#but I also want to see more legit scary Luigi's Mansion
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The original Luigi's Mansion really was on something else. Hearing horrible infant shrieking from another room and having to follow the sound to investigate? A bunch of portraits yelling at you for putting out their candles, warning that something horrible is entering the room and you'll be left wandering in darkness forever? A graveyard apparition that is the manifestation of the location's fear and despair? The ghost of a 7 year old girl who went to sleep and never woke up? Decapitating the simulacrum of an old enemy just for its pupil-less severed head to start flying at you and attacking you??
They literally looked at Luigi and said "you know what's really in right now??? Resident Evil" and went as far with it as they could.
#I kind of love it.#Sure... I get why they're trying to make the LM games more traditionally lighthearted and fun with just a hint of spooky#(marketing)#but I also want to see more legit scary Luigi's Mansion#get some kids traumatized#I mean just look at Poppy's Playtime and FNAF. Children LOVE being scared shitless if done right.#Luigi's Mansion
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If you had a parrot, what would be the first word you would teach it? Ha, my mom would probably be the one to teach it its first word cause she would think it was funny to hear it repeat a cuss word or something. lol.
What food have you eaten the most lately? Wing Stop boneless garlic parm wings, pizza from my favorite local pizza place, and ramen.
Where you ever a Pokemon fan? I was for a short time as a kid. I liked collecting the cards, especially. My dad worked in the mall at that time and he often would stop by the toy store to grab me a pack.
How would you describe the taste of water? It’s so weird cause it’s typically described as not having a taste, but it does. I just don’t know how to describe it. If you know, you know.
Do you think books are going out of fashion? No, but I do feel like people aren’t reading them as often now. “Them” as in an actual, physical book.
One thing you miss about being a kid : A lot of things. I had obstacles and struggles then health wise, but I kid you not when I say those things aren’t what stands out when I look back on my childhood. I miss just being able to just watch cartoons and play Barbies all day, or play house and school with my cousins. I miss just having fun and looking forward to each day. I hadn’t been knocked down and drained by life, yet.
What is the best product made from milk? Cheese.
How would you feel if your husband didn’t want to wear a wedding ring? I don’t plan on getting married. I can’t even imagine ever being in the situation where it was a possibility, honestly. IF I ever did; though, I could see myself wanting to wear my ring and I’d want my husband to wear his, too.
Do you say Autumn or Fall? I say both. Autumn sounds a lot nicer.
What is your biggest “what if”? Ugh, there’s way too many of those. I can do it all day and they drive me insane.
What is the worst movie you have ever seen? This reminds me of the ratings the new Grudge has received. The scores are lowwwww. Like, it’s apparently really, really bad. I actually wanted to see it, but now I’m like ehhh I’ll wait until I can rent it.
Have you ever spelled your own name wrong? Probably when I was really little.
What do you want your wedding song to be? I told you already, I don’t plan on getting married. It’s not something I envision for myself. It’s not something I even think about.
What is your favorite fairytale? Hmm.
True/False : If it’s meant to be, it will be. I think so.
What electronic of yours dies the quickest? The Nintendo Switch has the worst battery life.
Do you think we learn some useless things in school? Yeah.
Do you feel like your life would be better without a certain person in it? No. The problem is me.
Who has influenced your music taste the most? I got some from both my parents, as well as my maternal grandparents.
What did you get your mom for Mother’s Day? We’re only in January.
You go to the restroom and you see a huge spider, what do you do? Freak out and get the hell out outta there. haha. I’d get my brother or whoever was home to go kill it.
what’s something you want but will probably never get? My depressing ass can come up with a lot of things.
Do you like reading scary books? Yes.
Is there a game your addicted to you? Currently, Luigi’s Mansion 3.
Do you get embarrassed when your stomach growls in class? I was always so nervous about that happening, honestly. Taking tests or silent reading time was the worst time for me cause I’d be thinking about that. As if my anxiety over taking the exam wasn’t enough.
Do crying people make you uncomfortable? Well for one, seeing other people sad and crying makes me sad and want to cry. But also, I feel very awkward around someone who’s crying. I don’t know what to do or say. I just sit there awkwardly, lol. Would you ever marry someone your parents didn’t approve of? Enough with the marriage questions. Anyway, I wouldn’t want to be in a relationship with someone my parents didn’t like. That would be very difficult for me. I want whoever I date to have a good relationship with my family and vice versa. That’s important to me. I’m very close with my family and spend a lot of time with them, sooo. My parents aren’t going to just not like someone for no reason, though. They’re really chill and my friends have always liked them. So, if they didn’t approve for some reason, they’d have a legit reason.
Whats one thing you’re completely terrible at? Life?
what is the nearest thing to you that is red? There’s red on my red and black plaid pillow.
what kind of camera do you own? I use my phone, which is an iPhone XR.
Do you look older or younger than your actual age? I’ve been told I look younger.
Do you think tattoos are hot? No, but I don’t mind some tattoos.
What’s the worst thing about being a teenager? >> The emotional instability and the hormonal upheavals. Also, the social hell. <<<
What’s the best thing about being a teenager? Hmm.
When did you last play Monopoly? Wow, it’s been years.
Who do you trust with your secrets? Ya’ll. ha.
As a child what celebrity did you look up to? I was a fan of a lot of celebrities, but I didn’t really have one I looked up to.
Do you love food more than you love people? More than people in general, ha. Not more than my loved ones.
True or False: you this read wrong Yep, you got me.
What do you usually do on a Sunday? Same things I do everyday.
Have you ever met anyone with the same Birthday as you? Yeah.
Do you think underwater pictures look cool? Underwater photos freak me out.
What is the most ridiculous law you ever heard about? I’ve come across articles in the past that listed several of those. There’s some weirdddd laws out there.
Zelda or Mario? Oh, Mario hands down. I never got into Zelda, but me and Mario go waaaaaay back.
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