#bungou stray dogs lore
kanehara-chillveil2 · 11 days
Riki’s death scene ☺️
TW: Character death, Riki’s kinda a bitch before he ends up 6ft under with basically half the cast of bsd
Featuring Chuuya and Kunikida lol
Riki stared down at the cluttered papers on his desk in the Port Mafia's dimly lit office, his fingers twitching as his thoughts spiraled. It was becoming harder to focus lately, the numbing effects of "Chill Kill" creeping further into his everyday life. The air in the room was thick with tension, but it wasn’t from the mission briefing in front of him. Kotoko stood across from him, her eyes burning with frustration.
「あなたはそのように去る必要はありませんでした。銃を突きつけて、ただ去る?」 Kotoko's voice cracked. “You didn’t have to leave like that. Holding me at gunpoint and then just leaving?"
Riki's jaw clenched as he avoided her gaze, pretending to be absorbed in the mission details. He knew this argument was coming, but he had hoped to avoid it—he always did. 
「俺はお前のためにやったんだ。」 Riki replied quietly, his voice barely above a whisper. "I did it for you."
「嘘だ!」 Kotoko snapped, stepping closer to his desk, her fists trembling at her sides.
Her breaths were labored—her COPD often made arguments like these physically taxing for her—but right now, anger was overriding everything. 
「ポートマフィアなんて?!」 She paused, struggling for breath, and Riki winced, hearing the familiar strain.
"The Port Mafia? You joined them and left me at the Agency, and for what?!"
Riki finally met her gaze, eyes cold but betraying a flicker of pain. 
"To get the money to cure you."
His words were blunt, like a blade striking at the heart of the matter. But there was no comfort in them, only the brutal truth.
Kotoko’s face twisted in disbelief. She shook her head, her voice trembling. 「それで?それが理由で、私の兄はポートマフィアの一員になって、人殺しになったの?」
"And that’s supposed to make it okay? That my brother became a killer for that money?"
Riki's hands curled into fists. He couldn't argue with her. Every word she said cut deeper than any weapon could. But he had to hold onto the reason he'd done it, the reason he'd sacrificed everything—even his own soul—for her.
「私はいつも殺人者でした。私がどうやって私たちを解放したか覚えていませんか? 」 He stood abruptly, his chair scraping the floor harshly. “I was always a killer. Don’t you remember how I freed us?”
Kotoko stepped back, her anger giving way to something colder—something more hurt than fury. She exhaled, a sharp breath that left a hollow ache in the room. 
「なら、私にはもうお前はいらない。」 Her voice was ice.
"Then I don’t need you anymore."
Riki flinched, the numbness of his ability failing to shield him from her words. He turned away, pulling his coat from the rack. 
「任務がある。」 His voice was steady, masking the storm inside.
"I have a mission."
Without another glance at her, he strode toward the door.
「リキ!」 Kotoko called after him, her voice cracking.
But he didn’t turn back. The door slammed shut behind him, and the silence that followed was suffocating.
The rain fell in sheets, a steady, rhythmic drumming against the concrete streets. Riki sat on the rooftop, staring blankly at the city below. His mind was silent—too silent. There were no thoughts, no emotions, just the cold emptiness that had taken root in his soul.
He had lost track of time, of reality itself. Days blurred together, punctuated only by the increasing strain on his mind. It had been too long since he felt anything—fear, joy, even anger. His power had drained it all away, and now his mind teetered on the edge of a precipice he couldn’t even recognize.
He was called in for a mission tonight. A dangerous one, they said. They had warned him—his friends, his comrades—but Riki hadn’t listened. He couldn’t feel the weight of their concern anymore. He couldn’t feel anything.
Suddenly, the comm in his ear crackled to life.
"Riki! They're closing in on you! Get out of there!"
The voice was urgent, but Riki felt no sense of alarm. The numbness wrapped tighter around him, clouding his judgment. He blinked, the words barely registering.
There was no fear, no instinct telling him to run. His ability had dulled every impulse of survival, every sense of urgency. His body was ice, his mind fogged in a cold that wouldn’t lift. Even as figures began to move in the shadows below, Riki’s heart remained steady, his breaths slow and measured.
With a detached calm, he triggered his ability. The air around him froze, a biting cold that radiated from his body. Ice began to creep along the ground, crawling toward the approaching enemies. But something was wrong. The cold didn’t stop. It spread further, faster than he intended. His control was slipping.
The figures below cried out, scrambling to avoid the freezing wave, but Riki couldn’t hear them. His ability was spiraling out of control, and he couldn’t stop it. Panic should’ve gripped him, but even now, his mind was too numb, too exhausted to react.
The cold continued to expand, its deadly reach consuming everything in its path. Riki stood in the center, eyes vacant, as the temperature plummeted. He didn’t feel the cold, not anymore. He didn’t feel anything.
Then, the ice beneath his feet cracked.
In an instant, the rooftop collapsed beneath him, sending Riki plummeting into the building below. The world spun, a blur of concrete and ice, but Riki’s mind remained eerily calm. He hit the ground with a sickening thud, his body crumpling in a broken heap.
It was later that night when Kotoko found herself standing in front of Chuuya, her stomach twisted with a sickening sense of dread. His face was grim, lips set in a thin line as he met her eyes.
「リキは。。。死んだ。」 His voice was heavy, almost regretful.
"Riki… is dead."
Kotoko's breath caught in her throat, her body trembling as the weight of his words hit her like a ton of bricks. 
"Why... why did this happen..."
Her voice was barely a whisper, her mind unable to process the reality that her brother, the one she had just fought with, was gone.
Chuuya handed her a small envelope, his expression softening as he spoke quietly. 「これは、リキが最後にお前のために残したものだ。」
"This is the last thing Riki left for you."
With shaking hands, Kotoko opened the envelope. Inside was a receipt for her final COPD treatment—paid in full.
Tears slipped down her cheeks as she collapsed to the ground, her sobs muffled by the rain. She hadn’t needed the money. She had needed her brother. And now, he was gone.
Kotoko sat in her room at the Agency, staring at the ceiling. It had been a week since Riki’s death, and the void in her chest had only grown. No amount of medicine, no final treatment could take away the ache of losing him.
The Armed Detective Agency had welcomed her back, in their own way, but she could feel the strain. They didn’t look at her the same. She could sense the hesitation in their eyes, the unsaid doubts. Ever since Riki had joined the Port Mafia, it was like a shadow had been cast over her too. She had tried to push through it, to ignore the cold stares, but it was harder every day.
「裏切り者じゃないのに…」 She muttered bitterly to herself.
"I’m not a traitor..."
And yet, it didn’t matter. The ADA didn’t trust her the way they once had. They hadn’t explicitly said anything, but Kotoko knew. She saw how they exchanged glances when she was in the room, how they hesitated before giving her any real responsibilities. She was just the sister of a traitor in their eyes, and no matter what she did, that wouldn’t change.
She clenched her fists, her mind flashing back to Riki’s cold expression before he left on that final mission. All the sacrifices he had made, the blood he had spilled, just to make sure she could live a life free of illness. And what had she done? Thrown his words back at him.
"Riki, what am I supposed to do...?"
Her voice cracked in the stillness of her room.
A knock at her door startled her. It was Kunikida, his expression unreadable as he entered the room. 「体調はどうだ?」 he asked, his voice flat. "How are you feeling?"
Kotoko stared at him for a moment before shaking her head. 「大丈夫だよ。」 She forced the words out.
"I’m fine."
But Kunikida’s eyes told her everything she needed to know. There was pity there, and perhaps a lingering distrust. He didn’t believe her. None of them did.
After he left, the silence of the room swallowed her again. Kotoko bit her lip, her thoughts racing. The ADA wouldn’t trust her again. She could see that now. And what was left for her here? Riki was gone. Her role here was broken. She was just... here.
She stood up, a sudden decision blooming in her chest. She couldn't stay. Not like this. The ADA wasn’t her home anymore—it never would be. And as much as she wanted to deny it, there was only one place left for her to go. The place where her brother had chosen his path. 
Days later, Kotoko found herself standing outside the Port Mafia’s towering headquarters, the weight of her decision settling heavily on her shoulders. Her heart pounded, but her steps were steady as she entered the building. 
She approached Chuuya, who stood waiting in the dark corridor. His expression was unreadable, but his sharp eyes studied her closely. 
「来たか。」 He muttered, crossing his arms.
"So, you’ve come."
Kotoko met his gaze head-on. She had no illusions about what this meant—what she was giving up. But there was no turning back now.
「兄の後を継ぐ。」 Her voice was steady.
"I’m taking my brother’s place."
Chuuya tilted his head slightly, a faint smile tugging at his lips. 「本気か?」 He asked, his tone almost mocking.
"Are you serious?"
Kotoko’s eyes hardened. 「信じられなくてもいいしかし、あなたがそれを好きであろうとなかざると、私は参加します。」
"You don’t have to believe me. But I’m joining whether you like it or not."
For a moment, Chuuya didn’t respond, simply studying her with those calculating eyes. Then, finally, he nodded. 「分かった。」
As Kotoko stepped deeper into the shadows of the Port Mafia, she couldn’t help but feel a grim sense of purpose. The ADA had left her behind, but here, she could start again. She would honor her brother’s memory—not by running from his choices, but by walking the path he had chosen for both of them.
And this time, she wouldn’t look back.
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NOTE: Chuuya is the one who got Riki to join the PM in the first place and he’s also the one who trained Riki upon joining and now Kotoko!
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crowscadence · 2 months
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i-eat-mold · 16 days
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originalartblog · 1 year
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hitting them with a tinyfication beam!!!!!
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jounosparticles · 10 months
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need his nail routine now!!! now!!!
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sableeira · 9 months
I love how we go from episode 3 “no one ever figured out what Dazai’s former occupation was” to episode 5 “Dazai corrects someone in detail on the mafia’s revenge mo”
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valverii · 4 months
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rlly should be working on my own dnd campaign but a dnd skk crossover whispered into my ears
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scrimblyscrorblo · 17 days
Introducing some more Edgar Allan Poe LORE:
- Of course every group in BSD has a boss or mentor figure and Poe used to be a detective so who was his boss?
I introduce to you my greatest big brain idea, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
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Kinda the design I have for him so far.
In my mind he’s maybe the one descent/good influence in Poe’s younger life, the one who introduced him to official detective work.
Young Poe and Doyle, he’s showing off his best detective and author:
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Working out the kinks of his ability but I was thinking Hound Of The Baskerville. Similar to Elise, it is its own being, a great hound and loyal companion that once it sets its sights upon a target, it chases relentlessly.
This hound becomes a small puppy around Poe cuz that man gets nervous around big dogs.
I have more lore that I will post eventually but this is the gist of my idea, what’s essential to know is that this is a man who collects “strays” so to speak, as in people. Obviously a young author, fresh put the military fits right into that category. I’m debating who to add to this roster but maybe Mary Shelley, I could see her in early 2000s forensics.
((If y’all have other ideas for Doyle’s ability or who would Edgar’s “partner” in a way then omg please lemme know))
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henryshakesmear · 1 month
I love how teen Chuuya and Dazai met and both went oh he's cute I can make him worse
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karmicpunishment · 1 month
sometimes i see people write an atsushi and dazai interaction and just know they have not read 55 minutes
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evermorethecrow · 7 months
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Yuuko the cat introduction
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kyomon0 · 20 days
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Yet another eyepatch wearin mfer i get to add to my collection
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i-eat-mold · 18 days
This is pretty cringe but I just had to
Low quality but it’s the intention that counts
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originalartblog · 2 years
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In retrospect, Dazai telling Chuuya his hat, the anti-mind-control hat, the unlock-corruption hat, the you-are-your-own-person hat, you know, that hat, should destroy his mind and kill him, was a bit, uh. um. yeah.
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jounosparticles · 4 months
i feel like there is something very sinister going on with the hunting dogs.
the vice commander is twelve years old; she has been a soldier since a few months after she was born. why wouldn’t they get her out of the military so she could be a child? why was she put in a position of power instead of freed from her traumatic life?
tachihara is a teenager. we don’t know how long he’s been on the team but it’s likely been a decent while, meaning he was also quite young when he joined. why wouldn’t they try to rehabilitate him for his crimes before putting him into this job?
jouno was an crime ring executive; and we know that high up mafioso are punished with the death penalty. i speculate he was given the choice to be executed or to give his life to the hunting dogs.
and with this all in mind, they’re bound with their lives? they can’t leave unless they’re willing to rot to death due to their surgeries. it’s incredibly warped that the government would do this to these people, especially considering one of them is a child.
it just feels off to me
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*A bunch of papers finally print out and out the window spilling out the streets.*
All papers say the same thing:
"Dear readers, if you are reading this than I have already been turned into a porcelain doll. THIS IS A WARNING!!! There is a entity called Charlatan out there roaming around trying to snatch people's souls.
Whatever you do when encountering her, DO NOT FIGHT HER OR RUN IMMEDIATELY!!! She doesn't technically have a body, so any physical damage will be pointless, including abilities. If you come across her this is what you should do:
1. Politely decline and deny anything she offers or claims. Do this enough and she might go away on her own. She can smell fear so try to stay calm.
2. If that doesn't work than ignore her. She likes attention.
3. If all the above fails THEN you run. I cannot promise all these points will 100% work so take this with a grain of salt.
Stay safe out there my patients.
- Dr. Vincent Roux"
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