#btw if that wasn't clear. he talks a lot about tv is his way of making forth wall breaks
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thenamesapollo · 4 months ago
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OKAY ummm um um fucking um!!!
nightmare's one and only dream was to become an actor!
or at least, become whatever that mettaton guy is, cuz that guy always seems on top!!
he wants to be someone famous on tv!! someone everyone knows and watches (and that gets a lot of money)!!
he really wants to be on tv. in fact, 'tv' consumes almost his every thought, sometimes he acts like he genuinely believes he's being broadcasted when there's no cameras around.
and also, he actually did achieve his dream! ...sorta. it was such an awful experience that he doesn't want to be part of a set ever again........
he was treated so badly on set that in a sort of 'payback' response, he started seeing everything as a giant set and him as it's star.
(his castle having a giant star at it's top wasn't just for show.. hihi..)
being 'on the top' is all that matters to him, more than money, more than people. and he's willing to destroy life long friendships, a whole ass marriage, but also himself to get there.
fun factoid for u : nightmare has three exes that hate him ₍⁠₍⁠ ⁠◝⁠(⁠ ゚⁠∀⁠ ゚⁠ ⁠)⁠◟⁠ ⁠⁾⁠⁾
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sickofthistoxicshit · 9 months ago
Thanks for your response to that other anon about Tommy; you’re totally right. I also was intrigued, even liked him and Buck after their first kiss. But his closet comment and behavior on their first date, like he didn’t care that Buck has LITERALLY just figured out his bisexuality and that’s A LOT to process, his dismissive attitude towards Buck’s ideas and feelings (the bachelor party henley, the “enjoy it while it lasts” at the medal ceremony)….and then add in the way some fans have gone 0 to 100 on them so quickly, even calling them endgame, and likely at least in part JUST because it’s two men…it’s become such a turn off. I was neutral, even wanted to like them at first, but now am counting the days until it ends. And it’s not because I’m a BoB or would dislike any Buck LI that isn’t Eddie. And I don’t agree with anyone getting HATE (we can sideeye and judge people’s actions ($cameos$) But I think seeing Buck in a canon male/male relationship has caused some people to lose their damn minds. Ship and let ship! Stay in your sandbox, we’ll stay in ours!
LOL I am so removed from all the crowing bummies that I have to ask wth is BoB?
I actually went to look it up and found some interesting options, I am going with this one:
"Bob" is a generic and common name, and using it can be a way of avoiding formalities or creating a relaxed and approachable atmosphere
If you have the other meaning go ahead and tell me, like bummies I understand what benefits me in the moment😂
I kinda wish ppl will look up the meaning of "comphet" (I actually looked it up) that Ryan keeps bringing up in his interviews - that way ppl can stop saying crap things about him being the one to derail Eddie-T because he was supposedly against it. - Which is bullshit, Tim repeatedly said it was because the Natalia actress couldn't come back and M actress could. - Also, Originally T was supposed to be Lucy, she just couldn't come back so they took Lou in a pinch, so Obviously the endgame sure as shit wasn't the pilot.
And you're right, T's attitude was condescending at best, I was talking about it with a mutual the other day, and said that if they really had an interest to build BT properly, also by the time they came up with BT they knew they were being renewed for S8, they could have slowed into this. Actually make Buck's coming out story, a coming out story, not "So first date was a bust, how bout you come to my sister's wedding?" like who does that?
They could have started as friends with Lou being a gay guru, they could have had private dates until Buck was actually out to everyone and ready to be seen in public.
There could have been feelings involved that developed over time.
I gave the example of Tim-Ashley vs Nolan-Bailey from The Rookie, while Ashley was fairly kept to the background (btw she got more screen time than T, just saying) while Bailey was constantly and still being weaved into the story, intricated into Nolan's life, because he was meant to end up with her.
What ppl, who seem to have never watched good tv in their lives, don't seem to understand is that there is a way to write a story, and 911 not only screwed up spectacularly with Buck and Eddie's storylines, but they managed to make it clear from the get go that any LI to come along would be written just bad enough for it to be clear that they are not lasting.
Even furious, Eddie never walked away from Buck. Even when Buck was an asshole in 2x01, Eddie stood his ground and insisted they sort it through making it clear that they are on the same side, that he cares about him and wanting to be his friend. - His partner, a team.
Tommy, like all his predecessors, walked away as soon as something didn't fit his little comfort zone. Tommy walked away on that first date, he didn't contact Buck after that, Buck had to make contact and apologize for not being comfortable on his first date with a guy, like how messed up is that?
And Tommy's little acid retort in front of Eddie in the restaurant before that? From the side it's hilarious for someone who was never in that position. It was mean and uncalled for, but not exactly a surprise because T was never much of am understanding person, he was pretty much an ass from the get go in S2, only difference now is that he is out of the closet.
How did Athena put it when Michael first brought his new bf home after they got divorced? "If Michael had cheated on me with a woman, no one would have expected me to slap on a fake smile and welcome her into my home."
And that is exactly what the GA expects us to do, so what if Buck injured Eddie for attention? He's bi now.
So what if T was an ass and pretty much dismissive towards Buck and talks to him often in a bored way like one talks to a child? He's gay now.
A certain sexual preference does not excuse bad behavior. A person's behavior is supposed to be taken at face value, and not excused just because that person is now seeing someone who happens to be of the same gender.
Crappy behavior is just that - crappy behavior - equal accountability and all that.
I actually liked Taylor for Buck in S2, I think Lucy could have been perfect for him in S5, but the writers made sure to smear their characters in the eyes of the GA from the beginning, thus ending up with another failed relationship, while Buck's relationship with Eddie thrives from one episode to another for the last 7 seasons. One has to wonder about that even if they don't ship buddie.
Same pattern here with T. I was prepared to like him with Buck, I was prepared to see Buck making his way out of the closet with someone who would make him feel safe to do it, not kiss him unprepared under the pretense of coming originally on Eddie's behalf. Not that crap show that was that restaurant date. Not Buck apologizing after feeling insecure and exposed in public for the first time out of the closet and so many other things. - I'm getting the same vibes as Taylor looking through her phone in disinterest in 4x11 as Buck recites some google fact.
And you're right, the fans going from 0-200 after one kiss was just ridiculous, like chill people have you never seen two men kiss before?
I have, on screen and in RL, I grew up with lovely lgbtq+ friends from childhood, it's not all that. When my gay best friend dated someone who didn't treat him right, I told him to get rid of him. When my cousin's gf treated her like property and like she owes her something I urged her to find a better more nurturing person to be happy with.
Two men kissing is not endgame making, hell, from experience two men having sex (hot as it is) is not endgame making.
Love, passion, trust, security, fun, friends gatherings where they're cute and gross, can be made into a healthy endgame making relationship.
Buck and Tommy have physical attraction, they make for a steamy picture but nothing else.
And Lou, I am just... I don't know, I would have preferred not to find out the things he's done as cast of 911, I am just so disappointed.
I loved Lou, now it's just meh. Like he's trying to make as much money as he can before he finishes his way in the show is all kinds of wrong. Also very misleading to the ppl who are hanging on his every word. (And I don't think Oliver likes it either, he is pointedly ignoring any scene with T, not promoting anything that doesn't involve Eddie and Christopher or Buck's own development).
Even Ryan didn't know he was going to get shot until he got the 4x13 script, he was sure he was being killed off until he talked to whoever was showrunner at the time lol.
So Lou can't know he just talks out of his ass and make himself look bad in the process.
And I agree, ppl should be free to ship whoever they desire, but they are not entitled to force their desires upon others, I'm talking about both sides of the ships not just one. (Although I gotta say I've never got hate asks until a certain ship popped up this season. A lot of hateful - now blocked anons - that I refused to give stage to.)
These toxic battles are useless and made this season worse than it's writing.
All that's left is kick back and hope this season's last episode can salvage the poor and repetitive storylines we got this season, - I mean even Henren and Bathena got a replay of S4.
And don't even get me started of the fart shaped storyline Eddie got after switching last minute.
I'm tired lol
didn't mean for this to become this long monster, If you made it this far thank you, sending LOTS of love. ❤️
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eating-plastic · 1 year ago
Headcanons: Maison Talo Punishing his Fem!S/O for ignoring him (SMUT)
Warnings: nsfw (duh), smut (minors and ageless blogs do not touch please and thanks), AFAB!reader, vaginal sex, oral sex (fem receiving), vaginal fingering, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, creampie, unprotected sex, Maison becomes pussy drunk (yes, I am making that a tag), masturbation, voyeurism, any other warnings that come with fucking a man eating house creature lol, lots of inaccuracies about Maison's anatomy, established relationship, probably some grammatical errors
A/N: Wow, this took me way too long to write, but it's finally done. First things first, I would like to thank @oliviathatgirl for giving me the idea for this as I was starved of ideas for a Maison Talo x reader thingy (pun not intended btw). Secondly, I get it. I took the easy way out when making this. But let's be real here, I don't think anyone knows what trying to have sex with Maison would be like. So yeah, I don't wanna hear it, I know. Let's all just have a little bit of fun and enjoy fiction, got it? Also this is long too, sorry about that. I could've shortened it, but I had already had everything almost written out so I just said "fuck it" lol. I blame the fact that I'm in a fic writing mood. Still, I hope someone out there enjoys this. Cheers!
🏠-Let's be very clear, you weren't trying to ignore Maison, things just happened
🏠-You were busy. VERY busy
🏠-Be it work, college, or a combination of the two, on top of maintaining your social life, you just would be too tired for any of his romantic gestures
🏠-You felt bad about it, really you did, but Maison would always tell you that it was alright and you believed him. After all, he had his own busy days himself trying to keep himself fed and it wasn't like he was a clingy or needy lover
🏠-This would've been an accurate statement had it been made before you managed to work your way into his life. And that is all because you had managed to introduce him to a new need that wasn't hunger
🏠-And that was love. A sweet, gentle affection that was so foreign to him. Something that he doesn't know if he has experienced it before or even at all, but he does know one thing:
🏠-He revels in it. Both getting and giving it from you and you alone (after getting used to it of course). He just can't get enough of your love and loving you
🏠-It gave him a new purpose that wasn't just keeping himself fed and maintaining his reputation as number 1 realtor in the Uncanny Valley
🏠-As such, the lack of affection was starting to make Maison a bit antsy. A bit on edge, though he didn't blame you about it
🏠-And then one day *poof* you finally had time to yourself. You were so excited you went to tell him the good news...and of course it had to be on a day when he left to scout for a meal
🏠-No matter, you would make yourself comfortable while you waited for him to come back to his house body or a little text telling you to get out as he was coming by with a "potential buyer"
🏠-Meanwhile at a bus station on the edge of the Uncanny Valley, Maison was waiting just out of view to spot an unfamiliar face
🏠-He could sense everything you were doing within him. If he closed his eyes, he could see you putzing around as if you were just in a normal home. If he strained his ears, he could hear you talking to yourself, or singing along to your favorite song, or laughing at a joke said in your favorite TV show
🏠-It never failed to calm him and put him in a good mood. He always worried about your well being due to the many dangers within the Uncanny Valley, so it was nice to know where you were and that you were safe and sound
🏠-It was cute too, watching you. It showed just how much you trusted him. He could just eat you so easily right then and there, not that he ever would. He'd truly rather starve than have it come to that
🏠-You on the other hand, were completely unaware of this ability of his. A fact that was evident by you heading up to the master bedroom for a different way to destress after the long week
🏠-'What harm could it do?' you thought, while shucking off your shorts and panties. Sure, it could be seen as a little odd to touch yourself in a home that was a living thing, therefore you technically couldn't call it yours despite staying. This house would always be Maison's because it was him. Still, what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him
🏠-While you lay on the bed, stroking your clit, your mind drifted to your beloved realtor. You wondered what it would be like to be so intimate with him. Yes, "would be like". You were too embarrassed to initiate it or even bring it up. Hell, from how he ate, you wondered if it was even possible. Of course that never stopped you from fantasizing about it.
🏠-If it was possible, what would having sex with Maison be like? What would he look like under that fancy blazer of his? What would he be like in bed? What would he be into?
🏠-Soft moans fill the room while you continue to imagine the most filthiest scenarios with him
🏠-All the while, Maison was going through his normal routine of reeling in some food for himself. The poor soul, though just as suspicious as they always are with his "offer," he could just see it in this person's eyes that they wouldn't be a difficult meal
🏠-After giving them his card, it would just be another boring waiting game once more. At least that's what he thought until he suddenly tasted something sweet
🏠-It startled him a bit, tasting something out of nowhere. Perhaps you had accidentally dropped a snack for yourself. Yes, that was probably it, poor you. Might as well check on you, he figured
🏠-And that's just what he did, getting quite the surprise when he got a view of you. Pretty, little you moaning so sweetly while your hand played with your soaked pussy, slick dripping onto the bed underneath. So that's what that sweet taste was
🏠-Similarly with love, lust was also foreign to Maison, and yet he was quickly receptive to it. After all, what was lust, if not a different form of hunger?
🏠-Oh how his mind was almost instantly filled with thoughts of what he could do to you. What he wanted to do to you
🏠-The moment his name left your lips while lost in your pleasure, the thoughts of his new meal vanished. He needed to relieve this new hunger he felt
🏠-He needed you
🏠-To say that he hurried back to his house form, would be an understatement. With the mess you were making, each of his strides grew faster. He would've loudly slammed the front door behind him, had he not have a sliver of self control tell him it would be better to catch you off guard
🏠-After all, didn't you deserve a little bit of a startle for what you've done to him? You had gotten him so unbelievably worked up, and after being denied giving and getting your affection too
🏠-While Maison quietly made his way up to the master bedroom, you were slowly reaching your peak. Your moans grew in volume as rubbed away at your clit. Just a few more strokes would tip you over the edge. Just a few more-
🏠-"My my, what's this?"
🏠-Your eyes shoot open and you rip your hand away from your dripping cunt. You scramble into a sitting position with your legs crossed, but there was no hiding what you were doing. The longer Maison stares at you, waiting for you to explain yourself, the hotter your face gets
🏠-"M-Maison! W-what I was-! I-I mean I was...just um...," you let out an ashamed, defeated sigh and cover your face with your hands. "I'm sorry."
🏠-Your eyes glance around at everything but the tall realtor in the room. This allows him to prowl his way closer to the bed, gently dragging his fingertips up your leg when he gets close enough. His eyes trail down your body, trying to get a better look at that sweet, little treat in between your legs
🏠-You let out a confused squeak and will up the courage to look back up at Maison, only to have all thoughts freeze as he slowly brings his face closer to yours. So close in fact, that the tip of his nose touches yours
🏠-"This is quite the interesting surprise to...return to," his voice comes out as a low purr. Maybe one day he'd tell you about his ability to spy on you, but if he could have more moments to see you playing with yourself and completely unaware of him watching you, he'll be keeping that to himself for a while
🏠-"I-I'm sorry...I d-didn't mean for you...," you whimper, which causes him to darkly chuckle. Perhaps it was the fact that you were so close to cumming that made you do this, but the sound does cause you to clench around nothing
🏠-"Ah yes, you wanted this to be a little secret. Do it while I was away searching for a little bite to eat, hm," suddenly, his hand grabs your face and holds it firmly, forcing you to look up at him. "I never realized how cruel you could be, my little tenant. How long has it been since I was able to cherish you, hm? Or that you were able to extend me that same grace?"
🏠-You really don't know how to feel. You're still mortified, sure, and yet this whole situation wasn't helping the slick leaking out of your pussy. After realizing that Maison was waiting for you to respond, you breathe out the answer
🏠-"That's right. And this is what you do while I'm still missing you? You cry out about how much you need me while I'm gone? You make such a delicious little mess that you know I can taste?"
🏠-Your eyes widen at that. God, how did that slip your mind? If he can taste the food you drop and the drinks you spill...then of course he could taste...
🏠-"Would you like to know just what I think about all of this, my dear?" he asks, reveling in the cute, little expressions you were making
🏠-You hesitantly nod your head. With that, Maison leans his head towards your ear and takes one of your hands into his own, slowly dragging it down his torso. Once your hand crosses below his waist, you gasp, a noise that causes him to chuckle once more. Not even your fantasies could've predicted that he was that well endowed
🏠-"I think I liked the little show you put on," he purred while rubbing your hand against himself. "But I think I'd like it more if I could indulge in it as well."
🏠-With that, you are pushed back down onto the bed with your hands pinned by your head. Maison moves to hover over you, smirking at your wide eyed expression. Despite the suddenness of it all, you've never been more turned on in your life
🏠-Slowly, he dragged his hands down from your wrists, to your arms, to the curves of your body, until they landed on your thighs. Moving underneath them, he lifts them up, almost pushing your knees against your chest. There was no hiding your sex from him now
🏠-He takes in the sight of it, the sensation of his stare making you squirm in his hold. He then moves one of your legs up onto his shoulder so he can free one of his hands. He wasted no time swiping his fingers through your wet folds
🏠-You gasp and continue to writhe underneath Maison while he toyed with your cunt, settling on having his thumb stroke your clit and his index and middle finger slipping in and out of you. He found that to be most efficient with coaxing your sweet slick out of you
🏠-It was like a drug with how that little puddle underneath you had him addicted. With every passing moment that it grew, the more insatiable he got. It made his pants even tighter too
🏠-You were completely blissed out with his ministrations to your body, and as soon as you knew it, you were right at the cusp of your peak again. You mewl and whine about your impending release, throwing your arms above your head to grip the pillow. With just a few more strokes to that sensitive, little bundle of nerves in between your legs, your vision goes white and you cry out Maison's name
🏠-While you get lost in your orgasm, Maison finally pulls away a bit to take you in. Oh how he revels in your pleasure just as much as you are. Not just because of how good it tasted, but because it was his darling, little tenant getting lost in an ecstasy he administrated
🏠-And he wanted more of it
🏠-Not understanding that your poor body was hypersensitive now, he decides to try something new. If his lure form could experience senses like touch, sight, and sound, then why not try tasting your juices at the source?
🏠-He wasted no time leaning down and hoisting your hips upwards. He then slowly drags his tongue through your puffy lips in an experimental lick, letting out a pleasant hum once he picks up your taste
🏠-A wail leaves your lips as he begins lapping at your pussy, each drag of his tongue making your body jerk in his grasp. You try to wiggle out of it, but your squirming just causes his grip to tighten
🏠-"A-ah-! Too much! P-please, Maison, too much!" you sob, tugging at his rough, gray hair to push him away. At the same time though, you felt the conflicting feeling of wanting him to keep going
🏠-"Aww, you poor thing," he coos once he pulls away from you. "I thought this was what you wanted. That's certainly what it sounded like."
🏠-He moves up your body so that his face is hovering above yours. He then raises a hand to caress your cheek and gently swipes his thumb across your bottom lip. The feeling causes you to nuzzle your face into his palm. Oh how you missed it
🏠-"You can handle a little bit more, can't you my dear?" his voice is as soft as his gesture, coaxing you to agree. And of course you do, from how gentle he was being and the bit of pleading in his eyes
🏠-"Y-yeah, I think I can," you breathe, causing Maison's smile to widen. He then leans down and places a kiss to your lips. You eagerly return it, realizing just how long it really has been since you got to enjoy his affection. You also moan slightly as you also get a taste of yourself. He then pulls away and leaves a final kiss to your forehead
🏠-"Good girl," he purrs, before returning himself back to the position he had in between your legs. There you were once again treated to that conflicting feeling of wanting him to continue and stop all at once
🏠-You continue to whine and keen once you feel his tongue back on you. Despite agreeing that you could handle it, you still writhe in his grasp. Your fingers find his hair again, which you both tug on as a brace and to pull his head closer. You even start grinding yourself against his face as you feel your second orgasm churn within you, your voice spiking in pitch each time his nose brushes your clit
🏠-Maison lets out an amused hum at your action, both from your taste and your desperation to cum again. In fact, in anticipation of feeling your release on his tongue, he begins to grind himself against the bed. The small rushes of pleasure cause him to let out low groans, the floorboards creaking with each one that escapes him
🏠-Of course the vibrations from that cause you to tip over the edge and cum all over his face. Due to it being your second release of the day, the pleasure was intense. Tears seep from the corners of your eyes, an overwhelming bliss flows through your veins, and your body feels like it's floating
🏠-Unfortunately for Maison, he was unable to see you in such a state, too busy indulging himself on your juices once more. He only pulls away from you once he realizes just how worked up he got from simply grinding against the bed. If he continued, he would've spilt himself in his pants, and what a waste that would've been
🏠-While you slowly come down from your high, he finally undoes his pants, allowing his length to spring free. He lets out a sigh from the relieved tension, before taking a moment to actually get a good look at it
🏠-'How interesting,' he thinks, while investigating his cock. It was the same tannish color as his lure form's skin tone, yet the tip was a bit darker. What has him the most curious however, is the whiteish clear fluid beaded from it. He carefully swipes his thumb across it, causing him to hiss and for the house to shift a bit
🏠-He then moves his hand to wrap it around the shaft, feeling how oddly heavy it was against his palm. After getting a feel for the weight, he decides to slowly move his hand up and down, letting out another low groan and another creak. What an interesting kind of pleasure this was
🏠-Your soft gasp pulls him away from his investigation. As his dark eyes lock with yours, he instantly remembers all the things he can do with the length in his hand. Your brain on the other hand was still fuzzy from your intense release, as well as actually seeing Maison's dick. While he wasn't too girthy, he definitely was long, and it was making you actually consider going another round
🏠-Smirking at your wide-eyed expression, he lets himself go and moves back on top of you, hand gently stroking your cheek once more
🏠-"Oh my poor, little tenant. I know it's cruel of me to ask this of you, again," his voice drips in sweetness, yet you can still hear that bit of sleaze that makes your brain tilt in favor of overstimulating yourself again. "May I take you? Indulge in you in a way unlike ever before? Bathe you in ecstasy one more time? Please, my dear?"
🏠-It's a repeat of the same charade he did when his tongue was against your pussy, and you fall for it again. You didn't know how long he could perform it over and over until you finally denied him, but it certainly wasn't now. Carefully, you move to sit up, Maison shifting off of you to give you a bit of space. His face holds the same, soft expression, yet there's a hint of curiosity there as he wonders what you are doing, as well as your answer
🏠-And you give it to him in the form of you removing your shirt and bra, leaving you completely bare in front of him. If you were going to let him take you, why not let him have all of you. Besides, you were getting all sweaty and hot anyways
🏠-Amusement takes over his eyes and smile, hand returning to your cheek. You melt into it and back into your position underneath him. Of course, you should've known he wasn't going to do anything until he heard your response
🏠-"Yes," you decide, despite knowing your body was more hypersensitive than ever before. "Please...take me."
🏠-And that's just what he does. After shifting into position and wrapping your legs around his waist, Maison slips himself inside of you. With every inch pushed into your tight, weeping core, you softly whimper and throw your arms around him to hold him close. The moment his cock is completely sheathed within your warm, velvety walls, your mind goes numb from how deep inside you he was
🏠-To be perfectly honest, he wasn't faring that much better. Just the feeling of you wrapped around him alone was enough for his eyes to close with bliss. It causes him to take a moment to both get used to and savor the sensation. It truly made him wish you both would've tried this out sooner
🏠-After his little break, he finally starts to move in small, shallow thrusts. All the while, he enjoys the cute, little look on your face. Your eyebrows knitted together and eyes closed from overstimulation. Your soft lips parted, with the only sound dripping from them being whines and whimpers
🏠-"Such a pretty, little thing," he muses, fondly, adoration in his eyes. He raises his hand to hold your face, before leaning down to kiss you. It doesn't take long for his tongue to find itself in your mouth and eagerly greet your own
🏠-Suddenly, as if his hips had gotten a mind of their own, he harshly bucks himself inside of you. You moan in surprise from the tip of his cock slamming right into your g-spot, and tighten your grip around him in more ways than one
🏠-Liking the new, rougher pace, in tandem with your pussy constricting his dick, Maison grasps your hips and begins to rut away into your cunt. That poor little, sweet spot inside of you wouldn't be able to the escape the abuse he had in store for it
🏠-To say that your brain is now mush at this point would be an understatement. You can hardly form a coherent thought, and all you can say when he finally broke that delicious kiss is sobs of pleasure. Even as you feel your body building up your third orgasm of the day, you can't get out anymore than stuttered words broken by cries
🏠-Fortunately, Maison can decipher your pleasant sounds and responds to them by quickening the pace. He is going to make sure you cum right on his length at least once today. He needed to feel it
🏠-"That's it," he breathes, another loud creak following. "Just one more, my dear. Just one more for me."
🏠-It only takes a few harsh thrusts for you to become completely spent. Your velvety walls clench around him like a vice and your body jolts in his grasp as your release crashes over you
🏠-From the intense sensation, Maison follows closely behind. With a loud groan, he fills your core with ropes of his cum and the house shakes as if a small earthquake had sprouted
🏠-Eventually, the shaking goes from violent, to a vibration, to a complete still. By that time, you had both come down from your highs and decide to revel in the afterglow. That was truly better than either of you could've imagined it would be
🏠-"Well...that was certainly...something," Maison muses, smiling down at you. You tiredly laugh at his remark. Honestly you couldn't think of any other way to describe what the two of you did
🏠-"Yeah...just...wow," you return his fond smile, before realizing how sticky with sweat your skin was. "Augh, I think I need a bath."
🏠-"Of course. Please, allow me, my dear," he purrs, before puling out of you and fixing himself back in his pants. "You deserve a little rest after being so good for me."
🏠-With a gentle kiss to your forehead, Maison leaves to head to the bathroom. On his way there however, a soft buzzing catches his attention. Ah yes, his phone. That must be the "potential buyer" he was talking with earlier. He answers, but tells them that they would have to check out the house tomorrow
🏠-He had much more important matters to take care of right now
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soleadita · 1 year ago
another day another niche media that has crossed my dash because of u. who is sam why is he crashing and why does he look like a pathetically sad kicked puppy (huuuge huge huge fan of the gif of him w a bloody handprint on his face btw single best thing a guy can have)
CRASHING!!! SAM!!!!! i didn’t think i’d have that much to say but it turns out i did. sorry. mostly this is just barely coherent rambling.
(1) crashing is a british tv show from 2016ish. there are (regrettably) only about 6 episodes, i believe, and they’re SHORT. (i made @dauntingday watch it with me a few months ago and we accidentally just downed the entire thing in one evening after work. that’s how short it is.) it follows a group of like…20s+ people who all live together in an…abandoned hospital? or something? i’m not entirely clear on how the living situation works, and frankly that’s like the least important part i just tend to get bogged down in details when i try to talk about things. BASICALLY they all live together in a giant funky building, they don’t all know each other, they have disastrous dinner parties, they’re messy, they’re stupid, they’re brilliant, they’re super fucking weird, they’re awful to each other, they love each other, they take care of each other in weird ways…it’s like found family i guess but more in like a having-a-lot-of-cousins way. like some of them you’re really close with some of them you never really see some of them you can’t stand. but they’re all still your cousins.
(2) sam is like...i would like to throttle him i also would like to wrap him in a weighted blanket and give him a mug of hot tea. he's a lil homophobic he'll vehemently insist he's not gay he is actively pining after fred when fred gets a boyfriend sam makes it his personal mission to be a total dick about it (affectionate) and break them up. when i started writing this, i was like, "lol SAM how do i describe that little shit, he's so silly and funky and awful but in a cute way," and now i'm actively getting a little choked up about him and fred. im not gonna lie. and the fact that this whole dynamic is established in like...two hours? give or take? masterpiece. ANYWAY. "pathetically sad kicked puppy" is right you totally nailed it he's like the puppy that chews everything up INCLUDING HIS OWN TOYS HIS OWN BED HIS OWN FAVORITE BLANKET and then when he gets reprimanded for it and DOESN'T HAVE ANY OF HIS SHIT, he goes into "pathetically sad kicked puppy" mode. I HAVE A LOT OF FEELINGS ABOUT HIM I DON'T THINK IM EXPRESSING THEM RIGHT BUT I THINK YOU'LL GET IT ANYWAY.
(3) i regret to inform you that wasn't a bloody handprint on his face, it was paint. :(
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matan4il · 3 years ago
Hi!! First love all your meta! It’s so fascinating to read and as a film student a lot of your analysis is how I’ve analyzed it though there’s always something I didn’t notice that you did!
Quick question - you mentioned waiting 8 seasons for a ship where one married and had a kid then they got together and one died…and it sounds just so familiar but I can’t put my finger on it. What show / ship was that?? (Btw I agree with everything else in that post lol)
Hi, lovely Nonnie! Awwww, thank you so much for the kind words! :D Ooooh, you're a film student, I'm sure you're kicking ass at your studies, and I hope you're enjoying it, too! Please never hesitate to come talk to me about anything film related if you feel like it, I love TV and films in general. And I'm so glad we analyze Buddie the same way, and thrilled I can still add something new to the mix! *hugs big*
Oooh. OK, IDK if there's more than one show out there that fits that description, though I suspect the answer is sadly yes, 'coz TV showrunners can be pricks, but in my case, I was referring to The Blacklist, and the ship is Ressler and Liz (aka Keenler).
I wasn't gonna ramble about them, 'coz while I've watched the entire show, I was never an active part of the fandom, but since I got this ask... Let me just preface this by saying I think TBL is an excellent show, but it IS set in a dark world, so it’s not necessarily for everyone, unlike 911. Also, I will ramble for a sec, but I promise everything I’ll say will relate to Buddie at the end.
So, one of the things that makes TBL excellent is it's a show built around a central mystery, that they manage to make complex enough in order to stretch the mystery over 8 years, and yet the solution we learn in eps 821/822 (the finale of s8) is so organic that it actually fits EVERYTHING, all the little clues, insanely well, down to what seems like nonsensical throwaway comments in s1, and making even clues that seemed to contradict each other finally make sense and fit together. But that requires A LOT of planning ahead. I'm not saying things didn't change along the road when it comes to the exact sequence of steps that led to solving the mystery, some things did, like Liz's actress getting pregnant and that being written into the show, but the end goal of what the solution was and how all the pieces of the mystery puzzle fit together, and what elements would be necessary to get us there, they clearly had that goal in mind and it never changed, allowing them to plant hints, partial reveals and promises in such an effective manner along the way.
This amount of planning ahead is also relevant to Keenler. 'Coz when I watched s1, at first I didn't notice Ressler and Liz. TBL built such a mystery around Tom for Liz to decipher, it didn't look like she was even noticing anyone else, while Ressler had a laser focus on Red (after all, he's been chasing Red for 5 years). But by ep 104, it's Ressler's arms that Liz allows herself to fall apart in, and it's clear he probably already liked her to some degree (the way he checks up on her a little earlier in that ep is SO tender), but when Liz lets go, you can tell that this really managed to break through the walls he had built around himself. Still, what sealed things for me, that the show was planning on doing something with Liz and Ressler at some point, was ep 105. Because it seems to be keeping Liz completely preoccupied with the Tom mystery, yet you can tell she's taken a real interest in Ressler, unlike anything she was showing towards any other Task Force member at that point. It made the special attention they're paying to each other mutual, and highlighted their bond. So 105 is when I became convinced something is coming for these two. I just didn't know when.
Lemme tell you, I did not expect the show to drag out things with Tom - when he's clearly implied to be the wrong guy for Liz from the start - for as long as they did, and to throw in a wedding and a baby, too. Seriously, everyone shipping Keenler deserves a medal. And if you think we only have crumbs with Buddie at times, with Keenler we had microscopic ones. I once went an entire season on the way Liz looked at the spot on her arm that Ressler touched while he tried to comfort and reassure her. But I kept in mind that by ep 301, Ressler's feelings for Liz were kinda canon in my book. Red, whose devoted parental love for Liz is one of the reasons I kept watching, mentions the importance of Ressler's feelings for Liz (though he doesn't explicitly call those feelings love, which means that it's still not technically canon, the way Red words it when he could have talked about the importance of Ressler's friendship or loyalty to Liz, that's why I think it is subtextually canon from this point on). So what I took from this was that Ressler is already in love with Liz, that Red knows (and quietly approves, which is echoed in the talk he and Ressler have in ep 901), and that if Ressler wasn't aware of his own feelings before, he had to be aware of them after Red's words.
And yet, we still had to wait until 717 for Liz to explicitly express how much Ressler means to her, that she can't live without him, and until 801 for them to even kiss.
But the reason why we had to wait so long is a part of what makes this ship so good! Because the first 8 seasons of TBL are about the tragedy of Liz, whose fate is to a great degree shaped by the lies and manipulations of key people in her life. Some lie to her because they believe they're protecting her (like Red and Dom), while others lie to her 'coz they want something from her (like Tom and Tatiana Petrova). But as Liz says when she finally confesses her love in 819, Ressler was the one person who didn't lie to her, who was just there for her. That makes him truly stand out in her life. But it's more than that. What Tom wanted from Liz was her love and he didn't care what he had to do in order to get it, he was willing to lie, manipulate, kill and even put Liz in harm's way in order to be with her. Ressler, in contrast, never wants anything from Liz. He never demands anything from her, not even her love. He's content to be in her life and love her while being 'just a friend'. He loves her so long and so quietly, so unassuming and undemanding, it breaks my heart. He's made aware of his own feelings by 301 at the latest, and yet at the end of s3 he has to watch Liz marry another man. More than that, Ressler physically put himself between her and a rain of bullets so she could marry that other man. Just think about those levels of quiet devotion and love, not once complaining or asking for things to be different.
And it's exactly why he's the right man for Liz. Those literal YEARS of the ship being nothing more than hints and subtextual promises for something at some point in the vague future, they happen for a reason (as much as I wish Ressler and Liz got more time together before her actress left the show).
Ressler is in love with Liz for years, and when they finally happen, it's because she's finally ready for it. He's the one person who lets her decide her own fate. So even then, after Liz first kisses him, Ressler makes no demands or assumptions, he lets her decide what step to take next and when. To me, that makes their love story even more beautiful, as short and as tragic as their canon time ends up being. Because you just get how much it means, and you also know that to Ressler every moment they spent together counted, even before Liz kissed him. I am never gonna be normal about how much those two love each other (Liz too, even before she figured it out. The way she was there for Ressler and cared about him long before she worked out what it means and what they could have together).
And now I'm gonna circle back to Buddie, 'coz here's the thing. After roughly 3.5 years of Buddie, we CANONICALLY have more explicitly deep and meaningful moments between Buck and Eddie (I mean, the legal guardian talk ALONE, I wail) than we ever got with Keenler during the first 7 seasons of TBL. And the other Love Interests that Buddie got so far have been far less impactful or developed than Tom was. So if TBL could make good on its own promises and hints along the years, and let Keenler go canon as a couple, by all accounts Buddie should as well. I'm saying, I'm actually weirdly good with calling out ships early on. When the two characters are each canonically attracted to the gender of the other one, I almost never miss, no matter how long it takes for the ship to go canon and what they have to go through in order to get there. And those ships usually end up being the endgame ones, too. Here and there, I even managed to correctly call out a ship that went canon even though this entailed a same-sex attraction reveal. I've also had same-sex ships that I knew would never go canon, but I could usually tell the show would only ever hint at the couple and play around with the subtext, but it would never actually go there (for example, Supernatural). So really, if Buck and Eddie were canonically queer, or an opposite sex couple, I would have had no doubt that they would happen. And when comparing them to canon ships like Keenler, I also have no doubt Buddie should happen. And that they could, even after years of appearing as if they never would and in spite of many other LIs, even seemingly really significant ones. Will they? That's a mystery I can't solve, not yet, though I CAN tell you that I don't have that sense I had with SPN that there's no way the show would ever go there. We just gotta wait, watch and find out. But this is another little piece from me to all of you, about why I have faith and why Buddie def are the right fit for each other (as I mentioned repeatedly in my seasons 1 to 3a Buddie meta).
Sorry for the length, thank you for the ask and please have a look at my ask tag if you're looking for another ask reply. xoxox
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carito-dorito · 3 years ago
This is probably the crackiest ship I've ever shipped (how redundant lol) in my whole life but chubby girlboss+emo malewife won my heart (this also includes spoilers btw) so *deep breath*
He's demiromatic/ace, he really isn't interested in sex, romance for him is such a heavy and hard subject for Yuri. First it'd be a big risk as it could expose him, second one is that it's a distraction.
Often in his childhood he idealised his parents' relationship, thing he regrets by now.
This also affects the view he has towards relationships too, often disgusted when seeing multiple cases about failed marriages filled with toxicity or codependency.
There is always a small hint of fear of damaging others with his flames, he knows how to control them perfectly. He just doesn't wants to repeat history again.
He burnt down the 'cancel the buddy pairings' to allow him to keep working alongisde Agnes. She proved him that she was right after all. Even when it wasn't perfect.
Deep down Yuri loves gifts, his parents (specially Mr. Legend) always filled him with presents. This is why he tends to reject them as he thinks it's a good way to avoid getting closer with someone.
Keith has showed him John and JohnJohn and Yuri loved them so much, though he's allergic to animal fur.
As a kid Yuri was a very physically and frail boy, often getting sick or injured, he has a very skinny frame. That would also explain why he prefers attacking from distance than actual body fights.
He wonders how life could have been if only his father never became an abuser more than he wants to,
She comes from a family of immigrants, her father was french canadian, while her mother was french.
A personal headcanon I have and I see very plausible is her having face assymetry frm birth, this based on the comments from the character designer as he made one eye larger compared to the other one in purpose. But as she grew older she made sure she could hide it or at least it didn't look so obvious, either with makeup or some facial surgeries and her left eye is something it never corrected 100%
Agnes has definitely been put through a lot of stress and that caused her to gain weight, and also she's in her mid 30's. People tend to get older and sometimes your body changes drastically.
Of course this brought her a lot of disgust, from being the ugly duckling to the pretty swan to then again being seen as an ugly duckling again. She's not stupid, she knows when people look at her shocked at her new appearence or when they talk behind her back. But it's at least a good chance to be finally taken seriously by others. But that also means you lose all that pretty privilege stuff, time to say goodbye to all of those nice party invitations and some of those nosy tv shows that mock her.
Her first romantic relationship was an affair with an old man in his late 40's when she was in her early 20's, she regrets it even when that rich man helped her get into her current job position. A reason why she's only seen as a pretty face it's because of that dark past of hers.
She doesn't have a really clear sexual/romantic orientation, besides her affair all what she focused was on her job, besides she really didn't want to hurt others feelings in the process.
I like the idea of Agnes being slightly older than Yuri and having more of a motherly role in their relationship as she grows to be more protective when she realises she's dating Lunatic
She really didn't understand what protecting someone else meant until she realised it.
Lunatic/Yuri follows her after her job shift ends without her realising (creepy I know, but what do you expect when you have a pyromaniac emo bf)
They first started interacting when both got their jobs, though their more closer encounters started when Agnes was promoted to be as a producer
One of their first dates *cough, it was not a date but it was a professional meeting in a coffee shop, cough* Yuri didn't mind sharing some of his treats with her, as he knows a coffee mug is not a meal
They rule at makeup, they DO RULE at it. From Agnes knowing how to hide her soft chin and making and knowing how to apply eyeliner in seconds with Yuri knowing how to hide his burnt scars
When it's time to go to bed, hey tend to brush each other's hair.
They are also very careful with boundaries, specially Agnes when it comes to Yuri. I personally think he might be autistic and has PTSD. But she nails it at non-verbal and more physical communication and affection. There is no in betweeen as he tends to speak too much or doesn't speak at all
Yuri loves holding Agnes' softer body as it really feels comforting, admiring her love handles to her round face, caresing her eyelashes too. More than once he has compared her to a renaissance painting.
Agnes LOVES humming french songs when alone, though she only does it in front of Yuri. He also likes humming songs in russian.
They both love board games, Yuri loves puzzles and Agnes goes more towards chess. She won a few times
They both are aware of how their actions are often morally incorrect and have discussed about that topic too.
Him revealing his powers was merely accidental as one time Agnes was putting too much pressure on the heroes and also herself causing him to really feel helpless at one point.
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prompt: send me ‘👀’ for something my muse has said about yours to someone else / when they’re not around | dia & sg!tv for: @moonsaintsverse: of gods and monsters notes: journalist!cloud, and not an art hoe cloud, goes on a blind date and her sister wants to know the details. thing is...she's still processing things. date was...different. i did not reread this btw. i am doing drabbles for nano and just posting stuff. so.....✌️♥️ we don't proof read here.
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When Cloud walks through the doors of her sister Amya’s home, Amya’s arms are crossed and she’s shaking her head with a smirk on her face, which manages to make Cloud roll her eyes. Cloud looks like she’s gone through a walk of shame, because some of the buttons on her blouse are broken when they weren’t before and her hair is unruly and her makeup is, well, everywhere. Plus her heels are in her hand when she walks through the door and she looks like she's buzzing from adrenaline.
And though Cloud would typically high five her sister after a good night out where she got laid after a great blind date with an attractive person, that’s not what happened at all. She did not get laid, and her date night was more confusing than anything else.  
Last night she went on a date with a guy her sister had set her up with and the two of them had gotten along pretty well, up until trouble followed and made the date a whole lot more than your typical wine and salad that ended with a make out session. 
No – this night out, hadn’t even ended in trouble due to her own bullshit, it had ended that way due to his. Apparently, ‘trouble’ was this guy’s last name. Sweet, overly honest, wikipedia smart Steven, had people after him that caused even her to question things. Because, well, they weren’t uhm – human, or even just superhuman or mutant.
Whoever was after him were Other.
Which, you know, should have caused her to jolt the fuck out of any future date that could ever occur between them. And the fact that she was so chill about it probably made her seem suspicious enough for him not to call her – and he hadn’t since she’d left – but she thought it was interesting enough that, when her sister cleared her throat and had her hands out and asked, “So – how was the date?” Cloud couldn’t help but to smirk and shrug a bit half-shrug, before placing her heels near the door. 
“It was fun, I think I’ll call him in a bit. See if he’d want to have another date sometime soon. I really liked him,” even though there was more to it than that and more than one person on their date technically, when things began to go to the fuckening. Though that person wasn't technically her date. And the whole thing was a bit confusing, despite her own knowledge on these things. “He likes old things like I do. Talks a lot though. But he’s honest like you said and kind…Thing is, there’s more to him than meets the eye and I like that, too.” Amya leaned forward, rested her head in her chin. “That’s the first time you’ve enjoyed a date in a while. That good in bed huh?” 
Cloud rolled her eyes. “I don’t kiss and tell, you know that,” she lied. 
Amya rolled her eyes, “Boo.” 
Which made Cloud laugh. “No, no – we didn’t do anything. We just, like, had a good time. And you know me, always falling on my ass and injuring myself somehow. Fucked up my outfit. But it’s all fine. He doesn't mind the fact that I almost ended up in the emergency for having fun.” Another lie, despite Amya knowing some of the Delphine stuff she does not know all, so there’s not much else to go into. “Nice guy, you had a blast, and you didn’t even bone – a waste.” Amya teased, sitting back. “Just when I thought I knew you, I was wrong.” 
Cloud laughed at her sister again. “Amya, please. It was a first date.” 
“Yeah, yeah. It’s not like you haven’t fu–” 
Before Amya can say anything else, there’s a knock on the door, and when Cloud goes to open it, there’s no one there. “Weird,” she said.
“Actually no, you’re doing that thing you do. Where you think you hear something but –” 
“I don’t,” Cloud finished for her. 
Amya nodded. “Go rest. Go dream about your date that you didn’t get to bone, because you don’t live life as adventurously as I thought.” 
Cloud shook her head, ran her hand down her face. It had been a long night, and her sister had somehow managed to make it a good day. But Amya, more than anyone knew it was true, she needed to go to bed. Thing was, Cloud wasn't exactly sure she could sleep. There was too much on her mind. Too much that didn't make any sense.
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billiejean485 · 6 years ago
Karmiro Kiss
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(Text from DA:)
First of all, I'd like to state something: I don't usually upload art such as this often or at all, and I rarely even show it to anyone. Reason? Been bullied a hell of a lot for it in younger years, so I learned to keep things like these to myself. However, I am pretty sure the Karmiro fans would appreciate it, and I am having a really hard time finding artwork devoted to this ship myself (kudos to Iamaddictedtocoffee and KenKic4Ever - you guys are IMO the best I could find), and I honestly wanted to contribute.
Second thing I wanted to mention is that - although the show itself made me a huge Karmiro fan, this particular piece/sketch came as an inspiration from reading Arctimon's fics. My God - for the past 6 years I've been having a really hard time finding quality fanfics (I got older, and my standards became very high), and their in particular are among those rare that make me cling to it like an idiot, rereading it until I know it by heart (still in the process of achieving that btw XD). I haven't left a review yet, but, I can say here that that level of quality English, original ideas and great imagination is not something that you just stumble upon in the fan fiction world easily. I'm blown away. Still am. Still haven't read everything, so I won't drop that mentioned review yet. But, Arctimon, if you're reading this - you have my huge support, and I'm a really big fan.
Now on to the rant on the art aspect of this sketch.
I don't have much experience in drawing a kiss, and still learning to do that. What killed me even more here is just the position (that I probably didn't even figure out well) of the two - if you have that steamy kiss where both sides try to pull each other into it, and a couple with height differences between a girl and a boy such as Hiro and Karmi, everything gets complicated. The arm position is probably off (because yours truly was lazy enough not to reference anything). I hope at least I got their faces right - I haven't drawn either of the two enough for practice. Oh, and Karmi's hair was ridiculously difficult for me; it should be simple, but nope.
Ah, yes, and the Baymax sketch in the bg - the body probably should have been a bit bigger, but 'anatomy' wise I think it's okay. I just placed him in the wrong spot. And I have a feeling that it made perspective make no sense (he's speechless, btw XD).
Okay, and two last things.
I love the fact that Hiro is the shorter one in this relationship and is probably standing on his toes somewhat here, while Karmi has to bend down and/or pull him up. It's so relatable and heart-warming. :D I remember how all that went in those years of life (14~16). Wish we'll manage to see him grow, but who knows. Also, depends what Disney plans for the sequel of the movie, if they're even planning it (it got them an Oscar, so chances are high).
But one thing that saddens me in that is that - for most characters that appear in TV shows that are based on the movie there is like a rule that they don't appear in the movie's sequel. Which brings me to the second thing.
Even though I ship them with all my heart, I see little possibilities for these two to become something more than friends (there is more chance for that happening with Hiro and Megan, although the whole Karmutie stuff has led us on to believe otherwise up until she showed up). It seems as though Hiro and Karmi's relationship was made only to reach some "good friends" climax and that that's the whole point of it. Even Karmi's crush on hero-Hiro looks more like something that came as a product of her loneliness rather than actual need for a romantic interest in her life (I think she'd be a lot more invested in her relationship with 'Captain Cutie' if this wasn't the case). And when you take into account that this is a show aimed at kids... it all makes sense. Kids don't like romantic stuff, nor do they need it. But what do they need? Learning more about friendship, especially with that girl or boy they tend to fight a lot and don't get along well. It's a perfect reason to make you think that that there will never be anything more in this relationship. But it gets on our older fans' nerves because - naturally, the characters are not kids, they're teens. Things function differently here. I mean, okay - Karmi and Hiro may not be each other's type (debatable) in the end, but you can't tell me they don't care for each other at it's base, and that they will learn to get their rivalry out of the way to make a clear path for that. And when that happens, everything's possible.
But coming back to the first thing I brought up - the characters from the TV show rarely, if ever, make it to the sequel of the movie. Which means, whatever happens with these two, they will probably split up. It's saddening, and I wish things would change there. Hey, seeing Karmi in the sequel would make who knows how many of us happy. And not just her - bunch of other characters too. Or at least give them an honorable mention.
It's because TV shows get made for kids that nothing from it gets transferred to the sequel of the movie, which gets made for audiences of all ages. If there's something I wish would change, it's that - having TV shows dumbed down for kids. And with that I mean - seeing characters a lot older act like they're children. What the heck is that teaching the little kids? That reality will never be like they saw it on TV?
Kudos, and a really big KUDOS to the shows that are tackling this particular thing. It's good and it's healthy. If you wanna make something for kids, make it really appropriate for kids. Don't tug on the nerves of us older people, because - whatever the world says, there will always be those older ones that watch cartoons, ages ranging from older teens to who knows how old. We don't like watching those dumbed down things, no matter how profitable it is for you, content-makers, to target it only for kids, who will get you the most money. Yeah, it's harder to make such stuff, we know, but it's not impossible. At least show a little effort.
But, concerning that, I can't complain on BH6's TV show anymore. The second season was fantastic so far, and those 'dumbed-down' elements were reduced to the bare minimum. I just hope it stays that way.
... Well, this was a whole lot that came out of me just because of posting one silly fangirl drawing. XD Hope some of you actually managed to read this.... Too bad all of this is going to get dumped in the Scraps' section (please make a Sketch section, DA!), like most of my uploads do.
I live and breathe sketches. lol
Oh well - thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. XD I'm really done this time.
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sol1056 · 6 years ago
hey im the anon who asked about how you knew the stuff, sorry i wasn't too clear on what. i just read the post explaining EPs and how the behind the scene stuff worked and i wanted to know how you knew all that, like are you involved in the industry? or just a nerd?
gotcha! Well, remember how back in S1/S2, people kept pointing out Hunk could be… awfully nosy? always getting into things, asking questions?
I was over here going, YES HUNK IS MY PEOPLE. 
It’s a hallmark of a certain type of engineer: insatiable curiosity, and never satisfied with only one answer, always sure there’s more to discover. Okay, we’re not all engineers — a lot of us are Russian Lit majors — but the key is our drive to discover. We take apart, put back together, connect dots close and far, turn things around and study them from a new direction. We’re those people who randomly show up in your part of the building, poke our heads in the room and say, “so, what do all y’all do here? what’s this do? hey, what’s that?”
Despite the fact that most of us seem to be (strangely) strong introverts, that doesn’t stop us. We’ve got questions for everyone. We’ll talk to total strangers all day if we’re on the trail of a particularly interesting idea. In a nutshell, we’re utterly shameless.
I did post-production back when NLE was relatively new and the compositing applications required massive nearly-mainframe computing power. I was mostly in the sfx/cg areas, but I weaseled my way into the color suite pretty regularly. I sat in on editing sessions and was a happy lunch-fetching lackey if it got me a chance to watch the compositing team. Any lull meant a chance to chat up directors, cinematographers, producers, etc. I totally took advantage. 
It’s been awhile since I did that – and since then I’ve been a roady, a mental health & substance abuse admin, a doorman, and even owned a bookstore, before going corporate. But for every wacky thing I’ve done, I’ve also kept in touch with people I met. Frex: the friend who got me the post-production job is now an executive producer. Yes, I do call him with questions. He’s used to it. If he doesn’t know an answer, he sends me to someone who does. (Another reason we’ve been friends for so long.) One answer is never sufficient, never a reason to stop there.
Meet one novelist, get introduced to six more, and three of them write for TV. Oh, that’s handy. Should save that contact, could be useful someday. It’s actually rare for someone to say no, come to think of it. idk, as long as I can get access, I can usually get the person to tell me something I can use. 
However, since my actual area of expertise applies across many industries, I’ve worked all kinds of places. A lot of it’s client-facing, and if you think that means I’m not wandering around the client site poking my head into rooms and cheerfully interviewing people on the spot, then you haven’t been paying attention.
Now that I work at a multinational corporation, I have literally thousands of people in my network, including everyone who’s moved on to a new place. You might be surprised how many people are fine with, “hey, I work at X with Y, and Y told me you’d know this.” Of course, everyone has a bias and a view limited to their own experience, so you can’t stop there. You can’t really understand a situation without knowing the agendas of all the players. You gotta ask a bunch of people, make sure you’re getting the most rounded sense of things. 
Not really a hardship for me. It’s kinda the whole point. 
People are people everywhere (outside cultural quirks), and it’s rare I’m ever researching a single person (I’m not an investigative journalist, if you were wondering). Most of the time, I’m looking for the industry-based cultural expectations. As in, “given X and Y, what would someone who does A generally think is a reasonable action, in this situation?”  
The key is to have a believable reason for asking, and being a writer definitely qualifies. “I’m researching for a story, and I have a character who do X. I wanted to know if it’s realistic for them to know Y. Who do you think would be the best person to ask?” I frequently cold-call, and I never ask “is there someone there,” I ask who they think is the best person. A lot of times it ends up being someone that the phone operator knows (personally or by reputation) who’s full of bizarre trivia and enjoys a chance to show it off. (Plus, it’s amazing what you can learn about a person from all the other subtle cues people are unaware they’re telling, when they’re focused on their area of expertise.)
That’s how I ended up interviewing the Director of the DEA about whether a non-US-university degree would satisfy the education requirement. His letter of introduction got me monthly lunches for awhile with the DEA director in my city. (Oh, the stories I heard.) It’s how I learned about sheep subsidies from one of the top execs at the USDA, and that there’s a single surviving Civil War widow still getting a VA pension. Going in person is even more fun. You could wind up talking to one of the very few artists in the world whose speciality is touching up pre-Renaissance books so the repairs aren’t visible. Or the art historian whose job is going through the nation’s attic and identifying century-old fakes. 
I’ve talked to embassy officials from five different countries, NASA biophysicists and astrophysicists, OSHA inspectors, Nobel prize-winning economists, police detectives, celebrity chefs, environmental lawyers, arena-level sound-people, race-car drivers, potters, opera singers, patent examiners, train mechanics, fire marshals, foley artists, and club DJs. I’ve interviewed fashion photographers, farriers, puppeteers, lighting designers, Catholic bishops, bioethicists, rabbis, fighter pilots, public radio personalities, newspaper editors, chemists, club organizers, war correspondents, Episcopalian nuns (yes they exist), textile artists, prison architects, midwives, cabinetmakers, tall ship sailors, haute couture seamstresses, and civil engineers. On and on and on. 
Don’t neglect official avenues, either. The Department of Labor, the International Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, the Screen Writers’ Guild, the list is nearly endless — any organization, union, or federal/state dept that sets or guides policy. Everyone has a bias, so what people consider normal is sometimes… not. Or they just didn’t know (or saw no need to know, the fools) the reason for A over B. You have to check the rules, because a discrepancy between what you’re told should be done versus what people tell you is actually done… is also useful to know. 
(Labor practices are definitely one of those areas, since federal labor policy is something every company must observe. It’s the law. So when a workplace seems to be violating the law, it raises a lot of interesting questions.) 
And finally, of course, there’s traditional research. Textbooks written by people in an industry can be particularly interesting, especially if it’s a book meant for readers outside that industry (which usually means a lot of firsthand anecdotes to round out the gaps). Popular articles, academic essays, post-mortem white papers, TED talks, interviews. You need to do your basic homework, because there’s no waste of someone’s time quite like asking them a question that’s patently absurd once you get past common assumptions. 
I once explained the plot of a popular SF show to a NASA astrophysicist, and his response was simply, “Every word you used was English, but those words in that order make absolutely no sense at all.” Kind of a dead-end, there. You can’t come at a top-level expert with intro-level questions. 
Since I don’t always know who I’ll stumble over next, being an information sponge means I at least have a whole encyclopedia of analogies. If I can find  common ground (cars and houses are two of the best), I can at least get a basic idea of the person’s meaning. “Oh, so it’s like when you turn the key in the ignition, and the lights don’t come on because the battery is dead?” 
It’s asking the right questions, using an open and friendly approach, and having the right timing. Remember: there is no such thing as unskilled labor; there is only undervalued labor. That is, their time is also valuable, so be brief, open, and sincere. Treat every person as if they’re an authority in something, even if you haven’t figured out what that is. 
The world is a massively complex place, and contains more things than are dreamt of in our philosophies, all of it waiting to be discovered.
Or, the shorter version:
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btw: I don’t actually recommend going in person to the Dept of the Interior, though. You’ll get lost. Like, instantly. That place is MASSIVE.
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myvelouri · 5 years ago
So as I'm in tears. Don't worry, I'm okay. I was watching something that triggered my emotions on tv
But yeah the girl I took out (who btw was the one to approach me, old friend) was all of a sudden asking me about my past relationship and I just didn't really want to talk about it but I told her some stuff. Suddenly her, who just got out of a 4 year relationship for 2 weeks was saying how I'm not over my own relationship and shit (excuse me?) And was saying how I'm already 30 and should be doing better and this and that and that and this (total different experience from the night before) and I was like "uhh. Dude. I'm GOOD right now, I'm just saving up money for college and some other things) and she was going off on ME?! GIRL, YOU'RE JUST 2 WEEKS KUT OF A RELATIONSHIP, YOU HIT -ME- UP, YOU GOT -ME- YO BUY YOU DRINKS, AND YOU'RE ALREADY GOING OFF WITH OTHER GUYS THAT HIT ON YOU EVEN THOUGH WE'RE TOGETHER AT THE BAR, LIKE, HAVE RESPECT, I HAVE ALL EYES IN THAT BAR, EVERYONE HAS MT BACK, RBWY SAW EVERYTHING
But really, I do not know who I'm really more mad at. The dude who tried to get with my date, it her herself. My buddy said she was saying she had a Boyfriend and all. But I saw them hugging and shit and am unsure if they exchanged numbers.
Honestly, she's toxic at this point and I'll leave her on read. She was a total different person this night and I don't even know why I responded to her at all. I had originally left her on read because I am old enough and understood this is how it was. I'm dumb for responding. She wanted to go out? Why? For what? I made it clear that I wanted only friendship and benefits. And she said she was okay with that but not right now. But like, honestly, she wasn't as sweet as she was, infact she was a bitch this time around and I regret buying her anything. Lost a lot of money.
Like, honestly, fuck off.
Okay so everyone at the bar was texting me and telling me shit about the other guy all up on her. One of my newer buddies was like "dude just tug your ear and I'll come to you." And he's awesome. This really cute guy who's jacked. I'm taller but he's way muscley. he's awesome. At the end of the night, that other douche bag was trying to get my buddy to go out with him to smoke but he said no.
And yeah anyway, the buff guy who has my back, he said "dude, no homo, but you are handsome as fuck" and he went into it and I was like "lol dude nah, you're good, you're better! You're fit as fuck man" and it was nice.
I met a lot of ppl but it was still a bad night imo
There was this dude who wants to go to emo night with me. he has such a cute GF. I wanna go with them. Low-key am typing this so I remember that guy. hahahah. I'm pretty drunk
Got work tomorrow
I wish I stayed in and saved money, but then again I reinforced some newer friendships hahaha. That buff bro, Stevie said he called out to me many times and was like "bro we made out last time" or something hilarious but I didn't hear it lol
I gotta buy him a drink. He's good people. And actually he's in with the girls that I was interested in. I mean, apparently I'm very sexy, so i don't know why I have such bad luck
So I went to Walmart after all that. There's this cute girl that works there. Around my age. She actually asked ME how I was. And I honestly told her my bad date and shit. She was so interested. Dude. I got her number. She has kids and a husband but I said I can take her out. And she's into it. I'll take her out this week. She's so FUCKING cute. I even hugged her and grabbed her head. I'm so tall and I do that to girls And they love it. She said "as long as we keep it as friends only" but I'm like flirting so much and it seems alright. No worries, I asked her if her relationship is aight. She said they have ups And downs. But she honestly doesn't seem happy. She was wearing this Edward scissor hands shirt! I loved it. She seems REALLY into me honestly.
We'll see!
We'll see how open she is anyway
I'll leave the other girl on read. I felt toooo disrespected. And if I see the fucker again, I'll kill him. Air Force or not. I'm crazy, And since my date won't be with me, I will not hold back, I will fuck his face up completely. Do NOT fuck with ME. YOU WILL REGRET IT. I WILL FUCK YOU UP EVEN IF I DIE TRYING. TRUST ME BITCH. I'M THE WRONG GUY TO FUCK WITH.
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a-different-equation · 7 years ago
Or, you know,... you could watch the ITV series that might or might not be avaible on YouTube already.
You know the one.
The one with probably, hands down, most iconic interview/article/extravaganza in AfterEllen ever...
You know... with the famous quote which might or might not be: at the same time Jane Austen wrote her romances, Anne Lister met women in hotels for anonymous sex.
Oh, and it's the same text that bashed Andrew Davies in such a sassy, pissy & queer way, because damn, that white straight sexist who is still worshipped for his blantant "the best and most important decision I made when I adapted Jane Austen (& Sarah Waters!), I added the male perspective. Because, you know, only THEN it's world literature" --- damn, that guy had it coming.
Oh, yeah, in case it wasn't clear what needed fixing according to Andrew Davies: Jane Austen's 'Pride & Prejudice'. And we're not talking about the clusterfuck that was 'Tipping the velvet'. (You don't want to EVER hear how he promoted that... You think Benedict Cumberbatch quote about his role was a bit... unfortunate. Ha!)
Said iconic interview sums up my opinion about THAT man pretty nicely.
Oh, and dear GUARDIAN. That you let THAT man repeat this bullshit that's so fucked up on so many levels on Jane Austen's 200 anniversary?! It's been some time and... yeah, still very much pissed.
Thank God, that 'Tipping the Velvet'-30-anniversary got Sarah Waters herself. Oh, snap! I think SHE said that she would change things looking back. Even, you know, wrote her PhD about Victorian times etc., happens to be a lesbian. But you know, Sarah Waters: chapeau! I'm still waiting for Andrew Davies to see the light (and ALL the people who honest to God don't see how fucked up his TV adaptation is... I don't care about Colin Firth white shirt. It's blantant wrong. And btw, because apoarently, +30 years people still celebrate THIS as close to canon. Dear WOMEN (and HOW SERIOUSLY HOW CAN ONE WOMAN SUPPPORT SUCH A GARBAGE) when you add male gaze & EXTRA scene EXCLUSIVELY for male figures, it's NOT canon. Besides, you know, female author & female audience... and only men make it WORLD literature & UNIVERSAL).
Sorry, but as @expo63 knows... OMG, I have A LOT to say about this glusterfuck.
And yeah, said screenwriter of said ITV series too. She's also involved in this Victorian prostitute TV series you might have heard about. Yeah, the one.
Long rant short: there's already an adaptation. It's great. And stop fetishising 1980-90s Brit period drama. Or, at least, acknowledge it's toxic & HELLA problematic context.
(Yep, including GRANADA. But that's a rant for another day.)
@artemisastarte @linkswriting @a-candle-for-sherlock @satan-in-a-tea-cup
HOLY!!!!!!!!!!!! SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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