#bukit love
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isarasyu · 2 years ago
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My dream come true.. Karimun Jawa. 🌴
Pulau yang indah di kelilingi pantai yang cantik bikin betah healing disini.
Karimun Jawa, 18 - 20 Agustus 2023.
Sekali seumur hidup harus banget ke pulau ini. Aku saranin kalau mau ke pulau ini, bener bener siapin fisik sehat kalian ya. Karena perjalanan ke pulau ini cukup jauh dan dengan fisik yang sehat kalian jadi bisa nikmatin perjalanan liburan kalian dengan sangat menyenangkan. Di awali dengan perjalanan laut dengan kapal yang cukup bikin pusing, apalagi kalau kalian mabok laut. Waktu itu aku pakai kapal express bahari yang jarak tempuh nya sekitar 2,5 jam. Buat aku, perjalanan dengan kapal express bahari ini bikin aku pusing banget karena rasanya tuh "wow". Naik kapal serasa lagi naik wahana karena terombang ambing ombak. Seru sih. Tapi kayaknya kalo aku sekali aja ya. Trauma banget. Sampai disana langsung disuguhi dengan pemandangan cantik air lautnya yang super bening dan bagus banget warnanya. Selama disana aku bermalam di Java Paradise Resort yang letaknya ga jauh dari pelabuhan. Tempat wisata di karimun Jawa letaknya lumayan jauh jadi harus menggunakan transportasi motor / mobil. Rute jalanannya pun lumayan ekstrim yaa menurutku, karena jalurnya naik turun yang cukup tajam. Selama disana kalian akan nikmatin banyak masakan aneka seafood yang enak enak. Tempat wisata disana banyak banget spot yang instagramable, tapi sayang buat sekedar foto itu harus antri dan waktu nya cuma sebentar karena harus gantian sama yang lain. Pantai disana udah ga usah di ragukan lagi gimana cantik nya. Pokoknya the best banget lah, betah banget berlama lama dan berjemur di pantai yang air nya super bening dan warna nya cantik banget. Buat yang hobi snorkling, ini juga tempat yang bagus banget, karang dan ikan nya cantik cantik banget. Pecinta pantai kayak aku, wajib banget ke Karimun Jawa. Satu lagi tips dari aku kalau mau kesini pilih bulan yang emang belum masuk musim hujan atau berangin. Karena pengalaman aku kemarin pas kesana, pas banget musim angin yang kencang. Jadi selama perjalanan laut, suasana anginnya kencang banget dan ombak nya lumayan besar. Kalau sudah begini, pastiin perut kalian jangan kosong, supaya ga masuk angin.
Sekian cerita liburan seru aku.
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omanatascha · 1 year ago
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(via GIPHY)
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buffetlicious · 7 months ago
While bringing mum around Bukit Canberra Hawker Centre to let her survey the stalls, I chanced upon Muffin Homme. Operated by a husband-and-wife team, they sell healthier muffin offerings with no artificial colouring or preservatives and are made with a low-sugar formula mixed with natural yogurt.
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Attracted by the lovely aroma of the freshly baked goodies, I bought half a dozen Assorted Muffins (S$12.50) consisting of two each of Oreo Muffin (奥利奥) and Double Chocolate (双巧克力) with one each of Blueberry Streusel (蓝莓香酥) and Apple Crumble (苹果香酥). I asked the lady boss how many flavours they have, and she told me more than 10. In the morning, they will go through all the flavours and in afternoon, only the best sellers are made. I love the moist muffin without being overly sweet. And before I forget, any thing less than six pieces will cost S$2.30 each so most customers just choose to buy a box of 6s and you can mix and match with egg tarts too.
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alison-raven · 3 months ago
Another day, another Conan
Detective Conan 30th Anniversary Exhibition in Kuala Lumpur is finally here! And going there is the best decision ever!
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To avoid people, I went there during weekday, and I took my AL for these... Also, it is the best decision I've ever made.
If you know me, I am obsessed (but not in the unhealthy way, just the good amount of obsession) with Detective Conan, especially with Shinichi. He is been my favourite character ever and I even dubbed him as my first husband. He is my comfort character, ever.
The exhibition is held at Pavillion Bukit Jalil. I want to purchase ticket for early exhibition, but I cannot. I really want to go to the opening ceremony. They have the mascot over there. Still, I get early bird promotion for purchased the ticket before it is started. Too bad that I have to go alone cause nobody really love Detective Conan like I do.
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So, let's me tell you what I like the most for this exhibition. Bear with me cause I'm a little bit bias because, well, you know...
Of course it is started with the illustration picture from the manga and a word from Aoyama-sensei and along the way. I like went the show Conan's statue with how he always point out number 3 .
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I went alone, so I had to be a little bit creative. And my brilliant brain gave me an idea. But, I do sometime asked someone to help me to took a picture for me.
As usual, they gave a pamphlet to complete the stamp. For that, they have small floating shelf for that. Using the shelf, I used my Apple watch to get me the best picture that I made to take.
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Like watching Picasso's painting...
The moments that I want to highlight like below:
From the section of Conan's Love, there are some picture that I like. For example like how they show love for Chihaya and Yokomizo being highlighted. Are they canon?
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And about Higo Ryusuke, which is my favourite minor character in this show. I wish we have more screen time for this man!
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But, of course, we do do have the infamous Shinichi and Ran's confession scene. They are so adorable!
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They also have Kazuha and Heiji's love scene, but to be honest, Aoyama-sensei dragged this too long and made me lost interest on their love scene. I love them, but addition of Ooka Momiji, yeah, not really my cup of tea.
We also have the cute Conan's design for the Conan's Hannin, which show the case that Conan's solved. Who still remember this creepy man from the library's case? I almost got heart attack when I saw this. They put it at the very strategic place!
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And the famous あれれ(A~re~re). It also mention that Conan's famous excuse which is go to the toilet~
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So, as Conan's fan, of course I know all the cases!
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And can you imagine how many criminals in Conan's world? (exclude the filter's cases). Let me show you....
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Yeah, so many criminals and I can said some of them are justified to do the crime. Don't quote me on that. But some cases are just sad. Sometime, I cannot hate the criminals.
And do you know who being shot the most with a tranquilizer needle? Yes, you guess it right. It is Kogorou!
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They also show how many needle tranquilizer that was shot by Conan, which seems less than I expected. I swear I thought it should be more!
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And at the end of the exhibition, there are cutout board of all major characters of the Detective Conan, but I want to highlight these two.
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Ran is just adorable as she is but Shinichi! They have no right to made him this handsome and dashing! With tuxedo as well!. This remind me on one fanfiction from Ao3 that I love but not complete yet. It is Interview Mania by @purplellamanator. I can imagine them, Tokyo Spirits player Shinichi go to the red carpet, being interview by host Sonoko, and then model Ran also being interview on TV show by, you know it, also host Sonoko... I am rambling but I said what I said!
Lastly, of course I need to buy the merchandises! For me, it is affordable compare to online website (since some of these are Vietnam's product). With the purchase above RM100, you got free paper bag (since in Malaysia, you have to pay for paper and plastic bag. Even it is not free, I still gonna purchase it). The one from Japan is more expensive. But, I managed to purchase within my original target budget. I also have to buy expensive drink for the exclusive bookmark. Since I collect bookmarks all over the world, I closed my eyes on that. As long as I get the bookmark.
Also, I purchase the wrong T-shirt. I only notice it on the next day...
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With this, I can confirm that I had a great and absolutely amazing time here. If I got another time and budget, I absolutely want to go here again.
Thanks for the organiser for bring my childhood here. I cannot express how grateful I am, cause lately we only got some famous animes exhibition like Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen and Attack on Titan. Finally, Conan is in Kuala Lumpur.
Let me also share some other favourite pictures.
Do you know driving with Professor's Agasa is always a problem?
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Apparently, the trivia also point out about that!
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You can see how awesome Ran is, which I wish Aoyama-sensei fully explore her awesomeness.
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And how about my husband number 6, which (if I said it might be trigger to KaiShin's fan) is Shinichi's cousin? I got some idea for it since forever, but when it become canon on movie, I just laugh it off. I even asked my brother in Japan to confirm the rumor about the spoiler for me, since he went watch the movie before it come to Malaysia.
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He got the whole section for his crime and handsome face! And his cutout board also dashing, but I wish they dress him with tuxedo with different color...
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And although it is not my favourite section, I just want to upload this picture, the one from grave. Just to think only one of them still survive, pain my heart. Talking about Amuro, I wonder who will replace his seiyuu, since he being involve with the horrible scandal.
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And lastly, all the casts are here. Can I just take these after this exhibition over? I probably don't talk about others, but they still have place in my heart. I LOVE DETECTIVE CONAN!
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handweavers · 1 year ago
hey this is so random but im visiting kl for a few days with friends do u have any recommendations for cool art places, museums, mamak stalls !! (nw if u dont or dont want to, have a great day boss)
- national textiles museum in the city centre has my heart, but muzium negara is also lovely
- nasi kandar rasmeena on jalan bangsar is excellent mamak, seriously so good
- laksa kg baru on jalan raja alang in chow kit is 🙏🏽 dayang sarawak corner on jalan suasa in sungai besi is also excellent
- feeka coffee in bukit bintang is great if you want a nice sit down place with food. marmalade in bangsar village 2 is lovely for brunch but expensive. for coffee chains i like coffee bean and tea leaf & old town coffee (the latter is malaysian-owned)
- for art galleries: galeri prima, ur-mu, wei-ling, ilham, and arthouse gallery museum are all nice to visit, check what they have on when you're coming
- if you like art supplies, art friend in the gardens mall at midvalley is the best art supply shop i've found in kl so far.
- typo at pavilion klcc is a great stationery shop, they have other storefronts elsewhere too
- czip+ by cziplee on jalan telawi 3 is also an awesome art supply and stationery shop, they have another location in bangsar village 2 they opened recently but the one on jalan telawi 3 is bigger
- kinokuniya at pavilion klcc is a massive 2 storey bookstore, books in many languages (english, japanese, and local ones), tons of stationery as well as manga and comics. the manga and comics section alone is bigger than some bookstores i've been in. you could spend all day walking around in here
- for night markets, petaling street is the obvious one but if you want one that's less touristy check out the pudu glutton street night market or the one in chow kit kampung baru. lots of awesome food but less tourists n souvenir shops
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jedineedlove · 1 year ago
Legend VS LMK Characters:
Kui Mulang (LMK):
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[Kaui Mulang, Guard of the Celestial Court, Mansion of the White Tiger, Devourer of Earthly Souls]
Korean: Gyumokrang Mandarin: The Wood Wolf of Legs
Former Celestial Guard turned Yellow-Robed Demon.
After Falling in Love with Jade Maiden and having their love rejected by the Celestial Realm. He gave up their immortality and he awaited for her to reincarnate. As he waits to make sure he will be there to see her he consumes mortal lives to longavit his own.
The 28 Mansions mentioned by him are part of the Chinese constellation system as to why there is so much star imagery is in his castle.
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Kui Mulang (Ledgend):
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Kui Mulang originated from the ancient Chinese worship of the constellations, a spiritual practice that combines Chinese mythology and astronomy. He is considered to be one of the 28 Mansions, which are Chinese constellations. These are the same as those studied in Western astrology. He appears in Chinese mythology literate notably the JTTW & Fengshen Yanyi.
He is linked to a historical figure called Ma Wu, a general who hailed from the town of Huyang in Tanghe, located in the Henan province.
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Kui Mulang is associated with the constellation Andromeda, which appears in the sky in the middle of November. In this constellation is Kui Xiu, described as the "four-legged fish palace" of Heshansu (和善宿) because its shape is similar to a fish. Another constellation, the White Tiger, is also associated with this cluster of stars.
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According to the novel Investiture of the Gods (Fengshen Yanyi), Kui Mulang was originally named Li Xiong. After he died in the Battle of the Ten Thousand Immortals, Jiang Ziya deified him as the Wood Wolf of Legs, one of the twenty-eight stars.
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Kui Mulang appears as a demon named Yellow Robe Demon . He lives the Moon Waves Cave on Bowl Mountain in the Kingdom of Baoxiang. In his past, the Yellow Robe Demon falls in love with the Jade Maiden in Heaven and decides to elope with her. He becomes a demon lord and the maiden is reincarnated from a goddess to a human who is named Baihuaxiu . She is the third princess of the Kingdom of Baoxiang. The demon then kidnaps the princess, though she has no memory of her existence as a Jade Maiden. He marries her and the couple has two children. Sun Wukong manages to defeat the demon, which mysteriously vanishes after his defeat. Wukong then seeks help from Heaven to track down the demon and learn his true identity. The Jade Emperor discovers that one of the 28 Mansions is missing, so he orders the remaining 27 to subdue the demon. The demon is revealed to be a disguised as Revatī, the Wood Wolf of Legs, a star deity in the heavenly court, and one of the 28 Mansions. The Wood Wolf is then subdued and brought back to Heaven. As punishment, he is ordered to become a furnace keeper under Taishang Laojun.
Jade Maiden:
Considering she is a huge part of Kui Mulang's life I thought maybe also some info about her as well.
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[ Yunü / Jade Girl or Jade Maiden]
Yunü is a common designation for a beautiful woman or, in Daoism, for a fairy or immortal
A Taoist deity or goddess in Chinese mythology and Chinese traditional religion who, along with her male counterpart Jintong (Golden Boy), are favored servants of the Jade Emperor and Zhenwudadi. 
They are also believed to serve as guides in the underworld and the protectors of houses and temples. Some of the Golden Boy and Jade Girl pair could be found on some graves at Bukit Brown Cemetery as they are believed to serve as guides in the Spirit World or the Underworld.
During the spring festival, pictures featuring the two can be found on the doors of many households.
This couple helps virtuous souls over a golden bridge to paradise and helps souls whose good deeds outweighed the bad, over a silver bridge to paradise. Therefore by erecting the Golden Boy and Jade Maiden by the grave of the deceased, living family members hope that the deceased will not venture into the courts of hell but instead lead their afterlife in paradise. Yunü and Jintong have appeared in several stories since the Song and Yuan dynasties and have become important figures in Chinese mythology.
There are several mountain peaks bearing her name.
In Journey to the West, Yunü is a servant maid of the Jade Emperor in Heaven. She falls in love with a star god called Kui Mulang and decides to elope with him. However, she doesn't want to ruin Heaven's pureness, so she decides to reincarnate as a human. She enters the human world as Baihuaxiu, the third princess of the Kingdom of Baoxiang.
In Other Literature:
Specific examples are the southern opera version of the legend, Jintong and Yunü, In this context, Yunü is called Longnü and Jintong is called Shancai Tongzi. According to the Shenyijing, Yunü and her companions loved to play touhu, a Chinese game in which arrows or darts are thrown into a vase. In the Avatamsaka Sutra, she and Jintong seek enlightenment and are acolytes of Guan Yin. In this context, Yunü is called Longnü and Jintong is called Shancai Tongzi. Some folktales say that Xue Dingshan and Fan Lihua were originally the Golden Boy and Jade Girl. The Jade Emperor was furious with them and wanted to punish them for breaking the celestial utensils. Fortunately, the Old Man of the South Pole begged for their mercy and was demoted to the mortal world. In the Hanyi ji play, the protagonists Qi Liang and Meng Jiang are reincarnations of Jintong and Yunü. In most popular versions of The Butterfly Lovers, the protagonists Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai are human reincarnations of Jintong and Yunü who are expelled from Heaven Court by Guanyin or the Jade Emperor for their sin and forced to live as a thwarted couple for three or seven generations before being reunited and restored to their original status.
Yunü has a lot of love and being kicked/leaving heaven tales.
But did love she was more than just known for this story alone.
The JTTW and LMK versions of Kui Mulang are not too different. However, in the retelling of their love tale he only mentioned himself ridding them of their immortality it almost sounded like in that tale she might have had second thoughts and he did it by force. But I hope not but we can never know because the LMK changed a lot of the characters and tweaked some backstories.
I think the real change in the LMK is that Kui Mulang captured Ao Lie before the JTTW. From the way he talked about the Jade Maiden, she had not been reincarnated or at least he had not captured her yet. For Ao Lie It had to be after his banishment of course because he talked about his powers causing damage he felt bad for aka when he burned his dad's stuff.
Well, I hope you, readers enjoyed:)
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insipid-drivel · 1 year ago
So, my cat has sensory issues. Specifically, she really dislikes lying or sleeping on soft surfaces like cushions, mattresses, and thick blankets. She's most comfortable on hard surfaces, like the top of a dresser or my computer desk, or in a window bed, with some attachment to basket-type beds that don't hold heat.
She's very loving and affectionate, but her discomfort with most furniture makes it difficult for her to cuddle and sleep near me. She also loves watching me play games on my tablet. I've been sick a lot lately, and she's been acting very clingy, so I improvised...
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The Bukit. Aka a small, translucent Rubbermaid bin (used for storage, not garbage).
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She's not getting too hot, and loves to judge my moves in our game. She's also figured out she can bite and scratch at my fingers through the plastic without hurting me, so she's even more playful than usual in her 🪣
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We both like watching sparkly things. Her favorite color is blue. She likes sapphires best. She's quietly purring here and trying to help catch a wild tanzanite.
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Never imagined myself bonding with her over a bucket, but she's been happy all day.
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secretruth · 5 months ago
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I'll tell you a secret
Dua kali jatuh hati ama cowo bukan karna latar belakang, status ekonomi, umur ato fisik nya
Tapi karna personality nya
Yaampun aku mau nangis dengan Lika liku kehidupan asmara ini
Aku ini orang yg polos dan ga pernah pacaran, ga paham cinta cinta an
Tapi 2 tahun terakhir ini aku patah hati yg efeknya sangat sangat mendalam dalam diriku
Tahun lalu aku suka ama seseorang yang lebih tua dariku, perbedaan usia bisa lebih dari 10 tahun. Dia udah kayak om aku dan aku panggil pak. PNS dan dia udah nikah.
Aku tau banget salah, tapi rasa suka ga bisa diboongin, dan dia mungkin merasakan nya secara tersirat jadi berusaha menjauhi aku.
Bodohnya aku ampe mikir, kayak aku mau nih jadi istri kedua
Orang orang mungkin akan bingung lulusan S2 kayak aku kenapa suka ama yg ga cocok ini.
Tapi ya dia baik dan diandalkan semua orang di kantor, aku salah satu yang terbantu juga. Dan mungkin karna ga ada yg seusia aku disana rata rata udah pada tua dan nikah, trus aku ga banyak kenalan. Jadilah begitu
Intinya walaupun orangnya gendut, item, tua, anaknya 1 tapi karna aku nyaman ngobrol ama dia, aku jadi suka. Aku ga mikirin yang lain. Tapi paham bener kalo ortu aku pasti ga setuju. Tapi ya ini lah sebenarnya cinta bertepuk sebelah tangan. Aku sendirian yang kagum dan suka. Dan berjalan selama berbulan bulan dan sulit sekali move on nya
Tahun ini pindah kabupaten, jadi ga sekantor ama dia lagi. Tapi aku dipertemukan dengan patah hati kedua ku.
Cowo ini menggantikan ku di tempat yg lama, pegawai baru yg menggantikanku.
Dari dia aku belajar istilah love bombing, situasionship, hts
Well awal awal dia mungkin mengenal aku sebagai sosok yg hebat kali ya tapi semakin mengenal aku dia jadi paham klo aku rapuh
Dia ngedekatin aku, aku merasa nya gitu sih, kita sempet jalan bareng bbq an, malam malam ke expo, trus ke wisata bukit, gandengan tangan, dia bayarin aku
Ah gila sih, aku jujur ga pernah di treat se sweet itu, dia excited cerita ke aku, aku menjadi bodoh, aku menjadi terlalu vulnerable, aku terlalu attach ampe dia risih lalu sekarang kita asing
Latar belakang kita beda, dia dari keluarga ekonomi rendah, dan broken home, cuma dia bisa ngelewatin nya dan itu keren banget
Kalo aku ini mungkin terlihat dari keluarga yang ortu utuh dan ekonomi cukup Alhamdulillah
Dia lebih muda setahun dari aku
Tinggi, ceking dan item
Aku suka dia karna bagaimana dia nge treat aku, dan aku juga nyaman ngobrol ama dia. Setelah beberapa lama kita kenal ternyata dia risih ama aku. Memang sih aku jadi terlalu nyaman dan gampang ngeluh
Sulit sekali hubungan kita ga kemana mana. Aku menyebutnya hts yang berakhir. Ternyata dia cuma penasaran aja. Kita sepertinya sama sama gila menghadapi situasi pekerjaan kita.
Dia dengan mudah melupakanku dan sekarang udah deket ama yang lain
Sedang aku patah hati dan sulit banget move on
Ampe sekarang apalagi aku kesepian banget
Well, begitulah cerita ku menyukai orang tanpa mandang hal lain, selain personality nya. Pokoknya kalo udah suka, udah nyaman enak ngobrolnya, entah bagaimana pun, umur, fisik, ekonomi, pekerjaannya, lulusan apapun, aku tetep suka
Semoga yaallah aku bisa bener bener nikah ama orang yang suka ama aku, bisa nerima aku, yang ketika mengenal aku lebih dalam dia ga kabur. Yang bisa bimbing aku, yang di ridhoi ortu ku, yang realistis.
Aku jujur pengen banget punya temen hidup
Seseorang yang kita bisa saling support dan menemani hari hari sepi ini, yang kalo kita bersama jadi ladang pahala, bertukar pikiran yg kebanyakan orang anggap aku overthinking ini. Yang dengan bersamanya hidup jadi lebih bermakna. Yang bisa handle aku dan semoga aku juga jadi orang yang bisa handle siapapun calon suamiku ini.
Jujur aku bahkan ga tau pada akhirnya aku akan menikah atau tidak
Yap kehidupanku walau aku 26 tahun, dari segi karir, asmara dan keuangan, semua belum jelas dan aku berada di fase yg sangat sulit dan identity crisis bgt
Begitulah kehidupan asmara ku sampe sekarang. Semoga aku segera dipertemukan dengan jodohku. Aamiin
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avsya · 5 months ago
Weekly Journal Entry #2
Happiest Memories In My Semester 1
This semester has been full of incredible experiences that I’ll never forget. It feels like I’ve done so much in such a short time and I’m grateful for every moment.
One of the highlights was going to karaoke with my friends. Singing our hearts out, laughing at our off-key notes, and just letting go made those nights so fun and freeing. It’s crazy how something as simple as karaoke can bring so much joy and create such strong bonds with people.
Another memorable moment was visiting Bukit Bintang with the same group of friends. I showed them the fun places in Bukit Bintang since I lived in KL. We explored, took photos, and just soaked in the energy. I loved every second of it, especially because I’m with my favorite people.
Exploring Bangi was another adventure. Walking around, discovering new spots, and just enjoying the time with friends made it feel like a mini getaway. I felt like seeing things from a whole new perspective, even if it was just a different part of town.
Looking back, these experiences have made this semester unforgettable. They’re not just fun memories but moments that shaped my friendships, my perspective, and even my sense of adventures . I can’t wait to see what next semester brings.
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mrklcnd · 5 months ago
Weekly Journal Entry #1
Hello! Today, I embarked on a mini adventure to uncover some hidden gems in my town, and it turned out to be a wonderfully refreshing experience.
First, I started my day at a place called ‘Kebun Kebun Bangsar.’ As stated in the name, it was located in Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur. Kebun Kebun Bangsar is a pet-friendly vegetable farm. It’s the perfect escapade to reconnect with nature and away from hustle and bustle of Bangsar. Aside from the green nature, there was something far more exciting. Animals!! I saw many animals there such as sheep, duck, geese, peacock and so much more! I couldn’t resist to touch them as they were very cute and surprisingly friendly. I also took a short hike up the hill that took me to a covered shed where mushrooms are grown. I absolutely enjoyed the panoramic views here.
After spending most of my time there, my stomach rumbled which definitely a sign for me to eat. I stumbled upon a place called ‘Rimba Ampang’ which is a food court located in Bukit Antarabangsa. There were so many vendors that offered different types of food. I ended up ordering Mexican food from PoBoys Amigos. I got myself a spicy classic Mac & Cheese. I utterly in love with it. It was so delicious.
Today reminded me that sometimes the best experiences are found in the most unexpected places. I can’t wait to see where my next adventure takes me. There are surely more hidden gems waiting to be uncovered!
Until next time!
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legend-collection · 1 year ago
Wewe Gombel is a female supernatural being or vengeful ghost in Javanese mythology. It is said that she kidnaps children.
This myth is taught to encourage children to be cautious and to stay at home at night. Traditionally, the Wewe Gombel is represented as a woman with long, hanging breasts. Modern representations include vampire-like fangs. This is a popular spirit that also appears in comics.
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The ghost was named Wewe Gombel because it is related to an event that, according to ancient folklore, happened in Bukit Gombel, Semarang, where long ago a married couple lived. They had been married for years, but as time went by the husband realized that his wife was barren and stopped loving her. The husband became wayward, neglecting his wife and leaving her alone for long periods so she lived in sorrow. One day, she followed him and caught him in a sexual relationship with another woman. Hurt by her husband's betrayal she became furious and killed him. Faced with the crime, angry neighbors gathered in a mob and chased her from the village. Despairing at the ostracization and continual harassment, she committed suicide.
After death, her vengeful spirit became Wewe Gombel. Sundanese folklore says that she dwells in the crown of the Arenga pinnata palm, where she has her nest and keeps the children she catches. She does not harm them and once they are under her clutches they are not afraid of her.
Local traditions say that the children she abducts have been mistreated or neglected by their parents. She treats the children lovingly as a grandmother would, taking care of them and protecting them until their parents repent, at which point she returns them.
Wewe Gombel has affinities with the ghost known as Hantu Kopek in Malay folklore.
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omanatascha · 1 year ago
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(via GIPHY)
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mykpoplovers · 6 months ago
Malaysia, Are You Ready? The much-anticipated IVE SWITCH POP-UP at PLAY LINE FRIENDS is here!
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Malaysia, 29 Aug 2024 – IVE SWITCH Pop-up Store at PLAY LINE FRIENDS in MALAYSIA will open from 29th August 2024 and be held at Atrium, Fahrenheit88 for a period of 1 month until 29 September 2024.
The pop-up store is based on SWITCH album and DIVE can look forward to get their long awaiting exclusive merchandises.  
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The Pop-up store will be around for only 30 days and there are many exclusive merchandise items up for grabs.
To find out more about this pop-up store and its upcoming releases, follow our updated news @onestreet_kl (Instagram) and OneStreetKL (X, formerly known as Twitter)
Operation schedule
Atrium Fahrenheit 88 179, Jalan Gading, Bukit Bintang,
55100 Kuala Lumpur.
29 Aug – 29 Sept 2024
Operating Hours:
10AM - 10PM
IVE is a girl group formed by Starship Entertainment and the group is composed of six members: Yujin, Gaeul, Rei, Wonyoung, Liz, and Leeseo. IVE is acknowledged for their catchy songs and exploration of themes of self-love in their music. The group's name, IVE stands for "I have". It alludes to the idea of showing what "I have" to the audience with confidence.
IVE's music is characterized by a blend of textured electronic instrumentation, catchy melodies, and dynamic beats. Since their debut in late 2021, the group has demonstrated versatility in exploring various genres, including dance-pop and R&B. Their songs often feature layered synths, house flourishes, and sophisticated production techniques. Their lyrics often explore introspective themes of identity, self-perception, and self-love. Through tracks like "Either Way" and "My Satisfaction," they confront the complexities of personal growth and empowerment. Additionally, they touch upon relatable themes of insecurity and self-discovery.
IVE SWITCH was released by Starship Entertainment on April 29, 2024, and contains six tracks including two lead singles "Heya" and "Accendio". According to Hanteo Chart, IVE Switch sold 746,118 copies on its first day of sales, breaking the group's previous record and by May 1, it had surpassed 1 million sales.  IVE Switch also reached #1 on the iTunes Top Albums charts in 16 regions.
Starship Entertainment is an entertainment company founded in 2008 and it is also one of the pop music worlds leading the way.
It provides wide range of entertainment projects with focus on the management of singers and actors.
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bakidemon · 2 years ago
Kisah seorang isteri Jalang
Semalam aku ke Bukit Jelutong untuk jumpa sorang slutty wife ni hahaha. Nama dia Ida.
Dia bagi tahu aku masa lepak kat mamak dia nak buat surprise untuk husband dia. Aku tanya la surprise untuk apa kan hahaha. Dia cakap dia nak bawak balik aku jumpa husband dia for cuckold. Sebab Husband dia nak try rasa cuckold tu macam mana hahahaha. Berkali-kali jgk husband dia ckp pasal cuckold. So, Ida decided contact aku and pilih aku sebagai bull. Dia ckp sebab aku ada rupa hahaha. Korang setujukan hahaha?😋
Husband dia tak tau pon yg Ida jumpa aku kat mewe sampai la berjumpa f2f kat mamak hahaha. Yang lagi dahsyat, husband dia tak tau pon yg wife dia sendiri bawak aku sebagai bull.😌
So petang tu Ida bawak aku pegi rumah dia kat area situ jgk hahahaha. Sampai-sampai tu terkejut, husband dia tu besar gila hahaha aku dalam hati "matila aku kalini" hahaha. Ida dengan selamba kenalkan aku macam ni "Sayang, ni la ayie young bull yg femes kat mewe tu". Then husband dia tetiba berubah mood ceria gila senyum sampai telinga hahahaha. Husband Ida like "Oh yeke. Jap sayang ambik phone"😎
Terkejut aku dgn Ida hahaha. Husband Ida sampai tak sabar nak tengok wife comel dia ni dirodok aku. Siap suruh aku panggil ida "sayang" lagi hahahaha.😜
Sepanjang cuckold tu macam2 dia tanya wife angkat aku tu hahaha.
"Sayang sedap ke?"
"Penuh ke batang masuk pussy sayang?
"senak tak sayang?"
"sayang kiss dia sayang"
"Sayang nak ayie pancut dalam tak?"
"Sayang thankyou sayang, i love you"
"Sayang nanti kita buat lagi tau?"
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hueylengyong15 · 11 months ago
My favorite menu items that I tried from Jollibee:
Before I tried Jollibee in my country last year, I did some research about the restaurant on Wikipedia by finding out what foods they have on the menu compared to the Philippines.
Without further ado, let's get started!
Jolly Sweet Spaghetti: This is one of my go-to menu items whenever I get stressed out. When I ordered the Jolly Sweet Spaghetti from their menu, I wanted to know what it tasted like compared to Filipino traditional spaghetti.
When my food arrived, I wanted to know what this dish tasted like compared to the Filipino version of Jolly Spaghetti. This meal was topped with sweet banana ketchup, savory tomato sauce, red beef hotdogs, and cheddar cheese. As for the spaghetti, it was perfectly al-dente, and the pasta did not get soggy when it came with the set.
Overall, the Malaysian version of the sweet-style spaghetti is better than the other restaurant's version of spaghetti in the Philippines which the sauce has a not-so-sweet taste and the sausages are not as flavorful as the beef and pork-flavored sausages.
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Peach Mango Pie:
One of my favorite snacks from Jollibee is this sweet hot filling of Filipino mangoes with peach slices in this deep-fried pastry which makes it a tasty treat right after a meal.
I used to dislike mangoes back in my middle school years. However, when I started to buy the dried version of mangoes, it tasted sweet and not too sour for my liking.
As I got older, I started to like mangoes and they had a gummy-like texture with sugar that had a sweet crunch.
The blended mango filling in the pie was sweet and not too sour. As for the bits of peach, it was delicious when mixed together and put in a pie. I love this hot dessert and when I go to Bukit Bintang, I would eat it again when the final exams are over.
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Fiesta Floats:
Did you know that they had a different type of Fiesta Floats topped with a perfect swirl of Vanilla ice cream that encouraged buyers to try a summer treat in the Philippines back in the 2010s?
Unfortunately, you can only find these three types of floats here in Malaysia. While in the Philippines, it's popular among Filipinos who want to get a refreshing drink during the summer break.
Two months ago, after New Year's Day, I wanted to order one of the Fiesta Floats at the kiosk in Sunway Pyramid as a refreshing drink for myself due to us getting lost in the mall. But I saw that the drinks were sold out due to a shortage of ingredients.
A week later, after the tour of the B-Verse Beyond the Stars Exhibition, I went to another restaurant in Pavilion Bukit Jaili where I saw that all of the Floats were available on their menu.
I was delighted that they still serve the drink to everyone who wants to buy it. I ordered a Chocolate Float for me to try it out. However, it does not look the same as the one in the picture, but the staff members did their best to make a perfect swirl of vanilla ice cream.
The chocolate drink wasn't sweet, and I could only taste the chocolate inside the milk that had an okay taste as I drank a sip. As for the vanilla ice cream swirl, it wasn't that bad for my liking as seen in the commercial on Facebook. Next time if the drink is not sweet, I will tell the manager to add more chocolate milk for the drink.
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Overall, I could suggest to the locals who want to try out these foods from this Filipino fast-food restaurant in Malaysia. As for the Philippines, it is not recommended to Muslims as some of the products are not permissible for them to eat.
If I have time, I could bring one of my friends to try this restaurant out for a treat after class to explore what fast food spaghetti tastes like compared to other kinds of pasta in restaurants.
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cloudbattrolls · 1 year ago
To Stave Off The End
This drabble is preceded by But Never a Key, and followed by So Far to Fall.
Tobria Tatura | Thousands of Sweeps Prior
Long before they became Bukit Berongga, the hills of that title had another name, now lost to the imperial censors who rewrote its history. It also had a name the fae gave it, for more of them dwelled in the troll world back then.
The island that held those hills had enjoyed a long history of relative peace for thousands of sweeps, the fae and trolls on it each generally respecting one another's boundaries.
Then its inhabitants of both species objected to the rising empress who sought to conquer not only them, but all of Alternia.
She had answered as she always did. 
This time, her wrath came in a new form: weapons that corrupted the land itself, warped and sickened in a way that would remain for many generations.
Her forces had been stopped, but not without great cost to fae and troll alike. 
Now their home smoldered in patches, but the trolls and fae on it wept in thanks for the flames. Familiar plants turned to monsters burned within them, the earth having been churned to toxic muck, the air itself foul and hard to breathe. The animals had been mutated, warped - even some of their lusii had fallen victim to the biological terrors. 
The flames slowly purified it all, battling the eldritch influence with their fury. 
Tobria Tatura ignored the survivors’ tears and cries of thanks as he flew over their heads, not caring to hide his shining, fiery wings. Troll sentiment meant little to the angel-fae; his job had been completed, and now a conversation needed to be had.
He landed by a violetblood who sat on one of the island’s beaches, head bowed as he hummed solemnly, quietly. His voice could barely be heard, even by Toba’s keen ears. 
He was well named the Muted, for Uryali Varzim feared to sing above a whisper.
Toba watched the murky seawater full of writhing bacterial mats churn and bubble, lips pulled back in disdain.
“I know it doesn’t matter now, but I’m sorry.” Said the horrorterror hybrid quietly.
“Are your apologies meant to restore this land, Uryali?” Asked the Fireseer harshly. “If it were not for me, these hills would be completely choked with your creations. The other islands still might be at risk of getting overrun.”
He sighed. “If they hadn’t -“
Toba leveled his spear at the seadweller, pointing it directly at his heart.
“Do not dare tell me these trolls would have been left alone. We both know it to be a lie. You promised me.”
The hybrid put his hands over his face, his large, spotted fins drooping. His glow was so dim it could barely be seen.
“I did.” He admitted, barely audible. “I…what now, Toba? I’m trying to clean up the ocean…”
“Stop. The fae will attend to it. Prevent the spread; that is your task.”
Uryali nodded miserably.
The Fireseer studied him, sticking his spear in the sand, point-up. He walked closer to the highblood.
“You once told me.” He said softly. “That once the planet was united, trollkind would have no more long wars, that they would stop destroying our homes. That everything would be more peaceful. I looked, and saw this was true. Only for Alternia. Not for the rest of the universe.”
The violet sighed. 
“I now know I was mistaken to be comforted by it.” Toba continued. “The price is too high.”
“Trolls are violent.” Uryali insisted. “You can’t stop that. I love them, but we both know it’s true, especially for highbloods. At least Peixes understands that, plans to restrict them and monitor anyone too powerful. I still don’t see how she could possibly threaten other worlds. She doesn’t have magic.”
“I know what I saw.” Retorted Toba. “It has not changed yet. Nor is it now the worst I have seen. I gazed into the sun yesterday, and my vision from before - the first I ever told you of - has become more clear.” 
Uryali’s hands slowly dropped from his face, and now he merely looked resigned. His fins flicked, but with barely any energy, still low and dim.
“There will be a malediction of illness.” Continued the hybrid. “Even the disease fae will be ravaged by your power. More trolls as well. I have seen it.”
“I believe you.” Said Uryali softly. “When it happens, I want you to stop me however you can.”
Toba scoffed. “It may not be you. You did not wield these weapons with your own limbs.” He said, orange eyes glowing angrily.
“Please.” Murmured the Muted. “Don’t go after them. I’ll take responsibility.”
“Only now do you step up and offer!” Said Toba, flames licking across his troll form, wings spread wide. 
“Only now! When it is too late to save the land from being corrupted no matter what the fae do! When illness shall spread and life will warp! You still try to protect those who abused what you made!”
Uryali nodded, face now unreadable.
“They’re my people, Toba. Just as the fae are yours. I can’t abandon them even when they’re wrong. Especially since it’s my fault too.”
The angel-fae’s fires went out, and he lowered his wings.
The horrorterror hybrid extended a webbed hand to the other man.
The Fireseer took it and sat down next to him on the sand. Uryali was cold and slightly damp, strange against his own flesh, which was perpetually warm and dry.
The Muted rested his head on his lover’s shoulder.
“Do they still think you’re trying to stop me?”
“I’m always trying to stop you.” He retorted softly, running his hands through his love’s curly hair. 
“If I did, we could live in peace. You have created such wonders, Uryali. It only makes it more infuriating that you have also made this.” He swept his other hand all around them, gesturing at the devastation.
The violet chuckled softly.
“Part of me hates it. But the horrorterror half doesn’t care. All it sees is more growth. Your fire is something to put out, to overcome. Yet that crackle and warmth is a song like no other…” 
He closed his eyes.
“Stay with me a little, Toba. No more than an hour. Then we can both get back to work.”
The angelic hybrid scoffed softly. But he adjusted to take the horrorterror hybrid’s head in his lap, and began stroking his hair again.
“How’s your apprentice doing?” Yali asked.
“Cyvell is capable enough.” Said Toba, largely indifferent. “She is winter court. It was a barb to give her to me, for both of us.”
The seadweller frowned in confusion.
“What, because of her season?”
“Because she will be its queen some night, Uryali, I have seen it. Her disease is new, but incredibly resilient; in time it will be spoken of with fear. She looks to me eagerly now, but she is just a pup. She will grow to resent that we are so mismatched in our powers, that I am impure and beneath her status, yet she must listen to me.”
The violet bit his lip. He never liked when Toba described himself that way.
“Are you sure?” He said carefully. “Do you know for sure that’s why she’ll resent you? Futures tend to change. Maybe she won’t even be queen.”
“She will.” Said Toba gravely. “One night Xenoph will weaken so much he cannot reign, and she will succeed him.”
Yali snorted. “I bet everyone will be really sad about that. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.”
“Do not disrespect the king of the winter court.” Said Toba, very halfheartedly.
“Don’t even bother, you hate him too, especially after how awful he was to Blight.” Said Yali with deep amusement. “Why not ask for someone from the summer court, then?”
“It would be seen as weakness, Uryali.” Replied Toba with a touch of impatience. “You know that.”
“It falls out of my brain every time because it’s so stupid.” The starfish hybrid shot back. “It’s weak that you want someone you’re better suited to train?”
“I don’t want to train any fae.” Toba stated flatly. “But it is my duty.”
Yali sighed.
“You take on too much for them, after how they’ve treated you.”
A brief pause stretched between the pair as Yali’s violet eyes stared into Toba’s solid orange ones.
“That is irrelevant. I am an ally to the courts, and I have to act as such.” The angel-fae said, monotone. 
The other hybrid shook his head.
“You always want me to come away with you, Toba, but can you come away for your own sake? Can you let yourself live beyond the purpose they’ve dictated for you? Just because you had the luck to be created this way?”
Toba thought about it. His hands stopped playing with the highblood’s hair, and Yali extended tendrils from his hands to play with his lover’s instead.
“Growth made me, then let me go.” Yali continued. “It doesn’t ask anything of me. I think it wants part of itself to experience the world from this perspective, see what it’s like. All I’m expected to do is live.”
“I cannot act the same way.” Said Toba flatly. “I was made for a purpose. To preserve the fae by warning them, no matter if they welcome me or not. You would not scorn trolls even if they turned their backs on you.”
Uryali’s face fell again.
“No, I wouldn’t.” He admitted.
Toba lowered his face to his lover’s and kissed him, warm lips to cool.
“We are bound together by what sets us apart.” The Fireseer whispered. “Such is our fate.”
“Is it my fate to get kissed again?” Asked Uryali hopefully, his jagged mouth wide in a sharp-fanged grin.
In answer, Toba threw him across the sand as he laughed, thudding back down a dozen feet away.
“All right, all right, fair.” Chuckled the violet as he got off and brushed the majority of the grains off his clothes, shaking his head to get some of it out of his curls.
He paused, looking at his lover.
“Toba. Promise me something.”
The Fireseer raised his eyebrows, wings lifted slightly.
“Whatever happens to me - whatever I do - keep my descendants safe. I'll make a place for them, but I need you to guard it and make sure it's never disturbed by anyone else. You're good with world-gates."
The angel-fae frowned.
“Do you think you won’t be here to see them hatch? Isn’t the Peixes usurper planning to unite the caverns under her banner as well?”
A hot wind blew through the salty air, carrying the smell of smoke and dark wisps from Toba’s fires.
“I hear terrors’ whispers sometimes, love.” Said Yali softly. “They’re not as clear as your prophecies, but they worry me.”
“You’ll outlive all of us.” Toba argued. “Growth never dies.”
The violet looked at the ocean, still choked with his works. Algae and plankton overflowed, growing and consuming each other ceaselessly as they blocked out light to all life below the surface.
“Sometimes that’s the worst of it.”
Toba looked away.
He tried not to think of what he had seen. 
For once, the Fireseer hoped he was wrong. That the future could still be changed.
That there would never be a malediction at all, and that some night, he and his lover could share a free and peaceful life.
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