#btw don't get me wrong i still think it's a dumb scene but at least it's an interesting take on why all vampires are suddenly so attractive
puzzledemigod · 2 years
I also love to criticize the "this is the skin of a killer Bella" body glitter scene but one thing I will give Twilight is that the justification for why vampires turn into more beautiful versions of themselves is interesting
Like, the dynamic of a species made of individuals that used to be another species and now prey on (or parasite) their former equals while still blending into them is one of the core reasons why vampires are so frightening, and using that to justify why they're all sexy now is at least a bit creative. So instead of them just all being coincidentally hot, the vampire venom makes them the most alluring human-passing beings possible as an adaptation to their new ecological niche
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marchiveeee · 4 months
HSL episode 12 is so unhinged/chaotic (?) [a long post with many screenshots yayyy]
As you guys might know, we can get up to 6 illustrations on episode 12, so A LOT happens. Some of those things are very laughable, but others are not so much... I'll talk about everything in order of occurrence.
!!!: I'm sorry if "unhinged" or "chaotic" is not the right word for what I'm trying to say. although I'm confident enough in English, it's still not my 1st language. btw, i tried to post this 3 times and something always goes wrong, I'm stressed, so I'll be really happy with an interaction
btw again, if you're brazilian and would like to see this in Portuguese on Twitter or here, please let me know!!!
Mrs. Shermansky being toxic af and the exact opposite of how a good educator should act [in my opinion]
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So... I get that she was worried about Candy and Castiel getting lost. But if you really think telling a teenager that the only thing they have ever done is to cause trouble is a good way to advert/encourage them to do the right thing next time is the best approach, please rethink your ways.
2. Mr. Faraize being a sweetheart, he is such a nice teacher
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I'm not saying that to be a nice teacher you have to sugarcoat everything all the time and just not scold your students at all. But Mr. Faraize was so nice about it all, he just seemed happy/relieved to know his students were well and safe.
Side [angry] comment about episode 11: Bro, that race was so unorganized!!!! The least the school should have done was provide extra maps in case of accidents like the one that happened with Candy and the LI. Mr. Faraize was wrong too, he shouldn't have let Candy and the LI [in my case, Castiel] proceed after hearing that we had been fkn lost bc we lost the map and we were just wandering until we found the right track. UGH... If that happened irl with my little brother or idk any kid that happens to be in my life, I'd be so furious... ANYWAYS!
3. Born to be a star
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He is loving the attention!
4. Violet, as always, being the most precious being in that school. [I'm sorry about the screenshot I used, I forgot to take others]
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She's just so sweet and adorable, I want to hug her. YOU'RE NOT DUMB, BABYYYY.
4. Armin's reaction to Alexy's secret admirer
before the declaration:
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after the declaration:
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Honestly, I was just so happy to see that Armin didn't out his brother when he heard that a girl was interested on him. I didn't remember the details of this scene bc I was probably 12 y/o when i first played it.
5. Candy being paranoid that half of the boys at SA will turn out to be gay/not straight
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This girl cracks me up istg... and why the fuck
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she was just so worried to ask Castiel bc she thought he would get angry. Girl, we don't do fragile masculinity here.
6. Candy goes completely sidetracked on her CasLys fanfic just to check Lys's tattoo and witnessing one of the biggest bombs of MCL
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I didn't get many screenshots from this part, because it's just sad when you know what it's all about in the end... but yeah instead of spying on Lys, Candy ends up seeing Nath's bruised body and is also caught by him.
Someone has probably done this already idrk, but I'm gathering some screenshots of moments that foreshadowed that something was just not right at Nath's and Amber's house... It'll probably take a while for me to post, but I'll try.
7. Nath being for real
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He was so right for calling her dumb!!!! I think I was ranting about this on Twitter recently when I replayed the beach episode…
8. Lys’s reaction to the whole story [an icon]
I regret not taking screenshots sooner, but I was just too distracted laughing my ass off! There literally was about 2/3 scenes of just: 
Lys: 🤨[...] Candy: [Doesn’t know what to say/says something stupid] Lys: 🤨[...] Candy: [Doesn’t know what to say/says something stupid
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Again, she doesn’t say anything [to get the image you need to go for this choice]
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And then he shoes you his tattoo! Bro, he was SO COOL about it! If Candy had just asked nicely… But no, she has to complicate everything omg istg 
I still laughed a lot tho, I think at some point in this episode Cas said that this trait of Candy and her need to know and talk about everything is what makes her fun. I agree with him. She is annoying sometimes but definitely entertaining for the gossipers.
9. May the fanfic continue
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Insert some dialogues here: Basically Cas sees Candy near them listening to their conversation and he asks what’s up. Candy approaches them and is like “uhhh…. Are you……….?” Then Castiel says:
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For my mind’s sake let’s just imagine that the “offended” was not for “I’m offended you thought I was gay”, but for “I’m offended that you thought I’m dating Castiel when he’s not on my level of gentlemanliness and when I deserve so much more than this grumpy angsty tomato head” (don’t get me wrong, I love Castiel and I’d die for him, but it’s either that or think of a homophobic Lys, which I don’t think it’s the case for him)
10. Castiel shoots his 29482904 shot with Candy, but she’s stupid
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Actually, one thing that I like about this scene is that it leaves open the interpretation of Castiel’s sexuality. Saying that he likes girls doesn’t necessarily mean that he is straight. I love to see that. And disclaimer: if you prefer to think that Cas is, in fact, straight, go ahead. That’s not a problem. He is not a real person and we’re allowed to imagine and speculate things, so this is just a headcanon of mine that he might be bi/pan or just simply not straight.
11. Amber and Kentin kiss
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That alone is just unhinged and chaotic. I don’t need to say much. 
BUT I’M SO GLAD HE IS BACK!!! He’s gonna be a little shit for a while, because I think my Candy lost some points with him bc of a wrong choice after he left, but that’s fine! I MISSED HIM!!!
I hope you had fun with this little throwback!
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forcebookish · 1 year
so I just went back to watch the ray/mew scene at the end bc I wanted to double check that ray actually doesn't apologize for shit and guess what? he really doesn't. he gives a weak "I'm sorry for calling you dumb" but that doesn't count. no I'm sorry for using your vulnerabilities to my advantage, no I'm sorry for screaming at you and thinking I was entitled to sex, no I'm sorry for cheating on you. mew was the one who did all the apologizing. and he also went to cheum and apologized to her (and I'm glad he did...when will ray btw) and also admitted he was fucked up and lost. so far him and top are the only characters that own up to what they do and actually apologize and try to change. hopefully that's what will help their relationship last too.
it's at the point where it feels on purpose the way that ray will apologize for the tiniest part of an offense to diminish how horribly he acted.
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'i'm sorry for not telling you i was in a car accident,' but not for exposing your secrets to your partners and yelling at all of you.
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'i'm sorry for nearly getting you arrested,' but not for forcefully kissing you and acting like i owned you.
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'i'm sorry for calling you dumb,' but not for shouting at you for not having sex with me.
and look! oftentimes, he'll only apologize after he's scolded for it!! and even then he'll do it in the most whiny, juvenile way!
even when he apologized to mew for kissing him when he was asleep, did he do it because he actually felt bad about doing something wrong or because he was afraid he'd lose mew? i think we know the answer to that.........
this seems to be a pattern with mewray's relationship: mew easily forgives ray no matter what shit he does, ray barely apologizes, and mew apologizes for shit that's not even his fault. (LIKE RAY DRINKING AT MEW'S BIRTHDAY??????????? I'M STILL SO PISSED ABOUT THAT!!!! MEW THAT WAS NOT EVEN A LITTLE BIT YOUR FAULT OH MY FUCKING GOD YOU DIDN'T EVEN DO ANYTHING BEFORE PUNCHING HIM... WHICH YOU DID WHEN HE WAS PHYSICALLY ATTACKING YOUR BOYFRIEND!!! HE FUCKING DESERVED IT!!) ray keeps taking advantage of mew and mew just... lets him. everyone in ray's life lets him get away with EVERYTHING. cheum at least chewed him out, but is she going to stay friends with him outside of the project? i fucking hope not.
and i agree, anon! the way that topmew own up to their shit is one of the reasons they were able to stay together in the first half of the series at all. despite both being pretty confident (obviously they do have insecurities, but they're not overwhelming), they don't really have egos? or at least not ones that can be easily bruised. there are multiple times in their relationship where they either hurt the other or overstep boundaries and apologize.
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they don't act like they lose anything by admitting when they're wrong. they just know: i made the person i like feel bad, i want to make it up to him. no one has to cajole the other into an apology, they just know that they've done wrong and they own it. that's what makes a strong relationship.
and that's what's made the divorced era so heart-wrenching. of course top wants to get back together, but it's obvious that what hurts the most is how much he hurt mew. top sees the effect it's had on mew and it breaks his heart; all these good moments between them go up in smoke in mew's eyes; he spirals out of control and the world around him collapses. it's more than just losing mew, it's that mew is losing himself.
it's a really stark difference from what's going on with sandray, right? ray is doing everything within his power to keep sand in his life, and is it for sand's sake? nope. it's for ray. does he admit he has a problem? nope. does he apologize for every way he's hurt sand? nope nope nope 🙄
thanks for popping in, anon! i like to keep track of how little of the shit that ray actually apologizes for lmao he's so infuriating but you aren't🥰🥰🥰
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tixuctoad · 2 years
I may be dumb and I might have timeline stuff wrong so bare with me; I joined TOH late (like right as leaks and stuff for TTT started dropping late) so I've been only looking at the show and I missed stuff
Rubs my hands
This is mostly a mindless ramble btw, on scenarios i may never write
I wanna write a fic mostly focusing around Eda (and the beta hexsquad) immediately after getting cursed; or even a little before it
More under the cut
So this image, right
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Most of us agree that they were a group, or at least involved with one another. And we know they at least have some history (darius' comments on alador in edas requiem (i think thats the episode) and the scene of them + odalia in thems the breaks kid, being one example)
But I wanna explore that idea more
Things like Alador and Darius' falling out, we already have a vague idea why lilith and eda drifted (the curse and EC)
Stuff like that wont leave my head
Eda mentions to raine that lilith is their only friend at hexside; 7 months before the coven tryouts. Thats 7 months between TTBK and the curse, 7 months for this group to come together; to become friends
Because why else would eda imagine them there, of all times
Why would she imagine odalia there of all people/j
Im so curious
Im hoping that this is all
Because ATP im just blindly letting my autism bang this out
I wanna see raine and edas friendship (and eventual crush) develop
I wanna see how everyone ends up befriending each other, and the eventual fall out; it definitely happened before the the curse, at least for odalia/alador and darius... makes me wonder if odalia had something to do with it.. or maybe my hate for her is showing
I wanna see the effects the curse had on edas social life too; she was still wearing her hexside uniform before she found the portal door and ran away (and presumably dropped out)
How did the student body around her treat her? Did it change? What about the staff? What about her own friend group, now strained from whatever drama that made darius split from alador n odalia? There would likely be more strain as eda builds up her walls n shutting everyone out
I wanna think about what happened to Faust, and the transition from his role as principal, to Bump
Did Faust go to a different school? Get fired? Quit? Did he /die/??
Also i wanna write some eda/raine dates
Im just silly
I have an idea of what i WANT to cover, but I don't know how to execute it
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Yellowjackets S1 E7 thoughts
Oh no, I'm getting attached to them. This is no longer teen slasher vibes.
If Van and Taissa don't get that soft pretzel together I am going to die
I'm sure he's trying to let her down gently so she doesn't stab him but the coach X Misty thing still feels super wrong
She really used Randy as a cover though? I'd sooner tell Jackie it was her dad that knocked me up
Did they really have to make us sit through that whole scene with Travis and Nat though?
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Jackie has better timeline awareness than the entire pretty little liars writing team. She is a walking, talking, Shauna historian. She caught her out immediately. I'm not saying it's cause they're in love but...
Are the girls about to get attacked by wild animals?
That Sandra Bullock movie is good btw. It's called "while you were sleeping" and it's about a woman who manifests a relationship with her crush while he's in a comma.
If the reporter is tied up in Misty's basement then either she has a partner or she's not part of the blackmail plot. It could be one of the girls we haven't seen yet. Like maybe adult Lottie or Van...though I still think Lottie dies.
Reporter really overestimated how much Misty actually cares about Travis
Why is Shauna so secretive with that diary? Tell me she wasn't dumb enough to write who her baby's father is in that.
The blackmailer is definitely a guy. At least from the back it looks like a guy. Is it Jeff? It feels like everyone they know is trying to get the truth out of them.
How did they keep going after the red river?
Genuinely asking cause that can't be a good sign.
How did they see a whole red river and think that's not enough of a sign and decide to keep going until maybe they encounter the red smoke?
Is Shauna doing that at home or in some motel room or whatever? Cause I'm worried about her getting caught. Also by not checking if her husband is covered in glitter we can't confirm or deny his involvement, so I'm not convinced he's innocent.
Misty continues to carry the group.
Also considering there's no mention of his brother, and since they didn't immediately go looking for him after he died, I'm gonna assume he died out there too.
He should have hid under the bed. What if her husband wanted to change clothes?
Also Jeff is sooo shady. Like I feel like they want us to believe he's out sleeping around and that's why they showed him rent a hotel room with another woman, so we wouldn't suspect he's in on the blackmailing thing, but if I've learned anything from pretty little liars, itf someone has an alibi; no they don't. He could be in England and still be A somehow.
Do they have another hamper in the bathroom or does Jeff just wear his undies in the shower? Cause he was taking everything else off.. I bet he was hiding glitter in his undies. I bet that's why he left them on. That or some sex thing. He's definitely hiding something.
Natalie is probably self-sabotaging here. I'm guessing it's to show she really does like whatshisname. I'm still rooting for her to get with Misty anyway though so I'm glad if that thing is ending.
Those were definitely wolf sounds
Oh, I get it. Red smoke = flare
Oh shit oh fuck oh no her face!
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Wait, is she fucking dead? Did they just kill her? She can't be! She can't be dead right? Oh god, why isn't she moving? I can't even go to sleep now, I need to watch more
I mean, on the upside: they have some food now. But at what cost?
Misty's there. Misty can save Van. Misty could bring her back from the jaws of death. House has nothing on Misty. In Misty we trust. Please Misty don't let me down.
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wench-and-jezebel · 2 years
The Musketeers Reaction: Sleight of Hand
Jezebel (@typicalopposite) reacts [with occasional asides by Wench (@scripted-downfall)]
Note: Wench was slightly absent for the first bit of the review, but her comments pick up as time progresses
– – – 
He becomes a musketeer right? d’Art?  [Maybe, maybe not]  Fair enough
Oooof police brutality
Harvey Dent!
Well, damn... That’s a rat
I thought that was Jamie Kennedy  [I don't know who that is]  Movie whizz from first scream movie
You’ve heard about d’Art. Although you shouldn’t care cause you’re married. ☠️
Ooooop- He ded.  Well, unless it’s a fuckery
Oooop! I was right
All the prisoners are going free
Isssa stampede
Well, damn  [Thus why he said they'd just let him walk ou- Oh.  He just said that, but whatever]  Lol!
Oooooop Flirt is gonna be… flirting with the queen next  [Not telling]
I thought he was gonna kiss her ☠️☠️☠️  [I think he almost did]  Buddy you’re gonna get her shot in the woods too, dammit!
Well, I mean she was just behind the door. ☠️😂
[Only half?]
What kinda of idiot would overlook that?  
Um, sir, you underestimate him  [I can't tell whether to suggest that you meant 'underestimate her' or 'overestimate him'... this is d'Art and Milady we're talking about: two ends of the competence spectrum]  
ACK! ACKKKKK! NOOOOO! JUST TELL EM THE TRUTH! ACK! ACKACKACK! [It's important to consider at all times, btw, that their medicine sucks. Gangrene is still a concern, so any tiny wound is problematic.  Any hand injury basically ruins it, for example, which would devastate a swordsman like Athos.  A head/eye injury would spell doom for Aramis the marksman.  Et cetera.]  Ack 😖😖😖😖
I 😂😂😂😂 I swear.  I thought y’all were just joking about d'Art being dumb. But it’s a running thing in the show too.  I love it
Porthos like well damn. This little hoe  [Did you see his expression tho?  She said "bravest of the king's musketeers" and he goes (while bowed) bitch wtf????  And then Aramis goes "only among the bravest" and he goes "better”]  Yes  ☠️☠️☠️☠️
Buddy you and the married women
“The one you supposed to give me!”  Flirt
Oooooof He is going to get some… Uh- ☠️☠️☠️☠️ [He keeps kissing her for cover]  DAMMIT DART  SHE IS MARRIED
😩😩😩😩 this woman!  [Def stupid, my dear]
This man!
Did, uh.. did no one see the musketeers show up… and go in the house where he is  [Don't think too hard abt it]  😂😂😂
“What do you suggest?”  Something stupid of course
[Flirt keep getting slapped]
But she is happily married.  So loyal. Much faithful.  Very… in love with d’Art
[Many; d’Art dum]  
What could possibly go wrong 
Buddy.  It only takes one turn to see it’s locked
[Oh he'll definitely buy Milady’s self-defense claim now (not)]
This woman kisses so strange
Bruh. She just vamoooshed
"No one saw me" except like 10 people
– – – 
Jezebel: Main thought. I see what everyone means about d'Art. Buddy. There’s just no brain in that head
Wench: This is why he be my least favorite 
Jezebel: Normal Anon’s too 😂😂  And will likely be mine. Cause 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 stupid characters in shows like this… get people killed. I worry
Wench: I think he manages to avoid that actually
Jezebel: Thank god ☠️☠️
Wench: But like I said… Mostly only one important death that I recall
Jezebel: From the whole show?
Wench: Yeah, that I can think of.  Again, there might be things I forgot or you might find a character more important than I do and thus mourn when they die.  But I doubt it
Jezebel:  💀💀💀
Wench: Also, yeah, literally… d’Art and Aramis are both idiots tbh
Jezebel: Fair ☠️☠️☠️  And Athos hasn’t really been prevalent this one.
Wench: This is true… But he did have badass fight scene.  Technicallyyyyy
Jezebel: But erm… Flirt and Port be Uh. They be… welp.
Wench: alskfdj I knew you’d say that.  Overall character ranking?  (tbh, it's valid to have a favorite, least favorite, and tied for high second… that’s what I have)
Jezebel: In decreasing order!  Flirt -> Port -> Athos (idk his name just spells easy) -> Married lady -> Dumdart
Wench: How dare you
Jezebel: Nooo Athos was supposed to be before Port actually
Wench: askdfj I’m skeptical
Jezebel: I was thinking Port
Wench: Mmmhmm.  This feels like you’re lying now, ngl
Jezebel: ☠️☠️☠️  Fair… But I’m not 😂😂😂
Wench: Final ranking, then?
Jezebel: Flirt -> Athos (idk his name just spells easy) -> Port -> Married lady -> Dumdart
Wench: Aight, on with the show!
– – –
*OMINOUSLY opens fan*  “I don’t remember”  Yeahhhh ok lady
[Chickadee's flirting with Flirt… You gonna let that stand?  :)]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️ Everybody flirts with Flirt
I’m just waiting for someone crazy to do it. Like Cardinal.  That would be crazy  [It would be, but also strategically unwise... the Cardinal only gets power because of his influence over/relationship with the King]
Poor queen
["My father never shirked public appearance, no matter the threat" "Your father was assassinated" aslkdfjlk]
That logic… Is very stupid
Im such a hoarder; that castle would be filledddddd… It looks so empty
[Also, to be completely fair... This basically does sum up a lot of Athos' character.  (re: your earlier statement that he's not been prominent in it)  He very much is a duty-/honor-driven character, so he's often the one focused on the mission.  There are exceptions, but he's usually the "sensible" one]  Good good! Someone has to be!  [As I said, there's a reason I liked him asldkfj]  We got Flirt flirting with everyone, Port flirting with Flirt, and d’Art being an airhead
[Imagine being that pressed about a single diamond with as much money/privilege as the King has alksdj]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️
Why is Port’s hat so big!? Sheeesh! 😂😂😂😂  [And why is he holding the paper out into the rain 😭]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
Ooooop- [Good job, d'Art, that went well asdlkfj]  Sweet lord  ☠️☠️☠️☠️
Ooooof… That’s the gunpowder, right?  [That’s the gunpowder]  Oh, man
d’Art’s like. Well shit
[Tbf, I don't fullyyyyy blame him for this.  I called Vadim's plan the first time I watched it, but still]
Bruh, my nerveessss can’t handle shit like this! 😂😂😂 and I know he ain’t about to die
[Did you hear who called out for Aramis, btw?]  Port buddyyyyy
Sweet lord… My anxiety is going crazy
Runnnnnn Dumdart!!  Runnnn!!!
Kabooooom!  [Indeed]
[Bruh, hold up.... that was the diamond from Sherlock Holmes aldkfj]  Wot?!
Welp she ded
He ded  [Poor Felix :(]
They not ded tho!  [Indeed!]
Isss a ghost!  [I knew you were gonna say that alksdfj]
Isss a d’Art!  [I did not know you were gonna say that aslkfdj]
I really hope he says at some point “I’m a musketeer.” Since they said soooo many damn times “I’m not a musketeer.”  [He's not yet tbf… He has to earn a commission from the King]
Again I repeat (since you didn’t react to it earlier ☹️) Harvey Dent  [*simultaneously* That was indeed very Two-Face… That was exactly how Dent died in... What, Dark Knight?]
– – –
Jezebel: Did the cardinal have a part in this?  Trying to kill the king?
Wench: Nope.  To be honest, it's really unwise for him to kill the King.  For one thing, a lot of his power comes from his relationship with that specific King.  First, I think a new king could unseat him as First Minister (though I'm not fully sure).  But also, Louis is easily manipulated, whereas another king might not be.  Also, more importantly, there technically isn't another King.  That's a bit problem in this season, in fact; kingship passes on by bloodline, but Louis/Anne don't have a son, so, if Louis dies, succession is a serious issue.  All in all, the Cardinal Does Not Want the king to die
Jezebel: Ahhhh I see 🙂 ‘Cause I was confused af why he didn’t seem like a bad guy this one (He was talking to the musketeers and stuff)
Wench: Yeah... he's not really bad.  In general, I mean?  He's pretty true neutral, actually.
Jezebel: Minus killing the woman
Wench: No, even then… That doesn’t automatically rule out true neutral.  True neutral means that you don't really care if you're following the law or not, if you're being good or bad; it's a pretty self-centered stance, at least in my experience.  He really does care about the state staying preserved/not dissolving into chaos… but his perception of what's good for the state governs his actions.  And his personal goals center around his own power/influence.  In his eyes, Adele betrayed him; thus he harms her.  In his eyes, tearing down the king's guard by framing Athos is good because that leaves the king more reliant on him, so he can ensure that the state progresses according to what he thinks is right (and he gets more power).  He's highly neutral.  So you'll have episodes like the last episode where he's the villain, and episodes like this one where he's working to protect the king.  Even the most villainous Richelieu gets?  He's still not really... evil (still in D&D terms).  He's acting the way he thinks his best for him/France.  Whether it's true or not is a separate question, but yeah.  He doesn't really care what he has to do to achieve those goals, so he's not actively trying to make the world better/worse.  He manipulates the system, but breaks the law whenever the reward outweighs the risk.  He's trying to preserve himself, and France by extension.
Jezebel: ☠️☠️☠️☠️ well that’s makes a lot of sense! I was so confused ☠️😂😂
Wench: Yup!  Btw I am STOKED for next episode… A lot is Athos-centric :) (And the rest is Porthos-centric, which is also awesome... though also sad)
Jezebel: Ooooo! 🙂 yusssss! I want to see Athos' character moreeee! 🙂  I still love Aramis! But I am ready for next episode too now to start loving Athos
Wench: Highly disappointed you don't already love him; for shame!  The intro scene was freaking priceless, I'll have you know!  And at least he doesn't make horrible decisions like flirting with the literal Queen!
Jezebel: You are not wrong 🙂 shush
Wench: Nevahhhh
Jezebel: Anyway… I just 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 I just don’t understand stand. The urge. Like I don’t dislike sex. At all. It’s quite nice actually ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ BUT I don’t understand people getting themselves in these predicaments with it like! YOU HAVE HANDS 😤😮‍💨☠️  Control yourself!  Same with d’Art! And his little whatever he has with Married Lady. And then the whatever he has with Milady. And it’s just. Sir.
Wench: alskdjf All very fair
Jezebel: And I love how d’Art was just borderline incompetent the whole episode. (I know that’s a bit over dramatic) but he was just careless with shit, and then just miraculously almost easily beats the guy in the final ghostly showdown ☠️☠️☠️
Wench: I definitely get it... and it kinda continues.  He's consistently the young, less competent one, but he's meant to be... you know, endearing.  He's learning, too, if I'm fair.  Which I make it a point never to be, but shhh (/hj)
Jezebel: Like the whole episode was just selectively DumDart like managing to get in with the bad guy then making every dumb decision after he does (or so he thinks he does… which he should have never just assumed the guy believed him anyway! Like he said he could read a person’s eyes. And he knew he was lying there so he should have smelled the bullshit ☠️😂)
Wench: Right (I can tell you’re still typing so I’ll respond at the end)
Jezebel: And d’Art, who we already know is just very him, has got this weird will they/won’t they thing going with Married Lady. And his blind fascination with the other lady (Milady)… who framed him for murder
Wench: This is very true
Jezebel: Then you got Flirt who just loved a married woman to her death (even though he doesn’t know it yet) then decides “you know what will take my mind off her…. Another married woman!” BUT NOT JUST ANY MARRIED WOMAN… THE QUEEEEEEN
Wench: asdflkjaldskfj  Yeah :)
Jezebel: Port was very quiet this ep. But his hat is large and I love it!
Wench: alskdjflakdsjf
Jezebel: And Athos was quiet too. But probably ‘cause he was contemplating finding a new career path because his comrades are all a little slow in the brain.
Wench: This is basically their dynamic throughout the show, to be fair.  Literally, it's a resting state.
Jezebel: Poor Athos ☠️☠️☠️☠️
Wench: I adore him
Jezebel: I love it! 😂😂  Next episode tomorrow? 🙂
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Phew! What an episode!! Many, many, major spoilers below for The Boys S3 E6, Herogasm.
Okay... where to start with this episode. Let's start with the title event - Herogasm. How depraved do I sound if I say, it wasn't actually that depraved? Lol! I think I was just expecting something crazier? Is that crazy?! Lol!! Maybe I've simply read and written too much smut? 😂
Don't get me wrong, there were some crazy ass moments. Annie telling Love Sausage how good MM was at "cunnalingus". 😆
Annie: Yeah, he just gobbles that vagina right up! Just nom, nom, nom, nom!"
😂😂😂 Jesus!!
MM getting completely covered in come - "Lick it up, you big brown bear you." 😆😵‍💫😆
The guy with his dick on fire was pretty terrifying.
But just, all in all, I guess considering it was the boys and Herogasm has been talked about so much, I was just expecting more insane shit. Lol! Like for me, the first 15 minutes of episode 1 was WAY more depraved and insane! This was just a bunch of people having sex, some of it a bit kinky. 😄
Still enjoyable though. I'm a little sad Soldier Boy didn't take part, especially considering he apparently founded it!! 😜 (Founded it with Stormfront - or Liberty as she was known then! So Homelander and Soldier Boy both fucked Stormfront!!) 🤯
Anyway, much, MUCH more on SB coming up.
Now, for Kimiko and Frenchie. Holy shit!
First, Kimiko's heartbreaking texts to Frenchie:
Are you mad at me because 💋
It won't happen again.
And then that scene with her and Cherie and Frenchie. Poor Frenchie. I just love him so much and I hate Nina SO MUCH!! I was so cheering Kimiko on. (And wtg Cherie, coming in with the assist!!) I honestly thought Kimiko had her powers back.
But no, it was just her, which should have made her feel like a badass and an ACTUAL fucking hero, not a fake one like the SUPES. She came through. She saved them all!! So when she said to Frenchie that it just proved she was the monster, it made me wanna cry!! 🥺
Ugh, I just love them so much and I want them both to be safe so badly!! 😩😩
So now, MM and Annie. So...I feel like this is gonna be a really unpopular opinion, but, I think they're wrong. Let me explain.
The scene where MM was telling Annie about what happened to his family...his Grandpa - tears - so many tears! (Laz acted the shit out of that scene, btw!)
And I completely understand how that would trigger his OCD and a fucking lifetime of trauma. But I don't think killing SB is actually going to change any of that. When has revenge EVER given someone lasting peace. I think he has to deal with the trauma, and it sure would be great if SB would stop acting like a machismo, uncaring dick when MM confronts him about killing his family.
When MM was like, "You killed my family."
And SB was like, "Which one?"
I was like, "Fuck Soldier Boy!! You are an asshole!"
But wtf was MM thinking trying to go after him? The halothane was a dumb enough move, but then when it obviously no longer worked against him (maybe that's why SB was in the big chamber in Russia? Grew an immunity to the halothane?) MM goes after him with just his fists? 😲😲😲 And then later, just before Starlight stops him, he was cocking his gun to go after him. Like, really MM, a gun?!
And I get where both Annie and MM are coming from, but I don't think their solution is it, at least not on its own. I think they're gonna need a combination of MM and Annie's plan, along with Hughie and Butcher's plan.
Because to my mind, there's no doubt whatsoever that they're going to need more strength and firepower to defeat Homelander than just Starlight and Maeve (if she's even still alive! 😩😬)
So, I completely get Butcher and Hughie's reasoning (although it makes me very sad that Hughie's reasoning is also partly set in that toxic masculinity BS that little boys grow up with.)
Anyway, I just think that they'll need a SUPED-up Hughie and Butcher, maybe a temporarily Suped -up Kimiko, Starlight, Maeve, and maybe one or two more "decent supes", maybe Neuman, DEFINITELY Soldier Boy to have a shot at bringing down Homelander. Doesn't mean there aren't going to be problems there, doesn't mean it's a perfect plan, but they've gotta pull together to kill that SOB.
Anyway, I'm so sorry I've rambled on for SO long - but this episode was INCREDIBLE!!
I'll end with Soldier Boy. So, I still haven't changed my position on him. Hearing what he did to MM's family is completely horrifying, and he definitely deserved to be brought to justice for that kind of reckless disregard for civilians lives.
But to my mind, he's served that time. Nearly 40 years of torture? I feel like that's his debt paid. I know it doesn't fix MM, but as I said above, I think MMs help lies elsewhere. But a sincere and real apology (like A-Train gave Hughie before he...died?!! 😬😳😲) might go a long way to helping. Not holding my breath for that though.
Because, as we saw in this episode, that Toxic Masculinity BS is strong and pervasive in SB too, probably much more so than Hughie. He was born and raised in it. He won't even admit that he's experiencing major PTSD, probably because he thinks it's weak.
Both SB and Hughie's storylines this season have actually given me a wider appreciation for just how unbelievably damaging TM is, not just to feminism, not just to society as a whole, but to EVERY boy who's raised believing this absolute bullshit, and to every grown man who can't admit he has any emotions. It honestly breaks my heart.
So, when it comes to SB, I feel like I'm not sure he could ever uproot that horrible toxicity. I mean, I SERIOUSLY hope so, but it may be impossible.
But, for me, all of that, including the fact that he doesn't even remember what happens when he goes nuclear, it makes him more of a sympathetic character.
I still really wanna know what he did to his team to make them hate him so much? Did they just feel like he was out of control and too powerful to deal with? Or did he actually do something heinous that they wanted him gone for.
I'm so curious for more!!
Oh and, P.S. - the fight between Homelander, SB, Butcher, and Hughie was epic on another level!! I watched it 3 times in a row. I LOVE that they ACTUALLY scared Homelander enough that he flew away like the true coward he is. I need so many more team ups!! But I need MM, Starlight, Maeve, and maybe Neuman to join in.
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I do truly apologize for how long I've yammered here!! I am really, really loving this season!!
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Sorry but what exactly is up with the bad batch arc? I've heard people talk about the issues with echo's white skin but I haven't heard that many bad things about the arc itself? (ik you said you don't want to be negative on your blog so I would absolutely understand if you didn't answer this ask)
Oooooooooooh boy. Well I just had a long, long, LONG rant about it with someone, but I guess I’ve got an excuse to put all of my points onto a post and talk about it publicly now that I got an ask x) I’ll keep it under the cut so I don’t throw my salt in people’s face. I really don’t want to upset people who love that arc - it has redeeming qualities, but overall it pisses me off so much for so many reasons. So here:
The first issue is obviously two members of the Bad Batch (minus Echo) being being just about the furthest thing from maori no matter how much you're willing to stretch it. 
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Like... yeah, nah. I wouldn’t even accept Crosshair and Tech (grey haired guy and goggles guy) as Jango’s natural biological sons, nevermind as his clones. 
The problem is that their different appearances are justified by them being described simply as clones with desirable mutations (i.e superpowers). But why the hell did the creators have to change their appearances for that to be a thing? How does that correlate? Sure, the concept of clones with different faces is interesting, except... no, no it’s not, and I’m gonna rant about it in a few secs. But basically it's like they thought giving them different faces would be a good substitute for having different personalities (another thing I’ll come back to). If they really wanted to have buff clones with super eyesight or whatnot they could have just done that, without making them lose what little melanin the lighting of the show had allowed the other Clones to keep. 
But the gigantic problem is... showing that the "regular" clones have VERY distinct identities despite their identical faces has been one of the themes of the show from episode 1. Literally, the first episode of TCW has Yoda taking time out of a mission with galactic stakes to tell the three clones he’s with (who tell him they’re all the same because they have the same faces) that they’re wrong, and that they’re very different in the Force, that their appearance doesn’t matter, that they’re all equally unique and important, and he lists all of their individual skills, strengths and weaknesses. 
And it’s not just me being bothered by that, here’s a post by @cacodaemonia​ saying the same thing. 
Introducing the Bad Batch as "unique" clones who are "different" and "not like their brothers" because they have different faces and skills completely breaks that theme of the show!! Because the entire point of the Clones in TCW is that their faces don't matter, they ARE unique! 
(Plus the Bad Batch’s character designs are so cliche and uninspired it’s just laughable to try and justify bleaching their freaking skin for the sake of visual diversity. 
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This took like 10 seconds. I found the first guy by literally googling “soldier movies,” and the other two are Team Fortress characters that look a LOT like Wrecker and Crosshair. One is “Heavy” and one is “Sniper” lmao.
And behold:
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The above picture is a Team Fortress reference that I found just by looking up “bad batch clone wars,” so I’m not the only person who sees it.) 
And the batchers don't even have personalities to justify calling them unique! They have no character traits beyond the most cliché american soldier tropes ever. We have a token loner sniper, a token "smart tech guy" who knows everything from xenoanthropology to biology to Separatist computers to sound waves to encryption, a token Badass Brooding Leader and a token “dumb muscle guy.”
I dare anyone to find more about their personalities than this: - Crosshair is the perpetually grumpy sniper who looks down on "regs,” - Wrecker likes to blow up stuff and doesn't like heights, - Hunter is the leader and is friends with Cody, - Tech is smart doesn't trust Echo. 
That’s it, that’s literally it. Four episodes about them and that's all we get. These character tropes are literally the least inventive ever. FFS, Hunter even has a freaking KNIFE! Not a vibroblade, mind you, like in kriffing Star Wars. A knife. Against metal droids. Why. They couldn’t make this more of an american-war-movies cliché fest if they tried. (And sure, he can feel electromagnetic waves so maybe it does make sense for him not to carry a vibroblade and maybe this is nitpicking, but he looks like a ripoff of a Predator character and it pisses me off).
Another thing is that when you introduce characters you have to make them likable - and them despising the normal Clones is a terrible way to do that! And they don't even grow from that because at the end of the 4 episodes arc they just see Rex as not bad "for a reg" and they see Echo as no longer a reg, and both of these things are infuriating! 
The worst thing imo is that Echo then becomes part of them (and irreparably loses his melanin in the process, uuuuuuuuugh) when there is nothing to justify this. 
The dialogue goes like this: 
ECHO: You coming? TECH: Not really our thing. CROSSHAIR: Accolades. WRECKER: Yeah, we're just in it for the thrill. Yo! HUNTER: You sure it's your thing? ECHO: What do you mean? HUNTER: Your path is different. Like ours. If you ever feel like you don't fit in with them, well, find us. (they leave) REX: Those are some of the finest troopers I've ever fought alongside. Echo. You and I go way back. If that's where you feel your place is, then that's where you belong.
Echo doesn't feel like he belongs anymore, okay, but why would he feel like he belongs with the assholes who up to the last five minutes of the mission thought he was probably a traitor, and also verbally expressed that he was not worth saving?? In all of the arc, Echo himself never voices that he feels he’s not ‘like the other Clones’ anymore and that he feels it’s a problem. His relationship with Rex immediately picks up where they left things off - the first thing he does upon being lucid again for the first in over a year is cracking a joke for Rex’s benefit. 
Why would Echo feel like he doesn’t belong in the 501st anymore, when we don't even see him interacting with anyone from his past life except for Rex and Anakin (who are both extremely very supportive of him)?? If there had been one scene of a “regular” Clone (ugh) looking at him with horror and disgust or something, or just Kix and Jesse cracking jokes with Echo awkwardly standing by the side not getting it, I could forgive the show trying to make it feel like he has an identity crisis, but this was so shallow!
The only thing that makes Echo and the Bad Batch’s experiences similar is that they *look* different. It’s so against the themes of the Clones I’m seething just from thinking about it. And what the hell? Echo ALREADY didn’t fit in. That was the WHOLE POINT of Domino Squad. They didn’t fit in because they thought they were better than anyone else because they had trouble getting along with their brothers, so obviously it had to be their brothers’ fault (ahem, Bad Batch?). And you know what happened? Domino Squad OVERCAME that. And Echo and Fives still didn’t “fit in” because their personalities were unique and creative, and they became ARC Troopers because Cody, Rex and the Jedi VALUED THEM FOR PRECISELY THAT. Echo having new and unique skills and a modified appearance is the most bs justification for him feeling like he doesn’t belong!! 
And that brings me to my biggest issue: Rex telling Echo the bad batch are some of the best troopers he's ever met. I'm sorry, based on WHAT? What Rex values above everything is loyalty and brotherhood, and the Bad Batch DOESN'T DISPLAY ANY OF THAT. We never see them even expressing concern for each other! Wrecker treats saving Cody’s life like a trivial issue, because it’s just ‘sO eAsY’ for him, and beyond that we never see them supporting each other or genuinely expressing affection for each other beyond boasting about each other’s skills... 
Sure they can destroy a lot of droids, but they're dismissive of Rex's brothers, and the entire Umbara arc and this arc showed what he thought of that. They keep saying things like "not bad for a reg,” don't show any trust in Rex's skills or experience (even though they can't have been fighting in the war for more than a year and a half when he’s been there from the beginning, and he outranks all of them), they are essentially guerilla fighters which has only minimal value in a galactic war, and they never grow beyond their views of what regs are, and can and can’t do. 
None of that should make them good troopers in Rex's book. Going back to Echo not fitting in, remember who taught the Domino Squad the importance of seeing all of your brothers as important and equally valuable? Shaak Ti, true, but more importantly? 99! The guy the Bad Batch are named after. He did have value and was important and was no less of a trooper than his brothers, even though his mutations made him LESS powerful, not more. (And btw, just from a writing standpoint, the batchers don’t have any weaknesses, which is shit.) Cody and Rex mourned 99 as a true soldier even though it wasn’t his sacrifice that brought them victory (which would have implied that he had value as a soldier and a brother because he saved them, as opposed to him having that value intrinsically), because that’s what a fine trooper is to them. A BROTHER first a foremost, someone altruistic, brave and loyal. The Bad Batch distort the meaning of 99's character with their behavior. They’re not altruistic, their bravery is mitigated by the fact that they’re freaking invincible, so of course they take risks (again, see Wrecker saving Cody without a care because it’s easy to him, as opposed to Rex being ready to run into a burning ship about to explode because his brother is in there, and having to be physically dragged away). The Bad Batch denigrate their brothers for being less skilled, thinking their own abilities make them unique somehow, when 99 could barely fight and was still the one who taught Hevy about being a good soldier. 
And again the batchers don't grow from that. Which is all the more frustrating because the original ending didn’t have Echo joining them, from what I remember of the unfinished episodes, and the arc actually ended with them receiving their medals in front of regular troopers who cheer for them, as opposed to them smugly ostracizing themselves and dismissing the ceremony as trivial and meaningless. (original ending vs s7 ending: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ab1eCfzKamw) 
It’s so annoying. Do you know what characters never had an entire arc dedicated to them and still have far more personality and more interesting designs and more symbolic weight?? 
Jesse, for starters. Kix. Dogma. Cut. Slick. Keeli. Ponds. Rys, Jek and Thire. Commander Doom. Commander Fox. Wolffe. Hevy. Hardcase. 
Cody was a more interesting character just in his RotS appearances. 
Waxer and Boil had one episode about them and then only two cameos plus Waxer’s death, and they’re still some of the most memorable, beloved Clones of the whole show. And Boil was grouchy and prejudiced like Crosshair, but he has so much growth that we could make a whole thread about it. 
I'd say the last problem with the Bad Batch is that it has cash grabbing money hungry vibes. Different faces are more marketable, cliché personalities are more toy-friendly, and it's basically a big ad for the Bad Batch series. And they throw Echo in the Batch at the end for bs reasons (again, it wasn’t in the original ep from what I remember) and they tease Cody in the show to make sure fans will still watch even if they notice the lack of soul. And less melanin sells more at Disney apparently. 
So that’s my whole pissed rant. 
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hey, i don't mean to intrude but why do you hate ash and the pokemons?
MY DAY HAS COME. FINALLY. Thank you for asking the question I've been waiting so long to be asked. I hope you are ready for the can of worms you have just opened because it's going to be a LONG ride. Let's start with Pikachu because his issues are more technical, where as Ash is just a dumbass.
Pikachu should be level like 60 at this point(Thank you Matt Patt for actually doing all the work to figure this out.) and he still can't fight his way out of a paper bag. But Joe, it's a Pokemon show, there are no levels. WRONG. Season 1 Episode 9 "The School of Hard Knocks" The whole episode is basically pokemon school, TLDR they mention levels, weaknesses, ect. So now we know that pikachu is MILES ahead of his competition, but gets bodied at least 40% of the time(Chart of win rates).
But it isn't just Pikachu being reset to the point where he's useless again that's frustrating, but he's also a little prick. There is a whole scene where Pikachu is talking MAD SHIT and Jessie and James are like "Oh he's so cute" and Meowth is curled up in a ball going like "I can't bring myself to tell them what Pikachu is saying"
Also can we talk about how Pikachu should have killed Ash by now? Dude would send 100,000 volts into Ash like every Tuesday.
OK AND NOW THE MAIN EVENT. ASH. GOD HE MAKES ME SO ANGRY. Boi want's to be a pokemon master. IT TOOK HIM 22 YEARS. But we need to back up because that's getting ahead of myself.
Let's start at the very beginning. This man got a Pikachu because he was late, dudebro lives in the pokemon world. Could have had a real starter, but no. He slept in. Get's a Pikachu. Best of luck with the first gym OH WAIT LET ME JUST CHEAT the first gym. Uses an Electric pokemon against a ground type. Yea man, sure. The sprinklers. Regardless of him straight up breaking the laws of pokemon, Brock is even like "Dude we gotta stop this battle. I don't want to hurt your pokemon" and ash IMMEDIATELY disregards this and puts him back into the battle. Ash has proven time and time again he really doesn't actually care about his pokemon(basically replacing his team every single time he goes to a new region and then never uses them ever again).
On the topic of learning nothing from previous events, He falls for Jessie and James costumes. Every. Time. Jessie and James are the Parry the platypus of this universe and it makes me so angry because not ONCE can he see the blue and red hair duo and think. Hmmm. Maybe is Jessie and James. NOT ONCE. Which btw Jessie and James are canonically the worst team rocket members. He removes them, but like a baby has no objects permanence and forgets they exist and the process repeats.
He has 42 pokemon after two decades. I have more pokemon in my copy of silver that I played for like 6 hours. Which then we can bring up the fact that he has 29 TAUROS because he has the awareness of a blind chimp(actually that's not fair, I bet if you gave me 10 minutes I could teach a Mankey to throw a pokeball without hitting a Tauros). To compound this the man doesn't evolve pokemon if they don't want to, which while is actually a really nice thing for him to do(Yay first positive thing he's done) it still makes him a weaker trainer in battles ultimately making his goal of becoming pokemon master SO much harder.
Hey you guys ever remember when Ash absolutely trashed Misty's bike and then never paid her back for it. That was cool.
Moving along we have the fact that not only is he dumb, but he's TURBO DUMB. First episode "Is all you can say is Pikachu?" AS IF HE HASN'T SEEN A POKEMON ONCE IN HIS LIVE. DUDE LIVES WITH A MR. MIME. Have a comp of just the first season of him being a fucking moron. And it's not just like general knowledge like that, he also struggles with typing match ups. WELL INTO future seasons. But even when he has the typing match up he still somehow loses. The only example I need to make is this one. Dudebro CHEATED and got a "Mega" evolution that doesn't even exist because of love(I GUESS?), like this is next level protaganist bullshit. AND HE STILL LOSES WHEN HE'S GOT THE TYPE ADVANTAGE. on a side note, while looking up more things he did wrong, Man apparently almost never uses Items or abilities. How he's made it to finally become a pokemon master is BEYOND me.
To wrap up, Ash is by far one of the worst protagonists. Annoying with his limitless ability to be stupid, not actually faithful with any of his pokemon except for Pikachu, Pikachu which is a jackass and basically toying with his opponents because in no world should he be losing anymore. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
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hiimsociallyawkward · 3 years
a servant of two masters
hi friends welcome back to me aimlessly ranting about merlin. up today we have 4.06 and this episode. wow. literally just the title gives me everything i need and i'm absolutley here for the chaos that will ensue. hi bestie @lady-ofmagic-andstars
i love them in their capes
i want a cloak
dude the 'oh it's not gonna happen' and then it happens trope is so dumb but i laugh every time
notice how the knights ripped off their capes
dude people are falling off of horses and out
ok ok but how is he injured. ik this is rated for kids but i really dk how badly merlin is injured. it looks like just his shoulder but he shouldn't be almost dying like his yk?
:,) arthru making jokes
ok but i love arthur taking care of merlin
alskdjflsadk them trying to make jokes to make each other feel better :,)
stop arthur. stop telling the truth merlin's not dying here 😭
bestie vibes only deadass
a s s
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side note, the site i get my screenshots from- this picture has 61 views while others average maybe like 10-15?? perverts HAHA just kidding
sok i'm actually really curious as to what merlin's injury is
alsdjf;lasdfjsaldfjsaldf merlin making the rocks fall
idk if it's jut the angling but i felt like the enemies were way too close for merlin to create an entire rock barrier. i don't have any screen shot evidence but so you're just going to have to take my word for it
ok but like who even are these men. they were working for morgana trying to capture arthur?
and what's morgana going to do once she has arthur? kill him and take his place on the throne? remember how well that turned out last time she tried that? no one wanted her. idk idk morgana is just confusing as to what she wants
pls die agravaine
haha strangely fond of the boy? there's nothing strange about it
ok i laughed but i also felt bad when morgana splashed merlin awake and flailed around like a fish
dude merlin is so snarky here and i'm HERE for it
ok i like the knights being competent. thank you thank you
and now they're riding back into camelot with their capes on? you're telling me they traced back their steps to find their capes, dusted them off to make sure that they weren't too dirty and didn't have any leaves or branches still sticking to it before riding back to camelot? iconic
poor gaius. ok he's the worst but he does think of merlin as his son and this makes me sad
ok i have a dumb question. do you think merlin understands whenever other magic users are casting spells? ok i feel like this is a dumb question now. but like, is magic a language? are all incantations in a different language, so when other person who knows magic is watching you- they know what you're trying to do and such? i feel like "of course they'd know" but i'm basing that assumption on hp where everyone knows that alohomora is alohomora and where everyone knows that lumos is lumos. but what about here? does merlin know what she's incanting? can he slightly understand it even if he's never seen/done it before? is magic a language like latin, and even if you aren't completely fluent, you and parse together things and make an assumptions?
arthur is just so sad here
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i just, i have to have these here
yes bby figure out that we have a traitor
gaius is not slick in the slightest. yes. look at the traitor king
wow morgana being able to bond with the snake? i wonder how
ok question, does the fomorroh have some sort of loyalty to whoever calls them?
✨kill arthur pendragon✨
ok that snake going in his neck is actually scary
pretty castle counter: 5
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btw this is actually my zoom background sometimes. it depends from call to call but it changes between this pretty castle and peeta mellark
ok i've seen all the tumblr posts but it doesn't get less funny. the 'merlin's missing and we can't find him so we're going to replace him with another manservent dressed EXACTLY like merlin so arthur feels better' makes me chuckle every time
i would like to have that for breakfast
i like the loyalty arthur thank you. i love the loyalty pls. i love that they're friends. like, i love the romance but i love just people being friends too
ok this whole scene. arthur wanting to look for merlin because he has to at least try, gwen just wanting arthur to be careful and to come back to her, gwaine being buds. i love all the friendships in this and just yes thank you
ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok i'm not at the hug scene yet but i know it's coming and i'm beyond excited
ok this sound track is so cute.
matching icons for you and your best friends
deadass if someone wants to change their tumblr icons so we can match hmu bc i'm 100% down with that
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another pretty castle scene
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ok ik this is dumb to comment on because i feel like it's not tremendously hard to execute but i love the differences that colin made in regular merlin and fomorroh merlin. it's the best
they say it later in the episode but i find it hilarious how bad of an assassin merlin is
dude pls you're pouring poison in front of EVERYONE else?
BOG MAN. ok guys i'm calling you guys bog mans now.
i am cringey but laughing at the same time you don't understand why am i this childish
ok but arthur is being so sweet right here. i feel like he's not trying to be showy in front of gwen, i feel like he wants merlin to rest and that's so sweet. he's so patient right here and i love him
i miss the gwen and merlin friendship actually
dude merlin is roasting gaius so hard today
leon geeking out over weapons is so cute. omg he's such a tiny nerd i love him
laskjflasdfj THIS SCENE. this makes up for the stew jokes that i may or may not still be mad about
i love that the knights LITERALLY turn a blind eye it's actually hilarious
it's literally treason leon pls and you're laughing you're the best 😭😭
i wish we had a pervical back story arc
ok i think it's dumb that i laughed when merlin ducked but i stand by that
ok why do i feel bad for arthur a little. he's talking abt some semi-deep stuff. not deep deep but like, he's trying to ask for advice from his friend, his close advisor. he would've never talked to merlin like this is season 1-2 but here he is, talking about trust. and MERLIN is trying to MURDER HIM. yes. i admit it's a little funny when i'm just watching merlin trip over things and such, but when i listen to arthur talking i feel slightly sad
literallly. merlin's passed out on the floor and arthur doesn't even think anything is wrong
gwen's face when she knocked merlin out is so cute
oop. why is arthur standing in agravaine's door way like an absolute robot
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cyes arthur. figure him out
i hate agravaine. i just want arthur to be happy. he's only trusting agravaine because agravaine is family.
stfu agravaine 'you're all that's left of my dear sister' SHUT THE FRONT DOOR
ok there's a repeat of the castle from earlier but i'll spare you
pls this bath scene is so awkward. tt not being able to trust anyone anymore and we're laughing at merlin but arthur's talking so sad and deep
pls this bath scene is so awkward. that's all the notes i have
again, i miss gwen and merlin
merlin is MONCHING on those berries. i'm craving berries now
ok but like. yk that pouch that gaius is using to make the forromoh dormant? what if merlin tucked it in his neckerchief as a precaution. i'm just saying.
aslfkjasdaskdjf the tavern
yall why did merlin have to stop his horse to drink the potion
i want the knights to have a cool band name or smth yk what i mean?
i like that merlin is still a little in the camelot red. it's not the same shade but yk what i mean
damn morgana wants RESUKTS. i dont blame her
the frist interaction with merlin and morgana in the hut is so awkward. pls.idek how to comment on it
deadass morgana's dress is so pretty.
magic fight! magic fight!
stfu 'rightfully mine' pls
hehe there's a leaf in his hair
ok i feel like i should've commented more on the magic fight but idk bro
so ik that colin was in this whole episode but it really only just now feels like merlin is here and i think that's fun
arthur is the cutest. i'm loving this dynamic you have no idea. i live live live live LIVE off banter. pls
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guys i'm sad apparently i can only put 10 pics in a post but pls enjoy this one pic of arthur right here 😭
ok idk abt you but i'd love to hear jokes abt brass
agaragvaine pls die already
dude that last scene was actually really pretty and i'm sad that i can't attach it now
anyways thanks for reading my long ass rambles. but i'll be back next week to the secret sharer i'll catch you on the flip side
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queen-mihai · 2 years
OK unpopular opinion time.
I'm enjoying She-Hulk.
Is it a bit out of touch? Sure.
Is it the most faithful representation of a feminist message? I mean not really but it seems like they're trying.
Are there cringe inducing moments? Of course.
It's a TV show!
If internet review culture was a thing when Perry Mason was popular, people would be complaining about how convenient it is that he finds these earth shattering things at every case.
If Tumblr was around when I love Lucy was a thing, people would have been angry at Just How Much spousal abuse that show had. I mean geez!
And here's the thing: they wouldn't be wrong. And they wouldn't be wrong to say it. But one of the great opportunities in TV and entertainment is the ability to BE WRONG.
It IS kinda nice to have I love Lucy to look back on and cringe when "certain people" say they want to "go back" to a "better time".
You mean a time when you could beat your wife on national television and people would just laugh? That the "better time" you're trying to get back to?
It's a mirror into our time now, and it's imperfect, just like you. YOU aren't the most faithful representation of feminism either. YOU have cringe inducing dialogue too. It would be equally awful if she always had the right thing to say at exactly the right time anyway. You don't want that any more than you want the flaws that they put into the show to be her flaws.
Now, what's good about it?
She's not perfect. I just watched episode 4 and it had kind of a perfect moment of realism when she asks "what do you want me to do" and Wong says "be a hulk!"
She takes the little demon creature thing, slams it on the ground, and stomps on it with a big disgusting/satisfying splat. But then it immediately bounces back and jumps at her.
She goes "They don't DIE!?" and it's fucking hilarious
But it also shows she can't just rely on her first instinct. She can't be lazy. She's got to think. She's in a completely foreign, completely unknown situation, and nothing in her vast education has prepared her for this. She's doing her best and kinda looking stupid for her efforts. AND she has to rely on Wong to provide a more final solution to this problem that she is DEFINITELY not equipped to handle on her own.
And this isn't a "girl dumb, man good" moment either. This scene highlights that Hulk powers really can't solve everything. It highlights that being a smart lawyer can't solve everything. It's not her being a "dumb woman" that makes this an impossible situation for her, if Bruce Banner had been in the same situation, it would have been equally impossible because... well..."They don't DIE"!
It emphasizes the need for teamwork and the point that no matter how well prepared you are or how great or powerful or smart you are, there are JUST SOME THINGS YOU CAN'T DO. If Tilda Swinton's character had still been the sorcerer supreme, the scene still likely wouldn't have run any differently either. So it's not a "switch the gender and watch how things change" moment either. It literally doesn't matter. A sorcerer, regardless of gender, would need help from a hulk (or at least SOME character that wouldn't immediately be killed by these demon things) and a hulk would need SOME kind of help banishing these things away because they don't die when you kill them.
The show goes out of its way to provide reasonable solutions to hard problems. Blonsky is a weirdo with 7 "soulmates" with whom you just KNOW they're about to have the orgy of a lifetime the moment they get to the island that they bought for him. They use Blonsky to introduce Wong into the show, who is a tether into the deeper MCU. (Probably mostly because Benedict Wong, btw holy shit I just realized that's his name, is way cheaper to get than Mark Ruffalo or Bourguignon Culpepper)
And I even support the big cringy rant in the first episode about how she's gonna be so much better at being a hulk than Bruce is.
I think what people don't get is that they're perfectly setting her up for a "the bigger they are, the harder they fall" storyline. And so far, they're paying it off magnificently.
You're a big successful lawyer? Not anymore, you're fired.
You're Just So Amazing at being a hulk? Well too bad because those powers aren't always as useful as you think.
You're convinced you should be enough by yourself and not have to change into She-Hulk to solve your problems? Oh sorry, almost immediately the world is gonna learn that you're She-Hulk and keep forcing you into situations that your human side can't handle on its own.
I mean just over and over she keeps getting slammed against the wall. Even her NAME. First she doesn't like the name, but she gets forced to use it because the world is much MUCH bigger than her. No amount of hulk strength or womanly bravado is going to stop people from calling her that name, so she's just got to deal with it. Again, equality: it wouldn't be different if it was a man. Bruce even acknowledged this in her phone call with him. "What name did they give you?". Like, he already knows, nobody really has a choice in what name you're going to have once the world gets a hold of you.
She at first hates the name, but then finally starts getting used to it, but THEN she gets friggin SUED for the name she's being FORCED to use by someone she defeated in battle in the first episode!
I actually agree with "the critical drinker" that it's kind of a shame that you can't really show a woman (protagonist) losing a fight these days. It seems a bit weird that like... you can't have a woman (protagonist!) cry out in pain or really be shown to have weakness at all.
But I think the writers on this show are working around this brilliantly. Ok fine, she’s never going to lose a physical fight.
But she might lose this lawsuit.
She can't be hurt in a fight, but she literally can't win against creatures who can't die.
She is a strong and smart and amazing lawyer, but it doesn't freaking matter when nobody will hire you because they don't want some green monster turning their serious law firm into a media circus. And worse off, she's forced to take a job working for the one law firm we see her fighting against in the beginning of the show. She views these people as scumbags, and now they're her only meal ticket. If that's not "being defeated", I don't know what is.
The writers of this show are doing the work. And I appreciate them for it. They're carefully treading a line that there IS NO SAFE WAY TO TREAD. Nobody's ever going to agree on a "right way to do feminism". Nobody's ever going to agree that one type of representation is the best way. I think they even have a lesbian character in the show now?? Did I see that right? I'm gonna have to watch episode 4 again
And let me just say this, I appreciate them for making this into a SHOW. Internet TV shows are basically the new medium for comics and its nice to be able to give the characters some room to breathe. I think by over criticizing every bit of culture we have to death, we're gonna run the risk of not having any culture or entertainment left at all.
She hulk is just a dumb TV show. It's there to give you a quick chuckle and maybe lighten the load of a world that's falling apart and a society that's built on forcing us to not have much we can do about it.
You can do whatever you want. Disagree with my opinion. Make an even longer post than this one explaining why every point I made is wrong. I literally don't care. But I, for one, like the show. It's lighthearted and silly and just a nice little thing to have on while I wash the dishes for the third time in a day.
If you read this, thanks for reading. I look forward to the zero notes this is going to get like all my other posts. Lmao. Either way I love you and I hope you're having fun 😋 ❤️😘
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talesofaduelist · 7 years
Rivalshipping Gone Wrong: NSFW Completed Scene
Kaiba: I notice you, my dear.
Yugi: *dies*
Kaiba: *gasps* No! *gently holds* You can't be dead! If you were dead, then 4Kids wouldn've censored it!
Yugi: Sounds like they are going to cancel us after this! *kisses cheek*
Kaiba: No! I had so much screen time promised! *nuzzles....angrily* Why did you die?! It's incredibly selfish of you!
Yugi: *giggles* Sucks for you uh?! Time to go! *soul slowly slips out of body*
Kaiba: N-...*show cancels*
Yugi: *years later show returns with full rivalshipping momentous* Did you miss me? *winks*
Kaiba: Like a hole in my head! I had to...to...work with the commoners! *crushes into chest because that's an apt definition of a hug. An angry hug*
Yugi: Kai..ba...can't...breathe.... *faints*
Kaiba: Yes! Yes! Choke on my affection! *laughs evilly and then..* Wait! No! *pushes away before you die again and take my screen time away again, not realizing you've fainted*
Yugi: *lays on floor....lifeless...*
Yugi: *suddenly breaths again...panting* Okay listen...you gotta stop trying to kill me...
Kaiba: I didn't kill last time, you little runt, but if cancel this show before I receive the screen time that was promised in my contract, I'll be sure to...resolve the issue.
Yugi: *raises eyebrow* Oh? *innocent voice* Resolve the issue how? I'm extremely curious!
Kaiba: Lol I'm sure you can figure out how. Now...who wants a hug?
Yugi: *pouts* You always do that...Don't distract me with affection!
Kaiba: Hug? *innocent look*
Yugi: *defeated* Yes please.
Kaiba: *hugs and tries to stifle evil laughter* See, I'm harmless... *presses knife to back* Completely harmless....
Yugi: Kaiba, why do I feel a sort of pinch on y back? *concerned*
Kaiba: Hm? No reason.. *removes knife and hides it away, needs screen time, need crazy fan girls* that’s a nice shirt.. *runs hand down your back*
Yugi: *goose bumps and screaming* Kaiba omg! We are rated for children! Please refrain yourself! At least until we cut to commercials. *wink*
Kaiba: You heard him! *glares at camera man* Cut to the commercials!
Yugi: Alright! It’s game time! *takes off shirt and throws it on floor. Camera man stares in awe*
Kaiba: *the Yugi-oh commercial starts playing* *raises eyebrow*
Yugi: Oh shit! We aren’t suppose to be in that right?! *still shirtless*
Kaiba: Yes. With Yami. *shoves shirt at you* uhh.. Kaiba-Sama… What?! Yami got a better contract on a different show, remember? *growls* Bastard!
Yugi: Okay so wait… *puts shirt on* are we doing this or what? *laughs at Kaiba cause he’s being an idiot*
Kaiba: *glares daggers at Yugi* stop that..
Yugi: *snorts then stops before he gets stabbed*
Kaiba: I am NOT doing an ad that clearly has SEXUAL UNDERTONES! That was always Yami’s stick anyway. *crosses arms*
Yugi: *pouts* awww… Not even with me? *walks away slowly.. *
Kaiba: What do you think? *camera man clears throat* Ahem.. Kaiba-Sama, its in your contract. You need to perform in at least 5 ads a month. *sighs* Fine! *grabs Yugi* let’s get this over with..
Yugi: Yay!!! *throws shirt off again* *serious face and begins dialogue* “Are you tired of going to the beach and getting your duel monster’s cards wet?! Well not anymore! *pulls out water protective card sleeves from God knows where* introducing Yugioh Wet Sleeves!
Kaiba: WHERE did you pull that OUT from? And how would *plucks protective out of Yuugi’s hand* protect your cards? Water can still get in.. it’s not airtight.. Here, let me demonstrate.. where’s your dark magician?
Yugi: *terrified* Ah hell no! Just cause we are doing this dumb commercial doesn’t mean they work! *pulls Kaiba closer son his lips are at his ear* but wouldn’t you like to know where they came from. *camera man who is now angry coughs abruptly*
Kaiba: Buy your ineffectual protective sleeves today! They’re just as useless as you are stupid for bringing your cards into the water! *turns to Yugi* WHERE?!
Yugi: I’ll show you later, but only if you stop the camera guy from glaring at me. *points to camera guy who is now enraged and starting to walk over to them*
Kaiba: *stands his ground and channels a glare that is equally as strong as the camera man’s*
Yugi: talesofaduelest
Ohhh…..my hubby is so intimidating!…Oh wait…I mean my boyfriend….oh wait….I mean my….rival? Agh, I don’t even know what I’m saying anymore. *pouts and wraps arms around Kaiba*
Kaiba: *holds hubby protectively * DO NOT glare at my precious yugi muffin.
Yugi: *disgusted* Muffin?! Gezzz…..I could have swore I was more of a cupcake….
Kaiba: Cinnamon roll?
Yugi: *Raises eyebrow* Better…..
Yugi: *glittering eyes* Awww….that’s the sweetest thing you’ve said all day!
Yugi: *confused look* Uh…right! That sounds fair! Take that! *proud boyfriend is proud* *camera man walks out, quitting his job*
Yugi: *cuddles back* Whatever you say…now…can I have my shirt back? Or are you just going to hold me while I’m half naked and not finish the job? *eyebrow wiggle*
Kaiba: stares at Yugi**rips off own shirt*Better?
Yugi: *stares at 6 pack…drools* Uh hu….*doesn’t make eye contact*
Kaiba: *hands wonder across chest, pinching at a nipple* the camera man… left his camera here… *hands wonder further down chest towards groin*
Yugi: *licks lips* Oh? Well…uhmm….we should let it go to waste right? I hope the battery it fully charged…this could take a while. *breaks Kaiba’s hold and runs towards the camera, all while trying to unbuckle his pants*
Kaiba: *swings hips a little and tries to catch eye contact with Yugi again* wait.. *pulls out phone and finds a sexy-I’m-going-to-strip-for-you-and-you’re-going-to-like-it song* better.. *sensually rolls hips to the music, unzipping and pulling down pants*
Yugi: *eyes get extremely wide* Kaiba! *still staring then pulls a near by chair and sits in it, shirtless and pants unzipped, but still on* Maybe you should bring your circus freak show tall ass over here and give me a lap dance! *eyebrow wiggle*
Kaiba: *positions camera so that it’s pointed at them* I’m keeping the tape, btw.. *saunters over to Yuugi and starts to grind against the other’s lap*
Yugi: Fine but you gotta make me a wooo……*gulps and locks eyes with Kaiba’s uh….you know….* *places both hands on his hips, face starts to feel hot* Okay listen this isn’t fair…why do you get to be the sexy one all the time???
Kaiba: Because I’m the anti-hero. It’s how the fan girls choose to see me.. *continues to rub against Yuugi*
Yugi: *conitunes to breath heavy* Kaiba I can’t handle the level of sexy that is going on here…..
Kaiba: Well.. *moans at the feel and grips the back of Yuugi’s chair to try and control himself* I’m not.. *louder moan* fuck… going to censor myself.. that’s team four star’s job..
Yugi: *breaths heavier* don’t censor this…. The video will be too good not too… Agh. * moans Kaibas name and starts to move hands into Kaibas pants*
Kaiba: *moves Yuugi’s hands so that they’re brushing against his erection* it… won’t be.. I’m.. ahh.. too rich and powerful to be trifled with.. *pulls Yuugi up and pushes him up against a wall, being sure that the camera is still pointed and them being doing wicked-should-definitely-be-censored things*
Yugi: *gasps at the pressure because of both the wall and Kaiba pressed against him* Well are you too rich to kiss me or…. Ahhh…. *finally finding his way into Kaiba’s pants so he’s touching him skin to skin* *moaning* So big…….
Kaiba: *smirks* You like it? I’m better than Yami.. *sucks Yuugi’s neck*
Yugi: Yami who? *smirks*
-Scene Ends-
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themarginalartist · 7 years
Gotta agree with the fact of every character being OC. I doubt there is difference between chars with studios behind them and chars made by one peep. Most interesting is the creativity with most of all, I think. Could read anything as far as it is creative. But how do you set good vibes to reader to make him stay and be excited for next chapter? I can see it happening on me when reading something, but I don't seem to find the key of doings to do so while I'm really interested on how
(I am so sorry this got really, really, really long so I’m putting it under a readmore, I am not kidding, this is ridiculously long. I checked before posting and it’s 1576 words (not including this bit here), which is like my normal chapter length so read at your own risk I guess???)
I mean a character is usually created by one person, or at least the initial concept of them is, then expanded on either by that person or the writers in order to weave them into the story. 
As far as getting a reader interested… I am not really sure why a lot of people are interested in my things…
But usually the way that gets me interested in reading something, and I am basing this off my response to different novels I’ve read (I’ll get to fan fics in a sec), is a combo of the synopsis and the first chapter being the hook. Now not every synopsis makes me want to read a novel, I have read many books where the synopsis made me go “huh” which is like mild interest, and then I start the first chapter if I have time, if by the time I am done with the first 2-3 pages and I haven’t found anything interesting the book gets put back. 
There was one time at a scholastics book fair that I read like the first 3 chapters of a book, it was while I was in high school and my brother was still in elementary school, but like I was hooked the moment I read it… The title escapes me though… 
As far as fanfics go, I used to be the most avid reader of them in my friend group, admittedly at the time I was looking for a very specific fandom and such, but my preference for fanfics is a longer story or longer chapters. My friends were not that way… Which made getting recommendations and giving them hard. 
But as far as what I like to see when I am browsing for a new fic is if the fic is hosted on FF.net or Ao3 a synopsis that doesn’t give the main plot away, but gives a quick intro to the idea, so for example on Think Ink (which I should update that synopsis I think) the bad version would be “Henry’s also been turned into an Ink Demon and now he has to figure himself out. Fighting different studio members and searchers in his journey to understanding himself.” where as “Henry woke up covered in ink, a spike of fear rushing through him, his life forever changed from that moment on.” is a bit better (not the best but yeah). 
Then comes the spelling and grammar component which I can’t stress enough. If the fics first chapter is extremely bad, and I am talking to the point were the word used is wrong, the spelling is wrong on a number of words, and there isn’t a clear tense being used, then I exit out, it doesn’t matter if I really like the synopsis or something or it’s an AU I liked, if the grammar and spelling makes the fic unreadable then it’s game over. 
Next is characterization, similar to spelling and grammar, if the character you are using is portrayed wrong, it’s also a game over. However there are a few exceptions to this. For example I used to really love Hetalia, the basic gist of the anime is that all the countries have a human representative but is also heavily biased as the Japanese stereotype of those countries. Italy in Hetalia is seen as an airheaded, easily frightened, guy who is a womanizer, eats pasta for literally every meal, surrenders in a second, and takes naps whenever possible, again this is the Japanese stereotype based in WW2. So if he’s characterized as being really serious there needs to be a damned good reason for it. You can’t just change a character to fit what you want if you’re basing it on someone else’s work. 
Next comes plot. Plot is key for any fanfic, I mean yeah every once in a while it’s fun to read a one off or throw away fic of cute activities like baking and stuff, but there’s no action or craziness (unless it’s a fic disguising itself as such which is also fun). The goal of the first chapter is set up. In a novel the first chapter is about introducing the main character(s), the world, and what the problem is. And fanfic is no different, however it has the luxury of us already knowing the character (in a way at least, take Spiderman, there’s the basic concept but there’s also a number of versions of him from different cartoon series and comic series). We might also have the luxury of knowing the world already as well, so that can be sorted out really fast, the rules and nature of the world are defined so we don’t need to explain anything. So then comes the problem, what is the character facing, is there something going on right now or is it coming, do(es) the character(s) have the power to stop it now or are they going to have to travel. The goal of the rest of the story after the first chapter is to show how the character(s) grow and change as a result of the difficulties they face in order to take care of the problem. 
And finally cutoffs. First what I mean by cutoffs is where an author chooses to create a time skip, scene change, or end of chapter point and I’ll talk about each of those in brief. 
For a time skip, the only reason that should happen in a fic is if the task at hand would be meaningless for the reader to know about like them going through all the steps of baking a cake (unless it’s to show the characters relationship with each other then don’t skip) or if there is a large gap of time where nothing important happens and I am talking about years of time, which is what happens in Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, there is a 7 year period where Link is “gone” from the world and so when he comes back to it many changes have taken place and so it’s a call to action for him. 
A scene change is similar to a time skip in some cases such as character x and y are driving and now scene change to x and y being at a motel for the night, but in other cases it’s a shift in who’s talking like we were getting told x’s point of view for a long time and now y is saying x is stupid or something. 
And finally the end chapter cutoff, which is honestly a hard one, there has to be a reason for the end of a chapter, a lot of times cliffhangers are the main way to go about it, but also resolution of a current problem is important to consider. For example chapter 4 of Think Ink was a cliff hanger I purposefully put in, one because it was evil and made people want the next chapter, and two because I wasn’t ready to continue on with the story at that point, I can’t tell you the amount of “omg what the heck why did you cut off there” I got from people. Now compare that to chapter 10 of Think Ink, the end of that chapter is Henry and Bendy finally coming to an understanding of each other, what has been going on with each of them separately, and the beginning of repairing the bond. It ties up loose ends that Henry and Bendy had been facing for a long time. 
Good vibes come from the care and dedication to the fic that you have. And every reader is different, they pick up on different things, they read something in different ways. I mean hell I have been asked if I wrote lines on purpose when the reality of the matter was I was just like hey this sounds good and it was by accident. But I think what a lot of people don’t think about is how not all stories have happy beginning, middle, and endings. Sometimes there is loss, there is anger, there is dumb decisions that a character made, there are mistakes and problems and too often I see fics that are just “oh everything is happy and good and light”, and that’s not interesting for a multi-chapter fic, maybe a chapter but not the whole thing. 
So in reality there isn’t a short answer. It just depends on how well you can connect with your readers. And it takes time, there have been plenty of fics that I begin reading after 4-5 chapters are already out or the fic has been completed, so don’t worry if people aren’t reading yet, just keep going and stuff. And not everything I said has to be a part of the fic, time skip and scene jump all over the place, make mistakes and get wild with writing. And the biggest thing, and best way to get better, is to make note of what you like the most, what caused you to like a writer’s style, why did this work, what hints did the author drop in order to lead you to this plot point. And it sounds like school work… but that’s because this is what you have to do for basically every English/Language Arts essay ever. analyze the text…
Congratulations on making it to the end of this monster wall of text btw. 🎉🎉🎉
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internet-content · 7 years
Ok I'm actually really excited to hear that you didn't like Jurassic world because I didn't either and I want to have a more articulate and informed way to tell ppl why I don't like it other than the "unnecessary and forced romance" point and "it just lost the magic" I was just super disappointed w it and I want to hear more abt your opinion on it. Sorry if this is kind of rambling btw
no worries! for those of you who did not read the tags on this post a couple nights ago, I said:  #I did my capstone on this!!#jp is so explicitly and awesomely feminist#(even though it only has 1 human female character)#the other part of my capstone was that jurassic world is shit garbage its shit it sucks and I fucking hate it
first off I want to correct myself, I said that sattler was the only human female but HOW COULD I FORGET ABOUT LEX
these are the bullet points of my 14-page senior project (you asked for it):
jurassic park subverts the male gaze (the dinos do basically all of their murdering when they’re unseen or partially obscured, esp. in the “clever girl” scene; this could be down to spielberg’s famous “less is more” approach to monsters to enhance their effect but still)
this one’s a little more of a stretch but isla nublar, the dinosaurs, and nature in general are all coded as female in the context of the film, and humanity as a whole is coded as male. humanity (who is attempting to impose restrictions on the island and life itself by putting up cages and commercializing everything) is inarguably completely and utterly defeated by the dinosaurs and the island, the protagonists barely get away with their lives and hammond is the only jurassic park employee to see the end of the movie. (female-coded) life finds a way. asshole
also the female characters (ellie and of course LEX) are hugely expanded from the novel (where lex was a whiny younger sister stereotype with no redeeming traits) and ellie probably takes more direct action towards saving the humans than any other character. not to mention that most of the heroic male characters are killed, injured, or too old to contribute anything of value (looking @ you hammond, whose masculine god-playing was the cause of this whole shitstorm in the first place; “dinosaur eats man, woman inherits the earth”). also the book ends with the island getting firebombed and all the dinosaurs fucking dead but spielberg wasn’t having it
jurassic world is on the other hand a rampaging sexist dumpster fire which specifically subverts most of jp’s feminist ideas. owen is in charge of the raptors, when they defy him they are killed (this is the movie where a velociraptor is unceremoniously blown the fuck up for daring to violate her master’s control, in a moment that is an echo and inversion of the “clever girl” scene, i’m pretty sure that prior to this the only thing capable of killing raptors was the t-rex)
claire fucking dearing. hhhh. I won’t go into detail about everything (you can go through my sources at the bottom if you want) but this character is constantly belittled for…basically everything she does, no matter what (even when she saves the kids’ lives they want to chill with chris pratt like fuck no he’s a dick in this movie) but ESPECIALLY egregious is how much everybody (her sister, owen, the kids) wants her to be a fucking mom, she’s “defrosting ice queen” personified but it’s like the movie wants her to be defrosted through sheer brute force (alan grant was forced into a paternal role in jp but that was due to circumstance, not so much his brother on the phone weeping and begging him to quit his dumb job and focus on the important things like babies) she’s basically on the verge of tears this whole movie and it’s not hard to see why, it’s really uncomfortable to watch it while paying attention to how the other characters treat her. the 3.5 inch heels aren’t even worth mentioning tbh. oh also there’s also a moment where owen is pressuring her to prove that she’s worthwhile in a survival situation (my paper was called “sexism in survival situations” after the scene in jp) and she does so by…removing her top. hhhhhh I could go on but there’s more than just this one fucking character wrong with this movie
remember zara, the assistant who’s forced to do the mothering while claire goes and TRIES TO MAKE SURE EVERYONE DOESN’T FUCKING DIE thus leaving her nephews to hang out for 4 HOURS AT MOST? (this unforgivable transgression is what prompts judy greer to call her up WEEPING) well you might remember that she lets one of these asshole kids out of her sight and they go on a……..guided tour in a bulletproof glass dome. and then endanger themselves by straying off the path into an area clearly marked as not for access. so I’m pretty sure zara weeps too as a result of this and then later on she is torn apart by like 20 different dinosaurs over the course of a full minute. and a lot of people already know this but it’s just so worth mentioning: this was the first time a woman had been killed onscreen, EVER, in a jurassic park movie. it lasted 60 goddamn seconds, twice as long as it took the main villain of jp (wayne newman’s character) to be killed. i mean. you can just imagine the filmmakers going “you know what? it’s time for a woman to die onscreen, i think that’s what the franchise needs” like
owen grady (chris pratt) really is a pervy piece of shit in this movie, constantly hitting on claire, esp bad since at the end they fucking make out for no goddamn reason. chris revealed in an interview that the first kiss with her after they fight the pterodactyls was unscripted, and a total surprise for bryce dallas howard (colin treverrow, the director, was also there and he confirmed this). I think there’s another interview where she addresses it and she didn’t seem to mind really so ymmv but that’s at least a little icky idk
this movie has more characters overall but the amount of female characters who contribute anything goes down from 2 to 1. it’s been over 20 years but we can’t have 2 women who push the plot forward, okay, whatever (the characters I’m not counting are the lady in the control room who literally friendzones nick miller and zara, who did nothing wrong and died too soon. i liked merlin. she should fire her agent)
god and there’s so much more wrong just with the structure of jurassic world, the characters, the cgi, the themes, everything about it just falls apart under even the smallest bit of scrutiny, I could turn this into a generic shitting-on-jurassic-world post but it’s already long enough
I might’ve gotten a little carried away but like… jurassic park honestly isn’t even in my top 10 favorite movies but I’m so angry about jurassic world. I really hope the person who sent me this anon actually follows me and I didn’t just write this for nothing lol. jurassic world is so bad. its so bad.
“sources” (these are mostly subjective movie reviews that I used to help me form my arguements, this whole post is basically subjective so who gives a shit): Chris Pratt/Colin Treverrow interview, Jurassic World’s Mother of a Problem, ‘Life Finds a Way’: Monstrous Maternities andthe Quantum Gaze in Jurassic Park and The Thirteenth Warrior (it’s ch. 1 in this doc), The Perma-Pump: Jurassic World’s SilliestCharacter, The Death of Zara Young, or: How I Learned toStop Worrying and Hate Jurassic World, Jurassic World Has A Serious Woman Problem
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myheartisbro-ken · 7 years
Hi! 💙 I hope your are doing well. Congrats on the article. The reading will probably be okay. Are you a fast or slow reader? I read rather slowly, especially if I'm enjoying what I'm reading. It sticks with me better that way, but it takes me longer to do things. 😅 My semester ends next week, then have finals period. l'm taking Summer courses tho to get ahead. I get what you mean. I don't party, but around TH and F there's a certain restlessness about some of the students to drink/part. (Pt 1)
Ugh, I hate group work. 😐 Best of luck to you. Maybe your for a decent group. Anyway, I prefer morning courses. I get up at an obnoxiously early time to attend though. I’m fine with it though because it lets me take my courses in a block with out breaks, so once I’m done, I’ll be done for the day. 😥 Probably an unpopular schedule though. Oh, so My Immortal can actually be constructive to writers. That makes sense. It’s what a writer shouldn’t ever do. About JK, I think it’s an attempt (pt 2)(pt 3) Lowkey don’t recall my train of thought..Anyway, wow, I definitely agree with your statements about Lena knowing Kara’s dual identity. Snapper knowing wouldn’t help anything, since he’s too minor a character to do anything useful with information. Lena knowing would create more depth, tension, plot possibilities etc., which is why’d it would be a shame for her to be left in the dark. Also, I feel her not knowing (or at least theorizing Kara’s supergirl) is ooc. I suppose the writers– –haven’t had an issue with that based on what they’ve done to Alex. :-/ Hmph. I’m still so annoyed about that. Partially, because I’m a SuperCorp shipper, but mainly because it’s an insult to Alex’s personality to force her to advocate on Mon El’s behalf. Who was your favorite character from S1, btw? I’d probably go with Kara, but for S2 it’s definitely Lena. Anyway, yes Lena looks so amazing in the trailer! Heh, I intended it to be a soft FMK…I was going to make it all Katie, but wasn’t–(4)–words, words, something, but wasn’t going to be that cruel to you. (Hopefully that fit with my previous thing). Smh, you’ve no qualms though do you? ;-) I’m kidding. Your answers were well thought out…even though you didn’t kill anyone. I can’t blame you though. I don’t think Red K! Kara is all that bad, but she’s definitely intimidating, so is Kate. Anyway, let’s see FMK: Lena, Morgana,and Kate… :-/ 3 M'kay, that’s hard, especially since I love them all and ship SuperCorp. (5 TBC)–words, words, something, but wasn’t going to be that cruel to you. (Hopefully that fit with my previous thing). Smh, you’ve no qualms though do you? ;-) I’m kidding. Your answers were well thought out…even though you didn’t kill anyone. I can’t blame you though. I don’t think Red K! Kara is all that bad, but she’s definitely intimidating, so is Kate. Anyway, let’s see FMK: Lena, Morgana,and Kate… :-/ 3 M'kay, that’s hard, especially since I love them all and ship SuperCorp. (5 TBC)(6) Uh, let’s see. I’m going to assume they are all brought to current times, so the 21st century. I would marry Morgana. You know what? I’d marry Morgana S1 or S5 because I’ve so many emotions for her and what she went through. I’d want her to know someone would be on (*cough* and by *cough*) her side. Also, she has magic that’s cool, but not the point. I don’t really want Supergirl to kill me or be sad. I wouldn’t kill Lena as of now; she’s not done anything wrong. Also, her company is (TBC)(8?) So, yes: M:Morgana, F: Lena, K: Kate. Hmm, I see yours and raise you: FMK: Lucy, she’s a vampire now but has some control over it | Kara Danvers, more so S1 in personality, but she’s still elects to become a reporter and encourages you | Lena, before she met Kara and is still learning to be a CEO…I guess that’s a younger!Lena? Idk. Okay, that should work. I hope you have a good day and night. Do you read comics? I don’t, but was curious if you did. U seem to know some lore. :-)
Heyyy! I’m not so sure I’m a fast or slow reader, it depends on my state of mind, if I take my meds and external interruptions. Usually I can read pretty fast if it’s something I’m interested in but I tend to miss things and have to read it again, with school things I’m the worst. I still have things from last year that I never got around to read and one of them was about superman (I miss studying cinema because we could have an entire class about superman and co and then write fanfiction of the world as an activity). We don’t have summer classes here, that sounds interesting, it’d be nice to get ahead, also it’s about to be winter here so after July we’ll get maybe a month off and then it’s back to being unresponsible adults. I’ve nothing against drinking and partying, I like drinking (parties are usually weird but sometimes it’s cool) but don’t freaking leave class to do it, go after the class, how disrespectful is it to leave the poor teacher there waiting 20 minutes to see if the rest of the class will show up or they’ll have to do with six or seven people? Also you pay over 1.000 bucks a month to study and you don’t give a shit about being in class? it’s throwing money away and it’s disrespectful to whoever is paying school, even if that someone is yourself. I’m not those kids that say you should only do what’s right and never skip class never drink or do anything because you have to study instead of throwing your life away. But school is expensive and respect is something you should have for everyone (unless someone is a jerk, because it’s not murder if the person is a jerk…jk)
I never liked studying in the mornings but it’s sort of better, however, my classes only exist at night, there is morning journalism classes, but it’s in another neighborhood and we have to cross the bridge and there’s no cool campus. I like my campus.
group projects are the worst. They end friendships, they end marriages, they end happiness, they lead to murder… it’s never fun. I always imagine that scene with the guy getting pizza and coming back to the place on fire and people bleeding, or that one from Mean Girls with the fighting over Aaron Samuels in animal style. Those are the only representations of group projects that are realistic.
I love how you just started to talk about JK, had two words in and
Honestly Alex has been so ooc this season it’s almost sad. No offense to Sanvers, but I think even that relationship is a bit ooc. Not the fact that there is a relationship but how it is being handled. Not gonna go into it cuz I don’t want to rant here. but I would ship Sanvers if they had put a bit more of effort into getting them together not ‘I don’t want a baby gay rn, so let’s be friends. PSYCHE I just got shot in the most harmless area of my entire body, let's make out!’
The same Alex that thought James wasn’t good enough for Kara and decked Maxwell Lord for existing would never make excuses for someone that is basically the dumb alien version of Lord with worse hair and more aggression and more pretending to be a #goodguy who’s just trying so hard and changed because after 9 months on earth as a grown man he decided to read a book, feed himself and clean his own mess… or pretend to clean his own mess while Kara actually does it and he just sits there and says she’s annoying because she doesn’t want to run away from her problems. (hey look, ranting… she said with surprise in her voice for some reason)
My favorite character was definitely Cat… and Kara. Both at the same time, I can’t choose between them, please don’t make me. and now it’s Lena… and still Kara even though she’s basically dead inside and that girl who cries because her boyfriend is moving away and it will destroy her life because that person she knows nothing about and met 9 months ago when he tried to kill her and has been lying to her and shoving her self-esteem down ever since is apparently the most important person in her life and she can’t live without him. he cooked her breakfast so he can’t move away and face his responsibilities, she’s the best thing he’s ever known, not person, thing. That woman in the best thing… god, this is so gross I cannot continue even to joke about this. so yeah, Kara is SUPER ooc this season, but I still love her and have faith she will recover from this terrible illness and come back to us, I miss her.
Yes! I would totally still marry Morgana even season 5 Morgana. poor thing just needs a hug and a friend to tell her she’s not a monster for being born different. I might start crying now so I’ll change topics. 
Definitely Marry Kara, no questions asked. Fuck Lena because, I mean, just look at her. And Kill Lucy, my poor bby, but she’s a vampire so she has to go, control or not, ‘vegetarian’ vampires are dumb.
I do read comics, not as much as I’d like, but I also watched all of the DC cartoons (minus Legion because it looks dumb) most of Smallville and Lois & Clark and when I want to know some more I read about the storylines and all, like even when I don’t read the comic itself, I read about the comic. I won’t say I know all about everything, but I can hold my ground, I guess, I’m also not above admitting I don’t know/haven’t read enough about one subject/character and reading about that on one of the sites I trust. Also watched a lot of Marvel cartoons and most of the movies aaaand I read a lot of Marvel comics, specially Balck Widow, Hawkeye, and Young Avengers.
Did you watch any superhero cartoons? They were a pretty big deal in the 90′s and early 2000′s.
Hope you have a great day and night 💙😊
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