amazingdeadfish · 9 months
Is Mayor's Aigou the reincarnated soul of Ling's Aigou?
I have decided that I am going to be annoying, haha.
Whatever you think the relationship between Aigou and Xiuying from Ling's life is compared to the Aigou and Xiuying in Mayor's life is... whatever you think of it.
And what I mean by that is that I am implying the same things in terms of the situation of Pigsy, Sandy, and Tang in the LMK series. Who share resemblance but are not exactly identical to Zhu Bajie, Sha Wujing, and Tang Sanzang.
So. Make of this what you will.
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rosateparole · 1 year
Quando Stella Rovis ritornerà a Pola la prima volta dopo l’esodo, passerà e ripasserà davanti alle case dei suoi parenti senza entrare in nessuna. Sui molti motivi per entrare ne prevalse uno solo, contrario: non se la sentiva di aver a che fare con quella gente, raggelata e uccisa a poco a poco da quella città. Ma a mia nonna in osteria raccontò tutto ciò che si era tenuta dentro durante tutti quegli anni passati in campo profughi prima di ottenere un piccolo appartamento nelle case popolari di Trieste.
Le raccontò di quel giorno di dicembre, quando era passata in ufficio da suo marito, e come da allora si fosse messa contro di lui che organizzava le spedizioni nel Buiese per bastonare gli italiani, per farli fuggire in Italia, per confiscare i loro beni mobili e immobili. Stava tutto scritto nel naredenje, nell’ordine sulla scrivania, che lei aveva letto mentre lui era al telefono nell’altra stanza.
Da quel giorno le riuscì difficile amare come prima perfino il loro figlio Dino, che gli assomigliava tanto, così cagionevole di salute, così che lei doveva continuamente roteare una spada attorno al suo corpo affinché la malattia non osasse avvicinarglisi. E a suo marito diceva di essere sicura che lui ordinasse quelle cose contro gli italiani, perché credeva che quello fosse il suo zadatak, il suo compito, per un leale senso del dovere, non per odio contro gli italiani, altrimenti non avrebbe sposato un’italiana, e certo lui per primo ne era disgustato, perché, gli diceva Stella, dentro di te sei diverso, così gli diceva. Non vorrai diventare un aguzzino della nostra gente, uno che si rende frettolosamente disponibile al nuovo padrone, un padrone verso il quale dimostrare tutta la tua lealtà, perseguitando con efferatezza i tuoi conterranei. Così gli diceva. Era convinta che grazie alle sue parole il nodo oscuro che suo marito si portava dentro avrebbe saputo trovare la strada verso la superficie. Ma non mollava, lui era saldo, lui conosceva tutta quella reakcija, tutti i traditori del popolo. «Chi cercherà di colpire la grandezza della rivoluzione, pagherà con le bastonate, anche con la vita. Perfino l’intimità che c’è fra noi non mi farà aver compassione di te, se ti metti contro di me, perché per la reakcija non c'è pietà, e io ho dichiarato guerra agli italiani e alla loro storia. Se ti metti dalla parte loro, per me sei morta».
«Mi sembra di non afferrare bene...».
«Questo è un progetto al quale stiamo lavorando da secoli... Le cose che abbiamo preso l’impegno di eseguire per il Partito vengono fatte in forza di ragioni che tu non potrai mai capire. E il mio compito mi piace...».
Negli occhi le arse ancora per un attimo una scintilla di stupore, che subito si mutò in collera. Uscì dalla stanza, non aveva più niente da cercare lì. Era andata di corsa dai genitori in cerca di aiuto, per attraversare quel freddo e quella confusione in testa, perché intervenissero, e loro l’avevano cacciata via, non volevano più riconoscerla come figlia; che se ne andasse da casa loro, loro lavoravano per il potere popolare, suo padre faceva il guardiano in posta e sua madre era cuoca nella della caserma Musil.
Allora si era precipitata dai suoceri, gli aveva raccontato tutto: Ivo impartiva ordini per licenziare gli italiani, per organizzare razzie e azioni di intimidazione contro di loro. Mamma e papà si erano spaventati. Null’altro, solo paura. Paura di lei. Come se fosse affetta da qualche malattia contagiosa. L’avevano molto semplicemente chiamata «sporca fascista» e buttata fuori di casa perché non li contagiasse, e le avevano detto che in quel modo sabotava lo sforzo rivoluzionario postbellico, e rovinava la carriera del marito.
E così, sola, senza un’amica, ché fino a quel momento su marito e il suo bambino erano stati tutto il suo mondo, così sola come una cagna, se n’era uscita fuori dall’entusiasmo e dalla paura di tutta la famiglia, e tre mesi dopo s’era imbarcata sul Toscana stringendo la mano morbida e calda del suo piccoletto.
In campo profughi si era messa subito a preparare pannolini e bavaglioli su cui ricamava figurine che ballavano allegramente e facevano capriole. Non aveva smesso di credere di essere dalla parte della ragione, e soprattutto di aver fede nella propria forza di donna sola in attesa del secondo figlio. Palpita già in grembo come un cuore, sentiva lì la radice della vita fremere sulla punta delle sue dita. «Che il diavolo si porti questa tremenda beffa che la vita mi ha fatto», era stata la sua conclusione. E mia nonna aveva approvato.
Anna Maria Mori & Nelida Milani, Bora. Istria, il vento dell’esilio
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pokebloggingnetwork · 2 years
Name: Jess/Jessica
Pronouns/Terms of Address: she/her
Age: Adult
Occupation: Team Rocket Grunt/Small Buiesness Owner
Current Region: Kanto
Evil Team Affiliation: Team Rocket
Name: Jay
Pronouns/Terms of Address: she/he
Age: Adult
Occupation: Team Rocket Grunt/Small Buiesness Owner
Current Region: Kanto
Evil Team Affiliation: Team Rocket
Name/Nickname: Crimmson
Follows From: @mcnuggetsmeowth
Pronouns/Terms of Address: she/her
Adult or Minor?: minor
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labarcabeapoke-blog · 6 years
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ㆍ ㆍ LABARCA BESPOKE ㆍ ㆍ http://www.labarca.co.kr/ ㆍ ㆍ ㆍ 라바르카비스포크의 한 벌은 중요하지 않은 게 하나도 없습니다. 마스터 테일러의 묵묵한 손, 장인들의 역사깊은 숙련된 기술력, 라바르카 전문가들의 조언과 방향이 한곳에 모여 하나의 것이 만들어집니다. 가끔은 자극적인 것에 목말라했었지만 항상 편안하고 포근하게 늘 같은 곳에서 변함없이 저를 기다려주던 클래식함이란, 어떤 것과도 견줄 수 없습니다. ㆍ ㆍ ㆍ ㆍ ㆍ ㆍ #남자정장#남성정장#맞춤정장#맞춤수트 #정장#비지니스#비지니스캐주얼 #남자맞춤정장#남성맞춤정장#나폴리수트#남자수트#남자패션#남자코디#오피스룩#데일리룩#mensuit #buiesness#bespokesuit#menstyle #menwear#suit#fashion#fashiongram #bespoke#tailorshop#menstyle#daily #dailylook#ootd#labarcabespoke www.blog.naver.com/labarcasuit(삼청동 라바르카에서)
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How To Start Making Money Online As An Affiliate Marketer
The field of affiliate marketing is probably the quickest developing way to make money online. After all, billions of ordinary people use internet every day. Affiliate marketing gives you the opportunity to target potential customers regardless of their location in the world.
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For this reason, it isn't surprising that a huge number of people make a considerable amount of money through affiliate advertising and marketing. Many skilled affiliate marketers end up making more money in this field than they did in their previous job, and hence some of them even resign their normal 9-5 job and pursue affiliate marketing full-time.
A Quick Overview On Affiliate Marketing join here Now that we have a little idea about the capacity of affiliate marketing, Let's dig in and discuss what it truly includes.
The easiest way to describe affiliate marketing is when you help another company sell their products online, and then you get paid a commission for each sale you bring to them.
If you are promoting a product priced at $200, and the company pays you 10 percentage commission of the sale, you would make $10 for each sale.
However how do you refer sales? You can begin promoting your seller's products on your website, which receives targeted site visitors in the same niche as the product you are advertising. For example, if you have a website that sells makeup you would not advertise health insurance, but instead you could promote makeup related products. Every time one of your website's visitors clicks on your affiliate link which was supplied to you by the seller, you will be paid a commission.
How To Choose A Good Affiliate Network click here now One of the largest errors new affiliate marketers make is becoming a member of nearly each affiliate network they encounter. This is without a doubt considered to be a totally incorrect technique. That is due to quite some reasons.
Firstly, being an affiliate marketer is an undertaking which calls for a lot of awareness. So, if you try and work with many affiliate networks at the same time, chances are that none of your initiatives might go as planned and consequently, none of them might end up being very successful.
Secondly, focusing on just one or a few products without a doubt will let you research them thoroughly before you start to promote them. This method also helps you refine your strategies, making the required adjustments, and thus making your marketing a whole lot more powerful. An effective approach will yield better outcomes, and reward you for your efforts and time.
Thirdly, make sure you do some research on the affiliate network as there are some networks that will only pay you once a month which might not work for you or worse they could not pay you at all. I am not telling this to discourage you from being an affiliate marketer, but instead I want you to succeed in finding the correct network and products to market and make your commission.
There are affiliate networks that resort to "shaving", a very common exercise in affiliate marketing where the networks display a discounted number of sales than what you referred, consequently paying you drastically less in commissions.
Hence, to avoid been a victim to this action I would suggest that you stick to known and trusted affiliate networks. In any case, they only way you will succeed with a network is if you are comfortable with them and the products you are promoting.
How To Start Getting Sales As An Affiliate Marketer chek it here Getting instantly to the point, some affiliate marketers use social media web sites including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and more, for doing associate marketing, other decide to build out their own site. Getting your own site is an exceptional approach to affiliate marketing, because it gives you control over everything.
So we will focusing on affiliate marketing using your own site moving forward. First matters first, as mentioned earlier, you will want to find an affiliate network you're comfortable with. This includes being knowledgeable about the products you are promoting, so that you don't come to be selling products you don't know anything about.
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Amazon's Associate Program That being said, many marketers look at Amazon's associate marketing program as one of the best. It's possibly the most trustworthy network, and has a large inventory of products to promote and get your commissions.
This offers you a possibility to promote nearly any product in the market, or pick a niche with low competition and you could be earning commissions in less than a week.
Finding A Good Keyword That is considered to be one of the hardest parts of marketing. You simply cannot blindly choose any keyword and expect to start making sales quickly. One of the reasons why many affiliate marketers fail is due to using a wrong keyword.
If you are new to the affiliate marketing, you are going to want keywords that have low competition. Start your keyword research by finding long tail keywords with a low search volume, that means much less money, but not really with the ones that have large competition.
You may test the top 10 and 20 results and do a few studies to discover if you may outrank them. Review keywords being used by the competition to determine if they are using identical key phrases you are looking to target. If they are, and they have a high authority website in that niche, I would recommend that you keep away from that niche, and opt for a brand new, less competitive.
Quality Content This is significant. If you think you will make a lot of money creating items that doesn't help the visitors in anyway, you are very wrong. Although your goal is to earn cash by means of referring visitors to the offer, you will have to offer one thing of importance to them. Merely posting your hyperlinks along with lame sales pitches like "this is a wonderful solution, purchase this product via my personal hyperlink and get a discount", and so on, you might be only heading to disaster.
If you decide to join Amazon's associate program, you could write an informative article on your homepage and include your primary keywords and some secondary keywords throughout the article. You could have the purchasing guidebook, and write your brief opinion of each product you are marketing. Remember that the greater the cost of the product you market, the greater the commission.
Backlinks We realize it's probably the trickiest method to accomplish, unless you are an SEO guru. Contacting site with high authority and guest posting on these sites is a really well-known means of getting great backlinks. These great backlinks, along with guest posting in related sites in your niche will get you ranked on the first page of the search engines as long as the keyword you chose has really low competition.
However, even when your site doesn't reach page one, as long as you have guest posted on a number of sites in your niche, you will be bringing substantial amount of targeted traffic coming from these sites. So that it is a great tactic anyway. If you want to earn money doing affiliate marketing join here
Mistakes To Avoid Now you are aware of the process to becoming a great affiliate marketer with your own website, I want you to also keep in mind some of the most common errors brand new affiliate marketers make.
Not Providing Any Good Value Though we've got covered this item, it's certainly important to remind you if you try to be extreme with your words to pressure the visitors to click on your affiliate link, it's likely being deemed as junk or spam by many websites.
Rather, it's suggested to help these individuals select the right solution determined by their particular wants. This method makes these individuals feel more, which in return will check out the products you are marketing based on the value in your article.
Product Research Numerous online marketers will not do proper product research to gain knowledge on the product they are promoting, instead they are only worried about the amount of commission they will earn per sale regardless whether it will provide value to their visitors. This is an oversight, and will at some point lead to your readers not relying on anything you tell them.
Tracking Your Links When you begin advertising on Amazon or even some other affiliate network, it will be beneficial to track your affiliate links. It can help you find out which website is doing more sales and then you can make your other websites have the same kind of setup.
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Final Thoughts I would like to say that despite the fact that affiliate marketing can be very fulfilling, it has a steep learning curve to it. You might face disappointment on numerous occasions prior to making a nice amount of money online.
That said, affiliate marketing it's suited simply for individuals who are likely to deal with several failures, but will come back with a positive attitude and willing to learn from their mistakes.
For more information clike here
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aka-indulgence · 3 years
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excuse me but uh
your kraken man??? after he emerged from my memory, made me suddenly hyperfixating on this single draft for at least an hour instead of scribbling out other ideas, so i'm finna show it to you before i starts foaming at the mouth from all those simping- /jk
(what if... he can kinda sense her emotions. then when one day he's minding(waiting) his(for her) own buiesness(to come see him) he just felt her fear cuz some pirates snatched her)
hh... that's a good idea... maybe make some kind of bond with you so he can make sure you ok for something like this...
and the rage of a sea monster of his proportions is .//. awesome in its original meaning,, hhhghgh
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cchittybitty · 5 years
If I can get my savings account to 30k by the end of the year I’m going to quit my job and start my own buiesness. It’s what I’ve wanted to do for awhile and I’ve been silently making plans with no clear intention on when I will make it happen. But today is the day I set my plans and I set my intentions. I will save to 30k by January 2020 and then it’s time for me to make moves.
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Playlist for terezi megido ?
I am gonna try my hand at it. if it totally suck feel free to re-request and ask doomeddirk to do it XD
burn- ellie golding
wild one- flo rida
girls just wanna have fun- Cyndi Lauper
bad blood- taylor swift
misery buiesness-paramore
dead hearts- stars
~mod raven
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thetimelordbatgirl · 8 years
Me: *Walking down the street, minding my own buiesness*
Someone: Mabel Pines is selfish and never developed as a character.
Me: *Walking faster*
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calciofalchi · 5 years
Eccolo il tanto atteso girone di PROMOZIONE A, dopo le vicissitudini di un estate che ha visto sparire non poche società. Un girone di ferro, con trasferte lunghe, dopo un quasi girone pordenonese delle ultime edizioni.
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allnews24 · 7 years
Malore durante la partita di calcio, guardalinee soccorso dall’ambulanza
Malore durante la partita di calcio, guardalinee soccorso dall’ambulanza
BUJA. Momenti di grande apprensione sabato pomeriggio, 10 febbraio, al comunale di Buia nel corso del derby Buiese-Venzone, gara valida per la quarta giornata di ritorno del girone B di Prima categoria regionale.
Sul punteggio di 0-0, al 32’ della ripresa l’arbitro Mongiat di Maniago si è accorto che sulla linea laterale, in corrispondenza delle tribune coperte, il…
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labarcabeapoke-blog · 6 years
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ㆍ ㆍ LABARCA BESPOKE ㆍ ㆍ http://www.labarca.co.kr/ ㆍ ㆍ ㆍ 수학에서 피타고라스의 공식이 있는 것처럼 그곳에서도 공식이 있습니다. 예복 = 다크 네이비 정해진 게 아닙니다. 해야 한다는 의무감에 깊이 빠져 남들이 하는, 대체적인 것에 중점을 두고 해결하는 문제의 형식이 아니라 나의 취향, 내가 하고 싶은 자신이 마음에 드는 하나의 예술 작품을 소중한 사람과 함께하고 만들어가는 것에 의미를 두어야 합니다. 사람들은 이미 있는 것에서 만족하고 싶지 않아 하는 성향이 강합니다만 처음 접해보는 맞춤정장 문화에 자신을 맞출 필요는 없습니다. 우리는 당신의 취향과 생각 그리고 가치관을 존중합니다. 그곳에 라바르카비스포크만의 풍부한 미적감각과 깊은 역사를 이어가고 있는 우리를 이해하는 당신이 비로소 함께 성장하는 길입니다. ㆍ ㆍ ㆍ ㆍ ㆍ ㆍ #남자정장#남성정장#맞춤정장#맞춤수트 #정장#비지니스#비지니스캐주얼#밀라노패턴#밀라노수트 #남자맞춤정장#남성맞춤정장#나폴리수트#남자수트#남자패션#남자코디#오피스룩#데일리룩#mensuit #buiesness#bespokesuit#menstyle #menwear#suit#fashion#fashiongram #bespoke#tailorshop#menstyle#daily #dailylook#ootd#labarcabespoke www.blog.naver.com/labarcasuit(삼청동 라바르카에서)
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One Funnel Challenge Away To Build Your Buiesness Today
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aka-indulgence · 3 years
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I posted 869 times in 2021
361 posts created (42%)
508 posts reblogged (58%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 1.4 posts.
I added 398 tags in 2021
#inbox - 89 posts
#ask - 75 posts
#your boyfriend - 56 posts
#aka what are you doing - 45 posts
#robo skider sans - 33 posts
#fanart - 30 posts
#signal boost - 20 posts
#rattlesnake sans - 18 posts
#life update - 17 posts
#kraken sans - 15 posts
Longest Tag: 127 characters
#so please dont be mad if there are some/a lot of inaccuracies when it comes to european/english(??) royalty kingdom stuff dsfkj
My Top Posts in 2021
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excuse me but uh
your kraken man??? after he emerged from my memory, made me suddenly hyperfixating on this single draft for at least an hour instead of scribbling out other ideas, so i'm finna show it to you before i starts foaming at the mouth from all those simping- /jk
(what if... he can kinda sense her emotions. then when one day he's minding(waiting) his(for her) own buiesness(to come see him) he just felt her fear cuz some pirates snatched her)
hh... that's a good idea... maybe make some kind of bond with you so he can make sure you ok for something like this...
and the rage of a sea monster of his proportions is .//. awesome in its original meaning,, hhhghgh
405 notes • Posted 2021-11-03 14:34:56 GMT
At the Back of Your Neck
469 notes • Posted 2021-07-16 14:41:06 GMT
Would undertale’s underground have microbes
I mean, they have magic plants... would they be like.. monster plants.. or just underground plants
what about those pine trees, are those surface pine trees
like.. what if the microbes are like... monster microbes... they’re made out of magic and a close relative to the moldsmal or something
I have no idea what I’m talking about. Consider these shower thoughts after a shower
515 notes • Posted 2021-06-03 11:05:04 GMT
Ok, so, I’ve never posted my own art before, like… ever, I’ve never liked it enough to try, let alone submitting art to anyone
However when I read this scene in Monochrome I really wanted to try to draw it!! (゚A゚;) I’m a sucker for YB, and I loved how you wrote him ,
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submitted by @velveetas-hell
He looks so distraught... I love that you put his self-repeating reassurances... needs to convince himself that you'll be back
643 notes • Posted 2021-07-07 12:30:56 GMT
Oh, to have a villain circle around me slowly while eyeing me up and down as I try to implore them not to hurt people, to have their finger gently trace my jaw and make me shudder, get my face tilted up to them so they can see how frightened I am and watch their grin widen-
1796 notes • Posted 2021-05-06 16:24:07 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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joshuascottphoto · 7 years
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Back to buiesness. @auroranthony
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czarraplaton · 8 years
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Best way to cap a dinner and wine pairing.... Buiese Esotica is my new fave aside from the Classico digestif!!! Only the best for meeee 💜💋 #grappa #italian #iltruli #love #lefooding #spotmyfood #sharefood #tasty #feedfeed #funtimeswithaua
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