#bun's 100 followers celebration!
Hi all!
Just wanted to pop back in here and talk more about the 100 followers celebration, which might be closer than I am expecting 😅
Anyway, since I am now less than 10 followers away from reaching this first milestone of mine, I think I now have an idea of what I want to do to celebrate once I do reach 100 followers.
So yall remember this blush meter meme, right?
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I was thinking I could give yall the chance to try to make me blush! (it's stupid easy to do so really)
Of course my ask box is always open, but I'd also allow for dms to be sent in response to this meme. I haven't picked out a length of time in which I let yall fluster the hell out of me, but I'm hoping to have that ready by the time I hit 100 followers.
As always, thank you all for the support thus far! Start thinking of those teases now, I might hit 100 followers sooner than you think~ 😉
- Bun
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themangylioness · 2 years
🎉 Bun's 100 Follower Celebration! 🎉
Omg so I started this blog... in April of 2020... So like riiight after shit hit the fan with Covid and you guys this is crazy. I never really thought I'd get a following on the blog, just not something I ever thought of. And here we are I have 100 followers now... and wow. Thanks so much, Tumblr is like a home to me so to celebrate I've created this (it's not original almost everyone of my mutals have done this lol)! Just put them in my ask box!
🌸- Fmk, truth or dare, 2 truths and a lie, cym, ya know just the usual. (Only for fandoms I follow so RE, Harry Potter, Skyrim (It's the only Elder Scroll I've played lol))
🌹- Ask me anything you've always wanted to know about me (mutals only)
🌺- I'll make an assumption about you based solely on your url.
🌻- I'll give you a headcannon on a character of your choice.
🌷- I'll ship you with a character (specify fandom) please specify gender or I'll just give you one of each.
🌼- I'll write a short fic for you (and I mean short) for a character, fandom, and/or ship (your choice, please specify, mutals only)
🌱- You rate my blog and I'll rate yours (1-10)
@remuslupininskirts, @dead-james-potter, @lovelylady-bug, @jamespotterinskirts, @mayamoons, @romqnticstylez, @donnabeneviento-doll/@thewormambassador, @mmad-lover, @professorss19, @the-unkindled-queen, @thewanderingfoxkage, @siriuslypotterthings, @asha-the-khajiit, @yippie-kai-gay, @bigcatcroissant, @nymphadorathebubba @tales-unique @the-unkindled-queen
(And ofc all my other mutals who's blog name i've forgotten, y'all know who you are.)
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waratah-vroom · 1 year
Rumour Has It (ln4)
✨join waratah's (over) 100 follower celebration✨ Made to order for lovely anon xx
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Liked by kellypiquet, landonorris and 1,743,294 others ynhorner: Suns out buns out ☀️
yourfriend: Are you trying to kill me with the last pic? ↳ ynhorner: Is it working? ↳ yourfriend: Writing my will now
dailyyn: No words 🔥🔥🔥
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Liked by maxverstappen1, ynhorner and 1,379,294 others landonorris: Nothing better than a summer spent in the sun ☀️
danielricciardo: If you need some tips mate give me a call 🤙
redbullracing: Something looks familiar
softboynorris: He looks so happy 🥺
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Liked by f1driversdaily, landonorizz and 3,420 others f1gossipgirl: Lando Norris featured a Red Bull branded Jet Ski and boat on his recent post. Sources close to the Red Bull team have revealed that Christian Horner has been talking with the McLaren driver. Coincidence?
maxthelion: A Max/Lando lineup would actually be iconic
softboynorris: Not the red circles, girly we have eyes 😭
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Liked by kellypiquet, landonorris and 2,942,407 others ynhorner: Summer recap ☀️
yourfriend: Is the last slide what I think it looks like? ↳ ynhorner: Looks like I'm in love or something idk
dailyyn: Girl who we soft launching 👀
ynsource: Everyone's obsessing over the last slide but I'm here like NEW MUSIC???
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Liked by maxverstappen1, danielricciardo and 2,375,105 others landonorris: Eating well 🤗
alex_albon: LANDO NO ↳ landonorris: LANDO YES
maxfewtrell: She's gonna leave you mate Liked by ynhorner
christianhorner: I don't like what this is implying, Lando. This comment has been deleted
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Tagged: christianhorner, landonorris, ynhorner therealgerihalliewell: Finally posting the photos from our little Mallorca getaway!
yndaily: This was not on my 2023 bingo card
ynsource: I did not expect Ginger Spice to hard launch y/n and Lando's relationship yet here we are ↳ landonorizz: I didn't expect a Y/n Lando relationship at all tbh ↳ ynsource: Think it's time you change your user girly
ynhorner: Geri... 🫢 ↳ therealgerihalliwell: I am so sorry sweetie
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Tagged: landonorris Like by therealgerihalliwell, kellypiquet and 3,380,284 others ynhorner: No point hiding it now. Rumour Has It is out tomorrow xx
landonorris: My baby makes the best bangers 🔥 Pinned comment
danielricciardo: Boss man hasn't killed him yet? ↳ ynhorner: After his last caption he's close. ↳ landonorris: ynhorner I was just telling the truth baby ↳ ynhorner: landonorris👌this close
maxverstappen1: Kelly and I were taking bets on who'd break first. ↳ landonorris: Who won? ↳ maxverstappen1: landonorris neither of us had Geri so we drew. ↳ kellypiquet: landonorris I thought Y/n would post a close friends story on main. ↳ maxverstappen1: landonorris I thought you'd slap her ass in the paddock and Ted would catch it on camera. ↳ ynhorner: maxverstappen1 that almost happened last race. ↳ landonorris: ynhorner not my fault your ass looks good in those jeans.
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Read more of my writing here
Taglist: @fulla02reads @lazybot @rd14 @flowerchild-96 @camillalarke @cool-ultra-nerd @azxulaa @hrlzy @ghosttwit @booksobsess @formulakay (if you're not highlighted I couldn't tag you. If you'd like to be removed from the tag list please send me a message.)
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sailor-aviator · 9 months
Don't Hang'em Til Noon: Chapter Three
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Don't Hang'em Til Noon: Chapter Three
Pairing: Jake "Hangman Seresin x Reader
Summary: Jake "Hangman" Seresin is a notorious leader within the Dagger Gang of the old western territories of the United States. You, a recently orphaned socialite from the eastern seaboard, find yourself swept off to live with your older brother who has set down roots in said western territory. Determined to to make the best of your situation, what will you do when said outlaw sets his sights on you?
Warnings: Jake flirting, suggestive language, talk of theft, talk of hangings. I think that's it.
Word Count: 2.8k
A/N: I know y'all have been begging for it, so here you go! Just a reminder to everyone that my 100 follower celebration is going on through the rest of the weekend, which means my ask box is open for requests of drabbles or just to talk about those fine af Top Gun men! As always, reblogs, comments, and likes are greatly appreciated! 18+ ONLY!! Find me on AO3 under sailor_aviator!
Series Masterlist || DGU Masterlist || Jake "Hangman" Seresin Tag List
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If there was one thing you absolutely hated, it was the heat. You hated how it made you sweat. You hated how it made everything stick to you. Most of all, you hated how you could never seem to find any relief. You mulled over all of this as you stabbed into the dirt beneath your fingers, making a hole just big enough to plant your newly acquired seeds. Hondo had been excited to show you the new variety he had gotten in the previous morning, and you had eagerly purchased multiple packs.
Now, you were covered in dirt, sweat dripping down your brow. You leaned back, tilting your head towards the sky as you wiped your arm across your forehead. Your temples pounded from the exertion, and you were sure most of your hair had come out of the bun you had secured it in that morning.
Your mother had loved gardening, and she would always drag you outside to the small patch of land your father had set aside to do so. She taught you the different names of the flowers she kept and how to tend to the different vegetables.
“They’re just like people, Scout,” she had said with a smile, plucking a ripened tomato from the vine in front of her. She had handed it to you to put in the basket, and you had done so obediently. “Every single plant has different needs, and if those needs aren’t met, the plant can’t flourish.”
You hadn’t understood what she had meant by that, and you still weren’t sure you did as you kneeled on the ground. Sure, different species of plants needed different amounts of things like water or sunlight, but two tomato plants should be treated the exact same way in order to grow. You weren’t much of a gardener, however, but you had taken it upon yourself to continue to do it after she had passed. The thought of nothing growing when your mother had always worked so hard to make sure life was ever plentiful caused a pain in your chest and tears to prickle behind your eyes.
A low whistle caught you off guard, and you jumped. Snapping your head to the far side of the fence that surrounded your tiny garden, was none other than Jake Seresin.
“Well, aren’t you a vision?” he drawled, looking you up and down. You felt a different kind of heat rise on your cheeks as you fixed him with a scowl.
“What do you want, Jake?”
He pushed off from the side of the fence and casually strolled to where you had left the gate propped open. You moved to stand, attempting to brush the dirt off of your skirt in the process.
“Just thought I’d come and see how my best girl was doin’ today,” he said, shooting you a wink. Your lips pursed as you took him in.
“I’m not your girl,” you said finally, taking in the stubble that was starting to grow on his chin. “You need to shave.”
Jake hummed as you pushed past him and towards the barn. “You don’t like it? Martha told me last night while we were down at the saloon that she thought I should grow it out. Said it would make me look rugged.”
“Then grow it out,” you grumbled. “I really don’t care either way.”
Jake came up to your side and fixed you with a mirthful stare. “You don’t have an opinion at all on it?”
“None whatsoever.”
“That’s strange,” he chuckled. “Most girls have an opinion one way or the other. The ones who like their men clean shaven like it ‘cause it gives their men a nice, boy next door kind of charm that’s hard to resist. The ones who like a little growth, though…”
You opened the door to the barn, but Jake stepped in front of you, halting your movement. A sly grin had broken out on his face, and he leaned down to whisper in your ear. He was so close, you could smell the mix of smoke and and fresh linen on his clothes. It was an oddly comforting smell. His lips brushed against your ear and you felt a shudder run up your spine as he said, “they like how it feels against their skin when we’re alone.”
A beat of silence passed between you two before Jake pulled away from you slowly, looking at you with an amused smirk. You scowled up at him before pushing past him and into the barn.
“You’re insufferable,” you hissed, moving towards the ladder to the second floor where you kept the hay.
“Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about it, darlin’,” he laughed as you began to climb the ladder. You looked over at him with a sour look, and he huffed another laugh. “I was talkin’ about whether or not you like your men clean shaven, sweetheart.”
“I really haven’t, Mr. Seresin,” you said as you hoisted yourself up onto the ground of the second floor. Jake followed you up the ladder and stopped when he saw you attempting to pick up a rather large bale of hay. He rushed to your side, grabbing it from your hands and walking over to the edge of the floor.
“I don’t need your help,” you protested. Jake threw the hay down onto the first floor with a loud thump and turned back to look at you with a scowl of his own.
“Yeah, well,” he starts, already moving to grab another bale, “you’re getting it.”
You huffed but allowed him to throw down the second bale. He turned to you as if to ask if he needed to get another one, and you shook your head. He allowed you to move down the ladder first before following suit. Once you two were on the ground floor, you moved to start dispersing the hay amongst the stables for the horses. You heard Jake scoff behind you, and before you could even touch the hay, you felt a pair of hands land on your waist.
“Jake!” you screeched as he picked you up. Turning with you in his arms, he sat you down on the workbench that had been shoved against one of empty stable doors. You moved to stand back up, but Jake shoved you down gently by your shoulders.
“Stay,” he commanded, giving you a look that left no room for argument. You huffed, but complied, watching him as he began to work.
“Does your brother know you’re doing all of this?” he grumbled.
You rolled your eyes. “Of course he does.”
“He hasn’t thought to hire any ranch hands?”
“He’s working on that part,” you mumbled. “Besides, it’s not like there’s much to do around here yet, and I am more than capable of doing it all for the time being.”
“Right,” Jake responded sardonically. “And when you keel over from exhaustion, then what?”
“That won’t happen.”
“Sure it won’t,” he said, throwing the last bit of hay into the final stall. He dusted his hands off and walked over to stand back in front of you. Placing his hands on either side of you, he leaned in so that his warm breath ghosted over your face. A smirk tugged on his lips. “So, do I get some kind of reward for helping you out today?”
“What is it you want?” you asked suspiciously, eyes flickering down to his lips momentarily.
“Let’s see,” he hummed, thumb stroking over the back of your hand where it rested on the table. He leaned in even closer. “I can think of a few things.”
“Don’t,” you said, putting a hand on his chest and pushing him back. Jake moved away only slightly. “I don’t want people to get the wrong idea.”
“And what kind of idea would that be, pretty girl?” he smirked.
“The kind that can ruin my reputation.”
Jake scoffed out a laugh, and you frowned. “I’m serious, Jake. A woman’s reputation is all she has in this world.”
Jake studied you for a second. “I think you have more to offer this world than just your reputation, sweet girl.”
“Yes, well,” you stumbled, feeling your cheeks flush yet again from the intensity of his gaze. “You would be one of the few people to think so.”
“That’s a cryin’ shame,” he murmured, reaching up to push a stray strand of hair behind your ear. His hand lingered, almost cupping your cheek as he stared at you. He really was so unfairly handsome.
“You should go,” you whispered, eyes darting between his own.
Jake stroked your cheek slowly. “Yeah? You sure you don’t want me to stay.”
“Yeah,” you said quietly, almost breathlessly. Clearing your throat and shaking your head in an attempt to clear it, you said more firmly, “I mean, yes. I need to get ready for dinner at Maverick’s tonight.”
Jake gave one last stroke of his thumb to your cheek before pulling away completely. He fixed you with a mischievous grin. “Need any help getting ready?”
“I’m only teasin’, pretty girl,” he laughed, already moving to leave the barn. Looking over his shoulder and back at you, he gave you one last wink. “Don’t be a stranger, Scout.”
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Maverick and Penny’s home was humble, but no less spacious than your own. Maverick was a kind man with an air of assuredness about him that put any of your worries about your brother’s ranch at ease.
“I’ll help him every step of the way, y/n,” he said with a smile.
“Please, Maverick,” you had smiled back, “call me Scout.”
Two other men had joined your group for dinner that night - Sheriff Tom “Iceman” Kazansky and U.S. Marshal Beau “Cyclone” Simpson. Sheriff Kazansky was a quiet man, and you learned that he and Maverick had a friendship that spanned back decades.
“I wasn’t going to let this scoundrel found a town without someone there to make sure it didn’t all go to hell,” the sheriff had laughed. Maverick had rolled his eyes, but smiled fondly at his old friend.
“I was a bit of a wild card back in those days,” he admitted.
“‘A bit’ is the understatement of the century,” laughed Kazansky before launching into a story about the time Maverick had taken it upon himself to go bull riding.
“So,” Penny had started once the laughter had died down. “To what do we owe the pleasure of your company tonight, Mr. Simpson?”
The marshal finished chewing his food before answering. “Well, ma’am. I’ve been tasked with rounding up a group of wanted outlaws that have started making a name for themselves out here in the western territories.”
“Oh?” Maverick questioned, eyebrows shooting up on his forehead.
“Yes,” Simpson continued. “A group calling themselves “the Daggers,” in fact.”
You felt your blood run cold. Taking a steadying breath, you spoke up. “The Daggers, marshal?”
“Yes, miss. They’ve stirred up quite the ruckus over the past couple of years. They robbed a bank about a hundred miles north of here just a few months ago.”
“Really?” you breathed, setting your fork down. Simpson offered you a reassuring smile.
“I’m sure you have nothing to worry about, miss,” he said. “We’ll have in custody in no time.”
“So, what brings you here to our small town?” prodded Kazansky, leaning back in his chair.
“Well, the word is that this town is where they like to come and set up shop. You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?”
“If I did,” the sheriff smirked, “you’d be the first to know.”
“What do you plan on doing when you catch them?” you asked.
“We’re going to hang’em,” Simpson answered plainly. Your heart stopped, and you felt your eyes grow wide before you could stop them. You heard Penny’s breath catch and Maverick became eerily still as you all stared at the marshal.
Mr. Simpson, to his credit, seemed to grow uncomfortable at the sudden change in atmosphere. With a clear of his throat, the marshal stood and offered Penny a smile. “This was a mighty fine meal, ma’am, but I’m afraid I’ve got some work I need to be getting back to.”
“Of course,” Penny smiled. With a nod to the table, Beau Simpson turned and walked out of the house.
Maverick groaned, resting his face in his hands. “I’m going to kill those kids.”
“Pete,” Penny started, but he shook his head.
“I can’t keep bailing them out, Penny. I don’t know how many more favors I can call in.”
“I might have a few,” grumbled Kazansky. “But nothin’ I can guarantee.”
You gulped. “How many times have you had to rescue them?”
Maverick bit out a humorless laugh as Kazansky grimaced next to him.
“Enough times to where that’s how Jake earned the nickname ‘Hangman,’” Maverick stated, casting you a solemn look. You felt the color drain from your face. You weren’t sure why this whole situation made you feel sick. Perhaps it was due to the mentions of the gallows. You had seen hangings before, and you never understood the amusement people got from going to watch them. You found them horrible, feeling nauseous at the memories of the bodies as they writhed in the air.
“Are you alright, Scout?” Penny asked quietly, noticing the change in your demeanor. You took a deep breath and offered her a small smile.
“Yes, I’m fine,” you replied, turning to look back at Maverick who continued talking.
“That boy has been on the business end of a rope more times than I can count. I keep tellin’ him to keep his nose out of where it doesn’t belong, but does he listen to me?” he asked with a shake of his head.
“Maybe he just needs something to help keep him grounded and out of trouble,” Benjamin offered.
“Something,” Penny hummed, casting you a knowing glance, “or someone?”
Sheriff Kazansky let out a booming laugh as Maverick chuckled at his wife’s suggestion. “The day Jake Seresin hangs up his womanizing ways is the day I eat my hat,” he said, tone filled with mirth. Penny smiled knowingly.
“Would you like it stewed or fried, honey?”
“I’ll let the chef decide,” Maverick had scoffed. Penny looked like she was going to say something else, but you cut her off.
“Maverick, I wanted to talk to you about the children in this town.”
“What about’em?” he smiled.
“Well,” you started, “I noticed that they seem to be running around town all hours of the day. Shouldn’t they be in school?”
Maverick grimaced. “Yes, they should, but unfortunately we don’t have a schoolhouse, and we don’t have anyone who knows the first thing about teaching.”
“I see,” you murmured. Maverick offered you another smile.
“I promise, we’re working on it. Have you thought about teaching?”
“Goodness, no,” you laughed with a shake of your head. “I don’t think I’d have the patience for it.”
“That’s a shame,” he replied. “Well, I’ll guess we’ll keep lookin’ then.”
The rest of dinner passed by quickly, and before you knew it, both you and Benjamin were bidding farewell to the older couple.
“Come by anytime, you hear?” Penny called after you as you made your way home. Benjamin wished you a good night before retiring to his room, and for the first time that evening, you were left alone with your thoughts. You washed your face in the basin you kept in your room before quickly changing into your night dress. You cracked the window open in hopes that the cool, night breeze would offer your heated skin some relief. You snuffed out your candle and moved to lay in bed. Staring up at your ceiling, you couldn’t help but to think back to the conversation with Marshal Simpson. You thought about the things he said Jake and his friends had done.
“That man,” you growled to yourself. “That stupid, stupid man.”
You thought of how infuriating said man could be with his attempts at flirting, his snarky comments, his broad chest, his surprisingly soft fingers that held your cheek oh so gently…
You felt a burst of warmth pool in your stomach as you thought about how soft his lips had been on the shell of your ear, and how rough his stubble would feel pressed against your-
“Stop it,” you hissed at yourself, placing your pillow over your face and yelling into it. You laid there for a second, willing your thoughts to stop focusing on the man you were sure you hated more than anything. He was a scoundrel, after all. You placed your pillow back in its original position, closing your eyes with a deep breath. Sleep soon found you, dreams filled with green eyes and quiet sighs of your name falling from his lips.
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cheritzteam · 5 months
[The Ssum] The Ssum’s loving cutie-pie, 💛June💛 Birthday Event Announcement
Hello, dear lab participant.
We bring you news on June’s birthday events for 2024.
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< ① City of Free Men : Celebratory Lab >
For the following period, a Celebratory Lab📚 celebrating June’s birthday this year will open in the City of Free Men.
Congratulate June’s birthday🎉 with other lab participants, and try your chances at becoming a lucky lab participant(5 Korean, 5 international users) for a reward of 200 Aurora Batteries!
♥Bonus Event♥
Use both dedicated hashtags #TheSsum #TheSsum_June_Birthday on X(Twitter), Tumblr, Instagram, or Tikok, and share a screenshot of your study post on social media!
10 lucky winners will receive 100 Aurora Batteries🎁
Event Period: February 1st, 2024 (Thu) 9 AM ~ February 12th, 2024 (Mon) 9 AM KST* Winner Announcement: February 15th, 2024 (Thu) KST *Posts will not disappear after the open period, but you will not be able to write new posts. ※Disclaimer※ * We’ll reach out to the Bonus Event winners via social media DM. Make sure to reply to us in 10 days. * For Instagram users - you should DM us a link to your post via our official account(@thessum_official) to ensure that your post is noticed. * Posts should be set to public until winner announcement, and plagiarism is prohibited.
< ② Seasonal Content >
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What’s that special birthday present on June’s wishlist, who’s taking new steps forward and wanting more after meeting you?
Press the Happy Birthday🍰 button under the Day display to make a special call📞 and receive a memorable photo📸 of your Ssumone.
You will also earn an exclusive Trivial Feature for June’s Birthday 2024 to add to your collection.
Seasonal Content open on: February 9th, 2024 (Fri), for a day (Based on your time zone) Seasonal Content includes: Commemorative Call + Photo Memento + Trivial Feature *Commemorative Calls and Photo Mementos can be revisited at any time after unlocking in your Milky Way calendar and Gallery.
Also, don't forget to collect game-access rewards that will be available throughout the birthday event period🎁
Game-Access Rewards available through: February 1st, 2024 (Thu) 9 AM ~ February 12th, 2024 (Mon) 9 AM KST In-Game Access Reward: 10 Aurora Batteries + 3 Cream Buns
We hope you have a great birthday party with June, dear lab participant💛
Thank you.
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nyxoz · 2 years
Hello!!! Happy 100 followers 🎉🎉🎉 Prompt for you: Kisses in places that aren’t your lips! 😚
You’re at the kitchen counter making breakfast when you hear footsteps coming towards you. You feel his lips on your shoulder before you see him. His full lips trail along the back of your shoulder up into your hair line, and then press firmly into the back of your head as his hands land on your waist.
“Morning, sunshine.” He says into your hair, his voice thick with sleep.
You lean back into his naked chest, “Morning, baby.”
You turn your head slightly to look up at him. His hair is in a low hanging bun at the base of his neck and there are a few strands hanging around his face along with his bangs which are all flying in every which way.
“Sleep well?” You ask.
“Mmhhm.” He leans down and rubs his nose side to side with yours before pressing a kiss to your cheekbone. “Woke up and you were gone though.” He moves to kiss your other cheekbone, “Missed you.” He kisses your nose and you scrunch it up and giggle a little.
“Well, I’m here now.”
He kisses your forehead. “Yeah you are”
celebrate 100 followers with me, send me a prompt! 💌
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sarahsmi13s · 6 months
Hi Vinny!
Congratulations on 500 followers 🥳🥳🥳 These festive requests sound like they’re going to be so fun! I look forward to reading them and feeling all Christmassy 🥰
Please may I request Phoenix with “matching pyjamas”?
Thank you 🥰
hii beth! thank you for coming in and celebrating with me! 🥰
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|| pjs all the way ||
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it's a messy bun and a pajama pants kind of day
If you and Nat could spend all day everyday in your pjs, you 100% would. You're just two girls that want to be comfy and cute, and then cuddle with your pets while watching movies. You both went shopping together to find the perfect matching set. You've lost count with how many sets of matching pjs you have. You have to have options though right? And around Christmas time, on Nat's day off, you're in those comfy matching pjs and decorating the house and the tree. Then Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, if Natasha is off, you're cuddling and watching movies in your matching set of pjs. And it is amazing.
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thank you again for celebrating with me beth! i hope you like it! love ya!
you can find all of the moodboard for this celebration here! -> unwrap us!!
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wordsbymae · 2 years
I wanted to share with you my own personal dark oc. This is the Wild West. Reader is about to lose her farm after her grandfather suddenly died and there’s no other male relatives to take over her family’s farm. And she’s doesn’t think of something soon she’ll lose it or worse! Have to marry that sleazy loan shark who’s offering to take over it for her (he’s a know wife beater, etc). Women aren’t legally allowed to own things, she needs to get bitch quick. So when this handsome and charismatic stranger comes into town. He work as a professional hitman or hired to do gruesome stuff for the right price. Can he turn down the chance not only to gain a sim of money, but to marry and breed the town’s resident virgin. After working as a professional hitman, and being by himself (aside from the couple of nights he shared with prostitutes) he gained the desire to settle down somewhere small and isolated, and have a family with a pretty wife. So seeing this pretty lil thing offering herself up on silver platter, how can he resistance? He to have the farm under his name for a certain time frame before divorcing reader so she can own it for herself, but how can she when he decides he doesn’t want to leave…. He was a strict husband, rarely letting her out of the house in terms of going into public. Gave her a new set of clothes calling her other ones “whorish” for someone like her, and deserved to be represented on what type of woman she was (despite no one ever seeing her 😂). He took over all farm duties and refuse her help, but expects her to cook and clean. Making her his own personal housewife. And sex is a daily thing, yeah there was no way for her to get out of that. She didn’t show any attempts of running away so she allowed to go outside and such, but if he’s not in the mood he would deny her. And sometimes he would leave days or weeks to pick up some job offers. I tried to keep it vague, so you can have your own opinion on it. Hope you liked it, I love talking to you :).
PT 2.
Sorry, it’s me again! But I just wanted to add just a little bit of detail of what I sent earlier. Reader sees their marriage as convenience and is surprised to see him take it so seriously with him taking his husband duties whole heartily. Paying everything for her, spoiling her, providing for her, doing all the “man” jobs for her (working around the farm and driving her, his reasoning is that her only duty as his wife is to sit still and look pretty for him which in his words “won’t be so hard, with a face as cute as a button”) getting over protective of her.
The only times he lets her out of the house is to go to church. He himself isn’t religious, but to feed into his idea of reader being this untouchable saint and sometimes respecting her boundaries/wishes. But he doesn’t like it when she tries to hide herself from, whether it being shielding her naked body from his sight for modesty (your my wife! I have any right to look at you. Now put your arms away, I was just enjoying myself with a quick peak it’s all!), any feelings she feels (not only does he feel entitled to know how you’re feeling 24/7, but he wants you to be comfortable and happy under his care).
He takes it upon himself to almost always bring up the fact that you’re his wife with “my wife” “Mrs…” “my woman” “wife!”. He even threatens you with a few spanks from his belt when you kept “correcting” with “only legally 🙄 “, also he doesn’t take disrespect well so there was no more eye-rolling or mumbles under your breath. While he may be strict with her, he isn’t a totally serious guy. He loves to play! Have fun with her, while telling her goofy stories of his younger self to make her smile or wrestling her. He’s a go-lucky and joyful guy, reader would definitely develop a praise kink 😏 (degradation kink too!). He can’t help himself from complimenting her, giving her cute lil pet names like “sweetie” “honey” “honey bun” “darlin’” “doll face” and her personal favourite “pumpkin”.
Above all else, he would like for her to be happy with him under the restrictions he placed upon her. He thinks he’s doing what’s best for her even though she may not like it at times. So he tries to make it up for her by spending time with her, giving out praise, and buying things for her. Okay, sorry that is it, I promise 😅😭😭😭.
AUTUMN!!!!!! You're a genius, I'm not kidding! This was amazing!!! The thought you put in???? I love it!!!! Go as detailed as you want! It's your (amazing and absolutely wonderful) OC and I am so happy you shared it with me!!! I love talking to you too!!!!!
I grew up watching westerns so I am literally obsessed with rough and tough bounty hunters and heart-of-gold old-timey cowboys (it explains my love for the Mandalorian) but this is just next level!!!!! I adore the trope of bounty hunters/hitmen/soldiers whatever, just wanting to settle down on a block of land with a pretty wife and I love how this guy goes about it.
I love the idea that over the years he's saved up quite a bit of money so he could really afford to live anywhere in town, he could buy the mayor's mansion if he wanted to, but no!!! He wants the rundown farmhouse cause he gets a pretty wife with the deal. And I love how you have him going along with the deal of marriage of convenience until the reader can divorce him and get the land for herself! I would love to know how she came up to him and asked him to be involved or did she try and hide her intentions from him and seduce him? I would love to know! I like the idea it was all her idea and when she found the one man she thought wouldn't want to stay in a marriage she asked him, with a little bit of incentive of a paycheck, little did she know this man has been planning their wedding and naming their future children since the moment she walked through the saloon door. Up to you though! I love any of your ideas.
Oooooh! And when it has been those few months and she can finally divorce him and she expects the whole husband facade to fall and he goes on his way.....but!!!!!.... he refuses to get a divorce and now is stuck with this man.....OR and this is a bit of a slutty thought but imagine if he 'agrees' to get a divorce but first one last fuck?? And of course, the reader says yes cause he knows what he's doing and it'll be the one thing she misses the most about him. But!! When it comes time for him to pull out he refuses and goes on about how she'll be such a pretty mama and how nice and swollen her belly will be and how she will never get a divorce with a babe on her hip and another in her belly and how she's his now and he's never letting her go and how much of a good husband he'll be as long as she's a good wife to him and holy hell!!!!!
Also, I ADORE the pet name/nickname missus, it is massive here in Australia even if not married and if a man called me his missus to his friends/family/whoever I would literally melt. And the other nicknames????????? Adorable! My favourite brand of man is funny/goofy but will start, end and win a fight, there is just something about tough men with dirt on their faces telling a funny story that makes me wanna just explode.
OOOO! Him teaching the reader how to use a gun and he says he has to get up right and personal to teach her, but the reader is pretty sure his hands don't need to be squeezing her arse for her to aim. and then having arm wrestles?????? him either always letting her win or never lets her win cause he loves it when she pouts at him!!! I might be projection but YES! Praise kink! Him calling her such a good girl and how she's doing so well and how she's his sweet girl..... man im blushing
AHHHHHH! I can go on forever!!!!!! I love this and I love him! You have me hooked.
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justforbooks · 1 year
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Three years after it was declared “The Worst Restaurant In NYC Right Now,” Salt Bae’s Manhattan burger joint has closed.
Salt Bae, of course, is the social media tag for the New York celebrity chef and butcher Nusret Gökçe, who became famous for bouncing flakes of salt off his forearm and on to just about anything edible, giving customers varying degrees of salt-shock.
He opened Salt Bae Burger in a city obsessed with finding the best burger possible, and the outlet on Park Avenue had undergone a bumpy ride ever since. It opened in late February 2020 – just before the city went into Covid-19 lockdowns – to accusations of sexism because it had offered a free, appetizer-sized veggie “ladies burger” in pink buns to women only.
“We wanted to compliment the ladies,” its general manager, Al Avci, told Eater, who explained the stunt had gone down well in Dubai. “We weren’t thinking it would be sexist.”
But Salt Bae Burger also drew consternation as the home of the $99, gold-flecked milkshake and the $100 Gold Burger, which was encased in gold foil. Meanwhile, in terms of ambience, Eater critic Robert Sietsema wrote, “it had all the charm of an airplane hangar.”
Scott Lynch, a reviewer for Gothamist, said he’d “had the unfortunate opportunity a few weeks ago to eat several sad servings of hospital food, and everything I had at Salt Bae was worse”. The menu, he wrote, was framed in metal like a tombstone “apparently marking the death of everything pleasurable about eating”.
The inexpensive Wet Burger, he added, was “actually just a meager disc of meat sitting within a soggy, unpleasantly sweet bun. It’s also tiny, but you can’t eat more than a single bite anyway.” Lynch called Salt Bae Burger the city’s worst restaurant.
Gökçe, who would cook in aviator sunglasses and tight white T-shirts, had seen success before. The Turkish restaurant impresario became famous three years earlier, in 2017, when – through his “salt crystals bouncing off arm bent in a swan-like formation” technique – he earned more than 52 million followers on Instagram via a chain of Nusr-Et steakhouses with more than 20 locations worldwide.
But the salting technique also attracted unwanted attention. When Gökçe donned gloves to perform the salting, some wondered if that might be because the technique could otherwise violate health codes.
Also, before Salt Bae Burger opened, the company behind the Nusr-Et restaurants was slapped with legal claims ranging from sexual harassment to wage theft. Gökçe raised eyebrows after bragging about feeding the Venezuelan leader Nicolás Maduro, US conservative darling Donald Trump Jr and Leonardo DiCaprio, who is known for his dating life as much as his critically acclaimed film roles.
And the reviews weren’t great, either.
The New York Post called it “Public Rip-off No 1” that cost $521.45 for dinner for two and left the diners “craving a snack”. A $25 salad was composed of “days-old iceberg lettuce and mystery greens with tasteless goat cheese and a few walnuts, raisins, and pomegranate seeds”.
The New York Times critic Pete Wells said he’d experienced more than the theatrical application of salt to his order. “I had a pair of trousers that Salt Bae had seasoned like a steak,” he wrote.
He added: “Mr Gokce has only one move, but he performs it with total confidence, and as anybody who’s ever been on a dance floor knows, that’s enough.”
Still, Gökçe’s fame has been real enough.
“Americans and New Yorkers love me very much,” he told the New York Times. He described how he served most of the meat to customers, saying: “After I cut it, I do the move.
“I go to the same table, sometimes three times. I don’t see myself as a butcher or just a restaurant owner. I view my job as an art because I make art out of meat and the move is like a final touch on this art. It came from within me.”
Nonetheless, Salt Bae Burger closed last month, and the title of New York’s best – and worst – burger is up for grabs.
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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bracketsoffear · 6 months
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Ice Dog Sandwich (Oscar Mayer) "The Ice Dog Sandwich includes hot dog sweet cream, spicy Dijon Gelato, is infused real bits of candied Oscar Mayer hot dogs and is served on a cookie bun.
The company partnered with NYC’s imaginative hand-made ice cream company, il laboratorio del gelato, to help translate the experience of eating your favorite Oscar Mayer hot dog in frozen form."
Please note that the ice cream is split so that no matter how you eat it, you're going to get a mouthful of either mustard ice cream or "hot dog sweet cream", a phrase which makes me shudder.
Awesome Sauce: Bun Length Hot Dog Water Seltzer (Martin House) "The 5.2% ABV hard seltzer, called Awesome Sauce: Bun Length, was created with 52 pounds of water previously used to boil frankfurters... Martin House Brewing Company will unveil its questionable creation at Glizzy Fest, a five-hour "Celebration of Hotdogs" that will take place at the brewery on July 16."
Marrots and Megetables (Arby's) "...in true Arby’s fashion, while others are following the latest trend and exploring plant-based meat alternatives, the brand is staying true to itself by continuing to serve what it does best: 100 percent real meats. But Arby’s isn’t stopping there. It’s taking a hardline stance as the champion of meats by creating an entirely new food category: “Meat Vegetables,” or “Megetables™.”
“Plant-based meats are the latest incarnation of making vegetables look like what Americans really want, which is great, tasty meat,” Jim Taylor, Chief Marketing Officer of Arby’s, said.
“Universally, people know we’re supposed to eat vegetables every day. But 90 percent of American’s don’t eat the recommended amount. So we said if others can make meat out of vegetables, why can’t we make vegetables out of meat?”"
Mortal Garden vibes strong with this one.
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melonwithjamon · 5 months
Tips on Making Wonderful Champagne Gifts
If your budget is too low, you can always choose personalized gifts. Think of a bottle of champagne with words written on the anniversary bottle. On the other hand, imagine two champagne glasses engraved with the design of your personal or phrases. That will surely impress someone when you make a fantastic gift. Some visit site here gifts are expensive champagne custom games. You can get a custom roasted whole, with a classy wooden box with a bottle of champagne and a flute quality glass on the inside. Or, you can get a fixed white toast for the bride and groom with custom engraving.
Tips on Making Wonderful Champagne Gifts Champagne Gifts is the supreme symbol of refinement and celebration and is one of the greatest gifts you can make. In the following paragraphs we will talk about the gifts of Champagne Gifts. First, let's talk about Champagne Gifts brands suitable as a gift. So let's write about personalized gifts. In the end, we will discuss ways to make their gifts of Champagne Gifts. Perhaps you are thinking of Champagne Gifts brand does not matter, right? If you compare several different brands of Champagne Gifts bottles, you'll see that some of them are perfect as gifts. Some of the finest bottles of Champagne Gifts and beautiful are made by Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy. The best gift for your boss might be a bottle of Krug Champagne Gifts from any of the other brands of Champagne Gifts. It is also recommended Dom Perignon and Cristal. If you want a bottle of champagne, well trained, try the famous Perrier-Jouet, legendary flower patterns make it one of the best gifts. If your budget is too low, you can always choose personalized gifts. Think of a bottle of champagne with words written on the anniversary bottle. On the other hand, imagine two champagne glasses engraved with the design of your personal or phrases. That will surely impress someone when you make a fantastic gift. Some gifts are expensive champagne custom games. You can get a custom roasted whole, with a classy wooden box with a bottle of champagne and a flute quality glass on the inside. Or, you can get a fixed white toast for the bride and groom with custom engraving. If you do not have the budget to buy a personalized Champagne Gifts expensive set you can still make your own gift package. You can find a brand of Champagne Gifts for under $ 100. Choose a Bollinger or Moet & Chandon, but look for a non-vintage champagne is not too expensive. You can make a beautiful box covering a box of old wine in a new form. Add a little decoration tied in a bun. Finally, add two glasses of champagne or a bouquet of flowers, a chocolate bar or even some some shellfish.Champagne brands makes a wonderful gift indeed. A bottle of champagne can only come to be the best Christmas or wedding and is perfect for: Easter, Thanksgiving, birthdays, gift cards, gifts and more goodbye. I invite you to start preparing some gifts champagne again.
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Hi all!
I've been thinking about this for a bit since I first noticed that I have over 50 followers now (thank you all so much btw <3 ) and while there's still a little ways to go before I hit 100 followers, I think now would be a good time to start thinking about how to celebrate the milestone once I hit it.
I have a couple of ideas in mind, but I want to know what you all think as well. Whichever one is preferred I'll do, or if anyone has an idea that isn't one of the ones I bring up, feel free to comment that as well (please note I won't be able to reply to comments directly bc this blog is sadly a side blog, but I'll definitely still read them).
Idea number 1 is I start posting teasy pics of some of my worst spots. I've done this before in chats and while I've tried to post one publicly here, I deleted it like 10 seconds later out of a lack of self-confidence. Ofc these will be sfw as I've had previous bad experiences with boundaries towards nsfw stuff not being respected and I know I have some followers that are not comfortable with that kind of stuff anyway.
Idea number 2 is one I've rarely done in chats, but audio teases. I've heard a lot of teases from the ler's perspective on here, but not too many on the lee side of things, so I figured why not put my voice acting skills to use and try it out here?
These are just rough ideas for now, haven't put a lot of thought into how it'll be carried out yet. That's a bridge I probably won't cross until closer to actually hitting the 100 followers milestone.
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Also here's a gif of one of my special interests at the moment <3
- Bun
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eazy-group · 1 year
How to Get Rosie Huntington-Whiteley Mom-Friendly Hairstyles
New Post has been published on https://eazybeauty.net/how-to-get-rosie-huntington-whiteley-mom-friendly-hairstyles/
How to Get Rosie Huntington-Whiteley Mom-Friendly Hairstyles
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(Photo : Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images for The Met Museum/Vogue)
Rosie Huntington-Whiteley is known for her signature low-maintenance style, whether it is her fashion style, makeup, or hair.
After giving birth to her only son Jack Oscar in 2017, whom she shares with Hollywood star Jason Statham, it appears that the British supermodel turned actress has mastered the art of mom life.
She regularly updates her 12.2 million followers with her tonal outfits over her social media, varying from neutrals of beige, browns, and grays and the classic white and black ensemble.
Furthermore, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley’s Instagram also features her effortless hairstyles, whether it is a sleek black ponytail, low bun, or the crowd’s favorite messy bun hair.
With that, here are her mom-friendly hairstyles, as seen on the “Mad Max” actress that you need to copy ASAP!
READ MORE: Achieve Rosie Huntington-Whiteley’s Hair Hack With This Secret!
Since the ’90s trend is coming back in full swing, the mother-of-one joined the bandwagon but gave the classic hairstyle a twist.
In one of her previous IG posts, she styled it with a messy look with face-framing details at the front. To get this look, brush your hair to get rid of tangles and knots.
Next is to gather your hair by place your hands underneath your tresses.
Once it’s done, twist your hair in an upward motion.
You can do this tightly or loose, as seen on the Victoria’s Angel model.
For the last step, secure it using your preferred claw clips. Let the ends cascade to create a messy look.
This is one of the go-to hairstyles not just for moms but for busy ladies who want to look polished in a snap.
To create this look, smoothen out the front part using a fine comb and run it through the hair to ensure that there are no tangles.
If you are satisfied with the front part, continue at the back by tying your hair in a low ponytail.
Next is to twist it lightly and wrap it into a low bun. Secure it by adding another tie or by putting bobby pins.
For a chicer look, you can add gold accessories and red lipstick. This definitely screams like a girl boss vibe.
If she’s not in a bun, chances are you can spot Rosie Huntington-Whiteley donning and wavy hairstyle; however, she leans towards the effortless, kind of woke up like this look.
To achieve this, start by grabbing a curling iron with a 1-inch barrel. Next is to section your hair and curl it in an alternate direction. This will give an illusion of voluminous and fuller tresses.
Now for that effortless and natural-looking style, leave about an inch or two at the bottom ends.
As for the last step, make sure to spritz it with texturizing spray to set the curls.
This will not only set the curls in place but will also give a gritty feel to it.
READ MORE: Celebrity Get the Look: Rosie Huntington-Whiteley at the 2014 Vanity Fair Oscars After-Party
See Now: 100 Most Beautiful Women In The World
TagsRosie Huntington Whiteley, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley Instagram, Celebrity hairstyle
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thedisneychef · 1 year
Kitchen Blooper! Jack Skellington Sugar Cookies
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Kitchen blooper! Jack Skellington sugar cookies is a fun and lighthearted take on a classic sugar cookie recipe. Inspired by the beloved character from Tim Burton's "The Nightmare Before Christmas," these cookies are decorated with a whimsical and spooky design that is sure to delight both children and adults alike. The recipe is easy to follow and uses simple ingredients, making it a great option for home cooks of any skill level. While the process of decorating the cookies can be tricky, it is a fun and creative activity that can be enjoyed with friends and family. Whether you're hosting a Halloween party or simply looking for a fun baking project, Jack Skellington sugar cookies are sure to bring a smile to your face. In this context, we can explore the cultural significance of "The Nightmare Before Christmas" and how it has become a beloved holiday classic. We can also discuss the importance of embracing kitchen mishaps and mistakes as a part of the learning and creative process in baking. Finally, we can highlight the joy and fun that can be found in creating unique and playful desserts that bring a sense of whimsy to the kitchen. More Delicious Recipes You Will Love: - Chef Mickey Key Lime Pie Recipe: A Refreshing and Tangy Dessert - Mastering Jamaican Buns: Avoiding Kitchen Mishaps - Avoiding Kitchen Bloopers: Perfecting Kona Sweet Bread Halloween… One of my favorite holidays. You have an excuse to dress up, eat tons of candy, and celebrate the darker, spookier side of life. Being a lifelong fan of “Haunted Mansion” and lover of the weird and spooky, Halloween is my time of year. When I got the recipe for the Jack Skellington Sugar Cookies, I was over the moon. I love, love, love “The Nightmare Before Christmas.”  I love cookies. What a perfect match… It was like Tim Burton and Johnny Depp, like Madame Leota and Tarot Cards, like pumpkins and the headless horseman… It just seemed to belong so perfectly.  Add to that my recent trip to Disney and seeing these cookies absolutely everywhere, I figured this couldn’t be a cooler recipe. And then I made them. Yikes. The recipe I had?  Not good. They were bland, they were dry, they just weren’t that tasty. And the sugar frosting? It was really practically inedible. Even my son, who I think is in some way related to the Cookie Monster, took one bite and wanted no more. I can imagine no bigger sin in my son’s world then to refuse a cookie, and if this one was worth refusing… That says something. Now, to be fair, a lot of the recipes I get are authentic, but they’re done in such huge batches that they have to be scaled down by the chefs that give them to me. After all, I have no real need to do batches of 100 cookies.  Sometimes, when those conversions are made, while technically accurate by proportion, they don’t taste quite right. This recipe was an obvious victim of that phenomenon as, when I made them the second time, I had the very exact same issues: a bland, dry cookie with icing that was gross. Very un-Disney. But at least they looked great. That all being said, it’s not like this recipe is a total loss. The idea behind it still works… Just your favorite, trusted sugar cookie recipe (or buy some premade cookies, or premade cookie dough), ice it with white frosting or icing or chocolate, and using a small tipped bag of black decorator gel, and you have your own, edible, Jack Skellington cookies. But of course, I also made another discovery in this process… That I don’t have the patience to decorate that many cookies.  But that’s a problem for a different day. In addition to the delicious food and recipes, Disney World is also known for its unique dining experiences, such as character dining and themed restaurants. Whether you want to have breakfast with Mickey Mouse, dine in a replica of a sci-fi drive-in theater at Hollywood Studios, or enjoy a meal with an ocean view at the Coral Reef Restaurant in Epcot, there's something for everyone. And with the help of Recipes Today and the How to Make category, you can even recreate some of these magical dining experiences in your own home. So why not start planning your next Disney-inspired meal or dining experience today? Read the full article
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pipers-playhouse · 1 year
hi buns! i finally figured out what i’m going to do for my extremely late 100 followers celebration.
I’ll be working on a spooky themed agere discord server. there’s not a lot of spooky/horror representation when it comes to agere so that’s how I got my idea.
the server will be finished probably by the middle of this week, so i’ll share a link when it’s ready
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indicaeveroddly · 2 years
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🎉In celebration of reaching 100 Followers Smitten gifted us with this adorable Frosting Bun!🎉 "Thank you again for the support. Go grab your cuties! No group needed." - Trinket BloodBunny Smitten ↓ Socials ↓ → Flickr ← → Twitter ←
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