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albireo-mkg · 2 years ago
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Набираетесь от весны сил?😉 Книжки, наверное, веселее стали читать?))) Кстати, вы знаете, что сегодня Белый день? Я вот только не очень разобралась мальчики дарят девочкам сладости или наоборот... Короче это день посл�� Дня Святого Валентина (через месяц после) и тут дарят сладости (в Японии первоначально дарили зефирки) тем, кто на 14 февраля преподнес вам подарок, вот такое вот алаверды) Вот давайте и поговорим о том, какие за последние несколько дней, что я вас не спрашивала, вы книжек про любовь прочитали? Какая вот вам в самое сердечко запала? Хотела сказать, что начнем с меня, а с меня начинать очень неудобно, у меня с натяжкой только за последние дни есть "Око за око" Дженни Хан (ее девочкины книжки мне нравятся, я их раз в года три читаю) и Шиван Вивиан. Тут как обычно упор на то, что надо разговаривать, без разговор, при скрытности, замалчивании и тд и тп, вот всем том, что классики так до людей донести и не смогли, потому что людь, он упертый, его б упертость, да в мирное русло. Есть там и немного про любовь, но похоже про любовь больше во второй книге будет, а в этой как раз про то, как легко искажаются факты и неверное понимаются люди и к чему это может привести. Вот такие у меня книжки про любовь)))) #AlbireoMKG #весна #март #белый_день #Howaito_day #White_day #spring #march #весна2023 #march2023 #march14 #твоемнение #твойвыбор #твоикниги #книгипролюбовь #JennyHan #SiobhanVivian #BurnforBurn #youngadult #девочкинакнижка #попутныйветер #ЕкатеринаГорбунова (at Бургас, България) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpxOq0YoTPF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mysecretsbooks · 6 years ago
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Tem resenha atualizada lá no blog! Depois de tantos anos finalmente reli Olho Por Olho e trouxe uma resenha muito melhor e mais certinha, mais um item das metas do ano para riscar da lista 🙌🏻 #book #books #livro #livros #MySecretBooks #bookstagram #bookblogger #booklove #livrododia #livroseleitura #bookish #bibliophile #booksofinstagram #igreads #OlhoPorOlho #JennyHan #SiobhanVivian #BurnForBurn https://www.instagram.com/p/By2cU0Xj5zr/?igshid=r46v4f893c1b
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theempressjai · 6 years ago
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My line up for #24in48. I have some audios lined up as well. I’ll post a collage of that soon. So far none of these have fun first lines. But the audio (The Heir, The Selection # 4) I started last night might have.... #lunarchronicles #cress #perksofbeingawallflower #grishaverse #siegeandstorm #jennyhan #burnforburn #nimona #theselectionseries
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not-she-who-wanders · 7 years ago
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Yesterday I finally found strawberry Pocky at Target and I bought one to try it . . . now I need MORE. It's so good!! 😁😁 Also, I've been watching a bunch of movies this week that I've been wanting to watch forever and I think tonight I'll watch "The Cove". I know for a fact it will make me MAD and EMOTIONAL as heck since I'm all about animal rights and sensitive to anything about animal cruelty, it makes me so upset! 😭😭 _ QOTD: What's your favorite fruit and animal?? _ #burnforburn #fangirl #lecrae #books #book #bookstagram #reading #reader #ireadYA #bookworm #bookstagrammer #bookish #bookblogger #booklover #instabook
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piinkii9 · 7 years ago
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m o r n i n g v i b e s ☀️
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pima813 · 7 years ago
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📚 #TheSummerITurnedPretty #ItsNotSummerWithoutYou #WellAlwaysHaveSummer #BurnForBurn #ToAllTheBoysIveLovedBefore #PSIStillLoveYou #AlwaysAndForeverLaraJean #JennyHan
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mealisson · 8 years ago
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Hoje chegaram os livros que me dei de aniversário! Foram O Código da Febre, Crees, As Crinicas de Bane, Rainha das Sombras, Half Wild, Olho Por Olho, Dente Por Dente e Fogo Contra Fogo! #cress #marissameyer #lunarchronicles #editorarocco #euleiorocco #ocodigodafebre #thefevercode #jamesdashner #mazerunner #plataforma21 #ascronicasdebane #thebanechronicles #cassandraclare #shadowhunters #galera #euleiogalera #rainhadassombras #queenofshadows #sarahjmass #throneofglass #halfwild #sallygreen #halfbad #euleiointrinseca #editoraintrinseca #olhoporolho #burnforburn #dentepordente #firewithfire #fogocontrafogo #ashestoashes #jennyhan #siobhanvivian #book #bookworm #bookstagram #toread #reviewoteca
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rpoli3 · 8 years ago
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"It's funny. I don't think boys even know how to hold a grudge." -Jenny Han & Siobhan Vivian, Burn for Burn - - - #bookquotes #books #amreading #quotes #jennyhan #burnforburn #siobhanvivian #bookstagram
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pagingserenity · 7 years ago
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QOTD: Do you like captions? My brain is a mess right now and obviously I can’t think of a good caption today. 😅 This is my second revenge related post in a week. I promise I’m not thinking of revenge or anything. To prove it, instead of #BurnforBurn let’s do comment for comment! Leave a MEANINGFUL comment and I’ll return the favor. 💕 -- I have an externship tomorrow and I’m seriously STRESSIN’. I have so much to do and I know I'll be too pooped to do anything productive when I get home. . ……………………….. . #lilcoverlove [friends] #bookishrandomthings [fictional friendship] #marchinbooks18 [book you would reread] #bookstagram #jennyhan #instabook #igreads #yabooks #yareads #bookphotography #siobhanvivian #reader #bookworm #bibliophile #booknerd #instabooks #book #bookstagramfeature #vscobooks #bookaddict #ireadya #youngadult http://ift.tt/2GjguAJ
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mysecretsbooks · 8 years ago
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Ainda não acredito que finalmente (depois de anos e anos de espera) tenho o último livro dessa trilogia incrível!!! Lembro que quando li o segundo livro a muitos anos atras eu fiquei surpreendida com o final... GENTE QUE FINAL FOI AQUELE?! Precisava urgente do terceiro livro kkkk Agora terei de reler a Trilogia porque já faz muitos anos que li e preciso lembrar de certas coisas 😋 #Books #livro #livros #instabooks #instalivros #lovebooks #amolivros #amoler #euamoler #MySecretBooks #bookshelf #estante #estantedelivros #booknerd #bookstagram #booklover #bookaholic #OlhoPorOlho #DentePorDente #FogoContraFogo #JennyHan #SiobhanVivian #AshesToAshes #BurnForBurn #FireWithFire
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not-she-who-wanders · 8 years ago
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I bought these limited edition Oreos because apparently they pop in your mouth and there's actually Pop Rocks in the filling! YES, THANK GOODNESS THEY EXIST 🙌🙌🙌 _ QOTD: What flavor of Oreos would you invent?? _ #oreos #burnforburn #jennyhan #BLACKPINK #books #book #bookstagram #reading #ireadYA #bookworm #instabook #epicreads #bookish #bookblogger
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xlost-in-literaturex-blog · 8 years ago
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leachandler · 9 years ago
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June TBR #sammyreadsjune16 #theretributionofmaradyer #burnforburn #mylifenextdoor #menanddogs
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thecitywriter-blog · 9 years ago
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•Books and Flowers• Since you’ve been gone has been sitting in my shelf for so long! I keep telling myself I’m going to read it and never do. The second book is Burn for Burn which I picked up at the library today. I’ve heard good things about it so hopefully I’ll want to continue the rest of the series. • •
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mila-ferreira · 8 years ago
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Comecei a leitura de "Olho por Olho", alguém já leu? Já vi muito comentário bom, por isso, estou curiosa e quero ver se gosto ou não. 📖📑📕📚 . #OlhoPorOlho #BurnForBurn #JennyHan #SiobhanVivian #Lendo #LeioNovoConceito #instabooks #instalivros #instalibros #bookstagram #livrosgram #books #livros #libros #bookslover #lovebooks #amoler #literatura #bookaholic #instaliterario #lerlivros #read #booktime #fotoscomlivros #pilhadelivros #blogliterario #blogueira #Booktuber #Blog #DeLivroEmLivro #DLL
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leavingourpapertrail · 9 years ago
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New books+new shoes😍 What are everyone's plans for this weekend? I'll be having friends over to play Cards Against Humanity and have lots of reading time planned! #bookstagram #firstlove #jamespatterson #cityofashes #cassandraclare #fallen #laurenkate #itsnotsummerwithoutyou #burnforburn #jennyhan #redhighheels #booknerd #bookhaul
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