#bunkart tirana
rumgereise · 16 days
Tirana Tag 3 und Vlore
Wieder gratis Hostelfrühstück: Omelette mit Toast, hab leider kein Bild gemacht aber es war auch nicht wirklich spektakulär. Der Kaffee dazu war aber exht schrecklich und unten im Becher hat sich so der Kaffeesatz gesammelt und wie Erde geschmeckt. Naja war gratis.
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Dann Checkout.
Gepäck im Hostel gelagert und dann sind wir noch ins House of Leaves Museum wo es um den Überwachungsapparat des albanischen kommunistischen Regimes ging. War ein besseres Museum als BunkART 2, aber wenn man schon mal in einem Stasimuseum war ist das jetzt auch nicht so dolle spektakulär. Obwohl ich nicht weiß ob die Stasi so viele Leute umgebracht hat naja.
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Dann essen in einem süßen Familienrestaurant an einem Marktplatz in Hostelnähe (2 Personen mit Getränke 15 Euro).
Nun zurück zum Hostel um das Gepäck zu holen. Auf nach Vlore. Eigentlich wollten wir nach Durres aber ein Bekannter von mir (iykyk) meinte Vlore hat bessere Strände. Und er ist Albaner also hat er wahrscheinlich recht.
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Der Bus nach Vlore fährt vom Tirana North and South Bus Terminal (ein großer Parkplatz voller Minibusse) und um dahinzukommen nimmt man den Bus nach Kamez der hinter der Oper abfährt.
Der Kamez Bus kostet 40 Leke (40 Cent) und der Vlore Bus waren dann 700 Leke (7 Euro), also echt billig.
Als wir um 15:30 dort ankamen hatten wir den vlore bus grade verpasst und der nächste würde dann um 16:30 Uhr fahren (wahrscheinlich auch der letzte des Tages). Die Wartezeit haben wir dann in einem kleinen süßen Nachbarschafts Café verbracht das von einer alten Frau betrieben wird die kein Wort Englisch kann. Der Cappucino war aber gut und mit Zimt oben drauf.
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Der Bus nach Vlore fuhr dann mehr oder weniger pünktlich ab und hat 2.5 Stunden gebraucht. Es gab eine Klimaanlage.
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Als wir im Norden von Vlore waren hat der Busfahrer uns dann einfach alle rausgeschmissen indem er rechts rangefahren ist und meinte „STOP“. Balkan halt. Sind dann die restlichen 40 Minuten zum Hostel zu Fuß gelaufen.
Nachdem wir eingecheckt waren sind wir dann noch die Promenade etwas runtergelaufen und haben und bei City Pizza was zu essen geholt.
In Vlore gibt es übrigens viele Italiener weil es eine Fähre von Italien gibt.
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avernaculardiary · 5 years
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Entrance of Bunkart 2 in Tirana.
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A bunker in Tirana. The faces are people that were killed by the dictatorial Hoxha regime.
Very impressive to know the sufferings of the Albanians.
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oyvindbo · 7 years
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#bunker #bed #tirana #bunkart #bunkart2 @we_heart_tirana #tirane #albania (ved Bunk'Art 2)
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antoniocakshiri · 8 years
"Asgjë Sikur Dielli" performoi në Bunk'Rock #Tirane #BunkArt #Tirana #Albania #Shqiperi #BunkRock #Asgjesikurdielli
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tibusse-world · 2 years
Voyage en Albanie ! 2 semaines et 2 sacs à dos! Du 5 au 18 mai 2022
C'est parti pour 2 semaines en Albanie, à 2, avec nos sacs à dos!
Nous avons choisi ce pays pour les bons retours qu'on a eu, avec à la fois la mer et la montagne, sa distance proche de la France pour eviter trop d'heures de vol et ses prix abordables.
Au programme, une boucle vers le sud dans les terres et au bord de mer, puis quelques jour dans le nord pour un trek apparemment très beau!
Jeudi 5 et vendredi 6 mai 2022 : arrivée et découvert de la capitale, Tirana
Pas trop mal pour une capitale! Bcp de monuments historiques rappelant l'ère communiste qui a marqué le pays. Un mixte de citadelles/églises et de mosquées souvent non loin l'une de l'autre qui me rappelle la proximité des temples bouddhiste et hindouiste en Asie.
L'Albanie a été proclamée athée durant longtemps par son ancien dictateur, malgré tout, la religion reste présente aujourd'hui mais non extrême. Un mélange où chacun semble trouver sa place.
On loge deux nuits dans une guesthouse et avons la surprise d'arriver en plein "Spring Festival" où on découvre les musiques et chanteurs albanais le soir, sur la fameuse place Skanderbeg en plein centre de Tirana.
La capitale est plutôt développée, avec de nombreuses constructions en cours.
On découvre aussi la nourriture albanaise, les restaurants typiques s'appellent des Zguara : on y mange des Kofte (boulettes de viande de porc, agneau ou boeuf), qu'on peut saucer dans du yahourt (Kos comme du tzatziki, délicieux), des mélanges légumes, avec ou sans viande, et fromage/oeufs (Tavë), trop bon! Et des frites maison. Ils font bcp de grillades, avec tout types de saucisses.
Au restau on se regale pour moins de 10e/personne!
Niveau dessert il n'y en a pas tellement dans les restaus mais on trouve pleins de biscuits bien gras dans les boulangeries : avec du miel, de l'huile, souvent des noix ou noisettes, ca ressemble aux gâteaux du malghreb!
Pas trop ce que je préfère mais ça vaut le coup de goûter!
Côté histoire, on a fait le fameux BunkArt museum qui est littéralement dans un Bunker de l'époque (l'ancien dictateur en a apparemment construit plus de 700000 dans le pays par peur de l'invasion). Le musée présente l'histoire de l'Albanie depuis 1900 environ, dans une ambiance assez gloque du coup.
Il existe aussi pleins d'autres musées et on peut voir les bâtiments du gouvernement communiste jaune et rouge sur la place St.
On est aussi allé au Bazar (grand marché central) où on peut acheter de la nourriture et pleins d'objets (super beau tapis!).
Après 2 nuits, on se met en route vers Berat, la ville ottomane aux 1000 fenêtres.
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Albi Popaj
Albania Fellowship - Weiser Center Internship
It's hard to believe that I'm already halfway through my stay in Albania! For work this week, I had the opportunity to learn more about the Sports Club of Tirana. I met with Mirza Alibegaj, a former professional basketball player in Albania, who is currently the coach of the women's basketball team of Tirana. I learned a lot more regarding the organizational structure and the procedures behind the professional sports scene in Albania. My supervisor Marsi also took me to visit BunkArt 2 and the Tirana art gallery. BunkArt is a history museum within an authentic communist-era bunker and it was a really interesting experience for me. The art gallery had many great pieces made by Albanian artists as well as these statues (pictured above) of Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin and ex-dictator of Albania Enver Hoxha. The statues were formerly displayed throughout the city but were taken down at the end of the communist regime.
Also this week, my family flew in from Michigan so I've been spending most of my time with them. We've gone from the north to the south of Albania visiting different members of both sides of the family who I haven't seen in years. We spent this weekend on the beach in Shengjin and went to Mrizi i Zanave, a famous restaurant and spot of agrotourism in Albania. The 3 course meal was fantastic and interesting because every part of the meal was grown and produced on the lands surrounding and owned by the restaurant.
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getnewenergy · 5 years
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Bin von Durres nach Tirana auf einer „Nebenstrasse“ gefahren. Da ist der Schnitt max 30 km/h wegen Esel, Kühen, schlechter Straßen und chaotischen Fahrzeugen. Heute Nationalmuseum und Museum der Geheimpolizei, Bunkart. Interessante Diskussionen gehabt über Korruption in Albanien.
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albanianews · 6 years
Tirana, il Bunk'Art 1 porterà in scena il primo spettacolo teatrale immersivo
Tirana, il Bunk’Art 1 porterà in scena il primo spettacolo teatrale immersivo
La storia verrà proiettata in Albania per la prima volta attraverso il teatro immersivo, in cui attori e pubblico saranno integrati in un’autentica sceneggiatura per sperimentare insieme momenti realmente accaduti nella storia.  (more…)
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rumgereise · 18 days
Tirana: Anreise und Tag 1
(verkürzt wegen Verzug)
Anreise hat alles geklappt mit dem IC nach Nürnberg und von da aus den Flug. Am Flughafen den Citybus von Luna genommen (400 Leke) und gegen halb 12 im Hostel in Tirana angekommen.
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Ich hatte vorher ne Airalo E-Sim gebucht und die hat zum Glück auch funktioniert.
Am nächsten Tag war meine Freundin dann auch da, die hatte aufgrund mehrerer Komplikationen sehr viel Verspätung.
Wir sind dann eigentlich nur rumgelaufen in der Stadt. In Tirana selber gibt auch nicht wirklich viel zu tun.
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Der Park im Süden ist nett zum Rumhängen. Die Pyramide ist ziemlich langweilig, genau so wie BunkART 2.
Zwischendurch Pizza.
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Dann zurück zum Hostel.
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Eine aus dem Hostel hat uns dann noch naja interessante Infos über das Side Hustle des Hostelbesitzers erzählt.
Da ich mit jemand anderem reise habe ich nicht wirklich die Zeit die ich sonst hierfür habe. Und auch keinen Bock das 3 Tage später alles detailliert nachzutragen. Pech.
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michaladamski1987 · 3 years
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Dziś krótka wycieczka po miejscowości Tirana - stolicy Albanii... Bunkart 2 to najnowsze muzeum otwarte w Tiranie 17 listopada w ramach Narodowego Dnia Wyzwolenia Tirany. Ten ściśle tajny bunkier nuklearny jest teraz nowym muzeum w samym centrum Tirany, za Ministerstwem Porządku Publicznego, którego celem jest pokazanie zwiedzającym, jak policja z czasów komunistycznych prześladowała przeciwników reżimu. Bunkier o powierzchni 1000 metrów kwadratowych (1077 stóp kwadratowych) z żelbetowymi ścianami o grubości do 2,4 metra (8 stóp) został zbudowany w latach 1981-1986, aby chronić elitarną policję i personel ministerstwa spraw wewnętrznych na wypadek ataku nuklearnego. W muzeum znajdują się fotografie i sprzęt, które ilustrują prześladowania polityczne około 100000 Albańczyków w latach 1945-1991. Jest to jedna z kilku dawnych kryjówek, które rząd albański zmienił dla społeczeństwa od czasu dojścia do władzy trzy lata temu. Bunkart1 i Bunkart2 były częścią setek bunkrów zbudowanych w całym kraju jako fortyfikacje dla dyktatorskiego reżimu Envera Hodży, ponieważ obawia się on wyimaginowanej inwazji „imperialistycznych Stanów Zjednoczonych i socjal-imperialistycznego Związku Radzieckiego”. Kiedyś krążyły pogłoski, że było ich aż 700 000, ale rząd twierdzi, że zbudowano 175 000. #stylzycia #lifestyle #albania #tirana #visittirana @visit_tirana #tiranacity #tiranalifestyle #tiranaalbania #holiday #slonecznydzien #sunnyday #love @robert_krupinski #relaks #relax #relaxtime #goodvives #positivevibes #albanialife #albanialifestyle #visitalbania #albaniatravel #albaniatrip #bunkier #bunker #bunkart2 @bunkart2 (w: Bunk’art 2, Tirana) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPz-TerAoqI/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Here’s Why Albania Is An Architectural Paradise Of Balkan Peninsula!
In terms of the structure of the country, it's an unusual combination of diverse cultures, religions, and personalities represented by significant sites of Ancient Greek era, monasteries and temples of all of the confessions in addition to idyllic mountain resorts most of which has been set by ancient Romans. The monuments of this among the closest from the past European nations are buried in citrus blossoms, olive woods, and vineyards. Shabby factories remain near majestic mosques, and beautiful Orthodox churches neighbor with pompous palaces of culture produced in a socialist way.
While Albania is gradually getting famous among tourists as it stays notably undiscovered, as well as almost entirely unspoiled. Albania boasts some of the exceptional examples of Ottoman buildings from around the world, along with the stunningly clear Mediterranean atmosphere and outstanding beaches. Moreover, cheap car rentals and hire services in Albania boosts the traveling enthusiasts to consider the country for a road-trip as well. 
And, maybe most importantly, traveling to Albania remains a very inexpensive tour, when compared to other countries of Southern Europe. Let's have a look at some architecturally excellent places to visit in Albania!
Gjirokastër: The UNESCO city
Among the most breathtaking architectural destinations in Albania and the Balkans is Gjirokastër. This city can be located at the south of the nation. It has been included in the list of heritage sites by UNESCO for its exceptional Ottoman architecture. Gjirokastër possesses a number of beautiful and impressive castles in the nation, which provides spectacular views of the town.
Pyramid in Tirana, Albania
Tirana being the capital city of Albania offers numerous attractive sites to explore. In the heart of the city stands a huge pyramid which was built in 1988. The pyramid was built to posthumously honor the communist leader Enver Hoxha. During the Kosova war it was used as a military base and today it’s a curious piece of architecture.
City of a Thousand Windows: Berat
Spotted in the center of Albania, Berat is still among the oldest cities in the nation. It's also referred to as the Town of a Thousand Windows on account of the multiple windows on nearly every buildings façades. Berat is a part of UNESCO World Heritage sites because 2008, not only for its beauty but also since the city is an exceptional illustration of religious tolerance.
Butrint Archaeological Park
Inhabited since the ancient times, Butrint was a Greek colony, a Roman Empire, and also a bishopric. It's an enormous and most prominent archaeological park in Albania and also a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The highlights here are the theater, baptistery, and basilica.
BunkArt at Tirana
Tirana is among the liveliest capitals of the Balkan Peninsula, with lots of museums and art galleries which are worth including in a trip. Once you rent a car in Albania for your trip, remember to visit Burkart, a royal coveted bunker. And as it's built in the outskirts of town, a road trip is worth it, as the availability of cheap car hire in Albania is immense.
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worldhotelvideo · 6 years
La Bohème Hotel in Tirana, Albania (Europe). The best of La Bohème Hotel in Tirana Hotel. Welcome to La Bohème Hotel in Tirana, Albania (Europe). The best of La Bohème Hotel in Tirana. Subscribe in http://goo.gl/VQ4MLN General services on site include wifi available in all areas. In the section of bar we will be able to enjoy breakfast in the room. For health facilities have solarium, spa and wellness centre, pedicure, fitness, hair styling, body treatments, waxing services, massage, hair treatments, make up services, spa facilities, beauty services, facial treatments, hair cut, manicure, body scrub, body wrap, fitness centre, hair colouring and sauna. As far as transport is concerned, we have secured parking, bicycle rental (additional charge), shuttle service (additional charge), airport shuttle, shuttle service, airport shuttle (additional charge), car hire and parking garage. For the reception services we can find currency exchange, tour desk, luggage storage, express check-in/check-out, 24-hour front desk, newspapers, private check-in/check-out, safety deposit box and atm/cash machine on site. Within the common spaces we will be able to enjoy garden and terrace. The cleanliness of the facilities will include ironing service, laundry and daily maid service. If you travel for business matters in the accommodation you will have fax/photocopying and meeting/banquet facilities. barber/beauty shop and shops (on site). We can highlight other possibilities as air conditioning, non-smoking rooms, soundproof rooms, non-smoking throughout, lift and designated smoking area [https://youtu.be/bIjS0vx9yQc] Book now cheaper in https://ift.tt/2JUjQbo You can find more info in https://ift.tt/2Ioj09w We hope you have a pleasant stay in La Bohème Hotel Other hotels in Tirana Hotel Opera https://youtu.be/ODGdwW-7lmw Hotel Boutique LAS https://youtu.be/WgOXB4KPG50 Sky Hotel https://youtu.be/s_1VY_jdebI Tirana Central Apartment https://youtu.be/Rf332_c9Lw4 The Plaza Tirana https://youtu.be/3ZRBPYLFYXU Hotel Hermes Tirana https://youtu.be/iOsngdxut90 Rogner Hotel Tirana https://youtu.be/C9SUAcesid0 Sky 2 Hotel https://youtu.be/xagI8ve1pAk Hotel Austria https://youtu.be/btIE9j_sGyM The Rooms Hotel and Residence https://youtu.be/adfOfOcAPgY Xheko Imperial Hotel https://youtu.be/vpuw6FMsRV0 Other hotels in this channel https://youtu.be/Vb1ZUfWPutM Auberge des Eaux Vives https://youtu.be/9FUCJf5qWnE Ibis Barcelona Mollet https://youtu.be/CLT1kuMz5-g Thon Hotel Rosenkrantz Bergen https://youtu.be/vNidSeNBBwk Hôtel de Cabourg https://youtu.be/mPZiKyiVJIY Yomi Hotel Taipei https://youtu.be/Llf4ZEHkurA Best Western Ronceray Opéra https://youtu.be/B1F6FWguWYI Piramida Hotel Spa & Wellness https://youtu.be/f7hzfvGfH4U Best Western Ai Cavalieri Hotel https://youtu.be/zBBPunGudFc Hotel Son Esteve https://youtu.be/-C3nq0i1n0I Hotel Juaneca https://youtu.be/cEhsIRBHVUo Crowne Plaza Zhongshan Wing On City https://youtu.be/mhMUEmcIJbc Novi Spa Hotels & Resort Apartments https://youtu.be/29jjWKkLQDI Paradise Canyon Golf Resort https://youtu.be/upUys_p8BH4 Città del Mare Hotel Village https://youtu.be/IKIMJfU4VgM In Tirana we recommended to visit In the Albania you can visit some of the most recommended places such as Museo Histórico Nacional, Plaza Skanderbeg, Mezquita de Et'hem Bey, Pirámide de Tirana, Skanderbeg Monument, Monte Dajt, Rinia Park, Bunkart 2 and House of Leaves. We also recommend that you do not miss Museo Arqueológico Nacional, Mezuraj Museum, Clocks' Museum, Sali Shijaku House, Torre del Reloj, Bunk'Art 2, We hope you have a pleasant stay in La Bohème Hotel and we hope you enjoy our top 10 of the best hotels in Albania All images used in this video are or have been provided by Booking. If you are the owner and do not want this video to appear, simply contact us. You can find us at https://ift.tt/2iPJ6Xr by World Hotel Video
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serialfrenchblogger · 7 years
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📍Tirana, Albanie 🇦🇱 • J'ai été surprise de découvrir un petit bout (original) du mur de Berlin à Tirana. Et puis j'en ai appris plus sur le passé communiste au musée Bunkart II et j'ai compris. C'est la partie pas marrante de l'histoire du pays, mais tous les pays en ont une ou plusieurs! J'aime beaucoup l'histoire mais j'avoue que découvrir celle de l'Albanie a été une surprise. Et vous, vous en avez souvent quand vous apprenez le passé d'une ville ou d'un pays? _ I was a bit surprised to see an original piece of the Berlin Wall in Tirana. And then I learned a lot more about the communist past of Albania in the Bunkart II museum. It's the "not funny historical part" of Albania but hey every country has one or several. I love history a lot but I must admit I didn't know about Albania. Are you often surprised to find out about the history of a city/country? • • • • • • #albanie #albania #ig_albania #igersalbania #visitalbania #albaniabesttravels #natgeobalkan #ig_balkan #tirana #tiranaalbanie #tiranaalbania #tirane #tiranacity #visittirana #berlinwall #murdeberlin #communism #communisme #passe #past #histoire #history #surprise #WHIheart #1voyage1photo #adventureladies #alwaysgo #amazingview #aroundtheworld #awesomeearth (à Tirana, Albania)
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travelswithzoe-blog · 7 years
A Weekend in Tirana
Two weekends ago, I took my last official vacation as a Peace Corps Volunteer with my friend, Zach (another PCV) to Tirana for the weekend. It was my first time in Albania which all of my colleagues thought was long overdue as they mostly would rather live in Albania as opposed to Kosovo. 
Tirana was not my favorite city but there were some cool things. One, the city has a lot of trees lining the streets even when compared to many other developed capital cities. And it definitely made a difference in the looks of the city. Second, a lot of the city was built when Albania was still a communist state so the buildings are your typical Eastern European communist block buildings. But about a decade ago, Edi Rama became the mayor of Tirana. Rama is professional artists who wanted to make Tirana less gray and prettier so he ordered many of the buildings painted bright colors or with designs to make Tirana more visually appealing and it worked. There’s still the less than impressive architecture but the buildings are colorful!
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Third, there is the pyramid of Tirana. This pyramid was originally supposed to be a museum to honor Enver Hoxha’s legacy (he was the president/dictator of Albania during communism). However, because he is not well remembered by much of the population, the museum never opened and has now fallen into disrepair. But it is in the center of the city and definitely makes for an interesting site. 
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Fourth, right by the pyramid is Rinia Park, which has a clean and working water fountain (which is really impressive for the developing Balkan countries). This park would be a nice place to have a picnic or sit and read a book. Or play fetch with your dog, which I actually saw some locals doing. Coming from the Albanians I know in Kosovo, it was really cool to see people owning, caring for and playing with their pet dogs. 
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Finally, Tirana has a really cool museum- Bunkart. This museum is not centrally located but you can take a public bus out there for about 50 cents. The museum is housed in Enver Hoxha’s bunker that he built early in his rule in case Albania was ever invaded/ attacked with nuclear weapons. Actually, Hoxha ordered the construction of over 750,000 (or about 1 per 11 Albanian citizens during communism) bunkers throughout Albania in the case of such a war. Not that there was a real threat for such an invasion but Hoxha wasn’t exactly sane. Either way, his bunker is over five stories deep and has hundreds of rooms and was meant to house over 1000 people. Now, Bunkart displays his quarters and the quarters of his cronies in this immense bunker (it feels wrong calling it a bunker since it was so damn big) as well as a history of Albania leading up and under communist rule. 
The museum is really eerie and if I hadn’t been with Zach, I probably would have run out screaming fearing that a serial killer was hiding somewhere in there waiting to kill me. But it is supposed to be eerie as it is designed to try and help foreigners understand Albania’s recent history and help Albanians come to terms with their country’s dark past. It is definitely worth a visit if you find yourself in Albania and the entrance fee is slightly over two dollars so not bad at all. 
Hoxha’s rooms in the bunker:
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The communications room in the bunker: 
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The many bunkers of Albania:
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So all in all, I can’t recommend Tirana as a must see destination for everyone as opposed to some of the other places I have been. That being though, if you find yourself in Albania or any of the surrounding countries, it’s worth a 24 hour visit. And while you’re at it, take the bus out to Berat to visit for a few hours which is what Zach and I did on Saturday. 
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thea-travels · 8 years
day 160
We got up at a reasonable hour oh I completely forgot to mention the best part of this hostel in the morning there was breakfast a choice between omelet, French toast or an egg. So we got up and ate some good ole food before heading out for the day. Sadly we weren't able to say goodbye to Sam who was heading on to Thailand that morning. We headed to this bunker in a mountain just outside of the city. During the war the president or leader guy of Albania wanted to build 2 million bunkers all over Albania for army and people in case of attacks. He ended up only building 750 thousand still an insane amount but in Tirana there are two famous ones that have now been turned into museums/art and they are called bunk art. One is in the middle of the city and the other in a mountain just outside of it. So we took a bus to the Bunkart 1 and wandered through there it was cool I would have liked more art or more interesting museum rooms because it was just bunk room after bunk room filled with info on the war and everything it was just kind of a lot to take in but it was cool. After that we headed back to the hostel made some food and hung out with the people there. Everybody else started drinking and Soph and I just chilled eventually a huge group was planning on going out and we went with to the first bar which was just around the corner but it was closed and I wasn't up for the huge group and this one girl in the group who was there to replace Sam was so obnoxious she was drunk but sober she also wasn't my favorite type of person just like ugg wearing bleached hair trying to be this traveler but complaining and gossiping about everything just not my thing so Soph and I decided to head back to the hostel and chill with will and some other people that were still there and goto bed early.
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