mn-yg · 8 years
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cutiepiebts · 8 years
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Yoongi’s nose crinkle appreciation
©  x x x x x x
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smallirl · 8 years
겨울을 끝내고파 그리움들이 얼마나 눈처럼 내려야 그 봄날이 올까 Wanna put an end to this winter How much longing Should we see snowing down To have the days of spring
BTS, ‘봄날’
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jeonggukl-moved · 8 years
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나 더 이상은 진짜 못하겠다고 포기하고 싶던 그때마다 곁에서 넌 말했지 새꺄 너는 진짜 할 수 있다고
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geniusnamjoon · 8 years
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sunshine boy ☉
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bangtans-snail · 8 years
Let’s play a game (M)
Namjoon x Reader x Hoseok
Anon asked: hi!! could you write something where the boys invite you over for movie night and you sit on the couch between hoseok and namjoon sharing a blanket and they both decide to finger you during the movie, trying to make you moan? omg im sorry if this doesn't make sense I love your work btw!
A/N: ehehe~ so its FINALLY done and honestly idk how i feel about this i wanted to make it different from all the other request fic like this and it ended up kinda long in the process sooo... but anyway I really hope my beautiful anon who requested this likes it feel free to let me know what you think!((another old fic im reposting~ I promise ill be posting something new sooon))
Genre: Mature content a.k.a~ very smuty smut smut~ you've been warned~
Word count: 3.7K
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I was at home flipping through channels trying to find something, anything, to watch that wouldn't put me to sleep. When my phone started to ring. I set the TV remote down and stretched trying to reach my cell which was conveniently placed out of reach on the opposite side of my couch. When I finally grabbed my phone I saw Jungkook’s name light up my screen.
“Noona~” he whined out obviously wanting something.
“Yes Jungkook what's up?”
“How come I haven't seen you in over two months?!”
“Well I don't know maybe the fact that we both work for a living.” I rolled my eyes at his question.
“That's no excuse, we all miss you so we're going to have dinner tomorrow.”
“I have a thing tomorrow I can't”
Suddenly he put the phone on speaker and I could hear all seven boys objecting and saying “Y/n you have to come please~”
I let out an annoyed sigh which seemed to make them quiet down a bit. “What time did you have in mind kook.”
Jungkook took the phone off speaker but I could still hear the other boys cheering in the background.
“8 O’clock.”
“I can't guarantee anything but I will try to be there.”
“See ya there Noona~.”
He hung up and I let out a defeated sigh. “What a brat.” I whispered while setting my phone to the side.
It was the next day and I was running towards the restaurant the boys wanted to meet at. I quickly checked the time, 8:30. “Shit they're gonna be pissed at me.” Once I finally made it I was out of breath and my feet were killing me from running in heels. I wasn't the most appropriately dress as the ‘thing’ I had to do was go out with a couple of coworkers to celebrate someone's birthday. I was wearing black heels and a black body con dress that had a little too much cleavage than I would prefer. My shoulder length hair was in loose waves. I was out of breath as I walked up to the boys table I waved to get there attention
“Hey guy's! Sorry i'm late.” I squeezed into my seat in the corner between Hoseok and Namjoon we were always the closest due to us being the same age. Namjoon quickly looked in my direction and suddenly began choking on his drink.
“Oh my god namjoon are you okay?!” He quickly nodded and began cleaning up the mess he just made. He cleared his throat and opened his mouth to speak. “Uhh.” Namjoon at a loss for words looked towards the other end of the table hoping someone one else would chime in. I was starting to worry as they all seemed to just stare at eachother. Yoongi was the first to speak up and I was thankful someone broke the awkward silence that had fallen over the table.
“Y/n-” I looked towards him “Why are you dressed like that?”
“Like what?” I knitted my brows together waiting for someone to elaborate when Jimin blurted out “You look really~ hot, Noona.” I burst out laughing and everyone stared at me in awe.
“That's what all the fuss was about?” I wiped the tears that began to prick in my eyes due to laughing so hard. “I told you I had a thing before this, and I didn't have time to change sorry.” Namjoon quickly spoke up.
“No, no you look good y/n.”
I continued to laugh while thanking him when I heard hoseok mumble under his breath “yeah really good.” but I didn't think much of it.
We spent the rest of the night catching up. We drank like always and they told me about new choreography and songs they were working on. I told them about my work which wasn't nearly as exciting but they wanted to know regardless. At a point in the conversation I leaned forward against the table and in turn my breasts were pushed up as well I saw Namjoon begin to stare out of the corner of my vision.I had been drinking earlier as well and I had a steady buzz giving me quite a bit of extra confidence. So I thought it might be fun to tease him a little. I leaned forward a bit more and changed the direction I was facing to give him a better view.
We made eye contact and he looked at me questioningly. I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth and smirked taunting him a bit. He raised an eyebrow at my suggestive behavior but soon I felt his hand rest against my thigh. He glided his fingers up and down testing just how far up I would let him go. When Hoseok suddenly slammed his hand on the table, trying to get his point across to the others, and causing Namjoon to flinch.
He pulled his hand away in shock and I couldn't help but snicker at how fast his boldness had left him. I scooted myself closer placing my own hand on his leg, mimicking his earlier movements. Tracing my fingers in patterns while actively participating in the group's conversation.
“Noona you're coming to movie night right?” Jungkook asked as i had cancelled on him twice before. Namjoon was beginning to fidget in his seat. “Yeah sure I'm free.”
“You have to promise. You can't bail on us again.” This time it was Taehyung. “Yes, I promise guys.” Once they seemed happy with my answer I slid my hand towards Namjoon’s growing member gently rubbing small circles around him trying to get a reaction. He cleared his throat and grabbed his drink taking a sip as his face tinged a light pink.
I quickly took the opportunity to give him a rough squeeze. A deep groan settled in his throat as everyone turned their attention to Namjoon. I looked at him innocently as he took a large gulp and began choking for the second time tonight.
“Ahh~ Joonie are you okay?” I said in a light teasing tone while giving him another squeeze. He cleared his throat hiding his moan and quickly began stuttering “Y-yeah it j-just went down the wrong p-pipe is all.” Namjoon was known to be clumsy and kind of a ‘walking disaster’ if you will so no one paid any mind to his strange behavior. He quickly pushed away my hand sulking over the fact that we had almost been caught. We didn't stay long after that seeing as it was getting late and we all had work the next day. Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jin were the first to leave as they needed to stop by the studio before heading back to the dorm. So Taehyung and the others offered to take me home.
“Tae..? Why is your car trashed?”
“It's not trashed! I just like keeping some things in here in case I need them.” I scrunched my nose picking up an empty McDonald's cup and flinging it up to the front seat. He rolled his eyes and grumbled gripping the steering wheel.
“Y/n, do you want a ride or not just get in.” We began moving things around and soon realized that we all wouldn't fit. Jimin shoved everything to one side of the car and sat in the middle of the back seat. Jungkook was in front with Tae and Hoseok followed Jimin sitting in the only empty seat left. I looked at them all trying to figure out how I was going to fit. Hoseok looked at me with a wide smile. “Come to Hobi!” He patted his lap repeatedly waiting for me. I giggled and held his arm to steady myself while stepping inside.
We were In the car for some time when Hoseoks arms wrapped around me tightly. He was normally always a ‘touchy’ type of person so I didn't pay it any mind. But after hitting a few bumps in the road I felt him tightly grip my hips. “Ahh sorry is it uncomfortable?” I whispered loud enough just for Hoseok and I to hear. I suddenly felt him pull me closer. “I saw you earlier.” My eyes went wide with shock. “So you have a thing for joonie, y/n?” His breath against my ear sent tingles down my spine and I instinctively moved my head to the side giving him better access to my neck. Catching myself I blushed and was about to straighten myself back when I felt Hoseoks tongue glide against the skin I had just offered him. I whined at the sensation
“N-no it wasn't l-like that we were just playing around is a-all.” He bit down roughly and I had to pull my bottom lip between my lip to muffle the moan I was about to let out. He was licking me soothing the agitated flesh.
“So…that means you can play with me too?” He gently kissed my neck and I felt his mouth curve into a smirk. I let out a quiet giggle before glancing towards jimin and the others. They were all singing to the radio purposely off key and if we weren't so distracted we would both be very annoyed.
“Hmm, be careful what you wish for Hobi.” I said with the same teasing tone as earlier and before he got a chance to answer me I grinded myself against him. He gripped my sides and let out a low grunt. I wasn't satisfied I wanted him to moan loud enough for the others to hear. The chance of being caught always gave me a rush but others weren't so fond of it. I've had men dump me over it countless times. So normally I'd refrain from it but seeing as this was probably just a one time thing, and was drunk enough not to care, I was going to have as much fun as possible. So I continued moving against his now growing member. He stilled my movements with a rough grip.
“What do you think you're doing y/n?” I  laughed “Well you did say you wanted to play right Hoseok? This is how the game goes, you try to hold your tongue and I tease you. How's that sound?” I felt his grip loosen and I took it as him accepting my challenge. I began moving against him again forming a slow agonizing rhythm. He whined in my ear obviously frustrated with me. I felt his tongue against me again no doubt trying to keep himself quiet. His teeth grazed my sensitive skin and I reflexively jerked against him. Letting out a groan that was a bit loud the boys turned towards us.
“Hyung is everything alright?” My heart quickened in excitement. Quickly he spoke as to not raise any suspicion. “Yeah i'm fine just a little nauseous is all.” Jimin gave him a concerned look and I took this opportunity to slide my hand around and gently massage his bulge. Hoseok gripped my my elbow trying to stop my movements “Are you sure Hyung I can take Noona from you if you'd like.” I gripped his member in my hand
“N-no! Jimin it's more comfortable having s-someone to hold onto.” Jimin raised an eyebrow but didn't push it any further. The boys went back to their previous conversation arguing about something completely absurd. This time the first one to move was Hoseok rolling his hips eager to relieve his growing problem. He was focused eyes closed and gripping me tightly. ”Hobi are you telling me you give up?” His eyes snapped open a frustrated expression on his face. He shook his head not ready to lose to me quite yet, relaxing into his seat and gripping my elbows. He took a deep breath obviously having trouble with his self-control. I went back to my previous rhythm but as we got closer to my apartment I moved a little harder and a little faster. Timing my movements perfectly with the speed bump in the parking lot of my building this time I got him to make the sound I wanted.
A loud moan rang through the car heard clearly even over the radio. Hoseok quickly pulled me close hiding his face as Jungkook and Jimin stared in confusion not sure why there Hyung just made such a loud sound that sound. Taehyung was too busy driving but kept glancing at the rear view mirror. I spared Hoseok the embarrassment of having to come up with something later and quickly threw out a believable story.
“Umm I may have accidentally hit his dick when we went over that bump earlier.” Their faces turned from confusion to concern and horror “Hyung are you alright!” Jimin shook his arm. “Yeah that sounded painful Hyung.” Jungkook turned around from in front. “Y-yeah guys I'll be fine in a minute.” He tried to sound as if he was in pain and it was pretty convincing but then again he probably was. The boys all nodded still concerned. I took the chance to grab my bag and was about to step out of the car when Hoseok snatched my elbow roughly. I raised my eyebrow looking at him and to say he looked angry was an understatement. He pulled me closer whispering through teeth “You can't leave me like this.” I giggled smiling innocently so the others wouldn't suspect anything. “Oh but I can, actually thats exactly what i'm gonna do.” Giving him a playful wink I waved bye to everyone “See ya later boys.” I shut the door and started walking towards my apartment. Jungkook rolled down his window “Noona! Don't forget movie night this weekend, you promised!” I waved bye again not really paying attention, I was so exhausted that when I finally reached my bed I collapsed passing out immediately.
It was the weekend, and tonight was movie night. I realized just how badly I fucked myself over when I woke up the next morning. I not only ruined my relationship with my two closest friends but I fucked with them both within thirty minutes of eachother. I promised Jungkook I'd come to movie night and I can't get myself out of it this time.
Neither of them have texted me since then and I was nervous wondering how they'd act. I wore my black circle skirt with my pink crop top and a white hoodie. Taking a cab I tried to come up with as many solutions to whatever situation I was about to walk into. Would they ignore the fact it happened or would they both be pissed, I didn't know. I was about to knock when the door flung open and I was greeted with the golden maknae himself.
“Noona~ your finally here for a minute there I thought you wouldn't show up.” Laughing he pulled me inside. The smell of popcorn was wafting through the apartment and they seemed to have straightened up a bit. Still a mess but slightly cleaner than usual. I walked further into the house following Jungkook. There were blankets and pillows over every inch of the living room Taehyung and Jimin had built a small fort and were chomping on their popcorn. Jungkook took the opportunity to dive between them nearly knocking the fort down.
“Yah! Watch it, we spent nearly an hour on this.” Jungkook shrugged innocently and continued making himself comfortable. Jin and Yoongi were on the floor leaning against the couch with there own bowl of popcorn, which had a large portion missing no doubt Jin’s doing. I was going to sit on the floor as well when a taunting voice called out to me.
“Y/n we saved you a seat.” Namjoon patted the seat between him and Hoseok on the couch. I was going to decline but Hoseok pulled me by my arm and before I knew it the three of us were tucked under the same blanket watching the newest iron man movie. I was on edge unsure of what they were planning but after awhile I found myself getting into the movie. I was so distracted I didn't notice when they both scooted closer to me. I felt something warm and wet hit my ear and slide down my neck.
“Yah! What the hell Joonie?” I whispered and leaned the opposite direction hitting Hoseok’s chest. He took the opportunity to put an arm around me. They both had the same dark smirk plastered on their faces. Hoseok leaned in right next my ear his breath hit my neck sending my nerves into a frenzy. “Let's play a game.” He said it in a mocking voice that only Namjoon and myself could hear.
“W-what?” I moved away from him but that only pushed me closer to Namjoon. “Don't play innocent now Baby girl, it's our turn to play and we won't make it easy.” He looked at Hoseok and then back at me. They seemed to know exactly what the other was thinking even without speaking. They both moved closer but neither of them did anything, they were waiting for an answer. My heart quickened at the thought of being caught by the boys who were still clueless as to what was happening just inches away from them. I could feel my underwear getting wetter by the second. “I-i don't know.”
I blushed when Namjoon raised an eyebrow giving me a cocky smirk. Being bold was a bit of a challenge now without alcohol. Hoseok was the first to move placing a hand against my thigh and running it up towards my now throbbing core. Namjoon leaned towards me and licked just below my ear slowly moving toward my collar bone. I moved my head to the side leaning on Hoseok's shoulder. He was still rubbing circles around my thighs teasing me. Namjoon suddenly bit down and I nearly screamed but instead I sunk my teeth into my bottom lip muffling the sound. I waited for them to move but they stayed still and I looked up at Namjoon. He stared into my eyes.
“Sorry Princess but you'll have to give us a better answer than that.” I could feel their breath on the sides of my neck. I shuddered at the sensation, It was like there were two animals ready to devour me at any second. I began to squirm and felt my soaked core get even wetter, if that was possible. I grabbed Hoseok's shirt and looked towards him “P-please.” I was desperate for their touch. “Please what, Princess?” I wanted to punch Hoseok in the face but, I needed them to satisfy the ache that they caused in my lower abdomen.
“Please t-touch me.” I couldn't believe how needy I had become. It was barely audible and at first I thought they didn't hear me. They didn't waste anymore time and quickly lifted me up to sit on both their laps. They spread my legs by putting one leg between each their own. I was starting to worry as it seems they both thought this through quite a bit. Namjoon began to suck on my neck again raking his teeth against my skin giving me a shiver. I felt Hoseok’s hand begin creeping up my thigh again pushing my skirt up out of the way. “Holy shit” Namjoon raised an eyebrow and I quickly looked away. Namjoon placed his hand next to Hoseoks and his eyes widened “Is it even possible to be this wet?” He whispered in my ear. “What a slut.” Hoseok replied with a chuckle. Suddenly i heard a loud rip.
Letting out a gasp I realized they had just ripped apart my underwear. I guess I'm going home commando? I was torn from my thoughts when Namjoon started circling my clit with a finger. Hoseok was tracing the wet lips of my pussy with his and a sudden rush of heat washed over me. The blanket didn't help but it was the only thing hiding us from the other boys. My legs were shaking there hands flet so good. Hoseok abruptly shoved a finger into me and I bit my lip so hard I was tasting blood. He smirked at my willpower and put a second in my throbbing core “mm-” I looked into his eyes while leaning against Namjoon's shoulder who was still circling my bud in a agonizingly slow rhythm.
“Paybacks a bitch y/n.” Hoseok said matter-a-factly and I rolled my eyes. He increased the speed of his fingers thrusting into me “She's so tight.” Namjoon smirked at Hoseok. “Maybe we should see how well she stretches?” My eyes widened and before I could react Namjoon shoved two fingers in following Hoseok's rhythm. I grabbed their legs for support as my body was becoming too heavy to hold up. My core was throbbing from the way they were stretching me. It was slightly painful at first but that quickly melted into pleasure and, I was getting closer to my orgasm. My lip was so abused from my teeth that Namjoon crashed his lips into mine to try and keep me from biting it off.
His tongue slid into my mouth as Hoseok placed his free hand on my clit again but this time circling in a much faster pace I could feel my climax approaching. My stomach contacting and sparks ran through my body I moaned a warning into Namjoon's mouth and he immediately pulled away. I was confused and trying to catch my breath and that's when I remembered the game. It was too late and as my orgasm ripped through me I screamed in pleasure gripping both the boys arms with all my strength. I looked up to see all the boys facing me.
Namjoon and Hoseok shocked even though it was there fault. Jungkook's face was beat red and he looked disgusted. Taehyung seemed confused and oblivious as always. Jin was downright pissed and Yoongi honestly just didn't seem to care. Jimin was the only one to express himself in words. “Wow Noona first in the car and now during movie night.” He raised an eyebrow at me suggestively.
I'll never be able to live this down.
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hobih-remade-blog · 8 years
Everything will be okay soon, my beaut!
prompt: things you said when you thought i was asleeppairing: yoonseokwords: 1,031note: this is so fluffy and cliche i am sorry pls kick me, also sorry for taking soooo long :’)
“you don’t mind me sleeping, do you? i can barely think, i’m sorry.”
hoseok blinked, pushing the suitcase onto his back seat in a flustered tranced before shaking his head at the man beside him.
truthfully, yoongi did look like something similar to hell, the bags under his eyes too dark and too puffy to be healthy, and the glum look on his face twisting every smile into a grimace. he pulled up his hoodie, resembling something between a seal or a penguin, his cold cheeks flushing to a speckled red in the winter air. he gave hoseok a dim look, eyes dull and drained with everything but fatigue, lips an unusual shade of pink and chapped (but nonetheless, still kissable on hoseok’s behalf).
the flight must have been painful.
“no no, sure it’s fine! get all the rest you need,” hoseok grinned, snagging the handle of last suitcase out of yoongi’s hands, “go wait in the car, i’ll put these away for you. my phone should be at the front so go choose a mellow playlist.”
yoongi scoffed, “of course, leaving your phone unattended in your car.”
“i’m literally standing right next to it, yoongi, i’m practically in it.” hoseok gave the car door a dramatic slam. “you don’t see my face for two and a half weeks and here you are, giving me shit again, i swear -”
“shut up and hurry up, i want to sleep.”
yoongi shuffled to the passenger seat, collapsing into it with a grunt.
“and the car smells like shit. what did you do while i was gone?”
the last suitcase had fit into the trunk with a substantial amount of pushing and a hoseok muttering to himself about how yoongi could still roast him while being half asleep, but all was well and hoseok joined yoongi in the front of the car, twirling his keys (and the newly attached koala key chain that yoongi had given to him as soon as they embraced at the arrivals gate and Hoseok had laughed, “it’s you on a keyring!”) around his finger.
“it smells great, thank you very much. it was your gross ass smell that polluted the car before you left, and now it’s been ventilated. you should be thankful.”
“tell that to the cologne you bought me.”
and before hoseok could retort something about axe deodorant and that jimmy choo cologne, yoongi’s neck was tilted rather obscurely on his neck pillow, chin tucked into his hoodie and slow heavy breaths escaping his lips. he couldn’t help but smile, couldn’t help but notice his dainty eyelashes and the subtle parting of yoongi’s lips, their curves, their shape, the natural pink hue returning to them. he couldn’t help feeling revived again. so alive with yoongi asleep beside him, his gentle breath and something from the weeknd humming the background of their quaint little reunion.
don’t get him wrong, hoseok was grateful, ecstatic about his boyfriend getting the essential nap he needed, the exasperated expression of his face evident even as he slept. but nineteen days without min yoongi was something that tugged a selfish string in his heart. nineteen days without tireless movie nights or cuddles at three in the morning, or stupid jokes and incessant rants about their neighbour’s cats, or yoongi simply chatting about his day and how much he loved that peculiar little ceramics store that sat beside his studio, he missed yoongi muttering on about the most mundane things on fruits and the colour of his shirt, he missed that low calming voice that encased him, that cascaded into his heart and slowly entranced until everything hoseok would hear would be in the beautiful tune yoongi’s captivating voice.
he had been too afraid to call yoongi, tempted but apprehensive due to yoongi’s stern intention to work on the business trip, but even so, yoongi had called him a few times, and though soft whispers over the phone at one in the morning felt angelic to hoseok, they could never excel the pure bliss of listening to him murmur little things to him in real life.
maybe it was just his aura, hoseok had mused, his eyes on the road. the sky was fading into a pink hue, golden on the horizon.
a bit like yoongi, he thought. pink. warm. because that’s what yoongi felt like. an overwhelming rush of warmth, on his tongue and his lips, an effervescent glow that tinged hoseok with excitement. a synesthetic stupor that lulled him to yoongi. his presence had always caught hoseok of guard, stumbling into him, head first, heart first. yoongi was his stability, but a familiar warmth he could fall into.
the music had kept hoseok’s mouth shut, lips pursed into a modest pout.
but they weren’t shut for long.
“you know, i really missed you,” he whispered lowly.
“and i really love you.
“but anyways, i’m happy you’re safe.”
the words fall pleasantly with the low hum from the speakers, lazily rolling off hoseoks tongue as he swayed to the music, grip still tight on the steering wheel. And before he knew it, hoseok wasn’t whispering anymore. his soft coos to yoongi blossoming into something more, and once again hoseok had been caught off guard, having fallen into the trance of yoongi’s warm atmosphere, lost in the thoughts of his boyfriend, his playlist as gentle background music that accommodated those thoughts rather pleasantly.
hoseok was singing again.
“don't stop your lovin', it's all i have, 'cause i can't function, no i won't last,”
hoseok was singing again, a gentle low tone that still charmed yoongi who did his best to hide a dainty smile into his hoodie. hoseok was singing, aimless, unaware, raw with beauty and sincerity. there was no playful singsong of his voice, nothing sarcastic he’d blunder out during karaoke – just something so pleasurably real and sincere about words that fluttered out delicately into the cool air in the car.
“i swear i'll love you just like the past, 'cause I know what's pain, this is not the same...”
hoseok was singing again, and though yoongi had wanted to sleep through the ride back home, the melodic daze of hoseok’s voice was enough to drive away the fatigue. he listened throughout the ride back, a smile tucked into the neck of his hoodie, cheeks flushed from something other than the cold.
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yoohnseok · 8 years
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Literature Teacher Hoseok ♡.
882 notes · View notes
mn-yg · 8 years
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jeonggukl-moved · 8 years
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► yoongi’s hair colors → brown
(requested by anon)
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geniusnamjoon · 8 years
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requested by anon ↳Yoongi + Winter
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mn-yg · 8 years
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This road may be long and arduous but Will you stay with me?
467 notes · View notes
mn-yg · 8 years
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as graceful as a girl
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mn-yg · 8 years
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180 notes · View notes
mn-yg · 8 years
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975 notes · View notes
mn-yg · 8 years
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it’s a yoonmin thing
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