#bts wizard smut
Berries and Crème
⇰ Summary: You find that not all is well in the land of Strawberryland, where there are seven men with colorful hair that have never laid eyes upon a woman before meeting you.
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⇰ Words: 12k
⇰ Genre: Smut & Angst (Crackfic)
⇰ Pairing: BTS x fem!Reader (all members)
⇰ Warnings: Strawberry Shortcake AU, Cunnilingus, Fellatio, Dubious Consent, Implied war, Mentions of PTSD, Voyeurism, Breeding kink, creampie, Jungkook centric, the boys are clueless and don't know what sex is until you ruin their innocence, fucking of pumpkins-food play-ish?, lots of fruit puns/references to sweet things because of the theme, comparing pussy to pumpkinussy(?), plot if you squint. A/N: I DID IT I POSTED YAYYYY! But also please enjoy, I am really tired but I felt bad so here is something I have had in drafts for a while....a fucked up strawberry shortcake au where reader isn't in a good situation-HAVE FUN! Low key kidnapping but whatever. I think I was PMSing when I wrote this. Or it was when I was in a poly relationship with two guys and got carried away.
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You remembered traveling. You were in a car, a really nice car…and you were…yes, you were being kidnapped by your uncle. He said something about some money, some money your father wouldn’t give him. And then the car crashed.
When you came to, he was passed out and you were stranded under a tree.
Suddenly, a puppy with purple fur ran out. You were disoriented and had no clue what the time was but it was strange how the purple puppy that looked to be a toy poodle was running around you, barking as you looked around for anything that could help. Your uncle was unconscious and bleeding out right now so the only thing you could think of was to run away from him. 
There was no telling what the man would do, especially now since you were injured. Sure, he was bleeding, but would that really stop him? He could still very well overpower you. You put your hand up to the dog, as if you were trying to silence it, pressing a finger against your lips and gently whispering: “Shhh, be quiet, you’ll wake him.” You noticed the puppy whining and barking as if it was trying to get someone’s attention.
Suddenly, you heard rustling coming from some bushes nearby, and noticed how big they were. The structure of this area was strange, apart from a few trees scattered around and a mysterious looking log cabin, there was a small fraction of the land that was surrounded by a row of bushes. It almost looked like it was covering something.
Then, a man just appeared, from the bushes. As if there was something hidden there, he just walked out, and you saw how he stepped THROUGH them. So they were fake. He had to be a magician or a wizard of some sort, as the world seemed to warp around him and you sensed something magical about him.
He had doe eyes, and a button nose which was wider all throughout. He was very handsome and appeared to be asian. You weren’t one to guess, but if you had to, you’d say he’s korean. His purple hair wasn’t the strangest thing about him-his outfit was. He was wearing a matching dark purple tracksuit and a light cyan blue and white shirt. His hair was put into a neat ponytail and….his eyes were a deep rich violet. He was probably wearing a cosplayer. 
“Ist def douclf dtep?” That didn’t sound like any language you knew as he opened his mouth to speak. The puppy barked and ran around you, as you looked up, hot from the heat and dehydrated from the past hour of being stuck here.
“Please, help me.” You reached out to the man, in hopes of him reaching back to you before you fainted.
When you came to, you were in a bed, surrounded by two other men, who were peering at you with curiosity. A third man walked in, and as your blurry vision cleared, you could see it was the guy that helped you earlier with the tracksuit. The two other mystery men had strange hair colors and outfits too. One had maroon and pink hair fading into a lighter shade, and he was wearing a really long pink shirt with green and white tights (a man in tights? REALLY?) and lilac contacts in his eyes, while the other had a more normal appearance with blonde hair and blue eyes, but wore a lemon themed outfit, with a goofy lemon printed button up shirt and a plain white tee underneath with some shorts and a pair of white and yellow tights and yellow tennis shoes as well. What was it with the men in this place and their fucking tights?
“Ah, she’s awake?!” The purple haired man ran to you at once. You blushed a bit because it was so nerve wracking to see a good looking guy be attentive towards you. “Move away guys, give her some space.” He said to the other men.
“I can understand you.” You said while sitting up.
“Yeah. That’s because I brought you into Strawberryland. Normally we don’t let other humans cross in, in case they try destroying the town. God forbids that happens again…” He said with a slight dark twinge to his voice. 
“Strawberryland?” You raised a brow and sat up. “What’s that?” You prayed they wouldn’t break into song and dance. 
“It’s the name of this world. You see, long ago, the Berrymunchkins and Berrybugs needed a place to live, so a great wizard from the human world created a safe haven for all the creatures to live, hiding them away from all harm-along with a couple human beings to boot. It was meant to balance out. 15 people, and 9 of the creatures. However, the creatures felt wronged, tired of being used for labor as they had been previously in the human world. So, they retaliated. Slaughtered half of us. You see, we had siblings. There were two of us in each house, and we were happy! My sister…” He clenched his fist. “I’ll never forget what they did to Plum,” He gritted his teeth. You could tell he was going through something at the moment. Definitely looked like PTSD. “Sorry. You probably didn’t need to hear that. But it’s the current state of things. Sorry I couldn’t do more for you than offer a heatpack for your stomach and a hot towel for your forehead. We are pretty much out of medical supplies because the bug workers at the local hospital went on strike.”
You sit up slowly, wincing from the sudden pain.
“What kind of a city is this? Berrymunchkins and bugs, the color….I don’t understand how it’s so…wait, are we in a giant plum right now?” You looked around the house and noticed the shape of it. It was decorated purple, everywhere, and the windows looked candy-stripe themed as well, with green and white peppermints serving as the panes for the glass.
“Yes. Well, that is the magic of strawberryland. We weren’t born here but it gave us these physical changes. Pretty sweet if I say so myself.” The one with the blonde hair spoke up, chuckling in between.
“Wow. And this place was hidden right where the car crash happened? Wow, I guess I got lucky.” You said, sighing in relief.
“Car…crash?” The man who helped you originally asked. “Is that the name of the vehicle that brought you here? My pet, Lavendar, found you and got my attention. I almost never venture out but then when I saw you I had to help. Plus, she’s a good dog. She normally never barks like that,” He said. “Might I add…” He scans your body. “You are unlike anything I’ve ever seen before.” He said.
“Can I ask you how long you’ve been in this place?” You piped up. You had to know.
“Uh…I think a hundred and ten human years, at least?” Your eyes widened. “Time doesn’t pass for us, just barely. We don’t remember the world before this one. We don’t remember why our physical appearances changed or how, all we know is that we’re here now,” He added with a smile. “Together.” He looked back at his friends and gave them a small smile.
“Okay, so to recap: this place has powers and…you don’t have your memory from before you were here and there was a war and your siblings died, and now I’m the first human to cross the magical threshold in a century?!” 
“Yep, that sounds about right.” He replied, nodding. 
“I’ve gotta be dreaming. Wake up!” You yelled. Nothing happened. The men just stared at you like you grew a third arm.
“Ugh, why isn’t it working?” He sat down on the bed, next to you as you slapped your face.
“Please stop doing that, you’ll give yourself a concussion at this rate.” He said with a softer tone. You felt oddly compelled to listen to everything he said without protest. Technically, he did save you. You blushed as he grabbed your arms to keep you from smacking your forehead a fifth time.
“I uh…thanks for saving me,” You sighed. “Actually, I was in danger before you found me anyways…” You weren’t sure if you wanted to share.
“It’s okay. You sound shaken up. Makes sense, you were trapped there for a long time. Look at your skin, you’ve been sweating so much, and your body is barely sitting up straight. We need to get you some food and proper care immediately.” He said, making your heart skip a beat yet again.
Your stomach grumbled just as he said that. Damn you!
“Uh…sir?” You asked hesitantly.
“Yes?” He parted his lips and looked at you with so much focus you thought you would explode.
“What’s your name?” 
“Jungkook.” He smiled at you.
“I’m Y/N.” You smiled back at him.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” He kissed your hand. He let his lips linger there for a moment and looked back at the other men before looking back at you. “I’ll let my friends here introduce themselves to you. I gotta take Lavender on a walk.” He said, before leaving through the front door.
“I’m Seokjin. ‘Jin,’ for short.” The blonde said, standing tall.
“And I’m Jimin. Also go as ‘Jimmy,’ or ‘Chim.’ But only my friends call me that really.” The pink haired one scratched his head.
“Okay, I have a weird question for you guys but…promise not to judge?” You asked, blushing a bit as you tried not to stare at the outlines of their bulges.
“What is it?” Jin asked curiously.
“Why are you wearing tights?” 
It was as if you asked ‘how do you breathe?’ to them, as they started roaring with laughter.
“Honey, I don't know what to tell you. We’ve always worn tights. Why do you ask?” Jin asked, completely oblivious to the fact that even though he was wearing shorts the tights did press down on his dick.
You look at Jimin, who was wearing the shirt and suddenly noticed it was JUST the shirt. You licked your lips. That was very interesting to know that you were seeing everything below the shirt, even though he was wearing tights.
“You’re not wearing pants.” You said.
“Of course I’m not! I never wear pants.” He folded his arms. 
“He’s protesting them because the rest of us tease him about his habit about walking around naked in his house.” Jin shared with you.
“I get it. So you all live alone?” You asked, changing the subject. That’s enough ogling Jimin’s obvious bulge for now. At least you had confirmation he was pantsless.
“Yeah. We do.” Jin says. “There’s seven of us, at the moment.” 
“Oh?” You perked up. There were more? If the trend follows they were all gorgeous men.
“Might I add, Jungkook was right,” He slowly let his fingers trail down your chin. “You are quite interesting to look at. We’ve never seen anyone with your eye or hair color around, and that skin tone.” He was vague, but that was okay, as you knew you were exhausted and didn’t look your best.
“Sorry…I think I need a shower.” You felt rude, but Jimin walked you out of the bed towards it. The shower and bathroom was pretty similar to home so you were thankful. After you were done you changed back into your bloody clothes, which caused both Jin and Jimin to freak out.
“Here, take my shirt!” Jin said, throwing off his button down.
“You can take my tights,” Jimin said, and before you could stop him…penis.
You were staring. It was just..out in the open. And Jin wasn’t even batting an eye! Did these men have no concept of shame? You blushed. He wasn’t even wearing underwear.
“What?” Jimin looked at you. “Did I say something?” Jin shrugged as you simply ogled Jimin.
“S-sorry. Uh…in my world it is customary for men and women to not show their genitalia to each other unless they are practicing sexual relations with each other.” You explained.
“Sexual…” Jimin started.
“Relations…?” Jin finished.
“What’s that?” They both had no clue what the fuck sex was. Your mind went to a very bad place. You decided, the opportunity doesn’t present itself often, you needed to get your mind off the fact that a few hours ago your uncle kidnapped you, and Jungkook had gotten you horny beyond belief. Not to mention, these two seemed more than intrigued by you anyways.
“You want me to show you?” You raised a brow.
“Show us how?” Jimin asked, his cock swinging back and forth as he spoke.
“You know the thing you use to pee with?” You asked.
“Yeah,” Jimin smiled. “My penis.” He said.
“Correct. Did you know you could also put it in something and make it feel good?” You said, smirking.
“Like what?” He asked.
“Anything, different textures. Obviously you’re both novices so I’ll just give you something easy to start with,” You looked around and noticed two pumpkins sitting on the counter, with all the seeds scooped out of them. “Oh, I know…guys, is Jungkook using those pumpkins?” You ask.
“No, he was planning to throw them out soon cause they go bad in a few days.” Jin says.
“Okay great. So I want you guys right now to take the pumpkins,” You say, smirking as you had a great idea to ‘teach’ them, without fully corrupting them just yet. They listen to your instructions. “Pull down your tights and take out your penises,” You tell them. They do that. “Now, slowly move your penis into the hole Jungkook cut out, it should be big enough,” You observe them slowly, smirking as they started, eyebrows furrowed like they were learning a new skill. “Every time you move your hips back and forth, it’s called fucking,” You say. “Congrats on learning how to have sex. Basically, you just masturbated, or ‘self-pleasured.’” You tell them, clapping.
“Fucking. Mmm…Y/N, this feels really good.” Jimin groaned. His moans just got you riled up.
“I feel like I might explode, from the inside…” Jin said, his white shirt patched with sweat, and you could see his nipples were erect through the shirt.
“Let it happen, it feels like you’re about to pee? That’s called an orgasm.” You said.
“Orgasm,” Jimin repeated. “O-orgasm….Y/N, I’m about to orgasm!” He said, as if he had just learned a new vocab word.
“Come for me Jimin, baby…come for me.” You whispered against his ear, sucking the shell of it as he continued fucking into the pumpkin, the sound of his cock hitting the back of it could be heard. The slosh of Jimin’s and Seokjin’s cocks moving in and out of their respective pumpkins were all you could hear at the moment.
“Ahhhh nnnnnggg…” Jimin moaned, filling the pumpkin with his semen at the same time as Jin, who came and groaned, looking at you ecstatically.
“That was great!” Jin smiled. “I wanna do that all the time!” He told you.
“Well that’s the thing about sex, it’s good. It feels good, or is supposed to feel good.” You explained. “I haven’t had sex in a few months.” You sigh.
“Do you wanna try?” Jin handed his cum-filled pumpkin to you in hopes of trying to cheer you up. 
“Sorry, Jin,” You pushed the pumpkin back to him, crinkling your nose a bit. The smell of cum wasn’t bad, it was just the idea of having cold cum on your hands. “Women have a different anatomy than men. I might as well teach you guys the second lesson.” You explain.
“Hm?” Jimin asked.
You slowly pull off the tights Jimin lent you. The men crouch down, so they can take a look. They were staring at your panties.
“You’ve never seen underwear before?” You asked.
“No.” Jin said, staring intently between your legs.
“Us women have a different body structure than yours. We don’t have penises to fuck pumpkins with…” You said, chuckling slightly at the end of your sentence. “…instead we have wombs and holes that are meant to be fucked…” You slowly pulled off your panties to show them, blushing pink as they stared at your exposed clit.
“Oh…” Jin looked at it, with a mouth-watering expression.
“Wow…it’s so pretty.” Jimin said, complimenting you.
“C-can I touch it?” Jin asked. You knew this was already a pretty slippery slope but he was the one asking.
“Yeah, sure, if you want.” You whispered. Jin slowly squeezed on your clit, and circled his fingers around slowly.
“Does that feel good, Y/N?” He asked, staring directly at you. “It smells so yummy,” He whispers. “Can I eat it?” Oh god.
Oh god. Oh god. Oh god.
“H-huh?!” Jimin looks at Jin with a blush too. “No fair-I wanna eat it!” Jimin said.
“O-or…” You piped up. You should probably stop talking. “You could both share it.” You said, slowly taking their hands and placing one on either side of your inner thighs while you sat on the bed.
“Okay…” Jimin nodded.
“Yeah, I don’t mind.” Jin said in agreement. They both slowly slid their tongues up your clit as you moaned. It had been too long since you had a guy or two go down on you. 
“Sorry, does it hurt?” Jimin was confused but he had the right idea as you groaned.
“Mm, no, it feels good.” You admit. You sigh, before Jin slowly trailed his tongue down to your sweet spot. You gasped.
“Ah, watch it…that’s the hole…” You tried to explain. “Like the pumpkin?” He didn’t say it like he was clarifying, it was almost like he caught on what you were trying to do. One thing you knew for sure was that these guys learned fast…perhaps their intellect was also enhanced in this colorful twisted Strawberryland. “I understand…so you want us to stuff your wet fleshy hole in the same way?” He said, now using a bit of his saliva to part your inner lips, spreading it apart to get better access to you. You let out a ghastly moan as your juices mixed with his, and as Jimin kept sucking your clit all while this was happening all you could do was moan out, your eyes squeezed shut.
“That makes her feel good, huh?” Jimin’s voice was raspy now, as he panted, staring at your body almost like he was taking you in before destroying you.
“Let’s do the fucking,” Jin said, toying with your clit and using another finger on your exposed opening as your body sucked him in with ease. Your weeping cunt was forced to take his fingers, as he realized he could fuck you with two instead of one. “She’s like a keyboard, Jimin, we play her with our fingers and she makes wonderful music with her lips.” Jin said so innocently yet with his erotic expression and the raging boner he was rocking you begged to differ. 
“Maybe she’ll like it here…she’s also a little sour.” Jimin asked, as he moved his hands further up your body to try and find your other weak spots. Then he stopped at your breasts, squeezing them through your bra and shirt. Jimin lifted your shirt off your body before you could protest. 
“W-wait…” You whispered, but Jin was already too busy licking your sopping clit and thrusting his digits in and out of your hole while Jimin was focused on the new part of you he had just discovered.
“So that’s what you look like underneath…” Jimin said with a light glimmer in his eyes. “I wanna fucking you.” You suppressed a giggle at his flimsy attempt at using the word but soon enough it turned into a moan as he pinched your nipples, hard.
“Ah!” You screamed.
“What’s the matter? Don’t you want me to help you orgasm?” Jimin asked, with a small pout on his lips.
“Y-yes, but…it hurts when you squeeze me like that. Don’t be too rough, okay?” You told him gently.
“Sorry.” He leaned in and kissed you softly at first, while you thrust your hips back and forth reflexively on Jin’s fingers. Jimin’s lips were plump and juicy as his ass looked earlier in those tights, and you could taste a faint hint of raspberries on them…he tasted like a sweet treat! He kneaded your breasts with his hands, circling them around as you came on Jin’s hands and face.
“Cumming!” You moaned, as you came to a climax. Your body was still aching for more though, as Jin licked up your juices and trailed kisses down to your clit again before stringing beads of your cum back up with his nose. The sight in itself was marvelous. “Please give me your cocks,” You begged. “I need it.” You whispered, with a shell of a moan.
Just as Jin was about to speak and Jimin was playing with your breasts some more, you heard the front door open and a few moments later, footsteps. You stopped your activities when the door swung open and in came Jungkook, who looked confused.
“W-what’s happening?” He asked, noticing how you were naked, sprawled on the bed between Jimin and Jin in a compromising situation.
“Um, nothing!” You quickly hid behind the sheets, as Jimin tried to continue grabbing you. “Jimin, stop!”
“Why are you suddenly so shy? You were begging for our penises just moments ago.” He said with a seductive inflection in his voice.
“That’s because-it’s private! You normally don’t do that with just anyone. I was just showing you and Jin because you asked.” You explained, blushing as Jungkook simply tilted his head in confusion. You saw his eyes filled with curiosity and innocence too, but alas, you couldn’t corrupt him too!
“Ah, no fair. Can’t we just show Jungkook too? I mean, you can’t blame us. You’re the first human woman to show up here that knows about this. We have never even heard of “sex” before you showed us!” Jimin said excitedly.
“You do have a point there…” You said. “Jungkook, would you like to see my pussy?” You asked, covering yourself still with the thin blankets.
“Pussy?” Jungkook’s face turned a faint pink. “O-oh, you mean like…” 
“Wait, could it be that you know about it, Jungkook?” Jin asked, slinging his arm around the man as he scratched his head.
“I learned it from Doctor Genus, the berrymuchkin prodigy,” Jungkook explained. “Remember, I was trying to learn to become a Doctor because of the shortage in hospitals?” Jungkook explained. He looked at you, with widened eyes. “I’ve never seen one of our own species before…I do wonder what it looks like.” He said.
“So you wanna see it?” You asked. Jin and Jimin licked their lips, as Jungkook replied.
At once, Jimin and Jin pulled the covers off you to reveal your naked body to Jungkook.
“Wow…it’s so…pretty,” Jungkook slowly crouched down to inspect it. “Definitely not like a bug,” You felt like his reaction so far has made sense in terms of what you’re used to for men your age (which still in their mid-twenties is still pretty shit considering a lot of them lie about their experience). “May I…inspect it?” You gulped. He was being so respectful. You nodded slightly, spreading your legs so Jungkook could get a better look. “This is great. A real pussy!” He sounded more excited. 
“Yeah. And guess what Jungkook?” Jin said.
“What?” You were a bit afraid of what the two were about to say to him, as you knew if they started they would get hooked on your pussy.
“She gave me and Jimin permission to fucking her.” Of course, the one time he used it grammatically correctly was of course when he was describing it to the one man which probably had a better grasp of sex than the others. You clenched your jaw. What if Jungkook thought you were a whore?
“Fucking?” Jungkook’s lips parted and he let out a sigh, his hands on his hips. “What’s that?” 
You gasped as Jimin, who was fully naked waist down since he gave his tights to you, and Jin, who was still sporting his hard on were right next to you.
“We can show you,” Jimin smirked. “Y/N, do you want us to fucking you?” You smiled at Jimin. He was still learning.
“First; it’s called fuck. You ask if you want to fuck someone. Fucking is the action of doing that. There. And yes, I would love to, but you will have to be more gentle with me than the pumpkin because my body could get more hurt. Remember I was in an accident earlier.” You explained. Jimin nodded, looking more serious. You guessed he got the hint that you were telling him this so he could have better guidance.
“It’s okay. When we’re busy using our fingers on you like you’re our keyboard, you won’t even notice if we’re being a little too rough.” Jin said, grabbing your face so he could kiss you. You groaned as he forced his tongue into your mouth.
“Mmmm…!” You groaned. He tasted like lemons, smelled like them too, but it was more of a citrus smell than just lemons. It smelled like a variety of fruity perfume from Zara. He tasted delectable.
“Get a chair, Jungkook,” Jimin said, as he stroked his pretty pink tip. You moaned, seeing his dick in front of your face as you sat up in the bed and Jin started removing his remaining clothes. “I’m putting it inside, Y/N.” Jimin warned you, as you nodded and he pushed his hips forward. You moaned like a little bitch in heat. You could hear Lavendar barking downstairs.
“Give me a second, Lavender normally never barks. Let me go see what she wants.” Jungkook said, before departing the room.
“It’s okay, he can watch when he gets back. Do you mind still doing it?” You were surprised how Jimin went from being a totally horny boy to asking for your consent before continuing. It was a nice change of pace, but that just told you more about his character than anything.
“Yeah…be careful. Short strokes. Your dick isn’t humongous but it is on the larger side so it may be difficult for you to put it in.” You explained, while Jin watched as Jimin was being careful with your body.
“Okay.” Jimin slowly slid his cock into you with ease, as you were already wet enough. He started thrusting sloppily, unable to do it at an expert level but still reaching your deepest spots with every thrust as he fucked you best he could as a novice.
“Oooooohhh…Jimin!” You groaned. 
“MMmmm…it’s so warm, and gripping me so hard.” He sounded desperate to climax as he held your thighs while you rolled your body back and forth while he thrusted up. Your skin smacked together in a way where the wet noises resounded through the room. Jimin’s pinkish cock was inside of you, and you were even more aroused when you heard voices downstairs and then  the door slammed shut before Jungkook ran back up to join you.
“Sorry that took so long. Namjoon was making his last runs. Just got a fresh batch of oranges!” Jungkook said to Jin as he joined you back upstairs.
“D-don’t worry…y-you didn’t m-miss…much…” Jimin moaned as he was now fucking you in missionary position, now on top of you as opposed to you riding him. You groaned with every thrust and your eyes rolled back as you felt close. “Mmm, gonna….orgasm…” Jimin moaned, kissing your neck as you groaned and rubbing his face in your breasts before thrusting fully and sending you to your own personal creampie heaven as he came. 
You loved creampies, of all shapes and sizes and varieties. It was your main kink. So the thought of getting gangbanged and potentially creampied was your biggest dream come true. This right now, with Jimin, Jin, and Jungkook, all felt like a dream. You groaned as your body rocked and you chased your high, thrusting your hips upwards in hopes of drawing out the orgasm and using Jimin’s pretty pink cock to get yourself off. You came, just as he pulled out, you actually squirted. 
“I…” You said, too overstimulated to move as he didn’t touch you for a moment. 
“What was that?” Jin asked in confusion.
“Did you pee?” Jimin asked in a teasing tone.
“N-no, I squirted, it rarely happens to girls when they orgasm but it typically contains cum…and just a hint of urine,” You explained sheepishly. “Sorry, let me change the sheets.” You tried standing up but wobbled and fell back down on the bed. Jimin held you tightly, as if he was comforting you.
“Try not to stand too quickly. Besides, Jin here wants to also try out your hole,” Jimin said gently. “Are you sure you can handle that?” You were still slicked with cum and your own jism that you didn’t care.
“Yeah.” Was all you said as Jin slid beside you, while Jimin moved off the bed. It was a queen sized bed so it definitely wasn’t all that spacious for three people. Jimin and Jin were kneeling while they ate you out earlier too so that’s why it worked out. As for now…Jin teased your entrance with his fingers before pushing his cock in with ease. In contrast to Jimin, Jin was a more passionate and aggressive lover, pulling you close to him and making sure you could see his face while he piledrove his dick into you. You gasped and shuddered with every thrust, he was facing you, you could see how his hips met yours, and how his cock couldn’t completely fit in, so he went only halfway. You had to measure later but you wanted to say he was closer to 10 inches?
“Jimin’s right, it is warm and tight…” Jin smirked. “I like pussy.” Jin said with a cheeky tone in his voice.
“Y-you better, it’s meant to be enjoyed.” You said back seductively, moaning into the pillow as he pounded you for all you were worth.
“Jungkook, isn’t she something else?” Jimin said as he sat on a beanbag next to Jungkook.
“Yeah. She’s beautiful. And this is…sex?” Jungkook looked like he was making mental note of it as he watched Jin’s cock slide into your hole once more.
“Yep, and she’s a fantastic teacher.” Jimin said with a grin.
“I wanna have sex…” Jungkook looked at you with lust.
“Mmmhmm, me too, Jungkook.” Jimin smirked, looking back at you. “Here, let me show you how to masterbate…” Jimin slowly tugged his own cock, looking back at you and Jin on the bed as if he was watching an early morning special. Jungkook followed suit, removing his joggers to reveal his throbbing tanned dick, which was at least 8 inches. It was a bit bigger than Jimin’s, which already was pretty big to begin with. Do all the men here have big penises? You wondered. You watched Jungkook and Jimin stroking themselves, moaning as Jin continued fucking you before blowing his load. You gasped and your pussy clamped down on his cock, sucking him in before the white volcano splashed and the suction loosened, letting him go with a slow squelch. Your body collapsed out of fatigue.
“That’s enough for tonight, guys. She’s exhausted. Let’s let her sleep.” Jungkook ushered the other men out of his house after lending Jimin and Jin some spare tights and then switched off the lights. He bought you some dinner while checking up on you.
“Aw, thank you Jungkook,” You smiled at him. Suddenly your face turned pale. “Uh, did you by chance throw those pumpkins out earlier?” You asked. Jungkook furrowed his brows in confusion before nodding.
“Yeah…why?” He asked.
“Whew, nevermind,” You wiped the sweat off your brow while Jungkook watched you eat for a bit. “Why do you all look at me like that?” You asked, having had enough of the staring for a day.
“Sorry if it’s weird, we have just never seen a woman in so long, especially one that looks like you. And I know I told you of our past, but it’s so much more complicated when…” He fell silent. “I used to have a sister,” He sighed, before leaning back, the dim lighting of the bedroom was enough for you to make out that he was pondering something. “After the damn war, she was lost. So were the others. You’ll get to meet the remaining few tomorrow, the other humans I mean. And maybe Mr. Caterpillar.” Jungkook said with a small smile.
“I hope so,” You smiled back at him. “And I hope they’re just as nice as you guys have been to me so far,” Jungkook smiled a bit, before leaning in. “Y/N, may I taste your lips?” You raised a brow.
“Every one of us has a distinct taste. Jimin tastes like Raspberries, Jin like lemons, and me, like plums. I wonder…since you’re not from around here what you taste like?” You were a little weirded out. How the hell does he know what his friends taste like? Although, honestly earlier while you were kissing them you noted their delicious tastes. You wondered if they all regularly made out or something to know that. “What are you thinking about, I wonder, silly girl?” Jungkook called you silly.
“Hey, I am not-” He leaned in and kissed you. After a second, you kissed back. He was really good at that. You wished all boys would shut you up the same way. After a small amount of time, he kissed your forehead and bid you adieu. You fell back, and it was off to dreamland.
You were awoken to the sound of the door opening, you weren’t expecting him to be back so soon but you supposed he couldn’t hold back after seeing you earlier. He slowly slid into bed beside you, hugging you from behind. You don’t know what you were expecting, but you stayed still. Then…you felt wet hot tears on the back of your neck. Was Jungkook…crying? He was. You heard his sobs muffled by him rubbing his face into your back and his hands.
“Plum…I miss you so much…” He cried softly, and after a while his breathing slowed. You sensed he was asleep, so you turned around to find him passed out like a baby. You slowly wrapped your arms around him and stroked his shoulders as he nestled his head into your neck while he slept. You spooned him as you gradually also followed suit, and drifted back to sleep.
When you awoke Jungkook was still sleeping. He was gorgeous. He looked like any regular ol’ human, minus the purple hair and eyes, but he was. And his skin was pale, but not so pale it washed him out. You watched him sleep for a few more seconds before he shifted and his eyes met yours with a sleepy, “Good morning,” From him.
You smiled and kissed him softly, as he hummed and pulled you on top of him. “You noticed me?” He asked. “Sorry for sneaking into your bed in the middle of the night. I just had lots of memories…” Jungkook yawned. “Anyways, wanna get breakfast?” You gave him a sad sigh, but nodded.
“Sure, watchu got?” You asked him.
“Oranges!” He set them down in front of you after you joined him downstairs. Because you wanted some dignity, you had wrapped one of Jungkook’s shirts around your hips as a makeshift skirt. It was baggy and loose so it sat around your hips nicely after you had tied it best you could.
“Thanks,” You ate the fruits and then saw the puppy. She ran out of her doghouse to greet you. “Hi puppy!” You pet her as she yapped in your face.
“She’s happy to see you alive and well!” Jungkook smiled at you, grinning. “By the way, you taste like…whatever you eat! I tasted the noodles I got for you last night.”
“Yeah, that’s generally how it works for us normal humans.” You explained to Jungkook while playing with Lavender.
“Is that right?” Jungkook finished cutting up some more fruits. “Anyways, I have to get to work soon, but you’re welcome to join me today if you wish. You’re probably sore from Jimin and Jin’s…uh….play session yesterday, right?” You nodded.
“That’s alright. But…I do wanna return the favor to you Jungkook,” You hugged him softly. “You’re just so damn cute..” You whisper, trailing your hands over his tracksuit pants again. 
“Ah-ah….Y/N, what are you doing to me?” You tie your hair back, and get on your knees.
“Jungkook, can I please suck you off?” You asked directly. That was required in this land where the men are hot but their brains don’t have a clue about it.
“Uh….are you sure?” He asked softly. “I-I…don’t wanna pressure you…”
“I’m fine.” You looked up at him for confirmation before he finally gave you a yes. You immediately got to work, all while his dog whined from her doghouse on seeing you fuck her owner with your mouth. You knew sex wasn’t a concept here but you were ready to change that. Damn your overactive sex drive.
You sucked from base to tip, kissing his veiny length as best you could, before licking the surface in full and using your mouth to pleasure him. You had to be careful so your teeth didn’t scrape him but in hindsight, all attempts were successful as within five minutes, he came in your mouth. You guzzled his cum, opening your mouth wide as he released it all, and lapped up the remaining strings of semen off his thighs. His cum tasted sweeter too, just like vanilla or whipped cream. You knew it had to do with this wonderful berry land.
“Yum.” You said with a final huff. He hadn’t said a word apart from moaning every time you sucked him in, but he simply kissed you and wiped excess off your face.
“Thank you.” Jungkook smiled at you, panting slightly.
“My pleasure.” You smirked, washing your mouth before untying your hair again.
Jungkook took you into town. He said he used to help his sister with her dance studio but after a while passed it to his berry best friend, Hoseok. You were to meet him next, and you were nervous as you learned the guy was a professional dancer. You’d always wanted to give it a shot and Jungkook invited you to go to a practice lesson but today you were just visiting the studio. Jungkook still collected rent on the place, and today Hoseok’s rent was due.
When you walked in, you noticed tiny creatures running around and dancing. They looked like children, and you looked at Jungkook with confusion.
“Those are the mini-berrykins. They are produced once every winter when the spores spread from the trees and a new batch of 12 appears.” He explained.
“So they’re like…baby berrykins?” You asked.
“Yeah, I guess you can say that, in a way.” You and Jungkook walked up to the instructor, who was a red haired man, who looked to have a heart shaped smile and a very adorable and cheerful face. He was also very attractive. Your heart skipped a beat as he turned around and greeted you both.
“I hope you’re having a wonderful day, Jungkook Pudding,” He said with a smile. “Oh and who’s this? A new friend?” He peered at you with a curious expression. Upon closer inspection, he had a red themed outfit too, to match the cherry beret he was sporting. You noticed he looked similar to Jungkook with his casual leisurewear, which unlike Jimin and Jin with the tights, he was wearing dark magenta cargo pants and a hot pink and purple polka dotted t-shirt. He still looked hot, even with the outfit. You thought he’d look like a clown but he ended up looking better than you’d expect from a dude in such a fit.
“I’m Y/N.”
“Welcome to the dance studio Y/N. I’m glad you could join me today. I’m Hoseok Jam, I moved to town last so it’s strange seeing another new human being here,” He scratched his neck as you simply smirked at him. He probably had a better idea of what was what. “Especially a girl.” He added with a grin.
“So Y/N here was in a car accident and she was in trouble. So I brought her with me and she’s staying at my house,” Jungkook explained softly. “She’s been teaching me a lot of new things.” He said.
“Really? Like what?” Hoseok asked with a twinkle in his eyes. “Do you dance?” He asked you.
“Well, not really. But…I was teaching Jungkook about sex yesterday.” You explained sheepishly. There was no point in being a prude when no one in town knew any better.
“Sex…?” Hoseok looked clueless.
“She can teach you,” Jungkook looked at you with a soft gaze. “Right, Y/N?” You were already leaning against the barre, as Hoseok and Jungkook walked up behind you.
“Right. I’ll try my best,” You looked at Hoseok. “It helps you dance. It’s sorta like dancing but….dirtier.” You tried explaining.
“Oh? Dirty how?” Hoseok was inquisitive, that’s for sure. “What is it?” He asked with a soothing voice. You felt hypnotized as he pulled you towards him. You were a couple inches away from his face. Jungkook had turned on some music so you could dance.
It took you a moment, as the upbeat pop song urged Hoseok to move more vigorously, and he slowed down, grinding his hips against yours as you smirked and got close and personal with him. He grabbed your ass, smirking cheekily. You had a feeling these men weren’t as clueless as you originally thought, either that or you awakened something within him.
“Mmmm…you mind?” Hoseok asked as he grabbed your thigh.
“What?” You bit your lip, as he trailed his hand down. 
“I wanna make sure if I touch you, that you’re okay. Teach me this new ‘dance’ then?” Oh….he was asking. And Jungkook was watching for now, but slowly stepped over to you, pulling your shirt off your body swiftly.
“Oh she’s more than okay with it…” Jungkook answered for you, slightly rubbing your hardened nipples through your bra. “...See that? It means her body is ready to be fucked.” The tone he used, the way he sounded while he was kneading your breasts, it was as if his innocence was a charade, merely an act kept up by him before his true nature was brought to the surface.
“That’s not…you know you have to ask before you do this sort of stuff?” You said with a faint blush dusting your cheeks.
“What? Really? Because it seems like you’re pretty much up for everything regardless…” Jungkook pouted slightly. “Can’t we just do it whenever we feel like it?” It seemed Jungkook had your enthusiasm confused for consent. You didn’t blame him, from your previous actions it seemed like you were more than ready to consent to that.
“I suppose you have a point…but still, asking never hurts!” You coddled him as if he was a child.
“Okay…I promise to ask,” Jungkook hugged you softly, wrapping his arms around your waist while Hoseok ogled your breasts as Jungkook unclasped your bra. “Can I fuck you now?” 
You couldn’t say no, not when you saw his eyes. You began kissing him and Hoseok looked on with curiosity. You smirked, before breaking the kiss and turning to kiss Hoseok. Hoseok was a little confused at first, but slowly responded by placing his hands on your shoulders and leaning down so he could meet your lips. He tasted vaguely like cherries.
“Mmmm.” He moaned. “Ah…you’re hard…” You whispered as you saw his cock bulging through his pants. It was begging to be freed, while you looked at Jungkook with half-lidded eyes. “Jungkook, Hoseok, remove your pants.” You told them in a lowered voice. You prayed nobody would walk in but it looked like everyone had left. Now you, Jungkook, and Hoseok were positioned on the floor on a foam matt as Jungkook was at your head and Hoseok was positioned between your thighs. He was exploring you, following whatever his body urged him to do as you groaned between them. Jungkook held you on his lap, smirking and encouraging Hoseok.
“Oh, she liked that. Suck her there again, Hoseok.” Jungkook smirked at him. You simply moaned, as Hoseok’s tongue swept over your folds, and he suckled your clit.
“She tastes so good….in a different way. I’ve never tasted anything like it.” Hoseok said with a small smile.
“I know, that’s just her pussy. Her lips taste better in my opinion,” Jungkook smirked, before leaning forward and spreading your pussy cautiously. “Now just put your penis in here. Trust me, it is so much better than going to the bathroom.” Hoseok was confused but watched with curious eyes as you guided his cockhead into your pulsing hole, as you groaned from his size. He was a grower, something you hadn’t experienced in Strawberryland yet.
“It’s so warm…I feel like I might pee.” Hoseok groaned, closing his eyes. “W-wait, don’t pee! It’s only for pleasure.” You said with an exhausted moan.
“You tired, Y/N?” Jungkook asked, holding you tighter. “A little…” 
“Let’s change the position. Hoseok, how about we continue this in your office?” Jungkook reminded him of the rent again. It was so wonderfully debauched as you took Jungkook’s cock in your mouth and Hoseok’s cock from behind, while they talked about the rent and finances in Hoseok’s office. You were propped on the desk on all fours, moaning like a bitch in heat.
“Yeah, so the projected rate looks like it’s only growing. I don’t doubt that but I would like to see how it changes based on the changes I proposed.” Jungkook said, placing a hand on his chin as he pushed his cock all the way into your mouth. You choked, groaning as he ignored you and kept going despite seeing how it affected you.
“Mmmmm, too much.” You croaked, but he responded by gripping your hair and thrusting into your mouth harder. Hoseok noticed and picked up the pace, fucking you at a slightly more advanced pace now.
“I think it’ll be f-fine. Ah, I’m…I feel strange, Jungkook.” He said, gripping your waist.
“How so?” Jungkook questioned.
“Something is coming out of me, and going into Y/N.” He gripped your sides harder, his fingers forming small red marks on your skin.
“It’s an orgasm, Hoseok. You’re cumming.” You explained between breaths, moaning and gasping and letting go of Jungkook’s cock as Hoseok came all over your ass. He had pulled out, luckily, and decided not to cum inside you. You still weren’t sure what the consequences were but it was exciting nonetheless to have sex with so many gorgeous men thus far.
After bidding Hoseok goodbye, Jungkook took you to visit three more of his friends. Luckily, they were all together, busy with selling fresh fruits to the citizens of Strawberryland. You met Yoongi Shortcake, Taehyung Muffin, and Namjoon Blossom. You also found out that Namjoon was the one that delivered those oranges to Jungkook’s house the night before. Their personalities: all different. Yoongi was more introverted, he didn’t say much but his bright pink hair made you believe he was a real life anime character. He certainly looked handsome enough to be one, that’s for sure.
Taehyung had shockingly bright blue hair and a blue outfit to match, and he was extroverted, quickly offering you a fresh cookie after hearing about the car crash and hearing that you were in an unfamiliar world. His touch was warm, and he made you feel comfortable. Namjoon had a ‘dad’ type of vibe. When you met him, he gave you a smile and chatted with you about sales. He was really cute, all in all.
All three had their own charm, and every guy treated Jungkook like he was their little brother. You loved how close they were.
“So those were all the humans in town. It’s just us seven.” Jungkook said as he laid down on his couch after you arrived back to his home.
“I’m glad you have each other.” You said with a small smile.
“Oh I forgot, tomorrow, we’re having a bake off. Any dish we want,” Jungkook smirked. “I’m gonna win this year.”
“How do you know that?” You folded your arms.
“Just a feeling. So Y/N, how do you feel about having more fucks?”
After sleeping on it, you agreed to his idea. Jungkook, every man that met you here, so far everyone had been more than willing to indulge in you. Your hair was different, and biologically, a woman. They had some sort of a male instinct awakened in them whenever they looked at you.
Luckily, you were able to get cuter clothes from a Bug Shop which Jungkook agreed to buy if you agreed to help him. So, in your new green themed corset dress, and white tights and black Mary Janes, you walked over to help Jungkook setup. He smirked when he saw how the other men looked at you, like he anticipated it. He nodded at you and licked his lips but didn’t say much as you went around to talk to the others.
You walked up to Namjoon first, who was unfolding some chairs but stopped abruptly upon seeing you.
“Hey Y/N,” He scratched his neck. “You look lovely today.” He smiled shyly.
“Thanks Namjoon. I’m just wishing everybody good luck.” You winked at him. His dimples were honestly so adorable as he thanked you for wishing him.
“Thanks Y/N,” He stopped. “Hey, would you like to maybe hang out sometime after the competition?” He asked. You were expecting it. 
You visited Yoongi’s booth next. He had set up everything, sighing when you walked up to him. “Is everything okay?” You asked him.
“No, they gave me the wrong shipments! I was supposed to get strawberries, not blueberries.” Yoongi sighed.
“Blueberries?” Taehyung piped up. “If you’re not using those can I have them? I can always make another batch of my sister’s famous blueberry crème brulee!” Yoongi reluctantly gave Taehyung his ingredients. “Wow, thanks bro!” Taehyung slapped his back and walked off to continue. You felt a little bad for Yoongi, it looked like he couldn’t participate in the bakeoff.
“Yoongi…what about strawberry jam instead?” You asked, showing him the box of extra ingredients. “You could create the same flavor out of these, right?” You asked him for confirmation.
“You have a point but…I’ll use them on one condition.” You stop moving the box.
“What is it?”
“You’ll have to help me.” Yoongi smirked, as if he had been planning this from the start.
“O-okay.” You weren’t going to protest. You didn’t know him well, none of them really, but you knew enough to know they were all really friendly people.
“Start with mixing the batter,” You nodded and followed his instructions. “What are you doing? You’re not supposed to mix the eggshells in with it!” He gaped at you as you took the spoon out in confusion. 
“Sorry, I don’t cook.” You grinned sheepishly. He sighed and started cracking the eggs for you. 
“No eggshells. Those are like poison,” You sighed as he shoved the new bowl into your arms. “Start mixing.” You nodded, getting to work at once.
You set Yoongi back 10 minutes but after seeing how poor your skills in the kitchen were, he eventually took over, only making you watch over the timer. You didn’t mess that up, as at the end, his concoction was done. A custard dish, with strawberry flavored spongecake. Taehyung, who was right next to the two of you glanced over as you worked, and his eyes widened when he saw how it turned out. Then he had a wild idea.
“Wait, you should mix these in. Trust me. It’s gonna be like heaven in your mouth!” He was helping the enemy? You didn’t understand the ethics in Strawberryland and Yoongi accepted extra blueberries from Taehyung. After reworking it and getting another batch out, you noticed how the blueberries enhanced the flavor. Taehyung was right, it’s even better.
With that, Yoongi was crowned the winner. You went to see Jungkook, who was sad but ultimately happy for Yoongi. At least he wasn’t a sore loser. Yoongi looked at Taehyung as he accepted the trophy.
“Actually, I don’t deserve this. If it wasn’t for my friend Taehyung, I would have never won. Everyone give it up for Taehyung: the real winner of the bake-off!” Yoongi said, holding his hand up in victory.
“Really?! Thanks Yoongi!” Taehyung hugged him, laughing and taking the reward. “I think first place should go to everyone!” To your dismay, Taehyung started breaking off pieces of the trophy and handing it to all the participants. 
Okay if you didn’t already think you were dying from blood loss under a tree, you definitely did now. This was some disney channel bullshit! You watched how happy they were, as if this was a resolved ending!
Then night came. Oh how wrong you were. Jungkook invited everyone to the house with you, while offering some sangria. You all had a few sips when the conversation took a turn.
“You think our sisters would be proud of what we’ve become?” Jungkook asked Namjoon as he leaned back.
“If what we’ve become are our better halves the bloodshed would’ve been worth it.” He said with a slur, his eyes shutting as he looked at Jungkook slowly.
What? You were more than confused now.
“We promised not to talk about this,” Yoongi broke the momentary silence. “Shut up, shut up, shut up!” He yelled at all of you. “I’m sorry.” He apologized after calming down. You had a feeling something wasn’t right. Why there are only seven humans here and not 15….why Jungkook cried while holding you and saying someone else’s name. You had a gut feeling it didn’t have anything to do with fruity metaphors.
“I know something that can cheer you up.” Jimin said with a cheeky smile. The look on his face and how he looked at you was enough for you to pick up what he was putting down.
“Yeah, and she’s sitting right next to you!” Jin said, lurching forward and pressing a wet kiss against your lips. You gasped into his mouth. “S-sorry, are you okay with me kissing you?” He asked after breaking the kiss.
“Yeah. I’m fine with it,” The wine from earlier had made you horny already so you didn’t mind. You kissed him back best you could which was pretty sloppy already. Then suddenly, Jin was pulled away from you. “Wha? Why’d you sstop?” You asked with furrowed brows, before blinking and realizing that Jungkook had pulled Jin away from you. Jin looked at Jungkook like he could kill him. To which Jungkook responded by tilting your head back and kissing you.
“Y/N, I’m gonna make you my bitch tonight.”
Wait, where’d he learn how to say that?
You were about to ask, before Jimin grabbed you by the neck and took a taste for himself. He tasted lovely, just like raspberries. His plump juicy lips brushed against your chapped, thinner ones. His lips could compare to the feel of a pillow, as plush and soft as he felt, but wetter. Then you realized something as Jimin’s hand wandered down to your panties. As he kissed the side of your neck and his lips wandered down more, you gasped. He suckled. He left a mark. 
How did Jimin know how to leave a hickey?
“My turn…” Namjoon sneered, before kissing you in turn. Your tastebuds felt like they were on air as he kissed you, as he tasted like oranges and lemons. You loved the citrus taste of his lips, which refreshed your own breath. You were panting as he pulled back slowly, he gave you a sultry stare. You felt hypnotized by his gaze, and your body was hot as Jimin slipped your shirt off you unknowingly.
“What’s happening?” You looked at Jungkook for an explanation as he took his shirt off. His skin underneath was flawless, save for a few scars on his body that seemed to have healed from stab wounds, a wide line spread around his torso, almost like someone had dragged it out.
“You figured it out,” He threw his shirt to the floor. “Smart girl.”
“Did you think we were stupid?” Jimin asked as he kissed your ear.
“Of course we know what sex is, you dumb girl.” Jin said, grabbing your chin and forcing you to look up again as he kissed you. Namjoon continued kissing down your jaw, and collarbone.
“You see when we saw you, we knew….we just had to have you.” He said while nipping your collarbone and leaving another mark.
“Ah…you lied…” You sighed, closing your eyes as the men focused more on pleasuring you.
“Not just lied, sweetie, we’ve been deceiving you…so each and every one of us could have a taste of your sweet pussy.” Jungkook’s words turned your insides into mush. You realized it was a great deception after all.
“M-my…huh?” You were confused. “Why me?” They could have chosen literally ANY woman. And chose you.
“Because you’re so cute.” Jimin whispered in your right ear.
“And your body is so sexy.” Jin whispered in your left.
“And we haven’t had a woman in years. It’s been too long.” Namjoon groaned, releasing your skin from the clutches of his teeth.
“It has…?” You wondered about that. Why there were only men in this town.
“Yeah. You see, every time we feel the urge, we turn to each other but…it’s not cutting it anymore. An ass isn’t the same as a pussy and we decided enough is enough. And now….we want yours.” Jimin licked his lips, before kissing you again, his fruity scent mingling with yours. You loved the way he tasted! How they all tasted distinctly like fruits.
“But the car crash…” You looked out the window of Jungkook’s house.
“Forget him.” Jungkook said, standing up.
“Forget about your uncle. As of now, he is none of your concern. He tried to hurt you. I saw it. Lavender alerted me and I saw how he was startled and crashed into the tree, but then I saw you, and I knew you were helpless. You were drugged Y/N. Did you know that?”
You didn’t.
“You saved my life.” You said again. “Thank you.” 
“No need. I wanted to. We have each other now,” Jungkook placed a hand on your chin. These men loved doing that to you. “Will you have us?” 
You took one look at all of them and knew this was better than any alternative you could have imagined. They all wanted you, desired you as a woman. You had never felt this loved in your life. And they were giving it to you.
Jin lifted you up to the master bedroom, with the six men in tow, right behind you as he opened the door to the room. You were nervous with anticipation as he gently set you down.
“Be mine…” He whispered. You nodded as he began kissing you and removed your tights. You sighed, as he kissed down your face and then pulled back, now Yoongi and Taehyung staring down at you. Red and pink mingled together as the three of you shared a kiss. You groaned, Yoongi tasted like strawberries while Taehyung tasted like blueberries. It tasted like a smoothie in your mouth, as you gasped, groaning while Taehyung smirked and suckled one of your nipples while Yoongi worked on the other. Both men were eager to have you now, while Namjoon and Jin stood behind them, patiently waiting for their turn.
Jimin, Jungkook, and Hoseok were of no concern to you as there was too much to focus on. Taehyung’s blue hair under your fingers, Yoongi’s pink hair buried between your legs as he explored your clitorous, and Taehyung’s face next to yours as you studied him.
He was handsome, with a round face and well defined jaw, he appeared to be ethereally gorgeous. They all were gorgeous, but Taehyung’s beauty felt like something blessed by a god. You could feel a warmth from his smile and his gaze out you at ease. His wide smile and cherry red lips made you feel hot, as you blushed and looked down at Yoongi.
“Oh…he’s doing a good job?” Taehyung teased you as you could merely glance at the man, foaming at the mouth.
Yoongi was beautiful as well, his eyes drooped as if he was tired but naturally very pretty and green as he stared at you. His stare enraptured you, as he reminded you of a cat with how steadily he moved his hands down your left mound, and flicked his tongue over your exposed pink slit. You let out a moan.
“Mmm?” He whispered, vibrations against your pussy as he answered tiredly.
“That feels good.” You whined.
“Sweet girl, of course it does. He’s eating it well, right?” Taehyung’s comment was so innocent and erotic at the same time as he cupped your breasts at the same time. “Shall I eat your cunt too?”
You gasped, as both men fucked you with their tongues at once, making you remember what Jimin and Jin did for you the day before.
“She tastes so good, I can’t stop.” Yoongi moaned.
“Fuck…I’m hard.” Namjoon groaned, stroking his cock with one hand. You didn’t notice how quickly the others got undressed.
“I must…princess, may I fuck you?” Yoongi asked after pulling away.
“Yes,” You groaned, spreading your legs for him as the dark pink haired man slowly slid into you. You gasped as your pussy wrapped around him snugly and he fit right with you. “Ah!” You let out a ghastly moan.
“Fuck…” Yoongi groaned as the other men watched you get used by him. His cock was making you come undone at the moment, and all they could do was watch.
“Ah…please…gather around me…” You encouraged them as they jerked off around you. Seven cocks, one hole. You gasped as without warning, Hoseok stuffed his in your mouth. You still took it without complaint, as this was expected of you now.
“Ah…Yoongi…” You groaned as he snapped his hips back and forth.
“Yes…” You groaned.
“God, you were just made to take my cock, weren’t you?” You gasped as he made you arch your back. Yoongi was too good at dirty talk. You moaned as some of them came on your face, and your body was covered with white jizz. It was hot, sticky, and smelled good. You bit your lips. The sight was making you even slicker and turned on.
“God, we knew you were a huge slut when you made us fuck those pumpkins but looking at you now, we know you’re a total whore.” Jimin smirked at you, walking forward as he came all over your face. You gawked as he leaned forward and smacked his cock on your cheek, as if you weren’t even a person but rather an object for sexual gratification.
“I am a whore!” You admitted. “A big, dirty whore who loves cock.” You were ready to admit anything so long as you got dicked down. As Yoongi pulled out and left some cum inside you, Taehyung swiftly moved down and had his turn next. He was slightly more gentle with you, grinning as you would moan every time he hit your spot. You noticed he was more focused on giving you pleasure than taking it.
“Ah…that’s a good girl.” He said to you, kissing you softly as you moaned. You groaned into his shoulder as he fucked you deep and hard, but still executing a gentle passion with every movement. And then he pulled out. You groaned, as Jungkook replaced him, and at this point you were far gone.
“Sorry it took so long,” Jungkook pressed a kiss against your forehead as you simply nodded. “Finally.” He sunk into you, moaning as he held you tight. He slowly rutted into you with more passion than the last two, possibly because you connected throughout the past few days.
As time went by, you could only stare into his deep violet eyes, a small breath escaping your chapped lips as you reached out. You were so tired…your eyes heavy lidded as Jungkook came, and you came with him. You needed rest, so you blacked out.
When you came to, the men were whispering around you with worry. They were all concerned about you. It seems they had taken the liberty of wiping you up and giving you a fresh change of clothes. A simple pair of shorts and a blue drop top.
“Sorry for worrying you.” You sat up slowly.
“No, we’re sorry for being too rough with you.” Taehyung shook his head.
“Are you feeling any better?” Namjoon handed you an orange, which you deeply appreciated.
“Yeah. Thanks Namjoon,” You smiled. “I think I’m just tired. Could you guys possibly let me rest a bit before we start again?”
“Of course.” Namjoon nodded.
“Sleep well, princess,” Yoongi kissed you on the forehead. “Thanks for helping me win.” He gave you a small smile which made your heart skip a beat as he walked towards the door and left.
One by one they all left Jungkook’s residence, leaving you alone again. They were all so patient and attentive, it made you worried. You didn’t want to leave but going out and checking on your uncle would have been the right thing to do.
“Y/N…” He hugged you tightly. “I need to tell you somethin…” He gripped your waist tighter. You felt like you couldn’t breathe. “Those damned bugs killed our sisters…killed my lover too. I hope you know that now I have you, I intend on never letting you go.” You were beginning to come to terms with it.
“Okay.” You answered him genuinely. You were fine with it, actually. 
“Really?” He asked with widened doe eyes. 
“Yeah.” You giggled.
“That makes me so happy, Y/N I could kiss you. But that would just lead to fucking, so I’m gonna hold off,” You nodded, as he let go of you and left you to your own vices.
You woke up to Lavender licking you. She was barking up a storm when Jungkook lifted her off you. “Sorry. She got excited.” 
“No problem.” You smiled as he placed her back in her doghouse. 
“We’re planning to meet up at Jimin’s house later. Would you like to come?” You nodded immediately, giddy as the raspberry-themed man seemed to have a slightly more kinkier side you appreciated. The thought was enough to make you aroused again, but instead of acting on it you decided to take a breath. You needed to rest.
Of course, at Jimin’s house everyone seemed to get the message as no one approached you wanting to have sex. However they still looked at you. You made chatter with everyone and enjoyed your time there. It seemed all the men were taken with you and everyone wanted a piece of you. You felt great. 
“So, Jungkook, when is she gonna move out of your place?” Jin asked softly.
“Never! She’s mine.” Jungkook whispered possessively.
“Kook! Play nice.” Namjoon scolded.
“Sorry Joon. Y/N, do you wanna keep living with me?”
“It just occurred to me, I officially have nowhere to live. I happened to come here because of Jungkook.” You answered.
“It’s only right she stays with him. He brought her here,” Jimin nodded. “You like Jungkook a lot, Y/N?” You smiled sheepishly.
“Of course I do.” 
Jungkook and Jimin shared a smile before looking at you. You kept it in mind as you sat down next to Namjoon and snacked on some crackers. After a while, you all started talking about your kinks.
“I don’t know about that one, but try this on for size: when your partner has complete control over you, including when you breathe.” Namjoon laughed.
“Nah, breathplay is child’s play. I’m saying blindfolded bondage is where it’s at.” Taehyung smirked and said in rebuttal.
“I want—hear me out…to be bred. Like stuffed until it’s just cum leaking out of me, y’know?” You explained your kink to the men who were left in shock. All except Yoongi were surprised. 
“You’re such a whore, Y/N,” Yoongi smirked. “You want us to start now? Think you can handle it after yesterday?” He looked at you knowing damn well what he was doing.
“M-maybe not yet. I’m exhausted.” You explained.
They left it alone, shifting the topic as Jimin got some more food out for everyone. You and Jungkook stayed behind to help with cleanup. You suddenly felt Jimin’s lips on your shoulders, through your shirt.
“Chim, you should stop. You know I’m tired.”
“Yeah but I don’t wanna. I want you, Y/N.” You sighed at his plea.
“Okay.” You sighed as he picked you up and placed you on the counter. He swiftly removed your shirt and shorts, followed by your bra and underwear.
“Jimin! I got the leftovers in the tray—Oh.” Jungkook’s face fell when he saw him but then a mischievous smile appeared on his lips as he slipped next to him and joined in on torturing you.
You groaned. 
“Oh crap, Jimin I left my umbrella—” Namjoon stopped in his tracks and his eyes widened as he saw you naked on Jimin’s countertop. Jungkook smirked at him.
“You wanna tap in?” Jungkook smirked. “Me and Jimin were about to have another taste.” 
You gasped as Namjoon and Jimin were both inside you at the same time. Jungkook was watching, as he got more than enough from living with you. You felt them tearing your insides apart, reshaping your holes to fit their cocks. Jimin was entering you from behind, Namjoon in your pussy. Your eyes rolled back as Namjoon moaned and smacked your hips, making you recoil in surprise.
“So fucking tight. Fuck…fuck…” He groaned. “Take my cock…” His words encouraged you as you sighed and continued bouncing back on his cock, your ass smacking against Jimin’s hips every time you would go between them. One would snap his hips while the other pulled back, and it continued in a forbidden pattern. It felt like they were playing a game with you as their pawn.
“Fuck…her asshole is getting stretched out.” Jimin groaned, spitting on your rear end and spreading out his saliva with his fingers. You groaned as you felt your holes stretching out even more with the movements.
“J-Jungkook…I think I can take you too…” You said with uncertainty. You’ve never taken two in one hole before, let alone two in both holes. And now Jungkook was about to join. He sank down, between Namjoon and Jimin.
He slipped in…right into your pussy.
You screamed.
The movements were becoming faster as the three men grunted in unison, their hips synced in a rhythm as they were closer to their climaxes. Your lips fell open, as you panted, while Namjoon’s face contorted into one of pain, which you assumed meant he was in total heaven. Your climax hit as Jungkook fucked up into you, reaching spots Namjoon missed, while Jimin’s cock rubbed against your inner walls in a different way. They split you apart as the decadent sex between the four of you sent your mind into its own Havana while you orgasmed.
Their cocks touched in ways they never would have thought of, as they finished inside of you. When they pulled out, cum was gushing out of your ass and pussy, while all you could do was watch helplessly.
“That’s a good slut.” Jimin smirked mischievously.
“She’s ours now.” Namjoon said, as if he was still in disbelief.
“I hope you liked being bred, baby. Because there’s a lot more where that came from.” Jungkook said, revealing his erection to you. 
“Again?” You asked.
“Honey, for you, always,” gave you a small smile. “Now open wide.”
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softsan · 4 months
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key: fluff 🤍 , angst 🖇️ , suggestive 🍶 , smut 🥛 , adult themes 🍚 , coming soon 📨 , in progress 🎧 , completed 📑 , requests 📁 .
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✉️ ・ 𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓 ・ ᝰ
˚ ☁️ ⊹ devil on my shoulder. — min yoongi 5k ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🍶 , 🍚 , 📨 , fantasy au synopsis - too many had, had the unfortunate fate of stumbling into the raven king, a ruthless sorcerer who was banished to the endless planes by the royal court. you, like many others, had made it onto that ‘never to be seen again’ list. how will your futures intertwine? will you meet a bitter end? or will you overrule the raven king and be the queen that takes his place? . - read here.
˚ ☁️ ⊹ butterflies & bruises. — kim taehyung 5k ; 🤍, 🥛 , 🍚 , 📨 , vampire au synopsis - . . - read here.
˚ ☁️ ⊹ bad, bound & bedseets. — jeon jungkook 5k ; 🖇️ , 🥛 , 🍚 , 📨 , bad boy au synopsis - . . - read here.
˚ ☁️ ⊹ casualty of your dreams. — jeon jungkook 5k ; 🤍, 🖇️ , 🥛 , 🍚 , 📨 , urban fantasy, magic creatures au synopsis - . . - read here.
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✉️ ・ 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 ・ ᝰ
˚ 🌨️ ⊹ dark wizard au. — bts 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🍶 , 🍚 , 🎧 , dark wizard au, fantasy au synopsis - you’ve . - read here.
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˚ 🌩️ ⊹ rm. [2:06 pm] [5:38 pm] 
˚ 🌩️ ⊹ jin. [4:04 pm]
˚ 🌩️ ⊹ suga. [8:36 pm]
˚ 🌩️ ⊹ jhope. [7:16 am] 
˚ 🌩️ ⊹ jimin. [9:42 am] [10:12 am] [5:23 pm]
˚ 🌩️ ⊹ v. [3:32 pm] [4:56 pm] [9:12 pm]
˚ 🌩️ ⊹ jungkook. [7:32 pm] [9:52 pm] [3:02 am]
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© softsan - all rights reserved. please do not repost on any social media sites, translate, or modify any of my works.
29 notes · View notes
jikookiekosmos · 2 years
Seneschal || jjk (Part 1)
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➥Pairing: vampire!jungkook/reader, former prince!jungkook/reader
➥Summary: Having been burned by the rest of the world, Jungkook was content to watch it go up in flames. Or, at least, he was until you gave him hope for something new. As plans are set in motion to unite your rival kingdoms, unforeseen circumstances arise. In the midst of the chaos, Jungkook is sure of one thing: he’d be damned if he let you get burned, too.
➥Genre: strangers to lovers, angst, slow burn, (eventual) fluff, (eventual) smut, royalty au, supernatural au
➥Rating: 18+
➥Words: ~6k
➥Content Warnings: a bit of angst, no smut in the first part but there is a little bit of nudity mentioned, blood and violence are mentioned, vampire lore(?), swearing, this is more of an intro chapter than anything else so there isn’t a whole lot that happens
A/N: so uh…it’s been a while, yeah? I haven’t updated any of my BTS fics on this blog in over a year due to a lot of life things (you can read here if you’re curious as to why), but I finally had a little time to sit down and dedicate to this idea I teased back in November 2021. As mentioned in the content warnings, this is more of an intro chapter so there isn’t a whole lot going on…definitely will be more happening later.
Anyways all that to say thank you to everyone who has supported/is still supporting me and my writing even during my hiatus. It means the absolute world to me 💜
(Also special shout-out to @dntaewithluv for listening to me ramble off idea about this for a literal year, I love you so much and appreciate you immensely ❤️)
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seneschal [sen-uh-shuhl] (noun) an officer having full charge of domestic arrangements, ceremonies, the administration of justice, etc., in the household of a medieval prince or dignitary; steward.
Otherwise known as Jungkook’s consolation prize when he was coerced to step down from the throne.
It had been 2 years since the…incident occurred, but Jungkook could still remember it as if it had just happened.
Which is exactly what he was reflecting on as a vial was being thrust into his vision.
He blinked rapidly a few times before staring up at the person holding the vial out for him, their face a mixture of excitement and mild impatience.
“Well? We don’t have all day. Drink up, Jeon.”
Jungkook glared.
“My apologies, please drink the potion, Mr. Jeon.”
“Jimin, you know how I feel about you and formalities-”
“It just so happens that my manners come out more as my patience grows thin.” Jimin teased. “So,” he tried once more, “drink it.”
Jungkook sighed and shook his head, knowing it was better to leave well enough alone.
“Are you sure this is safe,” Jungkook asked as he stared hesitantly at the vial filled with blue liquid just inches away from his face.
Jimin rolled his eyes before grabbing Jungkook’s hand and closing it around the vial. “Yes, for the billionth time I wouldn’t give you something I thought might harm you.” He took a step back and crossed him arms, waiting patiently for Jungkook to do something.
With a sigh Jungkook carefully brought the vial to his lips, swallowing the liquid without putting too much thought into it. The taste was bitter, but not wholly unpleasant, and a few more moments passed before either of them spoke.
“And the verdict is?” The genuine curiosity in Jimin’s voice was something Jungkook had always found to be endearing.
Jungkook chuckled. Jimin may have still been a wizard in training, but he always had Jungkook’s best interest at heart.
“How am I supposed to know if anything happened? You tell me.”
Jimin blinked before the realization set in. “Oh, right.” He stepped forward once more, peering into Jungkook’s eyes as best he could in the dim lighting of the room.
Jungkook already knew the results before Jimin could confirm them. The way his face dropped said it all.
“They’re still red. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, I’m following all the rules-”
“Maybe the spellbook is outdated, you know? This is the only one I’ve ever seen anyone else use, it must be centuries old at this point-”
“Jimin,” Jungkook stated more firmly this time, clapping his hand on the other’s shoulder to keep him from pacing around more. “It’s fine.”
Jimin groaned. “But it’s not fine, what kind of a supposed ‘wizard’ am I if I can’t even do a simple eye color changing spell.”
“You’re one that’s trying and that’s what matters.”
“Yeah, but,” Jimin broke off, pout prominent on his face. “you shouldn’t have to wear contacts all the time.”
Jungkook offered a gentle smile to his downtrodden friend. “There’s lots of things I shouldn’t have to do, but I do them anyway. It’s only a slight inconvenience, not a big deal.”
Jimin didn’t seem convinced. “I don’t know why you need to wear them in the first place, does it really matter if people see-”
“Yes,” Jungkook cut him off with a tone of finality. “We’ve been over this. It’s best for everyone if they don’t figure it out.”
“So you’re honestly fine with everyone thinking you did something horrible enough to make you step down from the throne? You’re ok with letting people drag your name through the mud constantly?”
Jungkook shrugged. “It’s just better this way.”
Jungkook could swear he heard Jimin growl. “It’s not right and you know it. You’re just too set in your ways about not wanting to bring dishonor on your family. Which, by the way, not sure if you noticed but they aren’t the most honorable people.”
“Don’t.” Another statement with a stern tone. This time, Jimin obeyed.
Jungkook ran a hand through his hair, letting the dark curls fall at their own leisure. “I need to get going or I’ll be late.”
If he left now he had just enough time to stop by his room and grab his contacts he’d left behind on his way to see Jimin, as per Jimin’s request.
“I’ve got it all figured out, so you won’t even need them this time!” Jimin had promised.
Jungkook had hope that one of these days Jimin would be victorious in all of his spellcasting endeavors, and he’d be there to support him the whole way through.
Right now, however, he had bigger matters to attend to.
On his way back to his chambers he saw Seokjin, who he figured was en route to go check on Jimin, seeing as he was the appointed court wizard and Jimin was his apprentice.
Jungkook nodded at him as they passed by each other, but Seokjin calling out for him had him turning around.
It was then that Jungkook could see just how tired Seokjin looked. “Lord Jeon requests your presence before your meeting with the king.”
Jungkook raised an eyebrow. “Did he now? He bother to tell you what it was about?”
Seokjin shook his head, brows somewhat furrowed. Jungkook sensed that he seemed tense overall, and Jungkook didn’t like it.
“He didn’t. He just said it was important and had to be done as soon as possible.”
With a deep sigh, Jungkook relented, mumbling a thank you to Seokjin as he changed the direction he was walking. His brother’s chambers were located in a completely different wing of the castle, but he still had enough time to stop by his own room afterwards if he played his cards right.
He could hear the noises before he even approached the door, faint enough to go unnoticed by other passerby, but due to his heightened senses he had the unfortunate luck of not being able to remain oblivious. Jungkook knocked on the door despite the urge to just barge in; protocol was a big thing here and it was best for him to keep that in mind.
When he got no answer, he knocked once more before he squared his shoulders and turned the knob to open the door.
Without waiting for a greeting, he walked in, fully prepared for what he might find, seeing as it’d happened before.
Sure enough, the sight he was met with was exactly what he expected.
“Ah, so you finally came,” a snarky voice called out to him, slightly muffled. Jungkook rolled his eyes as he waited for the other party to get situated.
“What do you want, Yoongi?”
The blonde man in the bed not far from Jungkook smiled as the sheets fell around his waist. The woman next to him had even less shame, not bothering to cover her naked torso.
It wasn’t like Jungkook had never seen it before, anyway-
“Now is that anyway to address your superior?”
Jungkook gritted his teeth. “It is when my ‘superior’ is my younger brother.”
Yoongi tutted disapprovingly. “If you recall, you’re still only 24 years old-”
“Which makes me the older brother now since I just turned 25.” he flashed a grin and the woman beside him snuggled up to his arm, still not completely covering her breasts. Jungkook looked away.
“So,” Yoongi continued, “you care to try that again?”
“I don’t, thanks. What do you want?”
Yoongi huffed, clearly unamused. “What I want is for you to tell our father what my requests are for the event we’re holding.”
This intrigued Jungkook enough to turn his sights back to his brother. “You’re not attending?”
“Unfortunately, no,” Yoongi feigned remorse. “I have more important matters to attend to.”
Jungkook watched in disgust as Yoongi grabbed a hold of the woman’s chin to turn her face so that he could kiss her. He closed his eyes and let out a deep breath.
“So you’re not coming then?”
“Oh he’s not, but he will be,” the woman ran her hand up Yoongi’s arm. Long, teal hair covered her shoulders, reminding Jungkook of when it was first dyed. He’d been there with her after all, so of course he’d remember it.
She giggled at her own joke while Yoongi laughed boisterously, 2 sounds Jungkook wished he’d never have to hear again.
He’d never been that lucky.
“I don’t have time for this,” was his only remark before he turned on his heel to exit the room.
Jungkook ignored Yoongi’s calls for him to come back, instead taking longer than necessary strides to put as much room between him and his brother as possible.
A low growl died in his throat as he pulled on the edge of his chain dangling from his neck. It looked like an ordinary chain necklace to the untrained eye, but it was long enough to where the end of it could fit in Jungkook’s pocket. From his neck, the rest of the chain disappeared beneath his shirt, covering the length of his chest.
It was a safety measure more than anything, something Seokjin and Jimin had helped him come up with following the ‘incident.’
“Silver has been known to cause excruciating pain to vampires,” Seokjin had explained, “but this is a special chain, charmed with a spell that dulls that effect.”
“It doesn’t get rid of it completely?” Jimin’s confusion was evident alongside his concern for his friend.
Seokjin shook his head. “It won’t, only because that was Jungkook’s request.”
Jimin’s worried stare shifted to Jungkook, who was sitting on one of the tables in Seokjin’s chambers. His shirt was shredded, and his chest was stained scarlet: souvenirs of his most recent outing.
He went out to feed, traveling several towns over, and ended up failing miserably. Jungkook maybe got a few seconds of satisfaction before he was being ripped away from his willing victim and promptly beaten by 3 other men.
He absolutely could’ve taken them, but he was already ashamed of what he was doing in the first place. He figured that this was punishment that he had coming in one way or another.
That night when he stumbled into Seokjin’s room, bloodied and defeated, they put together a plan straight away.
Jimin asked to sit in and observe, since he was still unfamiliar with certain spells, but he missed that part of the conversation when he was fetching supplies.
“I don’t understand, why do you want the chain to still be able to cause pain?”
Jungkook sighed, wrapping part of it around his fist and noticing instantly the slight burn the metal singed his skin with. “Because the pain will hopefully be enough to stop me.”
“Stop you from doing what?”
Jungkook slowly raised his eyes to look at Jimin, a small, sorrowful smile stretched across his face.
“Something I regret.”
The familiar sting of the chain branded the inside of his palm with invisible marks, and he kept it curled inside his hand until he was in front of his own chamber doors. He was really pushing time now, close to being late for his advisory meeting, but he’d risk a slight delay in the start of the meeting versus having to explain why his eyes were crimson colored.
Once he had his contacts fixed, he all but jogged to the large meeting room down the hall. A few guards and his father were already there, waiting on him as it seemed he was the last to show up.
“You’re late,” the king greeted, a hint of disappointment in his tone.
Jungkook was used to that by now.
“Sorry, Your Majesty, I had to run a few errands first. Shall we start?”
The king cleared his throat and nodded, holding out his hand to the guard nearest him. A scroll was placed into his large palm before he quickly unraveled it.
Jungkook watched his eyes flit across the parchment, and when he deemed it satisfactory, the king handed it back to the guard so he could pass it down to Jungkook.
“You’ll find the agenda there for tomorrow’s event. I’m entrusting you, as usual, with all the planning so you can make sure everything is taken care of.”
Jungkook hummed as he read through everything. It all looked to be in order: designated time for the other guests to arrive, instructions for what catering needed to be prepared, an outline of what was required for Yoongi’s meeting with the princess-
Jungkook read that line again. And another time. He ground his teeth together as he looked back up at the king whose eyebrow was raised as he waited.
“Well? Is something the matter? You look perturbed.”
“This is an official meeting, boy. No informal titles allowed.”
Jungkook’s jaw was clenched. “Your Majesty,” he tried again, “what is this last portion here about a meeting with a princess?”
“Ah yes, that.” The nonchalant answer made Jungkook’s anger rise even further. “The meeting between their princess and our prince is what will be the defining moment for the entire event.”
Jungkook had known there was some sort of event happening that was supposed to – hopefully – demolish the rivalry between the two neighboring kingdoms. There had been bad blood for far too long, and it sometimes made it difficult to retrieve supplies from other areas without conflict arising.
Jungkook had been tasked with planning everything for the guests arrival, as his job required him to do. Despite being kicked from the royal lineage, he was allowed to stay a part of the royal court and act as a steward of sorts. It wasn’t always the best, but he figured it beat being exiled from the kingdom entirely.
He worked tirelessly over the last several months to ensure that all boxes were checked for this gathering. But this new information blindsided him, and now it suddenly made sense why his father and Yoongi both seemed so cocky and sure that this would work.
“And no one thought it pertinent enough to tell me that this would be happening?”
Of all things he could’ve done in that moment, the king had the audacity to shrug. “You won’t be present for that bit of it, so we didn’t feel it was necessary to tell you.”
“Then why isn’t Yoongi here for this instead of me,” Jungkook tried to keep his tone respectful, but even he couldn’t stop some of the malice from slipping through.
“The prince” the king put heavy emphasis on the title, “is busy carrying out other affairs, so it didn’t seem important to bother him with this.”
“Yeah, affair is certainly one way to put it,” he mumbled, crossing his arms as he looked to the side.
“I beg your pardon?”
 Jungkook exhaled through his nose. “Nothing, Your Majesty.”
The king stared at Jungkook for a few more moments before he dismissed the other guards in the room.
“Gentleman, if you’d kindly take your leave for a moment – I need to have a discussion with my son. Two of you may remain posted at the door in case you’re needed.”
The guards obeyed quickly, bowing as they exited.
Jungkook scoffed. “So now I’m your ‘son?’ I’m surprised that word still exists in your vocabulary where I’m concerned.”
“Jungkook, be quiet!” The king raised his voice as a warning and slammed his fist against the table, stopping Jungkook’s jabs in their tracks.
“Regardless of your faults and any heinous acts you may have committed, you are still my son. Whether I like it or not.”
Jungkook hated how those words caused a dull ache in his chest.
“And because you are my son, that is why you are still allowed to be here in the first place. Do you ever think about how easy it would’ve been to toss you on the street like some mere commoner,” the king spat, his own outward frustration mirroring what Jungkook felt on the inside.
“You only tell me every chance you get, how could I not?”
“Watch your tone with me, boy. I am not above throwing you in the dungeon for insubordination.”
Jungkook was well aware. At this rate, he had his own personal cell with how often his father (and more so his brother) felt the need to send him there.
“Can we go back to what this ‘meeting’ is supposed to entail? Why is their princess involved?”
The king squared his shoulders and smiled. “They’ve offered a marriage proposal.”
Jungkook’s eyes widened. “I’m sorry, a what?”
“Exactly what it sounds like. The king’s eldest daughter, Princess Mina, is being offered as a marriage candidate for Prince Yoongi.”
“And Yoongi agreed to this?”
The king frowned at Jungkook’s continued lack of formality before he nodded. “He’s been preparing for it for a while now.”
Jungkook clenched his fist under the table.
“Fucking unbelievable,” Jungkook muttered, a few seconds from leaving the meeting altogether in order to give the prince a piece of his mind.
“Language,” the king reminded him sternly.
“Look, fa- Your Majesty. With all due respect to you, I think this is a terrible idea.”
“Please do enlighten me as to why you feel that way.”
Jungkook sighed as he rubbed his temples. “Arranged marriages amongst royals never seem to work out well from what I’ve seen. Arranged marriages amongst anyone just seems like a poor idea.”
“Your mother and I married as part of an arrangement, and we turned out fine.”
Jungkook would beg to differ, but that was an entirely different conversation for some other time.
“I just think it’s odd that he would accept this proposal when he’s already involved with someone else.”
Finally, it was the king’s turn to look taken aback. “Whatever do you mean?”
‘He doesn’t know,’ Jungkook realized.
“Don’t worry about it, I just assumed he already had someone in mind is all.”
“Unlike you, the prince seems to be able to keep his mind off of finding love amongst the common rabble outside the castle walls.”
Jungkook winced.
“Additionally, if he did already have someone in mind, I’m sure I would’ve heard about it by now.”
“You know better than I would,” Jungkook lied. He knew that Yoongi kept many, many secrets from their parents, which is why he’d always been the favorite. They never got a glimpse of his true nature, but unfortunately for Jungkook, he got to see all of it.
“Indeed,” the king said with finality, marking the end of that conversation. “Now, back to the preparations for the event-”
“I’ll handle it,” Jungkook sounded much more deflated than when he entered the room. Animosity exhausted him.
“Good. I expect nothing less of you. I don’t expect much from you to start with, but I at least anticipate you will do your job.”
Another mindless insult. Jungkook stopped keeping count of how many times his father shamed him years ago after the scandal first broke.
If anyone asked him, he’d even go so far as to say his father’s love for him died the same day his human life ended.
“Now if you’ll excuse me, the queen and I have other matters to attend to before tomorrow.” The king got up from the table and walked off, not even bothering to see if Jungkook would also make way to leave. Before he exited through the door, he turned back one last time to look at Jungkook.
“Don’t make me regret letting you stay here. This is the most important thing the kingdom has faced since you were a child, and if you mess it up somehow, being exiled will be the least of your worries.”
Jungkook received the threat with a solemn stare, no more words spoken as he was then left alone in the large room.
On the way back to his chambers, Jungkook had a lapse in judgment. He turned and let his feet carry him to his new destination, landing three hard knocks on the door before it opened quickly.
“What?” An annoyed tone filtered through the open doorway. “Oh – it’s just you.”
Yoongi’s hair was less disheveled than it had been earlier, but it was clear he was now trying to get himself ready for later activities in the day.
“What do you want?” Yoongi crossed his arms as he leaned against the doorframe, not allowing Jungkook any space to enter the room.
Not that he really wanted to, anyway. He just needed to know one thing.
“Does she know?”
Yoongi blinked in confusion. “Does who know about what? You gotta be more specific, I can’t read your mind-”
“Does she know,” Jungkook interrupted, more sternly this time. “What’s happening tomorrow. Does she know?”
He had to ask. As much as he loathed her now, he still thought she deserved better than to be cheated on and discarded like she was nothing.
Even if that’s exactly what she’d done to him.
Jungkook watched as Yoongi’s eyes sparked with amusement when he finally understood. “Aeris? Yeah, she knows. She actually just left by the way; sorry you didn’t get to see her again.”
Jungkook’s eyebrows furrowed.
 “So she knows and she’s fine with it?”
“Yeah, I mean – she gets it a ‘thing’ I have to do. It’s completely transactional and I’m only doing it for the betterment of the kingdom.”
Yoongi was lying through his teeth and Jungkook wanted to wipe his smug grin off his face. His entire life Yoongi had been selfish and only looked out for himself, so this idea that he was doing it to help the people living in the kingdom?
Absolutely preposterous.
Jungkook needed a fucking break. He needed to get away, clear his head before he had to come back and deal with everything else tomorrow.
He walked off without another word, something he knew Yoongi hated – which is most of the reason why he’d done it.
“You know,” Yoongi shouted after him, “I think bitterness suits you. It’s a good look since it matches the rest of your miserable demeanor!”
Jungkook ignored him and continued walking, not stopping until he reached his favorite spot in the entire castle.
He would often come up to the highest balcony, somewhere he could be alone with his thoughts and not have the added stress of other’s opinions for a short while.
The balcony was all but abandoned as he was the only one to frequent it. The only crime he’d ever say he committed was stealing the key to the door that granted access up here. After a while, everyone else forgot about it, so he was able to keep this spot hidden. A place of his own, where he didn’t have to worry about being found.
A place of his own where his thoughts could run wild. A place of his own where his demons continued to follow him despite his best efforts.
A place of his own where he could just be alone.
After all, that’s what was best for everyone, right?
Jungkook couldn’t help but wonder, as he’d done many times before, what his life would be like now if he hadn’t been attacked. His entire life – as a prince, as an official royal family member, as a living, breathing human – was cut short in the blink of an eye. His humanity as he knew it was gone in an instant.
If it hadn’t happened, though, where would he be now? Would it be him getting ready to marry someone for political gain instead of his brother?
He shook his head as he let out a humorless chuckle. He knew he’d fight that decision with everything he had, and for he first time since it had been stripped away from him, he was relieved he wasn’t in that kind of position anymore.
The thought of sharing his life with someone he didn’t truly care about, whether it was for the greater good or not, just didn’t seem right, nor did it seem fair. Not to mention the fact that it didn’t just include him: someone’s else’s life would be affected just as much as his.
It dawned on him then that he was standing here, genuinely putting thought into how he would handle such a situation. He wasn’t some cold, heartless being. He still had the ability to care for others, and that alone gave him some sort of hope.
He looked up at the moon, admiring how the light spilled through the branches of the tree overhead.
“Maybe I still have some humanity left after all.”
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lady-in-waiting (noun) a woman of noble birth who serves a female monarch as a member of the royal household.
“Please hold still, Your Highness,” you huffed with thinly veiled frustration as you tried to lace up the corset you were currently working on.
You made a mental note to go shopping later in order to find better dresses for the princess. They still would be ones that were just as extravagant, but hopefully didn’t give you a blood pressure spike to assist with.
“Oh please, what’s with the formal treatment? It’s just us right now, you don’t have to do that, you know.”
“Yes, but,” you tugged once more, finally letting out a sigh of relief when the strings worked how you wanted them to. “With the event happening soon, it’s better for me to get back into the habit.”
Being best friends with the princess granted you some privileges that you were grateful for. When it was just the two of you, you didn’t have to uphold this extra formal, fancy attitude and instead you both got to be much more laid-back. You knew she appreciated it just as much as - if not more than - you, since she was held to a higher standard and scrutinized more heavily.
However, by the kingdom’s definition, you were first and foremost her lady-in-waiting, which ranked above any and all other duties you had in the royal court. Which, unfortunately, meant that at certain times your role took precedence over your friendship, and that was just the way it had to be.
“Ugh, I can’t wait for all this stupid royal relations stuff to be over.”
She held up a hand. “Let me get it out, then you can scold.”
You waited patiently, fixing the other parts of the dress while she rambled on for the umpteenth time about her dislike for the event happening soon.
“…I mean this is a rival kingdom, we don’t even like them, so why bother. You know?”
“Mhm,” you hummed as you agreed honestly. It did seem like a stretch for your kingdom to try and force relations with one who had been a long-standing rival. The way you saw it, if after all these years and prior failed attempts had yet to work, what made the king think this would be any different?
Of course, there was now the added factor of a new bargaining chip: the king and queen were offering one of their daughters as a potential marriage candidate for the other kingdom’s prince.
Mina, being the oldest princess in line, begrudgingly accepted for the sake of the kingdom.
The plan had been set in motion months prior, but it was all finally happening tomorrow – both you and Mina were on edge, anticipating the worst but hoping for the best.
What was supposed to happen seemed simple enough: the king would accompany the princess on her visit to the other kingdom, escorted heavily by guards and with you at her side, as you always were. She would meet the prince officially for the first time, and both kings would try to strike up some sort of arrangement.
You figured this would actually be more beneficial for them, seeing as their kingdom was still recovering from a huge scandal that happened a few years ago. You remembered it vividly, taking note of how the abruptness of it all never sat right with you.
The eldest prince stepped down from his position as next in line for the throne, following some sort of act that was only described as ‘utterly disgraceful’ and never really elaborated on in the public news.
Before the news broke, the kingdom was well known for its power and influence all over the land, and the downfall from it all landed a huge blow to their standing. It aided your own kingdom in rising above them in their rivalry, but it appeared that now your own monarchs wanted to put everything behind them and unite for…whatever reason.
You tried not to get too deeply involved in the politics. Your duty was to serve Mina, and the royal family as a whole – this didn’t leave you much room to voice your own opinions.
 Mina’s soft calling of your name pulled you out of your thoughts.
Any frustration you had left from the dress fiasco quickly evaporated when you saw her face. She was biting her lip, and in that moment she looked very meek, small. Very unlike the exuberant, confident young woman you knew.
“I’m scared.”
You sighed at that, pulling her into a hug that she gratefully accepted. This was this first time she had outright said it, but you could tell she was terrified from the moment she was first told about this arrangement months ago.
“I know,” you patted her back. You wanted to tell her everything would be alright, that it would all work out, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it.
Lying to someone to provide them comfort was never something you could get behind, and you didn’t plan to start now.
“I promise you, though, that whatever happens, we’ll get through it together.” You didn’t feel bad saying that because it was the truth; you were ready to face anything when it came to Mina, and you’d do anything for her.
She was basically the most important person in your life, and you’d be damned if you let anything bad happen to her.
Well…anything short of letting her go through with a marriage to a man she’d never met.
Just as your duty to her came first, her duty to her kingdom came first. You knew it and respected it, even if you didn’t always like it.
Mina giggled, her frame shaking slightly in your hold. “It almost sounds like you’re the one I’m supposed to be marrying,” she teased.
You joined in her laughter. “I mean, I don’t think it would yield quite the same results-”
“We both know we’d be arrested before we could even say ‘I do.’” Mina joked, despite her dark attempt at humor having a level of truth to it.
“A princess marrying her lady-in-waiting?” You covered your heart and pretended to be appalled. “Imagine the scandal!”
Mina shoved you lightheartedly, her laughter echoing off the walls. She looked miles happier than she’d been a few minutes prior, and you were relieved to see it.
“C’mon, help me with my hair or we’re gonna be late.” Mina collected her hairbow from her dresser and handed it to you so you could tie up her hair in the back. When you were done, she glanced quickly in the mirror and nodded, pleased with the result.
“Is there anything else you need to do?”
You gave yourself a once-over in the mirror as well and decided that your outfit would have to do. It wasn’t bad by any means, but if you had a little more time, you probably could’ve spruced it up some more.
“All good here. After you, my Lady.” You made a grand gesture out of letting her go first, which earned you another light shove.
“Cut that out! We still have a few minutes of freedom left before we have to be formal.”
You chuckled. “You got it.”
You accompanied Mina to her final etiquette training before the big day. Everything she learned was more of a refresher than new material, but her nervousness kept her from doing her best, which led to her being reprimanded by the queen.
“How can you expect to marry someone if you can’t play the part of a prim and proper princess?”
Mina bit her tongue, as she usually did with her mother, and you expected to get an earful from her later about the situation. To your surprise, instead of venting, she was quiet and calm upon returning to her chambers.
Before she was ready to sleep for the night, you checked in one her one last time. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?”
With a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes, she responded. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”
You had never woken up more stressed out in your entire life.
All your training had culminated in this moment. You were to make sure that the princess arrived safely along with her appointed guards, and it was also up to you to make sure that everything went off without a hitch.
Such a small responsibility, right? What could possibly go wrong?
Well, for starters-
The castle you found yourself in was much larger than you anticipated, which was saying a lot considering the castle you lived in was already rather large.
Also, you weren’t the best with directions, but as long as you and Mina didn’t get separated, that shouldn’t be a problem.
And it wasn’t a problem…until it came time for her to meet the prince.
“We’re sorry, miss, but only high-ranking royal officials can be present for this meeting.” A guard held out his arm, blocking you from following Mina into the room. She frowned and tried to protest on your behalf, but her father wasn’t having any of it.
“She’ll be fine, we need to get a move on.” He grabbed a hold of her elbow and ushered her along, and you got one last look at her worried countenance before the doors closed.
Now was when the panic set in.
“I-I need water. Or just- something.” You said it aloud but didn’t really know if anyone would hear you or help you for that matter.
Thankfully, the guard who had just cut you off was kind enough to give you directions to the kitchen and dining area. You’d been there not too long ago when everyone was eating the meal that had been prepared, so surely – you thought – it wouldn’t be an issue to stop by and get a drink to calm your nerves.
That plan worked for all of about ten minutes before you re-entered the hallway from the dining room only to find nobody was around. No guards, no passerby, nothing.
It didn’t help that, from what you had seen, most hallways looked nearly identical.
You were officially lost. Alone, panicking, and lost in a castle you’d never been to before with no one in sight to help. Unsure of what else to do, since walking around aimlessly definitely did not seem like a good idea, you did what any normal person would do.
You sat down on the floor and wrapped your arms around your legs, resting your head on top of your knees.
This had to be your worst nightmare. You were separated from Mina, the one person other than yourself who you were responsible for taking care of, and you were also stuck in unfamiliar territory which was one of your biggest fears.
None of your training ever prepared you for this-
“Are you alright, miss?”
A soft voice filtered through your thoughts, making your head snap up. Your breath got caught in your throat.
There was a man kneeling down in front of you, his hand extended as he offered you a gentle smile.
Suddenly, your situation didn’t seem like such a nightmare anymore.
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A/N: thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed it!
permanent taglist: @inlovewiththemoonn​ @lavienjin​
fic taglist: @veronawrites @thisartemisnevermisses​ @outro-kook​ @cravingforhotchocolate​
please let me know if you want to be added or removed!
➥Series Masterlist
➥All Works Masterlist
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jooheonspinky · 1 year
BTS Masterlist
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Welcome: Thank you for stopping by. 
*all works are complete unless otherwise stated*
Saudade [08.01.2020] {Psychological Thriller}:A group of friends try to cope with the traumatic aftermath of one tragic night. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 
Namjoon x Female Reader:
7-Year Itch [02.06.2017] {Angst, Smut}: The idol life is taking a toll on your relationship. Can it survive the 7-Year Itch? | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Nothing on Us [12.25.2017] {Christmas!au, one shot}: Christmas decorating mishaps. This takes place a little under two months after 7-Year Itch.
Trivia: Love [09.02.2024]{idol!au, angst, smut}: A few years ago, Y/N met Namjoon while at a movie theatre. Hitting it off, they come to an agreement wherein Y/N signs a contract that entails helping Namjoon “de-stress” whenever he is in the US, even having Y/N travel to several of BTS’ stops when they are on tour. But then the pandemic hit, and it has now been almost two years since they have seen each other in person. With BTS coming to LA for several concerts and interviews, will they be able to get back to how things were before, or have the two changed too much in that time apart? 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Seokjin x Female Reader:
A Special Night [06.14.2017] {Fluff, one shot}: You’re nervous about this possibly being your first time together.
New Year’s Wish [01.01.2018] {New Year’s!au, angst, one shot}: It’s New Year’s Eve and you miss Jin.
A Cage, a Wizard, and a Potion [12.13.2022]  {Fantasy}:  The Duchess kept a beautiful gilded cage in her private bed chambers. On a visit with your mother, you happen upon this novelty whilst lost in your aunt’s palace. What you discover in the cage not only shocks you but has you making a vow that you are not able to fulfill until many years later.
Yoongi x Female Reader:
Not Alone [12.10.2016] {Apocalypse, Smut}: Sure the zombies scared me, but they were the constant to the newly created world. Being alone though…that was something that scared me more. So what happens when I’m not alone anymore? And what happens if i start finding feelings for that person? Will we make it? Or will this new world infect me like the loneliness? 01 |02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08| Side Note | Epilogue|
Melting Frost [01.09.2018] {Winter Sprite!au, Angst, one shot}: Meeting Jack Frost solidifies your belief in the fae and soon you two become friends. As the years pass, what happens when your feelings change?
Save Me [05.31.2018] {Action, one shot}: This wasn’t your first time, having helped your friend with their plot multiple times before. The surreal surroundings were almost a second home, but when you recognize the abductee is part of the scheme, you feel things may have gone too far.
Hoseok x Female Reader:
Unexpected Attraction [04.12.2017]{Angst, Fluff, Smut}: When you start to have feelings for the one person who has helped you through a bad time in your life, will your fear of losing him keep you from exploring this unexpected attraction? |Teaser | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
Cupid’s Interference [12.30.2017] {Christmas!au, Angst, one shot}: Overwhelmed by unfortunate events in her life, Y/N rents a cabin in hopes of finding a reason to live. Meanwhile, Hobi is responsible for caring for Santa’s reindeer. One mischievously brings Hobi and itself into Y/N’s path. When he explains what he’s doing out in the woods in the snow, Y/N thinks he’s crazy.
Better Together: [11.04.2020] {Angel, fantasy, angst, one shot}: He is a celestial being. A warrior for the heavenly Father. After centuries of observing humans, one in particular peaks his interest. What happens when he decides to act on his curiosity?
Jimin x Female Reader:
One Night at the Club: [06.07.2017] {one shot}A very good-looking stranger takes notice of you one night at the club.
Winner: [12.22.2017] {Christmas!AU, one shot}: Jimin loses against Jungkook and has to fulfill a dare Jungkook cooks up for him.
The Truth Untold: [03.15.2020] {angst, smut} Hiding behind a mask (literally and figuratively), a man keeps himself away in his home in the country. He spends his days tending a garden where in which blooms beautiful flowers that attract a new neighbor. Her presence forces him to face himself. Could he change for her and be the man she insists he is or will he continue to hide behind his mask? 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
Catching Your Attention: [07.29.2021]  {one shot, smut} You see Jimin in a skirt for the first time and are surprised at your body’s reaction.
Taehyung x Female Reader: 
The Confession: [12.26.2016] {Fluff, one shot}:An evening at the state fair holds a little more excitement than you had expected.
Warmest Holidays [01.15.2018] {Christmas!au, fluff, one shot}: You'd given up on dating and decided to concentrate on making your first Christmas as a divorcee a happy one for you and your son. The holidays have other plans for you.
Stigma: [03.26.2018] {Angst, smut}: An important project at work throws together Y/N, a no-nonsense hard worker, with Taehyung, the office prankster. As they spend more time together Y/N begins to see him with a fresh pair of eyes and a friendship starts to grow between the two. When horrible details about Taehyung’s life come to light, will it prove to be too much for their blossoming relationship to survive?:1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
A Cage, a Wizard, and a Potion [12.13.2022] {Fantasy}:  The Duchess kept a beautiful gilded cage in her private bed chambers. On a visit with your mother, you happen upon this novelty whilst lost in your aunt’s palace. What you discover in the cage not only shocks you but has you making a vow that you are not able to fulfill until many years later.
Jungkook x Female Reader:
The Business Partner [07.24.2016] {Angst, Fluff, Smut}: Jungkook and you are sent to Hawaii on a business trip. You are still trying to cope with the recent death of your father and having Jungkook, international playboy, as the business partner sent by the sister company in S. Korea to help close the deal does not make it any easier for you. Will he ruin everything or have you got Jungkook all wrong?01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
Summer Date [06.21.2017] {Fluff, one shot}: Your boyfriend is back from tour and takes you on a summer date.
Elf on a Shelf [12.20.2017] {Christmas!AU, slight angst, one shot}: What happens when a gift basket that includes something similar to an Elf on a Shelf anonymously shows up at your door?
From the Ashes [10.13.2023]{Fantasy!au, angst}: I am ready to confess my feelings to Jungkook, but his older brother, a wizard, has other plans. Plans with devastating consequences that I could never have prepared for. 01|02|03|
Jungkook x OC (Celeste Greene) ft Namjoon
From the Stars: [10.21.2020] { Fantasy, Alien and human, smut, one shot}: This was written using the following prompt: His body aches as he lay on the ground, bleeding. The asphalt was hard and cold at his back, and noise came through staticky and broken like a voice through a bad phone line. He could just vaguely hear footsteps thudding toward him accompanied by shouting. Still, his vision refused to focus, and the only thing he could identify was the grey expanse of the sky above as rain began to fall.
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yoonminkookk2 · 7 months
bts members/genre/trope
last updated: 02/19/24
majority of posts are one-shots
bts members
-> namjoon
-> seokjin
-> yoongi
-> hoseok
-> jimin
-> taehyung
-> jungkook
-> multiple members
-> poly / ot7
-> memberxmember
-> angst
-> fluff
-> smut
-> abo
-> alternate universe
-> best friend's brother
-> best friends to lovers
-> brother's best friend
-> ceo
-> cheating
-> christmas
-> college au
-> coworkers
-> daycare
-> demon
-> divorce
-> doctor
-> dragon
-> dystopian
-> emperor
-> employee
-> enemies to lovers
-> established relationship
-> exes
-> exes to lovers
-> fae
-> fake dating
-> fallen angel
-> farmer
-> forbidden romance
-> friends to lovers
-> friends with benefits
-> friends with benefits to lovers
-> fuckboy / fuckgirl
-> gangster
-> ghost
-> greek god / goddess
-> hogwarts
-> himbo
-> hybrid
-> idol
-> king
-> knight
-> love triangle
-> lovers to exes
-> mafia
-> married au
-> mates
-> mutual pining
-> nanny
-> neighbors au
-> office au
-> one night stand
-> prince / princess
-> professor
-> queen
-> roadtrip
-> roommates to lovers
-> siren
-> slow burn
-> soulmates au
-> stepbrother
-> strangers to lovers
-> tsundere
-> unrequited love
-> valentines
-> witch / wizard
-> yandere
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ashes0909 · 11 months
Fic Writer 20 Questions
Tagged by @luredin - thank you so much! This was a lot of fun!
How many works do you have on AO3?
195, including everything from drabbles and ficlets to more traditional length fic.
What's your total AO3 word count?
772,878, which includes collaborations.
What fandoms do you write for?
Heh. These days, its so random. My ao3 and tumblr include:
Yuri!!! on Ice
Game Changers Series
Harry Potter
Check Please
Red White & Royal Blue
BTS (sort of)
a Star Wars drabble
and a partridge in a pear tree!
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Comic Books and Kings (Steve/Tony/Bucky)
False Names, Right Nets (Bucky/Tony)
Assemble (Steve/Tony)
Stories We Never Tell (Steve/Tony)
Stop, Drop, and Roll in the Hay (Steve/Tony) - a collab with my love @festiveferret
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! I like chatting with readers and thanking them for their time/thoughts/insights/feedback
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
By far, it's Self-Preservation (Tony/Hydra Agents, TW: NonCon) which is still kind of hopeful but also very not.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I'm such a sucker for happy endings. Literally all my fics have a happy ending except for one.
Do you get hate on fics?
Thankfully, I haven't. I have received hate from tumblr anons but it usually just makes me chuckle and ignore.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes. All the kinds. Every smut.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I LOVE crossovers. I think my absolute favorite was Steve and Tony going to Hogwarts through a portal, finding their Wizard counterparts being all lovey-dovey and then being like, "Oh."
I'm also currently posting a True Blood fusion fic which is fun because vampires and telepaths.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so, but I also don't go searching for it.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! I love translations - Held is up in Russian and Employee of the Month in Chinese
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Oh, man. I've co-written an entire Roman Empire with @festiveferret along with a handful of other fics. I also had the delight of collaborating with @sirsapling on His Best Suit and @athletiger on Forever Linked.
What's your all-time favorite ship?
Nope. :D
What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
This Red, White and Royal Blue road trip fic I have 5k of but no real motivation.
What are your writing strengths?
I like to think smut is a strength of mine, along with dialogue and overall characterizations.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I sometimes forget to describe literally anything about the setting.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Sure, why not! If I don't know the language well, I try to get an expert to help beta it.
First fandom you wrote for?
I tried to write a Harry/Draco fic over in Livejournal back in like 2004. I just found the link, and no I won't be sharing it.
Favorite fic you've ever written?
I don't knowww, they're all my babies. Holds them all close and gives them all kisses.
I really enjoyed doing this and hope you do to: @russilton @betheflame @wilmakins @sadieb798 and @festiveferret - but if you don't feel free to ignore! Anyone else who wants to join in, feel free!
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ssscentral · 4 years
Stain Me
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Summary: Hooking up with the most popular wizard of your college should be no big deal. Well, unless he summons a demon who is more than eager to join you.
Pairing : Wizard!Namjoon x Witch!Reader x Demon!Jimin
Genre : Smut. Fantasy.
Warnings : Explicit sexual content, Threesome, Demon summoning, Overstimulation, Swearing, Switch!Namjoon, Dom!Jimin, Switch!Reader, Dirty Talking, Oral Sex (f. & m. receiving), Fingering, Handjob, Light choking, Drunk Sex, Unprotected sex (don’t be silly, wrap your willy), Rough sex, Deepthroating
WC : 5.3k
Member : Rid || @taegularities
A/N : I struggled a little with this - but in the end, it worked out well! This fic is the third part of the group prompt “Hell of a Ride” - stay excited, there’s more to come! Also, some parts are inspired by the show “Supernatural”, the similarities are not coincidental. Thank you very much @biaswreckme for being such a talended beta!
taglist: @lurejoon @mimikookie​ 
This was not meant to happen.
Not that you didn’t enjoy it – but if someone had told you this morning when you’d woken up that you’d find yourself in your current situation in less than twelve hours, you would’ve sarcastically thrown your head back and walked away with a wave of your hand.
Sweaty and out of breath, you looked to the figure in front of you, then to the one over your shoulder, him smirking as he looked at you with dark eyes, licking his full lips delicately. You closed your eyes as memories rushed back to you, pictures of today evening reappearing.
The club was filled to its core, the dim lights tiring you as time went by. You had been here for quite a while now and the initial excitement you had felt at the thought of enjoying yourself tonight, had long vanished into the thin and hot air.
Your best friend had seemingly ditched you and you felt stupid for not noticing earlier. It had only occurred to you as you sipped on your third drink, slowly fading into the dizziness that you had been waiting for the whole week. While your intoxicated state should’ve made you feel lighter, happier, clumsier, you only sat at your stool, heart growing heavy, feeling lonely while everyone else was having their best time on the dancefloor.
And as you were about to stand up, flatten your dress and walk home, you noticed a familiar face sitting down right next to you. You almost choked at your drink, realizing that it wasn’t just anyone who had his eyes glued on you, but the most popular wizard of your magical school – most definitely not looking like a delicious meal, no.
He was a top-notch student, always bringing in the best grades and having everyone fall for him; and then there was you, a lazy girl who would wing assignments shortly before the deadline would end. You couldn’t help but smirk when you noticed that you had captured his attention, as he was now facing you intently, eyes grazing over your face and your body.
“I know you, right?” he asked, his eyes squinting as he brought his lips up to a beautiful smile. You knew he didn’t have to ask. He was one grade above you, but the school was small, and everyone knew each other’s names.
“I assume so. I’m certain that I know you,” you answered, cupping your chin in your hand, “you’re Kim Namjoon. The teachers’ sweetheart.”
He laughed before he waved at the bartender, ordering another drink for you and himself that you weren’t sure you needed. You let him do his thing anyway.
And as you sat there, talking about life and magic, you found yourself becoming consumed in his way of telling a story, no longer caring for your friend who had never shown up, would probably not show up anymore. He spoke with elan, throwing in side-facts now and then that you were eager to hear, because – what was it?
Not just his ability to have you hung on his lips and every word he uttered. It was his glasses, too. And his turtleneck sweater. Definitely the deep dimples. The way his full lips looked pillowy soft. His hair that hung in his eyes – you not wanting anything more than to stretch out your arm and run your fingers through it. And then his hands: the long and beautiful fingers that held his glass while you imagined how they would feel insi-
“Do you dance?” he suddenly wanted to know, snapping you out of your fantasies.
Fantasies. Yeah. What could you say? Namjoon was gorgeous. Every girl dreamed of him, of the smart, powerful, and mysterious wizard; every girl wanted to touch him, tempt him into her bed – and as weak as it sounded, you were no exception. The last few years at the magical college had made your crush on him solidify with each passing semester and you would’ve lied to yourself if you hadn’t admitted that you were someone who wanted him, too, that he was the absolute hottest guy of the entire school.
“Sometimes. Depends on who’s asking.” You grinned at him, your red-painted mouth reaching your eyes.
“What if I say it’s me who’s asking?”
“In that case,” you said, gulping down the last sip of the alcohol, “I might remember how to dance.”
You stood and took his hand, guiding him to the already crowded dancefloor.
It started harmlessly first, your arms on his shoulders and his on your waist. You were looking at each other, the loud music not allowing you to talk, but you felt like you didn’t need to. His hands were doing that for you.
First, his fingers dug into your skin lightly, leaving goosebumps on your arms. Then, he started caressing your almost naked back, pulling you closer when he noticed that you didn’t protest. The light brush of his fingertips had you shivering, and when your torso finally touched his, you could even feel his warm breath against your face.
For a while, you danced like this, contemplating if you should kiss him; something told you that he wouldn’t say no, that he would give in to your request easily. And as you played with the thought so much that you started leaning in, he grabbed your waist again, suddenly turning you around, so your back was now pressed against his chest.
So that’s what it was. He wanted to grind, too. He could have that.
You stretched your ass, testing the waters as you grazed it against his stomach and dick, knowing that it would affect him if you did it just right. Your movements were smooth, elegant, planned, and he knew you were well aware of what you were doing.
And despite the noise, you could clearly hear him moan lightly each time your bottom rubbed against his sensitive zone. Soon he was pressing soft kisses behind your ear, slowly wandering down, settling on your temple, on your cheeks, then on your neck, on your shoulder, and ultimately on your cheeks again.
Then, finally, a question left his mouth, his lustful voice causing your heart to jump.
“What do you think about getting out of here?”
The first thing you did in your dorm was to shout for your roommate. You were absolutely delighted when you didn’t get a response, your whole place dead silent. You smirked and turned around to look at your guest, him closing the door behind you both before he rushed forwards to basically attack your mouth.
You reacted fast, grabbing his shoulders to maintain balance, tilting your head and closing your eyes as Namjoon’s hand sank in your hair. He was impatient, panting, eager to swallow you whole as he guided you backward towards your bed. The dorm room was small and your walls thin, but being here with him, in a situation as steamy as this, the tiny space provided a weird intimacy that you couldn’t quite describe.
You brought your whole body down onto the mattress before he hovered over you, looking at you with an intensity that had your stomach churn. Slowly, softly, you brought your hand up to his face, taking off his glasses to place them on the nightstand beside your bed.
Namjoon grinned at you, opening your legs with his thighs, so he could settle between yours. Something about it was frustrating, you not being able to press them together anymore for extra friction – but you soon learned that this wasn’t necessary.
He leaned down to kiss you again, his lips only allowing to press against yours for a mere second before they trailed down your jaw and to your neck. They were only ghosting over your skin, giving you a tingly sensation that left you wanting more. And suddenly, he started moving his hips, his already hardened dick teasing your clothed core, and you moaned at the unexpected pleasure.
He liked what he heard, oh, he liked it a lot. Doing all of that would lead exactly to where he wanted you, exactly to what he was desiring to achieve. That you were so content with everything just made the whole affair easier for him. Besides, you were absolutely delightful to look at.
Your fingers traced the edge of his shirt, until they found the button of his jeans, carefully opening and unzipping them. He stilled for a second, only for a moment before you felt his lips curl up into a smile against yours, his tongue coming out to ask for permission to enter your mouth that you granted him gladly.
He helped you toss his pants off, his shirt following before he fumbled at the hem of your own. You nodded, knowing he was silently waiting for you to allow him to see you naked. No matter how much your skin was burning for him, you felt like this was the right moment to drunkenly confess something to him.
“Namjoon, I-“
He looked up at you immediately, patiently awaiting what you had to say before bringing his face to yours. “I’m… It’s been a while, so I’ll probably be… very sensitive.”
“You’re saying that as if it’s a bad thing,” he stated in between kisses on your cheek, not seeming to mind your confession at all. “It’s okay, baby. Let me take care of you.”
“Okay,” you simply said, closing your eyes and lifting your arms, so he could take off your shirt. His skilled hands didn’t hesitate to wrap around your torso, swiftly unclipping your baby pink bra to reveal your breasts.
All of a sudden, he froze, looking at you as if he remembered something. “I don’t have a condom.”
You smiled. “It’s okay. I take the pill. Hormonal issues.”
He nodded, exhaling relieved.
Closing his eyes, he put his attention to your neck again, not settling for long, but moving on to caress your nipples, licking and softly biting them. He was floating on clouds as you let out delicious moans, whimpering and shaking under him.
Namjoon gripped your waist as his lips wandered down your body, until he reached your pants, taking them off just like his before, but this time pulling down your panties along with them. He was so impatient, and this made your arousal grow even stronger, thinking about how he wanted you so much that he wasn’t ready to wait even one second longer.
He pulled down his boxers, too, his hard, thick, red-headed cock springing against his stomach, and you grabbed it immediately to stroke it. Your slow movements made him growl and grab the sheet next to your head as he gritted his teeth, looking down on you with heavy lust and longing.
It just got better when he decided to tease you back, his long fingers finding their way to your clit, slowly grazing and rubbing it before he suddenly slid a finger into your hole gently. For a second, he stayed like this, not moving his digit as he saw you unwind under him, out of breath and trying to focus on his dick that was twitching in your right hand.
“What’s wrong?” he asked teasingly, biting his lower lip, driving you even crazier.
“Nothing’s wrong, I just – I like what you’re doing,” you whispered back, your back slightly arching, nipples grazing against his chest.
He started moving his finger, slowly first before picking up the pace, not waiting long and then adding a second one which drew a long and intense whine out of your mouth – scrumptious, beautiful, sexy as hell.
And then it was a little too much; not the pleasure but the waiting, letting the time tick without having his cock inside you. You wanted to make him feel good, make him make you feel good, so you pushed his hands away in a sudden motion.
Namjoon looked at you surprised – but he didn’t have much time to wonder as you got up and pushed him down the mattress, back facing him now and straddling his chest. You leaned forwards, grabbing his cock again as you eyed it hungrily, taking in its beauty for a moment before you pressed yourself flush against his body.
You started by licking the tip of his head with your tongue, continuing with his length and ultimately taking him all in. At first, you only managed half of it, trying to adjust to his thickness and ignoring the gag reflex. You’d just started moving up and down when you felt him grab your waist to bring your core to his mouth. He eagerly licked a hot stripe against your fold before he brought you even closer, sucking at your clit and inserting his tongue as he moaned, sending vibrations through you that had you on edge.
For a few minutes, you continued like this, your sounds music to his ears and lips wrapped around his cock leaving him blissful. He tilted his head, looking at your head bop up and down as he said, “you’re ridiculously good at this, Y/N.”
You smirked, looking over your shoulder. “It’s been some time. That doesn’t mean I forgot how to do it.”
And instead of continuing to suck, you sat up straight, moving to face him again. He released his grip on you as you shifted, bringing your pussy close to his cock. You took him in your hand, guiding him slowly as you saw Namjoon’s lips parting, darkness completely taking over his eyes.
You rubbed him against your folds, almost feeling like you were just torturing yourself; then, finally, you sunk onto him, gasping as you took him in inch by inch. He was stretching you immediately and it felt so familiar, yet so new.
You gave yourself a few seconds to adjust, locking your hands with his as you leaned down to kiss him. And then you started to move, whimpering, throwing your head back. Riding him felt indescribably perfect. His hips started to move too, both of you chasing your highs as you leaned down yet again to kiss him.
He wrapped his arms around you, now fully taking control and starting to thrust into your tight pussy relentlessly, making you moan so loud that your neighboring students must have heard you.
Despite the pace, he was being soft, panting against your ear and holding you tightly, careful not to hurt you too much, but still thrusting with enough force to have you melt into him. “How does it feel?” he asked. “You like the way my cock is filling you up like that?” And these filthy words, along with his actions, were the hottest thing you’d ever experienced, your orgasm approaching fast as he fucked into you, muttering unholy questions and statements into your ear.
And just like that, you snapped, your legs starting to shake, goosebumps forming on your whole skin as you went lump in his grip, him still going on. But suddenly, the atmosphere shifted, the mood becoming weird as you noticed him mumble something you couldn’t decipher.
At first, you thought you were crazy, but as you heard him say a few words, including ligandum or coram, you lifted your body, looking at him in surprise to figure out what the hell he was saying.
And then, the room, no, the whole world seemed to go dark, clouds forming in the sky and everything becoming so cold that you shivered, physically shaking at the sudden change.
Namjoon seemed unaware, still thrusting into you, but you were too distracted, too taken aback to enjoy it anymore. And when you snapped your head to your desk to suddenly find a figure sitting on your chair, you shrieked, your magical impulse shattering the glass of water on your nightstand as you lifted yourself up, falling onto the bed behind Namjoon.
You expected him to at least flinch at the sight of the silhouette, but instead, he smiled, whispering “It worked” as he stood to bow, politely, but… well, naked.
The creature stood, nearing you slowly as the light from outside hit his face, dark black eyes staring back at you. And black eyes meant that the whole of his eyeball was stained in dark ink, making you whimper at the sight of him.
A demon. Namjoon had summoned a damn demon. You didn’t know much about this type of magic, but you hadn’t expected that it only took muttering a few words to make them appear in front of you. What about the salt? Or the paintings on the floor? What about everything that TV shows had shown you?
“I’ve heard you can help me. I need you, so I can become the most powerful wizard of the school and I am ready to sacrifice my soul for it… Sir,” Namjoon started in a stern tone, looking at the demon carefully whose eyes had become normal all of a sudden, his mouth twitching.
You stared back and forth in disbelief, contemplating to run away, but fearing that you wouldn’t come very far.
“You do realize you won’t get it back, right?” spoke the guy – monster? –, just for a second glancing at you, before shifting his focus to Namjoon again. His voice was… soft; way too pleasant to fit his profession.
He looked past your hookup again, his expression dangerous and intense. He was wearing this neat suit and his silver hair was parted on the left side. He ran a hand through it, before he took his coat off, licking his lower lip as he came closer to you.
“I- I just heard demons like you can be summoned during sex as you’re someone who feasts from desire. Other than that, she has nothing to do with this!” stuttered Namjoon and you glared at him wide eyed, not believing what you were hearing as hot anger boiled in you.
“What the fu-“ you started, but you were cut off by the stranger who’d leaned in close, inhaling deeply as he took in your scent.
“Proposition,” he said, presumably to Namjoon, but without turning around, “I take her instead of your soul.”
You shifted in your bed, moving into the corner and curling up in yourself.
“Take her where?” Namjoon asked, now visibly nervous. “She doesn’t-“
“I meant, take her like this. Right now.”
Your stomach turned. All of this was insane. The fact that he suggested that, the fact that a demon had suggested that, and most importantly that your fear had somehow settled enough to make you kind of… want it?
He was a sex demon after all. You knew that. And still, you felt drawn to him when he touched you, his soft finger now tracing the skin of your arms, leaving goosebumps as he went.
Namjoon was biting his lip, standing behind this guy who was teasing you shamelessly, and you saw your date shiver. “What do you say?”
God, what an asshole. He didn’t feel bad about anything of this at all. But somehow, you didn’t care. You hadn’t cum and you were on the edge, his touches not helping in the slightest.
“… Okay,” you answered.
“Okay?” Namjoon questioned, astonished at your willingness.
“I want to try that. As long as you don’t hurt me.”
The demon smirked, cupping your cheek affectionately, not exactly suiting his whole existence. “I wouldn’t hurt you. I feed on desire – I don’t do more or less than that unless you want me to. Like, fulfill wishes to make someone a powerful wizard, in exchange for souls and other stuff.” He winked before he continued, “My name is Jimin, by the way.”
His hands suddenly left you to pull down his black slacks and taking off the rest of his suit, leaving the demon you had just gotten to know a few minutes ago bare in front of your very eyes.
But he didn’t come close again. Instead, he sat down at the edge of the bed, gesturing Namjoon to come back. “Finish it. As I can see, you’re not done.”
“And you?” you asked. Your eyes wandered from his smooth hair over his pretty nose to his full lips. He didn’t seem as dangerous as you’d initially thought, and something in you told you he was able to give you exactly what you wanted.
He nodded in Namjoon’s direction as he answered. “I’ll join when he’s done… or still at it.”
You inhaled and exhaled deeply, nodding before glancing at Namjoon, too. “Finish it, then.”
All restraints gone, you came to the middle of the bed again, one hand grazing Jimin’s underpants as you opened your legs, patting the bed for Namjoon to lay down. You noticed that you were still wet, despite the fear you had felt not long ago. And Namjoon, looking sort of confused, still hard as he walked to you.
And you didn’t waste any time.
As soon as his back hit the mattress, you straddled him again, repeating the actions from before by bringing his cock to your entrance, rubbing against it before you slid down onto it.
He moaned, grabbing your waist tightly, for sure leaving bruises on your soft skin. You’d wanted to wipe off the arrogance of his face since Jimin had entered and now that he was under you, sounds escaping his throat that almost sounded like pleading, you relished in the feeling. Your hips were moving up and down persistently and you knew you would be sore the next day; but frankly, you didn’t give a single fuck about that right now.
You were quite proud of yourself, always having thought you were a sub – it didn’t occur to you that you had a dominant side on you that could actually do this well. Not that you minded being manhandled, though.
And you were reminded of that again when you felt Jimin stand up and come closer. He put two fingers under your chin as he moved your head to look at him. You gasped at the sight of him: he had one hand on his hardened length, precum already clearly visible, looking so mouthwatering good.
You knew what he wanted you to do and you were more than ready to give it to him. Looking him in the eyes that flashed black for a single moment, you opened your mouth, leaning forward as you sucked on only the tip for a small moment. He shuddered, tightening his grip on your face before he said, “What a good girl. Already so willing to suck my cock?”
Instead of answering, you lifted one hand to grab his throbbing sex, your pace above Namjoon faltering as your focus shifted to Jimin. The former helped you out, though, taking over control as he started thrusting up into you, too impatient to wait for your ministrations. Your left hand secured the balance of your body by holding onto Namjoon’s chest, while the other stroke parts of Jimin’s cock that you couldn’t reach.
Not that you could decide on the pace much. Jimin wasn’t as submissive as Namjoon was being right now – his hips were moving on their own, fucking your mouth as you tried not to gag. His hand had made its home in your hair, messing it up completely as tears formed in your eyes.
At some point, you heard Namjoon’s whimpers get louder and when you side-eyed him, you noticed how he was struggling underneath you, his movements becoming sloppy, his face contorting weirdly, yet sexily.
He brought his finger to your clit as he started rubbing it and you let out a loud moan, your mouth clenching around Jimin’s dick that made him gasp sharply, too. It took only three thrusts more until you came, your vision turning black before you felt Namjoon empty himself inside you, your juices mixing, while Jimin continued ramming his cock into your throat.
“Enough,” he eventually said, pulling out as he walked to stand behind you, pushing you down, so your torso and your face were just inches away from Namjoon’s. “On your knees.”
You followed the order, slowly and silently lifting yourself from Namjoon’s softened cock, still having trouble breathing and shifting your weight on your hands as you stretched your ass towards Jimin.
He reacted fast, not wasting a single second in which he enjoyed the sight of you in front of him. Pushing Namjoon’s cum inside of you again, he started fingering you, your sensitive pussy already aching, but giving in to his touches anyway.
His other hand came down on your ass hard and you gasped. He didn’t move it away, though – he left it there, squeezing your cheeks as his finger moved in and out of you at a merciless speed, his smirk clearly indicating that he was determined to draw these beautiful sounds out of you. Not that you could see that anyway. “So wet. So fucking wet. You seem to like the idea of a demon fucking you open, huh?”
You were almost whining, dying for him to finally sink his cock into you to give you what you wanted. “I do! I do, just- please, fuck me…”
“You just got drilled so well. And you’re that impatient? Aren’t you a bad girl, hm?” He chuckled behind you, removing his finger before he suddenly, and without a single warning, inserted himself into you. His cock was rock hard, filling you up so nicely.
You cried out loud, going crazy over the painful fact that he didn’t ease you into the whole process, that he didn’t let you adjust, but instead chose a mind-wrecking pace right from the beginning. You could hear Namjoon moan under you and you noticed that he was stroking his length, apparently hard again as he saw your reactions while being fucked into oblivion.
You leaned down to kiss him, tongues crashing against each other desperately. His hand curled one of your breasts, massaging your hardened nipple while Jimin didn’t slow down in the slightest, your body lighting up, begging for more, more, more.
At some point, you felt Jimin lean down to you, his sweaty torso against your back as his hand reached your neck. He pressed his fingers into it slightly; while Namjoon had somewhat let you have control of him, and had been soft to some extent, Jimin was pitiless, eager to wreck you entirely.
Hand still on your neck, he pulled you up and you were forced to break the kiss with Namjoon. You were on your knees, back against Jimin as Namjoon got up, too, continuing kissing you while his erection pressed against your stomach. You intuitively grabbed his cock, moving your hands as fast as you could while simultaneously concentrating on everything Jimin was doing to you.
You were literally sandwiched between the two, so pressed against them that you felt your release near. This type of worshipping of your body always made you tingly, and while this wasn’t your first threesome, you had surely never felt the urge to be this close to your intercourse partners as you did now.
Panting, moaning loudly, you brought Namjoon’s leaking tip to your bundle of nerves, rubbing it against your clit to welcome your second orgasm that would soon take over you. Despite the cramp that was building in your arm, you continued stroking his cock while enjoying the way Jimin was breathing into your ear hard, nibbling against the shell of it and smiling when he noticed what that did to you.
“Do you like that? Two guys pleasuring you? Do you like the way my cock is destroying you?” he growled, making you feel things you had never felt, things you didn’t want to stop feeling at all.
“Yes, yes, yes, please!” you screamed, hundred percent sure that your neighbors could hear you clearly by now if they hadn’t already.
“Please what, huh?”
“Let me cum, please,” you whimpered, eyes stinging, whether from oversensitivity or pleasure, or both, you didn’t know.
He laughed softly, his velvety voice not suiting his actions at all. “I’m not stopping you, baby, am I?”
And you came, everything in front of you blurring as you rode out your high, not noticing that your hand movements had caused Namjoon to milk all over your stomach and bedsheets.
Jimin kept fucking into you harshly before he came, too, biting into your shoulder hard and causing you to whine as a result. He let go of you, pulling out as you collapsed on your bed next to the sitting Namjoon who was panting almost as hard as you.
Both their fluids were running out of your pussy, messing up your sheets entirely. It was a wonder that your roommate had still not returned, but you were immensely grateful for that at the moment.
You could hear the demon and your hook-up speak softly – probably discussing their whole unholy demon-wizard deal or whatever. You didn’t care. You had gotten something for free and you were content with that fact.
The mix of your exhaustion and your still drunken state caused you to almost doze away before you heard Namjoon call your name. You opened your eyes, looking at the now fully clothed and concerned guy you had been dancing against only a few hours ago.
“Are you alright?” he asked, clearly testing whether you were still conscious or not.
“Yeah, I am,” you mumbled, rubbing your eyes as you wrapped yourself in your blanket and stood up.
He smiled at you softly, speaking so crystal clear that you wondered whether the alcohol was still affecting him at all. “That was… quite something. If you ever want to do it again, you know where to find me.”
You started grinning, almost laughing out loud at his words as you tried to somewhat smoothen your hair. Jimin was still standing in the room, leaning against your dresser as he waited. What was he even waiting for exactly?
With a look to Namjoon, you put a hand on his arm to guide him to the door. He looked down at you confused. “What are you doing?”
“Throwing you out. You’re welcome to leave now.”
“Wha-“ he started, but you were quick to interrupt him.
“Listen, that was hot and all, but you practically used me for your deal to become powerful for the greater good or whatever you snobby wizards always want. That’s very asshole-y to me, so there’s no fucking way I’ll want to do anything with you ever again. With that in mind, take care and goodbye.”
You shoved him out the door and closed it in front of his nose before he could say anything else. You smirked, satisfied with yourself as you turned to Jimin – not as intimidated before, but still somehow scared. Especially when he did this weird trick with his eyes, flashing black here and now.
“Yeah?” you asked, demanding an explanation as to why he was still lingering around when his purpose here was obviously done. “You can go now. The deal’s sealed.”
He chuckled, his silver hair still a little damp on his forehead, but flawless nevertheless. “You could say that. I just wanted to look at you a little longer.”
“Uh, you wanted to loo-“
“For a little human girl, you can take fairly much. None of the others take me so well – especially when they know what my meal consists of,” he whispered, leaning in closer to press a soft kiss on your earlobe, “and the desire that I take in from you is intense.”
You shivered and he noticed. He placed his hands on your arms, moving up and down as if to warm you. Which didn’t help. At all. “You keep faltering under my touches. I love that.”
He knew the effect he had on you; he knew he intimidated you while simultaneously putting your hormones on edge.
You sighed as he removed his hands, only to bring his lips to your knuckles, kissing them softly, before he said, “Summon me anytime, sweetheart.”
It took only one blink of an eye and he was gone, along with his gentle touches that you had felt just a second ago.
You were alone again.
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ktheist · 4 years
wizard’s oath [1]
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muses. wizard!jungkook x dragonslayer!reader
synopsis.  the friendly neighborhood wizard trying to propose to the infamous dragon slayer in the middle of slaying a dragon? now, that’s classic.
trope. bad girl, good guy but make it magical.
chapters. previous |  next.
words. 1.4k
disclaimer. no dragon was harmed in the making of this drabble.
“hey so, listen.” jungkook says, back pressed up flat against the slab of concrete wall that barely covers the two of you, “you know we’ve been at it for a long time, right?”
you throw your gaze at the boy - perhaps he’s hitting 20-something but you can’t help see him as that kid from across the streets who would boast about his wizard-counsel father to you, “i swear to god and merlin and everything you consider magical, if you tell me you want to stop slaying dragons just as we’re about to slay a goddamn dragon, i will obliterate you right here and now, jeon.”
a tree trunk wheezes past the wall straight into the tower a few feet ahead, bringing it down into ruins, followed by a mighty roar, as though to warn you about going against it.
“no. i’m not gonna stop.” he quickly says, bright doe eyes boring into you, “i’m just saying-”
you grab a fistful of his shirt, yanking him with you as you leap to the side and go rolling down the hill just as the slab of wall melts from the burst of fire that pours out the dragon’s mouth.
“okay, that’s great then.” you throw him a fleeting glance - indicating that you’re listening before ducking in hopes the upper grounds would serve as a camouflage. “but can’t this wait?”
the face he makes at your last question reminds you of a kicked puppy. almost in an instant, you want to put down the elven sword and bring him into a bear hug and apologize. but when the booming roar tears through the sky like thunder, you know you don’t have that luxury.
“cover for me.” are your last words before you bolt straight into the dragon, the heat on the soles of your feet gathering before propping you forward and onto the dragon’s back.
the beast cries out in agony when you drive your sword through its scales, swaying sideways, almost throwing you off if it wasn’t for your tight grip on the handle of the sword.
you don’t need call for the wizard. he knows its his cue when he steps in front of the dragon, deep purple hood drawn over his head and half of his face. the only thing visible is his moving lips. speaking a foreign language that’s lost to most of the world.
when the dragon stills, you yank the sword out of its flesh and trudge up the slope of its back, aiming for its head.
you distinctly notice the illuminated circle forming around the dragon as it growls in contempt for the spell jungkook is casting on it. a movement restriction spell. the heat comes back full-force, coursing through your veins and lighting up the hollow in your chest. you take the last leap before landing on its head, sword digging deep in between its slit-like eyes.
it takes you moment to pull the sword out of the dragon’s thick skull, silver blood splattering all over your clothes and face. the dragon tumbles to the ground right in front of the unmoving wizard a heartbeat and a half later while you wipe the elven sword with your sleeve before sheathing it.
“good job, wizard.” you commend but instead of the usual grin he would offer you after every slay, this time, he looks at you with furrowed brows and pressed lips.
“what’s wrong? are you hurt?” you reach out a hand to check his face but instead, he holds it firmly midair before dropping to his knees.
“i know you think of me as nothing more than your neighborhood friend and partner but i when i saw you with that knight last week,” face contorts painfully, he shakes his head as though willing a bad memory away. then he meets your curious eyes with a light so clarifying, his purification magic can’t even compete, “i can’t do this anymore - going out to battles and having the fear of either of us dying. ___. before i regret it, i want you to marry me.”
that’s when you retract your hand out of his grasp as though it’s as hot as the dragon’s fiery breath, “no. you’re insane, jeon.”
you begin to trudge forward, going around the dragon’s carcass to get to the forestline where it’ll lead back to the village.
“that i am but not because i’ve decided to spend my whole life with you!” he calls out, feet padding hurriedly to chase after you.
“jungkook.” you abruptly turn around, making him halt just a few inches away. a sigh escapes your lips when you find yourself staring at his chest, all thanks to his unfair height. you crane your neck, after all these years, it still doesn’t sit well with you that the boy you grew up with had overgrown you by a head and a half, “you’re not thinking straight! i mean, you never even had a lover and now you’re asking me to marry you? that’s absurd!”
“will you be my lover then?” he asks, stars in his eyes.
“not in a million eons!” you almost scream but he doesn’t seem to be affected by the rejection - before he can say anything though, you’ve already turned your back on him. trudging down the pathway.
“you won’t marry me and you won’t be my lover! what am i supposed to do to win your heart?” it’s the delicateness in his voice and the fact that he isn’t following you, that makes you stop in your trek.
“god, you’re such an idiot.” you groan, turning around with your arms crossed over your chest. it’s a struggle to remain mad when he looks at you like a lost puppy but you persevere, “flowers and picnics and taking me to dances - things like that. just because i’ve been holding swords more than i do needles and threads doesn’t mean i don’t want what any girl wants... to be courted.”
by the end of it, you feel like you’re on fire. not the kind of fire that you feel when your powers course through your veins, but the kind that makes you squirm and want to run away out of sheer embarrassment.
“o-oh.” jungkook stutters out as he starts to register your words. “th-then, will you go with me to old hedrick’s party - i know it’s no ball but we can dance and after that, maybe we could go to the field and watch the stars?”
you take your sweet time going over the pros and cons of becoming jungkook’s lover - everyone will know as soon as you show up in a dress with jungkook and at a party at that. your sisters were the ones that are considered the social butterflies.
when you take too long, jungkook starts rubbing the back of his head awkwardly. 
“okay. pick me up at 7.”
his head almost snaps off his neck when he looks up to you so fast. all stars and smiles. “really?”
“and no robes - dress normally, for once.” you add, noticing the way his robes would encase around him like a cocoon. it’s been awhile since you actually see him wear anything but that.
“no robes,” he echoes, agreeing but his eyes light up all the more when he looks like a thought has crossed him, “and no swords either.”
your shoulder line tenses at that. between the two of you, one uses a wand and the other uses an otherwordly sword. and you definitely do not know how deadly spells come out of a twig.
“but what if we get attacked?” you try to reason.
“you seem to forget,” jungkook plants both his hands on his hips, chest puffed with pride - it reminds you of the time when he would stop you in the middle of you coming home from buying breads and begin boasting about his father’s recent achievements at the council, saying he’ll be just like him or perhaps even more powerful, “just because you’re the one who does all the slaying, doesn’t mean i’m any less lethal - i’m the strongest wizard of our time. and a wand is definitely easier to carry than a sword.”
“very well,” a sigh escapes you while your shoulders sag in defeat, “no swords.”
jungkook looks proud - like he just won a fight. with that, you whirl on your heels, a hand held up to wave at him, “well then, better hurry and harvest the dragon’s heart if you want to make it to the dance on time.”
you hear the wizard grumble from behind you as he rushes back to where the dragon lies, withered, complaining about how he really should get himself an apprentice.
note. wow i just feel like writing and this happened!
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guksthighs · 7 years
Liquid Luck || jhs
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Summary: Hoseok needs a push in the right direction and a strong dose of liquid luck to confess his feelings to you.
Genre: wizard au, fluff, shy hobi
Length: 1.2k
A/N: this was soOoOo much fun!! i'm a sucker for a magic au
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“Stop moping around the common room,” Taehyung grabbed the back of Hoseok’s shirt and pulled him off the sofa, laughing as he made a sound of annoyance before flopping onto Taehyung, “Hobi, if you want anything to come from crush you need to do tell her!”
But you felt unreachable to Hoseok, perfect scores in all of your tests and the confidence to walk around the school like you owned it, he wished he could find the strength to talk to you. Taehyung grapped the sleeve of his top before dragging him out of the common room and towards the potions room, hoping that Namjoon would still be practicing potions.
“No running in the halls!” Yoongi called after their figures, as Taehyung sprinted towards the classroom dragging Hoseok behind him, laughter filling the hallway as they passed other students milling around. The school was the quietest in the morning, students staying in bed until the last possible second and then running to the dining hall whilst dressing themselves in a desperate attempt to eat before classes.
However as Taehyung burst into the potions room, face lighting up in a smile because Namjoon wasn’t your ordinary student and was always awake early to research a new ingredient in the library or test his new recipes. “Morning Namjoon,” Taehyung lightly tapped him on the shoulder, a look of interest on his face as he watched the elder boy add in an ingredient that made the cauldron turn purple.
The room was dark, lit only by the morning sun that streamed in through the stained glass window creating rainbows that rested on the surfaces. The potions room had a reputation for being haunted, spoons stirring themselves without a spell and ingredients being added to mixtures to create poisons, but as Hoseok took in the beauty of the old room he understood why it was Namjoon’s preferred place to be.
“You finally persuaded Hobi to confess to Y/N?” he laughed, placing the mixture to the side as he began walking around the room, picking up new ingredients to create the potion he had in mind, “I think if our Hoseok will get his girl we need some liquid luck.”
“Joon I don’t think it’ll be enough,” Hoseok sighed, his head lowering in embarrassment as he found himself unable to confess to you. At first it had been a surprise to the boys because he was known for being outgoing and confident. When they realised the extent of his problem they became quick to try and fix it with all the advice and spells they knew but so far nothing had changed.
Namjoon continued to make the potion, a wide grin on his face when he heard the sound of voices outside and quickly he rushed to Hoseok, placing a hand on his back, “trust me, you’ve got this,” he pushed him into the textbook closet and before shutting the door winked at Hoseok, “just stay quiet and this will all work out.”
Hoseok sat in the cupboard, arms wrapped around his knees as he tried to grasp what was happening, until he heard the familiar sound of your voice, “Jungkook stop trying to give me advice, I’m the only girl you can talk to without going bright red,” the sound of your laughter was quickly joined by Taehyung and Namjoon, and Hoseok clasped a hand over his mouth, trying to figure out why you were here.
“Well, before you rudely interrupted me I was telling you that Namjoon isn’t going to let you down with the liquid luck you asked for,” Jeongguk laughed, and Hoseok placed a palm against the door slowly pushing it open to peak his head out to try and see what was going on.
“It has to be perfect!” you exclaimed, your voice suddenly serious and Hoseok wondered why it was so important, holding his breath as he waited for you to continue, “this confession needs to be perfect and if my nerves ruin it, it’ll be over.” He was confused because you had told him you didn’t like anyone and yet you were talking about confessing, suddenly he felt like maybe you weren’t as close to each other as before and that it might be healthier for him to give up on his little crush.
With those thoughts, Hoseok stood up, opening the cupboard and walking in on the conversation you were having with his friends, “sorry I think I fell asleep in the cupboard,” he could hear how bad his excuse sounded but he couldn’t find the strength to think of anything better, “I’m going to grab breakfast.”
The conversation became silent, they all looked at his slumped shoulders in interest as he walked past and just as Hoseok reached the door, you grabbed his hand in yours, “Hobi, can I have one second of your time?”
He turned to look at you in interest, observing the way you were struggling to hold his gaze and the shifting off your feet and he couldn’t stop himself, “I really really like you!” Your eyes widened at the blush that had settled on his cheeks, “sorry Y/N what did you want to say?” Hoseok knew he had ruined your friendship, his eyes squeezing shut as he tried to stop himself from crying.
The room filled with light, the sun finally having risen and as you squinted against it, you beamed at him, “you read my mind! Hobi, I like you too!” you laughed, leaning forward to kiss his nose before pulling back and giggling in embarrassment at your actions. It seemed in the end neither of you needed luck when you had each other.
Hoseok was so absorbed with happiness that he forgot the boys were still standing around until Taehyung high fived Jeongguk and Namjoon with a laugh, “We finally did it!” They watched as you and Hoseok held hands, walking out of the room chattering and the boys wondered if you would ever be able to let each other go again. The sunlight that filled both of your eyes warned them that you would be inseparable.
If you enjoyed this, please do not hesitate to like, reblog and comment~
And tell me your thoughts in the comments/ask box <3
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softsan · 4 months
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key: fluff 🤍 , angst 🖇️ , suggestive 🍶 , smut 🥛 , adult themes 🍚 , coming soon 📨 , in progress 🎧 , completed 📑 , requests📁 .
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˚ 🫧 ⊹ one kiss and you’re mine. — kim seokjin 5k ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🍶 , 🍚 , 📨 , dark wizard au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ a burnt and broken love. — min yoongi 5k ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🍶 , 🍚 , 📨 , dark wizard au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ doomed from the start. — kim namjoon 5k ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🍶 , 🍚 , 📨 , dark wizard au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ a monster with good intentions. — jung hoseok 5k ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🍶 , 🍚 , 📨 , dark wizard au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ sink into my darkness. — park jimin 5k ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🍶 , 🍚 , 📨 , dark wizard au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ all i gave you is gone. — kim taehyung 5k ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🍶 , 🍚 , 📨 , dark wizard au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ falling for your faded face. — jeon jungkook 5k ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🍶 , 🍚 , 📨 , dark wizard au synopsis - . - read here.
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© softsan - all rights reserved. please do not repost on any social media sites, translate, or modify any of my works.
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sugarlywhispers · 2 years
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Summary: The war had ended, but no one was expecting what just happened. Voldemort won. It was the beginning of hell for those who stood against him. You preferred to have died than to suffer as much as you were at the moment; yet the only one with the power to give you a little bit of peace in this Hell was him, former Death Eater, Min Yoongi, who had tried to kill you on more than one occasion. Could you trust him? Was he really who he showed to be?
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader (Fem); Jung Hoseok x Reader.
Genre: DARK FIC; Harry Potter AU; Death Eater x Muggleborn; Stockholm Syndrome AU; Yandere-ish AU; Angst.
WARNINGS: DARK THEMES, adult content, swearing, explicit situations, smut (in future chapters), descriptions of blood, tortures and traumatic situations.
A/N: Well, hello there again. The annoying bitch, a.k.a. ME, who can't stay away from fanfiction came back.🙃 First of, let me scream how much I love my baby @sincerelylexx for the amazing banner she made for this fic and for always reading and encouraging me to keep doing this🥺🤍 I love you forever!💕
Alright, now let's be real and clear here, friends. This is a dark story, there won't be fluff, well maybe sometimes and thru the end, but still... Let's position ourselves in the time my story is gonna refer to. It's the second wizarding war, Harry Potter against Lord Voldemort. And for this story, Harry loses, which means Voldemort wins, which also means nothing nice can come from that. Reader fought for the Light, while Min Yoongi fought for Voldemort's side. No, I won't say more about that (����). BUT, what I want y'all to realize is that IS A WAR. Nothing pretty nor good comes from them. So, I'm sorry, don't expect flowers, unicorns and rainbows, THIS SHIT'S GONNA BE DARK.
Also, yes. I have joined the redeemed Death Eater x saving the Muggleborn witch in HP fanfics. But here, I'm combining two of my most favourite things in the whole wide world, Harry Potter fandom and BTS.😍💖
Having said that, those who still want to stay and read, enjoy💖
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CHAPTER ONE: "Hell on Earth".
The pain was excruciating. It was pain like no other; your whole body shook and trembled on the dirty floor and all you could think, feel or want was to be dead.
You really wished you were, that way you wouldn't be suffering this way. That way you would be free.
It all had happened too fast for everyone's exhausted bodies and minds to realize it during the battle; so when they turned around and saw Harry's dead body limp, moveless, lifeless on the floor, a whole silence reigned around.
Nobody moved nor dared to make a sound for minutes.
Minutes in which your mind was processing what just happened, what it meant.
Harry Potter was dead.
Harry Potter lost.
Lord Voldemort won.
Laughs, screams and cries were heard all around the castle, or what was left of it. Chaos began again; some people regained their duels, others started to run away while battle broke loose again.
You still couldn't believe it. No. This couldn't happen. This couldn't end this way; it wasn't supposed to end like this, damn it!
Had everything you did, everything the Golden Trio did, been completely in vain? Was history really written like this, with this end? What happened with all those stories in which the Light, the good, the superheroes won? Were all just that, mere stories? Were all a lie?
Yes. A big fucking lie… 
Hope did not exist.
"Y/N, RUN!" Someone yelled at you, but it was heard in the distance.
You were really tired… Your whole body ached in a way that was indescriptible. What was the point? Why keep running? They won. What else could you or anyone else do? Harry was the chosen one, not Hermione, not Ron, and definitely not you. Why keep fighting?
But for some reason, your body did not realize you had already given up and your legs were running towards the big doors of the castle. Then, you remembered why it was worth it to keep fighting; you remembered him. You dodged down at every curse that got in your way and sent back curses to every Death Eater you could catch.
You could see the morning sunlight brightening the outside, the sun waking up the earth for a new day right through the horizon. As you got closer to the entrance, you felt the light breeze of freedom.
Freedom. That sounded fantastic. It sounded like the best thing that could happen after all this hell.
Yet, in your running, you never saw that big, wall-like Death Eater following your track from the side like a hawk getting closer and closer to attack. Your mind was so focused and thriving for that freedom that you never expected him to win in speed and stand in front of you right at the doors of Hogwarts castle.
You groaned gasping for air, eyes opening wide as your body collided with his. He had caught you. You had been so close...
"Got ya', mudblood," he laughed, picking you up on his shoulder as if you weighed nothing.
You fought; arms and legs jerking and kicking as hard as you could against him. You were not going down without a fight.
This was not supposed to end like this…
In your fight, you looked one last time at the horizon getting far away from your reach as the Death Eater walked deeper inside the castle again. 
Then, everything went black.
Little did you know, that was going to be the last time you ever saw the outside, the beautiful sun in daylights, for a long time.
How many days had passed since that tragic day? Had it been days, weeks, months? Maybe years? You really didn't know; you lost count after the second session of rounds filled by the Cruciatus Curse that kept going for endless hours until you finally passed out again. 
After each session, when you woke up, your body spamming uncontrollably on the dirty ground of that cell that became your new "home", you were back in the darkness of the dungeons on the farthest and deepest floor down the castle. Sometimes, you could see through a little window the silhouette of the giant squid swimming in the lake. You named it Willy, though you didn't really know if it was male or female.
Nothing had really changed for the beast; it just kept swimming in its environment like nothing had happened, as if everything was as normal as it had always been. 
However, it couldn't be said the same for you. Everything has changed for you.
You remembered feeling a small spang of jealousy for the animal. You wished you could be as free as Willy was.
But now, you were a prisoner, a toy Death Eaters liked to play with. You were scum to them; a mudblood, which meant, nothing. You were simply nothing.
One last painful cry was torn from your raspy throat before the curse was lifted. Your body kept jerking in pain, every limp in your body trembled. Pain was everything your mind could focus on; but somehow, when you opened your eyes for a millisecond, you noticed you were in the Great Hall at Hogwarts. Of course you were still at Hogwarts; you never left this place since war started.
Pain clouded your mind again, remembering how much all of this felt like hell in those mere seconds you could breathe.
However, mercy wasn't something Death Eaters were known for, so it didn't take them long before another round of torturing began.
A shrieking, full of evilness and madness laughter that belonged to a woman sounded above all the other laughs, even above your own screams of pain.
You were at the point in which you were now comparing pains, trying to decipher who each pain was related to, under whose wand.
The Crucio under Bellatrix's wand hurt. Like thousand needles constantly pinching your entire body; like the most painful electric shock traveling the insides of your whole body, burning everything on its path. Indeed, her crucio felt like the worst nightmare ever.
But nothing would ever compare to the Crucio curse under Voldemort himself. It was pain like no other. It was a pain that you were unable and incapable to explain how it felt, but one thing was for sure: it was a pain that only made you wish you were dead.
Why? Why had everything had to end like this? What sin could you have done in this life to deserve this pain? At this point, nothing made sense. Was it day or night? Was the morning shiny or cloudy? Was it Spring or Fall already?
All you knew was that you knew nothing.
But you definitely weren't expecting what was going to happen at that moment.
"My most loyal followers and friends," started the evil snake, gathering the attention of his laughing Death Eaters, which were very entertained by watching one of them raping a girl on one side of the hall.
You have learnt that it was better to close your eyes and try not to pay too much attention to what was happening around you. One, because it was painful to even think. A handful of rounds of the Cruciatus Curse would make anyone go nuts. How or why were you still a little bit conscious yet, no one knew. It was a game for them, who gets to finally break the little Gryffindor princess; the winner gets to rape her. And two, because simply there was nothing, absolutely nothing you could do for them. And that was the most horrifying thing you have ever experienced.
Not being able to do anything for your friends, for people you have known for years, for the kids that still were trapped in this hell, it was killing you alive. Every. single. day.
"Today, we celebrate our first anniversary of finally ending our most hated enemy," your eyes opened instantly.
A year... Just one fucking year had passed; it felt like a fucking eternity.
You looked at the ceiling, no sky this time giving you the welcome to Hogwarts. It was the plain image of an old ceiling. There was no magic– correction, no good magic surrounding these walls that once made you feel safe and at home.
It's been one year…
Tears started to blind your sight, all the sadness and pain, all the frustrating helplessness twirling so fast inside you, you were unable to control it.
"As a celebration and reminder of how much I do appreciate all my dear followers, I'll be granting one wish to each one of you," Voldemort said, and everyone felt the sickening feeling that something hid behind his faked nice words.
Nobody spoke but the silence that surrounded everyone in the Great Hall of Hogwarts which screamed 'dangerous'.
Least was to say that everyone was surprised when one of his closest followers, former Death Eater Min Yoongi, took a few steps closer to his master where he was seated in the place which once had been Headmaster Dumbledore's seat. He bowed to Voldemort, practically kneeling on one leg and resting his forearm on his bent knee in front of him as a sign of respect and loyalty.
"My Lord, I've been nothing but loyal to you and the cause," Yoongi started, but Voldemort interrupted him.
"You dare tell me what I already know, Yoongi?" If anyone had paid precise attention to him, they would have noticed how he gulped nervously.
Still, Yoongi continued, "I have a wish."
"Oh, and what is this wish you have for me to fulfill for you, my dear Yoongi?" Everyone could feel the amusement in their master's voice. He was the one having fun with all of this, he was playing with all of them. And it was scary.
"I want… I want the Gryffindor mudblood."
Gasps and whispers surrounded the ambience, some were surprised, others were angry.
"You'll have to be more specific, my friend, we play with a lot of mudblood toys in here," Voldemort mocked.
Yoongi never looked up at his master as he said, "Y/L/N Y/N."
You could not believe your ears. Your eyes, filled with tears, averted from the ceiling to him.
You remembered him. He was in the same year and class as you had been; he even was friends with Draco Malfoy, but he wasn’t such a prick like the blond. You remembered Yoongi being more quiet, more kept to himself and his stuff. But you did remember once colliding with him on a hallway in your run to class and him spitting that horrible word at you… Mudblood. He was the same prejudiced asshole as everyone else was in Slytherin.
You also remembered him cursing one of your friends from the back during the last battle. What a fucking coward, you thought.
So the question was, why? Why did he want you? Was this some kind of sick thing he was into? Did he just want you as a consolation prize for all the shit he did? Was he going to parade you like his trophy? Was this a stroke to his ego?
Simply, why? Why you?
Voldemort pretended that he was thinking about it for a moment, and then he looked at you, laying almost helplessly on the floor, pretty hurt and still spamming with the after effects of the Cruciatus Curse. He smiled, wide and devilish.
"I know what you're capable of, Yoongi," snakeface praised, still smiling and looking back at said man. "But sadly, this means you'll take one of the most fun toys we have, especially for our Bella," everyone, including her, laughed out loud in a mocking way, until Voldemort raised his hand to make them shut up. "However, you have proven yourself to be one of my most impressively loyal followers, and I'll grant your wish. You can have the mudblood."
More whispers, you could feel their eyes on you. But you traveled your gaze at Min Yoongi, who bowed his head one more time in his master's direction and thanked him, then stood up and walked towards you, eyes still not finding yours.
One of the reasons they considered you "a fun toy" was because you still had it in you to fight them, to still put some resistance not only in your mind, but also in your body. You fought nails and punches against everyone, and Min Yoongi would not be an exception.
When he was right next to you, he bent over to grab your arms to make you stand up, and that was when the fight began. They had called and compared you on more than one occasion with a wild animal, and maybe you did look and acted like one now, but you didn't care. You were not going to give in easily, to any of them.
Yoongi tried to dodge and hold you with his strength so your punches wouldn't hurt him, but one particular kick on the stomach made everyone that were paying attention to the scene laugh amusingly at his grunt, but it made him angry.
When he finally made you stand up, he forcefully grabbed the back of your head by your hair and pulled you closer to him, his other arm holding your entire body against his chest. You had to admit, you were surprised for a second there. When did that thin, languid boy become this buffy, slim man with enough strength to restrain you?
You were still struggling in his arms, when he whispered in a hiss right at your ear, "Quit fighting, damn it! I'm trying to help."
You froze. What?! What the hell was he playing at?
“Already having trouble controlling your new pet, Yoongi? You know I could always assist you, even show a few new tricks, mmh?” One Death Eater that you couldn’t recognize at the moment joked from behind Yoongi, making the man in front of you tense. You didn’t know who the man that spoke was, but if he made Yoongi react that way, it only meant he was dangerous.
You were about to start struggling again when you felt invisible ropes hold your arms behind your back, and the anger returned to your whole being. Fucking bastard! He tricked you! Your eyes threw daggers at the asshole in front of you while Min Yoongi stood tall and proud that he finally got you to cooperate. You hated him so much already.
“Thank you, Corbyn, but I have my own fun tricks,” Yoongi said, his tone sounding mocking and full of himself, making several people laugh maliciously at what lay ahead of you as his possession. You were so ready to spit at him, but his eyes made you freeze again.
While his words had been harsh and full of evil intent, his eyes that only you could see were full of begging for you to cooperate; it was like they were screaming at you, ‘Please, please do as I say’. For some reason, he was terrified. Of what?, you didn’t know.
You wanted to scream back at him to go fuck himself, that you didn’t need him nor his help, that he was and evil prick like the rest of them, a murderer, a Death Eather scum! You hated him like the rest of them for all the hell they brought to yours and everyone else’s lives.
However, his almond shaped black eyes full of fear made you hold back and stay put.
For now.
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namjoonchronicles · 7 years
witchcraft | sj
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► pairing: seokjin x you ► genre: fluff, fantasy, professor!seokjin (..yea) student!reader, seokjin’s a wizard ► warning: mentions of blood, laceration, bruises? what even are these warnings ► summary: when mysterious bruises appear on your skin, chasing your sleep away, you seek help from your hot young prof who happens to be a practitioner of witchcraft--but he doesn’t necessarily know that you know that. Because he’s Seokjin. ► author’s note: i plan to make an installment to this story and make it a series soon, make it a BTS-centered Fantastic Beast-ish thing.
"You're not supposed to offend anyone." Seokjin heard his own voice in his head, trying to make sense of what he was looking at. No matter how many times he looks at it, it is still there, just reddening in front of his eyes. He is getting crossed-eyed at it. "Be gone, you disgusting pimple." He commanded, muttering under his breath. "I have an impossible good-looking face, how do I not offend people with this. It's not like I'm doing it with full intention." He huffs, trying not shake the ominous feeling in his head as he tries to sit down in the living room.
He clasps air to get his mug which usually would fly into his grasp right about now, but for some reason, it didn't move from the kitchen counter. "What the hell." He cursed, frowning at his hand and he tries again; failing, of course. Defeated, he dragged his feet to where it was and obtained the mug. He set them unwashed in the sink and pulled his bag strap over his shoulder, fixing his pink sweater. He had 'Master class' to attend to. He opens his door and he usually didn't have to walk all the way to his room to get his phone, but today, he had to. "This freaking pimple is draining all my wizardry goodness." Seokjin puts on his shoes and shut the door behind him only to be startled out of his wits at you who was sitting outside, by the door sill, hugging your legs.
Your sunken eyes, pale face and weak hello, suggests that you've been here all night. Seokjin inhales deeply and stared into your eyes, slapping a huge, "No" in your face. To which you responded by laying flat on your back, refusing to clear the way for him to get through. It was a small alley, but your height barely cover the whole way. Seokjin swiftly walked passed you at the space you can't cover, to which you held his ankle with both of your hands and Seokjin sighs loudly. "Lady. I will not give you the tip on the coursework. You know what you need to do to get those marks. Let go of my ankles, I am very late." He said calmly, yanking his ankle out of your grasp, effortlessly.
"That's not what I'm here for." You hurried to your feet and exclaimed. And it finally got Seokjin's attention. "I'm not here for the Seokjin-who-holds-a-Master, I'm here for the Wizard-Seokjin." And Seokjin turned his heel to face you, slowly, looking down and very handsomely, at it too. "...Who told you that." His voice was grim and send chills down your spine. "...I need help with something." You disregarded his questions. It wasn't important. He had a wizard tattoo on his side-abs that you saw on accident, in an occurrence you do not wish to explain. Witchcraft is very much frowned upon in modern age, and is forgotten. You recognised the tattoo, because you always read mystical books, in your free time. But Seokjin was a student to a very respected all-male magic school wizard that is so discreet, there's hardly more than twenty of them, being alive today.
"Making love potion is illegal in wizardry." He spat, assuming that that whas was it's about. It usually is. The last girl who knew who he truly was only interested into selling his potions into perfumes. It shredded the trust in him, and he had been alone ever since. "I'm being hunted," you spat, "And the worst thing is, I don't know why." Seokjin blinks away. He looked like he already knew the answers to that. So he fidgets his eyes, face to one side, and turned away, "...It's your scent. They're crazy for it." He lazily replied and walked off.
What he said didn't exactly gave you a definite solution. It's more of a comment, and it isn't helpful at all, and you were so desperate. So you clawed his sleeves. "Please." With your pleading eyes, you rolled your sleeves and show him all the scars they've given you. Red, blood stains, unexplained bruises. Scratches. Your hands are trembling. And Seokjin caught them, unaware of what he was doing. He tilted his body to one side to hold his bag, and examined your cuts, tracing each one with his thumbs, gently. "These..." He started. The relaxed expression is no longer on his face. Now he is just, plain worried beyond explanation. "These are not werewolves."
There's nothing he could do in daylight. And there's a class he needs to attend. He watches you stand in his rearview mirror as he drives away, before he pulled the brakes. He signalled for you to come in. His conscience got the better of him. While you were sitting silent in his passenger seat, Seokjin was thinking hard. What was that, if it's not werewolves. Something that would have attracted to that scent of you. His gaze pierces the view ahead as he spoke, "First thing first, you need to have that scent stripped away from you." And how do you do that?
"Easiest way would be, having a male companion. It will not cut them off, but it will stop the bruises and the unwanted scratches. Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked, but from your face, he knew, "...Well, that sucks." Female with companions don't get these kind of attacks because they have a male-like scent. That's why single ladies are more susceptible to these creatures. It's been centuries since they've made their last appearance, even Seokjin, the younger generation of wizards, forgotten their names. Because they were thought to be extinct and shouldn't have come back.
"Can you describe what they look like?" Seokjin asked.
"Brass. Crawling on all fours. Looks like panthers but no fur, just metallic skin." You said. "...Golden Leapers." He was confident. Golden Leapers are indeed extinct magical creatures, whose existence cause nothing but chaos. They prey after young women with distinctive features, and it differs from one to another. Making it impossible for wizards in the past to track the ladies they were all after, causing them to be banish at once because the great dangers they brought. There was nothing physically in common about the ladies they prey on, and there's no evidence on what will happen if they continue to haunt these ladies. However, all the ladies that's being haunted will have these bruises that doesn't seem to go away, painful and sleepless nights, go along with it.
They will eventually become living corpses until a wizard takes control of it. And it was against the duties of a wizard to let this go unfixed.
Seokjin, is afraid that he might be unequipped for this. "We'll talk after class," he drops you off at the entrance. And you were to enter the lecture hall before him. And you needed to pretend you didn't have this conversations with him. He started with a quiz and went on for a simple lecture. He was really good at his job. Keeping a healthy balance between his identity as a lecturer to his true-nature as a wizard. He looks like your average Joe in these daylight. He promised to be home before sunset, and you're at your home, already bracing yourself for the pain that will come, the moment the sun is gone. The scare that these panthers, 'Golden Leapers' bring, was unexplainable. Because they are invisible to the naked eyes. Except the lady they are going after and man with a pure blood (in this case, a wizard).
The sun is setting and you could already hear the growling around you as you shut your eyes. Embracing the calm before storm. "Please hurry..." You pleaded.
Seokjin parks his car and ran towards the entrance of your apartment, punching the elevator button before deciding that the stairs would be faster. Relationships with students, are forbidden. But this was an exception. Obviously. Because he's here as a wizard, not a lecturer. He climbs three to four steps at once, panting heavily at your floor. His eyes flickers to the wall clock, and noticed that he had two minutes of sun left. "Unlock." He commanded with his hands against your knob and it beeped open, immediately. He opened the door to your body floating in air, the Golden Leapers crawling towards you. About a dozen of them in this tiny apartment, growling, saliva dripping on the floor.
Seokjin got up to your bed, standing and pulling you down. "If you let them think you're scared, they'll latch themselves on you so. Be brave." He whispered. He pulled your face and gave you a sultry kiss on the lips, devouring your taste appropriately. And the Golden Leapers disappears one by one. The walls shake, the lights in your whole apartment flickers, and the wind suddenly got harsher, turning your pictures on the wall, tilting to one side. The moment the sun set, the wind stopped, and there's an odd stillness in the air as you gaze into your professor's beautiful hazel eyes with awe. The bruises that you have, recedes immediately.
Golden Leapers go after the most powerful wizards' maiden. The most powerful wizard of this era is Kim Seokjin. The point where they start to prey over the wizard's soul mate, is when the wizard starts to lose their powers. That explains the pimple he had on his nose and the mug that wouldn't budge. When he is close to his soulmate, only then he starts to regain his magical criteria. If he offends anybody, he would be cursed with losing his powers as well. That's why he needed to be around you. The Golden Leapers are guardians in disguise in order to fool the wizards into saving the victim, when they are actually helping their wizard to find their true love.
Wizards are one of the most loneliest occupation in the world, you see.
And if he ignored the attack on their rightful life partner, they will start to pollute their wizard identity, causing them to be mundane. Golden Leapers are creatures that was bestowed the power to signify the right partner for the most powerful wizard of the time.
Seokjin didn't have to worry about searching his life partner. It was written in the stars, and guarded by the leapers. Sort of.
"How did you know I was a wizard?" "Professors aren't usually handsome, young and have peculiar tattoo on their abs." "When did you see my abs?" "That's a secret."
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quirkybtsarmy · 2 years
Hi everyone! I hope you are all having a good day today.
This post is about a little teaser/ summary of some sort for my story, Spellproof. I hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Witch!Bts X ?!Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Smut (Will be specified in chapters)
Warnings: Talks of discrimination, hate crimes, not being able to fit in, mental abuse and physical abuse, talks of torture, bts being caring and cute (that's a whole warning in itself!) Gore, blood, talks of polyamory relationships. (Certain warnings will be added in along the way)
Seoul, South Korea. The place where mythical and magical beings can live their lives without any judgement. You can find many people here; mermaids, demons, angels. You can even find the odd succubus around as well. But the most prominent people in the magical world also live in Seoul.
The Bangtan Coven.
7 magical wizards help keep the balance in Seoul. Since they are so powerful and well trained, many legends say that they are Spellproof.
However, when they go on their annual camping trip, they soon realise that there is one spell that can get to them: the spell of falling in love...
I hope you guys like it. If you don't, I'm sorry. It's my first time writing this sort of thing... 😭 If you would like me to continue this, please let me know.
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thverse · 3 years
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seokjin // yoongi // hoseok // namjoon // jimin 
taehyung // jungkook // all members // poly // yoonji
series // drabble // two shots 
less than 1k // 1k-5k // 6k-10k // 11k-15k
16k-19k // 20k up // 30k up // 40k up
angst // fluff // smut // action // drama
fantasy // crack // horror // mystery
reaction // mafia // supernatural // family // smut
idol!reader // supernatural!reader
dad!jin // dad!yoongi // dad!hobi // dad!joon // dad!jimin // dad!taehyung // dad!kook // dad!bts
AU :
A - E
accident | actor / actress | angel | anniversary | arranged marriage | assassin | attorney | author
bad boy / bad girl | baker | based on other media (movies etc) | best friends (to lovers) | best friend's brother | birthday | boss | brother's best friend
camping | ceo | chef | childhood friends | christmas | college | confession | coworker | criminal
dancer | date | demon (incubus, succubus) | dilf | divorce | domestic
enemies to lovers | established relationship | exes | exes to lovers
F - I 
fake dating | fake dating exes | flight attendant | florist | fraternity | friends to lovers | friends with benefits | fuck boy / fuck girl | fuck buddies
gamer | gang | ghost | god
halloween | heir | hero | high school | historical | hogwarts | hotelier | hybrid
J - O
las vegas wedding | librarian
mafia | magic | marriage | matchmaking | medical | mermaid / merman | mind reader | multiverse | musician
neighbors | new relationship 
one night stand | opposite to lovers
P - S
parents | pet (character/s have pets) | pilot | podcast | police | prank | pregnancy�� | producer | proposal
racer | reincarnation | resident advisor | rich | rivals | roommate | royalty (kings, queens & anything)
secret admirer | secret relationship | shifter | single parent | slice of life | slow burn | soulmate | sports | spy ( + secret agent) | staff | stalker | stepbrother | strangers to lovers | sugar daddy | supernatural
T - Z
tattoo artist | teacher | time travel | tsundere
unplanned pregnancy
valentine's | vampire | vet | vlogger
werewolf | witch | wizard
airport // library // studio // car // cafe // office // wedding // hospital 
impreg kink // roleplay // pwp // thirst // threesome // pregnancy sex // somnophilia // virgin // cockwarming // period sex  
ao3 // wayback machine // fave
light angst // super angst // collab // unfinished series
fic au never read // not thoroughly read // to read
the you have a baby but he doesn’t know
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tohokuu · 3 years
the prompt of this collab is to create a piece of work with a fantastical twist ! for example, pirate!seonghwa, superhero!jgojo, prince!san, etc. the point is to create a work where they aren’t idols or regular people ! villains are also allowed, for example joker!yeosang or thanos!taehyung. anime content is also welcome ! if you need help deciding, my dms are open !
- you must follow me to enter
- send an ask or dm about who you'd like to write about with what trope. you can change your trope or character/idol at any time as long as they have not been already taken
- no more than 1 writer for each character/idol.
- you must reblog this post
- minors are allowed to participate as long as they are not writing nsfw.
- no smut for underage characters or idols.
- do not plagiarize. if you are found plagiarizing, you will be terminated from the collab/ future collabs immediately.
- dark content is welcome
- due date : july 2022
- drop out date : january 2022
- if you wish to drop out of this collab, you have until january 31st, 2022. if you need more time, please communicate with me. understand that i am providing an extensive time period for this collab but if difficult circumstances do arise, please contact me.
- a discord server will be made for easier communication and announcement on any changes within the collab. this collab is of all ages so please be mindful when conversing with other participants. joining the discord server is not mandatory but recommended for communication, fic ideas, inspiration etc.
ateez - prince ! hongjoong (@fciryhj) , fairy ! seonghwa (@tohokuu) , greek god ! yeosang (@fallinforgyu) , shapeshifter ! yunho (@yunhoflrtz) , wizard ! san (@dairyminki) , slytherin ! mingi (@woahhwa) , bogart ! wooyoung (@songmingisthighs) , diwata ! jongho (@hwasrie)
txt - demon ! yeonjun (@traxxmatic) , statue ! taehyun (@crowhyun) , shadow ! heuning kai ( @yeonjstxr ) soobin, beomgyu
nct - mermaid ! jaehyun (@kpop-s-akura) banshee ! haechan ( @yeoandmoon ) vampire ! xiaojun ( @sup-dallyboy ) ANY MEMBERS WELCOME EXCEPT LUCAS
enhypen - jay, jake, sunghoon, grim reaper ! heeseung (@twilightau ) rumplestitlskin ! sunoo (@kurosism) , jungwon (sfw only) , niki (sfw only)
bts - werewolf ! jungkook (@atozfic) , constantine ! taehyung (@thebiasrekkers) , namjoon, suga, jimin, j-hope, jin
please reblog ! i hope you all look forward to participating <3
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ktheist · 4 years
birth of an empress.
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synopsis. partners for three years and friends for longer, jungkook thought you’d remain so until he saw you with the knight at the merchant’s trade.
alternatively, the friendly neighborhood wizard trying to propose to the infamous dragon slayer in the middle of slaying a dragon? now, that’s classic.
muses. wizard!jungkook x dragonslayer!reader x knight!jimin
trope. bad girl, good guy but make it magical. / royalty au / dragon slayer au / wizard au / parents au
words. 13k
disclaimer. no dragon was harmed in the making of this scenario.
warnings. depictions of dragon slaying, war and violence. mentions of blood.
story time.
note. wow i powered through this right after an all nighter of doing assignments. please give it some love guys / this is one-shot continuation from my wizard’s oath drabble so if you feel like you’ve read the first few scenes, that’s probably why. stay tuned for my story time where i talk about the characters’s dynamics, what inspires me etc!
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“hey so, listen.” jungkook says, back pressed up flat against the slab of concrete wall that barely covers the two of you, “you know we’ve been at it for a long time, right?”
you throw your gaze at the boy - perhaps he’s a little taller than the first time you met him but you can’t help see him as that kid from across the streets who would boast about his wizard-counsel father to you, “i swear to god and merlin and everything you consider magical, if you tell me you want to stop slaying dragons just as we’re about to slay a goddamn dragon, i will obliterate you right here and now, jeon.”
a tree trunk wheezes past the wall straight into the tower a few feet ahead, bringing it down into ruins, followed by a mighty roar, as though to warn you about going against it.
“no. i’m not gonna stop.” he quickly says, bright doe eyes boring into you, “i’m just saying-”
you grab a fistful of his shirt, yanking him with you as you leap to the side and go rolling down the hill just as the slab of wall melts from the burst of fire that pours out the dragon’s mouth.
“okay, that’s great then.” you throw him a fleeting glance - indicating that you’re listening before ducking just in time as the dragon turns its head in your direction. “but can’t this wait?”
the face he makes at your last question reminds you of a kicked puppy. almost in an instant, you want to put down the elven sword and bring him into a bear hug and apologize. but when the booming roar tears through the sky like thunder, you know you don’t have that luxury.
“cover for me.” are your last words before you bolt straight to the dragon, the heat on the soles of your feet gathering before propping you forward and onto the dragon’s back.
the beast cries out in agony when you drive your sword through its scales, swaying sideways, almost throwing you off if it wasn’t for your tight grip on the handle of the sword.
you don’t need call for the wizard. he knows his cue when he steps in front of the dragon, deep purple hood drawn over his head and half of his face. the only thing visible is his moving lips. speaking a foreign language that’s lost to most of the world.
when the dragon stills, you yank the sword out of its flesh and trudge up the slope of its back, aiming for its head.
you distinctly notice the illuminated circle forming around the dragon as it growls in contempt for the spell jungkook is casting on it. a movement restriction spell. the heat comes back full-force, coursing through your veins and lighting up the hollow in your chest. you take the last leap before landing on its head, sword digging deep in between its slit-like eyes.
it takes you a moment to pull the sword out of the dragon’s thick skull, silver blood splattering all over your clothes and face. the dragon tumbles to the ground right in front of the unmoving wizard a heartbeat and a half later while you wipe the elven sword with your sleeve before sheathing it.
“good job, wizard.” you commend but instead of the usual grin he would offer you after every slay, this time, he looks at you with furrowed brows and pressed lips.
“what’s wrong? are you hurt?” you reach out a hand to check his face but instead, he holds it firmly midair before dropping to his knees.
“i know you think of me as nothing more than your neighborhood friend and partner but when i saw you with that knight last week,” face contorts painfully, he shakes his head as though willing a bad memory away. then he meets your curious eyes with a light so clarifying, his purification magic can’t even compete, “i can’t do this anymore - going out to battles and having the fear of either of us dying. ___. before i regret it, i want you to marry me.”
that’s when you retract your hand out of his grasp as though it’s as hot as the dragon’s fiery breath, “no. you’re insane, jeon.”
you begin to trudge forward, going around the dragon’s carcass to get to the forestline where it’ll lead back to the village.
“that i am but not because i’ve decided to spend my whole life with you!” he calls out, feet padding hurriedly to chase after you.
“jungkook.” you abruptly turn around, making him halt just a few inches away. a sigh escapes your lips when you find yourself staring at his chest, all thanks to his unfair height. you crane your neck, after all these years, it still doesn’t sit well with you that the boy you grew up with had overgrown you by a head and a half, “you’re not thinking straight! i mean, you never even had a lover and now you’re asking me to marry you? that’s absurd!”
“will you be my lover then?” he asks, stars in his eyes.
“not in a million eons!” you almost scream but he doesn’t seem to be affected by the rejection - before he can say anything though, you’ve already turned your back on him. trudging down the pathway.
“you won’t marry me and you won’t be my lover! what am i supposed to do to win your heart?” it’s the delicateness in his voice and the fact that he isn’t following you, that makes you stop in your trek.
“god, you’re such an idiot.” you groan, turning around with your arms crossed over your chest. it’s a struggle to remain mad when he looks at you like a lost puppy but you persevere, “flowers and picnics and taking me to dances - things like that. just because i’ve been holding swords more than i do needles and threads doesn’t mean i don’t want what any girl wants... to be courted.”
by the end of it, you feel like you’re on fire. not the kind of fire that you feel when your powers course through your veins, but the kind that makes you squirm and want to run away out of sheer embarrassment.
“o-oh.” jungkook stutters out as he starts to register your words. “th-then, will you go with me to old hedrick’s party - i know it’s no ball but we can dance and after that, maybe we could go to the field and watch the stars?”
you take your sweet time going over the pros and cons of becoming jungkook’s lover - everyone will know as soon as you show up in a dress with jungkook and at a party at that. your sisters were the ones that are considered the social butterflies.
when you take too long, jungkook starts rubbing the back of his head awkwardly.
“okay. meet you there at 8.”
his head almost snaps off his neck when he looks up to you so fast. all stars and smiles. “really?”
“and no robes - dress normally, for once.” you add, noticing the way his robes would encase around him like a cocoon. it’s been awhile since you actually see him wear anything but that.
“no robes,” he echoes, agreeing but his eyes light up all the more when he looks like a thought has crossed him, “and no swords either.”
your shoulder line tenses at that. between the two of you, one uses a wand and the other uses an otherwordly sword. and you definitely do not know how deadly spells come out of a twig.
“but what if we get attacked?” you try to reason.
“you seem to forget,” jungkook plants both his hands on his hips, chest puffed with pride - it reminds you of the time when he would stop you in the middle of you coming home from buying breads and begin boasting about his father’s recent achievements at the council, saying he’ll be just like him or perhaps even more powerful, “just because you’re the one who does all the slaying, doesn’t mean i’m any less lethal - i’m the strongest wizard of our time. and a wand is definitely easier to carry than a sword.”
“very well,” a sigh escapes you while your shoulders sag in defeat, “no swords.”
jungkook looks proud - like he just won a fight. with that, you whirl on your heels, a hand held up to wave at him, “well then, better hurry and harvest the dragon’s heart if you want to make it to the dance on time.”
you hear the wizard grumble from behind you as he rushes back to where the dragon lies, withered, complaining about how he really should get himself an apprentice.
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“one night,” you throw your head back against the wall, shoulderline slacking, “i decide to leave my sword at home for just one night and that’s when the mercenaries come to gather in our village for an illegal faery smuggling.”
the muted pleas of the winged creatures almost get drowned out by the boisterous yelling and laughing of the group of men in the streets. subdued light shines from underneath the poorly blanketed boxes in the cart, no doubt cages where they keep the captured faeries.
“don’t worry, ___.” jimin smiles, brown pupils disappearing beneath his crescent shaped eyes, “i’ll protect you.”
he raises the silver sword in his hand, the royal family’s dragon crest peeking from his grip on the handle.
“no, you won’t need to protect her.” jungkook chirps in heatedly from your other side, “because that’s my job.”
“as i recall, ___ wouldn’t put her trust on magic to save her life,” the smile, if anything, widens just the tiniest bit, “just an observation, of course.”
before the wizard can form another retort - and you know you’ll never see the end of this if you don’t put a stop to it, you quickly speak over the hushed silence, meeting the eyes of the guests that are cramped in old hedrick’s slightly-smaller-than a villa abode.
“don’t worry everyone, these two may appear unreliable but one is the emperor’s personal knight and the other is the brightest wizard of the century.” you offer them a tight smile, not because you don’t believe what came out of your mouth but because it’s the absolute, honest truth yet they are doing nothing to assure the people of their capabilities than argue who to play the knight in shining armor.
if we’re talking about technicalities, then technically, jimin is exactly that.
“indeed, we shall put a stop to the atrocities happening right in the streets of our homes.” jungkook rises from the ground, hands planted on either sides of his hips but it’s short lived when you pull him back down to hide underneath the windowline you’ve been peeking through.
“stay down. we don’t know if they have any enchantments or if there are dark wizards among them.” you hiss underneath your breath.
it’s a moment later that you hear a grating voice call from outside, “you there! hiding in that hideous house! come out!”
old hedrick looks like he’s about to leap out and prance at whoever insulted his home and perhaps get beaten up by men twice or thrice as strong as he is - the only thing stopping him is your hard stare that makes him cower behind his second wife.
“let’s go.” you’re the first to rise to your feet, patting off the dust from your dress that your sisters almost got into a fight about when choosing what color would match your eyes.
“stay close to me.” jungkook murmurs under his breath from next to you while jimin lets out a brief laugh just before you stop a good ten feet away from the men who seem to stiffen at the sight of jimin.
“what’s so funny?” the same man whose called you out steps forward - he seems to be the leader, eyes burning holes inside jimin’s chest where the ghost of the dragon lies upon his armor, “you think you’re so tough? huh, knight?”
“no, not at all.” the aforementioned knight shakes his head, a cheeky smile adorning his features, “but supposedly, the wizard does.”
and just like that, all eyes fall on jungkook. “wizard, huh?” the man grins, golden tooth and all.
“half of you can barely read, let alone understand the law but it isn’t a puzzle piece to figure out that capturing magifolks is illegal.” he starts, from your periphery, you see his left hand holding his wand on his back , “if you walk away now, perhaps you get to do jail time with your limbs intact.”
they burst into laughter, almost as though it was a baby who said such threats.
“i’d probably believe that nice lady is more capable of putting a scratch on my face if she said that than you, boy.” the leader towers over in laughter, slapping his knee as though he’s heard the jest of the century.
“will you?” you lift one brow at the leader in the midst of the subsiding humor.
“what?” one of them questions while swiping a tear off the corner of his eye.
“walk away. if i told you too - i would hate to ruin my dress teaching you men a lesson.” you don’t know if it’s the ice cold tone you’re using or if it’s the way to stare at them, but their shoulderline begin to straighten as each of them begin to size you up, those with daggers strapped on their waist or thighs reaching for their weapons now.
“why don’t you come here and whisper it to my ear, yeah?” his lecherous grin returns but there’s a sort of restraint that tells you he’s no longer perceiving you as the damsel in distress.
for one, there isn’t a single line of frustration on your forehead.
“oh, i wouldn’t do that if i were you.” jimin warns them but it’s already too late. you’re already treading towards the leader with heavy footsteps and before you know it, a familiar heat courses through your veins, focusing in the fist that you’re swigging towards him.
a loud crack cuts through the night as the man slouches against the broken wood of the card, face half-rearranged, gold tooth falling in his lap while blood from his mouth and nose trickles down his chin. for a moment, everyone and everything stands still.
“those of you who think you can withstand me and my companions, step forward. otherwise run along like the cowards that you are who dare only step on the weak.” you nonchalantly offer, meeting the eyes of the mercenaries one by one.
the first warrior-cry breaks through the night as one of them charges at you with a dagger, loomed with the shadow of the dark arts. you step aside, tripping your attacker and sending him leaping across the ground, right in front of jimin’s polished metal shoes.
you catch the knight’s devious grin before he hits your attacker’s head with the hilt of his sword, sending the man unconscious. it’s then that they begin to charge all at once, bearing weapons much sinister than the last. jungkook helps thwart the weapons out of their hands so you can take them on bare hands fair and square - but you suppose it isn’t all that fair when you have the blood of thr first dragon slayer running in your veins.
they soon learn that they have to go for the wizard in the back to actually dismantle you and jimin.
“a little help here!” jungkook yells over the throng of mercenaries out to kill him.
“bit busy!” jimin yells back somewhere a few feet away,driving the hilt of his sword in the face of one of the mercenaries that was charging at him when he had his back on him “and quite literally, don’t care if you get your hair messed up!”
you shake your head at their banter, piling up your own body counts, ducking and sending blow strong enough to knock them out at once. it’s some time after your 13th hit that a morning star misses you by a inch.
the wielder is burlier and taller than the average men, sporting a nastier frown as he gazes down at you like an annoying little fire ant that refuses to go down.
“___, catch!” jimin calls for you, just before he tosses you his sword and uses the same hand he’d held the sword to sucker punch the man who’s halfway blacked out as he claws at jimin’s wrist to release his shirt.
“thanks!” you grin when you feel the solidity of the dragon engraved handle and measure its likely weight with your own elven sword.
the burly man grunts when he misses you again by a hair’s breadth. eye twitching when you gesture for him to come to you with your free hand. when he does, you step to the side, taking the opening to slash the sword through his forearm and sending the weapon skidding on the ground while he growls in pain, clutching onto the wound. the heat warms up your entire body as you leap forward, smashing the hilt of the sword into his face, sending him tumbling on the ground. after you’re sure he’s not getting up, only then do you let yourself breathe, returning the sword to its owner.
“___, are you okay?” jungkook’s wide, round eyes are captures your own for a split second before they wander to your tattered dress, inspecting if there was any wounds. if anything, there will be when your sisters see the the ghastly tear on the side of the dress.
before you can even say anything, his arms band around you and traps you in a bone-crushing hug. you have to take twice to make sure it’s still the same wizard that’s watched you slay dragons for the last three years.
“i’m fine. the dark magic infused in their weapons weakened my powers a bit but i’m not a child, you know? i’ve faced worse.” you chuckle, patting his back.
somewhere behind jungkook, you hear someone clear their throat. the wizard appears to be less perplexed when he turns around to face old hedrick and the rest of the villagers that poured out of their homes where they’d been silently watching the events unfold.
the priest approaches you with a grateful smile, “dragon slayer and wizard, you have our humblest gratitude.” then he gestures for jimin to come closer and he does, sending you a cheeky grin when he stops to stand next to you, “you too, knight. there is evil lurking in every shadow but the three of you are what makes the world a better place.”
“it was part of my duty.” jimin lowers his head, arm crossed over his chest while you shift your weight on your feet.
“i just live here so.” you shrug.
it’s jungkook that steps forth, enjoying the fame and attention, “as long as i, your friendly neighborhood wizard, and my dragon slayer sidekick,” he gestures to you before announcing with his whole chest, “are around, you have nothing to fear. this is my wizard’s oath.”
you join the bouts of cheers and applause from the villagers, shaking your head at his antics. but when they begin to crowd him like ants around sugar, you slowly disappear into the shadows where you know the familiar route will take you back to your home. but five steps in, jimin falls into pace with you, his metal armor clacking in the dark.
“allow me to walk you home, my lady.” with the sources of dark magic gone, you’re able to use your powers to see his cheeky grin even in the dark.
“ladies don’t wield swords like a savage.” you remark, returning your own grin.
“they come in many forms.” he replies too smoothly, “but one thing’s for sure - they all bleed blue.”
you feel your body freeze, step coming to a stop. “how do you-”
“the prince,” he offers, as though it’s the answer you’re looking for before he continues, “sends his invitation to you for dinner in three night’s time. that’s what i came here to tell you before the mercenaries begin to pour in.”
he doesn’t ask for your permission when he slips his hand under your stone cold one, bringing it to his lips. your tongue is tied but your throat itches to say something - to ask more about the dinner but before you can, you hear jungkook calling you not too far away and when you look back to where the knight is supposed to be, all you see is darkness.
“i can’t believe you’re leaving me to go home when we promised to watch the stars together.” jungkook huffs, lips pursed just the slightest bit.
“jungkook, how well do you know the prince?” you finally say after breaking away from your stupor.
“the prince?” he blinks, the remnants of his sulking now disappeared into thin air, “he’s a spoiled brat. whenever i get hired to escort him to one of his crusades, all he does is boast about anything and everything to the royal families whose castle we were staying at.” the wizard scrunches his nose, as though willing a bad memory away. “why?”
“he just invited me to dinner.” you inform, watching as his facial complexion drop and his hands grip your shoulders tightly.
“you can’t - mustn't go, ___.”
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“wands and weapons, please.” the footman approaches you just as you step through the much nicer room of the inn where the prince told you to meet him.
you share a cautious look with jungkook, the wizard being more apparent with his reluctance when his eyebrows join together as he reaches for the wand in his pocket while you unstrap your sword from your hips.
“right this way.” another footman steps forward, gesturing to the door adjacent to the entrance.
“ah! dragon slayer, welcome!” prince hoseok grins from the table he’s at, eyes going wide when he sees the familiar wizard who insisted on tagging along, “jungkook, i’ll be damned. i didn’t know you knew ___. if i did, i would’ve had you introduce us sooner.”
“yes, well, last i recall, you were planning to propose a law against dragon slayers - which got shot down so fast for it’s absurdity since slayers help keep the empire from falling in the dragon’s reign.” jungkook offers, a hard line on his lips as he studies the prince with suspicious eyes.
“that was the past,” prince hoseok shakes his hand as though he doesn’t hear the hostility in the wizard’s greeting, “cousin, come and take a seat. we’ve a lot to catch up.”
you bow rather than drop to a courtesy. after all, you’re in your gear and this isn’t any normal dinner.
“it’s an honor to have you come all the way here, your highness. do you like the village so far?” you begin with pleasantries and even go as far as fixing the young prince a smile once you sit yourself across from him, jungkook on your left.
the prince leans back against the chair as he throws his head back while he sighs, “i expected better but i’m not surprised at the appalling state you people live in - it’s a poor farmers’ village after all.”
you hum, “i wonder whose fault that is that lets the people suffer in such poor conditions.” the smile just the slightest bit strained at his offhanded comment just as the footman rolls in with the food.
he pretends he doesn’t hear that too.
“ah, don’t you just love red wine?” the prince offers you a dimpled smile, tilting the flute glass as he takes a whiff of whatever red wines are supposed to smell like - you never understood how these people could sit around distinguishing the smell of one beverage to another while there were people scraping for a day’s worth of meal all over the empire.
“all wine tastes the same to me, your highness.” you begin to cut through the steak.
“i shouldn’t have asked,” the prince shakes his head in mirth, placing the wine down on the table before he makes a biting comment, “brutes like you only know how to swing a sword and kill everything the her path just like your father.”
“that’s it.” a thud echoes against the walls as jungkook’s chair tilts backwards as he abruptly stands, “we’re leaving. i knew something’s up when you invited ___ for dinner even though you hated dragon slayers. in the end, you’re still the spoiled rotten brat who takes pleasure in terrorizing others.”
you suppress a smile from the wizard’s outburst, your own anger subsiding halfway. it’s not that you don’t want to defend your father’s pride but you barely knew the guy. he disappeared like thin air after the night he left for a foreign country in search for the spiked dragon. you appreciate jungkook getting more worked up than you though.
“what’s the meaning of this?” jungkook demands when the guards at the door steps in his way.
“so that’s how it is.” you chuckle dryly, turning to face the smirking prince. “a secret meeting at some unknown village just on the boarder. this is how you’ll make sure to secure the throne? by killing the more eligible heir who actually has the first emperor’s blood running through her veins?”
you think you struck a cord when the prince slams his fisted hand onto the table, “blame it on the history lessons i get from our great uncle clifford and his brutal slaughtering of all his seven brothers and cousins.” he sneers but frowns when he looks at jungkook, “i liked you, wizard. i even thought of bringing you into the council as my royal mage. you have potential. shame that you chose to side with the savage.”
jungkook threatens through gritted teeth, taking one step towards the leisure man but stop when the guards begin to pour into the room, swords pointing from every direction. you place a hand on jungkook’s shoulder, feeling his muscles relax just slightly as you speak.
“how about you stop hiding behind your guards, prince? face this savage with honor - if you win, nobody will challenge your right to the throne.”
“i have no time for games. kill them.” the prince begins to dig into the steak, cringing when it enters his mouth and spitting it back out, saying something about how it’s still raw while the guard begin to corner you and jungkook until you’re back-to-back with each other.
“this isn’t looking to good, is it?” you ask.
“i can feel my wand close by, if we could just get through-”
jungkook’s words get cut off as you drop to the ground, extending a leg and tripping one guard over before punching another one where the sun doesn’t shine. after recovering from the surprise attack, they begin to charge at you all at once.
you hiss when you pick up a sword from one of the guards you’ve taken down. the dark magic seeps into your body like molten lava the more you try to resist it. the dragon crest of the royal family is missing and the weight of this sword is much heavier than jimin’s. but you chalk it up with the fact that dark magic is most lethal to the blood of the dragon slayers.
“___, let that thing go! it’s enchanted. you can’t handle the dark magic flowing through it!” jungkook orders, voice reaching the roof and effectively letting the enemies know of your infirmity.
cold sweat is already beginning to trickle down your forehead. the warmth of your power now a dying smolder in your chest.
“who’s got a better chance at wielding a sword? you or me?” you retort, sending him one last grin before going all in, slashing through the guards without any care for life the way you did three days ago with the mercenaries.
although you still try to avoid injuring their vital organs, just enough to make them drop their weapons.
you’re heaving and sporting cuts - some deep, some shallow - by the time the last body hits the ground. the prince isn’t anywhere in sight and the last remaining guards who kept their distance, watching you them down one after another, finally realizes their loss and flee.
that’s when you allow yourself to drop to your knees, hands clutching the sword tightly for dear life until jungkook yanks it out of you. his face is blurred but if your vision isn’t so badly damaged, maybe you’ll see his eyebrows furrowing while words pour out of his lips like a dam, telling you to lie down and rest but all you hear now is an echoing ring.
“you...” you huff through bated breaths, “...worry too much.”
that’s when darkness consumes you.
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the sound of a twig snapping is what sends alarms throughout your body.
it’s close.
too close.
the steps they take is heavy but soundless - for ordinary human hearing that is. you know it’s a man’s footstep before you even leap from your laying down position, hand clenched into a fist only to stop centimeters from jimin’s nose.
from the way he blinks his rounded eyes, it appears as though he didn’t expect you to be awake.
as if on cue, your vision shakes and you fall backwards but before your head hits the ground, the knight is already on your side, hand under your head as he lay you down slowly.
“where am i?” you squint your eyes at the crackling fire a few feet away.
“in the wizard’s secret cave.” he replies simply, sitting down on the ground next to you.
you grunt in displeasure when you recall the haunting memories of the dark magic taking over you, draining every trace of fire from your chest until you feel like your rib cages were about to cave. but along with the recollection comes realization.
glaring at the knight, you quiz him, “why are you here? aren’t you on the prince’s side?”
jimin shakes his head, almost appalled at the thought, “i swore allegiance to the emperor and his excellency wanted to see what his foolish son would do when he found out about another potential heir that could claim the throne.”
a shadow cast itself over his feature as something heavy lapses over the cave’s walls, “his excellency is deeply sorry for what his son did - he thought prince hoseok would’ve tried bettering his swordsmanship or take an interest in politics instead of going for his cousin’s head.”
“and yet i’m the one lying on the ground in some cave.” you scoff, throwing a glance over jimin’s solemn expression, noticing how he keeps his eyes on his lap instead of looking at you.
“his imperial majesty can’t be seen taking the side of a commoner-mothered niece. even if that niece bears a stronger blood of the dragons.” he’s murmuring now, you don’t know if it’s because you can hear him clearly or because he’s ridden by guilt.
“all i hear is an excuse of a failed monarch who’s too lazy to fix what he broke so he decided to sit in the sidelines and watch things unfold but when someone is about to die, he’ll save them and call it his best effort.”  you suppress a groan as the drumming against your temples intensifies just as you begin to push yourself up again but this time, more careful.
“don’t touch me.” it came out harsher than you intend it to. but jimin places his hands back in his lap, clenching and unclenching it.
a minute sense of satisfaction blooms across your chest when you manage to stand up on your own. if you think the light from the fire was too much after having known only darkness for who-knows-how long, the rays at the end of the cave is almost blinds you.
yet the first tingle of the warmth on your skin is liberating - reminds you that you’re alive.
“____?” a familiar voice calls you as a cloaked fogure in deep purple step out of the bushes, bearing a basket full of herbs, “is it really you?”
the bags under his eyes are a telltale sign of lack of sleep, possibly from tending to your fish-on-land-state.
“unless you can see spirits, i reckon it is me.” you shoot him a grin.
but what you don’t expect is for tears to begin pricking those sleepless eyes and him dropping the basket on the ground. before you know it, you’re engulfed in a bone-crushing hug. his arms shake around you and his sniffles drum in your ears - it hadn’t dawn on you that you could’ve lost your life until jungkook is crying and mumbling words you can barely catch.
“y-your life force was so weak - i - i thought i was g-going to lose you.” he forces out between ripples of sniffles, “i-i didn’t know if you were gonna wake up, ____, it-it’s been a week - a week of watching your unconscious body lay there after i extracted what i could of the dark magic.”
you hug him back a little tighter, burying your face in his chest. the lump in your throat makes it hard to speak - to even tease him about being such a cry baby like you usually would.
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“no, i absolutely and irrevocably am not going to head a riot.” you announce, slamming the bowl of broth made by your mother. jungkook had gotten it before he came here, it was buried underneath the herbs he’d picked up along the way.
jimin’s shoulder line remains straight and dignified. he’s gotten over your earlier conversation as if you were discussing whether faery hair or berserker spine would be a better mold for a sword.
the answer is berserker spine, undoubtedly.
“the people has caught wind of the direct descendant of the first emperor.” jimin begins, “they won’t stand for the prince’s irresponsible behavior anymore than they have to.”
“what about you?” glancing at the wizard who’s been quiet since jimin brought up the matter, you finally choose to address him directly, “what do you think?”
jungkook shifts his weight on his other foot, setting down the ladle in a bowl next to the couldron, “i- well, the current royal family’s blood is too obscured by ordinary lineage, the current emperor has some powers but the prince is basically human-“
the sigh is what makes him clamp his mouth shut. the look he gives you reminds you of an injured puppy.
“i haven’t even been awake for five hours yet the weight of the crown is already pushed upon me.” the hard wooden material of the chair pokes into your sore back, almost as though mocking you for your cowardice.
“i’ll relay your answer to his majesty and spread rumors about your untimely death so the people will give up on the coup.” jimin stands up, nodding once but just as he passes you, another sigh escapes your lips. your chest is heavy.
“wait.” your voice is unmissable.
you crane your neck to meet the knight’s gaze, “come back in a few days and i’ll give you my final answer.”
the corners of his lips twitches and you think you see the jimin you’ve come to know and fought along side come to surface. but it’s hard to tell now that you know he’s a man of many faces.
“very well.” and with that he takes his leave.
the next ten minutes was spent with jungkook mixing and tasting a pinch of his brewing concoction while you watch his back. realization hits you like a warm blanket in winter. his shoulders are broader and his arms appear stronger - muscled than that scrawny boy from across the streets. he used to run around carrying books half his size whenever be came back from school while you trained with your master in your front yard.
time’s changed but neither of you did.
or so you thought.
you wonder when he started developing feelings for you. was it that time when you saved him from a stray wolf in the forest? or was it when you handed him your first baked cookie that your mother actually put you up to?
either way, for you, it was on your 10th summer when you were lying under the tree shade. jungkook’s footsteps couldn’t have been louder but you ignored it and kept your eyes closed until you felt something tug on your hair. when you opened your eyes, the yellowish buttercup petals wave from your periphery. a ten year old jungkook had told you you looked pretty with a wildflower tucked over your ear.
the moment jungkook calls your name, you notice that the fire dancing underneath the couldron has faded into smolders, wisps of smoke hovering over the concoction.
the wizard is standing by the table now where jimin once sat, "since you're all better, do you want to get some fresh air?" he shoots you a smile that only jeon jungkook is capable of, "don't worry, i already put an enchantment over this area of the forest. the prince won't be able to find you even if he hired the best tracker as long as you remain within the spell's boundaries."
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the moon isn't shy to shower you with its light, the sound of the woodland creatures and magifolks echoes from the hollows of the trees, almost as though celebrating your recovery.
your footsteps halt when you notice the familiar ruins on top of the hill where jungkook once proposed to you out of the sheer adrenaline after having slayed a dragon.
"is it wise to have your bat cave so close to the village? wouldn't the prince's men think of searching here at some point?" you wonder out loud, golden petals cushioning your landing as you plop down.
"of course they did." jungkook admits nonchalantly, joining you on the ground, "but they walked straight past the barrier - i mean, it's my barrier we're talking about."
you let out a short chuckle, a hand propped underneath your head as a makeshift pillow as you try to connect the dots of stars to form shapes.
"those groups of stars look like they make a sword." you point to somewhere on the east side of the skies.
his own hand enters your line of view when he begins pointing in the same direction as you or something next to the alleged sword, "and that's a wand - could it be the ones the prince took from us?"
"that's literally stars that somewhat look aligned." you state, deadpanned, "the whole skies are full of wands then."
jungkook's hand shoots down almost instantly. with a stolen glance, you affirm the sure pout on his lips as he mumbles out, "what's wrong with a gazillion of wands in the skies?"
"absolutely nothing." you find yourself smiling, eyes fluttering shut as you focus on the night breeze that brushes against your skin.
it’s after awhile that you feel a soft tug on your hair. a deja vu feeling overcomes you when you see the petal in the corner of your eye and jungkook lying on his side instead of his back like when your last saw him. a delicate smile adorns his features as he plucks another flower off the stalk and places it gently in your hair just above your hairline.
“these are...” you trail off, recalling the spot where the dragon lied motionless after you’d slayed it.
“they started popping out of the ground like mushrooms while i was harvesting the dragon’s heart. how a death of something treacherous birthed something so pretty,” he supplies, still tucking flowers in your hair like it’s the most normal thing to do.
“jungkook,” you murmur softly, almost sounding like a fifteen year old damsel in love, “do you mean it? when you proposed to me?”
stars begin to burst in those eyes of his as they widen,“of course, i’ve fallen for you with every fiber of my body. i wish to spend my entire life with you.”
it takes you a moment to gather your thoughts and your composure but you can’t help clearing your suddenly dry throat, “you do know if i decide to lead the riot and become empress, we can’t be together, right?”
his gaze quivers at your words. supposedly, he hasn’t considered the implications the way you did.
“not everyone has what you have,” his voice is strained, hand drawn to his side now, “and if you choose to lead the riot, and if we succeed - i know we will - i won’t mind staying by your side as the royal wizard.” he finally says but adds hesitant doubt, “if you’ll have me.”
“i didn’t ask to be born by a slayer father who stopped coming home and a devastatingly loyal mother who decided to become a housewife when she got pregnant with her partner’s child,” you bear no ill intention to either of your parents - but it’s times like these, you wonder about the what-ifs, had you been born to normal human parents, had you been an ordinary girl who jungkook would have met on an ordinary day and perhaps still fall in love with you, “after all these years, i’m still that child. unable to turn the tides of my own fate.”
jungkook doesn’t say a word, and when you steal a glance at him, he doesn’t look at you either. his gaze is lowered and his mouth clamped together in suppression of words he dare not say. though darkness blankets the sky, the truth is clear as day-
“we could run away, you and i,” you offer, the lump in your throat no more than the feeling of having your neck pinched, “but you want me to save the empire’s future from falling during the prince’s reign. and you don’t mind losing me or at least having just a part of me to obtain that.”
the reality-stricken expression making its way to his face is telling enough. your heart writhes in your chest, begging to be freed of all feelings and emotions you didn’t know you were pushing down until the first tear hits your cheek and your first sob forces him to look up.
“___...” jungkook murmurs your name like the words of a withered poem. beautiful because it’s torn.
“i wish you would fight for me,” you push yourself up, buttercups raining down on you and pooling in your lap while some falls back to the ground, “just once, i wish you would see more as the slayer you partnered up with to bring down the reign of the dragons that threatens to ruin your beloved empire.”
yet you still let him hold you, one hand on your the back of your head and the other on your waist, whispering empty words that somehow comforts you, “it’s okay, it’s okay.” he says.
but nothing is, as you weep over his love.
you’d received an overflow of it even before he’d told you, but it was never enough.
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it takes three whole months of preparing for the seize. half of the countries have shown their explicit support, sending their troops at your request - or rather, jimin’s handwritten letter on your behalf. estuaria’s falcon had just arrived half an hour ago and the knight is announcing yet another addition to the countries supporting your future rule.
“do we really need that many men to seize the capital?” you say from your seat, facing the doorway where you can see every single face that walks through and halt in hesitance when notice you, “jungkook and i can take them on by ourselves, like the old days.”
the wizard shoots up from five seats away, chest puffed, arms crossed over his chest, “i can take them all myself!”
“yes, yes sure you can.” jimin acknowledges, not bothering to look up from the estuaria’s king’s letters, “but the army is necessary to honor the support of our allies.”
when he’s like that, you know not to argue with him - everything goes in one ear and out the other. you’re a mere pawn to the larger scheme of things. and you like it that way. if fate wanted you to have the throne, you would regardless of whether you tried to reach for it or not.
jungkook has been by your side through it all. unlike you, he actually knows what’s going on - even though he has to fight jimin for the information half of the time.
come to think of it, there’s never a dull moment with the two - there’s always something they’d be arguing about and one or both would eventually turn to you for the final say. the one who’s opinion got backed up by you would sport a victorious smirk and the sore loser would have to finally admit defeat.
naturally, you side with jungkook because jimin, though your loyal supporter and master mind, is still the emperor’s dog. you had to make it hard for him to get his plan through just because you’re still bitter about the fact that he’d set you up to walk into a trap that maims your right arm. it sustained the most injury and where dark magic melded into your flesh and rendered your good fighting hand as close to a human’s. 
you’re learning how to wield a sword with your left hand but it’s taking some time. jimin assured you that he’d protect you and stay by your side during the siege that’s about to take place in a week. but you know it’s more about getting a rise of out jungkook.
and it did but there’s something in the way the wizard would whip out his wand and the burst of stars in his eyes, that tells you jungkook might have taken the jest a little too personally. you may have fallen back into your old habits as though neither admitted their feelings for the other, but there are traces here and there that would disrupt the semblance of normality that you and jungkook have.
when the day of the seize comes, all you remember is walking towards the throne without so much as a soul barring your way. jimin being the head knight had told his men to stay down. some tried to rebel but before they can even get to you, the men from one of your allied countries took them down. you did hear of prince hoseok’s escape to wofren a few days later, the king himself offering to send him back when he showed up demanding for protection.
jimin had dropped on one knee, an arm propped on the other while his free hand lies on his chest where his heart would be, “long live the empress, slayer of dragons and sovereign of men.”
you barely register the emperor’s knights falling to their knees in suit as well as your own men, repeating the words jimin had said.
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one year later, you ended up learning all the bouts of governing an empire all the while wearing the crown on your head. conquered a few more countries until the empire stretched almost throughout the whole continent. you’re currently at war with askana, the last standing kingdom in the continent.
many have tried to challenge your power but failed and askana will too. your lieutenant general and appointed-upon-crowning grand duke, had thwarted every enemy that so much as thought about assassinating you. sometimes, you get a little surprise served to you in a false pretense of health-restoring green tea.
“hold her down!” jimin’s voice clamors throughout the tent when you’d dropped the tea cup, letting it roll on the ground and hit his feet within the span of less than a minute. your throat sears as you begin to cough. splatters of blood dotting the porcelain white saucer.
“please! i had no choice!” leslie, the maid you’d grown fond to and brought along to serve you on the battlefield, pleaded from a few feet away, your men gripping her arms on both sides, “they have my son hostage- they said they’d kill him if i didn’t serve you the poison, your majesty!”
“pray tell,” jimin says through gritted teeth as leslie’s cries fall into a hushed silence as soon as he points his sword on the woman’s throat, “who are these fools that dare use cheap textbook tricks against the empress?”
“you have got,” you croak, in between chuckle and the burning sensation in your throat, “to stop calling me that.”
it takes a solid, defying moment of jimin’s back turned on your, his eyes probably drilling holes inside leslie’s weeping face before he sighs, shoulder line slacking as he sheathes his sword.
“send word to the royal wizard to come to the battlefield immediately and keep the traitor with the war prisoners until i decide how to extract information from her.” and with that, leslie’s shrill echoes into the sky from feet away as they dragged her out. you didn’t really notice when it stopped.
“go easy on her, will you? she didn’t ask to get her son kidnapped just because i chose her as my personal maid to escort me to war.” you’re almost certain that your words are slurred as you lean back against the cushioned chair brought here from the castle, not bothering to wipe off the ghastly sight of your bloodied chin and neck.
“you’re too kind for someone who’s wheezing for air in order to live.” the way his voice sounds closer and the fact that you feel his hands on your cheek serves as a reminder that the poison is kicking in - you didn’t even realize you have your eyes shut.
“look at me,” the general orders - you would have teased him about ordering the empress if not for the the furrowed brows, worry-contorted face of his, “stay awake and keep your eyes on me!”
it’s the way jimin’s voice rises that jolts your fluttering eyes to wakefulness. you can feel your lips twitching into a smirk, “you dare... raise your voice at the empress? come to think of it... it’s the first time...”
in the end, you couldn’t keep your eyes open.
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when you come to, it was the darkened roof of the tent that greets you instead of the the familiar artful ceiling of your chambers. when you first moved into the royal chambers the color schemes felt far too bright and cheerful but a somberly realized how you longed for shades that aren’t black, red and amber like the fires on the torches that wave - laugh at your pathetic state. and perhaps, that was what helped fill your senses and you begin to hear the voices around you.
“lay back down, ___, you’re not fully healed yet.” jungkook is on your side in to no time, hand on your shoulder, coaxing.
you slip on the fresh embroidered royal jacket folded on the table next to the bed, consequently making him pull his hand away as you pretend like you didn’t see the flash of hurt cross over his eyes, “how long have i been out?”
“a few hours and quite frankly not enough time for your body to flush the poison out fully.” he gripes, brows coming together in distress.
“haven’t you heard, jungkook? one cannot have peace longer than the neighbor pleases,” you groan when the sensation of knives piercing every part of your body begin to spread through you. for one, wishful moment, you wanted to take back your words and slip into that stone-forged bed even if it meant waking up with a sore body tomorrow.
“you can’t go to war in that state either.” he steps in front of you, arms crossed over his chest. over the year, he’s gotten strict when it comes to you exerting yourself.
but you’re not a god damn empress for nothing.
you pat his shoulder, squeezing it tight enough to say, don’t worry. and walk past him, stopping just behind rainfly separating your private room from the larger quarter of the dome where your war ministers seem to be engaged in a heated discussion.
“it’s inevitable. we must ride at dawn,” sir huguard looks to jimin, “you must lead the army, general.”
“don’t be ridiculous! they’ll know something is up if we go to war without her majesty.” the son of the viscount had always been your loyal follower, “besides, the men fight better when the sovereign is there to give orders.”
“there is no doubt, the empress has been leading us to victory since the first war,” sir kim concurs with a heavy exhale, eyes scanning over the red dots on the map where the berserkers, archers and fighters are set to be positioned, “but we are the empress’ silver squires. it would be an insult to her majesty if we can’t even handle force such a tiny kingdom. what do you say, general park?”
jimin, upon having his name being called, lets a smirk slip onto his face, causing the knights to sit straighter, “i say we ask the empress herself - though personally, i know her majesty would never sit a war down even at the brink of death. you’re as stubborn as a mule, you know, your majesty?”
at that, you push the rainfly apart, meeting your ministers’ perplexed gazes one after the other. jungkook on your side.
“boys,” you grin, hands planted on both sides of your hips, “let’s give them a taste of hell.”
you won the war - naturally, you would win the war. but it wasn’t a one man show. the silver squires and jimin got your back all the way through the enemy’s fortress. the king of askana was a proud one. he didn’t beg for his life as your men forced him to his knees in front of you.
he had your respect. you’d made his death a quick one. made sure the ministers watched with their own eyes. so they knew not to play cheap tricks on you like poisons and kidnapping your maid’s son.
leslie was banished from the capital - you couldn’t save her beloved son. that’s what war does to people. to choose the greater interest of your men and sticking to the plan, knowing by then, they’d have figured she’d failed to kill you and killed her son.
but with every war you win, you can feel yourself losing the human part in you. so you turn to work even more.
“you could always segregate it, you know?” jungkook offers, falling into pace as you begin to make your way down the hall where footmen and guards bow, not batting an eye at the way you ungracefully tug on the low neckline of your dress. only when you are at war, are you free from the confines of these laces and layers of clothing, “jimin told me you’ve been hoarding the paperwork to yourself. it’s not healthy.”
“i chose to be empress so i should be a good one. segregating my work makes me feel out of touch with my line of obligations.” you say simply, noticing how the wizard’s shoulder line stiffens the way they would every time you mention your alleged willing choice. you ruffle your hair, as though it’ll rub away the nagging feeling in your stomach, “look i’ve already got jimin breathing down my neck about work. can we please, talk about something else?”
“well, sure if you’ve finally decided to change your career, we can always talk about datura, mandrakes and nightshades.”
“something besides magical herbs and my working too much.” you lament, head thrown back.
“your mother and sisters are doing fine,” he offers, “i visited them a week ago - they said nobles would come to the village just to see the empress’ family see why they’re not living with the empress. but of course, your mother’s reply always makes them leave with empty cups of teas and a sour face.”
“that sounds just like her.” you find yourself smiling at the thought of your mother’s catty comments when the nobles have finally used up all her patience to get what they can out of the savage-turned-royalty empress.
when the doors to your office swings open at your arrival, you’re half-surprised to see jimin, hunched over your desk underneath the piles of paperwork, trying to go through the wordings of one by one.
“speak of the devil.” your smile widens into an amused grin.
jimin prefers the battlefield compared to books and reading. when he sees you, a look of relief settles over his features before his eyebrows furrow, as though remembering something. he turns to the wizard next to you with full intention to place the blame on him depending on what answer said wizard gives him, “i thought you were going to convince her to take a day off.”
“no- well, yes- i was going to but we kept walking and talking and well - here we are.” jungkook fumbles with his words, choosing no sure route to take it when jimin’s hard stare is boring into him.
“you had one job and you failed.”the pressure at the end causes the wizard’s shoulder line to quiver.
over the year, jimin’s become quite the lieutenant general and a master an instilling fear into everyone he intends to.
you thought with the two’s long history, jungkook would be immune the way you are but seeing as he’s been coming and going what with his search for a herb that could once and for all drain out the dark magic inside you, you suppose he’s missed the parts where jimin adopted the name of the grim reaper around the castle.
“move, you’re in my seat.” you sigh, stepping forward and making sure to shield jungkook from the general’s sight.
luckily for you, jimin obliges. pushing the chair back and standing next to it with his arms clasped over his back, shoulder line straight and chin tilted the way a royal lieutenant general would stand.
“this is quite good, you got half of the things i needed to do, done.” you praise, not missing the proud smile twitching on his lips as you went over the replies he wrote for the diplomatic trade between the capital and askana. “though i wouldn’t say a straight out no to a future declaration of independence.”
and just like that, the smile drops into a hard frown. and because of the structure of his lips, it looks like he’s pouting heavily, “what do you mean? they’ve only been under our reign for five months and they’ve already had the audacity to ask for independence. it insults the essence of the sovereign - the young king could be beheaded for being so brazen.”
the son of the late king of askana whose life you took had taken the throne at a young age upon his father’s death. and just like his father, he had that spark in him. a mark of a true leader who isn’t afraid of going against an infamous sovereign.
you can’t help but suppress a smirk at the way jimin’s composure completely falling, almond eyes growing wide as he uses his hands to express his heightened displeasure towards the newly conquered country’s king, “and you propose bringing the head askana’s king to me and painting me a savage empress in the eyes of the world would do us good?”
at that, his lips clamp shut.
“as if the image of an empress who slays dragons aren’t daunting enough.” you add as an afterthought, glancing up at the other person in the room who’s been silently watching, “wouldn’t you say so, wise neighborhood wizard?”
“oh,” his eyes go wide at the word that he would often use years ago, as though not expecting to hear it, “well, yes. indeed, there is still a stigma going around a dragon slayer sovereign because of the unequal standings of powers and abilities to conquer lands.”
“your majesty,” jimin presses, the look he gives you almost makes you want to cower away in fear of a series of chiding but what he says next is completely unexpected, “your men are proud to serve such a strong sovereign like yourself. i ask you not to undermine yourself for the sake of appealing to mere cowards.”
“that’s, well,” you stammer for words, “quite deep, general. i was simply implying for you not go for askana’s king’s head, is all.”
with that, you begin to shift through the papers, cheeks burning from his raw honesty, devastatingly unaware of the wizard silently observing your interaction. not because he didn’t have anything to say, but because of the invisible line drawn over your desk between you and him.
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it is sometime before the amber and orange rays of the sun peeks from the horizon, after a whole night of reviewing the documents and signing papers that needed your personal permissions, do you finally allow yourself to leave the walls of your office. your right arm is beginning to sore from the overuse - its condition have been deteriorating faster with every poison that entered your body, willingly or not.
yet you still find yourself in the throne room. the elven sword you’d managed to regain upon the siege sits over your head on the wall behind you. at times like these, when there were no guards or servants to watch you pathetically try to hold it with your right hand, do you let yourself curse and cry all at once.
the sword hits the ground with an clang, the echoes almost sounding like chortles of mockery.
when you try to pick it up, another hand covers yours that’s on the handle and you’re looking into the cosmos trapped inside a pair of eyes.
jungkook heaves out a sigh. gaze lowering to the luminous metal of the sword, “just hold on a little longer - i’ll find the cure and extract the dark magic from your body completely.”
“take your time - i still have several good years ahead of me.” you say yet you switch hands, your left one lifting the handle like it’s made of feather and sheathing it. your turn your back on him in an attempt to not let him see your puffed eyes and cheeks.
“does jimin know how bad it’s getting?” his question rings throughout the room.
“he doesn’t and i hope to keep it that way,” you shake your head, shoulder line falling.
after whole solid moment of the two of you basking in the silence out of having nothing to talk about, you finally break it, “i’m thinking of making him my marriage prospect - not the emperor but a husband. otherwise, the idea of being crown prince or princess would get over our child’s head.”
jungkook doesn’t say anything for the longest moment. you almost thought he apparated into thin air but you know he’s still here - you can feel his presence. 
“when i decided to love you - despite the prophecy, i decided to love you regardless of what you choose.” the zeal in his voice is missing and the fire in your heart rages.
the lower part of your untied robe fluttering as you twirl on your feet to face him. vision blurred with tear but you can still make out the outline of his rounded eyes and fallen jaw.
“i don’t want any of this!” the shrill of your scream tears through the high roof of the hall room. “can’t you see? all i did - it was because i couldn’t have you. i walked a slayer’s path because my mother wanted a part of her husband to live within me and when i finally found something i wanted - someone i thought i could spend my life with, that someone pushed the crown upon my hands. and i became the empress because you and the people wanted me to.”
you grip onto the silver carvings of the royal dragon that guards the throne.
“you and i both know we can’t be together,” he shakes his head, “dragon slayers and wizards are destined to walk alongside each other but cross the other’s path and a time of the fallen shall rise again - all i can do is continue to love you.”
it’s a prophecy as old as the world itself. yet wizards, especially, seem to have a knack for heeding fate’s alleged warnings.
“there have been dragon slayers and wizards before us - do you not think, if the world was going to fall into ruins, it would already have been, upon their unity?” you’ve never sounded so meek. so desperate, “why do we have to pay the price for a mere lore?”
 jungkook takes one step closer to you only to stop mid action. as though there’s an invisible line drawn between the throne and the aisle he stands on. “it’s easy for you to say - only us wizards are burdened with the oath our ancestors made with fate in exchange for knowledge - knowledge you can’t even comprehend, ___. if you saw the things i see in my dreams-” unlike two years ago, he shakes his head. teeth trapping his lower lip hard enough to draw blood.
this time, he can’t say it’s okay.
“and you have not seen what i saw in mine, jungkook.” you grit your teeth, “you haven’t been on the battlefield. fighting. driving your sword into someone’s son or daughter’s gut. these wars, the gruesome image that gets engraved in your head - they don’t go away.”
“we have our demons,” he tears his gaze from you to the ground, feet scuffing against the marble floor. as though he could see said demons crawling from the heat of your eyes if he continues to hold them, “we love each other so much but we have too many demons, ___.”
“that, we do.” you admit with a weary noise from the back of your throat, “do you think, if we’d eloped two years ago, we’d have less of those holding us back?”
“i can’t say for sure.” when he looks up, his eyes are brimming with tears, threatening to spill over and taint his flushed cheeks. “but perhaps, fate would have been kinder to us.”
“perhaps.” you echo, your own tears have already dried out.
jungkook bows, the sniffle escaping him shattering your heart. you want nothing more than to run to him and gather him in your arms. tell him it’s okay.
because your love and his was abundant.
but never enough.
(in the end, you find yourself in your throne, legs hugged to your chest, neck craned over your knees, falling asleep to the quietness before morning breaks.)
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you still hear news of jungkook from time to time. he’s been traveling far and wide, aiding the needy, healing the weak with the light magic he’d obtained after a conquest with a group of companions he met along the way. that’s possibly one of the reasons that your image has gotten better throughout the empire. people who didn’t join the riot and know you personally, fear you less. you’ve been receiving more invitations to parties - even from the countries that supported the late emperor, not knowing that he was all-too-willing to hand over the throne to you.
and after a long, arduous series of pleading and begging from jimin, you finally segregate your work to your trusted ministries. with the surge of applications to join the royal army since the last five years, more captains have sworn their allegiance to you and subsequently, lifting jimin’s workload of training the recruits.
within that span of time, you’ve become legally married and closer than an empress and her war general. jimin smiles more now. though the years have molded his face with defined muscles and got rid of the baby fat, you still see the traces of the boyish knight you once fought alongside with in your younger days.
you train together from time to time, putting on a show for the new recruits.
“papa!” calista calls, seconds before her tiny figure escapes her governor’s hands and comes the pitter pattering towards jimin.
almost as though he sees nothing else but his daughter, he discards his sword to the ground, dropping on one knee to welcome the child into his arms. his chime-like chuckle fills the vicinity. you catch the lowest coo from some of the recruits watching from the sidelines - mostly the women whose attraction to your husband, doesn’t go unnoticed.
“’ista, what did i tell you about coming around here?” you sigh, sheathing your sword and gesturing for the colonels to continue the training.
“ask livie before i go anywhere near the training grounds.” calista mumbles, the pout no doubt inherited from her father while the fierce look in her eyes comes from you. even the deep ruby flecks of dark magic concentrated in her left eye that affected her since birth was from your blood. as a result, she never truly appears as though she understood why these rules were set out - even though you’d explained time and time again.
when you enter the hallway leading to the private royal wing with less prying eyes, you finally let a smile slip on your face. hand softly pinching calista’s cheeks. they remind you of jimin’s younger days.
“because...” you offer.
“it’s filled with weapons.” she mumbles out like a mantra but then she looks up, eyes bearing into you - you still need time to recover from the realization that the light in them once belong to you. “but mama, metal swords don’t hurt me! i have the scales of the dragons as skin!”
you’re about to contend that for the sake of arguing - with a four year old at that - before jimin’s chuckle reverberates against the walls,“she got you with that one, buttercup.”
he’d started calling you that on the first month after your engagement. when you brought him to the meadow of the aforementioned wildflowers blossom in full.
shooting jimin a warning gaze as to not show a difference in opinions, you finally relent when you notice your daughter’s observing gaze.
“for once, let me worry about you, ‘ista.” you let your shoulder line jolt as you cross your arms over your chest, your own pout forming on your lips.
it’s then, that you hear the rasp of a falcon and so does calista, confusing your human husband as both you and your daughter throw your gaze towards the artrium.
“what?” jimin asks a second before you raise your left hand up.
it takes another second for the falcon to land as calista squeals in delight at the majestic creature, tiny hands clapping in excitement.
“how have you been, orvelle?” you pat the bird’s head as it nuzzles into your touch, ignoring the jabs of needles from the slightest movement of your right arm.
“pretty birdy!” calista giggles, trying to stretch her whole body out of jimin’s arms to get to the falcon.
you chuckle, holding the domesticated bird closer once you untied the letter around its foot. 
jimin set your daughter down with the bird on the bed when you reached your chambers while you take a sit at the round table a few feet away where tea sets and sandwiches were laid out by the maids.
“it’s from jungkook,” you announce, though the purple ribbon tied around orvelle’s neck is already telling enough of the sender’s identity. but jimin simply nods, sipping on his tea while he throws his eyes over the balcony where the blue skies stretch as far as the eye can see. “he thinks he’s found the antidote to getting rid of the black magic my and calista’s blood streams.”
jimin’s lips twitches into a smirk - the kind of impressed smirk that’s reserved only for his wizard nemesis. “so he finally did it.”
“he’ll be returning with his companions within three weeks.” you set the letter down in exchange for the tea that’s going cold.
“he couldn’t just zap his way here?” jimin scoffs.
“well, he could but one of them is a lich - they’re susceptible to magic and can’t apparate.” you inform, having remembered the fact from one of his messages to you through orvelle.
that’s how you kept in touch. and somehow, you were able to find peace and bleed your apology through letters and receive the same amount of remorse from the wizard’s reply.
“what a bunch, he’s gathered.” the man across from you lets out a low chuckle, a somewhat proud smile adorning his lips.
then, he steals a glance at you, “what about you? are you going to be alright?”
you hum, setting the cup in the middle of the intricate golden-green tendrils that stretches around the edge of the saucer, “we’ve said our piece and kept in touch through letters. if anything, i’m excited for the three of us to gather again, aren’t you?”
looking up, you feel your chest lighten as you shoot a smile at the man. but his smiling lips has turned into a troubled pout. 
jimin pushes his hair back, those tresses falling back over his face perfectly. “i can’t say i am - not when my wife used to be in love with the wizard.”
the surprised look on your face must have been the reason for him to throw you an incredulous look, “come on, you didn’t think i’d welcome him with all smiles and hugs, do you?”
“jimin,” you say after a lingering gaze of your child’s pitter pattering form around the balcony as she tries to catch the bird hovering just inches from her fingers. eyebrows knitting together, you finally meet the aforementioned man’s gaze, “i had a child with you.”
“didn’t stop the empress of the west from taking five husbands at the same time.” he points out, almond shaped eyes going round with every heat the argument supplies, “nor did the king of kasken.”
the burst of laughter tumbles out of you from mouth like bells, so much so, you have to clasp a hand over your stomach while your husband mopes, clearly taking offense for you laughing over a serious concern - for him.
calista, having heard your fit, pads over and instantly gets picked up by you, setting her on your lap while she glances between you with confusion, “mama? papa?”
“’ista, what do you suggest we get papa for his birthday next month?” you smile down at your daughter.
“a birdie!” she claps, eyes sparkling with excitement.
“that’s what you want - we’ll get you a whole zoo, ‘ista, i promise.” you boop her nose, making her scrunch it, eyes blinking, smile glued to her lips as she throws her hand up in celebration of her birthday.
“now,” you sneak a peek at jimin’s pursed lips before averting your gaze to your child as you talk to her, “for papa, how about we conquer the winter kingdom? or slay a dragon and have uncle koo harvest its heart and turn it into an everlasting light source? or should we-”
“alright,” jimin huffs, elbows propped on his thighs as he pretends to cover his bashfulness with a cough, “enough with the discussion of showing your affection through extravagant gifts.”
“go give papa a kiss, ‘ista.” you whisper in your daughter’s ears before setting her down and watching as she pads her way around the table, hands stretching out for her blushing father who obliges anyway.
“i love you, papa.” the first hint of smile graces jimin’s lips when calista pecks him on his cheek, shoulder line vibrating from a suppressed chuckle.
you watch with a smirk of your own, how the spine-chilling general melts when his daughter comes into the world. 
“i don’t say it but me too, you know.” you murmur nonchalantly, taking a bite out of the sandwich.
and just like that, jimin’s pout returns, “’ista, papa is still sad because mama hasn’t said she loves me.”
“i-i do! i just said it.” you stammer in the presence of calista’s round eyes that’s boring into yours. if she’d gotten the fire from you, then she’d definitely gotten the puppy from jimin. 
your husband fakes a sniffle, chin rested on your daughter’s head so she couldn’t see the devilish smile that forms on his lips that he’s fixing you with. “you have to spell it out.”
“mama?” calista calls a second later of you eyeing jimin accusingly.
your shoulders sag as you relent, clearing your throat as you feel your cheeks burn, “i-i adore you - both of you.” you watch as calista’s round eyes continue staring, not quite equating adore with love but jimin’s eyes are already beginning to curve into crescent moons.
“i love you too.” jimin divulges, for a warlord, he’s never shy from expressing his feelings.
maybe that’s why it was easy to open your heart to him when you actually started looking away from the boy you grew up with started looking at the man you won’t mind growing old with.
“me too, mama!” calista jumps in her father’s lap, lips fixed into a grin, “i love you!”
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