#bulbul marriage hall
salmankhanholics · 4 years
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★ It's wedding bells for Kriti Kharbanda, Pulkit Samrat, Daisy Shah and Sunil Grover in Salman Khan's upcoming production, Bulbul Marriage Hall!
-May 2, 2020
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folderolsfollies · 4 years
sangyao arranged marriage fic (arranged by Nie Huaisang)
summary: Before Jin Zixuan and Jiang Yanli’s marriage and after Wei Wuxian’s flight to the burial mounds, Jin Guangyao is rapidly gaining power, which a strong marriage alliance would cement. Jin Guangyao likes taking care of people. Nie Huaisang wants to be a trophy husband. If you ignore literally everyone else in their lives, they’re a perfect couple. (Basically I saw this post and then this post and then I blacked out thinking about playing games with power dynamics.)
word count: 2.5k rating: t
Part 1
“San-ge! San-ge!” Nie Huaisang shouts, skidding through the halls of the Unclean Realm. He has to go farther than he thought before he sees the ridiculous black official’s hat bobbing along, one of the disciples had only informed him that Jin Guangyao was there when he was practically out of the door, since for some bizarre reason, Jin Guangyao has made the trek all the way over to Qinghe and didn’t even bother telling him.
When he reaches the other man, he flings his arms around his neck.
“Second Young M-ah, Nie Huaisang...”, says Jin Guangyao warningly, but his eyes are bright and laughing, and he doesn’t step away until Nie Huaisang releases him. His eyes are darting around the halls, but the halls are deserted. Nie Huaisang had made sure to intercept him in a quiet spot.
“Why don’t you just call me A-Sang,” Nie Huaisang says mischievously, “After all, we’re brothers now!”
Jin Guangyao gaze dims and he looks down. “I wouldn’t dare take the liberty, not in your brother’s home,” he murmurs, chin tucked in, eyes firmly planted on the floor. And now that won’t do one bit.
Nie Huaisang points at him with his fan, playfully. “Oh, Da-ge, he just shouts. If he gives you any trouble, just come to me! I’ll protect you,” he says, and grins, remembering the way that Meng Yao would scold him for missing practice and then say, well Young Master, I’ll protect you this time, but don’t do it again!, the both of them knowing that he would never listen unless it suited him.
Jin Guangyao is looking up again and grinning now, and he says, “And how does Nie Huaisang propose to protect me? With his saber?” He’s openly laughing at Nie Huaisang, and it fills Huaisang with a helpless, giddy fondness. Little Meng Yao, who flinches like a kicked dog at every low-level disciple, always with that polite strained smile, gets so vicious when he’s around Nie Huaisang. He’s like a bird with a broken wing. Nie Huaisang wants to tape him up and let him fly.
But the trick with trapping a wild animal is that you can’t let them know that you see them, or it gives the game away. “I was thinking I’d cry until he forgave us, actually” he says, and does a massively fake pout for emphasis. “Now that I’m your little brother, you’ll have to get wise to all my tricks.”
Jin Guangyao smiles, a quick little glimmer like a fish gleaming brightly from deep within murky water. Jin Guangyao has a whole repertoire of smiles, smiles of appeasement and anger and reproach, but this to gain this one is a particular treasure, and Nie Huaisang will say a staggering amount of nonsense if he can see it again. “Not much of a trick, if you announce that it’s one when you’re doing it.”
Nie Huaisang looks at him, and pitches his voice as serious as Lan Qiren 2,000 rules deep into a lecture at the Cloud Recesses, “Ah, you see, my devoted pupil, the real trick is to lull your target into a false sense of security. Then they’ll never see your real schemes coming.” He taps his finger on the side of his nose, like his friend Wei Wuxian constantly does, and hopes that it reads the same on his delicate features as it does on Wei Wuxian’s handsome ones.
It must work well enough, because Jin Guangyao’s quick-fish smile is back, and his posture is relaxed enough for Nie Huaisang to drag him through the halls with only cursory protests about how he really must be going back to Lanling, he has important work to do, his father would never-
“Ugh, your father,” Nie Huaisang says, carelessly, and feels Jin Guangyao stiffen under his arms.
Before Jin Guangyao can say anything to ruin the pleasantness of the moment, Nie Huaisang says quickly, “Ugh, sorry, I’m stupid! You know I wasn’t old enough to really know my father until his last days, and by then he was, well, unwell,” he finishes delicately. Nie Mingjue probably wouldn’t like him using his father’s last moments like this, as a bait, but Nie Huaisang kicks the brief stab of guilt merrily to the side. Frankly, this is the least that his father could do for him, he feels. The last three months of his life really were not ideal. (Hiding in his locked room, Mingjue’s hand briefly clasping his before he leaves the room to face him, the noise of someone screaming - well. All in the past now.)
As he suspected, Jin Guangyao has softened at the mention of Nie Huaisang’s Tragic Past, which is exactly as he had wanted it to go. “You’re not stupid, young master, family is sometimes difficult,” he says politely. There’s an opening there, if he wants to push it- with the way that Madam Jin and Jin Guangshan and Jin Guangyao all deliberately look past each other when they’re trapped in a room together, it’s truly stupid how the larger cultivator world can’t seem to see that there’s something fishy going on there - Nie Huaisang thinks, and then lets it go.
“Ah,” he says, and schools his features to look carefully brave for a second, “but let’s talk about happier things! I’ve done some remodelling on the aviary, you should come and see the new birds.” It’s also usually deserted and with clear sight-lines in all directions, which are two things which automatically relax Jin Guangyao.
The truly nice thing about Jin Guangyao is that Nie Huaisang can manhandle him all that he likes, because if Jin Guangyao truly has better things to do, he’ll be all Yes, Nie-er-gongzi, and, you’re very wise, Nie-er-gongzi, and melt away the moment Nie Huaisang isn’t looking, so Nie Huaisang feels no compunction regarding linking their arms together and tugging him towards the aviary.
Nie Huaisang makes the trip up and down the aviary’s spiral staircase all the time, but if he still takes the opportunity to lean against Meng Yao when they reach the top, to place one hand on his forearm, huffing a little to show how laborious of a trip it was, well, who’s hurt by it? It’s good to make a show of uselessness sometimes. Meng Yao certainly doesn’t say anything. He’s wearing golden silk robes with squares of bright, shining gold inlaid in the fabric, and the smooth portions are an interesting textural contrast to the rougher raw silk. Nie Huaisang pets it gently, to feel the texture shift under his palms, smooth, rough, rough, smooth. His mind feels pleasantly empty, narrowed down to just the sensation of cloth and the harsh rustle of fabric.
Meng Yao’s mouth is smiling, which doesn’t mean anything, but his eyes are wide and confused. His gaze is fixed on Nie Huaisang’s hands, where their two sleeves are twined together like grafted tree roots. A long moment passes before Meng Yao pulls away, and carefully smooths out the creases that Nie Huaisang has made in the fabric. He doesn’t say anything at all.
For no reason, Nie Huaisang feels his cheeks heating up, feels like blurting out an apology, and he rushes into the aviary ahead of him, speaking a little too fast and loud.
He darts among his birds, showing him which ones have laid new eggs and which ones he’s bought recently, and all the new plants that he’s brought in to simulate Gusu’s mountainous environment for his new black bulbul. Nie Huaisang doubts that Jin Guangyao spends more than a quarter shichen thinking about birds when he’s away from the Unclean Realm, and that probably on what to serve at a feast, but he still remembers exactly how it was the last time he came, and comments cleverly on the new arrangements. Sometimes Nie Huaisang misses Meng Yao so abruptly he can’t breathe, misses that serious, attentive face, the way that he took him not too seriously, but just seriously enough.
He has a fantasy where Meng Yao just told him about the guard that had treated him so badly that it had led to his banishment. Would have Huaisang killed the man for him? Well, probably not. But there are ways to disgrace a man, banish him without lifting a finger. Huaisang lies in bed at night and thinks about all those ways. Although it doesn’t matter anyway, clever Meng Yao has landed on his feet, hasn’t he?
When he thinks that, he’s filled with a sense of disquiet. Meng Yao was Nie first - well, Nie before Jin, at least, and he hopes that he hasn’t forgotten that.  “Come, braid my hair,” he says suddenly, plopping down on a chair, and Meng Yao doesn’t raise an eye at the sudden change of topic. “I can’t reach the back properly and nobody does it as well as you.” By nobody, he’s means Da-ge, and they both know it, but he won’t breach their fragile bubble of happiness by mentioning him if Meng Yao won’t.
“Nie Huaisang, you’re too hard on yourself,” Meng Yao says, smiling and patient, “you braid beautifully,” but he’s already reaching for the comb that Huaisang is handing to him, lining behind Nie Huaisang. The gesture is familiar, the room is familiar, the murmurations of the birds through the trees are familiar. Nie Huaisang’s skin tingles in anticipation. He can feel the phantom weight of fingertips scratching along his scalp, teasing into straightness every errant whorl of hair. The way that his unbound hair would hang along his waist, the looseness and lightness of it.
Meng Yao, standing behind him, drags a thumb around the circlet holding his hair up, in between the heavy loops of braids and the hair underneath. The sensation is too dull, fleeting. “Your hair looks fine, Huaisang,” Meng Yao says quietly, his cool breath tickling Huaisang’s ear.
Huaisang twists around quickly so they’re facing each other, and it’s ungraceful. Nie Huaisang remembers - in the past - when he’d turn to talk to Meng Yao, it was like Meng Yao had somehow created a Huaisang shaped bubble that he could just slot into. Something has changed, in the last two years, and the shape of space between them is all wrong. Jin Guangyao’s eyes are pointed in the wrong direction, and Nie Huaisang’s face is too close.
He shuffles backwards a little, angles his face a little, and it’s still not the same, but now he can breathe. His usual tricks won’t work. Jin Guangyao won’t believe that he’s bad at it, and he can no longer threaten him with Da-ge. Well, there’s another tactic he hasn’t tried.
“Please, Jin-er-gongzi?” He says, looking down. It feels strange to address him so formally, to someone who’s worn the Nie family braids and who wears Huaisang’s hairpiece in his hair, but it also feels right. Smart, elegant, deadly - Mingjue may have always seen him as a delicate servant boy, but Nie Huaisang always saw him as a prince.
Eyes still focused on the floor, he chances a quick glance upwards. Jin Guangyao’s smile has frozen. He doesn’t know what game they’re playing.
He straightens. “I’ll start calling you that more,” he says decisively, scheme forgotten, “It’ll be helpful to you. I’ll get Da-ge on board too.”
Meng Yao gapes at him for a moment before he smooths it over, glint of a fish in the river before its lost again to the murky depths, and Nie Huaisang hadn’t known he could make that expression at all. “Jin-er-gongzi,” he says experimentally, to see if he can draw it out again, but Jin Guangyao has his smiling face firmly in place again.
“It’ll take more than that to earn my place,” Jin Guangyao says, and underneath his pleasant tone it sounds bitter, like the taste of ink under Nie Huaisang’s tongue. It sounds real.
Nie Huaisang drops his closed fan, and when he catches it by the head, it’s open in his hand. He flutters it, and opens his mouth to see what would come out. “A marriage would help with that, surely,” he says.
“I will have faith in what the elders decide, when that time comes, which of course would be after my elder brother weds,” Jin Guangyao says demurely, which they both know is a crock of shit; the elders all defer to Jin Guangshan, and what that man knows about marriage or women - and it would have to be a woman, with Jin Guangshan - in general could fit on the back of a talisman paper, if the paper was very small and the handwriting very large.
“Hm, yes, Da-ge is never interested in marriage, which is great! Because then nobody ever bothers me about it,” Huaisang says instead, and doesn’t add that it’s likely because the prospect of him creating more little Nie Huaisang’s is most likely terrifying to all involved.
Nie Huaisang has always seen the workings of his mind like a vast and subtle river, which overflows its banks and deposits thoughts to him, not fully under his own control. So he’s not fully sure what motivates him to continue, “And you know Da-ge’s so protective, I’d need someone who would protect me, just like you used to do.”
“You have to learn to stand up for yourself, Nie Huaisang,” Meng Yao says, and his large eyes are softly distant, like he’s listening to a thought, “there won’t always be someone to rescue you.”
I miss you- Come home, Nie Huaisang thinks, and the thought is sharp enough to feel like pain. “I’ll try, Jin-gongzi,” he says instead politely, “although you know about my weak cultivation.”
Another nice thing about Meng Yao is, when Nie Huaisang complains about his weakness, Meng Yao never argues against him or says that he would magically get better if he tried a little harder, worked a little more, he points out Nie Huaisang’s skill at art and astrology and Taoist magic. His tone is indulgent, parental. “In that sort of conflict, it’s not always your cultivation skill that counts,” he says, low and warm, like he’s imparting a lesson.
“I know, I know” says Nie Huaisang, who does know, who has been watching Meng Yao stammer and apologize and look deeply horrified at small misdeeds since before he realized what that sort of coquettishness implied. Whenever Nie Huaisang tries to imitate it, it comes out a child’s whine. Not a princess in need of rescuing, but a small dog that can be indulged or kicked aside.
“I must be going,” Meng Yao says, finally. “I am needed back at Lanling.” There’s a tone of finality in his voice.
Nie Huaisang is filled with a sudden, ridiculous desire, but he’s found that the consequences of indulging them have never been terrible. Not for him. He leans forward into the space between the two of them.
When he thumbs off Jin Guangyao’s ridiculous hat, there’s a circlet of Nie braids coiled like a serpent on the top of his head.
Nie Huaisang smiles. “I’ll see you soon.” he says.
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vdo247 · 2 years
Kumkum Bhagya : Ranbir in Great Danger! | SBS
Kumkum Bhagya : Ranbir in Great Danger! | SBS #Kumkumbhagya #PranBir #KrishnaKaul #MugdhaChaphekar
In the serial Kumkum Bhagya, Ranbir is in danger as goons have attacked him and he is lying on the floor with knife in his stomach. What will happen next? Sarla Arora, who runs a marriage hall, hopes to see her daughters, Pragya and Bulbul, married. The sisters have their own dreams and ambitions but it all changes when Purab and Abhi enter their lives. Watch the video and stay connected for more…
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rbbox · 4 years
Pulkit Samrat and Kriti Kharbanda to star in Salman Khan’s next production venture
Pulkit Samrat and Kriti Kharbanda to star in Salman Khan’s next production venture
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Pulkit Samrat and Kriti Kharbanda have been living in together during the lockdown and they keep posting the cutest pictures and videos of each other. Even though they’ve been dating for a few months now, all thanks to Salman Khan, the couple will star yet again in their upcoming project. The project is titled Bulbul Marriage Halland was expected to go on floors in April. However, due to the…
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tumbledsom · 4 years
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Kriti Kharbanda, Pulkit Samrat To Play Couple In Salman Khan’s Film Bulbul Marriage Hall Kriti and Pulkit were last seen together as an onscreen couple in Anees Bazmee’s film Pagalpanti. via Top Movies News- News18.com
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starbuzzindia · 5 years
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Sunil Grover REPLACES Ali Fazal in Salman Khan’s Bulbul Marriage Hall for THIS REASON : Bollywood News - Bollywood HungamaSunil Grover REPLACES Ali Fazal in Salman Khan's Bulbul Marriage Hall for THIS REASON #bollywood #news #mumbai #dailyupdates #dailynews #presssangharsh #mumbaikar #viralnews #viral #press #hollywood #headline #starbuzz #story #livenews #entertainment #webseries #youtube Visit www.presssangharsh.com or www.starbuzz.in https://ift.tt/32f2BvF
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poojaarora12 · 5 years
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salmankhanholics · 5 years
★ EXCLUSIVE: Salman Khan ropes in Pulkit Samrat, Daisy Shah, Ali Fazal and Kriti Kharbanda for his next!
Feb 11, 2020
Salman Khan’s upcoming production, Bulbul Marriage Hall has been in the news for a while now. The rom-com, directed by Rohit Nayyar, revolves around a big fat Indian wedding in Lucknow with four principal characters. Bollywood Hungama has exclusively learnt that Salman Khan has roped in real life couple, Pulkit Samrat and Kriti Kharbanda along with Daisy Shah and Ali Fazal for the film, which is expected to roll in second half of the year.
“Salman Khan feels responsible for the career of people who have been with him, which is when he came up with the idea to churn out some of his production ventures with the in-house talent. Given the subject, he felt, these four fit the bill perfectly for the part in the film,” revealed a source close to the development. The superstar is confident about the subject, which is a small town tale and even got Dream Girldirector, Raaj Shaandilya to pen the screenplay and dialogues.
“The film rides on a very interesting subject and Raaj’s dialogues will lift the impact further. His writing has a blend of quirk with emotions, which is what the USP of the film is,” the source added. While Pulkit and Kriti play a couple in the film too, not much is known about Ali and Daisy’s track at the moment. “Apart from Bulbul Marriage Hall, a couple of more production ventures are raring to roll out soon under the SKF banner. A series of announcements will follow in the second half of the year. A team is planning and working towards developing several interesting scripts.”
On the acting front, Salman Khan is shooting for his action thriller, Radhe, which is gearing up for an Eid 2020 release. The film will wrap up by mid-March and he is expected to start another film right after that. “He is on the hunt for the right script. A final call will be taken in the next 20 to 25 days,” the source concluded.
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mumbaifilmcitytours · 5 years
How to see Live Hindi Serial Shootings in Mumbai?
Mumbai is known for its Bollywood movies & Hindi serial shootings. Many famous movies and serials have been shot here. People from different places come to Mumbai to fulfill their dreams in Bollywood.
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Mumbai is home to the largest film industry in India. It boasts of some of the most beautiful locations, which have caught the fancy of many a film and television directors. Scenic sea-side, gorgeous malls, busy roads, crowded railways, and the airport, there is hardly any spot in the city that has not been captured in the frames of the camera.
All the major shootings of Hindi serials are done in Mumbai because it has many ready sets available and required tools and teams. Many people have the curiosity to watch the shootings live and meet their favorite celebrity, all these are possible here in Mumbai.
Earlier it was not possible to watch the shooting as there were some limitations but now it is possible for fans to watch their favorite celebrities shooting live and get the opportunity to meet them in person if permission is given. All these arrangements are done by the “MumbaiFilmcityTour” company. They provide Live Show Tour where people get an opportunity to watch live Hindi serial Shooting, behind the scenes, camera framing, set management, lightings and more.  The Tourist can meet the actors and the actress. They can even get a proper chance to click photos and selfies with them.
Some famous Hindi serial shooting in Mumbai:
1) Baalveer Returns- Balveer Returns is an Indian television serial that airs on Sab TV. Baal Veer is taken to a fairyland where he is blessed with special powers by six fairies, each having her own unique traits. He uses his powers to help good and honest children, including his friends.
2) Tujhse Hai Raabta- Tujhse Hai Raabta is an Indian television serial that airs on Zee TV. The show focuses on the unspoken connections and bonds between people. It premiered on 3 September 2018.
3) Tera Kya Hoga Alia- Tera Kya Hoga Alia is an Indian television serial that airs on Sab TV. The show focuses on an ex-beauty pageant winner and, now a dutiful wife and teacher, Alia's insecurities double when Tara, a new teacher, enters her personal and professional life.
4) Kumkum Bhagya- Kumkum Bhagya is an Indian television serial that airs on Zee TV. Sarla Arora, who runs a marriage hall, hopes to see her daughters, Pragya and Bulbul, married. The sisters have their own dreams and ambitions but it all changes when Purab and Abhi enter their lives.
5) Yeh Hai Mohabbatein- Yeh Hai Mohabbatein an Indian television serial that airs on Star Plus. Raman and Ishita, who love each other, face several issues in their relationship as they try to overcome the obstacles life throws at them and hope to strengthen their bond.
The above all Hindi serial shootings are done at various locations in Mumbai. If you are Hindi serial buff, like to meet up with stars, like to see Tv serial shooting and much more than visiting live show tour in Mumbai is a must for you!
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gossipent · 4 years
Pulkit Samrat Kriti Kharbanda pair will be seen in Salman Khan's film, Sunil Grover will also play an important role
Pulkit Samrat Kriti Kharbanda pair will be seen in Salman Khan’s film, Sunil Grover will also play an important role
Pulkit Samrat and Kriti Kharbanda have been dating each other for a few months. This Bollywood couple is staying together during the lockdown and constantly shares beautiful photos and videos of each other. It is now reported that Pulkit and Kriti are once again sharing the screen. Salman Khan has cast both for his next production film. The name of this film is ‘Bulbul Marriage Hall’. Earlier the…
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celebritylive · 4 years
Pulkit Samrat and Kriti Kharbanda have been living in together during the lockdown and they keep posting the cutest pictures and videos of each other. Even though they’ve been dating for a few months now, all thanks to Salman Khan, the couple will star yet again in their upcoming project. The project is titled Bulbul Marriage Hall and was expected to go on floors in April. However, due to the Coronavirus outbreak, the project has been postponed.
The film revolves around an Indian wedding with the backdrop set in Lucknow. Bulbul Marriage Hall, apart from Pulkit Samrat and Kriti Kharbanda, will also star Sunil Grover and Daisy Shah. Speaking of Sunil’s role in the film, Salman revealed that he will play Pulkit’s brother and has a comic undertone in his character. The project is being produced by Salman Khan Films with Raj Shaandaliya as the script writer and Rohit Nayyar as the director, reportedly.
Pulkit and Kriti’s pair has been appreciated often by the fans and we can’t wait to see what they have in store for us with their next, Bulbul Marriage Hall.
Also Read: Kriti Kharbanda is all hearts for the digital portrait that beau Pulkit Samrat made for her
  from Latest Bollywood News | Hindi Movie News | Hindi Cinema News | Indian Movies | Films - Bollywood Hungama https://ift.tt/2zSZhMN
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haideraman915 · 4 years
Pulkit Samrat and Kriti Kharbanda have been living in together during the lockdown and they keep posting the cutest pictures and videos of each other. Even though they’ve been dating for a few months now, all thanks to Salman Khan, the couple will star yet again in their upcoming project. The project is titled Bulbul Marriage Hall and was expected to go on floors in April. However, due to the Coronavirus outbreak, the project has been postponed.
The film revolves around an Indian wedding with the backdrop set in Lucknow. Bulbul Marriage Hall, apart from Pulkit Samrat and Kriti Kharbanda, will also star Sunil Grover and Daisy Shah. Speaking of Sunil’s role in the film, Salman revealed that he will play Pulkit’s brother and has a comic undertone in his character. The project is being produced by Salman Khan Films with Raj Shaandaliya as the script writer and Rohit Nayyar as the director, reportedly.
Pulkit and Kriti’s pair has been appreciated often by the fans and we can’t wait to see what they have in store for us with their next, Bulbul Marriage Hall.
Also Read: Kriti Kharbanda is all hearts for the digital portrait that beau Pulkit Samrat made for her
  from Latest Bollywood News | Hindi Movie News | Hindi Cinema News | Indian Movies | Films - Bollywood Hungama https://ift.tt/2zSZhMN
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rbbox · 4 years
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Pulkit Samrat and Kriti Kharbanda have been living in together during the lockdown and they keep posting the cutest pictures and videos of each other. Even though they’ve been dating for a few months now, all thanks to Salman Khan, the couple will star yet again in their upcoming project. The project is titled Bulbul Marriage Hall and was expected to go on floors in April. However, due to the Coronavirus outbreak, the project has been postponed.
The film revolves around an Indian wedding with the backdrop set in Lucknow. Bulbul Marriage Hall, apart from Pulkit Samrat and Kriti Kharbanda, will also star Sunil Grover and Daisy Shah. Speaking of Sunil’s role in the film, Salman revealed that he will play Pulkit’s brother and has a comic undertone in his character. The project is being produced by Salman Khan Films with Raj Shaandaliya as the script writer and Rohit Nayyar as the director, reportedly.
Pulkit and Kriti’s pair has been appreciated often by the fans and we can’t wait to see what they have in store for us with their next, Bulbul Marriage Hall.
Also Read: Kriti Kharbanda is all hearts for the digital portrait that beau Pulkit Samrat made for her
  May 03, 2020 at 10:31AMPulkit Samrat and Kriti Kharbanda to star in Salman Khan’s next production venture https://ift.tt/3c0Mbet
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arko006-blog · 4 years
Pulkit Samrat and Kriti Kharbanda to star in Salman Khan’s next production venture : Bollywood News - Bollywood Hungama
Pulkit Samrat and Kriti Kharbanda to star in Salman Khan’s next production venture : Bollywood News – Bollywood Hungama
Pulkit Samrat and Kriti Kharbanda have been living in together during the lockdown and they keep posting the cutest pictures and videos of each other. Even though they’ve been dating for a few months now, all thanks to Salman Khan, the couple will star yet again in their upcoming project. The project is titled Bulbul Marriage Halland was expected to go on floors in April. However, due…
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vsplusonline · 4 years
Daisy Shah reveals who is her best friend in her latest post; find out! - Times of India
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/daisy-shah-reveals-who-is-her-best-friend-in-her-latest-post-find-out-times-of-india/
Daisy Shah reveals who is her best friend in her latest post; find out! - Times of India
Daisy Shah last enthralled her fans with her catwoman-esque avatar in Race 3 and was supposed to again treat the audience to her performance in her next film ‘See You in Court‘ which was supposed to hit the theatres in June. However, the Coronavirus outbreak has put a halt on all film releases and shootings, pushing this one also ahead. But stuck at home, Daisy is not depressed at all. She has been entertaining her fans from her home, sharing videos and pictures of her cooking, exercising and lazying stints. And her latest post is equally interesting, while being different from her other posts. Here’s she has revealed who – or what, is her best friend during the quarantine days.
Daisy has posted a picture of her comfortably nestled in an armchair with a book. Admitting that, “My reading corner is my best friend right now,” Daisy asks her fans, “What’s urs?” And just like her other posts, her followers on her social media account couldn’t help but go crazy about this beautiful picture of their favourite star.
On the work front, Daisy was supposed to start shooting for her third collaboration with Salman Khan titled ‘Bulbul Marriage Hall‘ on April 24. However, Salman will only present this film and not star in it. But that schedule has also been pushed ahead due to the pandemic.
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foxcmovienews · 4 years
Bollywood actress Daisy Shah is currently spending lockdown time doing household chores, trying her hand at cooking and feeding dogs in the vicinity. The actress will soon be making her debut in Gujarati cinema. In an exclusive conversation with Bollywood Hungama, Daisy Shah spoke about her upcoming projects and working in a multi-starrer film.
Before the lockdown ended, Daisy completed the shoot for her upcoming Gujarati film See You In Court. “I have to finish dubbing for my film which I just completed before the lockdown which is See You In Court so then I will be straightaway jumping into that finishing that project and then once that is done immediately start another one which is called BulBul Marriage Hall. It’s a romantic comedy film, okay, and it was supposed to start by 20th of April but because of the lockdown I’m pretty sure it’s gonna get pushed by at least a month,” she said.
Talking further about the film, See You In Court, Daisy said, “The film is about a kid who is having troubled times because his parents are filing for a divorce and he doesn’t want his parents to get divorced. And so on the flip side, he goes and files a case against his parents saying that if they want a divorce, why did they make him? I am playing the child psychologist. In certain cases when a kid is involved, it is mandatory that a court does recommend a child psychologist.”
Daisy Shah was last seen on screen in the 2018 film Race 3. The film was a multi-starrer including Salman Khan, Bobby Deol, Anil Kapoor, Saqib Saleem and Jacqueline Fernandez. Speaking about her experience working on Race 3, Daisy said, “It was super fun. It was a party every day on the set. There’s never a dull moment on the set. Saqib is a hilarious person to be with. Jackky (Jacqueline) again is a very positive person. The amount of positive energy she has, I don’t think anybody else does. Then again, from SK (Salman Khan) you learn a lot of things, like be it a scene or a song or an action or whatever it is, you are always learning new things. Bobby, he is a very great person to be around. A lot of people don’t know that Bobby is actually a very funny person in real life. Anil sir, again a lot of people think that Anil sir is a very serious kind of person but he is equally funny as Bobby or Saqib.”
It has been nearly two years since the last time she was seen on the big screen. When asked if she was being conscious about the projects she chose, Daisy said that she does not want to do any film just for the sake of it.“ There are several projects if I want to do just for the sake of it, but then it’s not gonna do any good for me. It might in fact just do bad for me. All the good work I have done till now will also fail then. So it’s better that I get myself out and work on the right projects rather than working on any Tom Dick and Harry.”
Also Read: Daisy Shah finds the perfect way to pass time while social distancing
The post Exclusive: “I just don’t want to do any film for the sake of it,” says Daisy Shah appeared first on Bollywood Hungama.
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