#burbage valley
dog-house-riley · 2 months
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The abandoned horse trough on Burbage Moor in the Hope Valley near Hathersage and Fox House. The giant mill stone boulder was destined to be a grand watering station for some Northern Town centre until it developed a crack
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gritstoneedge · 3 months
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(2024-07-08) Summer came today. In the heat walked around the Burgage valley. From the Upper Burbage Bridge walked along the top of the edge to the raod at the bottom. Then returned via the Green Drive. Felt so hot.
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metalindex-hu · 1 year
Cradle Of Filth: jövő tavasszal újra Budapesten az angol metal legenda
Cradle Of Filth: jövő tavasszal újra Budapesten az angol metal legenda - https://metalindex.hu/2023/10/06/cradle-of-filth-jovo-tavasszal-ujra-budapesten-az-angol-metal-legenda-3/ -
Jövő márciusban ismét Budapesten portyázik Dani Filth és hírhedt zenekara, a Cradle Of Filth. A több mint 30 éve aktív csapatot a jól ismert amerikai horrorpunk énekes, Wednesday 13 is elkíséri, aki Murderdolls programmal készül, nyitózenekarként pedig a Sick n’ Beautiful játszik a Dürer Kertben.
A Cradle Of Filth az angliai Suffolk megye legsötétebb bugyraiból bújt elő 1991-ben, és immár három évtizede dolgozik azon, hogy a heavy metal színtér óriásai között tartsa magát, egyre több és több embert megbotránkoztatva, vagy éppen kevély mosolyra késztetve. A Dani Filth által vezetett együttes mai napig a black, gothic és szimfonikus metal elemeket ötvöző, okkult témákat (mitológia, horrofilmek, és a ma már klasszikus sötét irodalom) feldolgozó csapatok legismertebb képviselője. Ismertségükön sokat dobott az is, hogy már évtizedekkel ezelőtt is igen látványos – és nem egyszer megbotránkoztató – színpadi jelenléttel hívták fel magukra figyelmet.
Az alapító Dani mellett Martin ‘Marthus’ Škaroupka dobos, Daniel Firth basszusgitáros, Marek ‘Ashok’ Šmerda és Donny Burbage gitárosok, illetve Zoe Marie Federoff billentyűs játszik a csapatban, melynek egyik friss nótája a She is a Fire:
A Cradle Of Filth rajongói már igencsak várják a zenekar új albumát, ami a 2021-es Existence Is Futile-t követi. A 14. nagylemez megjelenéséig a csapat egy élő felvétellel lepte meg a hallgatókat: az áprilisban kijött Trouble And Their Double Lives a COF első koncertalbuma az elmúlt 20 évben. A Demon Prince Regent felvétele itt látható:
A turnén érkezik Joseph Michael Poole, azaz Wednesday 13 is, akinek aktuális zenekarában többek között a Murderdolls két egykori tagja, Roman Surman és Jack Tankersley is játszik. Ennek megfelelően a srácok egy Murderdolls szettet is beillesztettek a programba, előadva a 2002-es Beyond The Valley Of The Murderdolls, és a 2010-es Women And Children Last albumok néhány nótáját is. Utóbbiról itt nézhetjük meg a My Dark Place Alone klipjét:
A turné március 6-án ér Budapestre, ahol a Dürer Kert nagytermében játszanak majd. A nyitózenekar az olaszországi Sick n’ Beautiful lesz; az industrial és punk vonásokkal színesített, hard rock és modern metal elemeket ötvöző csapat 2004 óta működik. A Rob Zombie, Kiss, Rammstein és Lacuna Coil hatásokat is mutató csapat legutóbbi lemeze a 2022-es Starstruck, friss klipjük pedig a Deep End Dark:
A Livesounds bemutatja: 2024. március 6., szerda 18:30 Budapest, Dürer Kert Cradle of Filth, Wednesday 13 (performing Murderdolls), Sick n Beautiful koncertek Belépő: early bird jegyek 9.900 Ft, kedvezményes elővételben február 20-ig 11.990 Ft, utána és a helyszínen 12.990 Ft Jegyek kaphatók a www.tixa.hu weboldalon és a Ticketportal hálózatában
Kapcsolódó weboldalak: https://livesound.hu/ https://www.cradleoffilth.com/ https://officialwednesday13.com/ https://sicknbeautiful.com/
https://facebook.com/liveSoundProd/ https://www.facebook.com/events/2372075749645886
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twentyfourstar · 6 years
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s601070 · 7 years
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Burbage Valley
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landscape-lunacy · 5 years
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Higger Tor, England - by Steven Hewitt
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(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrXgZFsxhx4)
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priorireverte · 4 years
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Congratulations Rhiannon!
Your application for Charity Burbagehas been accepted. I’m so excited to have Charity around as that opposing voice to forgiveness and reconciliation with the undead former Death Eaters. What is she going to do? I’m a little scared for us all.
Please look to the checklist for the next steps and reach out if you have any questions!
NAME & PRONOUNS: Rhiannon, she/her
ACTIVITY LEVEL: My activity level is pretty decent? I’m always available via discord for plotting and am normally able to get on the dash for replies every day if not every other day.
ANYTHING ELSE: No triggers. I’ve been roleplaying for over a decade, and have been roleplaying exclusively on tumblr since 2012 so I’ve been around a lot - mostly in Harry Potter roleplays.
NAME: Charity Ffion Burbage
BIRTHDATE: 20th March 1965
DEATHDATE: tw torture 28th July 1997. Charity was personally killed by Lord Voldemort following a prolonged period of torture after she had been kidnapped by Death Eaters not long after the end of the school year. Her death was never made public.
GENDER, PRONOUNS, and SEXUALITY: Cis!female, she/her pronouns, bisexual. Her sexuality has never been something that she’s hidden, having been publicly involved with both men and women. She’s never cared what people have to say about it - as far as she’s concerned it’s no one’s business other than her own.
BLOOD STATUS: Half-blood
HOUSE ALUMNI: Ravenclaw. The hat did briefly consider placing Charity in Gryffindor, but her curiosity and thirst for knowledge ultimately won out.
OCCUPATION: Returned. Prior to this, Charity spent four years as the Muggle Studies Professor at Hogwarts, and before that she was working in Misuse of Muggle Artefacts
FACECLAIM: Gugu Mbatha-Raw
Confusion was the first thing that Charity had felt upon waking. She could feel rough stone against her back and as her eyes came back into focus she could see that she was no longer in Malfoy Manor. The space resembled neither the dank, low walls of the wine cellar that had been fashioned into cells, nor did it resemble the imperial coldness of the dining hall. That was when the panic set in. Where had she been taken now? The last thing she remembered was pleading towards Severus Snape’s impassive form as the jeers and cackles of the Death Eaters rang throughout the marble hall. She didn’t believe the Unspeakables when they first approached and explained the curious circumstances surrounding her return. Believing them to be Death Eaters, she summoned what strength she had and kicked and scratched, desperate to get away. It just didn’t make sense. Coming back from the dead was something reserved for muggle fiction - it wasn’t actually possible. But yet here she was, and the Unspeakables were insistent. She answered their questions distractedly; the cogs in her head were too busy turning over the situation to care too much about what was being asked of her. Just how was this possible? Sure, inferi were possible, but that was lightyears from what she was. Having grown up largely in the muggle world, the inability to use magic bothered her little - especially when there were more pressing matters. After all, doing things the muggle way had always been her default. Whilst she had grown used to doing certain things with magic, readjusting to doing them without magic was a minor inconvenience at worst. There was one name amongst her fellow returned that truly set her blood boiling, even more than the other Death Eaters. Whilst she wasn’t sure it was reciprocated, she had considered Severus Snape a friend once, when they had been colleagues. She hadn’t wanted to believe it when she had heard that he had been the one to kill the headmaster, Charity had always wanted to believe the best in people. But those final moments at the manor had broken any lingering faith she may have had in the dour man. The rest of the returned Death Eaters could fester away in Azkaban - it was what they deserved - but in her mind Severus Snape didn’t deserve a second chance. Once her trust had been broken, it was near impossible to regain; something that had only been heightened in her new perspective on life. Justice was needed and she would see to it that justice was indeed taken on all of them.
Ever curious, Charity loved getting to the bottom of how things worked. Her parents had always championed this, encouraging their daughter to never shy away from asking questions. Books, puzzles and various children’s science kits had occupied her free hours as a child, and she delighted in getting to the bottom of a mystery. There were few sweeter feelings than those felt in those moments she cracked the codes. Charity was loyal to a fault, willing to go above and beyond for those she cared about, even if that meant getting herself into trouble. If a friend needed help, she would give them the shirt off her own back, and if they needed a place to stay? Well, Charity would have the spare room in her flat ready quicker than they could say Bowtruckle. She was a firm believer in treating people as you wished to be treated, and would never back down at a perceived injustice. Of course, this got her into trouble at school more than once, with Charity often ending up in detention over going toe-to-toe with pureblood supremacists. They weren’t any more special than anyone else for coming from a long line of wixen, and Charity could never understand why they would believe that - a more inclusive society could only benefit everyone. There was so much that could be learned from the muggles that could only improve the world they lived in. It was something that only grew stronger within her as she grew older, and she did her best to impress it upon the students who took her class at Hogwarts, especially after Voldemort returned. A gregarious soul, she had always been one to get stuck right in, treating new acquaintances as if she had known them all her life. Of an evening she could have been typically found in the Leaky Cauldron or the Three Broomsticks with a beer in hand, unwilling to let the looming shadows of war affect her day to day life. Every moment was precious, and Charity would be damned if she couldn’t live her life to the fullest. After all, wasn’t it the muggles who said that the best revenge was living well?
Born into a cadet branch of the Rowle family, Margot Rowle had never quite fit in to what was expected of her. Warm and indulgent, no one had been surprised when she had been sorted into Hufflepuff, though it marked a first for a house full of Slytherins and Ravenclaws. Her school years were hardly remarkable though she did well in all her classes, and following graduation she joined the Muggle Liaison Office. A few years in she was assigned to a case in Wales, a dragon had been spotted and causing trouble near a mine in Tonypandy. The last thing she had expected when she had arrived in the area was to fall in love, yet fall in love she did. After a whirlwind romance that led to her being cast out from her pureblood family, Margot married Owain Burbage and settled into a muggle life among the verdant valleys she now called home. First came Rhodri, born a year after Margot and Owain’s marriage, then Charity two years later, and finally Morwenna followed along four years later. The Burbage household was a happy one, constantly full of friends and family. Whilst she largely lived like a muggle, Margot made no secret of her origins, telling her children stories of Hogwarts as bedtime stories. Charity had been the only one of the children to show any signs of magic as a child, and neither Margot or Owain had been surprised when the owl had tapped at the kitchen window the morning of Charity’s eleventh birthday. This didn’t change anything, she was still treated just the same as her other siblings. Returning home for the holidays, she never struggled to fit back in rhythm with the rest of the family - it often felt as if she had never left at all.
Upon graduating from Hogwarts, Charity returned home to Wales for a brief spell. With so many ideas and options for a career swirling about her head she didn’t know what her next steps should be. After several lengthy conversations with her mother, she decided to take a position within the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office. It wasn’t the best job around, but it provided her with a steady salary whilst she figured out what it was she really wanted to, and having grown up surrounded by muggles there were few who were quite as suited to working with muggle items as she was. It was only supposed to be for a year or two, but that quickly turned into eight long years. Charity finally quit in 1991, and decided to spend the next two years in the muggle world, working various small jobs and settling in East London. It was by chance that she had seen the position advertised in the Daily Prophet when visiting her parents. Teaching had never been something she had ever really considered, but something within her told her it was the right path to forge ahead on. Recalling the inaccurate Muggle Studies lessons of her teenage years, she proceeded to overhaul the curriculum, with a particular focus on muggle achievements and areas that had no direct equivalent in the magical world. She loved her work, knowing that this was where she belonged. Her classes only grew more outspoken as the war crept up on them, determined to dismantle the prejudices held by many of the students. If she couldn’t save the current generation she was a part of, she would do what was within her means to insure that future generations would be different.
WHAT ARE YOU MOST LOOKING FORWARD TO? I decided to apply after it was recommended by a friend (hi, nic!). It’s such a unique concept, something that is a rarity in the hprpc. It’s been a long time since a plot has made me this intrigued, and I’m curious to see just how the returned will adjust to be among the living once more. Charity is a character I’ve been interested in for a while, and I’ve finally decided to bite the bullet and give writing her a go.
ANYTHING ELSE? I am absolutely obsessed with pinterest, so here’s a lil board for Charity
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brothermarc7theatre · 5 years
“The Book of Will” show #802
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The simplicity of StageWorks Fresno’s wonderfully delightful production of The Book of Will is what provides its truest success: letting the brilliant threading of Shakespeare’s iconic lines take precedence; having a universally strong cast delivering Lauren Gunderson’s work doesn’t hurt either. The Book of Will offers what happens when a few actors want to ensure their beloved playwright’s words are officially captured in a collection which preserves its integrity and theatrical prominence. What is happening at the Bonner Auditorium, through J. Daniel Herring’s astute direction, allows for the integrity of Ms. Gunderson’s work to be delivered in a way which lets the words do the work and performances do the engaging.
One of the many assets of Ms. Gunderson’s abilities as a playwright is how she is so equitable in writing male and female characters. Both sexes have their strengths while never at the expense of the other. Her well-crafted relationships are honest, producing duos and trios filled with engaging dialogue. Mr. Herring has given proper cadence to this almost-poetic script, allowing his cast to take stage and give the text exuberant and poignant life. Aaron Spjute is a cautious, passionate Henry Condell, one third of The Kingsmen, an acting troupe whose life’s work is performing Shakespeare. Mr. Spjute’s journey as the top enthusiast for printing the collection has its moments of tenderness and heartbreak shared with exuberant successes. Mark Standriff delivers a strong performance as John Heminges, another third of The Kingsmen. Mr. Standriff’s composure as the more mature, vastly thoughtful artist of the stage plays well when opposite his delightfully outspoken wife, Alice, and in a gorgeous duo scene between he and Mr. Spjute in Act Two, a conversation when the legitimacy and motivation of being on stage is drawn into question. Mr. Standriff’s performance of the trials in Henry’s journey is outstandingly displayed and well-executed among the stellar cast. Joel C. Abels’ first role, Richard Burbage, the last third of The Kingsmen we meet, is a scene-stealing, boisterously dramatic performance whose early exit is well-timed, if not unfortunate, since the role is so well-devised. However, in double-duty fashion, Mr. Abels pounces back on as poet laureate Ben Johnson, Shakespeare’s most brotherly and villainous of rivals. It is in Ben’s journey that Mr. Abels truly lets the self-indulgent, outlandish traits come thru in a comedic standout performance.
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(L to R: Michael Fidalgo (Isaac), Karina Balfour (pictured as Rebecca), Mark Standriff (John), Aaron Spjute (Henry); Photo credit: Haley White)
Chris Carsten is a devilishly loveable printing businessman, William Jaggard, whose connections and money affords him favor and participation in the Shakespeare-collection profits. Mr. Carsten gives more than just a surface-level performance to William, allowing audiences to see the very subtle, better-late-than-never kindness shown towards his son, Isaac. Michael Fidalgo, playing Isaac, has a coolness to the thespian-appreciating son, and his ability to balance the neuroses of Henry and John with the profit-driven demeanor of his father gives his performance true depth, which makes the right effect on the message of the play. Sunshine Cappalletti delivers a magnificent Alice Heminges, the ever-thoughtful, hardworking, and loving wife to John. Ms. Cappalletti is a talent in making the pause work for comedy and drama, a skill that pays tenfold in her opening Act Two scene. As Susannah Shakespeare, she is a studious, postured widow, whose ending graciousness towards Henry and John is a well-received button to the play. Bridget Manders Martin’s divine performance as Elizabeth Condell is a perfect match opposite Mr. Spjute, endowing the right juxtaposition of loving and dedicated wife while still being a valued voice of reason. Karina Balfour does well as Rebecca Heminges, barmaid and daughter to John and Alice. Ms. Balfour’s performance is one of impeccable acting and reacting to the boorish and respectful men that roll into the pub, as well as matching the Heminge family chemistry set by Mr. Standriff and Ms. Cappalletti.
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(L to R: Karina Balfour (pictured as Anne), Sunshine Cappalletti (pictured as Susannah), Mark Standriff (John), Aaron Spjute (Henry); Photo credit: Haley White)
Randall Kohlruss and Dakota Simpson are featured standouts. Though both play multiple roles, Mr. Kohlruss does well as the humble, on-point editor, Crane, whose precision and focus on ensuring Shakespeare’s collection submissions are sound and true is endearingly honest. Mr. Simpson is great as Marcus, the eccentric printer whose protectiveness concerning the Shakespeare pages is a comedic release from the more dramatic second act. Within Mr. Abels’ beautiful set is a universal printing press which is constructed and used as a focal point and functional addition to the wooden unit set design, complete with fluid locale shifts and room for performance and observance by the cast. Dan Aldape’s lighting design makes nuanced moods of Mr. Herring’s direction, properly highlighting the intimate two-hander scenes weaved throughout the play. Rachel Hibler’s costume design is period-perfect, featuring a dazzling palette of colors and styles, allowing for the multi-role performers to expeditiously switch from character to character.
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(L to R: Dakota Simspon (pictured as Marcus), Mark Standriff (John), Aaron Spjute (Henry); Photo credit: Haley White)
The Book of Will is making its Central Valley premiere at StageWorks Fresno for good reason: because they are know how to do titles such as these so well. For those who are lovers of the Bard, here’s a highlight reel play to expose yourself to his greatest hits. For those who appreciate that a Shakespeare existed but may not be big fans, allow Ms. Gunderson’s text, Mr. Herring’s direction, and the cast’s performance fill you in to exactly what you’re missing out on. Go see this show!
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chrisgibsonfilm · 8 years
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Peak District
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erikacousland · 2 years
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Bamford Edge, Derbyshire on a spring evening © R A Kearton/Moment Open/Getty Images
On the edge Featured on Bing 28 March 2022 Bamford Edge, Peak District Rising over Derbyshire’s Hope Valley, the spectacular precipice of Bamford Edge offers some of the best views in the Peak District National Park. At more than 1,380ft (420m) in elevation, this gritstone outcrop is popular with climbers who find the coarse rock serves up crucial handholds in tricky spots. But you can walk up here too, to enjoy amazing sunsets and take photographs from rocks jutting out over the wooded valley and Ladybower Reservoir below. Those imposing sheer rock walls soften a little in the warmer months, when they bloom with heather and provide a nesting site for rare ring ouzels.
Bamford Edge is one of many dramatic cliffs in the Dark Peak area, named after its gritstone escarpments which contrast with the lighter limestone of the White Peak. The best-known include Curbar, Burbage and Stanage Edge, boasting hundreds of climbing routes with memorable names like The Vice, Goliath’s Groove and Kelly’s Overhang. The gritstone here was once quarried to make massive millstones which ground grains into flour or grindstones to sharpen steel. More than 1,000 millstones, abandoned when the industry collapsed, are still scattered across the national park and feature on its logo.
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gritstoneedge · 7 months
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(2024-02-28) Another damp cold and windy day. A walk around the Burbage Valley from Upper Burbage Bridge. Ths image is of Higgar Tor on the way back; rain was starting.
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tpltravelled · 3 years
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Things seen between 6 and 9am //
A stopped-me-in-my-tracks paragraph in my reading on nature connectedness has been the negative impact of often / always seeing the negative in nature. If i’m always grumbling about parking, or pointing a camera at a pile of rubbish, or spending my days clearing chemical waste from a brook then slowly but (psychologists suggest) surely my own brain will come to associate going outside and in to nature as not ‘connecting’ with nature, but ‘connecting’ with things in an environment that cause me stress and angst. Therein lies the conundrum that to connect with nature one needs to remove distractions and notice, see, observe, and take interest in more, but in doing that isn’t one more liable to see the issues around parking, litter, fires etc. more .... ? //
On a much lighter note i did actually see an Ouzel this morning. I wasn’t fast enough with the lens, but i saw it fly over to Burbage West and sat and watched it for a while. Conversations with other twitchers suggest there may be as many as 5 in the valley now. Here’s hoping ....
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A lovely fresh afternoon in the Burbage Valley after yesterday’s storm #peakdistrict #peakdistrictnationalpark #peakdistrictphotography #peakdistrictwalks #higgertor #timelapse #clouds (at Higger Tor) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEIENExFVVA/?igshid=122bfc2pexzhp
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twentyfourstar · 6 years
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s601070 · 8 years
Higger Tor by l4ts Via Flickr: Higger Tor, Over Owler Tor and Mother Cap at sunrise, seen across the Burbage Valley from Burbage Edge. A handheld shot, it was far too windy up here this morning to risk using a tripod.
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