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diarioelpepazo · 1 year ago
Con este centro de salud se busca optimizar el servicio a más de 850 familias del sector [caption id="attachment_99813" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Foto Prensa Autoridad Única de Salud[/caption] Tras la solicitud de la comunidad a través de la VenApp del 1x10 del Buen Gobierno, las Brigadas Comunitarias Militares (Bricomiles) rehabilitan el Consultorio Médico Popular Los Modines, ubicado en la parroquia Raúl Leoni de Maracaibo, uno de los ocho que están siendo abordados para su recuperación y que se prevé sean entregados a finales de enero de este nuevo año 2024. Más de 850 familias serán beneficiadas con la recuperación del Consultorio Médico Popular Los Modines, al que, informó la jefa de infraestructura del Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Salud (MppSalud) en el Zulia, Massiel Buenaño, se le ejecutan trabajos de impermeabilización, iluminación, arreglo de paredes, de salas sanitarias, reparaciones de los pisos, pintura general y limpieza. Durante la inspección de las labores, Buenaño sostuvo que se encuentran trabajando en ocho consultorios, a los que se les está dando los toques finales en su reparación, para ser entregados a finales de mes y darle el servicio a la comunidad. ´´Asimismo, por instrucciones del presidente Nicolás Maduro, a través de la ministra Magaly Gutiérrez y la Autoridad Única de Salud en el Zulia, José Miguel Medina, vamos a continuar este año con el abordaje de los Centros de Diagnóstico Integral (CDI)´´, manifestó. A manera de balance, manifestó que el MppSalud en el Zulia, mediante las Bricomiles, ha recuperado 71 Consultorios Médicos Populares; así como rehabilitado espacios en áreas de alto impacto de algunos centros hospitalarios, como la Maternidad Dr. Armando Castillo Plaza, el Servicio Autónomo Hospital Universitario de Maracaibo (Sahum) y el Hospital Dr. Noriega Trigo, entre otros. Destacó que las comunidades aplican en la plataforma Venapp y enseguida se les da respuestas, tal y como lo ha instruido el presidente Nicolás Maduro, a través de la ministra Gutiérrez y la Autoridad de Salud en el Zulia, Medina. La doctora Nurbia Guerrero Nava, médico encargada del consultorio Los Modines, destacó que este centro de atención a la salud cuenta con 20 años de servicio a la comunidad, con atención en medicina general, a niños sanos, adultos mayores y que cumple con programas como el de diabetes, hipertensión arterial, hipo e hipertiroidismo. Reveló que aún con algunas áreas en condiciones no aptas y que actualmente son reparadas, las consultas no se paralizaron, pues las viene atendiendo en un Simoncito y casa a casa, con paciente discapacitados y encamados. Liliana Contreras, líder de comunidad, resaltó el trabajo conjunto con las cuadrillas del MppSalud Zulia y la Milicia Nacional Bolivariana y 60 líderes y lideresas de calle y de comunidad para la recuperación de este espacio dador de salud. ´´Todos estamos abocados en este logro por la salud de todos´´, puntualizó. Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Prensa Autoridad Única de Salud
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comunicacionescdba · 2 years ago
Constitución del Consejo Educativo 2.022 - 2.023
Altamira, 28 de Febrero del 2.023
El pasado lunes 13 de febrero fueron convocados los miembros del Consejo Educativo para la firma del acta de constitución de los distintos comités enumerados en la resolución 058 del Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación, siguiendo los lineamientos emanados en la Orden de Operaciones Nro. 015
Los comités del Consejo Educativo quedaron conformados de la siguiente manera:
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Comité de Madres, Padres, Representantes y Responsables
Norys De Filipo VOCERA
Alejandra Lach
Danisay Escobar
Vanesa Cordero
Indira Campos
Comité Estudiantil
Diego Molina
David Vilacha
Sebastian Pinto
Antonella Oliveros
Victor Arocha
Sofia Martinez
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Comité Académico
Carolina Villoria
Norelis Madero VOCERA
Isabella Torres
Estefania Da Silva
Laleska Garcia
Cristina Dumont
Oriza Carrera
Eunice Madero
Estefania D' Silva
Laleska García
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Comité de Comunicación e Información
Nathaly Moreira VOCERA
Deiby Aranguren
Neuvides Guerrero
Loreye Betancourt
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Comité de Seguridad y Defensa Integral
Geraldine Peralta VOCERA
Nataly Latouche
Nelson Martinez
Alejandra Martinez
Marisol Colina
Jesús Ilarraza
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Comité de Ambiente, Alimentación y Salud Integral
Zaida Orellano VOCERA
Milagros Martinez
Maritza Pacheco
Raiza Buenaño
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Comité de Educación Física y Deportes
Richard Pedraza VOCERO
Sindy Mazaira
Katerin Carrasquero
Vanessa Barrios
Jackson López
Magdoris Guzmán
Norilka Gonzáles
Delia Otaiza
Diego Colmenares
Georgette Bravo
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Comité de Inclusión Académica
Nicole Croce VOCERA
Maria del Pilar Casares
Eilyn Elles
Comité de Cultura
Andreina Marchan
Verónica Pérez
Ana Karina Guerra VOCERA
Natacha Pérez
Nerva Durán
Lourdes Ferreira
Ana Abreu
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Comité de Infraestructura y Hábitat Escolar
Jorge Molina
Wilmer Tolosa
Wilmer Ojeda
Nicolás Guevara
Zhora Dallmeier VOCERA
Mónica Torres
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Comité Economía Escolar
Desireé Vitale
Roger Castedo VOCERO *
Elizabeth del Rosario
Abadeza Gil
Javier Chávez 
David Sucre
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Comité Pastoral
Saely Hernández
Geraldine Sánchez
Lubilaida Valera
Reina Kadabdji
Marisela Lobo
Carmen Durán VOCERA
Betsabé Arreaza
Comité de Contraloría Social
Anexo 11
(Orden de Operaciones Nro. 015)
Del Comité de Controlaría Social:
"El Comité de Controlaría Social está conformado por las vocerías de los distintos Comité que integran el Consejo Educativo, así como las vocerías de las organizaciones comunitarias."
De esta forma el comité de Controlaría Social quedó conformado por los siguientes voceros:
Norys De Filipo
Norelis Madero 
Nathaly Moreira
Geraldine Peralta
Zaida Orellano
Richard Pedraza
Nicole Croce 
Zhora Dallmeier
Ana Karina Guerra
Carmen Duran **
*Vocero de economía escolar, no participa en el comité de Contraloría Escolar, de acuerdo a la resolución 058.
**Vocera de Pastoral, en acuerdo con los miembros del comité, participará en las reuniones de contraloría, pero no forma parte de la votación, ya que dicho comité no está contemplado en la resolución 058.
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mejoresmemes · 7 years ago
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#humor #2018 #buenaño #vidadura #animo #meme #objetivos Más memes en la app para android http://bit.ly/2FkMrZA
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queenketouk · 4 years ago
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Wishing you all a much improved 2021 🥂 🤞 . . . . . . . . . . . #ketoworld #happynewyear2021 #buonanno2021 #buenaño #2021goals #ketolifestyleforlife #crazytimes #lowcarbrecipes #lowcarbchoices #nosugarforme #sugarfreelifestyle #ketorecipes #gourmetketo #queenketo https://www.instagram.com/p/CJgfC8pHT05/?igshid=172ijpmow30fx
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piretols · 5 years ago
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¡Desde Pirètols os deseamos a todos una Feliz Navidad,un buen año y sin duda una buena imagen corporativa para tu empresa!
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anne-not-alone · 6 years ago
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Muchisimas gracias a todos por hacer de este 2018 un año memorable. Os quiero muchisimo a todos. Por un 2019 igual o muchisimo mejor ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ #Family #Friends #Forever #2018 #BuenAño #AlwaysTogether https://www.instagram.com/p/BsGeQz1HJ1a/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1f1xp3scnaucw
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sleepysera · 3 years ago
Sep 29 Headlines
Ecuador: Dozens killed in Guayaquil prison fight (BBC)
"At least 30 inmates have been killed and dozens injured in a fight between rival gangs at a prison in the Ecuadorean port city of Guayaquil. A police commander said at least five inmates had been decapitated while others had been shot dead. Commander Fausto Buenaño said the prisoners had also thrown grenades. The regional governor said it took 400 police officers to regain control of the jail, which houses prisoners with links to international drug gangs."
North Korea: Says it fired new 'hypersonic missile' (BBC)
"North Korea has claimed that it successfully tested a new hypersonic missile called Hwasong-8 on Tuesday. State media said the new missile was one of the "five most important" new weapons systems laid out in its five-year military development plan. They called the missile a "strategic weapon", which usually means it has nuclear capabilities."
Japan: Ex-diplomat Kishida wins Japan party vote to become new PM (AP)
"Former Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida won the governing party’s leadership election on Wednesday and is set to become the next prime minister, facing the tasks of reviving a pandemic-hit economy and ensuring a strong alliance with Washington to counter growing regional security risks. Kishida replaces outgoing party leader Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, who is stepping down after serving only one year."
US Congress: Biden digs in to strike deal on $3.5T plan (AP)
"Pressure mounting but with signs of progress, President Joe Biden will hunker down at the White House to try to strike a deal and win over two holdout Democratic senators whose support is needed for his potentially historic $3.5 trillion government overhaul."
Capitol Police: Chief sees rising threats (AP)
"The newly installed chief of the U.S. Capitol Police says the force, still struggling six months after an insurrection that left its officers battled, bloodied and bruised, “cannot afford to be complacent.” The risk to lawmakers is higher than ever. And the threat from lone-wolf attackers is only growing."
United Airlines: To fire staff who refuse vaccine (BBC)
"Nearly 600 United Airlines employees face being fired after failing to comply with the firm's Covid-19 vaccination policy. The vast majority of its 67,000 US staff have supplied proof of vaccination, which was required by Monday. "This was an incredibly difficult decision," its bosses said in a memo to employees. The Chicago-based airline set out its Covid requirements for staff in August."
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newstfionline · 3 years ago
Monday, October 4, 2021
Governing by crisis (AP) Washington’s tempestuous week of walking, chewing gum, juggling balls and spinning plates at the same time is giving rise to apocalyptic rhetoric about the state and future of the country. Four big things are happening at once, all attended by hyperventilation. The White House talks of a “cataclysmic economic threat” if Republicans don’t start cooperating. Republicans assail Democrats for unleashing a “big-government socialist nation.” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer says: “Insanity and disaster are now the Republican Party line.” It’s a contest to see which side can bash back better. This is what governing by crisis looks like. The government has essential housekeeping to do this time of year. Yet no deal comes until it absolutely must. Why act at the 11th hour when you’ve got 59 minutes left? There are a couple of must-do’s. The government needed a law to keep itself open in the budget year that began Friday morning. That happened, with a few hours to spare. It also needs to raise or suspend its borrowing ceiling to cover current expenses and avoid a default on its debt payments over the next two weeks. Then there are the want-to-do’s. President Joe Biden, many Democrats and a sizable number of Republicans want to build or restore roads, bridges, broadband and more in an ambitious public works package. Biden and many Democrats, but no Republicans, also want to supercharge social and climate spending, potentially costing upward of three times more than the infrastructure one. All the plates are still spinning.
Military Bases Turn Into Small Cities as Afghans Wait Months for Homes in U.S. (NYT) In late August, evacuees from Afghanistan began arriving by the busload to the Fort McCoy Army base in the Midwest, carrying little more than cellphones and harrowing tales of their narrow escapes from a country they may never see again. They were greeted by soldiers, assigned rooms in white barracks and advised not to stray into the surrounding forest, lest they get lost. More than a month later, the remote base some 170 miles from Milwaukee is home to 12,600 Afghan evacuees, almost half of them children, now bigger than any city in western Wisconsin’s Monroe County. The story is much the same on seven other military installations from Texas to New Jersey. Overall, roughly 53,000 Afghans have been living at these bases since the chaotic evacuation from Kabul this summer that marked the end of 20 years of war. While many Americans have turned their attention away from the largest evacuation of war refugees since Vietnam, the operation is very much a work in progress here, overseen by a host of federal agencies and thousands of U.S. troops. While an initial group of about 2,600 people—largely former military translators and others who helped allied forces during the war—moved quickly into American communities, a vast majority remain stranded on these sprawling military way stations, uncertain of when they will be able to start the new American lives they were expecting. An additional 14,000 people are still on bases abroad, waiting for transfer to the United States.
Dwindling Alaska salmon leave Yukon River tribes in crisis (AP) In a normal year, the smokehouses and drying racks that Alaska Natives use to prepare salmon to tide them through the winter would be heavy with fish meat, the fruits of a summer spent fishing on the Yukon River like generations before them. This year, there are no fish. For the first time in memory, both king and chum salmon have dwindled to almost nothing and the state has banned salmon fishing on the Yukon, even the subsistence harvests that Alaska Natives rely on to fill their freezers and pantries for winter. The remote communities that dot the river and live off its bounty—far from road systems and easy, affordable shopping—are desperate and doubling down on moose and caribou hunts in the waning days of fall. “Nobody has fish in their freezer right now. Nobody,” said Giovanna Stevens, 38, a member of the Stevens Village tribe who grew up harvesting salmon at her family’s fish camp. “We have to fill that void quickly before winter gets here.” Opinions on what led to the catastrophe vary, but those studying it generally agree climate change is playing a role as the river and the Bering Sea warm, altering the food chain in ways that aren’t yet fully understood. Many believe commercial trawling operations that scoop up wild salmon along with their intended catch, as well as competition from hatchery-raised salmon in the ocean, have compounded global warming’s effects on one of North America’s longest rivers.
Crossing the Darien Gap (NYT) Migrants are surging at the Mexican border. Tens of thousands are passing through a deadly South American jungle to get there. The Darién Gap, a roadless, lawless land bridge connecting Colombia and Panama, was considered so dangerous that only a few thousand people a year tried to cross it. But the economic devastation wrought by the pandemic in South America has been such that 95,000 migrants, most of them Haitian, attempted the crossing in the first nine months of the year. “We very well could be on the precipice of a historic displacement of people in the Americas toward the United States,” a former national security adviser said. “When one of the most impenetrable stretches of jungle in the world is no longer stopping people, it underscores that political borders, however enforced, won’t either.”
Puerto Ricans fume as outages threaten health, work, school (AP) Not a single hurricane has hit Puerto Rico this year, but hundreds of thousands of people in the U.S. territory feel like they’re living in the aftermath of a major storm: Students do homework by the light of dying cellphones, people who depend on insulin or respiratory therapies struggle to find power sources and the elderly are fleeing sweltering homes amid record high temperatures. Power outages across the island have surged in recent weeks, with some lasting several days. Officials have blamed everything from seaweed to mechanical failures as the government calls the situation a “crass failure” that urgently needs to be fixed. The daily outages are snarling traffic, frying costly appliances, forcing doctors to cancel appointments, causing restaurants, shopping malls and schools to temporarily close and even prompting one university to suspend classes and another to declare a moratorium on exams. Puerto Rico’s Electric Power Authority, which is responsible for the generation of electricity, and Luma, a private company that handles transmission and distribution of power, have blamed mechanical failures at various plants involving components such as boilers and condensers. In one recent incident, seaweed clogged filters and a narrow pipe.
Thousands in Brazil protest Bolsonaro, seek his impeachment (AP) With Brazil’s presidential election one year away, tens of thousands of demonstrators marched Saturday in Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and dozens of other cities around the country to protest President Jair Bolsonaro and call for his impeachment. Saturday’s protest targeted the president for his mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic. Bolsonaro, who is not vaccinated and doesn’t usually wear a mask, has underestimated the severity of the virus and promoted crowds during the pandemic. Some 597,000 have died of COVID-19 in Brazil, a country of 212 million people. Demonstrators also protested surging inflation in mainstays like food and electricity. Over 130 impeachment requests have been filed since the start of Bolsonaro’s administration, but the lower house’s speaker, Arthur Lira, and his predecessor have declined to open proceedings. Division among the opposition is the key reason analysts consider it unlikely there will be enough pressure on Lira to open impeachment process.
Ecuador to pardon thousands of inmates after deadly prison riot (CNN) Ecuador plans to pardon and commute thousands of sentences in order to free up space in the country’s prisons following a deadly riot at a penitentiary in the coastal city of Guayaquil this week. The Director of Ecuador’s prison agency SNAI, Bolivar Garzon, said on Friday that up to 2,000 inmates, including elderly people, women and those with disabilities and terminal illnesses, would be prioritized on the pardon list for release and foreign nationals will be deported. Investigations are still ongoing at the Litoral penitentiary in Guayaquil, after violent clashes between rival gangs at the high-security facility left 118 inmates dead and dozens wounded on Tuesday. Those killed suffered from injuries resulting from bullets and grenades, according to regional police commander Fausto Buenaño. Ecuador’s President Guillermo Lasso said in a televised address on Wednesday that the prison was not yet entirely secured, and urged inmates’ relatives and families to stay away from the area.
After a century of waiting, Russians witness a royal wedding once more (NPR) Descendants of the czarist Romanov dynasty were married in the country’s first royal wedding in over a century—kicking off a weekend of lavish events that sparked public curiosity, awe and derision in seemingly equal measure. Under the dome of St. Isaac’s Cathedral in Russia’s former imperial capital city, Grand Duke George Mikhailovich Romanov, 40, married his Italian bride, Victoria Romanovna Bettarini, 39, in an Orthodox ceremony on Friday before priests and several hundred guests. Czarist trappings included an engagement ring “traditionally exchanged in the House of Romanov,” according to a press release. The Russian Orthodox Church’s top official in St. Petersburg, Metropolitan Varsonofy, blessed the ceremony. “It’s a kind of imperial wedding. A remembrance of eternal Russia—of sacred czars and patriarchs and (the) church,” philosopher Alexander Dugin said in an interview with NPR.
China tightens political control of internet giants (AP) The ruling Communist Party is tightening political control over China’s internet giants and tapping their wealth to pay for its ambitions to reduce reliance on U.S. and European technology. Anti-monopoly and data security crackdowns starting in late 2020 have shaken the industry, which flourished for two decades with little regulation. Investor jitters have knocked more than $1.3 trillion off the total market value of e-commerce platform Alibaba, games and social media operator Tencent and other tech giants. The party says anti-monopoly enforcement will be a priority through 2025. It says competition will help create jobs and raise living standards. President Xi Jinping’s government seems likely to stay the course even if economic growth suffers, say businesspeople, lawyers and economists. “These companies are world leaders in their sectors in innovation, and yet the leadership is willing to squash them all,” said Mark Williams, chief Asia economist for Capital Economics. Chinese leaders don’t want to reimpose direct control of the economy but want private sector companies to align with ruling party plans, said Lester Ross, head of the Beijing office of law firm WilmerHale. “What they are worried about is companies getting too big and too independent of the party,” said Ross.
China sends 77 warplanes into Taiwan defense zone over two days, Taipei says (CNN) Taiwan has reported a record number of incursions by Chinese warplanes into its air defense identification zone (ADIZ) for the second day in a row, Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense said on Saturday night. The self-governing island said a total of 39 Chinese military aircraft entered the ADIZ on Saturday, one more than the 38 planes it spotted on Friday. The 38 and 39 planes respectively are the highest number of incursions Taiwan has reported in a day since it began publicly reporting such activities last year. The incursions on Friday came as Beijing celebrated 72 years since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949. Taiwan and mainland China have been governed separately since the end of a civil war more than seven decades ago, in which the defeated Nationalists fled to Taipei. However, Beijing views Taiwan as an inseparable part of its territory—even though the Chinese Communist Party has never governed the democratic island of about 24 million people.
Leaked records open a ‘Pandora’ box of financial secrets (AP) Hundreds of world leaders, powerful politicians, billionaires, celebrities, religious leaders and drug dealers have been hiding their investments in mansions, exclusive beachfront property, yachts and other assets for the past quarter-century, according to a review of nearly 12 million files obtained from 14 firms located around the world. The report released Sunday by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists involved 600 journalists from 150 media outlets in 117 countries. It’s being dubbed the “Pandora Papers” because the findings shed light on the previously hidden dealings of the elite and the corrupt, and how they have used offshore accounts to shield assets collectively worth trillions of dollars. The more than 330 current and former politicians identified as beneficiaries of the secret accounts include Jordan’s King Abdullah II, former U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair, Czech Republic Prime Minister Andrej Babis, Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta, Ecuador’s President Guillermo Lasso, and associates of both Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan and Russian President Vladimir Putin. “The new data leak must be a wake-up call,” said Sven Giegold, a Green party lawmaker in the European Parliament. “Global tax evasion fuels global inequality. We need to expand and sharpen the countermeasures now.”
Cities rethinking transit (NYT) Trams, cable cars, ferries: Cities are rethinking transit. Berlin is reviving electric tram lines that were ripped out when the Berlin Wall went up. Bogotá, Colombia, is building cable cars to serve working-class communities. Bergen, Norway, is running battery-powered ferries and buses. Where cities are succeeding in these and similar efforts, they’re also finding benefits in cleaner air.
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belu-2ar · 4 years ago
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RINCONES DE AIRE Y LUZ, que nos oxigenan y liberan, de la presión de atmosferas comprimidas.... Verdes que armonizan y suavizan nuestros entornos, nuestros momentos... Rincones de jardines chiquitos y de sueños eternos PROYECTO: CASCADA INTERIOR GUAYLLABAMBA AÑO: 2020 AUTOR: ISABEL BUENAÑO @isabelb.carvajal #arch #landscape #ecoarchitecture #sustentablearchitecture https://www.instagram.com/p/CEF32KUpiwv/?igshid=bqj9ayll1lk4
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lichasworld · 5 years ago
El final.
Hola, no sé por dónde empezar esto, son tantos sentimientos que tengo atrapados, juntos que quisiera salir corriendo este instante donde ti abrazarte y no soltarte, no sé en qué momento paso todo esto. Cada día que pasaba sentía que me enamoraba de ti como cuando sientes que estás quedándote dormida: primero lentamente, y de repente de golpe, nunca pensé que a más de un me gusta mental pasara esto.
Cuando me dijiste por primera vez que te gustaba, quede perpleja, me emocioné, me congele no me lo imaginaba, aquel día que tome tu mano por primera vez, y mi corazón latió por vos. Esa mirada tan tuya que me puede desvestir, y decirme lo que sientes, tan solo con una mirada tuya se lo que sientes, nuestro primer beso, inesperado excitante abrumador lleno de miedo, parecíamos dos niños de secundaria. Mis ojitos chinos, cuando te enojas haces puchero y se te agrandan los labios jajajaja! Cómo se cuando estás enojado.
Poder ser contigo como quiero sin máscaras, hablar sobre nuestros gustos, discutir por tonterías, Oh! Mi chico vanguardista, me enseñaste a ver el amor de otro punto de vista, a algo que no creía posible o era intangible.
Te quiero ver volar, ser feliz que estés donde perteneces, aunque mi corazón llore, se que con el tiempo sanará, Buenaño gracias por dejarme lindos recuerdos en mi memoria y en mi corazón, soy demasiado Cursi lo sé, mientras expido estas palabras zollozo de la alegría y tristeza. El tiempo es un juez tan sabio, que no sentencia de inmediato, pero al final da la razón a quien la tiene.
Mi pequeño pendejo, Evelio, Evaristo, Ralph, jajajaja entre tantos apodos que te he puesto, me había hecho tantas ilusiones contigo, casi que un plan de vida, no se por que pensé que podíamos estar juntos. La realidad muchas veces nos da contra el piso, pero en fin, quiero que seas feliz, no tomes esta etapa de tu vida como algo malo, tómalo como un momento de aprendizaje, conociste un montón de gente tanto buena como malo, dejaron en ti una huella. Quiero que seas libre, feliz y capaz de hacer lo que tú quieras hacer, por que lo haces, solo te falta fuerza, no desfallezcas para eso estoy aquí, para tomarte de la mano en las buenas y malas, el destino nos cruzo por algo.
Acuérdate de esa niña con la voz chillona y engreída que te molestaba por todo (:
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marziagatto · 6 years ago
Reveillon em Buenos Aires! #reveillon2019 #reveillon #anonovo #festadeanonovo #queimadefogos #festadavirada #virada #viradadeano #feliz2019 #felizañonuevo #buenaño #buenosairesciudad #puertomaderobuenosaires #puertomadero #reveillonpuertomadero (en Buenos Aires, Argentina) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsLPRmDB_Wb/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=sz7c0bxasc6x
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locoego · 6 years ago
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καλή μας χρονιά• κενεμβατώντας με φως #locoego #spirakis #luz #happynewyear #buenaño #thereisalightthatnevergoesout #2019 #mivida (at Namche Bazar) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsFwlnBno330mWjNBPbQDfWs2P9YgCwG50AZP00/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=sjagbvutn4hz
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vampyevil · 6 years ago
Mi año 2018 en fotos #album #fotos #resumen #viajes #miradores #misfotos #nieve #bike #mtblife #mtb #etapas #mivida #balance #mi2018 #buenaño #buenañoparatodos🎉🎊💥🌟🍻🍷🍸👼🍹🙏💥😂🙌🎆😀🍀👏😍💥🙌🏻🎉🎆🌠 #lomejorestaporvenir #aporotroaño #otroañojuntos #feliz https://www.instagram.com/p/BrYlxDPA1Nz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1m5kv68z0ljel
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caronamaste · 7 years ago
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Quiero desearles mucha Luz, amor y unión en este fin de año. Deseamos que puedan tomarse espacios de silencio y de reflexión para poder hacer un balance del año. Y así poder ser conscientes de lo que queremos seguir regando para el próximo y aquello que es mejor arrancar de raíz, y así liberar espacio para sembrar lo nuevo.  Propopuesta de algunos regalos para este momento de "Renacimiento": - Ir más despacio - Mirarnos más a los ojos - Silenciarnos  - Cerrar los ojos unos minutos en el día y observar nuestra respiración, honrándola - Caminar cerca de la naturaleza - Descalzarnos sobre la tierra - Bailar, dejando que nuestro inconsciente y la energía se expresen - Estar al servicio del otro - Hacer limpieza en tu casa - Prender palo santo, sahumar para limpiar energéticamente tus ambientes - Prender una velita y poder armar tu mandala para el año que viene - Escuchar Mantras que resuenen contigo, ya que elevan la vibración del ambiente y de tu campo energético - Estar cerca de compañías con las que no haya necesidad de hablar. Siendo liviana y sanadora su simple presencia Por sobre todo, el mayor regalo que nos podemos hacer, es el de AGRADECER. Cuando agradecemos, el Universo inmediatamente responde con mayor abundancia. Y no tiene otra opción que seguir abriéndose a nosotros, revelándose con toda su inmensidad. GRACIAS POR COMPARTIR UN AÑO MÁS JUNTOS! Caro Reiki.🌱💕🙌 @caroreiki #yoga #instayoga #instapic #balance #fiestas #findeaño #chau2017 #bienestar #salud #paz #peace #buenaño #buenatarde (en Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires)
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initafc-blog · 7 years ago
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Mi todo! 💞👨‍👩‍👧 #Family #FelizAniversario #Titulada #BuenAño #VamosPorMas #Salud #feliceslostres💕 (en Entre Lomos & Costillas)
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healthylovebylily · 8 years ago
Be healthy, be love, be you
Encontrandonos con nuestro verdadero yo.
Ese día por la mañana me desperté y supe que no podía más: subir las escaleras me daba fatiga, el aire se me acababa a mitad del camino. Las noches de fiestas, cenas o desvelos me llenaban por  momentos pero la gastritis cobraba su factura al dia siguiente; siendo tan joven no podria creer la vida que estaba viviendo; las personas que me conocieron en ese momento mencionaban que me veia unos 5 años más grande. Si asistía a un gimnasio me sentia frustrada por no ver en mí los resultados flamantes que las revistas enseñan.
Fue que comenzo todo: “¡Ya no puedo más!” exclamé para mis adentros esa mañana, me paré de la cama y me lo repetí a mi misma aún más fuerte por dentro mientras me miraba por el espejo.
Al día siguiente fui al nutriologo, recuerdo haberle dicho: “Me encanta la cerveza, ¿cuánto es el mínimo que puedo beber al dia?”. Ella soltó una carcajada grande, yo no sabia que estaba apunto de empezar un viaje de autodescubrimiento, estaba por cambiar no solo mi peso, si no mi estilo de vida y mi manera de mirar la vida. 
Inicie lo que llamo yo: “El reencuentro”
Hoy por hoy afirmo: Si nos dieramos cuenta todo lo que nuestro cuerpo puede hacer. ¡No tenemos limites! Existen miles de ejemplos con personas con alguna discapacidad, pero que tienen un coraje interno que no los imposibilita a ir más allá. Entonces  ¿por qué yo siendo joven, con una cuerpo aparentemente sano, no me di a la tarea de cuidarlo?
Ahí es donde yo reconozco que tenía una manera de vivir mi día a día de manera “robotizada”: Despierta, báñate, ve a la escuela, pon atención en clases, ve al trabajo, sal de fiesta para convivir, repite. Una rutina monótoma sin dudo, a lo que quiero llegar es: estaba desplazandome en una vida sin sentido.
Llegar a esta conclusión me tomo una serie de acontecimientos que poco a poco ire compartiendo. 
Despertar no es fácil, tú, yo y cualquier otro lo ha experimentado. No escribo aqui para colocarme en un pedestal y argumentar que todo lo que he hecho ha sido a la perfección, por que no es asi. Todavía estoy en el camino, ahora de una manera más consciente, sin dejar de aprender de ti y tu de mi; de una manera directa-indirecta.
Como lo mencione antes, nuestro cuerpo puede hacer lo inimaginable. 
Ser saludable no es una moda, es un estilo de vida, una manera de llevarnos más allá, de mantener nuestra calidad de vida. 
A través de este camino también aprendí que ser saludable no solo era más que comer sano y hacer deporte, es en parte reconocer nuestras capacidades, hasta donde puede llevarnos nuestro cuerpo, y saber que  merecemos ser felices. Reconocer que tenemos que amar nuestro cuerpo para comenzar todo el cambio, por lo que todo este viaje tambien me ayudo a comenzar a amarme más, y en consecuencia poder amar mi cuerpo, la naturaleza que nos rodea y a otros. Amando logré tener una vida de gratitud.
Aprendí que ser amorosos es nuestra escencia, somos amor, estamos aqui para amar, dar y recibir amor, y no estoy hablando unicamente de amor de una pareja.
Aprovechando esta energia de año nuevo, inaguro el blog de Healthy Love by Lily. 
Que a través de sus entradas, sean compartidos los pensamientos llenos de amor, consejos, luz, historias, recetas, ejercicios que practico dia a dia e ideas que se me vienen a la mente, porque ¿de que sirve vivir feliz si no puedo compartirlo? 
Ahora soy feliz y quiero que tu tambien seas. Acompañame entonces a disfrutar de este año mejorando tu vida con yoga, alimentación, ejercicio, buenos habitos, pero sobre todo a conectar quien eres con tu cuerpo para tener una mejor calidad de vida dia a dia.
¡Bienvenido sea el 2017! “If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath.” ~ Amit Ray
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