#bughead halloween prompts
girlsloveamystery · 2 years
Bughead Halloween Prompts:
Haunted Mansion.
Horror house.
Haunted Hayride.
Halloween costume party where Betty is the nerd and Jughead falls for her.
Halloween trick or treating with their kids.
Pick one or two if you want and let me know.
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shymeg · 5 years
The Dare’s on All Hallows eve
23 and 58 please :) @dreamer757
23. “The house is not haunted.”
58. “Making out in a graveyard?”
                                      The Dares on All Hallow EVE
Betty and Jughead's locker were nearby each other. Every year a dare was delivered to certain peoples lockers all 4 years it seemed that Jug and Betty got one. This year was no different.
Jughead's Dare was Go to the Old blossom Estate.
Betty's Dare, Go to Riverdale Cemetery and have a make-out session until Midnight, you must be there at eleven. 
Betty didn't want to do her Dare. She felt it was disrespectful to the dead. Betty also felt saddened, knowing that she almost had to bury Jughead in one after his stupid savior moment. That her dad was in one. So was Fred Andrews. She and Jug missed Fred. He was indeed a father to both of them. Especially when everything was spiraling out of control. She had to put Archie in a coffin. So, she felt this was some cruel joke. To test her. Yet, she wasn't going to lose. It said, Make-out, and the best Make-out partner had to do his own Dare. Maybe, if she did it with him, he'd be more willing to go into the Cemetery. She figured he may have his demons when it came to her Dare. Yet, he'd never disappoint her.
"Jug," her voice was soft, almost so soft you almost couldn't hear it. He turned around to face her, scratching his head at what his Dare had said, "What's up, Betts?" She loved it when he called her Betts. Her eyes gleamed. "Do you want to do our Dare's together? The rules don't state we can't?"
He smiled the biggest grin, "sure, yours or mine first?"
She knew they'd have to do his since they were Halloween dares, so she said, "What is your's Juggie?"
she saw a tint of red, and his eyes got more prominent at the name, "Go to the old Blossom Estate."
oh great, that place was a burden to both her and Jug whoever gave out the Halloween Dares were genuinely trying to torment them.
"Alright, well, let's do yours first. I mean, we all know that isn't haunted."
Jug smiled and said, "Alright, well, let's get some flashlights, a backpack for food, and well warmer clothes."
Betty nodded and smiled as they went to their houses to get supplies. They agreed to meet at Pops at 6. She was secretly thrilled. She loved her boyfriend, and she knew he loved her. Yet, it was something so thrilling about these Dares. Why the Blossom Estate? Why the Graveyard? She knew it had nothing to do with Cheryl because Cheryl was two years older and had gone to college. The Estate was abandoned because Cheryl wanted nothing to do with her family name. Her Nana was living in Thistle house a little bit away from the Estate. Thistle house was like a manor, whereas the Blossom Estate was a Mansion. Cheryl's mother had died in the horrid fire, but yet the mansion still sits. The flames may have set ablaze, but the house never went under.
She smiled to herself, thinking maybe this is just another one to investigate for the Junior detective agency. Betty often wondered who chose the Dare's and why certain people got them and how come others didn't? Betty wondered how they would know if they even did the Dare? Were they lurking? Did people set it up like a spook house? In all her 4 years she never figured that out. This year she was almost tempted too. Yet, if she did that, would it ruin the fun and the thrill of doing the Dares?
She heard the bell ding, and she saw a slender figure with a beanie. Dressed in all black but luckily he was wearing his dad's winter jacket. The weather was always odd, especially at night. He got a burger and fries to go typical Jughead.
When Betty and Jughead went outside.  She noticed that Jug's motorcycle was nowhere to be found.  He must have walked here under the assumption that they would take Betty's car and probably not hit up Pop's after the last Dare. Jughead was correct, of course. Yet, he could have told her, and she would have picked him up.  Yet, Jug might have thought that if she did that, he wouldn't get his food.   Betty realized she had forgotten to tell Jughead what the last Dare was.   She'd tell him later.  
So, first up, Blossom Estate. Betty's car crawled up the drive. She gave Jughead one last look. He seems okay, but she knew his life was threatened by Clifford Blossom. His dad almost put away for a murder he honestly didn't do, yet covered up because of blackmail. She also knew that Jug and his father were having problems at the time, yet he loved Jug, and Jug loved him. The Blossoms and the Police tried to pin the murder on Jug first. Merely because he was being bullied by Jason and his cohorts was also hard for her to stomach. Yet, Fred came to Jughead's aide. The father figure that he was, and he knew Jug and knew that his second son would never commit murder and then try to figure out who did it.
She looked at Jug and said, "Are you ready?" "As ready as I'll be Betts." He gave her a wink. The last time they were in this house was for Jason's funeral, where they found out that Jason was going to marry Polly. They were supposed to have run away together.
Betty realized when she and Jug were investigating in Jason's old room. That she kind of might be liking Jug and seeing him in a different light. That he wasn't Archie's Shadow. That he was more sincere and always supported Betty and her endeavors. Yet, he was a scared- y cat because he hid behind her when Nana Rose entered the scene. She laughed. His blue eyes twinkled, he smirked and said, "What are you laughing at Cooper?"
"The last time we were here, how you got so scared of Nana Rose that you hid behind me!" he smiled, "I'd knew you'd protect me you always have."
They slowly went up the front steps. Jughead had his hand on the door. He opened it, and the door creaked. He stated, "Anybody home," no answer "Yeah I didn't think so" He took out the flashlight from his backpack and turned it on. Betty followed shortly after. The Estate looked like a tomb. A lot of it was burned, but most of it held up like a tomb. Furniture under clothes or sheet protectors, spider webs on the wall, dust everywhere, nothing was moved. Cheryl took nothing. Nana Rose already lived in Thistle house so, most of her more critical things weren't in this house anyway.
Jug decided to go into the kitchen. Betty laughed, thinking, of course, he would. Jughead just smirked at her, already knowing what she must be assuming. He opened it, and to his sorrow, there was no food in it, and the fridge was unplugged. Yet there was some wine. It sat out and had a ton of dust on it. He had to use his hands just to figure out what it was. He went to the closet, and all the food was gone, so Jughead chuckled, "Well, at least we knew Cheryl took the food out." Betty snorted because of Jug and his love for food. They went the back way upstairs. They heard a low creak. Neither one of them knew where it came from. both looked at each other Jug said, "Must just be the house settling." Yeah, that was it. The mansion was settling Betty, and Jughead heard a loud bang. They opened up the room nearest to them. Hoping something fell off the shelves. Jughead might have been slightly hoping for a random book to be in the house, and he could just borrow it and put it back at a later date. Yet, they could find nothing to explain the loud bang. So two Junior Detectives kept going. They heard footsteps this time. It seemed closer and another bang. Jughead looked at Betty, "I thought this house wasn't haunted?" Betty snickers, "That doesn't mean they didn't rig it to not scare us, Jug!" She laughed Jughead kissed her," Well, ghosts, you can have me, but you can't have my girl!"
Leave it to Jughead to say that. Betty thought. Her smile grew on her face, and she was afraid that one day, his little compliments like that wouldn't bring the same joy. Betty hoped that would never happen. She loved him, and she knew he loved her with all of his heart. He was the first one to say, I love you. Betty knew how hard it was for Jughead to say that. His dad was away, he had abandonment issues, he'd be going to  South Side high for school and was he open, so open, more open then she'd ever seen him at that moment. Betty was shocked because she felt she'd be the first one and be lucky if she'd ever heard those words from Jughead. So at this moment here and now she said, "I love you Jug those ghosts can't have you either."
They decided to go look for the tape recorder or whatever they rigged it with.  Yet, all Betty and Jughead found was mice poop, and Betty screamed when she saw a real mouse. She jumped into Jughead's arm, and he held her. Like he never wanted to let go. They searched that house for probably two hours. The Dare just said to go. No further instructions. Where her's was a little bit more specific.
Betty drove back to Pops, and they sat down to eat a Burger and had a few cups of coffee to warm up and grab a few to go for the graveyard. She forgot she was supposed to tell him her Dare once they left the Blossom Estate. Yet Jughead never asked. Jughead probably didn't ask her because Betty asked him if they could do it together. Meaning she felt safe with him. So now she blushed at the mere thought of him being scared of Nana Rose.
She did feel safe with him. He was her rock, her anchor. So, when she pulled into Riverdale Cemetery and saw his eyes flash for a second. She knew she should have prepared him. Yet, he simply said, "What are we doing here, Betty?" She looked down she couldn't face him, "My Dare Jug, is to make out in this Cemetery for an hour until Midnight. The only Make-out partner I want is you. I'm not going to let who is picking these dares ruin my Halloween, and you know me, Jug, I never back down from a challenge."
Jug just nodded, "Well let's go" He opened his car door slowly looking at the gate. He didn't like it here. Yet, he wouldn't have Betty making out with ghosts or to lose a dare because he refused to help the love of his life. So, he started it.
He kissed her slow at first right in front of the gate. She kissed gently back. His hand reached out to her chin. He kissed her harder, and she bit his lip. He wanted to say ow because it hurt a little. Yet, he liked this side of Betty and didn't want her to stop. He slowly moved his hand to brush her hair away, and he stopped kissing her mouth to simply blow in her ear and slowly nibble it. She made out this low mew, and he loved it. He moved down her neck kissing and licking, and when she tried to push away, he'd go back to her ear and nip at it. He knew she wanted her mouth on his mouth when she grabbed his hair. She pushed her mouth to his, and he felt a power surge, and his mouth opened to hers as their tongues began to fight. He could taste that caramel latte she chose to have instead of her typical hot chocolate. He wanted more, but unfortunately for him, he had to breathe. She pushed him down and straddled him. He was not used to this, Betty. Maybe a ghost had possessed her when her hands started lifting his shirt. She started playing with his nipples and licking them. They never tried this. He just really wanted to satisfy Betty, and if she was pleased, so was he this was different. It made him squirm.
Betty enjoyed Jughead squirming under her. She loved how her hands made his chest warm. That this boy had muscle that nobody could see but her. She wanted to make him happy too. Betty bit his neck and drew blood.  Betty was becoming some sort of animal; her animal instincts were taking over. Betty didn't care. She kissed him, and she bit his lip until it bled. She apologized when she saw him wince.
She bowed down and let him kiss her with such passion, but when he tried to roll them over, she said, "No, Jug, this is my Dare."
She saw his eyes flicker at the moment. He relaxed and just let her take it. Yet she heard his plea, "I want to kiss you, Betty." She snickered, "I Know Jug, and when this Dare is over, I'll let you kiss me there, I promise. Until then, you only get my mouth and my neck, but I get all of you."
She liked this Betty.  Betty even thinks Jughead likes it. Maybe not where she made him bleed per se but the other stuff.
She leaned down and whispered in his ear, "We have 30 minutes Mr. Jones, and for those 30 minutes, you are all mine." She rolled her hips into him slowly, so he grunted because he wasn't getting the friction he needed. She was-being evil. She knew this, but she'd make it up to him. She just couldn't do that deed here. So all they were going to do was Make-out, so she gave him something to be mad about so when they got back to her place. Her mom always being gone. That he'd pound into her with no mercy. He'd make her scream and shout and beg for more. Until then, he'd live with the slow torture of not being able to get off either. While making his half-hour a slow fate.
She kissed him passionately, she played with him, Betty held Jug's hair as tightly as possible when he tried to get more than she was willing to give. She loved him, and she knew this was torture, but he complained very little. He respected the dead. So, he huffed a few times. He cried out, Betty. Even Please. She loved it when he said that. For that, he got kissed hard, and she twisted his nipples, and she blew on them a little harder.
She loved the taste of his mouth, sweet and oh so tangy. She could devour him like he does those cheeseburgers. The last kiss was gentle and slow, letting him know the torture of the make-out session was almost over.
So when the real one happened, it would probably last more than an hour switching different positions, and god how she wanted him. How she knew he wanted her. She apologized for the lack of the more risque make out session. Yet, she knew he'd understood.
She helped him up, she looked at him and kissed him slow, "Ready to go to my house, Jug?"
"Yes, I am," he smiled.
He looked at her and said, "Let the bewitching hour began. Happy Saints day Betty."
The onlookers figured maybe Betty had figured them out, and that's why nothing truly risque happened in the Cemetery. No real exposure. They couldn't get anything. She was to smart for them or just too respectful. Either way, this was their last year, and Jughead and Betty had both survived unscathed by the Dare police.
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9. “Look, I dressed up as you.” !
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Thought this would be fun as a drawing lol
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31 Days of Halloween (Day 19)
Costume Contest
Prompt: Costume
Sweet Pea x Reader
“Okay, but I have to be honest here,” Sweet Pea started as the two of you walked up the pathway. 
“What?” You asked. 
“We are rocking these costumes and we are so going to win,” Sweet Pea said. 
You laughed. “We did kill it this year,”
“I do love us upping our game every year,” Sweet Pea admitted with a grin. 
“I hope we win again,” You said. 
“No, I’m just hoping to put Cheryl and Toni to shame again,” Sweet Pea teased and you laughed. 
The two of you walked into the house. The party was in full swing. You held onto his hand tightly as he dragged you through the party. Betty and Jughead were over by the snack table dressed as Gomez and Morticia. Archie and Veronica were dancing and they definitely stood out as Jack and Sally. 
“Hey! You guys look great,” Fangs grinned. 
Fangs was dressed as Danny Zuko. You gave Fangs a hug. 
“Where are Toni and Cheryl?” Sweet Pea asked. 
“Scoping out the competition?” Fangs asked with a laugh.
“There is no competition. Y/n and I have won for the past two years,” Sweet Pea said. 
“And now it’s mine and Toni’s turn to denounce the two of you and became the Halloween Queens,” Cheryl said from behind you. 
You rolled your eyes. 
“Everybody needs to calm down, honestly, it’s not that serious,” You said. 
Sweet Pea and Cheryl looked so offended. 
“Sorry, I have to agree with Y/n on this one,” Toni said. 
“The two of you have no taste,” Cheryl scoffed. 
You and Toni both laughed. The two of you turned from your significant others to hug each other. Toni and Cheryl were respectfully dressed up as Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn. Kevin interrupted the party to call for all of the couples to come forward for the contest. Toni winked at you. 
“Good luck,” Toni said 
“You too,” You laughed before Sweet Pea dragged you away. 
“As you can see everyone is dressed to the T tonight,” Kevin said. 
You gripped Sweet Pea’s hand tightly. 
“If we don’t win please don’t be upset,” You whispered. 
Sweet Pea kissed you softly. “Don’t worry I’ll be on my best behavior,”
“Yeah, we’ll see about that,” You teased. 
“Okay, everyone the winner of the Couple’s Costume is,” Kevin trailed off in anticipation. 
“The iconic Beetlejuice and Lydia in the stunning red wedding dress, worn by the reigning champs, Sweet Pea and Y/n!” Kevin announced. 
Sweet Pea let out the biggest scream of pure victory. You and Toni busted out laughing as the others cheered and clapped. Cheryl stormed off the stage.
“Maybe next year Ms. Bombshell!” Sweet Pea yelled out after her. 
You elbowed him and he grunted. 
“You know she’ll kill you,” You said. 
“Don’t worry I’ll calm her down,” Toni said with a wink before walking off. 
Sweet Pea twirled you a few times and then pulled you off the stage. The music kicked up again and it was a slow song. It was your song to be exact so the two of you fell into a slow dance. You loved moments like this and you loved being in his arms even more. 
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teapotfiction · 7 years
Maybe betty trying to convince jughead to do a couples costume, they can be whatever you want :)
Here you go anon! I’m not too sure about how this ended up, but I hope you like it anyway…
Dress to Impress
‘So you guys, I have had one of my totally fabulous ideas.’ Veronica Lodge announced as she joined the group sitting in the canteen. Like always, she had shunned the cafeteria’s food in favour of takeout coffee, which she was sipping delicately before revealing her big idea.
‘I’m going to throw a Halloween party!’ she grinned at the group, as if expecting a round of applause.
‘Cool’ Archie replied, non committally - once Betty had nudged him in the ribs. Jughead looked like he’d rather poke his own eyes out - or spend an evening in the Whyte Wyrm. Betty was smiling, but then she always did. Kevin was the only one who looked genuinely excited.
‘Oh come on!’ Veronica chivved the group, fortunate enough not to be someone who took offence quickly. ‘I just thought since there’s been so much ghoulishness going on, it might be fun to let our hair down.’
‘I think it’s an excellent idea. Thanks Ronnie. Who were you going to invite?’ Betty could always be relied upon to leap in and be supportive, where others might not.
‘I thought I’d leave it fairly open. Daddy’s away on business this weekend and what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.’ Veronica giggled.
‘Am I expected to attend this thing?’ Jughead interjected, hoping for a get out clause.
‘Of course! You’re Betty’s boyfriend so…’ Betty and Jughead eyed each other. That wasn’t a conversation that’d come up yet, although they’d been doing whatever they were doing for a couple of months now. ‘Oh my god you guys. It’s just a word, beginning with B. Annnd it means you can totally do a couple’s costume.’
‘What fresh hell is this?’ Jughead complained, but winked at Betty as he did so. Veronica chose to ignore him.
‘So Archiekins, what do you say? Be the Mickey to my Minnie?’
‘I’m in!
‘Don’t mind me Ronnie. I’ll just have the best costume there.’ Kevin smirked.
Once the others had all left, Jughead sidled closer to Betty.
‘I hope you didn’t think my lack of enthusiasm about the party was because of you.’ Jughead started a little awkwardly, acutely aware of the small and tentative steps they’d taken so far in their relationship. ‘The only reason I’d go is you.’
Betty grinned. ‘That’s sweet of you Juggie. But if you really don’t want to you don’t have to. Ronnie will understand.’
‘And make you go alone? I don’t think so.’ he slung one arm around her shoulders. ‘But I do draw the line at dressing up.’
Betty’s frame sagged. ‘Juggggie!’ Jughead stopped, and removed his arm from around her,
‘No, no, no. You’re about to do the eyes aren’t you? And you know I can’t say no to those eyes. And I really don’t want to dress up. So I’m going to look at the wall. Or my coffee. Or anywhere but your face. And you know how much it pains me to not look at your face.’
‘Jugggggie. Please? It’ll be fun?’ Betty linked her arm through his and pleaded with him, doe-eyed.
‘Aw damnit Betty. Why can’t we just go as Jughead and Betty, a couple of normal kids in the crazy town of Riverdale.’
‘Because we’re Betty and Jughead everyday. C’mon, just once. And you can have the power of veto over any outfit you don’t want to wear.’
Jughead sighed. ‘Fine. Full veto though. None of your devious persuasion techniques.’
Betty squeezed his arm. ‘I don’t know what you mean. I got to get to class. You think about what you want to go as.’ She kissed him lightly on the cheek, and rushed off to class.
She’d only been gone a minute or two when his phone began to buzz.
B: Waldo and Wenda?
J: Horizontal stripes do not flatter my figure.
B: Beauty and the Beast?
J: Charming Betts. Vetoed.
B: Pity. I’m all about the beast within.
J: Are you flirting with me?
B: Is it working?
J: I can neither confirm nor deny.
B: Barbie and Ken?
J: Now I know you’re just winding me up.
B: ;)
Betty had actually thought of the perfect costume for her and Jughead a while ago. Longer ago than she cared to admit to. In fact, she might have been the one to first suggest to Veronica that a halloween party might be fun. Not that she would ever, ever, ever let that slip to Jughead. She knew him well enough to know that there was a certain element of game playing if she was to get him to agree to the costume. It would also involve sweetening in the form of milkshakes, so she took him to Pop’s after school.
‘Why does this feel like I’m about to have my arm twisted into something?’ Jughead pretended to be grumpy as he sat down in their favourite booth.
‘Shhhh. Don’t think about that just enjoy your milkshake.’ Betty smiled sweetly and curled herself under his arm, resting her head on his shoulder. He pulled her even closer, his hand resting firmly on her hip. She sighed contentedly and he kissed the top of her head.
‘This.’ he said simply. ‘This is why I want to go as just Jughead and Betty. Nothing can improve on this.’
‘I know Juggie. But it’s just a little fun.’
‘I have a reputation to uphold you know.’
‘That went out of the window the moment you started dating a cheerleader.’
‘My ego. My delicate, delicate ego.’ he wailed, dramatically.
Betty smiled at her boyfriend, and pushed herself up slightly to kiss him. She only meant to brush his lips lightly, but Jughead had other ideas, that involved a much longer and more passionate kiss.  
When he finally and reluctantly broke away he said. ‘Go on then. What part do I need to play?’
‘Danny Zuko.’ Betty giggled and took a sip of her milkshake.
‘Okay. That’s not entirely horrible.’
‘You have the hair for it.’
‘I do have the hair for it. And you’ll look cute in a poodle skirt.’
‘See! I told you it’d be fun.’
‘Anything with you is fun.’ Jughead kissed her again.
Betty decided that she wouldn’t mention that she was going as final-scene Sandy. That was going to be her little surprise.
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Friday Night Frights and Fetes
My @riverdalepromptathon submission for week five. All of the prompts factor in to some degree.
If these two shy lovebirds were her dolls, Juniper would just smash their faces together and make them kiss. Since they were not, she did the next best thing she could think of.
It's the Friday before Halloween and Aunt Cheryl is throwing a party! But first, the twins are forced to experience the mostly epic lows of high school football. They use the time to meddle in Aunt Betty's and Uncle Hobo's relationship, while accepting tactical advice (and payment) from participants in the Bughead betting pool. After the football field is set on fire at halftime, the good guys take on the bad in a Sketch Alley showdown. Later, everyone goes to Thornhill as planned.
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heytherejulietx · 4 years
hello I am back because number 7 with bughead sounds very very cute 😌
“50 wordless ways to say I love you” writing prompts.
Lightly kissing on top of a freshly formed bruise.
Riverdale tag list: @bucky-j-barnes @adorably-sweet-hufflepuff @kpopgirlbtssvt @booksmusicteaandanimals @happy-puff @teenloves @cheryllclayton @jesso80 @dietbreadloaf @thebluetint @hppygmc8 @lilireinhartsimp @camiczzzz @bitchy-broken @crazyninjalight
To join my tag list fill out this form.
“It was just like... I don’t know. It was just some game to them.” Jughead sighed and ran a hand through his hair as he laid back across Betty’s bed, his beanie left untouched on her nightstand. “I’ve never felt so enclosed before. I thought I wasn’t going to get out. I mean- where do you even get a coffin?”
Betty frowned as she perched on the bed beside him and gently lifted her hand to rest on his thigh, sighing softly to herself. She couldn’t even imagine how scary it would have been to be trapped inside of a coffin the entire night. With each thing Jughead told her about Stonewall Prep she grew more and more uneasy about the place. She couldn’t help but worry that maybe someday his classmates would take it too far and really hurt him. She glanced up at his face and smiled slightly, running circles over his thigh with her thumb. He just looked more exhausted than anything.
“Jug maybe you should just get some rest for a little,” Betty said softly, meeting his gaze when his eyes opened to look at her. “You’re tired and it won’t do you any good stressing about this while you’re exhausted.”
Jughead sighed but nodded, lifting his hands to run over his face as he exhaled. “I know, I’m sorry, it’s just really weird.” His voice was muffled as he spoke through his hands but Betty only smiled slightly and shifted up the bed a little to be sat with her legs crossed beside him.
She gently lifted her hand up to rest on his arm, rubbing lightly through the material of his shirt sleeve. “I know, Jug,” She whispered softly. “I’m just glad you’re okay, more or less.”
She watched as he removed his hands from his face and sighed, turning enough to have his arm around her waist as he lifted his head to rest on her thigh as he gave her side a gentle squeeze. “I’m sorry we couldn’t spend Halloween together.” He said softly, slipping his hand underneath her shirt to gently rub her side as he pressed a kiss to her thigh. “I was kind of looking forward to watching you get scared at horror movies.” He chuckled.
“I don’t get scared,” Betty fondly rolled her eyes as she lifted one of her hands to gently drag her fingers through his hair, watching as he relaxed underneath her touch. “You’re the one who got scared by Paranormal Activity.” She giggled as she watched him huff in response.
“The baby was being lifted out of the crib, that’s some scary shit,” Jughead huffed in defence as he opened his eyes to look at her, his thumb rubbing circles into the bare skin of her side. “I think I have a new appreciation for people who get trapped in places now, though. It’s a lot scarier than I thought it was.”
Betty hummed a little and nodded as she continued gently combing her fingers through his hair, something that she knew helped him to relax. “I’m sorry you had to go through that alone.” She said softly as she reached to take his hand with her spare one, frowning slightly when she saw red marks and small cuts littered across his knuckles. She could almost picture him starting to panic when he woke up, hitting the lid of the coffin in an attempt to get out. Betty knew his scared face all too well after everything they had been through. His eyebrows would be furrowed slightly with wide eyes as his breathing grew heavier with each hit his knuckles took to the wood. Betty could almost hear his voice calling out for help, hoarse and cracking as he continued until his throat hurt and was dry.
It wasn’t until she heard Jughead speaking her name that she looked up, realising that she had been staring at his hand for a while. Whilst Jughead looked a little concerned by her clear worrying, Betty just smiled a little as she gently gripped his hand in hers and lifted it up, enough so that she could lean down and press her lips lightly against the bruised skin.
As her lips came in contact with the skin her mind was taken back to the second of October in their sophomore year. Jughead’s birthday had gone horribly and they ended up in a booth at Pop’s, where Betty had shown him his scars. She couldn’t describe the feeling than ran through her when his warm hands had enclosed her own and kissed her fingers, over her wounds. Nobody had ever made her feel like that; safe, welcomed, loved. He was willing to let all of her in, the perfections and the imperfections. And if Jughead really wanted to continue pursuing Stonewall, a once in a lifetime opportunity, she knew that she needed to accept that maybe it wasn’t going to all be great. Jughead’s classmates weren’t exactly nice, but it wasn’t like they were going to kill him. Right?
“Just tell me if anything else happens at Stonewall Prep, okay?” She asked softly as she dropped his hand and looked back up at him. “Coffin or otherwise.” She smiled.
“Of course,” Jughead nodded and pushed himself up with an arm on the bed beside him to lean up and kiss her for a moment, lightly squeezing her side again. “Promise.”
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madelainesvixens · 4 years
I already have an idea down for a Halloween Bughead prompt. Please send some for Sweet Vee, Choni and Falice!!
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southsidearchive · 5 years
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Happy Halloween, Southsiders, and welcome to SouthsideArchive’s first event: Falloween! 
This spooky season, we will be spending two weeks celebrating our favourite characters and how they navigate the chills and thrills of Halloween.  Our event will be running from 20th October - 2nd November, so be sure to get in the spirit and embrace the Southside’s favourite season with us!
Below, we have set out each of our themes with some prompts that may give some inspiration for this event. The prompts are not an exhaustive list and you can still submit content that we have not explicitly listed, as long as it falls under one of the four overarching themes. Content for any of the four themes can be submitted at any time during the event, and be sure to post any fics to the Falloween AO3 collection as mentioned below!
Without further ado, here are our four themes for the Southside Archive 2019 Falloween event:
This theme is dedicated to all the classic Halloween traditions that you might take part in over the Halloween period, including (but not limited to):
Trick or treating;
Carving pumpkins;
Halloween/costume parties;
Scary movie marathons;
Halloween mischief.
It wouldn’t be right if we didn’t have a theme dedicated to the supernatural goings-on that the Halloween season brings, including (but not limited to):
Ouija boards/voodoo/black magic.
With Halloween approaching Fall also begins to reveal itself in many ways, so this is our theme dedicated to the less spooky aspects of the season, including (but not limited to):
Changing seasons;
Fall foods;
Pumpkin patches;
Corn mazes;
Apple picking.
Our final theme is a nod to Riverdale’s prolific history with horror, encapsulating the side of Halloween that is less spooky and is more scary, including (but not limited to):
Movie villains;
Murder mysteries;
Macabre literature;
Sleepy Hollow;
Salem Witch Trials.
For more information on what to submit, how to submit to tumblr and AO3, and any other questions you may have, keep reading!
Which characters and ships are applicable?
This event is open to content for any of the originally established canon Southside characters. For avoidance of any doubt, Betty Cooper, Cheryl Blossom and Archie Andrews are NOT classed as Southside characters for this particular event and so solo-character work including them cannot be submitted. For a complete listing of accepted characters, check out the list HERE. 
With that being said, we will be allowing content for any ships including at least one Southside character, meaning work for Bughead, Choni, Joavin etc. will be accepted for this event. We only ask that ships are NOT incestual or between minors and adults and ARE are consensual.
What kind of content can be submitted?
Any kind of creative work can be submitted for this event, including (but not limited to):
Fan fiction;
Gifs/gif sets;
Fan art.
What are the tags for this event?
The tag we will be using for this event is #southsidearchive. Please make sure to use this exact tag in the FIRST FIVE TAGS of your original post so that we can find and reblog your content! 
Falloween 2019 and @riverdale-events’ Halloween event Tricks and Treats of Riverdale will run concurrently from 27th October - 2nd November. If you have content that you wish to submit for both events, please post your content during that period and tag both #southsidearchive and #riverdaleevents in the first five tags of your post.
Trigger warnings and tags
We will be tagging any content created for this event in accordance with our current system that is used for the Archive.
Please display trigger warnings clearly on your post in order to allow members of the fandom to navigate the Halloween content with comfort.
How is work submitted for this event?
Please tag #southsidearchive in the first five tags of your original post or tag @southsidearchive. We will be reblogging every submission and making a masterlist once the event is over to celebrate all the great work submitted. Please be sure to indicate which theme your work is for so that we can allocate it to the right part of the masterlist.
You can begin working on your submissions at any point between now and the end of the event, but please DO NOT begin posting them until our event begins on 20th October 2019. We have not allocated specific days for each theme, and therefore submissions for any of the themes will be accepted throughout the event until it closes on 2nd November 2019. 
How can I add my fic to the collection on AO3?
The easiest way is to post the work directly into the collection, which you can find by clicking HERE.  Once you’re there, simply click “Post to Collection” and then you can post the work as you normally would.
You can also add the collection manually as you post the work.  Our collection can be found as: falloween2019.
If you’re having trouble, AO3 has an excellent tutorial that you can find HERE. 
If you have any further questions, comments or concerns, feel free to contact us on the @southsidearchive blog, via the Southside Archive Discord server, or you can contact any of the us running the event:
Alisha - @rivendell101
Becca - @southsidewrites
Jes - @sweetpeasbabydoll
Liz - @worriestothewind
Soph - @sweetfogarty 
We are so excited to see what you come up with, and we can’t wait to celebrate Halloween with you all!
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literatiruinedme · 5 years
“I don’t know what the trick is, but you’re certainly a treat.” With bughead!
okay this is like my fifth draft, but I wanted to pop something spooky out for Halloween and idk I’ve been diggging warewolf!Jughead - enjoy this honey
send a prompt from this list here
The woods were not a good place to be late at night on Halloween; not that Betty actually believed in anything supernatural- but dammit, it was spooky. 
A full moon illuminated the skies, though the bright light seemed to be nonexistent below a thick canopy of tangled branches and dying leaves.
Betty’s trusty black flashlight illuminated her path as she walked. She wasn’t entirely sure what she was looking for, but searching for trouble was always far more productive than sitting at home overthinking unanswered questions. What Betty really wanted was to be in a booth at Pop’s chatting about the Blue and Gold and everything and nothing with Jughead; she just wanted to talk to him. She was used to his monthly nocturnal ghosting, but she couldn’t help feeling antsy in a way that was only soothed by talking to him.
The wind howled as she crunched over red, yellow, and brown leaves. It had rained a few days prior, soaking the foliage covering the forest floor, leaving behind a sharp bite in the air that Jughead’s sherpa didn’t quite cut. 
Betty froze at the sound of rustling leaves behind her. After turning and scanning the area with her flashlight and finding it empty, she sighed, glancing forward again.
Her breath caught in her throat when she noticed the lithe black wolf standing directly in front of her, eyes wild. 
Its eyes looked so familiar-
The wolf took a step forward, growling when Betty moved to step back. It seemed to relax as it walked forward, smelling her hand before circling her. 
She smiled when it sat beside her, nuzzling at her palm until she rested her hand atop its head, wordlessly begging her to pet it, like Hot Dog or Vegas would have. “This is stupidly dangerous,” Betty mumbled to herself. 
The wolf looked up at her again, a sad look in its pale blue eyes.
She sighed, scratching under its chin without even thinking about it.
This was weird- why did it trust her so easily? It should have been nowhere near her. 
“I don’t know what the trick is,” Betty sighed finally, hoping her night wouldn’t end with rabies shots. “But you’re certainly a treat.”
The wolf huffed, looking up at her. 
“You have such pretty blue eyes.”
Its eyes widened and it almost looked like it was nodding.
Betty’s brows furrowed as she knelt down. “What is it, baby?”
The wolf whimpered, circling her before laying down in front of her It glanced up at her, staring.
She sighed, rubbing the top of his head. “I wish Jughead were here.”
The wolf stood up suddenly, knocking Betty onto her ass.
The wolf growled softly, crawling over her, looking down at her frantically. 
Betty looked between its eyes, gasping when she finally realized she did know them. “Jughead.”
The wolf sighed, nuzzling at her neck.
“So,” she breathed, reaching up to scratch his throat. “Is this where you’ve been disappearing to at night every few weeks?”
He huffed, laying down beside her.
Betty smiled as she reached out to scratch his throat. “You could have told me.” She ignored the feeling of wet leaves dampening her jeans and the back of her jacket, instead focusing on the fur lining his unfamiliar form.
His nose pressed to the column of her throat, making her shut her eyes.
Maybe the woods weren’t such an awful place to hide out on Halloween.
send a prompt from this list here
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girlsloveamystery · 2 years
Prompts for one-shots.
Hey guys! My blue and gold one shots need a little love!
I have some prompt ideas for you. (Also, remember I accept prompts in my asks as well):
Bughead - Ever After
Bughead - Halloween prompt for upcoming spooky season
Bughead - Jughead is the FBI agent tasked to find Betty after she goes missing because of TBK. NGL, this may be an in-depth story I write later.
Bughead: Betty breaks her ankle at cheerleading practice, cue protective boyfriend,Juggie.
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shymeg · 3 years
halloween prompt!! betty and jughead dress up as the Joker and Harley Quinn ;) maybe for a party at thornhill, maybe while hiding a body, idk anything really lol
I would low key write something similar myself but it's apparently not angsty enough for my brain to load more than two words hahaha
Ohhh, you so could have written this better, but since you put it in my hands. I'm going full-blown Halloween. For @crazymisscarly
Halloween Night
Betty was tired of being herself. She wanted to step out of her skin. If it were even for a night, she would take it. Tonight at Cheryl's Halloween party, she'd show up oh she would show up alright!
She went to the bathroom and put on blood-red lipstick and put on the white makeup for clowns, vampires, etc. Betty looked good. Betty moved onto her eyes. Her right eye, she put purple eyeshadow with green glitter. On her left, she put green eye shadow and purple glitter. On her right eye, she put on green mascara and the left purple mascara. She said screw the eyeliner. Her green eyes stood out like diamonds. She looked fabulous. Betty was going to kill it this Halloween!
Betty figured her nails would look sweet done. So, she used purple and green every other one—a pattern. Once Betty's nails were dried, it was time for her costume.
She looked back in the mirror as she clipped on her wig. It was green and long. Enough for someone to tug it and not have it come off. Someone else could put their hand through it, and it would feel so real.
"Betty, do we have to go to this Halloween party? I'm tired, baby."
Betty smiled wickedly as she held her toy gun. She walked out of the bathroom. "What was that, Jug?"
She looked at him, and his mouth was drooling. "Um Betts"
She purred as she walked up to him in her green corset, green booty shorts, with her purple fishnet tights, green high heels, plus green fishnet gloves with a purple suit jacket. She walked around him and put the gun around his ear and slowly licked his ear afterward and purred, "what were you saying, Jug?"
He looked drunk; he had a goofy-looking smile. "Cats got your tongue, hmm? Well, baby, Daddy's got your clothes over there and be a good little monster and put them on."
She spun around and waved him off, "oh and Jug, I will be doing your makeup, and baby, you will look so hot. Even Cheryl will turn her head at my baby boy."
Jughead shook his head. What the hell just happened? Who was that? Why did he want to be submissive all of a sudden? Did he like gunplay? Usually, he ignored guns at all costs. Yet there was his girl Betts, and he wanted it. Betty could do whatever she wanted; he wanted her.
He went to where Betty said his clothes were. A white shirt with red and blue lettering that read, Daddy's Little Monster, but with a Betty twist, it had an 'S.' under it, and on top of the 'S' was a crown. His signature and Betts knew that. So, I guess he was typically Betty's little serpent monster! He smiled at that thought. Only she would want to be called Daddy. He had mom issues, so he preferred it this way. He slipped on the jacket next left side was blue right side was red.
He looked at his pants, and he heard himself whimper. When he did that, he saw Betty walking sexy with that damn gun again, "put them on, Forsythe."
Where did she come from? Gah! She just appeared!
"Now, I will not ask you again." Her eyebrows raising
He didn't particularly like skinny jeans, and she knew this. He put them on. The pants match his jacket. His girl went all out with this costume. He saw the shoes one red converse high top and one blue with shoelaces with the card symbols ♥️ ♣️ ♦️ ♠
She got closer, and she now had scissors; she held him and started ripping his shirt. It looked like he got in a fight. She put some fake blood on his skin where the rips were. She kissed him hard.
"Now that your wardrobe is done besides your baseball bat that says 'Goodnight,' no, you can not hit Reggie or Sweet Pea with it" she saw Jug pouting and almost laughed. Her boy, wasn't done yet.
She took him to the bathroom, "Sit, pet!" He just sat like a good little boy. She liked this. Betty loved that Jug was playing along with her.
She started with the jewelry on his left hand. She put a coiled serpent with emerald eyes on his middle finger. On his right, she had cuffed rings it had the chain link and everything on the first ring it said P U on the second ring it said D D on the third ring it said I N on the forth ring it was the ♥♦♣♠ very detailed. It looked good against his olive skin. On his right hand, she put on a pyramid bracelet with spikes on his left handcuffs. She put both cuffs on his left. She considered leaving one-off but figured someone might try to steal her man. At the party, she figured she might like one hanging loose, though, especially with that bat in his hand and the fake bloody knife in his pocket. Right now, it was a mere fashion statement.
She moved on to his neck in green and purple rhinestones. She put on a choker that said Betty's. It fit perfectly there. Like it was meant to be there and might have to stay after the Halloween party. He is hers, nobody else's. She hopes she doesn't have to get animalistic and piss on him to prove that point.
Now his nails his left side was red and blue his right side red and black in a stencil she drew ♥♣ those were her favorites. Of course. After his nail polish and waiting for Jug's nails to dry, Betty put on his left side red eyeliner with deep blue eyeshadow. On his right side, Betty used blue eyeliner with crimson eye shadow. Under his right eye, she put his signature crown.
She pulled out the blood she put on his skin earlier, "take a swig and swish it around, then spit it out like the good boy you are," Jug did as she said, and blood ran down his lips and his chin. Even onto his shirt. Betty was clapping. She was beyond excited. She slowly put on his red sparkly lip gloss and put that and the fake blood in a freezer sandwich bag and moved it to her green purse. She decided he needed mascara and she decided that the green would make his blue eyes pop so she put it on him. God, he looked beautiful like a killer doll.
Betty tapped him on the shoulder and clapped her hands, she sang, "wig time" she got out this super short wig one side was blue the other side red. She clapped as she put it on, "Oh Jughead you handsome devil you!" Betty's voice getting all high pitched with the excitement
Betty grabbed his hands, "up, up, you go my love the last piece of your outfit awaits" in her hands she had a belt. It had pyramid studs on it but the buckle had his crown with his buttons on it and the little 'S' under it.
His girl went all out on this belt. He smiled goofily; he was so happy. His eyes were shining so bright he could have been a flashlight.
Betty thought she did that. Betty was ecstatic she could make her boyfriend glow like that!
Jughead looked at himself. He didn't recognize himself. It was like he was a completely different person. He had transformed. He still wasn't in the mindset for parties, but he wanted to make Betty happy he could pretend for one night. He could do that much.
When they got to the car is when Betty showed him his fake play knife with Halloween blood along with the famous goodnight bat.
By the time they got to Cheryl's party, it was 8:30. Betty winked at Jughead and shoved him out of the car. "It's showtime!"
Jughead grabbed the bat and followed her cute little butt inside.
As soon as he entered, Betty grabbed his hand he put the bat over his right shoulder. Jughead grinned. He was not used to being in the center of attention unless he was being bullied or the serpents had an issue and couldn't take it up with FP. Jughead would rather not be in the gang, but it was his blood right. Therefore, he was the prince of snakes.
All eyes followed Betty and Jughead. He saw his girlfriend. She was eating it up. She deserved this, though. They were straight out of college, and they all came back to help save the town. Jughead had like three jobs, and it was beginning to wane on him. Betty had one critical position, but she wouldn't tell him what it was; it was a secret. Jughead was just happy their high school romance lasted over two different schools and two different states; they never lost that love; in fact, he thinks it became much more vital.
Cheryl waltzed up to them wearing Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas; she wore her costume and makeup well. She grabbed Jughead's left hand, "my hobo, you sure do show your true colors now, don't you?"
Before Betty could say anything, Toni wearing Jack's costume, smiled at Betty to ease tension and took Cheryl's other hand, not the one gripping onto Jughead. "Jones, you look hot in that outfit. You wore it better than me; oh, Cheryl here is clearly jealous you beat her in best dressed out of their element."
Jughead looked at Betty. She just shrugged her shoulders. She didn't want to let Jughead know the Joker was her element, where Harley was only Jug if someone came for somebody he loved.
Cheryl hissed at Toni and let go of Jughead, "I want a picture hobo you and me!" His pleading blue eyes were looking at Toni and Betty. Cheryl would claw him to death. She'd never let him live this down. Instead, they both took out their cell phones and took pictures. After that, they took a few group pictures. The only one never leaving the camera flash was him.
Jughead found his voice and said, "I'm hungry I'm going to find the food"
Cheryl taunted, "of course you are"
Toni looked at Betty when Jughead walked away, "when did he get those abs and that tight little butt?"
In high school, this would get Betty mad, but she knew Jughead rejected Toni, and she also knew that Toni and Cheryl were serious. It was more a friend complimenting her.
Betty wiggled her eyebrows, "He's always had the butt; he just never shows it, he has always been toned, but College made the abs."
"Jones, wow, look at you, man," he heard from his right.
He turned to face who it was, "hey, fangs." Of course, it was Fangs in a Vampire costume. Jughead figured it fit his namesake, but he thought Fangs was more the werewolf type.
"Love that look bro if you were bi and not with Betty, i'd so take you home" Fangs thought he saw Jughead blush but it quickly vanished.
Jughead was laughing, "so you could suck my blood and make me yours?"
Fangs was blushing now as Jughead was eating the Chips. He was tempted to try the Bats but wasn't sure what Cheryl put in those. So he felt safe eating the chips, Chex Mix, and Skittles. He did have water with skull ice cubes which were pretty cool.
"I'm surprised Betty wanted to show off your assets" As Fangs finished saying this, Jughead almost choked on a skittle. Fangs was right; he didn't realize how much he was on display.
Sweet pea looked at Fangs, looked at Jughead, "I'm not. She's got him all collared like a boy toy." He traced the choker that said Betty's to the handcuffs that were locked. He gulped. "She claimed him; he's off-limits. So, she's free to show him off."
Betty appeared from thin air in Jughead's mind, "That's right, Sweets, don't touch my things."
Sweet Pea whimpered, "Can't we both play with him, Betty? He'd be so sexy, gagged, and tied up!"
Fangs looked at Sweet Pea, "I never knew you felt that way, man."
"Me either tell I saw Jones in this outfit Damn Betty please?"
Betty purred, "Oh, Sweets, you ask so nicely maybe next time, but tonight, he's all mine off limits."
Jughead starred at the both of them, "What the fuck? I am a person you know? Sweet Pea that will never happen."
Sweet pea winked at him as Betty laughed, "We'll see Jones" Sweet pea was wearing a Mike Myers get up that fit him well, the crazed man.
Betty's phone went off, and she knew she had to take this. She had to find Veronica or Archie to babysit her Lil' monster until she could get back to him. After Fang's display, Sweet Peas drool fest, and Cheryl's jealousy, she knew he needed to be watched. Toni and Kevin would be going with her, so clearly, they couldn't protect her man. She was glad Kevin hadn't seen him yet; he might not leave with her.
She found Veronica dancing with a mobster she presumed was Reggie. She knew Reggie hadn't always been friendly to Jughead, but with Veronica on watch, he would be. She took Veronica's hand. She was dressed up as the green power puff girl.
"Veronica, I need you"
Veronica looks at Betty, "Did he come in his pants"
Betty smiled, "no, but almost I stopped it before that happened"
"Oh, you tease!" She looked at Betty's expression, a sense of dread on her face, "you got the call?"
Betty whispered, "I got the call"
"Go get Kevin and Toni, Reggie and I will make sure nothing happens to Jughead Jones the 3rd."
Reggie nods, "Yeah, we'll take care of Wednesday for yah"
She snarled at Reggie, "Maybe, I should let him use that baseball bat on you!"
She looked at Veronica, "If he's going to be like that, keep him away from Jug. He doesn't need that right now!"
"Reggie, you will be eating those words when you see him. I hope Veronica gets a picture of it."
At that, she walks off to collect Toni and Kevin......
Part 2 coming soon
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“For the hundredth time, the house is not haunted,” said Gladys Jones as she lifted another box from the U-haul to carry into the house. “Now, go help your brother carry your things to your bedroom.”
JB huffed, and marched over to Jughead, reaching for her box of vinyl records, “How else did we get this place so cheap? You know it’s because that girl disappeared here.”
Silently, Jughead agreed with her, but he was getting tired of the argument. He knew JB wasn’t bringing this up to stop them from moving into the new house, she just wanted their mom to admit that was the reason they could even afford it. Gladys Jones wasn’t one to own up to her own methods, much less admit weakness.
Read on AO3
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kagszzy · 4 years
Hi. You got anything new coming soon. In desperate need of some shut right now lol.
Yes, I do! Right now I’m working on a Betty/Cheryl + Vixens fic, it’s not only gonna be the first time I write a female gangbang, BUT, Tina Patel and Ginger Lopez will be included ;D Seeing as how the girls didn’t have that much screen time (or character development in my opinion) I was more free to write them however I wanted, so be on the look out for that! (Oh, I should mention that it’s dubcon, but by now you all should know that I always have Betty turn into a needy slut anyways so 😜😜)
I’m also working on some Biram stuff; the next part to In His Service - in which Hiram invites his collegue to have some fun with Betty ;) and Perfect Daughter where I want to tackle the mommy kink a little more along with a more detailed threesome with Hiram/Hermione and Betty.
Also, speaking of mommy kink - I really want to write the next part in my B/FP series, but It’s funny bc my last fic was B/FP+Infidelity but THIS one will be Betty/Jughead with FP in the background. (it’s more like a spin off or bonus I guess bc bughead will be fucking but B/FP will still be the main ship) So I kinda want to get it out first before Perfect Daughter since this one has pretty much 50% of the smut written already.
AND I have a special halloween fic in the works as well. It’s going to be B/V/Reggie which I think will be alot of fun! 
Besides those, I’m still trying to work on other prompts you guys asked for. Like Beggie, RDDads, Beronica, etc.
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twas tagged by both @parallelmarvel and @tare8chan. i actually cant believe i was hhaha i’m aiming to be the legit writer worthy of this tag game other writers participated in. think u for thanking of meh 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Author Name: smellycinnamonthundahfudge on tumblr, AND JUST IN, I’M petertheparkerpus_mjmonogram ON AO3 YALLLSSSS. I FINALLY CAME THEEERREEE YYAAAYYYYY
Fandom You Write For: predominantly mcu’s spideychelle. (i also wrote tz stuff back then heh). but, i have also written (but not posted) for hiccstrid, got, darejones, simmosa, incredibles 2, and bughead hahaha.
Where You Post: i started on tumblr, so literally all of the works i wanted to share are on here. buuttt, like i said, I JUST GOT AN AO3 ACCOUNT YALLSSS. i’ve posted my first pj fics on there for now, but i havent posted em all yet so i am now beginning the process of importing em. im excited :’’’)))
Most Popular One-Shot: Take Flight (peter & mj’s flight home from the ffh trip, click for a nervous jelly peter hehehe)
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: hhmmm, ok, so i’m not even sure if it classifies as a multi-chapter haha but i think so cus i wrote them as a continuous story in mind haha. i posted the “chapters” separately but i like to imagine it was just one story, Safehouse Sleepovers (consists of Safehouse, Safehouse Singalongs, and Hot chocolate). it’s my only multi-chapter story (not even sure if it classifies as one haha) so de facto most popular one hahaha. oh and it’s essentially a canon compliant post ffh fic bout pj bonding in the parkers’ safehouse hehe. (oh but i guess maybe the newly named airports could also be considered multi-chapter, is 2 chaps enough to call it that? haha so dunno maybe i take back the only mc story thing haha. it’s still the more popular one tho cus airports i wrote before ffh even came out haha)
Favorite Story You Wrote:  oof this is a hard one... ooohhh, i feeelll like i gotta, just gotta go with 5 + 1 gifts and Just Breathe cus they’re just so precious 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 but tbh i luv all of em. just as whole fics, they seem better to me haha
Story You Were Nervous to Post: ALL BRUHHH i mean im just not that confident with my works yet haha. buttt the one i was rlly the most nervous about was Home for the Holidays cus it was my first time writing with an actual person in mind to write it for haha. plus, it was the first fic i wrote after pj month so oof gods was i rusty by the time i wrote it hahaha haaysst. i think it was ok enough tho. plus they said it was good so yay. im just glad i actually did it haha.
How Do You Choose Your Titles: eh just whatevs i feel is catchy and is a good concise nice indicator of the plot heh. hhmm i feel like i usually come up with titles during the brainstorming process for the fic, like before actually writing it or while writing it.
How Many of Your Stories Are:
Complete: if im counting the “chapters” i mentioned earlier as one story each, then probs round 24. i say probs cus there’s some fics i wrote somewhere, where i feel like i finished em but i dont have access to them currently so im not 100 if it’s complete by my standards or nah haha
In-Progress: hhhhmmm im not sure if it’s write to call these in-progress. i’d rather call em unfinished, like i have 16 unfinished stories, or just written out story outlines. im not sure if i should call em in progress cus im not sure if i even still rlly plan to finish em, yknow? haha like they really are genuinely fun interesting n creative story ideas n plans thus far, i feel. but i just- lazy, yknow? haha i have to build up to writing a story for A LOONGG TIME haha
Coming Soon: hehehehe. technically it’s completed already, all i have to do is just make the post on tumblr hehe (as of the moment i wrote this post). im so excited for yalls to read The Bathroom hihihi <333
Upcoming Story You’re Most Excited to Write: oofff im not even sure if im actually gonna wind up writing these buuuut, dancing pj still seems so cute n pure n fun. and also, in addition to the countless other aus my annoying brain came up with on pj month, my brain annoyingly got even more fic ideas rolling around it now:
a moulin rouge au (peter’s the famous singer/dancer known as the spider-man who attracts men and women alike in the famous moulin rouge run by liz toomes with a gallery of other colorful rogues, heroes, villains, and just other sorts of attractive characters based on the comicbooks of old. mj is a young new budding writer looking to gain world experience to write about. she winds up in the moulin rouge, meets the infamous spider-man and gets to know the kind man behind the alluring and mysterious mask. im imagining tom’s lsb, laura’s hollywood, and z’s halloween euphoria ep costume for the aesthetic im going for haha. im still torn on whether to keep the og ending or not hahahaha)
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maybe a friends with benefits fic. where it’s not so angsty or full of drama. and genuinely just keeping it cool and chill til they inevitably just decide to actually get together/stay friends. it’s all up in the air and they’ll figure it out when they figure it out.
producers inspired, roommates au. the kdrama did the trope well and it made me want to see it applied to my two dorks 🥺🥺🥺🥺 
lastly, a first time fic for our two dorky virgins hahaha. i kinda like the idea of them planning out their first time to the most minute of details and just the actual process of figuring out what they want to do n stuff haha just seems real cute to me 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
Do You Accept Prompts: hahahhaha look, i’m never one to say no ok? i mean, if i just straight up say no, im possibly saying no to potential ideas that are so inspiring i wind up writing it immediately. so yes, i’d like to say im willing to accept prompts. however, there is absolutely no guaranteed follow up and for that i’m sorry. i can just never know how i’ll react to an idea so there ya go. that’s my honest response haha.
im taggin the fic writers ive read over the years that havent been tagged by the ones that tagged me. hold my juice box. @spideymjlove @jediparkers @itsjacobperalta @thatsnicebutimmarried @bookishandbossy @thefudge @galaxy-parker @spideychelle-romanogers @spiders-n @petty-parker  @smalltreenergy @dead-end-street @softboyholland @mamgt @justanotherfangirlpassingthrough @machiavelien @peterjonesparker @blaisezabini @thegreenwomanswalkman @crazy4dragons @dragonydreams @attachedtomybookshelf @haddocksortails @dyannehs @funkytoes @jenni41 @rebelcaptaindaily @starxdust22​ no presh obvi. just thought dis might peak yalls interest. thanks for all that you’ve writtteeennnn 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 🥺🥺🥺🥺 (btw some of yalls might have just written hcs for all i know, i literally dunno anymore, but like i said iz nbd. just also wanted to give my thanks since im not entirely sure i was able to do so before)
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Surprises in the Shrubbery
My @riverdalepromptathon submission for Week Eight. The following prompts are used or at least make an appearance: Anxious (definitely the main one), ‘I wanna feel a different kind of tension,’ Brown, and the Pembrooke.
It’s the actual date of Halloween and the Tuesday of Homecoming week, which makes teaching especially tedious for Jughead. Early in the day, he receives some life-changing news on his way to help Betty with the Blue and Gold reboot. Then, Betty and Jughead discover a surprise in the classroom before beginning part two of their long-awaited conversation. Later, after taking the twins and their friends trick-or-treating, they cope with unwanted guests who expose the existence of the Bughead betting pool.
Read it on AO3
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