ramblingzombpossum · 1 year
Today on, I'm an absolute idiot, I suddenly felt over heated, confused, my vision blurred, and I wound up getting to bed in time to pass out so hard and fast.
Apparently my medications are having adverse effects, so guess who is going to find out what the doctor recommends in like, 3 days.
My husband informed me I shouldn't have said "I feel like I have a fever" I should have said I'm dizzy, confused, can't see and all the other symptoms, but he was at work, and I didn't want to bother him.
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frothytundra · 2 months
What is Normal?
A couple of months ago I let my children know that they might notice some changes in my demeanour in the coming weeks. I explained that my tele-health doctor had recommended that I cease to take an antidepressant that I had been taking for decades. He told me that I had reached an age at which it would be more likely to harm my constitution than to improve my sense of wellbeing. Being an…
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golden-ghost · 2 years
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theygender · 9 months
I need to finish my tasks so I can be done with work for the day but I'm just starting back up on my meds after being off of them for a while bc I was sick and taking medicine that would have had a bad interaction with them and now my brain is not working. I couldn't remember if this specific medication had any negative effects starting up but apparently it does and that negative effect is "reduces brain processing power to 1 KB"
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hell0mega · 1 year
my physician gave me Wellbutrin samples to treat my adhd while we get the diagnosis and some other internal fuckery sorted but man. no thank you!!!
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wolfkller · 2 years
actually. what are you doing if you're not starving for a taste of the absurd and depraved. like if you're not going to surrender to the staggering chaos of the human condition what do you even enjoy about this genre or this series or these characters. if you could find god some other way you would have already. wrestle with your disgust because it's fun. eat the disease
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arcadian-vampire · 1 year
Great news, everything with my tube looks good!! No infection, and it's perfectly in place! ...Meaning my pain is 'probably nerve pain from the surgery'. Meaning it may end up chronic. And they don't really recommend pain meds for it bc it's just smth ur body has to get used to + pain meds slow down ur GI system 🫠
But it's FINE, I was already disabled ANYWAY, and I knew this was a risk. If it hurts too much to laugh then I'll just hurt ig. I can't make the household comedy ban go on indefinitely, considering we're all a bunch of clowns that can't Not be silly
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sad--tree · 2 years
what is UP my dudes i take a short (unintentional) break from this app only 2 come back 2 some absolutely Infested notifs how in the Fuck is this bot problem still so bad ????
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the-algebra-thing · 2 months
HEART FULL OF LOVE! WHAT NOW!! my oldest friend got married in march and closed on her house yesterday! today we went there to recreate a photo we took with our younger siblings on the day around 12 years ago when her family moved out of their house two blocks from my family's! her new house is still two blocks away just in the opposite direction. I don't live at that house anymore. I'm so proud of her. what is happening to me
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wongkarwine · 3 months
Tumblr media
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merwraith · 4 months
goddamn i need to get back on my antidepressants
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localpuppy · 9 months
I haven't told a single person to fuck off today despite being so so grumpy. Belly rubs for the king
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nomaishuttle · 10 months
It begins,
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girlypsyop · 1 year
I need to be medicated again I cannot believe im just rawdogging this shit
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hiddenbysuccubi · 2 years
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presidentalpaca · 2 years
tw food stuff in tags
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