godly-feh-edits · 30 days
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Quick update to give Buné timbs 😂
Also little collab with my friend Griff!! Consider supporting her art here!
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sangaverage · 20 days
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Digital offering/ stim board for Bune ft gold, offerings, dragons and wealth!
Credits: 🐉|🐲|🐉|🏺|⛧|🏺|👑|💰|💎
more information on Bune: here (thanks to: Astra Ravana)
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pinkgy · 3 months
Since I’ve got a lot of free time, here’s a list of all the 72 devils from the Ars Goetia, and if they have been introduced to the game or not.
Got the information from the most trustworthy source of information ever, Wikipedia, and a page called Occult Encyclopedia.
1. Paimon: Available Noble of Gehenna.
2. Bael: Available Noble of Abyssos
3. Belial: Available Noble of Gehenna
4. Agares: Available Noble/Former King of Niflheim
5. Vassago: Available Noble of Niflheim
6. Valac: Unavailable N/A
7. Marbas: Available Noble of Paradise Lost
8. Valefor: Available Noble of Tartaros
9. Amon: Available Noble of Abyssos
10. Barbatos: Available Noble of Hades
11. Buer: Available Noble of Paradise Lost
12. Guison: Available Nomble of Niflheim
13. Sitri: Available Noble of Gehenna
14. Leraye: Available Noble of Gehenna
15. Beleth: Available Noble of Niflheim
16. Eligos: Available Noble of Tartaros
17. Zepar: Unavailable N/A
18. Botis: Unavailable N/A
19. Purson: Unavailable N/A
20. Asmodeus (?): Unavailable N/A
21. Vine: Unavailable N/A
22. Balam: Unavailable N/A
23. Zagan: Available Noble of Gehenna
24. Amdusias: Unavailable N/A
25. Bathin: Available Noble of Niflheim
26. Saleos: Unavailable N/A
27. Aim: Unavailable N/A
28. Buné: Unavailable N/A
29. Berith: Unavailable N/A
30. Astaroth: Available Noble of Gehenna
31. Focalor: Unavailable N/A
32. Vepar: Unavailable N/A
33. Vual: Unavailable N/A
34. Crocell: Unavailable N/A
35. Allocer: Unavailable N/A
36. Murmur: Unavailable N/A
37. Gremory: Unavailable N/A
38. Vapula: Unavailable N/A
39. Flauros: Unavailable N/A
40. Dantalian: Available Noble of Abaddon
41. Ipos: Unavailable N/A
42. Gaap: Unavailable N/A
43. Stolas: Available Noble of Abyssos
44. Orobas: Unavailable N/A
45. Seir: Unavailable N/A (But he appeared on the game)
46. Gamigin: Available Noble of Paradise Lost
47. Naberius: Available Noble of Abyssos
48.  Ronové: Available Noble of Abaddon
49. Forneus: Unavailable N/A
50. Marchosias: Unavailable N/A
51. Phenix: Available Noble of Abaddon
52. Sabnock: Unavailable N/A
53. Shax: Unavailable N/A
54. Orias: Available Noble of Hades
55. Andras: Unavailable N/A
56. Andrealphus: Available Noble of Niflheim
57. Kimaris: Unavailable N/A
58. Decarabia: Unavailable N/A
59. Furfur: Unavailable N/A
60. Malthus: Unavailable N/A
61. Raum: Unavailable N/A
62. Bifrons: Unavailable N/A
63. Andromallus: Unavailable N/A
64. Furcas: Unavailable N/A
65. Morax: Available Noble of Paradise Lost
66. Glasyalabolas: Available Noble of Hades
67. Foras: Available Noble of Hades
68. Malphas: Unavailable N/A
69. Haagenti: Unavailable N/A
70. Camio: Unavailable N/A
71. Amy: Unavailable N/A
72. Ose: Unavailable N/A
If the game decides to include in the game all of the 72 devils, which I highly doubt, we already know 29 of them.
Now I'm gonna answer some possible doubts.
Why is Asmodeus in the list of the 72 devils? I have no idea, I promise that I'm going to investigate that further and then I'll edit this post.
Why isn't the list organized? This is more of a quick list just to keep track of the demons we have available in the game and the ones we don't, I know they have an order and are even organized by rank, maybe in the future I'll make the list well, but it serves its purpose at least!
Those are not their names in the Ars Goetia! I know, i put in this list the names they used in the game (Only for the available ones) and some of them have many variations of their names, Prettybusy with some of the nobles used names that are not how some are used to call them for the game (I used the word "Name" too much in a single sentence)
Where is Bimet? Bimet is either Vine or Bune, but I'm still not sure.
I'll try to update this post as we get more of the 72 devils.
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flipchild · 12 days
Lost my phone comment you ph# below & pique my new gadjet
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its the Inferno Wiredess "Buné" model
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💀 Demons of Necromancy 💀
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This is a compromised list of demons to work with if you are looking to work with the death demonic. These all have descriptions coming from multiple sources.
Buné- In all of her grimoire appearances, she is described as being able to move the dead bodies place to place and cause servitors to enter a dead body.
Stolas- As he is described in the Book of Offices/Oberon, he can help with Necromancy, "The 5 is called Mistalas, he receavinge mans shape hath power to teache & instructe one in witchcrafte & nicroma<ma>ncye & knoweth the vertues of herbes stones & trees, & appeareth like a night raven."
Eurynome- As described in Collin De Plancey's Dictionnairre Infernal, She is the Princess of Death and Surperior Demon. She also has origins as a deity, in my upg her being a shard of the greater Eurynome herself.
*I Use She/Her for her since her origins is of being a feminine Pagan Godess.
Orobas- As described in the Book of Oberon, Orobas as Auras and appearing as a Wild Ass can carry the dead to their appointed places. This trait can also apply to him communing with the dead.
Murmur- She is the second duke and second earl under Egin and can constrain the souls of the dead as explained in the Ars Goetia.
Bifrons- A demon exclusive to the Ars Goetia, he changes the locations of dead bodies, and lights candles on the graves of the dead.
Gamigin-He is described as brings forth the souls of those who died at sea or are afflicted in purgatory, making them appear in an Airy body in which they will answer the conjurer's questions.
Gasyaxe/Geenex/Joorex- A demon from the Book of Oberon. He speaks with a small voice and comes in the form of a hare, a hart, or a valiant captain but comes soonest when commanded into a ring or the head of a dead man, through which he will proceed to teach necromancy, magic, astronomy, physics, and other sciences.
The Book of Oberon
The Lemegeton
Dictionairre Infernal
Feel Free to Reblog/Add on with any other Demons found that are associated with necromancy! (This list is just done from my personal research)
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swayingluv · 6 months
Prey of Hell - Chapter 1
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Alastor x Buné (OC) Chapter 1: The Happy Hazbin Hotel Previous Chapter Next Chapter
Word Count: 5195
Seven years. Alastor had been gone for seven years, abruptly leaving everyone in his life alone. There weren't many people in his life, but those few people included Buné. With that came conflicting emotions, they had become extremely close during those years since he had arrived in Hell. She couldn’t exactly call herself mad or upset, more so confused. 
So, now she stood alone in her territory during extermination day, which she had faced by herself for the past seven years. This wasn’t a difficult task for her, for she had climbed her way up the ladder, obtaining the title of an Overlord. She never took interest in such frivolous statuses because titles meant nothing to her, she was only interested in doing as she pleased and living for pure amusement. Buné had many different types of sinners’ souls in her possession, but she rarely felt the need to use them. Just knowing she had someone’s life in her hands was enough for her, never find a situation to use them for violent activities. However, 
Buné watched with a grin on her face as she observed the situation unfolding below her, sitting atop a building’s roof. She swung her legs off of the side, kicking them back and forth in enjoyment. Sinners below her repeatedly got pierced by angelic spears, angels flying down and mercilessly killing anyone they saw. Her eyes ticked back and forth between angel and sinner, wondering how someone could let themselves be so weak. They didn’t even put up a fight, only trying to run and escape those that attacked them. On the other hand, sinners were fighting sinners. Buné thought this was incredibly stupid, they were on the same team. For now, at least. It was angels versus sinners, and sinners were fighting amongst themselves. They must be mad!
Buné couldn’t help but laugh a little at the sight, of sinners losing their cool over another extermination, as if there hadn’t been one yearly for Satan knows how long. She had enough of just waiting around, deciding to stand up on the railing and before she could even think about it, she jumped. Pulling out her whip, she swirled it into a circle as an aerial net appeared beneath her, catching her easily. As she bounced, she adjusted herself, landing on the surface of Hell, and began humming as she walked around. 
Everything was on fire. The extermination had only a couple of minutes before the angels were ordered to return to their heavenly paradise. Buné looked left and right and the poor souls that were struggling to keep themselves alive. She tilted her head in thought, wondering for a moment. She stopped in front of a young sinner, appearing to have arrived in Hell not too long ago. The sinner lay on the cold sidewalk, breathing heavily with blood covering multiple wounds. Her hair was long and disheveled, fox ears sitting on top of her bright orange hair. Her clothes looked as if she were from the modern times on Earth, for Buné had no clue what she was wearing. She must be so lost and confused, so Buné decided it was the perfect time for a deal. 
Buné put her whip back into its holder, crouching down to the level of the young sinner, who was gradually losing her life. She gave her a wide smile, showing off her sharp teeth. “Oh my, looks like that one hurt!” Buné said, poking at a wound on the sinner's shoulder. The woman flinched and groaned, not having enough energy to scream out in pain. Buné retracted her hand, giving her a closed smile. 
The young sinner looked up with one eye at Buné. Her green eyes narrowed as she quietly hissed in pain. “Fuck you.” She said, trying her best to get up from the ground. 
Buné let out a loud laugh at how ironic the situation was. “How rude! You know, you should be nicer to people that could very well help you. Now I’m not so sure I want to!” She said, surveying the sinner as she tried to get off of the cold and hard sidewalk of Hell. After a few seconds of no response, Buné’s eyes lit up. “You know, you don’t have to go to double hell just yet, you not-so-sly fox!” She told her, quickly poking her nose as the sinner gave out another low growl of pain.
The fox demon looked up at her, eyebrows furrowing. “What do you mean?” She asked, her voice low and raspy. She was obviously in a lot of pain. 
Buné gave a sweet smile, although her eyes were completely unreadable. “I can help you live to see another hellish morning, but you must help out with my beloved circus from time to time!” She offered out her hand, thick and black antlers gradually rising from her head, knocking her hat off to the ground. The fox demon looked up at her in confusion and anger, somewhat unwillingness. 
“And if I don’t?” The young demon asked, her eyes filled with uncertainty and caution. Her fox ears pressed back against her head and her fur became prickly, debating this choice that could affect the entirety of her eternal afterlife. 
Buné withdrew her hand, giving the woman a shrug. The antlers that were once on her head, almost like a jackalope, disappeared as she picked up her hat that had fallen to the ground. She looked down on her as if she were nothing but an insect; she didn’t care if she lived or died. “Then I guess you’ll just have to lay here and slowly die with no one around you! Such a tragic ending to such a gorgeous, young lady, wouldn’t you say?” Buné snickered, beginning to stand up. It was almost as if she was trying to bait the sinner in, giving her no choice but the one in front of her.
The fox demon hissed in pain and shook her head. “Fuck, fine!” She looked up, noticing a glimmer of something flash in Buné’s eyes as she heard those words. Her bunny ears twitched, a smile forming on her face. 
Buné crouched down once more, those antlers appearing once more. Her eyes glowed a violent pink and seams of stitching began to make themselves present on her limbs. She reached out her clawed hand, offering the poor sinner her hand. “Oh, perfect! We have an arrangement then, yes?” She said, giving an almost terrifying smile. Everything around her seemed malicious, including what appeared to be a ring of pink fire manifesting itself in between the two of them. 
The fox-like sinner huffed and shook the rabbit demon’s hand through the ring of fire, confetti bursting from the ring as the deal was sealed. The fire grew brighter than ever and then died down, the rabbit demon giggling with delight. As everything returned to normal, the young sinner tried retracting her hand, only to jump in surprise as Buné’s hand fell off and remained in the fox demon’s hand. 
The ginger sinner gasped and her eyes widened, looking back and forth between Buné’s hand that was now off of her body. Buné stayed silent for a bit, looking just as surprised as the poor woman on the ground. Then, out of nowhere, Buné burst into laughter. “Oh my gosh, I really got you! You should have seen your face!” She laughed, tears pricking at the corner of her eyes. The fox demon snarled and dropped Buné’s hand. After she had stopped laughing, she picked up her own hand and put it effortlessly back onto her wrist. “Isn’t that such a breathtaking party trick?” Buné giggled, picking up her hat and putting it back onto her head, for the antlers were no longer present. 
The fox demon was speechless, only managing to get out a small response. “Right…” She trailed off, silently crying in pain from the injuries that were still very much present. “Aren’t you going to help me?” She asked, looking up at Buné.
“Oh, my apologies! Of course!” Buné responded, tapping the large wound on her shoulder. “Poof!” She said, the wound being stitched just as Buné’s own limbs, a bright pink seam being formed on her shoulder. As Buné did the same to the rest of the fox demon’s injuries, the young sinner felt herself become lighter and more energetic. Buné finished up, standing and giving her a bright smile. “I always keep my end of deals!” She announced, offering the sinner a hand so she could get up.
The sinner took her hand, standing up and nodding towards the rabbit demon. “Thank you.” She murmured, getting up. 
Buné grinned widely. “But of course! Now, I do need some assistance back in my circus, so you better prepare yourself to work lots !” She informed the young sinner, pointing in the direction of a large pink and white circus tent. “Now, I will meet you there later! Cambion, my dear assistant, will be there to welcome you into our little family. I will return later, at least I hope so!” Buné giggled, shoving the fox demon into the direction of the giant circus tent. 
She scurried off, leaving Buné alone to once more travel in peace. She continued on the same sidewalk, looking at the results of the extermination. Many were dead on the streets, fire was as present as ever, and screams were heard for miles. The scent in the air smelled like one of burning flesh and decaying bodies, causing Buné to recoil in disgust. Nonetheless, she continued down the sidewalk, hoping to perhaps find another unfortunate sinner clinging to life. 
Buné paused after walking for a bit. Ahead of her was a group of sinners gathered around a store window, presumably streaming something on the multiple TVs that sat inside. She tilted her head in confusion, walking closer to the cluster of demons that watched whatever was presented on the television. Her heels clicked against the concrete sidewalk, watching a few demons turn their heads, noticing Buné approaching. Even fewer of them began to awkwardly start walking away once they saw who was approaching them. After all, not everyone knew who she was, and that was completely fine by her.
Buné looked up at the TVs once she had caught up to the crowd, seeing an interesting scene unfold. The channel was 666 News, a news station used to broadcast to the entirety of Hell. Katie Killjoy, the host of the station, as well as her partner, Tom Trench, were discussing a certain passion project with the Princess of Hell, Charlotte Morningstar. Buné immediately became interested, listening to this.
“Well,” Charlie began, clearing her throat. “as most of you know, I was born here in Hell, and growing up I always tried to see the good in everything around me.” She continued, Katie Killjoy stabbing an insect that was crawling on her desk. Buné recoiled in disgust at this. Gross.
Charlie continued with her segment. “Hell is my home and you are my people. We- we just went through another extermination.” She sighed before continuing her speech. “We lost so many souls and it breaks my heart to see my people being slaughtered every year. No one is even given a chance!” She beamed, slamming her fist onto the desk. “I can’t stand idly by while the place I live in is subjected to such violence! Sooo, I’ve been thinking. Isn’t there a more humane way to hinder overpopulation here in Hell? Perhaps we can create an alternative way to change souls through… redemption?” Charlie continued, asking rhetorical questions to the people around her. “Well, I think yes! So that’s what this project aims to achieve! Ladies and gentlemen, I’m opening the first of its kind, a hotel that rehabilitates sinners!” She stuck up her arms, inspired and ready to show everyone what the hotel could do. There was a painful silence that followed after her little monologue, Buné no exception to allowing this silence to continue. Charlie continued to ramble on about her hotel, earning a laugh from Buné.
Buné giggled quietly to herself. Oh, what an interesting idea! No one would even actually consider redemption, but this could be fun! placing her hands behind her back as she continued watching the TV segment. 
Charlie continued with her little rant, starting with a sigh. “Look, every single one of you has something good deep down inside. I know you do.” Her eyes then lit up with an idea, causing Buné to tilt her head in confusion at this. “Maybe I’m not getting through to you,” Charlie smirked, standing up the table, and snapping her fingers. All of a sudden a piano appeared and she was sitting on it, reaching her hand out to a mysterious light. Then, she began singing. Singing? Huuuh? Buné thought, observing as she continued to explain her idea through song. It was painfully long and somewhat embarrassing, but Buné couldn’t help but laugh at her naiveness. 
Everyone else joined in laughing, all collectively agreeing that the idea was silly and it would never work. Buné giggled along, but something told her that this would be the start of something amusing. If she could get something to amuse her, she would wholeheartedly help with it. Buné decided then and there to start making her way to the hotel, not bothering to watch the rest of the broadcast. She began walking casually down the sidewalk, the hotel being quite the walk away. Buné pulled out her phone, quickly dialing Cambion, her assistant who helped manage the circus with her. As he answered the phone, he could hear her smirk through the call. “Cambion, be a dear and take care of the circus for me, as well as that young demon I picked up earlier today! I’m afraid I have some… matters… to attend to!” Buné giggled, hanging up the phone and humming as she walked down the street, filled with flames and garbage.
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Buné shortly arrived at the very hotel that was presented on the television back at the window, causing her to hum in delight. She skipped up to it, looking at how run down and almost sad the hotel looked. Buné grinned, knocking on the door. She waited a few moments before the girl on the TV opened it, her eyes widening. Charlie shut the door quickly before Buné could speak, causing Buné to let out a “Hm?” and tilt her head. She heard Charlie on the other side, talking to someone named Vaggie. 
“Now Stellar Buné is here, Vaggie! What do we do?” Charlie asked, panic lacing her voice. Buné smiled to herself, honored that the princess knew her name. Another voice was heard in response, but Buné couldn’t make out what it said. Then another, and the quick opening of the door, cracking it slightly. Charlie answered once more.
Buné gave her a sweet smile, looking up at Charlie. She was shorter than her, although not by much. “Hello, princess! My name is Buné, although I think you are familiar with me through my marvelous circus shows!” She cheered, taking off her hat and giving Charlie a bow. 
Charlie laughed awkwardly, giving a half-assed smile. “Yes, I do! What, uh, brings you here?” She asked, keeping the door cracked slightly. 
Buné beamed at her response, already knowing exactly what to say. “I’d love to help you with your silly hotel! I’d say I’m quite good at this whole entertainment thing, and I could provide that to your guests!” She offered, giving her a bright smile. A voice could be heard in the back, one that sounded all too familiar. 
Charlie sighed, opening the door completely. She kept a smile up though, presenting the hotel lobby to her. “Welcome to my Happy Hotel, Buné!” She encouraged, moving her hand to show the room.
A static pricked at the air, creating a sense of uneasiness. This caused Buné’s ears to twitch, looking around the lobby. Before she spotted the source, a familiar voice spoke up. “Oh, Buné, dear!” The voice said, Buné immediately connected the dots.
“Alastor?” Buné questioned before locating him, standing near the center of the room. Her eyes lit up and she ran towards him, hugging him with a giant smile on her face. “Oh my, it’s been so long! Seven years, yes? That’s far too long to disappear without saying anything! Why were you gone? And why was it for so long?” She began, Alastor hugging her back with a laugh. Buné pulled back, eyes narrowing at him, still holding his arms. “Most importantly, why didn’t you tell me? Such a boring seven years alone might I say! No one was able to commentate my circus quite like you could!” She frowned, her rabbit ears drooping at this.
Alastor’s eyes were wide with amusement as he laughed. Buné released her hold on him, backing up slightly. Alastor leaned down and gently patted her head. “Don’t you worry about anything of it! Maybe one day I’ll be able to inform you, but that day is not today.” He chuckled, standing up straight once more. 
A feminine-looking spider demon was sitting on the couch next to a moth-like woman, their eyes darting between Alastor and Buné. The woman’s eyes were wide, almost as if her jaw was on the ground. On the other hand, the spider demon’s mouth was closed but was just as confused as everyone else. The spider demon spoke up after a few long seconds of awkward silence. “You two know each other?” He asked, pointing back and forth between the two demons. 
Buné’s eyes lit up and she giggled. “Why, yes we do! Alastor and I go way back, even to our living days! His radio shows were always so amusing to tune in to.” She explained, putting her hands on her hips with pride. She nodded her head after finishing her explanation, looking over to Alastor as he began to speak.
Alastor looked down at Buné and gave her a wide smile, looking back to the two on the couch. “Such a charmer, Buné is. I announced for her dashing performances! She is quite an interesting woman, as well as the most outlandish death possible! I do remember reporting it, a tragic tale indeed.” He spun his microphone around and rested his hands atop it. 
Buné looked away in embarrassment, sighing into her hand. “You really must stop mentioning that, Alastor! You know I’m not proud of it.” She shook her head and looked up at the other people in the room.
Alastor did the same, realizing they were rambling on about nonsense once more. “I do apologize! Back to business.” Alastor started, making his cane disappear into thin air. He hummed as he walked over to Charlie who was still awkwardly standing by a broken couch. He spread out his arms before leaning down to Charlie’s height. “So, where is your hotel staff?” He asked, a huge smile present on his face like always. 
Charlie looked away and fiddled with her hands. “Uhhh… well,” She stammered, looking over to the moth woman. “Vaggie?” Charlie said shyly.
Vaggie gave a death glare towards Alastor, narrowing her eyes in suspicion and anger. She then flicked her eyes over towards Buné, who threw her hands up defensively and flashed a smile. 
Alastor laughed as he adjusted his monocle, staring right back at Vaggie. “Oh, you’re going to need more than that.” He said, walking over to the spider demon who was sitting at the ‘welcome’ area. Alastor leaned down to the sitting demon, reaching out his black and red hand. “And what can you do, my effeminate fellow?” He asked, the typical sinister grin on his face.
The spider raised one eyebrow in curiosity, looking down at Alastor, below his belt. “I can suck your dick.” He smirked, responding with mischief in his voice.
Alastor froze, no telling what was going through his mind. A loud shatter noise was heard, creepy enough. He then laughed out a second later. “Ha, no!” Alastor shook his head and walked off, the spider demon smiling with pride in his act.
The spider demon laughed, huffing out. “Your loss.” He shrugged and leaned his head on his hand. 
Alastor walked over to Buné, who was contently standing in the corner with a smile on her face. Buné glanced around the room, meeting Alastor’s eyes again. “This place is rather dull! I feel as though we need more staff and most of all, more lights! Add some sparkle in here.” She jested, a mischievous grin on her face. Buné then clapped her hands, pink sparkles coating new lights that appeared out of thin air. “Poof!” She giggled, walking around the room as she took in the new lighting.
Alastor nodded in approval, walking over to the fireplace. “I’m afraid only that just won’t do! I suppose I can cash in a few favors to liven things up.” He offered, snapping his fingers. The fireplace cleared itself of any dirt and a fire was started, an ash-covered critter being dropped into the fire. He walked over, leaned down, and picked up the entity by what was presumably a shirt. The creature quickly opened its eyes, looking around the room. Charlie, Vaggie, and who Buné learned was Angel Dust, were now surrounding the fireplace, observing with curiosity. Buné smiled once she realized who it was that he summoned. The ash then cleared itself off of the small woman with a funny sound, revealing a tiny and very cute little maid. 
The radio demon leaned in closer to the crowd, still holding the woman. “This little darling is Niffty!” He then dropped Niffty, in which she landed on all fours. 
Niffty stood up, introducing herself. “Hi, I’m Niffty!” She gave a little wave, looking around at everyone there. “It’s nice to meet you! It’s good to see you again, Buné, it’s been so long! It’s been a while since I’ve made any new friends.” She then looked confusedly at everyone, wagging her finger between everyone back and forth. “Why are you all women?” She frowned, picking up Charlie and looking underneath her.
Vaggie took this offensively and wielded her spear for whatever reason. Angel Dust raised his arms in surprise. Niffty continued, “I’m sorry, that’s rude. Ohhh, man! This place is filthy.” She began running around the lobby, grabbing bugs and other things. “It really needs a ladies’ touch. Which is weird because you’re all ladies, no offense.” She shrugged, grabbing a duster out of nowhere. “Oh my gosh, this is awful!” Niffty ran around the room, dusting and ridding the place of cobwebs. She let out a series of “nope”s, continuing her cleaning.
Buné laughed at Niffty’s tendencies, she thought it was so strange. “Oh Niffty, you are just the oddball I remember you as!” She smiled, looking over to the sound of another person appearing. 
“Woah, the hell? What the fuck is this?” It was a cat-like creature, almost taking the appearance of a bat. He wore a top hat and overalls, with very big eyebrows. Buné quickly realized who it was and she rolled her eyes. Husk pointed to Alastor in annoyance. “You.”
Alastor was quick to retort. “Ah, Husker my good friend! Glad you could make it.” He cheered, placing his hand on Husk’s shoulder. 
“Don’t you ‘Husker’ me, you son of a bitch. I was about to win the whole damn pot!” He growled, pointing to the stacks of cash that disappeared in front of him.
Alastor smiled, clearly getting on Husk’s nerves. “Good to see you too!” He quipped, leaning down to Husk.
Husk facepalmed, sitting down. “What the hell do you want with me this time?” He hissed.
Alastor put his arm around Husk’s neck. “My friend, I’m doing some charity work, so I took it upon myself to volunteer your services! I hope that’s okay?” Alastor asked, but Husk already knew the answer. It was rhetorical, it had to be okay. 
Husk looked at Alastor with anger. “Are you shittin’ me?!” He growled with hatred.
Alastor gave a closed smile to Husk. He gave a hum, “No, I don’t think so!” A laugh track played in the back, Alastor letting go of Husk. 
Husk pointed his finger at Alastor, his red wings spreading themselves. “You thought it would be some kind of big, fuckin’ riot just to pull me outta nowhere?! You think I’m some kind of fuckin’ clown?!” He yelled, shaking his fist with anger. 
Alastor tidied up his coat, placing his hands behind his back. He blinked slowly, obviously hiding a laugh. “Maybe!” He replied, another laugh track playing in the back as he walked away.
Husk lowered his head and crossed his arms. “I ain’t doin’ your fuckin’ charity job.” He boomed.
Alastor appeared behind Husk, causing Husk to jump in surprise and he widened his eyes. “Well, I figured you would be the perfect face to man the front desk of this fine establishment!” He nodded, pointing his microphone to the front desk, which had alcohol in the back. “With your charming smile and welcoming energy, this job is made for you!” Alastor continued, walking over to the bar. “Don’t worry my friend, I can make this more welcoming, if you wish?” He held out both of his hands, making a bottle of cheap booze appear atop the bar, giving a smirk.
“What, you think you can buy me with a wink and some cheap booze?!” Husk accused, picking up the bottle of alcohol, and looking at it. “Well, you can!” He admitted, swiftly drinking the bottle. He moved to the bar, standing behind it.
Buné’s eye and ear twitched as she realized Husk too would be staying here. She ran over to Alastor, grabbing his coat, and pulling him to the side. “You are such splendid help, but did you have to bring… that cat here?” She asked, pointing to Husk. 
Alastor gave her a grin, shrugging his shoulders. “I couldn’t think of a better face to be tending to the bar here! I do apologize, I know how much you dislike our feline friend.” He replied, looking as Angel Dust tackled Vaggie.
Buné sighed, shaking her head and facepalming. “I suppose you’re right, but that still doesn’t change the fact that he could become vicious any moment!” Her bunny ears drooped onto her head, letting out a sigh.
Alastor let out a laugh, grabbing her shoulder. “Oh, dear, you are quite silly sometimes! Even if he does attempt to attack poor you, I wouldn’t allow it! I still have him under contract, after all.” Alastor leaned down and smiled at her before returning to the crowd. Buné shrugged and followed him. 
Angel Dust was already flirting with the new bartender, which was no shock to Buné. Charlie leaned onto the bar and ecstatically introduced the hotel to Husk. “Oh my gosh, welcome to the Happy Hotel! You are going to love it here!” She beamed with excitement, leaning over to Husk. 
Husk took his booze off the corner and backed up a little. “I lost the ability to love years ago.” He said, taking another chug of the bottle. 
Alastor approached Charlie and Husk. “So, what do you think?” He grinned.
Charlie ran up to him excitedly. “This is amazing!” She squealed, rubbing her cheeks with her hands.
Vaggie was to the right of Alastor, annoyed. “It’s… okay.” Was all she said. 
Alastor pulled Charlie and Vaggie into a hug, laughing loudly. “This is going to be very entertaining!” 
Buné let out a laugh as well, prancing over to the three of them. “Quite! Finally, the amuser gets amused for once!” She giggled.
Alastor nodded and raised his hand, shoving Vaggie out of the way. His outfit then turned into a tuxedo, a hat adorning the top of his head. He took Charlie by her hands and twirled her, beginning to dance with her. He then spun his hand above her and transformed her outfit and hair into one that was popular during the 1930s. He grinned and took Buné’s hand, transforming her outfit into her old flapper outfit that she wore occasionally on outings with her friends. She gave a smile of enjoyment, watching Alastor sing and transform the hotel and everyone else into something more lively. Alastor’s shadows appeared as well, taking Buné’s hand and offering her a dance. 
Not too long after this began, it ended quickly. The door exploded and Niffty was hit by it, sending her flying. Buné gasped and looked at Niffty, everyone else staring at the door in shock. Everyone returned to their normal attire, peeking out of the hole in the wall. A giant machine was floating through the air, a serpent demon located inside of it. Alastor tilted his head which cracked creepily. 
“Ha! Well, well, well. Look who it is harboring this Strymon freak! We meet yet again, Alastor.” The demon declared, reaching his hand out of his war machine. 
Alastor tilted his head in confusion, looking at the demon. “Do I know you?” He asked, causing the serpent demon’s hair to fall.
“Oh, yes you do!” He hissed, backing into his machine. “-And this time, I have the element of surprise!” With that, a large gun made its way out of the giant war machine. Pink clouds filled the area as it presumably charged up, causing Alastor to snap his fingers. “I’m so evil!” He let out an ‘evil’ laugh, just as a hole formed underneath the machine.
Alastor’s tentacles appeared out of said hole, grabbing the machine and throwing the snake around inside of it. Buné looked up and let out a laugh as screams were heard, she thought they sounded goofy. Alastor continued his work and blew up the machine, his forehead glowing with an X on it. Buné stared at the machine as it disappeared, her mouth slightly agape. “Well, don’t you think that was a bit over kill , haha!” She awkwardly laughed, looking around at everyone else. 
Alastor switched from terrifying to his normal demeanor in a second. “Well, I’m starved! Who wants some jambalaya?” He turned around and held his arms out, a wide smile on his face. “My mother once showed me a wonderful recipe for jambalaya!” He began walking back to the hotel, still talking about the recipe. “In fact, it nearly killed her! You could say the kick was right out of Hell!” Alastor laughed, not giving up on his jokes. “Oh, I’m on a roll! Yes, sir, this is the start of some real changes down here. The game is set. Now, stay tuned!” Alastor murmured, a lightning bolt striking down at the sign of the hotel, changing it from the Happy Hotel to the Hazbin Hotel. 
Buné smiled as she walked back into the hotel with her new friends, excited to see what could happen with this strange group of sinners and the Princess of Hell. As she walked in, she shot a glare toward Husk, who didn’t pick up on it.
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wizardsandcrystals · 8 months
I may not be able to do much, but I light incense almost every day for Lucifer, Vine, Buné, and Caim.
I dedicate my time reading to them.
A cigarette too if I can get my hands on one.
I ask they cover and cloak me when I put on my cologne.
I pray when I remember.
I do my best to honor them, and I know they understand my issues with mental health and neurodivergence but I always feel like I need to do more.
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astra-infernalia · 1 year
A list of spirits whom I am always comfortable channeling for clients:
Abaddon Akatosh Amaymon Ambriel Amdusias Andras Andromalius Asmodeus Astaroth Azathoth* Azazel Azrael Bael Barachiel Barbiel Beelzebub Belial Belphegor Buer Buné Cambiel Castiel Dantalion Euronymos Flereous Fotamecus Gabriel Glasya-Labolas Hanael Hastur Hermaeus Mora Ithuriel Jophiel Julianos King Paimon Kynareth Leviathan Lilith Loki Lorkhan Lucifer Malahidael Mammon Mehrunes Dagon Mephala Metatron Muriel Naamah Nyarlathothep Orias Ose Rashoon Ronove Rosier Samael Sandalphon Sanguine Sargatanas Sariel Satan Sheogorath Slaanesh Sonnelion Stolas Unsere Uphir Verrine Verrier Zadkiel Zepar Zuriel
*Azathoth is only sometimes willing to connect with others via my channeling.
If you want to connect with a different spirit via my services, please ask me if I am willing/able to channel them for you.
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satyrmagos · 8 months
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A coin depicting the seal of Bune as describe in the Lesser Key of Solomon, better known as the Goetia. In the words of the anonymous author: "The Twenty-sixth Spirit is Buné (or Bim). He is a Strong, Great and Mighty Duke. He appeareth in the form of a Dragon with three heads, one like a Dog, one like a Gryphon, and one like a Man. He speaketh with a high and comely Voice. He changeth the Place of the Dead, and causeth the Spirits which be under him to gather together upon your Sepulchres. He giveth Riches unto a Man, and maketh him Wise and Eloquent. He giveth true Answers unto Demands. And he governeth 30 Legions of Spirits. His Seal is this, unto the which he oweth Obedience. He hath another Seal (which is the first of these, 1 but the last is the best) " The front of the coin bears the image of the seal. Use this talisman seal in your conjurations -- traditional or modern -- or as the core maeteria in a prosperity bag. Work with demons at your own risk. This coin talisman is available in brass, bronze, copper, silver, or 14 kt yellow gold. Each piece is hand-made to order and will include unique variations and blemishes. The standard size is 1 inch, but a larger piece could be made as a custom order.
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WHB Lesser key: Tartaros
Did you wonder how much inspo they drew from the descriptions of the different demons of the Ars Goetia to create their characters and what that could point towards in terms of personality and powers? I did. You can find each character with it's respective descriptions here, divided by their respective factions.
The main link is this helpful little list of the 72 with summarized descriptions, so it's not an exhaustive list, just an organized one.
Gehenna | Tartaros | Hades | Avisos | Abaddon | Paradise Lost | Niflheim
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Err... There isn't one named Bimet, but someone pointed out it might be Bune, and it fits, so
Bune is a demon listed in demonological grimoires such the Lesser Key of Solomon (including Thomas Rudd's version, as Bime). All of these texts describe Bune as a duke who is able to move the dead, make one rich, and answer a variety of questions. The Livre des Esperitz claims that Bune rules 35 legions of spirits, while the other texts only give him 30 legions to command. Buné is depicted as a three-headed dragon, being his heads like those of a dog, a griffin, and a man (although according to some grimoires he has two heads like a dragon and the third like a man). And others give him the additional powers of making devils gather around graves and making one wise and charismatic.
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Eligos is a Great Duke of Hell, ruling 60 legions of demons. He discovers hidden things and knows the future of wars and how soldiers should meet. He also attracts the favor of lords, knights and other important persons. He is depicted in the form of a goodly knight carrying a lance, an ensign and a serpent. The Pseudomonarchia Daemonum names his alias as Abigor or Eligor.
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godly-feh-edits · 2 months
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Buné in Sothis' Regalia, aka "The devil in my shoulder" 👿✨
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ditchdwellersupreme · 2 years
The Work Begins...
So not too long ago, I bought the book Magister Officiorum and in one section, it discusses "The Black Table of Buné" which is a sort of hybrid spiritualist meets Göetia séance ritual. With it, you can call up any spirit you desire and speak to them with the aid of the demon Buné. One of the main implements in there is a black bone rosary...
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So yeah, I didn't get a black one, but this rosary is made of yak bones. Originally I intended to do this work, but I quickly realized I have no friends who'd realistically want to do this ritual with me... 😅
So now, I have other plans.
Flash forward to October, and one of my friends passes me a very interesting work known as Ars Rosaria, a book on how to use the Rosary for conjuring and making pacts with the demons of the infamous Grimorium Verum, by way of the new translation, Secrets of Solomon, which adds new sigils, new invocations, and new methodologies of working with the Verum demons, and other strange spirits.
As a bit of a side note, if you choose to work Ars Rosaria, you really should pick up a copy of Secrets of Solomon it will help immensely, even if you have a copy of the Verum.
Of course, the central tool of the ritual is the Rosary, so I thought, Perfect! I can put this rosary to good use! as it wasn't really cheap. However, when I read Ars Rosaria, I found the consecration of the rosary... Lackluster? It's simply an anointing with oil. And while that is not to say it isn't powerful, or that it won't work (as I truly believe it will work), I felt like there was more I could do. And so did Maria.
The Virgin Mary is obviously the main spirit within this formula, she serves as the operating force behind the work. I could go on and on about how she is under represented in the grimoire tradition, and ceremonial magic as a whole, but that's probably best saved for a separate post. I went to her shrine, which I have next to my Santísima Muerte shrine, and asked for her guidance on what to do. She provided to me the following method:
Go out to a cemetery, the Grave Lord and I (Mary) will lead you to a tree. For the next 7 days, pray the rosary in full, with each mystery being meditated upon. Upon the 7th day, bury the rosary in a place which I shall direct you towards. Let it lay in the Earth for 7 more days. Dig it up, and it shall be consecrated as you need.
Today marks Day One (1) of the process. I went to a nearby cemetery and prayed the rosary. While I prayed, I heard and eagle cry out. The wind picked up quite a bit as well, and I felt the presence of multiple spirits, beyond just those of the Grave Lord and the dead. Once I finished, I left the cemetery and went directly to my 5PM class. It was strange, leaving such a magical state and entering into perhaps the most mundane of places, but I guess that's part of the thrill of living in a high speed society with so much to do!
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If anyone is still reading and would like updates, I can update y'all if anything weird happens in the next 7 days, and of course how this week ends, and what happens after I unbury it. Hope this was at least interesting! I can talk for hours about all kinds of esoteric things, so sorry if this is a long read haha
Also I'm not a Catholic and I'm not a Christian in case anyone asks. I need to keep clearing up that annoying misconception. I am simply a doer of magic, and doing these rituals that are based in Christendom, on my own terms, has been a lot more empowering than simply shunning them and letting them have power over me. Also not a Christopagan. Just for clarity lol
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imperatorium · 2 years
a follow up to my question: are any of the ghouls brave/aggressive enough to try and challenge (destroy) the vacuum cleaner or do they all run from it the moment it comes on no matter what
Buné (Swiss) has conquered (which is to say, broken) a few, actually. He's torn some bags, ripped some hoses, etc. A loud, ugly affair always. Screaming and crying on all sides, but he's only recently lost once and that was to a roomba.
They did all decide, though, that they liked the roombas. They're not as loud and easy to just follow around and "help" do their job. (Which consists of making more messes in order to make sure the roomba is getting "enough to eat".)
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bunes-dice · 2 years
i should probably make like an introduction to my blog so here it is ::)
On here i am Buné and my special interest is my own ocs and their storylines so please feel free to ask anything!! (i hope my ask box is working)
I currently have 4 story lines but two take place in the same universe. I'll probably tag my oc posts according to which story they take place.
My main story is the Generations of Eden or GOE. Next there is Cowboys Coffin(place holder name) or CC. After that there is what i refer to as the dreams story?? it doesnt have a title yet so it probably wont be tagged but yk. And then theres the Colors story which is just a storyline where i dump design ideas and species ideas.
GOE and Cowboy's Coffin are what i have mostly fleshed out at the moment so feel free to ask any questions about them!
Fanart is appreciated and welcomed! Dont repost any of my oc rants or art.
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theabyssalorange · 8 months
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Background Demons 7!
(Top Row: Aka and Aoi, Vapula, Vine)
(Middle Row: Buné, Alichino, Seir)
(Bottom Row: Ciriatto, Dantalion, Morax)
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Hi, my name is Buné/Damion [all pronouns]
and this is my little jr. classpecting side blog
i'll just post aspect and class rambles here as i learn about them and theorize about them.
I am not taking any requests atm but feel free to ask questions and ill try my best to get to them ::)
I'm excited to get started, whooppiee‼️‼️‼️‼️
[proshippers, pedos, zoophiles, terfs, n-zis, dni]
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