8ughead · 2 months
give us a rating/tierlist of different stages of the drawing process
Peculiar question, dear tumblr user, because I have barely any idea where one stage starts and the other ends.
The thumbnails, the blockings, the renders, they all got their weals and woes - it's a little adventure. Maybe I am a little favourable towards thumbs and renders, but the middle stage is the backbone of things. That's all there is to it. And I'm already trying to compose this answer for two solid weeks.
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saxobuggie · 5 months
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Re-reading previous texts because I just miss talking to him that much.
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now that i'm out of the life-stalling brain-infecting obsession phase of enjoying dragon age, maybe i can find some time to jump back into - well, into SWTOR, but also The Bugtext...i remember i was enjoying it but i kept kinda being confused and frustrated by all the references to other EU books. like Thrawn is fucking here now, did I mention that? the chiss feature pretty heavily in this and while the catchup-exposition-to-plot ratio is pretty adept i still regularly have no clue what anyone's talking about 💀
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ewclid · 4 years
maybe i’ll calm down if i stick my hands in some soil
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jarmes · 2 years
At 830 I’m going to be streaming some bugtexting for my game Smoke and Mirrors on Twitch
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taekb-blog · 9 years
ive changed the theme and cleaned up my master list/my posts in general a little! i switched url to one ive been wanting to use for a while, too, and everything should be fixed properly.. but if you find a broken link or something, let me know! / 3\ ♡
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8ughead · 2 months
I always sleep through "rhymes with play" streams due to time zones, and only recently found out that my earlier iteration of the previous post from the forum was featured in said stream.(;´д`)Oh well... Taking my hat off to those who seen it.
At least I can post this (specifically 140p)
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8ughead · 5 months
Favorite patapon OST & boss?
Anon had me in thoughts for a bit.
With this soundtrack it’s hard to pick one, yet I find myself coming back to Totetitetan (I think it’s at least a partial inspiration for Ratatan soundtrack direction) and Ponbekedatta. And I'm very much impartial to the rock remixes from pata3.
For bosses, it’s either Kanogias or Gaeen (and their respective alterations), gotta enjoy those machines of war.
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8ughead · 7 months
What is your favorite DST boss?
A mail time it is I believe!
I cannot state who is my favourite to fight due to me being, as one would say, a casual, but I’ll try my best. If talking about Together then:
all 3 versions of Reanimated Skeleton / Ancient Fuelweaver - The forest and cave versions I find adorable, adding to the concept that it’s a ram/goat-looking undead beast that looks like it comes from the depths of hell. And the slight idea that even the knowledgeable characters can construct the skeleton wrong because they are no archaeologists is funny to me.
Malbatross - simply put - Bird up!
An honourable mention goes out to Hamlet’s bosses - Ancient Herald and Iron Hulk for their unexplained lore nature and nice designs as well.
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kinggrub · 1 year
It's been a while since I've felt compelled to write one of these "diary entries".
I have been obsessively thinking about her since the news arrived to our house. A week ago now.
And I have been saddled with this complex, heavy web of emotions: yearning, as the plurality. But accompanied by retribution; and a not-insignificant dose of self-righteousness (distinct from the former). And, of course, loss -- rivaling the yearning. Or really, complementing it I guess. They're kind of inseparable right now.
I loved her. I knew her. We could have been so strong together. And fuck me, I still deeply want her carnally -- which makes this so painful. I know, pretty puerile. Can't change the way I feel.
The complications with my feelings include a great sense of relief and admiration, and love still. I can't help but feel I was an integral part of her story.
But I'm stuck here. I know I'm allowed to feel these ways. I know it's safe to feel bad. I know it's okay to feel the good feelings alongside the bad and weird ones. I don't want to hyperfixate, I don't want to look away. I can't figure out then balance. I don't know what to do when I start spiraling.
And, look
Ultimately? She's... not a good person. She's an even worse friend. Her priorities have been consistently antithetical to my own. Ethics and art seem to be far from her purview of daily life, whereas I make great efforts to integrate those without prejudice. What else could possibility matter?? In this, I've never understood her.
I need to let her go. But I don't know how to do that without looking away, without completely shunning this overwhelming windfall of emotions. I want to bite and scratch and scream. And I don't know what could possibly be cathartic to me at this juncture. So I am left thinking. Forever. That's what I've been doing since we broke it off years ago. And I am still thinking, in motherfucking fractals twisting in on itself over and tighter for ever. It makes me want to fucking die.
But I don't want to die. Not over this. I'm just so tired of my machinations. I'm tired of being compulsive, obsessive, and stuck. I've been resisting reaching out to my therapist before our next session (they always say I can contact them outside of our scheduled appointments if I need them) because I felt like I needed time for the dust to settle, and to percolate. Unsure about that, though. I think I'm making myself sicker.
I'm looking forward to unpacking this with them, in doing so, giving myself the opportunity to detangle my account, to clear things up for myself, and to clean up the jumble of thought-feelings vectors exploding every which-way from my personal narrative of this aging clusterfuck
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saxobuggie · 5 months
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Fuck I miss him so much already.
I want to see him again; I don't want to lose him.
Even just having him as a teacher, completely platonic, he was an amazing friend </3
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saxobuggie · 5 months
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I miss him; I miss the motivation he gives me; I miss the goodnights and texts
I want him to come back
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saxobuggie · 5 months
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And this is when how and why I became a bug. (On Tumblr at least)
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saxobuggie · 5 months
-I'll reply to you at a later date.
-I'm taking a break from it
-(I literally froze.)
-I think you sent me stuff on Instagram, yeah?
I'm so pathetic for someone I shouldn't be obsessed about😭💔💔
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haven't had the energy to read more Bugtext nor type up anything very detailed about what i've read thus far. but the book has insinuated one thing about killik reproduction, which is that there doesn't appear to be drones & a primary reproductive, everyone just fucks each other nasty.
i googled if there is a precedent for this in nature and there is! it's more "everyone lays eggs that hatch into genetic clones" rather than "everybody mates", and it happens on a synchronized cycle. like menstruation.
however given the immense genetic diversity of killiks & the fact that there are hostile NPCs in swtor called "queens" (except they kick your ass rather than being massive and laying eggs in a room all day) i am confident that this is not necessarily the rule for all nests everywhere
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went back to The Bugtext to comfort myself & omg there are Hapans in this book. catalogue of the EU's every sin
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