#bull on bull violence
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jajatoc · 7 months ago
I have died once already. Now it's your turn!
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Day 11, Sword law (Matador)
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neptunym · 6 months ago
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ULTRATOBER // Part 1 - Day 2: Favourite soundtrack
Its only desire: to see the sky for one last time.
(alt version under the cut)
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the-black-bulls · 3 months ago
Theresa, rubbing the bridge of her nose: What did you do this time, Gauche?
Gauche: Alright, but you can't get mad at me...
Theresa: What did you do?
Gauche: Ok, first, I was minding my own business—
Theresa: [slams hand on the table] BULLSHIT!
Gauche: [slams the table as well] I WAS!
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lewishamiltonstuff · 1 year ago
You know what's fucked up about this entire Horner situation?
They were never gonna let him go. They did the investigation just to fulfill a formality. They even set the grounds for today's announcement by already posting yesterday:
"Any statement from Red Bull GmbH is expected to reflect a thorough and fair investigation, but matters of confidentiality are likely to limit the amount of information shared publicly."
By this, they just meant that whatever bullshit we post tomorrow (translation: we're not kicking him out) it'll be fair and impartial. And if someone asks us any questions (translation: we know we'll get the backlash) we can't say anything because it's a matter of confidentiality and we can't share private information (translation: you can fuck off, we don't have anything to prove him innocent, so we'll use the confidentiality clause).
And that is exactly what they did! They posted that their investigation was "impartial" and "fair" and it contains "private information".
They had been setting the stage for this all along!! Who are they trying to fool though?
I hope she takes him to court and drags him in the mud.
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artoatsblog · 2 months ago
Soda in a glass bottle
"Well at least we know what happens when a regular person tries to drink my-" soda was quickly interrupted.
"Why did you let him drink that?" Bull said on edge due to this ..interesting situation.
"I didn't know that his body would do THAT everyone said it was just regular soda!"
""Regular soda" Doesn't glow like that! No wonder why you look like you do."
"... What's that supposed to mean?"
"6'11 and built like a poler bear? I've never seen you exercise what else could it be?"
"That is not true! ...Well maybe... Should we see if Joe is better?"
"Hey guys!" The now big and buff Joe said, "You want to run outside!? You want to hit something!? You want to go find Don and beat him up!?"
"It's best if you stay inside," Bull said.
"Ok!" Joe exclaimed before running back into his room.
"Also explains why he acts that way too."
"Bull, he'll be back to normal in a day you don't have to make fun of me the entire time."
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reddus-sideblog · 1 year ago
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Noi is a being of light and love and positive energy in the body of the beefiest woman you can imagine.
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ghooostbaby · 4 months ago
arcane makes me really aware of implications of massive expensive audio-visual productions funded by corporations, and the neoliberal agendas they have in their storytelling ... and that especially when i see those in fandom spaces absorbing and accepting the "message" in these shows like it has some sort of inherent worth because its in a tv show... that they're essentially adapting bootlicking philosophies. and they are such simplistic, preposterous moral standpoints to accept it's baffling and alarming. things like "revenge is always wrong" "violence is never the answer" "just focus on yourself, be happy, self care, life laugh love" ... i think if you thought about who benefits from mass society blaming themselves and their negative thinking for any misfortunes in their life, it becomes really clear how fucked a philosophy it is. yet these are the most popular takes to these shows...
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pilonciillo · 3 months ago
lol didn’t think someone giving money would give me anxiety
#to the judge that’s gonna see this case next year and the lawyer that is representing it assuming the state idk how this all works#why has the person to say the least get to go a whole year without consequence? a known criminal who after stealing from me and being#released and again getting arrest now for gang violence or some shit she was let go? she maybe associated to the group that killed that boy#last year. and here i am panicking because im afraid to carry cash. im paranoid that imma go outside and my car will be missing. i’m get#panic attacks when i drive to close to that gym and tired going back but physically cannot get out of my car and i start to cry in the#parking lot. i’m not sitting at work shaking forcing myself not to cry because someone handed me cash and i’m afraid someone is going to#steal my purse again. you think that’s not a big deal and honestly i didn’t think it was until my purse was gone. my cards stolen and used.#my key missing EVERYTHING in my purse GONE. so many things in there plus the purse i had money and all that is stuff i paid for now im out#all that cash i’m out 500$ for a key replacement i stopped feeling safe leaving my house all my non replaceable things gone and everyone#spoke to me like it was my fault and had to stand their crying while adults told me not to use a gym locker ??? but in the same breath telli#telling me this isn’t the first time she’s done this she has a warrant for her arrest she’s known to steal cars i’m the problem and there’s#nothing they can do to help me. so while i cry because all the money i had lost and never got back i had to do ALL the work to call my bank#track where my cards were being spent at call the jpay line she transferred money to look up the person she cashapped money to call the#business she was actively spending money at ask the manger if she is currently there and if they could give the police all the receipts and#video of her there for them to act like the hero’s for my brother and i tracking her down while you all belittled me#FUCK YOU AND FUCK HER i can’t be fucking normal about STUPID mundane shit i’m stuck here shaking and crying and what you tell me later it’s#not a big deal? give me all the content of your car and wallet or purse or backpack take nothing out and see what you’re left with and how m#much you need to spend to drive your car again and to tow your car home let a stranger have all your cards and address and tell me you feel#safe#OH and for the gym to tell me they know about her she used to be an employee there she doesn’t have a membership so they don’t know how she#got in and they can’t help but she did steal from another girl that night and an employee last month and who knows how many more ppl like#that’s convenient you pos sounds like she has friends that still work at the gym and open the back door for her or just let her in that’s#crazy no ? and this is all alleged because when if i lost all these things i can’t speak on what did or didn’t happen that’s some crazy bull#shit anyways the towing company felt bad for me maybe because i hadn’t stopped crying they gave me the key replacement number and told me to#mention he referred me so i could get a discount and the layman felt back for me because when i called him i started to cry and when he told#me the price i cried harder so 500$ was the cheapest but pretty much my whole check#key man*#bad** LET ME FIX TAGS#allegedly all these ppl are privileged kids from a privileged background that grew up in a sheltered community and thing there’s no#consequences to their actions because of the lack of accountability from their parents who willing pay for people to look the other way
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jewfrogs · 3 months ago
i wish i had whatever is in other peoples brains that lets them easily tune out repetitive noises
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muriruart · 1 year ago
Ultrakill fans, i have a question
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bucketspammer4life · 2 years ago
☆Punch Out Misc Headcanons 2: Electric Bogaloo ☆
You bet your ass im gonna spew top tier shitpost worthy "headcanons" (i simply throw things onto them that i find funny)
- dont try to speak on your phone if aran ryan is near, hes gonna tell yell shit like "PASS THE WEED" and most importantly "THE DRUGS & HOOKERS ARE HERE"
- mac got duct taped to the wall when bald bull had to look after him for a while
- Joe has robbed a supermarket when he was 17, nobody knows it was him, and nobody will know, hopefully
- doc sometimes likes to do a dramatic eyebrow raise when anyone says something dumb
- Macho man keeps getting stuff thrown at him, not only by his fans but by everyone, its kinda tradition now
- don flamenco & bald bull accidentally ran over some guy with a car, both of them will take this to the grave, do not ask them what happened on November 2nd, 2013, 03:21
- bear hugger uses Facebook on a daily basis, Will post fish, cooking and whatever he wants in general
- great tiger sometimes fights his clones for no reason, his biggest enemy is himself, literally
- sandman had a pet snail named sandman II once,it died from natural causes, he held a funeral for it & sometimes visits his snail's memorial, may sandman II rest in peace
- aran ryan had a skater boy era, everyone keeps pulling up pictures of him during that just to torture him
- soda popinski will never admit but he likes pretending people have something on their face and going like "its still there, no not there its there!" And say "its gone now" whenever they pull out a mirror and check for themselves
- von kaiser has been the victim of too many little german boy jokes (no little german boy, dont teach boxing! oh mein gotten, these kinder are full of punchenkicken!)
- piston hondo has eerily good hearing, talk shit about him and he'll hear it from 200 miles away
- narcis sends selfies & pictures of himself flexing if you try to confront or argue him
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readtilyoudie · 11 months ago
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Undead Unluck Vol 3
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fcb-mv33 · 2 years ago
Nah sorry but if you are acting like Max calling George a dickhead was him threatening George you need to touch grass.
Also I’m absolutely loving the abuse train this have now once again caused onto Max🥰sky sports adding to the abuse once again by calling Max a sore loser, poor sport etc.
lovely to see Max constantly being expected to not speak about his feelings, how him not liking the sprint race means he should retire. How him not being happy being p3 because of a fucking massive ass hole thanks to George means he’s being a baby :). And trying to say Max made these moves years ago…yeah he did and he was fucking 17/18/19 jesus
And also how George cause lock up and send his wheel into Max but yet it is all Maxs fault because even tho he was ahead he should have let George by and gotten overtaken by Carlos because according to George, Max has to give us the place because he has a fast car? But like I said glad to see this has helped you alll jump on the abusing Max train👍
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kaliga-magna · 4 months ago
I must have not been given horns in this life because it was known I would try and gore too many toreros
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gyrovagi · 7 months ago
i do think caden has relatively speaking a really straightforward quasi-'normal' friendship with vivienne but at the same time it's . like they do like each other genuinely! they're similar in a way that means they get along and they for real hang out and tastefully gossip. but both of them are so used to maintaining a certain distance from other people that i don't think either of them are even aware of the fact that it's there. neither of them can bear to be vulnerable. even when viv loses bastien which is something she just has no control over, even then she keeps her cards so close to her chest. and caden doesn't have any qualms about getting her the wyvern heart and he is deeply sympathetic for her loss but it's like. they both like each other for the people they are but this precludes 'true' closeness and vulnerability, because that's something neither of them allow themself, and neither of them are interested in changing that in themself or in each other. hm.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 2 years ago
Goku as a father for the ask game
I hate the fact that it’s an unpopular opinion to think Goku is a good dad.
I hate how so many people think TFS and the memes from fans actually make people who have NEVER watched the anime or read the manga think that Goku is a bad dad.
Also f*** toyotaro for playing into that meme in the super manga
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