#but ... ye there's a lot of otome. collar x malice
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astracora · 22 days ago
The day I left the safe walls of Touken Ranbu 2.5d and started on Otome 2.5d shows, was the day I truly lost control of my life.
On the plus side, new Cupid Parasite stage play with a new Allan actor 👀
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cinnbar-bun · 1 year ago
I saw you did that one Sanji fic a long time ago based on Cupid Parasite (another fan yaaaay 🥹) do you play other otomes too??? What’s your favorite?
OH BOY YOU ASKED THE RIGHT PERSON I LOVE OTOMES I EAT THAT SHIT UP!!! I have a whole bunch of them and tbh they take up a majority of my physical and digital Switch library! I really loved otomes as a young girl (thanks Voltage and NTT Solmare!) and continued them as I grew up (especially since Cybird released a lot of mobile ones but as I got older I moved away from them to console otomes).
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Here’s my physical copies! In order from left to right, top to bottom:
Collar x Malice
Olympia Soiree
Diabolik Lovers Haunted Dark Bridal Grand Edition (YES THAT VERY. VERY LOVELY DIABOLIK LOVERS.)
Piofiore: Fated Memories
Taisho x Alice: All in One
Virche Evermore
Jack Jeanne
Amnesia Later x Crowd (I had the original on Steam and didn’t feel like paying 50 bucks to play it again…)
Norn 9: Vars Commin
Charade Maniacs
Dairoku: Agents of Sakuratani
Variable Barricade
My digital one is no better it’s WHEW-
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As for favorites:
I have a reaaaallly big soft spot for Voltage games- YES they’re like the fast food of Otomes but man. I loved them. My Forged Wedding and Our Two Bedroom Story persevere as some of my faves. I had meltdowns over Samurai Love Ballad Party it was unreal how in love I was.
Cupid Parasite, Olympia Soiree, and Even if TEMPEST are some of faves released for consoles. Jack Jeanne was also pretty nice.
(After checking my Steam account) I really loved The Psychedelica series, too. I even made sure to do the dumb ass shooting minigames over and over to get 100% achievements for Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly.
I haven’t played all of these though so who knows they might change but for now this is my thoughts.
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drunkenlionwrites · 2 years ago
Ughh yes, I really miss dark and a bit messed up otome games. now they're a bit more mild! Though, we'll get a few darker ones on Switch soon! Have you heard of Virche Evermore? Should be pretty dark hehehe 😈 I'm ready to suffer. And I also wait for Tengoku Struggle, should be cute too! Oh and there's Radiant Tale which has just come out! I think you may like the poster boy from it. He also looks like all your favorite LIs hehehe Though I haven't played it yet.
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As for Collar x Mallice I finished Rei's root cause I liked his design and he's a sweetie, but didn't interest me too much. I think I'm not into shota looking or sounding guys, I also really dread Takeru's route ahah he's smol and angry. I also remember feeling really cautios of Shiraishi after the common route. Is it hard to get a good ending? 😭
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Yeees! Hanzo is the best boy! And his blushing cheeks are so priceless. When I saw how he straddled the mc in the common route I was like "yep, that's him" and Kenjiro Tsuda's voice? 🥵🥵 give me this old dirty man. But yeah, besides jokes, he's literally the only LI beside which the main character really became a strong and confident person. I loved scenes when the fought back to back 😭 All the other guys have been just "must protecc" and it was pretty boring for me. Though, I also loved the flirty attitude of Goemon, but he's also just did everything by himself ahaha so no.
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Ohhhh yes! I totally forgot about Gilbert, if it was a self-insert I would've definitely choose him! Or if mc was a bit more assertive and mature maybe? Just for my personal taste the route with Dante was the cutest. OOooooh and Yang yeah, the dude is also messed up ahah the route was rfeally unpredictable and I got a bad ending the first time.
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Oh yes, Olympia soiree was the game that I binge-played from beginning till the end cause I was so invested in the world and wanted to know everything that has happened there and each route was interesting by itself, I also played Himuka's route last and then Akaza's opened so I got all the most interesting and sad tea at the end 😭😭 And yeah, at first I thought Akaza is pretty boring and I won't like him, but damn, when he took the glasses off? It was definitely a Princess Diaries moment for me ahaha their romance is really cute and sensual. I also love the doomed lovers narrative in this route. 😌
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Taiga definitely gave me huge WooWoo vibes, so I recommend him a lot! He's awesome 😍 It was hard for me to continue the game cause I played his route first and was like 'nope no one would be better than him' And yeah, both games are very hilarious and lighthearted and sweet. Even the drama parts there are not so heartbreaking, especially in QP, so I hope you enjoy them!
I have Bustafellows installed cause I grabbed it on sale, but haven't played it yet. I wanna finish Collar x Malice first, and then will start Bustafellows, if I won't start playing the new otome games I mentioned at the beginning. Oh yeah, I literally have no one to talk about otome irl, it's hard to find someone among friends aged 30+ who play otome instead of like having real husbands and having kids ahahah
I wish we could all be free from corporate hell 😔 Here I come with a little distraction! I saw your post where you mentioned you were into japanese otome games. Do you have a favorite game (or just one you really enjoyed?). Which LIs do you like? I'm so curious!
Psst no pressure to answer if you don't want to. Sending much love Sasha! ❤️
Awww thanks for indulging me, Jelly 😍
Hopefully I’ll finish the project tonight and will be free…at least for some time ahahah
My ultimate ultimate favorite is one from Rejet I played around 10 years ago on PS Vita and so far I don’t think I’ve loved any game I’ve played more than this one. It’s called Black Wolves Saga and it’s like a dark European fairytale (with Japanese fetishes ofc 😅)
My favorite characters from there were deranged brothers Mejojo and Auger. It’s just so damn pretty and I loved all the routes a lot. The soundtracks are still somewhere out there on my mind as well 🥹
CGs from there still look so pretty 💖
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As for the ‘recent’ games, I liked Nightshade ( Hanzo favorite), Collar x Malice but I played only one route so far, Piofiore (Dante’s favorite), Olympia Soirée(Yosuga, Riku and Kuroba favorite 🥵 damn all men are fine there), Cupid Parasite (Shelby and Allan), and Varriable Barricade (Taiga and Ichiya and damn Ichiya is so pathetic and sobbing I laughed so hard in his route)
I think I don’t have the exact time of character I like so I just go by visual design and how much I enjoyed the route and whether the character was matching with mc’s vibe 🙈
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Thanks so much for the ask! You really made my evening so much better, I had fun while replying 😭😭
Let me know what your favorite games and boys are if you wanna 🫣 I’m also curious!
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ravenstargames · 2 years ago
Now asking the Ravenstar team: When did you come to the idea "Yeah lets do a visual novel"? What was the inspiration for the Limbo theme? Do you have some favourite VNs?
This is a funny one! (I say that about every ask, please bear with me) Beware long post!
I have been a huge, huge fan of visual novels since I was a teenager, especially romantic ones. Making one has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember, and for my final project for college, I did a small study and a prototype for one. Rachel and I enjoy romance a lot so we ended up playing tons of visual novels/otome together, and obviously we pestered both Astro and Kayden about it (specially me because I'm not able to shut up about things most of the time, I love you guys).
We have been wanting to make a game together since forever, but it was like a silly little dream at first. Then, after we all got our degrees, we said: wait, why don't we actually try and make one? And I suggested a visual novel. And everyone said yes.
And that's how my master plan to convince all my friends to make a visual novel came to fruition.
The inspiration behind Lost in Limbo comes from a lot of places! We all love fantasy and building worlds together (mainly thanks to Dungeons and Dragons and a lot of videogames, books and movies) so it was easy to sit down and say "alright, fantasy world, magic, monsters, gods, etc." The first idea that later would shape Lost in Limbo was related to the seven deadly sins and the afterlife, and it soon evolved into what LiL is today (which you'll find out in the demo! yay!). You can tell those were our inspirations at first and those basic ideas are still related to the "final" version of the story/game to a degree!
I could list all the things that have influenced me as the writer, but I'm sure you all would get bored :') I wanted to explore a lot of topics that are important to me like family, love (not only romantic) growth and forgiveness (to name a few), but in a fantasy setting. The dilemma of immortality is something that fascinates me, so I wanted to write about that, and explore the idea of how different a god really is from a mortal.
And favourite VNs...God I have so many (so I will try to keep it short), but as in right now I would have to say Bustafellows!, Collar x Malice, Even if Tempest, The House in Fata Morgana... and from fellow indie developers, Our Life: Beginnings and Always is very dear to me, like Blooming Panic! (I had the privilege to have my art featured in the game and to this day I sort of can't believe it) and Seduce me: The Otome saga, a VN that has a very special place in my heart as the first indie VN I played during my teenage years. I have been lately obsessed enjoying Made Marion, Alaris, Trouble Comes Twice...to mention a few. Because I'm trying not to write a whole novel every time I answer an ask and I'm failing.
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primofate · 3 years ago
Otome Game Dicussions
Click here to see my and others’ recommendations
Some recommended websites that list and review ENGLISH Otome games:
https://www.englishotomegames.net/list (super comprehensive list. I love going here to check out if I might have missed something. They even list out RPGs that have Otome/Romance elements like Persona 3)
https://otomekitten.com/2020/05/06/otome-games-in-nintendo-switch-english/ (My go to for walkthroughs but also does good reviews. Read with caution though cause it will definitely have spoilers.)
https://store.aksysgames.com/collections/otome (Aksys games is one of the companies that “localize” or translate Otome games to English. A lot of their work is wonderful. I just randomly visit this page to see if there’s anything they’re about to release. Nothing that interesting here. Idea Factory is also another company that localize games, but their website doesn’t feature Otome games, so I’m skipping it.)
Otome Games that I’ve played (You can ask me/message me about them just to discuss, fangirl or whatnot!) (Favourites are marked with *)
Collar x Malice series* (2 Versions)
Code: Realize series (They have several versions)
Cafe Enchante
Ikemen Sengoku
Steam (PC) 
There are a lot of Otome games on Steam. The issue is about quality. 
Amnesia: Memories*
Our Life: Beginnings & Always* (Not really an otome game. What makes an otome game an otome game is that the MC is usually female. This game however is LGBTQ friendly and the MC is gender neutral/however you want to make them. Really interesting. Lots of dialogue and nice story. Lots of choices.)
Bad Apple Wars*
Period Cube*
Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly
Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk
Hakuoki series (Has several versions)
Nintendo DS/3DS (a LONG time ago)
Tokimeki Memorial Series* (The OG that got me into Otome Games. It was in JAPANESE but there were some talented FANS who translated it into English and I was able to patch and play the game in English. What Godsends.)
Other game genres I’ve played that has romancing/otome elements
Fire Emblem Series* 
Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons*
Persona Series*
Obey Me!*
Inuyasha: The Secret of the Cursed Mask (PS2) (Yes, this Inuyasha game had romance elements. You could romance/build a relationship with ALL the characters from Kagome all the way to Naraku.)
Summon Night 5 (PSVita)
Rune Factory (never actually played this but it’s pretty popular)
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mythicamagic · 3 years ago
Top 10 Otome games list
I can't remember if I've made a list like this before but even so, I've played a few more now so, first list is according to story/writing and my choices as a reviewer. These are just my choices btw not everyone will agree because we all have different tastes even when I'm trying to be objective XD
1. Collar x Malice
2. Code Realize
3. Nameless: the one thing you must recall
4. Olympia Soiree
5. Piofiore Fated Memories
6. Nightshade
7. Cafe Enchante
8. Amnesia Memories
9. Hatoful Boyfriend or Mystic Messenger
10. Cinderella Phenomenon
However my Top 10 fav list according to my personal trash feels would go more liiiike:
1. Collar x Malice - Best story, best sleek style, best character group imo. It's a great game.
2. Code Realize (I love Van and SG is awesome)
3. Piofiore (entirely because of Yang let's be real here) this game is trash but its pretty trash and its MY trash okay? I have a love/hate relationship with this game. I dislike 2 of the LI's with a burning passion and am indifferent to the other two. The menu screen and options are so sleek and pretty, the music is top notch. the sprites and movements in fight scenes really paint the picture of whats going on. there's some loose Italian culture and history references too which is cool. It's just that the writing in the routes are pretty weak outside of Yang's route. The main 'plot' point involving Lili is terrible and I don't know why they're bringing it back for the sequel XD Don't ask me why I think Yang's route is great, we'll be here all day. Write me off as a simp, that's totally fair. In spite of my complaints, this thing has taken over my life so I guess it had the last laugh.
4. Nameless: the one thing you must recall - underrated! this is a really good game IMO. It's like toy story...but the dolls become sexy human love interests XD what's not to like? You got dolls who were traumatised by bad owners, you got a Buzz Lightyear guy who wants to be a hero, you got dolls who were mass-produced so they feel like they don't have a unique identity, dolls who were abandoned. It's great! Trauma! Trauma everywhere!
5: Nightshade (For Hanzo and Goemon) this game...has very questionable choices. I saw someone saying to stay away from it due to MC's age (16) because the age gaps are uncomfortable and one LI being her cousin but decided to check it out. Ultimately I'm glad I did. It's not the best game ever by any means. MC is pretty useless outside of Hanzo's route (there she's a friggin badass) the writing is a little clunky and feels more like a road trip story than an epic quest, but I found myself really enjoying Goemon and Hanzo's routes, provided you just mentally age MC up. (The age gaps would have been fine if MC was 20 but noooo)
6: Amnesia Memories (idk why but I'll be more likely to replay this one out of a lot of otomes. It's just very easy to play.)
7: Olympia Soiree (I love Akaza and Yosuga but the topics covered in the world are too depressing and bog the game down. It clashes a LOT with the game's style and presentation imo. I understand they're there for world-building and yes these are heavy topics that happen irl but almost every conversation with a LI will bring up discrimination, rape or 'traditional' roles for women and its just depressing and disheartening after a while bc none of it can be solved. I think the presentation in-game being overly bright and cute with soft colours doesn't fit the subject matter. Granted watching characters rebel against such an unfair class system could be inspiring, and sometimes its hopeful, but more often than not it feels like an info dump of misery. The romance also just didn't work for me for Riku, Himuka and Tokisada (and a scene with Yosuga felt very OOC) so yeah...this one was kind of overhyped to me. But the art is gorgeous. Akaza's route saved this game for me.
8. Hatoful Boyfriend - its fun but then wacks you over the head with that unexpectedly dramatic ending. Yeah it might be a meme choice, like woah! you date BIRDS, how wacky!! but if you actually play it, I'd argue the writing is pretty solid in making you care and FEEL something for these dumb bird photos.
9. Mystic Messenger - Mystic Messenger kind of saved me?? wow that's sad to say out loud XD I lived alone when I played this game, grieving and very lonely. Getting fake calls from fake boyfriends actually helped cheer me up during that time so it has a special place in my heart for that. Is it a good game? Well, I like it but I can't give an honest opinion since I last played it a long while ago and recent friends said they didn't like it that much, hence it being lower on the objective picks.
10. Cinderella Phenomenon - for a free game this is pretty good stuff imo, I like that MC has a lot of character development.
For Cafe Enchante- I loved the style and presentation and the found family feels but I couldn't latch onto any LI (I did with Ignis but then...that scene happened. You know the one if you've played) I actually find the side characters more interesting/hotter than the main cast haha add to that a TERRIBLE ending and this game is just a missed opportunity to me.
Honourable mentions of cute otomes: Rose of Winter, Cute Demon Crashers, RE: Alistair, Fashioning Little Miss Lonesome
Ehhh: Period Cube, Men of Yoshiwara
Probably wouldn't rec to a friend: Backstage Pass, Ozmafia (granted I only did one route I just did not enjoy it. I might try it again), 7'Scarlet, Seduce Me.
Backlog I own but haven't played yet: Hakuoki (Kyoto winds and Edo Blossoms), Psychedelcia of the Ashen Hawk, Psychedelcia of the Black Butterfly
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code-otome-game · 4 years ago
Completed otome games, my thoughts, along with my fav characters (last updated: August 22nd 2021)
1. Code Realize - August 2021
Saint-Germain instantly caught my eye, along with Lupin ofc. I was curious about Impey but my friend who lent me her collection of otome games said he was shit. Code Realize was my reintroduction to otome games, and plummeted me into otome hell once more. As soon as I saw Herlock Sholmes, I wanted him as a route, and loved his Future Blessings route.
Saint Germain was my absolute favourite, and his route hurt me in all the right ways. His VA was amazing at conveying the emotion behind certain scenes.
2. Café Enchanté - August 2021
After completing Code Realize, I felt a little lost and didn't know what game to play next. I figured after the pain of some of the stuff in Code Realize, I'd go for something I thought would be a little more fun and a little lighter. Cafe Enchante was next on my list. I was instantly drawn to Misyr and Il, with Il being my first route. I absolutely loved Il, and was traumatized from having my fav boy be the one who was hurt the most again. Although, Misyr is definitely a top contender for most hurt fav as well...
3. Piofiore - August 2021
I continued on with Piofiore right after Cafe Enchante, and instantly knew I was interested in Dante and Yang. I went with Dante first, and was absolutely enamored by him. I was absolutely heartbroken to find out that I didn't get his best ending at first, and contemplated not playing the game for a while. But I decided against it and carried on, using a guide this time. I didn't think anyone else would surpass him in my mind, but boy was I wrong. I quickly fell in love with Yang once I started his route, and his route was the first to make me feel butterflies again in years since I played my last otome game.
However, after playing through all the routes and getting to the finale, I absolutely fell in love with Henri, and I'm honestly shocked that Nicola has left such an impression on me considering I didn't think much of him right after his route. Now it's hard *not* to think about him. But overall, I love all the men pretty equally. I'm super excited for 1926.
4. Collar x Malice - August 2021
I was definitely curious about this one and was tempted to start it multiple times when choosing which game to play next, however I put it off because I didn't like the protagonist being a cop.
The characters are honestly all super loveable, and I think I love them all a bit more equally then I do the Piofiore guys. I was surprised Saeki wasn't a route, until while I was playing Kei or Shiraishi's route when my friend spoiled he was Adonis' leader.
I fell in love with all the characters quite gradually through their stories, with the exception of Shiraishi. I knew he'd be the one I was the most curious and interested in. I was so excited when I finally unlocked his route, and I absolutely loved every single bit of the early half of it. His comments and interactions were hilarious, he was adorable *and* hot.... and he loves cats. What the hell more could I want from a guy? He makes me want to introduce him to my own cats and also makes me want to do mundane and sweet things with him just because he's so sweet and I love him.
I was absolutely heartbroken at his "best" ending, and thinking about his tragic ending hurts my heart. I legitimately only want the best for this man- I only want him to be happy and healthy and not confined to some stupid prison or Adonis...
It also feels strange, but I think I love him best *before* he got a little soft with the protagonist? His quick retorts and harsh comments were hilarious and I loved that so much about him, so I was a bit sad when he grew a bit soft later on.
At the time of writing these past 4 entries, CxM is the latest game I've played, so Shiraishi's story is still super fresh in my mind. I was as obsessed with most of the other men mentioned above as I am with him right now. I'm sure the following entries will contain more love-ramblings like this as I complete more games and add them to the list.
5. Amnesia: Memories - August/September 2021
Toma! Toma! Toma!!!
My first experience with ✨ the cage ✨. I went with Ikki at first, got his normal ending (thaT SHIT WAS SO SAD WTF ;-;) and then went back with a walkthrough for his good ending. But... his route was kinda underwhelming tbh. I liked it as I played it, but looking back now... it really was quite underwhelming. So was Shin's route, who I played after Toma. I was interested in who the culprit was, and was shocked with the reveal tbh. Buuut after playing Toma's route... it was understandable. Although I really wish that Shin's route had more affection in it... it felt more like a mystery with a little bit of romance rather then an otome game.
I played Toma's route after Ikki's, and omfg... Toma was truly an unexpected fav. Hated his good ending tho, idfk why you would be ok with just returning to normal after all of that... but whatever. I would willingly go in that cage I s2g. I LOVED his eyes too! When he gets dark and super possessive, those eyes are just... UGH. Yes please. ❤
I skipped the entirety of Kent's route because I really just don't give a fuck about him. Hes absolutely not my type. I felt bad skipping it, but... in the end I don't really care.
Ukyo was also an unexpected fav- I wad super curious about his route and suspected that all of the "interesting" and bad stuff that I had heard about would happen during his route buuuut... nope. Nothing of the sort. He was so damn sweet, but I will say that uh... insane side of him is kinda hot too. 👀 but omg, the fact that he's a photographer AND so damn dedicated to you and sweet is just... ugh. My heart. Ukyo and Toma definitely became my favs for this game, and I think this is the first time where my first route didn't end up being one of my favourites.
I love how sharp Toma is as well! That he knows so much about you and can easily find out things and such... but also- I really like how dedicated and caring Ukyo is. He's so protective and adorable! I really did feel bad for him during his route. I haven't gotten his normal ending yet, but the title of it is so fucking sad and I don't know if I even wanna go for it.
"Do you know Ukyo?"
6. Bustafellows - September 2021
Honestly, when I started playing Bustafellows I didnt expect to like many characters, if any at all. None of them were particularly appealing to me, at least visually... however, as I played the game, I was drawn to Shu and Mozu, as I found Shu to be the most attractive one of the bunch, and Mozu was interesting to me as a coroner. However, the first character I ended up with was... Crow. I was honestly a little surprised, but didn't care too much. I didn't know who I wanted to go with first, and honestly, as the common route progressed... I found myself liking Crow more.
Crow was the one I liked the least out of everyone, at least visually at first. I really didn't like his hair lmao. But as I read the common route, he really grew on me, and I couldn't help but be sweet to him, so ofc I ended up with his route first... and god, I really love him. He's so stupid and adorable. Like seriously.
I went with whoever the game would give me after Crow, and it gave me Helvetica. With Crow, I really loved his character, but didn't care much for his story. It was the opposite for Helvetica. I enjoyed his story a ton, but not his character. I then carried on with Shu, who I loved entirely. Both his character and story was really really good, and his bad ending... phew. Damn dude.
Mozu came after, and I honestly have mixed feelings about his route. I feel like there really needed to be more romance between him and the MC, but the end of his route where he finds his sister is.... oof. I literally went "thats rough buddy" in my head lmao. I felt so bad for him.
I liked Limbo a lot more then I thought I would as well! He was super adorable and sweet, and the story was pretty good too, so I really enjoyed his route. But overall, I believe Shu and Crow are my favs this time around. I can't believe I didn't like Mozu as much as I thought I would! But I feel like I would have liked him a shitton more if there was more to his route then there was.... smh.
Nightshade - September 2021
I almost immediately jumped right into Nightshade, although with doubts of enjoying it in my mind, as I wasnt in the mood for a historical japan setting. However! I loved the characters, and the story! By the end of it, I was thoroughly angry with the antagonists for hurting my BOYS like that...
The first one I went for was Kuroyuki, who I LOVED. I felt a little bit confused throughout his route, but I still quite enjoyed it. A sweet yandere. Babey boy. I love him.
Next was Chojiro, and oooohhhhh boy.... yeah. That was a little rough. BUT I feel like the story was very well suited for him!!! After that I went with Goemon, who was SO SWEET. For a moment, the "plot twist" had me, but then I realized there was no way he was wasn't trying to trick his old clan/the council.
Hanzo was second last, and definitely an unexpected fav! I didnt find him very attractive at first, but seeing him more and more throughout the routes had him growing on me. And I LOVED him! But... I don't like Ieyasu's treatment towards the end of the route; ordering Hanzo to kill the MC after making us thoroughly believe he was a kind man in every other route.... sigh. But I'm happy that he was able to take just the MC's sash instead of her head. I do like that he also told Hanzo to "go get a wife and come back" hehe.
GOD that scene in the cave with Hanzo where youre both naked... YES. And his hair when its wet!!! Hes so adorable AND hot at the same time???? I love Hanzo. Tbh, I love all of them.
Gekka was the last one I did, but I wish I reversed Hanzo/Gekka's positions. Cause I really, *really* didnt like ending on such a sad ending.... dear god. I really thought I got the bad end or something for a hot minute there. Then Gekka comes in! Ahhhh, honestly I didn't like him much at all at first which is why I saved him for last, but his route.... FUCK man. His route was heart wrenching. And he's so damn sweet. I still don't understand how/why he doesn't try to kill the MC in the other routes after the "protection" "curse" is lifted but whatever. Still, the ending... dear god. And all of their graves being dug up... the box of everyone's hair... jesus christ that was morbid. Even that made me mad. I didnt care much for the blonde haired kid who died first, but everyone else after that had such a good part to the story...but I wonder why Kuroyuki lived in every route?
Either way, Nightshade was a lot better then I thought it would be! I loved it!!! I honestly might go back soon and replay Kuroyuki's route now that I know whats going on and I know the characters.... also wanna replay Hanzo's route! Babey ❤
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ddarker-dreams · 4 years ago
do you play otome games???
yes i do!! i’ve always enjoyed otome games. i felt extremely happy when i found out otomate would be putting more of their stuff on the switch, since i missed out on a lot of otome games due to not owning a ps vita 😭
so far the otome games i’ve played are:
hakuouki (first and second one)
code: realize (my second favorite!)
collar x malice (my favorite!)
and i’m not entirely sure if it counts but i’m gonna count it anyways,
mystic messenger
nameless, the one thing you must recall
i’m thinking of playing that italian themed otome game that came out a few months ago, but i haven’t made up my mind yet on whether or not i should get it...
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soobinuwuss · 5 years ago
any member of txt with a s/o that spends their entire day watching anime?
✧*。hey !! I decided to make hc's of each member, I hope you don't mind !!
Besides, do you guys play otome games? I've started one named "collar x malice" and I'm loving it so far !! I'm on Yanagi's route and he's my man already. I love him.
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Jjunie would need to be completely head over heels to accept watching anime with you. He didn't hate them, he just thought they were a bit childish; but when you sat down and put on your favorite anime on a movie night and looked at him with bright eyes and a excited smile, he didn't have the heart to protest. He really had it bad, huh?
It's no secret that Binnie had a soft spot for you and was willing to do anything you asked so if you wanted to show him your favorite anime, that's what you guys were gonna do. At the end, he was interested and kept asking questions about the plot and the characters so you knew he liked it.
Of course Gyu would tease you and pretend to not like it when he saw you were watching anime. Waving you off when you asked if he wanted to watch it with you but still kept sneaking glances while doing his own thing. Softly smiling, he sat down and put his arm around your shoulder, knowing it would make you happy.
Taehyun couldn't deny that he was intrigued by the plot. You were watching an anime about a dystopian society and that alone sparked his interest.
Sneaking his arms around you, he nuzzled his head on your shoulder and kissed the top of your head. You spent the rest of the day talking about it while cuddling.
10/10 would watch it with you. I feel like Hyuka would love animes related to schools or slices of life because he could empathize with the characters so yes, lots of animes sessions. You would choose a day in which you would lay in bed together and eat lots of snacks he brought from the dorm.
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muwi-translates · 5 years ago
Otomate Party 2019 Collar x Malice Drama “Reverse reality”
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Short drama featured in Otopa 2019, this was also shown in the 2020 Otomate New Title Party livestream. 
HEAVY BASE GAME SPOILERS. There’s also some minor spoilers AND a CG spoiler for -Unlimited-. Either way, don’t read this if you have not finished the first game.
Highly recommend that you watch while you read, it will 100% enhance the experience. It’s also because there are some ad-libs that are better experienced while you can see the voice actors and be able to hear the crowd. Here is a timestamped link to the section (if it doesn’t jump there, it starts at 15:23)
**Please don’t move this translation or claim it as your own.**
Yanagi: 20XX, December. Vicious events that have been committed in succession have disrupted social order. Known as the X-Day Incidents, we, who were former police officers, have been investigating--
Okazaki: Aha, wait, Yanagi-san~
Yanagi: Okazaki…Don’t interrupt others when they’re starting their monologue.
Okazaki: Sorry, but this time it doesn’t look like we need a very serious atmosphere.
Yanagi: What did you say?
Okazaki: The title seems to be wrong, it’s actually this:
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[Title: It was just a dream]
Yanagi: What?
Okazaki: Shall I give you a summary then?
Okazaki: On a day in 20XX, a party was being held in a corner of Shinjuku. Thanks to the magic of Otopa (Otomate Party), in a place where time and space become twisted, a group of people who normally cannot meet have gathered…
Yanagi: An izakaya… no, I really don’t understand what’s—
Shiraishi: If it were just Yanagi-kun, Okazaki-kun and I… 
Saeki: I feel like I’m intruding, sorry about that.
Mikuni: There should be no need to apologise. We were also forcibly brought here when we were busy.
Okazaki: Soooo… I believe that one is Ichika-chan’s co-worker from the police station, Saeki-kun, right?
Saeki: Yup.
Okazaki: And that one is the politician Mikuni-san?
Mikuni: Yes. I also know who you are very well. You’re the people from the detective agency who are investigating the X-Day incidents by yourselves. Since you’ve also been investigating the identity of the mastermind of Adonis, you must have discovered our involvement by now.
Yanagi: Hmph. Not gonna bother to hide it? Should I treat this as your confession?
Shiraishi: Hey, Yanagi-kun, you don’t have to think that much this time. All that about the incidents, arrests, they all don’t exist~
Yanagi: Excuse me?
Saeki: Ah, they told me before I came here, Today, let’s just throw away all that messy stuff from the main story. We can’t go dropping spoilers, yeah?
Okazaki: Haha, yup, it’s Otomate Party, after all.
Saeki: Yup, hehe~
Okazaki: So that means that it’s Saeki-kun and Mikuni-san’s first time meeting us, isn’t it?
Saeki: Ah, I know Shiraishi-san since he’s pretty famous in the Shinjuku station… but that’s about it.
Shiraishi: Ahaha… Mikuni-san, this should be fine, yes?
Mikuni: Are you trying to say that I should pretend I don’t know you, Num—
Shiraishi: Waitwaitwait… If you say it then what’s the point?
Yanagi: …Not enough...
Okazaki: Hm? Yanagi-kun, what’s wrong?
Shiraishi: Is there something wrong with your account book?
Yanagi: ...Not enough of Enomoto’s complaints...
Okazaki: Ah…. mm…. We do have a serious shortage of complaining.
Yanagi: Whatever. I can call you Mikuni, right?
Mikuni: Yes, even though I didn’t allow you to call me by name. The only one who has permission to do so is--
Shiraishi: S-S-Stop, didn’t we just say not to talk about the personal identity of that person today?
Yanagi: I can’t believe it… that Shiraishi’s thinking of other people?
Okazaki: Wait a second, Saeki-kun’s being left behind. I’m sorry, making you feel uncomfortable.
Saeki: It’s no problem, but… maybe I’m not meant to be here? You’re all important characters in the main story. I’m probably the youngest character amongst everyone here. Plus I’m just the friend of the protagonist.
Okazaki: What’s up with the weird reaction from the audience?
Saeki: You must be mistaken!
Okazaki: I must be! Haha~
Saeki: Hahaha
Okazaki: Ah, now that I remember, I’m so jealous you’re Ichika-chan’s coworker. I heard you two go out drinking together a lot.
Yanagi: That’s right, Saeki’s the only one who knows Hoshino well here.
Shiraishi: She’s still cautious with us, so I’m very interested in what kind of person she is.
Saeki: He~eh, Hosino’s pretty popular. But all I know is that she’s a really normal person. She’s always doing her best, and straightforwardly. Sometimes she can be discouraged and be in low spirits, but when she’s angry, she can be really scary. Ah! And when she gets drunk, she laughs a lot and gets really passionate when she talks to me.
Mikuni: …Is that it?
Saeki: Hm?
Mikuni: If Ichika Hoshino is as normal as you say then I believe she should not have been chosen by Adonis.
Yanagi: Oi, Mikuni, what do you mean?
Saeki: Oh… I don’t know how Adonis thinks, but I think she’s strong because she’s normal.
Mikuni: I don’t understand, even if I do want to, since she holds the key to us.
Saeki: Ahaha, to a brilliant politician like you, our worlds are completely different.
Shiraishi: ...Sorry, I can’t stand this anymore.
Yanagi: I can’t believe it… that Shiraishi’s losing his cool!
Okazaki: Truly a rare sight to behold.
Okazaki: That said, we’re in front of a gathering of girls, we shouldn’t be this aggressive. If our goal is to become friends, why don’t we play a game?
Shiraishi: Do you mean the friendship games that Okazaki-kun and Mineo-kun always play?
Yanagi: Those? It’s going to get more chaotic if so many people start drinking tequila. 
Okazaki: Then what about a ‘revelation game’? We’ll reveal our true thoughts on the subject written on the back of these cards. And you have to answer the question no matter what it is.
Saeki: Oh, I like it! I’d be happy to get to know everyone better.
Mikuni: It’s of no loss to me if I get information from you.
Shiraishi: Then let’s go clockwise from Yanagi-kun.
Yanagi: Why do I have to go first? Nothing I can do about it-- IT’S MY TURN.
[Card: What kind of gestures do you like in a woman?]
Yanagi: Gestures? I haven’t really thought about it, something like tying long hair into a bun, I guess?
Saeki: Ah, I get that! It looks really nice when they’re wearing a yukata.
Shiraishi: Really? Should I tie my hair like that?
Yanagi: I didn’t ask.
Mikuni: I see. I’ll add this to the data we have on Aiji Yanagi.
Yanagi: I. Didn’t. Ask.
Okazaki: Then it’s my turn next. What’ll it be~?
[Card: What’s something you want a woman to say to you?]
Yanagi: Is this really about friendship?
Okazaki: Hm… I can feel the coercive energy of Otopa… it’s like... a heavy pressure.
Saeki: Okazaki-san looks like he’s pretty popular. I wanna learn from you.
Okazaki: Haha, you sound like Mineo-kun. Words I want to hear from a woman… Yanagi-san, it’s better to give a more restrained answer, right?
Yanagi: Yeah, it might be bad if you’re too careless, ah, but there’s still a chance. I’d rather you say something that can be visualised, it’s okay if you say something that can’t. Anyway, I’m leaving it up to you.
Okazaki: I’m just going to follow what’s in the script, then.
Okazaki: The golden phrase “I don’t want to go back”. If she said it like that, it would be impossible not to want her.
Shiraishi: I don’t get it, what kind of situation wouldn’t let her go home? Does she work at a bad company?
Mikuni: Perhaps her family situation is complicated?
Saeki: Uh, are you two really fully-grown men?
Yanagi: ...Enomoto… come here quickly… I’ll even take Namikawa (Daisuke)!
Shiraishi: It’s my turn next, right?
[Card: What kind of food do you want a woman to make for you?]
Shiraishi: Hm. Nothing in particular. I could just make it myself.
Okazaki: So dreamless! Shiraishi-san, you always eat such dull things. Don’t you ever crave some homemade food?
Shiraishi: Then Yanagi-kun will make something for me, so no.
Yanagi: Oi, I’m not your mother.
Mikuni: So Aiji Yanagi has the ability to win people’s hearts with good food. This cannot be underestimated.
Shiraishi: No matter how you say it, home made food is--
Saeki: [Slams his cup down] No! There’s stuff like meat and potato stew! And karage! That’s romantic!
Okazaki: Oh… Saeki-kun’s drunk. When did he drink that much?
Saeki: Pfft- I ain’t drunk! The night’s still young~!
Yanagi: The alcohol’s gone to his head, here, drink some water.
Mikuni: It might be better to lie down, come over here…
Saeki: Nuh-uh. I wanna play… the revelation game!!!
[Card: What’s your type of woman?]
Saeki: Ooh! My type of woman… let me think. Of course, she’s gotta be cute… has style, she’s good at cooking. Someone who’s usually honest, but sticks to their beliefs… and responsible with work.
Shiraishi: So someone who’s similar to you? Or someone who has the same type of thinking as you?
Okazaki: Also… this… sounds similar to Ichika-chan.
Saeki: Hm? Nah, we’re not like that--
Mikuni: --Enough. I should be going back soon.
Yanagi: Oi, what’s with you all of a sudden--
Okazaki: Ah… my vision… it’s weird… Yanagi-san...
Yanagi: What’s going on… this sound…
Shiraishi: Ah, is it over already?
Mikuni: We have fully obtained the information required for analysis. You must be satisfied too?
Okazaki: What… it hurts…--
Okazaki: *gasps* Huh? ...A dream? My bad, did I wake you up? No, I’m okay. I just had a weird dream. Good morning. Is your body okay? Last night I went too-- ah! Hehe, so cute~
I didn’t forget. Our promise that we were going on a date today. But I just want to hold you all the time, because you’re too cute. So cute it’s trouble.
If I kissed you like this outside you’d get angry at me, right? So… can you let me keep you all to myself just for a little longer?
Shiraishi: Hm? Was I asleep? I was reading to the children… it looks like I fell asleep when we were together. Eh? You were looking at my sleeping face? What’s that about, so unfair. You know I wanted to see yours too. I’ll see it someday. That’s right, there’s still ‘someday’ after this…
I still think it’s strange even now. If I hadn’t met you, I wouldn’t know that the sun was this warm, or that the breeze is so pleasant. Just holding hands with you makes my chest hurt. Even though I still have to make you feel lonely for a little while longer, don’t worry. Because we’re connected under the same sky.
Mikuni: Ah, it’s you. Are you reporting something for work? My complexion is bad? No… I just had a strange dream. How rare for you to worry about me. I know, this is just superficial rhetoric used by subordinates. However, after talking with you over these past few days, the way I deal with people seems to have changed.
I… quite clearly think that you are annoying, but I do not hate you. Even in a hell like this, the light in your eyes has not disappeared. It seems that I am drawn to your strength. 
No… forget what I said. That was just a joke that will disappear one day like illusions.
Saeki: Ah, sorry, I was just a little dazed. ...Careful! Almost dropped the crepe. It’s already sunset, after we finish, we should go. 
…! Don’t make that kind of expression. Hey, Hoshino. I know you’re at your wit’s end trying to figure out what path you want to take. You must have already decided in your heart, right? 
I see… I’ll always support you no matter what decision you make. And… I’ll resist like you are until the very end, if this is the ‘justice’ you believe in.
It’s sad, but let’s finish our date here today. Hey, will you go on another with me? 
Haha, how cold… I still want to be with you like this. That’s why, see you again.
Yanagi: ...It’s still night.... You’re awake? I sounded like I was in pain? ...I made you worry. It’s okay, it wasn’t the dream I usually have. ...It wasn’t the same, but I guess it was still a nightmare. 
Can I hold you? It’s not that I feel uneasy. It’s just that I can feel peaceful when I can feel you next to me. As long as you’re smiling next to me, I can push away any nightmare no matter what it’s about. And I can believe that I can welcome the dawn the next day.
We have the day off today, don’t we? Let’s go somewhere. I want to walk with you, through the streets of the Shinjuku I love.
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benichi · 5 years ago
Collar X Malice - Unlimited - Spoiler Free Mini Review
- Unlimited - revisits the World and stories of Collar x Malice in varied ways. There are After Stories (also referred to as Epilogues) for the 5 Love Interests from the first game. Side stories that focus on (you guessed it) side characters plus the so called ADONIS mode which will give you the chance to find out more about the organizations members.
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+ As with the first game both art and music are very nice. It's a blend between content from the previous entry, which gave a nice sense of nostalgia, and newly created sprites and music. I'll address the elephant in the room: considering the allegations against H*namarua M*i I did feel a little... odd looking at the art. But I'll have to take it at face value for now since there hasn't been any more news and the art - as we see it in game - looks good (aside from a few weird anatomy situations).
+ After Stories (Epilogue). These are probably what people have been looking forward to the most. It's nice to see these characters again and even more so to see how they act in a relationship. Personally I very much enjoy seeing how couples are once they're officially together (not just to the point until they get together) so I loved these. Obviously some stories more than others, we all have our favorites and so on. But overall I found all of them enjoyable and I think there's nice variation of fluff and drama between the stories. The only thing I'd like to remark is that there aren't a lot of puzzles, though I haven’t really made up my mind on how I feel about that. Because on one hand it’s nice they put more of a focus on the day to day lives, but on the other I do enjoy some good puzzles. So I’m kind of in the middle here and just wanted to point it out because the first game did have more.
+ Side Stories. There are 3 stories in total that consist of 2 parts each. I very much loved two of them, the third felt a little forced in my opinion (you’ll see which one I mean once you get there) but either way I think all of them are a nice addition for those that would have liked to spend some more time with certain side characters in the main game.
+ ADONIS. I'll be honest I loved this. Even if I do love me some sprakly butterfly Otome that Aksys seems to be against so much there’s definitely a big part of me loving dark and morally challenging stories. I don't even want to say too much but this mode was right up my alley and I hope people can get into it unspoiled. As I said in the beginning here’s where you’ll have the chance to find out more about each Adonis members, their motivations and stories. This obviously includes their leader (which a lot of people have always wanted to find out more about - me included). This mode may seem a little confusing at first but once you start playing it’s actually quite simple but still effective. The (true) ending was done well and I do think that ADONIS is a great way to say goodbye to the world of Collar x Malice.
- The limited edition feels like minimal effort. And not just for - Unlimited -, personally I find none of the LE Aksys puts out appealing. Compared to all of the content the Japanese version got we’re really getting the short end of the stick here. Again, this is how I feel about it. I’d love to buy some LE Otoge but not like this.
- The localization. I specifically chose “localization” because most people seem to be talking about translation which isn’t quite it in my opinion. Especially putting this game on Google Translate level. As someone who has played my fair share of Google Translate-esque Otome I can reassure you that C x M - Unlimited - is still far from that. I think to be on GT level it has to be at a point where you can’t even understand what’s going on at least half of the time, which is not the case here.
-- BUT there are some major problems. I’ve already talked about this previously so I’ll be keeping things a little more brief here...
My biggest issue is that the game often times feels unpleasant to read. Which is obviously a big problem for a visual novel. The game cuts sentences in a weird way that makes you wonder if part of it is missing - which is my main gripe cause this is a constant thing. There’s random numbers that shouldn’t even be there in the text, off wording and even coding issues (text outside the box or in places it shouldn’t be,...). So as I’ve said previously I do think that it’s difficult to put something with this much text out and do a completely flawless job. If there were some spelling mistakes here and there I wouldn’t mind it that much. In C x M - Unlimited - however there are times when it will be one mistake after the next in a consistent manner (Takeru’s AS is  w i l d), then things will be perfectly fine again for a little while only to jump back to paragraphs of odd words, text outside the box or just awkward wording. It kind of feels like some of the employees took their work seriously and tried to put a good product out while the other half slept on their keyboard.
Conclusion: should you buy this? If you’re a big fan of the original I do think so, yes. I don’t really like the idea of boycotting or anything like that, I don’t think that’ll get us anywhere. Especially if you liked the original you shouldn’t deprive yourself of this experience. But we do have to hold Aksys accountable for what they’ve done. Because even if the Otome fanbase is struggling to get releases we shouldn’t just be happy getting Otoge at all - we do want quality.
Again this game is still far from some of the other bad localizations we’ve had to deal with, you’ll always understand what’s going on. However, I do have to say that the price of 50€ for the game - as it is right now - is not acceptable. I wouldn’t mind paying that price for a VN with great localization, but as you can see currently this game has too many issues to call it that. So if you’d like to hold off that’s perfectly understandable. Aksys is aware of their displeased fans so now it’s on them to take action.
I do think that we are a well- and outspoken fandom, so if you haven’t yet consider writing Aksys a polite email about the issues with - Unlimited -. Especially so if you’re reluctant about buying the game in it’s current state.
In short: Great game, as of now not so great localization. Let’s hope they put out a patch and - even more importanlty - that they’ll do better next time. Piofiore’s release is not that far off after all.
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otogetranslations · 6 years ago
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To sum things up:
Someone leaked the Diabolik Lovers Limited V Edition patch, posting it publicly despite all our warnings and requests. Thus we are following through with our original policy.
We’re stopping every projects related to Diabolik Lovers, including further support for Limited V Edition, and there won’t be a patch for More;Blood.
Collar x Malice Unlimited will still be released, but privately. After all, you guys will get the English version of it from Aksys for the switch next year!
I (the leader of otogetranslations) will still be helping other translators with their projects: Brothers Conflict, Hakuoki SSL. How the patch is gonna be distributed is up to their respective leaders (coquettishcat for Hakuoki SSL, and PassionandBrilliance for Brothers Conflict).
No more Black Wolves Saga. This project I (Reishiki) started by asking permission to use existing translation from orlandoblue @tumblr, Siberia (twitter.com/bakemeatz). The patch of Black Wolves Saga Bloody Nightmare is to be completed soon. But it’s no more.
Read on if you wanted to know what really happened:
As you all know, we released DIABOLIK LOVERS LIMITED V EDITION fan translation patch this August 16th, 2019 for homebrew enabled/hacked Playstation vita, and only for people that have proof or purchasing the game.
There are over 50 people who showed us the proof of purchasing the game and they received the patch for free. All we asked was for you to actually buy the game before you can play it with a hacked playstation vita.
Our 30-people team worked on the patch for 10 months. We only used outsource translation for 8/277 total scripts. Our in-house hacker did the romhacking process, our in-house proofreaders proofed the translation, our recruited translators worked on the translation. Everything was done by us and it’s our team effort. So we have the right to decide how we’re gonna distribute it.
However, on August 20th, 2019. Rojaaalice on reddit r/vitapiracy posted a thread, asking the patch to be given to them for free (without purchasing the game). A lot of people who frequent this subreddit accused us of being Gatekeepers, while all we’re doing is asking for proof of purchasing the game (not the patch, the patch is 100% free). Is buying the game you play wrong? Is asking for a proof of purchasing something you play gatekeeping, when we could have chosen to not share the patch at all in the first place?
I don’t think so.
But, this person, SilicaAndPina (https://twitter.com/SiliCart) is not happy with how we distribute our patch. He said that we should keep the vita hacking scene free, we can’t ask for people to buy anything to be able to get the PATCH that we worked on. He doesn’t play otome games in general, and he doesn’t even know what otome games is.
He started to trick me into giving the patch to him, by making a fake proof of purchase with a cloned gmail account. I noticed the proof was fake and didn’t give it to him. Then he got mad and sent this (WARNING: GORE IMAGE) to me. He stated that he will leak the patch eventually.
He attempted to acquire the patch once again with a different fake proof this time. I also noticed this and we trolled him by sending him a FAKE patch. We left the prologue in English and put ridiculous/crack fanfiction in other parts. He thought it was real and distributed it, declared he has won over us.
He thought he tricked us but no, we weren’t being tricked by his half-assed effort. 
Today, August 22nd, there is someone from the DiaLover Fandom that received the real patch sent it over to him. I’m sorry to say that the patch would be leaked eventually, one way or another, because if someone really wants to leak it, they could buy the physical copy, take a photo with it and send it to us. Then they can sell the game to get the money back. 
So, we lost.
But to the one that sent the patch to him, lost to the malice of this world, and not to him. 
I had envisioned this would happen when I first started the project. So I’m not surprised. I had a small ray of hope this wouldn’t happen so soon, but I was wrong. 
As we’ve stated before, we will cease every project translation related to DIABOLIK LOVERS.
No more patches of DIABOLIK LOVERS will be made from us, at least when I’m the leader of that project (as well as the leader of otogetranslations): Reishiki.
I’m proud to say our patch was enjoyed and praised by people that bought the game and received the patch.
I (Reishiki) will still be supporting other translators if they need it, but I won’t start any new project from now on (in which could be AMNESIA LATER/CROWD/WORLD, VARIABLE BARRICADE - these games I completed extracting the texts with our inhouse hacker’s help, and I planned to announce we would start one of these projects soon. But… I’m sorry to say that it’s no more. At least it won’t be made available to the public.)
Thank you everyone for your support.
These are our team members opinions:
JokerTrap-Ran: I think I just lost faith in the community as a whole again, coming back after 4 years. I hope you’re happy! This was really demoralising and I hope ya’ll had fun putting us down like that. I’m not one for drama and honestly I’d very much like to stay out of it considering the bad medicine bashing that happened on otome reddit about 3 years ago. I’ll continue releasing translations for blog’s followers but that’s it. I’m whimsical, and most of my followers know it. I pick things and I drop it all the same. 
Khikari: For those who thinks that what we have committed is blasphemy and should be shut down for this, great, please take the time to learn Japanese yourself. Or learn to care about other people with emotions for once in you life. Demoralising people who were willing to work endless hours for free with just one condition sure is satisfying, isn’t it? It really hurt all of us. For those who genuinely cared and are saddened by this post, I am sorry and I wish the best for you all. I know that the few doesn’t represent all but this is a massive motivation killer, and I don’t need this drama in my life. From now on, private translations all the way! Also, Silica, attacking an idea is fine, but attacking people with malicious intent is stepping out of line. Enjoy being a rock specimen.
LoliChan195: I hope you are happy with what you have done! We only wanted to bring this out for people that had difficulties playing the game, and also help support Rejet by having more people buy their games. Its people like you that cause all these game companies to go bankrupt! (Also SiliCar, you sick fuck. Who sends pictures like that!? XD you’re probably just some edgy 12yr old XD Besides, who says WE WILL NOT FORGIVE XD what a dumbass! And is it that hard to search on google about the game? Why would we make it so it specifically needs to be the limited edition?!?! ) Seriously, the people who attacked us for putting the rule out are just as bad, like can’t you just wait and buy the game? Or even if u just pirate it, read online translations. Its not that hard! 
Hermy: Nothing much to say, except, ya’ll could have totes pirated the game and played it along the translations available on the net. Welp, I hope you don’t dislike that idea too much because that’s what ya’ll gonna need to do if ya’ll wanna play the sequels.
PS: the MB translations available on the net are riddled with errors, but by all means have fun with them :)
Anon: Oh yes, silica? Perhaps you should just lead on with your true intentions next time instead of trying to honey your words and do some "re-con"  for dots, yeah? 
Marzi: I'm a bit numb to this situation at this point, but it is disheartening to know Silica was so intent on distributing our translations that he didn't stop even when we threatened to cease all translations. It wasn't like he was ever going to play the game - he just felt so personally offended by the fact that we were "gatekeeping" for some reason - which, in my opinion, is a bit of an immature reason to ruin a translation group. You can't argue that we're "unrightfully holding something when we don't have the intellectual rights," when you're bypassing all copyright laws as well in wanting to post it PUBLICALLY. But what's done is done - whoever manages to get a copy of this, I hope you enjoy it. Please know so much effort and passion went into these translations, and that we loved working on this project every bit of the way. If the game leaves you antsy for More Blood well LOL you know who prevented that from happening.
Sonic-nancy-fan: I never knew someone could have such an illogical mindset. Silica/PSSDude made the original base repatch program, and we used one that someone had edited and added to (which Silica was fine with). But, because he made the original one, that means he feels like HE can getekeep all uses of variations of it. This would be like saying people can’t use paper to make a paper airplane because the original creator of paper said no, or you can’t print manga because Gutenberg said no. Also, who in the world thinks they can take a moral high-ground by telling us to promote piracy? Patches are already a sort of grey area, so we were trying to take the most legal method available while still making a patch. I know in modern society, piracy is very common, but I can’t imagine your average person would call us in the wrong for trying to hinder piracy. God forbid we try to get people to buy Diabolik Lovers. I can’t say I’m shocked as I expected it to get leaked sometime. I’m just saddened at certain people’s general hate and unyielding desire to leak it. So, I don’t blame the community as a whole, nor do I feel any malice toward the community (we had a lot of people buy the game and get excited). I’m just mad at very specific spiteful people. Also, if I ever hear someone say “the scene” as much as Silica, I’m going to go nuts. It sounds like something the “cool guy” in an 80’s show would say.
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 5 years ago
Hakuoki SSL Hijikata Daily Story 1
2/7 now done for this round of daily stories.... Personally, my favourites of the ‘Daily Story 1′ stories are the ones for Saito and Kazama..... next time though.
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Hakuoki SSL Hijikata Daily Story 1
Translation by KumoriYami
Kondou:……Fuh. Unexpectedly, it's already summer. This season really is nice.
Kondou: Regardless if one is a student (sophomore) or a freshman getting used to the new school year, they will all find/develop/open up their own paths in life....
Kondou: Nn. As the principal, I am extremely fortunate to witness the growth of these students./Watching the students mature/grow, as the principal, I am indeed fortunate.
Hijikata:——Finally found you, Kondou-san. So you were here/So this is where you were.
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Kondou: Ah, it's Toshi. Why is your expression like that/showing such an expression?/Why are you looking like that?
Hijikata: What do you mean this expression/this look. Did you get the summer facility usage documents stamped? [approved?]
Hijikata: There's no problem with taking a break, but with so little work left, you should finish everything else before resting again (/taking a break again).
Kondou: Aiyah, I'm sorry. Then I'll hurry back/go back/return.
Kondou:……But Toshi. Perhaps I might not be in a position to say this, but why don't you take a break?
Hijikata: I'm a bit busy today. Sorry to worry you, but I don't have time to rest/take a break.
Kondou: But, ah..... You keep frowning like this, and the students will be too scared to approach you.
Hijikata: The students being afraid of me is a trivial matter [It is only a trivial matter if the students are afraid of me/The students being afraid of me can only be considered a trivial matter].
HIjikata: As long as the principal is friendly enough, it is possible to obtain/achieve balance.
Kondou: Oh……is that so/is it like that?
Hijikata: Indeed.
HIjikata:……After all, I don't frown all day. We do have a lot of problematic students in our school.
Hijikata: If the students were more like her/If the students were as sensible as she was, I wouldn't need to work so hard/go through all this trouble......
Kondou: She/her…… you mean Yukimura-kun?
Hijikata: Ah, umm......
Kondou: Nn. She truly has a sincere heart and has put a great effort into fitting in on campus (has been doing her best in adapting to campus life).
Kondou: At first I was worried about something happening [going wrong] to the only female student [at school]…… though it seems to have adapted [seems like she's fitting in].
Hijikata: Yeah. That being said, she does often feel overwhelmed.
HIjikata: We must keep a close eye on her, and not let her get into any trouble [/so that she doesn't get into any trouble].
Kondou: Yes. Let's take care of her growth together!
HIjikata:......No, not only her, you also have to take care of all the other students don't you/right?
So. I’ve finally gone through my computer and the various websites online that I rely on for all the otomate party dramas I could find. I’ve also gone and finally edited everything so that the files I have are just for the dramas (I have space problems on my computer). Listed everything here is what I’ve managed to find (should note that pretty much everything here was taken from an upload with video of an entire disc uploaded for raws anyway).... which is the result of me being too lazy to update my tumblr pages’ lists right now tho i’m going to do something bout it later:
Otomate Party 2010 Hakuoki drama raw + Chinese subs (Kazama vs Souji with Kondou) [video is at least bigger than what’s on youtube.... though quality isn’t great cuz it’s old]
Otomate Party 2011 Disc 1 + 2  Hakuoki Drama raw only [2 versions of the Love Letters drama. not much difference except the ad-libing at the end with the fight is different and Tsuda Kenjiro makes mistakes in one while the others kinda look at him as if to ask if he’s alright lol]
Otomate Party 2011 Disc 3/4 Hakuoki Reimeiroku drama raw only (Saito, Souji, Ibuki, Heisuke)[something about selling Ishida Sanyaku. really wish i had Chinese tl for this lol cuz heisuke does says something kinda like the eng equivalent of what i took to be ‘come one, come all witness the marvels of ishida sanyaku’ like at a fair while souj prepares to have the effects of said medicine demonstrated on ibuki after slicing him up lol]
Otomate Party 2012 Disc 2 Hakuoki Drama raw only (Saito/Hijikata/Souji/Heisuke)
Otomate Party 2013 Hakuoki Drama 2 versions raw + Chinese subs + actual Chinese text translations (Saito, Souji, Harada, Heisuke - [tentatively im naming this - ‘The Ideal place for a disagreement’])
Otomate Party 2014 Disc 1(?) Hakuoki drama raw + eng sub (two pursuers - though i also found the entirety of that specific otomate party disc translated into English since it was apparently taken from youtube before it was taken down)
Otomate Party 2014 Hakuoki Disc 3 Drama raw + Chinese subs (Saito/Kazama/Harada)[i think this involves Saito and Harada looking for/following Souji when they bump into Kazama]
Otomate Party Hakuoki 2015 Disc 2 Drama raw + JP+Chinese subs (saito/souji/heisuke)[something about reading letters from a suggestion box... i think?]
Otomate Party 2016 Hakuoki Drama raw only (Saito/Souji/Harada)
Otomate Party 2017 Hakuoki Drama raw + Chinese subs (Saito/Kazama/Souji/Harada)
Otomate Party 2017 Collar x Malice Drama raw + Chinese subs
Otomate Party 2018 Collar x Malice Drama Day 1 raw
I should probably also add... that I’m not really interested in tling seiyuu stuff that I find or whatever else goes on at these events since it’s alll on the videos themselves.... and it’s way too much work to write out everything..
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hanafubukki · 3 years ago
Hello again! Hope you are doing good.
And Wish you good luck for your School assignment and that it finish quickly so you can relax!>.<
Don't worry I'm trying to take my time here🙏🙏
That's soo cool!! You have played them?? I'm watching the royal version because it's so popular and it got me interested!
I usually just watch the gameplay of games that costs money from YouTube because as much as the gameplay is fun, I'm really there for the story.
Since i was planning to watch the other version's when i finish, you made me consider playing them myself 🤔 I'm not the best at the gameplay and get tired easily. But the storyyyy😖😖🙏🙏🙏 idk i just love stories 👉👈
I relate tbh. When i wanted to watch Danganronpa for the first time, it was school at the time and i wasted almost all my day just sitting and watching 😭😭 even though it was really fun, i just couldn't for the life of me stop it's so addictive i just like seeing the stories so much😭 visual novels game's are dangerous for me because I don't stop😭
I play a lot of games! Almost all hoyoverse game's, enstars, project sekai, identity v, final fantasy 7, A3!, Life is strange And probably a lot other stuff i don't remember 😅
Final fantasy 7 is probably one of the only game i payed money for that i experienced it's story within myself for the first time(that's kinda complicated 😅)
I play otome games too! Probably play anything as long as their is a good story and some handsome characters 👀👀
Or one that i can enjoy with friends 🤷
Haha i talked a lot👉👈 i guess i can say that I'm really passionate about games🤧
And! I'm glad you got recharged by the last hug>.< Soooo here is another one!
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Also before i go
Who is your favorite character in persona 5?👀
Hello Noram 🌻🌺💕
Thank you 💚💜💜🙏 It's all going well and my group is working together well, so I'm doing good there. Cant wait for this and next week to be over so I can relax 😭😭💚💚
That's good! I'm glad to hear that 👏👏 Yes! rather my brother played them, and I watched lol Our deal was I would buy it and he would play it, so we both won in the end.
I do that too 🙌🙌 I watch gameplays on YouTube when I cant play a game or cant get my brother to do it. I can't to two sticks so anything that's not novel games or tactical turn based I cant play 🥺 but I thank YouTube because it makes it easier for me to watch others play now 🙌
If your'e watching the Persona 5 Royal verison then you dont need to watch the other one. 🙌 Persona 5 royal version is basically an updated version of the OG one where they added more story and characters and it really rounded out the whole game plot wise so you should definitely stick to that one. do you have a favorite character yet?
visual novel games are the best and worst, they take so much of your time but they are so so good I can't just stop. I remember playing collar x malice and Bustafellow in 4 day and 7 days respectively. I have dongaronpa but haven't played it yet 🙌 its on my list
I heard of all of those games that you listed 👏 though I only play enstars, A3 (used to), tears of Themis, and watched my brother play FF7.
otome games are the best 🙌💕 do you play or watch the console ones? I have so many. which ones are you favorites?
I enjoyed reading about your passion, I love talking about games and otome so please feel free to talk more.☺️💕
Thank you my hug 🙌 battery is charged and now I can continue my assignment with gusto 🙌
Here's mine:
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My favorite character is makoto. I ship her with Akira, who I another fave. I also like akechi too 👀lolol
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Collar x Malice (No spoiler review)
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Name : Collar x Malice
Made by : Otomate and localized by Askiss
Realeas date : Localized in June 2017.
Console : Psvita
Price : $39.99
Okay, let’s start my very first review with a bang!
Not only because this game is amazing, but also because in this game you have a gun and you will use it. So yeah, you better not mess with this heroine lol!
Don’t let that first image fool you into thinking that this game is a happy go lucky game with a innocent and fluffy story… Because it very much is not.
The genre of this game  is thriller and mystery.
A city named Shinjuku has been attacked by a group of terrorists calling themselves “Adonis” and has therefore been placed under quarantine by Japan’s government in order to try to stop them from spreading word of their movement to the rest of the country. As you can guess, sadly that didn’t stop Adonis who continue to  commit a new kind of murder each month, always claiming to be doing this in the name of Justice.
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After each new murder, a roman number is left at the crime scene, starting from IX on April first and counting down until December which is when our story starts. This countdown is used by the terrorists as a countdown to what they call the X-DAY.
You play as Ichika, a twenty one year old rookie police-woman with a strong idea of justice but she spends her time simply answering calls from people who are worried about the X-DAY. Despite everything, Ichika is still trying to keep being positive and live her life normally, always working hard on her job in order to protect everyone. That is until she becomes a victim herself and is attacked while  she is on a patrol. When she wakes up she learns that a collar built in with poison has been placed around her neck by someone claiming to be Adonis.
That’s when she meets with a group of people who are working on the X-Day cases.
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 Each person has their own deeper reasons for pursuing these cases and soon Ichika finds herself forced to join them, as the only way for her to survive the final countdown is to discover the truth about Adonis and their work.
According to which case you choose to investigate, you will be partnered with one of the guy (most of the time against their will) and you will both work together to discover the truth about not only about the X-Day’s events, but also about the past of your Partner.
And yes, you will investigate in this game which means solving mysteries, so get ready to wrack your brain trying to find the solution because your partner will test you.
The romance is definitely there, but the story takes up a large section of this game as your character is running out of time trying to solve something far bigger than herself. So if you want something light and don’t really enjoy heavy storyline content, this game might not be for you.
You will need to play each route if you want to understand everything which helps to keep the game really interesting until the very end! Moreover, one of the interesting points of the game is that, for once, your character isn’t just waiting around but is openly pursuing the guy she wants!
The characters are all interesting and deep and they go through a lot of development during the course of the game which make them relatable. Even you as a player are pushed to ponder on the question of what true justice is, on who you would consider as guilty according to different circumstances and on whether or not you think society is too rotten for this world or if there is still a chance for it to become better.
The story is really well written and while it will make you feel frustrated, angry or even really sad, it will also make you smile like an idiot or laugh far too loudly.
Another really good point of this game is the supporting cast! Just because they aren’t romanceable doesn’t mean that they aren’t important . You will form strong friendships with a lot of characters and for once, the other girls aren’t presented as the enemies you need to fight in order to get your guy. These women are strong, dependable women that will drag you to bars so you can rant about your job over beers lol.
The CGs are also really really good, congrats to the artists who made them! The voice actors also did an amazing job, I could listen to them talk for hours and they were totally able to perfectly portray the different emotions their character was feeling! The music is also quite good, with one song really reminding me of Persona 5!
It’s actually hard for me to find flaws to this game because I really found it amazing but I guess there are a few typos in the game . Though, considering the amount of text in the game, it’s really not something worth complaining about in my opinion!
+Really good and deep story that will make you think
+It’s a long game and is definitely worth the money
+Good main and side characters+Interesting and strong heroine (who is an adult for once!)
+Good development of the characters (they aren’t perfect but they work to become better and it’s done really well)
+Good CG and music
-A few typos and the use of the wrong name once
-No real “After story” (when after the main story you get another little story about your life with your lover) => Actually that’s not true because there are quite a few things you unlock after playing the routes but it’s not the usual “After story” you get with other games. But it’s still really cute and interesting!!
-Only on Ps Vita for now (but I wouldn’t be surprised if a steam version comes out later)
If you play this game, I strongly recommend you to play the routes in this order :
Mineo => Kei => Takeru => Kageyuki => Aiji
That’s all for my no spoiler review! I will make another one in which I will talk about my opinion of the characters, which means that it will be full of spoilers so don’t read it until you have finished the game! It will be tagged accordingly and even if you don’t blacklist the tag, I will write “Spoilers” in the title so you will still be able to avoid it!
Also I will try to pick a free game for my next review! And one for which you don't need to own a psvita!
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kyuwook09 · 7 years ago
Upcoming otome games 2018
Since I made a trashy review of last year’s line up of localized games, I figure I’ll do one this year too XD.
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Like last year, I’ve played most of the games set to be localize(I still haven’t touched my Hakuouki yet so..’most’) …Here’s a mini review and thoughts/opinion on the games ヽ(ヅ)ノ ....I’ll try to avoid spoilers..as much as I can. Thankfully unlike last year, Aksys game of choice are all great this year and here is why.
Honestly, I was first put off by 7′sCarler due to one flaw. The MC. Like she was introduced as a plain collage girl, who would be excited about that? And to make it worse...her character sprite is..well..I’m going to be blunt here...it looks weird..(´・ω・`)
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^see what I mean?
Anyway, once I get pass that...obstacle, 7′sCarlet was probably one of my favorites last year. Mainly due to me being a sucker for mystery trope..murder mysteries to be exact. Also by the end of the game, Ichiko(MC) manage to be redeem by having the game really involves her.♥(ノ´∀`)
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^little Ichiko looks so much cuter (σ≧∀≦)σ
Unlike some of the otome games, wherein MC goes to a route sees that the guy has a problem, adjusts herself so that the guy’s problem is magically solve..without her being really needed most part of the story. Here Ichiko is a crucial part of the story and she may have been a damsel in distress half of the game but there is a reason for that too. Which will be revealed little by little as the game progress on and players finishes the routes. She was actually really great in one route which made the story a lot more fun.♥(ノ´∀`)
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Characters of the game are also lovable and the bad guy did his part well. The plot twist of the story is kinda predictable yet its not the boring kind of predictable. The true ending did go to the ‘open ending’ type but its a nice wrap up of the game overall. I did regret not having the Limited Edition of the game...if only I wasn’t so weirded out by how Ichiko’s sprite is then I could have gotten it.¯\_(ツ)_/¯
PS: BEST GUY is the ossan..or well..the eldest(ΘεΘʃƪ)
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Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly
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I first played Black Butterfly last 2 years ago and it left a strong impression on me. It was actually on my ‘To Buy’ list even before I bought a vita and it did not disappoint me.♡(ŐωŐ人)
What were doing in a mansion in which they cannot leave? Do they know each other? Who is the owner of the mansion? What happened to them? These were some of the question that will leave players hook in their seats and be engaged in the story. ╭( ・ㅂ・)و Character development especially for the Beniyuuri(MC) was really great, even if the whole game was so short, they managed to have each of the characters grow and have their story have its satisfying ending.
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Unlike most otome games though, Psychedelica is like a manage/anime that I’m watching and little by little the truth of the character’s ‘situation’ unveil with each passing time, its more on the mystery VN rather than an otome to be honest. That said, it’s plot and romance scenes are well balanced and despite it being on the ‘tragic’ kind of game, it also have its humor and character interactions were always a delight.(o'v`b)b
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Despite my ‘Do it for Him’ banner, I equally love all the guys. But I have a reason why Kagiha is the one I choose to be the reason to play the game. But... nah who am I kidding, I love Kagiha...and he deserves so much more (┳Д┳)
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Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk
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Ok, unlike the first game I don’t recommend this game and not because its terrible BUT IF ROMANCE IS YOUR MAIN REASON then I don’t recommend it. 
The fact is, its a great game BUT if what you’re hoping for in an otome game is romancing with the guys and have some sweet scene or a great build up of romance, then Ashen Hawk might disappoint you a bit. It’s like the romance part of the game is 20-30% and on that low percent, 70% of that romance(the most satisfying romance that is) goes to this guy.\(T∇T)/
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Nevertheless, I love Ashen Hawk just like Black Butterfly, like the first game, it made me cry and really engaged in the story. The story/plot did have some holes and unanswered question more than Black Butterfly but in the end, I became attached with the characters, be it the main characters or even the ‘bad guy’ and for me, that’s what matters in an otome game. 
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Let’s play who has the hotter dad( ⊙‿⊙)
Here is a breakdown of what the game’s theme is (based on my play experience):
35% Story/Plot
20% Romance
20% Character Development
Also, Jed is such an awesome MC, even Girls falls in love with her (´ε` )♡ heck these two are fighting over her...with her still being in male disguise...
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Code: Realize ~Future Blessings~/Code: Realize ~Bouquet of Rainbows~ 
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I don’t think it’s necessary for me to place this here since I think all of us are already waiting for March 30 to come.٩(●ᴗ●)۶
I put it here to make a slight suggestion, if you have a ps4, try getting that version instead. The gorgeous CGs of the game will be in high def and make for an instant wallpapers.
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^Me the entire Sholmes route cause Watson doesn’t have a route....Also on Finis route...cause Hansel also doesn’t have a route....
That said, I hope they also localize the 2nd fan disk, Shirogane no Kiseki/Silver Miracles. It was a much better ending to the game overall.(๑✧∀✧๑)
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Hakuoki: Edo Blossoms
The long awaited sequel for the first part of the Hakuoki: Kyoto Winds. This game will be the concluding part in which Chizuru will finally have her ‘happy end’ together with her man. 
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I keep repeating this but, as much as I love Saito and Okita I do hope this will be the last Hakuouki---as if. (;一ω一||) Don’t get me wrong, I love this game, but constantly porting and adding to it when the story is great enough on its own just seems like a desperate move for otomate/idea factory. Like they can’t let go and leave this series to its happy end already and then focus on other great project.(VARIABLE BARRICADE!!) Like with Amnesia, after Amnesia World, they let it rest and started on Collar x Malice, which btw received tons of positive reviews.
Anyway, it’s great that they decided to localize this and not keep the fans hanging due to the incomplete story of the first game. (ノ_<。)
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And, I’m going on a wild guess here but...I think the chances of them localizing SSL is not so far off. Like what I said last year, it does not have any final word yet but, Aksys says they’re trying their best to get this localise. Info taken here
PS. I just noticed, aside from Code:Realize, all of the game lineup this year has one thing in common: TRAGIC STORY (・ωー)~☆
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