ladystoneboobs · 3 months
The princess might even have considered Willas Tyrell, crippled leg and all, but her father refused to send her to Highgarden to meet him. She tried to go despite him, with Tyene's help . . . but Prince Oberyn caught them at Vaith and brought them back. -Arianne II, aFfC
suddenly, out of nowhere, intriuged by what this match would have been like if she'd made it to highgarden, bc every tyrell besides willas is racist toward the dornish. or at least mace and olenna def are and they blame oberyn for will's injury even tho willas himself doesn't. but maybe margaery and garlan could be happy for their union (loras can be kind of a dick so i'm just assuming he shares his dad's racism), a crippled reacherman and a headstrong dornishwoman against the world.
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sweettjrose · 8 months
At first, it can be a bit jarring for new Phantom Blot fans to see the drastically different tones used for the character.
But it also leads to funny realization that this guy...
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And this guy...
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Are the same person.
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hoarding-stories · 6 months
"Witches have an opinion of wizards that we are devious, buffoonish, and paranoid"
For sure proving them wrong there, Steel
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psiroller · 4 months
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bwv572 · 22 days
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thefearofcod · 1 month
It’s actually both free and easy to not use other people’s religious beliefs as a joke or insult! The government doesn’t want you to know that, but it’s true. And as an added bonus, it’s fun and doesn’t make you look stupid! Winning situation all the way down
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ooglywooglies · 2 months
we (mr handsome and mr beautiful) were playing monster hunter rise this morning trying to progress into g rank and we decided to call for help in the narwa fight bc wed just barely survived the high rank magnamalo fight and a guy with a japanese name who used the hunting horn showed up and immediately went in on the buffs and then after a bit another guy showed up named ching chong using a bowgun or something, he was the only one to faint and he fainted twice. as a ranged attacker
i dont even know how he managed that because thanks to japanese name hunting horn guy the rest of us were literally at full health the entire fight
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t4tpumpkinduo · 2 months
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🐢urtle indulgence
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koskela-knights · 10 months
Hnggg, I'm just so overwhelmed by them 😩 In the good sense. Like overflowing with excitement and love for the Koskela brothers like you wouldn't believe 💙✨
Like I just have to get it out in one way or another: writing fic, drabbles, random rambles, making sketches or taking screenshots and rewatching their ads on YT and saving them on my laptop <33
Call me an amateur the way I adore them 💙💙
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officialpenisenvy · 10 months
i need to cut my fucking hair
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qserasera · 8 months
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SCREAMS the heroine and her husband are pUrposefully being unbearably flirty and in-love in front of the husband's brother so he'll take his wife back
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baeddoll · 1 year
I do this funny prank on myself where I associate tumblr notifications with the beloved mutuals but then also occasionally post things with a fandom tag that get 2 notes a day for all of eternity and thus get disappointed when I see them
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cutiromer0 · 2 years
What actually is this 😭😭 academia is a lie and a scam!!
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metalgeartwo1990 · 1 year
the good news is that a prof invited me to watch a cool video of mating spiders and talk through the video + paper on it. the bad news? i have to write an email back about it
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twow · 1 year
i didn't have super high hopes for the barbie movie going into complex feminism and political issues or anything considering its made by mattel but the right-wing and male reaction honestly had me really hopeful that i was wrong and that the barbie movie is trying to say something radical. and then i saw the movie and its just like. the most basic boring surface-level feminism movie ever. the most political thing they say is that women have it really rough under the patriarchy which like. yeah obviously. its also extremely nice to men like its clear that the kens turn bad not out of malice but misguidance and ryan gosling ken gets whole musical numbers and a whole arc about finding himself and getting to know ken w/o barbie. even the all-male leadership at mattel is depicted as well-meaning albeit buffoonish at times. so the fact that men and right wing audiences are claiming that the movie is anti-men or is this super radical film is just. incredibly sad to me. like even a movie this non-political with such surface-level corporate feminism is offensive to you? and even the leftists are acting like its revolutionary somehow. if your boyfriend didnt realize how bad women have it before seeing the fucking barbie movie you need to get a new boyfriend. idk. its just disappointing all around to see something as basic as "women have it rough" treated like its a revolutionary concept and it makes me genuinely despair for the future of women that the barbie movie is the most feminism some people have been exposed to. and even that little amount is too much for some people.
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bsof-maarav · 5 months
Will they ever begin to wonder why the only Jews in their circles are Jews who feel no social obligations to any specific Jewish community; Jews who lack even the most fundamental knowledge of their own history, let alone the history of Jews from other parts of the diaspora; Jews who recoil from the thought of belonging to any Jewish collective that is not just a grouping of tokens but is fundamentally Jewish in its nature; Jews whose stake in being Jewish goes no deeper than some vague "cultural" reference to humor or bagels or buffoonish stereotypes; Jews who have never demonstrated a degree of solidarity with other Jews that is remotely commensurate with the loyalty that is demanded of them on the basis of whatever their non-Jewish circle claims to value; Jews who allow themselves to be externally defined;
Jews who preemptively disavow their own culture, traditions, history, and/or country to make others comfortable with them; Jews who do their utmost to reduce the friction between their culture and everyone else's, who are quiet about any ways in which they deviate from the group norm; who are quick to say that the only value in something Jewish is as an object lesson to be universalized and used in the service of someone else's liberation...
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