#but 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 to y’all
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Johnny Miller (Joel’s twin) x f!reader | Joel Miller x f!reader
Summary: you’re in love with your neighbor Joel but he doesn’t notice you. After another failure to get his attention, someone unexpected offers their help - Joel’s twin brother, Johnny.
Tw: 18+ mdni, smut, angst, twin au, age gap (Joel and Johnny are in their 30s, reader is in her early 20s), pining, unrequited love, heartbreak, hurt/comfort/hurt/comfort?, virginity loss, insecure reader, soft Johnny, praise kink, size kink, f!oral, breast play, unprotected piv (wrap it up), belly bulge, aftercare, kinda hopeful ending. Pics are only for the mood, reader has no physical description but she wears a dress.
Word count: 7,6 k
A/n: Kate, are Joel and Tommy not enough for you?! Nope, I need one more Miller bro!! I was inspired by Aly’s/ @iamasaddie post and Mina’s / @evolnoomym comment💕💕 Idk whose edit it is, lmk if you do, so I could send my kudos. That edit did something to me. Hope y’all will like the story!💖 Kisses to @milla-frenchy for betaing💋 Dividers by @/saradika-graphics
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You walked into Joel’s backyard with hope, carrying you on its wings, and excitement, twisting your stomach. A cute summer dress, open sandals, accessories— everything had been planned out and thought over lots of times beforehand. It was your chance to get him to notice you, to finally see you as a woman and not only as his neighbors’ daughter.
You had attended Joel’s barbecues every summer since a few years back when your family had moved on that street. Almost instantly you had fallen in love with your middle aged neighbor Joel. He was handsome, funny, polite, very charming and on top of everything a single parent. Joel seemed to be a wonderful father. You weren’t friends with Sarah, but it wasn’t hard to notice the way they connected. They had that heartwarming father-daughter bond that you and your dad for some reason had never had.
You couldn’t think of anyone else but him. You had thought that leaving for college might have helped but it hadn’t. No one could compare to the perfect Joel Miller. Unfortunately you were just a girl for him. He was always polite and warm but his gaze would always slide over you. You had been crying and yearning for his love for years but it had felt as unreachable as the stars over your head. Unattainable dream.
Thinking that you had nothing to lose, you decided to try your luck once more. You had come back home for a summer break, and after a long time away from your parents you felt mature and confident enough to make Joel notice you. So you stepped into his backyard with a set goal in your mind—to win Joel Miller’s heart.
You found your parents among the other guests and joined them, before searching the backyard for a pair of beautiful brown eyes. Of course Joel was handling the grill. Butterflies in your stomach swirled in excitement, your heartbeat increased but the initial joy of seeing the man of your dreams evaporated instantly, when you noticed that he wasn't alone. His strong arm was wrapped around a waist of a beautiful woman. She was laughing and talking to him, and when Joel leaned down to gently kiss her lips, your heart shattered into a million pieces.
"What's wrong, honey?"
You tried to control your emotions when you heard your mom's voice but it was next to impossible. Upcoming tears squeezed your throat, your lower lip began trembling.
You shook your head and hastily turned away from the sight that set your butterflies on fire - the love of your life was kissing another woman.
“I’m ok,” you lied. “just something in my eye.”
You tried to cover your tears with your hand, and your mom stepped up closer to you, about to offer help but suddenly you heard a deep voice to your right.
“Hey. Don’t think we’ve met.”
Wetness was coating your eyes, distorting your sight, and you barely glanced at the man, who came up to your parents and you, and mumbled,
“Excuse me... I need…need to use the bathroom.”
You rushed away, your parents calling after you but you didn’t stop. You were full on crying.
You ran through Joel’s kitchen and hall and rushed to your house.
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You were walking up the stairs of the porch when you heard someone shout behind you,
“Hey, wait!”
You turned around, wiping the tears away with the back of your hand, and what you saw made your jaw drop. Or rather who you saw.
It was Joel. At least you thought so at first. The man looked exactly like your crush but he was dressed differently— Joel whom you had seen five minutes ago was wearing a dark tee while his doppelganger had a plaid green shirt on with a white tee underneath. But the most striking difference was his hair- he had a short buzz cut contrary to Joel’s dark curls. His hair was lighter than his twin’s, just like his eyes.
The stranger came up to you slowly, his expression full of concern and sympathy. You were so flabbergasted that you forgot to hide your reddened eyes and wet face and were staring at the man with your mouth agape.
“I’m Johnny. Joel’s brother. I wanted to make sure ya fine.”
You continued staring at the man, completely lost for words and he talked again,
“I’m his twin brother,” he added, noticing your surprise. “I guess he doesn’t talk much about me, huh?” The stranger smiled as you shook your head.
“Wanna sit down?”
He motioned to the porch bench and you should have probably said ‘no’ and gone to your room to cry your eyes out but a few last minutes were so surreal and emotional that you couldn’t think straight anymore. You nodded. The man followed you there, took a seat at a respectable distance from you, his body turned to you slightly. You were staring at your hands, not sure what to talk about with your new acquaintance.
For a few moments you two were sitting in silence until you remembered the way Joel had been looking at the woman and a pathetic sob crawled up your throat.
“I don’t like her either,” Johnny said and your teary eyes snapped up at him.
“His new girl. Too bossy. I’m not a fan.”
“I -I don’t… ’don’t like her’. I don’t know her at all,” you croaked.
“Yeah, but you like him, right?”
Your stomach dropped and you faked an awkward laugh, shaking your head.
“No, no, I don’t.”
“Quit lyin’, girl. I’m not dumb. I saw you waltz in there with a happy smile and then when you saw them...Damn, poor thing. Unless you’re in love with her but—,” he chuckled and you hastily shook your head again, waving your hands in protest.
“I don’t love him, oh my god!”
“Ok, ok. Keep denyin’ it. You can watch him get married and have a bunch of kids then.”
When you heard his words your heart froze and, not being able to hide your feelings, you broke into tears, covering your face with your hands.
“Fuck.” The man immediately scooted closer to you and placed his arm around your shoulders.
“’m sorry, sweetheart. I’ve been harsh. Maybe I’m a fool and you just had a bad day, that’s all.”
“No, no, you’re right. I do! I do love him,” you confessed in between sobs.
For a few moments you were crying and Johnny was rubbing your arm with his big hand until he spoke softly,
“You seem like a nice girl. Beautiful, sweet. Have you tried makin‘ him interested?”
You raised your teary eyes at the man and for some weird reason you admitted to him that you had fallen in love with Joel a long time ago but he had never noticed you.
“My brother sounds like an idiot. Look at you. You’re hot, baby.”
You smiled and dropped your eyes.
“And your smile is fuckin’ gorgeous.”
You felt warmth spread in your belly when the man put his finger under your chin and tilted your head up to face him.
You looked at him attentively, taking in every feature of his familiar yet novice face, and noticed that he was as handsome as Joel. His skin was more tan and his eyes were lighter, a mixture of hazel and green, and your heart fluttered at his beauty.
“Do you wanna get ‘im?”
Now it was your turn to laugh.
“Get him?”
“Yeah. First you need to make him notice you.”
“But he has a girlfriend,” you mumbled with defeat ringing in your words.
“So? She ain’t his wife. He can dump her whenever.”
You were quiet.
“Listen. I can get you into this house. Into his life. He’ll see you often and I bet he’ll notice the fuck out of such a hottie.”
You felt your cheeks heat up when you glanced at him and asked,
“How would you do that?”
The man winked at you with a twinkle of mischief in his eyes.
“Let’s pretend that you and I are going out.”
You giggled, thinking it was a joke, but Johnny kept talking and you realized that he was absolutely serious.
“I’m stayin’ with him right now. We’ll spend a lot of time in his house. He’ll notice you and then fall in love with you in no time.”
“I’m not sure he will. I’m too shy,” you admitted.
“He loves shy girls. And even if you ain’t very talkative. Damn, look at you. You’re hot. And I’ll wingman the fuck out of you.”
“Of course. Brothers share everything. Like, “Bro, yesterday she rocked my world. Her mouth’s heaven. And then she rode me! Damn, she’s the best I ever had. See?”
You were blinking at him with an open mouth and burning up cheeks. When you heard his filthy words you couldn’t help but gush into your panties. Johnny didn’t seem to hold back.
“He’ll be hard over you immediately.”
You furrowed your brows and asked,
“But isn’t there a bro code or something? that you can’t date your brothers’ ex girlfriends?”
“Nah, we don’t follow that.” Johnny waved away your concerns with his big hand. “We dated the same girls all the time in school. What’s good for me’s good for him, right?”
You didn’t know what to think. Johnny's idea was crazy but all of his arguments made a lot of sense. And you were desperate.
“Ok. We can try I guess,” you said, nervously fumbling with the hem of your dress.
“Fuck yeah we can!”
He gave you a charming smile and you smiled back, feeling a little better.
“But my parents can’t know, ok? I’ll tell them I’m with friends.”
“No problem. It’s fake anyway so no reason to make ‘em worry. But—,” he paused, his expression turning serious, — If we want it to work, we need to spend time together beforehand. It’ll help you to get comfortable around me, yeah? to make it believable.”
You nodded, trying to understand what he meant by ‘spend time’.
“Wanna do it now? Let’s hang out in your room. For some time.”
“Aren’t they gonna look for you?” You asked, glancing back at Joel’s house.
“I’m a big boy, baby, I don’t need to tell anyone where I’m goin’.” Johnny replied with a wink.
“Oh yeah, right.”
You got up and headed to the door. Your accomplice followed you, and when you were walking upstairs, you turned to him.
“Johnny, if my parents come early, they can’t see you ok?”
“No problem, I’ll hide in a closet,” he chuckled and gave you another wink.
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When you entered your bedroom, Johnny looked around and took his flannel off. He was standing in the middle of your room, white tee stretched over his broad chest, his muscles bulging out of the short sleeves. He rolled them up, exposing more of his arms, and you swallowed loudly. He was bigger than Joel and in your small room he looked so huge and tall, that you felt your core burn.
“Cosy,” Johnny said, walking to your bed and plopped on it unceremoniously. He leaned his back against the headboard, his booted feet hanging off the edge. You were staring at him awkwardly, not knowing if you should sit next to him. Getting on the bed with practically a stranger was not something you could do easily.
So you sat down on a chair by your desk.
"Nah-uh. Get over ‘ere, bunny." He shook his head and patted the space next to him on the bed.
"Ehm... I don't know."
"Jesus, I don't bite. You need to get used to bein’ close to me. Joel isn't stupid. He'll sense that something's fishy if you're skittish like that."
You couldn't deny that he was right. So you came up to the other side of the bed and settled next to him.
"Wanna tell me a bit about yourself, beautiful?" he asked, flashing you a charming smile.
You felt your cheeks burn but after a moment of hesitation, you began telling him about your hobbies, your friends and your plans after graduation. He didn't interrupt you. He asked a few questions but mostly he was just nodding, listening to you attentively. A few times his gaze slid down to your lips, your cleavage, your naked legs, crossed at the ankles.
His eyes were leaving a pleasant heat in their wake until your whole body lit up and a constant warmth settled between your legs. Your pussy was tingling only from you being next to your new acquaintance, hearing his scent, masculine and enticing, seeing him smile at your words. His hazel eyes were getting darker the longer you talked, the more he looked at you.
“What about you, Johnny? What do you do?” You asked, wishing to learn more about the man you were about to fake date.
He averted his eyes and rubbed his scruffy cheek.
”It’s complicated, baby. I’d tell you if you were my girlfriend. For real I mean. But —.” He looked at you with an apologetic smile.
“Oh,” is all you could say in return, blinking at him.
“I can tell you that I travel a lot. ‘s prolly why we’ve never met. I can’t often visit Joel and Sarah.”
It got silent in the room for a moment except for the sound of birds’ chirping, coming through an open window.
“Do you wanna watch something?“ you asked, suddenly feeling awkward.
“Yeah, ‘k.” Johnny took his boots off and placed his feet on the bed. You marveled at how quickly he seemed to get comfortable but decided that he was just that easy-going.
You took your laptop and asked what he wanted to watch.
“Whatever you want, beautiful.”
You smiled at the compliment and your chest fluttered.
”We can watch The Office. It always relaxes me.”
“Yeah, I really wanna see you relaxed, bunny,” he smirked and you stuck your tongue out at him.
A few minutes later you were on the bed, shoulder to shoulder, watching a random episode of the Office that you put on.
Soon Johnny slid down the bedspread and placed his head on your pillow.
“C’mere,” he mumbled, pulling you down with him.
You didn’t know how and why you let him but soon his hand was wrapped around your shoulder and your head was resting on his broad chest.
He was warm and big and you felt your panties dampen more.
“I like that guy,” he commented after some time of watching.
“Ryan? He’s kind of a douche,” you giggled.
“Really?” Johnny hummed.
You continued watching the show, sometimes chuckling from time to time. Once Johnny absentmindedly bucked his hips up and your gaze involuntarily landed on a prominent bulge in his jeans. And then a few times on purpose.
Getting too turned on, you closed your eyes, trying to calm down the fire in your core. Unfortunately it got worse as without your eyesight your whole being concentrated on the strong arm resting heavily on you, on Johnny's scent, his steady, deep breathing.
Johnny’s voice took you out of your horny trance and you hummed feeling your cheeks burn.
“Can you tell me something?”
He sat up and you did the same, looking at him with confusion, trying to hide your arousal.
“Can you close your eyes and tell me if my voice is similar to Joel’s? People always answer differently. I wanna know what you think.”
You raised your brows.
“I can tell you right now. It’s similar. Very.”
“No, close your eyes, listen to it.”
You shrugged your shoulders and did what he asked, a little smile dancing on your lips.
“Hey, baby. You're very beautiful.” You smiled wider when you heard his gruff voice, squealing inside at the compliment.
”Thank you, Joel,” you laughed and added, “You sound just like him.” You opened your eyes but Johnny shook his head, motioning for you to shut them again. You did and heard the man sigh deeply.
“Ya know. I’ve been such a fool. I didn’t notice you before but now I see. How gorgeous you are. Crazy hot.”
Your smile vanished as you were listening to him, eyes closed, chewing on your lip. You had dreamed of hearing those words for such a long time that your heart could burst out of your chest at the moment.
“You have a girlfriend, Joel,” you whispered, playing along.
”She’s a mistake. Wish you could forgive me for not tellin’ you all this sooner… Wish I could rip this pretty dress off you and make you scream my name right now.”
Your breath hitched and a new surge of wetness made you squirm in your place.
“Wish I could kiss you right now.”
You instinctively wetted your lips, hearing his words, and the next second Johnny pressed his mouth to yours. You tensed up at first but in a second your body melted at the soft touch. Not opening your eyes, you tilted your head slightly to the side and parted your lips, inviting him in. Immediately Johnny’s tongue slipped inside and brushed yours, gently at first but then more assertively. He was swallowing your pleasured whimpers again and again as you were making out.
”Johnny, I can’t,” you murmured, pulling away and breaking the kiss.
You glanced at him and his expression took your breath away. He looked like he was ready to pounce on you any second. His eyes were burning with desire, lips glistened with your saliva and his broad chest was heaving, dangerously close to ripping his tee.
He visibly tried to calm himself down— he took a deep breath and then placed your hand between his.
“Yeah, fuck, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have lost control like that.” His expression softened as his eyes were locked with yours.
“No, don’t be. It was nice but … but…”
You struggled to continue, the words got stuck in your throat.
Johnny’s eyes were darting between yours, as he was patiently waiting for you to continue.
Then you whispered, your voice barely audible, gaze downcast, “I’m a virgin.”
You expected any reaction but not the one he gave you.
Your eyes snapped up at him and tears immediately welled up in your eyes. Johnny looked straight up disappointed. He pulled away from you and your sob broke the icy silence in the room. You were always terrified to admit it to people, especially to men, and at that moment your worst nightmare was coming true.
“‘s bad,” Johnny mumbled, still not looking at you. “Shit.”
You were hurt but your pain quickly turned into anger.
“Please leave!”
As if finally having noticed your distress, Johnny turned to you, shaking his head.
“Oh fuck, no, no, I don’t mind. Shit. I think— it’s great—for whatever reason you—no. It’s Joel, baby.”
“What? What about Joel?” you asked, feeling a little better, when he took your hands in his and answered,
”He’s not a fan of virgins. Never was. He told me many times he didn’t want the responsibility of bein’ someone’s first.”
“Why?” You felt your heart shuttering again.
“Don’t know,” Johnny shrugged, ”I guess he prefers someone more experienced. Once he broke up with a girl when he found out she was a virgin.”
Now it was your turn to curse.
“Fuck.” You probably looked absolutely defeated and Johnny rapidly wrapped his arm around you to pull you to his torso.
You started silently crying on his shoulder, having realized that Joel would never love you, would never even give you a chance.
Johnny was rubbing your arm with his big warm hand while you were soaking his white tee with tears, until he said,
“You know, it’s not a big deal.”
You sniffed and sat up straight.
“What do you mean not a big deal?” your voice was shaky and small. “You’ve just said he hates virgins.”
Johnny lifted his hand to wipe your wet face with his thick fingers.
“Kinda easy to lose it, beautiful. Your v card.”
“No, it’s not. I wanted Joel to— to do it. I don’t want anyone else.”
You were pouting your lips, eyes reddened and teary staring at the man sitting close to you. In your blurry vision he looked even more like Joel.
”I can help you, bunny,” Johnny offered with a lopsided smile. He tilted his head to the side and waited for your reaction.
You swallowed loudly when you heard him and turned away. You couldn’t deny that Johnny was hot, your soaked panties were a good evidence of your desire for him but how could you do it with a man you had just met. Who wasn’t Joel.
Joel who had a girlfriend.
Joel who didn’t want to deal with virgins.
Joel who never noticed you.
You looked back at the twin brother of the man you loved and asked,
“Would you really do it for me?”
Johnny cleared his throat.
“Ehm… yeah, why wouldn’t I? You’re hot,” he said it so matter of fact-ly that it sounded sincere and you believed that he really wanted to help.
“Ok, good,” you said, with an air of uncertainty. “We can try but maybe not today, ok? We’ve just met,” you mumbled, fumbling with your fingers.
“Yeah. ‘Course,” Johnny smirked and then quickly added, “Did you like it when I kissed you?”
Not looking at the man you nodded.
“Want me to do it again?”
His question made your heart skip a beat. You had felt amazing when he had kissed you, your body reacted to him in a wonderful way and, after glancing up at his plush lips, you nodded the second time.
Johnny gently cupped your cheek and leaned towards you. His lips began caressing yours, your tongues tangled and, not breaking the kiss, you scooted closer to him on the bed. He read your intentions and pulled you into his big strong arms. His hand snaked up to the back of your head, the other was pressed to your lower back, keeping you close, as you were tasting him, feeling his heart thump against your chest. You were floating.
Soon his mouth slithered to your jaw and he nibbled on your skin there while his hands began roaming your body, gliding over your back, your arms until he squeezed your ass with his palms and you moaned into his mouth.
“Oh, baby, ya fuckin’ hot,” he groaned and you felt his lips suck a hickey into your neck while his hand snaked under your skirt. He engulfed your whole asscheek with his palm and your thin lacy panties easily let the heat of his skin seep through. You whimpered when the pads of his fingers glided down to your clothed pussy. Just one touch was enough for your brain to panic and you pulled away from him.
“Sorry, Johnny, it’s too much.”
You wanted to get off the bed, the whirlwind of emotions overwhelming you, but he grabbed you by the hand.
“Don’t leave. Please. Sorry, bunny. I went in too fast.“
You sat down on your heels, catching your breath and trying to calm down your foggy mind and burning up body.
“Let’s cuddle. C’mon. Jus’ wanna hold you.”
He returned your laptop to your desk and lay down on the bed that now seemed too small for his huge body. It made the whole situation even hotter.
A fear of the unknown and an immense desire were fighting in your heart, and you let the latter win, assuring yourself that you were just going to get used to him hugging you, so you could get close to Joel later.
That’s why you let him wrap his strong arms around you, let his face be inches from yours, let his hot breath fan your lips, let his scent intoxicate you. You were lying in his embrace for just a few moments before his lips found yours, and you didn’t fight it anymore, you welcomed their warmth.
He was more careful that time, slowly pulling you close to his body, but his hands didn’t wander. What was making you melt was his quiet words, seeping into your ears between kisses, barely audible through your soft whimpers, smacking of the lips and his breathing.
“Ya taste like honey—beautiful girl—Joel’s fuckin’ lucky—so pretty—could eat you whole, baby.”
Contrary to him, you were getting bolder and sent your hands roam his broad back, squeeze his masculine arms, glide over the slopes of his shoulders and then run through his short hair that pleasantly tickled your palms.
It was a matter of time before he slowly pushed you on your back and began kissing your neck. You tilted your head back into the pillow, giving him more access and he happily growled against your heated skin.
“Good girl,” you heard his praise and the ache of your pussy made you press your thighs together.
“Oh, Joe…Johnny,” you started and then hastily corrected yourself.
Johnny stopped nibbling on your collarbone and your heart froze, expecting him to get angry, but the man smiled at you.
“You can call me Joel, beautiful… to practice, yeah? Soon he’s gonna be the one kissin’ you.”
The suggestion sounded insane but in your aroused, overwhelmed with feelings state you let yourself imagine the man you loved caressing you with his lips. You fluttered your eyes shut and it was so easy to fantasize about Joel’s hand holding your hip and pressing you into the mattress, Joel’s lips peppering kisses along your neck and then going down, reaching the plush of your cleavage. Drowning in your fantasy you missed the moment Johnny’s chin pushed your neckline down, exposing more of your breasts. You rubbed your thighs against each other, chasing pressure on your tingling pussy, as his palm started kneading your tit over the fabric.
“Yeah, Joel,” you breathed out and didn’t stop yourself that time, fully succumbing to the want of your heart and body.
Your mind turned off completely, you were so gone in pleasure, that when you finally opened your eyes, to your surprise you saw Johnny’s hot tongue swirl around your pebbled nipple. A loud moan flew out of your parted lips as your hazy gaze took in the sight of your dress and bra pulled down and the man caressing your nipples, alternating between sucking and licking them, while your naked chest was heaving under his ministrations.
With his mouth almost engulfing your whole breast, Johnny glanced up at you and his blown out lustful eyes sent another bolt of arousal through your core.
“Johnny, please,” was all you could muster. He hummed into your tit before parting from it and searching for your glossy eyes.
“Do you like it when I do this?” He asked, his breath hitting your saliva coated skin, your nipples as hard as diamonds now. You mumbled a weak ’yeah’..
“Good. And have you ever had your pussy kissed, beautiful?”
You bit your lip, almost reaching your high just from hearing the question.
“No,” you whispered back and Johnny shot you a mysterious smile.
“Can I be the first, baby?”
“I— I don’t know,” you said hesitantly.
“C’mon, bunny. I wanna make you feel good. Wanna feel real good?”
The act seemed to you so intimate and vulnerable, just an idea of it made you anxious.
“Lil scared bunny,” he smiled and then wrapped his fingers around your naked breast, holding it in his hand. “Look.”
A second later his lips brushed your nipple again, his dark eyes locked with yours.
“Imagine the nipple is your little clit. I’ll jus’ lick it like that.”
His tongue stroked it, covering the sensitive bud in his saliva.
“Then I’ll suck on it like this.”
Johnny took it into his mouth and applied gentle suction to it.
“I’ll make you come so hard like that. It’s just another type of kissing, baby.”
You’ve never been turned on more than at that moment so after a few moments of consideration you shoved your fears away and whimpered,
“Good girl.”
You hole clenched when you heard his praise. Johnny pulled the hem of his tee up and took it off.
Your breath hitched when you saw his strong chest and soft belly with a happy trail that led under his jeans. Johnny casually glided his hand over his strong torso and you bit your lip, not letting out another needy whimper.
“‘s getting too hot,” he mumbled and lay down between your thighs. His legs were hanging off the bed and you marveled at the muscles, flexing in his back and shoulders. You wondered if Joel’s body was as gorgeous as his twin brother’s. Of course it was, you thought.
The dress was still covering you and after a nod from you, Johnny lifted your skirt. Your hips flew up as if by themselves when he started sliding your panties off.
”Fuck, baby, this is the most beautiful pussy I’ve ever seen,” his soft voice praised you as you were lying in front of him, almost naked and trembling with nerves.
“Thank you,” you whispered back.
“Can’t wait to taste you.”
He spread your folds with his index finger and a thumb while his shoulders were keeping your thighs wider apart. Your pussy opened up to him like an offering.
“Pretty flower,” he commented and immediately did what he’d promised.
He licked your hardened clit, drawing a pathetic moan from you, and then lapped at it a few times. The sensations you were feeling were incomparable to anything you’d ever experienced. Your hand darted to your naked breasts and you began twitching your nipples.
“Fuck, yeah,” he mumbled against your sex and the vibrations sent shivers through your body.
Johnny smiled, having noticed your reaction, and began sucking on your bud, massaging it between his lips.
“Ahhh—oh my god—oh yeah,” was all you could mutter. When you were on the brink of ecstasy, his tongue slid down and snuck into your virginal hole. He began fucking you with it, spreading your walls with his flattened tongue and your needy screams, moans and whimpers filled the bedroom. You were sure that if someone was passing by your house, they’d hear the sounds of your pleasure but your mind was switched off, only the bliss between your legs and the man giving it to you mattered at that moment.
You tried to grab his hair but it was too short to hold on to so your palm pressed onto the back of his head as you were greedily holding Johnny's mouth against your pussy.
“Fuckin’ delicious. Can’t believe I’m first.”
With your glossed over gaze you watched him return his tongue to your throbbing clit and stroke it a few times, until your eyes rolled back and a hard orgasm exploded like fireworks inside your core, sending hot waves of euphoria through your body.
Johnny didn’t stop lapping at you until you tried to close your legs, the ache of overstimulation burning you.
He sat up and wiped his wet chin with the back of his hand, the other hand splayed over your thigh, gently rubbing it.
“Look at you, beautiful. Came hard for me, huh? Jus’ like I promised.”
He smiled at you, visibly pleased with your almost drunk post-orgasmic state. Your tits were out and slightly pushed up by the neckline, nipples puffy from his and your caress, your summer dress bunched up around your waist, your glistening pussy fully on display.
While your eyes were admiring the beauty of his features, so similar to Joel’s, you failed to notice his hands unzipping his jeans and pulling them down.
Your gaze darted to the lower part of his body when you spotted a movement there— his hard cock bobbing over your naked cunt.
It was long, quite thick, with a fat tip that was oozing clear precum. He stroked the shaft a couple of times with his big hand and grunted, “ya wanna make me feel good too, baby?”
As if by an instinct your thighs opened up wider, inviting him inside you, your mind clouded by lust.
“Yes, Johnny.”
“Nah, baby, call me Joel,” he gruffed as he bent down, planted his hands on the bed, next to your shoulders and added, ”I know you wanna. And I ain’t against role playing.”
“Sure, bunny.”
It was wrong. And so hot at the same time. You giggled, sound strained by the nerves, twisting your stomach. He was big and you had never imagined your first time happening with a man you’d just met. Yet your pussy was screaming to be pierced with a cock. His cock. You’d never been turned on that much in your life and you gave in to the temptation without a second thought.
His lips found yours at the same time his tip nudged your hole, and when his tongue slipped into your mouth, the head of his cock pushed assertively into you.
He swallowed your whine and paused, hovering over your face, your eyes locked.
“Shit, ya tight. But we can do it, yeah, bunny?”
”It hurts, Johnny.”
“Shhh, not Johnny, remember? C’mon, it’ll help you relax.”
“Yeah, good girl.”
As if the name of the man you loved was magical, you walls relaxed a little, letting in a few inches of his brother’s manhood.
Johnny planted a light kiss on your lips and you felt his thumb graze your clit before he began gently rubbing it.
“Close your eyes, beautiful, let my cock taste your sweet cunt.”
“Oh, fuck, Joel,” you moaned, fully lost in the fantasy, and squeezed your eyelids shut.
“Now breathe. Big breaths, bunny.”
He was whispering praise into your ear, distracting you from the dull pain of the stretch, slowly pushing his length in while his thumb was swirling around your clit.
“Like that, beautiful—yeah, tight little cunt— the tip’s in—good, so good—a little more, baby—my good girl—fuck, it’s almost in—-YEAHHH..”
His triumphant growl mixed with your loud moan when his balls hit your ass and you felt full like never before.
As soon as he sheathed his manhood inside your warm tight cunt, your lips locked, and while your tongues were sliding against each other, you were trying to get used to the feeling of something so long and thick stuffed inside you.
Your walls soon accommodated his cock and the pain slowly dissipated, giving way to pleasure.
“Ima be gentle, baby,” Johnny promised, after breaking the kiss, and languidly rolled his hips into yours. The sensation of his big member moving inside your tight channel made you tilt your head back into the pillow and open your lips in a silent moan.
He didn’t lie. With one hand planted on the bed, the other playing with your clit, he was sliding his cock in and out of your sopping pussy, slowly but surely bringing you closer to the peak. Your greedy hands danced over the slopes of his strong chest, fingers digging into his biceps, nails leaving white marks on his tan skin.
“Yes, Joel—please—so good, Joel,” you were whispering, letting your broken heart believe that the man you had always dreamed about was between your legs at that moment.
Johnny’s greedy eyes couldn’t get enough of you- your lustful expression, your tits bouncing with each thrust, your folds, spread around his base.
“Ya have the wettest pussy, baby. Soakin’ me so good. Look at all that cream.”
With hazy eyes you watched him swipe his thumb over the base of his cock, coated in your pearly juices, and bring it to his lips. He took the finger in his mouth and hummed in pleasure.
Your tongue slid over your lower lip and, taking it as an invitation, Johnny kissed you, sharing the taste of your desire.
You were melting under his unhurried thrusts, but your core needed more and, too shy to ask for it, you began meeting his hips halfway, fucking yourself on his cock harder.
“Mmm, bunny wants more?” Johnny smirked into a corner of your lips.
“Yes, Joh—Joel, please.”
“Of course, beautiful. Let’s make this sweet pussy scream.”
As soon as the words left his mouth, he sat up and pulled your hips to himself. You slid one the bed with a gasp and he chuckled before thrusting in harder.
His tip hit your cervix and you grasped the sheets with a moan.
“Hurts, baby?”
“A little.”
He shook his head, grabbed a spare pillow and, after lifting your hips, placed it under your ass.
“Now?” he asked as he pulled his cock out to the tip and then shoved it back inside.
You whimpered when his cock kissed something delicious inside you and the sensation made you clench around his stiff member.
“Like that, yes, yes,” you mumbled, sounding drunk, eyes set on the place where you were joined.
Johnny smiled and rolled his hips again, the stroke hard and deep, and then again and again until he was rutting into you while you were turning into a whimpering, cock-dumb mess.
When he tilted his hips up and drilled his manhood into your cunt, you both saw a bulge appear in your belly and you gasped at the sight. You’d never seen anything like it.
Not stopping, Johnny placed his palm over the lump and tilted his head, watching and feeling his cock move under your skin.
“Fuck, ‘s hot.” He looked mesmerized. “You’re hot, bunny. Shit, gonna come soon. Do it with me.”
His thumb continued dancing on your clit and it took just a few strokes for you to explode. Your pulsating pussy was flattering around his manhood, nerves ablaze, while your juices flooded him inside your core, soaking his hot, soft skin, stretched over his throbbing cock. It was the hardest, most pleasant orgasm of your life and the warmth between your legs spread out, filling your heart with gratitude and affection.
Johnny was unaware of your inner feelings, and as soon as your pussy relaxed around him, he pulled his cock out and after a couple of pumps, started painting your pussy and belly with pearly white ropes of his thick cum.
You watched his balls draw up, his slit push out the load like you’d never seen anything more beautiful. Endorphins in your blood made you feel like you were floating, your limbs pleasantly tingling, and when your eyes met, you gave Johnny a tired, satisfied smile.
He answered it with his lopsided one and plopped on the bed next to you. You were catching your breath for some time until he tucked his softening cock into his jeans, got up and went to the bathroom.
You felt like you couldn’t move a muscle and, when he returned, he helped you to clean up with a wet towel.
“I reckon you ain’t on the pill,” he mumbled, wiping the cum off your skin.
“No. I will be,” you said, glancing up at him but his eyes were set on the task.
When he was done, you reached for him.
“Wanna cuddle?”
To your disappointment Johnny shook his head, and grabbed his tee off the floor.
“Need to go, bunny. I have a thing.”
You sat up, fixing your wrinkled dress, covering yourself up.
“Ok.” Your voice, small and sad, made him pause and he stepped up to the bed and bent down, reaching for you.
His hand cupped your heated cheek and he kissed you before speaking.
“Let’s have dinner tomorrow. At Joel’s.”
You beamed at him, nodding eagerly.
Before leaving he wrote his number on a note and gave you a wink.
“Wear something hot for Joel. And for me.”
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You barely slept that night— the memory of your first sex was playing on a loop in your head. Every time you closed your eyes, you felt Johnny’s hands on your body, his cock stretching you, and your pussy ached for him again. You made yourself come twice with your fingers and when the sun was already breaking through the inky sky, only then you fell asleep.
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The next day you woke up early and texted Johnny ‘good morning’. He didn’t reply and you thought he must be still sleeping. So you busied yourself with preparations for the dinner— choosing the clothes to wear, makeup, accessories. You wanted to look casual but hot like Johnny had asked you. You decided on a pair of tight jeans and a sexy top and went to the kitchen.
You lied to your parents that in the evening you were meeting a friend. Like always after any party your mom was spilling out all the gossip she’d gathered the day before. Both you and your dad just hummed here and there, not really interested in the boring rumors but suddenly your ears perked up when she mentioned Joel’s twin brother.
”I can’t believe that man. No shame at all.”
She noticed that she finally had your active attention and her eyes lit up.
“What’s wrong with Johnny?” you asked, while fear was creeping up in your chest.
“He’s such a deadbeat brother. Poor Joel.”
It seemed like you stopped breathing altogether, listening to your mother talk about the man who had taken your virginity the day before. She continued,
“Johnny visits him once a year, borrows money and vanishes until the next time he needs it. Joel’s a single father! Working man! And that leach uses his kindness and generosity. Ugh!”
“How do you know all that?” you asked, grasping at the last straw of hope that it was a lie, misunderstanding, baseless rumour.
“Dear, everyone knows that,” your mother laughed and started talking about the other neighbor who had told her and you didn’t hear her anymore. Your thoughts were racing and your heart was pounding loudly in your ears.
You excused yourself and ran to your room.
‘He vanishes’—the words of your mother were ringing in your head, your stomach being twisted by nerves.
You plopped on your bed and called Johnny. He didn’t pick up. You decided to wait. 5 min later you called him again. Nothing.
In three hours you were a nervous mess. You had cried several times, had sent dozens of messages that were unanswered and unread, had called him more times that you wished to admit but hadn’t heard his voice once.
That phone number was the only thing that he had left you, yet you realized that there was another option.
You put on the clothes you’d prepared for the dinner, rinsed your face off your tears as well as you could and headed to Joel’s.
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When you knocked on the door, you feared that no one would answer. The uncertainty was suffocating you and your breathing was heavy. All you wished for was to get answers - did the man who had taken your virginity lie to you? Did he use you like a fuck toy and vanished? Was his attention to you just a means to get into your panties?
You were chewing nervously on your lower lip when Joel opened the door. For a second you thought it was Johnny, so much they looked alike but a little ray of hope dissipated when you saw the man’s soft curls.
”Hey, sweetheart,” Joel greeted you, visibly confused by your visit.
You cleared your throat and mumbled,
“Hello. Could I see Johnny?”
Joel opened his mouth and closed it before mumbling,
Your heart fell in your stomach when you saw him pinch the bridge of his nose and sigh.
“Sweetheart. Excuse me but— Was he with you yesterday?”
You nodded and he cursed again.
“He told me— he—,” Joel paused, his expression sad and apologetic. ”I’m so sorry, sweetie, but he left this morning. I don’t know what he told you but—.”
He shook his head, looking physically pained to be telling you that.
When all your fears were proven right, you couldn’t keep your despair inside anymore. Tears burst out of your eyes as you were nodding at Joel’s words like everything was alright. Like you weren’t hurt. The tears flowed so much that you barely could see Joel through the wetness in your eyes.
Joel placed his warm hand on your shoulder.
“Please, sweetheart, come inside.”
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When you asked Joel about Johnny, he immediately understood that you were the girl he had slept with the previous night. Johnny had bragged about fucking the hottest chick in the neighborhood.
Joel couldn’t believe it had been you, so shy and sweet, he’d never expected Johnny to get his hands on someone so pure and lovely.
He felt horrible for letting his vagabond brother into his home again, and subsequently into your life. When you were sitting in his kitchen, crying quietly, he wanted to comfort you so badly his heart hurt. He placed a hot cup of tea in front of you and you thanked him between sobs. A pang of guilt shot through his heart.
“Oh, sweetheart,” he cooed, stepping up to you. He took your hands in his and when you lifted your face and gave him a little smile, your gorgeous eyes full of tears, Joel felt something stir in his heart. Something he hadn’t felt for a long time. It made his breath hitch for a moment.
Even with your face streaked with tears you were so damn beautiful.
Why hadn’t he ever noticed how beautiful you were?
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Thank you for reading! Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
General tag list: @milla-frenchy @harriedandharassed @iamasaddie @nervousmumbling @bbyanarchist @stevie75 @puduvallee @auteurdelabre @mountainsandmayhem @senoratess @flamingochick55 @theoraekenslover @schnarfer @mermaidgirl30 @staywildflowahchild @yesjazzywazzylove-blog @evolnoomym @keylimebeag @joelmillerisapunk @pascaltesfaye @fruityreads @itwasntimethatdidit40
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WXHHDHWTZGhdywjfhywgh your artstyle is just SO PRETTY i cant get over itt uhh if you're still doing asks could you possibly draw arei and arturo??? no pressure!!! Im mostly here because I wanted to appreciate your art you're one of my favourite artists on this platform lol
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thank you for the suggestion! And the nice comments, y’all have no idea how much it means to me, I didn’t think I’d get so many asks 😭🫶💕
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lilybug-02 · 3 days
you're really cool and altho i followed because of the deltarune comic i also like other stuff you do too like hollow knight, bread art, and gushing about godzilla and bugs. and now i know that godzilla and bugs are really cool. have you done any godzilla art?
All of y’all’s responses, refering to my Deltarune comic break, have genuinely been so nice. Thank you all. I made my blog and art to mainly express myself and it’s a joy to share my passion with you guys.💕
And I do have some Godzilla Art! I don’t draw him it too often, Surprisingly. He’s quite detailed and I try to keep my obsession with him mild 🫡. <- lier
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demonlorddiva · 8 hours
Obey Me! Side Characters Accidentally Hurting Mc
I had ONE person ask for the dateables so here ya go! Not the best at writing them but I’ll do my best! No Luke I don’t wanna see him sad 😭
Lucifer tasked you with delivering some papers for Diavolo to sign
Barbatos greets you at the castle doors, telling you he’s in his office
Meanwhile, Diavolo just had the best idea for a new school event he wants to have
He throws the doors of his office open in excitement ready to tell Barbatos about his idea
…the second your right behind it ready to knock
The force sends you and the papers to the floor
It takes him a second to realize what happens before he absolutely freaks out
“Oh my goodness! MC! Are you alright???”
He thinks he’s killed you, or broken a bone, or both or anything terrible that could happen to a human
He’s on the ground with his hands on your shoulders
Meanwhile your giggling, telling him your fine and to calm down
When he sees your fine, he pulls you into a bear hug
“Thank the stars your okay”
Your helping Barb cook in the castle
He’s trying out a new dish you showed him from the human world
As your chopping the vegetables, he’s called to help Diavolo with something, so you tell him it’s fine and continue with the recipe
While he’s gone, you find yourself in your own little world, doing a recipe you’ve done so many times
You don’t notice when he walks back in the kitchen and he thinks you do
He walks up behind you, admiring your work
“Have you finished chopping?”
His words startle you, causing you to drop the knife your holding onto your hand, slicing it
Immediately he grabs your hand and spins you around so your facing him, inspecting your wound 
“Apologies MC, I thought you heard me, and now look at you.. we’ve got to get this cleaned up”
Before you can even think, he’s got you sitting on the counter with a first aid kit bandaging your hand.. looking very apologetic might I add
You have to tell him your fine a million times before he believes you.. at least you think he does
Once he’s done patching you up he kisses your hand where the bandage is 😭💕
Your partners in a project at RAD so your at the library with him sorting through books to help you study
He’s on the ladder handing down the books while you set them on the table
On the last set of books Simeon loses his balance
Sending you, him, and the books to the floor
He manages to catch himself before fully landing on you but the book he was holding hits you square in the face
“Oh MC! Are you alright?”
His hands are on your face, checking to see any injuries
Your blushing and stammering out that your okay
Finally the realization hits him. He’s on top of you, your face is so close…
He sits up, looking away but you can see his cheeks are RED
He helps you back to your feet
While you guys continue to study after, you can’t help but notice how he looks at you and how he blushes when he looks away
Hope y’all like it! Got a lil spicy with Simeon there at the end but I just can’t help it 😫
Comments are appreciated! Always trying to improve on my writing!
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joelstummy · 3 days
Y’all @/chickenbonk on twitter made the most incredible fucking fanart for our man mmitb joel and I adore it so much!!! They’re not active on tumblr but were nice enough to let me post it here 💕💕
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(original tweet)
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sickgraymeat · 1 year
They should fight people with swords while holding hands like true sapphics
prompt from @scarletlarvesta thank you!!!!!!!
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I um. I accidentally (not accidentally) made them fight each other bc i thought it would be funny
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kissdeficiency · 2 months
“even with no flowers” ~ 🌺 🗡️
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uhohdad · 3 months
Would you ever write anything with a plus size reader? Maybe she’s (or they, can be gn idc!) really insecure but they hide it behind jokes and Konig sees right through it because he does the same
Cut to him always giving them compliments and making sure they stay fed and throwing them over his shoulder like they weigh nothing (usually in front of people cause he likes to embarrass and humiliate reader cause he is still kinda a jerk /affectionate/)
Can be nsfw or whatever you want, I’m not good at plot lol so Idk I just need him to treat me like I’m a teeny lil thing (cause let’s be real he really is a mountain lol)
König x PlusSized!Reader
He’s getting tired of this nasty habit, liebling.
Everyday before your shower, you’ll stand in the mirror, honing in on that gorgeous, perfect body, digging for any little thing to critique.
“You better be thinking nice thoughts in there, little one.”
You just let out a groan, too far sunk into the spiral of self-hatred to claw yourself back out.
König rises from his spot on the bed a greets you with disapproving, half-lidded eyes in the mirror.
“What is it this time?”
“Tummy. Thighs. Chest.”
“Ach, you mean the best parts?”
You answer with an annoyed hum.
Konig will place his big, sturdy hands on your bare hips from behind, leaning down to plant a soft kiss on your shoulder.
The gentle peck distracts you from the strong arms scooping you up, a squeak leaving you as he sweeps you off your feet in one swift motion, ripping away your view of yourself in the mirror.
“What?” He draws, carrying you from the bathroom to the bedroom.
“Put me down!” You say through a giggle, kicking your feet in his restraint.
“Hold on, I just have to get my curls in.”
He holds you horizontally across those strong arms, muscles tensing as he lifts and lowers you while you giggle all the way.
“I’m too heavy for this!”
“Barely a warm-up, liebling.”
He effortlessly tosses you onto the bed with a bounce, crawling over top you before you can even finish your squeal.
He showers kisses all over your bare tummy, his stubble sanding against plush, soft skin. Trailing his slobbering kisses up to your chest, giving your perfect breasts plenty of love. Your thighs would be last, showering you with pecks and even licking slow stripes across the flesh.
He’ll feign innocence, but that cocky smirk on his face betrays him.
“It’s too bad you can’t see what I see.”
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knightoflove · 2 months
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Self shippers who have to deal with a lot of aches and pain, whether it’s because you have chronic pain or have a physically demanding job.
Your f/o doesn’t mind helping you. They love you, so of course they’ll help with anything
💛 Cooking your meals
🧡 Running you a hot shower/bath and helping you wash up
💛 Massaging any sore spots
🧡 Applying salonpas and getting you comfy with your heat pad
💛 Keeping track of all your pain medications
They’ll never judge how many chores you can or can’t do, or if you can’t do any chores at all. They adore you, all of you <3
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nateezfics · 10 months
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leaving this here for your viewing pleasure
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lovereadandwrite · 4 months
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your honor, did you consider that my client was in a silly goofy mood? that he’s liiiiterally bbg ??🥺👉👈
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twistedappletree · 1 year
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bajaja-blast · 5 months
they totally bought this shirt 4 Jason and he loves his friends so ofc he would wear it 😊
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obikinetic · 7 months
Missing your obikin art hours pls come back to us 💓💓
Anon you are so sweet and I made this just for you 🥺💖
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salt-n-salt · 1 month
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This is how I look when I see your art btw
pookie i am honored to fight for u 🫡 u may have this beach episode shane that i scrapped as a thank u 😋
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thevirgodoll · 2 months
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