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Valentine's art part TWO, this time with couples/dynamics from other clans!! @curlclans-war Moondapple and Budpelt give me LIFE Moonie deserves all the good things in this world and i will die on this hill. also your artstyle is IMMACULATE i love it so much. @loudclan-clangen Fiercestripe and Wildfirecry!! I binged your whole blog a few days ago and instantly fell in love. So sad our feisty girl is gone. we will never forget you bb. i loved her dynamic with Wildfire and their kits so so much tho. @sporeclan Mousegrove and Puddle!! i've been thinking about your "can they kiss about it? they could... .and perhaps they should" ask for many moons XD i just love them and the lore that's unfolding between them, so excited to see where it goes!!
and a general thank you to all of you, because you have inspired me so much with your art and designs to push my own and experiment a little!! so yeah, happy valentine's day to y'all~
#digital art#clangen#ocs#others ocs#moondapple#budpelt#curlclan fanart#fiercestripe#wildfirecry#loudclan fanart#mousegrove#puddle#sporeclan fanart#clangen fanart#valentines day
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Finally! More murder!
why do i feel like these are connected somehow??? Storkocean died moons ago by *checks notes*
istg thats not how Storkocean died???? i would have remembered that??? hello??? BUDPELT WHAT DID YOU DO??
okay.... maybe he did it because this was during Palestar's rule?? and Budpelt is Palestar's kit so maybe they felt forced to, or thought it was okay???
but the really crazy thing is BUDPELT AND HAILSTRIPE ARENT EVEN FRIENDS???
Hailstripe is a mediator, sure, but why tell HAILSTRIPE and not one of the other mediators?? Moontail and Reedskitter also would have known Storkocean, but young Jadetide wouldn't of!!! But Budpelt chose to tell Hailstripe who was VERY CLOSE TO STORKOCEAN AND, IN FACT, HAD A CRUSH ON HER
(side note Hailstripe has. so many crushes on cats lmao. and the ones he has crushes are all the only cats he has, like, friendships with too)
i cannot fathom what Budpelt was thinking.... maybe it really was guilt and they do truly feel bad? idk... but i feel like Hailstripe isn't a forgiving type...? this is so strange...
....oh yeah. Springdawn was murdered. thats what i was supposed to be all excited about!!! Springdawn is the deputy, right! so, who was the culprit??
uhhh, one of these guys probably. i assume it was a group effort since---wait.
oh my StarClan
"is worried others are judging them"
why would they be judging you, Smokystripe? huh? what did you do?
#they even have matching feathers#omg murder couple rises#are they having doubts? both seem insecure in what theyve done#holy shit this is reviting#do you think the other cats suspect it was someone else?#like lightningcry thinks it was stoatstar and vice versa#meanwhile no one suspects Smokystripe#did Budpelt fake a sign to get Smoky to be deputy?#but WHY would he tell Hailstripe the truth of Storkocean??#I NEED ANSWERS#guys i was planning so hard for Stoatflash Lightningcry and Shiveringneedle to kill Stoatstar and then id get them all exiled for funsies#now i dont know WHATS happening#theres like three different sides here#smokystripe#budpelt#smokybud#fretclan#adventures in fretclan#murders in fretclan#springdawn#stoatstar#stoatflash#lightningcry#hailstripe#clangen#clangen oc#warrior cats#warriors#warriors ocs
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Here's a document I made to help my planning for each stage in a cat's life. Obviously real cats don't age like this, but I wanted it to be visually obvious when cats are apprentices/kits, so generally fresh apprentices are about half their adult size - except for particularly short cats. Fun fact, Budpelt, Volestar, and Shykit are all unusually short!
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a lil fanart of Budpelt from @curlclans-war i love how round he is, and I have a softspot for healers, so of course I had to draw him
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I suppose Stoatstar is out of the running but Stoatstar was the only one who actually held any amount of hate towards Smoky?? Stoatflash had some dislike---
---but its seriously nothing compared to Stoatstar's!!
a few cats held like one bar of dislike to him, and the elders Dewbright and Dysnomia strangely had about half a meter of dislike for him, but still?? Stoatstar is really the only option for a murder here??
...unless... does Stoatstar feel a sense of dread because he realizes his clan is trying to kill him...? he knows cats hate him, and that at least two different groups of cat's (Smokystripe's and Stoatflash's) are trying to kill him and instill themselves in power...
and here's Budpelt's mourning message for Smokystripe... they murdered Storkocean (and potentially Springdawn), and now for what?
and also Crestedpuddle's message. rip he literally just got over his previous grief at the start of this moon's events lol (i guess Crested and Smoky were best friends??)
aaaaand Stumpynudge is deputy! ...sure hope nothing bad happens to 'em lol
and say hi to ur mother-in-law in hell Smoky lol
#ohhh see now im not sure if Bud will go to DF when they die...#they seem more like an unwilling partner in crime... hm... how angsty would it be to get sent to cat Heaven while ur bf is in cat Hell?#and the Cat Catholic guilt is weighing you down bcus you think you should be there not him. that youarent better than him. ur worse#fretclan#adventures in fretclan#clangen#clangen oc#smokystripe#budpelt#stoatstar#stoatflash#stumpynudge
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Moon 11.5... Thank you Budpelt for adding another EIGHT CATS to this Clan. Not like i wanted a small one or anything.
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just out of curiosity....
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How old are Moonpaw and Budpelt respectively? It it a resonable age gap or more of a "crush on an older figure that isnt going anywhere" thing?
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oopsies i jinxed it
(this was literally the next moon.)
also, more murder:
by whom? uhhhh
one of these two probably
or! possibly Hailstripe, whom Budpelt confessed killing Storkocean too
(i think it's Stumpynudge tho. she's been giving Calm, Levelheaded, Silent Killer vibes. silently plotting. watching. waiting.)
anyway Budpelt gets to join their hubby in cat hell <3 bcus even though he was a very regretful, self-guilted killer, he did still murder and be complacent in murder and plot coos and also maybe got more bitter/vengeful after Smoky's death
(to recap: Palestar was the leader who murdered her leader and the leader's mate directly after they had a newborn litter, then lead the clan through violent means; Smokystripe presumably murdered Springdawn the deputy to then become deputy, and presumably attempted to murder Stoatstar only to be killed by him; Budpelt killed Storkocean For Fun, and also assisted Smokystripe in his Plots; Fumbledrop was my Evil Mediator whom I made make cats like Palestar and Timberstar hate each other until the Murders happened, in my head he chooses to go to hell cause its funny to him; Lightningcry presumably led her fellow apprentice Scorchpaw into a sand trap and let her die, and also participated in the ThreatClan Gang's Murder Plots against Stoatfoot/star) (edit: oh yeah and I thought about it and... I think Shivering barely squeezes into StarClan... his murder on his mom was due to her being abusive towards him, and plotting to kill your leader because you disagree with their politics is like... sometimes okay in warrior cats. Same for Stoatflash---she is in StarClan because she never actually killed anyone, though she has been apart of a lot of douchey things)
Shiveringneedle is the oldest in the clan and yet refuses to retire. Legend
remember when he murdered his mom? good times
#shiveringneedle#budpelt#stoatstar#stoatfoot#stumpynudge#palestar#smokystripe#fumbledrop#lightningcry#clangen#fretclan#adventures in fretclan#clangen oc
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How's Budpelt doing?
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@ Volestar & Smokyslip: do you mind explaining how exactly Moonpaw throwing himself at a fox is supposed to be making him stronger??? Because all it really seems to do is lead to him getting hurt. Also, jesus fuckin christ, is anyone on this poor kid's side??? Volestar doesn't give a shit about him, Smokyslip straight up hates him and Brushrunner treats him like a second-class citizen in his own home. At least Downydapple seems to be looking out for him and Budpelt shows he actually cares about Moonpaw.
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oh no....
guys.... it's happening again
for context, long long ago, during Palestar's reign I believe, two kits named Stoatkit (male) and Stoatkit (female) were born alongside their siblings, one of whom was ALSO named Moonkit (and the other Sunkit!). Stoatfoot grew up in his sister Stoatflash's shadow, who was always popular, especially due to her unique vitiligo condition. until Stoatfoot was suddenly picked for deputy underneath Hickorystar, then became Stoatstar himself. his sister was super jealous though, and there were a bunch of different groups within FretClan at the time that were all infighting against each other/operating from shadows (Stoatstar and his friends/loyal clanmates; Stoatflash, Shiveringneedle, Lightningcry, and others who were 'against' Stoatstar aka "ThreatClan," though Stoatflash herself never really ended up as a threat really; and Smokystripe and his partner-in-crime-and-love Budpelt, who had their own evil agendas)
Silentstar actually succeeded Stoatstar right after all that infighting business died down and most of the involved cats were dead/elders! now i bet after the whole Unsolved Murders and Sudden Boom of Kits, he's looking at Graykit and Graykit like "not again" (even though he was born and raised after most of the conflict lol)
#warrior cats#warriors#warriors ocs#clangen#fretclan#clangen oc#adventures in fretclan#wc#graykit#the graykits#the graykit twins#the stoats#the grays#stoatkits#stoatstar#stoatflash#stoatfoot#silentstar
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Can I see Palestar’s mom and siblings, please?
Ferretsmoke (her mother)
Her Siblings (all of em)
Cloudbellow (First Son w/ Seoul)
Budpelt (Adopted Kid w/ Goldbelly)
Berrypaw (Adopted Son w/ Goldbelly)
honorary kit mentions:
Smokystripe - Budpelt's long-term mate Wildtuft, Crestedpuddle - Goldbelly's kits Heavylarch, Alderberry, Carpfluff - Bitterburn's kits Rivertooth, Bloompaw - Seoul's kits
fun facts:
Palestar killed her mom's mentor (Timberstar)
Palestar dated her mom's apprentice (Bitterburn)
her step-son Crestedpuddle attacked and scarred her and she allowed it
she got with Goldbelly, the medicine cat, after being in the med den for a long time. it was her longest and most committed relationship
her relationship with Seoul was on-and-off and often antagonistic (enemies to lovers except they were always enemies)
she is in the Dark Forest with her kid, Budpelt, and her son-in-law Smokystripe
she also dated a former outsider named Talia (so her list of mates is as follows/in order: Talia, Bitterburn, Seoul, Goldbelly) (so, basically, she has a thing for outsiders and medicine cats. forbidden romance, anyone? except none of it was actually forbidden)
#palestar#paledusk#fretclan#adventures in fretclan#palefam#palefamily#dark forest#warrior cats#warriors#warriors ocs#clangen#clangen oc#asked and answered#isitwp
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like most of the clan would be on Stoatflash's side... the yellow's'd want to continue a rule like Palestar's while the orange's would want a more peaceful rule... (and the rest are al undecided)
(the clan's stats: Leader: Hickorystar Deputy: Stoatfoot Medicine Cats: Skycrackle, Shiveringneedle, Budpelt Mediator: Briarcreek Warriors: Bouncestreak, Aphid, Mabel, Boragechase, Galeback, Dysnomia, Wildtuft, Crestedpuddle, Finstripe, Rainnest, Rivertooth, Lightningcry, Jumprock, Crickettorrent, Mumblefur, Stoatflash, Moontail, Hailstripe, Yellowrumble, Clamfin, Reedskitter, Smokystripe, Barracudaroar, Sapmoon, Blizzardswan Apprentices: Hushpaw, Anemonepaw, Springpaw, Pantherpaw, Cherrypaw, Sagepaw Elders: Dewbright, Cavebumble Queens: Storkocean (caring for Erminekit, Rainkit, and Snowkit))
The Stoats are all grown up!!
Stoatflash has vitiligo too!! first can i've had who has it :)
i also think Stoatfoot is grumpy about being named "after" his sister, but literally and figuratively... not only was he made a warrior after her, but his suffix is also "like" hers...
#fretclan versus threatclan#its so silly funny to me#adventures in fretclan#fretclan#the stoats#stoatfoot#stoatflash#stoat twins#clangen#clangen oc#threatclan
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I'm concerned... with a murderous med cat hidden in plain sight... that cats are dying...
specifically these cats
(Shivering and Stoat are still alive and I'm not undoing Lightning's death so she's officially dead) (also two other cats died from infection/coughs too)
i cant help but feel like... Budpelt and Smokystripe are plotting something... but maybe Budpelt wasn't totally on board with it/feels really guilty and that's why they confessed to Hailstripe...? But for some reason Hailstripe is keeping quiet??
im getting "I can make FretClan Better if I was pulling the strings" vibes from Smokystripe, but that he knows he's not strong enough to take on his competitors for the "thrown".... so he's silently exterminating them with Budpelt's help...
(did... did Smoky blackmail Budpelt by claiming he'd reveal Storkocean's death, maybe?)
Finally! More murder!
why do i feel like these are connected somehow??? Storkocean died moons ago by *checks notes*
istg thats not how Storkocean died???? i would have remembered that??? hello??? BUDPELT WHAT DID YOU DO??
okay.... maybe he did it because this was during Palestar's rule?? and Budpelt is Palestar's kit so maybe they felt forced to, or thought it was okay???
but the really crazy thing is BUDPELT AND HAILSTRIPE ARENT EVEN FRIENDS???
Hailstripe is a mediator, sure, but why tell HAILSTRIPE and not one of the other mediators?? Moontail and Reedskitter also would have known Storkocean, but young Jadetide wouldn't of!!! But Budpelt chose to tell Hailstripe who was VERY CLOSE TO STORKOCEAN AND, IN FACT, HAD A CRUSH ON HER
(side note Hailstripe has. so many crushes on cats lmao. and the ones he has crushes are all the only cats he has, like, friendships with too)
i cannot fathom what Budpelt was thinking.... maybe it really was guilt and they do truly feel bad? idk... but i feel like Hailstripe isn't a forgiving type...? this is so strange...
....oh yeah. Springdawn was murdered. thats what i was supposed to be all excited about!!! Springdawn is the deputy, right! so, who was the culprit??
uhhh, one of these guys probably. i assume it was a group effort since---wait.
oh my StarClan
"is worried others are judging them"
why would they be judging you, Smokystripe? huh? what did you do?
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