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alienpost · 2 years ago
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Social Media marketing for business growth by Alienspost
Alienspost.com is an Online Freelancers webportal that provides you support, advice for your career life, boost your career life with us. You'll get team based business solution, curated experience, powerful workspace for teamwork and productivity, cost effective platform with best free agents around the world on your finder tips. Thanks for visiting us. Alienspost is an online freelancers agency that provides you different facitilites like work from home, digital marketing, freelancers. Work from home is a need for this era. You can work easily at home with variable working hours. Visit us : https://alienspost.com/
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outlanderanatomy · 5 months ago
2024 SiWC Panel with Diana Gabaldon
Greetings Outlander fans! My, I have missed you all… 🤗
This weekend I find myself in beautiful Surrey, British Columbia,  Canada, attending the Surrey International Writers’ Conference, more commonly known as SiWC!
I drove from Oregon to Canada lastThursday. It was a beautiful day but the  normally 5.5 hr drive turned into nearly 7 hours due to two collisions in Washington state.  Yes, it was an inconvenience for those on the freeway, but I was grateful to arrive safely and I hope those involved in the crashes are OK.
Thus far, I have attended several events featuring Diana – she is one busy lass! All were delightful and I will share them with you, but not in chronological order mostly due to the technical issues of posting via  iPad. 😉
Today’s event was titled “Compelling Expositions,” a panel featuring Diana Gabaldon, Michael Slade, Robyn Harding, and Darren Groth (not shown).  K. C. Dyer moderated (also not shown).
Diana looked stunning, layered with in a deep red shawl because the room was freezing! 🥶
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Many fruitful topics were covered by the panel. Here are some highlights including Diana’s responses:
Question:  Which is your fav scene from your writings? Diana chose the scene from “Outlander” book wherein Jamie rescues Claire from Black Jack Randall’s clutches. They shelter at a tavern –  Jamie tells Claire he is not ready for bed and proceeds to whip her with his sword belt. This set up a major clash between the two characters because each POV was justified from their perspective. Claire was trying to find a way back to Frank but Jamie knew her actions put all of their lives  in danger. I must confess, this choice surprised me. I suppose because Diana has written so many splendid scenes. How would one even choose? 🤔
This is wee bit of the excerpt from the scene (pp. 249-250 “Outlander” Kindle version) that is Diana’s fav!
“Come to bed, Jamie. What are you waiting for?”
He came to stand by the bed, swinging the belt gently back and forth.
“Well, lass, I’m afraid we’ve a matter still to settle between us before we sleep tonight.” I felt a sudden stab of apprehension.
“What is it?” He didn’t answer at once. Deliberately not sitting down on the bed by me, he pulled up a stool and sat facing me instead.… 😯
Question: How do you deal with pacing? Diana responded that pacing depends on context. For example, if there is an emergency then the writer wants to keep sentences short and terse. Pacing allows the author to create tension between two elements. A question is raised and then answered to move the story forward. (Psst…. She didn’t mention that sometimes the answers to questions she raises don’t get resolved until two books and ten years later!) 😂
Question: How do you deal with slang or dialect? Diana feels dialogue is the most important way to define a character.  An author using another language (e.g. Gaelic) needs to educate themself in the language. She watched films with Scottish characters to hear their spoken English. At conferences, if she heard anyone speaking with a Scottish accent, she invited them for coffee and listened to them speak. Diana also recommended reading books written by someone who speaks the language. She read several Scottish authors to help her get a feel for syntax, cadence, etc. Frankly, her devotion to her craft is a splendid example to all aspiring authors. 🥰
Question: Do you plan out a chapter or scene ahead of time? Diana does not. We already know she doesn’t write in a straight line. She also does not tell her characters what to say or do. She waits patiently for them to speak to her.  This being my fourth SiWC, I can tell you hers is a unique approach. Most writers I encounter plan out scenes, many even work from  a classic outline. She also doesn’t know ahead of time how a book will end. I guess the one exception here is that she seems to know how the “Outlander” books will end. Sob! 😢
Question: Who is your favorite author. James Clavell, she answered without a moment’s hesitation.  Clavell authored the marvelous, “Shogun,” for those who might not know. Although it has been some time since I read it, it is well worth doing so. 👍🏻
These were highlights of the panel for me.
The full panel discussion can be accessed on the blog.
I hope you enjoyed the panel. Need I say, my fav author for “Compelling Exposition” is none other than Diana Gabaldon? 🤩 🥇 🏆
The deeply grateful,
Outlander Anatomist
Follow me on:
Twitter: @OutLandAnatomy
Facebook: OutlandishAnatomyLessons
Instagram: @outlanderanatomy
Tumblr: @outlanderanatomy
Youtube: Outlander Anatomy
Photo and audio credits: Outlander Anatomy
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duckies27 · 1 year ago
I present a new chaos AU in my brain
The basic idea is basically, at some point, the Grothe folk get magically transported to California to join the Dads! Because I'm not fully caught up with C1, the timeline kinda makes no sense, but it's general enough right now it's okay
Don't judge, this is a mess of ideas
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Ellga would be very close to the Oak family, mainly bonding with the twins for their heavy chaos vibes. She would become the goalie on the Doodler's team and take up a lot of "girly" classes within middle school. She lives with Chip as his daughter.
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Mathide is basically the same as pre-campain, just as a human and alive. They work within a bakery as second in command and often greet the dads in the morning when they stop by before work/school. They have a soft spot for Grant because he's a little baby queer that needs guidance, and they go to a GSA group together! They live alone, but in the same apartment complex as Barney. I also made them afab because I literally have no irl experience with amab people and I don't want to misrepresent!
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Chip is a very stressed single father who's doing his best. He basically got adopted into the main circle by Henry and now he's doing his best to give Ellga a decently normal life. He works alongside with Ron in whatever business he does, and often works from home to be home for Ellga. Barney and Mathide are sometimes on babysitting duty while he goes on business trips or if he has long meetings
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Carol is dead still, he bonds with Glen over it, but he really struggles being around Darryl at times. Because, y'know, same name can bring up memories.
Barney (who I didn't have space for on the page) works as a carpenter! He's just that hard working grandpa figure in Ellga's life who does his best to come to soccer games and school shows. He lives alone, in the same complex as Mathide, and gets along really well with Ron. However, Glen and him also bond over loss, and the two of them would knit together
Yes Glen 100% knits
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greenpanda-basicfakewitch · 9 months ago
Moon Phases | Rituals
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Types of moons: Blood moon. Eclipse. Hunters moon. Blue moon. pink moon.
As the moon grows so should our action towards our intentions. With the growing light of the moon we should slowly start to see our intentions forming habits and those habits improving our lives.
“New Moon Prayer: Mother Moon I call to you. Tonight, Your energy is new.   Under your new cycle,  I heal and cleanse myself.       This new moon, my spirit is renewed. I will remain in this path of groth.          I welcome growth.      I welcome abundance. I welcome transformation. Blessed be.”
Wipe down mirrors on monday on/after a new moon. Clean the bathroom the Friday on/After a waxing moon Wash down windows the sunday on/after a full moon. Luander the linens on the Saturday on/after a waning moon.
New Moon:
Is a time to create your visions, setting new intentions and goals. It is the time of a new cycle and bringing focus and awareness on positive and loving intentions, raises your frequency and allows you to create what you dream about. Start fresh and positive!
New Moon Ritual:
Making the most out of the new moon’s magic. Sage Take a ritual bath Make a list of wishes Set Intentions and Goals Burn Candles Ground Yourself Practice Gratitude Charge your crystals Set up/Rearrange your altar Organise
Full Moon Rituals:
Charge Your Crystals. Stay Hydrated. Smudge yourself. Take a bath. Light a candle and say a prayer. Journal. Write a letter and burn it. Meditate. Give yourself a reading. 
Tips to avoid Full moon energy Overwhelm:
Moon Bathe Get Outside and Soak up the beams and energy of the full moon. Kind of like sunbathing but in the moon!
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Journaling your thoughts and feelings is great for helping to identify what might be holding you back. This will help to release old patterns with the full moon energy.
Use Crystals.
You can use specific crystals to help align your energy with the moon. For example, crystals which align with the energy of Virgo are Smoky Quartz, Unakite, pink calcite and Amazonite.
Meditating during the full moon can help ease any anxiety brought on by the lunar energy and assist in making you feel more grounded.
The full moon can create an excess of energy in your body and moving with yoga is an effective way to release this energy.
Women's circles
You can attend an official women's circle or just meet with like minded women. It is very reassuring to share your thoughts and feelings with other women and you will likely find that the moon is affecting others in similar ways.
For many pagans, the cycles of the moon are important to magical workings. It’s believed in some traditions that the waxing moon, the full moon, the waning moon and the new moon all have their own special magical properties, and so workings should be planned accordingly. 
 The full moon has long had an aura of mystery and magic about it. It is tied to the ebbs and flows of the tide, as well as every-changing cycle of womens bodies. The Moon is connected to our wisdom and intuition, and many pagans and wiccans choose to celebrate the full moon with a monthly ritual.
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  Gratitude, friendliness, safe travel, physical health, wealth, protection from the enemies. Curses a location, interfaces with business/work/vocation
Many witches choose to time their spells based on moon phase. Generally, spells for gain or increase or decrease are done during the waxing moon while spells for banishing or decrease are done during the waning moon, the moon shines through the darkness to reveal secrets. Even those we keep from ourselves.
Herbs: Willow, coconut, Hazel, Papaya, Narcissus, Lilies, Wintergreen, Eucalyptus, Jasmine, Ylang Ylang, Mugwort, poppy, orris root, Lotus.
Minerals, Crystals: Moonstone, Alexandrite, Pearl, White Quartz
Day: Monday
Colour: Purple, White, Blue, Silver
Metal: Silver
Next pages:
Moon Phases | Moon Phases through the year
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partisan-by-default · 3 months ago
If companies try to manipulate investors with false information, for example, the SEC can put an end to this practice and punish bad actors. The SEC's mission also extends to areas such as facilitating capital formation by startups and other businesses — such as through initial public offerings (IPOs) — which ultimately can help create jobs and economic growth.
While opinions differ on how the SEC should regulate financial markets, in general most agree that having some level of regulation promotes investor and business confidence in the system. However, under the Trump administration, the scales could tilt toward lighter oversight.
"What you'd likely get with almost any kind of more conservative or Republican-leaning administration is less of a grip of regulation enforcement," said Jonathan E. Groth, partner at DGIM Law.
Initially, that could bring down costs and enable more widespread investment — especially for crypto and other digital assets. But in the long run, deregulation arguably increases risk throughout the financial system — such as what was seen leading up to the Great Recession — and leaves individuals more on their own to figure out what's a legitimate investment.
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nicholasgrothwis · 1 month ago
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jeenaindia2 · 4 months ago
The Importance of Data Security and Confidentiality in 3PL Logistics
Data security for third-party logistics is more than just a word. For 3PL logistic companies, confidentiality and data protection are crucial not just for legal compliance but also for building trust with the customer for long-term engagement. Since 3PL clients do not get onboarded for a few days or months but for years, clients expect advanced data protection from 3PL companies.
Does Data Protection and Confidentiality Play a Role in 3PL Logistics?
Absolutely! Logistics today isn’t just about transferring goods from one destination to another. 3PL logistic companies offer real-time visibility, tracking, and online inventory management, which means data flows swiftly between systems. In this web of data transfer, protection and confidentiality become essential components of 3PL logistics globally.
Poor data protection and risk management systems can lead to legal issues, customer dissatisfaction, and a damaged reputation. A small data breach could result in significant financial loss for clients and tarnish the trust and reputation of the 3PL company. That’s why 3PL companies prioritize data protection and confidentiality, ensuring customers are satisfied with secure warehousing facilities and advanced security systems.
How can 3PL Logistic Companies Ensure Data Security to Clients?
3PL companies focus on a few key areas for data security including secure systems that include encryption, firewalls, and secure server systems, well-trained warehouse staff to handle critical data at the facility, and limited access to sensitive data or information of the clients.
Let’s discuss in detail what can you do to ensure data privacy with 3pl logistics companies.
Read Through Data Policy: It is essential for you as a client to read through your potential 3pl logistic companies data policy to ensure that you can negotiate your data right and responsibilites. This will include clearly defining your ownership,  access control, leveraging your data, etc. It will also define the frequency, duration and method of exchanging data. This clause helps you secure your data seamlessly.
Review Your 3PL Partners Certifications: It is significant to review your 3PL partners data policies and how it complies with data security standards and certifications. Go through their updated compliance certification to ensure you are dealing with a certified 3pl logistics company. Talk to them regarding their process of storing, collecting, processing and transferring data. Not to mention, discuss with them their past data breach and incidents and how they handled it. By reviewing the companies dat security standards, you will be able to focus on your business and its groth while they focus on keeping your goods and data safe and secure at their facility.
Monitor & Analyse Data Performance: Once you are in contract with a 3pl logistic company, you should constantly review and monitor the data performance. This includes the data quality, tinlieness and accuracy of the data sent by the company. Also, if you find any discrepancy and issue with handling or transferring data, you can always raise concerns to the company. This can be amicably and promptly resolved from both the end.
The Bottom Line
While it’s not difficult to find a 3PL logistics company in India, finding a good one can be a challenge. Jeena and Company is a 3PL logistics provider that offers warehousing, distribution, and transportation services worldwide. Trusted by many multinational companies, Jeena handles a variety of goods, from hazardous and non-hazardous materials to food products and luxury clothing. As a 124-year-old company, Jeena offers reliability, quality assurance, and robust data security to its clients. You can be resaurred your goods anf data is in experienced hands!
To know more about our 3PL services, please contact us at Contact Jeena
To Know More   https://jeena.com/blog-read.php?slug=the-importance-of-data-security-and-confidentiality-in-3pl-logistics
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chemung-valley-curator · 4 months ago
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Cleaning Up Cleaners by Monica Groth, curator
Brownfields are defined by the EPA as areas “complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant.” The term was coined in 1978 as part of a growing government effort to identify and remediate highly polluted property. Pollution, often the result of industrial development, can linger in soil and groundwater decades after businesses close and properties change hands. Dangerous contaminants can affect the health of future residents. (READ MORE)
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nrsecurtygmbh · 6 months ago
NR Security GmbH
Sie wünschen sich mehr Sicherheit und eine bessere Betreuung Ihrer Haustechnik. Dann sind Sie bei uns genau richtig. Die NR Security GmbH bietet Ihnen passende Lösungen. Sie erhalten erstklassige Dienstleistungen für Ihren Objektschutz und für Ihr Facility Management. 
Objektschutz, Überwachung, Empfangsdienst, Pfortendienst, Sicherherheitsdienst Haus, Wachdienst, Schließdienst, Revierdienst, Haustechniker, Hamburg Sicherheitsdienstleistung 
Social Media Profiles: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100065258029984
Klaus-Groth-Straße 40, 20535 Hamburg
Website: https://www.nr-security.de/
Phone Number:
0049 40 226 30 50 0
Contact Mail ID:
Business Hours: 
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codyakemann · 6 months ago
cattle farm
I'm Cody and I work on a cattle farm. There are many things it takes to build this type of business. it takes manpower to do the job. deachsen to stay with it. the main part of the process is hope. those are the 3 main things it takes to run a cattle farm. The nomal day type on a cattle farm is to go over all the cattle make sure there all heath. give them proper care to make sure for right groth. The main key to having a cattle farm is to feed them right. There is so many ways to feed them. There are alot of feed rashens out there to feed them to be honet. Everyone has there own way of doing it to. This is what its like to have a beed farm on a short term.
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qnewsau · 7 months ago
Victorian minister brutally sledges Perth's Gay Games bid
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/victorian-minister-brutally-sledges-perths-gay-games-bid/
Victorian minister brutally sledges Perth's Gay Games bid
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Victoria’s tourism minister has fired a shot at Perth as Melbourne and the WA capital both compete to host the 2030 Gay Games.
Every four years since 1982, the Gay Games has drawn thousands of athletes and spectators to host cities worldwide for a tournament of inclusive sport.
Perth and Melbourne are on a shortlist of seven cities in the running for the 2030 event. The shortlist also includes Auckland, Cape Town, Denver, Taipei in Taiwan and Edmonton in Canada.
Victoria’s Sports, Events and Tourism Minister Steve Dimopoulous said on social policy and LGBTQIA+ equality, Melbourne was the clear leader.
“We are far ahead of any other city in this country. We are far ahead of Sydney, which often gets the glory in terms of the Mardi Gras,” he said.
Dimopoulos added of Melbourne’s WA rival, “I love Perth, but seriously – it’s Perth. There is no comparison, Melbourne is a global city.”
The minister said Melbourne and Victoria has “the best venues, the best workforce and the best arts and culture, hospitality”.
“We are a city that people want to come to,” he said.
Political fight over hosting the Gay Games
But the Victorian government has faced a political backlash after Melbourne made the shortlist for the event.
Victorian Liberals slammed the Gay Games bid. They pointed to the Labor government pulling out of hosting the 2026 Commonwealth Games last year at a cost of $589 million.
Steve Dimopoulos claimed the government was approached about hosting the event, rather than actively pursuing a bid.
“This is something that is in the early stages. This is something that the Gay Games themselves have curated a list of cities around the world that they are interested in,” he said.
It’s understood Melbourne Gay Games advocates, including local councillors and tourism executives, met with Dimopoulos’ team about the Gay Games proposal earlier in the year.
Dimopoulous said the government is “always interested in talking to people who want to have an event in this great state”.
Shadow Tourism and Events Minister Sam Groth told News Corp, “After wasting $600 million on the Commonwealth Games debacle, how can any Victorian have confidence Labor can deliver this event?”
Deputy opposition leader David Southwick added, “Before we do anything, I think Victorians deserve to see what’s the business case.
“Victoria was the internationally recognised events capital of the world — and now we couldn’t deliver a chook raffle.”
A Victorian Government spokesperson responded, “As Australia’s major events capital, we’re always looking at new opportunities and events for our calendar.”
2030 host city announced in November 2025
Meanwhile, Pride WA, who is leading Perth’s bid, said the city is excited and ready to host. The state has more LGBTQIA+ sports clubs than ever before.
This month, the Federation of Gay Games confirmed each shortlisted city had submitted “bid books” outlining their preliminary hosting proposal.
Soon, representatives from the cities will present their bids in-person at the Federation’s AGM in Washington DC in October.
The FGG will announce three finalist cities in December 2024. The host city will be announced in November 2025.
Hong Kong and Guadalajara, Mexico co-hosted the last Gay Games in November 2023. Sydney was the last Australian city to host in 2002.
The next Gay Games will be held in Valencia, Spain in 2026.
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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theodorobrejafmp · 11 months ago
Necromancy in Films and TV Series
The concept of necromancy has also been used in cinematography throughout different types of genres. I found it intriguing to find so many perspectives that would definitely enhance the story of my characters.
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Fig.1: The Bride of Frankenstein 1931 Fig.2: Dr. Strange
The concept of the mad scientist Frankenstein bringing to life dead human parts became an emblem in cinematography. The scientific perspective towards necromancy rises many interesting ideas for characters and plots. Other approaches such as the ability to manipulate spirits to enhance the power of the caster like in Dr. Strange are also intriguing and not very common.
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Fig.3: Shadowhunters - Silent Brothers Fig.4: GOT - White Walker
Having a powerful army of the undead like in Game of Thrones has also been inspiring for my characters and I found the ice element designs of the White Walkers interesting. Moreover, I found the ritualistic mutilation of the Silent Brothers from Shadowhunters, as a sign of sanctity, an intriguing design that would reveal more of the character background and story.
Fig.1: Axmaker, S. (2020) A monster movie mash: Looking back at ‘Dracula,’ ‘Frankenstein’ and other films of the ’30s and ’40s. https://www.seattletimes.com/entertainment/tv/universals-monster-mash-a-look-back-at-dracula-frankenstein-and-other-films-of-the-30s-and-40s/.
Fig.2: Groth-Andersen, M. (2022) Doctor strange in the multiverse of madness, Gamereactor. Available at: https://www.gamereactor.eu/doctor-strange-in-the-multiverse-of-madness-1080283/ (Accessed: April 23, 2024).
Fig.3: MountainChild (no date) ☀ Silent Brothers, Wattpad.com. Available at: https://www.wattpad.com/946643703-shadowhunter-encyclopedia-%E2%98%80-silent-brothers (Accessed: April 23, 2024).
Fig.4: Renfro, K. (2019) “Here’s the difference between White Walkers and wights on ‘Game of Thrones,’” Business Insider, 10 April. Available at: https://www.businessinsider.com/game-of-thrones-white-walkers-wights-skeletons-difference-2017-8 (Accessed: April 23, 2024).
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nicholasgroth1 · 1 year ago
Nicholas Groth
Though I can’t use them as much anymore, I am highly specialized in the skills of teaching and education, both in a school setting and sports setting. I have been able to maintain strong organizational and leadership skills in working with different companies and people, creating a new path forward for my life, and in setting up my own business. I am a very driven individual who wants to be the best at whatever I’m pursuing. From winning valedictorian to winning around 20 baseball championships as a coach to having the best end-of-year student progress reports for my class in the entire district, I want to excel at everything I do. My willpower, competitiveness, and mindset that everything is able to be figured out would be some of my greatest strengths.
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kingstonansahblog · 1 year ago
Nicholas Groth
Though I can’t use them as much anymore, I am highly specialized in the skills of teaching and education, both in a school setting and sports setting. I have been able to maintain strong organizational and leadership skills in working with different companies and people, creating a new path forward for my life, and in setting up my own business. I am a very driven individual who wants to be the best at whatever I’m pursuing. From winning valedictorian to winning around 20 baseball championships as a coach to having the best end-of-year student progress reports for my class in the entire district, I want to excel at everything I do. My willpower, competitiveness, and mindset that everything is able to be figured out would be some of my greatest strengths.
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mariadodds · 1 year ago
Bathroom Renovations in Port Macquarie: Top Rated Services and Tips for a Perfect Bathroom
Are you looking to renovate your bathroom in Port Macquarie? With so many professionals offering bathroom renovation services, it can be challenging to find the right one for your needs. In this article, we will provide some tips for choosing the right bathroom renovation service and share some top-rated services in the area.
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Tips for Choosing a Bathroom Renovation Service
Research: Look for local bathroom renovation professionals in Port Macquarie and read reviews about their services, prices, and customer satisfaction.
Compare Quotes: Contact multiple bathroom renovation services to get quotes for your project. This will help you understand the market rates and find the best deal.
Check Licenses and Permits: Ensure that the bathroom renovation service you choose has the necessary licenses and permits to operate in your area.
Portfolio: Check the renovator's portfolio or website to see examples of their previous work. This will give you an idea of their style and quality of work.
Customer Service: Choose a service that prioritizes customer service and communication. You can do this by reading reviews, checking their website, or contacting them directly.
Top-Rated Bathroom Renovation Services in Port Macquarie
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Custom Design Bathroom Renovations: A locally-owned and operated business based in Port Macquarie, offering custom bathroom renovation services to clients in the area.
Edmonds Bathroom Renovations: Provides bathroom renovation services to clients in Port Macquarie and surrounding areas.
Entire Plumbing Solutions: Offers professional bathroom renovation services for homes and commercial properties in Port Macquarie.
Keena Kitchens & Bathrooms: A trusted name in new builds and renovations on the Mid-North Coast, offering bathroom renovation services for over 35 years.
Brelia Bathroom Renovations: A family-owned business specializing in Port Macquarie bathroom renovations and Mid North Coast bathroom renovations.
Joel Groth Tiling: A Port Macquarie-based tiling expert offering all aspects of tiling, including bathroom and laundry renovations.
By following these tips and considering the top-rated services in Port Macquarie, you can find the perfect bathroom renovation service for your project. Remember to always prioritize quality, customer service, and transparency when choosing a professional for your bathroom renovation needs.
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ailtrahq · 1 year ago
In a world increasingly anxious about privacy and exploitation of one’s personal data by governments, corporations, social media platforms and banks, zero-knowledge proofs may offer some relief.  Indeed, this emerging cryptographic protocol could partially remedy two rapidly growing global deficits: privacy and truth. ZK-proofs have already found a home within the cryptocurrency and blockchain sector — enabling scaling protocols to make Ethereum transactions faster and cheaper, for example. But this may just be the beginning.  One day, ZK-proofs could help convince your bank that your income is above a certain threshold — to qualify for a mortgage, for example — without revealing your actual income. Or prove to the election authorities that you are a resident or citizen without giving them your name, driver’s license or passport. ZK-proofs open up a new world of potential applications, including “anonymous voting, decentralized games, proving personal information without fully disclosing your personal information, and fighting against fake news by proving the source of the news,” Polygon co-founder Jordi Baylina tells Magazine. To this point, some in the cryptographic community already view ZK-proofs as a potential weapon in the looming struggle against false information, including AI-altered documents, images and identities.  “We may have a technological battle for truth coming up where ZK can play a critical part,” prize-winning cryptographer Jens Groth tells Magazine. “There is this idea of proof-carrying data,” i.e., data that carries proofs of correctness including origin and provenance data, “so nirvana would be that all data we get are verified data.” In some industry sectors like finance, ZK-proofs may profoundly alter how business is conducted. “We see this revolutionizing the audit industry,” Proven co-founder and CEO Rich Dewey tells Magazine in connection with ZK-enabled proof-of-solvency protocols, like the one his tech firm has developed. “The only question is the timeline.”  Requiring fewer resources Even though ZK-proofs were first presented back in the 1980s by researchers Shafi Goldwasser, Silvio Micali and Charles Rackoff, only in the past decade have they had their “big breakthrough,” according to Baylina. “Now it’s possible to prove any generic statement.” This statement — sometimes called a circuit — “can be programmed with a specific language and can be anything,” Baylina says.  ZK-proofs are computationally complex, which has arguably slowed their development, but their core intuition seems simple enough. As described in a forthcoming paper by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis:  “By using a zero-knowledge proof (ZKP), a party can prove to other parties that a computation was executed correctly. There is no need to replicate the computation—only the proof needs to be verified. Ideally, verifying a ZKP needs significantly less resources than re-executing the computation.” What follows are some of the promising ZK-proof use cases on the table today — beyond the strict confines of the crypto sector — that may or may not involve the use of blockchains. ZKPs require fewer resources when re-executing a computation. (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis) Verifying digital voting  Electronic voting has been slow to catch on globally, but if and when it does, the odds are that ZK-proofs will play a prominent part. ZK-proofs are already being used in e-voting systems in trials in a number of Swiss towns and cantons, Dahlia Malkhi, distinguished scientist of Chainlink Labs, tells Magazine. “ZK-proofs can add verifiability to an online election, allowing anyone to check that the votes were counted correctly,” explains Malkhi, without revealing how voted — a key concern with electronic voting, she says.  Cryptographic electronic voting systems have been around for decades, Malkhi adds, but their adoption has been moderate. On the technical side, one of the challenges has been “the compromise of end-user devices, which ZK-proofs don’t protect against.”
There are other obstacles, too, that are beyond ZK-proofs purview or ability to control — which also may suggest their limitations.  Electronic voting requires a credible “digital identity” system, i.e., a link to “real world” information that isn’t always easy to secure. (Think of all those voting rolls on aged paper ledgers.) “ZK by itself cannot bootstrap e-voting,” Malkhi says.  Cryptographer Groth, like Malkhi, cites the need for some sort of “trust anchor” to make ZK-proofs impactful in everyday life. “Zero-knowledge proofs often need a hook to reality.”   Electronic “ballot boxes” like this could benefit from the added security of ZKPs. (Fred Miller) Maybe one day, thanks to ZK-proofs, someone will be able to prove that they are older than 18 years of age or a United Kingdom citizen without having to pull out a driver’s license or passport, Groth tells Magazine, but “you cannot prove you’re over 18 out of thin air. You need the trust anchor that establishes your age,” he says, i.e., some authority that verifies your citizenship or birth year, adding: “In the future, organizations may issue ZK-friendly trust anchors, but right now, it is not common practice, so you have a bit of a chicken-and-egg problem.” Privacy safeguards for CBDCs Today, the world seems awash with central bank digital currency projects. According to the Atlantic Council, 130 countries representing 98% of global GDP are now exploring state-issued digital money.  But CBDCs come freighted with privacy questions, and some fear they could be misused by governments to surveil their own populations, for instance. That is why high privacy guarantees are “at the core of most CBDC projects today,” Jonas Gross, chairman of the Digital Euro Association, tells Magazine.  ZK-proofs can be part of the solution, he adds, and it is for this reason that “various central banks are studying [ZK-proof] applications — for example, in the U.K., Japan and South Korea.”  “If privacy is a top priority, ZK-proofs should be considered,” Remo Nyffenegger, a co-author of the St. Louis Fed paper cited above and research assistant at the Center for Innovative Finance at the University of Basel, tells Magazine.  Indeed, the European Central Bank published a regulatory proposal for the digital euro in late June “and states therein that zero-knowledge proofs should be considered in the CBDC tech stack,” he adds. Again, there may be limits on what exactly ZK-proofs can do by themselves. “I don’t see using ZK-proofs [alone] as sufficient because ongoing political discussions show that not all CBDC-related data will be obfuscated if ZK-proofs are used,” Gross comments. “High privacy also needs to be supported by regulation and educational efforts around the actual degree of privacy of a CBDC.” Exposing an altered photo AI apps are now so powerful that distinguishing between machine-generated images or documents and those created by human beings is already problematic. Things will only get worse, but ZK-proofs may offer at least a partial remedy. “Blockchain tech and ZK-proofs could be used as built-in safeguards in these systems to verify the origin, authenticity, and ownership of AI-generated files and manage some of the risks associated with AI-generated content,” says Malkhi, while Groth adds: “There is interesting new research showing applications of ZK-proofs to demonstrate, for example, you’ve not altered a photo too much — i.e., combating fake news.” High-end cameras that digitally sign photos along with metadata like location and timestamp are already on the market and can establish authenticity, continues Malkhi. The current problem is that these digital files are often enormous — much too large to post on a news service’s website, for instance.  But with ZK-proofs, their file size can be substantially reduced, making them practical to use online while preserving critical verification elements. “It could prove that the recording or image has not been altered,
maybe [including] even the date, without revealing identity or location or whatever,” adds Baylina.  Proof-of-solvency with ZK-proofs? Many believe that finance will be the first major business sector to be impacted by ZK-proofs. Indeed, 41% of respondents in Mina Foundation’s “State of Zero-knowledge Report 2022” agreed that finance was the industry “most in need of ZKPs,” far ahead of healthcare (12%), social media (5%) and e-commerce (3%).    In March, Mexican cryptocurrency exchange Bitso announced a partnership with tech firm Proven to implement a “proof of solvency” solution that relies on ZK-proofs. This protocol will soon enable investors, regulators and others to know whether the exchange is solvent — i.e., its obligations are less than its assets — based on daily reports.  One of the more ingenious aspects of Proven’s protocol is that it involves the exchange’s customers in the process of keeping the exchange honest. It’s a sort of crowd-sourcing version of auditing. Co-founders Dewey and Agustin Lebron tell Magazine that every day, an exchange (e.g., Bitso) publishes a cryptographic proof-of-solvency attestation. And when it does, each individual client/user of the exchange is issued a “receipt” that reflects that individual’s unique holdings. Millions of digital receipts might be issued on a daily basis.  What if one day a customer doesn’t receive a daily receipt, or it’s wrong? That user might take to Twitter or some other social media venue and complain or ask questions. Have others experienced something similar? A thread might grow. This protocol relies on the law of big numbers. Bitso, for instance, has some five million users, and the presumption is that a critical mass of complainants might surface quickly, collectively waving a red flag that might prompt further investigation.  This ZK-proofs-based protocol has another advantage, too, according to Bitso. It provides “a proof-of-solvency that can be confirmed without revealing all of that information to a third party. All an auditor needs to do is run the zk-SNARK protocol to come to the conclusion that the proof is true.”  According to Groth, the use of ZK-proofs to demonstrate financial solvency “gained more traction after the FTX implosion.” Indeed, if such a protocol had been available last year, the Bahamas-based exchange’s meltdown might have been avoided, some say — or at least its wrongdoing would have come to light sooner.  Interestingly, FTX Japan, now rebranded as Liquid Japan, has been using Proven’s proof-of-solvency technology since its recent re-launch in early September. “With the adoption of Proof of Solvency, we can now prove it [solvency] in a cryptographic manner that is verifiable by 3rd parties,” notes the company, adding: “We are starting to work on increasing the frequency of publishing the Proof of Solvency to 1x day by the end of 2023.” A snapshot of Liquid’s proof-of-solvency widget. (Liquid) “Immutable” tracking of goods “ZK-proofs can become very relevant in the context of digital identities, whether they are issued by the government or private entities,” adds Nyffenegger. They could prove that you are not included on some government sanctions list without revealing who you are, for instance. ZK-proofs potential use in supply chains is also frequently cited. But the difficulty here, as with e-voting, is that this requires connecting to a trustworthy “real-world information” source, which can authenticate the date an order was shipped from the factory, for instance.  “ZK-proof-based supply chain tracking systems haven’t been battle-tested long enough in live environments,” notes Malkhi, adding that that could soon change: “The potential of ZK-proofs here is vast — helping to improve transparency and reduce the potential impact of fraud by enabling the immutable, real-time tracking of goods.” It should be added that while blockchains provide some of ZK-proof’s first exciting use cases, the technology does not require blockchain technology to work — but they are surely helpful.
“They are just a very suitable tool for blockchains because they provide proofs of correct computation — which aligns well with the need for verifiability on blockchains — while hiding as much information as possible,” Johannes Sedlmeir,  a researcher at the University of Luxembourg’s Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust, tells Magazine. With a blockchain platform, a verifier can check if a certain “hash” appears somewhere on the blockchain “and hence binds me as a prover,” he adds.  Blockchains aren’t required for Proven’s proof-of-solvency protocol to work, Lebron tells Magazine, though it’s always useful to have validators on-chain. It appears to be more of a “like to have” than a “need to have” circumstance.  Obstacles remain What obstacles still need to be overcome before ZK-proofs become commonplace? Malkhi has already cited the challenges with “bridging to the real world,” and this would well prove the biggest hurdle to surmount before ZK technology becomes mainstream, in her view.  However, other barriers remain that might require laws and regulations to overcome. Will ZK claims be accepted in court, for instance?  Scaling also remains a challenge in many use cases given that there is, at present, no “standardized way to ‘program,’” says Malkhi, making it difficult for developers to integrate proofs into their apps. To this last point, Proven’s protocol with Bitso requires some five million unique “receipts” to be issued monthly (though soon daily) to Bitso users, but Proven says this isn’t an issue. “We figured out how to scale,” co-founder Lebron says. Complexity is another potential sticking point. “For small- to medium-size assertions, we already have a good ZK system,” cryptographer Groth tells Magazine. “For large assertions, we still need to improve efficiency.” ZK-proofs like SNARKs can be cheap to verify, “but the prover pays a large performance overhead compared to native computation,” he adds. Becoming “magnitudes cheaper” The user experience needs to improve, too. “Using a technology secured by ZK-proofs for an everyday activity like buying groceries should be so seamless that the user doesn’t even know,” says Baylina.  “The other thing we need is time,” Baylina says. Protocols like Polygon’s zk-Ethereum Virtual Machine are still new but are becoming more usable all the time. “As Polygon zkEVM matures, over the next year, we anticipate it will become orders of magnitudes cheaper.” Given these potential roadblocks, how long might it take before the technology becomes commonplace?  “I believe five years is too short of a time frame owing to the current TRLs [technology readiness levels] of ZK-proofs,” says Sedlmeir, referencing the finance sector specifically. While ZK-proofs have matured rapidly in recent years, they “are still complex to implement and prover performance is still a significant bottleneck.”  There might be a transition period as ZK-proof works in tandem with traditional protocols, as in financial auditing. Proven’s Dewey envisioned working “hand in glove” with traditional Big Four audit firms for a time.  Vast potential In sum, ZK-proofs still face challenges. They can’t work in isolation. They still need to be attached to a truth source or “oracle.” Doubts about computational complexity, usability and scalability remain as well.  But if these hurdles are surmounted, ZK-proofs could offer a 21st-century solution to not only the “fake news” challenge but also the privacy quandary as with CBDCs, providing just enough anonymity for users to comfortably use state-issued digital money but enough accountability so governments can be assured fraudsters or money launderers aren’t infiltrating their networks.  As the technology and the underlying infrastructure improve, summarizes Malkhi, “ZK-proofs have vast potential to enable an internet where the majority of contracts are underpinned by cryptographic guarantees.”
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