castiels-undercoat · 1 month
It will forever be funny to me that in season 13 when Cas comes back from the dead Dean goes from lashing out at everyone while hes in full downward spiral mode to suddenly being in the best mood possible, giggling and kicking his feet over cowboys and hes just like "what im not allowed to be happy or something? 🙄" like bro...🫵🤨 you're fucking gay
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pizzarink · 4 months
Could I please get your guys’ help??- my blog is severely dying once again, but I’m posting. I don’t know what’s going on, like if it’s a shadowban of some sort, but I need your help. I went from almost 300 notes to a little over 100 in just a few hours. Reblogs, spreading awareness, replying, literally just liking or interacting with posts will help. Please and thank you.
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I dont know if this was a dream or me daydreaming but i was in love with a prettu pretty girl and she loved me and i stared at her a lot and now i think of her more she was beautiful i wish she was real <- delulu
ill find her....eventually...and shell love me
I was sitting eating i think i was with friends and her and i wasnt looking at anyone else but her,,,she my gf she had food on her mouth and i rubbed it off SHES REAL GUYS <- trying to manifest her
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the-voldsoy · 8 months
do names have power in the magnus universe? they didnt really, iirc, in tma. michael "that is a real name, yes" the distortion, nikola "i killed my father and took his last name" orsinov, jurgen "put my name on spooky books and it ended up killing me", the lukases "connected by blood and name but not much else", the fairchilds "its just a name for a bunch of Vastards".
titles, they have power, in a way. we know that. the Archivist and the Pupil, for example.
this is all to say, could it be dangerous for Alice to insist on naming JMJ? she has been told off by two people on-record atp, even though it seems innocent enough. so why are they so against naming the voices? are they just annoyed? or is there a deeper meaning?
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tealcaste · 11 months
is. os this real are we actually seeing licorice cookie content after so long OH MY GOD. IS THIS RRAL. WHA T??????????????????? (/pos)
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also this.. :3
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if i had a nickle for every non-speaking black-and-white, in universe cartoon oc i have i'd have 2 nickles. which isn't a lot but it's strange i've done it twice
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in the phase again
where i wanna talk about characters but nobody cares about the character on the level i do and i don't wanna specify who the character is so i gotta act basic because i fear the rabbithole that will open up if i will reveal my favourite character has the same mental state as a sopping wet towel
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anxiously-awaiting · 2 years
would it belike. idk bad form or smth to put my steam wishliston here on my birthday
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aliensodomy · 3 days
I imagine Oakland California to be a larger, more detailed Oakville Ontario. Like a Disneyland Disneyworld type situation.
Which is terrifying because Oakville Ontario fucking sucks.
When we invade America let's bomb Oakland first.
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thesimboneyard · 1 year
Love the younger you the way they desperately needed to be.
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arolesbianism · 1 year
It's day 7 of pride month and like every tag has already become 5 times more unbearable to me. Like idk if ur only aro hc is the robot or the autistic coded character or the villain or god forbid all 3 maybe just stop making aro hcs for a second and talk to a real life aro person
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the-spouse-au · 1 year
Ask Rules:
When asking, keep it atleast Pg-13, as some of our Mods are Minors
Please Please PLEASE be patient with us! We may not immediately get to your ask! And that's okay. Even though there are a lot of us, we are still human and have to talk about some things when it comes to certain asks.
When asking, please specify which Character you are talking to (it can be up to three per ask), and what Mod(s) those characters are for.
Don't be shy to ask about Spouses from different Bishops! They interact with each other and often Cameo in the Character Arcs of other Spouses.
Mods can set their own boundaries when it comes to their asks, and will do so on their introduction pages, so please make sure you're also following those.
Misgender our Mods/Characters and your ask may be ignored. It's just the price of being disrespectful 🤷‍♀️
We reserve the right to not answer any ask, without an explanation. This Blog is supposed to be fun for us, so let's keep it that way! <3
Be respectful in your ask. We don't want to deal with B¡tchy askers, wether you be in Anon or out of Anon.
Do not be mad if one Mod answers for another, as this could be for a plethora of different reasons, wether that be the Mod you're originally asking about was unclear, or they just couldn't do your ask.
On that note feel Free to ask away! This will be updated if needed in the future, and we may close the inbox if we feel too swamped, but otherwise go nuts!
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zero-is-nebulous · 2 years
Realised Neo (my main persona) is based off of the art part of what I do (hence Neo, short for nebulous)
I've been using them for gaming stuff but I have a diffrent name over there (Amorphous), so,,,,
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aquato-family-circus · 7 months
it probably never got to the concept art stage and if it did probably wasnt substantive enough to show off... but even as someone who's not a huge intern fan, i am a little sad there wasnt any mention of that mentathalon/intern competition that has some cut lines in the files (iirc its how we knew some of the kids' last names up until now when theyre finally spelled in the art book)
no choice but to rise in the game journalism ranks until i can arrange an interview with tim schafer and co and sit them in a room to ask 50 questions abt irrelivant minor cut content that didnt get mentioned in the book bc it wasnt that important tbh but I WANNA KNOOOWWWW
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esosage · 3 months
Just had a bit of an au idea. Idk if its an au, since its still the characters from the movies only they get transported into another universe, but still.
(Also, this is just an idea, nothing here is concrete. Some parts are still not finished quite yet.)
So how this universe works is that everyone has "rolls." These rolls being fictional archytypes, aka "the hero," "the main villain," "the side kick," "the damsel in distess," ect, ect. Now, each roll has a main objective. The main villain wants to conquer the world, the hero wants to stop the main villain, stuff like that. How you do it is irrelivent, getting there is all that matters.
Im thinking this world kinda revolves around stories, and the creation of them, but i still need to figure out how that would work. (Im thinking its kinda like shrek where a bunch of fairytale characters are thrown together into the same world, except the fairytale's are being made while everything plays out.)
Overall though, the world is very fantasy themed.
Now somehow, and idk how yet, stone, robotnik, and sonic get transported to this world. Each getting their own role and objective, with them needing to complete it in order to get back home. Not sure how completing it allows them to get back home, but i'll figure it out. Maybe they fucked with something they shouldn't have, and the price for it was needing to craft a story/fairytale in order to return, idk. Either way they need to do it.
So, as for their roles and objectives: Stone gets cast into the role of the main villain. He has two objectives, to 1. Conquer the neighboring kingdom (although thats subject to change,) and 2. To keep the damsel in distress to himself, forever. Of course, as the main villain, he has them captured already. But, when stone came into this world they were already captured for him, so he has never met them.
This is very important to note, because the damsel in distress, is robotnik. Honestly, i just made him the damsel on distress for shits and giggles, (and because hed look sick as hell in a wedding dress,) but its also semi important story wise.
As the damsel in distress, robotniks main objective is to "escape his roll as prisoner." Not to escape the castle, but to not be a prisoner anymore. Obviously, being a very litteral person, robotnik takes this as needing to physically escape.
Anyhow, sonic is important because he's the linch pin here.
You see, in order to escape, they have to complete their main objective: But, completing the main objective only returns the person who completed it home. So if robotnik were to escape then he would return home, however, since stone failed his quest to keep robotnik as his prisoner forever, he would be trapped in that world forever since he cant finish his main objective with robotnik gone. This naturally puts stone and robotnik at odds, even if they dont want to fight, but this is where sonic comes in clutch.
Sonic's roll here is "the evil henchman." Meaning he works for stone and helps stone. but, since stone's busy conquering the neighboring kingdom, he also looks after robotnik and makes sure he doesnt escape.
this is an important position for him to be in since his main objective is to "get the damsel in distress, and the main villain married, withought telling them his objective." If you were wondering, this, is why robotnik and stones objectives are so vauge. Its so that each of their objectives can be completed through marriage. Because Robotnik isnt a prisoner anymore if he marries stone, and stone has technically kept robotnik forever if he marries robotnik.
The only problem here is that sonic cant tell them his objective, otherwise, he fails it. Meaning he has to get them together in secret, which is harder said than done.
So while robotnik and stone (once they meet) are freaking out about how their going to complete both of their objectives.. with robotnik straight up avoiding stones proposed plan to sacrifice himself: sonic is in the backround loseing his mind over trying to get these two idiots to just KISS ALREADY!
Anyways, i might talk about more of the ideas i have for this au, because i do have more. But eh, idk. Depends on how motivated im feeling to flesh this out.
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psychoperdelicth · 2 months
describe these people in one word each: jackson sammy dresden alexis romillacect eldrorrok
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