble. "Are you okay, it feels better now?" He asked, pecking her lips.
She cuddled to his chest and he embraced her by her lower back, careful not to touch her wings. "Yes, thank you, H," she said, laying her head on his shoulder, her left breast rubbing against the fabric of his t-shirt. "I just didn't tuck them correctly today, that's why that happened, I'm sorry."
He looked down at her face. "Hey, none of that. It was not your fault, it was mine, I shouldn't have been so rough with you, I am the one who's sorry," Harry apologized, lifting his right arm so she could snuggle into his more comfortably. "My little dove, my little columba." He kissed her forehead, feeling remorseful.
"You couldn't have known that you would hurt me, don't feel bad, you took care of me, it's ok now," she told him. "Tomorrow they'll be good again."
"I know they will, we can go to the archangels tomorrow, just to see if–"
"I already told you I won't be going there, Harry," Y/n said coldly, lips tightening in anger. "How many times will I have to tell you this? They made it very clear that they didn't want to see me again, so stop suggesting it." She buried her face even more on his chest, trying to get away from the conversation.
He stroked her head. "They are your family, amore."
"You are my family, Harry." She shortly, closing her eyes. "And don't want to talk about it anymore."
He sighed, giving up. "Alright, if that's what you want."
"It's what I want." She confirmed. "I want to take a nap." The angel said, changing subjects.
"Go on then, sweetheart." He said. “I'll be here when you wake up."
Please, reblog and leave a comment about the blurb!! Share your thought with me <3
Tag list: @elenagilbert01 , @bellelittleoff @sunflowervolume66, @evanjh @beachwood-cafe @lovey-harry @everythingharryy
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chimielie · 2 years
AHHHHH!!! lia!!!!! can i request kuroo (my babie) and reader revisiting their first date spot? 🥺 you can interpret this as loosely as you want!
thank you (if you take this prompt) ;; <3
Nerima is quieter than you're used to after dark; what had been bustling streets only an hour ago is now all blue quiet and shut-down shops. You don't feel uneasy, though, warm enough to leave your (his) jacket open, a prodigal child returning to the fatherland. It's strange how easy it is to slip back into the shoes of someone who traverses these streets every day, how recently and distantly it feels that you grew up here.
"Oh," you gasp softly, and Tetsurō's steps stutter as he rubbernecks, trying to see through the twilight to what's caught your attention. "I used to go here all the time in high school. I got your spinning ring there."
"I remember," your boyfriend grins, and it's been a long time since you first called him by that epithet, but sometimes—times like this, lost in memories and soaked in nostalgia, all sorts of triumphant, buoyant feelings bubble up in you that you'd done it. You'd confessed to the boy you'd pined after for an embarrassing number of years, he'd fallen in love with you right back, and then, most importantly, you'd stayed together. You'd made it so far, together.
Your teenage self would be so proud.
"You always used to make us come in, no matter what else we were doing out, and you took—God, forever, looking at the pretty rocks. Like you were even gonna buy anything most times." You lean forward, balancing on him, peering into the window of the tiny shop straight into the past. Nothing about the cluttered, random mess of trinkets for sale has changed.
"I just said I bought your ring here," you say bitterly. "And I'll have you know those paw-print danglies I got you after you graduated from studs were from here. And the shark tooth necklace, too."
"Danglies isn't a real word," Tetsurō sticks out his tongue, and the two of you make your way further down the street, still connected where you lean on him and he presses back. "I was so sad when I lost that ring, you know. It was so fucking cool."
"Kenma told me you cried," you say smugly, and chortle when he fails to school his face into uncaring admittance fast enough to avoid notice. "Only a little bit, though, and I'm sure he exaggerated. It was a really cool ring."
"Yeah, well," he says, and trails off. "I didn't mind you taking an hour to ogle the jewelry. I liked watching you, um, how intensely you examined every single item, your expressions. I always wanted to be with you longer."
Tetsurō rarely sounds so young, so bashful these days. He seems caught in the same sentimental atmosphere you are, brought back to springtime. You're privileged to see it.
"Do you get sick of me now that we're together all the time?" It's a joke too light for the direction the conversation's going, but it's all you can summon.
"Not at all," he says, fond, and presses a kiss to your temple, like he has a million times. You've probably turned this corner before doing the exact same thing, mirroring yourselves twelve years later, a classmate with a crush turned lovesick couple. "You remember this park?"
It's one of many, and you feel a burst of gratitude that you grew up in a green spot in this city. You do remember the park, which was just down the street from the library the both of you had met at to study so often. You'd eaten meals on the benches here, legs folded under you, trying not to spill anything while you laughed and laughed. You'd climbed the play structures meant for kids much younger than you, and thrown sand at Tetsurō when he asked if you needed him to push you on the baby swings.
"I do," you respond, "this was our favorite." This park had been like home to you both, especially when you didn't want to be at home.
You're pleasantly surprised to see that there are lights strung through the trees, the leaves rustling softly as the night breeze rushes in. A few people are still out and about, enough that it's not alarmingly empty, the song of crickets obscuring their private conversations. The grass is wet under your shoes when you step onto it, laughing a little at the knowledge your feet will be damp eventually but not caring much. Tetsurō takes your hand and spins you, grounding you with a hand on your hip while you put yours on his chest.
"Our first date was here," he says wistfully, eyes on something far above you that make them look liquid and shiny, dark gold under the stars.
"No," you tease. "Our first date was at your old apartment. Or it was at the beach, with the sea glass. Or at the restaurant where we held hands under the table? Or—"
"I get it, I get it," shushes your boyfriend. "Better wording: This is where I fell in love with you the first time. You were so charming, head down, looking at your books. I loved hearing you talk about literally anything, even the classes I hated, 'cause you were so passionate and-and ambitious. You used to eat too fast during our breaks and you had these adorable chipmunk cheeks, and I don't know how anyone could have looked at you then and not fallen ass over teakettle in love with you."
One of his hands is on your hip, and the other—the other—
You crane your neck looking for it, and he diverts you with a gentle nudge to your chin, his stupid all-knowing smile on his face.
"I love you, Tetsurō," is the only thing you can think to say at first, the only true thing in the world, and then: "The first time?"
He kneels, balancing on one knee carefully in the grass of the place where your love grew, and the lights are gleaming brighter in the corners of your eyes.
"I never stopped falling," he chides you, like you should know, like it's a promise. "Over and over again. Forever."
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backtothefanfiction · 3 years
Summary: Post mission confessions and will Benny finally find out what he's been missing out on?
Warnings: Mature 18+ ONLY!! Language, Smut and General Feels.
Word Count: 4852
A/N: Final chapter and final author's note. You guys have been so amazing throughout this series, showing me love and care and just overall enjoying my writing. My lucky number is 7 so seems only fitting that this has ended at 7 parts. Like I said in my little post earlier today, I couldn't have asked for a better group of people or fandom to share my final fanfiction piece with and the fact that its a completed series just makes me so happy and proud and ready to move on to my next writing ventures. Thank you all for everything, I will love and cherish you all always.
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The water pressure for the shower in your tiny hotel room was shit but you couldn't care less. You let out a deep sigh as your body relaxed into the feeling of the water washing over your body, washing away the grime and adrenaline that had come with the action packed day.
The job had been a huge success. You'd retrieved all the money with minimal casualties and delivered it safely to Santiago's contact across the border, but not before pocketing a little bit of it each.
It had been 1am when you had all made it to the tiny hillside hotel that overlooked the jungle. It wasn't much but the staff were friendly and there was the promise of breakfast included in the morning. There weren't many rooms so the boys had all doubled up, leaving you with a room to yourself. You had wasted no time, immediately dumping your bags and switching on the shower, half desperate to get clean, the other half desperate to run the tap cold to cool off from the heat.
You'd managed to stomach the cold for about 5 minutes before you had to turn it up a little, making the water more lukewarm than freezing. You quickly washed your hair and body with the single bar of soap that was provided with the room and got out. As much as you would have happily stayed standing under the running water a bit longer, you were also tired and desperate to sleep.
You wrapped yourself in one of the towels, which was a lot smaller than your preferred bath towels at home, only just covering your bum, and used the other towel provided to dry your hair as you walked back out into the small room. You had just sat down on the edge of the bed when there was a light knock on your door. For a moment you panicked a little, worried about opening the door and showing off too much skin to whoever was there, but then you remembered three out of your four team mates had already seen a lot more than this.
You had to stand on your tip toes to see through the view finder in the door so you could check and see who it was. They had their head down, but you'd recognise that hat anywhere. He was about to knock again when you suddenly opened the door.
Frankie's eyes grew wide as he took in the sight of you in the doorway. “Sorry, I was just getting out the shower.” you said as you held up the towel in your hand and continued to dry your hair as you spoke to him.
Frankie gave his head a small shake as he tried to get himself to focus again. “I broke up with Laura.” he blurted out. It wasn't what he was intending on starting with when he had first left the room he was sharing with Santiago, but he had become nervous and it had only gotten worse when you opened the door looking like that.
Your brow furrowed at his words. “What?” your question was almost a whisper. He held up his hand, a silent gesture asking if he could come in so you weren't having this conversation on a hotel room doorstep. “Umm yeah.” you said stepping aside, your voice starting to feel more confident, the shock of his statement wearing off.
“I broke up with Laura.” he said again as you closed the door. You remained silent as you observed him from across the room, encouraging him to elaborate. “When we went on that last job with Pope and everything went to shit,” he started; he was fiddling with his hands, unable to look at you. “There was this moment.” he continued. “When we were on the side of the mountain and I lost this mule and for a moment I saw my life flash before my eyes. I could have so easily have gone down with it.” he said, sitting himself down on the end of the bed. He took his hat off and began fiddling with the strap on the back of it. You stepped closer, taking a seat beside him, listening carefully.
“In that moment my brain thought of two things.” he said, his leg bouncing now. “I thought of my little girl's smiling face... and then I thought of you.” he admitted going silent, letting the statement hang in the air. You continued to examine his side profile as you waited patiently for him to continue. “Then when Tom died...” he finally said, his voice shaking slightly. He suddenly looked up at you and you felt your heart stop as you saw the faint traces of tears filling his eyes. “It was you, I just wanted to get home to you.” He paused a moment, looking back down at his hat in his fingers again before he continued. “I went home and told her everything.”
You braced yourself for what would come next in his story but it never came. “The worst thing was that she was so great about it. She said she wasn't surprised, that she knew that I was in love with you the first time she met you.” There was a long pause before he looked up at you again, his hand reaching out for yours, resting in your lap. “I wanted to tell you all this at the diner but you left before I got a chance to say anything. I wanted to tell you I was sorry, for all of it.”
“I'm sorry too, I should have never taken that job-”
“You did the right thing. Don't be sorry. I treated you like shit, I broke every promise that I made to you. I wasn't in a good place and I let you down and you were right. I needed help and we both needed space. Don't ever say you're sorry for that.” he said lifting his hand to wipe away a tear you hadn't realised was falling down your cheek.
“Frankie-” your voice cracked as you said his name.
“I got mad today because I was scared. Scared I was gonna lose you before I got a chance to tell you everything I've wanted to say since the moment I first saw you.” He paused, turning towards you and taking both of your hands in his. “I never believed in love at first sight, that was until I saw you and I knew there was something different there, I just didn't know what it was yet. You are the most beautiful, adventurous and stubborn woman I have ever met and I am so completely in love with everything about you. I don't want to carry on living my life without you-”
“I love you.” your voice came out suddenly as a whisper making him stop. “I love you Francisco Morales.” you said more sure of yourself. “I will always love you. I should have said it before when you told me you loved me but I couldn't.”
“I know.” he said it with such love but also such sorrow in his eyes. You sat there for a moment in silence as he put his hat back on, both of you just happy to be in each others company.
“So what do we do now?” you tentatively asked.
“I don't know. What do you want to do now?” he asked. His words were gentle but held a message of 'I'm happy to do whatever you want to do, as long as I get to do it with you'.
You took a deep breath in as you mustered the courage needed to make the first move. You stood up and Frankie sat himself upright, not taking his eyes away from yours once. You lifted your leg slowly, placing your knee onto the bed beside his thigh, before lifting the other one and placing it on the other side. Frankie's hands moved comfortably to your hips, guiding you into your seat on his lap.
You wrapped your hands around the back of his neck, your eyes glancing down to his lips then back up to his eyes again. You slowly leant forward until your lips were touching his. It was tentative at first, but as soon as those fireworks went off in your mind and your lips tingled at his touch, you both wasted no time deepening the kiss. He wrapped both of his arms around your lower back, pulling you closer to him.
You nudged the brim of his hat with your head and he reached up to take it off, placing it on the corner of the bed. You leant forward against him and he lay himself back against the mattress, encouraging you with his lips to follow.
He brought a hand up to cup your jaw as he ran the tip of his tongue along your lower lip, gently asking for entry. You happily met his tongue in the middle with your own. You suddenly felt a tightening feeling in your chest and you broke the kiss sitting yourself upright, needing more room to breathe. “You okay?” he asked softly as he saw you bring a hand to your chest, rubbing at the spot inbetween your breasts where the pain was.
“Yeah, I just forgot to breath properly.” you half lied.
“Do you want to stop?” he asked, sensing your anxiety. He couldn't blame you for it, he knew he'd put you through a lot in the past and he didn't want to rush you.
“No, I'm just...” your sentence caught in your throat as you began to overthink the statement that was about to fall out of your mouth, your brain telling you you were being silly. You let your body slide off of him to the side but kept your legs lazily over the top of his. He gently stroked his fingertips across the bare skin with one hand, while he propped himself up on his opposite elbow to look at you. He waited patiently for you to continue, his brown eyes soft and encouraging. Safe.
“It's silly. I'm being silly.” you said, trying to laugh off the feeling within you. He continued to wait patiently. “I'm just nervous.” you finally said. “I want us to... I want to... I just... It's been a little while since I... and with you.” you mumbled out, trying to explain how you were feeling but feeling so silly for it. This obviously wasn't your first time sleeping together but it was so different from any other time the two of you had done it. You felt lost, all your confidence draining out of you. You wanted him to take charge, but not in the way that Santi had in Italy, more like how Will had. Soft and encouraging. Actions full of adoration and care. You wanted this to feel natural, yet still passionate and full of love. You just didn't know how to initiate that.
“Come here.” he said quietly, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you close. He gave you a chaste kiss to the top of your head as he held you loosely against his chest, allowing you time to breathe and relax.
When you felt the feeling in your chest subside, you looked up at him, silently telling him with your eyes you were ready to try again. He leant down, meeting his lips with yours once more. The tingling feeling in your lips came back, but as you inhaled through your nose, so did the feeling in your chest. Your breathing hitched and Frankie sensed your discomfort again. “Why don't you lie down.” he encouraged you, motioning to the pillows at the top of the bed with his head.
He used the opportunity, as you climbed up the bed, to kick his shoes off and take off his pants so he was sat comfortably at the end of the bed in his t-shirt and briefs. You pulled your lips into a tight happy smirk at the sight, as you settled into the pillows. He smiled back at you as he caught you admiring him, lowering himself sideways again, his elbow propping himself up. “I love you Frankie.” you said, a quiet giddiness to your voice.
“Yeah?” he questioned, his eyebrows playfully raising. “Good.” he said as he looked down at the bed bashfully before back up to your eyes. They then slowly trailed down to where your towel was wrapped tightly across the top of your breasts. You watched him slowly make his way up the bed towards you, his fingers tentatively reaching out for the fabric.
You held your breath in anticipation as he began to pull on the towel, the tight tuck coming free. He slowly pulled the towel apart and you became bashful at his gaze. He leaned forward to give you a brief kiss on your lips before they began to make their journey down your chin, then to your neck. They grazed across your breasts to your nipples and your breathing hitched as he placed a gentle kiss on either of them.
He then shuffled backwards on the bed, his hands gripping your thighs and pulling you into a more laid down position, making you giggle. He then went back to trailing kisses down your body. Every kiss as he made his way down to your thighs was gentle and appreciative. Your breathing hitched again when his lips started to make their way up from your knees, his scruff tickling the sensitive skin as he kissed up your thigh. He stopped just before he reached your centre, teasing you before he began kissing down the inside of the opposite thigh, down to your knee then back up again.
He stopped again, just before reaching your core, it tingled in anticipation. You tilted your head to see him smiling at you and you bashfully giggled before he leant forward, his tongue darting out to lap at your folds, his nose nudging your clit. You let out a breathy moan at the feel of his mouth re-exploring you after so long. The sounds of your pleasure encouraged his tongue to dive deeper into your folds, his arms hooking under your thighs, pulling you closer to him. His fingers stroked lazily and soothingly over your thighs and you felt yourself relax further into his touch, your previous anxieties becoming a distant memory.
You raised your legs and Frankie's hands pushed against the back of your thighs, opening you up wider, the tips of your toes brushing against his shoulders. He sat himself up for a moment and pulled off his t-shirt, throwing it across the room, before his head dived back down between your legs. He guided your swollen clit with his tongue, sucking it between his lips, the sensitivity and pleasure sending your head rolling back into the pillows. His name fell from your lips in a breathy whisper and Frankie felt his underwear grow tighter.
Your hips began to squirm, rolling your clit against his tongue in just the way you liked, as two of his fingers dove into your soaking cunt. You felt them stretch you out at first but then he curled them inside you, rubbing against that sweet spot that had you careening quickly towards your finish. Your fingers reached down, threading themselves into his loose curls, attempting to ground yourself as your release began to take over.
Your legs clamped around either side of his head and you felt him let out a small breathy chuckle through his nose. He buried his tongue deeper into your folds, lapping up everything you were giving him as your cries of pleasure rang out through the room.
Your legs finally released him and he quickly came up for air, a large grin plastered across his face. You brought your knees up tight to your chest, a large smile across your face and a giddy giggle falling from your lips. Frankie felt like he had gone to heaven as he leaned down to kiss your lips. He broke away, placing a kiss on your forehead as he got up from the bed to rid himself of his underwear, his hard cock springing free.
You rolled over onto your knees and crawled across the bed towards him. He took your face in his hands, bending down to reconnect your lips once more between smiles as you both shuffled backwards onto the bed. You encouraged him to lay down, his hands shuffling the pillow under his head to get comfortable.
You straddled his hips and he took his erection into his hand, lining it up with your entrance. As you lowered yourself down slowly onto his cock, letting it stretch you out, Frankie had this overwhelming feeling of coming home. When you had taken him inside you completely, he guided your head down to his so he could give you a deep passionate kiss. “I love you.” he mumbled the words against your lips and your eyes closed in bliss, your forehead resting against his as his hips began to roll up into you.
You began to moan in pleasure at the feeling of his hard cock thrusting slowly and deeply inside you, the prominent blood filled veins and the head if his member rubbing against the most sensitive parts of your walls. The feeling was overwhelming as you both rocked yourselves against one another, your breathing becoming laboured. You could feel your next orgasm building quickly as you reached a hand between your two bodies, your fingers beginning to circle your clit.
Your moans became more frequent and Frankie could tell you were close, “Come on baby.” he encouraged you. “Come on baby. Let me see that pretty face you make when you cum all over my cock.” His hands reached up to cup the sides of your face, guiding your head into the best angle for him to see you. Your eyes became unfocussed and you cried out as your pleasure took over you.
He continued to roll up into you with the same agonising pace, dragging your orgasm out as long as he could. “Frankie please.” you whined as the sensitivity became too much and he let go of his hold on your face allowing you to collapse against him, your head burying itself between his neck and the pillow. He listened closely to your ragged breaths as you attempted to come down from your high.
When you lifted your head, he could see small glistening tears in your eyes. He tilted his head to kiss your lips, his hand reaching up to smooth your hair. “You know I think that's one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.” you smiled bashfully at his words. “Can I do it again?” he asked. You nodded as small yes escaping your lips before you kissed him, his hips beginning to roll up into you again.
His hands gripped onto your hips, grinding you down against him as he thrust up into you. Your lips attacked one another with fervour, your tongues melting into one another, your laboured breathing becoming one. He snaked his arms around you and his thrusts paused a moment as he rolled the two of you over so he was now situated on top of you, your legs locking around his back, his forearms pressed to the bed either side of you, encapsulating you with his body.
His thrusts became stronger and a little more powerful as he began to push you both towards your final highs. You pushed your knees back closer to your chest, encouraging him deeper still. He began hitting the most perfect spot, “Yes right there, please don't stop, don't stop.” you said wrapping your arms around his neck as his thrusts became quicker.
He buried his head against the crook of your neck as he tried to focus on not finishing before he had made you cum one last time but your moans and gasps were sending him over the edge. He counted his lucky stars as he felt your walls clamp down around him, the pulsations of your orgasm bringing him to his own finish. He propped himself up as he stilled inside you, his lips attaching to yours, thanking you for the moment you just shared together.
He pulled his head back to admire the blissed out smile across your face and the adoration in your eyes as you looked at him. “You know you were always the best right?” you teased him and he hung his head as he let out a chuckle, a reminder of your comment earlier in the day.
You both settled under the covers, curling into each others bodies, your limbs intertwined as one as you talked quietly in the dark. “Did he really have the safety on the whole time?” Frankie questioned you again, he still didn't believe your statement.
“Yeah.” you said propping yourself up so you could try to make out his face in the dark as the smile of complete and utter disbelief grew across his face. “I had to take it off to shoot him when I took the gun from him.” you said as you settled your chin back against his chest, feeling the rumble of his low laugh vibrate through it. “Is anyone ever going to tell Benny?” you pondered, turning your head to the side, your ear listening to his heartbeat and his relaxed breaths.
“I'm sure Ironhead will someday.” you both let out a snigger then as you thought of what Ben's reaction would be like the day he got to find out about all the things he'd been missing out on. “Did Pope really do that stuff he said he did to you in Italy?”
“You jealous Frankie?” your voice teased playfully. “You play your cards right maybe you can get the chance to do it one day... or I could do it to you.” You felt him go rigid underneath you, the idea of you tying him to the bed and teasing him all night playing out in his head. You propped yourself up, reaching to give him a kiss and break him away from his thoughts. He gave you a devious smirk that you could only just make out in the dark.
You settled back into his chest and his fingers began to draw lazy circles on your back, your eyes growing heavy under his comforting touch. “Hey Magpie?” his voice rung out in the silence.
“Yeah.” you mumbled lazily into his chest, your eyes remaining closed.
“What happens when we get home?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean us and Laura and the baby? I just... I want to do the right thing.” he said and you propped your head up again to look at him, knowing he needed to have your full attention for this conversation.
“What do you want to happen?” you asked him cautiously.
“I want to go home and be able to say you're my girlfriend, my partner.” he hesitated for a moment before continuing. “I want to have you by my side to raise my little girl with me. For you to share all your best qualities with her so she will grow up into an amazing woman. I always thought you'd make an amazing mom.” he said. You searched the dark for his eyes, they were soft and full of so much adoration for you. “I know it's a lot to put on you and I'm not asking you to step up and be her mom, that's what Laura's for, but I want you in her life. To be her friend and safe place like you are to me.”
You paused a moment, taking in his words before nodding and quietly saying, “Yeah okay.”
“Yeah?” he said hopefully as a large smile broke out onto his face.
“Yeah.” you said again, the nod of your head growing stronger and a smile spreading across your lips at the idea of you nurturing the little girl that was half of the man you loved. He leant forward crashing his lips into yours before reaching to place a grateful kiss on your forehead. He pulled you back down into his arms and smiled contently, his eyes closing and head relaxing deep into the pillow, happy to finally be able to sleep with you in his arms.
“Where's Catfish?” Will asked as Santiago sat himself down at the table in the quiet breakfast room, a large plate piled high with food from the spread on a table at the far side of the room, held firmly in his hand.
“I'm guessing he's having a lie in.” Santi smirked across the table with a small raise of his eyebrows.
“Didn't you share a room with him last night?” Benny mumbled through a mouthful of food.
“I shared a room with his stuff.” Santiago teased and he and Will shared a coy smile. Benny looked between the two confused. His confusion didn't last long though as you and Frankie walked into the breakfast room together, smiling and making eyes at each other.
“Wait? Fish and Magpie?” Benny questioned, his brow furrowed. Santiago and Will just gave small sniggers as they focused their eyes on their plates.
“Morning.” you said with a cheerful smile as you settled yourself in the free chair next to Santiago.
“Well someone's in a good mood this morning.” Will teased you as you reached for the pot of coffee in the middle of the table, filling up a cup, as Frankie settled himself in the seat the other side of you. You shot the older Miller brother a warning look and he tried his best to fight off a laugh as Frankie relaxed back in his seat, He rested his arm on the back of your chair, as you filled his cup with coffee too. His hand rubbed gently over your back, letting you know he was grateful for the gesture.
“How did you guys sleep last night?” you asked in an attempt to distract Benny who was staring across the table at you and Frankie, trying to work out what was happening.
“I slept great.” Santiago said between mouthfuls. “Had a nice quiet night to myself.”
“Wait, are we not going to acknowledge what's going on here?” Benny said, his hands falling heavy on the table top as he looked between each of you.
“I don't know. What do you think's going on here Benny?” Frankie teased him.
“I- Uh. I don't know. You tell me.” Benny replied, his eyebrows raising at yourself and Frankie.
“He slept with her last night.” Santiago said, still enjoying his food. He said it so nonchalantly, like it was common knowledge and you had to fight the large grin that wanted to break out over your face. Benny's eyes grew wide as the realisation of your words the day before really hit him.
“Wait! What! Was this what I was missing!” Benny said a little too loudly, drawing the attention of the other guests in the room. Frankie raised his hand at them and gestured a silent sorry to the other tables as Benny tried to regain his composure.
“Come on, I'll fill you in outside.” Will said as he got up from his seat, encouraging Benny to go with him. Benny moaned as he left his still half full plate on the table. You and Frankie watched giddily as Benny skulked off behind his brother.
“So you guys finally sorted things out then.” Santiago said more as a statement as he took a sip of his coffee. You and Frankie just gave each other a reassuring smile in response and Santiago sat back in his chair to admire the two of you. “Guess this means I'll never get to fuck her again then.” he said to Frankie.
“I don't know man, if you play your cards right and she wants to?” Frankie left the statement open ended and you gave him a playful smile. Santiago let out a small snigger lifting his cup up to Frankie as a touché.
“Just promise me you'll treat her right.” Santiago said to his friend softly as he placed his now empty coffee cup back onto the table.
“I will man.” Frankie replied as he looked to you with adoration. Santiago smiled giving you a small nod, blessing your new relationship as he stood up from the table. He placed a caring hand on your shoulder as he bent down to kiss your cheek, his last parting gesture.
You turned yourself towards Frankie's embrace as Santiago left the breakfast room and he placed a kiss on top of your head. You both sat there content in each others silence as you picked at your breakfast on the table before you. You reached for the pot of coffee to top up both your cups when a loud giddy shout of “OOOHH SHIT!” carried through from the lobby area of the hotel. It was official, Benny finally knew everything.
@icanbeyourjedi @theshiningharmony @darnitdraco @kesskirata @wyn-dixie @rosiefridayrogersunday @actual-spawn-of-satan @clydesducktape @asta-lily @honey-hi @heythere-mel @heidi-toevs @wigofokoye @choricenter @goodgriefitsawildworld @lostgirlheather @d0uwannkn0w @justdrawings101 @nicotinebirds @bisexualolympus @babyratt19 @cookiecat22 @peterhollandkait @a-bang-for-your-bucky @asta-lily @codenamewife @lazyunknownwerewolf @emmy626 @natura1phenomenon @fanfics-that-hit-my-feels @fangirl-316 @thisisthewaytofiction @rosiefridayrogersunday-reads @aficwhore @slayerx147 @alberta-sunrise @itspdameronthings @nano-pax @bunnypascal @niki-xie @eowynshairflip @mamacitapascal​ @dobbyjen​ @t3rradactyl @shadowolf993
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starshiningsirius · 4 years
Dr. Jerkyll and Mr. Hyde (Yandere Leech twins x reader)
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An au idea I had came to mind based off @yandere-wishes Victorian twst story and @yandere-romanticaa 's Extraterrestrial story.
I love these two eels and I'm late on their birthday but it's still their birthday for me.
The clear moonlit sky shown brightly over the waters of the ocean. As yet another scream echoed within the streets of a supposedly vacant city.
The detective woke up with a start but not from the scream, but from the ringing of her phone. A report she had been writing stuck to her face from the humid atmosphere. She picked it up getting a few details from Idia, who was panicking on the other side of the line. Considering he worked in the criminal department at the desk and didn't have to see any bodies whatsoever you would think he'd be calm when trying to say what happened.
"Calm down Idia. Tell me what happened?" Her voice was gentle since yelling wouldn't help his nerves.
"Therewasanothermurder! Theyclaimedanothervictim!" He spoke so fast that his words wouldn't be understood by most but she was used to this with him and every word was caught by the detective's ears.
"Where's the crime scene?"
"In front of Sam's shop on Crystal Road, Ms. Y/n L/n." The voice of Idia's younger sibling popped up a contrasting his older brother's cowardly behavior.
He wanted to be just like his older brother so he spent his days in the office with him. Though there were times when Idia tapped out and his brother had to step in.
"Thank you both. I'll head their now." She hung up after hearing a farewell from both brothers.
The candle was long out and she grabbed her gun, notebook, and pen within the darkness, before venturing out the confines of her home.
When she got there a crowd had surrounded one spot in particular.
Cater was already there taking photos of the scene as it was his job being a forensic photographer.
"Hey, hey! Y/n's here, make way!" The crowd parted for her as soon as he announced her presence.
Whispers were muttered as she passed through into the middle of the crime scene. Mostly about how she hadn't caught this killer yet. She ignored them though and went on to meet with her coworker.
"It never ceases to amaze me how your always here first Cater, if anything you should be a suspect." She started off saying to her compatriot.
"Can't help it if I want to stay informed dectective, I just want to stay informed before anyone else." His smile on his face was out of place as he took another photo of the corpse.
"Who was it this time?"
"Such a poor fate to befall dear Monsieur Heart." A new voice joined in the conversation.
"Rook, I see you've arrived but can I get their name please?" The detective said sighing at the theatrics of her friend.
"His name was Ace Trappola, I can't imagine how Monsieur Spade must be feeling about this tragedy." Rook feigned a sorrowful look.
"Oh yeah A-Deuce kun were inseparable, I feel sorry for him. Think he knows already?"
"If there as inseparable as you say Cater then I suppose not, he isn't here yet otherwise I'm sure he'd cause a scene." She noted.
"That doesn't make him a suspect though right? I mean sure he's been a suspect in many crimes before, but Deuce kun far too soft!" Cater was a bit frantic at the thought alone.
"No, I doubt it was him he wouldn't want to disappoint his mother with something as vulgar as murder, he cares for her far too much to do that." That calmed his worries.
"You know I've heard Monsieur Heart have many laments on how his delivery to Roi d' Rose-" Cater didn't let Rook finish.
"RIDDLE?! No way he did this! Have you seen how strict his mother is? Just waltzing in their office and so much as suspecting her son is a one way ticket to hearing her screams! Besides I doubt his mother would even let him out this late anyway, he's always about following the rules set in place for him." Cater says with an imaginary sweat that could have formed to express his fear and anxiety.
"True, and I can't afford another headache from that lady, but we could get some valuable intel from him about Trappola's demeanor the past few days seeing as it may be a pattern in the serial killers motives."
"What about Sam? He's gotta know something considering the murder occurred in front of his shop." Cater's gaze went toward the shop to the right of them.
"Ah the shop keep, a wonderfully eccentric man with many secrets." Rook stated his opinion of him from what he gathered on his own free time.
"Says the French man whose got info on everyone from stalking them on the street." The detective says shaking her head at the strange man next to her who happily smiled at her statement.
"I wouldn't call it that more so getting to know my prey more personally." She sighed hearing his reply.
"A crime analyst such as yourself is such a good cover up!" Cater's response made her sigh once again.
She shook her head toward her coworkers. They took their job in a mild manner but beyond that they did do well to get it done. Even though the means of how they did it were very much questionable in her eyes.
She looked toward the ground seeing the body of the former male right on the cusp of adulthood. His orange hair was a bit disheveled and the looks of shock on his face petrified in time.
"Ah, the dectective is already using those perceptive eyes of hers." Cater's words fell on deaf ears as she was examining the crime scene closely.
"As expected of Reine de la déduction, such dedication in her work. Très bien!"
Their bones were disfigured, just like the last person. No one has this type of strength it didn't make any sense. The only lead that was given but she noticed a glowing substance in his mouth.
"Cater, Rook, I need some confirmation. Out of all the other times these cases have been appearing there weren't any liquid substances to be found beside the occasional blood right?"
"You are correct."
"Yeah, nothing else to be found from what I could see." They both confirmed her suspicion.
She had to go talk to Jade again, but first thing tomorrow she had to interrogate Sam, as well as Riddle Rosenhearts which was sure to be headache on her part.
* * *
His mother was an agitation to say the least. During her entry into his mother's office and upon stating the reason for her entry, Riddle's mother had already hated her the moment she finished speaking. Yelling and hollering about how her son would never commit such a crime even though the dectective never stated he was a suspect in the slightest.
She only asked to question the behavior of Mr.Trappola as of late before he met his end. He was under no suspicion whatsoever but she wasn't having that and kept screeching until her son had to calm her down.
It was much more pleasant afterwards but the headache Y/n had in the early morning just listening to her screeching didn't disappear throughout the whole endeavour.
Just before she bid him farewell he apologized deeply for his mother's behavior with a red face of complete embarrassment. To which she replied it was alright and thanked him for his time. Unfortunately though she had to bear that burden on her own as Rook and Cater had their own jobs to partake in analyzing the other crimes and investigating the trend within the series of murders. It was unfair but that was life. By the time she exited their establishment it was already in the afternoon a little after lunch.
Next was to venture to Sam's shop which was right where the crime had taken place. The body was already removed and taken to forensics, so the only thing left was a broken street lamp.
"Ah, well if isn't the dectective, I believe I already know the pleasure of seeing you here on this fine day," He tipped his hat to her with a smile on his face.
"Afternoon to you too Sam. I would like to acquire any information you have on the murder of Ace Trappola that occurred last night, in front of your establishment."
"Such a shame the little demon, was too young to have bite the dust. But you know as well as I my information comes with a price."
"A thousand madols should suffice a description of what you saw right?" She questioned handing a stack of the paper currency to which he smiled at.
"All I know is that last night was certainly something else. I heard a smash of a lamppost outside my window, up on the second floor. Shop was already closed though. When I looked down I saw what looked to be two silhouettes outside the window. One way taller than the other though, I recognized of Trappola on the ground and something glowed within the hands of the killer, a vial of sorts. He poured it down the throat of the little demon, but Trappola put up a good fight before it was over."
"Over? Can you specify?"
"As in he was left on the ground for dead, it looked like he was choking on whatever was consumed. The killer held him tightly after he realized he was choking. It was similar to a hug but one that was more deadly than a normal one. After he dropped him to the ground and walked away laughing hysterically at who he squeezed."
"And you weren't going to go to the police to inform that you had witnessed the murderer of a serial killer!" Her voice had raised a bit in volume as her agrevated state didn't alleviate since earlier in the day.
"I'm not one to get involved in others private life, Dectective. I've got a business to run." She understood his point though exhaling a sigh through her nose.
"Right. If you want to keep your life you keep your mouth shut. Alright I thank you for the intel." The dectective closed her notebook after writing down many notes on the case.
"Pleasure doing business with ya, Dectective! Best of luck to you as well! You'll be needing it more than anyone." She was only able to hear the first part of it not when his cheery demeanor went away.
She walked out to her final destination of the day, a close friend of hers. His name was Jade Leech, a smart man that excelled in pharmaceuticals just as did Riddle's mother but in a more different sense. His potions were revolutionary with in the subject of alchemy and his botany skills and knowledge made his fame and fortune.
He's helped her on countless cases before, with his expertise in potions it aided in knowing key components to solving head bangers such as this.
As she reached the door of his manor she knocked before waiting a moment or two to see his smile.
"Dectective, how pleasant it is to see you today." He flashed his signature smile toward me, with pearly teeth straight and white.
"It's nice to see you too Jade. May I come in?"
"Your always welcome here, though I must say you do look exhausted how about I put on some tea?" He made way for me to step in.
"You don't have to Jade."
"I insist, naturally I should show good hospitality to all my visitors. Your free to take a seat wherever you like."
"So how are your mushrooms doing?" She said starting up conversation on a favorable topic for him. He was in the kitchen that connected to the empty dining room, that opened the way to the living room where she sat.
"I imagine you didn't come here just to speak on how my mushrooms are doing alone?" He spoke it in the form of a question but he already knew the answer with a knowing smile on his face that she couldn't see but knew he had.
"You are right, my apologies, I actually require your aid with a substance that could be the key in solving the recent serial killings." She watched as he walked in with two plates in hand.
"It's fine, I'm glad you can come to me for help." He served the two plates, one in front of her and the other in front of himself.
They had pasta on both of them with the mushrooms I mentioned. It smelled heavenly. Her stomach growled loudly which caused Jade to laugh lightly.
"I'm assuming you haven't eaten much of anything have you?"
"No I had too much work to do today." She blushed looking away from him.
He sighed making a small 'tsk' noise.
"You have got to take better care of yourself, that dedication of yours is admirable but otherwise you'll drive yourself into an early grave with that sort of work ethic." He chastised.
"Ah, I just don't have the time these days, I'm sorry for all the trouble you have to go through for me." Her eyes traveled toward the food with a slight guilty feeling.
"You speak as if your some sort of burden on me, quite the contrary I worry for your safety and yours alone. You may be a skilled dectective but, I care for your well being first."
Her face grew to an intolerable temperature that would make people think she was sick. She was very much surprised by his words. The first time anyone has ever said anything that endearing to her in a while.
So to ignore the feeling of her heart racing she picked up her plate kept her eyes trained on it. Her expression looked to resemble pouting.
"L -let's just eat then shall we?" She stumbled on her first word internally cursing as she heard Jade's laughter.
. . .
After they had eaten Y/n had spent some time explaining to Jade the situation with Trappola's murder and handed him the vile of the substance found at the crime scene.
He listened attentively and chimed in few times for clarity. He said he would have the analysis of the substance done within two days. Soon enough she was on her way out the door even though he had offered her to stay the night she had declined politely. It wasn't weird since they were close friends with one another anyway. Not to mention there were times where she would fall asleep while waiting for Jade to finish his analysis and he would be nice enough to place her in a room.
"Thank you Jade, I would have loved to spend more time with you, but I've been really busy as of late with all these murders." She thought for a moment and then looked up at him. He was a bit tall, scratch that he was tall, of course so she got on the tips of her toes and placed a kiss on his cheek to show him her gratitude.
Jade's face lit a flame, cheeks flushed as he touched where her lips made contact.
"I'll see you later." Was all she said before walking away briskly passed the gates of his house not looking back.
She would've heard the glass breaking inside the male's house in which indicated another presense inside.
. . .
Two days had passed and the dectective was trying to piece together what was the link between these series of murders.
She had to go check with Lilia who is the pathologist that had completed an autopsy on all the bodies of the victims. As eccentric as he was he was more tolerable than the combo of intricacies that are her co workers. Then again everyone in this office was weird in their own way.
"Ah, dectective what great weather we're having today, is it not?" He said with a smile on his face.
Unlike Jade he was significantly shorter than him so she had to look down a little to see him or stand a few feet away.
"It is indeed, Lilia. You seem to be in a good mood today."
"That is because I have made a breakthrough on today, while working through the night." His smile grew and the magenta eyes affirmed his happiness toward the news he had to share.
"On Mr. Trappola's body, I have found something strange but interesting nevertheless! A scale and not only that, but there is something you should see for yourself!" He brought her over to said man's corpse luckily the bottom half of his body is covered and the top half as well up to his shoulders.
Lilia grabbed one of his tools for dissection and beckoned her to come closer as she showed her what he had found. That's when she saw it.
Lilia had a small knife and maneuvered it to a small spot itself, lifting up a small piece of skin that was already slit and based on the size of the knife and similarity to another a butter knife it wouldn't have been able to cut the skin.
"There are two more like this on this side of his neck and three on the other side. So it seems like they're gills.
"What about the other bodies?"
"I spent the night examining those as well and they all have the same gills but Trappola here is the only one who had a few scales."
"So maybe the substance has something to do with these oddities on him. Trappola probably ingested some."
"It's quite possible that whoever this murderer is trying to test the substance on the person instead of themselves but based on Trappola's few scales being the latest attempt it seems they are making improvement for whatever the elixir's use is. These strange characteristics it reminds me of some fairytale I heard some time ago." He drifted off sounding like an old man reminiscing.
"Enlgihten me then Lilia." Knowing just how Lilia liked to ramble on about myths and legends like he'd seen them and lived through their stories.
"Well if you insist but this one involves merfolk certainly you've heard of mermaids and such right these scales on legs don't they remind you of those types of things. Gills on their necks so that half people half fish would gain the ability to breath underwater."
"Ah right but this is reality. Seeing is believing though right? Who knows though maybe they could help with the case." She was skeptic hearing about a bunch of lore that could just be coincidental but she knew better than that. Coincidents were more than just preordained.
. . .
Now back at Jade's manor the dectective was contemplating what in the world such a myth could play a factor in a murder scene. It just didn't make any sense as to why the person would need such a potion. What type of person would you have to be to go that f-
She couldn't finish that thought since Jade had opened the door.
"Ah, Jade good day to you-" the dectective looked up toward him to see the tall man staring at her for a bit longer than a few seconds. She did notice the strand of black hair usually on his right was on the left.
Unconsciously she reached up and was about to grab it before her hand was grabbed.
"Just what are you doing little dectective?" His voice got a bit darker towards the end sending shivers down her spine for a second before she saw his eyes in front of her and thought to herself for a second.
'Was his gold eye always on the right?'
A slight tighter squeeze on her hand woke her up form her head. She was reminded of the situation again. She could feel his breath closer to her face, she was internally malfunctioning and was losing her train of focus.
"Ah, I was, I was just trying to flip your black strand of hair." She stuttered and didn't internally curse herself this time since the proximity was still a factor in her brain turning to mush.
Jade suddenly smiled a wide one at that. Usually it'd be small and polite even when teasing he'd have a signature closed eyed smile keeping the adorable image of his flustered dectective in his head. But that wasn't the case this time. This smile was more menacing and sent bad news toward all who saw it.
Jade towered over her a bit more leaning to the right a bit toward her ear.
"Dectective do you know what you remind me of?" He questioned with a wide smile on his face.
He leaned in too close for comfort his breath could be felt on her right ear, while his hand on her shoulder kept her still.
"An adorable little shrimp! I could just eat you up!" He said it slow to build up suspense but it sounded serious and at the same time.
She pushed him away feeling her face heat up tremendously like an oven.
"J -Jade!" She couldn't find the words to describe what she just heard feeling beyond embarrassed and having her heart pound loudly that she swore he could hear.
"I -I have to go, thank you for your time!" She frantically stated about to run off but before she could Jade had grabbed her wrist and pulled her back.
"Aww can't I get a kiss too, little shrimp? Besides aren't you forgetting something?" She was too put off by the request to understand the sentence, but her mind did process part of the sentence and she remembered why she came here.
He held up a folded up sheet of paper in his hands toying with her holding it out of her reach.
How could he say that in such a cool voice? Her nerves couldn't handle so much teasing, it wasn't unlike him but it seemed he had gone over his usual gentlemanly behavior.
She hurriedly kissed him on the cheek in which he hadn't expected such a quick response to his question with a blush on his face becoming apparent and his frozen stature. She took the opportunity to jump up for the paper and ran from near the doorstep bidding farewell with the sheet of paper she had took in hand leaving a blushing male to watch her run out. His smile grew as he saw her frantic behavior, excitement bubbling within him.
He ran outside to the backyard of the mansion to go share his newfound happiness.
. . .
"Jade! Shrimpy is really cute!" The one male spoke to Jade in a tone of voice that was different than that of a few minutes, one that would have made him believe he was Jade himself.
There appearances were so similar, cept for the eyes and voice they were twins after all. With a little makeup and easy voice tone change one could hardly tell the difference anyway.
"I'd thought you'd understand if you saw her up close, Floyd." Jade was actually outside tending to his mushrooms in the garden while his look alike was entertaining the female detective that had left in a hurry. Though knowing his brother he could already assume how it must have went. Thinking of his little dectective being so flustered indefinitely brought out his sadistic side a bit.
"Can we keep her?" Floyd was so fond of her seeing her turn red, hearing her heart beating loudly, when she stuttered and that kiss on the cheek pretty much sealed the deal for him. She was so full of life and it brought excitement for him since he had to stay within the manor and avoid everyone. His behavior would be brash and scare many in the public eye not only that but his strength was inhuman which could cause problems for the person on the receiving end. Especially if you were trying to blend in.
They only came from the sea to see the lives of humans and unlike one of their friends who started a business in this day and age. Jade could survive on land with the ability to easily fool others with a facade whereas Floyd couldn't do that all the time and would probably squeeze someone for no reason other than boredom.
He didn't like being confined but after seeing the dectective sleeping on the couch once, he became curious as to who she was and why Jade spent so much time helping her. He knew for a fact his brother was not at all kind or generous. He was beginning to finally understand.
"We are but you have to be patient, you did give her both sheets of paper before she ran off correct?" His brother inquired finally seeing the hunger in his brother's eyes.
"Yup, she gave me a kiss just so she could distract me and take it. Shrimpy is so cunning she makes me want to squeeze her and pay her back for catching me off guard like that." The thought alone sounded enticing to Floyd, he couldn't wait to wrap his tail around her.
"I need you to go on another 'outing' tonight we have to perfect this first if we want to have any shot at having her to ourselves." Jade's words did nothing to damper his mood as his excitement reached a new level at the thought of showing his little Shrimpy off to everyone.
They were trying to get make a potion in which a human could become a sea creature, though it was easy for Jade to make one for himself and Floyd to come on land. The same can't be said for a person that's been human and has not a single gene that ties them to the ocean. Altering genetics is difficult and delicate and one mistake and their dear little detective could end up just like those poor unfortunate souls that were test subjects. Jade would never risk bringing her with them under the sea if he wasn't sure she'd make it.
"Okay~ Jade!" He said eagerly!
Now that Floyd was on board as well he would be more motivated and inclined to help, making it more easier for Jade as he wouldn't bother and complain so much about being on land longer.
. . .
She barely slept a wink after what had occurred. Every time she thought about her encounter with Jade she'd blush and bury her face into a pillow with frustration.
She tried before to get some of her work done before that, but that didn't work out too well as her mind drifted back to the same situation.
How close he was, the warmth of his breath against her ear, it was enough to make her brain stop functioning as if he were there again.
He seemed far more clingy than usual and she didn't know how to describe it other than strange. The notes from the alchemist were neat and precise and confirmed what Lilia and her examined on the bodies earlier in the day. But that wasn't the only thing that fell from the folded piece of paper. It was another small piece with neat cursive that matched the analytics on the other page.
'Would you like to spend your day off with me?'
Yet another reason she wouldn't be getting much sleep tonight.
. . .
After getting off from work she mentioned to her coworkers how Jade had offered her to spend her day off with him. Well they asked what she was gonna do with her day off since it was a rarity. First Cater asked her if she said yes to him yet. She said no and he understood from the get go that she was way too flustered to even respond to him. So he offered to go respond to him on her phone.
Rook congratulated her and went on a rant about love even though she tried to get through his head it wasn't a date. He asked what she would wear and she had no actual clue, in which Rook took that as an invitation to lend his aid and expertise.
He brought her to one of his friend's businesses. Cater said this place was highly recommended and that anyone whose anyone came to the place for a makeover. Specifically called Vil's beauty salon and boutique. She didn't understand how a person could have both but he seemed to be managing it fine. The said shop owner gave her one look and shook his head at her appearance.
His words were, "What a poor excuse for a girl to go on date with such a potato face such as that, it's shameful for not only you but the guy as well."
He had her try on clothes and by the end of it all, she felt different. Her head hurt from all the pulling around of her hair. She had put on enough clothes that she believed she was playing dress up. The outfit settled upon was different from her usual style and she had on makeup for the first time in her life.
Rook and Cater applauded Vil's work new appearance. The dectective had to admit that when she looked in the mirror she understood why Vil had such a reputation that Cater reccomended him highly.
She had to buy all of it of course and thanked Vil immensely for his efforts. There was actually a discount considering Rook brought her and she looked so 'pathetic'. He had a victoriously smug smile on his face and complimented his own efforts before waving the trio off. She thanked her two coworkers and bid them farewell, looking forward to the her first day off in a millennia.
When she met Jade the next day at his door he was plenty surprised by her appearance. He blushed with his eyes widened in astonishment at the change. Not to mention on the side of the manor Floyd could see just how beautiful she had dressed. It was going to be a long day especially with the heels she was wearing and trying her hardest to walk in.
. . .
The two friends went to Clover's bakery where Jade offered to pay for any sweets she wanted but it seemed they were terribly busy today and the line was a bit long not mention the place was packed inside so there weren't any tables to sit in.
Trey said it was nice to see her out and about for once not on dectective business for once. He said hello to Jade as they were all friends though she only knew Trey from Jade who introduced me. On rare occasions she would go to his bakery for something sweet. He handed them two cupcakes for free but also asked for a favor for him.
"Can you give deliever Riddle this tart please? His mother isn't home and he rarely ever gets anything sweet. I usually have Ace do it but-" He looks away for a moment.
"It's fine, Jade do you-"
"It's no trouble at all, we'd be happy to." He says with an enchanting smile on his face.
Trey handed over the box containing the tart to them and they made their way over to the clinic where Riddle resided.
On the way Jade and her conversed. She asked him why he agreed so quickly and he responded with his own unique answer.
"I know it's in your nature to help others. Yet another fond trait of yours."
It's more embarrassing hearing it for the first time and out loud no less. She could feel her face heat up again.
"Then there's when you turn into a cherry, one of my favorite traits." He said in a teasing tone with a smile toward her making the dectective flush even more and look away biting into her cupcake. To ignore the laughter emitting from her friend alongside her. Now this is the Jade she knows.
. . .
To be completely honest both of them enjoyed their time today with one another. They had delivered Riddle's tart which was almost a complete disaster.
Considering she asked Jade to be lookout in case his mother came back. Long story short she did arrive earlier than expected. After she and Riddle heard her voice outside the walls right near the entrance gate, the dectective told Riddle to go before she found him with the tart. Riddle was far more worried about her but the dectective told him she'd be fine.
By fine she meant ducking in the rose bushes for cover, there weren't any thorns surprisingly all been cut off. She waited for Riddle's mother to enter the house and had to scale the wall that was located next to an alleyway. Climbing up was the easy part but getting down was the hard part. She was wearing heels and that drop looked like she would possibly break a bone if she landed the wrong way.
She came to a decision to take a leap of fate and let her heels drop to the ground. One thought passed about Vil being pissed about her ruining them. She shook her head though and pushed herself off.
Before she could land someone else caught her. Looking up at her savior she saw the two colored eyes of Jade. Who smiled happily at making it on time.
"Ah look at that, my assumption was right. I thought you'd take this route out their place. It would've been such a shame if you were to get injured."
"Thank you Jade, can you put me down now please?"
"I don't think so I'd rather hold you like this until we get to the resturant for everyone to see." He playfully said watching her face heat up.
"Wha-? N -no I can walk on my own!"
"But you might have hurt something besides someone who can't get their words out is akin to a child so they must be coddled correct?" His teasing was endless today.
. . .
After leaving the Monstro Lounge a business run by one of Jade's friends, Azul Ashengrotto, the sun had already long set.
"Let me accompany you to your apartment, Y/n it's supposedly dangerous to be out after dark correct? Or you can just spend the night again?" He offered.
"I have to decline besides I've already used enough of your generosity I don't want to take it for granted. It's been such a great day thanks to you Jade, wish we could do these more often cept for the fact I have work tomorrow." She said in a relaxed tone.
Despite all the teasing she really did enjoy herself with the man. Having her heart beating loudly all day and having her brain short circuit was all too amusing to the man beside her, but out of everyone else even his own brother she made him feel strangely different. He couldn't explain the feeling itself, but he knew for a fact he'd never do all of this for someone he would use.
"You wish to spend more time with me? I can grant that you know." Jade had said that so simply and out of the blue but in a calm tone as well.
"There's no way you can do something like that but I appreciate the thought. It's fine though you've done enough already. I'd rather not burden you with a simple wish." She said with content.
Before he could respond to that statement fast footsteps hurried over to them both and made the pair turn around.
"I saw the killer it was Mr.Leech! He ran away from the scene!" His hair was a light green, eyes full of life and the loud tone of his voice was distinct.
"Sebek what do you mean you saw Jade kill someone he was with me the entire time!We just left the Monstro Lounge Azul saw us leave!" The dectective was defensive pertaining to justice being served, not to mention her friend was being accused and she had been with him the entirely of the day.
"No it was him I saw him Felmier was killed by him!"
"Felmier was killed?! You should've started with that! Take me to the body did you make sure he was dead?!"
. . .
Sebek had spread all about the town that Jade was the murderer even though the people who had seen us together throughout the day vouched. Trey, Riddle, Azul, Rook, and Cater even Vil had seen them together. Some actually took Sebek's words in and started to distrust Jade even so.
Vil and Rook two friends of Felmier had paid for the funeral costs as Epel's family was struggling. It was admirable to see the young man take on the vicious job as Vil's protégé. It really was a shame. Vil actually kept up a face and Rook though he looked upon the casket with blank like expression it was easy to tell he was out for blood. Jade did show up to pay his respects even though some glared at him and were suspicious.
Vil came up to dectecrive during the repass and told her to make that fool pay dearly. She would of course no argument there. Epel had been a good kid and may have been a bit brash but still good nonetheless. So was Ace.
And thus a good day ended on a sour note.
The dectective would have more sleepless nights. Lilia performed an autopsy on Epel's body with Vil standing by his side to make sure he didn't damage it. Even he was shocked to see more and more scales near his legs and gills that were more prominent.
These people were getting even more closer to there goal it seemed and she couldn't do a thing. She was so frustrated at that fact alone. Jade's analysis did help some though. Looking through shops though that sold what would be the components of the elixir nothing suspicious could be found in any of the people who had brought those items. Not to mention those who did didn't have all the items brought from another store, there was no reoccurring name in sales.
Speaking of Jade though she had begun to think back to Sebek. He wasn't the type to lie not on the name of the mysterious nobleman Malleus Draconia that he served would he ever embarrass himself to stain his name even slightly. That's what Lilia told her at least.
He said Jade had did the deed. But he was with her the entire time. Come to think Sam's description had also matched Jade's strange behavior before he gave her the analysis, but it didn't make sense. Jade was one person he couldn't be in two places at once!
Maybe someone was trying to frame him and to that extent she went to go question if he had any enemies of the sort. His response was that he didn't have any as far as he knew. That could have been a good lead.
With no others she sighed looking extremely worn out and Jade had a frown seeing her state. He insisted she stay the night and she denied saying she had to finish this case even more so now. He at least offered her a meal in which he put slipped some sleeping pills that made her fall asleep after eating.
Both pairs of two colored eyes gazed at her peaceful state not liking how she'd exhaust herself with so much work. Only for the sake of others and waste time and effort for people that isn't them. It was annoying to Floyd and agitated Jade more than he liked to admit. She did say she wanted to spend more time with them right?? If only she didn't have that stupid job. Even more a reason to push the date up to the next few days.
. . .
About a week and a half had passed and the dectective had no other leads still. It was killing her to say the least. All those unfortunate victims and those families and friends that mourned definitely weighed on her shoulders, guilt eating at her insides. Such a shame too within the end of the day she was at home taking an evening nap on her day off in which she didn't even go out today. Her phone buzzed waking her up from her slumber.
A text from Jade. It had been awhile since they last talked seeing as she fell asleep at his manor again even though she didn't intend to.
Rubbing her eyes she read the text from her bright phone screen.
'Meet me at the dock at 10 today.'
She wasn't as flustered as last time in fact she considered not going as this case took top priority. But this was Jade, her closest friend, and she hadn't taken much of a break as her nap was only 30 mintues probably the only amount of sleep she would get today if she was being honest with herself.
She reluctantly sighed and decided to get ready an hour before meeting him and walk there a bit early to have some time to her own thoughts. She thought about going to Vil's shop to buy another outfit but it would have been a waste if they were only meeting for a short time. Not to mention she didn't want Vil to come to the conclusion she was slacking off with Jade even though the bags around her eyes were very much proof.
As she sat at the edge of the dock admiring the stars the waves hitting the edge of the pier calmed her head. It was nice to say the least.
She wondered what Jade would have to talk about. She looked at her phone and saw it was 10:05, Jade being late was a surprise, hopefully if she waited a bit longer her worry would ease. That atmosphere could not have lasted any longer.
A slight wind blew and during that exact moment something pulled her under by her feet into the cold ocean waters below. She managed to hold her breath and open her eyes to see nothing but darkness even with the moon behind the clouds right about now only endless shadows were there.
She could barely hear but she could have sworn something swam by her. Arms touched her waist which almost made her scream for a moment though that was something suicidal. It touch the sides of her stomach and stayed there for a moment.
Even though she tried to struggle it was fruitless when the thing that held her tickled her sides making her open her mouth and succumb to breathing in water then choking soon after. That wasn't the only thing to occur since the next second lips were on hers and a fluid trickled down her throat along with the water that she was trying to swallow. The tongue of said thing dipped inside her mouth and would have made her gag if they hadn't pulled away.
She regretted it the moment they did cause she still could breath and with her mouth open she thought she would take her final breath. Both or what she assumes were two people backed off letting her go to meet her demise with her slowly closing her eyes. She didn't notice the glow of what transpired around her lower half of her body. She could finally take in some much needed breaths except her neck for some reason felt sore and she could no longer move her legs separately to try and swim up for air.
Looking down she saw the horrid image of a long tail with a fin on the end where her legs were supposed to be. The pain form her neck was from three newly formed slits on either side of her neck. Her fingers traced over them finding this whole situation unbelievable. When she finally came to her senses she found herself hearing voices as well.
"Shrimpy's still here! It worked, Jade!" A cheerful voice could be heard in the cold waters that surrounded her.
Something slimy wrapped about her new found lower half. Pulling her closer to be within someone's arms. They held her a bit too tight like all the air, water in her lungs could have been? Did she still even have those anymore she wondered? Even still the amount of pressure put on her by the creature hugging her was able to be felt.
He was laughing happily spinning around in circles with the former human female getting dizzy by the second.
"I can see that Floyd. How wonderful, but do take it down a notch she only was just turned after all." That voice was all too familiar. She couldn't help but say it aloud, but that couldn't be true.
"Jade?" Her voice was a whisper but of course he still heard it.
"Yes, my dear angelfish what is it?" He responded in an endearing tone that was calm despite the situation she was just put through.
She glanced toward the voice to see what appeared to be a creature similar to that of an eel by the tail. Her eyes trailed up to the sight of his face. It was him no doubt about it. The eyes were exact and so was the hair the only difference was the body and skin.
"Aw Shrimpy why'd you acknowledge him first? I'm here too." A voice whined in a more child like tone directly in her ear. It brought a shiver down her spine.
'Shrimpy?' That was unmistakably the nickname Jade gave her when he acted weird.
She turned toward his way and saw a sharp toothed grin on his face when she looked at him.
"Floyd you haven't even introduced yourself." Jade sounded like his normal self and this Floyd person was just the complete opposite of him.
"Oh right Shrimpy I'm Floyd, Jade's brother and your going to be with us in the sea from now on! Isn't that great? I can't wait to show you all my favorite places you'll love it!" He sounded so excited while dread built up in the mermaid.
"What do you mean stay here?! What have you done to me? Who, what even are you two?!" She said those words with malice laced into them having them both chuckle in response.
Jade had also wrapped his tail about her upper half restraining her further. He brought himself closer to her face, a smirk etched on to it.
"My, my, Y/n you did say you wanted to spend more time with me, isn't this what you wanted?" He tilted her chin up showing a sadistic smile on his face that only built up even more dread than what his brother had already.
"I didn't realize or expected anything like this and you know that! Why would you do this?! You! You-" She thought for a second processing all that had occurred the past couple of weeks.
"You killed them you gave them that exlixir that ended their lives. Every single one of them." This time it was the other brother's turn to speak.
"There's our little dectective she's so smart!~" Floyd just made her completely uncomfortable with how he would call her that nickname and whisper words in her ear.
"Why? Why would you do this?" She became defeated knowing turf like this was theirs and she stood no chance against them in the first place.
"Eh why? Is Shrimpy really that blind Jade?" Floyd mocked her with no remorse as tears streamed down the dectective's eyes at the thought of letting so many people down.
"Why? My dear angelfish haven't you noticed? We've become quite enamored with you. Hm no better word to put it is obsessed, at first it was just me but with Floyd's impatience I just had to get him in on understanding why we didn't go back home already. As for those people they were necessary for testing the elixir for this very moment. We couldn't have you dying on us afterall." He said with absolute calmness evoking rage within the mermaid.
She clenched her fists.
"So many were sacrificed, I should've died, instead." She murmured the last half but both the twin eels heard it.
There expressions turned dark and their tails gripped the female tighter startling her from her state of guilt.
"Eh, why would you say that Shrimpy, we can't have you leaving us. We finally got you all to ourselves and I haven't had much time with you, and yet you say you want to leave." Floyd's arms contracted her more than Jade's tail already, now she understood what it must have felt like for Trappola.
"He is right Y/n dear, we only want what's best for you and having you say that only makes our blood boil so please understand." Jade gripped her chin with a scary amount of strength. This was the first time he ever seemed so much more intimidating to her.
"Don't ever say something like that again am I clear?"
From that point on she was stuck between the twin eels who loved her so. She only wished she could have been able to listen to Sebek when he said the truth. Mr. Leech did do it just not the one she thought.
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(pt 1) i really enjoy all your atla analyses & you've done a great job breaking down the usual arguments re how eip shows that kataang shouldn't have happened. i'm curious about your take on one specific argument that i just saw today, in an analysis of the show by a zker that was otherwise quite good and respectful (i know you've already talked about eip a lot, so no problem if you don't feel like rehashing). the premise: aang didn't just pressure katara in eip, he threatened her.
(pt 2) they point to when katara joins aang & asks if he’s alright: “aang: no, i’m not! i hate this play! katara: i know it’s upsetting, but it sounds like you’re overreacting. aang: overreacting? if i hadn’t blocked my chakra, i’d probably be in the avatar state right now!” the suggestion is he’s threatening her when he says ‘i’d probably be in the avatar state right now’ to describe his anger. i think this take exaggerates and oversimplifies it, but interested in your thoughts on it.
Hello my friend!! It is true I am Old inside and don’t like rehashing dhdlksjslks BUT your comments on my posts are always incredibly kind and insightful so I am more than willing to do a bit of rehashing for you 🥰 Besides! I’ve seen this general take before a few times and it’s always irked me for the exact reason you point out - it simultaneously exaggerates and oversimplifies the situation (and honestly that’s an impressive duality since it’s seemingly contradictory, so hats off to them lmaooo) - and now is as good a time as any to address it. So, for starters, let’s go ahead and get the excerpt they love to focus on so much:
Cut to Aang standing alone on a balcony. Katara enters and walks up to him.
Katara: Are you all right?
Aang: [Angered.] No, I’m not! I hate this play! [Yanks his hat off and throws it on the ground.]
Katara: I know it’s upsetting, but it sounds like you’re overreacting.
Aang: Overreacting? If I hadn’t blocked my chakra, I’d probably be in the Avatar State right now!
Here’s the thing about so-called analyses of this excerpt: in a manner extremely convenient to the poster, they never seek to contextualize this moment. (I mean, to do so would deplatform their entire “argument” - perhaps that’s why they avoid performing a full analysis?) So let’s avoid that pitfall from the start.
Firstly, below are some links to related posts; I’m going to do my best to summarize the most relevant parts, but for anyone who desires greater detail, I gotchu 😤
This post explains why EIP (the play, lol) is imperialist propaganda and is intended to belittle the entire Gaang.
This post explains how Aang never acted “entitled” to Katara’s affections, particularly in regard to EIP.
This post breaks down the infamous EIP kiss like Snopes Fact Checker, covering common misconceptions, important perspectives to consider, etc.
Alright. With that out the way, it’s time for some context.
Aang and Katara have this conversation on the balcony after watching 95% of “The Boy in the Iceberg,” a play chock-full of Fire Nation propaganda that demeans the entire Gaang in order to prop up the Fire Nation as superior (hence why the play ends with Ozai’s victory). Here is my general breakdown of Aang and Katara’s treatment in particular from a previous post:
- katara, an indigenous woman, is highly sexualized and portrayed as overly dramatic and tearful, because the fire nation objectifies women not of their own people and views them as less intelligent and less emotionally stable
- aang, the avatar, the sole survivor of the fire nation’s genocide of the air nomads who is incredibly in-touch with his spirituality and femininity, is portrayed as an overly-airy and immature woman. the fire nation portrays him with a female actor to demean him (like, that’s classic imperialistic propagandist tactics) and furthermore writing his character as a childish airhead reinforces the fire nation sentiment that the air nomads were weak, foolish people who did not deserve to exist in their world
In other words, these kids have just watched almost an entire play that preys upon their insecurities and depicts them using racist and sexist stereotypes about their respective nations. It is completely understandable that tensions might run a little high and that their interactions would not be as balanced as usual (Katara and Aang have a great track record of communicating well with each other, as it happens!).
So we have to keep that in mind when examining the aforementioned excerpt. But there are other factors to consider, too! Namely: they are kids. Children. Teens. Aang is 12, Katara is 14.
If we want to be scientific, a person’s brain doesn’t finish developing until they are 25, lmao, and the preteen/teen years are when the prefrontal cortex that controls “rationality,” “judgement,” “forethought,” etc. is still developing. This doesn’t mean Aang and Katara are irrational and make poor decisions 24/7 (obviously not), but it does mean that in an intense, highly emotional situation, like after watching a play that intentionally demeans them and depicts them as inferior, they are more likely to overreact, more likely to be emotional, and more likely to make mistakes. Like, I’m serious, lol. “Teens process information with the amygdala.” That’s part of the brain that helps control emotions! It’s why teens sometimes struggle to articulate what we’re thinking, especially in situations that require instinct/impulse and quick decisions, because we’re really feeling whenever we make those choices. Acting more on emotion. Our brains simply haven’t finished developing the decision-making parts, lmao.
In sum: Aang and Katara are both kids, not adults, and should be interpreted as such. This doesn’t negate their intelligence, because they are both incredibly smart and Aang is arguably the wisest of the Gaang, but they are human. Young humans. They have emotions, and we should not be so cruel as to assume they’d never act on them.
So taking that all together, we can now acknowledge the high stress Aang and Katara are under, understand why they might be upset (*cough* imperialist propaganda is hurtful *cough*), and examine how their youth might play into their emotional reactions. And funny thing - all analyses that come to the conclusion of Aang “threatening” Katara here do not usually bother with this context. I can’t imagine why!
And you know what, let’s add one more piece of context: Sokka states that Aang left the theater “like, ten minutes ago,” which is what cues Katara to go look for him on the balcony. The reason I mention this line is because to me, it suggests Aang knew he was more worked up than usual! He chose to separate himself from his friends so he could process his frustration! He did not take his anger at the play out on them; instead, he purposefully took time and space to be alone.
With that in mind, I don’t understand at all how Aang’s Avatar state quote could be interpreted as a threat? Canonly, Aang is someone who was aware enough of his frustration to separate himself from the others - yet the logical next step is him threatening Katara as a result? He knew his intense emotions were because of the play (which he says himself), so the logical conclusion is that he then pinned the fault on Katara? What?? Sorry, that interpretation has no textual basis, lmao. But I digress!
Aang tells Katara, “If I hadn’t blocked my chakra, I’d probably be in the Avatar State right now!” As you said, this is the line people point to in an attempt to justify their (baseless) conclusion that Aang is “threatening” Katara. So let’s bring in the two key pieces of context: imperialist propaganda and age. Given that Aang is 12, and given that Aang has just watched almost a full play that demeans him and everything his people stood for (and let’s not forget it also mocks his and Katara’s love for each other)…
His reaction is understandable. An exaggeration and needlessly dramatic, but understandable. He feels vulnerable and insecure and Aang is human. He is human and flawed and he overreacts here and I love that A:TLA shows how even our heroes, even people who are truly good at heart and in soul, can get overly upset (especially given the aforementioned circumstances!). Would Aang actually be in the Avatar state at that moment, had it been possible? Of course not! He’s young and he’s hurt and as such he says something dramatic to convey his anxieties and frustrations. The line is not meant to be taken literally, and seeing people do so despite all the factors that should be taken into consideration when analyzing it… Cue a long, tired sigh from me and so many other A:TLA fans.
And to be honest? I cannot fathom how people watch this episode and come to the conclusion that Aang is “threatening” Katara. To me, this episode - besides being a recap episode - is one that humanizes our cast even further. Aang snaps at Katara, kisses her when he shouldn’t (which the story appropriately treats as wrong). Katara pushes down her true feelings and retreats into herself, afraid to start a relationship with the boy she loves because she’s already lost him once before and can’t bear to do so again. Zuko further confronts the hurt he’s enacted upon others, especially upon Iroh. Toph practices being vulnerable and accepting vulnerability from others by conversing with Zuko. Sokka witnesses how others have erased his contributions and labelled him as nothing more than the token nonbender in the group. Even Suki learns that she is not the only person who holds a place in Sokka’s heart and that she can never replace what he has lost.
To watch this episode where our heroes must come to terms with how the Fire Nation deems them inherently inferior, with how they have more fights to overcome in the future with the Fire Nation than a single war, and to come to the conclusion that… that what, Aang is abusive? A monster? Irredeemable? That he would threaten his best friend, someone he loves in every way?
Wow. That says more than enough about the viewer, doesn’t it?
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limenysnocket · 4 years
Attention and Company
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I couldn't help myself. @honorarytenenbaum
Summary: Sometimes you need someone to chill with, and that's okay. Maybe that person is your boyfriend who also gets a little roughed up at work sometimes. Pubs can sustain you both for only so long, but what you really need is to curb yourselves in the mall parking lot, right next to a shaved ice food truck.
Warnings: Just some light swearing, a bit of angst, a lot of fluff, and some brief mentions to "raunchy" behavior. This is a soft fic for y'all tonight, out here needin' some gentle lovin'.
A/N: Got some lonely feelings right now. I just wanna hug someone, dude. Yo, we could totally watch a movie over discord sometime... maybe.
Today sucked. Flat out. The bags under your eyes didn't lie, and now here you were, outside of your studio, sitting on the hood of your car, eating a granola bar to stave off hunger for a few more hours. Hopefully.
You pull your phone from your pocket, looking at the time for a moment, then looking at your screensaver. It was the only thing that could make you smile. You had your arm wrapped around one of your closets friends, Taika, and the phone didn't capture it, but he had his arm wrapped around your waist. His curls were all messed up, and the picture perfectly showed how drunk you both were by the fuzzy pink on your cheeks. It was 99 cent beer night at one of the local pubs, and unlike the first one held at a baseball game, all went well.
Of course, there was a limit to how much the two of you were allowed to drink, but that didn't stop the many failed attempts at stealing other people's drinks while they were looking away, just to get a taste more. Didn't matter that you guys were eventually thrown out of the bar for breaking rules and coming close to breaking a few faces, you had a great night.
That night also lead to a few other places, including his hotel room, but that end of the story has to be saved for another time.
Instead of staring at your phone for another century, you decide to unlock it and dial the man up. You knew he was somewhere around here, either charming his way onto another movie set to mess with his rich friends, or getting his tired ass kicked by daylight savings.
His number was saved to your favorites, so dialing him was quick and easy. The wait for him to pick up didn't last long either.
"Talk to me..."
God, his voice sounds like one big yawn. Looks like he needs a bit of perking up too.
"I've got two curbside tickets to eat a snow cone and watch kids do loops on their bikes in the parking lot. One of those tickets has your name on them," you grin, despite sounding exhausted too. The day really made you strain your voice.
His musical laughter really makes the sun look brighter from its low position in the sky.
"That's oddly specific... where would these magical tickets take me afterwards?" He had cocked his eyebrows up and leaned against his office door while he spoke to you.
"If this were a booty call, I would have told you already, Taik," you snort and tease him. "So, it's either make yourself fat on some weirdly flavored snow cone, or take your horny-ass home."
"Okay, okay... I'd like to make myself fat for a night, as long as your there," his voice is dreamy, desperate and warm. "You there already?"
"Nope," your lips pop the p, "but I'm nearby."
"I swear to God, if you're talking and driving, I'm gonna whoop your ass," Taika stood up, acting serious when he was just really worried about your safety in general.
"I'm not, I'm fine," you laugh again. "Not even in the car. Sitting on it though, trying to convince the world's sexiest man to go out with me again."
"And you said this wasn't a booty call," he retorts over the phone, making you playfully glare at the asphalt on the road. It's like he's in front of you.
"You coming or not?" you change the subject and you hear him laugh again, but softer.
"Yeah... I'll be there in a few minutes, gorgeous."
He always made goodbyes so easy. Maybe it was because you both knew you would be seeing each other again, no matter what circumstances you were thrown into. But the dial tone still had its effects.
You slip off the hood of your car, and take a seat in the driver's seat. The warm summer air makes your skin glow, and your brain went fuzzy only imagining it doing the same to Taika.
The drive feels so quiet. For a moment, you actually thought about calling him again, but you knew for a fact that he wouldn't pick up if he was driving.
As predicted, kids are zooming around on their bikes, showing off to their friends or trying to be cool, even though they all were obviously teary-eyed each time they scraped a knee. It was amusing to you and Taika, especially when some of the older boys would try to catch your attention and zip past you and Taika. It ended up being a heckle fest in the end, and some kid always went home with his butt hurt.
Keys and wallet in hand, you trek to the small, blue trailer tucked in the corner of the parking lot.
"Damn, you must have beat me here by just a few seconds," Taika calls, rustling his way through the small spaces between a couple of cars.
"Well, you've never been a speed demon type, so last place is your calling when it comes to racing," you guwaf and grin at him. He rolls his eyes and comes to walk right next to you.
"I pride myself on road safety," he hums, stuffing his hands into his pockets.
You glance at him from the side, just to silently check up on him. His hair was tousled and his eyes were resteless. It looks like he had it rough from the start. He had struggled to get dressed this morning, but picked the most eccentric clothes in his closet to make up from his lack of sleep.
"Dare you to try the dill pickle flavor this time," his cocky tone wakes you up.
"Like hell I will," you snort as you finally reach the trailer, where a teen boy happily greets the both of you.
"Oh come on, it'll be funny," he eggs you on, his bottom lip pouting.
"Keep trying to make me get dill pickle, and the next time we have a movie night together, I'm getting the pizza," you sniff and he rolls his eyes. He thinks it is an odd threat. "And I'm making it all Hawaiian pizza." That got his attention.
"Bull shit, you would never. Not on a perfectly good pizza!" He gasps.
"Oh, just watch me, pineapple boy," you snicker and point to his pineapple print shorts. You break conversation to order two piña colada flavored snow cones. Taika usually took for-fucking-ever when it came to picking a single flavor, so ever since the second time you've been out here with him, he assigned you to choose for him. He usually got what you got.
Now, you wait.
You plop yourself down on the curb, as you promised, and he joined you with a long, loud groan. You give him a bewildered stare, wondering if his age had really gotten him this much. He smiles at you through a wince.
"Sat on my keys," he wheezes and chuckles at his own stupidity under his breath.
Your eyes float down to where he pulls out his keys and you start giggling quietly.
"Oh, come on, I'm sure you've done the same thing," Taika says, not handling the fact that you have new material to mess with him, and also trying to get some stories out of you.
"Well yeah, but I don't sit down as violently as you do," you prod his bicep, and he laughs.
"Such a lady. Must sit down gracefully and slowly," he says, mocking an English accent, but he was horrible at accents so of course it was bad. You smack his bicep this time, and he playfully flinches, like it hurt.
"I really need to get you into some accent classes or some shit, before you get your teeth knocked out," you shake your head with a smile.
"What? I think I'm great at accents. My American accent is the best one yet, don't you think?" He smirks at you, and proceeds to demonstrate. "All you have to do is put an 'er' at the end of everything, right? That's totally how they speak around here."
"I would be careful, Mr. Waititi. Could get in some trouble if you say that too loudly," you roll your eyes, and he sighs. Yeah. Things were going to shit in LA. It was clear to everyone, but what could two hollywood producers do to stop things like that? Keep making films, you guess.
"Two, large piña coladas!"
You look up, and so does he.
"I'll get them," you volunteer, but he places his hand on your shoulder before you could get up.
"Let me," he speaks softly, in a damn near whisper.
He stands up and strides right over to the trailer with so much confidence, you're envious. He comes back with two large styrofoam cups in hand, spoons, and a warm smile. His smile was always warm. It set fire in your belly.
He sits down a bit more carefully this time, even though his car keys were sitting in the grass, far away from his landing zone. He hands you your cup and a spoon.
"Do these have alcohol in them?" He nudges you with your elbow and you shake your head.
"As if they would let a seventeen-year-old serve alcoholic beverages," you throw in logic.
"I dunno... ever been to a ballpark before? Pretty sure some of those kids are way too young to be peddling there too, but that doesn't stop people from hiring them," he says while pointing his spoon at you.
"Fair point," you finish, then look at your snow cone. You decide to start eating before it melts.
Silence swarms the air, but comfortably. There's the occasional murmur of cicadas or humming cars drowning them out. Birds would land on the scorching asphalt to pick at whatever crumbs were left by other patrons, before fluttering away at the sight of a zooming bike getting too close for comfort.
Taika will point out a few of the kids doing tricks. He picks his favorites for the night, and he keeps himself busy by watching them. You, on the other hand, are occupied with him. You examine him from the tips of his dirty white chucks, to his frazzled hairdo.
"You look like shit," you mutter. He barely pays you mind and that comment was hardly acknowledged. It was like the air had gone a bit stiffer. He was hiding something from you.
"What's going on, Taik?" you worry. He never kept things from you, unless they were hard to bear.
He sets his cup down and holds his hands together. He looks so tired. So solemn.
"Today was total shit," he whispers and runs a hand through his hair.
"Well, yeah, I get that. I wouldn't have known if you had looked a little spiffier," you say, reaching out and gently tucking a curl on his forehead back in place with all the rest of its friends.
"Look, I--..." he says, turning to you, lips parted slightly, and a yearning sensation bubbling from the tips of his fingers as he rests a single hand on you.
There were tough times with the occupancy you both, willingly, chose. The hardest part about it was making friends, or making love, then finding out you have to leave it behind for a new location the next morning.
"I have to leave... for Sydney..." he says, reaching to gently take your cheek into the palm of his hand.
"When?" you manage, though you were clearly becoming upset.
"In a few weeks. Thor is waiting for me," he sighs, barely able to look at you while his thumb rubbed your ample cheek.
"And what does this have to do with me?"
"I don't want to leave you," he says, tilting your head up just the slightest bit. "And I don't want to stop loving you."
Your eyes search his for a moment, wide and a bit confused.
"I thought you said we were just a fling with--"
He cuts you off, "A fling with benefits. I know..." he sighs again, "but every time I find myself waiting for you to call on a shitty day, each time you rest your head on my shoulder, all the times you smile at me and tease me, I find myself falling... more in love with you." He has to pause to breathe.
It's so quiet. Dangerously quiet.
"What happens if I love you too...?" you muster your courage, and look right into his expressive, brown eyes.
"I don't know," he says to you, thumb still rubbing circles.
"Guess there's only one way to find out, huh?" you breathe, and he nods.
Still as statues, you wait for words to touch the air. It's only when his foot makes a wrong move and knocks over his snow cone, does the tension break.
His bottom lip pouts for him again and you quietly pick his spoon up off the ground. You clean it on your shirt and hand it to him, all before taking your cup, and holding it out to share. He smiles down at you, taking his spoon from your hand and sticking it into the shaved ice.
Your head leans against his shoulder when the sun disappears behind the mall building.
"I love you too," you whisper.
"I know," he says back, sucking at the tip of his spoon.
"Think we can keep this up over the phone?" you ask, wondering about a brief virtual relationship, just until one of you catches a break.
"Guess there's only one way to find out, huh?" he says, lowering his spoon, wrapping his arm around you, and giving you his full attention.
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lizacstuff · 3 years
Your thoughts on the epi? I thought it was a good episode overall. Serkan is acting the way I thought he would: he wants to be the perfect Dad, is scared she won't love him, is spoiling her but also teaching her things. I'm not quite sure why Kiraz isn't calling him Baba, maybe she needs time to adjust to calling him that. I have mixed emotions when it comes to the way Eda spied on Serkan. I understand she's worried but trust the man a little. No comments on Aydan and Ayfer! They are too much!
Hello! I liked the episode. It felt very light, very romcom-y and I thought it was very enjoyable to watch. Loved every minute of Serkan trying to be the ideal dad and I'm here for the Edser UST this ep brought. They want each other sooooo much. And, yes, Eda wants him, she wants him bad. I thought the custody thing at the end was silly and convoluted, but, hey, I'm totally here for the "they're not together and fighting their feelings, but forced to live together" trope so I will just ignore how unbelievable it would be for Edser to be drowning in hearteyes for each other all ep, getting along in regards to Kiraz, AND seemingly aware that Aydan/Ayfer were up to something and still allow a misunderstanding over their shenanigans to spiral to that nonsense degree.
Maybe the folks that think that Serkan & Eda were playing all the meddling family and friends are right, and they set it up beforehand, it's just that I've thought things were a fake out on this show so many times, only for them to be real, so at this point I'm operating under the assumption that this is just a romcom plot point to throw our romantic leads together and it's not worth examining it too closely.
I'll give my thoughts on the "Baba" vs "Serkan Bolat" thing and Eda's actions after we talk a bit about the B, C and D players... Thankfully we had plenty of Edser and Kiraz screen time this ep so the supporting stories didn't overwhelm the episode too much.
(much more under the cut)
That being said, who can we pay to get these people to mind their own f-cking business? LMAO. At least Engin and Piril weren't annoying and were actually trying to be helpful. I mean, Piril is still cancelled, but if she's not causing trouble now then she's not at the top of my shit list. However, I did laugh at her when she's sort of pleading with Serkan: "We've been friends for a long time, you'll understand why I did this." Um... what, Piril? You're sitting there approximately 72 hours after Serkan found out he has a child and he's already proven that he's ALL IN on being a father, and you expect Serkan to think you were right for hiding it from him? Cause why? He has already proven that any concerns you had about him rejecting Kiraz were invalid. The only thing wrong with Serkan's anger at Piril is that it will probably only last for that scene.
Anyone else think Kerem the assistant is an ass? Seriously, do they really want us to root for sweet Pina to be with this dickweasel? He's insecure, he thinks he knows it all, he's snarky and lashes out, he's vindictive. No thanks.
As for Aydan and Ayfer. Ooph. As punishment for their unprecedented assery this episode they both need to be stranded on a desert island with only each other. Only then maybe they'll learn not to insert themselves by such underhanded means. They're both giant pains in the ass, but Ayfer still annoys me more than Aydan. Because here's the thing, once Edser is back together and Serkan is happy, Aydan will fully embrace Eda again, but I don't think the same can be said for Ayfer. Did you see some of the bitchy, sour faces Ayfer was making, taunting Eda about her soft spot for Serkan. She's insufferable.
Turning to the nonsense meddling custody plot line, Kemal and Seyfi were just following orders, but what is Melo's excuse? It's unfortunate that the narrative pulled her into this. Ayfer may have her head in the sand, and not really care what Eda wants, but Melo does and she knew that Eda wanted to cooperate with Serkan and bring him into Kiraz's life, she knew that Eda was about 2 seconds from melting every time she was near Serkan, and that they were likely on the cusp of rekindling their relationship. There is no way she should have been complicit in trying to get evidence against Serkan or visiting lawyers behind Eda's back.
However, even after being complicit in Ayfer's nonsense, she still deserves a helluva lot better than Burak. That guy was annoying af this episode. What exactly does he think he's doing? I'm sorry, in that situation you step back and give the people going through such a monumental life change some space. Again, it's not like it needs to be forever, but you don't try and monopolize the kid's time the night of and 2 days after she meets her long-lost father. He needs to fuck all he way off.
Also since Eda had no interest in this guy, why is he coming over to tuck in the kid EVERY night? I get that he's been good to Kiraz and they have a nice relationship, but that's soooo overkill, it's just not normal. Especially since they've said they've only been living there a year. The only reason for a dude to revolve his entire life around a kid like that is because he's actively trying to get in the mom's pants. So when it comes to Burak's intentions, Eda is as dense as Serkan used to be with Balca/Selin/Actress. Burak only took that level of interest and inserted himself into their lives because he wanted Eda, and Eda should realize that and have a frank conversation with him. Eda doesn't even have to be cognizant that she will inevitably get back together with Serkan, she already knows she has no interest in Burak. She should tell him. And if she's already told him (which it seems she might have from her comments to Ayfer and Melo) she should put some boundaries in place because his presence was ridiculous.
It still blows my mind that this sad sack thinks he has a shot with Eda. Seriously, while the dude isn't hideous, he's also not attractive and he has the personality of dead grass coupled with the charisma of warm mayonnaise. He's not worthy of either Eda or Melo. The scene of Melo and Burak walking on the beach made me a bit uncomfortable. They're totally setting that relationship up, but so far all we see is Melo obviously harboring feelings for him as Burak broods over his Eda delusions. We'll have to see how this plays out, but I feel like Burak didn't need to be this upset over Eda for the story to work, and it would be a lot easier to root for him with Melo if by episode 5 if he wasn't still actively trying, as Engin said, to take over Serkan's family.
On to Edser and the newly forming Bolat family unit. It's funny, I'm not someone who thinks a woman needs to take her husband's last name, I think people should do whatever they want, but for whatever reason I really, really want Eda and Kiraz to have his name. Maybe because I think they all crave having people to belong to in a sense. Serkan because he was unloved and sent overseas alone at such a young age, Eda because she was an orphan, Kiraz because she didn't have a dad in early childhood. So for that reason, I really do feel like it will be meaningful to have them tied together that way as a family unit. They belong to each other now (or they will soon).
Along those lines, you say you're not sure why Kiraz isn't calling him Baba, narratively, I think it's because that will be a big milestone in their relationship. When she feels comfortable enough, connected enough, and secure enough with him to do that, it's going to melt all of our hearts right out of our chests. If she'd done it right away it wouldn't feel as special as it's going to feel when it eventually happens because she feels it (not just because it's a fact).
As for her calling him Serkan Bolat, I think it's adorable. That's how she knew him before, it would be weird if she called him anything other than that or Baba, (like Serkan or Abi) because then it would be like she was settling on that, but calling him by his full name, which is such a part of his identity, is cute and charming and pays tribute to the interactions they had before they knew of their relationship, and it's a signal that it's only temporary. Baba is coming, don't worry.
Loved Kiraz showing Serkan her room and all of her things, and really loved Eda standing there, smiling, soaking it in. I've seen a lot of criticism of Eda in this episode and she did have a few moments that were unnecessarily harsh, but I think it's also valid to give her a minute to adjust because this is a lot of change in just a couple of days. While she now knows Serkan had understandable, and even noble, reasons for what he did and said, that still doesn't erase the heartbreak and pain he put her through, or the 5 years of being a single mother and not having anyone to consult or needing to consult anyone on decisions regarding Kiraz.
I do think, though, that we didn't see Eda give him enough credit when he covered for her lies to Kiraz. When Kiraz asked her why she didn't tell her Serkan Bolat was her father and then asked him when mom didn't answer, he could have easily told the truth and thrown Eda under the bus, big time, but instead he comes up with something that passes as an explanation, doesn't make anyone a villain, but also doesn't make him look great. I wish we'd seen Eda recognize that. It was a magnanimous gesture on his part, since he and Kiraz were the ones who were lied to for 5 years.
However, her running a bit hot and cold this episode makes sense. On one hand when she's around him her heart feels that strong orbital pull towards him. She loves him. She always has loved him, she always will love him. Just like with Serkan, that will not change, and obviously didn't after heartbreak and separation. But it also makes sense that at times her head takes over and with it the fear and the memory of the pain and she freezes up a bit. It doesn't ding her or their love, she just needs time to let herself believe that this is really happening. That Serkan is back, that he still loves her, that he loves their daughter and wants to be a father and form a family. From the way she recorded those videos, how many times do we think she dreamed of them being a happy family together? I'm guessing a lot. Now it's within her grasp and I think she just needs to be sure that Serkan is for real before she fully succumbs to this dream.
She also needs to get over her pride, I'm sure there's a part of her (Ayfer's voice) telling her a woman doesn't go back to a man who hurt her that badly. But as we saw, girlfriend was snuggling with his shirt, she still has it so bad for him. But, pro tip, Eda, he wanted to stay the night, wouldn't it be so much more fulfilling to snuggle with the real thing? I promise it would... just let him in. The lawn scene was hilarious. Kerem is really and truly a gifted physical comedian. We know how tight the timelines are on this show and they don't get to do a lot of takes, but his stumbling over the furniture and falling was flawlessly done. Hande was great too... that bat! Of course the sexual tension in the robes and towel scene was magnificent. When she first walked in wearing that towell I thought my man was going to combust. That look on his face, priceless.
Speaking of priceless, what first-day Baba makes his little girl's dreams come true like Serkan Bolat does? Staying up all night to build her flying house? MY HEART!
What a fantastic first gift. It was incredibly thoughtful, it was meaningful to the two of them, and it was also Serkan giving a piece of himself (using his skills in what he does best as an architect) to her.
Absolute perfection.
And how sweet that Serkan wanted to spend the day with her alone!?! I really liked that because we all know he loves Eda, he wants Eda back, and he will use any excuse to spend time with Eda. And he could have done that here, but he doesn't. So the fact that he wanted to spend the day alone with Kiraz, clearly illustrates that his interest in Kiraz, his desire to be her father stands on it's own. Kiraz is not just an excuse to get close to Eda, he is pursuing both relationships, and they are both important to him.
Also you said that you have mixed emotions on the way Eda spied on Serkan, that she doesn't trust him, but honestly I really don't think it's about that. She might have been a little discombobulated by the idea because the man has never really spent any time with children and here he's thrust into fatherhood, but she trusts him and knows Kiraz is safe with him. Honestly, I think her biggest driving factor in following them is FOMO.
She doesn't want to miss this! She has wondered what kind of father he might be for years, and now she wants to witness it. She wants to be there and see what he's like when he's spending time with her. She also wants to be a part of it, and a part of her might be a little jealous. For years she's been the only parent, and now another parental bond is forming and it's natural she is curious what that's going to look like.
Melo even sees through her during their conversations while they're out spying. Eda pretends it's because she's worried that Serkan doesn't know what he's doing, but Melo susses out that it's really because she missed Serkan. I think she really just wanted to be a part of it.
And her ulterior motives are exposed when she reacts with jealousy over the park moms and then with Hulya. She's jealous over Serkan, but also over what it might mean if Serkan had a woman in his life that's not Eda. (Real simple way to ensure that doesn't happen, Eda, just saying). On first watch it was a little frustrating to watch Eda be upset about Huyla and not have it cleared up immediately. However, on the second time through I found it incredibly enjoyable to watch. Hilarious even. Knowing that Serkan is going to let her off the hook just a few minutes later, and it's not going to be a drawn out misunderstanding, it's very fun to watch him just totally bask in her jealousy. The way he sits there and giggles and is just so chuffed at her display was very endearing. Since he's been celibate for 5 years, I suppose he's earned an incrediulous laugh at her thinking he has all these women on the line.
Eda is not wrong to be concerned about the Bolat's ability to spoil Kiraz with material things, Aydan can get out of control, however I can't be mad at the pony. The girl asked him if he had horses the first day they met, she said she wanted a dad like Serkan who had horses, he HAD to get her one she could actually ride! The girl was deprived of her father for 5 years because both of her parents are stubborn, so, let's be real, she kinda deserves a pony. Besides Eda should be more worried about the "spoiling" she gets from her camp, where she, Ayfer, Melo and Burak let her get away with constantly running away/running wild, eating ice cream whenever she wants, being rude to strangers etc. The fact that she's taught it's okay to knock a customer's water over without apologizing is more damaging to a forming personality than a pony. (Yes, that was another dig at Burak.) The point is, spoiling isn't only about material things, and from the glimpses we've seen of Baba Serkan he's already taught her about taking responsibility (confessing to breaking the window and apologizing), being self sufficient (tying shoelaces, putting pjs on herself), and setting behavioral boundaries (don't shoot arrows at people in hotels, you shouldn't hug strangers). He's going to be a very good influence in her life, because despite growing up with material privilege the man believes in hard work, effort and personal accountability.
Anyway, loved that when Serkan told Eda about dinner with Engin/Piril/Can she looked so secretly pleased when she casually agreed to go. I think that goes hand in hand with why she was spying, she won't let herself admit it, but she so badly wants them to do things as a family. That was part of her tug o' war this episode. Wanting that, but then suddenly worrying that maybe she shouldn't want that after everything that's happened, those feelings are helped along by Ayfer's judgemental looks and comments, and Burak trying to assert his place and Eda maybe feeling guilty.
Eda's behavior at dinner perfectly summarized the war going on between her head and heart this episode. First she fights with Serkan, going so far as to tell him she hates him, but the second she gets good news she flings herself into his arms. He's the person she wants to celebrate with, he's the person she wants congratulations from. So even if she was mad at him, she can't help herself. Also thank you Engin for telling Eda how Serkan lost weight and didn't come to work for months after she left. Those are important things for her to know. Also reinforced later by Aydan.
And thank you, Jan, for planting that fear of her dad leaving again with Kiraz, because it gave us sleep over at the Bolat house. It also gave us Kiraz asking Serkan if he will leave her. A good question and I'm glad we have Serkan's promise to never leave her. Just with the way tragedy (and meddling family members and obsessed stalkers) seems to find both Eda and Serkan, it's good he's made that promise. And it's good that he knows she needs that promise.
Now onto the secret room. I suppose if you're going to keep all of that and you have a large house, then you might as well keep it in a special room. This was a huge missing piece for Eda. Something tangible that she can see with her own two eyes that proves that he never forgot her and has been pining for her since the day they parted. I thought Eda was suitably touched by it all, and the fact that he got her gifts for every birthday. Anyone else think that they're going to get married on the beach and she's going to wear those flip-flops, that white dress, and the locket when they do? That's what sprung to my mind. The Neslihan scarf product placement made me roll my eyes, though.
To be honest I really didn't care what the gifts were, all I cared about was that thank you cheek kiss. I DIE. The birthday-present-thank-you cheek kiss he gave her in 7 is one of my all time favorite scenes and this parallel was a long time coming and wonderfully executed. And then they delivered on the USTy stare off where they clearly want to make out, but they're not quite there yet. It was going to have to be Eda that broke them out of it, because up to Serkan they either kiss or he stares at her for the rest of time.
Did anyone else feel a crick in their back, neck, legs at how Eda slept on that couch? Serkan was as comfy as can be, stretched out using her legs as a pillow and her torso as a blanket, lol. I wish the editors would have given us a couple of more seconds lingering on them all contorted like that. It was too precious. It would have been sweet if they'd had Kiraz find them and watch them for a minute before waking them up. Show the parent-trapping gears turning in her mind.
Buba absolutely deserved Serkan showing up to spoil his outing. And of course both ladies instantly gravitated to Serkan. I liked this scene because it gave us over-the-top BDE Serkan, a whiff of "Drain the pool" Serkan, the comedy of Engin and Serkan doing the Cyrano thing, and the obvious little "fish" measuring metaphor. But what I really liked was Eda telling him that he didn't need to try so hard to win Kiraz, that he just had to be himself. That was important and lovely, and illustrated to him that she really did want him to develop a good relationship with Kiraz.
The best moments of the episode for them, though, came during their family stargazing outing. Loved Serkan's extra safety precautions, including the mirror just so he can see her in the backseat. Though, if he's that concerned about it, maybe a larger car, lmao? Kiraz tricking them into kissing was an auspicious start to the evening, hopefully that's a taste of things to come. I'm here for her forcing the two of them into intimate situations.
The way Serkan was looking at the two of them throughout the stargazing was something else. He was looking at them with such longing. Like he couldn't believe they were so close, but he wanted them so badly. DUDE, they are right there, continue to play your cards right (and not let Ayfer and Aydan spoil things, spoiler alert, they do) and you're just days away from having everything you want. Loved that he changed the Apollo story to give it the happy ending he wants. Hopefully, that gave hope to any doomsdayers out there that think this show is going to end in tragedy. (Spoiler alert, it's not).
The only shame is that they have that nice (if not detached from reality conversation since they pretend they're not going to be together raising Kiraz) adult conversation about cooperating and working out how they're going to deal with Aydan and Ayfer, only for things to go totally off the rails during said conversations. As I said off the top of this marathon post, it was totally unbelievable in the context of the rest of the episode, but as I always say you can't take this show too seriously, and I prefer to just enjoy the situations as they come and not get too annoyed when they take these writing shortcuts to drive the plot. I plan on very much enjoying Eda and Serkan forced to live together while they're (or at least she) is still pretending they're not going to end up together. Looks like next week is another fun romcom romp, and I'm here for it!
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myhockeyworld87 · 4 years
Ruined - Jamie Benn - Part 5
Word Count: 5,690
POV: Reader and then switches to Jamie
Warnings: Language, but that’s about it, at least from what I can remember
Notes: So I just want to thank everyone for their patience with me as I took some time off. I’ve still been writing, so hopefully you’ll see your favorite stories pop up here and there. Happy reading!
Sidenote: Also (Y/NN) = Your Nickname (Y/LN) = Your Last Name
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 "I'm sorry what did you just say?" you asked Emma, as you had to have heard her incorrectly when she said that you should get under someone in order to get over Jamie. "Because, you were there in high school, that didn't work out the best for me."
"That's not what I meant."
 "But it is what you said, that I should just go hook up with some random guy. Em, I love you, babe, but I am not going down that path again. I do not need to be known as the doctor that sleeps around."
 "Oh my god, would you shut up for one minute?" You went radio silent, after she practically yelled at you through the phone, though you suppose that your voice had gone up maybe a decibel or two. "I didn't mean for you to go fuck some rando at the bar. Actually, I meant…and hear me out before you say anything," she paused and you had a feeling that you weren't going to like what she said next no matter what it was. "I think you should sleep with Jamie."
 "Yeah, that was a little loud. I think you might have woken up Caleb. Shh, go back to sleep babe," you heard her mumble to her husband.
 "I'm sorry but are you crazy? Maybe I called you too early and you're not fully functioning without coffee. Or should I call Dr. Kaplan and have him examine you."
 "Your neurologist, friend? No." She sounded a bit indignant at the mention that she needed her brain examined for suggesting a thing, but really what were you supposed to think when she made stupid remarks like you should go sleep with Jamie. "I asked you to listen before you passed judgment on me. God, you think you were a judge instead of a doctor so something."
 "Well, you have my full attention. So please explain, before I have you committed to the psych ward." She scoffed at you, which only made you say, "You know I can medically do that."
 You could almost hear her eyes rolling through the phone. "Yes, but who would you call this early in the morning when you have a problem." She had a point. "Exactly. Now, let me explain. You and Jamie never really resolved anything. He said things, you got upset, he never answered the phone, so you broke it off with him, yadda, yadda, yadda. You get my point." It seemed a whole lot more complicated than a few yaddas. "But there was never any closure for either of you there. It just sort of ended." Emma was right about that, after hearing that he only was seeing you for sex, you didn't want to speak to him at all. "It was obvious then, that he still had feelings for you, even if you didn't want to see it. And don't kill me here, but I think it was obvious that you still had feelings for him as well, and that maybe you still do." You didn't exactly know how you felt about Jamie at the moment, but waking up in his arms did feel right. "Let's face it (Y/N), you've compared every guy you've ever been with to Jamie."
 "I have not." Had you?
 "Ok, we're skipping all the douches in high school, because you and I both know you never slept with any of them. Yes, I know what everyone said, but I was also your best friend and I know you. The worst you ever did was give Carter Williams a blow job behind the bleachers after a football game." Oh, Jesus, she did not need to go down this road listing all your sexcapades from high school or after that. "I'm talking about Bryan, the perfectly good looking, studying to be a heart surgeon, boyfriend that you gave up for no other reason then you said he wasn't tall enough."
 "I did not break up with Bryan because he wasn't tall enough and you know it."
 "It was a factor, along with his hair not being dark enough and you hating his sense of humor."
 "The man made stupid heart surgeon jokes that not even anyone in the cardiothoracic department got."
 "True, but you also told me he was lousy in bed, and I believe that was another complaint you had about Tomas, Dylan…oh and what was his name…you know the one you said that you had to use your vibrator the minute he walked out the door because he couldn't get you off."
 "Isaac," you told her and there was a blush creeping to your cheeks. Suddenly, you were regretting Emma being your best friend.
 "Yes, Isaac. If I remember correctly that happened more than once with him. How you kept him around for four months is beyond me. You're a doctor woman, you can show him where the clit is, you know? Just take his hand and place it…"
 "Thank you, Dr. Emma, I know where my clit is."
 "But he didn't," she let out a bark of laughter that was so contagious you had to join in. Once you both calmed, Emma came right back at you about Jamie. "Look, he was your first love and maybe the sex wasn't as great as your sixteen-year-old mind remembers. Maybe you just fuck Jamie and that's all it is, a fuck, or maybe it's more. At least this way, you won't be holding him on some pedestal like he's a Greek god or something."
 Maybe she was right and you'd been holding on for fourteen years thinking that what you and Jamie had was this truly magical once and a lifetime thing when in reality all it had been was sex. Let's face it, what your sixteen-year-old self thought was love could've been nothing more than lust. "I never thought he was a Greek god."
 "Please, I was always envious about how you had this romantic first time. I mean mine was in the back of Kyle's jeep, and before you say anything he didn't know where the clit was either."
 You both giggled again, but then you had to remind her of how things had ended. "It wasn't romantic when he said those things about me."
 "He was sixteen (Y/N). I'm not making an excuse, but it's time to build that bridge. Maybe he's changed, maybe he hasn't. I'm not saying for you to give him your whole heart. I'm just saying, find out if what was there, was truly that once in a lifetime love or was it just this idea that you've been holding on to."
 "But what if…" you stuttered while Emma waited for you to continue. "What if…I still love him, and he breaks my heart, again."
 "(Y/N), that's the chance we all take when we open our hearts to love. You don't think that I felt that way with Caleb? That sometimes I still don't feel that way." She sighed. You could tell she was struggling with how to put her feelings into words. "He could walk out the door and leave me here alone, and my heart would break into pieces, but the love I have for him is so much greater than that fear." She made it sound so easy, but all you could remember was how completely hurt you'd felt when things had gone wrong with Jamie. "I know you're scared, and that's why you've closed your heart off for so long, but (Y/N) I promise you the minute you open it back up, your life is going to be even better than it is. And maybe it's Jamie that deserves your heart and maybe it's not, but you'll never know if you don't try."
 "I know," you whispered weakly, for you really did know that. If it wasn't Jamie, it was going to have to be someone eventually, because you didn't want to be alone forever. It was just that gnawing fear in the back of your mind that Jamie would hurt you again as he had before. "I just don't want to break into a thousand pieces again."
 "You won't (Y/N), and if you do, I'll be on the first flight to Dallas to help you pick them up." She would be, you knew that for sure because you couldn't ask for a better friend than Emma. "And I'll kick his ass as well." That made you laugh considering that Emma was five foot four, and Jamie was just over six foot. It would make for an interesting matchup, but you knew that Emma would take him down no matter the size difference.
 "Thanks, Em."
 "I just want you to be happy, (Y/NN); happy and in love, and I just have this gut feeling that Jamie can make that happen." There was only one way to find out, and that was to open up more to Jamie. It wouldn't be easy but after this little talk, you were willing to try. "Now, enough about this, because you're going to follow my advice. So tell me how everything else is going? Do you like work? Is it everything you thought it would be?"
 "And so much more." You spent the next fifteen minutes catching up with each other before she kicked you off the phone to go make rounds at the hospital. Despite not having that many patients of your own at the moment, you were still looking after all of Dr. Lundin's. It was about three o'clock in the afternoon when your phone rang, Jamie's name popping up on the screen. For a minute, you thought about not answering it, but then you remembered your conversation this morning with Emma and quickly hit the accept button. "Hey, Jame."
 He seemed a bit startled that you answered. "Oh, hey (Y/NN). I was just giving you a call about a couple things."
 "Ok, what's up?"
 "Well, first off, I found your dress in my bathroom this morning."
 "Oh shit, I totally forgot that I left it in there." You'd laid it over the tub last night when you changed, something that you did at home all the time. You had every intention of picking it up before you left, but then you'd fallen asleep and well, it kind of got lost in your mind as you freaked out over possibly having feelings for Jamie.
 "It's no biggie. I hung it up in my closet." He paused as if he'd said something wrong. "Just so it didn't wrinkle anymore." Well, look at him being all domesticated.
 "Thanks, that's sweet of you. I'll stop over and get it sometime from you."
 "Oh, ok or I can bring it over. Whatever is easiest for you. I also wanted to see if there was a good time to reschedule that visit to the AAC? We kind of didn't get to go over my map too much last night. Plus, my artistic skills are a little rusty."
 You'd forgotten all about the tour, but it would be a good excuse to spend some more time with Jamie to see where your feelings were. "Let me check my schedule." You switched him to speaker and flipped over to your calendar. "Oh, I'm headed to Jessi's tomorrow night to take her stitches out, so that won't work. Um, let me see about the next day."
 "What about tonight?"
 "Oh, tonight?" You weren't sure if you were ready to face him just yet, but a little voice, that sounded an awful lot like your best friend, told you there was no time like the present. "Yeah, I can do that. I was just getting ready to leave here in about ten minutes. What time were you thinking?"
 "Whenever I'm free the rest of today, so if you just wanted to come straight here; that's fine."
 This was really not the timeframe you wanted. You hadn't even taken any time this morning to do anything special with your hair or makeup, as you'd spent too much time talking to Emma. Though it wasn't like Jamie hadn't just seen you with drool on your face, wearing his sweats and your hair a complete disaster. Anything would be an improvement over that. It was that thought that had you saying, "Sounds good. I'll see you in about twenty minutes then."
 "Ok see you soon." You hung up and then quickly went to add at least a bit of lip gloss and mascara to your face.
 It was about twenty minutes later that you were pulling into your garage and then walking the short distance to Jamie's. This time foregoing parking at his place. He opened the door before you even had a chance to knock. "Hey, (Y/N). How's it going tonight?"
 It seemed like a loaded question when he was standing there dressed in a pristine white dress shirt, his chest hair peeking out from where he'd undone the first couple buttons. Suddenly, your mouth went dry. When you were sixteen, Jamie didn't have a hair on his chest. Well, maybe there were one or two that he was awfully proud of, but they really didn't count. This was just another sign of how much he'd changed and grown into the man that stood before you today. You'd hoped he'd changed in other ways as well. "Much better tonight. My feet are all ready for you to give me the grand tour."
 "Alright, then let's head out." He had his car in the garage, so you followed him through the house to the SUV. In true Jamie Benn fashion, he came over and opened the door for you. It was something he'd always done when you were younger, as his mom had instilled those gentlemanly courtesies in him. It was weird being in the car with him again. Part of you kept waiting for him to grab your hand and hold it like he used to and you found yourself glancing down every so often at his large fingers gripping the gearshift instead of your hand.
 He pointed out different landmarks as you passed and told you that despite what the navigation system said this was the fastest way to get to downtown from your house. The two of you chatted the whole entire time, while the music played softly in the background. "So, you're going to want to use this gate." Jamie was saying right as his playlist changed to a song from the movie Frozen.
 "So, are you are an Anna or an Elsa fan?" you teased.
 "What?" It was then that he realized what was playing, and quickly changed the song. "I have that on here for my niece."
 He pulled into the players' parking spot, "Uh huh, sure Jame. Admit it you like the movie." He shut the car off and you both got out.
 "I may have watched it with Soph once," he said sheepishly and your heart warmed at the idea of him sitting there with the little girl watching one of Disney's hit movies. You always knew that he would make a great dad, and having that song just proved it.
 You were walking side by side now and you couldn't resist dancing around him, while you sang the lyrics. "Let it go, let it go, can't hold it back anymore." You were walking backward not having a clue where you were going as you continued. "Come on Jame, sing with me. You know you want to…Let it go, let it go, turn away and slam the door."
 "Stop," he chided but had a grin a mile long on his face.
 You twirled around him another time, hands dancing along his arm. "I don't care what they're going to say," you belted out; the words echoing off the cement walls around you. "Let the storm rage on…"
 "The cold never bothered me anyway." Jamie sang finally joining you. You bouncing up and down as he sang with you, not paying attention as your eyes were focused on him and not where you were going. He reached out and grabbed you right as you started to trip on a large cord that was behind you. "Careful there Elsa." Your hands went to his chest, your palm resting where his heart was racing, as his slid around your waist and pulled you in close to him. Pressed up against him, you couldn't help the urge that came over you to kiss him; he was just so close, and his eyes were smiling into yours, and it felt like the perfect moment to test the waters out. So, you slid your hands just a little further up his chest, and you raised up on your tiptoes so that your lips were mere inches from him, and then your watch chimed again; the damn thing reminding you to breathe, and the moment was lost.
 You dropped back down onto the balls of your feet but still kept that smile plastered on your face. "Thanks for saving me Olaf," you said and tapped his chest, before stepping out of his embrace.
 "Olaf? I was thinking more Kristoff."
 You tapped your finger on your chin, looking him up and down. "You're right, I was wrong. You're definitely Sven."
 "The reindeer?"
 "I knew you've watched that movie more than just once with your niece."
 You were finally at the door, and Jamie was entering a code to get into the building since there wasn't anything going on at the AAC today. "Ok, you got me, but really Sven?"
 "What's wrong with Sven? He's sweet, kind, lovable…" Shit the moment the word came out of your mouth you wanted to take it back. Of course, Jamie was lovable too but you weren't sure you were ready to be the one loving him. There was too much uncertainty in doing that just yet. You coughed trying to cover up the slip of tongue and then added, "He's also oddly quiet when there are people around. Kind of like someone else I know."
 He raked his hand through his hair, an action that your fingers longed to do. "I'm only that way around people I don't know…and the media." You knew this about him, of course, because you'd watched a few of his interviews. His answers were always clipped and short, which sometimes gave the impression he was standoffish, but then he would throw a little comment here and there and the real Jamie would come out. "But anyhow, we should be getting on with the tour."
 "Lead the way."
 Had she really just called you lovable? Moreover, had she just been about to kiss you? That damn watch of hers kept beeping at the most inappropriate times and it was maddening. Something had changed since she'd practically run out of your house this morning. You weren't sure what, but she'd definitely let her guard down some, and you were all for it. You knew it was going to take baby steps to get back into her heart, but those steps seemed to be coming more and more frequently and you weren't complaining.
 You were surprised when (Y/N) agreed to the tour tonight, for you thought for sure that she'd avoid you at all cost after you had fallen asleep with her on the sofa last night. It was the last thing that you intended but she had felt so right in your arms, that you'd just let yourself get caught up in the moment. God, she looked so adorable this morning, hair messy, with her cheeks all rosy from sleeping on you, and then how she was wearing your sweats; there was nothing that you wanted more than to see her like that every day for the rest of your life. Baby steps, you reminded yourself.
 The tour around the arena went pretty well. You showed her everything that you could think of, ending the tour in the training room, just as you had the other day. She was taking everything in, noticing that Dave and his crew had implemented all the ideas she had talked about the other day. "Everything look ok?"
 "Oh yeah, they did an amazing job." She was opening drawers and checking supplies.
 "Well, I guess that's the end of the tour then." You glanced down at your watch to notice that it was almost six o'clock. You were definitely going to hit rush hour traffic. "If we head out now, it'll probably take us an hour to get home. Maybe a little less, if I hurry."
 "Oh, do you have to be some place?"
 "Um…no. Why?"
 "Well, you're all dressed up, thought maybe you had a hot date or something." There was a tremble in her voice that usually wasn't there, and you had to wonder if she asked the question in hopes that you weren't seeing anyone.
 "No, no hot date. I actually…" Shit, now it was your turn to get all tongue-tied. "Well, I mean…I thought we could have dinner downtown here and really celebrate your big surgery."
 "Oh!" There was a bit of shock in her voice. "I mean last night was perfect. You don't have to take me to dinner, after everything you did."
 You raked your hands through your hair again. It was a bad nervous habit, that served as a distraction while you tried to think of something to say. This time there was nothing clever that came to mind. "What if I want to take you to dinner?"
 The corner of her lip picked up on the right side of her face, that was the first sign she gave, telling you that she liked the idea. It got you excited that she might just agree, to the plan you had, but then it seemed like she was getting into her head, as she took a moment to think about your offer. "You know what?" It wasn't really a question, so you remained quiet. "Dinner sounds amazing, but only on one condition." You cocked a brow at her, silently asking what that was. "I get to buy."
 "Oh no, I asked you out." Oh shit, that came out wrong, you didn't mean it to sound like you'd asked her out on a date, that for sure would scare her away. "Besides my mom would kill me if she found out I let you pay," you quickly added hoping that it would cover up your blunder.
 "Hmm," she mused. "I guess we'll just have to see who has the quicker hands when the check comes then." That sure sounded like a yes to you.
 "You're on, but I plan on winning."
 "We'll see," she said as she headed out the door of the training room. "Now, let me see if I can remember how to get out of here." She led the way out to the car and you only had to direct her one time, which was pretty good considering it took you a week to find your way around the place.
 The restaurant was one of the finest Dallas had to offer, and one of the main reasons why you didn't want (Y/N) paying, though you were sure that wouldn't deter her from trying. Being that you weren't sure if (Y/N) was going to say yes to dinner, you didn't have a reservation, though when you slipped the maître d a hundred-dollar bill and your name; you were suddenly shown the nicest table in the place, one that was quiet and out of the way. Conversation between you and (Y/N) flowed easily, as did the wine, though you made sure not to drink too much as you'd be driving the two of you home. It also helped you grab the check when the waiter brought it at the end of the night.
 "That's not fair." (Y/N) chided as your long arms reached out and snagged the leather pouch out of the man's hands, who looked a bit taken back by the action.
 "You said whoever had the fastest hands."
 "Yes, but I clearly had more wine than you, which limited my ability, and now I'm convinced you did that on purpose." She was always so adorable when she pouted, but right now you just wanted to kiss those pursed lips and you were having a hard time holding yourself back from doing just that.
 "One of us needed to drive home, but you didn't protest when I poured that last glass."
 "Well, it clearly didn't help my motor skills that's for sure. Though please mark it down, that I am paying next time." Next time? So, she planned on going out with you again. You were making more headway than you thought.
 You decided to forge ahead while she was in such a good mood, as you were coming close to running out of excuses for the two of you to get together. "And when would this next time be?"
 "Um, I'll have to check my schedule, but maybe I could cook you dinner next week. You know as maybe a thank you for helping me." She sat there across from you with this shy little smile playing across her lips. The look all too tantalizing, for it was doing things that it shouldn't to your nether regions.
 "Dinner at your place huh? Sounds like an offer I can't refuse." You paid the bill and then the two of you headed out. The drive back was fun, as the two of you continued with your flirtatious banter the whole way home. When you turned onto your street, disappointment reared its ugly head as the night was coming to an end. You wanted to spend more time with her. Hell, if you were being realistic you want her to fall asleep in your arms again so you could hold her all night long. You pulled into the garage, then got out of the car to help (Y/N) out.
 "Thanks for everything today, Jame. Including dinner which I was supposed to pay for."
 "You know I can run some drills with you to sharpen your hand-eye coordination if you want." There were also some other drills you'd like to be doing with her in the bedroom.
 "Well, I may just take you up on that." The two of you were standing in the driveway, not knowing how to end the night. If this was truly a date, you'd walk her home and maybe kiss her, but would she smack you if you tried that now? "I should be getting home. Thanks again for everything." She started down the drive, walking at a leisurely pace.
 "Hey (Y/NN)," you called out and she turned back towards you as you trotted up beside her. "Can I walk you home?" She gave you a curious look, and it did sound rather funny considering she lived only two doors down, but you weren't ready for your time with her to end just yet.
 You were just about to stumble through how it was just for safety, when she said, "Sure." You smiled at her and the two of you started the extremely short walk to her house. "You know, tonight was a lot of fun."
 "Yeah, it really was." You wanted to say it reminded you of old times, but you didn't want to bring up the bad ones that also went with that. "We should do it more often."
 "I'd like that." (Y/N) was shocking you at every turn tonight and you weren't sure what mystical force was in the air but you prayed that it didn't go away and make her hate you again. A comfortable silence fell over you both, it was one that you had with her long ago, though back then it was as if you could read each other thoughts. Now, you weren't sure what was going on in that complex mind of hers but if it continued to lead her on a path towards you; you weren't going to question it.
 You were just about to her front door, and damn if that didn't feel as if the two of you were speed walking over, even though you were strolling at a leisurely pace. Again, you searched for something so that you wouldn't have to leave her company just yet. "Hey, how's your patient doing? The one who's leg you saved."
 "Really great actually. I stopped in right before I left. He's got a long road ahead of him, but he was in really good spirits today."
 "All because of you."
 "I wouldn't go that far."
 "I would." She blushed at the compliment, as you finally made it to the front door.
 "Well, this is me." She said with a cute little smile and a shrug of her shoulder.
 There was really nothing more you could say to keep you at her front door, so you found yourself saying, "I guess my duty is fulfilled…now that you're safe at home and all."
 "So it seems." Was that a hint of reluctance you heard in her voice? Was she as sad to see the night end as you were? "Thanks again, Jame. It was fun." She entered the code to get in the house, unlocking the door and opening it. What she did next almost had you falling over, as she went up on her toes and placed a chaste kiss on your cheek. "Goodnight, Jame."
 A smile so bright, it could've lit up all of Dallas, appeared on your face, and she ducked inside right as you said. "Goodnight, (Y/NN)." As soon as the door closed, you pressed a hand to your cheek making sure that what had just happened was real and not something that you imagined. It had been real alright, and you felt like you were fifteen again, all giddy at the thought that the girl you liked, liked you back.
 Thank goodness, you only lived two doors down as you don't remember how you got back inside your own home, but there you were standing in front of the bathroom mirror grinning like a fool as you looked at the spot (Y/N) had just kissed. Now more than ever, you couldn't wait to see her again. Unfortunately, you had no excuse to call her this time or no definite date of when you'd see her again, just a promise that the two of you would have dinner again soon. While you looked forward to that, you wished that it would be happening sooner rather than later. You'd just have to come up with a plan.
 It seemed fate had your back this time though, as the following evening found her knocking on your door. "I hate to do this, but can I come in?" (Y/N) asked as she stood outside in the pouring rain, looking like a drowned rat. Well, maybe not a rat, but a very cute wet puppy for sure.
 "Yeah, sure." You said stepping aside as a loud crack of thunder sounded in the air.
 "I'm sorry to do this, but the code to the house isn't working and I left my phone, and my bag, at Jessi's when I was taking out her stitches." She stood there dripping wet in your foyer. "If I could just use your phone to call her, I'll run back over there."
 "Run? Where's your car?"
 "Locked, in the garage. I didn't realize it was going to storm and had just walked over there. I was almost home when it started."
 "Let me grab you a towel." You went and grabbed one out of the guest bathroom downstairs, then handed it to her to dry off. "I'll call Jess for you, but you're not running back over there. I'll drive you."
 She gave you a smile, before toweling off her hair. "Thank you."
 You went to the kitchen to grab your phone and call your soon to be sister-in-law. "Hey, Jess."
 "Hey, Chubbs, what's up?" Jess replied.
 "(Y/N) locked herself out of the house and I guess she left her stuff at your place. I was going to drive her over so she could get it if that's ok."
 There was silence on the other end of the phone and you were wondering if the two of you got disconnected or something with the storm. "Hmmm," she finally mumbled. "I'm going to do you a huge favor here and tell you I'm not home, even though I totally am."
 "You know I love you, but you're so dense sometimes." How were you the one that was dumb when she didn't make any sense? "Tell (Y/N) that I had to run to a friend's house and you're not sure when I'll be home with the storm. That way the two of you can spend a little more time together."
 "Oh," you said as you finally caught on to her plan.
 "You owe me one. Tell her I'll call you when I get back, which probably won't be for a while." You'd take all the time that you could get with (Y/N). "If you don't answer, I'll take that as a good sign." You could almost see her winking at you through the phone.
 "Thank Jess. You're literally the best."
 "I know," she quipped back, then hung up the phone.
 You went back out to where (Y/N) was standing in your entryway. "Apparently, Jess took off to a friend's house the minute you left. She said she's didn't realize you left your stuff or she would've dropped it off. She's going to call when she gets back, but it's going to be a bit with the storm."
 "Oh," (Y/N) stood there a little shocked, not knowing what to do. "Well, maybe if I go try the code again it will work."
 Another crack of thunder, with streaks of lightning, filled the sky. "(Y/N), you are not going back over there in the rain. Just stay here until the storm dies down. They usually pass pretty quick." But then again, sometimes they didn't and this was one you were hoping would stick around for at least a few more hours.
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meowmerson · 4 years
hi meowmers! just read your latest tomione fics and i'm so glad you're back here blessing us. would love to read your take on head boy & head girl tomione fic? or maybe an au where auror! hermione chases after dark wizard tom riddle
head boy head girl you say??????????????? one of my favorite tropes you say????????????????????????? I ACCEPT
Hermione knew it would be him. He was top of their class (a title she had been battling against him for since their first year) beloved by their professors and classmates, he was a natural-born leader, handsome, likable - it would have been outrageous for head boy to be anyone other than him.
Didn’t mean she had to like it.
Hermione always found something suspicious about Tom Riddle. She was certain she was the only one who thought so, save for maybe Harry, but then Harry was easily won over when people were kind to him. And Tom Riddle certainly went out of his way to be kind.
But he was mysterious. No one really knew where he was from - everyone knew he was an orphan, but no one knew how, or where he lived now. Everyone just thought he was a poor tortured soul and that those things should never be mentioned.
He had a close circle of friends who followed his every command and cowered in the face of his glare. She had seen Malfoy once laughing and subsequently cowering from nothing but a look from Tom Riddle, nothing more than a glance, and suddenly Malfoy was swallowing his laughter and averting his eyes to the ground. Malfoy didn’t do that for anybody.
How could someone so allegedly kind strike that kind of fear into someone’s heart with nothing more than a glance?
He was fake, she had decided. He was nothing more than secrets upon secrets shrouded beneath a pretty face, a friendly smile, an intelligent mind. But there was something there, beneath the surface. Something secret, something dark.
And Hermione never liked liars.
“Would you just admit you want to ride his dick til you pass out so we can move on?” Lavender drawled from her bed in the Gryffindor seventh year room.
Hermione sputtered for a solid thirty seconds while Padma and Parvati absolutely killed themselves laughing. Ginny, who was lounging on Padma’s bed while the twins lay together on Parvati’s, stared at Hermione awaiting her reaction with unrelenting glee.
“Lavender!” Hermione finally managed to choke out, bringing on another round of obnoxious laughter from the girls.
“Oh come on, Hermione,” Lavender said, “You have wanted to hop on that since first year!”
“I have absolutely no idea what you are–”
“Oh, look at him Hermione!” Ginny said, “That boy is sex on legs,”
“Whether or not he is sex on legs is not the point!” Hermione snapped, “Have you been listening to anything I’m saying? I have to share a living quarters with a boy who–”
“So you admit he’s sex on legs then?” Lavender interrupted.
“Ugh!” Hermione pushed herself to her feet, “I am finished with this conversation. I’m leaving.”
“Make sure you get back before curfew starts,” Padma said, and Parvati added, “Or Riddle will need to punish you!”
“Fuck all of you!” Hermione swore, and the uncharacteristically foul language sent the girls into another round of laughter.
She tried to speak to Harry and Ron.
Ron said, “Ah, this is about how badly you want to snog Riddle then, is it?”
Harry laughed, and Hermione picked up the bottle of firewhiskey they had snuck in and poured it out the window as revenge.
She put off returning to the common room as long as she could. Guiding the first years around had been alright, mostly because they split up those responsibilities and didn’t take them together, but they would be doing rounds tonight, together, just the two of them, then returning to the Head’s common together.
It all felt very strange.
Tom was stood outside the portrait to their common room when she arrived. “You’re nearly late.” He said.
“Nearly,” Hermione agreed, “But not quite.”
“Meeting up with your friends?” He asked as they started down the hall. He always did this, attempted friendly conversation, as if they were familiar enough to do so. She nodded curtly. “Did you meet up with any of them over the summer?”
“No,” She answered. She didn’t elaborate.
“Ah,” He replied, seemingly nonplussed, “It must be nice to catch up, then.”
When would this torture end?
“Yes, it is.” Hermione agreed.
“And did you have a nice summer?” He asked.
She glanced toward him, but looked away before she caught his eye. He was peering around the corridor, keeping an eye out for any students out after curfew or first years who had gotten lost. She wondered what he was playing at, why he was trying to make friendly conversation. What did he have to gain, here? What did he want?
“Miss Granger?” He pressed.
“I asked if you had a nice summer.” She looked toward him again, and this time his eyes were fixed on her.
“Did you?” She asked, just to see the twitch in his brow in response. He did that sometimes, little ticks to show that his endless patience wasn’t really so endless. She loved to see it, see those glances into whoever he was behind his mask of perfection.
“Yes.” It was the shortest response he’d given her that night.
“Oh,” She said, and offered him a strained smile, “Yes, I did.”
He didn’t speak to her for the remainder of the evening, except for a polite ‘have a good night’ when they returned to the common room.
It felt like a win
They split up rounds, after that. They worked on a one night on, one night off schedule, trading off. It wasn’t typical for head boy and girl to do this, but Hermione had suggested it, and Tom hadn’t argued.
He never did, she found out. He had debated her countless times in class, but they had never had a personal conversation before this year, and it seemed no matter what she said, what she suggested, he tended to agree.
She didn’t understand what he was up to.
Her friends wouldn’t stop relentlessly teasing her, and wouldn’t listen to a single one of her suspicions. And why would they? She didn’t have anything to go on, just this feeling in her gut.
Maybe it was just an issue of attraction.
He was handsome, certainly, and extremely intelligent. He impressed her, and it had been a while since she had met someone who genuinely impressed her. He had a way with people that she always lacked, everyone liked him, maybe it was jealousy. Or maybe it was the way she had so often caught herself thinking about him over the year, wondering what it would be like to know him, for him to know her.
Was this feeling nothing but her own convoluted emotions making her over paranoid?
Living in close quarters to Tom was easy. He kept to himself, didn’t invite anyone over, she would only see him if he was reading in front of the fireplace in their shared common area. She never saw him up to no good, never heard strange noises or saw strange things. He was perfectly normal, perfectly good, perfectly perfect.
She was beginning to doubt herself.
“You know,” Harry told her once, “I thought I hated Draco for ages until I realized I just like blokes.”
“But you also hated Draco,” She reminded him.
“True,” He agreed, and shrugged, as if that didn’t really matter.
It was her turn for rounds, and she was dutifully making her way through her assigned route. It was a quiet night, she hadn’t run into any first-years sneaking around the castle, or third-years finding their way to the kitchens, or sixth-years hooking up in abandoned classrooms. She was grateful especially for the last one, she hated stumbling upon that.
She was about ready to finish, head back up to her room and go to bed, when she saw the slightest glow under a classroom door.
It only lasted for a moment before it was gone, like a candle being burnt out, or a spell being cast. She crept toward the door, it was probably a couple of naked teenagers again, trying to get their rocks off in the potions classroom. She pressed her ear against the door to see if she needed to knock or if she could barge in.
She could hear nothing.
She moved away, furrowed her brow. There was definitely someone in there, but they put up a silencing charm. Definitely a couple. She went to open the door, it was locked. So she cast an Alohomora, and to her surprise, nothing happened.
Something icy settled in her stomach. She could only think of one person that she could imagine casting such advanced locking charms. But it wasn’t his night for patrols, and she thought he was in his room.
She was being paranoid. She knew she should knock and demand whoever is in there comes out immediately, deduct house points for being out late and finish her rounds. She shouldn’t be overdramatic about this, lest she look like a fool.
She blew up the lock and removed the silencing charm.
She heard a boy yelp as she pushed the door open. There was a bit of smoke from the exploded lock that had to clear before she could see what was going on inside the room.
Malfoy stood inside, his eyes wide and wet, and Tom stood opposite, looking like he was trying very hard not to look angry.
“What is going on in here?”
“Miss Granger,” Tom said calmly, “Was blowing the lock truly necessary?”
“Was locking and silencing the room truly necessary?” She replied, but she was quickly distracted by Malfoy. He looked terrified, he was blinking rapidly, his eyes wet, and he was shaking like a leaf. She glanced between the two of them, Malfoy looking traumatized, and Tom looking the picture of poise, his eyes locked on her.
She wondered what could have been happening before she opened that door.
“Are you alright?” She asked Malfoy quietly.
“Draco sometimes has nightmares,” Tom answered, “It’s not something he is particularly open about. I was trying to give him a space to calm down with a bit of privacy.”
Hermione watched Tom for a long moment, examined the friendly tilt of his lips into an almost-smile,  the gentle tone of his voice. He was for all intents and purposes, a dedicated friend.
Hermione wasn’t buying it. “I asked Malfoy.” She said.
Something changed in Tom’s expression then, something she hadn’t seen before. It wasn’t just the twitch of his eyebrow or a slight, barely present frown. His whole face went startlingly blank, and his eyes became sharp. She had never seen his eyes like that, focused and intense.
She looked back to Malfoy, who stared back and forth between them with wide eyes. “Malfoy.” She repeated.
He looked at Tom first, who met his gaze. Malfoy then looked back to her, and finally spoke, “Yes,” He said, and the breathiness of his voice made Hermione wonder what had been happening before she interrupted. Did people really sound like this just from crying from a nightmare? “I get night-terrors. Tom was simply calming me down.”
Hermione didn’t like the way Tom turned back to her with a smile. “If you don’t mind, Ms. Granger,” He said, “I’ll take care of Malfoy.”
Malfoy had not stopped shaking.
“I can take him back to his common room,” Hermione said, “It isn’t your night for rounds, Mr. Riddle.”
“I would rather Tom takes me back to the common room.” Malfoy interjected.
There was nothing more Hermione could do then, except look sadly at the state Malfoy was in and ask, “Are you sure, Draco?”
She used his first name on purpose. Malfoy blinked at her, and Tom turned his head slowly to look at her as she said it. She didn’t look at Riddle, kept her eyes on Malfoy and waited for his response.
He nodded, so there was nothing else she could do.
“Fine,” She nodded, and didn’t look at Riddle when she added, “Take him straight back to his common room, it’s after curfew and I don’t want to have to deduct house points.”
“Of course, Hermione,” Tom said.
It was the first time he ever used her first name.
Hermione didn’t see Tom that night, and she left her room early that morning.
She didn’t see him until breakfast.
“I need to tell you something,” She said to Harry and Ron, “Something I saw last night.”
“What is it?” Ron said through a mouth full of food.
She looked around the Great Hall. Tom Riddle hadn’t made his appearance yet, but Malfoy was at the Slytherin table. He looked normal, his typical haughty self, it was as if last night had never happened. But Hermione couldn’t chake the memory of his expression, frightened and shaking like a leaf.
“I was doing my rounds,” She said, looking back to Ron and Harry who were listening closely, “And I walked in on Riddle and Malfoy.”
“Doing what?” Harry asked.
“I’m not sure,” Hermione said, “They were in the potions classroom and had a silencing charm and complicated locking charm on the door.”
“Doing what, though?” Ron pressed.
“I don’t know!” Hermione protested, “I can’t imagine what they could have been doing, but–”
“Were they fucking?” Ron asked outright.
Hermione sputtered for a moment, “No!” She said, “Well, I–I don’t think so. No. Malfoy looked terrified.” She thought of the two of them, standing there, Riddle’s calm stance, Malfoy’s wide, wet eyes. “No, definitely not. I blew the lock and walked in unannounced and they weren’t even touching, no clothes askew.”
“Wait,” Harry interjected, “You blew the lock?”
“Yes.” Hermione confirmed.
“Bloody hell,” Ron said, “Why’d you do that?”
“I couldn’t unlock it.” Hermione shrugged, not understanding the fuss. “That’s not the point.”
“So what did they say?” Harry asked.
“They said something about Malfoy having nightmares,” Hermione sighed, “That he needed to calm down, and Tom was helping him.”
Ron shrugged, “Sounds believable to me.”
“Does it?” Hermione asked, astounded, “Does it actually?”
“Yeah, why not?” Ron asked, and commenced shoveling food into his face again, “They’re friends, aren’t they?”
“Riddle doesn’t have friends,” Hermione protested, “Have you ever heard him call anyone by their first name? Have you ever seen him spending time with someone outside what is absolutely necessary?” She didn’t miss Ron rolling his eyes, but she ignored it, “Something was going on, I’m sure of it. I’m just not sure what.”
“What does Malfoy have nightmares about?” Harry asked.
“I don’t know, Harry!” Hermione replied, exasperated, “That’s not the point.”
“The point is,” Ron said through another mouthful, “Hermione is pissed her boyfriend was canoodling with another guy.”
“Ronald.” Hermione said sternly.
That wasn’t Ron. That wasn’t Harry. Hermione looked up to see Tom Riddle stood behind her two best friends, a small, friendly smile on his face. Ron’s eyes practically bulged out of his skull when he turned to see who was behind him, and he turned back to Hermione to raise his eyebrows and she knew what he was trying to say to her without words, ‘he calls you Hermione, huh?’
“Riddle.” She greeted, pointedly avoiding his first name.
“I was hoping I could speak to you.” Tom said.
“No.” Hermione replied, secretly delighted by the slight falter in his smile, “I’m in the middle of a conversation.”
“We just finished, actually!” Harry chirped, smiling at Tom and then turning back to Hermione, “Go ahead, ‘Mione. It’s fine.”
She wanted to kill Harry.
“Fine.” She said, and stood slowly, “We can talk.”
“Excellent.” Tom said.
They were on opposite sides of the long table, and the distance from where she was sat to the main door of the great hall felt like a funeral procession. She glanced toward him, over the heads of the students at the Gryffindor table. He looked straight ahead, his hands clasped behind his back, his head held high. He had excellent posture and a perfect mask. It felt dreamlike, walking alongside him with only a table full of oblivious students between them.
Once outside the Great Hall, Tom walked beside Hermione until they reached a relatively quiet corridor. It was lined with windows that overlooked the courtyard. Sunlight streamed in, and they stopped in the light of one of the windows, but Tom stood just outside of the sunlight.
She waited for him to speak.
“You blew the lock off the door.” Was the first thing he said. She didn’t understand why everyone was so hung up on that.
“Yes.” She confirmed, “You cast very complicated locking spells.”
He smiled tightly, “We wanted privacy.”
“What for?” She asked.
He paused, examined her for a quiet moment. Hermione wasn’t sure what he hoped to find, but he stared into her eyes for what felt like a very, very long time before speaking again, “Forgive me to saying so, Hermione,” He used her name again. She didn’t know why he did that. “But you seem suspicious of me.”
“Is there something I should be suspicious of?” She asked.
“I certainly don’t think so,” He laughed, “I told you the truth last night, I’m sorry if it appeared suspicious.”
“Why was he so afraid of you?” She tipped her chin up, tried to search his eyes for some kind of answer like he seemed to try to do with her.
He laughed, “Hermione,” He said her name again, she felt something uncomfortable coil in her gut, “He was not afraid of me. I don’t believe anyone has any reason to be afraid of me.”
She didn’t believe him. That was the strangest thing about all of this - despite his nice smile and his kind words, she couldn’t find it within herself to believe him no matter how she tried. But it would do no good to say so, so she looked away and said, “Of course. Forgive me, I’m a bit on edge.”
“Are you alright, Hermione?” He asked, “Is there anything I can do?”
You can stop lying to my fucking face, she thought. But she just smiled tightly and shook her head.
He reached out, gently laid his hands on her arm, and it took everything in herself not to flinch. “Let me know if you need anything.” He said kindly, “Perhaps we can start doing rounds together?”
She didn’t like the idea of spending any more time around him than absolutely necessary. But then she didn’t like the idea of him galavanting around Hogwarts at night, either. At least this way she could keep an eye on him.
“Alright,” She agreed, “Let’s do that.”
He smiled, and let his hand linger just a moment too long on her arm.
Hermione cornered Malfoy in the library.
“Draco,” She greeted, sitting down across from him where he was reading. He looked up, and promptly blanched.
“What the fuck do you want, Granger?” He snapped.
“Just checking in.” She said, “How are you feeling?”
He stared at her for a very long time, a sneer steadily spreading across his face. “Fine.” He spat.
“No more nightmares?” She pressed.
There was a split second, barely there at all, where his brows started to press together, and he looked confused. It was gone in a flash, and he averted his eyes and followed along, but it was all Hermione needed to know she was right. “Yeah, nightmares…” He agreed, “I’m fine, Riddle helped.”
She leaned closer, folding her arms on the table in front of her. “But it wasn’t really a nightmare, was it?”
Malfoy grit his teeth. “What are you on about?”
“It wasn’t a nightmare,” Hermione repeated, “It was something else, right?” Malfoy was glaring fiercely at her now, “What happened to you in there? Why were you so scared?”
“Granger,” He started, and it sounded like a warning. Hermione ignored it.
“What did he do to you?” She pressed, “Malfoy, if you tell me, I can help you.”
Abruptly, Malfoy slammed his hands on the table and stood. He leaned toward her, and in a quiet tone, he furiously spoke, “I have never once asked for help from a mudblood,” Hermione sat back, the word sinking deep into her chest. She blinked once and willed herself not to show how it bothered her, “And I won’t start now.”
She stood and slammed her hand down on his book, let her magic seep out through her fingertips to set it on fire.
She left him there, frantically stamping out the flames, and felt foolish for caring.  
She was studying in the heads common room. She didn’t usually do that, opting to study in her room instead, but she wanted a change in scenery, so she sat on the floor of the common room by the fire, taking in its warmth and focusing on her coursebook.
She didn’t expect Tom to sit in the chair across from her by the fire.
She glanced up, and saw he was staring at her intently. He hadn’t greeted her yet, just stared. It was evening time, and the room was dark except for the fire. She watched the glow play along his features, and felt something strange in her belly.
“Hello, Riddle.” She greeted first, because he wasn’t saying anything yet.
“Hermione.” He greeted, and smiled a small, private smile. “How are you feeling?”
“Fine,” She answered, “Why?”
“I heard about your conversation with Malfoy.” He explained, and she felt herself go cold despite the warmth of the fire.
She didn’t answer. She wasn’t sure what she was meant to say.
He pursed his lips for a moment, then moved from the chair to sit on the ground across from her. “Hermione,” He said quietly, “I heard about what he called you.”
She suddenly felt very confused. She thought he would ask why she was still asking about him, still acting like he was suspicious. She couldn’t fathom why he, a Slytherin who had absolutely used that word before, would be concerned because someone called her a mudblood.
It wasn’t precisely that it didn’t bother her. It did. Every time someone called her by that name it made her feel angry, upset, ashamed, all at the same time. But she was used to it, to some extent.
“He’s called me that before,” She finally answered, “I know you’ve used that word before.”
“Not against you.” He argued.
A strange argument, because it hardly mattered who he used it against.
“Regardless,” She continued, “You’re hardly in a position to comfort me if someone calls me a horrible name.” His brow twitched, “Besides, it isn’t the first time and it won’t be the last. I’m fine.”
“I’ve spoken to him,” Tom said, “He won’t call you that again.”
She felt well and truly lost. She couldn’t hide the confusion on her face even if she tried.
“Shouldn’t you be more concerned with other parts of our conversation?” She asked.
It was a foolish thing to ask him, but she couldn’t help herself.
He laughed, glanced away for a moment to look into the fire. Hermione found herself unwillingly fixating on the glow of his cheeks, the slope of his nose, the way the firelight danced in his dark eyes and made them glow red.
“Do you know what I think, Hermione?” He asked, still looking into the fire. She didn’t answer, and after a moment he looked back at her, and there was something in his gaze that made her stomach twist. “I think there are better things we could be doing than fighting each other.”
Hermione suddenly found herself rather short of breath. There was no mistaking what he was implying, his tone of voice and the weight of his eyes made it very clear. Though for all of the female attention Tom Riddle received, she had never heard of him being so forward. Quite the opposite - she had often heard girls bemoaning the fact that Tom was so standoffish, refused to make a move or pursue anyone, was nothing but a perfect gentleman at all times.
He was trying to distract her, she thought. It was the only explanation. He was trying to take her mind off of things that he didn’t want her to be thinking of.
She wondered…
She set her book aside, leaned toward him slowly. There was no sound except for the crackling of the fire. She watched his eyes as she leaned toward him, closer and closer until there were only a few inches between them. He watched her, sat as still as a statue. She paused, left a breath of space between them and watched his expression, but he showed no emotion.
Quietly, she spoke, and as she did, his eyes fell to her lips, “I would love to know what it is you think we should be doing, Tom Riddle.”
His eyes met hers again, impossibly dark. She didn’t notice he lifted his hand until she felt his fingers drag gently up her arm. He didn’t move closer, he left that decision entirely up to her. Clever, she thought. To let her believe she is entirely in control, to ease any thoughts of suspicions that he should be hiding something by distracting her but making it feel like it is her decision.
Briefly, she did consider the possibility of going through with it. It would grant easy access to his bedroom, and she could surely find all sorts of things in there to clear some of his mystery. But there was no guarantee she would have a moment in there without his watchful eye, and she felt a bit uncomfortable at the thought of sleeping with someone to get what she wanted.
She wasn’t like him.
She could feel the heat of him, as strong as the fire, blazing against her chest. She was struck by the uncomfortable thought that some part of her, buried beneath the suspicion and frustration and anger, would like to kiss him. It made her angry, the way some parts of him seemed to call to her, it made her deeply uncomfortable that the thought of being with him made her stomach twist with anticipation.
It especially infuriated her that all of this was only a show. She knew without a shadow of a doubt that someone like Tom Riddle - intelligent, poised, enigmatic, Slytherin - would never look at her that way. He must think her a fool to fall for something as simple as this, to trip over herself because he gives her an iota of attention.
Hermione tilted her head. He still hadn’t moved. She found it fascinating, the way he held himself so still, allowing her to make all the moves. Somehow she doubted someone like him, someone capable of instilling os much fear in his friends, would be so submissive in matters like this.
“How stupid do you think I am?” She asked, breaking the silence with nothing more than a whisper. He blinked, a slight pinch to the centre of his brow. “What kind of simpering fool do you take me for?”
His hand dropped. “Hermione,” He started, but she caught his hand by the wrist and he fell silent once more.
“Perhaps next time,” Hermione spat, “We can come from a place of mutual respect, rather than pretending I am like every other person you have ever seduced, intimidated, or threatened into doing what you want.” His face was carefully blank, but he didn’t interrupt, he didn’t move, didn’t even pull his hand away. “You can start by telling me what was happening with Malfoy the other night, and then perhaps I can withstand your present long enough to have a conversation.”
He didn’t say anything, so Hermione turned to pick up her book and began to stand. Tom Riddle caught her by her wrist before she could get far, so quick and so sudden that he startled her. She dropped her book as he pulled her back down, and in a tone sounding very unlike him he spoke.
“How about we start with you telling me something,” He said, and she noted his voice was higher when he was angry, sharper, more cutting. It wasn’t a nice sound, not like the way his voice usually sounded. “Why do you care so much about what happens to Malfoy?”
“So you admit it?” She pressed, “Something happened to Malfoy?”
“Don’t you know that he hates you?” He spat, and this version of him was so different than any version of him she had seen before. She took in every inch of him, the downward curl of his sneer, the slight wrinkle of his nose, the cutting gaze, the slope of his brow. There was even a slight flush to his cheeks, a sign of life that she hadn’t even noticed wasn’t there before. “More than he hates Potter, more than he hates anyone, he hates you. He find you repulsive, dirty—“
“I have never cared what Malfoy thinks of me and I won’t start now.” She interrupted.
“Then why do you give a shit about what happens to him behind closed doors?” His grip on her wrist was bruising, but she wouldn’t flinch. This was the most brutal, honest display he had ever shared with her, and she wouldn’t miss a moment, wouldn’t shy away, not now when she was getting exactly what she asked for.
“Because it doesn’t matter how much of a bigoted arsehole someone is,” Hermione spoke through gritted teeth, “Doesn’t mean they deserve to be tortured.”
It surprised even her when she said it. She wasn’t sure what precisely it was she suspected when she found Malfoy shaking and terrified in that room with Riddle, hadn’t thought on the details too much. But it made sense to her somehow that someone so perfect and so poised, so falsely kind, could only be capable of horrible, unspeakable things.
Tom’s face closed off immediately, and any and all emotions she had been rewarded with was suddenly gone. His eyes went blank, cold, and a dead smile stretched across his lips. “Oh Hermione,” He murmured, “What a dark imagination you have.”
She snatched her wrist out of his grip, and realized a moment after he did that her hands were shaking. His eyes followed the movement of her hands as she picked up her book and pressed it against her chest.
“I’m not so easily fooled, Riddle,” She said as she stood, “You can deny it all you want, but we both know I’m right.”
“You always are, aren’t you?” He asked, his tone mocking, looking up at her from his place on the ground.
Such a strange and unusual stalemate, she thought, standing her him while he stared up at her with cold, emotionless eyes. She was too quick to call him out, it was too sudden, and because of that they were back to square one. He hadn’t admitted it, but he hadn’t denied it, and he hadn’t lashed out at her either. She might’ve expected more anger in light of her accusations, but he just sat there, the picture of ease, staring up at her as if he had nothing to worry about.
She didn’t say anything in return, instead she stormed to her room, shut the door, and cast three separate locking charms.
She didn’t sleep well that night.
Hermione wasn’t sure what she expected the following morning, but seeing Tom Riddle waiting for her on the couch in the common room stopped her in her tracks.
“Hermione,” He greeted.
“Riddle,” She replied, pointedly refusing to use his first name. “What do you want?”
“I’d like to walk you to the Great Hall.” He answered, standing smoothly. She narrowed her eyes.
“Why?” She asked.
“Because I’d like to show you something.” He answered vaguely.
She didn’t like this, it gave her an uncomfortable feeling, but she wasn’t sure what else she could do. If she resorted to violence, its more than likely people would side with Riddle. Running away would do no good, as they went to school together, shared multiple classes, and slept in rooms next to each other. Not to mention, the idea of running away felt cowardly as well as foolish.
She sighed through her nose and nodded, approaching him with measured steps. He held his arm out to her with a smile as if to guide her, and she ignored it.
They walked in silence. He didn’t try to speak to her and she had no interest in speaking to him. She paid close attention to the corridors, trying to see if any of his friends were lurking about, ready to jump her. She kept a hand on her wand at all times, ready for anything, but nothing happened.
When they neared the Great Hall, she saw a head of white blonde hair lurking outside the entrance. She glanced at Tom momentarily, then looked ahead, tightening her grip on her wand.
Malfoy straightened as they approached, and Hermione readied herself for…for what, she wasn’t sure. It seemed foolish to start something right outside the great hall, and Malfoy didn’t have his wand in hand. His eyes were trained on the floor as they neared him, and he didn’t look up.
“Malfoy.” Tom greeted.
“Riddle,” Malfoy returned, and then more quietly, “Granger.”
Hermione had no idea what was happening, even less so when Malfoy squared his shoulders and spoke.
“Granger,” He repeated, louder this time, somehow managing to sound haughty and arrogant even while his eyes were trained on her shoes, “I apologize for my behavior yesterday. It was inappropriate and uncalled for.”
Hermione was at a loss of what to say. At her extended silence, Malfoy glanced up at her, and then toward Tom. His eyes quickly fell to the ground again, and to Hermione’s utter shock, he lowered his head in what was almost a bow.
She had seen purebloods do this often, mostly to their elders, bow their heads in respect. They rarely did it to anyone on their level, classmates or colleagues, and certainly never did it to muggleborns. “Please, forgive me.” Malfoy said.
Hermione turned her head slowly to look at Tom, who was watching Malfoy with a blank expression, but something dance in his eyes, something almost gleeful.
She turned her head back to see Malfoy, head still bowed. “I forgive you.” She said quietly, and watched the way his shoulders sag, like he was expecting differently.
He straightened, tipped his chin up and nodded before heading into the Great Hall. Hermione watched the empty space where he had just stood.
Tom started to move, but Hermione caught his arm before he could enter the Great Hall. “What in Merlin’s name was that?” She hissed.
“A gift,” He said, and stepped close to her, so close that she had to lift her chin, tip her head back to meet his eyes. “Did you like it?”
“What are you doing?” She asked quietly, and he smiled.
“You don’t like it then?” He surmised, looking like he was enjoying this far too much.
“What did you do to him to make him do that?” She snapped, keeping her voice low.
He dipped his head just a bit, and whispered, “Nothing more than he deserved,” Then he straightened up again, and continued, “Don’t you like him better this way?”
“What are you doing?” She repeated, quickly losing her temper.
Tom Riddle smiled, an unusual thing, because it wasn’t just a quirk of his lips. It was a fully-fledged smile, one that showed his teeth, dimpled his cheek. Hermione felt that smile deep in her belly, twisting and tugging, shortening her breath. “It’s time for breakfast.” Is all he said.
“I’m not eating with you.” She said, furious at how breathy her voice sounded.
“I would be surprised if you did.” He answered.
He took her gently by the arm, and it was only then she realized she had never let go of his arm. She let go as if burned, but didn’t shy away from the gentle fingers on her arm. He guided her toward the entrance to the great hall, and waited until they had entered, until they had caught the gaze of the students nearest to the entrance, before he dropped his hand and nodded his farewell, heading toward the Slytherin table.
Hermione ignored the twisting in her belly, the heat where this hand had touched her arm, and wondered what it meant that when she turned her head to peer over the heads of all the students as she walked toward her table, Tom Riddle’s eyes were still fixed on her.
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lady-divine-writes · 4 years
Klainetober one-shot - “Neck Nibbles” (Rated PG13)
Summary: Kurt wakes up to something biting his neck. Blaine claims it's a mosquito. When Kurt wakes in the morning, he discovers that perhaps Blaine was lying ... (2336 words)
Notes: A re-write for the @klainetober prompt 'vampire'. Follows 'One of Those Nights'.
Read on AO3.
Kurt feels a slight pinch, like the prick of a tiny needle injecting into his neck, and in his sleep, he swings a hand to bat the culprit away.
“Oof! Kurt!” Blaine groans, taking the hit square in the eye.
“Wha---?” Kurt mumbles, only partially awake. “What are you doing?” He snorts in a, frankly, unattractive way - a way reserved for muttering in his sleep - then shifts positions, rolling his hips left, then his body, till he’s lying on his side facing away from his boyfriend.
“I’m not doing anything,” Blaine replies. “Go back to sleep.”
Kurt arcs an eyebrow, but he doesn't open his eyes. "Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure. Go back to sleep."
Kurt would say that Blaine sounds suspiciously awake and coherent for two fifty-two in the morning, but it’s times like these that Kurt forgets his boyfriend is a vampire, not the dapper Prince Charming he fell in love with back at Dalton.
“I’m trying,” Kurt complains, bringing the comforter up to his chin and holding it tight against him to protect his vulnerable neck. “But there’s a mosquito or something in here, and it’s bugging me … hee-hee … bugging me …” Kurt chuckles at his unintended pun, snorting again, which makes him laugh harder.
“I’ll kill it if it comes back,” Blaine promises. “Go back to sleep.”
“Mmm … okay …” Kurt agrees, shoving skepticism aside and snuggling against the hard body of his boyfriend, who usually opts to lie beside Kurt in bed even though he doesn’t need sleep. “As long as you (yawn) stay here to protect me.”
“Of course.” Blaine smiles, fangs bared as Kurt snores softly. “I’ll stay right here." He kisses Kurt lightly on the forehead. "I'm not going anywhere ...”
Kurt can feel the sun within his body telling him it’s time to rise - an occupational hazard of dating a vampire, this sixth sense about the oncoming dawn. It also means that Blaine has made himself scarce, banished to the dark corner of the bedroom by the closet where the sunlight doesn’t reach until noon. The sun has yet to breach the horizon and pierce his sheer drapes, but Kurt can feel it prickling behind his eyelids. 
That’s odd. 
Rarely does that happen unless he and Blaine have a hardcore make-out sesh with lots of biting involved. But weeks of putting in overtime at school and at the diner sent Kurt to bed early, so that definitely didn’t happen.
Short of that strange symptom, his primary concern at the moment is the number that insect did on him last night. Kurt raises a hand to his neck, hissing when his fingertips come in contact with his sore skin.
“Ugh,” he grumbles, rolling his way out of bed. "Must have been a huge mosquito. Filthy bloodsucker ..." He cringes at his own remark, hoping he didn't inadvertently offend his boyfriend. He'll find out after he assesses the damage to his neck. Kurt has extremely sensitive skin. A single bite from a pernicious parasite can make him look like he has a goiter! He needs to figure out how much cover-up he’s going to need to apply before school. 
His feet hit the floor, and immediately the urge to climb back into bed and hide under the covers overwhelms him. 
He got a decent amount of sleep last night. Why is he so damned out of it?
Kurt stumbles blindly over to his vanity and drops onto the stool, groaning at the prospect of opening his eyes. The day would go so much easier if he could keep them shut, but that would probably make taking the subway way more challenging. Kurt blinks his eyes open, lids dragging over sticky corneas, objecting to the idea of letting light anywhere near his retinas. Kurt turns away from the mirror when a stream of light hits the reflective surface and brightens the room.
“Jeez,” Kurt mumbles, putting a hand to his aching head, shielding his eyes. “Hey, Blaine? Did you hand me a hard cider instead of a Diet Coke last night or something? Because I feel awful!”
Blaine doesn’t answer. A few more blinks confirm that Kurt’s boyfriend isn’t even in the room.
Uh-oh, Kurt thinks. That’s never a good sign.
Kurt rubs his eyes hard with the heels of his palms, blinking between rubs to kick-start the watering process. He manages to clear his bleary vision enough to get a decent glimpse of his reflection in the mirror, and his jaw drops.
“BLAINE!” Kurt roars when he sees the grotesque purple splotches running up and down his neck, covering nearly every conceivable inch of skin.
“Yes?” Blaine peeks his head in the bedroom door, biting his lower lip when he catches Kurt’s reflection in the mirror. “Can I help you with something, love?”
“Did you do this?” Kurt asks, pawing at his neck, running his fingertips over the marks, gasping in horror at the nastier ones.
“No?” Blaine says uneasily. “It was a mosquito. You ... you said so yourself.”
Kurt frowns.
Blaine is a horrible liar. 
An incredible actor, but a horrible liar.
Not too long ago, Kurt and Blaine stumbled upon another vampire. A friendly vampire. Victim of circumstance, like Blaine, but for a far less comical reason. This vampire warned Kurt to be careful, said that now that Blaine was a vampire, he'd be better at hiding the truth. 
But he isn't. 
Not by a long shot.
He was a better liar when he was human.
Kurt pivots on his stool to glare angrily at Blaine since looking at his non-reflection through the mirror was getting irritating.
“A mosquito did this?” Kurt points to a particularly massive and vicious-looking bite, countering Blaine’s ridiculous lie.
Kurt turns back to the mirror right as a more intense beam of sunlight hits the glass. He yelps, squeezing his eyes shut hard to avoid the glare.
“Dammit, Blaine!” Kurt leaps off the stool and races to the window to secure the black-out curtains. “You did bite me! I can feel it! All the way to the back of my brain!”
“Only a little,” Blaine finally admits, daring a few steps into the room.
“Only a little? I look like ground meat! Blaine!” Kurt staggers back to his vanity to better examine the damage.
“D-don’t freak out.” Blaine sits on the edge of the bed, watching Kurt set up his arsenal of foundation, intent on covering up the bruises. “The photophobia will wear off in a few hours.”
“It’s not the photophobia that’s bothering me.” Kurt opens a container of green base makeup to prep his violated neck. “If you wanted a late-night snack, could you have at least bitten a spot that won’t show? I have play practice this afternoon, and you know how important this is to me. I look diseased!”
“You could always wear a scarf,” Blaine suggests. "You have tons."
“I bought a new Marc Jacobs shirt with a V-neckline, and none of my scarves go with it,” Kurt argues, turning left and right, whimpering at his boyfriend’s handiwork. “And I was really looking forward to wearing it today.”
“Yeah ... I wanted to ask you about that …”
“Ask me about what?” Kurt asks, dabbing furiously.
“Why the departure from your leather jacket and t-shirts? I mean, you were into fashion when we met, but when I became a … you know …”
“Vampire?” Kurt offers flatly. He has come to terms with it, but, to be honest, there is a part of him that is having a hard time forgiving Blaine over it.
“Yeah, that,” Blaine says sheepishly. “You changed your look. And I know it might sound silly, but it meant something to me. Like, I transformed, and then you did, too. I thought you did it so we would match."
"I did," Kurt admits.
"So ... why are you buying designer clothes again?”
“Because this is an important production, and I want to look a little more professional,” Kurt explains. “I’m not doing it to hurt you if that’s what you think. I'm not that kind of person.”
Blaine nods, but he doesn’t look convinced. “Is it really that? Or is it because that blond with the sexy English accent is going to be there?” 
"What?" Kurt stops fussing with his makeup, an applicator wedge slathered in primer poised an inch from his skin. "Why would you think ...?" Kurt's eyes go wide. “Wait, wait, wait …” He turns to face Blaine, whose gaze darts away to meticulously examine the threads of Kurt’s Valentina comforter. “Are you jealous?”
Blaine falls silent a moment, gets lost in thought. Then, as if suddenly remembering he's in the middle of a conversation, sputters a weak laugh.
“What? N-no. Not a bit. What do I have to be jealous of?”
“Exactly.” Kurt puts his makeup wedge down and scoots closer, placing his hands on Blaine’s knees. “What do you have to be jealous of?”
“Maybe the fact that you’re living the dream? Not just your dream, but mine, too. A dream I’m never going to be able to fulfill.” Blaine's eyes travel from the comforter to the floor, where a narrow ray of light spreads over the wood. “Or maybe … I'm jealous of this …” He sweeps a hand through the beam, his skin sizzling at the touch of sunlight.
“Blaine! Stop! Don’t hurt yourself!” Kurt reaches for Blaine’s burnt hand and holds it in his. He stands and pulls Blaine down the width of the bed, farther away from the window. Kurt sits beside him, rests his head on Blaine’s shoulder. “Oh, honey. We talked about this.”
Blaine shrugs the opposite shoulder, uncomfortable with laying his fears bare, but he doesn’t pull his hand away, curling his fingers over Kurt’s to keep them joined. Kurt looks into Blaine’s face, into glowing red eyes fighting to stay open as the oncoming dawn weighs heavy on him. Kurt knows Blaine’s transformation has been difficult for him to adjust to, but it has never been particularly challenging for them as a couple – not until Kurt landed the starring role in a play that had the potential to go from the humble student theater at NYADA to off-Broadway, with Kurt leading the charge. “No one is going to replace you. And that guy …” Kurt shakes his head. “He doesn’t even come close. Besides ..." Kurt grins "... I’m not the flirt in this relationship. You are.”
"Yeah, well, not so much anymore." Blaine chuckles, tired eyes lifting to meet Kurt’s.
"You have your moments." Kurt raises a hand to cup Blaine’s cold cheek. "You have to trust me."
“I do trust you.” Blaine turns into Kurt’s hand and kisses his wrist, right above the pulse that calls to him incessantly, echoing his need. Blaine doesn’t know if it’s the love he carried over into this immortal life or if that need has always been there, but he has a bond with Kurt – one that would devastate him if it was broken. “It’s that guy I don’t trust. I’ve been to your midnight rehearsals. I see the way he looks at you when he thinks you’re not paying attention.”
“And do you remember the way I used to look at you at Dalton when I thought you weren’t paying attention?”
“Yeah,” Blaine answers with a wistful laugh. “Yeah, I do.” If Blaine closes his eyes, he can see those furtive glances - Kurt's magical blue eyes grazing Blaine's face before returning to his books, smile growing, cheeks burning red.
God, he misses those days. Misses the excitement of newborn love, the kind of urgent, drama-filled attraction that happens only in high school. He mourns the fact that their life together, the one they had planned so carefully, came to such an abrupt end.
It was all his fault.
And nothing he can do will fix it.
“Well, I still do.” Kurt leans in close and presses a kiss to Blaine’s lips. Blaine smiles into it, wants it to go on forever, even when he feels his strength ebbing away. As the sun rises higher in the sky, Blaine’s need to find somewhere dark to rest amplifies, but he’ll do anything to stay like this and keep kissing his boyfriend.
But he can’t, even if he could convince Kurt to play hooky and stay home with him, and that’s one more thing he has to be jealous of.
“I should let you get back to your cover-up,” Blaine says, relinquishing his grip on Kurt’s hand. Kurt looks at his vanity, at the army of small bottles and jars awaiting him, all very expensive. And not a one of them more important than his boyfriend. Not even his clear, alabaster skin is more important to him than Blaine.
“You know what? Fuck it!” Kurt jumps up the bed and pulls Blaine along with him. “So what if I wear a scarf that doesn't match? No one at NYADA really knows fashion anyway."
"What about ... what about the play?" Blaine argues but he's not fighting. He couldn't if he wanted to.
And Lord knows, he doesn't want to.
"I’ll have the makeup girl cover them up. Let her earn her keep. This way, everybody gets to see the marks my baby gave me.”
“Really?” Blaine raises an eyebrow. 
Kurt tugs Blaine on top of him, and Blaine carefully settles over Kurt’s body.
“Yup. In fact, I think I can handle a few more, if you’re not too tired, that is.” Kurt loops his arms around Blaine’s neck, threading his fingers into his hair. His skin may be unnaturally cool to the touch, but his hair still feels like silk. It’s one of Kurt’s favorite things about Blaine’s new body.
“I think I can do that,” Blaine says, biding past the daybreak and finding a clear spot on Kurt’s neck. “We’ll give that makeup girl a run for her money.”
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golddustjedi · 4 years
Dressing wounds isn’t the only thing you’re good at.
Poe x medic!reader
requested by @smolpeachees : Hi! Could you do #3 and #31, it doesn't matter which one is first. Could you do those for a Medic!Reader who's nursing Poe when he comes back for a mission? Take your time, I see there's quite a few other requests here. If it's ok, when you get to it, please tag me or send it to me! Thank you!
prompts: 3. “You get back here, that’s an order!” 31. “I’m sorry, you’re just making it really hard for me to focus.”
word count: 1996
warning: typical injuries, burns, cuts, blood, etc.
a/n: this one was so fun to write! thank you for requesting and thank you for being so sweet!
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You looked at your watch as you finished up with your last patient, it was nearly midnight. You didn't usually have to work so late but tonight you had your work cut out for you. As lead medic on Resistance base, you were the one in charge of caring for most of the major injuries that occurred, and boy had you seen a lot of those today. Black Squadron had returned from their run in with the First Order, so you had an influx of patients with major injuries. Finally you finished with the last patient and sent them on their way. Just as you were about to start packing your materials, there was a knock on the door of your clinic. It was General Organa and Commander Dameron so you let them in right away.
"Hello General, Commander. Can I help you with something?" You greeted them, noticing Commander Dameron did not look happy to be here.
"Poe sustained some injuries from the fight earlier. Do you think you could take a look at him?" General Leia nudged him forward.
"Of course, come in." You moved aside and let them in, Poe sat down in the examination room as you looked him over silently.
"Sorry to visit you so late, I tried to get him to come earlier but he's stubborn."
"I didn't need to see a medic, my injuries aren't even that bad. Did you see Wexley's leg? That was bad." Poe insisted.
"Well the general is right, just by looking over you I can already see some wounds that need dressing. That's not even counting the ones I can't see. You've got some blood seeping through your shirt, can I take a look at that?"
"It's just a few cuts and bruises, I'll be fine." He said stubbornly.
"Poe! As Commander it is your duty to the Resistance to keep yourself healthy. We can't have an injured pilot, we need you at your best right now. It is well past my bedtime but I'll stay here all night if I have to in order to make sure you're seen about." Leia reprimanded him.
He sighed and shook his head. "No need. Go on, I'll let y/n bandage me up."
General Leia looked to you.
"I'll make sure he doesn't make a run for it." You smiled. "He'll be good as new in no time."
"Thank you. Now you cooperate with her, Poe." She glared at him before leaving the room.
Once you two were alone you began your examination, you figured he'd be resistant so you decided to start with the worst looking wound first.
"Let's start with that arm. Did you bandage it yourself?" You rolled up his sleeve to get a better look.
"Is it that obvious?" He lightened up a little as you untied the makeshift bandage tied around his bicep.
"Oh goodness... were you shot?" Your eyes widened at the wound that looked a lot worse than you anticipated. "You got a nasty burn here, Commander. It must've really hurt."
"Ahh it wasn't too bad." He shrugged. "I've been through worse."
You smirked at his attempt to seem tough, as if you'd believe getting shot didn't hurt. "Well lucky for you this one doesn't require much, I'm just gonna clean the area, put some burn ointment on, and bandage you up."
He nodded as you got to work on him. "You see a lot of this today?"
"Oh yeah, looks like you guys ran into lots of trouble.”
"Yeah, it was pretty brutal. I'm just glad it wasn't worse than it was."
"Right, could've been a lot worse." You replied shortly, trying not to break your focus.
"So uh, what made you want to become a medic?"
"I wanted to help people. What made you want to become commander?"
"Same reason." He smiled.
You struggled to keep conversation while you worked, that was always one of your flaws. You're supposed to keep your patient talking to get their mind off of their injuries, but you decided a long time ago it was better for you to be fully focused on the task at hand. Though that was difficult at the moment considering the task at hand involved your dreamy commander's bicep. You could feel his muscles flexing under your fingers with each of his movements, maybe that was why you couldn't hold a conversation.
"Do you always hold on that tight?" He smirked.
"Huh?" You looked up at him then back down at his arm, you hadn't realized how hard your fingers had been digging into him to steady the area. "Oh I'm sorry." You let go immediately. You really must've been holding on tight because your fingerprints were still on his skin. "I wasn't hurting you, was I?"
"No, you're fine." He chuckled.
"Good, sorry about that." You blushed of embarrassment as you finished tying the new bandage around his arm. "There... all done."
"Thanks, looks a lot better than my attempt." He turned his arm over, admiring your work. "So I'm free to go?"
"I'm afraid not. I still need to see that wound on your ribcage you've been trying to cover up."
"You saw that huh?" He sighed. "It's not that bad really."
"Just let me look at it. Leia will have both our heads if I let you get away with that."
"Alright, but only because you did such a good job on my arm." He started to unbutton the teal shirt that had previously given you only a hint of his muscular build underneath. Once he was down to the last button, he shrugged the shirt off to reveal his tanned and muscular chest.
A gasp escaped your lips and your entire body tensed as you scanned over every inch of his torso, lastly landing on the gory cut on the side of his ribcage.
"Is it that bad?" His brown eyes seemed to see right through you as you sat there staring at him in awe.
"Umm yeah... what happened here?" You tried to change the subject quickly before your blushing cheeks gave you away.
"I had to crawl through the busted shield on the X-Wing, I guess the broken glass snagged me a little."
You leaned in, inspecting the gash further. "I think it's going to need stitches."
"Stitches?" His eyes nearly bulged out of his head. "Yeah no thanks, just a bandage will do fine."
"I'm afraid not, it looks too deep."
"It's fine, okay? It's not even that bad, just tell Leia you got them all." He stood up and started toward the door.
"Where do you think you're going?"
"I’m leaving." He reached for the door handle.
"Commander Dameron! You get back here, that's an order!" You yelled.
"An order?" He turned around and shot you a look, you couldn't tell if he was shocked at your audacity or impressed by it. "I wasn't aware I took orders from a medic."
"You do when you're injured, now sit down. You're not leaving here until you let me dress those wounds."
He contemplated for a moment before giving in. "Alright, fine. Will you just look at it again, see if you can do it without stitches?" He slumped back into the chair.
"Yes, I'll look at it again." You couldn't help but crack a smile, a man like him was scared of a few stitches. "I'll see what I can do but no promises."
"Thank you." He sighed of relief.
"You're pretty stubborn, you know that?" You teased him as you began to clean the dried blood from around the cut.
"You're pretty persistent." He teased back. "I guess that's what makes you good at your job."
"Thank you, I try to be."
"You are. I saw some of the injuries you had to treat today, it can't be easy. And even though you've been working hard all day, you're staying after hours and losing sleep to help some stubborn guy who really isn't making your job any easier."
"Well, you're not just some stubborn guy... you're some stubborn commander." You smiled and moved on to cleaning the cut itself. You doused some gauze with the disinfectant and started to dab at the wound, which you figured would probably sting him.
Poe let you know you were right by jerking away from you. "Sorry, that just really burns."
"It's alright, just try to hold still for me okay?"
He nodded. In your peripheral you saw that he was watching as you worked. But he wasn't watching what your were doing, he was watching you. His eyes scanned over your face, as if he was studying it, memorizing it even. Finally he settled on your lips, letting his eyes linger there a little too long for your comfort.
Out of nervous impulse you bit your bottom lip, trying desperately to break his gaze. But he didn't look away, his stare only became more intense as his lips turned up into an insatiable grin. He was really getting to you as you noticed your breath was shaky and your hands became unsteady. You had to lean back and take a deep breath to collect yourself so that you could finish dressing his wound.
"Everything alright?" Poe asked, his voice seemingly deeper than usual.
"Yeah sorry, you're just making it really hard for me to focus." Your eyes widened as soon as the words left your mouth. Did you really just say that? You had never been so unprofessional before.
"Oh yeah?" He smirked.
"Yeah..." You finally met his gaze. His brown eyes still pierced through you like what you said was no surprise to him.
He leaned in and grabbed your face, bringing your lips to his. You weren't sure if it was the fact that he was your commander, or that he was shirtless, or that it was well past midnight, but you threw all your morals out the window and kissed him back. It was a hungry kiss, the type that in any other setting, might have led to something else. If only he wasn't your patient sitting in front of you with a gash in his side, it probably would have.
You both pulled away and another insatiable grin came across Poe's lips. "Dressing wounds isn't the only thing you're good at."
You blushed. "I should probably... get back to that."
"Right, sorry." He chuckled. "Do you kiss all your patients?"
"No I don't." You let out a laugh.
"I feel special then." He smiled smugly.
"Could I get back to work now?"
"Sure, if you can focus."
You rolled your eyes and turned your attention back to his cut, you had to finish this as quickly as possible. If it was hard to focus before, now was even worse. "Good news, no need for stitches. I'll just put some skin glue in there, tape it up, and you can keep it covered with a bandage."
"Oh wow thank you, that sounds good." He nodded.
Silently you went back to work, blocking out what had just happened so that you could focus properly. It didn't take you long to finish up with him, before you knew it you were bandaging him up. "All done, now you're free to go." You stepped back and smiled.
"Thank you." He examined his side before putting his shirt back on. "I really appreciate you staying late for me, and putting up with my stubbornness."
"No problem, we can't have an injured commander now can we? Feel free to come by anytime."
"I just might take you up on that, I'll have to get injured more often." He winked.
You smiled and rolled your eyes. "Why do I feel like I'm going to be seeing a lot more of you?"
"Because you are. Every headache, every cut and bruise, I'll be right here."
"Lucky me." You chuckled.
"No, lucky me." He smiled. "Thanks again, y/n. I'll see you around."
"Goodnight Poe."
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roseyserpents · 5 years
I'm In Love With You
Summary: neither you or Sweet Pea thought the other would return your not so secret feelings so your friends take action for you
Warnings: none!
Word count: 2,221
Posted: January 3rd, 2020 2:46 A.M. CT
A/N: I've been in a serious mood for fluff all day so I wrote y'all some! This is based on Please Notice by Christian Leave , Hope you enjoy!
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And baby when you sleep do you dream of me?
And when you're awake do you think of me?
I need to know, how do you feel?
'Cause baby when I sleep I dream of you
And when I'm awake that's all I do
Think about every detail you have
Sweet Pea tossed over and over in his bed, groaning as he checks his clock, the numbers 3:47 illuminated red as if daring him to stay up longer and mess up his sleep schedule even more than it already was. He'd given up trying to fall asleep at three, the images of Y/n flashing in front of his eyes the moment he closed them in attempts. You'd smiled at him earlier in school, the small gesture everything but to him. The way your eyes sparkled and your cheeks dimpled at the expression made his heart bump bump bump in his chest, in every class after that leaving him staring into space with dreamy eyes. He wondered if you were up thinking about him like he was you. Probably not. He wondered if sometimes he was in your dreams sitting with you under a twinkling night sky like you were sometimes in his. Probably not. You were so pure, so innocent, you probably didn't even pay more attention to him than a glance; why would someone like you, a picture perfect Northsider want to be involved in anyway with a Serpent?
He closed his eyes and traced over everyone of your delicate and soft features, the small crinkle in the corner of your eyes when someone tells a joke, the way your hair falls on your back when you throw it over your shoulder, how your tongue ever so slightly peaks out of your mouth when you're concentrating, or how your hand looked like it would perfectly fit into his own. Everything about you to him was beautiful, but he could never find the confidence to tell you that.
You were the first girl to ever get Sweet Pea nervous and stumbling over his words. No one had ever seen him anything but collected and laid backed, perhaps a bit cocky around girls and never expected him to be a stuttering blushing mess; especially not with a Northsider. But here he was, now at 4:58 still having dreamy thoughts about the girl who sat across from him in the art class Fangs made him take and who sat next to him in History.
"Jeez Pea, you look like you got hit by a bus." Fangs says upon finding his best friend leaning against his locker, heavy bags under his eyes.
"Thanks," He says sarcastically, "I didn't sleep."
Sweet Pea simply nods.
"If you're that head over heals for her, ask her out!" Fangs exclaims, clearly exhausted at the situation you two were in. Kevin had been telling him how you'd swoon over the seemingly intimidating Serpent whenever he passed or when he glanced your way, everyone knew you were in love with each other except for you two.
"She wouldn't want to go out with me, Fangs." Pea replies, "She's too... Innocent. We're gang members."
"So what? You've never been scared to ask a girl out. Is the real Sweet Pea in there?" Fangs asks, waving a hand in front of his face for extra affect.
"What if this is the one girl I'm scared of being rejected by?" With that Sweet Pea closes his locker, carrying his books under his arm to his hoomroom passing you and Betty while you had a similar conversation.
Do you notice when I get mad I clench my jaw?
Do you notice when I get sad I tend to fall?
Over my words I say to you
"Hi Sweet Pea." You waved sweetly as he passed causing him to stop and return it with a smile only to run into a Bulldog, clenching his jaw and sending the boy a glare before returning on his path out of sight.
"He always does that when he gets mad." You say to no one in particular.
"Does what?" Betty asks, watching as you stare dreamily in the direction he'd gone.
"His face gets all tense and he clenches his jaw." You answer, "that's the only time he really looks scary."
"Right." She says, pressing her lips into a line and raising her brow, "Well lucky you, you have your next class with him."
Her words seem to snap you out of your daze and you quite literally jump, shaking your head and regathering your books in your arms. "Right! Bye B!" With that you scamper in the same way Sweet Pea walked, a small strawberry blush coating your cheeks.
You slide into your seat next to Sweet Pea just as the bell rings signalling the start of homeroom. You glanced at the boy next to you a few times out of the corner of your eye before finally turning in your desk to face him with a nervous smile.
"Hi." You say quietly causing him to look up from carving something into the side of his desk.
"Oh, uh hi, Y/n." He stumbles over his words. You see a sad look in his eye, concern growing for the Serpent in front of you.
"Are you okay?" You ask softly, gently placing a hand on his arm much to your own surprise. He looks down in slight wonder seeming to get pulled into his own mind for a second before meeting your worried gaze again.
"Yeah I'm fine, I just uh didn't get a-a lot of sleep." He excuses though you were the source of the lingering feeling of sadness that sat in the back of his head. He was sad that the two of you would probably never be more than warm smiles and small talk, that the two of you would never be just that, the two of you.
Your hand lingers a few moments on his bicep before you pull it away, nervously clearing your throat as you face the front of the classroom where the teacher had just walked in.
"Okay class, open your textbooks to page seventy nine."
'Cause I notice when you get mad you close your eyes
And I notice when you are sad you let out sighs
I need to know are those sighs ever over me?
The week after when Sweet Pea was walking down the hall he noticed a Bulldog jacket facing him where you'd usually wave to him. Confused, he stopped and examined your locker, his jaw clenching at the sight. You were pinned against the blue metal by a Bulldog with his arms on either side of your head. You were obviously not into him and were desperately looking for an escape but found none as the boy persisted you let him take you out on a date. He saw how angry you looked, noticing you close your eyes and let out a frustrated breath.
"I'm pretty sure she said no." Sweet Pea intervenes, pulling the Bulldog around by his shoulder to face him instead of you. They looked each other up and down, Sweet Pea standing an inch or two taller.
"What's it to you?" He scoffs before examining the look on Sweet Peas face and smirking. "Oh, I see, you like her. Might as well forget it buddy, someone like Y/n would never go for some Southsider, especially not a Serpent."
Rage flickers in Sweet Peas eyes as he slams the Bulldog against the lockers, the other boy wincing in pain. "Leave. Her. Alone." He growls through gritted teeth before giving him one last push and letting him go. He straightens his jacket before walking off leaving you, Sweet Pea, and a dispersing crowd behind.
"Are you okay?" He asks turning to face you after making sure the Bulldog rounded the corner instead of trying to come back for round two.
"Now I am. Thank you." You smile, your gaze lingering on his face a little too long before you turn and walk away trying to hide the growing blush on your face. Sweet Pea watches in disappointment as you hurry away from him. Did he scare you? Was he too rough? Did he further prove that someone like him couldn't be with someone like you?
Do you know how in love with you I am?
Do you see how in love with you I am?
Every thing that you do, it makes my heart stop
Oh, it stops
"Y/n you're coming to the party." Veronica says. "No ifs ands or buts about it."
"But I have to-"
"No buts!"
You give an exasperated sigh, plopping down onto her bed. "There's no reason for me to go, V. I won't know anyone there and I'll just feel stupid."
"Nonsense!" Veronica exclaims, standing up and pulling you with her. "I'm going to dress you up and you're going. Okay?"
"No, not okay!" You reject as she pulls you to her closet much against your will.
"Great let's get started!"
By the time Veronica was done working her magic, you were almost unrecognizable. Your hair was curled and a beautiful sparkly dress hugged your body that stopped slightly above your knees. You had makeup that matched the colour scheme of the rest of your outfit, the person you look at in the mirror ending up looking like an entirely different person.
"You look absolutely beautiful, Y/n/n." Ronnie smiles looking over your shoulder as you return the grin. "Now let's go!"
You pull up to the spot next to a calm section of Sweetwater River, fairy lights strung from the trees while blankets littered the ground with a bottle of what you hoped was sparkling juice in a basket on the ground. There was a bowl of popcorn on a table behind the scene along with a projector. A sheet hung on the opposite end, it's use obviously a screen.
"V, this doesn't seem like a party." You say as confusion laces your words and draws lines on your face.
"Go ahead I'll be there in a minute I need to grab my purse from the back." She says, ignoring your comment. You give her an even more confused look but she just raises her brow at you with a smile and nudges you towards the door. With a sigh you unwillingly get out walking to the admittedly beautiful scene. As soon as you make it to the blankets and twinkling lights Veronica drives away leaving you gaping at her. Did she just ditch you alone on the side of a river?
You freeze before turning around, finding Sweet Pea standing on the opposite side of the set up also dressed up for a party in a tux. His hair was slicked back but a stubborn lock fell on his forehead, his overall look stunning you silent. Sweet Pea took your dress and hair and just overall how beautiful you looked in that moment and he swore he felt his heart stop.
"Did they um, ditch you here too?" You ask after a painstakingly long silence.
"Uh yeah they left the second I got out of the car." He answers, scratching the back of his neck - he's nervous.
"Is this supposed to be a... Date?" You ask as if he'd set it up, walking around and examining the appealing setup until you stand in front of him.
"It might be." He answers with a quiet gulp. You both look everywhere but at each other, blushes creeping on to your cheeks in a mix between strawberry pink and cherry red. "Now or never." You hear Sweet Pea whisper to himself before he finally looks at you.
"Y/n, I... For a long time I've noticed you." He starts nervously playing with his hands. You reach out and take one to prevent it, both of your breaths hitching in your throats at the sudden touch. "I've noticed how kind you are to people even when they don't deserve it, how you try to help everyone, how you always give me little smiles that make me feel better even when I'm having a horrible day. You're beautiful and smart and kind and I just - I fell in love with you."
"Sweet Pea I-" you begin with a ghost of a smile dancing across your face before he cuts you off.
"And I understand if you don't like me, I mean who would, it's just I've been waiting so long to tell you-"
"Sweets!" You talk over him, efficienctly shutting him up by holding his face gently with your hands. His own instinctively move to your waist to keep you in place in front of him. The orangey yellow glow of the fairy lights not far overhead reflect in his beautiful brown eyes adding even more to the already present twinkle. Slowly, you pull him down closer to you standing on your toes until your lips hover over his. He takes the final move to press his lips to yours in a gentle experimental kiss that lights off silent fireworks around you and sparks inside of you. After you pull apart, your foreheads rest against each other's with silent smiles of amazement decorating your faces.
"I'm in love with you too, Sweet Pea."
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