#bubble sedge
dndtreasury · 2 years
Bubble Sedge
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mousetoe-wc · 1 year
I Got bored one time awhile ago and made a list of every prefix plus some into organised sections so I thought I might as well share.
All the ones that aren’t cannon to warriors, yet at lest are bold
Describing names
Colours: red, russet, copper, golden, amber, yellow, green, blue, violet, pink, white, gray, black, ebony, dark, pale, silver, brown, tawny, fallow
Pattern, Texture + Size: spot/ted, dapple, speckle, freckle, brindle, patch, mottle, ragged, tangle, kink, bristle, fuzzy, curl/y, wooly, soft, sleek, little, tiny, small, slight, short, tall, long, big, heavy, crooked, broken, half, stumpy, shred, torn, jagged
Actions + Character: flip, pounce, bounce, jump, hop, crouch, down, low, drift, flail, strike, running, fidget, mumble, whistle, snap, sneeze, shiver/ing, shining, flutter, fallen, lost, rush, fleet, quick, shy, sweet, brave, loud, quiet, wild, hope, wish,
Other: claw, whisker, dead, odd, one, spike, fringe, echo, song, hallow, haven
Time + Weather: day, night, dusk, dawn, morning, sky, sun/ny, moon, storm, lightning, thunder, cloud/y, mist/y, fog, snow, blizzard, ice, frost, dew, drizzle, rain, clear, wind, breeze, gale, shadow, shade, bright, light,
Earth/Water/Fire names: stone, rock, boulder, slate, flint, pebble, gravel, sand/y, dust, mud/dy, meadow, hill, rubble, river, ripple, whorl, float, rapid, shimmer, lake, swamp, marsh, wave, wet, bubbling, splash, puddle, pool, creek, fire, flame, flicker, flash, blaze, scorch, ember, spark, ash, soot, cinder, smoke
Trees: alder, aspen, birch, beech, cedar, cypress, pine, elm, willow, oak, larch, maple, bay, rowan, timber, bark, log, wood, twig, acorn, cone, seed, spire
Berry/Nut/Fruit/Herb: juniper, elder, sloe, holly, yew, mistle, bramble, hickory, hazel, chestnut, nut, apple, cherry, cranberry, olive, pear, plum, peach, chive, mint, fennel, sage, basil, mallow, parsley
Flowers: aster, poppy, primrose, rose, bluebell, marigold, tansy, pansy, briar, cherry, daisy, dandelion, daffodil, tulip, violet, lily, myrtle, thrift, yarrow, heather, lavender, blossom, bloom, flower, petal
Other: leaf, frond, fern, bracken, sorrel, hay, rye, oat, wheat, cotton, reed, pod, cinnamon, milkweed, grass, clover, weed, stem, sedge, gorse, furze, flax, nettle, thistle, ivy, moss, lichen, bush, vine, root, thorn, prickle, nectar
Mammals: mouse, rat, mole, vole, shrew, squirrel, hedgehog, bat, rabbit, hare, ferret, weasel, stoat, mink, marten, otter, hog, wolf, hound, fox, vixen, badger, deer, doe, stag, fawn, sheep, cow, pig, lion, tiger, leopard, lynx, milk
Birds: robin, jay, cardinal, thrush, sparrow, swallow, shrike, starling, rook, swift, dove, pigeon, crow, raven, duck, goose, heron, wren, finch, swan, stork, quail, gull, lark, owl, eagle, hawk, kestrel, buzzard, kite, hoot, feather, bird, egg, talon
Fish, Reptiles + Amphibians: pike, perch, pollack, trout, tench, cod, carp, bass, bream, eel, minnow, fin, snake, adder, lizard, turtle, frog, toad, newt
Bug type Names: bug, lady or ladybug, moth, spider, ant, snail, slug, beetle, bee, wasp, dragon or dragonfly, bumble, worm, maggot, cricket, fly, midge, web, honey
Skyclan + Warriorclan: Bella, Billy, Big, Harry, Harvey, Snook, Ebony, Monkey
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greekstar · 2 years
Warrior cat name Ideas Prefixes - A-Z A Acorn Adder Amber Ant Apple Arch Arrow Aspen Ash Asher Alder Amber B Badger Bark Beech Bellow Birch Berry Bird Black Blizzard Brave Breeze Bright Brown Bell Bug Beetle Bluebell Blue Bounce Brindle Brush Bush Buzzard Buzz Bee Bumble Bass Basil Bubble Brine Beaver Bison (I feel like this only goes good with ‘horn’ or Bisonpelt/fur.) Bat Bone Butterfly Burdock Broken Bramble Bracken Bay Brisk Blossom Briar Boil Branch Bud C Cloud Cloudy Crystal Cold Cricket Cliff Cardinal Crying Cougar Coyote Cobweb Chick Cow Cave Cheetah Carrot Coral Cactus Claw Cedar Cherry Cinder Clover Copper Creek Crooked Crouch Crow D Dew Dewy Duck Dusty Dust Dune Down Dagger Dodge Dolphin Daisy Doe Dapple Dappled Dark Dawn Dead Dove Drift Dusk E Eagle Ebony Echo Egg Eel Ember F Fallen Fallow Fawn Feather Fennel Fern Ferret Finch Fire Flame Fleet Flint Flower Flow Fly Fox Freckle Frog Frost Furze Fuzzy Foal Falling Fall G Gale Gust Golden Gold Goose Gorse Gorge Grass Gray Green Grass Goldfish Guppy Ghost H Hail Half Hare Hawk Hay Hoot Hazel Heather Heavy Hollow Holly Honey Honeycomb Hummingbird Horse Happy Hornet Hound Heron I Ice Ivy J Jagged Jay Joy Jaguar Jackdaw Jump Juniper K Kestrel Kink Koi L Lake Larch Leaf Lark Leopard Lichen Lightning Lily Lion Little Lizard Log Long Lost Loud Low Lynx M Maggot Mallow Maple Marsh Meadow Milk Minnow Mint Mist Misty Mole Moon Morning Moss Mossy Moth Mottle Mouse Mouth Mud Mumble Mink Muddy Moonlight Mountain Mushroom Monkey N Nettle Needle Nut Newt Night Nimble O Oak Oat Odd Olive One Otter Owl Orange Ocean Orca Opal P Pale Perch Pool Pike Peak Prickle Pounce Pine Petal Petal Pebble Pear Patch Pirate(kittypet or loner) Polar Peach Panda Pond Pigeon Plum Q Quail Quick R Rabbit Rain Ragged Rat Rattle Root Raspberry Reed Red Robin Rock Rose Rowan Rubble Running Rushing Rush Russet Rust Rye Raven Raccoon Rustle Rattlesnake Ravine Rapid S Sage Short Sheep Sedge Shrew Slate Slow Snail Sneeze Sorrel Soot Spider Spruce Sun Sunny Swallow Shallow Shade Sharp Scorch Sand Sandy Sky Silver Smoke Snake Soft Snow Sparrow Speckle Splash Spotted Squirrel Stalking Stalk Stalker Starling Stone Storm Stumpy Stump Sweet Swift Shred Sloe Shell Seed Shimmer Shimmering Skunk Spirit Squid Shy Sound Summer Sapphire Spiraling Spiral Shark Saturn T Tall Talon Tooth Timber Tiger Twig Tumble Thorn Thistle Thrush Tawny Tangle Ting Trout Torn Toad Tiny V Vine Vixen Void Vole W Wasp Weasel Web Weed Wet Whisker White Whale Wild Willow Wind Wolf Winter Wisteria Whisper Whispering Water Wave Waver Whisper Watermelon Whistle Wood Y Yellow
Yarrow- suggested
You guys DONT WANNA KNOW how LONG this took. I’m crying. And I might’ve missed some so feel free to send me messages in chat to request me editing it and putting it in some (not like messaging but the. Chat in this post lol.)
@cryptidclaw I also did this for our Au to help us with renaming.
I will get to suffixes soon I promise.
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dansnaturepictures · 1 year
Round up of my wild week 17th-22nd April 2023
Coming into this week there was that usual post holiday sadness after coming back from the amazing Scotland trip, but alongside doing lots of photo processing and posting of the many photos and experiences from it therefore remembering the trip well I was thrust back into vibrant spring days in Hampshire. 
It was a big butterfly week with a notable amount of the all season and early spring butterflies seen well, and three ticked on my year list. The star species was the flamboyant Orange Tip, with me seeing these shining beauties so well at Lakeside Country Park and Winnall Moors. Seeing these makes me really feel we’re well into spring. Small White, Speckled Wood, Comma, Peacock and Brimstone were great to see too and it excited me so much watching butterflies. 
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Orange Tip on dandelion at Winnall Moors on Thursday. 
The key theme of my bird week was the breeding season, with euphoric moments seeing my first Mallard duckling and Greylag Goose goslings of 2023 on my lunch time walks at Lakeside, optimistic and connected moments of nature watching. Great Crested Grebe and Peregrine seen nicely in their breeding season at Lakeside and Winchester Cathedral and St. Thomas Church, Green Woodpecker, Greenfinch and Song Thrush at Lakeside and a fine view of a Cetti’s Warbler at Winnall Moors with Blackbird seen well were other highlights of my working days. We had one of our birding days of the year yesterday firstly seeing the stunning and rare Black-crowned Night Heron at Stockbridge Common Marsh which was phenomenal. The reedbeds were alive with warbler song too with my first Sedge Warblers and Reed Warbler of the year seen as well as Cetti’s Warbler there which was great. My first Swift of the year with House Martins, Kingfisher, Stock Doves, Gadwall and Kestrel possibly seen at a nest site were other big moments on that walk. We then went yesterday to Pennington for a wader fest with my first Whimbrels of the year with some of my best ever views of these rustic wading birds and beautiful summer plumage Bar-tailed Godwit and Avocets seen very well. The warbler brilliance continued with hearing and seeing my first Whitethroats of the year, precious birds to observe. Mediterranean Gull, Marsh Harrier and Eider were other highlights.
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Mallard duckling at Lakeside on Monday.
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One of the Whimbrels with a Redshank at Pennington yesterday. 
Of course it was a powerful flower observing week for me too as we advanced well into spring, seeing stars of the season like beautiful cuckooflower, garlic mustard, greater stitchwort, speedwell, white deadnettle, buttercups coming out, green alkanet, many varied bluebells in their peak days and ones I’ve seen already this year still going well like cowslips, snake’s-head fritillaries, many dandelions carpeting areas and snowflake. It was notable to see the landscape so richly green and bubbling blossom beautifying scenes well too.
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Daisies were lovely to see this week too, including these at Lakeside on Tuesday. 
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Lakeside on Tuesday
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After too many viewings of season 3 of Bridgerton I want to change my header to "I quite like grass" but the fact is sedges have personally wronged me and every time I think about having an opinion on grass I remember my beef with sedges and feel that hatred bubble anew
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libidomechanica · 1 year
“Thy brittered his to Juan wallow dye saintent Night as for maids”
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vardasvapors · 3 years
my gf and i drove through salt lake city in december and we stopped off at antelope island, a small peninsula state park thing in the salt lake. if you’ve never been in the area at this time/conditions idk how to convey it. uh. so the great salt lake is very large and very salty, and in december at least this means it is shrouded in these long narrow streamers of high-lying clumpy/non-diffuse mist, and also the water level is very low.
on either side of the road-wide strip of peninsula, there’s various sedges and stuff growing out of water that may be anywhere between one millimeter to several feet deep — you can’t tell bc the aforementioned mist conditions and resulting light conditions fuck up every bit of perspective and texture and distance and substance information.
anyway when you’re driving on antelope island in these conditions it literally looks like you’re at the edge of a flat-world in a videogame where the ground coding just trails off into a scattering of small islands and fragments embedded in either the water or the sky, it’s impossible to tell which bc both are made of the exact same shiny grey-blue gleam coding, the only difference is occasionally there’s a patch of water birds on the water’s surface, but you can’t really tell anything beyond that one patch of birds. when they fly over the water you can’t tell how high they are. there is no horizon. when the sun sets bc it’s december it seems to just mysteriously melt in the middle of the afternoon sky.
if you get out to walk on the trails, most of the plants are a pretty unfamiliar to even the general utah region (i think?) bc only the stuff that does well in a very salty landlocked lake in the middle of the desert by a city is there. a lot of things sparkle a little from the salt but not very evenly.
if you go down to the lake edge in december when the water is super low, there are pond-sized tide-pool-y areas of salt-loaded decaying organic matter and thriving algae and bacterial mats just kind of beached amid the sand that are visibly and audibly bubbling in the mist sun like a one-inch-deep heavily-reduced petri dish. colors and textures include (incomplete list): a) eyestrain-intense neon green in tight fuzzy curled strands and loose fluff and matte lobes b) deep reddish orange c) a rich brown that has the exact (i touched it) texture of a flourless chocolate cake baked not quite long enough but with too much baking powder, d) salt so white. further from the lake edge there are occasional buffalo standing around in the grass.
my girlfriend played the album 666 by aphrodite’s child while we drove through and it was the most correct combination i’ve ever experienced.
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hwheat2021 · 3 years
April 20 The Oodnadatta Track
Australia is a land full of wonders, with layers and layers of history - a place for discovery. Its forests and gorges are its cathedrals and its precious weathered rock art and ruins, its museums and libraries. Majestic River Red Gums mark the wide river courses which are more often than not dry beds of stones, sand and huge boulders but which, when at flood, cover huge tracts of land. Water! The essential ingredient to the stories of this mostly sunburnt land and which is central to this little story, a story about a small part of our wide brown land, the Oodnadatta Track.
Beneath this iconic outback track lies one of the world’s largest aquifers, the Great Artesian Basin which covers more than 20% of Australia. The Track crosses the traditional lands of three Aboriginal groups - in the south the Kyani people, to the west the Arabana people and to the north the Arrente people. The desert which today we know as the Simpson Desert, has three different names depending on location and is guarded and tended by these traditional groups.
A string of springs runs right through this part of the country, outlets from the deep artesian reserves. Knowledge of the location of these life-giving springs has been passed down by the traditional people of the region for 10s of 1000s of years and they have shared it with explorers and settlers alike warning them that “it isn’t the straightest route but it’s the only one if you are to survive.”
The Track is 600 odd Kms long and we have travelled it a number of times never tiring of its many faces.
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The staggering enormity of Lake Eyre-Kati Thanda which lies to the north of the Track, is mind blowing and the rivers that feed the lake cover a further area of 1.2 million square Kms. Mostly it and Lake Eyre South (pictured above) are dry salt lakes but we have seen water in the southern lake from the Track a number of times. We have even walked to the edge close to the water - or more exactly as close as we could before getting totally bogged almost up to our knees – a little scary actually.
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But the springs - we had stayed at and explored Coward Springs but I was keen to explore the mound springs dotted along the track and first on the list were the Wabma Karabu Mound Springs. It was like driving through a moonscape getting to these springs; this is extensive salt pan country.
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It was rather unbelievable seeing raised water pools in this arid landscape; the first spring is ‘Blanch Cup’. The springs are home to amazing creatures like isopods which seem to be from another world but there are also a few varieties of land snails and fish that live in these pools. The ripples in the second pool are caused by the water bubbling up – this spring is call ‘The Bubbler’. Amazing!
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Strangways Springs NW along the Track are within a heritage and conservation area. On the right is one of the last of the original telegraph poles that carried the essential line to Darwin along this line of springs; the pole is supposedly made from native cypress pine which is termite-resistant. Incidentally Anna Creek Station is the world's largest working cattle station.
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This is the ‘track’ we followed as we explored Strangway Springs; the stones, we think! Here it was clear but elsewhere it was a bit of a guess. We walked about 6ks and it was pretty ‘warm’.
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This is Sedge Spring, one of the mound springs at Strangways. The ledges of this small rocky spring indicate the original depth of the pool and are very fragile. The overflow from the pool creates a trickle of permanent water supporting the sedge community; the sedges are typical of many mound springs. Springs like this in this area are rather precious as many are no longer gurgling due to the number of bores that have been sunk. But they still sustain some precious life out here.
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Some of the mound springs were rocky and high and Lindsay just had to climb them to see what was on top. Sadly most were extinct.
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On the bottom of the pool at this spring, you could see little craters of sediment created by the bubbling spring. This spring was fringed with the small sedge, Cyperus laevigatu.
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I couldn’t leave this post without sharing a few pix of plants I found – in the most unlikely and seemingly hostile environments flowers bloom. Left is a Harlequin Mistletoe, a bright flash in a parched environment. Top right is Frankenia a small grey-green mounded ground-cover with sweet little pink flowers. It is common near springs and other saline areas. I found it atop one of many extinct springs at Strangways. Lower right is samphire which grow in saline areas inhospitable to many other plants. Small birds eat their fruit.
Wandering the mound springs that day made for a pretty special birthday - starting in Coward Springs and ending at William Creek. More anon …..
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raevenlywrites · 4 years
Heads Up 7UP
Thanks for the tag @c-writeblur
He could feel the speech bubbling up inside him, the long practiced mission statement of the ferrymen, the need to limit the crossings for the health of the In Between, and the need for greater unity among Othersides denizens, like was being practiced in the Mortal realm. But he held himself in check. She wasn’t looking for a lecture, she was trying to engage him. He liked the feel of her attention on him. Wanted to keep it there.
“But for my part, serving as a ferryman is incredibly fulfilling. Pomona helps me feel the connections between all things, not just where to make the best crossings but the way one second passes into another, the way sea gives way to sand gives way to sedge. Through In Between magic, I can almost feel the world changing, and it’s--” He stopped, laughing at himself. “I feel I’m doing my best work here, out in the world forging connections for the court, and you can’t ask for a better calling than that. Doing what makes you feel right inside...” He shrugged. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get all gospel on you.”
Tagging: @linariouswrites, @overlap, @andiwriteunderthemoon,
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monochrome-sunsets · 5 years
wc prefixes and suffixes
prefixes: Acorn, Adder, Alder, Aloe, Amber, Ant, Apple, Ash, Ashen, Aspen, Auburn, Babble, Badger, Barley, Basil, Bat, Bay, Bear, Beaver, Beech, Bee, Beetle, Berry, Birch, Bird, Black, Blaze, Blizzard, Bloom, Blossom, Blue, Bluebell, Blueberry, Bone, Borage, Boulder, Bounce, Bracken, Bramble, Brave, Breeze, Briar, Bright, Brindle, Bristle, Broken, Brook, Brown, Brush, Bubble, Bumble, Burning, Burn, Buzzard, Buzz, Cave, Cedar, Cherry, Chestnut, Chirp, Chive, Cinder, Claw, Clay, Clear, Cliff, Cloud, Cloudy, Clove, Clover, Coal, Cold, Copper, Cotton, Creek, Cricket, Crooked, Crouch, Crow, Cypress, Daisy, Dandelion, Dapple, Dappled, Dark, Dawn, Dead, Deer, Dew, Doe, Dove, Downy, Drift, Drizzle, Duck, Dune, Dusk, Dust, Dusty, Eagle, Ebony, Echo, Eel, Elder, Elm, Ember, Elk, Falcon, Fallen, Falling, Fallow, Fawn, Feather, Fennel, Fern, Ferret, Finch, Fire, Fish, Flame, Flare, Flash, Fleet, Flint, Flood, Flower, Flurry, Fog, Forest, Fox, Freckle, Frog, Frost, Frozen, Gentle, Ginger, Golden, Goose, Gorge, Gorse, Grass, Green, Grey, Grizzled, Grouse, Gull, Gust, Hail, Half, Hare, Haven, Hawk, Hay, Hazel, Heather, Heavy, Hemlock, Heron, Hickory, Hill, Hive, Hollow, Holly, Honey, Hop, Hornet, Hound, Hush, Ice, Icy, Iris, Ivy, Jagged, Jay, Jump, Juniper, Kestrel, Kindle, Kink, Lake, Larch, Lark, Laurel, Lavender, Leaf, Leopard, Lichen, Light, Lightning, Lilac, Lily, Lion, Little, Lizard, Long, Lost, Loud, Lynx, Mallow, Maple, Marigold, Marsh, Meadow, Minnow, Mint, Missing, Mist, Mistle, Misty, Mole, Morning, Moss, Mossy, Moth, Mottle, Mottled, Mountain, Mouse, Mud, Muddy, Mumble, Myrtle, Needle, Nettle, Newt, Night, Nut, Oak, Oat, Ocean, Odd, Olive, One, Orchid, Osprey, Otter, Owl, Pale, Parsley, Patch, Peach, Pear, Pearl, Pebble, Perch, Petal, Pheasant, Pigeon, Pike, Pine, Pink, Plum, Pond, Pool, Poppy, Pounce, Prickle, Puddle, Quail, Quick, Quiet, Rabbit, Ragged, Raccoon, Rain, Rat, Raven, Red, Reed, Ripple, Rising, River, Robin, Rock, Root, Rose, Rowan, Rubble, Running, Rush, Russet, Rust, Rusty, Rye, Sage, Sand, Sandy, Sap, Scorch, Scratch, Sea, Sedge, Seed, Shade, Shadow, Sharp, Sheep, Shell, Shining, Shore, Short, Shred, Shrew, Shrub, Shy, Silent, Silk, Silver, Skip, Skunk, Sky, Slate, Sleet, Slush, Small, Smoke, Smudge, Snag, Snail, Snake, Snow, Soft, Song, Soot, Sorrel, Spark, Sparrow, Speckled, Speckle, Spider, Splash, Splinter, Spotted, Spring, Spruce, Squirrel, Stag, Starling, Stoat, Stone, Stork, Storm, Stream, Striped, Stumpy, Sun, Sunny, Swallow, Swan, Sweet, Swift, Tabby, Tall, Talon, Tangle, Tansy, Tawny, Thistle, Thorn, Thrush, Thunder, Thyme, Tiger, Timber, Tiny, Toad, Torrent, Torn, Tortoise, Trout, Tulip, Tumble, Turtle, Twig, Twilight, Valley, Velvet, Vine, Violet, Viper, Vole, Vulture, Wasp, Water, Wave, Weasel, Web, Weed, White, Wild, Willow, Wind, Wolf, Wren, Yarrow, Yellow, Yew
suffixes: adder, ant, apple, ash, aspen, babble, bark, beam, bee, belly, berry, bite, bird, blaze, bloom, blossom, blotch, bounce, bramble, briar, branch, breeze, briar, bright, brook, bud, burn, burr, bush, call, chaser, catcher, cherry, chive, cinder, claw, cloud, clover, cough, crawl, creek, crest, crow, cry, curl, current, daisy, dance, dapple, dawn, drop, dove, dusk, dust, ear, echo, eye, eyes, face, fall, fallow, fang, feather, fern, field, fire, flake, flame, flare, flash, flight, flood, flower, flurry, fox, foot, freckle, frond, frost, fur, gaze, gleam, grass, grove, gorse, hail, hare, hawk, haze, heart, heather, holly, hop, hush, ice, iris, ivy, jay, jaw, jump, leaf, kelp, kestrel, lake, larch, lark, lavender, leaf, leap, leg, lichen, light, lilac, lily, lion, lizard, lotus, mallow, marsh, mask, meadow, mint, mist, moss, moth, mouse, murmur, needle, nettle, nose, nut, oak, oat, olive, patch, path, pelt, perch, petal, pigeon, pool, pond, poppy, pounce, puddle, quail, quill, rain, rat, raven, rapid, reed, ridge, ripple, rise, river, root, rose, rubble, runner, rush, sage, sand, scar, screech, sedge, seed, shade, shadow, shell, shine, sight, skip, sky, slate, slip, smoke, snow, song, soot, sparrow, spark, speck, speckle, splash, spot, spots, spring, stalk, step, stem, sting, stone, storm, stream, streak, stride, strike, stripe, stone, sun, swipe, swoop, tail, talon, thicket, thistle, thorn, throat, thunder, trail, tooth, tuft, tumble, vine, vole, water, watcher, weed, whisker, willow, wind, wing, wish, whisper
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starclanmemes · 6 years
all the prefixes
so like the suffix list, here are all the canon prefixes. just all of them. do with this what you will. feel free to tell me if i missed one
not included: founder names (thunder-, river-, etc), tribe or settler names (unless also present in a current clan cat), kittypet/loner/single names (millie, bone, egg, etc), skyclan names that are clearly derived from a kittypet name (billy-, bella-, harry-, etc).
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violettesiren · 5 years
. . . . . The twilight shadows grow And steal the rose-bloom genial summer sheds, And scented wafts of wind that come and go, Have lifted dew from honeyed clover-heads; The seven stars shine out above the mill, The dark delightsome woods lie veiled and still. Hush! hush! the nightingale begins to sing, And stops as ill-contented with her note; Then breaks from out the bush with hurried wing, Restless and passionate. She tunes her throat, Laments awhile in wavering trills, and then Floods with a stream of sweetness all the glen. The seven stars upon the nearest pool Lie trembling down betwixt the lily leaves, And move like glowworms; wafting breezes cool Come down along the water, and iTheaves And bubbles in the sedge; while deep and wide The dim night settles on the country side.
from Four Bridges: Summer Night  by Jean Ingelow
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koukennin · 6 years
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General –
Height:   178 cm. Weight:  58 kg. (  but tbh in my eyes he has to weight more. After all, muscles weights more than fat.  ) Ethnicity:  Konohagakure. Occupation:  Akatsuki / ANBU.  Gender:  Male. Sexual Identification:  Bisexual. Romantic Identification:  Demiromantic. Myers Briggs Type:   THE ARCHITECT ( INTJ )
Specifics –
Favorite Food:  Dango. However, when it comes to non-dessert foods, then it’s Onigiri, Chicken Udon Soup & Sushi. He is a very down on earth kind of person when it comes to food, but those are some of his favorites.
Favorite Drink:  Green tea - sencha, he actually just greatly enjoys tea and loves the scent of it, he even keeps some leaves in his room to fill it with that pleasant scent. When it comes to alcohol beverages then sake is a favor of his due to the health benefits it carries.
Favorite Hobby:  Reading. This is Itachi’s number one hobby. He likes to read due to how he can slip into another state of mind, slip into another universe and enjoy new knowledge and absorb things through a world unlike his own. He also like to write - poetry, however, keeps this mostly to himself, it’s a way for him to express himself without actually voicing things that might coil his around his heart. He also got a soft liking for drawing, mostly small sketches that are never colored and usually done with a mere pen.
Favorite Scent:  Rain, the scent the rain leaves after it has passed. Nature, the fresh scent of flowers, grass, earth, trees in bloom. The scent of a person freshly cleaned ( he appreciates this a lot, especially if they use a very nice shampoo/cologne. )  
Favorite Person:  Sasuke, Shisui, ( Loke in the chosen verse ), Sarada, Mikoto, Naruto.
Random –
List ten facts about your character:
1. He is ticklish on his sides, just don’t try to tickle him because you have a high chance of accidentally getting hit with an elbow due to him moving his arms in reflex.
2. Itachi suffers from a mild ( however you will look at it ) form of insomnia, also known as sleep disorder, making the individual have a difficult time falling asleep. However, this is due to nightmares, sleep terrors, something that makes Itachi want to stay awake, even if he can sleep. 
3. He got a sweet-tooth, however, knowing that sweets are not all that healthy, he tends to deny himself them, unless they are presented to him or it’s a special occasion.
4. Itachi actually greatly enjoys flowers due to his mother having had quite a few in her garden. This has lead the elder Uchiha to have quite some around. However, his greatest joy when it comes to things akin to that, will always be bonsai trees, he just really appreciate those and the work put into them.
5. Itachi never really saw his own birthday as something special or important. If the man was left alone without anyone pointing it out, he would most likely forget it and just go on with his day without even noticing it being a special day. He however, remembers everyone else’s birthdays ( those close to him )
6. Itachi can play the piano. As a small boy, Itachi heard someone play the piano when he was out on a mission and then told his mother about it once he came him, this awoke the desire to play. However, it’s not something he does a whole lot and yet, the elder Uchiha - due to his quick mind, perfected it only a couple of weeks.
7. Itachi will always, always, help those close to him when they need him. Due to secretly having a big heart, he will never turn his back to those who needs his help, never mind if it might ruin a plan of his, nothing is more important to him than to help those in need.
8. In his youthful days, Itachi actually thought about cutting his hair short as someone said it was a burden to have once he had to do missions. However, due to Shisui saying how much he liked his hair, Itachi kept it, growing it out even longer than he had originally planned. It’s now one of his favorite features.
9.  Due to his pale complexion, Itachi is actually weak to the sun and tend to keep away from being in direct contact with it for longer periods of times. If he got a mission that requires him to stay under the sun for hours at a time, then he either use sun-lotion or wear a sedge hat.
10. Itachi is not all about his clan despite wanting the best for them. This is due to Itachi always seeing things through and from every angle, something that doesn’t change despite what his clan-members might say or tell him.
Five things they like:
1. Nature.
2. Silence.
3. Peace.
4. Rain.
5. Intelligence.
Five things they dislike:
1. Cruelty.
2. Death.
3. Impoliteness.
4. Bad manners.
5. Selfishness (  as in people who are selfish and doesn’t wish to help others in need. ) 
Common words/phrases that annoy them?  Death should never be the first choice.
Personality types they prefer: People who can match his intelligence. Warm people, people who isn’t afraid to approach him and pop his bubble. People who follow their goals and never give up.
Personality types they avoid: Impolite people. Loud and obnoxious people. Selfish, cruel individuals.
What do you find different (or distinct) about your portrayal?: That he is displayed to have a bigger heart than most people show, a feature I believe should have more focus due to it being directly stated that he is a kind soul yet, still got an insane control over his emotions.
However, I appreciate any Itachi(s) even those who are 100% stone face 24/7 because we all got lovely ideas about Itachi and it’s always such a joy to see how others see him! c:
Tagged by: @sageheir (  Thank you so much for tagging me (*´▽`*))
Tagging: @haevatein @koukenkage @foundsweets ( Kakashi / Yamato <3  ) @uchihaheir @naru-uzumaki @tenebris-vulpes / @strawberrysakura @infernoforced @masshirohebi @zokucho @kinokami @sennokami &&& Anyone who wish to do it! c:
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son-of-drogo · 6 years
Tried my hand at script writing. What do you think of Episode 2 of Mattimeo?
Int. Gatehouse-day
Matthias the Warrior stands South his back to the empty fireplace. Her is a sturdy mouse, about 28-30 seasons old. Although the table is set for breakfast, the food is untouched. Matthias is not relishing facing his wayward son.
A knock is heard, the camera pans to the door.
Matthias (O.S)
Come in, please.
Formole, a greying mole enters, nodding to Matthias and smiling until his beady eyes almost disappear.
Gudd morn to you'm, Mattwise, yurr. Uz moles diggin a cooker pit t'day. May'aps you'ud loik to 'elp?
(Smiles fondly and pats his friend's back)
Thank you for the offer, Foremole. Unfortunately I have other more serious business to attend this morning. (There is a thump in the next room. Matthias's ear twitches) Hmm, that sounds like it in the next room, just getting out of bed. Will you excuse me?
(Chuckles and shakes his head)
Hurr hurr, ee be a roight laddo, yurr Mattee. Doant wack 'im too 'ard now. (Exits)
(Appears looking touseled and apprehensive)
(Beckoning to his son)
Come on, Mattimeo.
Mattimeo glances hungrily at the breakfast table, but his attention quickly turns to his father.
Well, what have you got to say for yourself?
(Crosses his arms)
I should hope so.
(Mumbles a bit louder)
M'very sorry.
Foremole says I should wack you. What do you think?
M'very very sorry. 't won't happen again, Dad.
(Shakes his head and pinches the bridge of his nose, but lays a paw on his son's shoulder)
Matti, why do you do these things? You hurt us and got your friends into trouble. Why?
(Is unsure about what answer his father wants)
(Watches his rebellious son for a moment before turning to take down a magnificent sword from above the fireplace. He offers it to his son)
Here Matti, see if you can wield it yet.
(Takes the sword with trembling paws and shining eyes. He tries to swing it twice, but he stumbles, pulled down to the floor by its weight.)
I can nearly swing it Father.
Matthias takes the sword and begins to perform what almost looks like a dance. Snicking the stalk from an Apple, slicing the bread without touching the table, carelessly flicking the rind off a wedge of cheese. He brought the sword up on a warrior's salute before bringing the blade to rest, point quivering, in the floor.
Mattimeo looks at his father with admiration.
One day you will take my place, son. You will grow big and strong, and I will train you to use the sword like a real warrior. But it is only a sword. It will not make you a warrior just because you carry it. Weapons may be carried by those who are evil, dishonest, violent, or lazy. A true warrior is good, gentle, and honest. His bravery comes from within; he learns to conquer his fears and misdeeds. Do you understand?
(Grows stern)
Good, I am glad you do. I will not wack you. I have never laid a paw on you and I don't plan on starting. However, you attacked Vitch and I will not have my son fighting. At first I thought I should not allow you to attend the feast...
Shock and disbelief crosses the young mouse's features.
But I have decided that you may go, if you go straight to the kitchens. You must ask Friar Hugo to give you double the tasks he have Vitch. When you have finished, go and help your mother pick flowers until she says you are free. Understood?
Mattimeo it's shocked. He's never before been asked or ordered to perform any tasks.
Matthias watches his son's reaction, testing to see if he will show character or behave like a spoiled brat.
I will do as you have asked, Dad.
(Clapping him on the back)
Good lad! That's the mark of a warrior in training, obedience. Off you go now!
Int. Great Hall- Day
Morning sunlight lances through the high Windows, light falls in soft pink relief to the floor of Great Hall. Mattimeo passes under a beam of light and the camera pans to follow him. As he passes the Tapestry of Martin the Warrior he stops abruptly. He turns, checking to see if someone is following him. There is no one.
(Draws close to the portrait)
I could feel you watching me, Martin. I'm on my way to do penance in the kitchens, you probably know that. I didn't mean to disobey my parents, but I had to fight Vitch because he said things about my dad. I couldn't allow him to insult my family. My dad wouldn't have punished me if he knew, but he's my dad. I can't explain things to him properly. You're different, Martin, you understand.
Martin's expression doesn't change.
(Shuffles his paws)
Sometimes you're just like Dad. Look, I'm sorry, I'll try to be a better mouse. I promise not to get in trouble anymore.
Mattimeo shuffles sulkily to the kitchens muttering.
I wish there was another Great War, I'd slow them. Huh! They'd be glad I could fight then. I wouldn't be sent off to scour pots then. They'd probably have to give me a medal or something.
The camera returns to Martin and his smile seems gentler. He seems to be watching the retreating figure of the young mouse.
Int. Kitchens-day
Friar Hugo is the fattest mouse on Redwall Abbey. He wears a white apron over his habit and always carries a dockleaf in his tail, which he used to fan himself, Rub on a scorched paw, or use as a visor to peer down into bubbling pots.
Matti waits for orders.
(Checking the lists)
Hmm, let me see, that's six large raspberry seed cakes. We need four more. Brother Sedge, take that pot of cream off before it boils over! Sister Agnes, chop those onions and add the herbs to the woodland stew. Er, what's this? Ten flagons of strawberry cordial? We need twice as many. Nip down to the cellars, young Matti and fill more flagons. Have Ambrose Spike let you in.
Matti Is glad to be out of the hustle and bustle of the kitchens. He salutes the fat friar and runs of, dodging between the kitchen workers.
Int. Cellars-Day
Ambrose Spike is blowing foam from a bowl of October ale when Mattimeo comes up on him.
'Scuse me, please Friar Hugo sent me t-
The old hedgehog choked and sneezed as he whirled around.
(Rubbing at his snout)
Don't sneak up on me like that, lad. Hold still a moment will you.
(Drains the bowl and smacks his lips)
Harr, wunnerful! Though I do say it meself, no creature brews October ale like the Spike family. Now what can I do for you, mousey?
Friar says I've got to fill more flagons of strawberry cordial sir.
(Points down the hall)
Oh, right barrels are in the next section. The ones marked pink, flagons are against the wall as y' go in. Don't disturb the elderberry or Blackcurrant wine or they'll go cloudy.
The camera follows Matti. As he is waking info the next section he is hailed.
Psst, Matt, sssshhh, over here!
The twin churcmice, Tim and Tess, and Sam Squirrel are longing by the barrels of strawberry cordial.
(Tip toes over)
What are you doing down here?
(Stifles a giggle)
We slipped past Ambrose while he was dozing. Come and have some cold strawberry cordial, it's scrummy.
They prise a bung from the barrel and use hollow reeds to drink the sparkling juice.
Tess passes Matti a straw and he joins them.
Some time later Ambrose passes by to see the four youngsters filling the flagons.
(To himself)
Hmm. S' funny, there was only one of 'em here before.
Int. Kitchens-Day
The kitchen staff are working flat out now in preparation for the feast.
(Fanning himself)
You there, Billum, can you dig me a nice neat tunnel through the middle of that big marrow?
Hurr, gaffer, oi serpintly can. Pervidin' oi can eat it as oi goes along.
Righto, carry on. Oh there you are young Matti. Take your friends along to the larder. I want two small white cheeses flavored with sage, two large red cheeses with beechnut and rosemary, and one of the extra large yellow cheeses with acorn and apple bits. Be very careful how you roll the extra large yellow; don't go knocking anyone down or breaking furniture.
All four together
(Dash off whooping)
Hooray, we're going to roll cheeses!
Abbot Mordalfus, normally a dignified creature, appeared from behind a large cake, his whiskers festooned with cream and candied peel.
(Dusting off his friend's face with the dockleaf)
Ha, there you are Alf. Well, how's the special Redwall Abbot's Cake coming along?
(Chewing on some candied peel thoughtfully)
Very well, thank you Hugo. Though I still suspect it lacks something. What do you think?
(Dips his dock leaf in the mixture and tastes it)
Hmm, I see what you mean, Alf. If I were you, I'd put some redcurrant jelly in to make it look more like an Abbot's Cake. Doesn't hurt to cheat a little. After all you're only going by Abbot Saxtus's recipe, and that's a matter of taste. Yes, put more redcurrant in and we'll name it Redcurrantwall Abbot Alf Cake.
(Dusting flour off his paws, smiling proudly)
What a good idea. Hi there Matthias, where are you off to?
(Carries two fishing lines and bait, he dodges a pair of moles pushing a trollyful of streaming muffins, calling across to Mordalfus)
Don't you remember, Abbot, we were supposed to be going fishing in the Abbey pond for our annual centerpiece?
(Clapping a paw to his brow)
Goodness me, so I have. I'll be right with you Matthias.
(Looks around the kitchen)
Friar Hugo, have you seen my son?
Indeed I have, Matthias. The young feller's been a great help. Haha, I've sent him and his pals to roll cheeses out. That'll keep them busy. Constance is the only one strong enough to deal with the big yellow cheese that I've told them to roll out. Hahaha I'd love to see how they do that.
Didn't laugh too soon, Basil Stag Hare had just arrived. I just let him in the main gate. He says he's been on a long patrol and hasn't had a decent meal in three sunrises. Oh, and he said to tell you he's appointed himself official sampler.
Matthias and the Abbot flee the kitchens as Hugo puffs up with indignation.
What? Never! I'm not having that retired regimental glutton feeding his face in my kitchens. Oh no! Why the skinny great windbag, he'll eat us out of store and larder before sunset! Oh my nerves I don't think I'll be able to stand it!
Ext. Abbey grounds
Cornflower and Mrs. Churchmou
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Thatchers Use Conventional Craft Skills, Materials And Provide A Perfect Solution
Thatch is a conventional roofing technique that requires utilizing parched vegetation like rye straw, water reed, wheat straw, rushes, sedge, and so on to build a thatch roof. It is one of the topmost materials utilized for roofing or covering. Straw Roof Thatching Services UK has begun to enhance a highly favorable, strategic design option because of its challenging and for its ecologically friendly credentials as a sustainable substance. 
The material arrangement of thatch, with its natural space and surface deformity, gives wonderful insulation when dry and compact. Although, when broken down with deposition of moss and rainwater, the isolation properties are less reliable. Thatch can also be at risk to fire. 
An ideal thing with a marvelous insulation value - no drafts, no fragile spots around the support, for example, no irregular settlement of your insulation. Existent both impervious and flexible in temperate conditions it is in reality the most impervious to roof covering in storms and high winds, there are no single tiles to fall off. Your roof is one mass.   
Now the latest materials, such as galvanized metals and modern adapted tools to work with & tighten metal parts, people want a lifetime of a thatched covering to be turned on-site and upkeep building it fully competitively with a standard roof. 
Main points to increase the lifespan of a Straw Roof Thatching Services UK
●      Each thatched-covering homeowner should have an upgrade plan or ask their thatcher to retain on higher or minor repairs.
●      On standard, the covering should be properly built yearly.
●      Check out covering the ridge in chicken wire to save birds from collecting the thatch for nesting materials.
●      Forever cut back overhanging trees and keep clean moss and likens off the coat.
●      No one can walk on your thatched roof.
 What are the advantages of Roof thatching?
●      Thatching is a very long-lasting method of roofing and can make use of reuse, local and natural materials which can also make it quite low-priced.
●      The items selection have traditionally been available locally and were often the ‘waste’ product of other activities. Although, it does not need the use of scarce resources, stone pits, or high levels of energy to produce, and their lightness means that they need less fuel for transportation.
●      Straw Roof Thatching Services UK manages with irregular and unusual roof shapes easily as it does not need a perfect fit to be effective.
●      Given the high standard of products and their approach is correct and the covering preferably has an incline, water will properly take off and bubbles in the cover will make it hot in the winter season and chill in the summer season. Roof covering also has the finest wind defiance when used accurately.
Providing a free, in-depth survey to assess your needs. When we have confirmed your needs, we will provide the best quote, without obligation. If you are required for advice at any stage in straw roof thatching services UK, we will be ready to convey our professionals at no extra cost.
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mariaclaragomez276 · 4 years
The Wilderness Edition: 10 remote destinations to get away from it all
Escaping everything and everyone might be high on your post-lockdown list after spending many months indoors this year. Breaths of fresh air have been limited, and the freedom of travel restricted. If it’s all beginning to feel too close to home, here are ten far-flung corners of the world to go off-grid and off-the-beaten-track once this is all over – social distancing guaranteed.
A dramatic landscape of black volcanic beaches, ethereal blue lagoons, lunar-like glaciers, spellbinding waterfalls, bubbling springs and lava fields, Iceland is an other-worldly escape for back-to-nature seeking travellers. While the natural beauty of this Nordic island can be experienced all year round, it feels that bit more magical during the winter – when the fjords are frozen, the rustic cabins dusted with snow, and the Northern Lights come out to play.
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Hotel Rangá, Hella…This hunting lodge meets palatial log cabin is perfectly positioned for the Golden Circle and glacier expeditions. From snowmobiling to jeep safaris, dog-sledding to horse riding, caving to fishing, a world of Icelandic adventures awaits.
From heater-dotted coastlines, hilltop castles and stone-clad villages to craggy peaks and mystical lochs, Scotland is home to some of the most ruggedly beautiful scenery in the world. There is no place quite like the Highlands for completely disconnecting from daily life, where red deer roam the valleys of Glencoe and dolphins swim in the Moray Firth – all with the spectacular backdrop of the UK‘s highest peak, Ben Nevis.
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Inverlochy Castle, Fort William…From the dove-grey stone walls and romantic turrets, through to the sumptuously furnished rooms, this Scottish masterpiece of 19th-century baronial splendour is located in a postcard-worthy setting three miles from Fort William. Make the most of the Nevis Range during winter with the snow sports at nearby Aonach Mor.
There’s going off-the-beaten-track, and then there’s Mongolia. Sweeping grassy steppes are home to herds of native horses, which outnumber the country’s human population of largely nomadic caravans. With the Gobi Desert to the south, and the Altai Mountains to the north-west, Ulaanbaatar sits between some of the world’s most extreme terrains – and ranks as one of the coldest capital cities.
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Terelj Hotel, Ulaanbaatar…Set on the banks of Terelj River in a remote spot surrounded by wild, tree-covered mountains in the Gorkhi-Terelj National Park, this elegant outpost is huddled amongst some of the most carefully protected parkland in the country. The great outdoors is right on your doorstep, from bird watching to horseback riding through meadows of edelweiss.
Nestled in the middle of Swedish Lapland, Harads takes you to the Arctic heart of the wilderness. Here, trees heavy with snow are silhouetted against the Northern Lights and traditional red lodges line the Lule River. Home to snow-topped mountains, seemingly endless forests and fast flowing rivers, National Parks cover much of Swedish Lapland. Canoe through birch lined rivers to spot beavers, moose and even wild reindeer in their natural habitats.
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Arctic Bath, Harads…Glass walls, floating walkways and sky-gazing decks connect the inside with the great outdoors at this one-of-a-kind resort, where cosy cabins seem to hover above both land and water. Wildlife enthusiasts can join a Sámi reindeer herder at an Arctic circle camp, canoe alongside beavers, embark on a moose safari, photograph golden eagles or go bear spotting.
New Zealand
With panoramic scenery stretching as far as the eye can see, it’s no wonder New Zealand has become the dream destination of many a film director. You’ll find the south island a little cooler than the north, and it tends to have more defined seasons, all equally picture-perfect. There is no shortage of ways to explore the unspoiled landscape of snow-capped mountains, fern covered forests and rolling valleys – from whale watching, bungee jumping, and helicopter rides over glaciers, to skiing and snowboarding some of the world’s best powder snow in the winter.
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Bay of Many Coves, Queen Charlotte Sound…Set in a tranquil cove with beautiful views of the Marlborough Sounds, this exclusive retreat is surrounded by an eco-marine haven, way off the beaten track. You will soon understand why Captain Cook chose this area as his favoured anchorage while visiting New Zealand.
Boasting the world’s longest coastline, with the Atlantic to the East, the Pacific to the West, and the Arctic Ocean stretching along the North, Canada‘s geography is as varied as its spectacular seasons. Everything about this vast country is big: the Niagara Falls, the surf swells, the famous moose and infamous grizzly bears. Get lost in the wilderness of backcountry skiing in British Columbia, polar bear spotting on the northern tundra, whale watching on the picturesque waterfront of Vancouver Island, and canoeing along auburn tree-lined waterways in Nova Scotia.
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Trout Point Lodge, Nova Scotia…A secluded nature sanctuary on the banks of the Tusket River and next to the Tobeatic Wilderness Area, this luxury lodge is surrounded by swathes of forestland. Giving guests the perfect base to discover the backwoods, you are guaranteed to get up close with the local wildlife.
If you’re after luxury in one of its most remote, authentic settings, the last remaining Himalayan Kingdom won’t disappoint. A year-round destination for experiencing nature in its purest form, Bhutan is one of those special places which has to be seen to be believed – hilltop fortresses with fluttering prayer flags, ancient Buddhist monasteries, rhododendrons springing into full bloom, and sedges of endangered Black-Necked Cranes circling the Phobjikha Valley each winter.
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Gangtey Lodge, Phobjikha Valley…A world away from the everyday, this all-suite Himalayan hideaway immerses guests in traditional Bhutanese culture, offering an array of authentic experiences including Buddhist meditation classes, archery, and hot stone baths back at the farmhouse.
Bhutan Spirit Sanctuary, Paro…Inspired by traditional dzong architecture, this high-altitude retreat is perched amongst the clouds in Neyphu Valley, against a backdrop of rugged cliffs and pine trees. As the first and only traditional spa-inclusive resort in Bhutan, guests of the Sanctuary can enjoy a bespoke programme of treatments in the hands of the in-house medicine doctors.
Colorado, USA
Arriving in Colorado feels a little like setting foot in the Wild West – with copper-red canyons and characterful ranches. Home to the Rocky Mountains, high plains, and desert lands, this scenic state enjoys 300 days of sunshine each year whilst also welcoming snow-seekers to world-renowned ski resorts almost all year round. Its great outdoors are made to be explored, whether on foot, skis, or horseback.
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Rawah Ranch, Glendevey…This self-styled ‘dude’ ranch and fly-fishing lodge is straight out of a Western movie – historic Colorado-style cabins in the wild Laramie River Valley. Channel your inner cowboy and ride through thousands of acres of pristine and protected high-country Colorado wilderness.
One of Europe’s best-kept secrets, Lithuania has something of a fairytale feel about it – with tranquil lakes, soaring mountains, and enchanting castles. The countryside is at its most colourful in spring and autumn, but once the snow sets in, the landscape is transformed into a winter wonderland. The five lakes around the small city of Trakai are home to a vast array of wildlife, while its woodlands are designated as a Historical National Park – the only one of its kind in Europe.
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Esperanza Resort & SPA, Vilnius…Surrounded by 14 hectares of expansive forests and set beside a beautiful lake, this eco-friendly resort allows guests to make the most of its pristine setting. Spend summer days on forest walks or messing about on the lake. In the winter, snowmobiling, cross-country skiing and ice fishing are just a few of the available activities.
Discover ends-of-the-earth luxury in the wilds of Patagonian Argentina, with its wide steppes, grasslands, and dramatic desert scenery where cougars, guanacos, and flamingos roam free. Nature lovers won’t be left wanting in Villa La Angostura, a secluded spot in the beautiful Argentinian Lake District with the snow-dusted Andes in the background. Home to the Los Arrayanes National Park and its extraordinary rare rust-brown coihues and ñires – rumour has it that these trees inspired the imaginary forest in Walt Disney’s Bambi.
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Correntoso Lake & River Hotel, Villa La Angostura…Nestled in the shadows of the Andes, this lakeside beauty has a spectacular setting on the shores of Lake Nahuel Huapi. Here, nature meets nurture with rooms that have the most exhilarating lake and mountain views, and guests are perfectly placed for snow, forest and water escapades.
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