#building up.| jokull
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sentofight · 6 months ago
What memory would your OC rather just forget? einar hihi && How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want? for whoever u feel !! && How does your OC behave when enraged? feiruz !
What memory would your OC rather just forget?
TECHNICALLY, HE FORGOT ALL THE BAD THINGS BECAUSE HELLO CRYSTAL. but. hm. oh. when he shot @crownofsmiles Sora's leggies to stop her (and arrest her) weheheh. forever want to go back in time and punch his old self before he did that.
5. How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
HMMM. keeping it short to all of them.
Einar, enough to not cross any ethical or human rights (question mark). He will do anything, but within logic and reason.
Roland, similar to Einar but that's what he wants to think, but honestly, he is too soft inside to 'scheme or plan' so in the normal limit. UNLESS it is something related to Lucina, then he will lose his marbles and comment a crusade for his sister.
Sohrab, chill guy. He's not eager to get anything if he can't pursue it within calculated steps. If his plan works then good, if it didn't, scrap it and work on something else. no biggie. life got more fishes in the water. though, there would be certain times he will be the most stubborn person you ever see, especially if it is alchemist related and its ethical use.
Feiruz, ........ she gives up rather easy. She knows that is one of her flaws but she can't help it. She had often given up on things for others because "oh. they need it more. they want it more. it is better with them than me. etc." though one thing probably she will not give up no matter what...love. if she loves someone hell can break loose before she gives up on the person she truly love so yeah she will be a little selfish for her love.
jokull, polar bear chilling style. though he got this ... weird perseverance when he gets interested in something or someone. he's very pacifist person so he won't try to do something that will endanger anyone.
yeong because she is kind of oc lmao, anything within her hunter code of conduct. yes, she can get a little bit feral but she knows she is hunter after all. better act like a proper one.
ren, oh. ohnhon. crazy lad. if he was left for his own device will do crazy things. what to expect from a guy who is his father is l/indow and got the aragmi cells in him haha.
throwing aiden because i will work on her bio again, someday. She's the 'do anything as long as it helps my cause'. she'll not 'harm or kill' but stealing and causing problems type. ain't her problem if you cant keep your stuff secured.
19. How does your OC behave when enraged?
crying. she is soft and sensitive child. in the back of her mind, she thinks she has no right to be angry but at the same time since she had never expressed herself strongly, she is conflicted at how she should 'be angry'. She just ..cries.
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Edgy/misc OC ask meme  || accepting || @toestalucia
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shajaah · 12 days ago
ooc. random thoughts about ocs
einar, maybe the worst tongue twister player, is a solid contender for staring contest. bro can stare into your soul if it means he will win. (ngl also to judge you.)
einar takes his creations seriously. if he makes tiny sculptures of wood then each of them gets a name. they may sound silly at times but you can't mix with Corporal Whiskers or Adjunct Paws and others.
feiruz had a hard to please grandmother. she is the one why feiruz knows how to cook, sew and do other things neatly. even though fei had cousins and of course her own sisters, her grandmother would refuse their help and keep asking for fei to come and help around her house. at first, fei thought because of her weak personality that her grandmother keeps using her. turns out, granny saw more of herself in fei and wanted her to break this shy shell she put herself in. this is only known when she passed away and left a note for fei only. feiruz cried for a whole week having mixed feelings about her granny--should she be sad or relieved that there is no more extra work for her.
feiruz got good eye for color coordination and decoration. it is something she learned when she had to redo cleaning her grandmother house several times until she gave her the ok.
feiruz likes to sing!!!! she is not that good but not bad at the same time. all she needs is... no one to be around lmao. it takes a lot of her will power to sing in front of someone. however, for an odd reason she can sing normally in front of children.
jokull is curios about romance, love and affection so he reads about them. it hurts him that he might not be able to 'feel' someone but at least imagining it won't hurt him. basically, he is a big fan of s.houjo manga.
jokull may have a big body but due to his ever frosty condition, his muscles are not as flexible as someone his age, thus why he is always slow and his reaction speed is sloth like. though when push comes to shove, he will try to push through this and tough it out. which is also why if he does not find something to do, he is always napping here and there.
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starryknight-dragonarts · 6 months ago
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King Jokull the Conqueror of the North Gender: Male Background: Jokull wasn't born into a position of power, he had been told growing up that his ancestors were royalty originally from the southern empire, but their lineage were cheated from the throne and exiled with nothing but the wings on their backs, now they were living in poverty, and Jokull saw much of his family die. He tried working his way up in a Northern Kingdom through merit and hard work, but found that could only get him so far. Dragons with power are hard pressed to let go of even a little of it, so instead he figured out a new means of forward momentum through manipulation, till eventually he forced his own way onto the throne. His ambition now is to unite all of the Northern Kingdoms under him, through conquest if he has to to build a strong enough army to lead an invasion on the South and retake what he claims was always meant to be his birthright Personality: King Jokull is Stoic, Cold, and a tactical leader. He is both widely very respected and feared, but he does not outwardly show his emotions, instead he prefers to let his actions speak for him. If he is pleased with you then you will receive gifts/favors from him without him saying a word about it, but if you piss him off he's not going to roar at you or use his own remarkable strength. Instead he will demonstrate just how much power he has over others and you while remaining sat on his throne. To him that is true power is not what you are able to do on your own, but the control you can exert over others while keeping them loyal, and he has a lot of Dragons who follow him. Despite seeming as though he only cares about himself, he also adopted a daughter out of poverty and completley dotes on and treasures above all else to the point that she is spoiled, though it's not out of the question that he could be playing the long game and has a plan for using her as well, and because she admires him so thoroughly she would go along with his plans completely willingly. Strengths: Tactical, Manipulative, Charismatic Weaknesses: Ambitious, Relies on others, Powers: Ice Stats Elemental Energy: 7/10 He is a powerful Ice Dragon, but does not often use his element to its full capability since he does not often need to fight. He usually makes other dragons do the fighting for him Elemental Control: 8/10 He has exceptional control over his element. Intelligence: 8/10 He is tactical and manipulative. He knows how to read into other dragons words and behavior, likes to keep well informed on everyone's most exploitable traits, and convince them he is their friend. Combat Ability: 6/10 He is a formidably large and strong Dragon, he has military experience and regularly spars with other dragons to keep himself in fighting condition but he usually makes other dragons do the fighting for him
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canyouhearthelight · 3 years ago
The Miys, Ch. 178
Only a day late, but not a dollar short! (I hope)
I just hope this chapter was worth the wait.  I’ve been trying to take the opportunity to explore other things that Sophia does when she can’t really meddle with her family and friends too much.  To be honest, this has been super fun to work on.
Thanks go out to @ifitistobeitisuptous for your engagement, @baelpenrose as always for beta-reading this hot mess.  Also @quantumizedinsanity, @mustachebatschaos, and @dierotenixe for all the ideas we have been bouncing around for shenanigans to ensue and ensue and ensue... The chaos is strong with this bunch, I swear!
After recovering from the workout session, I was still too keyed up to go straight home.  That wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing, under normal circumstances; however, I had just enough self awareness to know that spending too much time around them would very possibly violate my probation when I tried to do the job that I swore on a regular basis I didn’t actually even want.
“Sophia. Seriously,” Charly stared me down. “I know you want to help, but we really can get through this without you getting in any more trouble than you’re in already. We love you too much for that.”  Tyche echoed her sentiment with firm shooing motions.
Okay, maybe it wasn’t self awareness, but I was made aware nonetheless.
After much grumbling and collecting some sweaty hugs, I trudged out of the gym and started wandering the corridors. I briefly considered going for a swim, but then realized that going to BioLab 2 held a strong likelihood of running into our resident mermaid queen. A situation like that would almost require me to discuss Teeth with her… maybe if I only mentioned the possibility of getting them waterproof mechanical prosthetics - 
“Bad Sophia,” I whisper-scolded myself. “No BioLab for you.”
“Should I ask why you are talking to yourself again?”
While I did not successfully manage not to jump at the sudden voice, I did manage to take my skin with me and land in a defensive posture, ready to fight. My face was even composed in a calm glare, which was directed at the offending party’s…. Sternum, apparently.
“Sophia, why are you not allowed in the BioLabs?” Jokul asked as I craned my neck just in time to see him arch a skeptical brow. “There are no consular duties to be performed in them, to my knowledge.”
“You would not believe where I seem to find the potential to get in trouble,” I complained, rolling my eyes. “There may be no Council duties in BioLab 2, but there is a high chance of mermaids and I have a very lonely teenager who would do anything to swim in one of our medbays.”
Comprehension dawned on his face just before he nodded and smiled gently. “In such an event, you should definitely avoid BioLab 2.  Fortunately, I myself am headed to BioLab 4, where there are no mermaids and thus no way for you to get into any more trouble than you usually would on a good day.”
Hell, why not. At least Jokul wasn’t on the Council, not likely to be Council adjacent, and certainly not soon to be on the actual thing. “I’ll take the offer.”  We made it maybe three steps before it occurred to me to ask “What is in BioLab 4?”
“Basic horticulture and agricultural training,” he responded. “I have recently started dedicating my enrichment shifts towards learning small-scale farming.”
“Gardening?” I sputtered. “When did you take up gardening?”
He shrugged. “I needed something that burn calories and contributes to the community, but would balance out the aggression I build up while sparring.  I find it…. Very meditative.”  I opened my mouth to ask a question, but he thrust one hand in my face before I could say anything. “I also burned myself quite badly when I attempted cooking or any other pursuit involving heat.”
Sure enough, two of his fingers were entirely missing fingerprints. That took a lot of burns to do. “I’m supposed to be the clumsy one,” I pointed out. “You aren’t coming for my title, are you?”
He laughed at the suggestion, making me glad we had reached the point in our weird friendship where we were actually able to tell when the other was teasing. “I have at least a dozen near-death experiences before I would even be in the running.  But you looked like something was bothering you, and I thought helping me today may be as calming for you as it tends to be for me.”
We turned through a wide doorway into a largish lab - not quite on the scale of BioLab 2, but large enough to be filled as far as I could see with plants in various states of growth.  I had to give the big guy credit, the smell of wet soil and growing things pushed away the cobwebs of frustration that had been building in the last few days.  Without even pausing, he snagged two pairs of gloves and two smocks to protect our clothes from any errant dirt.
When we finally stopped, we were standing beside a bed full of riotous growth, not even a peek of soil exposed. “So, what are we doing today?” I asked, hopeful.
My heart immediately sank when he reached a hand in and yanked an unfamiliar plant up by the roots.  It sank even further when I realized there was no tuber or root veg attached. “Weeding,” he responded, killing my hopes and dreams right then and there.
I groaned before glancing to see if he was joking. A second yank and a second uprooted plant told me he wasn’t. “Jokul, I don’t even know what those are,” I pointed out.
“They are not cabbages. That is all you need to know,” he shrugged. “This bed is for cabbages. All we need to do is pull out anything that is not, place it in this bin - “ he tossed his latest victim into a deep cart “ - and then we will take it to the lab scientists to sort what to keep and what to compost.”
“Wait, keep? Why would we keep weeds?”
He stopped mid-yank and bent his head around to squint at me in confusion. “Sophia,” he said slowly. “We are on a spaceship. Where would plants that should not be in this bed have come from?”
Gods, I felt so stupid, but I wanted to laugh at myself at the same time. “From another bed, right. So probably useful, just in the wrong spot. Got it, got it.”
He threw me a wink and pulled another plant out by the roots before giving it a confused look. “Although I think these may be from another lab… We only grow edible plants in this one.”
Surrendering with a sigh, I started searching for the base of one of the weeds and pulled.
And pulled.
And added a hand to pull harder.
“Jokul, this isn’t budging,” I warned, slightly confused. “Am I missing something?”
He didn’t even glance up. “Leverage. Plants grown in high gravity have astonishingly strong roots.”
Ugh, this was getting worse by the second. I planted both of my feet against the side of the barely-raised bed, grabbed with both hands around the base of the stem, and started pushing against the ledge with my legs. “Stupid. Plants.” I grunted. “So. Stubborn. HRNNNNN - “
The plant finally gave way, but with no warning. I landed on my butt, weed held triumphantly over my head and raining dirt down onto my face. “HA!” I crowed. “Showed you!”
Jokul barely held back a laugh while he shook his head at me. “At least you didn’t hit your head. Conor and Arthur would likely take it out on me the next time we spar.”
“Only if you didn’t film it,” I assured him, tossing the plant in the bin and accepting his help getting back to my feet.
“My hands are too busy to film you,” he pointed out, glancing around. I thought he was looking for a sensor that may have been recording so he could get a clip, but instead he bounded to a volunteer who seemed to be finishing for the day.  When he came back, he triumphantly held up a wicked-looking…
“What is that?”
“Weeding tool,” he clarified.
It didn’t look like any weeding fork I had ever seen. The tool had two sharp prongs at the end, and that was literally where any resemblance ended. Instead of a long body, the prongs sat at the front of a wide, scoop-shaped body with teeth running down both sides. “I can’t tell if I’m supposed to use it to pull weeds, or take out someone’s spleen,” I pointed out, taking the handle and hefting it. Geez, it was heavy for a weeding fork.
“It could probably do both,” Jokul admitted, “but today you’re using it to take out weeds, not organs.”
I had to be careful not to accidentally harvest a cabbage or four, but weeding went much more easily after that.  Once I had fallen into a rhythm, he spoke again. “You were frustrated when I saw you in the corridor. You should talk about it.”
I didn’t need to be asked twice. The entire frustrating story started spilling out, and Jokul only interrupted periodically to ask clarifying questions, encouraging me to take my overflow of irritation out on the misplaced vegetation.
“You are worried that the Council will not allow the human to remain on the Ark if they wish?”
“I’m more worried that the S’crirs won’t let them stay,” I confessed, yanking on a particularly difficult weed much harder than necessary. Instead of uprooting it, the stem simply broke, forcing me to dig it out. “I think Teeth is technically considered a minor, so Iz’al and Brol can claim guardianship.”
“But negotiations with the pirates do not depend on the child staying?”
“Nope.” I grunted when the roots finally came out, although I was pretty sure I bruised a cabbage. Whoops. “We already have everything they promised, and the only thing left to give them is their freedom.” Before he could ask what felt like the inevitable question, I kept going. “And no, we are not holding them hostage unless they let us keep Teeth. We aren’t slavers, we aren’t bartering for a sentient being.”
He snorted. “Teenagers are hardly sentient,” he scoffed. “And you also think little of me if you think I for one moment considered or believed you would consider trading for them.”
Pausing from my wanton destruction of plantlife, I flung both my hands to the side. “Charly can negotiate, she really can, and I have all the faith in this world and the next in her, but I worry! And I worry about trying to even discuss the topic with my friends, my family, almost anyone out of fear that I may exert undue influence and get someone in trouble.”
“What is the penalty for anyone who assists you in violating the terms of your punishment?” he asked, pointing to a smaller weed that managed to sneak in between two heads of future sauerkraut.
I snatched it out with one hand, and muttered before telling him the issue. “Same punishment I’m under, plus whatever time they get stuck with is added to the end of my sentence. Kind of an incentive for me to care if they try to interfere on my behalf, like the first half wouldn’t have been enough.  I mean, the nutrient bars are awful.”
“But our hosts have agreed to let the pirates go?” he asked, seemingly satisfied with why I was so irritated and bummed out.
“I don’t knowwww,” I half-wailed. “It doesn’t fall under the purview of my office, and I’m scared to ask Charly or Arthur.  I just have to wait, knowing they’ll tell me, and try not to explode.”
“Charly and Arthur would never keep something that dear from you,” Jokul assured me. “But if you feel you may explode from keeping things in, you are always welcome to come help me. Speaking of which, we have finished this bed.”
He guided me to the next bed of plants, gently asking questions and pointing to more difficult weeds when he could tell I was getting upset. “I have heard that Simon has been negotiating strongly for proper repairs on the S’crirs,” he prompted.
At least that was something that wasn’t upsetting me. “Oh, I heard the same!” I cheered. “All that time he spends fussing with his aquariums is really doing us some good, on that front.” I tried to avoid the thought that Miys shouldn’t need Simon to oversee and double-check the repairs, they should have been able to do it on their own.
My thoughts were pretty transparent, it turned out, because that’s exactly where Jokul followed up. “Sophia, I know it is difficult to know that our hosts have been less than forthcoming since we have arrived in this strange place. It is harder after how accommodating they were during the voyage. But please remind yourself that they are also sentient beings, and there is a strong possibility that this is as frustrating to them as it is to us.”
I wanted to believe it, desperately, but my heart was still broken thinking about where that train of thought had led me last time. “Maybe” was all I could muster in response.
Thankfully, he didn’t even comment on my reluctance. “In any case, you are welcome to come join me any time.  If for no other reason than because there is no need to worry that speaking with me will influence the Council.”
I returned his smile with one of my own. The weeding and venting had, honestly, helped get some of the frustration and pressure out of my system. “Hopefully you don’t change your mind when I start coming in here regularly to fuss your ear off.”
“I doubt that will happen… watching you fall over from one thing while yelling about another is very entertaining,” he chuckled.
I turned in a circle before locating the exit.  I was just starting to make my way there when he cleared his throat behind me. “Sophia?”
“Leave the tool. It’s for weeds, not organs.”
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ao3feed-hijack · 4 years ago
Sincerely, Jackson Overland.
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/38erfln
by TheMistakeHasArrived
Jokul Frosti was a lonely being. Even with the companion of Wind, he had none to speak with, none to share his experiences (invisible, walked through, and left feeling as numbing cold as frozen lakes).
Jokul Frosti faded away a lonely teen with a partly healed soul (winter was harsh afterwards but it softened into what he wished for, it became fun).
Jackson Overland was born in the strange in between of winter and spring, wonder and hope.
He wasn't as lonely as Jokul Frosti nor was he ever invisible (walked through or gone touch starved), though he also had a father who was always busy. Jackson didn't fade away, never had that fear nor did he regret much.
He drowned in a freezing cold lake, saving his sister in the process.
Jack Frost woke up alone, held up gently by the Wind (which would grow to become his companion) and only told of his name by the moon.
He grew to accept his life as a spirit, to never being able to fully remember his past life (now he had Jamie, Baby Tooth, and the Guardians).
Ah, but he couldn't stay that way forever. Fate can be cruel, it had orders to follow too (she cared for balance above spirits or humans).
Words: 6608, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Rise of the Guardians (2012), How to Train Your Dragon (Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Other
Characters: Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood), Jamie Bennett (Rise of the Guardians), Baby Tooth (Rise of the Guardians), Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Astrid Hofferson, Stoick the Vast, Gobber the Belch, Toothless (How to Train Your Dragon), Light Fury (How to Train Your Dragon), Jack's Family (Rise of the Guardians)
Relationships: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III/Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood), Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III & Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood), Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III & Astrid Hofferson, Jamie Bennett & Jack Frost, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Light Fury/Toothless (How to Train Your Dragon)
Additional Tags: Slow Build, Slow Burn, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Protective Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood), BAMF Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood), Jack Frost Needs a Hug (Guardians of Childhood), Protective Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/38erfln
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corvid-lesbian · 6 years ago
tagged by @jokull-in-the-house-of-flies (ty, ily <3)
Name: melia
Star Sign: cancer
Height: 5′6.5″ (about 169 cm i think)
Put your music on shuffle. What are the first 4 songs that pop up? little bitty pretty one - thurston harris, perfume - toppdogg, very nice - seventeen, must get out - maroon 5
Ever had a song/poem written about you? not that i know of!
Last time you played the guitar: never, though i wish i could play!
Celebrity crush: hayley kiyoko, marina diamandis (marina and the diamonds)
A sound you hate + a sound you love? hate - the sound of a generic alarm clock, it wakes me up, but i hate it when they put it in commercials or movies bc it puts me on edge and makes me think i have to get up and do something
love - the sound of cars on a nearby street from inside a building. i just find it really comforting to hear tires moving across asphalt and reminding me that people are out living their lives
Believe in ghosts? not really but i don’t judge anyone who does bc who knows
Do you drive? nope, haven’t learned how
Last book you read? currently rereading return of the king (although i haven’t had time to read any more since i got to college :( )
Do you like the smell of gasoline? i’m pretty neutral toward it
Worst injury you’ve ever had: i sprained my wrist in elementary school bc i slipped on a patch of ice on the playground. (side note: that was one of the two times i got an x-ray and i know i got one other x-ray for something else but i can’t remember what for???)
Do you have any obsessions right now? harry potter and the sacred text!! (its a podcast where they read a chapter each episode through a theme (like love or fear or fandom or masculinity) and treat it as a sacred text, which basically means that they use the text to discover truths and have deep discussions about the life and the world. its really pure and vanessa and casper are amazing i love them. it’s not really a religious thing, you don’t have to be religious to listen to it. i’m an atheist and it’s actually helped me be at peace with certain things and learn a lot of good lessons through a piece i already enjoy. idk if you want some guidance in your life or you love harry potter or you need a new podcast to listen to, i really recommend it! my description really didn’t give it justice, but i’ve been listening to it while i walk to my classes i love it so much)
Do you tend to hold grudges towards people? not really. if its something relatively minor, i like to just have a conversation about it. for more serious things, my philosophy is that i’m mainly just hurting myself by holding grudges and holding on to that hate. i just distance myself from people who have done me wrong or that i dislike and hope that they’re able to grow and mature in the future and become a better person and realize that what they did was wrong. it’s not my responsibility to try to fix or help that person myself, especially if they’ve done me harm, and it’s well within reason for me to not want to have any interactions with that person, but i also acknowledge that people can change. even if i can never have a positive or constructive relationship with that person, i hope that they can better themselves and have positive and constructive relationships with other people. but then again, i’ve never been in a situation where i couldn’t avoid someone who did me wrong, or had anyone do something really really bad to me. so idk if my philosophy is mature or just sheltered lmao
In a relationship? no, i had a girlfriend but we broke up in the spring
i’m tagging @bpdsapphicmusings, @scottietrademark, @reallyabananya, @summer-soda, @whimsicalloner, @gipsydangger, and @sicksaddelano (feel free to ignore!)
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lauraiceland2021 · 3 years ago
“Just in Caves”
Today mom and I spent the day in a series of caves, which was much cooler and more beautiful than it sounds. The first cave was in Vatnajokull National Park. We took one of those Monster-vans (and yes, mom made it inside) into the park. The ride was SUPER bumpy and you definitely couldn’t have done it in a regular car. We hiked for about 30minutes to reach the Breiðamerkurjökull glacier. The suffix -jokull means glacier in Icelandic. 
The glacier is receding at a fairly significant rate because of global warming. Our guide was saying that in the summer, the entrance to the caves are noticeably farther week to week! The “cave” actually changes each year. Although plenty of these ice caves in the glaciers exist, the guides need to find on that strikes a balance between having a roof so thin it caves in, and so thick that no light gets through. When the balance is right, you get this beautiful glass-like ice with turquoise hues, that is absolutely breathtaking. 
The snow line (altitude above which snow does not melt) os about 1100m in Iceland, and this glacier sits at 1300m. For every core temperature increase by 1 degree, the snow line rises by 100m. Doing the math, if the world can’t meet the Paris Agreement (1.5 degrees), this entire glacier (the largest in Europe) will melt. This could be potentially disastrous, as the weight of the glacier is preventing large volcanic eruptions that could wipe out Iceland, and significantly pollute the air quality. When Eyjafjallajökull erupted in 2010, the air quality was so poor that air traffic was suspended in Europe for over a week; and that was just one eruption! The caves were beautiful, but a sobering reminder of how real climate change is. 
Apparently much of Iceland used to be forested in Birch trees, but they are a rare sight nowadays. The vikings used them to build houses (see the picture of the traditional Icelandic turf house with a grass/sod roof), and cut most of them down. They never really regrew because of all the sheep that are free-roaming in the country. The sheep eat everything in sight, including the young saplings. 
After that, we started to head East. The drive was beautiful, and there were so many different landscapes. There were moss covered boulders, grassy fields, and lava fields. The black sand from the lava field are dangerous in high winds, and can strip the paint off the car!  Our next cave was mom’s favourite. It lies in the Hjörleifshöfði mountain.  From the outside it didn’t look like much, but from the inside, the opening looks like Yoda. 
We stop what feels like every two hours along the way for coffee. Icelandic people love their coffee even more than North Americans do. All of the coffee we have had is delicious, even the stuff from the gas stations, which I did not expect. Each gas station has a full little cafe/restaurant with a nice seating area in it, and people take a nice break with food and coffee every time they stop. 
Lastly we stopped to see the Seljalandsfoss waterfall. It’s beautiful, and much bigger than it looks in the pictures. The drop is over 200 feet! You are actually able to walk behind the waterfall, which is super cool, but you get absolutely soaked. There is actually a second waterfall, Gljúfrabúi, which is much more hidden. The name translates to something like “in a canyon”, and you do, in fact, have to go up the stream and through the canyon to get there. We were already soaked, so it didn’t bother us. 
We arrived in Reykjavik tonight, and had a delicious dinner at Apotek. It is a restaurant and hotel built on the site of a pharmacy (Apothecary) for most of the 1900s. The bartenders are called “pharmacists” and they have cocktails to cure what ails you: “painkillers”, “stimulants”, “tranquillisers” and even “placebos” (non alcoholic). They are absolutely delicious and have such unique ingredients. I had one with gin, pomegranate, cinnamon, lime and champagne, and another with vodka, grapefruit, butterscotch, green tea, and yuzu. 
We’re headed off to bed now so we can get up in the morning for another full day!
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diceprophet · 7 years ago
Pathfinder | “Spider Hunter Chronicles” Game #1 Notes
Session 1: Brand of the Scorpion Queen
Last time, our weary characters reflected upon their former lives from before the dark times. Meanwhile, some fresh faces arrived and tested their fledgling survival, combat, and adventuring skills against a vicious undead Pharaoh! [Link to Previous Session Notes] Today, the full party was finally assembled, and we resumed the main quest!
Hawkeye, male elf ranger - deadly archer with a deep affinity for animals and an ironclad sense of justice
Velnor, male human fighter - sardonic swordsman with a deeply traumatic past who is searching for redemption and retribution 
Amon, male ifrit bard - outspoken and flamboyant musician with a penchant for getting into trouble and losing consciousness
Jokul, female half-elf rogue - speed and sharpness personified, but with a flexible ethical code
Rufus, male catfolk pistolero - acrobatic yet soft-spoken gunslinger
Part 1: Just Another Job
The party converged at Damadar Outpost, a small village located at the edge of the expansive Red Salt desert of northeastern Faolanya. Within the shanty tavern known as the “Auroch Horn,” our heroes consulted the owner Kilik Hammenbard on whatever quests were available. The surly septuagenarian tipped them off about a recent giant scorpion infestation that was causing trouble. The bug hunt was a simple yet potentially lucrative prospect, so the newly-assembled quintet journeyed towards the source of the pesky critters.
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*yet another shameless plug* If you’re intrigued by this adventure hook, you can run it yourself! Check out my article on Encounter Roleplay’s website!
Part 2: Small Fry
After short sandy trek, they arrived at the den and were greeted by a swarm of hungry, dog-sized scorpions. The party fought alongside one another efficiently, but the battle took a considerably toll on the motley crew. Amon was severely poisoned, which greatly sapped his strength for the remainder of the journey. 
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As they descended deeper into the dungeon, they uncovered more of its sordid history. The original residents of this cavern were malicious scorpionfolk who practiced ritual sacrifice and took slaves. They worshipped an evil god named Aldinach, or colloquially the Scorpion Queen. Jokul pilfered an unholy symbol from the corpse of an expired slaver, hoping to pawn it off. Later, It would begin to whisper the secrets of poison crafting to her as he slept.
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Part 3: Big Momma
After a thorough search of the tomb, they met face-to-face with the source of the arthropod progeny, which was a massive female scorpion. She menaced the party for a considerably amount of time, deflecting weapon strikes and resisting magical effects with an unprecedented ferocity. The party came through in an unprecedented kill-shot from the heavily depleted bard, who buried a crossbow bolt deep within her gullet. With no one else to oppose or hamper them, they finished exploring the dungeon and left with their well-earned loot.
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Part 4: The Lost Tribe
The scorpionfolk cultists had taken laborers to assist with the dangerous excavation of ancient articfacts imbued with their dark deity’s essence. However, their attempts to raise their sacred temple were cut short by a revolt in the not-too-distant past. These former slaves had crafted makeshift firearms from the explosive powders and spare parts foraged over their years of servitude. They were also worshippers of Desna, the goddess of freedom and luck. Wherever this lost tribe escaped to remains a mystery.
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Part 5: Game Master’s Closing Thoughts
The ultimate goal for these past few games is to bring two new players into the fold and build up some basic relationships before the real shit goes down. That way, they are less likely to turn on one another. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done. Maybe in the future I’ll give them more downtime to actually communicate; the constant fear of death keeps the list of conversation topics incredibly sparse.
Follow the Dice Prophet Twitch Channel for more tabletop gaming streams! Until next time!
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xxmysticsagexx · 7 years ago
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Name: Jackson “Alex” Smith/Jack Frost Nicknames/Titles: Nightlight, Father Frost, Old Man Winter and Jokul Frost. Age: 300+ (Physically 18) Gender: Male Weight: 170 Ibs Height: 5’6ft Powers: Glaciokinesis— User can create, shape and manipulate ice, water frozen into a solid state and appears naturally in forms of snow, slush, hail, icicles, ice spikes and candles, glaciers, pack ice, frost, and polar ice caps, and cold by reducing the kinetic energy of atoms and thus making things colder, for various effects and combinations. Frigokinesis— User can create, shape and manipulate snow, precipitation in the form of flakes of crystalline water ice. Because snow is composed of small ice particles, it is a granular material with an open and therefore soft structure, unless subjected to external pressure. Aerokinesis— User can create, shape and manipulate air, the common name given to the layer of atmospheric gases and various compounds (mostly oxygen and nitrogen) surrounding the planet Earth that is retained by Earth's gravity, and wind, movement of air relative to the surface of the planet. It is an important factor in determining and controlling climate and weather, and the generating force of most ocean and freshwater waves. Wind occurs because of horizontal and vertical differences in atmospheric pressure, and include breezes, squalls, gusts, whirlwinds, zephyrs, gales, tempests, and hurricanes. Quote: “You don't want me. You're all hard work and deadlines! I'm... snowballs and fun times.” Weapon: Staff, Ice Constructs, Bow and Arrow. Theme: https://youtu.be/FcYdDGfp-mU Personality: Jack Frost is a mischievous teenage hellion who has no interest in being bound by rules or obligations, and rather instead favors spreading his winter magic for the sake of the personal amusement of himself and children. Despite these traits, Jack is also gentle and generous who would also go great lengths to help any of his friends. Relationship status: None Family: Flee (Sister/Deceased) Unnamed mother (Deceased) Unnamed Father (Deceased) Bio: Before Jack Frost became an immortal being who possessed the power over ice and snow, Jack was once a teenage human boy who had a family of his own 300 years before the current timeline. Like his current form, Jack was mischievous, liked to have fun and play tricks on his friends and his younger sister. When Jack and his sister got themselves in trouble while they were ice skating on thin ice, Jack made up a game of Hopscotch, and using his staff, Jack saved his sister from the cracking ice, at the cost of his own life. The Man in the Moon, seeing Jack's selfless act of heroism and sacrifice, shines his light and transforms Jack into a Winter Spirit, of which Jack rises up from the frozen pond and he is reborn as Jack Frost. When Jack Frost was reborn he lost all memory of his previous life and immediately began his adventures of fun and mischief. The story continues with Jack causing mischief in St. Petersburg, Russia. Noticing it was a fun day, he calls the wind to take him back home, to Burgess. For over the days that continue, Jack meet the children and a old friend by the name of Bunnymund, The Easter Bunny, who explain they haven't seen each other since the Easter Sunday of 1968 (which Jack made a snowstorm occur). Before Jack could ask any question two Yetis grab him, shove him into a sack, and throw him through a magic portal transporting him to the North Pole. At the North Pole, Jack meets up with the Guardians and they reveal that Jack was chosen by the Man in the Moon to become the next Guardian and that Pitch has returned. Jack turns down the offer as he doesn't want to be someone who's stuck somewhere, finding ways to bribe kids. Tooth tries to explain what they do and the joy they bring to kids, but Bunnymund thinks Jack doesn't know anything about bringing joy to children causing a fuss between him and Jack. After a conversation with North, Bunnymund reveals there's trouble in Tooth's Palace and they have to make their way to help Tooth. On their way there, it's revealed that Pitch has sent his Nightmares to catch all the fairies and collect the teeth of the children of the world. Jack saves Baby Tooth from one of the Nightmares before they arrive inside of the Palace to find a panicking Tooth. Pitch then confronted the Guardians and after a battle between then he escapes. Jack, curious, asks why Pitch took the teeth and Tooth reveals that the teeth hold the greatest childhood memories, the reason why she collects the teeth. She also reveals that the Guardians were all somebody before they were chosen by the Man in the Moon, even Jack. Jack, surprised, asks her about his past life and about his family to which Tooth asks if he really doesn't remember anything and that she can't help him since Pitch has his tooth box. North plans to collect the teeth to keep the children believing in Tooth. North asked Jack to help them collect the teeth and in return they would help him get his memories back and Jack agrees to help them. The Guardians go around the world collecting teeth and making a competition of it. When Tooth tells them they were as fast at collecting teeth and leaving gift as her fairies, the guys realize that they forgot to leave a gift and have to travel back around the world to leave the gifts. Later after a little accident with a child and his dog, most of the Guardians were put to sleep by Sandy’s dream sand. Later they go to fight Pitch's Nightmares that have appeared with the help of Jack. Jack is confronted by Pitch until Sandman joined him and slammed Pitch against a few building, with Jack commenting on not getting on the Sandman's bad side. Pitch pretends to be afraid of the two until he reveals his Nightmares. The other Guardians soon join in, but they are still suffering the effects of the Sandman's Dreamsand and are half asleep. Soon Jack and Sandy are in the sky battling the Nightmares, but the Sandman is surrounded and soon Pitch attacks him, turning him into more nightmare sand. Jack, seeing what happened rushed towards Pitch, who attacks him with a wave of nightmare sand. Jack used a powerful wave of ice which destroys the nightmares, but he started to fall from the sky until he was rescued by Tooth. Back at the North Pole, the Guardians make a memorial for the Sandman. The Guardians decide to work hard for Easter so they could keep the children's belief in the Guardians. When Bunnymund transport them back to his Warren they find Jamie's sister, Sophie, has used one of North's snow globes to be transported to the Warren. Jack used his special skills to make Bunnymund more relax and to open up to fun, so he could play with Sophie. After the eggs were ready, Sophie fell asleep and Jack decides to bring her home. After Jack was able to put her on her bed, Jack heard a voice calling him. The voice lead him to Pitch's lair where he found the kidnapped fairies and was confronted by the Nightmare King himself. Pitch tempted Jack with his memories but also with his fears of not being believing in. Pitch kept Jack distracted for enough time for his Nightmares to destroy Easter. Pitch gave Jack his Tooth Box before he disappeared and Jack noted that he forgot Baby Tooth, but he also noticed he was standing in one of Bunny's tunnel and that all the eggs had been destroyed. Jack saw the children stop believing in Bunnymund and found the Guardians disappointed. They told him that the Nightmares attack the Warren and the eggs didn't survive the confrontation. When Tooth asked about Baby Tooth and where he get the Tooth Box, Jack couldn't answer and ended up losing the Guardians' trust in him. Jack made his way to Antarctica so he couldn't mess up again, but was confronted by Pitch, who wanted to recruit him. When Jack refused, Pitch revealed he had Baby Tooth and told him he will give her back if he gave him his staff. Jack agreed, but Pitch tricked him. Baby Tooth pecked Pitch's thumb, making him threw her away while he broke Jack's staff afterward. Pitch attacked Jack with nightmare sand which slammed him against an iceberg making him fall into a crevice. Jack found Baby Tooth and felt sad that he kept making mistakes. Soon after Jack's memories called him again, making him remember that he still has his Tooth Box. Baby Tooth taught Jack how to use the Tooth Box, which revealed Jack's human past. The flashbacks showed Jack some of the fun memories he did have with his sister and also showed him the moment when he saved her from the ice. These memories made Jack realize that he always has been a Guardian and gave him the courage to fix his mistake and save the Guardians and the children of Earth from Pitch. Jack was able to fix his staff and made his way back to Pitch's lair to rescue the fairies, but found out that they couldn't fly since there were only a few lights left. Jack noticed that the last light was Jamie and he made his way back to Burgess to recruit Jamie. That night Jack rushed to Jamie's house to get him, since he's the last believer in the world, Jack finds him talking to his stuffed bunny asking him (Bunnymund) to give him a sign so he knows he's real. Jamie seems to start losing hope in the Guardians until Jack makes an egg with his ice powers in his window. Getting Jamie's attention, Jack makes a bunny and makes it come to life and jump around the room. Jamie gets excited and starts jumping in his bed until the bunny turns into snow, resulting in a snowflake to nip at his nose and for him to believe in Jack Frost. Jamie asked "Jack Frost?" which caused Jack to look at Jamie and wonder if Jamie believed it him. When Jamie revealed he can see and hear him, Jack gets excited about having his first believer. When they hear North's sleigh, both of them rush outside. Jamie reveals that he can see Jack and the other Guardians. Bunnymund thanks Jack for making Jamie keep his belief in him. When Pitch appears, Jack goes to fight him, causing the other Guardians to lead Jamie away. Pitch being more powerful than before beats Jack and makes him fall to the alley where the others were. Pitch traps the Guardians and Jamie, Jamie tells Jack that he's scared. Hearing that, Jack gets a memory of the same thing his sister once said causing Jack to realize what his center is: Fun. Pitch approaches them but was hit by a snowball by Jack. Distracted, they escaped and went to gather up Jamie's friends. With the help from the other Guardians, Jamie's friends start to believe again. Pitch asks them who was going to protect the Guardians if the Guardians were protecting them. Jack reassured Jamie to not be scared since the Nightmares are just bad dreams and Jamie volunteered to protect the Guardians causing his friends to join him. Pitch then sends a wave of nightmare sand their way but once Jamie says, "I do believe in you. I'm just not afraid of you!" Jamie was able to turn the nightmare sand back into Dreamsand. Which helps the Guardians get their full energy back and battle Pitch. North used his snow globes to bring his Yetis to help out while Bunnymund opened tunnels to get his Warrior Eggs to also help in the battle against the Nightmares while the Guardians confronted Pitch. Jamie gets an idea on how to revive the Sandman and told his friends about it. As the battle with Pitch continued, the Nightmare King was cornered by the Guardians, but hid in the shadows and appeared behind a distracted Jack with scythe created out of nightmare sand, but before he could hurt him, the Sandman returns at the last second saving Jack from Pitch and uses his sand to give everyone good dreams and make more believers. The Guardians and the children started celebrating and Jack hits Jamie with a snowball, which caused a friendly snowball fight. When Pitch woke up, he tried to make Jamie fear him again but found that Jamie was not scared of him anymore because he was able to pass through him. Pitch, afraid, retreats to his lair which caused the Guardians to follow and confront him one last time. After Pitch was taken away by his own Nightmare creatures, the Guardian ceremony was performed again. Jack looked at Jamie which caused him to nod. Proud of himself and of Jamie, Jack says, "I will," making him an official Guardian. "Then congratulations, Jack Frost, for you are forevermore...a Guardian." After that Jack Frost because a full, fledge Guardian who protects the children of the world and is the spirit of winter while he was also happy. Happy to have helped defeat Pitch and to finally know who he really was: a Guardian."My name is Jack Frost, and I'm a Guardian. How do I know that? Because the moon told me so. So If the moon tells you something... Believe it." He formed a snowflake in his hand and let it go... Clothes: Wear’s a blue hooded sweater, frost collecting around the ring of the collar, and wore the same trousers bound with lighter material starting from the knee down to the rather tattered and frayed bottom, and is barefoot. Hair colour: White hair Eye colour: Striking Blue Skin colour: Pale
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a-mcnarchparty · 6 years ago
wild memories with Max time
I just had like mini flashback to this one thread i did YEARS ago with a Stoic the Vast
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He could see Jack and the two of them had a long talk,,,and it basically ended up Stoic giving jack his blessing to date hiccup while also deciding that the gods were real
Fucking wild thread man
Stoic ended up building a statue to Jokul Frosti
Yeah no idea why i just remembered that 
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oodelallie · 5 years ago
World of Aeshire
Aeridor /ˈɛəɹ-ˈɹɪd-ʊər/
Inspired by Syracuse (Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas) and Eric's castle (The Little Mermaid), Aeridor, once known as Faeridor (f-ɛər-ɛ-d-ʊər) long before the Great War crumbled it, was once situated further inland than it's current kingdom. Its people moved farther toward the coast to rebuild what the realm knows today. Its castle walls are now kissed by the sea, urchins and sea stars claiming pillars and walls as home whilst the waves brush it, and is framed by cliffs and hugged by beaches. During high tide many stairways from the beaches to the castle are flooded by seawater. The docks frame the northern shores - a hustling home of sea-faring folk. Their main export is fish.
The homes that cover the sloping hills of Aeridor are plentiful, built in a manner that provides little breathing room between neighbors. The winding streets of Aeridor's town are confusing to outsiders, going off in every direction - down main streets, through pinched alleys between houses, and even ending at front doors of others. Aeridor is the largest kingdom in Aeshire (though it's debatable given that most of Dairmyr is uncharted and underground) and formidable, a force as strong as the sea at it's back.
Aodach /wi-dɒk/
Inspired by DunBroch (Brave) and traces of the Castle of Nottingham (Robin Hood), Aodach has the darkest history known to the realm. Once called Falamh (f-ɑː-l-m), if one dares speak the name as elders in Aodach even refer to it as 'Olde Aodach', it stood tall and dark, it's Gothic structures menacing at the base of Mt. Jokul. It was Faerdor's greatest foe, a temple of dark magic and curses, and the two kingdoms clashed during the Great War, destroying one another with no winner. Falamh fell, it's ruins still dotting the base of the mountain, time unable to be erased by time due to the darkness remaining at it's core. It is now ruins, avoided by most of the realm, afraid to release the dark magic settled there.
The citizens of Falamh rebuilt as Aodach, tucking their kingdom safely in the mountains for protection, only the bravest and most skilled mountaineers taking their families and moving to start anew. While Aodach doesn't claim its past and history books are loathe to speak of it, it remains a whisper among the citizens of Aeshire. Rough edges and sturdy walls, Aodach is a strong and resilient kingdom, making the most of their oft freezing temperatures and seclusion. Their town is scattered alongside cliffs, spread out across large territory, but the hearths are warm as are the people now settled here. Their main export is furs.
Kesti /k-ɛ-s-t-iː/
Inspired by Agrabah (Aladdin), Kesti is a relatively new kingdom that appeared in the years following the Great War while the other two rebuilt. Though its location is almost as difficult a journey as that to Aodach, the people of Kesti are a breath of cool air; welcoming and calm, the energy they emit shows that even the harshest climates cannot crush their spirit. Glorious buildings dot the vast landscape, gleaming and golden in the sun, a beautiful castle of ivory and ruby, colors so vibrant they're almost unreal. Many visitors to Kesti ofttimes feel they're hallucinating, blaming dehydration for visions of colors not seen outside of dreams, only to discover this isn't true at all. Kesti's architecture makes up for the constant sand between their toes. With a main export of spices and gold, Kesti holds its own alongside its more powerful and formidable peers, despite them not taking the kingdom seriously and often dismissing them when discussing politics across the realm.
Dairmyr /dɛɚ-meːr/
Inspired by the nature of Princess Mononoke and Epic, Dairmyr Kingdom is hidden beyond the trees of Lotus Wood, spanning out into a thick mass of vines and roots, winding and weaving in a manner that most would decide against venturing further into its depths. Rarely does one choose to cross from Lotus Wood into Dairmyr. It has existed longer than any other realm in the kingdom, but its size and power is unknown even to those who reside there. A forest made of magic, or so it is rumored, where trees move and there are secret doorways under mossy logs and beneath glittering ponds. These rumors are true, of course, but these truths are rarely seen. There's a world beneath Dairmyr, full of winding tunnels and masked doorways, a kingdom of mystic.
The large tree at its center is believed to have been built over a ley line and the source of all the magic in the entire realm. It is said that the faerie courts reside here, that forest spirits filter through the trees, and many people have gotten lost following disembodied voices so far into the forest that they cannot escape. According to the history books, no one has ever ventured completely through the forest and those who believe they have simply find themselves coming out the same direction they've gone in!
D'ISIGNY /d-ë-së-nyë/
The largest town outside of the kingdoms, D'isigny is the central hub of Aeshire, hosting a variety of boisterous pubs, a market place that could rival those found within the kingdoms, bakeries and cafes, the realm's orphanage, and homes for both the middle and lower class. The fountain at its center is believed to really grant wishes of those who throw coins into it, but naysayers believe the coins are collected by the sheriff and dispersed amongst the wealthy.
GRAYWICK /ɡɹeɪ-wɪk/
Though there are many homes here, as well as plenty of places to rent a bed for the night, Graywick is often referred to as 'The Sleeper Town'. Its location at the head of the valley and so far inland leaves it a less ventured location with not much to offer save for a haven for people passing South towards Kesti.
BELLGRAVE /bɛl-ɡɹeɪv/
Despite being quite close to the bustling docks of Aeridor, the town of Bellgrave has little to offer outside of it's vast farmlands. Those who prefer a quiet local may not choose to live here due to the noise from the harbor, but those whose livelihood is their farms, they have little to no choice.
MISERTH /mr̂ːs-ɝθ/
Generally used as the port to travel to Hastewater Isles, Miserth is perhaps the next most populous town after D'isigny. It's tropical-esque local is a favorite of travelers who enjoy trying new fruits rarely found in other parts of the realm.
HASTEWATER ISLES /heɪst-ˈwɑ.tɚz/
Across the Ethereal Gulf and just outside the realm lies Hastewater Isles. Debauchery at its core, the people of Aeshire do not claim this slice of land as their own, thus allowing the people who chose to travel here or live here to exist in pure freedom. Doveport, the one town that exists on the island, is a haven for pirates and ex-seafolk, where there is plenty of alcohol to go around and the music never stops.
EVERTELL COVE /ˈɛvə-tɛl/
Although the island as a whole is rarely seen as somewhere one would like to visit, Evertell Cove is a paradise in it's own right. A gorgeous stretch of beach, the cove attracts people from the realm that would prefer not to venture beyond to Doveport. There are rumors mermaids live in the waters surrounding the cove, hiding behind seafoam and waterfalls, but it's up to you to find out the truth for yourself...
Outside of travelling the winding path through the plains and the valley, there is not much in these places for those who don't use the land for farms that cannot exist further north in Bellgrave. Still, they are beautiful expanses of lands littered with fields of fresh vegetables and healthy animals to supply the kingdoms.
The river filters in from The Mirrored Sea, it's waters dispersing into the large lake that rests at the center of the kingdom. Lake Epuera is all glistening blues and rippling greens, dotted by scattered homes on its shores, and home to a world of wild animals. People and Animals alike can often be found visiting the lake for a day to enjoy a nice swim and spend a lazy day relaxing (if they can afford to)!
Another thing that puts a damper on the town of Graywick, preventing it from being a bustling town like D'isigny, is The Laughing Swamp at it's edge. The fog that rolls in from the swamps is blinding and sometimes carries an indescribable smell. As with most things, there are rumors that people live in the swamp, but most are too scared to venture beyond the snagging branches.
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sentofight · 11 months ago
23. What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express? && 24. What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions? !! for whoever (or multiple) of them are the most fun for the questions :]!!
ooc. oooh yeeeee asks!!!!! i'll most likely focus on the main ones i most likely to use in threads in the future [einar & roland & feiruz & ren & sohrab & jokull]
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23. What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
einar: hurt. yes, he was hurt-- a lot and in various ways but he does not why humans need to hurt each others to gain something. the whole war is so ridiculous to him, he had to be a soldier to find a way to stop it. he is simply doing what his superior officer told him one time; Qator told him if he wanted to change anything then he got to climb the ladder (just like him) to change whatever he wants. seeing kids get dragged into the war is something beyond his understanding. What the fuck humanity? basically. For the second part, WELL. He has trouble expressing his feelings to his significant other. Love is something he find it difficult to express for the woman he likes. However, it comes natural when it is for his uncle and animals, in name cats. Sorry not sorry to anyone would be in a relationship. he is emotionally constipated. no wonder why he is called popsicle.
roland: trust. unlike his dear father, he does not get how you can trust someone based on gut or clash of swords or even one good deed. people are complex; they change and switch sides depend on their interests. How can he trust people so easily????????? the thought of simply surrendering himself to anyone is scary--his father was betrayed by the closets friend he had. what are the odds that this does not happen to him, too? no thanks. Second part, uuuuuuuuuh gosh he ...dislikes humans. Roland prefers the company of wood lives than humans. He can't express emotions--positive emotions to people who are not his family. He thinks his family the only people will not betray him thus anyone else does not deserve 'good' treatment.
feiruz: SELF RESPECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SELF LOVE!!!!!!!!!! YEEEEEEEEHAW!! listen. i say this but fei has some serious issues with her self image. she is ready to belittle herself to avoid being the center of attention or getting any sort of compliments because she does not know how to process that emotion--gratitude is ..strange. she had done everything in her life because it was 'the obvious' thing to do. You drink because you are thirsty. Same for her, she helps and do her thing because it is the obvious thing to do. It takes her a lot of bricks to the head to realize she is valued. Second part, she is very expressive person. she is loud when she is scared, or when she panics, etc. Though when it comes to inner feelings like doubt and stuff like that she is like a deep well. good luck to give her the jumpstart to actually climb the well up. listen, she is good at expressing love and care for others. if you do something nice, MISS HYPE NUMBER ONE. SHE GOT YOU FAM LETS GOOO.
ren: being vulnerable. i think? ren is not easy to open up to anyone, not even to his parents. he might have talked to sakaki about his worries but nothing too serious because he does not burden anyone with it. beside he is scared of being 'terminated' like any other aragami if he would show any weaknesses. he is scared of being a defect of human being so he might as well act 'normal'. Second part, hmm... he is fine at expressing his interests in people. if he likes you, he likes you. if he dislikes you, then he deslikes you. that's it.
sohrab: emotions in general. well, tbh since i haven't properly wrote him in longer threads he is still under construction muse. though he is the type to have little to no interest in things which do not align with his interests. his stoic face makes it even worse because he once again finds few things that piques his interest to get a reaction out of him. tbh u get a good reaction out of him if u share interest in a.lchemy, magic, trading and studying (sewing cough). Second part, hmhm. He's good at expressing his interests very eloquently. He is not the most honeyed words person but he got a way if he wants to sell you something (i think.)
jokull: uumm... anger. i dont think no matter what happens jokull finds it hard to get angry. yes, he understands some things will make anyone angry but for him ??? why be angry ??? just chill out and figure out a solution, yes? this is perhaps due to his lineage of being a human and yuki-onna's child. thus, he is always 'cold'. Second part, uuuuh ... he is not bad at expressing things though he tends to come out ..slow. what to expect from a polar bear sdflsdfksj
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24. What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
ooooh. this is fun to think of so let me rack my brain! probably nothing ...wow because i happen to stick to the first thought for my oc and just make it happen;;;
einar: dead. he was supposed to die in the bridge battle but because people were booing me smh i had to ....make him live through it. jokes aside, einar was supposed to be, well, in my brain at first, to be the very mean character with stoic face and make it hell for class zero but then he looked at them and went: bitch they are kids. i dont enjoy hurting them smh.
roland: hm. at first i thought he would be easier to write later on but he is dumb lil whimpy kid. dont think there is any change.
feiruz: i kind of wanted her to move away from the same isle her family in but then ... she will probably suffer;; dont want that for my babyboo~
ren: don't think there is a change for him.
sohrab: LOTS OF THINGS FOR SOHRAB...HE WAS THE MUSE I FRICKED HIS MAIN VERSE A LOT. he was awakening muse then tried to change him to atelier then yeeted him to a fandomless oc. he was supposed to be a little cheerful because being with his mentor (avatar/robin) but then i realized aint gonna happen buddy so tried to make less dependent on the avatar's existence but it was a bit tricky, hence i had him yeeted to another parallel world so he can move somewhat freerly but then again it was...eh. i failed to promo him so he was not used much hence i tried to move him out of the f.e, verse to somewhere i thought he might get some interaction this way buuut it flopped too so he is free man of fandom obligation. yehaw.
jokull: no change for him too since he is a new oc and not used too. though i had in mind he was a bit rough rather than being 'polar bear' style lol.
thank you wars🥺
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Edgy/misc OC ask meme || accepting || @flovverworks
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shajaah · 18 days ago
ooc. how will jokull help you if you were unconscious :
poke you with a stick if his lance was not with him
stare and contemplate if he should help or just call someone else
drag you by your clothes if your condition seems dangerous, if not actually goes to call someone else
do not expect him to carry you--for your safety and his (unless you want to be frozen)
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shajaah · 18 days ago
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ooc. jokull is so lazy he might nap somewhere and get snow pilled on top of him before he even feels something is wrong.
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sentofight · 1 year ago
ooc. me replying? nah. i will make a ship thingie post for my muses wahahaha.
bold (prefers it) italics (can happen) cross (needs building but could happen)
This list will not be naming the ships i have but the name of characters in the muse's franchise (if i have interactions in other verses might add characters i see my muse clicking with in that verse.) Though i will add if the character named is taken or not.
deuce (taken by @/oursongofhealing)
honestly he is probably one of the few muses i can't put a name just some ideas of who can be compatible with him.
strong willed
willing to accept that he is not a romantic person and will see his job as important as you? and maybe more because he is pragmatic person
can compromise to some extent, but never that be conflicting with the person or their interest
Lara Mel Marta
Fractured Milla
Jude Mathis
Avatar/ Robin m/f
Avatar f/m
Avatar f/m
Mark ( taken by @/rcdhotnight)
someone kind and understanding of his 'vampire dilemma'
idk what else to write he is not that demanding he is a sweet child sobs
MC f/m
shinji (im putting him despite not being one of my favs for personal reasons but i cant ignore that he is part of aki's life and ngl i like the trio mitsu x aki x shinji but haha we dont talk about that cuz some d.umblr ding dong people are fossils with ideas)
probably more but thinking
Lu Guang
Can't think of someone compatible with his in the TYPE0 world, but Emina can and might ruffle his feathers a little bit. idk.
ngl Aki Minahara could have a chance if she is a little bit older dlfkjsdkfs
anyway he looks for someone serious about the relationship.
he wants a family not just one night stand but he is afraid of making said family because of the crystal and dying and getting people's memories wiped clean.
basically, he does not want to be forgotten ...
uuh he can cook so he is not expecting the whole 'gender role thing'. as long as you are good in the things you like to do, then sure fine. tbh he prefers to cook. he is not big on eating other people's food. though he wont stop you from cooking. surprise him.
cats. tbh it is not something he can give up on for a partner???? because for him feeding and looking after the stray cats is an important part of his life. silly as it sounds but he takes it seriously.
he can compromise a little bit with the cat thing but don't expect him to stop going out to feed them.
laugh tracks but sure. I feel like Severa would be fun to see her bicker with him. they can judge their parents together lol
---she's younger than the 2nd generation.
---she's old than most of the cast.
someone who can understand her past is not something she is proud of and wants to change
Licca (big crush she's older than him but he does not understand)
in lore
in awakening verse
Avatar f/m
in lore
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sentofight · 2 years ago
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ooc. warm things confuse jokull. being constantly cold (his body emitting coldness), he experiences things differently than others. even if he would touch something seething hot, it takes a lot of time for his body to register the hotness, that if whatever he held remained hot after touching it, that is another story. unless it is something like lava or it emits hotness at the same rate as his body emits coldness, he won't probably feel how hot it is. nani the heck is warm or hot things?
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