#buffalo leather sole
nefesshoesguide · 9 days
Authentic Leather Shoes “Yemeni”
Leather has emerged from the beginning of human history to the present within the scope of many needs. With the discovery of people’s processing of leather, the adventure of leather began as a work of art. With the evolution of human beings, leather products have taken their place in many areas from works of art to decoration. One of the products that Show itself in the world market with leather is Yemeni. Yemeni is different from shoes, in that only leather material is used in its production. Yemeni which supports sustainable product design is produced by processing animal skin using traditional methods.
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supermaks · 2 months
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This the loudest bunch of nothing ive ever seen from a 44 ‘lifestyle capsule’ . Awful work
Usually these u can tell where designer & ambassador meet halfway and brother I don’t think they went pass ig explore pages 😑 Wearable ski luxury wid denim and tweed and neon backpacks wid ripped off foootwear elements covered in Dior branding . ((Lemme go IN on that for a sec))
I fw the maroon chunky type sneakers of this Dior capsule, clear nod to LV past beasts (ripiss) , but obvi between the buffalo vintage in glitter maroon ((right)) Im not getting no chunky blood money sneakers lmfao ‼️
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Other footwear inc in this capsule literally just Nike air max tn plus wid some smudged shit in the sole so not sure what it’s doing being sold at DIOR????
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((Left is Lewis’ capsule wid Kim jones, 2024, right is 25th anniversary of Nike air max plus)) 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Lewis spoke of sustainability as a main source of inspiration for this collab, and made a big push to source fabrics from Africa, no leather, wid Burkina Faso.
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For the life of me 🔬🔬🔬🔬🔬 I cannot c Burkina Faso/african sustainability in these looks . Not sure wht this capsule hopes to represent for the next gens of artisans in Africa, if it’s not even fucking being sourced sustainably in the 1st place. But surely a LUXURY French ready-to-wear capsule streetwear ski collection wid fleece and tweed is already representing the best of African artisans and garments wid their $60 handbags made in china. (???????????????)
Or not
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We move Lewis. We move
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t-allyitup · 8 months
i have been watching this show religiously to the point where i cannot think outside of ed edd n eddy so i wrote this in theme
aka hi my names joey, im 18 but anyways so i did a therapeutic excersize/self insert/character study/thinly veiled string of conciousness dump/fanfic excerpt/writing piece using double d from ed edd n eddy as bait [but most of it i feel is him] i don't rly know how to use tumblr that well but i like to write and i gotta get better cuz im applying to uni so hopefully someone enjoys my brain alphabet soup
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[before reading please be advised that i discuss some sensitive content, self injury & prescription medication in minor detail as well as more expansive topics like child neglect and anxiety! it's technically therapeutically driven, so if you happen to be uncomfortable with the afformentioned topics its probably not the best read for you. use caution]
i now present to you a joey joint,
joint i. alphabet soup a la ed
- beginning
edd’s earliest memories consist of him thrashing violently until he woke up shaking, huddling silently in a warm pool of sweat. his jaw would be clenched, his fragile baby teeth grinding mechanically against themselves, before he scurried into the king-sized bed his mother and father shared. his mother would murmur a soft ‘shh,’ until he fell asleep.
when double dee would wake up in the morning, he was alone in the previously occupied bed. the unoccupied space seemed to swallow him whole. the vastness and potential of such an empty space would unnerve him, and he would slowly tread back to his own bed upon the absence of his mother and father.
he also remembers noticing a label peeling on a dvd display tower at the blockbuster in his first neighborhood, and he remembers how thick, hot tears stung his face. and as he bit his lip until it bleed, attempting to force the rouge corner of the plastic label back to its assigned place, he remembers his mother tugging firmly on his wrist and leading him to the car. double dee remembers the label, and how the label would never be put back in place. he remembers how he shook and choked on stifled sobs in the back of the sedan as his mother drove home, only to squeeze his hand and rush off to work. he remembers the feeling of uncertainty upon the realization that label, which he had willed with every cell in his body to fuse properly back to the dvd tower, would now remain in a state of perpetual purgatory in his neurotic conscious.
double dee remembers when three days later, his mother returned home after a long day of work and in-and-out run to blockbuster and brought with her a documentary on polar bears. he had been crawling with excitement, polar bears being a specific interest at the time, and double dee remembers curling up with his father and mother on the rather uncomfortable leather sofa in the mechanical glory of his middle-class living room. he remembers how he hadn't even cared that the sofa was uncomfortable and much too firm, or that his mother had gotten garlic parmesan pretzel crisps when he had reminded her more times than he deemed worth counting that he only liked the spicy buffalo and original.
the television murmured on low about the specific travel patterns of polar bears, and the grainy blue light of the documentary had flickered against his face for nearly 40 minutes. for 40 minutes, double dee’s brain had been able to focus on the deteriorating climate’s affect on the polar bear’s migration and environmental habits. his mother had smoothed his hair with her cold, slender fingers, once in awhile twisting gently on a dark curl. she had regarded him with a twinkling smile, glasses perched squarely on her beautiful hooked nose, and he could feel his father tug him closer. 40 minutes of his life that had belonged solely to the three of them, before an emergency meeting regarding the pharmaceutical board had demolished it. the polar bears, needless to say, were inevitably paused.
double dee still remembers the feeling of his realization that he will never know what had become of the polar bears in the documentary, and he remembers the arresting feeling that engulfed him like an ice cube being dropped down his back.
he had walked by himself to the blockbuster three days later to return the suspended polar bear documentary.
they moved to peach creek less than three weeks later, where edd was to begin school. school had then, in its true fashion of providing education and possibility, become double dee’s absolute favourite thing. the passion for learning had become apparent after only weeks of his first year in elementary school, and so had his strange anxieties about labels, organization, contamination, and the idea that certain questions simply did not have direct or proven answers.
after a particularly low moment when double dee was halfway through the year of 4th grade, his anxiety had caused him to forget how to breathe. with his shyness and fear of burdening others with his ailments leading to him fainting from lack of oxygen due to hyperventilation, he was taken to see a shrink.
and ever since his first meeting with a shrink at the impressionable and mildly concerning age of nine, double dee had seen doctors, psychiatrists, recreational club directors, youth rabbis, life coaches, tutors, and nearly every professional that could be remotely helpful in a case of mild child neglect thinly veiled as ‘stress.’ and every single time, they had all said the same thing as a way of labeling this unfortunate circumstance. double dee was obsessive-compulsive, anxious, showing slight evidence of child neglect and home life instability, and was chronically awarded with the dreaded vague observation that he seemed to be “self-destructive, self-sustaining, and self-critical.”
“eddward seems to be experiencing textbook symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder,” each ludicrously expensive professional would repeat, offering a sympathetic glance and knitted eyebrows in the direction of his mother while they stirred a chilled latte in their other hand. “these symptoms seem to become exacerbated by instability in everyday life, lack of availability from and/or existence of a support system, and loss of control.”
so what could be done?
“it's encouraged that quality time with a support system and self-esteem building activities be introduced,” they would say. “however, based on my professional observation, i can stress that availability, active interest, and consistent presence in eddward’s day-to-day life would likely be quite healing for his array of anxieties.”
his mother would clutch his hand, gently squeezing his palm and observing his raw nails as she explained the situation to whatever professional was on the receiving end.
‘it is only possible for us to offer eddward the help he deserves if we have a suitable source of income to provide it,’ his mother would say, ‘jobs in medicine are demanding and although we would much rather spend all our days doting on our son, eddward’s father and i manage a network of medical centers that are counting on us. eddward himself is counting on us to have a home to return to and financial security in relation to his health.’
double dee would nod at the professional, resting his head against his mothers side in solidarity of her statement, and would often be sent away with a hastily scribbled note on a yellow prescription pad that would be exchanged for a tiny orange tube of capsules that had been deemed ‘genetically effective’ for his hypersensitive brain.
he would walk in tandem with the click of his mother’s heels to the lot of the building, awaiting patiently for whatever prestigious new suv his mother had sacrificed her time off for sneaking into view. after his mother would tip the valet worker, and once double dee was strapped comfortably to the expensive leather, he would let the impending doom of awaiting 9 more mind-numbing months of some type of oxone or iazine or some other pharmaceutical sink in. he accepted with shrinking resistance as the cycle would drag him through his first, second, fifth, or seventh inevitable episode of being cannibalized by his own thoughts, his life itself a question with no answer.
and he knows, he knows that his parents care for him deeply and he is very privileged to have access to professional help. he understands that as far as teenagers who experience traumatic, stressful, or generally highly-emotional events go, he is extremely gifted and generally stable. he understands that his anxiety isn't all bad, and he recognizes that he gets emotional at times, and he does let these more emotional moments drive his anger more often than not, but in all honesty… while ‘child neglect’ may be a harsh word for the relationship between his parents and himself, double dee did feel worse after staying home alone for 3 days at a time and going for 9 months without a family dinner or conversation that was not recorded on a post-it note.
what double dee was certain people failed to understand about him, or even inquire about for that matter, was the fact that double dee wasn't bothered by the simple misalignment of an object or the visual discomfort said object may cause. it wasn't the anxiety of being ignorant or an isolated variable outside of a hypothetical range of decent capacity, either. no, double dee was actually fearful of the fact that by all laws of physics, for as long as he remained aware of such things that had gone unchanged since his last encounter with them, he would live in a suffocating loss of meaning. be that a torn plastic label on a blockbuster dvd tower that was his self-imposed duty to fix or a one-of-a-kind moment where his parents had been undoubtedly present and had opened the opportunity to fully connect, double dee would remain unresolved and neglected from the collective consciousness of a potential memory. the peeling sticker was misaligned, yes, but in reality… in reality, double dee was thinking about the fact that the sticker’s purpose was to fulfill its duty as a label for the selection of dvds, and by extension, it was his purpose in the moment to assist the label in its battle with clinging to the tower. it was never about the label. it was never about that. it was about the principle that living with the knowledge that he had neglected to correct the little fluke of the peeling label had robbed him of a memory. a memory, to his own horror, that he had cursed himself with by failing to fulfill his purpose. he was so sure that if he had just put the slightest bit more effort into salvaging that label, that he would have fulfilled a purpose. he wouldn't feel so isolated, so empty, so numb, if he could only fulfill a purpose.
it was what had double dee tearing his hair out in fistfuls, only to shield it with his beanie, and bashing his head into cabinets of his empty house located around the cul-de-sac of peach creek. his raw nailbeds and black and yellow bruises at various stages of healing had turned his body into a shrine of his own inadequacy. the stress of the deafening, profound emptiness held enough reign over his nervous system that it had rearranged the chemical functioning of his brain.
in fact, if double dee were not so gloriously exhausted by the result of the operation, he might have been impressed with such biochemistry of doom.
instead, the cunning mockery of it had just turned him grumpy.
- e(n)d
i hope that was decent
[characters don't belong to me obviously duh this is fan made hehe i just feel super grateful for this show and its unnerving ability to draw complex content out of me]
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ecstacymeloncoly · 2 months
The famous lesbian master doc
Summery: in 2018 author Angeli Luz would post on her now deactivated account at the age of 15 a Google doc of roughly 30 pages unpacking her personal experience and the common consensus of others people experience around lesbianism.
What it's not: the lesbian master doc isn't a one stop pit stop or sole understanding of what being a lesbian is. It's sources are other tumber blogs and others people's experiences from 2018. Like most papers, it's very dated due to the ever evolving understanding and meaning of what a lesbian is. It truly was a product of it's time.
Context: in 2018, the big mainstream understanding of what a lesbian means was a woman who loves a woman, for a lesbian was defined as "a woman who is sexually or romantically attracted to other women", esbian. (2024). In Merriam-Webster Dictionary. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/lesbian
But the epidemic of queer people not knowing queer history or having the resources to seek such information was and still is common to this day. For the 1990's had a less cut throat definitions of what is a lesbian.
"Nonpolitical definitions included four subgroups; those who defined lesbianism as sex/love with women, lesbianism as a true essence, just happening to love a woman and lesbianism as only one small aspect of the person..", Eliason, M.J., Morgan, K.S. Lesbians Define Themselves: Diversity in Lesbian Identification. International J ournal of Sexuality and Gender Studies 3, 47–63 (1998). https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1026204208243
Books such as
"Lesbianism and the Women's Movement" by Nancy Myron & Charlotte Bunch published in 1975 examins Lesbian identity and its linkages with feminist philosophy.
"The Gendered Society" by Michael Kimmel published in 2000s provides a comprehensive examination of gender, incorporating lesbian viewpoints into the larger conversation about gender and sexuality.
"Boots of Leather, Slippers of Gold: The History of a Lesbian Community" by Elizabeth Lapovsky Kennedy and Madeline D. Davis published in 1992 examines the experiences and lives of lesbian women in Buffalo, New York, between the 1930s and the 1980s. The book offers an in-depth analysis of lesbian activism, social networks, and communal life, providing insightful information about the struggles and triumphs faced by lesbian communities throughout many years.
"Sapphistries: A Global History of Love between Women" by Joan Nestle published in 2002 is the examination of lesbian relationships and love in various historical eras and civilizations. broad examination of the ways in which women have shown their love for one another throughout history, questioning established myths and offering a viewpoint on lesbian experiences from a worldwide perspective. In Nestle's work, historical analysis and first-hand accounts are combined.
Have existed but been hidden away due to the refusal to teach queer history and make it widely known to the massive. <had I not taken that lesbian course in college I wouldn't have known the existence of these books>
Too a certain degree these definitions and ideas from 1999s still hold up to today's understanding of what a lesbian is. Had we had these types of information readily available it wouldn't have taken as long to reach today's current understanding.
Mainly the growing understanding of the difference in Gender identity and Sexuality. How a nonbinary could be a lesbian. <had you told 13yrd me that back in 2018 my head would have exploded for I thought I couldn't be both nonbinary and a lesbian>
Misinformation & credit able sources: it a given when writing an essay and papers one must cite its sources and understanding what type of source is being cited. The lesbian master doc cites fellow tumber blogs which is considered "unreliable scholarly sources because many are strongly opinionated and can lack the professionalism expected in a scholarly source", Paperpile. (n.d.). Can a blog be a credible source? [Update 2024]. https://paperpile.com/g/blog-credible-source/#:~:text=Frequently%20Asked%20Questions%20about%20blogs%20as%20unreliable%20sources,-%F0%9F%99%86%E2%80%8D%E2%99%82%EF%B8%8F&text=In%20general%2C%20blogs%20are%20considered,expected%20in%20a%20scholarly%20source.
The lesbian master doc isn't a scholarly document but rather a document of Anecdotal evidence which is defined as information based on personal experience or observation that is collected in a casual or non-systematic manner.
Misconception: many people claim the author of the lesbian master doc later came out as a bisexual as a way to "discredit" it. I've done my diligence in finding any information about this. I've learned 2 things, Angeli Luz is a hard person to find any information about and the only information about her is from a 2020 vice interview.
"Luz, now 21, told VICE via email that the “Am I a Lesbian?” document emerged from her own journey of self-discovery. “I realized I loved women when I was a teenager, but I never quite knew if my attraction for men was real or a social construct I took in as a facet of my identity,” she said", King-Miller, L. (2020, June 25). How Tumblr’s “Am I a Lesbian?” Google Doc became internet canon. VICE. https://www.vice.com/en/article/5dzd3k/am-i-a-lesbian-tumblr-google-doc-internet-canon
Public information about the creator of the lesbian master doc, Angeli Luz is close to nonexistent. There's no definitive statement from her as of 2024 saying she's a bisexual or a lesbian.
Conclusion: The lesbian master doc is an impressive document composed by a 15yrd Angeli Luz that has served as a helpful tool for self-reflection for many people. The purpose of this document was to never be a set rule of only one right experience for everyone but a personal reflection that hoped to aid others on their own personal journey. Everything is always subjective to change for time is ever forthcoming. No one has all the answers and our understanding of things is ever evolving. One thing is for sure, may Angeli Luz be living her best life.
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tlaquetzqui · 2 years
Arguments about fantasy races being “coded” as real-world ethnicities would be easier to take seriously if the people making those arguments knew a damn thing about real-world ethnicities or fantasy races.
The obvious one being “orcs are black people”. Africa of course being known for its mounted archers with single-edged swords, straight black hair, and shamanic religion. Yep. Totally Africa. Or orcs being known for close-order light infantry armed with spears and elongated-oval shields covered in leather, using the ‘buffalo horn’ formation. Yes that is the iconic tactic that orcs use, in most depictions.
Probably second stupidest is “goblins are Jews”. Ah yes that stereotype of the Jews living in termite-like cave networks, being accomplished in few arts but the construction of booby-traps, and knowing no tactics but mobbing enemies. Or the standard fantasy depiction of goblins as blending into non-goblin societies and cultivating international influence which they use solely to protect their own interests. That’s totally a thing.
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atlararepairmonth · 1 year
Innocent Blood
La/Yue for Monsters and Myths prompt, Week 3
Rated E - Rape/NonCon, Human Sacrifice, Non-Consensual Bondage, Aphrodisiacs, Oviposition, Forced Pregnancy, Forced Orgasm, Multiple Orgasms, Cunnilingus, Monster Fucking, Porn With Plot, Angst and Porn
"Less than a moon ago, a ship left Agna Qel'a to hunt for whales. It followed the migration paths the pods follow, but found nothing. So it sailed further, into stranger waters, unwilling to return empty handed. And there they found something they never should have dared. A baby leviathan, separated from its mother by volcanic upwelling."
Yue stared at the spirit in horror, already fearing where this was going. Leviathans were sacred to La, his first children that dwelled in the deepest abyss alongside him, where the waters of the mortal world and spirit world mixed. "They speared it, dragging it onto the ship to butcher. It screamed for its mother as it died, it screamed for me."
Tears built in Yue's eyes as she realised the sheer weight of the crime before her. Her people had hunted, caught and killed one of La's sacred creatures, then butchered it for parts like it was a common buffalo yak. And La had caught them in the act. "A life for a life."
Read More on Ao3
The rocks jutted out of the sea, the remnants of some great formation that had slowly been eroded over the centuries by the crashing of the waves. Her people knew this place as La's Teeth, a treacherous span of water that threatened even the most cautious of sailors. But it wasn't the ship-breaking reefs that normally urged their sails away from this place. No, it was the largest rock in the formation that made the crew turn their faces away, as if staring at the shackles staked into the rock would compel them to take Yue's place. 
Huddled at the bow of the ship, wishing her furs were just a little thicker to ward off the bite of the wind and sea spray, Yue watched the chains rattle against the rocks and wondered how long it would take her to die out here. The tide was only starting to come in, it would take a good 6 hours for the water to swell over her head and drown her. To freeze would probably only take a fraction of the time, less than an hour at most. The stone and ice would leech the warmth from her flesh until she would finally fall asleep and never wake up.
The boat shuddered as it slowly ground to a halt besides the rock, the wood creaking below her boots as Yue turned to disembark. One of the sailors was waiting for her, offering her a hand to climb up onto the rock with a soft, "Princess." The stone was damp beneath the soles of her seal-skin boots, slippery with algae and threatening to pitch her into the sea with every step. The chains were even more daunting up close, heavy wrought iron shackles with little give. Swallowing, Yue turned carefully to press her back against the freezing rock, lifting her hands so the sailor could lock them into place.
The shackles closed with a quiet click that somehow still managed to echo over the waves. A sharp flick of the sailor's hand had a tendril of water swirling up from the sea to curl around the shackles before freezing, locking them shut until the sea itself rose to melt them and release her body to its sea burial. Having checked that the water had frozen the metal shut, the man finally shifted away with an uneasy look in his eyes. Unable to meet her eyes, he reached into his parka to remove a worn leather waterskin, uncorking the top to offer it to her. "The priests made this for you, Princess. So it wouldn't hurt."
It tasted sweet and slightly smoky, and burned the whole way down as Yue swallowed it. If it was alcohol, it was none she had ever tasted before. Yue supposed it didn't matter what it was, as long as it worked. Having stayed barely long enough to watch her drink it, the sailor was already scurrying down the rocks back to the ship. Yue wondered if it was meant to be a kindness that she didn't recognise the faces of any of the men who had carried her here.
Letting her head fall back against the rock, Yue's eyes drifted up from star to star, tracing her favourite constellations as she tried to block out the sounds of the ship pushing off and turning away. She didn't want to watch them leave, she couldn't. Otherwise, she would start screaming and never stop. Pleas for them to come back, curses that they were all cowards, questions if anybody in the city had even tried to fight for her, or if they had just accepted that she was to be plated up as a sacrifice for somebody else's mistakes.  
The waves were quiet as they lapped at the base of the rock, a gentle lullaby that let Yue's mind drift as she tried to settle in place. The cold was beginning to seep in between her layers of fur, a chill that nipped at the exposed skin on her face. It would only get worse from here on, so the only thing Yue could do was hope that the alcohol would begin to kick in soon.
A flash of blue among the waves drew her eyes, peering into the water to try and figure out what it was that she saw. The same soft glow darted up and out further off to her left, this time tinged with drops of purple. In and out of the waves, hidden by the lack of moonlight and the water rushing over it, only able to be tracked by the quick bursts of colours as it broke the surface. Whatever it was, it took a few minutes for Yue to catch on that not only was it slowly circling the rock that she was chained to, but that it was also growing closer.
Yue did not agree to getting eaten by a sea monster.
Freezing in place, praying that if she held very still and didn't make any noise, whatever was in the water would eventually lose interest and swim away, Yue swallowed as the light kept creeping closer. And closer. And closer. Until finally it breached the surface and clawed its way onto the rocks to stand before her. It was like staring at a person through a thick sheet of ice. The more one looked at it, the more it seemed to warp before your eyes into nothing human. 
Instead of hair, bioluminescent tendrils coiled over its shoulder and down its back, casting a blue and purple glow over its face. Its face was sharp, eyes a pitch black with no whites to be seen and teeth a row of razor sharp points. Its skin was a deep brown with grey undertones, stretched like a fine leather over bone and edged with silver scales. Its fingers ended in claws, with webbing between the digits. The most dramatic thing was its lack of legs, instead joining an eel-like tail below the waist. Bioluminescent fins edged along the tail, throwing the play of muscles into sharp relief.
The shiver that raced down her spine as it bared its teeth at her in what could almost be called a mockery of a smile was 2 parts fear, 1 part sheer cold. Her jaw was locked tight, biting back the deluge that threatened to spill out of her. Whatever expression that crossed its face only seemed to amuse it, coiling closer to close the distance between them. "Hello Princess." It's voice seemed to be dragged out of it in a rumble, like ice crunching underfoot and glaciers grinding against another. "You seem afraid. Did they not tell you why they bound you before my domain?"
The sea rose with each flex of its tail, reaching after it like they could not bear to be parted. What little dry land left to her was very quickly lost, until water lapped at the edges of her boots. For now, the waterproofing held but it would only be a matter of time if the water level continued to rise. Fighting off another shiver from the chill and the proximity of the spirit in front of her, Yue unclenched her jaw long enough to answer without clattering. "The fish stopped coming. No matter how far we sailed, our nets remained empty. No trace of fin or scale to be found. The priests said that we had shed innocent blood, and La demanded blood in turn. A life for a life."
When Father had first come to her about it, Yue had so many questions. What innocent blood, who has shed it? Why was it her life that was being demanded in repayment? Father hadn't had any of the answers she had sought, only broken words about this being what her people needed and that there was a ship waiting for her down in the harbour. Her response didn't seem to please the spirit, baring its teeth slightly as it drew back. A claw struck out to dig into its own palm, shedding black blood that dripped over its fingers. Ignoring how Yue tried to pull away from it, it pressed its palm forward to smear the blood across her forehead, only pulling back once it was satisfied. "So you do not freeze before we are finished."
The blood seemed to do what the spirit claimed, flooding her body with warmth and causing her face, fingers and toes to tingle. It was like climbing into a warm bath after being out in the snow for hours. Apparently satisfied that she wasn't going to turn to ice any time soon the spirit returned to studying her, a claw reaching out to toy with the buttons holding her fur daal closed tight against her body. "Less than a moon ago, a ship left Agna Qel'a to hunt for whales. It followed the migration paths the pods follow, but found nothing. So it sailed further, into stranger waters, unwilling to return empty handed. And there they found something they never should have dared. A baby leviathan, separated from its mother by volcanic upwelling."
Yue stared at the spirit in horror, already fearing where this was going. Leviathans were sacred to La, his first children that dwelled in the deepest abyss alongside him, where the waters of the mortal world and spirit world mixed. "They speared it, dragging it onto the ship to butcher. It screamed for its mother as it died, it screamed for me. "
Tears built in Yue's eyes as she realised the sheer weight of the crime before her. Her people had hunted, caught and killed one of La's sacred creatures, then butchered it for parts like it was a common buffalo yak. And La had caught them in the act. "A life for a life." No wonder he had demanded blood in repayment. Part of her was surprised he hadn't just drowned them all instead. Maybe he intended to butcher her, the child of the city's chief, though she was long since grown and now an adult in her people's eyes.
Tangled thoughts of blood fled her mind as the claw finally stopped playing with the buttons holding her daal shut, only to pluck it free and drag the cloth open, bearing her undershirt to the elements. "What are you doing?!" La ignored her cry of surprise as claws tore at her shirt, rending it to scraps before focusing on the breast band beneath, not stopping until she was clad in only her open daal and bare skin above the waist. “Stop!”
La's claws paused above the belt of her pants, teasing at the warm skin before reaching up to press his palm against the dark expanse of her abdomen. His thumb petted along the silky skin as he bent his head down until they were eye to eye, a cruel twist pulling at the edges of his smile. "You said it yourself, Princess. A life for a life. Your people stole a baby leviathan from me, so you are going to help birth a new one." Yue's breath caught as his meaning sank in, protests spilling from her lips as his other hand curled up to cup the generous weight of her breasts. A clawed finger plucked and pulled at her nipple as he continued to talk, switching from side to side as they tightened. "Can you feel it yet, the drink my priests brewed for you?"
The warmth that had been pooling in her veins, that she had brushed off as La's mark to keep the frost at bay, seemed to ignite as soon as he drew attention to it, embers catching wherever he touched. A bonfire in her bones, that burned down to the space between her legs, climbing and climbing with each beat of her heart. "What did they do to me?" Part of her didn't even need an answer. Yue could feel the wetness soaking into her underwear, a need to grind her core against anything until the friction relieved the pressure building inside her. They knew. They knew what was in store for her, and this is how they chose to answer it. A drink that drove her mad with lust, so it wouldn't hurt. 
Yue choked on a sob as La nuzzled along her neck, claws leaving the skin above her womb to pull at her belt until he could drag down her pants and underwear in one smoothe tug, leaving the fabric to pool around her ankles. With a final kiss to her pulse point, he swept down her body like a wave, both hands dropping to curl around her thighs and lift until her legs were resting over his shoulders. His tongue felt like a weapon, leaving lashes everywhere it went. Thrusting into her hole to taste her, curling around her clit to play with, leaving her screaming and weeping as La drove her to the brink over and over, yet refused to let her fall. Her slick covered the lower half of his face by the time he finally pulled away, licking at his lips like he had finished the most lavish feast.
La lifted himself so Yue's legs were now locked behind his back by her pants, taking a moment to once again enjoy the spill of Yue's breasts. But not even the groping and squeezing at her chest could distract from the length slowly pushing out from the slit just below La's waist. Hundreds of tiny squirmy feelers surrounded what could only be an ovipositor, a narrow dark pink tip edged in a deep red as it grew larger towards the base. It was easily the size of her forearm, and there was no way it was capable of fitting inside her, not when the only things she had ever taken were her own fingers and La's tongue.
He hushed her as the tip pressed against her entrance, slowly rocking forward as he worked her open. It barely took a few thrusts before Yue broke around him, core pulsing as she tipped over the edge into orgasm. It was a flood of heat, everything she needed yet not nearly enough. The squirm of tendrils inside her and the unstopping press of flesh into her dragged it on and on, melting her mind until all she could do was pant and clench around him.  Until finally, after an eternity, La was fully inside her. 
And then he slowly began to drag himself back out.
In and out, as relentless as the tides itself. In and out, as Yue screamed herself raw from the waves of endless pleasure, every nerve twisted and wired to his touch as La fucked himself into her. One clawed finger pressed against her clit, teasing and toying with the nub as the other hand played with her nipples in tandem. It was like it was a game, to see how many times La could bring her to peak around him, then drag her over the edge. Until pleasure bled into pain, then back to pleasure. A swirl of sensations Yue couldn’t even hope to fight. 
She lost herself and all track of time as he took what he wanted from her, bodies rocking together until La finally ground to a halt with a curse. His flesh rippled and bulged inside her, swelling even further around the base until they were locked together. Tears, sweat, and sea water dripped down Yue's face as she collapsed back against the rock, with only La's body and the chains to hold her up. Her body ached, every muscle wrung raw with the need for rest. Yet somehow, it wasn't over yet. She felt the weight inside her twitch, working her even further open to make space for the eggs.
And it was more than one egg. Yue lost count of each egg as it was fucked into her, drifting on the waves of pleasure that built up to what she could only pray was her last orgasm. She couldn't take anymore. It hurt, a sharp bite as she clenched and squirmed in a weak effort to get away. La just shushed her as she cried, pressing her back against the stone to rut lazily into her. "You won't have to birth all of these, princess. They'll eat their siblings until only the strongest remains. You'll just have the one baby, despite how fat you'll grow. Shhh, it's all right. One last egg, you can take it."
She couldn't. La's claws teased at the opening where they were joined, pinching and flicking the swollen flesh as she cried. Her breasts felt raw with bruises, every brush against them a burst of pain. The orgasm was a knot deep inside her, like a ball of broken glass that would cut her to pieces. The egg stretching her to join its fellows inside her packed womb was the largest, bullying open her walls and grinding against the sweet little spot inside her. Every breath felt shallow, like there was less and less space inside her, like La had carved her out just to pack her full of young. She could taste it at the back of her throat, sweet and slightly smokey and burning all the way down. It was a blessing when the egg finally settled deep inside her, and the waves of need finally broke against the shore and forced her down into unconsciousness. 
Her last conscious thought came, fleeting, and bewildered as a wet heat started to gush inside of her, spilling in between the eggs and filling every last tiny crevice that remained. As if La hasn't claimed enough of her, he took every ounce he could get to breed his brood inside of her.
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micro-expressions · 11 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: $379 Frye Harlow Campus Black Genuine Leather Zip Up Casual/Formal Ankle Bootie.
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lampladi · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Buffalo Chunky Buckle Sandals.
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groundz21 · 3 months
Why Groundz Men's Leather Sandals Are Perfect for You
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Are you searching for the perfect blend of style, comfort, and durability in your footwear? Look no further than Groundz Men's Leather Gravel Sandals. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail and using natural materials, these sandals are more than just shoes—they're a statement of quality and a commitment to comfort. Whether you're exploring the outdoors, traveling, or simply enjoying a casual day out, here’s why Groundz Men's Leather Gravel Sandals are the ideal choice for you.
Craftsmanship and Quality Materials
At Groundz, every pair of sandals is handmade with premium materials. The use of vegetable-tanned leather throughout ensures not only durability but also a unique, natural aesthetic that only improves with time. The sandals are fully lined with soft natural goat skin, offering a luxurious feel against your skin while maintaining breathability, perfect for warmer weather.
The insole and outsole crafted from water buffalo leather not only contribute to the sandals’ durability but also provide a sturdy foundation for your feet. This thoughtful construction ensures that each step is supported, whether you're strolling through city streets or tackling light hiking trails.
Barefoot Design for Natural Comfort
One of the standout features of  Men's Leather Gravel Sandals is their barefoot design. With a wide, natural-shaped toe box and a zero-drop sole, these sandals promote a natural gait and steady stride. This design not only enhances stability but also supports your feet in their natural alignment, reducing the strain often associated with traditional footwear.
The addition of an ankle strap further enhances stability, making these sandals suitable for various activities including light hikes and extended walks. The minimal natural cushioning adds comfort without compromising the barefoot feel, ensuring you feel connected to the ground beneath your feet.
Versatility for Every Occasion
Versatility is key when choosing footwear, and Groundz Men's Leather Gravel Sandals excel in this area. Lightweight and breathable, they are ideal for travel, allowing your feet to stay cool and comfortable even in warmer climates. Their understated yet elegant design transitions seamlessly from outdoor adventures to casual outings, making them a versatile addition to your wardrobe.
Whether paired with shorts and a t-shirt for a relaxed day out or worn with casual trousers for a more polished look, these sandals complement a variety of styles and outfits. Their natural appeal and craftsmanship make them a go-to choice for those who appreciate both fashion and function.
Grounding and Earthing Benefits
In today’s fast-paced world, reconnecting with nature is more important than ever. Groundz Men's Leather Gravel Sandals facilitate this connection through their grounding and earthing benefits. The 100% copper rivet conductor embedded in the sandals allows you to stay grounded, promoting a sense of well-being and balance.
Whether you're walking on grass, sand, or earth, these sandals enable you to absorb the Earth’s energy, providing a refreshing and rejuvenating experience. This unique feature sets Groundz apart, offering not just footwear but an opportunity to enhance your overall sense of wellness.
Durable Construction for Longevity
Investing in footwear that lasts is a smart choice, and Groundz Men's Leather Gravel Sandals are built to stand the test of time. The combination of premium materials and durable construction ensures that these sandals remain a staple in your wardrobe for years to come. From the natural rubber outsole providing excellent traction to the reinforced stitching that enhances durability, every aspect of these sandals is designed with longevity in mind.
Whether you're navigating rocky terrain or exploring urban landscapes, you can rely on Groundz Men's Leather Gravel Sandals to provide comfort, stability, and resilience.
Customer Satisfaction and Reviews
Don’t just take our word for it—our customers rave about Groundz Men's Leather Gravel Sandals. From outdoor enthusiasts to everyday wearers, people appreciate the comfort, style, and performance these sandals deliver. Here’s what some of our satisfied customers have to say:
"I've been wearing Groundz sandals for years, and they never disappoint. The quality of the leather and the comfort they provide are unmatched." - Mark, avid hiker.
"As someone who travels frequently, I rely on comfortable and versatile footwear. Groundz sandals are my go-to—they're stylish enough for city exploration and rugged enough for off-the-beaten-path adventures." - Sarah, travel blogger.
Groundz Men's Leather Gravel Sandals are more than just shoes—they’re a testament to craftsmanship, quality, and a commitment to natural living. Whether you're looking for footwear that supports your active lifestyle or simply want comfortable sandals for everyday wear, these sandals tick all the boxes.
With their barefoot design, premium materials, and versatile appeal, Groundz Men's Leather Gravel Sandals offer a blend of style and functionality that is hard to beat. Explore the world with confidence, knowing your feet are supported by footwear that cares about your comfort and well-being.
Ready to experience the difference? Visit Groundz or authorized retailers to discover why Groundz Men's Leather Gravel Sandals are perfect for you. Embrace comfort, embrace quality—embrace Groundz.
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nefesshoesguide · 9 days
Barefoot shoes are where quality is primarily found
Each shoe has some distinctive characteristics. While some shoes have a lace-up option, other shoes market their non-laced options to potential customers. Women's shoes need to be much more appealing and appealing. because fashion depends heavily on women.
Men's shoes tend to be a little more traditional. However, men and women share a similar passion: Being in ease shoes. We want you to experience barefoot shoes that come in first for comfortable foo
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drbubbleeye · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Justin Boots SEVANA TAN Brown/Turquoise Size 11 B Cowboy Cowgirl Western.
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coralhaze1 · 5 months
Fancy Kolhapuri Chappal for Ladies: A Blend of Tradition and Elegance
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Kolhapuri Chappals, with their rustic charm and timeless appeal, have been an integral part of Indian footwear culture for centuries. While they were originally crafted for men, the evolution of fashion has seamlessly incorporated them into women’s wardrobes, where they now stand as a symbol of style and tradition. Let’s delve deeper into the world of fancy Kolhapuri chappals for ladies, exploring their origins, craftsmanship, popularity, and much more.
History and Origin
Originating from Kolhapur, a historic city in Maharashtra, India, Kolhapuri chappals have a rich heritage dating back to the 13th century. Initially worn by farmers and shepherds for their robustness and comfort, these chappals gradually gained popularity beyond rural areas, becoming a staple in urban fashion.
Design and Craftsmanship
Traditional Styles
Traditional Kolhapuri chappals are characterized by their handcrafted leather straps intricately woven into the sole. They often feature intricate punch work or embroidery, showcasing the skill and craftsmanship of local artisans.
Modern Variations
While traditional designs remain popular, modern variations of Kolhapuri chappals incorporate contemporary elements such as vibrant colors, embellishments like beads and sequins, and innovative silhouettes. These adaptations have expanded the appeal of Kolhapuri chappals, making them suitable for various occasions.
Materials Used
Kolhapuri chappals are primarily crafted from high-quality leather sourced locally. Different types of leather, including buffalo, goat, or camel, are used based on factors such as durability and texture. Additionally, artisans may incorporate decorative elements like mirrors, shells, or thread work to enhance the aesthetic appeal.
Popularity Among Women
Comfort and Durability
One of the key reasons for the popularity of Kolhapuri chappals among women is their exceptional comfort and durability. The soft leather construction molds to the shape of the foot over time, providing a personalized fit and ensuring long-lasting wear.
Fashion Statement
Beyond their practical benefits, Kolhapuri chappals have emerged as a fashion statement among women. Their rustic charm adds a unique touch to both casual and ethnic ensembles, effortlessly elevating the overall look.
Maintenance Tips
Cleaning and Care
To maintain the beauty of Kolhapuri chappals, regularly clean them with a soft brush or damp cloth to remove dirt and dust. Avoid exposing them to harsh sunlight or moisture, as it can damage the leather. Applying a leather conditioner periodically can help preserve their suppleness and shine.
Storage Suggestions
When not in use, store Kolhapuri chappals in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to prevent discoloration or deformation. Avoid stacking them on top of each other to maintain their shape and integrity.
Versatility in Styling
Casual Wear
For a relaxed yet stylish look, pair Kolhapuri chappals with jeans, shorts, or flowy skirts. Their effortless charm adds a bohemian touch to casual outfits, making them perfect for everyday wear.
Ethnic Attire
Kolhapuri chappals complement ethnic attire such as sarees, salwar suits, or kurtas, adding a traditional flair to the ensemble. Whether attending a wedding or festival, these chappals make a statement while ensuring comfort throughout the day.
Celebrities and Influencers’ Endorsement
With their timeless appeal and versatility, Kolhapuri chappals have garnered attention from celebrities and influencers worldwide. From Bollywood stars to fashion icons, many have been spotted sporting these chappals, further amplifying their popularity and influence in the fashion industry.
Sustainable Fashion Aspect
In an era where sustainability is paramount, Kolhapuri chappals stand out as a sustainable fashion choice. Handcrafted using locally sourced materials and traditional techniques, they promote ethical production practices while preserving age-old craftsmanship.
Cultural Significance
Beyond their fashion appeal, Kolhapuri chappals hold significant cultural value, symbolizing the heritage and craftsmanship of the region. They serve as a reminder of India’s rich cultural tapestry and the artistry passed down through generations of artisans.
Global Appeal
While rooted in Indian tradition, Kolhapuri chappals have transcended borders, gaining admirers worldwide. Their fusion of style, comfort, and craftsmanship has made them a coveted fashion accessory in international markets, showcasing the global appeal of Indian artisanal footwear.
Where to Purchase
Coral Haze is one of the biggest women’s fashion footwear brands in India with a huge collection of fancy kolhapuri chappals for ladies. You can visit our website and explore your style.
Fancy Kolhapuri chappals for ladies seamlessly blend tradition with elegance, offering a versatile footwear option that transcends trends. From their rich heritage to their timeless appeal, these chappals continue to captivate fashion enthusiasts worldwide, serving as a testament to the enduring craftsmanship of Indian artisans. If you want to know about more for footwears or buy footwears so visit here Coralhaze
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twowk · 7 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Native American Handmade Buffalo & Sheepskin Moccasins.
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ACME Agile safety shoe for Men | Acme Safety Shop
Acme Agile safety shoe, Black, CE, & ISI certified Sole Resistant to oil, chemicals, & fuel. Apollo Grain Buffalo Leather with water-repellent properties.
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passion4slowfashion · 10 months
Exploring the Artistry of Leather: A Journey Through Types and Handicrafts
Leather, with its timeless appeal and versatility, has been a canvas for human creativity across cultures. In this blog, we delve into the diverse types of leather and the rich world of famous leather handicrafts, uncovering the artistic tapestry woven by skilled artisans.
Types of Leather:
Sindhi Mojari (or simply Mojari) is a type of handcrafted footwear produced in the Indian subcontinent. They are traditionally made by artisans mostly using tanned leather. The uppers are made of one piece of leather or textile embroidered and embellished with brass nails, cowry shells, mirrors, bells and ceramic beads. The bonding from the upper to the sole is done by cotton thread that is eco-friendly and enmeshes the leather fibers to strengthen the bonds. Some product range also uses bright and ornate threads.
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leather for making these bags are commonly sourced from various animal skins, including cowhide, buffalo hide, goat, sheep.In India, leather handbags are crafted using traditional methods and skilled craftsmanship, often using high-quality leather sourced locally or imported. Leather handbags are bags made primarily from leather, crafted to carry personal items like wallets, keys, and other essentials. They come in various styles, sizes, and designs, often prized for their durability and classic aesthetic.
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A beautiful 'Thomu Bommalata' Andhra Leather Lamp Shade. The raw materials used are Goat hide and sheepskin and the colours used are derived from vegetables dyes. Creating small holes inside the decorative patterns enhances the attraction of the items, which is done using a pogaru (chisel). The painted piece is dried in sunlight over two to three days. Hindu epics like Ramayana and Mahabharata inspire artisans to create these beautiful items in a wide range of shapes, sizes and utility varying from paintings to lamp shades .
The Peshawari chappal is a traditional type of footwear of Pashtuns, worn especially by Pashtuns in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa region. The shoe takes its name from the city of Peshawar,[1] where it originates. While chappal is the word for flip-flops or sandals in Urdu, locals in Peshawar call the Peshawari
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Where to Find these Leather Marvels in India:
Mojari Mystique - Indian Subcontinent:
Widely crafted in various regions of India, Mojari can be found in local markets, offering an authentic experience of this traditional footwear.
Leather Bags Extravaganza - Across India:
Skilled artisans in cities like Kolkata, Jaipur, and Chennai craft leather bags. Vibrant bazaars and marketplaces showcase a myriad of designs.
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handwashonlyco · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Sorel | Buffalo Faux Fur Trim Steel Shank Winter Boots Size 11.
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