#buidling castles in the air
autumnrory · 4 months
fic rec
title: Building Castles In The Air author: Ignisentis pairing: steve/bucky words: 16807 summary: The asset doesn't feel. It doesn't need to. The asset doesn't think. It doesn't need to. The asset does what it's told. The asset does what it's trained to do. When the asset is not needed, they put it away in a cold, narrow tube. When the asset is not needed, its mind can wander. When its mind wanders, it finds Bucky. And Bucky dreams. He dreams of pain and blood, he dreams of death and destruction, and he dreams of blue eyes and blond hair and a sweet, sweet smile. ao3
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sweet-villain · 4 years
Not Just A Kid  *2*
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Part 1
Tagging : @malasxlenguas @laziestgirlintheworld​
It hit different when Frank said you had to prove to him that you were more than you said you were. The papers read that you were his sidekick. That was rude. You were nobody’s sidekick. At first when you mentioned it to Karen, she thought it was sorta looked like you were to him. You were by his side and always there to help him. 
You had pushed away the thought of being his sidekick to ignoring him and avoding him the best way as possible. You stuck to different street that you usually walked on, you took another way home and you sat on a different roof top to have lunch at. He knew all the places you would be at. You made sure to stay clear and avoid Curtis’s calls too. 
It was hard to be away from Frank but the next page news, you were on it. This time on your own. Without Frank.
When Frank had read the pages of the newspaper featuring you, he had noticed the particualr jacket that you were wearing. The jacket he had given you as a thanks for saving his ass the first day you two worked together. 
He saw what you were trying to do but he was hurt that you were avoiding him. 
He picked up the phone to call you but got your voicemail instead. He ran a hand down his face as he hung up the phone. He wasn’t going to leave you a voicemail. You knew where to find him if you wanted to talk. So, he waited. 
It’s been two weeks since you last talk to Frank, and he didn’t like it at all. As you were making your way down the street from just grabbing lunch a van rolled down, and kept following you. You had noticed it from the corner of your eye and put your hood up and made a run for it. But you didn’t get far as shots rang through the air and then you felt pain. Your shoulder. They knicked you on the shoulder. 
“ Fuck..” you mumbled seeing the jacket was ripped. You took out a knife from your boot and luanched it at one of the guys that came out of the van. It struck him in the chest and he fell down. The other two got out and started to shoot, but you made a run for it. You did not want to die tonight. 
To your luck you had run into a chest. You were about to aplogize but there he stood, looking down at you. 
Frank Castle.
The man you are trying to avoid. 
“ There she is!!” one of the guys that was chasing you, and shooting at you had shouted. Frank’s head rose up and he started to fire at him and the other guy. They were dead before you could speak a word for him. Zipping up your jacket and quickly thinking it was best to leave before Frank caught up to you. But life had other plans as he called out to you.
You stopped in your tracks looking down at your dirty comabt boots. His feet appeared in front of you and he took your chin his hand bringing your face up to look at him. 
“ I’ve been calling you…” You nodded, and shrugged. “ Phone broke” you lied. Frank grunted at your answer and pulled your hood down to get a better look at you.
“ Are you hurt?” He asks. You shake your head and then rememeber the jacket. You showed him what happened but he rolled his eyes. A jacket can be replaced but you can’t.
“ What?” 
“ You could of gotten killed, why were they chasing you?” 
“ Hell if I know” you shrugged. Frank tilted his head, “ what am I going to do with you?” He asks, half mumbles.
“ I need to go” you tell him. But he takes a hold of your wrist before you can go anywhere else. 
“ You are not going anywhere until you tell me why are you being a brat and avoiding me…”
“ I don’t owe you anything, Frank” you took your wrist from his grasp and stood back before adding, “ The next time you want to grab me like that, watch it or I’ll claw your face off.” 
A small smirk makes it’s way up to his face. 
“ I missed you, kid” you grumbled and punched his chest. 
“ We have been over this Castle, I’m not a kid” He rolled his eyes playfully. 
“ You are to me” He says. Ouch. Those words got to hurt. You had thought of him in a diffrent way. You had to hold back because of who he is, and that you don’t wanna lose him. He was your friend but there is something more lingering between you and him. 
“ Thanks” you said, looking away from him so he doesn’t see the hurt in your eyes. It vanishes quickly. You were used to the dissapointments. 
“ What just happened?” he motions to your face. He had saw the look in your eye and then was shcoked as it changed. “ What?” you turned back to look at him. 
He continued to look but didn’t find anything, it was like you brushed off what you were feeling. 
“ Look, it was nice seeing you but I have to go. Places to be.” 
He rolled his eyes, “ Be good Kitty Cat.” He says. It’s the first time you hear him call you that, and that brings a smile on your face.
“ That was different” He shrugs. “ Don’t get used to it” he chuckles seeing the happiness in your eyes. “ Oh I’ll hear it again, I know I will” He shrugs again. 
Then jsut like that he wached you climb onto a fire escape and up the buidling. 
“ What about your jacket! Should I get you another one!? “ He shouts/ half askes.
“ I’m keeping it!” you shouted back as you waved to him. 
Another week has gone by and Frank began to worry more, you had not try to contact him. Karen was worried too, that why she’s sitting across from you at the diner.
“ What’s been going on? Frank is worried, I’m worried, Curtis is worried.. please talk to me.” You looked at your friend and studied her. Her eyes held worry and sadness, she was the only one that reached out. She cared. It was a different feeling. Growing up you didn’t have that part of your life. Not until she came along. 
You sighed holding the steaming hot coffee in your hands. 
“ I don’t know Karen, things are happening and I’m feeling things I never have felt before. It’s diffrent for me. I can’t grasp it.” 
She listens and tells you to continue, “Frank and I are friends, but I don’t know. When I’m around him, I get this feeling that I just want to be held by him and be told I’m beautiful.” 
She smiles and she nods, she understands.
“ You have feelings for him” She says like it’s the first time your hearing this. It couldn’t be. You liked Frank Castle. No.
“ I can’t” you shake your head. 
“ You do and it’s okay, it might take time for you to tell him” 
“ Oh he’s never going to understand, he can’t” 
She shakes her head, “ He’s been through so much. He lost his family. It’s been a long time since he feels these things. You got to give him time and tell him how you feel” 
“ I can’t” 
“ Yes you can, and don’t fight it. Tell him, and wait and see what happens. He does care about you.” 
“ He calls me kid, he sees me nothing more than a child” Karen shakes your head.
“ He’s only teasing you, he knows how much you try to make him understand that your different. He talks to me.” 
The next time you see Frank is when he’s on the rooftop and is looking out at the world. 
“ I’ve seen better views” you tell him standing right next to him. He looks over, chuckles.
“ Oh yeah?” you nod. 
“ When I was little, my mother and I used to travel and she would show me the world and tell me I could have it at my hands when I wanted too…” you tell him. He listens but then frowns hearing you stop. It’s a touchy subject and he doesn’t push or tell you to continue. 
“Frank, I have to tell you something and I’m scared” you turn to face him and he does too, gazing down at you. There is worry written on his face and your heart felt like it was about to jump out and fall to the ground into a million of peices. 
“ What is it?” He takes a step towards you. 
“ I-I…” you swallowed the lump in your throat as you try to get the words out. Karen is in your head telling you to tell him. 
“ I..I have….these…you know..feeling.. for you…” you spitted out. The next few minutes are silent. There is nothing said between you and Frank. You screwed things up. Your eyes become glossy and you can’t seem to breathe. You take a step back and keep taking steps back, Frank calls out your name.
The next thing you know is your screaming falling off the edge onto the ground. Frank screams and runs over to the edge to see you lying there, not moving. He panics and makes his way down to you. He kneels before your body, and grabs you screaming for someone to call 911. Someone hears him and does so, while Frank holds your body. There is bearly a pulse.
He did this. It’s his fault he didn’t say anything. 
He is going to lose you. 
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amara-scott · 6 years
The Nymph.
part two
Movie: Twilight
Characters: Caius x Reader
Request by Anonymous: "They met when the Volturis passed through a forest and found her distracted and talking to some animals and thought she was human, but then they saw her using her powers and impressed, asked what she was and discovered that she is a nymph and also Caius's mate and then take her to volterra, but feel free to modify the plot."
Caius understood that I didn't want to stay. But he didn't let me go that easily. He visited me daily, even twice a day sometimes. The spot just under my favorite oak is where we meet. We had the best view of the river.
Today he said he would come before the sun would set. Now the big flaming star starts drifting down, casting the most beautiful shades around me.
But I didn't fully pay attention to them, waiting for my love. The soft sparkling sound of the water flows by my feet as I skip down the grass right next to it.
His delicate face clouds my mind and I start to worry, the sun now kissing the horizon and slowly sinking deeper.
Not once was he late. And for the rest of the night, I sit by the oak, drifting off into a deep sleep.
I jolt up, gasping for air and glance around. I catch my breath. Not a single sign. He did not visit last night. I frown but step up, making my way through the woods.
Neither did he visit today. Or the next day.
I start to think something must be holding him up- maybe the Volturi? Or his mind wrapped around his cold heart and he realized that I was not truly what he needed. What he was seeking all his life.
I decide to leave the comfort of my home, making my way towards the still foreign city I lived in for a couple days. Many human beings wander the streets, throwing shaded eyes at me, at my bare feet. I walk steadily but not too fast. Not to draw any more attention.
The massive buidling in front of me makes me slow down, my eyes drifitng towards the side door. They wouldn't dare to step outside in the burning sun. Their skin telling stories that all the people walking here know.
I wrap my fingers around the doorhandle, pulling it open, carefully stepping inside. I glance around, my eyes searching for anything or anyone. I walk further down, towards the big hall. A huge room decorated delicately with antique furniture.
Aro sits right there, smiling when he sets his eyes upon me. "What a pleasure, you changed your mind, I hope?" He is in front of me in the split of a second, grasping my hand before I can decline. He humms, closing his eyes and I glance around the room.
"He is not here, I would have guessed he told you himself?" I furrow my eyebrows at him, my blood turning boiling hot as I clench my hand that's in his and jank it back.
"What are you talking about, Aro?" I fold my arms, looking around once more, hoping he was just tricking me.
"He took off- to a certain Cullen Clan. He only left a note for us." He hisses their name and my eyes drift down, concentrating on the stone ground. The Cullens?
"Why don't you stay-"
"-Where do they live?" I interrupt and he smirks, shaking his head.
"So eager. I don't think I know where they settled down." I raise a brow at him, looking him square into his blood eyes.
"I am supposed to believe that?" I say, trying to sound confident. But seeing Aro's expression makes me think it didn't quite work.
"Love, you could do much greater things, you were born for a purpose. I think you can find that here- if you join us, I would be happily sending out some of my people to help you find the Cullens." He smiles innocently, as if he actually meant it. I shake my head.
"I could never-"
"-they probably saw Caius coming. Alice can see the future and he was nothing but a threat to them in the past. So why wouldn't they just snap his neck as soon as he arrives?" I blink at him, ready to throw words at him that never left my mouth before. But I can't.
"Please." Leaves my dry lips instead, the desperation clear in my voice.
He sighs, a quick glance back to Marcus, who nods at him once, slowly. "Alright- we make a deal. You get your beloved Caius and once you're back- you join us. As a full member- a vampire." I huff, knowing he meant it. I didn't know what convinced me more. Seeing Caius or making sure he is actually still alive.
"Yes." I whisper and he smiles brightly, clasping his hands togehter.
"Great, let me get you help." He hurries off, throwing the back of his cloak up to walk even faster. I just stare after him, not knowing if I just made the worst mistake. A deal with the devil. I sold my soul.
Despite my discomfort in the castle, Aro's men were quickly back, telling us where Caius must have been. They smelled him. And I was curious if it was because he was still alive. They took me and Aro gave me one last knowing glance.
I made out a house, a beautiful modern building with lots of glass. Aro's men let me go by myself, hurrying back off towards their home.
I take slow steps up and am greeted with a smiling brunette. Her short hair fraiming her beautiful face. I can't help but smile back as she opens the door.
"You must be here for Caius. Come in." She steps aside and I remember Aro telling me about a girl named Alice. That must be her. What an extraordinary gift.
"Thank you." I mumble and she guides me towards a large room. Some people sit on couches and others stand by the big window. My eyes drift to him. "Caius." I exclaim and he looks up, jumping up to catch me as I run towards him. He holds me tightly, my nose and lips pressed to the side of his neck.
"What are you doing here?" I pull back just a bit to look i to his eyes. I couldn't lie. Not to him.
"I was worried-"
"-but how did you find me?" He searches my face, tracing his thumb gently along my cheek. I hesitate, not sure how to explain. Or if I could find another reason.
"She made a deal with Aro." My head snaps to a guy, my eyes wide. I shake my head looking back at Caius.
"What?" He lets go slowly, taking a step back.
"Not a deal that would threaten anyone. A deal that would make me find you." He frowns, his beautiful features stone cold.
"What deal?" I briefly glance at the man who blurted out my thoughts and he nods at me, assuring me to tell the truth.
"In order to help me find you, I have to join you. Join the Volturi." I say, he sighs, shaking his head at me. He pulls his lower lip between his teeth.
"That was-"
"-stupid, I know! But what did you expect? I fell for a fool who leaves without a sign. And now I am the one you can call a fool." I whisper the last part, feeling a tear roll down my cheek. I squeeze my eyes shut, forcing my tears back as I bite my lip.
"She has to become a vampire. Aro won't stop before he has what he wants. You know him better than any of us, Caius." Caius nods at the ground, not blinking. I wonder what he was thinking about.
"Edward, thank you for not abandoning me. Thank you all for giving me a chance." Caius says.
"Of course. We all deserve a second chance." A woman says, glancing at me while she talks. I sigh, knowing she is right.
"Please don't leave me again." I whisper and Caius frowns down at me and nods.
"I told you I will protect you. And I won't break my promise." I smile at him and he pulls me further into him, picking me up and kissing me before running off.
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part one | part two
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A glimpse of romantic France high up on Bà Nà Mountain - Travel - Vietnam News | Politics, Business, Economy, Society, Life, Sports
Marketing Advisor đã viết bài trên http://www.ticvietnam.vn/a-glimpse-of-romantic-france-high-up-on-ba-na-mountain-travel-vietnam-news-politics-business-economy-society-life-sports/
A glimpse of romantic France high up on Bà Nà Mountain - Travel - Vietnam News | Politics, Business, Economy, Society, Life, Sports
Viet Nam NewsBy Thúy Hằng
Charming, passionate, romantic, and poetic – many people use those words when they talk about France.  Those who haven’t had a chance to set foot in France yet, or the ones who want to recall some memory of this European country, may want to visit the French Village within the Ba Na Hills Mountain Resort in the central city of Đà Nẵng. Instead of getting on a plane for at least 12 hours [from Hà Nội to Paris], and paying costly air fare, Đà Nẵng is just about one-hour flight from Hà Nội and the air ticket definitely won’t make much of a dent in your wallet.
Fairy tale: The Mecure Ba Na Hills French Village Hotel look like a castle.— VNS Photo Thúy Hằng
From Đà Nẵng airport, we took a 45-minute car ride before getting on a cable car to go up to Bà Nà. On the way up to the height of more than 1,400m above the sea, watching the green carpet of the woods below us, and breathing the air that got fresher the higher we went, was a treat. The breathtaking views, gushing waterfalls and verdant mountain slopes explains why Bà Nà cable line has been praised by The Telegraph and CNN as one of the top 10 most impressive cable car lines in the world.
Romance: A green corner in the village which is a nice backdrop for pre-wedding photo. — VNS Photo Thúy Hằng
Bà Nà resort was established in 1919 by the French colonials and once held more than 200 villas, but only a few ruins remain. However, the whole area has a fresh new look since real estate developer Sun Group took it over a few years ago and transformed the place. The complex consists of the cable line – the world’s longest at 5,772m; the French village; a mid-scale hotel designed in European 19th century style, which looks like a castle; and a Buddhist pagoda compound.
It’s also very exciting to see the mist and cloud sometimes covering the village.— VNS Photo Thúy Hằng
Having been to France several times, my one-day visit to the French village called up strong memories. 
The beautiful realistic miniature village is charming, romantic, and poetic – as only the French know how to do. The village consists of a square with a fountain, a Gothic-style church, shops, restaurants, coffee shops and several other buidlings. The architecture was inspired by old European buildings. The cool mountain air added to the sense of a European getaway. The further I walked along the village’s stone road, the more surprises awaited. Everything in this village, from stone statues, wooden-framed windows, bronze water fountains, conical grey roofs, was a re-enactment of France. The mist and cloud that occasionally envelope the village add to the perfection.
Gothic-style church in the French village. — VNS Photo Thúy Hằng
During my walk to discover the village, I saw some couples having pre-wedding photos against the varied backdrops.
Visitors can also stop by one of the four restaurants in the village, including La Lavande, Brasserie, Le Jardind , and La Crique&Café Postal to complete their “journey” to France with a meal featuring French dishes.
Charm: The architecture of all the buildings was inspired by old European buildings. VNS Photo Thúy Hằng
And don’t forget to pass by the Debay Ancient Wine Cellar – a unique “hidden” place, which was dug deep in Bà Nà Mountain in 1923. The cellar is 100 metres long and always kept at an ideal temperature, from 16 to 20 degree Celsius. Here, visitors can have distinctive experiences in a wine space redolent with French aromas.
The area also features a large flower garden – Le Jardin D’Amour, consisting of nine enclosures, each in a different style. These colorful and well-arranged spaces are an ideal place for some photo shoots and benches provide a shady respite from the climbing.
The way leads to the Buddhist pagoda. VNS Photo Thúy Hằng
One of the more rewarding experiences on my trip to the mountain was the climb to the nearby Buddhist pagoda in the early morning. From there, I could enjoy a magnificent view of the whole village, which was covered by a sea of clouds. I was speechless when I saw that beautiful, misty heavenly view. Anyway, my one-day visit was not enough for me to discover all corners of Ba Na Hill Mountain Resort, but I don’t mind. There will be other opportunities to visit France without leaving Việt Nam. — VNS
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pgitlin · 7 years
Cuba continued - final post
Saturday morning 18 March
From the port, we drove west along the Malecón, the long seafront road between Old Havana and Vadero where our hotel was.
 Our guide for the day was Katia, a beautiful young woman, who had come in place of Roly who was in hospital suffering from kidney stones. She was a deight, a fount of knowledge on Cuba’s colonial and recent history, who freely shared her experience of life both during Fidel Castro’s era and now under Raoul Castro.  She had been well briefed by Roly as to what our interest were and did her utmost to accommodate these.
 Our driver was a young man whose pride in his Chevy Bel Air was obvious.  The car belonged to his uncle, but he took car of it and used it as a taxi.  At each stop he leapt out of his seat to open, but more importantly, to close the door so that no one banged it!  He was also a musician; like most Cubans he has several jobs in order to earn sufficient money to live adequately.
 Katia confirmed what Roly had told us at the beginning of our trip; the average salary of a teacher in Cuba is 25 CUC (Cuban convertible currency equivalent to 1 euro), and senior doctors earn an average of 50 CUC a month.  Granted that every Cuban citizen receives ration coupons for basic foodstuffs (see here http://www.telesurtv.net/english/opinion/Dividing-the-Pie-Cubas-Ration-System-after-50-years-20150302-0029.htmlsic), and prices of whatever fresh fruit and vegetables are available in the market are controlled by the government, that is still a very low income on which to live. Consquently almost all Cubans supplement their income in a variety of ways.  One finds teachers, university professors and others working as cleaners, waiters or doormen in the international hotels as not only the wages, but more especially the tips, provide valuable additional income. Families also often live communially so as to ensure that everyone has better access to the things which make life a little more comfortable.  We also learned that many Cubans have family or friends living abroad.  They are permitted to send gifts to their Cuban relatives.  This accounted for the fact that almost all the young people we saw were wearing smart sneakers (trainers), jeans and other clothes which would not disgrace a teenager or young person living in the States or Europe.
 We began our tour with Katia by visiting one of the 4 synagogues in Havana.  It was undergoing renovation so we were unable to see the main sanctuary. However the community hall was being used for the Saturday morning service and was well attended, with people arriving all the time while we were there.  The Jewish population of around 15,000 before the Revolution has diminished to around 1,600 nowadays, but it appears to be an active rainbow-coloured community.
 From there we went to the Parque John Lennon, aka Beatles’ Square in Vedaro where apparently during the 70’s and 80’s young people would flock at night under cover of darkness to listen to Western Pop music. There is now a statue of John Lennon on a bench in the square which is a popular place for families with their children on the weekends.
 We drove from there around the city to the Presidential Palace, currently undergoing renovation.  It is an enormous edifice which was used by Cuba’s presidents until the Revolution.  Fidel Castro did not live there, but apparently in many different places around Cuba, which were kept secret as he feared assassination by the CIA.  Then we went on to the Plaza de Armas, the oldest square in historic Havana founded in the 1520’s by the Spanish.  It was here in the Castle, remains of which can still be visited, that the Spanish kept the treasures plundered from the New World before being shipped to Spain.  It is a lovely square, filled with flowering trees and Royal Palms.  
 Just an aside, the Royal Palm is Cuba’s national tree. Roly told us that there is an anecdote that this is because the Royal Palm is like the Cuban people – it blows almost horizontal during hurricanes, but when the storm is over, it springs back upright, and the Cubans weather adversity in the same way!
 We walked from the square through Old Havana, once again admiring the wealth of architectural styles, colonial mansions, neo-classical buildings, and many Art Deco buidlings.   The streets were filled with people, and being Saturday, many seemed to be locals.  There were street musicians, a troupe of dancers on stilts, dressed in flamboyant costumes, and vendors of fried pastries.
 We visited a beautiful Art Nouveau house with rich stained glass windows and doors, and a cool plant filled interior courtyard.  It is now a perfumery, beautifully restored and owned by the government.  The Hotel Raquel was also a delight, this was a kosher hotel and the Art Nouveau interior reception rooms are an exquisite example of the period, again with beautiful stained glass windows and screens, many featuring the Minorah and other symbols of Jewish culture.
 Our driver met us here and we drove to Neuva Vedado, a suburb of Havana, to La Casa, a restaurant owned and run by a family in their house. The food was delicious, lamb stewed in red wine and served (of course!) with rice and black beans.  There was also steamed cassava and fried banana as well as a side salad.  The restaurant is certainly worth visiting if you are ever in Havana.
 After lunch we enjoyed a drive around Nuevo Vedado which was built by the affluent middle classes during the 40’s and 50’s.  Here many of the large mansions are now ambassadorial residences, and the more modest houses have been restored.  There were good examples of domestic architecture of the 1950’s, reminiscent of the suburbs of Miami.
 Then it was on to a large forested park on the edge of Nuevo Vedado.   Katia told us that this had been a very popular place for families to gather a day out together while she was growing up.  It is very lush and green, with a river running through the middle.  Sadly nowadays it is full of the detritus of animal sacrifices made by adherents of the African-Cuban religions Santeria and Palo Monte., and we passed several sites full of feathers, skeletons of birds covered in flies and maggots, and shredded paper and plastic.
 (Thirty-four percent of Cubans are followers of these religons, as opposed to thirty percent who are Roman Catholics.) There was in fact a sacrificial ritual taking place in the river when we arrived, and I watched fascinated as 3 men and their Babalu (priest) performed their rituals. Fortunately I did not see them actually kill the chickens, but there was much chanting, dipping the dead chickens into the water, and sprinkling their blood into the water and onto the ground. More groups of families arrived while we were there, all going off to various places alongside the river to offer their own sacrifices.
 From here we drove back through Miramar, another favoured and affluent pre-revolutionary residential area.  There are many grand mansions here, mostly embassies, including the enormous Russian compound with its brutal constructivist building, rising up above the flat landscape and lower rise buildings surrounding it.
 I always enjoyed the drive along El Malecón, the broad 8 km esplanade along the sea from Miramar to the mouth of the Havana Harbour.  The side opposite the sea wall is filled with what in their day were beautiful apartment houses and individual mansions. There are many Art Deco gems and several neo-classical buildings, most now crumbling echoes of their former splendor. However there a signs of regeneration with some being restored.  I fear though that if unrestricted development is allowed as Cuba becomes more capitalist, that the glory of this esplanade with be ruined by high rise hotels and apartment buildings, much as has happened in Monaco.
 At the end of the day, as we were saying our farewells to Katia, we heard once again how hitch-hiking is the main way that most people iin Cuba get around because the public transport system is so inadequate. She told us that our taxi drive lived en route to where she lives, about 2 hours from Havana.  From his town she would hitch-hike the remaining distance which was about 15 kilometres.  She also told us that this was a completely safe way to travel, and that she in fact often hitch-hiked with her 4 year old daughter if she needed to get somewhere. We had also learned during the day that Katia had been a primary school teacher and then a regional television reporter and presenter.  She had met her husband at the television station where he had been a script writer and programme developer.  They had both decided to give up those jobs because they had become increasingly unhappy at having to present only approved news.  Katia said they had been very frustrated when they found bad practice or incompetence in local services but were not allowed to report this.  Now she and her husband both worked as independent tourist guides, a role which she fulfills competently and expertly in our opinion.
 Our final day, Sunday 19th March, was spent rather lazily.  We walked across the road from our hotel, the Melia Cohiba, to the Riviera Hotel, the hotel developed by the notorious Meyer Lansky, the money man for the Mob in the 50’s. It is slowly being restored by Caribe Hotels after having been neglected for many years and is an example of late 1950’s interior design.  The lobby/lounge area, dining room and swimming pool are beautifully restored to their original state, and one can imagine the gangsters and their friends partying here and in the Casino (which is not open) during its heyday.
 It was here in the lobby that we met some Canadians who were about to go off with a guide to see the Synagogue which we hadn’t been able to see the day before.  Yasmin took advantage of their offer to join them, but Brian and I went back to our hotel and spent the morning lazing at the pool.  
 All too soon it was time to leave for the airport and our flight home to Nice via Madrid.  It was sad to say goodbye as we had fallen in love with Cuba and its friendly people, its falling down buildings, and its indomitable spirit.  I have no doubt that if at all possible, we will visit again.
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A glimpse of romantic France high up on Bà Nà Mountain - Travel - Vietnam News | Politics, Business, Economy, Society, Life, Sports
Marketing Advisor đã viết bài trên http://www.ticvietnam.vn/a-glimpse-of-romantic-france-high-up-on-ba-na-mountain-travel-vietnam-news-politics-business-economy-society-life-sports/
A glimpse of romantic France high up on Bà Nà Mountain - Travel - Vietnam News | Politics, Business, Economy, Society, Life, Sports
Viet Nam NewsBy Thúy Hằng
Charming, passionate, romantic, and poetic – many people use those words when they talk about France.  Those who haven’t had a chance to set foot in France yet, or the ones who want to recall some memory of this European country, may want to visit the French Village within the Ba Na Hills Mountain Resort in the central city of Đà Nẵng. Instead of getting on a plane for at least 12 hours [from Hà Nội to Paris], and paying costly air fare, Đà Nẵng is just about one-hour flight from Hà Nội and the air ticket definitely won’t make much of a dent in your wallet.
Fairy tale: The Mecure Ba Na Hills French Village Hotel look like a castle.— VNS Photo Thúy Hằng
From Đà Nẵng airport, we took a 45-minute car ride before getting on a cable car to go up to Bà Nà. On the way up to the height of more than 1,400m above the sea, watching the green carpet of the woods below us, and breathing the air that got fresher the higher we went, was a treat. The breathtaking views, gushing waterfalls and verdant mountain slopes explains why Bà Nà cable line has been praised by The Telegraph and CNN as one of the top 10 most impressive cable car lines in the world.
Romance: A green corner in the village which is a nice backdrop for pre-wedding photo. — VNS Photo Thúy Hằng
Bà Nà resort was established in 1919 by the French colonials and once held more than 200 villas, but only a few ruins remain. However, the whole area has a fresh new look since real estate developer Sun Group took it over a few years ago and transformed the place. The complex consists of the cable line – the world’s longest at 5,772m; the French village; a mid-scale hotel designed in European 19th century style, which looks like a castle; and a Buddhist pagoda compound.
It’s also very exciting to see the mist and cloud sometimes covering the village.— VNS Photo Thúy Hằng
Having been to France several times, my one-day visit to the French village called up strong memories. 
The beautiful realistic miniature village is charming, romantic, and poetic – as only the French know how to do. The village consists of a square with a fountain, a Gothic-style church, shops, restaurants, coffee shops and several other buidlings. The architecture was inspired by old European buildings. The cool mountain air added to the sense of a European getaway. The further I walked along the village’s stone road, the more surprises awaited. Everything in this village, from stone statues, wooden-framed windows, bronze water fountains, conical grey roofs, was a re-enactment of France. The mist and cloud that occasionally envelope the village add to the perfection.
Gothic-style church in the French village. — VNS Photo Thúy Hằng
During my walk to discover the village, I saw some couples having pre-wedding photos against the varied backdrops.
Visitors can also stop by one of the four restaurants in the village, including La Lavande, Brasserie, Le Jardind , and La Crique&Café Postal to complete their “journey” to France with a meal featuring French dishes.
Charm: The architecture of all the buildings was inspired by old European buildings. VNS Photo Thúy Hằng
And don’t forget to pass by the Debay Ancient Wine Cellar – a unique “hidden” place, which was dug deep in Bà Nà Mountain in 1923. The cellar is 100 metres long and always kept at an ideal temperature, from 16 to 20 degree Celsius. Here, visitors can have distinctive experiences in a wine space redolent with French aromas.
The area also features a large flower garden – Le Jardin D’Amour, consisting of nine enclosures, each in a different style. These colorful and well-arranged spaces are an ideal place for some photo shoots and benches provide a shady respite from the climbing.
The way leads to the Buddhist pagoda. VNS Photo Thúy Hằng
One of the more rewarding experiences on my trip to the mountain was the climb to the nearby Buddhist pagoda in the early morning. From there, I could enjoy a magnificent view of the whole village, which was covered by a sea of clouds. I was speechless when I saw that beautiful, misty heavenly view. Anyway, my one-day visit was not enough for me to discover all corners of Ba Na Hill Mountain Resort, but I don’t mind. There will be other opportunities to visit France without leaving Việt Nam. — VNS
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A glimpse of romantic France high up on Bà Nà Mountain - Travel - Vietnam News | Politics, Business, Economy, Society, Life, Sports
Marketing Advisor đã viết bài trên http://www.ticvietnam.vn/a-glimpse-of-romantic-france-high-up-on-ba-na-mountain-travel-vietnam-news-politics-business-economy-society-life-sports/
A glimpse of romantic France high up on Bà Nà Mountain - Travel - Vietnam News | Politics, Business, Economy, Society, Life, Sports
Viet Nam NewsBy Thúy Hằng
Charming, passionate, romantic, and poetic – many people use those words when they talk about France.  Those who haven’t had a chance to set foot in France yet, or the ones who want to recall some memory of this European country, may want to visit the French Village within the Ba Na Hills Mountain Resort in the central city of Đà Nẵng. Instead of getting on a plane for at least 12 hours [from Hà Nội to Paris], and paying costly air fare, Đà Nẵng is just about one-hour flight from Hà Nội and the air ticket definitely won’t make much of a dent in your wallet.
Fairy tale: The Mecure Ba Na Hills French Village Hotel look like a castle.— VNS Photo Thúy Hằng
From Đà Nẵng airport, we took a 45-minute car ride before getting on a cable car to go up to Bà Nà. On the way up to the height of more than 1,400m above the sea, watching the green carpet of the woods below us, and breathing the air that got fresher the higher we went, was a treat. The breathtaking views, gushing waterfalls and verdant mountain slopes explains why Bà Nà cable line has been praised by The Telegraph and CNN as one of the top 10 most impressive cable car lines in the world.
Romance: A green corner in the village which is a nice backdrop for pre-wedding photo. — VNS Photo Thúy Hằng
Bà Nà resort was established in 1919 by the French colonials and once held more than 200 villas, but only a few ruins remain. However, the whole area has a fresh new look since real estate developer Sun Group took it over a few years ago and transformed the place. The complex consists of the cable line – the world’s longest at 5,772m; the French village; a mid-scale hotel designed in European 19th century style, which looks like a castle; and a Buddhist pagoda compound.
It’s also very exciting to see the mist and cloud sometimes covering the village.— VNS Photo Thúy Hằng
Having been to France several times, my one-day visit to the French village called up strong memories. 
The beautiful realistic miniature village is charming, romantic, and poetic – as only the French know how to do. The village consists of a square with a fountain, a Gothic-style church, shops, restaurants, coffee shops and several other buidlings. The architecture was inspired by old European buildings. The cool mountain air added to the sense of a European getaway. The further I walked along the village’s stone road, the more surprises awaited. Everything in this village, from stone statues, wooden-framed windows, bronze water fountains, conical grey roofs, was a re-enactment of France. The mist and cloud that occasionally envelope the village add to the perfection.
Gothic-style church in the French village. — VNS Photo Thúy Hằng
During my walk to discover the village, I saw some couples having pre-wedding photos against the varied backdrops.
Visitors can also stop by one of the four restaurants in the village, including La Lavande, Brasserie, Le Jardind , and La Crique&Café Postal to complete their “journey” to France with a meal featuring French dishes.
Charm: The architecture of all the buildings was inspired by old European buildings. VNS Photo Thúy Hằng
And don’t forget to pass by the Debay Ancient Wine Cellar – a unique “hidden” place, which was dug deep in Bà Nà Mountain in 1923. The cellar is 100 metres long and always kept at an ideal temperature, from 16 to 20 degree Celsius. Here, visitors can have distinctive experiences in a wine space redolent with French aromas.
The area also features a large flower garden – Le Jardin D’Amour, consisting of nine enclosures, each in a different style. These colorful and well-arranged spaces are an ideal place for some photo shoots and benches provide a shady respite from the climbing.
The way leads to the Buddhist pagoda. VNS Photo Thúy Hằng
One of the more rewarding experiences on my trip to the mountain was the climb to the nearby Buddhist pagoda in the early morning. From there, I could enjoy a magnificent view of the whole village, which was covered by a sea of clouds. I was speechless when I saw that beautiful, misty heavenly view. Anyway, my one-day visit was not enough for me to discover all corners of Ba Na Hill Mountain Resort, but I don’t mind. There will be other opportunities to visit France without leaving Việt Nam. — VNS
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A glimpse of romantic France high up on Bà Nà Mountain - Travel - Vietnam News | Politics, Business, Economy, Society, Life, Sports
Marketing Advisor đã viết bài trên http://www.ticvietnam.vn/a-glimpse-of-romantic-france-high-up-on-ba-na-mountain-travel-vietnam-news-politics-business-economy-society-life-sports/
A glimpse of romantic France high up on Bà Nà Mountain - Travel - Vietnam News | Politics, Business, Economy, Society, Life, Sports
Viet Nam NewsBy Thúy Hằng
Charming, passionate, romantic, and poetic – many people use those words when they talk about France.  Those who haven’t had a chance to set foot in France yet, or the ones who want to recall some memory of this European country, may want to visit the French Village within the Ba Na Hills Mountain Resort in the central city of Đà Nẵng. Instead of getting on a plane for at least 12 hours [from Hà Nội to Paris], and paying costly air fare, Đà Nẵng is just about one-hour flight from Hà Nội and the air ticket definitely won’t make much of a dent in your wallet.
Fairy tale: The Mecure Ba Na Hills French Village Hotel look like a castle.— VNS Photo Thúy Hằng
From Đà Nẵng airport, we took a 45-minute car ride before getting on a cable car to go up to Bà Nà. On the way up to the height of more than 1,400m above the sea, watching the green carpet of the woods below us, and breathing the air that got fresher the higher we went, was a treat. The breathtaking views, gushing waterfalls and verdant mountain slopes explains why Bà Nà cable line has been praised by The Telegraph and CNN as one of the top 10 most impressive cable car lines in the world.
Romance: A green corner in the village which is a nice backdrop for pre-wedding photo. — VNS Photo Thúy Hằng
Bà Nà resort was established in 1919 by the French colonials and once held more than 200 villas, but only a few ruins remain. However, the whole area has a fresh new look since real estate developer Sun Group took it over a few years ago and transformed the place. The complex consists of the cable line – the world’s longest at 5,772m; the French village; a mid-scale hotel designed in European 19th century style, which looks like a castle; and a Buddhist pagoda compound.
It’s also very exciting to see the mist and cloud sometimes covering the village.— VNS Photo Thúy Hằng
Having been to France several times, my one-day visit to the French village called up strong memories. 
The beautiful realistic miniature village is charming, romantic, and poetic – as only the French know how to do. The village consists of a square with a fountain, a Gothic-style church, shops, restaurants, coffee shops and several other buidlings. The architecture was inspired by old European buildings. The cool mountain air added to the sense of a European getaway. The further I walked along the village’s stone road, the more surprises awaited. Everything in this village, from stone statues, wooden-framed windows, bronze water fountains, conical grey roofs, was a re-enactment of France. The mist and cloud that occasionally envelope the village add to the perfection.
Gothic-style church in the French village. — VNS Photo Thúy Hằng
During my walk to discover the village, I saw some couples having pre-wedding photos against the varied backdrops.
Visitors can also stop by one of the four restaurants in the village, including La Lavande, Brasserie, Le Jardind , and La Crique&Café Postal to complete their “journey” to France with a meal featuring French dishes.
Charm: The architecture of all the buildings was inspired by old European buildings. VNS Photo Thúy Hằng
And don’t forget to pass by the Debay Ancient Wine Cellar – a unique “hidden” place, which was dug deep in Bà Nà Mountain in 1923. The cellar is 100 metres long and always kept at an ideal temperature, from 16 to 20 degree Celsius. Here, visitors can have distinctive experiences in a wine space redolent with French aromas.
The area also features a large flower garden – Le Jardin D’Amour, consisting of nine enclosures, each in a different style. These colorful and well-arranged spaces are an ideal place for some photo shoots and benches provide a shady respite from the climbing.
The way leads to the Buddhist pagoda. VNS Photo Thúy Hằng
One of the more rewarding experiences on my trip to the mountain was the climb to the nearby Buddhist pagoda in the early morning. From there, I could enjoy a magnificent view of the whole village, which was covered by a sea of clouds. I was speechless when I saw that beautiful, misty heavenly view. Anyway, my one-day visit was not enough for me to discover all corners of Ba Na Hill Mountain Resort, but I don’t mind. There will be other opportunities to visit France without leaving Việt Nam. — VNS
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A glimpse of romantic France high up on Bà Nà Mountain - Travel - Vietnam News | Politics, Business, Economy, Society, Life, Sports
Marketing Advisor đã viết bài trên http://www.ticvietnam.vn/a-glimpse-of-romantic-france-high-up-on-ba-na-mountain-travel-vietnam-news-politics-business-economy-society-life-sports/
A glimpse of romantic France high up on Bà Nà Mountain - Travel - Vietnam News | Politics, Business, Economy, Society, Life, Sports
Viet Nam NewsBy Thúy Hằng
Charming, passionate, romantic, and poetic – many people use those words when they talk about France.  Those who haven’t had a chance to set foot in France yet, or the ones who want to recall some memory of this European country, may want to visit the French Village within the Ba Na Hills Mountain Resort in the central city of Đà Nẵng. Instead of getting on a plane for at least 12 hours [from Hà Nội to Paris], and paying costly air fare, Đà Nẵng is just about one-hour flight from Hà Nội and the air ticket definitely won’t make much of a dent in your wallet.
Fairy tale: The Mecure Ba Na Hills French Village Hotel look like a castle.— VNS Photo Thúy Hằng
From Đà Nẵng airport, we took a 45-minute car ride before getting on a cable car to go up to Bà Nà. On the way up to the height of more than 1,400m above the sea, watching the green carpet of the woods below us, and breathing the air that got fresher the higher we went, was a treat. The breathtaking views, gushing waterfalls and verdant mountain slopes explains why Bà Nà cable line has been praised by The Telegraph and CNN as one of the top 10 most impressive cable car lines in the world.
Romance: A green corner in the village which is a nice backdrop for pre-wedding photo. — VNS Photo Thúy Hằng
Bà Nà resort was established in 1919 by the French colonials and once held more than 200 villas, but only a few ruins remain. However, the whole area has a fresh new look since real estate developer Sun Group took it over a few years ago and transformed the place. The complex consists of the cable line – the world’s longest at 5,772m; the French village; a mid-scale hotel designed in European 19th century style, which looks like a castle; and a Buddhist pagoda compound.
It’s also very exciting to see the mist and cloud sometimes covering the village.— VNS Photo Thúy Hằng
Having been to France several times, my one-day visit to the French village called up strong memories. 
The beautiful realistic miniature village is charming, romantic, and poetic – as only the French know how to do. The village consists of a square with a fountain, a Gothic-style church, shops, restaurants, coffee shops and several other buidlings. The architecture was inspired by old European buildings. The cool mountain air added to the sense of a European getaway. The further I walked along the village’s stone road, the more surprises awaited. Everything in this village, from stone statues, wooden-framed windows, bronze water fountains, conical grey roofs, was a re-enactment of France. The mist and cloud that occasionally envelope the village add to the perfection.
Gothic-style church in the French village. — VNS Photo Thúy Hằng
During my walk to discover the village, I saw some couples having pre-wedding photos against the varied backdrops.
Visitors can also stop by one of the four restaurants in the village, including La Lavande, Brasserie, Le Jardind , and La Crique&Café Postal to complete their “journey” to France with a meal featuring French dishes.
Charm: The architecture of all the buildings was inspired by old European buildings. VNS Photo Thúy Hằng
And don’t forget to pass by the Debay Ancient Wine Cellar – a unique “hidden” place, which was dug deep in Bà Nà Mountain in 1923. The cellar is 100 metres long and always kept at an ideal temperature, from 16 to 20 degree Celsius. Here, visitors can have distinctive experiences in a wine space redolent with French aromas.
The area also features a large flower garden – Le Jardin D’Amour, consisting of nine enclosures, each in a different style. These colorful and well-arranged spaces are an ideal place for some photo shoots and benches provide a shady respite from the climbing.
The way leads to the Buddhist pagoda. VNS Photo Thúy Hằng
One of the more rewarding experiences on my trip to the mountain was the climb to the nearby Buddhist pagoda in the early morning. From there, I could enjoy a magnificent view of the whole village, which was covered by a sea of clouds. I was speechless when I saw that beautiful, misty heavenly view. Anyway, my one-day visit was not enough for me to discover all corners of Ba Na Hill Mountain Resort, but I don’t mind. There will be other opportunities to visit France without leaving Việt Nam. — VNS
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