#bughead decorating
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From The A and B of It, Archie Giant Series #241 (1975).
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Too early for Christmas? The Betty Cooper Cookies Paradox
Veronica’s annual Pembrooke Christmas Decoration Reveal has always been a source of great frustration for one Forsythe Pendleton Jones the third. Never have his principles been tested in such a savage way. After all, how can one mock the hostess’s extremely premature foray into the Christmas season (seriously though, who in their right mind starts decorating on the 2nd of November?!) when the buffet consists of Betty Cooper’s Very Best Selection of Christmas-themed Cookies?
There is a very small part in Jughead’s already sugar-addled brain that finds Betty’s amusement at his predicament suspicious but the shortbread Santas are melting in his mouth in the most delicious way demanding his full attention. He can get to the bottom of this later. To eat intelligently is an art form after all, and he is nothing if not an intelligent eater. Jughead makes sure to wiggle his eyebrows at Betty next time he licks his lips.
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bettycooper · 5 years
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“When you said, ‘We should decorate for Christmas,’ I didn’t quite equate that with our apartment becoming the physical embodiment of Santa’s Workshop. The North Pole has nothing on us, Betts.”
Jughead wasn’t sure what he was looking at. Well he was, but he wasn’t sure how it had happened. When he’d left for class & his shift at the library six hours ago, their apartment had looked like the standard one of the perpetually busy & stressed college students they were. 
What he was currently standing in was a rustic holiday catalog come to life–complete with Christmas lights placed everywhere in sight, including their bedroom & bathroom—with Betty standing in the middle of it all, popcorn strand in hand.
“If I didn’t know any better, this would be the part in the Christmas movie where the main character reveals they’re an elf to the love interest, because it’s the only way to explain how you had time to do all of this.”
“I want us to have our own holiday traditions, Jug. The kind we get to actually enjoy for once. Between my mother having a meticulous blueprint for where every single item in the house has to go & your family-“
“-having a blueprint for disaster.”
“Neither of us have the best track record at this time of year, but now, we can make it our own. Whatever that looks like. Maybe I went a little overboard in my excitement, but turns out being happy does that to a person.”
“No. It’s perfect. For us. Now, put me to work, Cooper. This is an equal opportunity decorating household, & I haven’t done my fair share. Besides, if you think about it, this really is my season. All the flannel, plaid, & treats to eat? Totally my aesthetic.”
❄️🎄Bughead Secret Santa gift for @noorakardemmomesaetre 🎄❄️
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findmeinpops · 5 years
FindMeInPops’ 12 Days of Ficmas: Day Two - Bonding
It’s that time of year again where I try to pump out a drabble or one-shot for each of the twelve days leading up to Christmas! I have a couple already written but some of them will be written by prompt and on request so bare with for any editing errors! Enjoy, my loves, and have a happy festive season :)
And a quick fyi for those who prefer AO3, my 2019 12 Days of Christmas collection is at this link and should be uploaded with an hour of this being posted.
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Prompt: No. 20 - Person A making Christmas crafts with Person B’s younger sibling - cookies, snowflakes, reindeer food etc.
Ship(s): Betty Cooper x Jughead Jones
Rating: T
CW(s): N/A
Reindeer Games: Dasher (decorations)
@riverdalebingo : Putting up decorations
“I’m so sorry Betty.” Jughead apologised for what seemed to be the hundredth time since he had asked her two days ago, motioning for her to enter his home.
“No it’s alright, I promise.” She gave him a quick kiss as she passed him on her way through the doorway, mindful that Jellybean was probably in the next room and that they did not want to draw her attention with overzealous displays of affection.
“It’s not but I’ll try to make up for it.” He smirked, hooking an arm around her waist and pulling her back into him, pressing a heavier kiss to her lips.
Betty’s hands pressed against his chest as she pushed back to look up at him, hoping the sincerity shone through her eyes and smile.
“You don’t need to make up for anything,” she kissed him again before pushing off of him and spinning towards the living room door, “although I’m sure I wouldn’t complain,” she teased over her shoulder before quickly disappearing into the room.
A small chuckle left him as he followed close behind. “Sure but you are my girlfriend and not my babysitter.”
“It’s not babysitting,” she replied with mock offence, “it’s hanging out. Plus, I haven’t really got to spend much time with Jellybean.” She stuck her tongue out before throwing her bag onto the sofa, finally spotting the eight year old in the doorway between the living room and the kitchen.
“Yeah,” Jellybean sang back mockingly, “I’m not a baby.” She stuck out her tongue too, copying Betty, who felt a strange sense of pride in the comradarie that the pair had seemed to have formed in the thirty seconds she had been in the house.
Secretly, Betty had always wanted a younger sibling, or at least a younger cousin, but no, she was the baby of the family. One of the perks of dating Jughead was that she got to have that younger sibling, even if she had not managed to see much of her, but the feeling of having someone look up to her warmed her heart.
Betty sent Jellybean a wink before holding out her hand for a high five to which Jellybean gladly obliged. Jughead laughed at their antics before wrapping them both respectively in a hug, pressing a kiss to the top of their heads.
“Be good, Jellybean.” He instructed as he pulled his coat on. He offered Betty one last smile and a nod before he ventured out into the cold.
“Right!” Betty called as soon as the door clicked closed, skipping over to her bag and bringing it over to the small coffee table in the center of the room where Jellybean joined her. “Now that he’s gone…” She unzipped the bag before pulling out several craft supplies.
When Jughead returned home four hours later, he wasn’t sure what he was expecting but it certainly wasn’t this. He hadn’t even gotten his jacket off before he noticed and froze.
The living room was decorated with dozens of paper garlands - some were shaped like snowmen and snowflakes cut from what seemed to be recycled newspapers whereas others were long chains created from old magazines and glitter. Remnants of pizza takeout scattered the small coffee table, right next to a small pile of colourful envelopes each with scrawled names on the front in marker.
Jughead could not help the small smile from turning into a grin though when he spotted both Betty and Jellybean, curled up fast asleep in the corner of the sofa with Elf still playing on the small TV. Jellybean’s face was hidden in Betty’s neck, her small body snuggled against her torso with Betty’s arm wrapped around her back and a content smile gracing her expression.
His complete and utter adoration for the pair was incredibly apparent in that moment, taking hold of his heart. Individually, he loved them dearly, but seeing that his two favourite girls not only got on well with one another but had bonded, that made him indescribably happy.
If he was completely honest, Jughead had been concerned how Jellybean would react. Betty was the first person that he had ever dated and did not know how Jellybean would feel about no longer being the only major female in his life, especially since their mother had dropped Jellybean at FP’s feet when she had turned two and they had not heard from her since. Instead of being hostile or wary, Jellybean was beginning to see Betty as a pseudo-mother - whether it was a good thing, he did not know, but he was just happy that they seemed to get on so well.
Careful to be quiet so as not to wake them, Jughead pulled a blanket from the back of a nearby armchair, unfolding it before laying it over the pair. He pressed a kiss to each of their foreheads, Jellybean’s nose scrunched up adorably in her sleep whereas Betty’s eyes fluttered open at the contact
“Did you have fun, sweetheart?” He asked, brushing her mussed hair from her face.
“I did, my love. We did.” She corrected. Betty tried to reach out for his hand but when Jellybean’s sleeping form prevented any movement, she simply puckered her lips, silently asking for a kiss.
Jughead pressed his lips to hers in a short but sweet kiss, not wanting to wake his little sister; she would most likely not be impressed by the reason for her waking.
“Go back to sleep, sweetheart.” He kissed her again and by the time he pulled back, Betty’s eyes were already closed as she drifted back to sleep.
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riverdale-events · 5 years
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🎶 Deck the halls (of tumblr) with boughs of content Fa la la la la la la la la 🎶
Let Dasher be your guide if decorations are supplied: Out/Inside, Lights, Mistletoe, Buying/Decorating Trees, Neighborhood Competitions, Christmas Light Tour, Special Ornaments, Wreaths, Hanging the Stockings, Arts and Crafts, etc
Remember!: Make sure to 1. tag your content on tumblr with #riverdaleevents - exactly as written, no spaces 2. indicate which theme your content is for 3. add your event fics to the RIVERDALE REINDEER GAMES collection on AO3. 
This event runs through December 31st! We welcome any content from any of our eight themes until then! If we miss reblogging your content, please send us an ask! We will be posting the masterlist on January 2nd!
Check out our post for full details, FAQs, how-to’s, and the week’s themes.
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srainebuggie · 6 years
A New Home
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After years of being cramped up in small apartments over the holidays, Betty and Jughead finally get to spend Christmas together in their dream home.  
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bettyminicoop · 2 years
I have an extra 15 minutes that I'm going to waste. I mean, I'll decode the emojis from Evan. He graciously suggested his spoiler logic (unbelievable!), having already decoded three clues for us.
So let's go.
We have three deciphered clues. Reggie, Betty and Choni.
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The emoji for Reggie is related to his father. Butter for Choni is the butterbeer that Abigail/Cheryl wanted to drink. The emoji for Betty is the girl in the bathroom - Evan suggested deciphering this as Betty starting to see people's auras.
I'll go all in and guess what the rest of the emojis from Evan mean.
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📸 Kevin will show Baby Anthony photos of his school musicals.
Fangs will cut the steak or he will be put under house arrest.
⏱ Tabitha will set the timer to make the pie.
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⛓ Toni gets arrested or she decorates the bar with chains for a themed party.
🪞 Cheryl is imprisoned in a mirror while Abigail has taken up residence in her body.
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💋 Veronica will do her makeup in front of the mirror. There is a high probability that she will sing at this moment.
🥵 Archie will take off his shirt.
🪄 Jughead will say the word "magic".
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Veronica/Reggie - will eat bacon for breakfast and open a casino.
Jughead/Tabitha - will change the light bulb in the floor lamp and they will drink coffee at Pop's.
Betty/Archie - are under Cheryl's spell and are renovating Archie's house.
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Betty/Tabitha - Betty will call Tabitha an angel and they will meet the cat when they talk on Sketch Alley. Betty will remember Caramel, but not Toffee.
Tony/Fangs - will arrange a night shadowing of The Ghoulies and will serve cocktails at the bar.
Tony/Fangs/Kevin - one of them makes a joke about Thanksgiving and Kevin is already Baby Anthony's nanny.
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Bughead - They will have a conversation about investigating at Pop's and they will make a murder board. But maybe they'll finally talk about Jughead's book. Let me dream here.
Varchie - they learn that the water in the Sweetwater River is poisoned, and the stone obviously means palladium. And here are several options: Archie will be completely powerless in front of Veronica, because she now wears jewelry only from palladium. Or Veronica will hurt both hands while digging Archie out of the mines.
Choni - Blossom's family history will be part of their arc, and of course the famous butterbeer!
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thatiranianphantom · 3 years
the one where Tabitha and Reggie fix the damn thing, part ii
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The plan is set in motion, but not right away.
Reggie insists it needs time, and Tabitha still can't figure out why she's listening to him.
(Oddly enough, he happens to be a fan of the same football team she is, and she feels like that's a sign of something. Of what, she doesn't really know. But something.)
So they wait, and they plan. Reggie's unexpectedly passionate about this, for two people he claims to be fighting against.
He definitely needs her input in this. His plans are often expensive, unrealistic or wildly illegal. There is something that involves a rare species of bear and she can't believe she has to specify that he cannot bring an untamed wild animal into her diner.
He pouts and calls her a killjoy and it is frustratingly adorable. She almost enjoys bringing him back down to earth when he rhapsodizes about terrifying Betty and Jughead into the same room via a species of wild bird only found in South America.
"They sell everything on the internet now, Tabitha!" he tells her as she catches him googling where to buy fish to feed the bird.
For her part, she doesn't think Betty and Jughead will need much convincing. It'll be more of a push than anything else. A gentle nudge in the right direction. They already have enough pining and longing in every one of their interactions to make the room feel stifling. They just need a chance to talk it out. And it's too easy to avoid each other as they are now.
The plan turns out to be a good mix of both of them. Tabitha relents on making the setting unnecessarily elaborate, after Reggie begs for too long, but they keep the actual beginning to end simple. She asks over and over to try to ascertain exactly what Reggie will be "decorating" what he has dubbed "The Bughead Room" with, but he refuses to tell her. He simply says he's got an "art brain" and she can't figure out what the hell that means.
They agree on the Thursday two days from now, enough time to set up but not so much time as to have boxes of untamed exotic species showing up at her door. The pickled corpse was quite enough, thank you very much. She books Jughead for a late night shift that Thursday. Thursdays are historically quiet, and she knows via Jughead telling her in a tone he probably mean to be neutral that Betty usually teaches an after school activity on Thursdays.
She tells Jughead to work on the cooking in the back, and verifies he's gone before she calls Betty, feigning a mechanical problem she needs her help with.
Once Betty's on her way, she texts Reggie "the eagle has left the nest".
(His response comes two minutes later, and makes her smack her head at "You said no eagles allowed, too expensive! What the hell Tate!")
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theheavycrown · 3 years
Hey there, it’s your Secret Santa here again!
My December is going well though it’s flying by faster than I was prepared for! Congrats on the house, that’s so exciting! Good luck decking your new halls (does that work? I think it works.)
I feel you about disagreeing with many canon writing choices past season 4. I think an AU is exactly what we need this holiday season!
Now that we’ve got that out of the way, I’ve got a couple more questions to help me with your gift :)
What are your favorite side characters in Riverdale? Relatedly, any favorite Betty and/or Jughead Riverdale friendships? Any other favorite Riverdale ships you like to see interact with Bughead?
your bughead secret santa
Hello Santa,
I took an inopportunely timed break for a friend visiting me! I’m so sorry for the inconvenience! I should be here daily from here on out & I so appreciate you. My halls are all decked. My friend & I did a ton of decorating & I finished it out myself! Which if I do say so myself, is pretty impressive for just moving in. 😂
My favorite side characters are Veronica, Sweet Pea, Valerie, & Cheryl. Friendship wise I love Betty & Veronica and Jughead & Sweet Pea. I don’t know that I have any favorite ships specifically to interact with Bughead these days, I feel like over time I’ve burned out on a lot of canon ships. I do like Veronica/Reggie probably most of all the other ships. And I really enjoy Sweet Pea/Valerie as a rare pair non canon ship. I’m an open book though if you have further questions & I’ll be here!!
Sorry again for the delay Santa & lots of hugs your way!
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riverdale-retread · 3 years
Riverdale S2 Ep4
- There was that one episode back in S1 where Jughead and Alice Cooper were simultaneously writing about the Clifford Blossom suicide, and now this episode opens with these two typing away about the Black Hood at the same time. What is the message? Alice Cooper writes like a high school kid? Jughead writes like an adult journalist? That these two are The Writers?? Is this equivalence the opinion of the RVD universe or of Jughead himself?
- Fangs Fogarty introduced! And he wants to go after Archie for his stupid Red Circle idea.
- Betty v Kevin. Betty is still an asshole. She makes Kevin's parents discuss his sex life because she dislikes his romance-free approach to getting laid and couches it as It's Too Dangerous (and also online dating 1,000 percent safe?!) but she gets a personal note from the Black Hood and insists on hiding it from the law and her mom.
- I am surprised by my hate for Betty this season so far, much like I was taken aback by my Veronica stanning in S1. But I mean, she gets visibly enraged at Jughead not reporting his alignment with the Serpents but keeps the Black Hood letter under wraps. Betty!
- Never forget the cardinal rule of RVD: You must never lie to Jughead.
- This was the very first ( very chaste) Bughead sleepover and I am so soured on Betty that I didn't even get a bit of a squee.
- Reggie is smarter than Archie! Temporarily! I mean that is not a high bar but the clean rejection of Archie's Someone Should Do Something = Invade Southside plan was terrific.
- Jughead listens to ZZ Ward's very upbeat music while researching serial killers. That tete-a-tete with Toni is adorable. Toni is the only person who gently mocks Jughead's pretentiousness. I like how Jughead is with her - calmer, genuine, at ease in his quirkiness. What was the ship name for this? Did they get one?? Joni? Topazhead?
- Why is there an upright piano at the Red and Black office? Why is it open? Does Jughead know how to play, or Toni? Or is this Domestic Jughead liking the look of a piano for decor purposes?
- Betty visits Jughead at 7:15 and he's groggy with sleep. NOT A MORNING PERSON? Please?
-I am realizing that as a sophomore in high school Jughead is living entirely on his own, in a trailer. Is he living off of the pawn money from Cheryl's brooch? Is the foster family he no longer lives with doing grocery drop offs or giving him the state's funds?
- Cheryl handing out Red Circle shirts. You know it's only because of the color.
- Every time Sweet Pea comes on screen now I just scream SWEET PEA because oh wow! It is however absolute bullshit that Archie knocks down Sweet Pea with a single punch. Lies. Lies and Propaganda. I enjoyed Sweet Pea getting a kick into Archie's gut.
- When Jughead finds the Black Hood letter on his own and confronts her about it, Betty never says, I was going to tell you. She wasn't. And she isn't guilty that a woman got murdered or Moose and Fred Andrews were shot. She is only afraid that Archie will be mad at her.
- And Jughead carries the entire burden and soothes her and solves her problems for her, and sits with her looking somehow equally guilty about Betty lying about the letter and wow I do not like Betty right now.
- Fred tells Archie he is afraid of Archie, and a couple years later Mary is so afraid of Archie's violence she screams in tears.
- Mama Veronica coming back to referee the Bulldogs v Serpents rumble. I am very amused that RVD says football team = biker gang = violent thugs. Yup.
-Oh my god Alice Cooper is That White Woman. She wants to shut down the not white high school and funnel funds to the police department. And her white husband is the killer and yet she goes after the minorities that she and her kind have kept ghettoized in a specific part of town. Yikes.
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soyforramen · 4 years
ooooo 17 and/or 28 for bughead
I am so terribly glad tumblr does not date these, because I have no idea how long I’ve been sitting on this draft. Regardless, here goes:
“Bite me, Jones,” Betty snapped. She screwed her eyes shut and breathed deeply as she counted to ten. No one in Riverdale could get under her skin like he could. And he knew it.
“Make me, Cooper.”
Betty curled her lip and turned away from Jughead Jones and his stupid smirk and his stupid hat. She knew from the start that this whole idea was inane. But because it was Archie’s last birthday in Riverdale, and because she and Jughead were Archie’s best friends, she’d said yes to Jones’ stupid idea to throw a surprise party. 
For whatever reason, it hadn’t occurred to Betty that Archie might want a birthday party. Over the years they’d fallen into such a routine it almost felt too close to sacrilege to change. The day before Archie’s birthday, he and Jughead would disappear to spend all day gorging on junk food and video games until it came time for a midnight creature feature at the Bijou. The day of, Archie would spend his birthday with his parents as Mrs. Andrews always made a point to come back to Riverdale on his birthday. The next following was Betty’s, and it had become their tradition to find new trails to hike around Sweetwater River only to end their day at Pop’s with burgers and shakes.
It was a custody arrangement they’d all been more than happy with ever since Betty had proclaimed her hatred of Jughead Jones in the second grade for making Ethyl cry because he ran away from her the entire week of Valentine’s. And despite Archie’s numerous attempts over the years at a tentative truce, neither Betty nor Jughead could stand the sight of each other for too long.This year, however, Jughead decided to buck the system.   
With a party.   
For Archie.   
Only one week to plan it.  
When Jughead had first mentioned it, Betty assumed he’d do what everyone else did when it came to these things: tell Betty his vision and let her handle everything while still getting partial credit for having come up with the idea in the first place. But apparently she’d underestimated him. Not only had he come up with the idea for a party, he also wanted to help plan it. 
Normally Betty would jump at the chance for any sort of event planning help. She’d had to beg, borrow, and blackmail to get any actual help to put together Homecoming and the Spring Formal . And now she had a ready, willing participant who came with his own ideas as to how this party should go.It was as if Fate itself were determined to prove the old adage, ‘Be careful what you wish for.’(Fate, too, could bite her.)The ultimate problem, though, was not the fact that it was Jones’ proposing and helping plan the party. It was not that they both wanted to outdo each other in a childish attempt to prove their superior friendship with Archie. The problem was she had to interact with Jones’ to get this done. It was the most she’d ever had to interact with him since they’d sat at the same square of tables in elementary school and it was a reminder why she’d avoided him ever since. Every idea she had was countered by his own; every suggestion was met with scepticism and budgeting concerns; every minute detail picked apart. Their tastes were too far apart on music, food, and decorations along with everything else it took to plan a party. He was far too sarcastic, too caustic for her. She was too nice, too blithe for his. It was mutual loathing that frustrated Betty every time she had to see him in the hallways. And now she’d agreed to spend most of her free time with him for a week.Archie better fucking love this damn party.
Monday Morning: 4 Days til B-Day
Today was not Betty Cooper’s day. She’d forgotten about the essay due in History class because she’d been consumed with scholarship applications and making decorations for Polly’s wedding. She’d dropped a beaker of acid on her shoes in lab class and now had to wander around in the ugliest, grossest pair of crocs the school’s lost and found had to offer. And to top it all off, her hair tie had snapped in gym class, leaving her hair in a tangle of waves that drew attention from everyone for just how messy it was.It took all she had not to skip school for the first time in her life. The only thing stopping her was the inevitable lecture she knew would be waiting at home. If Betty ruined her perfect attendance record three months before graduation, the fit her mother would throw would surely top the one when Polly told her she was unwed and pregnant.And when the tumbler on her locker stuck, it was all she could do not to scream. Finally the lock popped off and the door slammed into its neighbor.“Party planning going well?” Kevin asked from behind. He leaned against the locker bank and leveled all the magnets that had fallen to the bottom of the door.“Yes, actually. That’s the problem,” Betty snapped. She threw her textbooks into the locker, already digging through the three and a half years worth of junk for a hair tie. “I’d say that’s less of a problem, and more of a shoe in to finally free all that hair Jones’ has been hiding from us,” Kevin said with a Hello Kitty magnet suspended between his thumb and forefinger. When Betty rolled her eyes, he clicked his tongue. “Don’t pretend you haven’t thought about it. The UST between you two has been at peak level for at least two years.”Betty heaved out a sigh and reached for the top shelf. She tried to imagine herself someplace relaxing and far, far away from here. One of those Swedish spas Veronica was always gushing about. A sunny beach with no one around. An automotive shop that worked exclusively on muscle cars made by Corvette and Ford between 1958 and 1972 somewhere south of Paris, France.“Of course it’s a problem, Kev. It means that not only is he a complete and total asshole, he’s also a competent and capable asshole,” Betty huffed. She grabbed her history book out of her bag and threw it into the locker hard enough to rattle the mirror on the back. “At least you now won’t have to split all your free time between the paper, the party, and practice for the Vixens.”As much as Betty loved him, sometimes she hated how Kevin could always find a positive in every situation and how desperately she hated the fact that Veronica had decided to attend a prep school for her senior year.“We forgot about Veronica,” Betty gasped. Prior frustrations forgotten, Betty tapped away on the screen. Between event planning and the massive extracurricular load her mother insisted on, Betty hardly had any time to think about what she’d get for Archie. There was no way Veronica would forget something as important as Archie’s birthday, but if there was on thing that could throw a wrench into this plan it would be Veronica sweeping Archie off his feet to the Bahamas last minute.Veronica’s reply was almost instantaneous with a string of hearts, followed by several texts grilling Betty for more information about Archie’s relationship status, Riverdale gossip, and whether Betty had finally found herself a boyfriend.Absorbed by her phone, Betty closed her locker and walked to class, Kevin walking beside to her and telling Betty which was the best gossip to pass along to Veronica. As the bell rang, Betty tucked her phone into her jacket pocket and laid out everything she needed for class. Late as usual, Jughead slouched by her on his way to the corner of the room. “Nice hair, Cooper,” he muttered as he passed. “Very Diana Dors today.”Betty’s cheeks went red and her hands flew up to smooth down her hair. She’d been so focused on her conversation with Veronica that the hair tie had been completely forgotten.Kevin leaned across his desk and whispered, “Hashtag: Free the Beanie.”
Tuesday Afternoon - Party Countdown: Day 3
Betty’s phone chimed on the couch beside her. When she saw who it was from, she groaned. They’d just talked after school about the decorations, and she thought they’d come to an agreement. Jughead, however, seemed to differ.“Beans for brains again?” Cheryl asked, eyes glued to her own phone. “Yes. Now decorations are too ‘childish’,” Betty whined. “Why does he have to make things so difficult.”“Because he has your undivided attention for once, baby cousin.”Betty stared at Cheryl. “What does that mean?”Cheryl rolled her eyes and set down her phone. “Read between the lines, it’s a total Castle and Bennet situation.”Even if she’d been offered the world, Betty still couldn’t figure out what Cheryl meant. With a sigh, Betty packed up her back and headed to Pop’s, figuring it would be easier to meet with him in person than spend three hours going back and forth in text.
Tuesday Afternoon - Party Countdown: Day 3Betty slammed her lunch tray on the cafeteria table. “I hate him and that stupid grin of his. Like he knows everything. Why did I ever agree to this in the first place?”Kevin moved to the side as Betty swung her leg over the bench to sit down. “Because it’s Archie’s birthday and he’d do the same for you?”Betty snorted. “I doubt he’d work with his mortal enemy to plan me a party.”“True. Because I’d be the one doing the planning. If Archie was doing it there’d be cold pizza and hot ice cream. He’s not big on the planning thing.”Betty stabbed at a piece of fruit and let that sink in. It would be so much easier to let this go, to say she was done with the whole thing and let Jughead finish organizing it. But if she backed out now they’d both know he’d won in the ongoing feud they had. It was frustrating and unnerving and took every last bit of self-control to work with him. He was a constant distraction, taken to staring at her when she was talking and unnerving her by how close he was willing to get. Even stranger, as if he knew just how to get under her skin, he’d sat next to her in English this morning and attempted a semi-polite conversation.“Do I want to ask what’s got her so riled up now?” Toni asked as she sat down. “Jughead’s lips,” Kevin said with a smile.Toni leaned forward, his face eager for more information. “What? Did he kiss you? I thought you two were only supposed to be planning a party.”“Kevin,” Betty scolded. “And no. We can barely stand to be in the same room together. He’s insisted on doing the decorating himself.”Kevin and Toni shared a look. “And that’s bad, how?” Toni asked.“I know you’re used to being in charge of everything, but why is it a problem for him to decorate?” Kevin asked.“Because I was planning on using what we had leftover from Polly’s New Year’s Eve party. It would have been perfect.” Betty said.“What did he say about that?”Betty looked down at her salad and picked at it. “I didn’t exactly mention it.”Toni raised an eyebrow and Kevin let out a heavy sigh.“But obviously if I was pushing to do the decorations, I had a plan,” Betty said, her words sounding thin.“Last time I checked Jones wears several different hats, but mind reading is not one of them,” Toni said. “And being straightforward isn’t Betty’s,” Kevin said.Betty elbowed him in the ribs. “I thought you were supposed to be on my side?”He squirmed away from her. “I am. But you tend to have a take charge attitude and don’t always share the whole plan. Or let other people have much input when you’ve made up your mind.”“What’s that supposed to mean?”Kevin held up his hands defensively. “I’m just saying, maybe this thing isn’t all one-sided. You’re not used to people wanting to help plan something, and he’s -” Kevin faltered, not knowing Jughead enough to speak to his personality.Toni, though, was quick to step in. “Jughead is a snarky gloom and doom nerd. His people skills need some help too.”“Exactly. But maybe if you try to work with him.” He let the thought linger a moment before going into the latest gossip about the lacrosse team.
Thursday Afternoon - Party Countdown; 1
“I’m doing this for Archie, Jughead. If you don’t like that, then you don’t have to be involved,” Betty said after a few deep breaths.“This was my idea, Betty. Not some project you can step in and fix just because I’m involved. The door is right there if you change your mind,” Jughead snapped back. He turned away from her and focused his attention on his computer. Betty’s hands clenched and unclenched. A fire burned in her chest and she had to work to stay seated There was nothing she wanted more than to slap him. It annoyed her that he was right; they were doing this for Archie, not for some strange kudos for their own egos. “Fine.”Jughead’s head jerked up and he looked as if he were surprised she’d conceded so easily. “You’re right. I’m sorry,” she said her words clipped. Just because she was wrong didn’t mean she had to like it.His eyes narrowed and Betty waited it out. If he wanted to suspect her of ulterior motives, then so be it. She just wished he could bring the intensity down a little bit.Eventually, he waved to the seat across from him and, in a rare gesture of cordiality, waved Pop down for a round of shakes. While Betty was suspicious herself of his motives, she took the seat and pulled out her planner to go over their last minute plans.
Friday Night - Party Countdown: 0
Betty leaned against the porch railing, a red solo cup full of something red and overly sweet in her hands. Veronica had sworn she’d like it, but Betty could barely stomach a sip of it. She’d never been one for parties or alcohol or general teenage mischief. Seeing what had happened to Polly had cured Betty of any desire of that.“Looks like we managed to pulled it off,” Jughead said. He lifted a can to his lips - a brazenly boring soda that stood out against their peers attempts to summon Dionysus into the Andrews’ living room.Betty turned towards him and watched him watch the party through the windows. “Surprisingly.”He raised an eyebrow, but didn’t turn towards her. Betty’s eye followed the movement only to trail down his profile. It was odd, she realized, to have never really thought about what he looked like without the permanent scowl and irritable persona he’d taken up as a defense mechanism.“It’ll be a bitch to clean up, though,” Jughead said.Betty snorted and poured her drink into the bushes beneath her. “I vote that’s Archie’s problem.”“And Veronica’s,” Jughead added, with a nod to the opening door.“There you two are,” Veronica said. She shot a sly grin to Jughead who rolled his eyes.Betty filed her questions away for later, particularly those about how close Veronica and Jughead seemed to have gotten over the past year. “This was a really great surprise,” Archie said, oblivious of the strange interaction going on next to him. He looked as tired as Betty felt, but somehow managed a level of energy even she couldn’t fake. She pulled him into a tight hug as the sudden realization that this was their last year of high school hit her. Tears threatened to spill at the corner of her eyes. In six months, Archie would no longer be her constant companion. It would be the first time ever that he wasn’t part of her life. Betty screwed her eyes shut and thought about the good times.“You’re welcome Archie. Happy birthday,” she said through a sniffle.They pulled apart and it was Jughead’s turn to pull Archie into a hug. Betty took a moment to wipe the tears from her cheeks.“Happy birthday, bud,” Jughead said with a grin. He nodded towards Veronica. “Enjoy it while you can.”Betty pulled Veronica into a hug, the pain of missing her not as severe. After all, they’d be roommates next fall, something they’d been planning since they were twelve. “I’m going to call it a night,” Betty said. Veronica kissed her on the cheek and, in a surprising move, pulled Jughead into a bear hug. She whispered something to him that made him flush before letting him go. “Walk her home,” Veronica ordered him. “I want nothing to happen to my girl. We have plans, after all.”“V, I live ten feet away,” Betty reminded her.Jughead rolled his eyes, but complied when Veronica shoed him after Betty. When they reached the sidewalk, Jughead cleared his throat.“Hey, Cooper.”Betty turned to face him. “Yes?”“Are we still in a truce?”She glanced at her watch. “I’ve got another ten minutes until curfew. So, I’d say we were.”Jughead took a step towards her, dropping his gaze to the ground. He swallowed hard, his hands fidgeting. “You’re not half bad, now that I think about it.”Betty smiled. It was probably the nicest thing she’d heard him say about anything in a while. “You’re not half bad yourself, Jones’.”“Also,” he paused, glancing behind them as if to check that they were alone.“What? What is it?” she asked, stepping towards him, worried he’d say or do something. Her fingers curled into a loose fist, but what she wouldn’t have ever expected was for him to pull her close and press his lips against hers.The world came to a startling halt as Betty’s brain went into overdrive. (They were kissing.) This was Jughead Jones her self-proclaimed high school rival in all things that mattered. (He was kissing her.) Before this week they’d never had a nice thing to say about each other. (And she liked it.) The only common ground they ever had was fighting over Archie (Worse, she was kissing him back) and snarking at each other over stupid little things.A car backfired a street over and the spell was broken. The world wrenched itself back into rightful place. Betty’s eyes fluttered open and everything looked the same as it had before. Only there was that look in his eyes, and there was that exhilarating feeling in her chest that could only mean the sky was the limit, and the ground beneath her was shaking. At some point her hand had come to rest on his cheek. It felt normal there, like a bird finally come home to roost. She rubbed her finger against his smooth skin and he turned his head to kiss her palm. “Pop’s tomorrow?” he asked.Betty answered him in another kiss.
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Betty reminisces about the time Jughead ate the Christmas cookie ornaments she baked in The Remembering Tree, Archie Giant Series #568 (1987).
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crowley-anthony · 3 years
Ho ho ho! It's me again 🎅
I have to say I agree with EVERY word you said. Bughead really are something special (even with all the fuckery that is Riverdale).
I see you're looking for something lighthearted and fluffy and that is absolutely what you deserve so I want to be sure that it hits all the right branches on the Christmas tree🎄
What does your Christmas look like? And what are the things you do to get you in the holiday spirit?
haha fuckery is the best word you could have used! Exactly the reason something light and fluffy is needed ❤️
Christmas for me is all about family, I've become so much closer with my family now we don't live together and love spending time with them over Christmas. My sister moved to the Netherlands this year so I'm really excited to see her and spend some time with her when she comes home.
I love festive food and drink and watching cheesy Christmas films. My friend has just recommended 'Single All The Way' to watch so I will be watching that this weekend with the twinkle of all my Christmas lights providing a cosy atmosphere. Me and my mum go to look at the Christmas decorations together every year and that's what we did today which was nice.
What about you? :)
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stonerbughead · 3 years
Hello stonerbughead - it’s me, your secret Santa back again with some holiday questions!
What are your fave things to do during this season??? Do you have any tropes/quotes you particularly love to see in fanfics? And what are your fave Christmas/holiday foods and bevvies 😂
Hello there Secret Santa!
Fave things to do during the season: I love decorating the tree—I used to work at a gift shop that was big on Christmas so I have a lot of ornaments that are special to me. And I always buy at least one new ornament every year. I also love buying gifts for loved ones! And watching them open the gifts! Also, love taking walks to look at all the lights on peoples houses!
For tropes, let’s see—I love an investigative duo bughead, I love mutual pining, friends to lovers, there’s only one bed. as for quotes, I love a good well-placed canon bughead line even in an AU! Like, “also…” or “you and I are in this for the long haul” or “I believe you, Jughead.” But any and all iconic bughead lines make my heart happy!
As for food, I am italian american through and through so we always make a pasta dish. I don’t eat meat so a lot of the big Christmas meat things don’t apply to me. My sister and I love to make a 🔥 holiday cheese plate too. Love some hot cocoa especially when my fiancé spikes it with some coffee.
Hope this helps!! Kisses!
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Bughead & Friends Drabble Challenge 
Day 2 - Prom [Comics]
Betty is sipping her strawberry milkshake, waiting for Archie, when Jughead slides into the booth opposite her. She takes one look at the boy and sighs deeply.
“He’s not coming.” It isn’t a question.
To give him credit, Jughead looks genuinely sorry for her when he confirms it. She just doesn’t want his pity.
For the past few months all her dates with Archie got cancelled. Not by Archie, but by Jughead. Rather, Jughead was Archie’s replacement for said date.
She pinches the bridge of her nose. “Why?” Her tone full of exasperation. “Why can’t he just tell me himself? Why does he send you?”
Jughead shrugs. “He doesn’t want to hurt you,” he offers as a lame excuse.
Betty gives a humourless laugh. “He would be here right now if he didn’t want to hurt me. No, he is just a coward.” She pushes her fries towards Jughead, gesturing that he can eat them. She is too angry right now to think about food. “I should stand him up for prom this friday, that will teach him.”
Jughead becomes noticeably uncomfortable when she says this and starts fidgeting in his seat. Betty narrows her eyes at him. “What is it?”
“About prom. Archie wants me to take you instead of him.”
“And when was he going to tell me that he isn’t going?”
Jughead avoids her eyes, clearly ashamed. “He wasn’t. He wanted it to be a surprise.”
Betty is beginning to get a headache. “Why?” she asks in an icy tone.
“Because he didn’t want you to get another date,” Jughead says quietly, maybe hoping she won’t hear it. But she heard it and she is seeing red. That idiot not only has the audacity to ditch her, but he also wants to control her dating life. 
She is plotting his murder when a different idea forms in her head. If Archie so desperately wants her to go with Jughead, she will go to prom with Jughead, alright.
“I don’t like that look,” Jughead says when she starts smiling in his direction.
“I have a plan, Juggie and you are going to help me.”
She is standing in front of the mirror and is in awe of the girl staring back at her. Her hair is pinned back in a messy bun with wavy strands falling out of it. Her makeup is much bolder than usual, highlighting her eyes and making her lips extra pouty. And the dress is an absolute dream. A floor length gala dress in soft pink showing off a classy amount of cleavage. She is still in high school, after all.
“I look beautiful,” she whispers.
Veronica appears behind her and sprays something in her hair. “No, Bettykins,” she says. “You look devastating.”
When she called Veronica to tell her about the revenge plan, her friend was all in. Veronica and Archie had a falling out a few months ago and now she had sworn off all high school boys. She isn’t even going to the dance, saying it was too immature for her. But she still took her time to style Betty and for that she is grateful.
She hears the doorbell and her heart skips a beat, but she tells it to quiet down. Tonight isn’t about romance, it’s about revenge.
“Looks like your date is here,” Veronica says.
Betty turns to her friend and gives her a quick hug. “Thanks for your help.”
Veronica gently pushes her off. “Be careful, don’t ruin this masterpiece,” she scolds. “Now, go sweep that boy off his feet.”
When she walks down the stairs she can feel Jughead’s eyes on her. She lifts her chin and slowly makes her way down, enjoying the attention. She hears him mutter some praise under his breath and feels pride bloom in her chest. This is the reaction she had hoped for.
What she isn’t prepared for is her reaction to him when she finally looks. He is wearing a fitted suit that shows off his surprisingly broad chest. He also ditched the beanie and styled his hair back. The boy cleans up well.
“Wow,” she whispers. She reaches out and touches his hair. It feels as soft as it looks. “You look amazing.”
“So do you,” his voice sounds gravelly and Betty finally focuses on his face. His gaze his heavy and intense, but a small smile is playing on his lips. It’s an expression she has never seen him wear before, but it makes her heart flutter. “Shall we, milady?” he asks while offering his arm.
Betty smiles. “We shall.”
She swears all eyes are on them when they enter the decorated gym. She likes to think it is because of her dress, but she knows it is about Jughead. More specifically the fact that he has shown up to a dance and in suit. 
Her eyes scan the room and land on red hair. Two heads of red hair. Archie has brought Cheryl to the dance, his latest conquest. She doesn’t even go to Riverdale High. Betty wants to roll her eyes in irritation, but as she watches Archie flirt with yet another girl, she feels all the fight in her disappear. 
Why is she so hung up on this guy? 
Jughead nudges her. “Do you want to dance?” he asks. “To make Archie jealous.”
Betty looks at him. Really looks at him and her stomach flips. “I would love to dance. But not to make Archie jealous. I just want to dance.”
He looks a little confused, but leads her to the dance floor anyway. The way he pulls her towards him feels natural and his hands on her waist feel like they belong. Together they sway to the music.
“Why, Jug?” Betty asks. “Why did you go along with Archie’s plans?”
A blush covers his cheeks and he looks down at their feet in remorse. “I’m sorry. I know it was a shitty thing to do.”
“I’m not mad at you. I just want to know why you would go on his dates, when you don’t even like dates. It doesn’t seem like something you would do.”
“I just didn’t want to see you hurt,” he confesses quietly. “Although I understand that isn’t how this works. Also…” 
“What?” Betty prompts.
Jughead takes a deep breath and his intense gaze locks with hers. She shudders as if she is struck by electricity. “I wanted to spend time with you. I like going on dates, as long as they are with you.”
His cheeks have grown redder, but he remains the eye contact. A part of Betty wants to be shocked, but she isn’t. She thinks back to all her dates with Jughead, and she has gone on many, and they all have been great. They have gone to carnavals and movies and dances together. They have fun together and they understand each other. 
Why the hell has she been so hung up on Archie, when this wonderful boy has been right next to her all this time?
She tightens her arms around his neck and looks up at him with a flirty smile. “Jughead Jones, will you go on a date with me? I have a feeling we will have a lot of fun.”
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thetaoofbetty · 4 years
I don't know of cousr the trailer kinda hit to ba and the nose it's kinda more big than the Cole has and for his front even on another shot you can see the a bit of red/brown hair so I don't think it's Cole (an if it bh they would show his face) I'm having spaleb and Dawson/Joey war flashbacks (I think a writer confirmed that it's ba and a sec decor say that we should look more close)
i have no idea, lovely, i’m leaving the forensics to @riverdalenerdlol, ha. 
and i don’t think they’d show their faces if it was bughead, tbh, they want to hint at it either way, that’s why they cut the guy’s face off. they succeeded in getting people to talk about it. 
(and send hate to random people and i’m guessing lili bc they’re trash people) 
and if i recall, hahaha, dawson and joey hooked up while he had a girlfriend, broke up with her over the phone the morning after and that’s when joey found out. god dawson is the worst. 
i don’t want to minimize anyone’s feelings on the matter but i’ve always said i’ve expected a short term b/archie. i think one of two things will happen: they follow through with the baited narrative and it’s over pretty quickly or they don’t do it all. maybe a hookup? i don’t know. it doesn’t really matter in the long run. 
even if it upsets people that it’s a stumbling block to bughead, especially since we have no bughead info for the rest of the season, i think we should remember that veronica’s husband doesn’t like archie and that will most likely be a shippy plot point for varchie. 
the needed drama to get the couples back together is right there but people really don’t want to see the forest for the trees. 
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