#bug fables fry
wired-mk · 2 years
Wanted to contribute to the Kabbu birthday bash. What a cool little dude
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fungal-wasted · 2 years
Jayde is the best bug fables character simply and plainly because she sells magic seeds for 13 berries instead of 18.
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flame-shadow · 1 year
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Ant Kingdom Bug Fables NPC Collab [4/23]
Ant Kingdom - Daytime Background - @flame-shadow Editor - @flame-shadow
Character Credits Ms. Amber - @ghost-of-hallownest Chuck - samy00000008 Ann (and Pibu) - @kuoddo Merab - samy00000008 Mun - @verdeltiathedead Eophi - @lemmykirby Leby - samy00000008 Dib - @lemmykirby Seedling Wig Guy - samy00000008 Purple Hat Bee - dienamo Seedling Slayer - lamverykarpy Sitting Ant - @flame-shadow Ali - @lemmykirby Sightseeing Ant - @blueaquacat Termacade Termite Employee - dienamo Grandpa - @deadofreddo Muze - @milatheartsy Tod - @milatheartsy
Ant Kingdom - Nighttime Background - @flame-shadow Editor - @flame-shadow
Character Credits Fry the Fly - @motheatencrow Samira - @mizzle-moths Janet - @milatheartsy M.M. - samy00000008 Madame Butterfly - @ghost-of-hallownest Unnamed Stickbug - superclone53 Alex - samy00000008 Innkeeper - @nblynera Utter - @mizzle-moths Bomby - samy00000008 Madeleine - chibiscuit Seb - samy00000008 Banker - dienamo Scared Beetle - @blueaquacat Leafy Cicada - @flame-shadow Termacade Ant Employee - @flame-shadow
[click here to see the entire collection]
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 5 months
(bug fables au) wonder what alans reaction was to seeing roach tech in action for the first time. I know he sorta knows how the crystals work going off what you said with vic, but that attack hoax does with both parts of the key? Seeing the bugs hes only beginning to learn are sentient make and wield THAT has gotta fry his little bird brain
YEAH ewuigheuiw he thought it was just weird shiny little trinkets so seeing the key in action was a fuckin jumpscare for him
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nintendonut1 · 9 months
Oooooh love that Leif art. Glad that you've gotten into Bug Fables as well! (I need to finish the game at some point) If you don't mind me asking, do you have a favorite song from the soundtrack? Personally love the first boss's theme, as well as the beehive boss.
Thank you!
Oh I definitely love "OH NO! WASPS!!" the best. Might be a lil biased since my first exposure to it was the GaMetal cover of it, but it still remains one of my favs. Lil soft spot for "In the Court of the Ant Queen" and "Fry It Up!" as well.
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abombihoney · 2 years
once i got stuck behind fry's soup pot. no context
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motheatencrow · 3 years
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Day 13: Fly
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jojolimons · 3 years
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its crazy that the dlc for bug fables turned out to be a dating sim, but the devs did a really good job fleshing out their relationship
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barbaracleboy · 3 years
Hey, boys and girls and kids that don’t feel comfortable fitting into either of those descriptors, it’s the newest Bug Fables AU! Vi and the Parental Polycule!
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Details on this (shitpost) AU under the Keep Reading
To describe each parent's role: Kabbu is the moral compass that (tries to) keep Vi from doing wrong. Neo is the teacher that educates Vi on all sorts of stuff. Leif is the Cool Dad that lets her be chaotic without letting his fellow parents know (he's the one Vi hates least). Fry is the one that cooks. Fuff is the one that keeps danger away.  Bianca is often busy with Queen stuff or taking care of her other Babees, but when she is around it's nonstop hugs and headpats for all. To describe how they’re all dating one another (the fun part ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ): Kabbu dates Leif, Bianca, Fuff, and Neo Leif dates Bianca, Kabbu, and Neo Neo dates Kabbu and Leif Fry dates Bianca Fuff dates Kabbu Bianca dates Kabbu, Leif, and Fry
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piraticoctopus · 3 years
I gotta go off about a Bug Fables spoiler that doesn’t really change anything about the plot and is more a fun fact than a spoiler (it’s abt the Wasp King) because it sent me into full-on Bug Mode™ the other day.
Close-up bug face photos and my attempt at drawing something included under the cut, just FYI.
So he’s referred to as the Wasp King, and when he first showed up I was like "Holy shit is that a termite?!" (until I saw how this game does termites and was like, “oh never mind, but I’m still not convinced he’s a wasp ‘cause his mouth is weird?”). Also at least two characters (both roaches, I think) call him the “Wasp” King, which made me more convinced I was right. Turns out he's a fuckin FLY and that's the whole deal, he's a wasp mimic. HOWEVER, it has been bothering me ever since I learned this because that is not what a wasp-mimicking fly looks like, and irl they’re pretty easily given away by their faces (in most cases) because, well, they’ve got fly faces. Plus, considering how other fly characters like Fry look, that’s true in-game as well. Here’s an example [source]:
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Here’s an example of a syrphid fly (aka hover fly), which is what the wiki says the Wasp King is. A whole lot of species have patterns resembling members of Hymenoptera: 
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Note the short antennae, gigantic eyes, and only one pair of actual wings (the other pair is reduced and not usually noticeable). Wasps usually hold their wings pretty close to each other at rest, so that one’s not as readily obvious if you aren’t looking for it. Another problem: flies don’t really have mandibles. They don’t chew. So those mouthparts have been repurposed into part of their stabbing or “sponging” apparatus.
SO, my dumbass brain spent a whole day looking at fly pictures trying to figure out how the fuck a “wasp” can have a face that looks like a wasp and not a fly, and the google algorithms that track my search history are probably gonna give me some really weird ads from this, but I think we got somewhere.
I had to go beyond Syrphidae to get some ideas of how to make A look like B. One group I learned about is mydas flies, which when viewed from the right angle look surprisingly like a wasp [image source]. The antennae are longer, and the general body shape is there. So such flies DO exist, just not really in Syrphidae (but like, artistic license and such).
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So basically: cover the actual mouthparts, have a face pattern that gives the impression of mandibles, hide how close-set/low on the face the antennae are, and the wings are already covered by a bitchin’ robe so no one’s gonna know there’s only two instead of four. Really simplified rough proof of concept plus one Bug Fables-ish wasp for comparison:
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This is clearly a regular wasp, just mind your own business and don’t look too closely.
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85-rend · 2 years
I am doing a bug fables battle royale using that one hunger games simulator site
I have to go to school so I'll do it when I get back
Meanwhile, have a look on who is participating
1 vi
2 kabbu
3 leif
4 chompy
1 maki
2 kina
3 yin
4 eetl
DISTRICT 3 team mothiva and team ant
1 mothiva
2 zasp
3 gen
4 eri
1 doctor h.b
2 crow
3 professor honeycomb 
4 hawk
1 crisbee
2 jaune
3 fluffy
4 comfy
DISTRICT 6 queens
1 queen elizant II
2 queen bianca
3 queen vanessa II
4 queen Layra II
1 golden seedling
2 ahoneynation
3 the beast
4 dune scorpion
1 monsieur scarlet
2 spuder
3 the watcher
4 zommoth
1 spid the spider ( @bug-fables-but-weird )
2 Honboom the literal honey bee ( @bug-fables-but-weird )
3 marine ( @zommoth )
4 valentine ( @zommoth )
DISTRICT 10 MASTER TEAM SNAKEMOUTH (AU) (by @bug-fables-but-weird )
1 queen vi
2 adult chompy
3 big leif (Mastered)
4 swordmaster kabbu
DISTRICT 11 big leif au ( by @zommoth )
1 adventurer vi
2 warrior kabbu
3 big leif
4 chomps
DISTRICT 12 God chefs and butter
1 Venus
2 kut
3 fry
4 madame butterfly
we were going to say our money was on Valentine but then we realized he only has experience killing in his own territory where he already has traps set and can take the time to manipulate his prey
outside of that he's actually pretty incompetent
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flame-shadow · 5 years
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A bunch of Bug Fables sketches from today and yesterday!
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viklikesslimes · 2 years
Place your bets on who is gonna win and who is gonna imidiatly blow up
1 GO!
1 vi
2 kabbu
3 leif
4 chompy
1 maki
2 kina
3 yin
4 eetl
DISTRICT 3 team mothiva and team ant
1 mothiva
2 zasp
3 gen
4 eri
1 doctor h.n
2 crow
3 professor honeycomb 
4 hawk
1 crisbee
2 jaune
3 fluffy
4 comfy
DISTRICT 6 queens
1 queen elizant II
2 queen bianca
3 queen vanessa II
4 queen Layra II
1 golden seedling
2 ahoneynation
3 the beast
4 dune scorpion
1 monsieur scarlet
2 spuder
3 the watcher
4 zommoth
1 spid the spider ( @bug-fables-but-weird )
2 Honboom the literal honey bee ( @bug-fables-but-weird )
3 marine ( @zommoth )
4 valentine ( @zommoth )
DISTRICT 10 MASTER TEAM SNAKEMOUTH (AU) (by @bug-fables-but-weird )
1 queen vi
2 adult chompy
3 big leif M
4 swordmaster kabbu
DISTRICT 11 big leif au ( by @zommoth )
1 adventurer vi
2 warrior kabbu
3 big leif
4 chomps
DISTRICT 12 God chefs and butter
1 Venus
2 kut
3 fry
4 madame butterfly
As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds.
Queen elizant II runs away from the Cornucopia.
Kabbu accidently steps on a landmine.
Queen vanessa II finds a canteen full of water.
Marine takes a handful of throwing knives.
Warrior kabbu runs away from the Cornucopia.
Madame butterfly runs away from the Cornucopia.
Honboom, Doctor H.B, The watcher, and Golden seedling share everything they gathered before running away.
Dune scorpion runs away from the Cornucopia.
Fry runs away from the Cornucopia.
Leif and Spid fight for a bag. Leif gives up and retreats.
Zommoth gathers as much food as she can.
Adventurer vi runs away from the Cornucopia.
Adult chompy grabs a backpack and retreats.
Ahoneynation finds a bow, some arrows, and a quiver.
Gen stays at the cornucopia for resources.
Big leif runs away from the Cornucopia.
Queen bianca runs away from the Cornucopia.
Swordmaster kabbu runs away from the Cornucopia.
Jaune scares Kina away from the cornucopia.
Chompy runs away from the Cornucopia.
Queen vi takes a handful of throwing knives.
Kut runs away from the Cornucopia.
Valentine grabs a sword.
The beast and Crow fight Professor honeycomb and Eri. The beast and Crow survive.
Queen layra II runs away from the Cornucopia.
Monsieur scarlet runs away from the Cornucopia.
Zasp finds a canteen full of water.
Venus grabs a backpack, not realizing it is empty.
Eetl runs away from the Cornucopia.
Comfy runs away from the Cornucopia.
Spuder takes a sickle from inside the cornucopia.
Vi runs away from the Cornucopia.
Crisbee kills Fluffy as she tries to run.
Maki runs away from the Cornucopia.
Chomps gathers as much food as she can.
Big leif (mastermind) finds a canteen full of water.
Yin runs into the cornucopia and hides.
Hawk runs away from the Cornucopia.
Mothiva runs away from the Cornucopia.
Comfy receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
Madame butterfly searches for a water source.
Spid, Crisbee, Zommoth, Leif, and Warrior kabbu hunt for other tributes.
Chompy makes a wooden spear.
Monsieur scarlet is pricked by thorns while picking berries.
Marine and Yin hunt for other tributes.
Adventurer vi spears Dune scorpion in the abdomen.
The watcher discovers a cave.
Maki sets an explosive off, killing Jaune , and Ahoneynation .
Mothiva travels to higher ground.
Venus attacks Kina, but she manages to escape.
Crow camouflauges herself in the bushes.
Eetl chases Zasp.
Queen layra II thinks about home.
Gen begs for Queen vanessa II to kill him. She refuses, keeping Gen alive.
Big leif receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
Vi, Chomps, and Hawk start fighting, but Chomps runs away as Vi kills Hawk.
Kut, Fry, Honboom, The beast, and Adult chompy hunt for other tributes.
Spuder thinks about home.
Valentine attacks Doctor H.B, but she manages to escape.
Golden seedling defeats Queen elizant II in a fight, but spares her life.
Queen vi begs for Queen bianca to kill her. She refuses, keeping Queen vi alive.
Big leif (mastermind) tries to sleep through the entire day.
Swordmaster kabbu picks flowers.
Adult chompy looks at the night sky.
Queen elizant II and Queen layra II run into each other and decide to truce for the night.
Fry is unable to convince Warrior kabbu to not kill him.
Crisbee forces Big leif to kill Queen vi or Spuder. He decides to kill Queen vi.
Monsieur scarlet and Valentine run into each other and decide to truce for the night.
Swordmaster kabbu is awoken by nightmares.
Crow and Yin hold hands.
Venus convinces Eetl to not kill him, only to kill him instead.
Honboom bashes Chompy's head in with a mace.
Marine tries to treat his infection.
Golden seedling receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
Adventurer vi questions his sanity.
Mothiva falls into a frozen lake and drowns.
Chomps tries to treat her infection.
Gen attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.
Spid receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
Queen bianca loses sight of where she is.
Leif lets Kina into his shelter.
Vi attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.
Zommoth and The beast run into each other and decide to truce for the night.
Kut convinces Doctor H.B to snuggle with her.
Queen vanessa II quietly hums.
Zasp starts a fire.
Maki, The watcher, and Big leif (mastermind) cheerfully sing songs together.
Comfy defeats Madame butterfly in a fight, but spares her life.
Valentine tends to Vi's wounds.
Marine, Adult chompy, Maki, and Adventurer vi raid Golden seedling's camp while she is hunting.
Big leif (mastermind) searches for firewood.
Big leif thinks about home.
Honboom searches for a water source.
Swordmaster kabbu overhears Queen elizant II and Yin talking in the distance.
Doctor H.B searches for firewood.
Comfy sprains her ankle while running away from Queen layra II.
Kut tries to spear fish with a trident.
Zommoth defeats The watcher in a fight, but spares his life.
Monsieur scarlet attacks Venus, but he manages to escape.
Madame butterfly chases Chomps.
Queen vanessa II runs away from The beast.
Spuder begs for Zasp to kill her. He refuses, keeping Spuder alive.
Crow injures herself.
Queen bianca sprains her ankle while running away from Spid.
Warrior kabbu receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
Crisbee and Leif hunt for other tributes.
Gen chases Kina.
Zommoth, Kut, Spuder, and Venus sleep in shifts.
Swordmaster kabbu and Leif run into each other and decide to truce for the night.
Honboom stays awake all night.
Queen bianca quietly hums.
Monsieur scarlet , Adult chompy, and Vi cheerfully sing songs together.
Madame butterfly starts a fire.
Big leif (mastermind) , Doctor H.B, and Golden seedling discuss the games and what might happen in the morning.
Queen layra II, Yin, and Queen elizant II discuss the games and what might happen in the morning.
Kina cooks her food before putting her fire out.
Crisbee cooks his food before putting his fire out.
Chomps receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
Comfy, Valentine, The beast, and Adventurer vi tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood.
The watcher thinks about winning.
Queen vanessa II convinces Spid to snuggle with her.
Big leif receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.
Gen, Maki, and Warrior kabbu cheerfully sing songs together.
Zasp cooks his food before putting his fire out.
Crow receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
Marine receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.
Kut tends to Kina's wounds.
Queen layra II and Madame butterfly split up to search for resources.
Adventurer vi dies from thirst.
Adult chompy overhears Doctor H.B and Honboom talking in the distance.
Spid runs away from Crow.
The beast constructs a shack.
Big leif searches for a water source.
Queen bianca, Yin, Queen elizant II, Big leif (mastermind) , and Swordmaster kabbu hunt for other tributes.
Golden seedling dies from thirst.
Vi hunts for other tributes.
Valentine travels to higher ground.
The watcher hunts for other tributes.
Warrior kabbu and Chomps split up to search for resources.
Crisbee, Queen vanessa II, and Spuder hunt for other tributes.
Comfy sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.
Venus runs away from Zasp.
Leif searches for firewood.
Gen goes hunting.
Monsieur scarlet fishes.
Marine receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
Maki chases Zommoth.
Spid receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
Chomps, Zasp, Maki, and Crow tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood.
Crisbee thinks about home.
Zommoth quietly hums.
Queen layra II stays awake all night.
Adult chompy fends Spuder, Swordmaster kabbu, and Venus away from her fire.
Warrior kabbu and Kut run into each other and decide to truce for the night.
Queen elizant II defeats Marine in a fight, but spares his life.
Vi climbs a tree to rest.
The beast and Monsieur scarlet sleep in shifts.
Kina and Queen bianca talk about the tributes still alive.
Comfy questions her sanity.
Yin thinks about winning.
Valentine starts a fire.
Doctor H.B tries to treat her infection.
Gen and Big leif hold hands.
Leif goes to sleep.
Queen vanessa II shoots an arrow into Madame butterfly 's head.
Big leif (mastermind) stays awake all night.
The watcher tries to treat his infection.
Honboom receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.
Honboom chases Monsieur scarlet .
Queen bianca, Big leif (mastermind) , Queen vanessa II, and Zasp raid Comfy's camp while she is hunting.
Yin hunts for other tributes.
Doctor H.B, Crow, Vi, and Adult chompy raid Maki's camp while he is hunting.
Spuder, Queen layra II, Swordmaster kabbu, and Crisbee hunt for other tributes.
Venus discovers a river.
Queen elizant II discovers a cave.
Spid discovers a cave.
Leif is pricked by thorns while picking berries.
Warrior kabbu camouflauges herself in the bushes.
The watcher questions his sanity.
Marine constructs a shack.
Kina searches for a water source.
Big leif begs for Chomps to kill him. She refuses, keeping Big leif alive.
Valentine makes a wooden spear.
Zommoth kills The beast with her own weapon.
Gen makes a wooden spear.
Kut explores the arena.
Queen bianca destroys Zasp's supplies while he is asleep.
Crisbee receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.
Marine and Leif tell stories about themselves to each other.
Valentine is awoken by nightmares.
Vi receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.
Comfy and Kina talk about the tributes still alive.
Gen overpowers Spuder, killing her.
Monsieur scarlet goes to sleep.
Maki receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
Big leif begs for Crow to kill him. She refuses, keeping Big leif alive.
Swordmaster kabbu tends to Warrior kabbu's wounds.
Queen layra II and Yin tell stories about themselves to each other.
Adult chompy is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.
Spid quietly hums.
Chomps stays awake all night.
Venus, Queen elizant II, and Big leif (mastermind) cheerfully sing songs together.
Doctor H.B and The watcher sleep in shifts.
Kut and Zommoth talk about the tributes still alive.
Queen vanessa II tends to Honboom's wounds.
Doctor H.B overhears Queen vanessa II and Queen layra II talking in the distance.
Crow steals from Queen bianca while she isn't looking.
The watcher fishes.
Swordmaster kabbu steals from Spid while he isn't looking.
Vi, Valentine, Crisbee, and Zommoth hunt for other tributes.
Leif camouflauges himself in the bushes.
Yin is pricked by thorns while picking berries.
Comfy makes a slingshot.
Honboom makes a slingshot.
Warrior kabbu scares Kina off.
Maki and Marine split up to search for resources.
Zasp discovers a cave.
Venus makes a wooden spear.
Kut sets an explosive off, killing Chomps, Gen, Queen elizant II and Adult chompy.
Big leif receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
Monsieur scarlet and Big leif (mastermind) work together for the day.
Monsieur scarlet thinks about winning.
Kut lets Vi into her shelter.
Honboom tries to treat her infection.
Marine and Kina huddle for warmth.
Big leif sees a fire, but stays hidden.
Warrior kabbu, Zasp, Venus, Crow, and Yin sleep in shifts.
Leif and Doctor H.B tell stories about themselves to each other.
Maki and The watcher hold hands.
Spid, Crisbee, Valentine, Big leif (mastermind) , and Queen vanessa II sleep in shifts.
Queen layra II and Comfy huddle for warmth.
Zommoth cries herself to sleep.
Swordmaster kabbu and Queen bianca run into each other and decide to truce for the night.
Doctor H.B and Monsieur scarlet work together for the day.
Big leif tries to spear fish with a trident.
Marine diverts Crow's attention and runs away.
The watcher sprains his ankle while running away from Zasp.
Yin and Valentine split up to search for resources.
Kut scares Warrior kabbu off.
Leif, Big leif (mastermind) , and Kina hunt for other tributes.
Vi discovers a cave.
Venus questions his sanity.
Spid, Queen bianca, Honboom, and Queen layra II raid Swordmaster kabbu's camp while he is hunting.
Zommoth discovers a cave.
Queen vanessa II defeats Crisbee in a fight, but spares his life.
Maki dies of dysentery.
Comfy camouflauges herself in the bushes.
Honboom passes out from exhaustion.
Big leif (mastermind) thinks about winning.
Warrior kabbu tries to sing herself to sleep.
Queen vanessa II, Queen layra II, and Doctor H.B cheerfully sing songs together.
Zasp and Venus huddle for warmth.
Big leif sets up camp for the night.
Leif sees a fire, but stays hidden.
Crow dies from hunger.
Vi sets up camp for the night.
Comfy and Zommoth tell stories about themselves to each other.
Spid quietly hums.
Marine and Crisbee huddle for warmth.
Monsieur scarlet screams for help.
Kut, Kina, The watcher, Swordmaster kabbu, and Valentine sleep in shifts.
Queen bianca tends to Yin's wounds.
The watcher searches for a water source.
Valentine camouflauges himself in the bushes.
Warrior kabbu and Queen bianca hunt for other tributes.
Big leif thinks about home.
Big leif (mastermind) and Zommoth hunt for other tributes
Comfy discovers a river.
Venus thinks about home.
Crisbee fishes.
Queen vanessa II is pricked by thorns while picking berries.
Honboom accidently detonates a land mine while trying to arm it.
Doctor H.B, Spid, Zasp, and Vi hunt for other tributes.
Swordmaster kabbu sprains his ankle while running away from Marine.
Yin forces Kina to kill Leif or Kut. She decides to kill Kut.
Queen layra II goes hunting.
Monsieur scarlet travels to higher ground.
Valentine and Marine talk about the tributes still alive.
Leif passes out from exhaustion.
Kina and Zasp sleep in shifts.
The watcher and Comfy tell stories about themselves to each other.
Zommoth attempts to climb a tree, but falls to her death.
Vi tends to Queen layra II's wounds.
Spid looks at the night sky.
Queen bianca defeats Warrior kabbu in a fight, but spares her life.
Big leif looks at the night sky.
Big leif (mastermind) , Swordmaster kabbu, and Queen vanessa II discuss the games and what might happen in the morning.
Crisbee forces Yin to kill Monsieur scarlet or Venus. She decides to kill Monsieur scarlet .
Doctor H.B cooks her food before putting her fire out.
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jitteryjive · 3 years
I would commit homicide to get the Bug Fables soundtrack of Spotify
do you know how fucking HARD I would blast MECHA BEE DESTROYER BLASTLORD? Snug as a Bug in a Sub?? Fry It Up?????
god it has all the rights to slap as hard as it does
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go-team-snakemouth · 4 years
Super self indulgent Bug Fables YouTuber au (or what a random mishmash of characters’ channels would be)
Vi: literally does whatever she feels like. Hates clickbait so is very literal in naming and descriptions. Vlogs about missions (and complains when maki doesn't accept them as reports in the next vlog). Has a playlist of abandoned let's plays she started. The only completed game she's done was Mario 3d world with Leif and Kabbu (which was a feat in and of itself as Leif and Vi constantly sabotaged each other while Kabbu struggled with the course. Before anyone asks, Leif played as Princess Peach cause he likes the floating, Vi was Toad because he’s the fastest, and Kabbu switches back and forth between the brothers cause although he likes Luigi, he is slippery to control). Liable to disappear for long periods of time and her fans like to tease that you can find her on Leif's channel more
Leif: Let's plays and food challenges. The game recordings are pretty nice thanks to Vi but Leif consistently sounds like they're standing far away from the mic. Mostly chill but Leif gets. Very into voicing characters and the storylines. Also Very looooong livestream videos. Vi is a frequent guest (KabbuWatch is an injoke with the chat because Kabbu usually stops the stream if Leif has been going too long). Mostly plays older games but he does Minecraft for Tod.
Kabbu: Educational videos to encourage people to explore and learn more about the world! Also does some storytime and safety videos. Kabbu puts a lot of effort into them but also he does use clip art and the cheering sound effect unironically. He collaborates frequently with Neo and his channel! Has a small playlist where he reviews Bug Rangers things. (also has a single let's play upon request that was him playing a free mahjong app calmly and quietly for forty minutes)
Neo: Kabbu's channel but more advanced and in-depth topics. Also unironically uses the cheering sound effect. Usually just lecture style recordings of him talking with a whiteboard instead of edited videos. Unfortunately his most watched video was one where someone broke into his house while he and Kabbu were recording (Kabbu fought them off and then they continued discussing the effects of invasive plant life in the local area like they hadn't been interrupted)
Jaune: art Time-lapses babeyyyy. Vi helped her set up and helps edit her videos (vi puts more effort into Jaune's videos than her own shh). rarely posts but always a treat. Got a huge boost after she did some art for a Mothiva album.
Mothiva: Official channel with lots of live performances and music videos! She has... Influencer energy in her vlogs. Many clickbait. But honestly a lot of good vibes and a mostly good community?? She highlights fanworks and makes sure her stuff is accessible too. Despite some drama about properly crediting work and that she can be petty at times, she works hard on her image. Be sure to like and subscribe!
Zasp: Runs a Mothiva fan account that makes high quality amvs and such. Mothiva is aware of the account but doesn't know it's him and he fears when she finds out. Leif knows but does not care.
Kut: professional as hell cooking asmr videos. Does not consider then asmr. (Fry does not care and Crisbee prefers to bake rather than make.)
Crow: Hearthstone. Brings Leif in sometimes to discuss strategies.
Team Maki: Kina does story time vlogs and records Maki sword demonstrations. Upon her request, Maki made an account too. All he has done is upload videos of caterpillars he's found. He met and became friends with Yin over mutual bonding of caterpillars to Kina's distress. Yin has a channel now and also posts caterpillar videos to Kina’s further distress.
Tanjerin: strange tofu-chan-esque workout challenge channel on tiktok. No one is sure if ironic or not.
Gen and Ari: run the local explorer association’s youtube page! Running it is actually part of their job and they do it really well. Very snappy editing and shows off work done well. Accidentally turned Artis into a meme for a week (small playlist dedicated to when they catch other guild members recording themselves. Mothiva and vi are the most frequent offenders)
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abombihoney · 3 years
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someone jokingly suggested fry x bianca
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