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burtlederp · 5 years ago
@untilthepainstarts so my finger slipped after i saw the term 'goblin man' to describe martin (btw sorry i couldnt be bothered to look up what your fc for martin was, i just drew him as i picture him in my head)
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burtlederp · 5 years ago
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Y'all, check out this amazing eldritch creature/goddess design by @burtlederp
Naturally this is me, pouring out angst. With any random boy I've ever tormented at my feet. (Probably Isaac, let's be honest.)
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glorioustimemachine · 5 years ago
If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 people in you notifications, anonymous or not! Let’s get to know the person behind the blog 🖤
1. I wanna live in Japan one day
2. I’m getting a degree in Theatre Arts
3. My mom lives in Austria!
@burtlederp @burtlederparts @wanderingoneirologist @yashiki-kazuo @lillycarlyn @pixel-playstation @narwhalsarefalling
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burtlederparts · 5 years ago
One of my New Year's Resolutions was to draw a pokemon every day for the whole year, because I wanna get to know some of the newer ones better. But now I'm stuck on the order of which I should choose pokemon to draw everyday. So, poll time!
A) Numerical, i.e., 1, 2, 3, or Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur, etc.
B) Burning candle at both ends, i.e., first day I did pokemon 001 (Bulbasaur), and today I'd draw the most recently-created pokemon 890 (Eternatus).
C) Random number generator, re-rolling if I get one I've gotten before.
D) Requests
E) Other (write it in the comments)
Thanks y'all :3
Make sure to follow me on my art blog, burtlederparts!
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burtlederp · 4 years ago
Thanks for the list! Tell me more about Milo O'Malley.
What makes them anxious?
Would you let them run your blog for a day?
Much love,
-nonny (for now)
Milo is, as I mentioned, well overworked and extremely underpaid. Anxiety for him has kind of become a running undercurrent of his existence and he's become rather tolerant of things that usually would stress others out in retail or food service situation.
What makes him anxious is when someone singles him out. He's spent his whole life with his head down, avoiding attention, so whenever someone gives him some, he's immediately suspicious and anxious.
Oh, I definitely would!!! Not a bad idea, actually... He's one of my more calm ocs, not easily riled. You can only deal with so many Karens before your nerves become steel.
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burtlederp · 4 years ago
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not sure how, but i got TWO different anons asking for Milo and the same color palette😆 It's a sign, as far as I can tell. Color is hard, but this turned out okay!
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burtlederp · 4 years ago
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posting this art separate because it's hidden under a readmore in the original answer and im too damn proud of it to never let it see the light of day
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burtlederp · 5 years ago
7, for Moe on that Not so Nice asks?
Here you are, Anon! Hope you like!
7. What feature (physical or otherwise) do they hate most about themselves?
“Tell me, sir, what feature do you dislike most about yourself?”
The question is startling, to say the least. Moe had had his head down, eyes to the ground, in his own little world, and the high-pitched voice of the saleswoman pierced it perfectly. He stopped, finding said saleswoman in front of him, blocking him from continuing on his way down the sidewalk. She’s looking at him expectantly behind a blindingly white smile with impossibly perfect teeth, a good, thick layer of mascara, and more nip-and-tucks than Moe could count on one hand. He’s transfixed by her gaze, more out of a macabre fascination than anything else.
Scary lady asked Host a question, Hanguche’s gravelly voice shakes him before he can stand there for too long staring.
“Um--what?” Moe asks, blinking. He remembered she’d asked him a question, something that had caught him off-guard, but he’d forgotten it. The woman laughed, something as forced and fake as her breasts. 
“What’s the feature you dislike most about yourself, darlin’?” she repeated, grinning as she spoke in the honey-sweet Southern twang that Moe had been hearing more and more often. 
You, probably, he commented snidely to Hanguche.
Hanguche does not count! Hanguche is not Host! the demon snapped grumpily.
Then I guess my weakness…. Moe very nearly said this aloud in response to the lady’s question, but after another glance, he realized she meant something more physical than his spiritual fortitude.
“Um… I dunno,” he answered lazily. “I’m not really interested in anything you have for sale, ma’am,” he continued, trying to side-step her.
“Oh, c’mon, darlin’, humor a gal, won’t you?” She stepped in front of him again, batting her mile-long, most-definitely-not-real, mascara-laden lashes.
“Nope, I’m not very funny anyway,” he shook his head and feinted going around her left, then spun around her right, continuing on his way. 
Hanguche thinks Host has a weird nose.
“Shut up, Hanguche.”
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burtlederp · 5 years ago
Not this one, but my alt blog, @burtlederparts is where all my art goes! :)
anybody have any recs for blogs to follow that post a lot of art?? can be fanart for anything I'm into (su, spop, etc) or original art or anything (artists or reblog blogs both welcome)
also just like/reblog if you match this and I'll check your blog out!
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burtlederp · 5 years ago
psst go follow my art blog @burtlederparts
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Day 3, Hitmontop, #327!
Hitmontop is a fighting-type pokemon that I previously didn't like that much. But after filling a whole page with them, I kinda like them now. :3c Still not gonna put them on my team, but I appreciate their design a bit more. Also, did you know they had a tail???? I didn't. You learn something new everyday.
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