#btw. STILL NO EVE 4*
vaugarde · 8 months
the amount of friendships (+ relationship in eve’s case) ive been in where magolor was my favorite kirby antagonist but my friend’s favorite was marx. idk what else to say i just think thats fun
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karamell-sweetz · 9 months
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bandori looooves me.
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choking-on-roses · 9 months
Here's a thought.
If you want things to "feel" like Christmas, you need to put some effort in.
Put up those Christmas decorations even though it's a chore.
Buy a gift for someone even though the shops are crowded and wrapping gifts sucks.
Make plans with people you care about even if it's a pain in the ass.
Buy a stupid Christmas sweater and wear it. Do some Christmas baking.
And most importantly, go find the people in your life (probably women lbr) and thank them for all the tireless effort they put in to make sure you had a festive Christmas in your childhood.
Don't just sit around and refuse to contribute and then complain that it doesn't "feel" like Christmas.
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psychelis-new · 9 months
pick a pile: "Your love is..."
take a breath and choose the photo or number that calls you the most to read a short description of how you love others, not just romantically. the reading wants to focus on how you show affection, on your main love language and how you are seen by those receiving care from you.
don’t take the reading too seriously. only take what resonates with you and leave the rest. if you're not called by any pile, let this reading slid as it may not hold messages for you. if you're called by more than one pile, there may be messages in each of those piles. remember that is a general reading and some things may not resonate with you. energies can change and readings are based on present ones (as you read); you're always in charge of your life.
(photos found on unsplash)
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pile 1
Your love is gentle and delicate, like a caress. You may love to touch people or hug them, your main love language may be physical touch. You like to make your presence be felt by others. I think your energy/vibe too is very easy to be felt when you're around. You may also have a healing presence/energy: you don't have to do much but just being near someone may help them being stronger and braver too. You are like this presence people may rely on when in doubt or go to when having troubles. Your love is sweet and tender, people may feel brightened and supported by you. Your smile, your warmth: these may be your main traits or charateristics people notice the most about you. You are also cute. You are able to love of unconditional love too, you may love to give love: it makes you feel better. I'm getting a young energy here, so you probably are either kinda young or you still are very in touch with your inner child and let them help you being this little ball of tenderness and affection with others. You may love to run into others' arms while showing affection, it may also make you feel safe in a way (for some).
For others, you are also the one protective with your love, the safe place for others: you probably like to care about those more in need or kids/animals in particular. You like to shelter them. There's also something magical about you and ofc it could be your healing energy but also something about the way you can help others through your kindness. It could be how you like to manifest good things for others as well. You probably are into magic or you heal yourself/others through herbs or such. You may be into natural healing and may have a strong connection with nature/the earth in general. Just try to not let others use and break you as at times you may tend to act a little naïve and let others not-so-nice behaviour get the best of you/control you. Protect yourself as well with your own love. Include yourself into this beautiful lovely shelter as well. You may also have lot of admirers and if you're in a relationship you may have your lover trying to protect/shelter you (you may be petite and/or younger or they just need to cause of your gentle sweet energy). You may not be aware of how many people really appreciate and like you and have self doubts, but I hope you will be more objective about yourself and your loving sweet nature and appreciate it more. Find likewise individuals/groups (dunno why but I have to say: especially if you feel lonely at times, ask for guidance to likewise people not just to animals and nature -you may attract animals easily btw or Guides may show love/guidance/signs through them, especially birds; birds may guide you to new people).
song: 7 ways | abs, eve
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pile 2
Your love is full, you give plentiful of love and affection. I'm suddenly smelling moss here and I think it's cause your love is very deep and sensual, but also so grounded and safe. Comfortable. You know, moss also hides lot of natural treasures like good roots and plants to eat not just for survival, and therefore I think your love too hides some nice gifts for those receiving care and attention from you. You probably also like to give gifts or encourage people through words of affirmations... actually, I think you are able to adapt your love language to the receiver, so to give them what they need the most: this is why I think you are able to really gift further treasures within your already loving attitude. Your love is safe but also gently surprising, something like that. You don't do big gestures as they may scare or embarass others (and maybe you too), but just little nice acts that are welcomed so gladly by everyone. Your love nurtures them, and makes them feel good about themselves too.
Some of you may have been deceived or have given to the wrong people, so now may have a wound when it comes to give but even more receive love, the type of love you really deserve to receive. Please, remember that you can still be this precious kind being and have boundaries to protect yourself: being kind doesn't mean not having boundaries or people pleasing. You don't have to stay around people that are bad for you or make you suffer. But you can act as a good reminder for them on how to behave in relationships. Some of these people who hurt you though, understood what they lost: when you leave a relationship (of any type), people notice your absence. They realize how important and special was your love in their life. Some of them may feel guilty about having made you go and may try to come back but please, do not fall into their trap unless you have proof that these people have changed and can give you back too now, and as much as you deserve. Relationships don't move on a one-way street (you give -> the other receives), or you'll just end up being emptied. I am kinda sure you know this by now, but I just wanted to remind you about it. You deserve love and respect too, do not stick with anything less, do not accept crumbs. You're so caring and special, keep your standards high. (I also hear you're kinda passionate too especially as a lover, and this side of yours can only be seen by special people. Keep it this way, your match is coming).
song: love of my life | queen
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pile 3
Your love is discreet. You're never overwhelming or too much, you tend to give the right amount at the right time/when it's needed. It's like you let others live their life and observe them and just come in as a further support. I feel like a motherly/parental type of love from you, a type of love that is there as an anchor for bad times. You probably rather use words of affirmations and quality time to express your love: you like to listen to others, to guide them. You're there, in the corner, waiting for them to come to you like a guide or a guru, when they are lost. And once they can walk again with their own legs, you keep watching them from afar. You are never too much or don't occupy too much of others' lives with your love. It's all very calibrated and precise. I said parental love but probably it's more like a grandparent-type of love. You may occasionally like to give gifts as well if they can be used as an help or guidance.
It's like you know others need to make it alone, they have to make their own experiences and you cannot interfere in their life too much: both good things and bad things are part of this life and even if it breaks you to see them suffer, you know you cannot prevent them from suffering. I feel a very wise energy from you, maybe you are an old soul. All I can focus on is this person sitting on an old elaborated chair, waiting for others to run to them with open arms and a loving nostalgic smile. Are you feeling a bit isolated and alone in your life atm? Maybe you don't have many friends and you don't like to really enter others' lives abruptly; or you've been isolating to heal something or had to focus on something else and it kinda made you feel alone. Know that your love is always very appreciated by others, even if you think you're not able to love as you'd like to. I think you're just grown unused to it, but good news: we can always re-learn stuff. Even how to love (and we can change our ways, as we change too through our life). Others can feel what you have inside of your heart, there's no need to block it. You can give more of it: if you think others have tried to hinder it and you in the past and didn't accept your love, it simply was not the right people ready to receive that from you. Why would so many people run to you, if your love wasn't this special for them? If you weren't as special for them? Please, love. Keep loving as you feel and want to. You'll get it back too. Let others give you back, it's not just wishful thinking, it can happen.
song: love to dream | doja cat
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pile 4
Your love is patient. Your love reminds others of good old times and feelings that they may fear they lost. It feels like time and space-travelling to ages and places that are too far away in our past. Your love is also difficult to explain, it feels like a mix of emotions and experiences that are so different and complex and hard to distinguish. Your love can mostly "be felt with the heart". It's a movie/fairytale type of love. And it's also very romantic. You may be pretty romantic. Your love is pure and gentle like a caress or a breath of fresh air. You may be practicing acts of service and express words of affirmations the most but your main love trait is indeed this peculiar character/trait you give to what you do and say that takes others aback and sends them to emotional places they thought now are unexistent. You focus so much on the object of your love/attention, that they can feel like the only human being alive in that moment in the whole world. You make others feel seen and heard like no one else, you really have the ability to listen to people and see people as nobody else. And this is really special cause at the end of the day, every person on earth mostly wants to be heard and seen.
You are really able to stand by the other person's side through thick and thin and you don't disappear when things get tough. As said, very romantic and ultimate us against the world type of energy. You really want others to succeed too. To see their best sides and traits especially if they tend to focus on the dark parts. Your love is very individual, it's crafted on each receiver much more than in the other piles. Your love is for the soul of others: you don't care about the looks, you see beyond that. You may also have a specific soul connection that you need to find in this life (you will ofc at the right time if you haven't already), so to bring more love around in the world. Maybe not just that but you have some type of mission you may need to accomplish with this other soul (or group of souls ofc, take as resonates: it could be romantic love, bring to life a child or a project/work.... it depends). There's a need to communicate something, maybe about this love inside of you (maybe you two) or this ability to see beyond and really see and hear others. If you have insecurities or troubles related your ability to bring support and care to others around you (maybe you have been silenced a lot in your past, even emotionally, or you were and are an highly sensitive person and had to deal with an emotionally complicated environment), let them go: you're important, you are able to bring support and you're more than enough to do whatever your soul is calling you to do. Don't let random occurrences hinder you. Do not silence yourself out of fear. Trust your inner vision.
song: we own the sky | m83
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elsa-fogen · 6 months
i accidentally created... no arts rn now, but here some roles reversed:
Alastor - Charlie
Rosie - Vaggie
Lucifer - Lilith
Adam - Eve
Angel Dust - Valentinio
Vox - Sir Pentious
Velvette - Cherri Bomb
Husk - Lute
Nifty - Emily
Carmila - Sera
i know theres au with alastor-charlie and vaggie-rosie swap, but aughhh now I WANT MY OWN!!!!!! I don't want to change lute and emily an husk and nifty because IMAGINE LUT IN HUSK'S ROLE???? ABSOLUTE MESS.
pairings in this one are... something... have you ever considered Lute/Val?? Btw what stage name would Valentino have?? i need your options. Lute and Val singing loser baby?? What the fuck is this AU... but damn it's so interesting to explore unexpected character interactions and dynamics. Also Lute as Husk i think is fucking amazing
Alastor still ace and this is so many funny moments. Episode 4... Poor Al, he'll be traumatized (will he even go there?? good question. i'm not sure about personalities). Also gags with Vox and his crush LOL.
Pentious shitting Charlie?? CHARLIE HAVING HELL'S BEST MOM SONG WITH LILITH?? DAMN NOW I NEED TO DO IT! And Al having more than anything songs with Lilith and then Rosie???? aHUGGHHGFGHGHS i'm gonnA DIE??????
I'm sure with season 2 i will change most roles, but right now let it be how it is
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cringe-but-proud · 8 months
Can you do a story were you date Sirius so he can actually Date Remus and reg don't know and likes you and gets jealous
If you can thx you <3
I didn't think I'd like writing this as much as I did lol.
Regulus Black x Fem!Reader
Some Warnings: Technically a modern AU, a bit of cursing, mentions of a bad home life, jealous Reg, sort of angsty???
A/n: I made this new Year's themed even though new years has passed 🤗 Cause y'all can't stop me 🤬🤬🤬 This is DEFINITELY my longest fic yet. PLEASE DON'T LET IT FLOP GUYS.... My requests are open btw
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Ah, winter break. It was something everyone at Hogwarts looked forward to. Well, almost everyone. There were those who didn't get to go home to their families and some who wished they didn't have to go home to their families.
One of those people was a friend of yours, Sirius Black. He often avoided talking about his home life, but you knew it wasn't good. And you knew going home for the holidays could be hard for him. So, when it was the day before winter break and the two of you had a moment alone, you asked if there was anything you could do to make the break easier for him.
"I need you to be my girlfriend."
Seven words you'd never expected to hear from your best friend. Your best friend who was in a gay relationship, nonetheless.
"What?" You asked in bewilderment. "No!"
"Wait, wait, wait. It's not what you think." Sirius put his hands up as if to show his innocence. "I don't really want you to be my girlfriend. I just need you to pretend. Please."
"Because," he explained. "My parents have started to get... Suspicious about my total lack of any girlfriend. And I may have told them that I was dating you.... Y'know, to throw them off my track..."
You stared at him. "You told your parents we were dating?!" You repeated, clearly upset at him.
"I know, I know. It was a shitty thing to do, and I'm sorry." He says. "But, if I didn't give them some sort of excuse, they might've found out about me and Remus!"
You were still upset, but you could understand why he did what he did. "So..." You crossed your arms. "You said I need to pretend to date you. What is it exactly that you need me to do?"
"Over the break, I need you to come over for a couple days. My parents will meet you, get to know you, blah, blah, blah. And then, you'll never have to speak with them again. If they ask about you after that, I'll say we broke up."
You really weren't a fan of having to fake date your best friend. You also weren't a fan of having to meet his parents who you'd only heard negative things about. But... You knew how happy he was with Remus and you would hate for his parents to find out about the two. You sighed. "You're lucky we're friends."
"Is that an agreement?" He asked, a grateful smile on his face.
"Yes. But, you'll be forever in debt to me."
"Fine by me."
The next day, while on the train to 9 3/4, you and Sirius mostly just planned for you having to meet his parents. You decided that you'd arrive the day after Christmas, stay for news years eve, and leave new Year's Day.
A lot of the train ride was spent establishing some basic facts about your "relationship". How you'd met, your first date, what your wedding would be like (which was strange, but Sirius assured you that his parents would ask about marriage), and some other details.
Soon enough, the train ride was over. Your winter break was fine. You enjoyed getting to see your family, but you were quite stressed about seeing Sirius' family. Part of you wanted to call the whole thing off, but you knew that was out of the question. You had to do this. For Sirius.
The morning of December 26th was a cold one. You wished you'd had more protection against the cold, but the formal attire you were wearing could only do so much. Sirius had told you to bring nice, formal clothing for the few days you'd be there. You were a bit worried you'd still be underdressed, though.
You took a deep breath and knocked on the door to the literal mansion that Sirius lived in.
After a few moments, the door opened. Regulus black stood on the other side.
"Hi." You greeted, trying to politely smile at him. He didn't return the gesture. He did the opposite he gave you a look of... Annoyance?
"You're here for Sirius."
You couldn't tell if it was a question or a statement, so you just gave a nod.
He stepped aside to let you in, his eyes trailing over your attire, making you feel nervous. "He's in the living room with mother and father." Regulus said before walking off.
What a strange interaction. You and Regulus weren't close, by any means. But, you never thought he disliked you. You thought the opposite was true. Whenever the two of you did interact, he was always quite nice.
You tried to shrug off the interaction, but you just couldn't. Even when you were next to Sirius, meeting his parents for the first time, the way he'd acted toward you was on your mind.
The worst part of your day was dinner. You were worried about everything. How you were eating, how you were sitting, the way everyone was looking at you, the way Regulus was looking at you.
"Y/n," You were broken out of your thoughts by Walburga's authoritative voice. "I want to know how you and Sirius began seeing each other."
You nervously glanced over to Sirius who gave you a forced looking smile. You looked back to Walburga. Gods, she scared you. "Well, it wasn't too long ago." You said, trying your hardest not to break eye contact with her. "It was late September. He told me since we'd known each other for so long, he thought we'd be a good match."
Sirius nodded along. "We went on a couple dates, turns out we really like each other." He said.
You glanced over to Regulus. He was glaring at you. You didn't break eye contact and after a moment something else flashed through his eyes. Something softer. Sadness?
"So," Walburga broke your attention away from Regulus as you looked back to her. "Are you serious about your relationship with my son?"
"Very." You replied.
"Do the two of you plan on marrying?"
You swallowed. "As soon as possible."
You heard silverware clatter as Regulus abruptly stood up. "I need to be excused." He said lowly.
Walburga raised an eyebrow. "You've hardly eaten." She stated. There wasn't any concern in her voice like you'd expect. It was a blatant statement.
"I know." He says. "I'm done."
His mother gave him a disapproving look, but didn't object.
Regulus stormed out of the room. You couldn't help but frown as you watched him leave.
The next few days were a bit uneventful. Most of your time was either spent in the guest bedroom you were staying in, or talking with Sirius. You were still confused by Regulus' attitude toward you. You knew his and Sirius' relationship was a rocky one. But, you didn't think that affected what he thought of you. He'd known you and Sirius were friends, and he still treated you kindly. But, now that the two of you were pretending to date, he had a problem with it? It didn't make any sense!
It was December 31st now. You and Sirius were sitting in his room, eating lunch while sitting on the floor.
"I was thinking-"
"Oh, God."
"Shut up, let me finish." Sirius chuckled, playfully hitting your arm. "I was thinking about going to a party tonight."
You furrowed your brows. "Where?"
"James and his family have a new years party every year. I'm sure they wouldn't mind some extra company."
You thought about it. Honestly, you weren't really in the mood for a party. Plus, if his parents caught you sneaking out, your heart would probably stop. "I think I'll sit this one out." You said after a moment.
"You sure?"
You gave a nod. "Yeah, I'd rather stay in. I'm sure you'll have plenty of fun without me."
"Oh, I will."
You smacked his arm.
The clock read 11:39. You were alone in your guest room sitting in your bed. You had your laptop open in front of you as you watched a broadcasting of one of the many new Year's events that were going on tonight. You were absentmindedly looking at the crowded city streets displayed on your screen when-
"I wouldn't be using that while having the door open." Regulus said. He stood in the doorway, arms crossed, looking from you, to the laptop, and then back to you.
"Why not?" You asked.
"My mother doesn't approve of us using muggle technology." He said. "And I doubt she'd be okay with her son's girlfriend using it."
You sighed. "Right... Girlfriend."
Regulus raised a brow at how you'd said that. "What are you watching, anyway?" He stepped into the room, closing the door behind him.
"A new Year's parade."
"... Could I join you?"
You were surprised at that. After how cold he'd been acting toward you over the past few days, you'd assumed the last thing he'd want to do tonight is spend time with you. But, you weren't against the idea of not being alone when the new Year started.
"Sure." You replied as you moved over on the bed to make room for him to sit.
The two of you watched the parade in silence for a few minutes until Regulus spoke. "How come I had no idea you and Sirius were dating?" He asked.
You glanced over at him. "What do you mean?"
"You said the two of you had been together since late September." He said. "How come nobody knew about it?"
You subconsciously began to fiddle with the fabric of your shirt. "I don't know." You shrugged. "Guess we weren't shouting about it from the rooftops."
Regulus didn't break his gaze away from you. After a pause, he spoke. "I never would've guessed you liked him in that way."
You didn't know how to reply to that, so you just shrugged again.
Regulus was still looking at you, even though your gaze was focused on the screen in front of you.
He paused. "What made you fall for him?" He asked.
You thought it was an odd question. When you turned to look at him, he looked sort of sad. "He..." You trailed off.
Regulus looked at you expectantly. You were trying to come up with something, but your mind was blank.
"You do like him don't you?"
You looked away nervously. You began to wonder whether or not he'd even care that your relationship with Sirius was fake. If he really was upset about you dating Sirius, then wouldn't he like to know that it was all just pretend?
"Y/n." He said your name and you were pulled away from your thoughts.
"He's not actually my boyfriend." You blurted out.
Regulus paused. "What?"
"He asked me to pretend to be his girlfriend. He didn't want Walburga finding out about his actual relationship, so-"
"It's all fake?" He asked.
"All of it."
"You don't like him?"
"Not like that."
You swore you saw a sliver of a smile creep on to his face. "That's... Good."
You tilted your head. "Is it?"
"I mean..." He shrugged. "I just... I guess thinking you'd gotten with my brother was making me upset." He said.
"Because..." He hesitated. "I like you, Y/n."
You felt your heart skip a beat. Fuck, that actually explained a lot. You couldn't believe you hadn't realized sooner. You felt your face heat up. "Seriously?"
"Yeah." He sighed. "I was jealous. That's why I was acting so... Weird. Sorry for being such an asshole to you."
"That's alright." You paused. "Why didn't you tell me sooner? About your feelings, I mean."
He shrugged. "I didn't think you'd feel the same."
Honestly, you'd always found Regulus quite attractive. But, you figured there was no way he'd ever like you back, so you let go of that silly crush a while ago. But, this? This was making all of those feelings wash over you again.
It was 11:59 now. You could hear the commentators of the parade excitedly get ready for the countdown.
"I feel the same." You said, watching as a blush creeped on to his cheeks.
His eyes seemed to sparkle at your admission. "I..."
You heard the countdown to the new Year begin.
"Can I kiss you?" Regulus asked softly. You nodded.
He leaned closer.
Your tongue darted out to wet your lips.
His hands came up to cup your cheeks.
He closed his eyes. You closed yours.
Your lips met in a soft, romantic kiss. He brushed some hair out of your face and Gods, his hands were soft. You couldn't believe you'd ever managed to stop liking him.
When you pulled away he sighed contently as if that kiss was all he'd been needing his entire life.
You whispered something to him before pulling him in for another kiss.
"Happy new year."
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mwebber · 1 year
what are your favourite martian moments? 😺
thank u for asking eve i'm so glad i get to talk about two of my favourite people on god's green earth <3 in no particular order just off the top of my head...
#1: ABU DHABI 2022 i cannot state just how much brain damage this moment did to me. like i vividly remember freaking the fuck out about the martian interview on sky and talking to the besties and barbi @brawn-gp was like omg another moment do u want me to clip. and i was like YEAH YES. PLEASE. I LOVE YOU (i love you <3) and then i saw it and blacked out and when i awoke it was to this. unparalleled brainrot Truly there will never ever be another
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#2. MARRIAGE QUOTE do i need to say anything else. when i saw this for the first time i think i nearly had an aneurysm
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#3. SINGAPORE 2008 their first real red bull date.......... i think about them sitting on that couples rickshaw every monday giggling with each other generally being blushy messes sharing secretive smiles like they're the only ones in on a joke. also mark pretending to push seb off a building only to catch him STOP my heart is melting
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(tumblr is being dumb and won't credit the gifs properly but they're from thnx-mate-blog)
#4. VLAD RYS GEORGIA K MOMENT this is unironically my favourite pic of seb to ever seb. and of course he's looking at mark. no further comments
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#4.5 THE OTHER VLAD RYS GEORGIA K MOMENT. this photo is still so mind-boggling like why the fuck are you looking at each other like that. hi. hello?
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#5. MONACO 2010 HUG.
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#6. MAKE LOVE TO EACH OTHER / ALWAYS REMEMBER YOUR FIRST TIME. it's literally so fucking funny to me that red bull saw everybody's martian brainrot and was like. wouldn't it be so fucked up if we dropped that mark buttered seb's muffin after china 2009. twirls hair. haha wouldn't it be soooo random. if we did that
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#7. WHATEVER THE FUCK THIS IMAGE IS. i can't even look at it for too long i start feeling funny in my tummy
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#8. SEB'S LONGING STARE. i ccant believe i forgot this one it should be higher up perhaps
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#9. AUSTRALIA 2016/2017. their podiums are SSOOOOOOO.
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#10. MATCHING PORSCHES. is it hot in here? do you feel feverish? i feel feverish
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#11. RIGHT ONE'S HEAVIER. monaco 2021 when mark casually revealed how much he knows seb still after all this time that seb was like ".. yeah!" like he himself was pleasantly surprised that mark still cares and oh god. somebody hold me
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#12. NEARLY SKINNY DIPPING AU CANADA. caliss de tabarnak attache ta tuque mark nhabille pas des sous vetements criss de tabarnak de caliss d'esti de sacrament de
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(from thnx-mate-blog)
13. VERY GOOD. i just know they had a Conversation after mark retired that was soo insightful and healing that they still reference to this day. they're very good with each other. btw. if u didn't know.
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14. LOVER'S TIFFS. i can't. i can't think about them anymore i think i need to be put in a straightjacket and locked up
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#15. 2013 PRIZE GIVING. the way they look at each other...... i'd write 5 million words of rpf too
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there's literally so many more moments i want to include on here like mark's "i hope when i'm 70 they're not still asking if i love sebastian" or top gear when mark was like "my dad always said you shouldn't hit boys mate" or when seb and mark were at hangar 7 post 2010 and he went for the wettest limpest high five hand hold known to man or when mark massaged seb's shoulder in australia 2009 or their 1-2 podiums in 2009 or in 2020 when mark was like i've moved on from ferrari for u or "seb didnt expect sex in monaco" or china 2010 when they were bitching with each other or when seb was like i don't understand what he's saying half the time or when seb was on mark's shoulders for a red bull stunt or when they played cricket in australia 2012 or when mark was like we're very well-suited to each other both very handsome in that one magazine or when mark addressed their relationship in like 2014 and said we wished each other well in austria as you do or after multi 21 when seb was like i was racing i was faster i passed him i won and mark was like a cheetah never changes its spots we'll be fine or early on when mark was like we'll get hot chocolate together and i'll be going on about smth that happened before seb was born and he'll roll his eyes or when seb was like i learned a lot from mark or when seb said he'd give mark free hotel toiletries for his bday or when they copied each other trying to put stickers on their car or when someone changed seb's wikipedia page to say he's dating mark or when they did their pepe jeans butt ad or turkey 2011 when they all but caressed each other in 4k or the brazil 2011 cheek cradle or their websites i haven't even talked about their websites yet [I AM FORCIBLY DRAGGED AWAY]
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metallica-jk · 2 months
Its 23:39, I'm bored, so imma rank all TIG characters from my fav to least
1- Nash Hawthorne- he's so underrated and loving and UGGHHHHH that he needs 1st place
3-Probably Gigi Grayson- I love her energy sm and i love her in general like gurl b my bestieeee
4- Jameson Hawthorne- Ik a lot of people will get mad at me for putting him in 3rd place but the truth is, i love him a lot as well, but he does not beat Gigi or Libby or Nash in my opinion
5- Rohan (mysterious second name)- I would put him on the same place as Jamie but Es lo que es (it is what it is in spanish??)
6- Max Liu- I love her js as much as Gigi but i feel like Max is a liiiittle more mature than Gigi :).
7- Xander Hawthorne- He needs to b next to his gf so...but in general i love the idea of him doing silly things w Max like exploding and wrecking a microwave. Beautiful date idea guys
8- *John* Oren- love that first name btw. I feel like Oren is very much the friendly and happy guy under his shell of protectiveness so
9- Savannah Grayson- I'm sorry i put her so low but idk where to put her. I love her protective-but-vulnerable kinda personality. what i mean by that is like she is protective of Gigi but she is vulnerable and kinda hides away at her boyfriend Dunc@n (yes censored bc we HATE THE PRICK)
10- Averyyyyyyy Grambs- Yall kill me for putting her so low but i forgot ab herrrrr. I would put her in Orens place honestly. bc my girl has sm trauma that if i were her i would stay under my bedsheets and js bark out orders.
11- Grayson Hawthorne- idk i like Grayson but if yk what i mean i rather Dean Redding??? cuz like they have similar personalities and idk i just rather Dean than Gray. I STILL LOVE THEM BOTH OK??? like, this guy deserves someone who will listen to his weeping every night and weep with him. OMFG I FORGOT AB LYRA
13(14)- Alisa Ortega- Gurl still loves my man. i lover her but Nash is MINE and LIBBIES so she better watch out. dont get me wrong, i love her and she looks out for avery sm but she broke my mans heart and i wont forgive her for that.
did i miss out anyone?
oh wait
999999999999-Em!ly- the only reason she is b4 eve is bc she had heart problems and jumped off a cliff (caused her own death and lots of hurt to the rest) SO FUCK U EMILY UGHHHHH
10000000000000- Eve- Idk she js better not hurt anyone or ill hurt her.
10000000000001- Tobias Hawthorne- u raised ur grandsons well, but in the most horrendous way possible
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aleksanderscult · 9 months
Analyzing "Demon in the Wood" (book) - Part 2
(Part 1, Part 3, Part 4 and Part 5 btw)
Merry Christmas Eve and here have this meta to depress you cheer you up! 🥳🎁🎄🎅💕
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Even though like calls to like he still was afraid of the darkness as a child.
And he didn't sleep for two days because of that fear.
And he was curled beneath his blanket 🥺
His mother didn't stop to think or ask if he needed light and be didn't want to disappoint her by saying "Can you leave it here?".
He wanted to prove to her and to himself that he's brave and he fears nothing.
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No home to stay, no people to connect with.
Just with his mother, adopting new names every now and then, faking his life. And he despises this so much.
And yet Baghra dared to say "hE hAd PlEntY oF tImE tO LeArN hoW to LiE".
Yeah because he was raised on your knees, Baghra.
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"They did their best to hide their tracks"
They were trying to leave nothing behind. As a child the Darkling was allowed to leave no trace, no memories of him in others.
And that reminds me: "Someone to mourn me"
Someone to remember him.
Also, it's notable that names are an important part of the Darkling's life.
- Adopted innumerable names as a child
- Held his true name close to his heart
- Kept saying Alina's name
- Trusted Alina with his name
- Refused to call Mal by his name
And I believe it was something important for him too because names were actually a vital part of his survival from the time he was born.
(So for anyone who says that he gave Alina his name out of some kind of manipulation technique, needs to stop. There's no way a person like him to give his name that easily).
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The way they're thinking and hoping two different things.
Baghra hopes to gain knowledge and experience and Eryk a home and stability.
Their priorities really show their needs and characters at this point of their lives.
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The way the Little Palace had all these three things 🥲
The thought of him waking up and thinking "Wait. Which name I go by now?" is so depressing and stressful. Both for Eryk and the reader.
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I wonder if he really called her "Mama" at this point of his life or just Baghra with her usual grace said "You will call me by my name".
From this: "To him, she was always Mama, Madraya".
To this: "I will not fight you", said the Darkling.
"Then strike me down"
"You know I won't" 🥲
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When Grisha fear and mistrust their own kind then you know that the situation is fucked up.
Baghra is extra careful 'cause she always had trust issues and made her son mistrustful as well.
It's really a dog-eat-dog world where every man is for himself and very few Grisha have made safe camps (actually the word "safe" is a stretch). And even when they do, they only let powerful Grisha to live inside.
Also, the phrase "a second Ravka" is kind of chilling. Ravka back then was divided between otkazat'sya who lived in the open and Grisha who lived in the shadows. Two different worlds and the Darkling became the first person who united them for the first time.
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"Fear is a powerful ally" - DitW.
"Do you fear me, Alina?.... Fear is a powerful ally. And loyal." - Siege and Storm.
I can only imagine how many times the Darkling saw people either run away from him or wanted to use him because of his power. I bet he desired for someone to accept him as he is. To look at his shadow summoning and see it as a gift, not a curse or tool.
"I've seen what you truly are. And I've never turned away. I never will" is a phrase that he probably wanted to hear from someone too.
Wait. "Like calls to like", right? So when Aleksander was afraid of the dark, does that mean he was afraid of his powers in a way? *cries*
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"Be careful what you wish for!🎶"
He tries so hard to impress his mother and live up to her expectations. That shows a child that is raised by a strict parent who almost always shows disapproval and is never satisfied with his efforts. Those children then feel constantly like failures.
(are you sad yet, dear readers?🥲)
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What people cannot understand, they fear it. The unknown. The strange.
Baghra has been a pariah not only because of her powers but also because of her sex. So she had to toughen up and "hone" her sharp tongue too in order to make it difficult for others to boss her around or cast her out.
Sometimes I sympathize with her (but most of the times not😒).
To be honest, I find this fear kind of one-sided. I mean, Alina's power was unique too. No one else had the power to manipulate the light. And yet people liked her and were fascinated. But with Aleksander people were afraid of his power (even before he was the "Darkling"). So they showed acceptance with the power of light but not with the darkness.
Double fucking standards.🙂
(Of course they accepted her more easily because she was the one destined to liberate them from the Fold but still. Even if the Fold didn't exist, people would still show great favor towards Alina and not Aleksander.)
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Me and @clarissaweasley-10 made a tig interview - she sent me questions and we both answered them
This is how it went (I'm literally quoting the messages btw):
1. Who's your favourite character?
Me: "Avery or Gigi, I can't really decide between them"
Luna: "Avery or Libby or Gray(can't choose💀💀)"
2. Which is your favourite book? (+Any specific reasons)
Me: "I think that my favourite will be Games Untold when it comes out, because it's about all the characters from the OG trilogy that I'm missing rn and I'll probably be very sentimental as I read it, but from the ones that are already out, probably tig, it brings back memories, I feel nostalgic every time I think about it, but I'm also really loving tgg, jlb's development as a writer is really showing, but I felt very stupid while reading it because of all the riddles, so it's 2nd place"
Luna: "Speaking of the of series it's prob gonna be thl...l loved to character arcs and developments.."
3. Favourite couple (why?)
Me: "Avery and Jameson. They are the couple we've seen the most of for now and we just saw so much of them growing up as people and as a relationship that I feel like it's the most genuine (even tho all are) relationship in this saga. I really love rohavannah, but they still don't beat averyjameson in this"
Luna: "It's going to be Averyjameson/nash x libby (idk what their ship name is). Averyjameson cause they're just so pure and intimate and just everything a person would want in a relationship(or is it just me?)Nash and Libby cause they are just sooo underrated and they're story is just soo pure.. We need to talk abt their journey more"
4. If you could become any one tig character for a day, who would it be?
Me: "Avery. I want money. And to know the Hawthornes personally, this girl is living out my dream"
5. If you could go on a date with any one hawthorne brother then who would you choose?
Me: "Either Jameson or Xander. I really like how Jameson was as a bf in the books, but Xander is probably my favourite Hawthorne, so I'm split"
Luna: "Well for 5. Probably Jamie (l need to do crazy stuff) or Nash (he's my ideal type in many ways eco can turn down a rich cowboy gentleman?)"
6. Least favourite character?
Me: "Emily. I don't want to hear about her, not only was she the cause for Jameson and Grayson's trauma, she was just irrelevant. She was dead the entire time, BUT WAS STILL MENTIONED IN EVERY BOOK!!! I was so happy that we only got the mention of the cliffs in tgg, but Calla is gonna be the new Emily, I'm calling it and I don't like it"
Luna: "Emily.Laughlin. self explanatory "
7. Character with the best arch?
Me: "I love Grayson's arc. The way he slowly started to trust people more and now that we see him as more open in tgg, I feel like a proud mom. He might've been my least favourite Hawthorne brother in the other 4 books (not saying I didn't like him tho!) but I absolutely love him in tgg"
Luna: "Gray. I have ranted abt this in an entire post lol.. The way he went from a jerk to a broken guy who just tries to hide it from the world to a man who accepts the he's human and can make mistakes... Seriously he is one of the best written characters ever to me personally"
8. rank your villains
Me: "Idk if I'm listing everybody, I might've forgotten someone, but this is it:
1) Tobias Hawthorne - literally the reason behind all of this. He was awful to his grandsons and an awful person in general and I hate the way he put an innocent girl's life at risk like this.
2) Eve - I get why she did it at first, but atp it's not even about her bad childhood, she's just jealous and bitter. I'm pretty sure she's behind Savannah finding out what happened to Sheffield and Gigi's kidnapping
3) Sheffield Grayson - I think this is self explanatory. I'm glad he died
4) Vincent Blake - he wasn't even there for that long, but was the reason behind the things that went down in tfg, so he's more relevant than the ones bellow him, but I didn't really care about him, like, at all
5) I don't remember who the villain in tbh was, or if there even was one, but whoever it is, I'm pretty sure they're on this position
6) Skye Hawthorne - I don't have much to say about her, but she did try to kill Avery and was an awful mom, so there's that
7) Drake - abused Libby and tried to kill Avery. He's bellow Skye because he was working for her, but they're pretty much same level
8) Emily"
Tumblr was in a bad mood and it did not deliver Luna's message
9. Do you think Eve would get/deserves a redemption arc?
Me: "I don't want her to get one and I don't think she deserves one. Maybe at some point in tfg she deserves a redemption arc, while it was still about her bad childhood, but now that it isn't, she should just stay a villain. She keeps doing them dirty for no reason (and I kinda enjoy just hating on a character without feeling guilty about it, I love hating people). I also like that one of the major villains is a woman, I love female villains as characters, they're usually very complex and I think she's interesting, I just don't like her as a person" (more details about what I think abot her can be found on my most recent reblogs)
Luna: "Seriously Eve is such a complex character. On the one hand l just want to fling her off a cliff and on the other l feel kinda bad for her like she did go thru some pretty horrible stuff. But the point is she got a chance to start a new life, a chance just like the one Avery had, but she just let it go waste and now she's never gonna have another chance.. She makes a pretty good villain and idk about the actual chances of her getting a redemption arc (most villains don't) but we'll probably understand her character in more depth later on"
10. If you could do one thing the the cliff then what would you do?
Me: "I don't really understand this question, sorry 😭 If it's what I'd do at the cliff (?), I'd just point a middle finger at the place that Emily died, purely out of spite"
This is another message that was not delivered
11. Say you get to work for the Hawthornes. What job would you want-PA, Makeup artist,Hair stylist,designer, manager,or therapist
Me: "I want to say manager, but idk if I'd handle the stress. Probably therapist will be a better option for me"
Luna: "Definitely therapist i am a good listener (+what are the odds of getting a Female Therapist x Rich Traumatized Boy arc with one of the Hawthornes?)"
12. Fun activity to do with Avery and each of the Hawthornes
Me: "Idk if you meant together or separate, so I'm just doing both:
Together - strip bowling, idk why, I just feel like it
Avery - I'd ask jer to teach me how to play chess
Jameson - maybe going on one of those car rides
Xander - I'll try to mess-around-and-find-out my way through robotics with him
Nash - I'll go to a concert with him
Grayson - maybe I'll attempt a sword fight, idk, seems interesting"
Luna: "Avery-talk about books cause she seems like a book nerd to me Jamie-speed driving Gray-sing/learn to play violin(I'm a rather good singer myself and it would be nice to sing with someone else for a change) Nash -he's a cowboy so ride horses? Xander-EAT SCONES, CHOCOLATES,BUILD CRAZY STUFF, WATCH EMBARRASSING VIDEOS OF THE BROTHERS"
13. Which Hawthorne do you think does it the best-💀
Me: "Jameson. Don't even attempt to fight me on it"
Luna: "the internet connection got damaged sorry" (this is the message I received, I assume that my answer wasn't delivered, but I didn't get her answer)
1.lf you could live through any of the books which would you choose?
Me: "I want to say tgg but I know that I'm too stupid for the riddles and won't make it out through the first door, so I'm saying tig, because, randomly inheriting money and meeting 4 hot men sounds fun"
Luna: "IKRR. And then one of them threatens you while the other flirts with you? Double ya" (I assume this is supposed to be the answer to that question, the messages got a little chaotic because of the connection)
2. Gray and Jamie are drowning. Who would you save?
Me: "That's a mean question. But I have to say Jamie, sorry Gray"
Luna: "You are supposed to say JAMIE love..Gray is a good swimmer remember??"
(We later came to the conclusion that the word "drowning " suggests that Gray's skills are no help, therefore the question IS actually a dilemma)
3. Are there any songs that remind you of any tig character(s)
Me: "Not specifically a character, but I've never been in love by Lauren Spencer Smith reminds me of Max and Xander a bit"
I don't think she sent an answer, just said that ships work too, but it's possible that it just wasn't delivered
4. Fun activities to do at a sleepover with the girls
Me: "Maybe sneak out and make the Hawthornes freak out. I saw a fanfic with Avery and Lyra doing that and it sounds super fun"
I feel the need to mention that I almost deleted the draft at this very moment because it wasn't saved, I panicked, thinking it was gone lol (but really, this is long, I don't wanna rewrite it)
5. Who would you want to go shopping with from the tig universe?
Me: "Probably Avery. I feel like she has a good style and will help me out"
Luna's answer wasn't delivered once again
6. Say you're having classes with the Hawthornes which period would you want to have with each brother?
Me: "I'd like to have math or science with Xander - he's definitely amazing at math and it's my best subject too, so I feel like it would be fun to have someone else who's good at it in the class
Probably history with Nash, literature with Jamie and art with Gray. Those three are chosen purely on vibes, i don't have explanations"
Luna: "Me too I'd have history with Nash based on the hunch they he's good at it plus staring at him will at least prevent me from downright falling asleep"
7. What would your reaction have been were it you that inherited close to 38 billions and four hot guys
Me: "I'd panic and probably faint" (+ in a later message: "Honestly, I'd be too stubborn to let the money go")
Luna: "Id die and then they can literally fight over what's left over my dead body"
So, Luna, if you're reading this, feel free to fill in the gaps (how did we pick that one day when we both had bad connection?). I really enjoyed talking with you and I'd love to get to know you more, feel free to crash in my dms whenever you want ❤️
This was very fun to do!
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drifloonz · 4 months
btw i dont think ive ever blatantly put it anywhere afaik??? maybe. idk. but in doors open it heavily implies mikis moveset, which is one of the other 'cool random details that doors open has despite it not being that great of a story' - and one thats like never actually mentioned by anybody except me as far as i can tell. so if you were wondering:
hyper beam, firespin, flamethrower, and Unknown fourth move
yes i have these on my lvl 100 EV trained female charizard named miki in my copy of violet because im very normal ( not ). i was on a grind, and knowing some vague listing of mikis moves helped with motivation.
this is pulled from doors open text - its not entirely 100% reliable bc its based on the "Hellfire" move thats unique to miki / M' / M@#% / M@#$*
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*( there is no entirely canon and consistent name for missingno/revived miki - the last two Look similar but the & is replaced w a $ in the og . the percentage at the end is the first miki of 4 in stevens party from doors open - he has multiple but the only fully 'corrupted' name that starts with an M is that one since all of them have one letter of mikis name in order uncorrupted... so ig thats the most canon name, but its never consistent. she's also just called . 's / [ BLANK ] in strangled because when she attacks its just 's attack continues! so its just empty. literally never consistent its kind of funny. entire off ramble. image examples below from strangled and doors open. )
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( btw i know ive talked about it before but i think all 4 of his weird charizards spelling out mikis name and stevens name slowly going from PokeMANIAC to S!3v3n to St3v3n to Stev3n and once he's defeated just "Steven" is. mwah. chefs kiss. )
off ramble aside, hellfire is a unique move that seems to mix several other move animations together which i feel implies mikis moveset but its not like, a given, its just what id assume is implied. hypnosis is the only move there that cannot be learned by charizard, firespin hyperbeam and flamethrower obviously can and are specifically pulled from Gen 1 charizard's learn by level up moveset, and one tm being hyperbeam. which means the fourth move is up to interpretation in her alive moveset.
btw in gen 1 pokemon don't have different moves if they level up to their evolve level or past it but dont evolve. at least for charmanders line, each member of it has the same level up moveset.
i personally think its like... inferno. or i think my miki in violet has inferno as the fourth move. but inferno was introduced gen 5 so for moves a gen 1 charizard could actually learn, slash or rage by level up maybe? but i think for miki a fighting type move would be funny. gen 1 charizard can learn that by tm and mikis already weird and special, so if she learned moves charizards normally cant by level up itd be par for the course. the fighting type moves charizard in gen 1 can learn by tm are submission, counter, and seismic toss, which all feel like something miki could have. specifically seismic toss but any of the 3 work for her fourth hypothetical move.
also because seismic toss does dmg equal to level so it'd do 100 damage and mikis already overpowered. which i think is fitting.
or its like. fly, or something. which would make sense. i guess. i just personally hc steven as having a pidgeot as a fly hm user instead bc you know his ass would have the most basic pokemon team of 'op starter and some early route mons for hms' . but he'd obviously still mainly fly on miki due to his attachment, so... who knows!
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narwhalandchill · 4 months
Nuzlocke update wahoo
so uh it appears that precisely Because i was like. scared shitless going towards elesa. that it ended up just a straight fucking sweep that was Brutal 😭 to her. i overprepared Again
(tw: MASSIVE pokemon nerd moment)
bc like. i was there thinking abt worst case scenarios and how none of my new encounters since route 4 (darumaka, yamask, minccino, gothita, cottonee) seemed to leave me with any better options than what i had before aka. myyr the drilbur that cant even evolve for the level cap and just pray i hit those 1hkos on dig and that rock slide (better known as rock miss in some circles) hits emolga and that static and paralysis doesnt fuck me over. but then its like. even putting aside how i Dont want to lose this mon bc excadrill is so good. if myyr falls the answers i would have left against whichever elesas pokemon remained were still ehhh like. zip the herdier with eviolite and dig?? and emolga remains a problem still.
so yeah i was stressed tf out bc. bitch i remember elesa terrorizing me as a kid and that zebstrika never stopped being scary as hell. so i ended up just. looking up if theres maybe some well known and used nuzlocke strat there and. Well. not exactly but an ancient reddit thread had a comment w an Interesting suggestion
So. turns out theres an NPC on route 4 in black 2 that trades a cottonee for a petilil. a mon whose (stone) evolution . Happens to learn a very funny silly move . called quiver dance . within elesas level caps.
.....and im just. hey why the fuck not. so bye bye peony the cottonee it is. hello petulia the petilil (based NPC nickname btw thats so cute) who learns giga drain at lvl 26 and then with sun stone becomes lilligant who gets quiver dance at 28.
and you know what this girl has?????????????
atk reducing spd boosting nature and THIRTY-ONE IVs in special atk 💀💀💀 on a quiver dancer??????????? this is a weapon of mass destruction holy Shit. (her speed stat aint half bad either!!!!!)
anyway i was still getting stressed abt it bc like. chances were in the actual fight if i lead w lilligant elesas emolga will just volt switch straight to zebstrika who has flame charge so i. unironically went to relic castle to get enough defense EVs to survive 3 flame charges if necessary too JSJSJSKSKDKSK and bc i didnt know (and did not look up at first) the IVs her team would have i just assumed worst case scenario aka all 31s meaning the initial damage calcs looked Way scarier
bc the way i was looking at this was just. ill obviously have to lead w lilligant (bc a sweeper needs to setup 1 to 2 qdances depending on how many turns i get before zebstrika is in) and have myyr who was originally meant to be the Star against elesa be more the. emolga cleanup crew and/or emergency hidden ace. And bc i actually fucking planned this shit all out so it Could Not Fail (or close to it)
scenario 1: emolga wastes a turn on like. pursuit before volt switching zebstrika in. i get 2 quiver dances up and just win (+2 boosted SpA giga drain from lvl 30 lilligant w miracle seed is just a 1hko every time. Yes i calced it). Almost unfairly easy
scenario 2: emolga volt switches immediately (most likely) and i only get one quiver dance. this means giga drain is 2hko against zebstrika. i will outspeed on the next turn bc petulia at +1 and then i take a flame charge (leaving me outsped w zebstrika at +1 speed). and whats scary is that while i would survive a crit flame charge on that turn (non crits are ez). i Would die to the second one afterward bc zebstrika is faster again. so then itd have to be like. myyr to the rescue. alternatively my giga drain Could high roll the dmg & get zebstrika into hyper potion range which means free quiver dance turn as elesa heals and we outspeed and win again.
but like. okay. these odds are acceptable. best case scenario petulia sweep worst case scenario petulia gets crit and myyr just needs to clean up a fairly scary +2 speed zebstrika thats Luckily below 50% hp. im also still giving zip the eviolite and teaching it dig so we have a 3rd hail mary in the back.
Anyway then i look up the actual in game IVs for bw2 gym leaders and in non-challenge mode theyre all set at 12 💀💀💀💀💀 so like. Scratch all this with the new IVs a +1 boosted giga drain is actually a roll for a 1hko not a guaranteed 2hko KSKSKAJEKSKSKDKEK which means even if i dont 1shot with just one quiver dance elesa Will heal and thats +2 boost.
so yeah i walk in to the gym slightly relieved slightly embarrassed of yet nonetheless taking some pride in my first foray to Proper big nuzlocker strategy planning and looking up damage strats (might be needing those in the future fr) . even if it was due to making way too scary assumptions abt elesas team stats lmao
anyway the fight itself was uhhh. Truly anticlimactic. emolga did volt switch on first turn but petulias +1 giga drain just Casually rolled the 1hko on zebstrika after all and then proceeded to eviscerate flaaffy and then i let myyr handle emolga just for some exp 💀💀💀
Anyway. Well if nothing else this is absolutely a teammate i will be utilizing again . Very soon in fact. Clay watch the fuck out ive created a monster.
Like did my girl calla (the OT NPC) even know what kinda godlike power she was casually handing to me there???? 😭😭 guess she rly wanted a whimsicott
but like. Hell yeah we continue after deathless elesa and with a new powerful companion thats a W for sure SHSKDKSKFKJS
current team btw (i kinda like these cards for a visual update of sorts tbh). fig evolved so i can finally stop looking at golbats ugly design <33 crobat is so much better man
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scruffyssketchbook · 1 year
how was old eevolves like?
It was written by an 11 year old. And it shows.
Shun had both Naruto and Avatar powers (he could bend all 4 elements and do Ninja Jutsu/control his chakra). And was a Mary Sue. I focused so much on Shun x May that it seemed like they were the main characters and everyone else was a side character. Eve’s dolls in ssec were in old Eevolves but Ruby owned them. Ofc, no June. Shun made them and they could talk because ofc they can. Sylveon wasn’t a thing when I wrote old Eevolves so Ruby liked Randy and there was no love triangle there. Max was never in the series cause him and his best friend Jax went away to learn ninjutsu from a Naruto ninja master. He wanted to get stronger so April will notice him. Which he did. Ex (or X) was an evil shiny Umbreon named UMBREON X and he was obsessed with Flora and he led a group of shiny Pokémon that terrorized everywhere, and ofc, Mary Shun had to stop him with his cool bad ass Naruto powers. Umbreon X also eventually got April Pregnant. Why April? She had nothing going for her so I thought it’ll bring her back into the story. It didn’t. :V She ended up hiding the baby from everyone. I forgot her son’s name. It’s probably Keith. Keith won’t be in New Eevolves and April is not getting pregnant either. Randy was a runt (like Vay is) and apparently it was Shun’s fault???? Idk. They had a big fight about it (with curse words and all) and Mary Shun with all his edge on display was like “ya…… come with me…….” “Leafeon……. It’s my fault….”. Randy is still oblivious as Ever with how Ruby feels about him, and only realizes when she heard her tell someone else. When he confronts her about this, she lists off the whole cast, saying the Eevolves main characters by their Eeveelution name but every other Eeveelution character by their actual name.
Mary Shun (who was Literally Black from ES but more Emo and Edgy) got super emo around May, so he leaves and May is heart broken for years until a kind Glaceon boy made her happy again and when Shun comes back against his will she still chooses SHUN AND NOT THE CUTE NICE GLACEON BOY WHO HELPED HER THROUGH ALL HER SAD TIMES. (The cute Glaceon character is in new Eevolves too, trying to find a name for him because I don’t remember his old name.) Speaking about Mary Shun, he at the ripe age of 12, had a mate and a child on the way, but both were killed by a Pokémon attack right in front of him (Ofc he killed the Pokémon who did it afterwards) and that is how he became edgy mc Edgelord. Also he borderline hated May and always told her to leave him alone and insulted things she liked. But OFC he had a soft spot for her cause she reminded him of his dead wife *eye roll* literal Tsundere. There is a picture I drew of him and said dead wife, they look like adults. Randy is playing a game with Ruby next to them and they look like literal babies. These characters are NOT THAT FAR IN AGE FROM EACHOTHER. Also ofc there are Eevolves kids too, they have their OWN drama. And one of them ofc is a Ninjutsu master at the ripe age of 4 years old. (Eevolves uses human aging, not SSEC aging btw). Everyone had dead or missing parents. Flora and Max’s parents died in a fire, April and May’s mom died and their dad was missing, Jet never knew his parents, Ruby’s parent abandoned her, Shun and Randy’s parents- are actually alive but Shun disowned them along with his older brother. So they were mostly living on their own. From a young age. No family or cousins or anything. Max evolved into a Jolteon btw.
All of this ofc. Is changing.
I feel like the only thing not changing completely is Jet’s backstory, because HONESTLY. It’s the most grounded. I completely overhauled Shun’s personality, gave April more personality, changed everything with Max, gave them actual parental figures (well not Shun, his Parents stays borderline disowned, but the rest do have parental figures) and in general made the story like- not seem like it was written by a 11 year old.
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moonstruckmoony · 19 days
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better!
Thanks for the tag bbys @choccy-milky @the-ozzie @keri-mcberry @ethniee 🩵
LAST SONG? - oh no, you’ve opened the Pandora box. When given the chance I usually couldn’t shut up about music and when asked questions like these I can never just say only one… Mostly for the purpose of finding kindred spirits 😶 Nowadays I often listen to RnB, Soul, Hiphop, 70s-80s hits, Jazz fusion, Jpop and Rap… but I do listen to a wide range of stuff, from Jazz and Classical to Rock/Punk and Metal (loove Paramore and BMTH), to Kpop (I’m an ARMY btw) and Anime songs lmao.
But I digress. The last 3 songs (yes even now I still can’t choose just one 😔) I listened to were:
Suuper sick 1976 Japanese funk track the I discovered, I dove into Minako Yoshida’s stuff and she’s suuper cool.
There’s this lovely playlist on spotify called “sade, erykah badu, lauryn hill vibes 🧚‍♀️✨” by someone called izzy eve and as a lover of all 3 i’m living for it 😫🩵
FAVORITE COLOR? - if it’s not obvious already, it’s light blue, could be baby blue, robin egg blue, or serenity blue 🩵 though most irl people would guess black, seeing 98% of the time I wear always wear black…
CURRENTLY WATCHING? - I mostly watch YouTube nowadays but yesterday I marathoned “Madougushi Dahlia wa Utsumukanai” (or Dahlia in Bloom in English). I’m a big fan of the red-haired, strong-heroine-anime trifecta (Red-haired Snow White, Akatsuki no Yona, and The Ancient Magus Bride), so I assume I’ll love Dahlia in Bloom and I was right. I’m just a huge sucker for heroes/heroines who are both passionate and skilled in their craft/hobbies, add with a little dash of obsession in the topic that they excelled in.
SWEET/SPICY/ SAVORY? - SAVORY. Same as you guys @choccy-milky and @the-ozzie , I’m an absolute sodium menace. Bags of chips and instant noodles (particularly Shin Ramyun, or Indomie) are my kryptonites…. I’ve been eating healthier these past few months though. I set a rule for myself to put in veggies and fruits and good proteins first before I’m allowed to eat whatever I want. But yeah, even tho I do love spicy and sweet as well, I’m addicted to salt 💀
LAST MOVIE? - Wow I don’t remember which one was the last one, it was either Ultraman: Rising or Women King (I know I’m late but God, Viola Davis was magnificent in that one).
RELATIONSHIP STATUS? - I leave it to you guys to guess lol
CURRENT OBSESSION? - Well, Hogwarts Legacy is a given, but besides that, a resurfacing obsession is The Umbrella Academy… 👉🏻👈🏻It’s my comfort show, comfort characters, comfort cast! Just got back into it again since it has ended. And with how season 4 being so…. lackluster(I wouldn’t call it total garbage like most brellies bcs there are things I enjoyed but I agree that it’s a mess and I hate that they ‘ruined’ many of the characters.), I started rewatching my fav scenes from previous seasons and started seeking for fics in Ao3 (my first time ever hunting for TUA fics even tho I started watched TUA the year S1 came out). Fic author brellies are such a blessing, I’ve read fics that are so much better than the experience of watching season 4, with all the emotional complexities they’re able to write and their creativity… just chef’s kiss.
LAST THING YOU GOOGLED? - Cyrillic alphabets lmao. I learned how to read them back during the pandemic out of boredom and curiosity… Yesterday I came across a Russian sentence on my friend’s laptop sticker and I forgot how to read “ю” and “л” so I googled it 😂
Non-obligatory tag, you don’t have to do it! ☺️ also idk who amongst you has done it already, sorry if you have 🥲 I’m just tagging HL people I genuinely want to get to know. @diana-bluewolf @rednite-dork @tamayula-hl @sallowly @sparxyv @ccelicaa @hummingmuggle @gogglesyoyinyin @applinsandoranges @alun1r @gce-hiiragimare @morelikeravenbore @vienguinn @alliezarin
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fantalpacca · 9 months
Almost New Year, guys
I had some comissions this year.
I started writing comics this year.
I have 11 followers on Deviantart (9 more than when I started almost 5 years ago).
This was amazing year for me. I know it's mainly because of theme (Baldur's Gate trending now - btw it was, along with Arcanum, game of my childhood) but still... I am in tears. Happy tears!
Below is a little preview of my 4 pager about New Years Eve celebration of my Tav x Astarion couple. How you will read it in a day or two when I upload it <3
Here it is
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fizzzyz · 1 year
So I might open an etsy shop soon..
I’ll sell DIY stuff like prints, clay figures, keychains, stickers etc. Most of it will probably be tmc themed, but I’ll probably sell fnaf stuff as well for example.
Haven’t made anything yet but I’ll probably start with making some clay figures! But I wanna know what characters you guys would like to have first flfhdnwk 😭
(Note that they will be tiny simple chibi-like figures)
I’ll still make the ones that don’t win the poll, just sometime after I’ve made the winner ones.
I’m not sure how many batches I will make but at least 2 (maybe around 4-7) 😭
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Not tmc but these are the only chibi figures I ever made
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