#burger heater
ERANYA street food 怡然缘加热汉堡饼底机器直立汉堡机链式汉堡炉真空腌制机腌肉机腌菜机 ERANYA hamburger hea...
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stumblngrumbl · 3 months
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waiting for the griddle to get hotter than the day has been
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vibingpyro · 7 months
General Hobie Headcanons!
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-He definitely carries a penny in his pockets just so he can use, "Penny for your thoughts?"
-Has the randomest shit in his pockets. Crumbled pieces of paper? Check. An half eaten bag of chips he was saving for later? Yep. Turning those tiny crumbled pieces of paper into balls to toss at Miguel when he isn't looking? You betcha.
-Snacks non stop yet gains nothing. He would be wandering around HQ bored as hell and eating his chips in one sitting, then eat a burger, then drink an soda in like ten minutes and still be hungry. He would stare into your soul while refilling his soda in a water cup down at the spider cafeteria.
-Hobie just has the warmest hands. He's a heater, so he gets warm very easily so him wearing crop tops and tanks should be expected frequently, I see this man just chilling in his boxers briefs at his place, absolutely miserable in the heat and only giving one word hums or grunts in response to anything he's asked.
-He has stabbed himself with his pins on more than one occasion. He switches out his pins depending on the day, but he has some sentimental ones that he refuses to take off. "Ova' my dead body, more like."
-definitely has a weird sense of humor and talks to himself on the daily, although most of it might be late night delirium because he is for sure a night owl. "Is darkness just the lack of light or is light the lack of darkness?" A pause..then a whispered continuation. "Am I just darkness with the lack of light???" Proceeds to stare at his hands as if they personally wronged him.
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seat-safety-switch · 2 months
Movies make nitrous oxide seem so much more exciting than it really is. Green exhaust flames, super blurry vision, cars that instantly do wheelies and jump drawbridges. Completely rad. If nitrous oxide was so cool, I ask Hollywood, then why does my dentist have a whole bunch of it? The truth of the matter is that nitrous oxide has one hell of a lot of marketing goodwill, built on the dreams of every broke-ass drag racer on the planet.
First, a primer: cars run on oxygen and fuel. As anyone who's run up a hill can tell you, there's only so much air in the air that you can breathe, and there is basically an infinity of Burger King Whoppers you can practically eat. It's not fair, so we have to make it more fair.
There's ways to compress the air, and cram more of it into the engine. Then we can eat more Whoppers – I mean fuel – and make more power. We've all heard of miraculous mechanical devices for adding air, such as turbos and superchargers, but those cost a lot of money and involve complex fabrication. Nitrous oxide, a gas that we get from whales or some shit, accomplishes the same goal just by being sprayed into the engine.
It's sort of like if you gave an asthma inhaler to a Tour de France bicycle dude. He'd go a lot faster for a few seconds until and unless his heart explodes. Or maybe not. Don't get medical advice from me. Treat your captive Tour de France bicycle dudes like you yourself would want to be treated (and for the love of Pete, get them spayed or neutered if you let them outside.)
Hollywood has largely failed to make the intricacies of nitrous, such as not being able to afford filling an entire bottle with today's prices, into a compelling narrative. The sequel to Two Lane Blacktop was never approved because the middle 40 minutes of the film consists of the two of them digging through a half-abandoned parts store looking for the exact AN fitting they need for the fuel system. That's not how you win even a soundtrack Oscar. So instead, they do this crazy movie shit, which in turn makes a lot of other people buy nitrous setups. They want to be like the famous movie star Mr. Bean.
I'm not asking for perfect realism, here, folks. All I want is the occasional admission that sometimes you forget to turn on your bottle heater before making a pass.
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chai-berries · 9 months
post club partying and you’re at a diner, tipsy and love drunk, messily inhaling a cheese burger and fries while abby devours hers with a little more manners. she’s not as drunk as you and spends most of her time smiling at your drunk swaying/dancing to the overhead radio as you munch on your burger, holding it with two hands, elbows tucked into your side like a child. you’re blasted.
the two of you are sharing a blackberry milkshake with one straw because according to you it’s “better for the environment”
there’s a few other customers but only one waitress, who like every waitress in a small diner, is a 50 year old lesbian with a dry sense of humor. she hums in amusement when she first takes your order. you were oblivious to her, your hands playing with abby’s left one and your eyes locked onto abby’s face, smiling adoringly at her. the blonde hands the waitress the menus with her free right hand, ordering the basic diner meal and of course the blackberry shake with a passionate “one straw please!” coming from you though your eyes never leave her face
when the waitress brings the check, abby has moved to your side of the table. you’re tucked into her side, sucking the last of the blackberry milkshake aka 99% of the seeds through the straw. the waitress places the check next to abby’s plate with a pen.
“you two are too cute,” the waitress says as soft as you can after years of smoking cheap cigs. “it’s nice to see the young ones doing so well. goodnight sweethearts”
and with abby’s strength, a lot of patience, and your sudden burst of energy, you successfully make it back to the car and tucked into the passenger seat. she starts the car, making sure the seat heater is on before you even ask. she snags a sweatshirt from the back and places it over your legs as a blanket. when she pulls out of the dark parking lot where the only light comes from the windows and single sign of the diner, she takes one last glance at your cute sleepy face until it gets too dark to see before driving your drunk ass home <3
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honey-minded-hivemind · 7 months
Platonic Yandere Wolverine and teen reader
Okay, @yanderefangirl ! Just, general headcanons, or a drabble, or scenario? I'll go with...headcanons:
• Wolverine is the sort of guy who'd see any teenager (especially one with an odd mutation) and adopt them on sight. That is one of the few things that almost every X-Men media gets right/keeps
• Reader likely is at the Institute, because how else would they meet him (unless he rescued them or met them if they were both from Wepaon X)?
•This man may not hug much, but if the weather is cold and/or he and Reader are stuck out in the cold wilds of Canada on a mission, he will use himself as a personal space heater for them (and the other mutant kids). Would be the sort to on a regular day to bundle them up in a jacket or sweater so they don't get a cold or the flu. He may be immune to diseases and ailments, but his kid isn't, so he's going to do everything he can to keep then healthy
• Reader cooks him dinner once, and now he can't get enough. He will have cook-outs with them, seeing who can cook the best steaks, burgers, fish, shrimp, salmon, chicken, turkey, porkchops, lambchops, mutton, tenderloin, you name it, and he and Reader taste-test what the other makes. And the other X-Men don't mind, as they get to eat whatever those two don't (they make a lot of food, and the teens and adults will fight over who gets to eat the best bits )
• Reader mentions problems with a bully a few times, and because he doesn't stand brats hurting his kids, he pays them a visit... Suffice to say, they leave Reader alone after that
• Sometimes he spies on Reader and the others. He knows that it would be called overreacting, but there are bad people out there, who'd gladly hurt the kids for being mutants or for being near him. He's not having any of that, and the few times he catches any creeps, bigots, or even once an agent, he deals with them permanently as long as none of the kids can see him (The Professor knows about these, as Logan tells him, but the Professor doesn't stop him)
• If Reader wanted or tried to leave, Logan is adamant they stay. They don't need to leave, they're young, impressionable, and there are people out there who would break them until there wasn't anything left. If they're still insistent (or sneak out) he's putting them under house arrest. He loves them, like he loves all his kids, but he can't lose them. He can't. And if that means he has to keep them bound to the Institute, then so be it.
• All in all, the guy's is a papa wolf/mama bear. Mess with his kid, you'll wish you hadn't, hurt their feelings, you'll get hurt, and if you so much as look at them inappropriately, he'll make sure that he and his claws are the last thing they EVER see...
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tmnt-tychou · 10 months
Bayverse Headcanon - Intimacy
As usual, they are adult age when referring to them in this headcanon. The Bayverse boys are always at least mid 20's in my head.
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Raph is the “What do you want me to do to you?” type of partner. He is Burger King and he is taking orders so you can Have It Your Way. He loves to give in the bedroom and he loves to get feedback that he's doing a good job and that his partner is enjoying what he's doing. He will still get his in the end, but he will happily go all night first, making sure the one he is with is thoroughly satisfied with his performance.
If you turn the tables on him, if you ask him to sit back while you give him love, you are going to blow his little turtle mind. And if you blow other things in the bedroom, he will follow you around like a love-sick puppy for days after. He is a big cuddler and is so nice and warm to sleep with on cold winter nights. And an absolute heater in the summer. In the height of summer heat, he will complain that you don't want to cuddle, even if you both get super sweaty because of it. If it's too hot for proper cuddles, if you put a hand and/or a leg on him while you sleep, he will be satisfied. But you'll probably still wake up drenched in sweat with a massive, hot turtle wrapped around you.
He isn't very good at post-coital pillow talk. Especially talking about himself and his feelings. It may take a few times before you can start coaxing the real stuff out of him. And you will need to be patient. Lay quietly next to him for a while after asking a question and give him proper time to form an answer. He appreciates patience and the silent moments in between.
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Donatello probably has the lowest sex drive of the four turtles. He's a little bit ace and doesn't need sexual satisfaction all the time. Sometimes too much physical and sexual stimulation overwhelms him, especially at the beginning where he's getting used to being manhandled on the regular. He's hypersensitive to physical touch so be gentle with him at first until he acclimates to having an intimate partner.
But that doesn't mean he doesn't want to be near you, share with you, touch you. He wants to be close and interact with you all the time, he just doesn't need quality time with you to involve sex. If he does have a partner with a much higher libido, he can work his way up to it if you give him some time to adjust. Having a regular sex schedule will do wonders in getting him in the mood more often. If you miss one of your scheduled days, he may even go looking for you.
Donnie needs both physical and mental intimacy from a partner. He is big on communication and is always open to anything you want to talk about concerning the relationship. You can ask him what he likes or ask questions about his body and he is happy to respond with all the information. And he hopes he can ask the same things of you and continue with healthy and open conversations.
Donnie gets super chatty afterwards. He's got all the happy hormones swimming around and he's just feeling good. He wants to tell you about every little thought in his head. If you've got him under a starry sky, it's going to get really deep and philosophical. If you're alone in a bedroom, it will be soft, affectionate pillow talk. Either way, he just wants to talk to you. After your bodies were so close, he wants your minds to also be as close.
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If you're intimate with Mikey, you're intimate with Raph, because he tells his brother EVERYTHING. More than he ever wanted to know. Raphael knows all about your scars and birthmarks, favorite positions, and that thing you did that one time that really blew his brother's mind. So when you're dating Mikey, get used to knowing looks from Raphael. Maybe even a humorous smirk or two. Unfortunately, you will not be able to get Mikey to stop sharing. He is having such a great time with you he has to tell somebody and that somebody is usually Raphael. Mikey is a very intuitive partner. He checks in often to see if the one he's with is enjoying themselves. It's very important to him that his partner is having a good time and he's good at matching energy with energy in bed. If his partner is suddenly not into it, it crashes his libido. He will want to stop and talk about what happened and what he can do to make you feel better.
He is a firm believer that sex should be fun and enjoyed by both participants. He likes to talk a lot and laugh and joke during intimacy. He gives words of affirmation that he's into you, that he finds you so attractive, that he's enjoying himself. He wants to get the same back in return. He will try anything once. You can speak openly to him about things you want to try or any erotic fantasies you have. He also wants to know what your boundaries are and anything you're not into. He wants to make sure quality intimate time with him is always a good experience and he loves having a healthy sex life full of fun and communication.
He's very much a 50/50 partner. He loves to give, but he also wants to receive in kind. Having a “pillow princess” type partner who lays back and makes him do all the work will not satisfy him for long. He wants an active lover who is into it as much as he is. Someone who matches the energy he brings. He needs to be touched and held and loved on just as much as he wants to touch and hold and love on you.
Also, post-coital snack time will be a regular thing. Hope you're okay with crumbs in the bed.
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Leonardo is a tough nut to crack when it comes to intimacy. He is definitely a 'friends before lovers' type of person. He has to have complete trust in a partner and will open up to them first emotionally before he will ever let them get close to him physically intimately. It takes him a while to allow your touch and even a while after to fully be used to it. But then he will start seeking it out and do more initiating. When he sees you as his, he will pull you into his space more and show you his world.
In the bedroom, he will be experimental at first to figure out what you like. Then, it's going to get pretty predictable. While Leonardo doesn't mind doing all the work—in fact he will work you over every time like it's his job—it will always be the same moves in the same order. Because he knows they are moves you like. But if you also like a little variety and spontaneity in the bedroom, you're going to have to have a discussion with him. Also, he will very much follow your lead. If you start trying new things or being spontaneous, you can inspire him to do the same. And though he will never ask for it, he will be absolutely thrilled if you take over every now and then and love on him.
Leo is one of the guys who will fall asleep on you right after the sexy times. Usually because he's worked hard and physical stimulation is a lot for him. Also, a good orgasm makes him sleepy and you are very soft, warm, and cozy. If you want him to stay up for some pillow talk, you'll need to catch him before he drifts off. And even then, if you talk for too long, you might look over and find a sleeping turtle.
How Mutant Turtle Bodies Work
This headcanon is something that changes from time to time depending on my mood and playing with different ideas. This is what is currently my favorite at the moment of writing this and I certainly don't mind if it doesn't align with yours.
Their genitals are kept inside their shells in a cloaca, but can be dropped or released at will. When they are inside their shells, you can finger and even penetrate them, but you should be gentle. They find it to be very pleasurable, though the attitudes about being penetrated vary from turtle to turtle. Once they are out of their shells, however, you have lost your chance to penetrate them until they release and go back inside. They can get hard and even orgasm while still in their shells. But once they are erect and have dropped from their shells, they can't pull back in until sexual release. Testicles remain in the body at all times and are never visible.
For regular turtles, the genitals are kept in the tail. For mutant turtles, this of course has changed. But they still have a pseudo slit in the tail that's very sensitive. They enjoy having their tail played with: stroked, licked or fingered. They can orgasm from just tail play alone and it can be very intense if you work them just right.
Regular turtles are also known for making a lot of noise during mating and the instinct is there for our boys to be noisy during sexy times. They fight it to varying degrees, depending on the turtle. Some prefer not to be loud and some don't really care how loud they are. You'll get a lot of whines and squeaks from them if you're the one giving them pleasure. (Some turtles will deny it, but they totally squeaked at you.) Of course, the beloved turtle churrs. This comes out more when they're being the dominant ones. Though unlike the purr-like sounds of a contented churr during snuggles, sexually aroused churrs have a bit more of a deeper growl to them.
They can get high off their own post-coital hormones. But it's usually after an intense sexy-times session where their pleasure was the main focus. And probably at least one intense tail-related orgasm. Afterward, they are absolutely useless. Completely stoned on feel-good chemicals, they are just big blobs of snuggly, fluffy turtle. If they try to put sentences together, it's funny as hell. But mostly, they just want to snuggle and nap. They WILL lay on top of you so you can't go anywhere while they sleep off the sexy times.
Tag list:
@thelaundrybitch @leosgirl82 @dilucsflame33 @happymoonangel
@fluffytriceratops @thepinkpanther83 @yorshie @yamanekomono
@androidships007 @raphsmuneca @silversunskyless
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randomfoggytiger · 20 days
"It's Not a Choice, but a Calling"
(Thanks to the Discord prompts for: beach, sickfic, family vacation with William, and Scully wearing Mulder's shirt~)
Mulder, Scully, a nameless child, and their last night at a beach.
The world, for once, is silent. 
The horizon separates its light from its dark, the cool, pristine black of the water rising up to consume the last embers of a dying sun. Shadows scurry across the shore while a curious giant explores the chasms of life below-- a finger poked here, a foot kicked there-- and its watchers rise behind like pillars in the dusk. 
In this celestial space between endless lines and the end of all things, paths stretching forward become another frightening possibility. Another road not traveled, another tragedy undiscovered. Every moon bears a face of the dead, every whistle an echo of their pain. 
“Scully, if,” breathes, dies the first voice, consumed by the power of that fathomless darkness.
“Hm,” answers the second. Stronger, coming alive from the stupor of old thoughts. “No, Mulder. Not a day.” 
The sun is consumed; and the stars blaze light, illuminated. 
The cold stays by their heels, misting their windows and guttering their fire. Scully consults the old magic, silently searching for a lighter while Mulder winds up the stairs and to the left, tucks away their tuckered miracle with a chilly kiss and silent retreat. Tomorrow, they face a drive littered with pit stops: burgers and fries and sunburn salve bought and consumed between each pull-off highway shop. For now, she prays that the logs will ignite, hopes to spend one more night surrounded by homestead incense instead of the dry burn of artificial heat. 
Her one-in-five-billion reappears, face drawn in nonchalance, heater clutched in his left hand. He pauses, she pauses. “You wanted the fire tonight?” 
“Yes,” Scully replies, tossing the wand somewhere conscionable, “but it won’t start, anyway.” Standing, she watches her partner bend at the waist, fiddle with ancient dials nearly rusted into antiquity. “Why? Is your cough back?” 
“No,” Mulder drawls, warm and preoccupied. “Just feeling a little mucusy.” 
“I see.” 
“Thought I’d take it a little easy, tonight,” he adds, eyes down, ashamed to admit weakness. To come close to admitting weakness. 
There are days, she knows, when it is impossible to face one’s frailties. When the sound of the bath tap makes her want to run, run, run away until that paralyzing fear is gone. When she catches a glimpse of her inescapable horror in the mirror. When her panic is mirrored by Mulder’s slack face or shaking hands. 
Gripping his shoulder, she bends, too. “We don’t need the fire tonight.” Watches an exhale plume from his mouth in relief.
There is nothing much to watch, and nothing left to read. 
Scully leaves him on the couch, darting from room to room until she finds her potion jar and a pair of long, woven socks. “For your mucus,” she instructs, pulling at Mulder’s shirt until he hands it over, disappointing him by transferring the goop on her fingertips to his. Divesting him of his beach sandals, she sets to work slathering the fleshy part of one foot, then the other, with Vick’s while Mulder sniffs, then snorts, behind her. “Don’t eat it.”
“Unlike our kid, Scully, I learn from my mistakes.” 
“Uh huh,” she parries, without bite. The marvel of this body, she muses. Protecting him from callouses, rot, and infection, no matter how he abuses it. 
“Scully, I can feel you thumbing my big toe.” His eyebrows, she knows, are dancing wickedly. “There something you want to share with the group?” 
Thumbing his foot once more, in reproof, Scully's too late to catch her chin tuck. She feels his triumphant chuckle tremor down before she hears it-- an all-too-rare shaking followed by its squeaky wheeze.
The floor is still chilly, the stones cold under her cold-blooded limbs. Expediency dictates that Scully cover Mulder’s feet with his socks and reclaim her perch on the couch. The old, haunting clock of an older, daunting age ticks in time with her movements, ringing out the hour once she's settled against her personal heater. 
Mulder holds out a hand for his shirt; but she curls defensively, triumphantly, away from his reach while slipping it over her head. “Wh-- hey,” he grins, charmed by her blatant thievery, “that’s my shirt.”
“My favorite t-shirt.” 
“Mm,” Scully hums, lazily blinking at his side grin and crinkled lines. At the razed haircut he’d wanted before they came here. At the path in his eyes she’d tumbled down, countless times, to his heart. “You’ll get Vick’s on it.” At his furrowed brows as he remembers her cure-all on his chest. 
Sighing with a smile under his breath, Mulder maneuvers her between the couch and his restless limbs, luring her past her protests by generously sharing heat. “I don’t think it’ll mind, Scully.” 
Dawn will ultimately claim the dark, sending its shadows to wait in their corners, beaming upon its victims with a little word called hope. 
In a few hours, the heater will switch off and the house will whirl with final checks and final feasting. 
But, for now, all that is needed are dreams.
Thanks for reading~ Enjoy!
Tagging @today-in-fic, @illaisland, @agent-troi.
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gashotbox · 11 months
I was on a long, as in 5-6 hour days, car ride this weekend and only ate garbage from fast-food places and gasdtations the whole time the whole time. I had the whole backseat to myself and spent the whole ride stuffing my face with my leg cocked up, blasting the most rancid, hot farts into the car. they were so wet and bubbly, and the smell was enough to make my friends eyes water (not that they were entirely innocent, they had plenty of gas themselves). on the way home, we pulled into a drivethru, just to tie us over. naturally, I ordered the chilli cheese fries, a double bacon burger, and a large milkshake. about halfway through the meal, my stomach began to protest, loudly. I began to let out these hissing, silent farts the smelled like absolute death. It was too cold outside to roll down the windows, and the heat was on full blast, so the car was muggy to say the l
car hotboxing .. i’m fucking frothing at the mouth🥴 that meal ??? just thinking about how ruined your stomach mustve been is making me blush. and all three of you trapped in a car ripping ass together, heater on full blast? i know the windows were steaming ..
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Wow, I didin't know you write for 2ptalia! Not complaining tho, how would the countries (just pick your faves) react to darling choosing their 2p counterpart over them? And what will they do in retaliation to being the unchosen one?
Me: Gets 98% writing only to realize I answered it backwards. hahahahahhhh.  So here a twofer. Reader being rejecting both original and 2p! Hope you guys enjoy! 
2p America: How much Fall flavored shit do you need woman? *Shows pack of Pumpkin Jojo’s, Pumpkin pie flavored Oreo’s, and Caramel Apple creamer* Also the fuck is so funny? 
Me: Roast post. 
2p America: What? 
Me: Shut up and laugh dammit! *throws notebook that ask was written in* 
Characters: America (Obivious as fuck I’d pick him), Canada, England, Germany, Italy, Japan, and Russia. 
🍔🇺🇸America 🍔🇺🇸 “WHAAAAAAAT? YOU’RE INTO A MAN WHO’D RATHER FUCK HIS NAILY BAT?!?! HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND? ARE YOU CRAZY?” He shouts into the early evening air. He was so loud with that last remark that it took a few moments for passersby to look away from you. 
“Alfred! Please keep your voice down! And please release your grip on my arm!” You shrug away harshly to keep space between the two of you. You disliked that he was spouting nonsense. 
“Y/N, please….” You avoid his eyes; you know they were a honey-laced trapped that you knew plenty of unsuspecting people fell for. 
“I’m sorry, Alfred, but he and I work better together and I don’t have to explain that.” Voice was shaky but you knew you’d be away from him soon. Still avoiding his gaze you say ‘Good-Bye’. 
After you’ve left him to be alone with his raw feelings, he will go punch a few brick walls to let off some steam. 
He’s going to go home and ugly cry and eat Half-Baked while he’s half-baked himself making him whole again after a few months pass. 
(Damn reader, you a savage, we now have a sad burger man.)
🕶️🇺🇸2p America 🇺🇸🕶️: “SERIOUSLY DOLL? You go for a man whose entire fucking shtick is eating a shitload of burgers! That bitch wants to be Nikocado Avacado so bad!” 
He’s grinning his teeth. The fury radiated off of him like a heater. He’s gripping the phone so tightly that small indents are beginning to form. He wasn’t interested in prolonging his suffering so he hung up in your face before you even had a chance to try and placate him. The phone meets its demise. The titanium, metal, and nanotech that once resembled a black brick now resembled black sand of sorts. 
He goes out drinking and partying for the night. Why not be hedonistic to high hell if he doesn’t have you? 
He complains about you to others in the FACE family, saying things like: What was there not for them to like about the blood-dusted roses? They show devotion and dedication or whatever bullshit Oliver was on about!
Oliver: “I heard that, you ungrateful tosser! Pay up in the swear jar!” 
Alex: “Fuck yo-” A knife nails his leg and he wails out in pain. 
He ain’t giving up though he’s going to attempt time and time again to get the McDumbass away from you and into his arms. 
🍁🇨🇦🐻‍❄️Canada🐻‍❄️🇨🇦🍁: Most of you reading this post already know he’s going to cry. 
You were kind enough to let him down gently when you video-chatted him. “I’m sorry, Matthew. I’m just really feeling this other guy and I do it with sincerity that you find someone who suits you.” The pregnant silence was deafening but nothing compared to the pipes behind his violet orbs about to burst. He said, “Okay, farewell, Y/N. I hope you and Matthieu will be happy” before he ended the call.  God, that was a cursed sentence. The pipe had burst and tears spilled through his darkened lavender pools. It takes him about 45-minutes to get off the floor and he opens his Tim Horton’s app and gets a hot chocolate with extra whipped cream and a few Canadian maple and honey crullers. Once it’s delivered, he will devour his meal and sink onto the couch, watching whatever random thing he’s put on Netflix. All while soaking the couch in his copious amounts of tear-soaked Kleenex.  
He’s going to stress-bake pastries while listening to some podcasts to do his best not to think about it. 
He’s also going to turn off his phone intentionally and put it in a phone jail for 78 hours so he doesn’t accidentally waste 5 hours looking at your cute face and the man that has always gotten in his way ever since he came into existence. 
🐻🇨🇦2p Canada 🇨🇦🐻: 
His right eye twitched in frustration over the text message being the only thing he got. His anger swelled the more he thought about it. It was like a boiling pot of water that went from a mildly active simmer to raging waters supported by the heat of a recently awoken volcano. He snuffs out his 4th cigarette, only halfway done and just thinking about his sickly sweet 1p receiving your attention and love. 
He gets crossfaded for the night, so he can numb the stinging pain of rejection. Once he’s done with being on his drug and booze-filled bender he’s going to get to plotting to get you back. 
Even Kuro was high-key annoyed that the snow-colored bear also had your affection. An aggravated growl leaves the beast as his owner reassures him that in time: you will be with them… permanently.   
☕️🫖🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿England🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🫖☕️: He’s in his tea room drinking scalding hot Earl Grey. The burn on his tongue felt better than the rejection he received. You picked the pastel palette psychopath with cannibalistic tendencies. 
‘Why y/n why? Why in the world would you want to date that Nutter? Is it because I can’t cook for shit?’ Will be some of the thoughts that echo around in his mind as he blankly stares at his tea until the early hours of the morning. 
‘Dodgy Oliver’ ‘What the fuck?’ ‘Bloody hell, has the world gone mad!?’
He considers making a love potion to make you love him. (Since this is the normal 1p we’re talking about Arthur’s code of ethics hasn’t been entirely yeeted out the door.) 
He will lurk on your social media profiles for a couple of weeks before he picks himself back up again.  🧁🎀☠️ 2p England ☠️🎀🧁 Mans has been sitting in his elegant pastel library while rage, sadness and disgust are spilling from his eyes. His heart crumbled into his stomach. When his shiny bright baby blues darkened in hue after reading your text he couldn’t help it. “Hey Oliver…. I know this will be difficult to read but I’ve decided that I’m going to be exclusive with Arthur. I really do hope you can find someone for you. Goodbye.” After a few minutes of letting the river flow onto the desk and pages of his prized cookbooks his mind wonder about how you came to the conclusion to go steady with Arthur. Were you daft? Were you under a spell? Did Arthur trick you? Regardless, Oliver was beginning to crave a special sweet treat that will require him to pay the tsundere British man a visit.
💪🇩🇪 Germany 🇩🇪💪: He’s going to be dumbfounded that you picked Lutz. Like bro has to stare at his phone for 5 full minutes re-reading your text. He tries to make scientific sense of how in fuck you came to the conclusion to like Lutz. After this, he’s just going to curse in his mind for a few hours while he pets his German Shepards while he has maybe a dozen or so cold ones. Ludwig will stare into the void and be like ‘WARUM!?! Auf keinen Fall! Das gibt’s doch nicht!’ 
No matter what, it will never make sense to him. He will be despondent for a while but with the help of Prussia, Italy, and Japan (and his two favorite things Beer and Schnitzel) he’ll be fine. 
You live rent-free in the back of his mind though. While ‘Why for the love of god would you pick someone like him?’ 
💤😴2p Germany😴💤While staring at the screen with bloodshot eyes…he won’t shed a tear, whine, or break things to let out his frustrations. He does nothing. He knows it’s not worth it. He knows he’s not what many would call a “catch”. Sure he has a rugged charm of sorts but that doesn’t mean it makes up for his mentally unwell state of working for Luciano. He will simply stare at the text message that read: 
Hey Lutz, I think it’s best that we just be friends. Ludwig and I are going steady. I just wanted to be transparent with you. I’m sorry.
Even as empty as the words felt, he stared at them with a mixture of regret, sadness, and self-pity. After a while, he releases the phone to fall onto the bed. Well, if there’s nothing he can do, he may as well just jerk it to someone who looks like you. 
🍝🇮🇹Italy🇮🇹🍝 Let's be real he takes your rejection like a champ. He'd been rejected by tons of people before. He’s a professional flirter what do you expect? He’ll go to another bar and snag more bitches. 
This doesn’t mean that later he’s going to realize: WHY ARE YOU DATING A DANGEROUS MAN???????
(Yes, I took this angle for him. Feliciano can be baby but ooooooh lawd he can be a player. He got that 🌟✨duality✨🌟)
🔪🇮🇹2p Italy🇮🇹🔪: His favorite switchblade is tossed back and forth like an acrobat during a finale. Rage is spilling through his pores. His ears burn as honesty comes spilling from you. 
“Maybe it’s best if we can be friends. I’m romantically intertwined with Feliciano and he’s a really sweet guy and I have to take a chance with him.” Your honesty was charming just as it was brutal. It was horrible for him to think about losing you. Your melodic voice was like hearing a live chorus from the musical Baroque of the 1600s. His dream of having you with him was shattered by the idiotia constantly waving a white flag. He stabs the right arm of the chair that he was seated in and drags the knife backward. Cotton and alligator leather were ruined in the blades' wake. 
He was going to give the bastard something to cry for. 
Bro is going to be wine-wasted for the rest of the night and become a little violent towards anyone who is within range of him. Kuro and Lutz 100% know to stay the hell out of his way until the storm has passed. 
👹👺🇯🇵2p Japan🇯🇵👺👹: Oh fuck. You essentially set off an entity that’s similar to Slenderman. Kuro is silent and brooding and his plans are gruesome, slow, and violate the human code of ethics. You were brave enough to have the conversation with him over tea. The air is tense, filled with discontent, and hate. What a waste you’d fallen the evenly keeled Kiku. He cared too much about cherry blossoms, respect, blah, blah, blah. Why would you ever date someone with a massive tree up his ass? His hand will itch for the blade. He wanted to rid the world of Kiku’s existence right that second. 
“Kuro, I’ll be honest I’ve found someone who matches my energy and I’m going to work it out with Kiku. We just work well together.” His eyes shot daggers at his green tea in an attempt not to scare you. He believes he still has a chance he’ll just have to convince you. However, he couldn’t suppress his vibes which could be cut by a plastic knife it was so thick. You bit your lip and gather your nerves. You pull out some yen from your bag to cover your drink and you leave in a huff. You knew from that point onwards that nothing in your life would ever be the same. 
It takes Kuro an hour to finally end his staring competition with his tea. He’s never been so bothered in his life. He blocks you on all social media and uses his alt accounts to gather intel. He isn’t going to let you go, nor will he let Kiku win. 
He definitely goes home that night to destroy a few trees and maybe even a few of his own men who dared to look at him the wrong way. 
🇯🇵 🌸 Japan 🌸🇯🇵 He’s stunned. He will have few words in response.
“Okay, farewell Y/N… and it really was nice to meet you.” he will politely bow and walk away.
his heart will take a while to recover through because you a catch!
☠️🇷🇺 2p Russia 🇷🇺 ☠️Jesus Christ or Holy Fuck are the only phrases that are appropriate for the bitter resentment he has for Ivan. The normally just frigid atmosphere transformed into a bitter frost that could give anyone uninitiated to the cold instant frostbite. Ice on the window appears and freezes over behind him while he grips your written letter explaining to him why you made your choice. He’s nicer, his scarf was warmer and a much more inviting light pink than his confronting red one. 
Outwardly he might be tame / measured inwards he’s brooding and plotting revenge on his counterpart….Only to execute none of it. He knows what he wanted is gone and he’s far too depressed to do something about it. 
He’ll stay in his office while he writes out a complex seven-point plan placing a dead a dead gladiolus flower next to each. He imagines his rival in a pool of blood to make it easier for him to sleep at night. 
🇷🇺🪆🌻Russia🌻🪆🇷🇺He does his best to choke back tears. He won’t lie you sent ice-picks straight to his heart. Thoughts about being lonely swarm his mind. It hurts him because you’re a mortal he’s grown fond of that didn’t have ulterior motives to be around him. He fiddles with his scarf to avoid your lovely (eye color) hues. 
“I’m going to leave Y/N, farewell.” He leaves in order to keep at least some of his pride in tact. 
‘Why Viktor? He’s even more terrifying than me!’ While he mulls over not winning you over, over some Vodka on the rocks a thought crosses through him: 
‘Wait a minute if that psychopath can have a lover so can I! There is still hope!’ 
Thank’s for reading ya’ll !
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gayvorestories · 2 years
Werewolf vore, digestion, male pred, multiple prey
With the full moon overhead, belly swaying like a pendulum, the werewolf wandered down the street towards home. He had found a deer within minutes of turning tonight, and with his belly filled nearly to bursting, the wolf in him was no longer fighting for control. On these rare chances without a struggle, every sense felt turned up to 11. His body felt powerful and agile, aside from the giant mass of meat and bone weighing down on his middle.
Just another street ov- oh what's that smell? he thought to himself. Someone was up late grilling. Feeling more distant from his body than he had just a moment earlier, he changed course. No, no no! We were almost home!
The wolf pulled them along towards the source of the amazing scent. He looked over a fence into someone's yard and saw it - a grill with eight burgers sitting on top. Compared to the size of the wolf, the fence was barely an obstacle - on an empty stomach. His belly snagged the top of one of the fence planks, pulling it off of the cheap frame to the ground with a thud.
They lept into the shadows as two men came over to investigate. Okay, as soon as they leave we're going home, he thought angrily. A feeling, like a word without the structure, entered his mind and he knew this was a losing battle: burgers.
The men took out flashlights and started to look around. Oh fuck, we can't be seen, he panicked. The wolf pulled them deeper into the shadows, but the men kept getting closer.
"Hey, what's that over there?"
The flashlight turned right onto their face and the wolf closed the gap. Wait, no, we can't leave a mess here, he thought in a frenzy as he felt the wolf think about tearing them apart and making a break for it. Instead he knocked one of them down, putting his paw over the man's chest, pinning him to the ground. The other man picked up a large branch and swung it, hitting the wolf right on the end of the nose.
Before he had a chance to argue, the wolf had opened their mouth wide and grabbed the man, pulling him chest deep into his now-salivating mouth. Wait, don't- he started to think, but it was too late, the wolf had thrown their head back and the man was halfway down their throat. He lifted his paw and picked up the other man, tossing him up and swallowing him effortlessly. His stomach stretched painfully and the wolf steered them towards home. Maybe they would have burgers another time.
The wolf let up control entirely and he ran home as quickly as he could on all fours, stomach scraping the ground a few times on the bumpier parts. Using his nose, he pulled the unlocked garage door open and back down again. A pile of blankets and a space heater waited for him in the corner, and he flopped down onto his side. He looked at his belly - about the size of the small chest freezer on the other side of the room - and realized he wolf had swallowed the men alive.
Oh fuck, I feel them moving, you didn't crush them with your teeth or when you stepped on that one? Bad wolf! Bad! God I hope they don't stay conscious long...
Handprints made themselves visible on the surface of his furry belly as one of the men punched and pushed and tried to fight his way out. They both shouted angrily, but the thick layer of fur and flesh muffled their screaming significantly. He tried closing his eyes to get a little sleep but the struggling and shouting continued.
After an hour, the struggling weakened on one side, and then stopped altogether. Poor guy, glad he finally passed out, he thought, but was immediately met with more frantic struggling than before as his friend struggled more fiercely than before. The screams were no longer angry, but terrified, and the flailing had become frantic grabbing and clawing and searching for an exit that didn't exist.
His stomach let out a loud groan as if it had woken up from a long nap. You might wanna pass out some time soon dude.
Hours passed and he wasn't sure what had gotten louder: the muffled screams or the wet gurgling of his stomach as it churned up the meat and bones. He thought for sure the guy would have stopped struggling and passed out hours ago, but based on how much louder the yelling had become and that the screaming had become begging, he was going to be one of the unfortunate ones this time and stay awake until his body gave out.
Glancing at the bottom of the garage door, he realized this was going to be a bigger problem for both of them soon: the gap in the seal revealed sunlight. He would start to change back soon. His stomach acid would become less potent and his stomach would lose a tremendous amount of its power, slowing his digestion down to a comparative crawl. You really did it this time, he thought grumpily.
Within a few minutes his body began to shift. His bones were the first to change, shortening and bringing his frame in, followed by a small reduction in muscle mass. The mass in his stomach remained the size size though - and his skin grew tighter and tighter as he shrank down to his regular size. As the fur fell away and his stomach grew as tight as a drum, he could make out some of the shapes inside him: the profile of a deer's head, the softened form of the man who had gone unconscious early on, and the struggling form of the one still struggling.
His stomach let out an unhappy groan at the sudden loss of strength and he mumbled out, "I know, I know...."
The man inside his stomach began moving around and begging, "please, is someone there? help me! please get help! he's digesting me alive!"
Chris let out a small sigh. "Sorry man, the wolf doesn't let me spit shit back up and now that I'm back to my normal self, the uh. The exit isn't quite the same size."
"What? What the fuck are you talking about, get help, please get help, the wolf... the... wait, no. No no no, please tell me you didn't change back."
"Sorry dude, I can't stop it. Pass out if you can, my stomach is gonna do what it's gonna do," Chris said as he used all of his strength to move into a sitting position. His stomach was nearly as big as the rest of him and his legs had to spread open wide to avoid being trapped under.
"Fuck! Fuck you man, fuck you!" he gave a hard kick that Chris actually felt this time, "I'm not your fucking food! Let me out! I'm a person, you can't do this!"
"Dude you're no-URRRP-not the first, second, or third one to end up in there. It's gonna happen. I can't do anything, you can't do anything, just st-"
"Fuck you!" the man interrupted as he shoved and punched the walls of Chris' stomach.
Chris felt that one in his ribs and let in a gasp. "Well fuck you too then, but you're mine now and even if I could let you out, I wouldn't."
Stupid fucking wolf eating everything that moves, he thought angrily as he opened up his post-feast bag. He pulled out his switch, a pair of headphones and drowned out his meals shouting.
A few hours later, the struggling had stopped. He took out his headphones and gave the outline in his belly a push. No response, and the other man's outline had gotten seriously less defined. He gave his stomach a gentle rub on the sides, "poor guys. I hate to do it to them but at the same time..."
His stomach let out a low grumble in response.
"Yeah, you're right," he said as he leaned back, "I love doing it to them."
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slimesam · 2 years
Hiiiii. Gun and goo planning/going on a trip together HC WHEN [politely asking]
Yeeehhhh! Got another Ask!
Please don’t be shy about sending more requests!
Gun and Goo planning a trip together head cannon here we go!
Also sorry for answering late. Got caught up by first week of assignments lol
Goo planning the trip together with Gun:
Never let him plan the trip
He will just make the whole trip more inconvenient even if it is work-related
Ho going for a 50-kilometer trip that takes only take 3 hours? He will make 5 hour trip.
He doesn’t even plan it at all
Booking hotel? Nah he gonna do it at the last minute of the booking hotel when it's about nighttime
What about lunch and dinner? That lil shit wouldn’t book any reservation in any 5 stars to a normal restaurant so Gun and he ends up eating drive-through of McDonald’s somehow also packed.
All Gun thinks ‘The calories in this and the fats are unhealthy’ as he looks at his McCrispy Classic Burger Set order while Goo just eating his favorite hamburger 1955 Burger Meal.
The night is rising and Sun is falling, Goo forgot to book the hotel again but it looks like he is doing it intentionally doing it.
So Goo and Gun end up booking into a haunted-looking hotel
The hotel room is “clean” with no messes, and a clean blanket, the bathroom is functional, and service of the counter is an old man that looks like a corpse. Gun would just stare at him and pray that the trip would just end or just end Goo as he can’t bear this mess up the trip that Goo’s unplanned trip.
Night came Gun is got himself relaxed as he took a surprisingly working heater hot shower while Goo already in pajamas and cover himself with the blanket and his eye mask in a yearning sleeping position
Gun lay down on his bed and closed the light that is beside his bed.
Goo stirs as he can hear the uncomfortable whisper, he also can feel someone groping him.
Goo flip around until he had enough.
He sat up and remove his sleeping mask and look around.
Nothing, He sees Gun in a deep sleep of a stargazing position.
So Goo lay back down and tried to go back to sleep.
As he tries to go back to sleep, he can feel a sharp nail trailing his back
He took a small peek as he want to see whom the heck is groping him
And he sees the cursed like juju*su ka*sen that he has been reading
WTF that fucking too cool!
Goo thought he want to raise his body and touch the curse but was unable to as it look like he is in sleep paralyzed state
The next day Gun and Goo now booking out, seeing in Goo in that state like he have been drained by a succubus or didn’t sleep at all, Gun just shoved Goo in the passenger seat thinking that Goo would just drive the car out of the road barrier as they would travel to the mountain road.
“Gun what did yah think about that hotel? Cool right?” Goo states his face looking in a blissed/drugged-like state.
“Did you even sleep at all dumbass?” vein pop on Gun's face as he hates driving on the mountain road
“Nah, I didn’t sleep at all LOL. I think I just experience the peak of the juju*su ka*sen see curse! Lemme put a review on that hotel!” Goo laughs and searches up the hotel name online
….Silence ensures “Gun what was the hotel name again?”
“Hotel De luna, if I am not mistaken” Gun answers him while driving a full speed on the highway
“Hotel de luna” Goo types on the search engine while drinking his milk tea bottle that he just bought from the store
Goo spit his drink which resulted in Gun pressing the break as he was splattered by Goo's spat-out drinks.
Gun couldn’t help but whacked Goo’s head and demand the reason why he spits the drinks
“Gun, the hotel…. it says here that it burned down for almost a decade.” Goo shows his phone to the gun and it says on the website that the Hotel de luna was once a popular hotel but it have been burned down by someone and 5 staff members are being trapped inside the hotel during that time
The atmosphere turned cold
Gun being a Shinto religion just said “let's just agree not to mention this trip again”
After all, going in and being able to get out of the spirit world is considerably lucky
Both of them just agree to never mention this spirit world trip again
Gun planning the trip together with Goo:
Being a perfectionist, he is and he books a trip to Japan with Goo since he has been bugging Gun for a long time He wants to Japan while Gun just wants to visit his hometown to see how the yakuza doing.
He doesn’t want to be bombarded by Goo when he gets back to Korea
Gun made a booking for a 5-star hotel and restaurant
Being an adrenaline maniac and Fighting Junkie, it’s no surprise to Goo that they end up being in a gym and a swimming pool may be a beach that tolerates tattoos.
It's already on the third day in Japan, they have traveled around they visit popular onsens, pubs, host clubs, restaurants, and Akihabara which is the first day they visit since Goo bugged Gun about it.
Goo thinks it got so boring as he doing a small dumbbell until he saw one of the milfest women he ever sees in his life other than at those cosplay conventions or gym she is like Minamoto Raikou of FGO in person. Like the degenerate he is, he tries to use his broken Japanese to flirt with her. (he needs to learn basic Japanese as Gun doesn’t want to bring him on the trip unless he learns basics LOL)
Meanwhile, Gun doing heavy weight lifting he sees Goo approaching the lady, He can’t help but think that woman looks familiar.
Then it clicked to him that woman is one of the Yamazaki allies’ wife and his probably mother in law
When Gun is about to drop the Weight lift. Goo approached with a smiling face.
“Guess who got a lady's number~” Goo grinned widely
Gun just looks at him unimpressed as it looks like the planned trip will be interrupted.
He notices her wave at him with her mouthing
“Visit the tournament Yuzuru-kun~ If not your small vacation trip will be interrupted~”
Gun couldn’t help but nod at the woman
“Gun, she even gave me two a cruise ship ticket! Let’s ditch the plan and go there!”
Gun can’t help but feel the headache coming to him, so he just agrees to Goo's idea as he knows he is going complain to him on the way to the hotel after they are finished reps and showering.
That night they visit the docking area of the cruise ship
There are a lot of bodyguards, businessmen, and mercenaries let’s not forget yakuza.
“Woooooo, what is this place Gun! Also, look at those yakuza that like the” Goo goes sparkling.
“Shut it, Goo” Gun snapped at him as he is getting irritated from the chatter of Goo
Both Gun and Goo enter the cruise ship and was directed by their host on the way to the entertainment arena
“Ladies and Gen-“
“Gun what the heck is this place” Goo look around the arena
Gun put his cigarette and lit it.
“ffuu, Goo that lady you been flirting with is an ane-san to one of the Yamazaki allies” Gun puffs out the smokes
Goo looks at him in shock and say “damn, is this place like the Keng*n Ash*ra manga??”
“You can say, enjoy it while we here.” Gun answers him while raising his hand to call the waitress to serve them limited alcohol and snacks
“Yamazaki-sama~” a familiar face from the gym approach the two
“Kiryu-sama, Its been long time.” Gun stood up and bow 45 degrees to show respect to the older woman
“it been so long since you have visited the arena Yamzaki-sama, hopefully, you can enjoy this evening battle~ And when will you tie the knot with one of your candidates.” The Kiryu smiles teasingly at Gun.
“Kiryu-sama, You should know not to butt in about the candidates as there are none that can appease me.” Gun puffs out another smoke
“Gun, you know her? And what this about candidate.” Goo whisper to him
“Let me give a short introduction to this lady. This is Miss Kiryu she is one of the yamazaki ally’s wives she manages this underground arena.” Gun gave a short explanation to Goo not looking at him as he is busy pouring his bottle of sake and focusing announcer's introduction to the fighters
Kiryu smiled and approaches Goo full of tea to spill to him “Let me sit beside you and explain the whole history of this place and about Gun’s candidates hehe.” Gun doesn’t hear the last part as he is absorbed by the tournament battle going on.
Two days later, Goo and Gun enjoy the luxury of alcohol, gambling, and entertainment in a battle arena. There is even an artificial mixed onsen which Goo enjoys and Gun is just impressed by some changes of the cruise that he visited a few years ago.
They are also surrounded by soap girls during that time, you can say Goo go a shocked mood as he just discovers there is this type of service hidden in Japan.
The morning of dawn all the elites member of society have departed from them as they don’t want to be seen by reporters.
Gun and Goo also departed from the cruise and goes back to their hotel to grab their suitcase to travel back to Korea.
Both of them sit in the first-class seat, Minding their own business.
Goo is watching some anime on his TV screen and Gun reading a newspaper of Japan while drinking his coffee
“So I heard that you have 5 fiancées Gun.” Goo said out of blue
“Goo if you value your life as this plane is still in the air. Don’t say any word of it” Gun said in a monotone as his forehead vine pops
“But seriously damn those 5 fiancees are so damn hot yah saying you didn’t bang them at all??” Goo smiles widely.
A verbal fight ensures the plain
Both of them have a time-out when the flight attendant smiles like Charles Choi that will give them hell if they don’t break it.
You can just say that Gun and Goo just got blacklisted from that airline. LOL
No matter what Gun plans for his trip with Goo it will go in the opposite direction or go off the rail to a disaster event.
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papaziggy-devblog · 2 years
Do you have any random or cute facts about the ROs?
Makes random noises when he's bored, anything from various clicking noises to squeaking air between his teeth... No reason for it in particular other than being bored
Fuckin loves cereal at 2am, has it almost daily
Cried during Fox and the Hound
His notes for class are always covered in doodles
He has a small collection of pokemon plushies
He eats his burgers in a circle
Her favorite lil pick me up treat is chocolate chip cookies and chocolate milk
She talks in her sleep
If your body runs warm she's 100% gonna cling to you for warmth, enjoy being her new personal space heater
You wouldn't guess it by looking at him but he has a serious weakness for sweets
He has and wears an actual pair of bunny slippers
He's a big baby when he's sick... Common cold got him acting like he was just hit by a bus
She will lose her SHIT for chili chocolate
She sleeps with a stuffed otter
If she's having trouble sleeping she'll make something warm to drink, bundle up on the couch, and watch old cartoons until she just passes out
Has a serious weakness for sour candy
All of her PJs have Loony Toons on them, her fav is Taz
She talks to herself when she's deep in thought, full out loud, no filter, this has gotten her in trouble a few times =v=
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lovingmymans · 5 days
Fourth of July (Benny Rodriguez x fem!reader)
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Pairing : Benny Rodriguez x female reader
Word count : 2.4k
Warnings : none, just a lot of fluff and teasing
Summary : Baseball sometimes blinds Benny. While he focuses on playing the game, Benny sometimes misses the things around him. Like now.
A/N : Since there’s barely any ‘Benny Rodriguez x reader’ thought I’ll make some myself. Excuse the mistakes if there’s some. And to who ever reading this, thanks for reading and like, comment, or reblog :)
The neighborhood is buzzing with music and talk. Strings of lights are hung around the end of the street where everything is- the tables, chairs, food, drinks and the people. The adults are getting everything ready while the kids run around playing.
You sit at one of the tables, eating half of the burger you made after successfully snatching one of the cooked patties without the dads noticing. The other half you gave to your friend, Ham, after he was whining that he couldn’t get one.
“You two couldn’t have waited?” Bertram, who also sits at the table, gives you and Ham a look.
“What?” Ham shrugs, “it’s a homemade burger. Nothing beats a homemade burger.”
You nod in agreement and take a sip of your cold drink. “Besides, you’re just mad you didn’t get one.”
“Yeah right.” Bertram rolls his eyes.
You chuckle and glance at your half eaten piece of burger before sighing and offering it to Betram. Betram acts unbothered but you’ve seen him eyeing the burger when he thinks you’re not looking. You would get another patty for him but your mom already gave you a look when she saw you eating.
Bertram pretends to think about it, which has you and Ham rolling your eyes, before he takes the piece of burger and eats it with a smile. He then grabs your drink without permission and takes a long sip until the cup is empty.
Bertram glances at it with a confused look and hands the cup to you. “I think you ran out.”
There’s an unamused look on your face as you take the cup and set it on the table. “Thanks. I wouldn’t have known.”
He laughs and you join in as you shake your head at his stupid act. The rest of the group joins you guys with their baseball gloves in hand as the sun starts to set and the neighborhood lights up with sparklers.
Benny is the last to join, the bat in one hand while the other touches your back and grabs your attention. You both smile at each other before he looks at the boys and motions for them to get up.
“Come on. Night game.”
Night game is one of your favorite traditions with the boys and holds a special place in your heart. It only happens on the Fourth of July when the fireworks light up the night sky enough for you to play a game. It’s also the only time you feel like you’re in the big leagues
“Last one to the Sandlot plays ball like a girl.” Ham shouts as everyone gets up.
You punch him hard on the arm and he gives you an apologetic look as he rubs the spot, having slightly forgotten there’s a girl in their group. The boys laugh and you push Ham back as you all start running down the street.
“You’re gonna be the new girl now Ham.” Yeah-Yeah laughs.
“An ugly one.” Smalls adds and you all laugh.
“Shut up.”
You all make it to the Sandlot and Ham is the last to arrive. In seconds, the boys tease him ruthlessly and playfully smack him as he catches his breath. Ham fights back as best as he can but when Yeah-Yeah turns his nickname into a girl’s one, there’s no winning.
You and Benny watch from the sidelines and burst out laughing when you hear Yeah-Yeah.
Then there’s a loud bang and the sky lights up with color as the first fireworks pop. You gasp and smile at the sight and glance at Benny.
He’s already looking at you with a grin and pats your hip before looking at the boys. “Alright, base up.”
The boys throw one last tease at Ham and get into positions. You all shout as Kenny gets ready to throw his heater and when he does, Benny swings. There’s a big bang that echoes through the field when the bat connects with the ball, one that matches the fireworks.
The ball flies over your heads and you and the boys watch it but as soon as the fireworks come into view, everyone’s focus is on them; mouths opening and eyes widening at the sight of the pretty colors. The booms vibrate through your bodies and the colors reflect on your faces, lighting up the excitement and amazement.
However, Benny is the only one who isn’t amazed by the colors. He pays no mind to them as he runs the bases like he would any other game, sprinting towards home base before you and the boys can get him out. But at the moment, none of you are moving to do so.
It’s to no one shock Benny isn’t enjoying the show. It’s always only Benny who doesn't stop to watch the fireworks. You know why and you admire his dedication to baseball but there’s times where it blinds him. While he focuses on playing the game, Benny sometimes misses the things around him.
Like now.
Benny makes it to home base and looks back at all of you still watching the fireworks. His eyebrows furrow and he calls out for everyone’s attention as he gets his bat. No one hears him though, not even Ham who stands by home base. The fireworks have everyone in a trance and the thundering sound from them blocks out Benny’s voice.
“Hey, you blockheads.” Benny yells again.
You hear him then, the only one to, and blink the trance away before quickly running to him. You like Benny, you truly do, but there’s times where he needs to close his mouth and let the boys enjoy some things.
“Benny.” You softly say his name and cover his mouth before he can say anything else to the boys. “How about we just watch the fireworks for a bit?”
He gently takes your hand off his mouth and shakes his head. “It’s the only time we get to play at night.”
“It’s also the only time the sky gets filled with fireworks.” You softly say before smiling. “Come on, Benny. Just for a bit then we’ll go back to playing.”
You know asking him to not play, even if it’s for a night, is like asking Marilyn Monroe to not be beautiful. It’s just not possible. It doesn’t matter if it’s coming from you, nothing can compete with Benny’s one true love.
It’s clear by the conflicted expression on his face. His eyebrows pinch together and a frown forms on his lips as he glances at the bat in his hand. Benny’s not going to give in, not easy. He then meets your eyes, expression softening, and sighs.
He’s going to reject it, you just know it. Nothings going to beat baseball, not unless that something is also baseball.
Benny opens his mouth but before he can say anything, your cover his mouth. “How ‘bout, if you watch the fireworks with us then I’ll give you my baseball card.”
Benny’s eyebrow raises and his eyes widen, his voice coming out muffled as he talks. “You mean the one I’ve been trying to get?”
You nod and pull your hand back. “The one you don’t have and been bugging me about.”
“But it’s your favorite one. You don’t even let me touch it.”
“Yeah but if it gets you to watch the fireworks for a bit then it’s worth giving up.”
Benny’s face softens, his eyes warming up and a small, loving smile forms on his lips. He grabs your hand and pulls you closer to him. Your name falls from his lips like honey and he lays a gentle kiss on your cheek, one filled with love and affection, before turning to watch the fireworks with you.
Blues, reds, yellows, oranges, and all the colors of the rainbow light up the sky. When one starts to fizzle out, another quickly takes its place, never once leaving the night sky untouched by color. There’s one firework that pops and takes the form of a baseball and Benny is quick to point it out with a big grin.
It makes you laugh how big of a deal he makes it but nonetheless, makes you happy he’s enjoying the show. It’s then that you focus on him instead. The way his mouth slightly hangs open, the corners turned upward into a smile, and his eyes widen to catch more of the fireworks, fireworks that reflect on his eyes making them twice as beautiful.
You’ve always found Benny attractive, since the first time you saw him, but at the moment, he’s the most attractive he’s ever been and it has you falling for him all over again.
You feel him gently squeezing your hand again and you’re brought out of your head. Benny is already looking at you, a teasing smile on his lips.
“I thought we were supposed to be watching the fireworks?”
You hope the colors of the fireworks hide the heat in your cheeks but Benny’s look says it all. He knows you’re flustered at being caught staring.
“I got distracted.” You shrug and smile.
Benny laughs and pulls your cap down to cover your eyes. His name falls from your lips as you laugh and fix your cap.
“It ain’t my fault I got a handsome boyfriend.”
Benny rolls his eyes, acting like your words don’t fluster him. “Very cheesy. You gotta stop watching those romantic movies with your sister.”
You laugh but nod in agreement. The movies are really getting to you. You’ve noticed a lot of cheesy sayings are coming out of your mouth recently and all are towards Benny.
Benny then smiles and gives your hand a small squeeze. “But I appreciate it ‘cause I get to use them on my beautiful girlfriend. The most beautiful girl I have laid my eyes on.”
You cringe playfully. “Ew, Benny. Very cheesy.”
“Shut up.” Benny laughs and leans in to kiss you on the lips.
The kiss doesn’t last two seconds before you’re hearing the boys fake puking and gagging in disgust that not even the booming of the fireworks can drown. Benny reluctantly pulls away and rolls his eyes while you laugh.
“We look away for one second. One second.” Squints says all dramatic as he holds up a finger.
“And you guys are eating each other's faces.” Yeah-Yeah finishes Squints’s thought.
A mischievous smile forms on your lips at his words. “I’ll show you what ‘eating each other's faces’ really is.”
You grab the sides of Benny’s face, turning away from the boys, and acting like you’re making out. Benny smiles and instantly wraps his arms around you as he goes along with the plan.
“Ah gross.” Timmy says in disgust and Tommy repeats it in the same tone.
“There’s a kid present.” Bertram comments as he covers Tommy’s eyes, making the boy laugh.
Kenny’s face scrunches up in disgust as he side eyes you and Benny. “You guys are nasty.”
Smalls shrugs. “I think it’s kind of sweet but next time please do it when we’re not present.”
“It’s still nasty.” Ham scoffs and throws his glove at the two of you.
The rest join in, throwing and smacking you and Benny with their gloves. You do little to protect yourself, too busy laughing to the point your stomach burns. Luckily, Benny’s able to protect you and himself from the gloves.
It’s minutes after that you all go back to playing and it goes on for an hour or so before the fireworks stop. You all take the cue and head home together. Everyone gets home and it’s just you and Benny left walking.
With your hand in his, you two enjoy each other’s presence in silence. It’s something you like about your relationship with Benny, there is no need for unnecessary small talk to fill the silence.
When your house comes to sight, your footsteps slow down and you two try to stall but inevitably, you and Benny end up at your front door a bit too soon for your liking.
Benny says your name and smiles when your eyes meet his. “Thank you.”
You tilt your head in confusion. “For what?”
“For getting me to watch the fireworks. I enjoyed it and if it wasn’t for you, I would’ve missed it.”
You smile at his confession, feeling a sense of pride. “You’re welcome. Maybe now, we’ll watch the fireworks for a bit before playing.”
“Yeah. Sounds good.” Benny smiles.
You chuckle with a nod and kiss him on the cheek. “Good night, Benny.”
His smile grows and your name falls from his lips with a loving tone. “Sweet dreams.”
You smile as you watch Benny slowly walk away, clearly not wanting to leave you. His eyes not once leave yours as he walks backwards toward his house next door but because of it, he trips over an object hidden in the grass.
You burst out laughing and Benny quickly stands back up with a sheepish smile, dusting his pants off and trying to play it off.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, ‘m good.”
“Gotta be more careful next time.”
“I got distracted.” Benny shrugs with a smirk. “It’s not my fault I have a beautiful girlfriend.”
“Oh brother.” You roll your eyes but the smile on your lips betrays you.
Benny grins before continuing to walk back to his house, now paying attention to his surroundings. He takes two steps when he snaps his fingers and calls for you as he jogs back.
Your eyebrows furrow and when you turn back around, Benny is standing right in front of you which startles you.
“Sorry.” He chuckles. “I just remembered, you don’t have to give me the baseball card.”
“But the deal?”
“I never wanted the card in the first place. I only accepted it ‘cause it meant a lot to you that I saw the fireworks.” Benny says with a soft smile and grabs your hands. “And even before you offered, I was gonna say yes but you stopped me before I could.”
“Benny.” You whisper with affection as you look at him with loving eyes.
Benny lays your hands on his shoulders and wraps his arms around your torso, holding you close. He says your name, heavy with love and affection, and it has you melting on the spot. You kiss him and Benny doesn’t hesitate to kiss you back.
You were wrong about earlier. There was something that can compete with Baseball and beat it. One that Benny will always choose.
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brideofhantengu · 1 month
Contractors are coming into my room tomorrow at fuckin like 8-9am to use a nail gun to put trim on the sides of my heater and my room is a depression mess and I'm like??? We can easily put the trim on ourselves here? Why did y'all hire him to put a two inch panel on the wall? Why is he bringing an assistant with him to do it? So I was like ugh fuck I have to move my furniture and my grandma was like "well the contractors can move it themselves just fine" I was like UM NO? NO STRANGER ASS WHYTE MEN ARE COMING INTO MY GIRLROTTING-BEDROTTING-GASLIGHTING GATEKEEPING PRIVATE DOMICILE WHERE I HAVE HANTENGU SHIT EVERYWHERE (don't get me wrong I am not ashamed of my husband) LIKW THIS IS WHERE I STARVE MYSELF AND COLLECT PLATES AND CUPS FROM THE TWO BITES OF FOOD I EAT IN A DAY??? LIKE I HAVE TO MOVE MY FUCKING DESK WHERE I STRAIGHT UP WRITE FANFICTIONS ABOUT A BABY ARMED MERMAN CRIMINAL DEMON GETTING PREGNANT AND GANG FUCKED BY AN ELDERLY JAPANESE MAN AND HIS CLONES? LIKE???? NO??? DON'T ENTER MY SPACE? THIS IS MY SPACE THIS IS MY AREA YOU CANT DO THAT DUDE
I said "not with them dirty fuckin boots on honey uh-uh" and she was like "well then I'll tell them to take their shoes off" I was like ok no because I don't want them stinking ass cis men socks on my floor either sorry babe this is a Japanese room, sweaty 💖
AAAAND I came downstairs and my mom was like "so you almost done cleaning up there?" And I was like "I haven't even started yet" and she was like "👀👀👀" and I was like laying down in bed and the hours passed like fucking seconds, bruh. Like I got a mocha iced coffee from Burger King to get me pumped and ready to clean my shit but then like I ended up just laying down staring at my phone with heart palpitations
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Corey Hc’s
Authors Note: Some HC’s about Corey. This is just in general but could also be tied into my series at some point.
Corey absolutely loves cuddles. You’re doing homework? Not anymore, boy needs his cuddles. He will whine and complain if you have to stop cuddling for any reason. Except maybe if your house was on fire. Besides that? No moving ;(
Corey learns how to cook for you. He knew some basic stuff before but he wants to treat you the best he can. And he knows food is always a good route to take. I can see him specializing in breakfast items. He will wake you up by putting a plate of bacon and eggs in front of you. You have breakfast in bed at least three times a week.
If for some reason he can’t cook (you’re out of cooking supplies, he got beat up, etc) he will pick you up your favorite takeout. Corey doesn’t go out to eat with you as much until after his run in with Michael, so he will bring you home food. He will absolutely go get you a burger and milkshake if you ask him nicely. And if you’re sick? Don’t worry, he’s picked you up like three smoothies.
Corey loves to just sit and listen to music with you. He’s made you a playlist consisting of songs that remind him of you as well as songs he likes in general. He likes to share his music interests with you and will absolutely listen to anything you recommend. Even if it’s not his genre, he will listen to it because you recommended it.
While he likes horror movies, he’s the type to go “oh gross” whenever there’s something gross on screen. He starts getting used to them more and more (he’s no longer phased after his run in with Michael) but he still makes a remark here and there. It makes you laugh.
Corey takes you for late night rides on his motorcycle. It’s freeing since it’s just you two, and he loves the way you hold onto him. Once, you fell asleep while he drove around because it was late and you had work. And Corey was so unbelievably soft for you as he listened to you sleep. He did stop the ride after a bit though because he was worried you would let go of him. And he does NOT want you in an accident.
Corey loves to take you to the annual fair every year. He tries his best to win you all the cute stuffed animal prizes but his luck varies. Sometimes he’s won you enough that you struggle to carry them while other times he is only able to get you a small one. He feels very sad when he doesn’t have a lot of luck. If they serve Dippin Dots, he is booking it to them. That boy LOVES Dippin Dots, and he will get a big one to split with you.
Corey is like a portable heater. If you get cold easy, he will just wrap his big arms around you to keep you warm. Is he cold himself? Maybe a little. But he does not want you to freeze to death…or just, be cold in general.
Corey loves giving you his shirts and coats to wear. It’s not just a mark that you’re his, but he thinks you look so cute in them. Walking around the house in just his shirt? He dies of cuteness overload. And then jumps you- I mean what. Who said that.
For Halloween, please get matching costumes with him. It makes him so incredibly happy when you match your costume with his. He will take you to Spirit Halloween and pick stuff out. It’s a cute kinda date where you two probably blow all your money on costume stuff but it’s okay! He will pay for it all.
That’s a problem with Corey: he tries to pay for your stuff whenever he can. And even if you aren’t gonna get something, he knows whenever you like something. That necklace you picked up and looked at for a while? Yeah, he’s picking it up after you walk away and putting it into his little basket. I feel like he’s super sneaky getting you stuff too. Whenever he’s picking out birthday presents or Christmas gifts, he makes little mental notes of stuff you like. And then he comes back the next day and buys it for you. If it’s gone? Don’t ask why he’s sad at your doorstep. He can’t tell you.
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