#btw I made some words bold here
beardedhandstoadshark · 11 months
How do you go about making OC’s? Especially the ones with the really cool and detailed outfits.
How do you even know what to draw? That’s where I’m stuck. I struggle to even come up with an outfit beyond a t-shirt and jeans.
Disclaimer that I am in no way a character designer or someone who knows what they’re doing so no clue if this is a good way, it’s just how my way of doing it XD
I usually browse the internet for outfits or look at other peoples‘ very cool ocs! There’s SO much creative and cool looking stuff out there to grab inspo from.
Looking as certain outfit aesthetic/styles, the own wardrobe, or making picrews of the ocs but instead of trying to perfectly mirror the outfit making one that just looks good on them.
(Also maybe it’s the genshin player in me but gradients and especially patterns can help a lot in making stuff look nicer imo)
A lot of my ocs have a specific "theme“ or "concept“ behind it that has a certain look, so if that’s the case with yours too then it could help analyzing how it usually looks and incorporate (or twist) some of the iconic parts! Maybe if they‘re like. A vampire or smth idk. They might lean into the goth aesthetic or have a total opposite style!
Also, thinking about their personality and info- eg. if they’re the cautious or worrying type, they might have an outfit with lots of pockets or carry a backpack or smth, so they can carry lots of stuff with them "in case it’s needed“. A shy person might wear baggy oversized hoodies n stuff. Maybe an oc wears merch of their fave band, or warm clothes and lots of layers because they live somewhere cold, don’t like winter or love feeling cozy. A vampire might wear turtlenecks and scarves to hide bite marks. Or shades to help see with all the bright sunlight! Thinking about what types of clothes the oc would wear and why.
Anyways, depending on your setting, a shirt and jeans are more than enough imo. It is what the majority of people on the street tend to wear! You could also add a specific piece of clothing or accessory or whatever that’s kinda *their* thing or the eye catcher of an outfit maybe?
Funnily enough I also always keep worrying my ocs look too basic so it might not even actually be an issue, you might just be too used to looking at them! So asking others for a second opinion might help!
If there’s no one you know available, I think some oc-help blogs (yknow line The "tag your oc“ or "put your oc into situations“ or whatever kind) accept sending in stuff so maybe asking those might be an option if they’re cool with it!
Or just go with "yea that looks cool“, that’s ALWAYS an option >v<
0 notes
eightstarr · 3 months
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what's mine — ellie williams.
summary: the day you left for this assignment, ellie remembers thinking it would be okay— or maybe it was you who said it, your hands over her tense shoulders, her fingers tugging at your shirt, “you’ll be okay.” she goes home and knows it to be true, like words from a god. she’ll be okay and you’ll be back. what’s left to do but count the hours?
warnings: descriptions of violence (not very detailed), suggestive content near the end!
notes: uhhh i love being dramatic and i think it shows here. all i think about is the action of coming home to someone who loves you and how it is as meaningful now as it was a thousand years ago and as it will be in a hundred years but whatever haha sorry about that guys. if you read this i love you btw
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Being without Ellie is disorienting. The first week feels like walking alone in a dark room, feeling the walls for a light switch, running into sharp corners that stab your sides. You miss her like it's a sickness, less a longing and more a threat to whatever you’re made of.
There's a small community way outside of Jackson offering a trade. Maria makes it sound simple, like everything else. “They know us, it’ll be quick. You pick up the supplies, drop off our part of the deal, and come back.”
It takes 26 days. The exchange is simple but the journey less so, you and three others have to carry home the much needed medical supplies through herds of infected and a heavy storm that slows you down and cuts off your communication for three terrifying nights.
Ellie wanders the house and feels like a stranger, sickly, a sleepless corpse searching for living blood. The light coming through the windows feels too bright and her skin abnormally cold. She knows, or thinks, that if she’s not careful she could get lost in it— merge every wall together until there’s nothing left to see but a stark flatness, an unfamiliar box. The space is not huge. It's not a tall castle or a manor in the countryside or anything fitting to the theatricality of loneliness, but it’s your home. So much of you is in it. Ellie finds herself focusing on a different thing each passing day, clinging to them with a nauseating desperation, a hundred random pieces of you scattered like breadcrumbs to keep her sane. A book with a folded corner somewhere along the first half of the story, your favorite mug next to the sink, an old pair of jeans ripped at the knee on your side of the drawer. Too many things for you not to come back.
“Do you think I'm losing my mind?” she asks, a soft wrinkle between her furrowed brows, her eyes focused on a random spot ahead. “I mean, it’s been two weeks,” she’s trying to sound like it's not as bad as it looks, like she finds any of it funny or interesting instead of plainly horrifying. The sole of her shoes hits the floor in an anxious rhythm, mocking her— tap, tap, tap, tap. “Isn’t that fucked up?”
Dina curses at the lighter until it flickers back to life with a weak orange flame, holding it near the end of the half finished blunt. She inhales and passes it over, breathing out, “You’re not crazy.”
A pause. Ellie lets the comment comfort her for a single second before it flies right through her head, sounding more quiet than usual when she admits, “...I have this feeling like someone took something from me.”
Dina raises her eyebrows, her chuckle cut off by a short cough, smoke itching her throat. “You mean, like… what’s her name?” she squints her eyes and tries to remember. 
The name worms around Ellie’s head like it has been for days, bold letters, clear as day. She makes no attempt to let it pass through her lips, self aware and unrelenting at the same time, maybe finding some indefensible satisfaction in the fact that it can be forgotten. Cruel, you'd tease, and Ellie would smirk a lot like she tries not to now.
Dina gives up a second later, “Whatever— the girl that volunteered to go with them before you could. You're blaming her?”
“I guess.”
“Hm. That’s a little…”
“Don’t say crazy—”
“Fuck you,” she rolls her eyes. “It’s not like that.”
“So you’re not jealous?”
Ellie scoffs, tongue pressed against the inside of her cheek. Dina argues unlike anyone else. She’s confident, her goal clear and her strategy already lined up before you get a word in, loaded like a gun. But her strongest contender, perhaps the only one, might be Ellie’s simple stubbornness. “I’m concerned. She got picked over me even though I've studied that route a hundred fucking times. I could've done a better job,” she says, steady and tireless like bulletproof glass.
“At getting the supplies or at taking care of your girlfriend?”
“You’re starting to sound like Maria.”
Dina pauses for a short moment before she shrugs. “Maria makes good points.”
Ellie takes one last hit of the blunt and flicks it across the room to die out somewhere on the permanently damp floor. She tries to believe it. No one took you, she thinks, you left dutifully like anyone else in Jackson would've, like Ellie would've. It’s a dangerous trip but a job like any other, the same risk of deadly infection that comes with any of them. She should be used to it by now. Does it not also exist every other day of the year?
Still, she can't remember the last time she didn't see your face for this long. You’ve been dating for a little over three years, living together for half of that— it's a terrifyingly meaningful chunk of your young lives, months and months of seeing you everyday, of falling asleep with her face on the crook of your neck and waking up with your fingers pressing into her waist. You've built a world where things like this don’t happen, where all Ellie can think about as she leaves home is the way you hum in the mornings, soft and sleepy and so fucking cute, when you wake up to her back against your chest and her hair on your face. She thinks about her own laugh, how shy it sounds, how your lips press to her head before she turns around to claim a proper kiss.
But now you’re not here, and she’s too terrified to even utter the words out loud, and there's a hole in her chest where you should be that makes her feel insane everywhere she goes. It's an open wound leaving a hazardous trail of shame and memories, humming in her ears like a boiling kettle, who took what's mine?
Ellie has never considered herself to be the jealous type, but she never was the type to sleep with her back turned to someone this comfortably, either. It’s different with you. It's theatricality, it’s the coldness of that bed at night, it’s your legs tangled with hers like growing roots now disjointed. It’s a thing, breathing and alive, screaming at nothing— I miss you, I miss you, I miss you.
Is that girl you went with hanging from your every word in that way she always does? Is that a shameful thought to have? Ellie wipes it clean in a second and finds it immediately there again, at the front of her mind like a message on a cloudy mirror. She can't think about anything else. Is the storm keeping the two of you awake? Does a part of you find the girl brave for volunteering? Is she turning to look at you and asking, just loud enough, are you asleep? That fall earlier was rough, how are you feeling? Is she looking at your wounds like they matter more than doing a good job? Is your blood, warm and red and yours, on her hands now?
The last of the smoke spills past her lips in a sigh. Ellie pulls her knees closer to her chest and tugs at the loose thread on your ripped jeans.
There’s a comfortable weight that keeps you under, the loving press of her arm resting over your chest, her thumb brushing your chin. The sun feels warm where it’s draped across Ellie’s back, white tank top wrinkled slightly up her waist.
She watches you until you let out a little sigh, squint one eye open and then slowly the next, a smile stretching your lips as soon as your sight focuses on her. She looks beautiful. She looks just like she did before you left, your girl.
It’s weird— you’ve showered, scrubbed your hands clean and raw, changed clothes. And still you feel like you’ve brought in something dirty, like it’ll be stuck on you for a while, the grime, the guns, the storm. Your muddy shoes must still be sitting by the front door. Something in your head screams that you should get rid of them, burn them like an evidence of guilt. Do you look anything like you did before you left? You feel like a worn version of yourself, sticky and darkened. It’s a ridiculous worry to have, but the thought comes hand in hand with embarrassment and you can feel it crawling up your neck. You cover your face with your hands and groan tiredly, shy.
Ellie laughs, warm like musk, salve on a wound.
"Are you watching me sleep?" you mutter, voice ridden with exhaustion and joy all at once. The thing, love, obsession, both— breathes along with you. "Freak."
"Yeah, I was,” she shifts to sit on your lap, one knee on either side of you, spilling her confession easily. Ellie leans over to push your hands away from your face and press her lips to yours, passionate but short lived, still softly brushing against each other when she says, "I missed this face."
You chuckle, eyes tracing over her freckled cheeks, hands squeezing her thighs, feeling strangely like you’re being washed clean. “I missed you.”
Ellie closes her eyes and rests her forehead against yours, her fingers caressing your cheeks, looking at you again when her thumb brushes against the ridge of a scar. It’s a warped line that almost follows the shape of your cheekbone, from your hairline to somewhere near the corner of your lips. She'd seen it last night, nauseous with worry and relief to have you back, her vision clouded. The morning reveals it in a different, heartbreaking light. It’s okay, you’d said during the night, your hands on either side of her face much like hers are on you now, didn't even need stitches. Ellie tries to let that sink in, make the guilt feel any better. But it can't. Maybe you’d been saved the prick of a needle, but she knows it still hurt, she knows it bled and stung. It feels like a betrayal. If I can't save you the pain, she thinks, I owe you the witnessing, the chance to clean its wry edges, pat it dry. "How'd you get this one?" she asks, as softly as she can.
You’d been prepared for the question but not the devastation in her eyes. It falls over you like a ton of bricks, her love making your chest ache and sinking you back into the memory.
There was an empty house, or what looked like one. Pieces of broken glass scattered over the rotting wood of an old, wobbly table. A man's hand placed forcefully on your head. The side of your face rammed into the table with a thud when he pushed you down, the faint pain of something slicing into your cheek made worse by your struggle to get free. A kick and he stumbled back. A slice of your knife and he fell dead. You don't think the fact will do much to comfort Ellie. So, in hopes of sparing her, you hum and shake your head. "Come here," you say, or beg, a hand on the back of her neck like fond guidance. "Let me kiss your pretty face."
She feels soft like satin on your lips, tastes like honey and black tea. Ellie kisses like she argues, experienced and unruly all at once, with a point to make— I need you and I want you to know it. Her tongue slips past your parted lips and brings a muffled sound from your throat that almost makes her pull slightly away, if it weren't for the feeling of your fingers tightening on her neck to have her closer. A faint thought crosses Ellie’s mind, a feeling like pity for the person she was before you, whoever that was, an old self who couldn't know what it's like to be devoured so caringly.
She brushes her nose against yours and you let out a sigh that sounds painfully like a prayer, her short hair a dark veil over your eyes when she turns her head to press kisses on your cheek. "You can't leave me like that again," she breathes out.
You swallow her words, a confused wrinkle between your eyebrows. “Ellie—”
A kiss cuts you off. You slide your hands up her thighs to her waist, a surprised hum vibrating against her lips when she wraps her fingers around your wrists and squeezes, as if to keep them there. She leans back and stares into you, and for the first time since you’ve known Ellie, you can't tell if she's commanding you or begging. “I won’t let you.”
It’s a gesture. It goes beyond the reality of your lives, the fact that any day either one of you could be made to leave again, that any day either one of you could die. It means I missed you. It means I need it to be me who looks after you. It means I love you.
Your stomach flutters, hungry with an urgent craving. And like you have every day since you’ve known Ellie, you find yourself unable to deny her love or the indulging promise of a different world— but maybe those mean the same thing. "I'm not leaving you," you say, breathless, and it might as well be true.
Ellie makes a sound in response that feels painfully close to a moan, a soft mmhm that clouds your head of anything that may or may not exist outside of this room. The tip of her nose brushes against your neck and then continues its way down, her fingers sneaking inside your shirt, pulling up the fabric and pressing kisses over the skin that’s revealed. "I love you," she says, almost near the band of your underwear, her blushed lips parted. You feel her breath against the burning fire in your lower stomach, reaching out to cradle her cheek against your hand. She feels hot, flushed pink under her freckles, and you’re not sure if she hears you say I love you, Ellie as much as she watches you mouth the words. She presses her face further into your hand, wetting her lips with the tip of her tongue, begging as if she’d ever have to, “Baby, I need— please.”
You don't hear yourself say yes, but the look in her eyes says you must have.
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mattybsgroupie · 3 months
sleepover | matt sturniolo
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contents: established relationship; handjob (m receiving); thigh riding (f); p in v; creampie; mommy kink; sub!matt
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notes: i wrote two dom!matt fics in a row i do not recognize myself. back to the sub!matt agenda, somebody has got to do it, i am the chosen one!!! (please it’s a trump meme) this is a silly little one i wrote cuz i’ve been dreaming some weird things these last few days and i’d very much like to fuck matt afterwards. not proofread but hope you enjoy it. always so thankful for every like, comment, reblog and follow, love y’all sm ♡ btw next week i might post a chris request i got idkkk
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i woke up out of breath, sweat dripping from my forehead as i tried to calm down. it was a nightmare - a terrible one, where i no longer had matt and no matter how much i’d scream, my voice wouldn’t come out. my phone buzzed, the screen lighting up the ceiling and part of my room. it was 3am.
i reached for the nightstand, first taking a sip of water and then grabbing my cellphone, checking my notifications. i had one missed call from matt and two other messages, which only read “babe, you up?”
i felt as the weight of the world had been lifted off my shoulders, my chest gradually lowering as i got more relaxed. i smiled and speed dialed the first number on my list.
“why are you awake!” matt picked up in a surprised tone, not really waiting for my answer. “i just texted you, did you feel it coming or something?” he giggled.
“hi, babe” i said, my voice still shaky. “i just woke up, actually”
“what happened?” matt asked me once again, clearly concerned as he heard how i sounded. i gulped and gave a few taps on my chest as i rested my back on the headboard. “what is it, hm? bad dream?”
“uhum” i nodded, even though he couldn’t see me. he knew i’d soon be curled up between the sheets, trying to fall asleep again. “what about you babe? can't sleep?” i asked, already knowing the response.
matt sighed and i could picture him running his fingers through his hair, trying to not upset me “anxious”.
“i’m sorry to hear that, matty” i pouted from the other side of the screen. “do you wanna facetime?” i suggested what we had done plenty of times. we’d be facing each other, talking nonsense until one of us fall asleep - of course, when things didn’t take a turn to either matt’s or my own horniness.
“actually… was thinking about coming over” i smiled, but he couldn’t see it. he always made me feel like a teenage girl, changing the reason of my nervousness to something silly, like him coming over.
“no way, you’re not getting the road right now” i said, playing hard to get.
“what?” matt sounded confused. “why not?!”
“it’s late and i worry about you” i responded. “don’t you have something schedule for tomorrow?”
“i don’t give a fuck” matt said, “i wanna be with you right now, do you wanna be with me?” i nodded and as if he could see me from there, he continued. “please, mommy?”
“i’m waiting!” i jokingly hang up on him after gasping by the nickname, as if it was too bold of him to call me that.
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i heard three knocks on my bedroom door and didn’t bother getting up. i rolled myself on the bed, waiting for him to join me.
“did i take too long?” matt asked, biggest smile on his face. he locked the door and quickly came next to me, lying down by my side.
“yeah, you know mommy doesn’t like to wait” matt widened his eyes, gulping at my words, realizing what he had done over the phone.
“i just said that so you could let me come over” he said, acting tough as he rolled his eyes before resting his head above my chest, snuggling into me.
“oh, that’s too bad” i pouted, my fingers running through his hair. “you got me all worked up…”
matt quickly raised his head, blue eyes staring at me in surprise, grin growing on his face. “did i? really?”
“of course, my good boy always gets me going” i teased, matt’s cheeks turning red. “why? you came here to sleep?”
“i mean” he started, grabbing my waist, turning my body over and changing our positions. he was now under me, his hands resting on my hips while i adjusted myself in order to get comfortable on his lap. “not anymore”.
matt leaned in for a kiss, holding the back of my head and bringing us closer. i could feel his beard slightly tickling my face as he deepened the pressure of his lips against mine, silently asking to go further by sticking his tongue and teasing me. i opened my mouth and matt’s tongue quickly slid in, the wet sounds taking over my darkened room.
one of matt's hand moved to my breasts, massaging it over the shirt. i gasped for the sudden contact, pulling away from the kiss, which led him to go to my neck instead. he trailed his lips down, altering between biting and licking my skin. my hands went to his hair once again, tangling my fingers on his curls.
matt lowered his head and stopped right above my nipple before looking at me with needy puppy eyes. i nodded vigorously, but instead of removing my shirt, matt hid his face underneath it, streching the cloth in order to fit inside. i felt his wet tongue teasing my nub and since i could no longer pull his hair, i rested my hands on his bare thighs. as matt started to swril his tongue, i threw my head back and couldn't help but start to move my hips forward, trying to get some friction to my already wet pussy.
i let out a moan when his free went to my other boob, his thumb circling the hardened nub that poked through the shirt. i wanted to look at him - wanted to see how his beard looked like rubbing against my skin, which color the hickeys he left would be, how much would the saliva run down my torso.
with my eyes closed and feeling matt sucking my tits, i tried to touch the hem of my shirt in order to remove it, i couldn't stand one more second without looking at his eyes again - however, my palm met something harder, covered by a soft fabric. i groped his shaft and received a muffled moan from matt, still busy in my tits. now with my eyes open i could finally take my clothes off, revealing matt with his messy hair, beard wet from rubbing his face against his own kisses, lips swollen.
“look at me baby” i called and carressed his cheek, “you said you wanted to sleepover and now look at you, already a mess for mommy...”
“i'm s-sorry, mommy” he started, “can't help it, you taste so good”.
“yeah? did you miss me?” i teased, starting to drag myself over his thigh once again. “we saw each other two days ago”
“it's too much” matt complained, hands going to my hips, helping me set a proper pace. “needy again”, he glanced at tent on his shorts, where my palm rested.
“is mommy's baby needy?” i almost mocked him and he nodded pathetically, but still not letting me take full control as he started to pump his legs' muscles, making my pussy clench. i opened my mouth, but nothing came out of it. matt's grip tighetned and he forced my body down, completely leading my movements.
“mommy seems needy as well” matt spoke, smashing his lips against mine. i let out a frustrated whine, wanting to feel more - i needed him inside of me. “aren't you?”
“yes- fuck” i said, trying to come back to my senses regain control of the situation “babe, be a good boy for me hm?"”
when i finally stroked matt's boner, his hands rapdly went to my ass, both palms groping it harshly as i entered inside his pants. i wrapped my fingers around his aching cock, and being the good boy he was, matt lifted up his hips, allowing me to pull down his shorts and reveal his hardened dick. he touched my waistband in response, silently asking if he could do the same to me. i mimicked his moves, letting the fabric slide down my legs.
“thought i had told you to not wear panties to bed” he said, pulling the strings of my underwear. “isn't mommy supposed to be good as well?” matt was driving me crazy with all the teasing.
i suddenly started to move my fist up and down, quickly jerking him off. matt was used with me starting slow and building up his excitement until he climaxed. but tonight, it didn't seem like he wanted to be treated kindly. matt threw his head back and closed his eyes, groaning loudly “f-fuck!”
i brushed my thumb over his tip, matt’s body immediately reacting, jointing his hips forward into my fist. i dragged my finger on his slit as matt’s nails dig into my skin, spreading the pre-cum down his shaft. his breathing got heavier, chest rising and falling quickly while he bit every inch of skin he could reach.
“not talking back anymore?” i asked, gradually stopping my motions, receiving a groan in response.
“mommy, don’t be mean” he pleaded as his sneaky fingers made their way to my entrance, pulling my panties to the side. he kissed my neck, making my eyes roll as i melted into his touch.
“matthew” i caught his attention since i didn’t really use his full name often. “stopping teasing so fucking much and just fucking say it”. he widened his eyes before letting the grin grow wide on his face.
“please, please, please” he said, “ride me, momma”i immediately got out of his thigh, adjusting myself to be in between his legs. i could feel matt’s cock being lazily dragged against my now bare pussy, panties removed as soon as i got up.
i lowered myself on his shaft, nearing my throbbing cunt to his leaking tip. both of my hands went to matt’s shoulders, looking for balance as his grabbed my hips, helping me fully sit on his length. matt’s dick was huge, stretching my walls as he hid his face on the crook of my neck, tickling beard making me giggle as i tried to adjust myself to his size.
“wasn’t so hard, was it?” i asked, getting comfortable to move my hips up. as i started riding, matt wouldn’t say a word, only muffling moans in my ear. he denied with his head, whining as i fastened my pace.
“c-close” he said, gripping tighter. “mommy- fuck”
“hold for me baby” i spoke, already out of breath, bouncing harder on his dick. matt decided to stick his face on my boobs and dragged his tongue along my skin, biting my nipple and holding me by my waist, jointing his hips forward in order to reach his high quicker.
“yes baby, just like that” i praised, matt now pounding mindlessly into me. “good boy, good boy” and that’s what took for him to snap, groaning loudly as his cock twitched and he released the knot on his lower belly, spurts of his warm cum filling my insides.
his spasms brought me closer to the edge, but i wouldn’t stop riding him. i kept on bouncing on his cock, now in search of my own climax. “mommy- mommy, fuck!” matt cried from the overstimulation. his whimpers got louder and so did my moans as my orgasm washed over me, mouth hanging open with my trembling body as i came over matt’s shaft.
i was too tired to remove myself, letting my weight fall over him. matt rolled us over, both of us laying in my bed. he turned to the side and pulled out, the mix of our realeases running down my legs and staining my sheets. matt let out a chuckle as he wrapped his arms around me, bringing me closer to his chest.
“should we sleep now?” i asked, running my fingers through his tummy.
“kid” he called, pointing to my bedroom widow. “the sun is already up” he spoke - as if this was gonna stop us from sleeping till noon. “but that’s why i came here, right? sleepover”
“of course, you’re always so clever” i rolled my eyes and giggled, allowing my body to relax next to his. i closed my eyes and knew that, while matt was around, the bad dreams would no longer come.
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taglist (drop a 🌸!): @thepubeburgler @submattenthusiast @pearlzier @mattsfavbitchhh @her-favorite @bugeyedgrl @mattswhore-44 @sturncakez @riowritesitall @joemamaaa42069 @mattttypooh @sturnsmia @sturnthepot
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moonstruckme · 1 year
reader making a new friend (who is a male btw) and poly!marauders get jealous and snap at reader, for example saying, ‘go hang out with ____ ‘ and reader understands and reassures them that no such thing as reader leaving marauders would ever happen.
Thanks for requesting!
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 860 words
"There you are, angel!" James gushes as you walk in the door. "We've been waiting, where've you been?"
You stop short, caught offguard by the onslaught of attention as three pairs of eyes pin you in front of the door. Your boyfriends are all sitting at the table, untouched bowls of pasta in front of them and one by your empty chair.
"Sorry," you say slowly, easing your bag off your shoulder and taking off your shoes. "I didn't realize you were waiting. Liam wanted to show me some new music he's found, so I stayed late." You hustle to your chair, and James begins shoveling pasta into his mouth eagerly.
"Oh, Liam asked you to stay," Sirius says drily, stabbing at his bowl with a fork. "Awesome."
You frown. Liam started at your work a couple of months ago, and the two of you had hit it off immediately. He was funny, you liked a lot of the same things, and everyone who you'd introduced him to adored him. Everyone, except your boyfriends. "He didn't ask me to stay, I offered because I wanted to hear it. And I didn't ask you to wait up for me, either."
James swallows. "We tried to call you, and texted you a bunch," he says, and the quiet of his voice is so unlike him that your anxiety instantly heightens.
You whip out your phone, seeing missed calls and texts from each of the boys taking up the entire screen. You'd forgotten to turn the sound back on after your shift.
"I'm sorry," you say, putting it away, and you mean it, but none of the boys really seems to want to look at you.
And as quickly as your shame rose to the surface, indignation comes in to replace it. This is so unlike them. Sirius will occaisionally make a teasing comment about you leaving them for one of your celebrity crushes, but none of your boyfriends are truly the jealous type. You're in a polyamorous relationship, for Merlin's sake. This sort of possessiveness has never been part of the deal.
"What's your problem with him?" You stare them down in turn, and only Sirius is bold enough to meet your heated gaze.
"You're with him when you should be with us!" He snaps. "Just look at tonight—James made dinner, and where were you? With him! So why are you even here now? Let's just cut the bullshit, and you can go hang out with Liam."
James had...James never cooks. That always falls to you or Remus, but tonight...you look at the pasta, which you've yet to take a bite of, and you're hit with a guilt that feels like nausea. It's your favorite. James cooked it for you.
"You have been seeing a lot of him lately," Remus says quietly, and his tone is more controlled than Sirius', but you see the protective hand he sets on James' knee under the table. "And you talk about him all the time. Do you really not see why our minds would go there?"
"I didn't...you guys are serious about this?" Your voice wavers, and that gets them all to look at you. You see the truth of it in their faces, sullen and embarrassed and tense, as if apprehensive of what you'll do next. "I'm so sorry. I never meant to make you feel that way, I—fuck, Jamie, can I give you a hug?"
"Course," he says softly, and rush to him, pressing your face into his dark curls.
"Thank you for dinner, love," you say, feeling like your heart is breaking. "I didn't mean to be late, and I should have remembered to turn my phone back on, I'm so sorry. This is so lovely of you." You turn so you can see the other boys, still cradling James' head in one hand. "Liam and I are just friends, I promise. I didn't know...I thought it was just teasing, the way you talked about him. I didn't mean to let you worry. And I'm sorry if I've been blowing you off lately."
"It hasn't been that often, dove." Remus is the first to warm, looking at you kindly. "Just, could you let us know if you're going to be very late?"
You feel like your chest has hollowed out at the realization of how this has been weighing on them. "Yeah, of course." You release James to return to your seat, leaning over to press a kiss to Sirius' head as you pass him, and he rolls his eyes with a reluctance you suspect is mostly feigned by now. "You really think I could find someone better than you three? You're out of your minds," you quip, taking some pasta onto your fork and inhaling the aroma of the sauce appreciatively. You think you see James sit up a bit straighter with pride. "As if there's anyone who could give me more than what I already have. Honestly, I'm at full capacity, love-wise."
Sirius snorts, finally eating some of his own pasta. "I know. This apartment is hardly large enough for the four of us, where would Liam sleep?"
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moviestarmartini · 6 months
ella es mi fiesta — jude bellingham x hispanic!reader.
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la conocí una mañana para una fiesta de enero / nos ennoviamos en marzo / el compromiso iba enserio.
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summary: while on vacation, a young man around your age approaches you at a new year's day brunch. you give him your socials, unaware how you were about to change each other's lives.
wc: 3.3k
warnings: love at first sight, young people in love!! no nsfw for this one, but i do have to warn some sentences in spanish but that's normal in my writing atp.
A/N: AAAA i'm so anxious to post this, i hope everyone enjoys it as much as i did writing it !! xx also idk how to write the summary for lengthy fics rip. this is going to be two parter btw !!
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now playing. . . ella es mi fiesta by carlos vives
You remembered the day so vividly. 
Cold January morning. Seventeen year-old you spent the winter vacations in Germany with your family. Though most of your clothes were of neutral tones, your sweater and lipstick were a matching shade of cherry red. The New Year’s brunch party was in full swing, but all Jude could do was watch as you struggled a bit with the German when asking for the reservation you and your loved ones held. His face, and subsequently his whole being lit up when he noticed you’d soon occupy the booth next to the one he was sitting with his family. 
Jobe perked a brow up at his seemingly irrational reaction, turning to look the way his brother was. “Which one do you fancy?” He leaned in to whisper with such a childish manner, but at the end of the day, he was sixteen. Jude only sighed, replying in a low tone, “The one with the red sweater and lipstick.” He’d also come to notice the way your nose and cheeks almost matched that tone. Was it the cold or just makeup? He didn’t care, and his heart only melted further. He couldn’t hold it anymore, he had to talk to you. He felt you drew him in like a magnet. 
You spoke quietly with your family, noticing them hungover. The menu for the pre-paid brunch looked particularly appetizing, eyes carefully scanning each option with your brain sending signals to your stomach about the idea and taste of each one. 
“Hello, excuse me,” The voice made your eyes tear themselves away from the menu, thus stripping your mind from the fantasy of filling your stomach with food after hours awake without any. Your family was looking straight at you, and you tilted your face towards the man standing rather nervously in front of you. 
You were taken aback for a second, straightening up in your seat. This man was bold, you could tell just from the fact he approached you in front of your family. “Happy new year to you all.” He greeted the rest of the table politely, confirming once more chivalry wasn’t dead. Your family replied positively— due to the fact most were still drunk— before busying themselves. You knew very well they were eavesdropping, just doing so in a classy way. 
The young man, you could guess he was around your age, shifted from one leg to another. “I’m Jude.” He introduced himself, stretching out a hand. You were so used to the two kisses on the cheek, but you still stretched with proper grip followed by a similar introduction. 
“Uh, I know this might be weird but can you give me your Instagram? You’re… gorgeous.” He was forward, but there was still some reluctance in his tone. You let out a tiny gasp at his words and just nodded, taking the phone he handed out to you and typing the user. 
“Here you go. It was nice meeting you, Jude.” You smiled warmly, hanging back the phone. Jude thought he could’ve had a stroke right then and there, but he nodded and smiled back, “You too. Have a nice one. The food here is amazing.” 
You waved Jude goodbye as he departed with his family, and the gossip started as soon as they crossed the door on their way out. Your brother recognized him, your cousin thought he was a whore due to the amount of followers he amassed, and your grandma thought he was extremely handsome. But all their opinions fell on deaf ears, you accepted his request. For a second you thought he was going to leave it at that, but the texting started almost immediately. 
Jude had come to learn you were a year younger than him though you shared a birthday, that you were on vacation with your family around the area but soon were to return to Spain to celebrate día de reyes. He’d also come to learn he couldn’t tear himself away from his phone after you’d cheekily asked him for his number— you asked if he could fill out a form for school and sent in the empty contact information fields. Your wittiness grew to become one of his favorite things about you. 
The texts turned into calls that took entire nights, the calls turned into incessant FaceTimes, some for the silliest of things. During mid-March happened the first turning point in which your relationship blossomed. The first long weekend you got away from school Jude flew you in, eager to spend those three days by your side. He received you at the airport with a bouquet of tulips, the flowers you adored to keep around once they were in season. 
“You didn’t have to!” You whined, finally letting go of the constricting hug he was keeping you in. 
“Nonsense, it’s the least I could do for my best girl.” Jude kissed your cheek gleefully, taking your luggage in tow before heading to the vehicle. 
You greeted Denise rather shyly, but she was kind and welcoming, joking how she missed having a female companion to games. Growing up in a house with men, you were glad you had enough knowledge to comment on the match with her, sitting at the VIP area of the stadium. You didn’t want to be obvious by wearing his jersey, but wearing it on the trip back home would make your chest swell with pride. 
Borussia Dortmund had won the game spectacularly, and it was the first time you’d find yourself cheering for another team that wasn’t your Madrid. You expressed how proud you were of him during dinner with Jude, but you’d noticed he was a bit quieter than usual. Knowing him enough that something might be wrong you just pinned it to exhaustion. But the idea never left your head. 
“Ay no sé,” You looked back towards the door, afraid someone might come in and catch you actively gossiping with your best friend about Jude. “Maybe he’s getting cold feet now that I’m here, I told you; you were wrong.” 
You knew very well there were bets placed back at home if Jude was going to ask you this weekend to be officially his girlfriend. But he was suddenly so distant, giving lukewarm touches before retrieving to his room in the middle of a movie. You sat staring out the window in the dead of night, legs crossed and pulled towards your chest. Your best friend started berating you, giving out excuses to feed the false hope. 
You shushed her yapping by a weak knock in the door. Another one followed, this time with bravery included. “Te llamo ahora,” You hung up, taking slow steps towards the door. Jude stood on the other side in his pajamas, and the temperature in the room rose. He was seeing you in yours, even though you’d FaceTime at night a hundred times. “What are you doing here? You should be resting!” 
“I’m so sorry, I can’t wait anymore.” He breathed out. He was holding a gift bag in his hand. “May I come in?” You nodded, swallowing hard before closing the door behind him. 
“I was supposed to surprise you tomorrow with brunch, just like the day we met. The day I confirmed love at first sight is real because I experienced it with you the moment you walked into the restaurant.” Jude started, almost rambling. He was extremely nervous. 
You stood there, dumbfounded, listening to him go on. “But I can’t take this anymore. The nerves won’t let me sleep.” You cracked a smile, noticing the way his bottom lip puckered out slightly. 
“C’mere, Belli bear.” You stretched your arms out, pulling him into a hug. His taller frame draped over you in the darkness as he hid his face in your neck. You swore he could hear your heart pounding against your chest. 
“You’re the woman of my dreams, baby.” He muttered, his hot breath hitting your jaw. “Do me the honor of being your boyfriend.” His empty hand cupped your face once he pulled away, and the only thing you could do was nod, left speechless. 
The situation was something straight out of a fantasy, something you could only dream of. This man was a star, rapidly becoming one to watch when it came to European football. “What is it? You’ve never been this quiet before.” He teased, leaning in. His nose brushed against you, and you gave the confirmation by closing the space between you. 
Your knees felt weak, it was the sweetest kiss you’ve ever shared with anyone. From the moment he had the bravery to approach you in that packed restaurant, you knew Jude was special. If it was any other guy, you wouldn’t have accepted doing long distance in the first place. 
“I got you something.” He whispered against your lips once you’d pull away from the kiss. He removed his hand from your face, to reach into the bag. A jewelry box and a card. You inhaled at the jewelry box that creaked open, your eyes landing on the gold chain. “Read the card first.” 
Song lyrics. ‘ I want to wear his initial on a chain ‘round my neck, chain ‘round my neck. Not because he owns me. Because he really knows me.’ Your eyes trailed back to the piece to notice a heart pendant with a J engraved on it. He watched you quietly, eyes dissecting your face for a reaction. 
“You’re kidding.” You covered your mouth to let out a muffled squeal, throwing yourself in his arms. Jude had to stifle a laugh to avoid waking up his family, holding you close. He inhaled your scent in, and thought he was done for. “I love it, Jude. Thank you so much. Now you didn’t have to!” You let out a teary smile. The sweet tears rolled down your cheeks and straight into his gentle thumbs as he cleaned your face. 
You carefully closed the box and placed it inside the bag, placing it at the nightstand. Jude watched your movements with a puzzled look before you tugged him down for another kiss. He let out a muffled noise of surprise, but held you against his arms while your own tangled around his neck. Your bodies stumbled around the room like two drunken fellas before landing on the bed. 
You yelped, accidentally biting his bottom lip. He sucked a breath in, and you couldn’t help but laugh at the tiny accident, face hidden in his chest to avoid waking anyone up. “I think we should call it a night… boyfriend.” 
Jude was bound to protest, but a yawn interrupted his claim. The exhaustion slapped him across the face all of a sudden. “Fine… girlfriend. Just one more kiss.” He complained, leaning to take your lips in his. It was short, since he then focused on peppering kisses all over your face. You giggled, and Jude’s stomach bubbled with euphoria from hearing your laugh. 
“Go! Your mum will kill you!” You struggled as you tried to shove him off, and he kissed your forehead before retreating back to his bedroom. 
You laid there, speechless. Your face plastered the huge bright smile, and you couldn’t help but reach for a pillow and cover your face as you let out a loud squeal. 
The past year you’ve spent in a haze. And it was a good one. You finished school with exemplary results, Jude surprised you both at the graduation ceremony and on your birthday. But you had also spent the past year selling Jude the idea of moving to Madrid, your home city, and playing for the team of your dreams and hopes. He laughed off your insistence, but still listened to your rambles about the club’s rich history. 
You could remember vividly how he woke you up one morning, insisting it was urgent. “My agent got a call.” He started. He sounded breathless. 
“¡Buen día para usted también! Let me guess,” You rolled over to lay on your stomach. “Man City? Chelsea?” You scratched your stomach, staring at the ceiling, neither option interested you. It was barely seven AM on an early May morning, a Saturday to be exact. 
“No.” You sat up at the gravity of his voice. “Real Madrid.” 
You gasped, and Jude had to tear the phone away from his ear as you screamed and shouted. He waited for your outburst to end, smiling nervously at his teammates who passed by and heard the noises. He recognized the bed creaking a little too well.
“Okay I’m so sorry,” You exhaled, laying down on the bed. Your dog had started barking at your door. “Tell me all about it. I won’t give you my opinion since you know I’m biased.” You laughed breathlessly, kicking your feet back and forth.  
Jude smiled. Even when you were far away and busy juggling university applications and a job, you were present for everything. Having your hardcore madridista family cheering for him during each game. Same thing happened the other way around; even when his career was at an all time high, he was there to listen to anything you told him. His family regularly asked about your wellbeing, and when you were going to visit. But most importantly, you were there for him unconditionally through the lows. For the last game Borussia Dortmund had lost the league. To comfort him in your chest as he cried his frustrations out, having helplessly sat on the bench due to injury. 
Knowing he had to say goodbye to the club he’d grown up into the man he was without the title he realistically dreamt grasping. 
But suddenly the end of May edged in, it was hands on to help with the move to Madrid. You had to hide the fact you were elated for the lack of distance between your residences— he was just a few minutes away by car. Still, Jude was acting a little weird. Denise was tense, sure, but he wouldn’t let you help pack his things up from his room. You blamed it all on the move, but the anxiousness and need to know only grew when June edged closer and your family was acting strange too. 
Your mother talked to you a little too much for your liking, rambling on and on, while your father couldn’t help but stare at you with a certain nostalgia in his eyes. Yet again, without finding any plausible explanations to anything at all, you blamed it on your upcoming birthday. 
Or dare one say birthdays. 
Jude insisted on a date night before heading to the shared birthday party your family was hosting. He’d even buy you the cutest white mini dress for the occasion. He was receiving a pep talk from Jobe once you got there, both his parents checking in if he was sure of the decision he was going to make. He swallowed hard when you called him, voice full of enthusiasm for the evening that awaited you. 
The way his face lit up, accompanied with a dashing smile, let his family know he was in his right mind and making all the right decisions. After his dad and brother gave him a tight hug wishing him luck, his mom gave him a kiss on the forehead and off he went to the car. 
“Happy birthday amor! You look amazing. Can you believe it always rains on our birthday?” You greeted him with a kiss. Jude kissed back, but didn’t respond verbally in the same enthusiastic tone you had.
You felt something was off, his music selection wasn’t the best and he was barely talking to you. Until he let out a sigh, “Pull over.” He demanded, not looking back at you. 
“What? Jude, what’s going on? Do you feel sick?” You took a turn into a street you knew would be empty, stopping the car and turning to face him. You cradled his face in your hands, checking for his temperature. Jude stared at the gold necklace, the engraved J you wore religiously giving him courage. 
“I’m sorry. I can’t wait anymore.” The words drowned your mind in the characteristic sensation of a deja vú, and you were back in Germany, staying in the guest room at his old apartment. That seemed light years away considering how much had happened in the past year. 
How much you’d grown by each other’s side. 
“I don’t think I’ll be able to get through dinner like this, the nerves are killing me.” Jude breathed out, and for the first time that night, he met your eyes. The song playing was soft, a shared favorite for lounging and doing nothing together. “When I told you you’re the reason I believe in love at first sight, I meant it. In the same way I know that even though we’re young, you’re the one for me. No one will ever measure up to the woman you are. Allow me to keep growing as a person and football player by your side.” 
Never in a million years you would’ve expected for him to pull out a small red box from his pocket. You instinctively covered your mouth at the diamond ring shining back at you. “Do me the honor, even if it’s ten years from now, of being your husband. Will you marry me?” 
Now it all made sense. 
The white mini dress he bought, the way everyone was acting for the past week or so. How Jude offhandedly mentioned he would never be able to top his birthday gift for that year. It clicked. 
But it didn’t even take you more than two seconds after you'd connected the dots to nod. The tears pricked your eyes, and once again you found yourself speechless. Jude’s eyes widened at your physical confirmation, but you noticed the fear in his eyes hadn’t dissipated. “Yes, Jude. I could’ve easily said yes a year ago, too.” You let out a teary chuckle as his chest deflated in relief. He slipped the ring on your finger before taking your face tenderly in his hands. 
He was crying. 
“You make me the happiest man on earth,” He exhaled before sharing a kiss. Slow, oozing with passion. Your tongues shyly tangled, exploring each other’s mouth. He wanted you to cross over and have you sit on his lap, but a call interrupted the moment. 
“You still want to have dinner… fiancé?” You asked, nose brushing against his. You saw as he beamed, and before he could capture his lips in yours, his stomach growled. 
The two of you howled with laughter, as you returned back to your seat and shifted the gear to start the journey to your reservation. You spent the evening going through your wedding Pinterest board, heart drumming against your chest at the prospect of having to use it sooner than you could’ve expected. 
You drove back to your home, getting greeted by your dogs at the door before the pseudo birthday-engagement party was in full swing. Your whole family made a surprise appearance, when you thought only those nearby were attending. Some of Jude’s teammates from both Dortmund and the English national team also surprised him, all of those you were acquainted with.  
It was bizarre combining a birthday party with your boyfriend already, but having your engagement mixed in was another level of crazy. But one look at Jude— seeing the way he brightened up at the sight of you— made you believe everything was going to be okay. 
The cake had a number 19 and a 20 candles on each side, each of you blowing your numbers before kissing. You shared the first piece for good luck, and it was the first moment of peace you’d gotten since you arrived. 
“We’re getting married in the winter.” You declared with a low voice. Jude perked a brow, questioning the decision. “You have the Euros during the summer. There’s also the Olympics. No one will be able to attend.” 
“Shit, babe,” Jude exhaled. “Six months to plan a wedding?”
Now that he said it out loud, it did sound batshit crazy. But wasn't the whole situation just that? After quickly sorting out your thoughts you still remained confident, feeding him a piece of the dessert. “It’ll be something small, intimate. Trust me on this one.”
Jude’s eyes softened as he shook his head, taking the spoon for you to scoop a piece and feed it to you. “I’ll always trust you with everything and anything.”
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fariesoiree · 6 months
Fwb!hobie getting a rise out of you because you’re jealous of him being with other girls but the one time you decide to get with another guy hobie gets in his feels, fucks you then confesses. 👀
Love your writing btw ☺️
thanks lovie! sorry it took me so long i got addicted to writing 3000+ words and just realized i don’t actually have to. request under the cut! minors mdni ; black afab reader
fwb!hobie who you’ve seen around a few times. he’s a friend of a friend and more often then not, ends up tagging along with your plans.
fwb!hobie who found you undeniably attractive the moment he first laid eyes on you. sweet girls like you aren’t typically his type but he couldn’t stay away. there’s something addicting, sugary like saccharine.
fwb!hobie who was elated to find you had an interest in him, as well. he wasn’t supposed to find out but he’s good at getting what he wants, information included.
fwb!hobie who enchanted his way into your bed. he made it very clear there were to be no strings attached and it would be a one time thing . . . it wasn’t.
fwb!hobie who couldn’t stay away after he had a taste. he just had to have more and he keeps coming back for more but always in the late hours of the night and he’s always gone before sunrise.
fwb!hobie who is enjoying this little relationship you both have. he can get balls deep in your cunt by night and walk past you by morning without saying a word. sometimes, when he’s feeling bold, he’ll lean down and mock your moans into your ear.
fwb!hobie who laugh when you whip your head around to glare at him and smack a hand into your chest, clearly embarrassed and looking around to see if anyone else heard.
fwb!hobie who still sees other girls, much to your dismay. really, you had no idea until you left your apartment and saw him walking out of the one across from you, just having pulled his shirt over his head. he shoots you a smile and continues on his way.
fwb!hobie who doesn’t know you’re very upset about this and cancelled all your plans for the day. he’s unaware that you holed yourself up in your room to call your best friend, rant, and come up with a solution to your heartbreak.
fwb!hobie who is surprised to see you at the same pub he’s at, considering the setting is not really your scene. he stands and begins to walk over to you. the closer he gets, the sooner he realizes that you’re talking to, no, flirting with the man next to you. he can see his hand settled on the bare skin of your thigh, thumb trailing back and forth.
fwb!hobie who is uncomfortable with the white hot rage that bubbles in his stomach but knows he has to do something to stop this.
“hey, treacle. what are you doin’ here?” his hand comes to rest on the small of your back when he’s finally close enough and stands beside you, hovers beside you.
fwb!hobie who has to fight off a frown when you try to dismiss him. he’s not moving, though. his presence urges the other guy off, sending some sort of message that you two have something going on.
fwb!hobie who gets even more upset when you stare at him as if he’s the problem and begin to tell him off.
fwb!hobie who quickly reads between the lines and figures out what this is really all about. he becomes oddly smug and crosses his arms, nodding along to every insult you call him.
fwb!hobie who later that night has your head pressed into the mattress while he delivers brutal back shot after back shot. he has his hand wrapped around your braids and uses it as leverage whenever he feels like pulling your hair.
fwb!hobie who is reveling in the fact that you’re sobbing and begging him not to stop, as if he ever would. he’s leaned down real close just to make sure you can hear him over yourself.
“who does this pussy belong to? who got you screamin’ like this?”
fwb!hobie who can feel himself getting closer and closer the more you cry, wail, and clench around his cock. he eventually pulls out and rolls you onto your back with a hasty pace.
fwb!hobie who is now giving you a perfect view of him jerking his dick over your form. he does his best to speak between whimpers and his other hand is pushing your leg onto your chest.
“y – you can’t see other p – people. you’re mine, i’m y – yours. it’s done.”
fwb!hobie who misses the smile that graces your face as he cums on your cunt. this was your plan all along and he just fell right in.
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Yandere Shang Tsung x Reader: Wrapped Around You (Angst Lemon)
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Warning⚠️: This oneshot contains a NON CON scene with a yandere. Angst.
First one in 4 years. Don't like that; don't read, don't comment, keep scrolling.
Or if you want to read for the plot without reading the lemon look for the ⚠️ start and end.
Bonus at the end btw ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The dining hall was so chilly to you. Especially because of the dress you were put in. Or it could be the anxiety.
Is that why the room seemed smaller to you? You could've sworn this place was large enough to hold events. Every room you were in just seems smaller.
You're scared.
"Y/n, darling. Why aren't you eating your meal? This is the finest steak you could find in Outworld." You can tell he's staring at you from across the table.
Your eyes were blanklessly focused on the fancy dinner plate before your eyes, but you weren't thinking about the food, no.
Really, the thought of any food right now made you the opposite of the corresponding feeling. Nauseous.
Though ever since you were seized by him and taken, and though you were barely fed at first, you never had the urge to eat.
The food would look appetizing if it was your last meal.
You picked your fork up just to somewhat appease him and poke your food. You could make out the perfectly cooked mashed potatoes, some fine bread rolls, and greens. The steak looked medium well and juicy, but you assume the cows, if Outworld even have those, were different from Earthrealm.
Picking the knife up, you sighed and went to give the steak a try. You felt his eyes boring into you, and you tried not to give it any thought.
Chewing, chewing, chewing, and chewing you go. Not because the steak, it was like you lost your ability to consume. The meat is delicious, otherwise. But you began poking at your food again.
"Not hungry?" He coos at you.
"Never am." You coldly applied, subconsciously ruining the perfectly scooped mash potatoes with your silverware.
Servants entered the hall with the alcohol bottle. The atmosphere felt less tight now that someone else was here. But who are you kidding? They're no heroes.
But the wine they pour into your glass would make them one in your book.
The second they stop pouring the rich liquid in your cup, you'd grab it. Eyes on you as you slowly tilted your head back to down the alcohol and get it in your system as soon as possible.
That glass was empty within ten seconds. Shang Tsung sets his glass down after a small sip and observes you with no certain expression.
"Another one, please." You set your glass down and looked at the masked servant. They were hesitant, but they listened.
Filling the glass full took too long for you. When it was close to being full, you snatched the cup away and repeated. You drank your second glass faster this time.
After it was stained pink and empty, you pushed it to the servant. Just as the servant was about to listen to the silent command-
"That's enough!" Shang Tsung hisses out at the servant and motions for them to begone out of sight.
After the giant doors closed, the hurtful silence was back. At least you felt bold enough to look into his eyes. You couldn't tell what he was thinking, nor would you have cared.
He was the one to break off the eye contact to take another small sip of his drink and set it aside. "I don't need you intoxicated tonight."
You weren't sure if that was him looking out for you.
Standing from his chair and neatly pushing it back in, he eyes you again. "Come." He motions his head for you to stand and follow him.
"Where?" You shivered.
"My chambers. So we can talk." He answered simply.
This man is so good at bullshitting.
"We're talking right now, are we not?" You spoke back.
"I reassure you. We're just talking. You have my word." He places a hand on his chest and dips his head. It makes him appear sincere.
Either way, you couldn't fight him. "Okay." You sniffled and got up.
The man offers his arm to you, and you take it as he leads you upstairs to his dorm. He was muttering things to you with his charming smile, but you couldn't pay attention.
And when you two enter, you look back at him and see he quietly closes the double doors and locks it with a key that he would then vanish in his hand.
Yet, nothing has crossed your mind.
"Sit." His hand gestures to the bed. Walking slowly, you sit at the very edge and only kept your head down. His feet taps on the floor as he would sit beside you and way too close.
A hand rested on your shoulder, and you froze, not wanting to shake anymore and show how scared you are.
"You're so beautiful." He whispers before leaning in.
"When do I return to my cell?" Your voice whispered shakily. You stopped him at least. For the moment.
"Oh, a cell doesn't suit you, Y/n." Shang brushes your hair out your face full of anxiety and fatigue. Again he leans to you and you flinched back.
"What do you want to talk about?!" Your panic was visible. And all he does it laugh.
"You already know I was dishonest."
You knew.
Uncomfortable, you got up and slowly walked to the door. You really didn't want to do it. You felt shitty the moment you were brought to the island.
He doesn't stop you. Only watches as you reach for the doorknob.
Attempting to open it, you realized it was locked. And it wasn't like the door in your home where you could turn the lock and leave your room. This one has a keyhole...
But he teleported that key to gods know where.
Hands rubbing your sides sensually, you feel him behind you. "Why don't you just come back to bed?" He murmurs in your ear.
...(⚠️ START)
You started to dissociate as you were laid carefully on your back. Shang props your legs up before looming over you to attack your neck with love kisses and nibbles.
A hand lifts your given dress and cups your swimsuit area, which makes you wince. The small sound seemed to encourage him.
Giving your neck another kiss, he lifts his head to look at you. You got to look back at him and feel the despair kicking in.
"Please." Your eyes were clouded.
Wiping the tear, he sighs softly. "Don't cry. I won't be rough with you. You can trust me on that."
And you didn't. You could pray he was, but it wouldn't change anything. You just wished you were home with your friends. You missed Liu.
Slipping down your panties from under your dress, he looks at your face before slowly easing a finger inside you to test the waters.
Your eyes shut, and you winced. Perfect.
He adds another digit in before repeatedly pulling and pushing them in the wet entrance, fingering you to get you ready.
Shang really is keeping to his word this time.
"You're such a good girl." He praises as you weren't fighting at all. You just kept a really tensed position, clenching around his fingers. Your breathing was unsteady from panic.
"Please!" You wheezed. This would be your last plea for him to release you. A snake wouldn't listen to a poor bunny crying to be freed as the reptile wraps tightly around it, squeezing the life out the helpless critter.
"Relax." The sorcerer coos, still trying to prep you. "You'll make it hurt if you're tensed like this."
Soon enough, he got you out of the dress he made you wear for him. He quietly observed how beautiful you are without covering. All while ignoring how frantic you were.
He would get undressed as well. He's a handsome man with hideous deeds.
You whined out more as he climbs over you. At first, he presses his forehead against yours and tries to shush you. He'd force you to cuddle up to him before he starts.
Was this what Sonya had to go through? No. Sonya is a stronger woman. And she got rescued sooner. Good for her that she doesn't have to face the same fate as you will.
The villain was back to kissing your neck again and nuzzling it, hands caressing you everywhere. You were involuntarily damp between your legs and when he feels it he chuckles.
He takes it as you're ready.
Feeling his tip right against you, he rests his forehead against yours. Gripping your chin, he forces his tongue in your mouth the same time you feel his cock slowly being pushed through your poor walls.
The kiss muffled your brief cries, and your nails were scratching his shoulders, eventually his back as you would hug around him for some sort of support.
He'd still hold up to his word.
His dick all the way inside you, he held still. He didn't start ramming you. He wasn't going to break you just like that and make you sob throughout the assault.
Why is he being nice this time? He's in a position to cause more pain to you but he doesn't.
Breaking the kiss, he examines your face. You had dried tears but your breathing was still labored, and you do your best to accommodate to the cock in your organs.
One experimental thrust was given. Seeing your face blushed in the reaction without much pain was all he needed to see.
"Mm.... fuck..." You moaned under your breath, and Shang Tsung hears it well.
"Is this to your liking?" He continues to gently hump you. You damn well weren't going to answer that question. You didn't need to either way. He can tell it felt good for you.
Again, he presses you back into the mattress and kisses you as he sets a good pace fucking you. His cock moving in and out your cunt as his tongue pets yours, dominating it like what he's doing right now.
It felt like this was going on for hours. Being the sensitive girl you are, you came multiple times. But it didn't stop until finally he puts his weight onto you and clamps down onto your neck.
At first you were startled until you felt spurts flowing inside you and to your precious womb.
...(⚠️ END)
The black haired man pulls out and lays beside you, catching his breath.
The shame washed over you as the heat died down. And you curled up on your side, facing away from him.
Dark eyes looking at your back he places a soft hand on you. "How was that, dear?"
He wasn't expecting a full breakdown from you like that. You just started to cry. "I just want to go back to my cell. Please!"
Caught off guard he sits up. "Was I too rough with you? Believe I was trying to make it enjoyable for you, I-"
Resting a hand on your lower half for reassurance was a mistake as you reacted terribly. 
 "Very well... Let's get you cleaned up. I will take you to the dungeon if that's really what you wish for." He listens.
"Is she alive, Lord Raiden?"
"She's in a deep slumber, Liu Kang. I see no wounds on her, but we should probably let her rest. Elder Gods know what she had to endure."
The familiar voices brought you out of the unconscious state. Grumbling, everything was so bright. You felt like you finally touched the grass and experience sunlight for the first time in forever.
"She is awake!"
𝘖𝘩𝘩, 𝘓𝘪𝘶! 𝘔𝘺 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥!
"Liu Kang? Lord Raiden?" You blinked.
"We're here, Y/n L/n." The Thunder God answers.
Liu helps you stand up and brushes the dirt off you. "We apologize for how long it took to come to your aid! Did he hurt you?"
"Who- Oh. No..." You didn't sound that reassuring. Liu known you for awhile.
"Are you sure? You can-"
"Just malnutrition." You cut him off. You didn't want to talk about it. Not now at least. But it was still pretty recent. The emotional wound was fresh and stung like hell.
Tears appeared in your eyes just thinking about it.
"Y/n?" Liu rubs your shoulder out of comfort. You hugged him. You needed it from your friend.
"What he'd do, Y/n?" Caring arms wrapped back around you, this time from a good man.
"Nothing. I really missed you." You partially lied.
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skythighs · 5 months
Calista's Dream: Hands around your Neck
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It's so hard writing from Feyds POV that I worry about straying too far from his actual personality, and I don't want to ruin the vibe of the story, so I might not write from his view again. I don't own the art or visuals used. I'll link them at the end via Pinterest. This is not edited BTW so you might find some mistakes.
Warnings: sexual content and disturbing thoughts from feyd. 18+ only please
Word count:2.2k
Chapter 6
Feyd Rauth’s POV
My sweet little Duchess would adjust in time to her new home. She had no choice but to accept Giedi Prime and me as we are. I didn't want to fuck her in front of those sick old bastards, but when the Baron demands it as his heir I have to follow through. I’ve given her the day to rest and recover from the shock of it. She seemed so fragile after the ceremony and it didn’t sit well within me. I already wanted to gouge out twenty one pairs of eyes for daring to look at her. The mesh robe was the most coverage I could offer her. Knowing they heard her sweet little moans nearly made me snap. 
I did my best to be unbothered, because I know if he knows I feel anything for her he will continue to torment her. The ceremony was his form of retaliation for her words earlier that very day when I presented her to him for the first time. She was bold and didn’t show any fear even here on the home planet of her enemies. The way he spat the insult Princess Atreides at her made my blood boil but she fired back correcting him. She told him she was the Na Baroness Harkonnen now. She claimed to be mine right there in front of him and he couldn’t take it.
If it were up to him I would never have married her, but the Emperor demanded it. My uncle knows his place as much as I know mine. What the Emperor demands must be followed through on. With taking that into consideration there was no guarantee my uncle wouldn’t lock her away with the pleasure slaves. I had to be smart and calculated in my approach. I couldn’t show her too much favor or his jealousy will get the best of him.
I’ve been trying to keep her at arms length only allowing myself to stroke her hair after she has long been asleep in my bed. Nearly running away from her when she smells so tempting I feel my mouth pool with saliva. She only smells better now that I've been inside her. A coppery tang mixed in with her natural sweetness. The same copper smell as her blood. I would make her skin my home if I could. I would peel back the layers of her flesh and tissue and take up residence inside her. She would be me and I would be her and nothing would ever separate us. She would become my final resting place even in death.
I feel myself grow hard at the thought. Now that I’ve had all of her I can’t stop thinking about her. How she dared to ask for her own chambers, she was as bold as ever. There was one thing she didn’t understand, and that was that she belonged to me. Everything belonged to me. Her pain, her pleasure, every tear that fell from her eyes was mine to claim.
“Na Baron, your presence is required in the Barons chambers.”
At that my cock falls limply. I begin my trek on the familiar path. The double doors are slightly ajar and I hear Piter and the human blob speak in hushed tones. 
“Once she has given him a male child, you can dispose of her Baron.”
“She is merely a means to an end. She’s an insignificant pawn.”
I chose to interrupt them then, refusing to hear anymore of this garbage. I couldn’t afford to be implicated in a rushed assassination and if I hear anymore that’s exactly what will happen.
“Beautiful Feyd, thank you for arriving so quickly. Piter here wanted a word with you about your bride.”
Piter stepped forward slightly bowing and began speaking.
“It is imperative you breed the Atreides girl as quickly as possible. I have heard you’ve been spending most of your time with your darlings.”
I look between my uncle and his lackey. Annoyed with this conversation on the surface but deep down I was intrigued.
“I fucked her just last night. Uncle you were there.”
Vladimir chuckles heartily at that.
“My dear Feyd it may take more than once. In fact it could take several times. You heard Piter. You must breed her.”
“To what end?” I probe. 
My eyes are slit as I look between the two of them. They were obviously aware of something and they hadn’t shared it yet. 
“That's the reason she’s here, to provide a male heir for our house.” said Vladimir resolutely.
“Well if it is your wish uncle, consider it done.” 
He smiles broadly at me, so happy with my false platitudes.
“You seemed to enjoy her last night. I'm surprised you haven't had her again.” 
There was a glint behind his eyes as he spoke and I knew I had to tread carefully. 
“I must admit her Atreides cunt was warm and snug, but she is not equipped to handle my tastes.”
“You should train her then nephew. She is yours to do with as you please, but you must breed her.”
I nod my head, refusing to speak anymore, on the verge of lashing out.
“Go and insure our future Feyd.”
Interesting choice of words. He was hiding something as usual, but eventually he would share. I would make sure of it.
Later that evening I find myself lounging in the sitting area of our chambers waiting for Calista to exit the bathing chamber. I had one hand wrapped around my cock and the other gripping her discarded underclothes from today. I stroked my cock gripping it while I looked at the portrait across from me. Her untamed hair had teased me for so long I could not get enough of feeling the silken strands between my fingers now that she was more than just a vision before me.
The door creaked open and she stepped into the room without even noticing me in the dimly lit room. 
“Come here, wife.” I call lowly to her.
She tenses before turning to me. Her eyes looked wild like she couldn’t decide if she should run away or freeze. Her white nightgown was form fitting and plunged in the front. No doubt something she acquired while living here. 
“I said come here pet.”
Her umber eyes look to my lap and she gulps audibly before taking slow steps towards me. I toss away her undergarments and offer my hand to her. She accepts it and I pull her onto my lap so she can straddle me, my penis between us. I watch her closely trying to read her mood. Her pulse was fluttering so quickly in her delicate neck I wanted to sink my teeth into her there and drain her.
“Take off the dress.” I order firmly not breaking eye contact.
She slowly does as I ask. Her beautiful breasts bounce and sway slightly. Her brown nipples nearly match her lovely eyes and I feel myself leaning to take one into my mouth. I take her small hand and wrap it around my aching cock. She gasps at the feel of it, hot and heavy in her hand. I show her the right pace and grip to use. She’s a quick learner and I nearly question her about it, but I refrain. I give her tits all of my attention, sucking, biting, kissing every inch of them in tandem.
“I want you to take your pleasure tonight sweet little Duchess.”
“What do you mean?” She asks quietly.
Her hand stops stroking as she looks me in the eye.
“It means we will do this your way tonight.”
“Is this your version of an apology?” She looks hopeful. Round eyes and parted lips nearly make me say yes.
“I have nothing to apologize for, but this is the closest you’ll ever get.”
I grip her face and kiss her harshly. That’s enough fucking talking. 
“Wait. You said it’s the way I like it tonight.”
I relent and lean back on the chair and look at her expectantly. 
She slowly slides forward claiming my lips gently. She kisses me slowly with her sweet tongue gliding across my black teeth tenderly. I start to get impatient with just kissing so I grip her waist and put her bare cunt where I need it most. She removes her lips from mine and begins kissing down my neck timidly exploring things with the marvel of an inexperienced girl. Which she was. The idea that all of her first would always be mine nearly makes me impale her right then, but I don't.
“I liked it when you used your mouth on me. Back on Caladan.”
Without another word I stand keeping her in my arms as I walk to the bed. She wraps her arms around my shoulders startled. As I lay her on the bed she realizes that I’m honoring her request. I watch her slowly as I kiss her on her second pair of lips. Her core greets me with a sticky liquid coating my lips and I smear it all over her before using my tongue to flick against her clit. Her responsive little squeaks and sighs are like music to my ears. I spend my time teasing her, licking and sucking her folds as they bloom under my attention like petals covered in morning dew. Like the rain on Caladan on the lush grass. 
“Please stop teasing me. Please suck me where I need you to.” She begs.
So full of surprises and always so direct. I listen to her again and suck her swollen clit harshly and she moans. I roll my tongue like a snake over her as I suck setting a good pace for her. My fingers itch with the need to feel her grip them so I sink two fingers into her tight hole earning the loudest moan so far. Her nails dig into the back of my head no doubt breaking my skin as I feel a small trickle from one of the punctures. Fingers and tongue moving in sync I feel her walls flutter and grip me as she tense and cries out loudly. Anyone in the corridor would surely hear her pleasure filled cries. 
Once she comes down from her high she looks down at me and opens her arms beckoning me to her.
“Come here.”
Like a trained pet I did exactly as she asked. I settled on top of her between her warm thighs.
“Be gentle with me tonight, Feyd. Please.” She pulls me down to her lips and kisses me deeply. Fuck I’m obsessed with the feel of her, the taste of her. The soft give of her small body yielded to my hard muscled one. With the most restraint I’ve ever used in my life I enter her slowly. Her hiss is an improvement from last night's tears and pleas for me to stop. As I bottomed out inside of her only pleasure remained but I wouldn’t be blinded by it. I focus on keeping a languid pace she can enjoy. Excruciating deep strokes let me feel every centimeter of her, and I knew I would cum soon. She did something to me no one else ever has. She makes me feel pleasure without the pain. Something I haven't experienced in this capacity.
Feeling her now no one could convince me she wasn’t mine. She belonged to me and me alone. I would fill her up often so that my scent permanently blended with hers. So that you could not smell one of us without the other. My darlings would come to recognize the scent of her on me, and they would come to love it as much as me. I lock lips with her tongues clashing and tasting every inch of each other. Her arms wrapped around my shoulders pulled me flush against her. 
Whatever child comes from our union would be living proof of our joining. Our child would be half her and half me in the flesh and the idea appeals to me greatly. She tightened her legs around me and circled her hips as I pushed even deeper somehow. I felt myself grip her neck tightly, but she didn’t quit her movements against me. I groan deep in my throat and she screams silently as we both find our peak, but I refuse to stop. I need more, more, more. I start ramming into her much like last night but this time she doesnt ask me to stop.
She rides her wave with me never looking away from me. My grip on her neck doesn’t ease and I can’t make myself release her, not until I get what i'm searching for. I feel the tingles in my balls and a sharp jab in my lower abdomen as I force myself to cum for a second time in such a short period of time. Only when my cock has emptied every drop into her does my hand let go of her delicate neck.
Her loud gasp fills the room as she tries to catch her breath. I expect her to be upset or angry, but she isn’t. She looks satisfied, sweaty, and mine. A red ring around her neck was already forming. 
Taglist: @mamawiggers1980 @drunkennunicornn @aoi-targaryen @lovereadingfanfic @avidreader73
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brightest-stars-if · 3 months
They dynamic of MLux with a sunshine FMc ?
And a shy one too ?
BTW I LOVE Your writing ♡ and I would also like to ask if you accept fan arts !
Trying to tread the line here between giving enough info and still leaving some stuff to discover in-game.
Lux goes into ultimate sunshine protector mode. He leans into the protective husband role once he's married to the MC and his wife-guy energy is unmatched. Much to the annoyance of most people around him.
Regardless of gender, Lux is in, an odd way, more bashful with a shy MC than a bold one, at least initially. With a shy female MC, m!Lux is sort of like "FUCK the man is supposed to make the first move, isn't he?" and then proceeds to trip over himself trying to do dumbass "manly" things to impress her. His game is in the negatives before he gets help lmao.
ALSO thank you so much for your kind words! I can't believe I forgot to include this part. I absolutely accept fanart and would be honored if anyone made it.
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whoyacallinyellow · 3 months
Could you do an alternative version of borrowed time but it's a happy ending? Like they meet again maybe a couple of months or years later and idk it's super fluffy (idk I loved ur Javier fic it made me cry so hard)
Borrowed Time II (.5)
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Javier Escuella x F! reader
Spoilers: RDR1-2 events Content: 18+ mdni, high honor Javier, fluff, loyalty, canon typical events & violence, possible spelling mistakes, some google translated Spanish, (slight angst? sry couldn't help myself) Type: second pov (wc - 3195) / pc: my PS5 a/n: here's my mediocre yapping, anon! I believe someone suggested this to me before, so here we are :) (btw I took some writing inspo from my spotify playlist.)
Summary: Javier is left with nothing after the gang's demise. Enticed with returning to Mexico, he finds redemption within his loyalty to you.   
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After being chased out of Beaver Hollow by the law, Javier found himself alone with Williamson. Somewhere in the sticks of northern Ambarino, where the risk of a grizzly finding them was higher than any lawman. 
Laying low and listening to Bill squaller on about Dutch for a month was about all he could stomach, Javier reckoned he liked Bill a lot more when he didn’t talk. 
As each day came to a close, one could guess where Javier’s mind wandered too. His bitter thoughts permeated on losing everything. Money, the gang, and you— Hell, the man didn’t know what to do with himself, considering you an extension of himself at this point. 
Where were you? Did you make it out okay? Were you hurt?
These were a couple of the many questions that swam in the sea of Javier’s head. 
“Are you still thinkin’ ‘bout that woman?” 
Bill’s words of disgust were often displaced through his racing thoughts, but he wouldn’t be wrong. You were all Javier had upon entering these foreign lands, now he possessed nothing but the rocks in his boots. 
The days would merge and turn into weeks, it didn’t take long for the plan of fleeing south to form in Bill’s lackluster head. Keen on the protection Javier could potentially bargain in Nuevo Paraiso. 
Javier knew he was a dead man returning south, under no circumstances was that a can of worms he wanted to open with—Bill Williamson, out of all folk. 
Besides, there was no man’s bidding Javier would consider doing to get the leverage Bill desired. But Bill’s ideas soon evolved into frustrated persuasion. 
“How do’ya know that woman wasn’t the rat, anyhow?”
Bill would rant about you, the delusions Dutch fed him would resurface, but soon be swallowed back down with the same loyalty Javier once held so close.
“My chica wouldn’t, I’m telling you, cabrón. She’d save your neck just as much mine.”
Perhaps not completely true, Javier’s apathetic statements held no power over Bill, but at least it stopped his ear from being chewed off. 
For all Bill was concerned, you were a coward just as much as the rest who left. Especially for plaguing Javier’s mind. 
Bill would resort to not just questioning your loyalty to the gang, but your loyalty to Javier all together. The bold claims would make Javier think back to Clemons Point. 
After a particularly nasty fight with Dutch, Molly sat on a nearby log as he sharpened his knife. He never knew what to say in situations like that, it was probably best he stayed out of it. 
“The way she looks at you…”
The timid words escaped her. Realizing there was no one else around she could have been talking too, he met her stricken gaze which glistened off the moonlight. 
He wondered, caught off guard by the illusive topic. Molly wiped her rosy cheeks before she tenderly spoke. 
“I wish I could look at Dutch the same.” 
Javier just stared at the tear-stained woman in pity, unsure what to make of her unanticipated words. 
That night's shift would give him plenty of time to think about it. Before eventually settling on giving you some extra attention. If it wasn’t obvious enough, he soon learnt that what you two shared was irreplaceable. 
There was no doubt to Javier that you loved him, every lead he went on, you’d listen for the horses. Ready to greet him by his hitching post for a kiss, or with small talk that was exclusive to you both.  
Javier would often get teased for the love you shared, perhaps some of it branched into jealousy. Not that he minded, the others knew you were off limits. 
So it was safe to say that Bill’s claims was one thing Javier didn’t take lightly. With curses spat, and threats thrown, Bill had no other choice but to eat his words. 
“Me ‘nd her go way further back than you and I.” 
Javier’s irate words would soon remind Bill where he stood— below you. 
That was Bill Williamson’s final straw for him to realize their parting was long overdue. 
“If you wasn’t a fool, you’d be comin’ with.”
Was the last thing he spat to Javier one cloudy morning, bedroll and guns thrown on his unkempt steed. 
You won't be seeing me again. 
Javier thought in vain. Watching Bill’s departure in silence, just as he watched yours— except their time was up. 
A cruel nightly cycle would leave Javier somewhere beneath the stars. The same night sky you’d lay him down gently in; he wondered if you were looking up at them too— or maybe you don’t think of him much anymore, just to get by. 
Dozing off provided no sort of relief, the same thoughts that ate him alive during the day showed no mercy for a night's rest. 
The dreams began after Guarma, and have stuck since. Most nights he would wake up confused, drenched in sweat, and frantically reaching for his gun belt only worn hours prior. 
Your sweet voice would unknowingly soothe his hurt, all while he dismissed your attempts of rebuilding the bond you once shared. Javier regrets the distance, but he’s not sure if he would ever be ready to talk about Guarma. 
Nonetheless, the terrible dreams always persisted, but managed to worsen after you left. They were so convoluted, Javier wasn’t sure which was a worse way to die; a watery grave, or succumbing to torture in a cage. 
Other nights, Javier would dream about the day he returned to you at Beaver Hollow, god only knew how long they were gone for. 
It was a rather gloomy day, at the end of the camp path was where he found you by your lonesome, as if you’ve been waiting for any sign of the missing men. Javier had seen better days, unshaven, wounded leg, and tattered garments that barely resembled the botched heist clothing he once wore. Javier approached you with a conflicted feeling of dread and relief, unsure of what to expect of you. But to the man’s horror, you crumbled before him. 
You were just as much of a mess as he was. A terrible feeling arose from within his ribcage and drifted up, he momentarily thought he was going to black out from the knot building in his throat. An unmanageable feeling in his legs had already begun to brew throughout the day, vibrating and distorting his ears, blocking out your sobs he created. A near breaking point was threatening to consume him— he didn’t even know what day it was, how could he not know?  
“You stupid bastard,” 
Fallen at his feet, he cradled you soon after his initial shock dissipated. 
“I know, I’m here now.” 
Javier could barely recognize the hoarseness of his own voice, the words felt foreign to say after being gone for so long. Hopelessness overflowed from within him, and seeped into your frame that he held. All he could do was shield you from the cruel world he created for you both on that barren dirt path. 
Your frantic pleas to leave would go unacknowledged, only to be substituted with soft hushes that were swept away in the trees. He couldn’t have just left, he had already sacrificed too much to quit now. Javier always swore Dutch would change your lives for the better. 
In the recent nights of Macfarlane’s Ranch, life was still. 
Javier’s dreams would evolve into a vessel of his old possession. Through bittersweet nostalgia, a buck would galavant by a stream, only to eventually stop and stand in triumph before fleeing into the distance. Those dreams offered Javier both temporary comfort and the humbling desolate nights he needed to return to you. 
While staring off into the plains, Bill’s idea would occasionally infatuate him. The uncut ties of Mexico were beckoning, it was only a day's worth of digging in. Javier wasn’t sure he was built out for the vaquero life anymore, but those old chains around his feet would pull him back down. 
Javier would eventually decide he wouldn’t watch the west die out, with false hopes of one last score followed by a life of freedom— he figured he already lost what made life rich. 
At the ranch, Javier would chat up the yokels, describing you to the best of his abilities. Which usually stumped him— you... well, you were just you. He’s never been apart from you to have to worry about your description— Javier was always there. 
Days passed without trace of you, it was probably best he left before the law caught wind of his excessive presence. 
It was hopeless, yet he prayed on the North wind that it would him to you. 
You could run the fool around in circles looking for your whereabouts. Hell, you could be in Timbuktu by now. Just like the day you left, the same hopelessness would creep upon Javier in those rare moments of disparity. 
Those moments would eat him from the inside out, that discomforting pit forming in his stomach was always enough to empty it on the ground. 
The aimless paths of New Austin was a place where the souls of saddle tramps go. 
Into the horizon of the blazing sun was where you sat, under the only tree seen in miles. Your shire grazed in between you and the lonely road, like a black flag it stood in the orange dirt. Not even it could escape the mourning which life embraced.  
You are not sure how much time passed you there, perched up under the tree, you’d watch the road. Studying the little silhouettes of cowpokes slowly growing as they approached periodically, all you thought of was Javier.  Hope overturned your grudge until they were near. 
Some of these men would simply tip their hat as they passed, others would offer you a ride to town, and a few just stared at you; their forlorn eyes scratched at the walls of your soul. As if they were trying to tell you something. 
Just as unfortunate as yourself, the nameless victims would soon be swallowed and spit back out by the blazing desert that awaited them. 
It wasn’t until a clear morning for Javier to stumble upon that fork in the road, leading to the tree where you sat; seeking the same retreat you did days ago. 
Sickeningly poetic; with no such weight on your shoulders, you seemed to have found the freedom Javier had been chasing all these years. Right front of him this entire time in the devoid lands of New Austin.
Usually well groomed, the man showed a five o'clock shadow, earning a more rugged demeanor his months away from the luxuries of camp. 
Lost puppy-dog eyes stared your way, being shielded by his bowler cap. The hair you used to run your fingers through was neatly tied back, and draping over his poncho. 
You greeted solemnly, your tranquil gaze greeting the man from where you sat. The thumping began in his ears as he staggered off Boaz, stiffly trying to shake the sudden feeling that your voice gave him. 
“hola amor.” 
He uttered awkwardly, approaching your newfound paradise underneath the old shady tree. 
“I reckoned you’d be in Tahiti by now.” 
You remarked bitterly, eyeing your lover from under the brim of your hat. He gripped the front of his gun belt, knuckles turning white and misshapen after all the years of abuse, the same hands that would be placed around your hips as he guided you through a busy town. 
Javier let out a rueful huff as he shifted his weight from foot to foot. It flustered him to be antagonized in such a low moment of his life, especially by you. 
But he simply did not possess the words and feelings begging to be shared with you— there were just too many. 
Expecting you to continue, there was a deafening silence. 
It was more than just the silence that plagued these western lands, but a sadness that often followed Javier everywhere he roamed, you could see it in his smile. 
The lands gave Javier a place to duck under his doubts and troubles for a time, like a buck stuck beneath the bottom wire. 
“It’s over,”
Javier’s voice came out as a whisper, thumb and finger caressing over the stubble on his chin. 
A conclusion which needed no further words, you understood. 
He never imagined it not meaning anything, but yet his brothers were reduced to the barrel he pointed. 
Small shines of orange bathed through the wilting leaves which provided your gracious shade. As you contemplated his words, a soft breeze accompanied the both of you. 
Finally arising to meet his frame, he towered over you slightly— lost along the way but finally found, 
you were no longer his partner in crime, nor a part of the Van der Linde gang— but just his chica he met all those years ago in Old Mexico, before the world was big.  
Javier knew he couldn’t make up for your lost time together, but for now, being with you would do. 
Without a word his arms wrapped around you and trailed down to the small of your back, the smell of rolled tobacco leeched off his poncho, a smell you’ve grown fond of over the years. As his cheek rested on the crown of your head, a different kind of silence was shared. 
“Oh Javi,” 
Your voice now both sorrowful and tender, it was impossible to hold a grudge against the warm honeypot eyes that yearned for you. 
“lo sé,” 
Javier murmured softly, giving into the relief that a calmer life brought. 
Behind where you rested revealed a testament the tree possessed. A bald spot in the maple-colored wood had bark torn away, faded letters with sap-filled groves were carved by previous visitors of the solitude tree: 
‘blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy’
Javier united your lips with a long awaited kiss, your cheeks softly being caressed by his thumbs. To him, it was like falling for you all over again. But this time, he wanted to do everything right. 
“Figured the law got you.” 
You mumbled one of your many worries after the man pulled away. Javier scrunched up his nose, cringing at your doubts. 
“Course not, nunca.” 
Eventually bidding your farewell to the tree, you joined Javier at Boaz’s saddlebags for what seemed to be a celebratory smoke. 
“They were hangin’ around that ranch, it’s not safe.”
You proclaimed, even the west had reminded you that a quiet cabin life was unrealistic. He hummed against the tobacco in between his lips, considering your words. 
“Where does that leave us?” 
Javier asked through an exhale. His sharp eyes squinted under the sun, staring at you in devotion. 
For the first time in a year, you made that choice together. 
With possessions on your shire and the both of you on Boaz, was where Javier liked you best. Feeling your heartbeat on his back always reminded him of Mexico, yet you were his home.
While riding, your hands would instinctively grasp Javier’s gun belt. Marking both the leather and his heart throughout the years you spent together. 
Later that day Javier’s buck would graze upon the open fields you crossed, only to scamper off once your horses made way. Its coat bright and shining off the sinking sun, he swore it’s the biggest one he’s ever seen. 
Expecting a comment, Javier thought maybe you dozed off, or perhaps he accidentally sipped his flask instead of his canteen. 
Aways up north yielded reassurance and prosperity, the man decided that tonight he would sleep instead of keeping watch, an unusual gesture he knew you both needed. 
Far away from the lands you once both resided, a comfortable wilderness separated you and any dangers— Maybe tomorrow night he would keep watch, but tonight, he just needed you. 
Javier’s shaking hands prepped a small flame, and smoothed out the creases of your bedroll that night. The same hands that would work a revolver effortlessly, and confidently beat in the faces of men in a moment's notice. 
but for you? they trembled. 
Fingers that had been busted more times than you could count were now fumbling through every button of your shirt, leaving a trail of his lips where his hands once touched. 
Nonetheless satisfied with these tasks, the crinkles beside his eyes would reflect off the flame as he flashed you a content smile. 
The fire crackled within your cozy makeshift camp, its orange flame lighting up Javier’s torso just enough to highlight the tones and scars on his chest. 
Javier was used to catching you staring, never failing to tease you about it. A mere husky chuckle and verbal warning would remind you of his diminutive willpower when it came to you.  
Joining you beneath the blankets, his body radiated with the warmth you craved. With a protective arm easing you towards him, your skin colliding with his was enough to wash all his hardships away. 
Your lips ghosted down his neck, causing a loose sigh to escape his lips. Javier cooed words of endearment, unsure if he deserved your regained affection. 
You felt him tense around you as your lips traveled down to his adam’s apple and the large horizontal scar that covered it. 
“lo siento,”
He muttered softly, finally getting the long awaited words out— It was for a lot of things, that scar was just one of them. 
His breath hitched and ran down your bare skin, your torso being consumed by his restless large hands. Only you reminded Javier of his scars, usually in a way of gratification, having earned them throughout your time together. 
But that healed slit along his throat brought the man waves of embarrassment, Javier was thankful for your love nonetheless, and you for his loyalty. 
With belated love and words begging to be said, Javier knew his lips had a lot of catching up to do. But tonight you both needed rest. 
As if it was tradition, he ensured you found your peace first, maybe it solaced the man knowing you were safe within his arms. 
Gusts of winds whistled through the trees, causing them to sing a song made just for the two of you. His coarse hands ran down your sides before settling at your waist, once again basking in what he could have lost. 
Up yonder was where the starry night sky shined just for him to see you. The constellations washed away his most honorable sins, and extended the borrowed time you both had been lent years ago. 
The blanket you shared was pulled over your shoulder, ensuring your undisturbed rest. Javier’s gentle lips ghosted over your cheek for just one more kiss goodnight. 
You were long asleep, closely tucked within the arms of the man you called home. Yearning to chase the relief your shared nights provided, Javier’s eyes grew heavy. Through a gentle state of somnolent, his prideful buck accompanied him in the meadow it frolicked. 
Whispered words slipped into the night and greeted his slumber. 
“te amo.” 
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moongoopy · 5 months
hiii could u write abt fluff language barrier with suguru x reader? Ty
walls that break down
c/w: fluffy :33
a/n: so errmmmm i wanted to put a whole apology list for how crap this scenario was BUT i decided against that, i just hope you atleast enjoy this to some extent (rips hair off)
bold is in english btw!
c: teacher!geto x florist!reader
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jujutsu high needed some renovation especially the flowers. the climate in tokyo had been erratic for a few months now and the poor greens had seen better days. he thought it was best to look for the principal's opinion but decided against it.
why not, seek the help of a florist himself?
hm, he wonders what kind of flowers would make the school more welcoming, a symbolic approach would be much greater or should he worry more about colour? flower arrangements can be completely different too, that might be the main issue to this.
he made some quick calls to the gojo and yaga. saying to yaga that he'll take a quick trip to check out the florist whilst with gojo to take care of the first years which he already was doing a good job at (sarcasm intended with how nobara and itadori was screaming in the background). there was no requests from gojo suprisingly since the flower shop was close to the pastry shop.
he slipped his phone into his pocket and spawned his stingray curse and hopped on, making himself comfortable before they flew right over.
he never really stepped into the flower shop before, it was charming but there was no reason to check it out. the place was aesthetically pleasing and the row of flowers decorating the front of the shop wasn't overwhelming and smelled just right.
"hello, welcome!"
geto smiles to the friendly greeting, greeting them back and stepping to the counter and conversed a bit with you
you caught on to most of his words and it was a bit visible that you looked a bit nervous, he excuses himself, saying that he'll check the flowers first
you were probably a new worker at this shop so he understood, not trying to pressure you too much with questions. he wonders if he was able to tell you what he likes though eventually
meanwhile, you let out a breath you were holding. his japanese was pretty easy to understand up to an extent and your boss wasn't back from her stop at the corner store so you just prayed that his request wasn't that difficult
you did your best to not skimp over the lessons and books you had but you forgot the part where you can get confused and it alarms you when you had stuttered to him. well other than being a newbie at japanese, he was also such a handsome man and quite gentle at that
recognizing the symbol of jujutsu high, he was a sorcerer, you wondered if he was a strong one at that. if so, that added to the list on how attractive he was. you sneaked a few glances at him, he was dissappearing right into the corner of the shop right next to the flower pots
clutching the language book in your hand, you wonder if you should move away from the counter to help him, was that required too? damn, this would've been easier if you asked the boss. you did work behind the shop but never the front!
"excuse me?"
you were immediately snapped out of your thoughts when his soft voice called out for you and you opened the counter board to get to him. oh boy, here goes.
you walked to him with a steady gait and popped right next to him. he was looking between two flowers before he looks at you and smile so prettily that you clutched the side of your apron.
"yes sir?"
his smile reached his eyes as he shifts to one foot to another.
"its okay, dont be nervous."
oh, was it that obvious? you felt your cheeks burn and embarassment flood your system and you try to keep a calm facade. you are so gonna grip your head in your hands after this.
"sorry sir, i'll try my best."
he then waves, hopefully for you to not get too flustered over this and pointed to the flowers and the first thing he asked was which looked better in rows and you nodded, you could do this.
you eased yourself into explaining and was grateful that he understood what you were talking about. you tried to use simpler terms but when it reached the language of these flowers, he chuckled boyishly.
"sorry, i dont understand you.. this part i mean.."
you had him holding his chin and thinking of what to say and you felt another wave of embarassment bubble over. were you too fast? was it too complex, you wanted to scream. you chewed on your bottom lip, looking at him tentatively.
the bell of the shop saved you and it was the sweet old boss that gasped to a face of a customer. she fusses over you a lot, being in a different country from your own is something she understands and it was endearing of her to care.
she had put down her groceries and rushed on over to the man and chirped to him to which he bows politely to her.
you were ushered to take care of the cash register, the old lady winking to you that she could handle it and you sighed.
walking back to the counter, you heard just how talkative your boss was with the man to which he humoured with chatter. inhaling, you swore to yourself to practise more; the book on the counter thrust open and ready for you to read in.
geto was back in his apartment, scrolling through the pictures of the flowers he took today and yawned. he had preferred the blue flowers, the colour and meaning was perfect for the school but the principal preffered the yellow ones more.
he put his phone away, not in the mood to debate flowers right now. he could be lenient and go with yaga's choice but the blue flowers just call out to him.
he drummed his fingers against the table and thought of his day today,
he thought of you.
your sweet smile as he called you over and how you carried yourself. your voice was soothing to his ears and when you started explaining he was hooked onto every word. just how you described these flowers with such adoration is admirable
its just that he felt like the bigger fool when your explanation gets more deeper and he hated to stop you, seeing you pause when he held his hand up made him want to mentally slap himself to stopping you so abrumptly
with the way you bit your lip and scratched the back of your head in embarassment, that makes two of you
he snickered in amusement to himself when he thumbed a book in his hand
the granny had uttered that you would be working at the flower shop daily and in order to communicate with you better, he held an english dictionary
his english had gotten so rusty like a box of nuts and bolts, he remembered shutting away at his dictionaries in his student years for the 'last time' and sighing in exasperation to how he can stop learning such a language
it tickles him how hes now opening a dictionary back up
"what you need that for, you seeing somebody?"
his dictionaries and helping material were all back at his family home in the quiet old village. it was defitenely stored away in the basement, a small box tucked away in a corner
he went and borrowed gojo's one, the one he never stores away just because he doesnt want to clean it up
all gojo got from geto as a response was a grunt as he was waved off
the books were all so clean, that show off probably scanned all the books that he read and called it a day, he was smart after all; annoyingly so.
geto then studied again, feeling the nostalgia of his teen years rushing back to him and spends the night learning the language. his beloved students wondered where geto-sensei was and it was up to gojo and his ridiculous tomfoolery to answer that
the next day, geto went back to the flower shop to see that you weren't near the counter but busy tending with new flower arrivals. he saw you whip your head around as granny greeted him.
he made a beeline towards granny first to idly cht with her first.
"hm, y/n looks like they haven't had that much sleep.."
granny waves her hand before looking back at you who was still so attentive with your work and worries on how you had stayed up to memorize japanese eventhough she herself could help you with that but you had rejected her, telling how you needed to do this yourself.
geto comforts granny that its not out of ill intention, some people are just like that, they dont want to burden people. eventhough that slightly ease the boss of the flowershop, she still couldn't help but be a worrywart for the darling across the flowershop. the brunette then shifted the conversation to the flowers he was supposed to check again and thats where you pop in again.
"granny, geto, may i show you the fresh batches today?" you wiped off some sweat off your brow as you fiddle with the gloves in your hand and glance towards the spot you were working at and they both nodded immediately.
there was a lot of flowers than he presumed and he nodded, tapping his phone to make a few calls. blue it is. he'd mentally prepare himself for an earful from yaga
he'd sign a few papers and in a few days the flowers will soon be arranged at jujutsu high. this was great, the school wont be as bleak as before
granny went to the back to grab a few things and he was now left alone with you, you tried to busy yourself and shoulders so tense from being alone with him
"so why have you decided to work in japan, y/n?"
you look up at him with a sparkle in your eyes and shyly shifting close to him to be polite and chuckle softly. strangely, he was enamoured of your precense and maybe this little interaction blooms into something more than flowers.
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pyramid-of-starrs · 1 year
from your kinktober masterlist I like 3!! 💘
Due by 11:59
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Kinktober request: 3 Lab partner Hyunjin, Sensory Deprivation
Pairing: Ex best friend Hyunjin x Chubby Fem Reader (wrote as a black/poc character but anyone can have brown nipples lol)
Summary: The fall semester was going great until you are paired up with your ex high school best friend (and crush) Hyunjin. You two decided to do your assignment at his dorm but then a question about human intimacy and senses has you and your partner experimenting on each other.
Word Count: 3.8K (lol these were supposed to be drabbles btw)
Kink: Sensory Deprivation
Warning: Enemies to lovers, oral sex (F receiving)
Minors dni
"Okay class that concludes our lecture for today, please check the google doc that I sent to you all for your group assignment and who you will be paired with, you are dismissed." Your professor said as he ended class, before you put your iPad in your bag you checked the assignment and that’s when your eyes got wide. You rushed down the aisle of the classroom to the professors desk while everyone was leaving, slightly out of breath from speeding over.
"Excuse me sir there has to be some kind of mistake here." you said as you huffed. The professor knew it would be you to say something after he assigned you with the person he did so he continued to pack up.
"There is no mistake Ms. L/N, that is your partner for this assignment."
"B-but sir! You know me and that snake don't get along and I actually take your class seriously he is just here for credits, please sir just reconsider. I can give you so many reasons why this isn't a good idea." You continued to talk and spew put reasons and ideas for a solution, your professor sighed and considered if he even got paid enough to deal with people like you.
"Alright, alright enough! Listen Ms. L/N sometimes in life you have to deal with people you don't want to, I'm sure people have felt that way about you, I will not be changing the class pairings just to accommodate you. No one else has an issue." He said finally looking at you.
"But sir he wasn't even here today! I'm sure if he was, he would say the same th-."
"He already knows and has agreed to it, have a good day Ms. L/N." Your professor interrupted you to say, leaving out the room, as he walked in a man with a long slim body build walked in almost as if you summoned him.
"I guess you heard the great news huh?" a smiled creeped up on the boys face like he was teasing you.
You scoffed at him. "God fuck off Hyunjin." even the name leaving your lips tasted bitter, it wasn't always like this, you and Hyunjin were actually close back in high school. Back when you were just the chunky nerd and Hyunjin was the scrawny dork, you two were an inseparable pair, but then senior year rolled around and Hyunjin went away for the summer and came back bulkier and cute little Hyunjin became hot hunk Hyunjin. The people that ignored him those 3 years finally gave him attention, they invited him into the inner circle, and he was finally accepted, leaving you behind. You tried not being bothered by it but the communication between you two started to fizz out, prom time came around and you and Hyunjin made a promise to go with each other since you both didn't plan on dating anyone and it was obvious you two liked each other but you two didn't see that. You walked up to Hyunjin at lunch time which was bold since he sat with the "popular kids" now and asked him about prom and when you two should start planning but one of the girl spoke before he could reply.
"Ew why would Hyunjin go to prom with a fat loser like you?" she said laughing at your question.
"I-I'm not a loser! Plus, me and Hyunjin already decided to go together years ago, so butt out!" you replied while gripping the sides of your lunch tray.
"Oh, fatty has some sass, well sorry but he's going with me now, better find someone else, if that's even possible." Her and a few of the other girls started to laugh while Hyunjin sat back in silence, your eyes met, you hoped he would say anything, but the words never came out.
"Hyunjin is this true?" you questioned in a defeated tone, his eyes moved to look down at the table because he saw the tears start to gloss over your eyes.
"I'm sorry Y/N... I forgot about our promise." his ferret like eyes looking over you.
"Oh... well okay, sorry to bother you then..." you walked out the lunch room before tears started to stream down your embarrassed face. You didn't even bother going to prom, after graduation you got into your dream school that was luckily far away from home, but of course you and Hyunjin both applied, and he was accepted as well. You didn't know he got in until he walked into your Human behavior class, his shoulders were broader, and his once short black hair was now almost shoulder length, God he was gorgeous, and you hated to admit it. You chose to keep things how they were and avoided speaking to him, deep down your feelings were still hurt and that made you want nothing to do with him, but fate had other plans.
"As much as I would love to stay out of your way Y/N this isn't something we can avoid." His voice was like silk.
"It could have been! Why would you tell him you were okay with working with me Hyunjin!" your frustrations grew, even looking at his beautiful sleek face invoked so much emotion from you. 
"Because I AM okay with it Y/N..." his reply made your heart skip a beat and that just pissed you off more.
"Whatever this assignment is due on Sunday at 11:59 so let's just meet up Saturday and get everything done, I'm busy with my other class work so that's my only free day."
"Can't, I have a showing for my art class that night, I would love for you to come." An innocent smile plastered on his face.
"Pass." you said trying to not let the smile affect you.
"How about Sunday then? Since facilities will be closed you can come over to my dorm and we can cram that night, the assignment is the study of human interactions, and we got intimacy so it should be pretty easy."
"Fine, take my number I'll text you when I'm on the way." you took out your phone and you two exchanged info.
Sunday was finally here, and you stood outside of Hyunjins dorm waiting for him to let you in, the cold fall winds blew, and you were grateful you opted to wearing jeans but the choice of a plain white crop top and an open hoodie may have not been the right one. You wanted to look like you didn't put in a lot of effort even though you made sure to get your hair done and lashes and nails refilled yesterday, but that's just self-care, right?
The door to the dorm hall finally opened and Hyunjin stood on the other side of it, he had on a beanie and his reading glasses.
"Y/N thanks for coming come in." you followed Hyunjin into the dorm and down the hall to the elevator, you noticed his hair spilled out the back of the beanie, was this really your high school best friend? His back was wider even though his frame was still small, he wore shorts and his legs that you use to tease him about got thicker and even grew hair, then you noticed his veins on his fore arms from his rolled up sleeves, a lot of feelings were going through your mind but then you can't help but recall how he iced you out and let his friends treat you horribly and you were back to being ready to get this whole thing over with.
Once you reached his room, he scanned his key card and opened the door.
"Come in, Mi casa es su casa!" he said as he happily welcomed you, Hyunjin was always a bit of a genius, so he was placed in the honors dorms that were just nice studio apartments, looking around it was actually pretty nice, plants and paintings around the apartment, it was neat and on the coffee table there were snacks and drinks. You walked in and placed your laptop bag on the floor next to the couch and removed your hoodie then took a seat, you reached into your bag and took out your laptop.
"I got some snacks and stuff for us, and we can watch some TV or play some music while we work."
"Let's just get this over with." you said as you started to type away on your laptop, Hyunjins small grin dropped, and he grab his laptop to work with you. Some hours of silent work passed and you were kind of exhausted, it was still an hour and a half till the deadline and you realized you haven't said a single word to Hyunjin, you were at a portion of the assignment that you had to work together on and that meant asking for help and that made you gag mentally.
"Hey... section 16 says we have to work together so..." you said softly.
His eyes bounced over to you.
"Oh, you made it to that section finally, yeah let's do it!" He was so eager to be working with you, happy to finally be back in your presence even though you hated it, a win was a win in his eyes, he missed you so much and just couldn't say it especially since he knew you hated him.
"So, it says that a humans senses is a large part of human intimacy, which two senses are the most important and give some examples and reasons why. Work with your partner on what happens when those senses are taken away and write their reactions in a document." you gulped nervously when you finished reading out loud.
"Okay what senses do you think we should pick?" his body turning to face you.
"Maybe sight and touch, but how would we test that?" you both sat and pondered until Hyunjin made an "Ah" noise.
"I got just the thing." he didn't explain further and walked off to the closet next to the bathroom down the hallway then returned holding two red silk pieces of fabric in his hand.
"After I talked to our moms a couple weeks ago about my hair your mom sent me some silk scarfs and bonnets to make sure my hair didn't get damaged since I'm growing it out."
"Why are you still talking to my mom?"
"Because she loves me." He stood there looking at you, he was very serious it was almost cute.
"Whatever, what are we supposed to do with them?" you said after you rolled your eyes.
"How about one of us blind folds the other and ties up their hands and we can see how we feel about different touch points and sound triggers." His suggestion was actually good, and you hated that.
"Okay, let's rock paper scissors to see who gets tied up and blind folded." a very dumb suggestion to make because you lost horribly and now, you're sitting blind folded with your hands tied up in front of you. You two decided since the bed had more space to do everything it would make the most sense to experiment there. You sat on your legs while Hyunjin sat Criss cross apple sauce, you were both facing each other while Hyunjin read off instructions on his laptop.
"So, lets test how heightened your other senses are, I'm going to say some phrases and you tell me how it feels." you nodded in response.
"You look beautiful today Y/N."
"W-what!" your face immediately heated up.
"Sorry, I'm just reading from the list, did that make you feel shy?"
"I-I guess..." you could feel a pit in your stomach.
"Okay I'll put that down then." you could hear him start to type on his computer.
"Hey! Don't write that!" your face was hot thinking that someone would read that Hyunjin was making you feel shy, you could hear him giggling.
"I think you're very cute Y/N." you started fidget a bit at his words.
"Am I making you feel anxious or nervous?"
"A little..." the typing continued.
"I love you Y/N." there was a moment of silence, your stomach was in your ass.
"O-okay." your voice going hoarse, he didn't ask anything but continued to type
"Okay, it says to whisper into your ear to see if there is any changes." You heard him get off the bed and move around it, you really should have read the instructions before you agreed because you didn't recall this at all. You felt him standing behind you, so you scooted forward to give him room on the bed to sit down, he took a seat behind you, his chest inches from your arm and back, your heart started to race.
"Ready ?" you could feel him close to your ear, his breath passing by.
"I missed you Y/N." The phrase was like hammers breaking down the wall you built to keep Hyunjin out.
"Alright." you replied.
"Do you feel the same way?" Hyunjin asked.
"...kind of..." there was a pause before he moved forward.
"I'm sorry for hurting you Y/N."
"Is this on the list?" you turned your head a bit despite not being able to see him
"Yes, does this make you want to accept my apology?"
"Maybe." you turned back to your position and Hyunjin continued.
"I'm sorry I hurt you and made you feel abandoned" he said, this couldn't have been on there, right?
"Hyunjin I-" you tried to interject but he continued.
"I'm sorry for not sticking up for you and I'm really sorry I didn't keep our promise."
You sat there listening to his apology, you wanted to hit him, but you wanted to hold him more than anything.
"How does that make you feel Y/N?" he questioned.
"Like I'm talking to someone I loved..."
"Lastly we'll incorporate touch, I'll have to touch the areas with exposed skin is that okay?" he moved on, you nodded to answer.
"Can you answer with words please?"
"Yes." you replied a bit swiftly.
His hands touched your shoulders, his long finger glided over your skin giving you goosebumps, he started to lightly brush his fingers up and down your forearms and arm. You moved his lips closer to the shell of your ear, his lips grazing you.
“You smell so good Y/N, you still use the same vanilla scent?”
"Th-thank you." You started to feel a tingling sensation in your core that made you squirm a bit.
"I really missed being this close to you and touching you like this." His hands danced around your skin, one hand going from your arm to lightly pass over your chest and neck and repeating that motion, you started to inhale and exhale quietly to calm yourself.
"I missed it too..." not being able to see or touch him back made everything he did and said more intense, you started to move your hands to try to loosen the scarf, but you could feel Hyunjins hand land on yours.
"Naughty little Y/N trying to end the experiment early we aren't done just yet." he said into your ear, you squeezed your thighs together to cool the heat pooling in your core and lightly whimpered, you could feel Hyunjin drag his soft lips down your neck while his hand lightly cupped your breast, his touch was so gently yet you could feel the intense yearning he had for you.
"Please Hyunjin..." you started to beg in a whimpering tone.
"How does this make you feel Y/N?" you didn't reply, you somewhat didn't want to admit the feeling you had after harboring this much anger toward him.
"I can't keep going if you don't reply baby."
"I feel like... I need you... I need you now please." you couldn't see it, but a devious smile crept up on Hyunjins face.
"Good girl." was the last thing he said before stepping off of the bed and pushing you back, you could feel him getting back on the bed and then on top of you. Though you couldn't see you could feel the pressure, Hyunjin removed his hat then lifted your arms up to the beds rail style headboard, you thought that he was untying you but instead he tied your hands to the headboard, you tried to tug them down and couldn't. He dove face first into your neck, you felt him kissing and sucking your skin while his hands traveled back down to your breast to lightly grope and massage them, your body felt so sensitive like you could melt under his touch you couldn't help but to squirm and buck your hips as you moaned. Hyunjin lifted your shirt and bra enough for your breast to plop out, he moved down your body to begin to suck your pretty brown nipples, you continued to gyrate as your heat got more sensitive and needy.
"P-please Hyunjin, at least untie me." you said as you wiggled under him to try to loosen your binds, Hyunjin continued to leave a trail of kisses down your stomach then stopped at your jeans to peel them off your legs leaving you in your wet pink lacy panties. He sat on his knees on the side of you, taking his long finger to your core to glide them between your wet clothed walls, he made sure to take extra time to rub circles on your sensitive nub while you continued to moan at the unbearable sensation. He continued to rub you and watched as you wiggled and squirmed from his touch, enjoying the show.
"Does it feel good Y/N? Do you want me to touch you more?" His voice adding more fuel to the fire in your core.
"Yes please, I need you so bad Jinnie." you were so desperate for more of him you even called him his old nicknamed, Hyunjin hissed at your pleas and decided you earned more, he finally removed your panties, once off he could really see just how bad you needed him, your slick was pouring out of you and your pussy was begging to be touched, he reached up too your face to remove your blind fold but kept your hands tied.
"Look Y/N, look how bad your pussy has missed me, you're so wet for me." your eyes took a second to adjust then you looked down, you hadn't even noticed you had your legs spread nice and wide for Hyunjin and your pussy was soaked.
"I want you to watch while I finally do to you what I've wanted too for years." he returned between your legs and left a few kisses on your lower belly, his hands gripped and mushed your thick thighs then he moved to leave lingering kisses on them, he kissed down your thighs and made it to exactly where you wanted him. He wasted no time peppering kisses on your heat then licking a few stripes, his arms wrapped around your thighs then he started to eat your pussy like you were his last meal. Your head dropped back onto his pillows, you wanted to grab his hair but the scarf binding your hands wouldn't allow it, instead all you could do is buck your hips into his face more. Hyunjin continued to lap up your juices then started to suck your aching clit like a sucker causing you to yell out his name followed by multiple curse words, thank God the honors dorms were soundproof to encourage a healthy studying environment. Your pussy started to pulse around nothing, and you felt your orgasm coming, you started to feel dizzy because this was the most sensitive you had ever felt.
"Please, Hyunjin I'm gonna cum please untie me." Yet your begging fell on death ears, Hyunjin was pussy drunk on your sweet taste, a taste he missed out on for years because of your falling out, he thought about how you would taste on his tongue or how your pussy would feel around his dick for so long and he was going to enjoy every moment of this. After the incident in high school Hyunjin no longer felt good about coming around you, he felt guilt when he would see your face and was too much of a coward to apologize. After not seeing you after graduation you could imagine how fast his heart raced when he saw your name on the class sign-up sheet for Human behaviors 101, it wasn't a needed class for Hyunjin since he was going into art therapy and many other choices but any chance he got to see you he was going to take it. Now thanks to that class here he was about to have the love of his life cumming on his face.
Your hips continued to move up and down, your moans never stopped just like his tongue. You saw a white flash as you came on Hyunjins face, he continued to eat you out as you came down from your high, you wanted to push him off as you started to feel over stimulation kicking in but all you could do in yell for him to stop. He finally detached his face from your core with stings of your slick connected to his chin.
"Sorry, I couldn't help myself, I've wanted to do that for so long." he said while trying to catch his breath.
"Really?" you looked up at him with innocent eyes.
"Of course, Y/N, I was serious when I said I loved you." he moved next to you swiftly to untie you then to cup your face and give you reassurance.
"I love you too Hyunjin..." you both looked at each other with a longing gaze before your lips connected, you could still taste yourself on his lips and tongue as the kiss got deeper, then you remembered why you were even here.
"Mm, oh my god what time is it the assignment!" you said, Hyunjin reached to the nightstand to grab his long forgotten about laptop.
"Shit... 12:01" you both looked at each other then laughed.
"Welp, I guess we'll just ask for an extension tomorrow, visiting hours are also over so I guess you gotta stay here." He looked at you with lust filling his slit eyes.
"Fine but you're getting tied up next."
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iwanty0uu · 1 year
Heyyy how yall doin! Me? im just chillin thinkin about how onyankopon loves carribean girls
(im literally saying this because im jamaican but anyway)
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
You whined your hips as your favorite song came on, touching your waist and breasts all while making eye contact with the tall darkskin boy through the crowd. Your best friend Mikasa always hosted the best parties, and always had the best playlists. Fever by Vybez Cartel rung through the speakers as you straightened yourself up and walked towards the figure across from you. You felt his dark lustful eyes burning through you and it turned you on but continued to ignore the the wetness and the butterflies in between your thighs.
You met the tall boy with a simple smile, well aware of how intimidating he looked while towering over you, but still managed to hold eye contact which caught his attention. He knew he looked intimidating, but it was always a nice surprise when a bold girl made the first move.He was practically eye fucking you. Your tight black dress held together by crisscross strings emphasized the curve in your torso ,while the dress flattered the mounds on your chest and made your ass nearly pour out of the bottom of your outfit. The red tattoo on your side barley showing but just enough to show the vine and hibiscus flowers which wrapped around to your lower back. Leaning over you to get a better view of your tattoo, he focused on your back dimples and couldnt help but smile to himself.
“Where u from pretty girl?” he questioned as he placed his drink down, leaning up against the wall behind him. Although the music blared, his deep voice felt like it penetrated every sound in the house, making his words clear, sharp, and only for your ears. You smiled as you flipped your hair over your shoulder revealing a gold chain in the shape of your homeland. “Born and raised” you replied as he smiled. “Ouu you Caribbean girls are dangerous, i hear yall cheat a lot, Im Ony by the way.” His smile was perfect, the pool in your underwear felt like it soaked through your short black dress, shiittt if he was thirsty you had a perfect beverage for him but i digress. “I’m y/n and you can come find out yourself, i meann i wont cheat unless you give me a reason too” ..your confidence could easily make a man’s dick wet,and if ony didnt have on them ksubi jeans the pre cum in his boxers would be visible.
“n/n you is a trip, can i call you n/n? imma call you n/n and if i hear anybody else calling you that imma kill them” he said as he faked a deadpan face. He was funny, he actually made you laugh, he was the first dude you met who wasnt the actual joke in your life. “boy bye everyone calls me that, you finna have a long ass hitlist then hun” you said as you rested your hand on your waist. He looked you up and down again and laughed “stop eye fucking me” you said cockily. Now to be fair, you were doing it first, thats why he stared back at you while you were dancing, and you did want to get to know him more. So, you grabbed his hand, as walked backwards slowly through the crowd. You knew you looked good and fucked good so your confidence was on one hundred tonight
“Hey, lets go back to my place and get to know eachother more..I mean you look all lonely standing here in the corner by yourself sooo we can def be friends” you couldnt resist his ass, and its obvious that he was feelin you too, but you wanted to get to know him more for real, i mean its not like fuckin him till your jaw locked didnt cross your mind once or twice but your intentions werent JUST to use him for his body, sexual thoughts are part of human nature and you just so happened to have some about the fine black man in the room! honest! He did look like he could be some good entertainment for however long he planned on staying in your life, there’s nothing wrong with a boy toy or two.. “Ony baby do you got a girl? i dont wanna be playin in nobody face looking dumb now..” You aren’t insecure, but everybody and they momma cheats in new york.. so theres nothing wrong with asking. “absolutely not..i gotta stay loyal to my girl” he said as he stopped you and gave you a twirl as he held your hand. hm, bold..
Turning back around while he opened the front door for you, it was already set in Onyankopon’s mind that you two would be more than friends..more than bestfriends at that, and he would know all about your favorite things, and your favorite parts. And if you were sure about one thing in your life, it would be that he would be yours by the end of the night, and he knew which set of girls did it the best. Walking off of the front lawn he opened the passenger door for you and quickly ran to the drivers side.
“manner-able too” you thought to yourself looking pleased. “So Ms.Y/n,” he said taking a sigh and turning the ac on low, causing the pine tree air freshener to dance around the rear-view mirror. “Who taught you how to whine like that? Im a visual learner by the way..” he said as he licked his lips and smiled, looking even finer in the low car light which illuminated his grills and nose piercing, rubbing his hands together showing his gold watch which sat pretty, almost as pretty as you on his wrist, accenting his thick veiny hands. Polished fingers looking so delicate and so clean, so glossy yet so rough. Everything about him was fine, and looked expensive.
His clean white shirt didnt have to be name brand to make his outfit hard.. damn was he good at existing, everything about him was so clean and polished. He is aesthetically pleasing to the eye which not a lot of people are. You couldnt stop looking at him in this lighting.. the low dim lights of the party didnt bring out all of his features as well as the car light did. Around his eyebrow rested a small but noticeable scar and a double slit eyebrow made his sharp features even more attractive.
“Lemme take a picture of your fine ass to make this view last longer” you said while grabbing your phone to snap a quick pic, quickly opening snap since their camera was the best. “i would send it to you but i dont have your number, here put it in” he laughed at your demand for his number. “You want me to drop you home? and you still aint answer my question mama” he added on determined.
“I’ll answer it when i get home, its still early so you can come up with me till youre ready to leave, but until then..” you said as you pulled him close and pecked him on his lips, “whats your favorite color?”
Boy are you in for the RIDE of your life..
guysss i hope you enjoyed this i feel like im getting back in the groove with this writing thing this was also long as fuck😭 so please give me any tips and tell me if you liked it! Big up my carribean people and give me some scenario ideas!😋~ ℒℯ𝓁ℯ<3
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Hi! its me again.do u write for the side characters too?if yes can u do a hc of how they would react if a really short MC can pick them up?if u don't write them can u do it for the bros btw can I be ✨anon?thx in advance!
YES! hiii ✨️ anon!
Obey me! x short! Reader
How do they react to short! MC picking them up?
Damn, you're hella strong.
[Part 1]
Part 2 (side characters)
Sorry in advance, some of the pictures idk who they came from.
Characters: obey me, brothers.
Bold is reader. (Reader is like dominant)
Warning; long, slight begging(light), good boy mentions, VERY VERY SLIGHT sussy, ¡!cringe!¡ (I need help with my life)
Note; the picture is an example/how they look like. You'll understand when you read one of them.
~Oldest to youngest~
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Twitter artist: kuso_gk666
Lucifer was in his office as usual, doing work. Although today would be his last day of his pride.
"Luci! You promised me you would sleep!"
"Ah, sorry dear. Just few more papers, I'll go to sleep."
You knew he wouldn't only do a few papers.
"Luci, you don't want me to do this."
"Pfft, what are you gonna do? Pick me up?"
As he said smirking, looking down to you. 'Your just too short' He thought.
He flinched when he didn't feel his feet on the ground. He looked at you baffled. His face was red as his eyes. He didn't expect that!
"P– put me down now!"
"Awww, did someone's pride been broken into pieces by short little me~?"
You gave him a smirk, snarking at him. His face was so easy to read. He really thought you could do nothing because of your height? Oh he was so wrong. You went on the bed but did not let go.
"[Name], were already on the bed. Put me down already!"
You wouldn't let go that easily now would you?
"Say the special word then."
He was confused. 'What special word?' He thought.
"Hah...I guess I just have to tell you. Beg."
He was bewildered by your response. He tried covering his face but you grap his wrists so he couldn't cover his face.
"I guess I'm not letting you go now."
He doesn't want you to let go He looked away, hesitantly....
Augh- that hit you right in the heart. You let go of him, slowly putting him on the bed. Putting the blankets over him.
"Good boy. Now that wasn't so hard is it?—"
He felt the smirk on his hand that was covering your mouth.
"Sh- shut. Let's just go to sleep."
Now you do it every time he does this. He always expects this. His face shows annoyance but you knew...He loves it
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Twitter artist: kurekachan
Note; well I didn't originally found this on Twitter, I was on Reddit and I saw the art and in the comments, the person who posted it linked the artist and told me it was in Twitter and the account. I didn't press the link so if I was wrong I am so sorry
"Pfft, wow. Never thought I would see the great Mammon get tied hanging upside-down."
"H– hey!.....augh, lets not talk about this, let me down!"
You didn't budge and just looked straight in the eyes. He knew what you wanted, you wanted him to beg for it.
".....please, pretty please [name]!"
You quickly untied him but he still didn't feel his feet touch the ground. You were carrying him! Just how??? You were so short!
"Let's go shopping, yeah?"
His eyes brighten up, although the tip of his ears is still bright red.
"Are you gonna let me down now?"
You didn't awnser and just ran out of the door.
Rumor was that there was a speedy midget carrying someone to the mall with the avatar of greed
He wonders why you bought some bunny ears.
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Twitter artist obm_kuki
You guys wanted to go home, play some video games and watch anime. But Levi got a twisted ankle from running too fast and tripping, and this is how you got here.
"I can still walk!"
"With what workable leg."
"My right one!"
"...you damn know that you cannot walk unless you drag yourself right?"
"Hahh....I guess I gotta—"
You made a mental reminder to buy some earplugs. Damn you almost needed a docter-
"P- put me down!"
"No. You have a twisted ankle AND no one is literally Here beside us so no one is gonna see us. Jeez."
"PFFT AHAHAHAHAHAHA, I CANT— BREA- BREATHE!" Asmodeus was laying down, gasping for air. While the other brothers were trying to not laugh. Attempt failed Apparently, your other friend (me 🤭) posted you two on media, and Asmodeus saw it.
Now Levi is in his room, not even budging when hearing a conversation about ruri - Chan or his beloved video games. Although he did want to just bust down the door when he heard you talking about a new game. He is the one who is supposed to do that with you! My, my! So jealous
Perhaps he would come outside if you come in his room and convince him?
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Damn....Satan may have mistaken your alcohol as water.
Welp! It's your responsibility, not mine! Cya—
"Hgnh....[name] don't go!~"
Great. He can't correctly walk anymore, and if I leave him alone he'll destroy everything if something goes wrong! What did you do shortie? You picked him up.
"Ah— oh! Pfft, why are you picking me up? What? Am I a cat or something? Haha!"
You can smell the awful smell of alcohol from him.
*later that day*
"Why is Satan screaming and running around? And why is he red?" Beel asked, concerned also because he could destroy everything. And the kitchen!
"Well apparently [name] picked him up but he kept bothering them. So [name] decided to prank them when he gets sober up. [Name] put him in a maid dress with cat ears and tail, then they made a video. And Satan remembers when [name] picked him up." Lucifer told beel, as he glared at the laughing Asmodeus.
Yeah, Asmodeus didn't go unharmed well he did since he can't get his precious skin get damaged! but the area around him didn't.
"You like the outfit hm?"
Yeah! I- its like a cat!"
His word slurred but you still understood.
"Can you say that you won't ever drink anything that's mine without permission?"
"AhEm, I won't ever drink anything that's yours without permission!"
"Good boy—"
Satan turned it off quickly. Embarrassed, he still remembers so vividly of the warmth of your hand on his face. How he felt when you said 'good boy.'
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Obey me
It's his birthday! You wanted to take a picture of him. After you took the picture you noticed he didn't move.
"Hey, let's go. We don't wanna miss your party now do we?"
"Of course darling! It's just....I think my leg gave out on me—
oh– oh my!"
"This fits you as a pReTtY LiTtLe PriNcEsS."
"H- hey!...well that was pretty funny"
You smirked at his confession. You could never get tired of his beautiful smile.
"But I didn't expect you were so strong but yet so short!"
'Damn....he was right though' you thought.
You both went in the party, it was truly a good day. Soon to be a good night. He surely would have a beautiful lustful smile.
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Twitter artist: SnailTato
You saw him in strength many times. Now you wonder how strong you were! And thats how you and Beel got here.
"[Name], I don't think this is a good idea though. Are you sure?"
"Yup! I am NOT gonna go back to my words. Heh."
You had to do some convincing that you wouldn't be squished by him. He shut his eyes then he jumped, he felt arms carrying him. He opened his eyes and saw you....how??? You were so short though! And He was huge!
"See! I'm strong enough!"
Beel was piggy-back riding on you, Diavolo was impressed by your strength! Luci was very, very concerned. He was ready to put a safety magic spell just for in case. You also gifted Beel pocky sticks. But he was still hungry, for your warmth. Maybe you could hold his hands/body in a different way hm?
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Deviantart artist: il-lumee
You were so tired of waking up and seeing belphie sleeping on the floor beside you with a pillow and a blanket. Like seriously! If you wanted to sleep near our wonderful, darling [name] then just sleep on the bed not the floor and if there's no space just wake them up.
As much it was rather cute, but still no.
The next day, you stayed awake but pretended to sleep. You heard the door creaking and a loud
He fell didn't he....you stood up and walked to him. He woke up but still half asleep. Until he saw your face and didn't feel the ground.
He jolted
"Stop moving around, where did this sudden burst of energy from the avatar of sloth, you sleepy head."
Well how do you feel when you see a shortie picking you up!
You set him on the bed, you spoon him.
(He probably likes being the big and small spoon)
He sighs. Well, at least he doesn't have to sleep on the hard floor just to be next to you. He falls asleep as he snuggles closer to you.
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yuseirra · 1 month
I went out for a walk and it helped me organize my thoughts, let me be bold about my theories/assumptions because I CAN and it's a now or never thing till it's proven wrong. But when I write these, I am confident to a degree. I get worried later, but I feel sure when I write them.
I believe Kamiki lied to Aqua to save him the pain of feeling sorry for him, the way Ai was very harsh when she left him.
Also, I believe Ai picked the right guy to love. This guy has a really tender soul. Or at least used to be, I think. He's very gentle in nature. Uh huh, he'd have been really good with their kids if he had the chance to raise them, him and Ai would have made a sweet family the way Ai pictured it to be. This guy's polite and sweet. Let me explain, okay?
I looked back at those segments in 154 when there's a flashback of Ai leaving Kamiki and Kamiki talking about Ryosuke, and the way things are laid out looks really similar to each other. I'd say it actually looks like parallels to each other. The sides of their faces appearing(and we don't see their eyes) and then their backs turned at the viewer. When expressions are concealed like these, you can't read what the characters are actually feeling. And this comic has really powerful expressions that are very on point and let the reader "understand" and feel what the characters are going through.
that entire page where Kamiki talks to Aqua about having wanted to scare Ai? I think 80% of it would be all lies. The only part that I believe is the actual truth would be that he did give Ryosuke the address and he didn't know that he'd kill her, but that's probably something that's slipped out by mistake. The explanation he brings up for having done such an action is utterly ridiculous and dumb. There are so many ways to "make someone despair", and needless to mention that it's so wrong and terrible to do, its also not something that's guaranteed to work, nor is it practical in the first place. It's an action that has really low probability to achieve the said desirable effect. That's why I keep making speculations about this, it does not make sense. I bet most of the fandom would have felt the same way about what he's said as well, saying stuff like: "How could he have never seen it coming?" Yeah, right?? I think he isn't responsible for this happening to begin with. Any person with a sane mind would feel this way, and he doesn't seem that insane. I think Nino could be irrational to some extent but not this guy!!! That's why I'm convinced that it wasn't this guy who could have done this, but Nino after she's been thrown into the picture.
Kamiki would know what he's saying doesn't make quite a lot of sense himself. He's a fully-grown adult!! Over 30 now, and he should know enough to realize what he's talking about. He's just trying to push through because he's been used to lying for other people's behalf and he's pretty confident that he can fool people, the way he used to be ever since he was so little.
What he's saying is just a flat-out lie to save his son from feeling the slightest amount of guilt for having to socially kill his own dad. I think so. Him and Ai are a liar couple. Ai lied and made it really harsh, I think, in order to save her boyfriend from feeling too terrible about the breakup, she wanted him to hate her for it and move on from her quickly and save himself. What Kamiki's doing here's similar. He doesn't want someone he cares about (he does care about his children btw, gonna discuss about this later) to have any remorse or concern over him. He'd feel better if his children just plain wants him dead, that's his way of loving them, the way Ai was for him.
Aqua's reaction towards Kamiki's ridiculous claim is so blank and unmoved, he should have been ANGRY, grabbed him by the collar, scold him, make inquiries, but Aqua just moves on to ask if Kamiki believed Ai's words. And then we see Kamiki's face with eyes, in acceptance, saying he did, continuing to say "everything Ai's said is the norm." That's a totally different approach to the claims he's made earlier, it contradicts it, because just a second ago he claims he wanted to have Ai feel the same despair as him and scare her for having claimed she can't love him, but then, he says what she's said (the fact that she can't love him) is understandable and right. Those two reactions, I believe, can't be simultaneously established at the same time. What he says later is how he truly feels about the situation. He just plain accepted that he was never loved. It wasn't something so surprising for him.
I said this in another post yesterday but he's as much as a liar as Ai is, they both constantly smile to pretend they're all right.
That smile he floats is consistent through the entire time he's shown in the story and the only times it breaks is when it has to do with Ai and when she sees him through. And it starts to break the moment he sees her talking about him. Every expression he makes when he sees Ai in the video are his true feelings. His smiles, on the other hand, are his coping mechanism and are all masks.
If you see his behavior patterns, Kamiki smiles when he's in distress, that's his way of coping when something he can't fully comprehend happens. He cries as he smiles as he seeked for Ai's help in a flashback in 153, and he tries to float a smile when Ai says she's going to leave him. And the way he responds to these tough situations, when he faces them, are... soft. He tries to calm himself down and inquires Ai "Why.. is that so?" and his reactions after that too.. are very far from aggressive. He was always far from being so during the times we actually see him do things.
I don't know how his way of speech is in Japanese, but I have a feeling he'd be the type that speaks in a very polite way. When him and Ai meet for the first time, I think he used honorifics to her and attached a -san to her name? He was pretty polite when he talks to Yura, too, and I mentioned this once but he EVEN ADDS A -KUN AND -SAN TO TRASH LIKE RYOSUKE AND AN ABUSER LIKE AIRI. The guy killed the love of his life and the woman.. I don't even want to bring up what she did to him, he has all the right to show signs of bitter hatred towards them, but.. he doesn't... This attitude of his is also consistent of how he was as a child. As a little boy, he was mistreated but he tried to endure it thinking 'but they're happy'. I don't think that part about him has changed so much. He finds it really hard to hate on people, even when it can be justified. That's why, I don't think he would have harnessed any hatred towards Ai. He didn't even do that to Ryosuke and Airi!!! They're terrible people!!! If he can't do that to those scumbags of individuals, would he to Ai?? Would he?? There are people who are selfish and are strong towards the weak and weak towards the strong but I don't think that would apply to his case. Nope, I don't think Kamiki originally has it in him to harm ANYONE at all.
I wholeheartedly see why Ai really wanted to protect him. He's just so.. vulnerable and maybe even too kind for his own good. Ai has a lot of protective instinct and she's really caring towards others in the ways she could. Seeing a guy like this.. would have really made her wish 'oh, I really want to help him.' AND that's exactly what she does!!! She's even left a message to her kids about this!! Help this guy with me, she says.
Continuing on with the polite and kind bit, this characteristic of him is ACTUALLY THERE in his interactions with his children. He didn't get to be with them, but I think he was happy he got a chance to approach and talk to them, he probably wants to give them their mother back with everything he's got from what I'm guessing. I think he may have just wanted to pet Ruby's head that one time his eye sparkled white and smiled. He could have been a proud dad, he praises his kids every time he meets them, says they're pretty, they made a good movie, congratulates them, says they shine. He understands Aqua's character and pays attention to Ruby when her career soars.
It's similar to how Ai was really proud of her children and wanted to spend more time with them but couldn't. I feel they would have been loving parents if they had raised their children together. It's just as how Ai's pictured it. She knows what kind of guy her boyfriend is. She's the person who'd understand him the most out of anyone, ever in the world and she wanted to be with him while being aware of it. He says he is willing to give his life for her, he STATES that as a quote. So, she did find someone who's pretty good! The guy had sweet nature, is good with kids, also had good looks(she had to mention that as she left lol.. that too is also what hurt him though, she knew exactly which strings to pull to render him speechless), doesn't have that much aggressive tendencies, is polite, a good actor, shares a similar past and could relate really well to her,
he did suffer a lot and that made him a bit insecure but he genuinely loved her and she did too, and if things brightened up a bit.. if he could have been lifted of those burdens he had..they really could have had a future together. The important thing here is that HE is the one she wants. Ai is very serious about love, and she's intelligent, I feel. She figures what's good for her and she gets what she wants. And she wanted to be with him. I don't think her being with him would be concluded as a mistake. There's been so many horrible things that were thrown to the both of them but, they were both essentially good people who found each other and wanted to love. I want the story to end with that sentiment. The more I try to analyze the guy, I feel he may not been that bad... he actually seems to be a pretty tender person inside. If only they could have been happy... idk how, but maybe they can still, you know? Because as they say in the first chapter, this story is fiction, but most fiction has a happy ending. Also, what I could infer from the movie arc when that was brought up again was that "love" isn't fiction. It's something very real that can't be brushed off as fake. Kamiki knows Ai's always loved him now, and he'll try to do something from his end. Love goes both ways and theirs will too, in the very end.
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eoieopda · 1 year
CONGRATS ON THE MILESTONE BABY, here have some flowers 💐
here i come with a humble request 🫡
i was thinking of a hobi + secret relationship trope... maybe smutty too if you're up for it lol 👉🏽👈🏽
can't wait for the drabbles you're gonna write omg 😭🤲🏽
what lua wants, lua gets 🫡 tbh i think this is one of my favorite things i’ve ever written, so tysm for unwittingly setting that stage 🫣
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the one where hoseok plays with fire
pairing: degenerate!hoseok x afab!reader type: (d) angst, smut (18+) | wc: 1.6k au: secret/forbidden relationship, rival gangs, romeo & juliet kinda vibes 🤫 cw: acknowledgement of membership in street gangs but just to explain the dynamic (no depictions of gang activity); minor threat (not the band, just the potential consequences of their actions); public (ish?) sex; unprotected p in v penetration; not much in the way of foreplay because i’m operating under a word limit, lol; biting, a lil bit; gratuitous imagery of hoseok wearing chains 🫣 a/n: this popped into my head while listening to $20 by boygenius on reeeeepeeeeaaaaat. def check out this song (and the record!) there’s a direct quote from the song in the dialogue, btw. credit for that bolded bit goes to julien thee baker.
There’s a decommissioned junkyard outside of town. It sits within a constellation of run-down warehouses and empty parking lots, and has a gravitational pull all its own. Finding it doesn’t take much, just fifteen minutes on the expressway, two turns at perpetually-blinking traffic lights, and a specific strain of desperation not many will ever know the likes of. It’s desolate and depressing, but despite all that, it’s a sanctuary.
A hill to die on.
You’d spent more time there lately than you’d ever be free to admit. A veritable coffee stain on a map, you’re not sure that its existence on that side street was anyone’s conscious decision. Likewise, you can’t say for certain that the drop of its name would mean anything to anyone. It means everything to you, however, so asking after recognition isn’t a risk you’re willing to take.
You’re risking enough as it is.
As is usually the case, you’re the first to arrive. When you do, you ignore the dirt that kicks up with every step and swirls around your bare ankles; and you keep walking until you reach your usual perch. The bare-bones, American-made t-top sits where it seemingly always has: on cinder blocks. It’s older than you by thirty years or so, but it groans with vigor when you grip hard to the frame, slide your foot over the exposed wheel hub, and hoist yourself onto the hood.
The bare skin on the back of your thighs is chilled instantly by the paint-chipped metal below you. It loses more and more of its smoothness the longer it sits out, exposed to the elements, but then again, so do you. Maybe that’s why this spot is a hard-fought favorite of yours.
Your crows’ nest, your perfect vantage point. A place to sit and play look-out while your eager eyes scan the driveway ahead.
You hear him before you see him, but that’s purposeful. Hoseok kills the headlamp on his motorcycle before he comes anywhere near the junkyard — just in case, baby. The rumble of his four-stroke engine is one you can feel in your stomach long after he shuts it off. Even when he parks that pristine, second-hand Hyosung somewhere only he’d be able to find it again. Still, when he finally steps under the yellow glow of the street lamp — your only source of light, save for the moon — and he’s all you see.
Hoseok keeps his pace casual as he makes his way to you, but his anticipation is visible in his posture. He’s swallowing words, based on the blatant twitch of his jaw. Always clenched to keep from calling out to you, as if the abandoned area wasn’t chosen for its ability to keep your secrets.
With much more ease than you, he jumps and pulls himself up to the car hood to meet you. The metal creaks under the weight of his body, but when it hovers over you, it’s a sigh of relief. A millisecond can’t pass by before he cages your head in between his arms — palms pressed against the dusty windshield — and swoops down to capture your kiss.
“Missed you,” he mumbles against your lips. His tone is low, hushed, and yet still sandpaper-course in a way that screams I mean it. The distance at which his limited words keep you is contrary to the way he holds you — close to the chest like your feelings are as fleeting as moments like this, gently as if you’ll break apart in his hands.
Like he loves you.
Your fingers instinctively thread themselves in his wind-swept hair — no helmet, no surprise there — and now it’s his turn to sigh. Hoseok tries to pull away, likely to gaze at you the way he always wants to, but you claim his bottom lip between your teeth and refuse to let him — this — go.
It sounds so silly without full use of his mouth:
“Baby,” he warns.
You release him with a smirk, brushing the tip of your nose against his. There’s enough fondness in his eyes to drown in and you would, in a heartbeat, if time was ever on your side.
“Good girl.”
The delicate, cuban-link chain around his neck glints in the half-light. Little slivers of silver dance across your own collarbone as it sways in the space between your bodies. A little constellation, guiding you North from your southside trap to a home you can’t have.
You, who can never seem to leave well-enough alone, run the thin, interlocking rectangles between the tips of your thumb and middle finger. You know you shouldn’t, but you pout, “You’re late.”
Hoseok’s expression says more than he does. You hear, “I know,” but you see, “I didn’t have a choice and I never will.”
He grunts when he sits up onto his knees. Wordlessly, he spills over your side and collects into a puddle in the space next to you. Once he settles, he stares up at the sky. You know he’s focused on something even further away.
“Did someone follow?” You ask gently.
Hand slipping easily into his, your fingers interlock. Links in a chain. Never an accessory to be worn in public.
Hoseok’s mouth pulls up slightly at one corner; and you know what that looks means. It means twenty minutes down the drain, shaking a tail before he can make his way to you. It means that, next time, you may need to find a different hiding spot.
The arm furthest from yours is draped over his abdomen. He moves it, and you move to hover in the space he’s cleared for you. Anchored with your knees on either side of his hips, you cup his jaw with the hand not holding his. For you, he lets himself soften, leans into the warmth of your palm.
You don’t normally say the obvious out loud, but reality doesn’t always stay in the cage you try to lock it in. “We’re playing with fire.”
“In another life,” Hoseok replies wistfully while his fingernails scratch — affectionately, teasingly, cautiously — down the expanse of your bare thigh. “We were arsonists.”
When he kisses you a second time, it’s enough for you to forget where you are. No longer in a junkyard on the outskirts of town, no longer on opposite sides of a line in the dirt, no longer trying to shove flowers into the front of a shotgun.
It’s enough.
It’s routine. You hike up the hem of your dress while he unzips his black jeans. Those are pushed down while your thong is pushed to the side; and so is the thought that this is the most of him you can have. You don’t get all of him, can’t lave your needy tongue over all of him, because it’s not safe to love him with all the layers cast aside. It’s practical, promotes a quick getaway in the event one is needed.
It’s enough, you think again, like repetition will make it true.
It’s perfect. Both of you keen when he enters you. Your thighs tremble; your walls grip him tight as they reacclimate to the stretch his cock demands. Hoseok notices your rapid blinking when you settle down on him. He knows without having to ask, kisses you through an ache that isn’t physical at all. It, like him, stays where it’s kept: in the left side of your rib cage.
“Shit,” he grunts. “Feel so perfect, baby — fuck.”
You roll your hips against him, taking him all the way and dragging the curve of his cock over that secret spot inside you. Aren’t they all? His fingernails leave impermanent, crescent indents in your thighs. You try not to care that the moon looming overhead is unapologetically full — and present every night.
There’s a newfound desperation in the way Hoseok clings to you. He digs the heels of his boots into the Stringray’s hood, hands pulling you down onto his cock while he fucks upwards into you. It drives him insane when you swirl your hips with him buried inside you, so you do, smirking like the devil.
You burrow into his neck to leave wet, open-mouthed kisses on any hint of skin you find. As you do, your fingers return to his hair and tie themselves off. If you chain yourself to him this way, maybe you can stay this way.
A quick nip at his neck unearths a groan that makes your cunt flutter around him. Tragically, no sign of you or your teeth is left behind on the side of his throat. Still, you kiss it better, whispering, “Could fuck you like this forever, baby.”
“Oh, my love,” his breath is hot against your ear when he chuckles darkly, “You hear the way your pussy is gushing all over my cock? You won’t last forever.”
His thrusts deepen. Hoseok is dead-set on unraveling you, thread by thread.
“In fact —”
Your teeth pinch his lobe. Hoseok snaps his hips forcefully in response, and your gasp echoes over the rusted squeak of a worn-out suspension. It briefly overpowers the muted slap of his pelvis colliding with the underside of your thighs. It doesn’t compare with his breathless laugh, though, not by a long-shot.
“Little vampire,” he chides you with a grin that takes effort. You mewl when his fingertips press bruises into the flesh of your ass. “Don’t think you’ll last another minute.”
Hoseok is a lot of things; and while frustrating is one of them, wrong rarely is.
It’s white hot, the uncontrolled pleasure burning through your core, and your vision matches when your wildfire orgasm ignites. Fingers searching for purchase grip tight to his jacket. Your heavy head dips forward as you cry out. Like always, you fall apart at the seams over him.
Slumped against him, he envelopes you in his arms as he fucks straight through your high and into his. Spent in every way that matters, you can’t fight off the sob that starts in the pits of your chest and crawls out of your mouth. The shiver down your spine can’t be blamed on the wind.
“Hey,” Hoseok murmurs, petal soft, “Baby, no, don’t cry.”
He takes your face in your hands and leaves you no choice but to look at him. With concern wearing creases into his forehead, he smatters kisses on every part of your crestfallen face. He whispers promises between each as he goes.
It’s okay — We’ll figure this out — I love you — We’ll be alright, you and me — I love you.
And even if it’s not all true, it’s enough.
Enough to keep you going.
Enough to glue your broken pieces back together.
Enough to keep you both from noticing the faint hum of an engine in the driveway.
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