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BurKem will always have my heart 💗
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#aşk 101#love 101#kaan urgancıoğlu#kaan urgancioğlu#pınar deniz#pinar deniz#burkem#burcu x kemal#my edit#my gif#gif#turkishedit
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levent yüksel - yeter ki onursuz olmasın aşk.
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It's been a hell of a year for you, darling! So, please answer any or all of the following, if you would?
End of the year Asks
Song of the year?
Album of the year?
Favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year?
Movie of the year?
TV show of the year?
Episode of tv or webisode that defined the year for you?
Favorite actor of the year?
Game of the year?
Best month for you this year?
Something that made you cry this year?
Something you want to do again next year?
Talk about a new friend you made this year
How was your birthday this year?
Favorite book you read this year?
What’s a bad habit you picked up this year?
Post a picture from the beginning of the year
Post a picture from the end of the year
A memorable meal this year?
What’re you excited about for next year?
What’s something you learned this year?
What’s something new about your place of residence (room, home, or general location) now vs the start of the year?
Favorite place you visited this year?
If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be?
Did you keep any New Year’s Resolutions?
Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one
Ooohhh thanks for the tag, my fabulous! 💜 @caffiend-queen
I'm woefully late but hey, last year was only last week...
End of the year Asks
Song of the year? Dinle Beni Bi' by Yüzyüzeyken Konuşuruz
Album of the year? Don't have one, maybe the Yargı soundtrack
Favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year? Can Ozan
Movie of the year? In Good Hands (Turkish: Sen Yaşamaya Bak)
TV show of the year? Notice I'm a little obsessed? Yargı!
Episode of tv or webisode that defined the year for you? Dunno
Favorite actor of the year? By far Kaan Urgancıoğlu
Game of the year? Dunno
Best month for you this year? Dunno
Something that made you cry this year? Our 9-year-old dog suddenly dying
Something you want to do again next year? Write fics
Talk about a new friend you made this year. I made lots of amazing new friends in the Yargı fandom
How was your birthday this year? Same as always
Favorite book you read this year? Can't decide!
What’s a bad habit you picked up this year? Dunno
Post a picture from the beginning of the year.
Post a picture from the end of the year.
A memorable meal this year? B'day cake ordered from a nearby hotel
What’re you excited about for next year? More Yargı
What’s something you learned this year? Started learning Turkish.
What’s something new about your place of residence (room, home, or general location) now vs the start of the year? Fixed a glass roof for the rooftop terrace and now I love going there even more.
Favorite place you visited this year? Um, nowhere really.
If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be? Brace yourself for family health problems.
Did you keep any New Year’s Resolutions? Nope.
Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one. I started writing IlCey and BurKem fanfiction so I guess I created my versions of these show characters.
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Ltj burkem
This song got me through Covid lockdown 1. As I spent so much time alone on the winter cliffs near my mums old house.
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Satılık köpek fiyatları
Satılık köpek fiyatları hakkında detaylı bilgiler.
Siz de satılık köpek fiyatları hakkında detaylı bilgi almak istiyorsanız yada sevdiğiniz ırk hakkında bilgilere ulaşmak istiyorsanız hemen bursa köpek eğitim merkezi sayfasını ziyaret edin. Bu sayfada ırklar hakkında bütün bilgilere anında ulaşabilir ve ırklar hakkında merak ettiğiniz herşeyi öğrenebilirsiniz. Yavru köpek fiyatları en doğru bilgilere buradan ulaşabilirsiniz. Köpek fiyatları ve daha fazlası için siz de sayfamıza ziyaret edin. Burkem yavru satışı yanı sıra köpek eğitimi konusunda da alanında uzman arkadaşlarla çalışmaktadır. Eğitmen arkadaşlarımız ile görüşüp köpek eğitimi hakkında detaylı bilgi de sahip olabilirsiniz. https://www.bursakopekegitim.com/
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Hadi bakalım... Yarışmacı arkadaşlara başarılar... #dostk9 #erkandisoglu #kopegimiegitiyorum #trtokul #kopek#kopekegitimi #sable #dsh #germanshepherd #hundetraining #hundeausbildung #hunde #yarısma #avkıf #alianz #alianztürkiye #workingdog #worlddog #sportdog #sporthund #bursa #burkem #köpekeğitimi #kopek #dog #köpek #dogs #köpekeğitmeni #dogtraining #dogsofinstagram #dog #goldenretriever #mama #sokakcanlari #hayvansever #instadog #köpekler #dogtrainer #köpek #dogstagram #hayvanlaralemi #doglover #dogs #pets #petotel #animals #köpekpansiyonu #köpekaşkı #pet #köpeksevgisi https://www.instagram.com/p/BwTgAOGHRpS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=148e1p72f9149
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#MeToo運動の創始者、タラナ・バーク(44)さんの容姿がこちらwwwwww (※画像あり)
1:風吹けば名無し:2018/03/10(土) 00:45:11.86 ID:YuUnH9eU0.net Tarana Burke,Me too, c’est elle https://humanite.fr/tarana-burkeme-too-cest-elle-651698 3:風吹けば名無し:2018/03/10(土) 00:45:53.34 ID:BKquzJzG0.net これは女か 4:風吹けば名無し:2018/03/10(土) 00:45:59.44 ID:aXskYDLNd.net !? 5:風吹けば名無し:2018/03/10(土) 00:46:22.03 ID:AgNm7ijz0.net エッッッッッッッ (more…)
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1: 風吹けば名無し 2018/03/09(金) 08:07:59.41 ID:i75v175G0.net
Tarana Burke,Me too, c’est elle https://humanite.fr/tarana-burkeme-too-cest-elle-651698
セクハラや性暴力を告発する「#MeToo(私も)」 始まったのは10年前の黒人女性の”勇気”から。実はこのハッシュタグができ��10年前に、「Me Tooムーヴメント」を作った女性がいた。
その女性は、青年団体「Just Be Inc」の設立者タラナ・バークさん。バークさんは2007年に、MeToo キャンペーンを始めた。 (HUFPOST)
2: 風吹けば名無し 2018/03/09(金) 08:08:09.93 ID:i75v175G0.net
動画 https://www.yo…
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Člověk, který byl v roce 2011 vyhlášen za nejvíc sexy muže světa. Také to je vynikající herec, zpěvák či tanečník. Ke vši smůle všem jeho fanynkám, jedn�� se o gaye. Dnešní článek nebude o nikom jiném, než-li o Mattu Bomerovi.
Mattew Staton Bomer již od útlého dětství snil o tom, že se jednou stane hercem. Již v jeho 8 letech řekl své mamce, aby mu našla vlastního agenta. Ta mu však odvětila, aby si jej nalezl sám, a tak i učinil. To mu však kariéru nerozjelo. Po dostudování vysoké školy Carnegie Mellon v Pensylvánii, se přestěhoval do New Yorku, kde hrál v divadle. Vše se změnilo ve chvíli, kdy dostal hlavní roli v seriálu Guiding Light. Od té doby jsme ho mohli spatřit ve filmech jako: Texaský masakr motorovou pilou, Vyměřený čas nebo Bez kalhot. Avšak pro nás nejdůležitější rolí je hlavní postava Neala Caffreyho v seriálu Ve službách FBI.
Pro ty z Vás, který tento seriál ještě neviděli, rozhodně tak učiňte. Jedná se o seriál prokládaný dobrým humorem, zajímavými případy, dobrými citáty či akčními chvilkami. Zde si Matt Bomer zahrál hlavní roli Neala Caffreyho, zloděje a padělatele umění. Ten však po chycení agentem FBI Peterem Burkem, se dal na součinnost s FBI a společně řeší různé případy a také jeho osobní život z minulosti. Zde se však tvůrci seriálů vyřádili. Obzvláště co se šatníku týče. Hlavní postavu vídáme neustále oblečenou v oblecích a klasicky celý outfit obohacený o klobouk. Na to se však podíváme zblízka níže.
Móda dle Matta
Matta obvykle vidíme v konzervativnějším outfitu. Obvykle nosí obleky v klasickém triu barev: černé, modré nebo šedivé barvy. Nejčastěji značky: Paul Smith, Canali či Hackett. Nevyžívá se moc v extravaganci. Avšak na doplňky také nezapomíná. V kapsičce nosí vždycky suprově sladěný kapesníček s košilí a zbytkem doplňků. Také má v oblibě spony na kravaty, které dnes moc lidí bohužel moc nenosí. Celý tento outfit doplňuje kloboukem ve fedora tvaru. Pokud něco Mattovi závidím, tak to že mu klobouky náramně sedí k jeho stylu i tvaru hlavy. Pokud tedy hledáte inspiraci na pracovní schůzky či formálnější společenské akce, Matt by vám měl být příkladem.
Co se týče volnočasového oblečení, zde je Matt také bezchybný. Vždy ho můžeme spatřit elegantně oblečeného. Často ladí džíny s polotričkem. Trika volí nejčastěji jednobarevné bez vzorů. Rozhodně má smysl pro detail a celý outfit podtrhne jednoduchostí. My rozhodně nemůžeme Mattovi cokoli vytknout. Jeho styl oblékání je velice inspirativní a jednoznačně dává velký důraz na svůj styl. Myslím si, že bychom u něj těžko hledali sebemenší chyby. To však můžete sami zhodnotit podle fotek.
Fashion článek – Matt Bomer Člověk, který byl v roce 2011 vyhlášen za nejvíc sexy muže světa. Také to je vynikající herec, zpěvák či tanečník.
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#kaan urgancıoğlu#kaan urgancioğlu#pınar deniz#aşk 101#love 101#burcu x kemal#kemal x burcu#burkem#my edit#my video#video#turkishedit
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1: 2018/03/09(金) 07:21:04.52 ID:ZUiJrOKm0 BE:871635759-2BP(1500) sssp://img.5ch.net/ico/nida.gif Tarana Burke,Me too, c’est elle https://humanite.fr/tarana-burkeme-too-cest-elle-651698
動画 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkfpqGWzHCE#t=37s
引用元: http://maguro.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/poverty/1520547664/
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