#bts magic imagines
venusjeon · 1 year
morning after
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a l'aquelarre drabble
the morning after, you wake up convinced he regrets it.
♔ PAIRING: witch!jungkook x human!reader
♔ GENRE: magic au, angst, humour, FLUFF
♔ WORD COUNT: 0.8k
♔ WARNINGS: mentions of sex, swearing, a bit of anxiety, making out
♔ AUTHOR'S NOTE: i don't know why this has taken so long given how short and simple it is, but here's a ball of fluff for you (also known as a jungkook!)
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The radiance of the sun squeezing through the blinds woke you up the next morning.
It was a softer welcome into the day than jolting awake to turn off an ear-piercing fucking alarm, but nonetheless annoying, so you turned your back on the source of light to be met with that of Jungkook’s naked one.
Last night hadn’t been a dream, huh?
You smiled against the pillow at each memory. Dancing closely at the party, holding hands on your way back, kissing under the exploding bracket lights,  gasping against each other’s skin as you came… It had been perfect, and so was waking up next to him. Usually, you’d hurry to get dressed and out of the place of whatever guy you’d hooked up with to avoid the typical morning after awkwardness, but this time around there was none at all. No, you felt cosy enough to stay. You didn’t need to wonder why, the answer had been there for weeks. Because I love him.
But, in silence apart from the light breathing of both, seconds passed. And more seconds. And more, and more. And suddenly you feared he regretted it. Not the sex, which was undeniably bomb, but the fact that he’d had it with you. A girl who just happened upon his shop. It was a miracle he hadn’t realised yet there was nothing really to you, but what if he’d needed to fuck in order to work it out? You knew Jungkook wasn’t the type who’d ditch a girl after getting in her pants, but you couldn’t blame him if he didn’t know that instead of love, all the feelings that had been brewing inside him since you met translated into a lust that could be solved with a night of passion.
You began to contemplate leaving. It would make things easier if he indeed had no feelings for you; spare him the trouble of having to kick you out and make it clear that he didn’t want to date you... For the first time, you’d leave a guy’s place brokenhearted.
By Jungkook’s yawn and stretching at the other side of the bed, turns out your plan was thwarted.
Should you pretend to be asleep? You considered it in the short time it took him to turn over, but decided against delaying the blow and to get it over with as soon as possible. No need to prolong the apprehension.
Then, as his eyes fluttered open and the first thing he saw was yours, a soft smile stretched his lips still sore from your lovely abuse of them the night before, and it became ever so clear that of course this boy was in love with you. How could you doubt it? Idiot.
“Hi,” he whispered with a raspy voice you wouldn’t mind getting used to.
“Good morning.”
Jungkook’s hand shyly sought yours and held it between your bodies, caressing it gently as though it were precious and delicate—hysterical, given the force with which he’d non-stop thrust into you hours ago, but you kept that to yourself. With the passing of minutes in a comfortable silence, your eyelids became heavy, as Yoongi’s did when petted. If humans could purr, rest assured you would. Once your eyes completely shut, Jungkook took the chance to get you off guard and leaned in to kiss your cheek, making you smile.
“Sneaking up on me, you witch?”
He chuckled, “You do bite.”
Before he could get away, you buried your fingers in his silky locks and lightly pushed the back of his head close, guiding his lips to yours to bite them not too hard, but enough to rile Jungkook up, tempt him to kiss you back.
And there was the heat again. You felt it both inside, igniting each nerve in your core, and outside, as his hot breath mingled with your own. While you wondered whether it was the nearest you’d ever get to feeling magic, he was sure the addiction that had once corrupted him fell embarrassingly short of it.
Anyone would think you’d bewitched him but Jungkook didn’t care, wasn’t ashamed, gave in willingly to the effect you had on him. He wanted you to come to his shop every day and to kiss you deep as he now was. Instinctively, your legs spread and wrapped tightly around his bare torso, and Jungkook took the hint to climb on top.
Just as he was doing it, though, the door opened with a creak. A meow followed.
Jungkook broke the kiss to sigh.
“I can’t believe him,” he muttered, getting off you and failing to kick Yoongi off the bed the second he jumped on it. “Get out.” The familiar responded with a hiss. “No, you fuck off!”
“Come on, let’s play with him a little,” you struggled to say between giggles. “He’s so cute!”
“He’s a perverted cat, is what he is.” Jungkook didn’t hesitate to get up—a great sight, given he was naked—and drag Yoongi out to the living room, despite his attempt to cling to the sheets by the claws. Closing the door behind him, Jungkook rushed back to the bed and on top of you. “Besides,” he whispered in a low voice that gave you goosebumps, “I want to play with you alone.”
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def-initely-soul · 8 months
Burn The Witch {4}
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a/n: hello everyone it's been a while. I have no idea if anyone is still around or still interested in this, but here's the fourth part! don't know when i'll update again, figured i should upload this chapter since its been in my drafts for a while
pairing:  yoongi x reader (f.)
genre: supernatural; angst; mystery; magical society AU; magicals!AU
rating: PG-15
warnings: violence; emotional abuse; blood; bullying; mentions of murder; mature language; panic attack
words: 5.6k
↠ {a boy who keeps running away, a girl who can’t seem to no matter how much she tries and a series of murders caught all in between of the cracks spread through what appears as a quiet little town…} ↞
or alternatively, not everything is always what it seems
previous part: {3}
It’s a slow day at “Selkie’s Place” when Yoongi pays you a visit, two days after the second murders. 
Trusting him still feels naïve but you can’t help but do it, and it scares you. You’re putting so much faith in him. Too much faith. Blindly trusting someone like this can only lead to disappointment, you know this well enough. But it’s hard not to trust him. And you’re terrified. 
When he steps into the pub it takes a whole lot of effort to get Mona to stop pestering him and move along to her other duties. Of course, you didn’t tell her the truth about your sudden partnership, instead opting for an inconspicuous story of making a new friend during interspecies studies. But, of course, she had to see for herself. Resulting in an almost interrogation of Yoongi about how the two of you met. 
“She seems nice...” he comments afterwards. He waves at Mona from the couch he’s sitting on, who waves back at him from behind the bar. 
You rest your hand at the back of the couch, watching the whole interaction with a careful smile. “She usually is. Today was a surprise for both of us...” you shrug before turning your attention back at him. Wondering what made him choose “Selkie’s Place” of all places for your conversation. 
“You know this meeting could’ve happened at uni, right? No need for you to come here...” you raise an eyebrow and now it’s his turn to shrug. 
“Better this way. Less eyes watching. After all, the person incriminating you could be someone from campus,” he takes a tentative sip of his beer. Your suspicion grows. 
Maybe he’s not just thinking of being under the radar. Maybe he’s not completely unaffected from everyone else’s opinion and he’s afraid to be seen with you. Could that really be the case? 
No. You wouldn’t peg Yoongi as someone who cares about other people’s opinions. He does what he wants and that’s the end of it. 
But what if this town managed to get him? What if by living in such a remote place, the people’s beliefs became his own? What if he’s rethinking the whole thing? 
You try to shake off the doubts creeping in your mind. They won’t do you any good for now. 
“So, you think someone is incriminating me then,” you ponder instead. 
Yoongi looks at you unimpressed. “Given the circumstances of those murders, I’d say it’d be too much of a coincidence. Someone is definitely trying to put the blame on you,” he replies sternly, confident in his logic. You find it hard to argue. 
At least someone else believes you. 
“So, what do you suggest we do?” you ask while taking a careful look around the pub. Just because you’re meeting here instead of campus, doesn’t mean you’re completely safe. 
“Me?” he raises an eyebrow as he crosses his arms. 
You shrug. “You’re the Sherlock here, Sherlock.” The reply has a smile growing on Yoongi and he leans towards you. 
“And I suppose you’re my Watson then?” 
At that you can’t help but scoff. Nevertheless, a grin is threatening to spill on your lips. “No, that would make me the unwilling victim that paid too much at your agency.” 
Yoongi’s smile doesn’t falter. “You’re not paying me though.” 
“Is store-credit okay?” 
He shakes his head with a chuckle before leaning against his seat. “I was thinking of taking a look,” is his cryptic answer, eyes following the costumers around the pub. 
This doesn’t satisfy your curiosity though. “Taking a look where?” 
Yoongi is still nonchalantly people-watching when he replies. “The Kim’s estate.” 
Your eyes almost pop out of their sockets. 
“Where?! Are you mad?! The place will be flooding with Magaux!” you respond incredulously. You’re not willing to take a step into this place, it will be filled with your worlds equivalent for the police! If someone were to catch you there, no evidence would be needed for your arrest. 
“This might be our only chance...” Yoongi continues calmly, ignoring your sudden outburst. 
“To get arrested?” you level with him but he rolls his eyes, not at all worried about his idea. 
You can’t believe you’re hearing this! He can’t be serious. 
“To find out anything concerning the identity of the perpetrator! Or would you rather just to sit by idly as everyone else pins this too on you?” it’s his turn to look at you with irritation in his eyes. Your mouth runs dry from words to say. You hadn’t thought of it that way. You should have. 
“I...” you mumble taken aback, before you turn your eyes away. “I didn’t mean it like that...” you mutter in response. Yoongi exhales tiredly. 
“Look, I know you don’t feel comfortable with this, but it’s our best shot at finding out anything. As for the magaux they cleared the scene not long before the second murders happened. The Kim estate will be empty by now,” his voice is soft, almost comforting and you turn to face him again. The determination and hope in his eyes strangely calm you down. 
“How are we going to get in?” you make your decision and Yoongi smiles. 
“Can you teleport?” 
You nod. 
“There’s how,” he announces entirely too pleased with himself, and you roll your eyes as you fight the urge to smile. 
“I say we meet and teleport straight into the house, not to raise any alarms, hm?” he takes another sip of his beer, and you nod again. 
That’s when you see it. 
Yoongi goes on about the details of your plan, but your eyes are trained at the glass window behind him. Did you just see something move? 
There’s just darkness outside. Just a heavy, unending black. Your eyes must be playing tricks on you. 
But then you see it again. And this time it’s clearer.  
What you thought was only black, quickly proves to be a shadow. A shapeless figure, much like the one you saw at that empty classroom. Unnerving, ever-present. 
Your breath hitches. Yoongi’s voice becomes a faint buzz as your heartbeat rises when the figure suddenly appears closer to the window. 
But the figure is almost the same colour as the night. You’re not sure what you’re seeing is real.  
It seems as if you’re staring at nothing. 
But “nothing” stares back. 
And blinks. 
You jump in your spot, tension suddenly dissipating. You glance at Yoongi disoriented, who looks at you with a wary expression. Then you take a look at the window again. But there’s nothing there. 
“You okay?” Yoongi’s voice sounds as if you’re underwater. It gradually grows stronger, pulling you back to reality with it. You shake your head. It was nothing, you saw nothing. 
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine...” you clear your throat, unable to meet his eyes. You’re afraid he’ll see right through you. “I just got distracted, sorry. What were you saying?” 
Yoongi’s gaze is suspicious, but he decides to say nothing. “That we should meet at my house to discuss somethings beforehand. Just to be careful about this. Wouldn't want to get caught now, would we?” he explains with an easy smile. And while you agree with the general idea, you have one small objection. 
“Okay, but it’d be better if it was at my house instead. I still can’t quite get the hang of teleporting from anywhere outside my house,” you reply, and Yoongi looks worried at that. 
“Then will you be able to teleport us to your house afterwards?” he asks with concern, and you nod. 
“It just takes a bit more energy. Figured I’d keep whatever energy I can for leaving,” you shrug. Only now you realise that means Yoongi will have to actually come to your house. 
It’s been so long since anyone stepped foot in your home, besides you and Mona. You’ll need to do some cleaning beforehand, just in case. 
Yoongi nods as he thinks it over, tapping his finger on his chin before he shrugs. “Okay, if you’re sure you can do it...” he comments. Although his tone shifts something in you. As if your pride got wounded.  
Sure, you’re used to that. It seems to be everyone’s personal chore in this hellhole of a town, but coming from Yoongi, makes you want to prove him wrong. To prove you’re not just some helpless victim, to prove you’re someone capable. Someone strong. 
You can do it. You know you can. 
And him doubting you makes you angry. 
“I’m sure,” you say, and your tone raises no questions. No room for doubt fits in your words and your hair curl at the ends with magic as it seeps out of you with every burst of feeling. You’re not weak. That’s the only thing you’ve never been. 
Yoongi’s stare is indecipherable as thunder roars outside. Your chest rises quickly with every worked-up breath. 
But then he smiles. “That’s more like it.” 
You watch anxiously as Yoongi steps inside your home, two days later. It’s the only day you’re free from work, so the only day you’d be able to do this. You wanted the whole day off to prepare for what you’re about to do. 
You mainly slept and ate, to replenish your energy and be ready for later. And also downed more than three cups of coffee. Although that could maybe turn out to be a bad idea. You’re not sure yet. 
You're curious to see how Yoongi will take in your home but nothing really reveals much about his thoughts. Not when he stares up at the massive wooden staircase with Alistair curled around the banister, or when his eyes meet the stone walls covered with paintings of your relatives. 
Your familiar stares at the man in the middle of your lobby, thoughtfully take in your home and strangely he has nothing to say. The fox only stares at the vampire man with a mild curiosity and a slight apathy. Yoongi, to his credit, acknowledges the fox with a small tip of his head forward but then he keeps on looking around. 
Alistair’s familiar voice appears in your head.  
Do we trust him? 
You give him what you hope is a warning glare. 
Be nice Ali. 
You swear you see him almost roll his eyes. 
I’m always nice. 
A snort breaks free from your lips that has Yoongi look at you with a questioning gaze. 
You wave him off with your hand. “It’s nothing...” you reply when you decide to tease your familiar. “Ali seems to like you.” 
The question doesn’t leave Yoongi’s eyes. “Ali?” 
“My familiar...” you move closer to point at Alistair at the top of the stairs who stares at you with a nearly murderous gaze. “His real name is Alistair, but he doesn’t like being called Ali in front of strangers...” you chuckle with Yoongi’s eyes on you. Alistair gets up from his position and stretches before sitting on his back legs on a graceful but indignant pose. 
Your smile grows. 
Yoongi turns to your familiar and nods his head again. “I’m Yoongi. Nice to meet you Alistair.” 
Ali looks at him carefully before his voice reappears. 
He’s okay... for now. 
Then he tips his head towards Yoongi and turns around to hide in your room. 
You chuckle once more at the quizzical look on Yoongi’s face. “Okay, now he really seems to like you.” 
Yoongi sighs in relief. “I’m glad. Wouldn’t want to get on your familiar’s bad side...” he replies while turning his eyes upwards to your high ceiling. His gaze turns awed when he sees the ancient magic decorating the glass ceiling and how the endless night outside meets the floating lights underneath your roof. 
“What is this...?” he asks in wonder, mouth falling open at the sight above him. 
Another smile takes over your lips. “My father did it. When I was young, I used to say how much I loved the floating lights in the sky. I would sit awake for hours trying to come up with spells to bring them closer to me. I thought if I tried hard enough, I could bring them in my room and have them on my ceiling and then I could say “I have the floating lights in my room!”. So, one day my dad brought home some small crystal balls, filled them with starlight and enchanted them to float forever beneath our glass ceiling. To accompany the real floating lights in the night sky,” you reminisce as one of the floating lights slowly descends to meet your open hand.  
It’s warmth travels through your skin, reminding you of that time you tried to catch them with a floating spell of your own. Back then, you didn’t know you weren’t supposed to chase them. The starlight would come to you instead. 
“And to make sure I didn’t accidently cause earth’s collision with a star,” you add on with a chuckle. 
“Your dad could catch starlight?” Yoongi asks still in awe, but his eyes are on you now. 
“It was his individual power.” 
“And what is yours?” he asks curiously. 
At that your smile drops. 
You shrug. “I don’t know.” 
Both of you remain silent. Yoongi’s gaze doesn’t leave you but where you thought you’d see pity you see nothing but understanding. He doesn’t say anything along the lines of “I’m sorry,” or “That must be hard,”. He just lets you be. 
You don’t know what else to say so you focus on the issue at hand. “Okay, so are we ready for this?” is your impatient question as you let the small ball float back into place. 
Yoongi stares for another moment before he clears his throat. “Yeah, just a few things first. We need to be really discreet. There might not be any Magaux there but there should be some monitor spells lying around. So, we have to be careful. And we shouldn't split up. I know it’ll take more time but it’s safer this way,” Yoongi explains, all seriousness and even though you agree, you can’t resist the urge to tease him. 
“Is someone afraid?” you can’t hide your teasing smile and Yoongi scoffs as he tries to hide his own. 
“Me? Please. I’m just saying this for you...” he smirks, and you roll your eyes. 
“Alright, let’s do this,” you take his hand in yours as you close your eyes and recount the spell in your mind. 
You feel the familiar rush of magic travelling through your body, the magic of your home helping you in the process and then you open your eyes. 
But it didn’t work. 
You stare confused at your joined hands. This is weird. 
Yoongi looks concerned. “Is something the matter?” 
“That hasn’t happened before...” you mumble in disbelief, worry filling your mind. 
“Maybe it’s because we’re two people. Have you tried teleporting with another person before?” Yoongi casually drags his hands away from yours. You’re too worried about your powers to notice the crimson hue spreading over his cheeks. 
“I-… No, I haven’t but I don’t think that’s it...” your confusion is palpable as you close your eyes to try again. 
Once more you feel the familiar pull on your gut as your magic concentrates. This time you feel a bit more of it, now that it’s just you, but when you’re about to cross over you feel the difference. There’s something blocking you. Your powers work just fine, moving you along the spell just as they’re supposed to but when it’s time to land, you feel a wall blocking your path. 
“There must be a blocking spell on the estate...” you realise out loud and Yoongi curses softly. 
“Now what? Should we walk all the way there? Someone might see us,” he says in thought, thinking of possible solutions to your problem but you raise an eyebrow. It's simpler than that. 
“...Or we could just teleport outside the estate and walk to the front door?” 
“Okay, now that we’re here how do we get in?” 
This time, you’re successfully teleported outside of the estate, so you resulted in walking the rest of the way. The blocking spell shimmers as soon as you pass the front gate. You fight a shiver at the peculiar sensation.  
True to Yoongi’s words the scene seems cleared, no Magaux anywhere in sight. The Kim’s estate appears larger up close. The building is still standing, yet black spots of fire and ruin grace its appearance and a cold chill runs down your bones.  
The lights are out, the house an imposing structure despite its condition, the smell of ashes wafting through the air. You can’t believe this place was full of life just two weeks ago. 
That it wasn’t just a ruin. 
“The normal way,” Yoongi responds as he climbs the stairs to the front door. You follow close behind. 
“Through the front door? How do you know it doesn’t have any monitoring spells?” you inquire with careful step, wary of making too much noise. 
Yoongi smirks at you but instead of going through the front door, he nears a broken window to the side. The floor creaks with his steps, a contrast to the silence of the night. You resist the urge to shiver. 
He leans in, just barely through the window. He looks around the windowsill, as if looking for something. Once he’s satisfied, he leans back outside with a winning smile. “No monitoring spells here.” 
Your gaze is suspicious. “How can you tell?” 
He waves you over and you both lean inside to take a peek in what seems to be the living room. “Usually monitoring spells have a tell; they must have a beeper nearby to help them keep running for the desired time. The latest versions don’t need it, hence the increase in their price. I doubt Xefoto’s Magaux can afford them...” he comments. You lean more inside, and he points over your shoulder towards a small rectangle metallic box just above the door. 
“Now that’s a beeper. Which means this door is monitored,” he explains as he steps inside the window. Once he’s safely inside he stretches his hand towards you.  
You take it with a careful yet amazed gaze. “How do you know all that?” you move inside, wary of dragging anything with you. You finally place both legs inside before dragging your hand away. 
Yoongi simply shrugs as his eyes move to the interior. “I’m studying to become a Magau. It’s stuff I should know,” he chuckles as he takes a step inside. 
You hum in understanding and your eyes finally take in the living room. Or what used to be the living room. 
The wallpaper is burned to a crips as most spots, heavy black marks covering the walls in a pattern; as if the fire spread out in five, even streams of flame and burned everything in their path. The floor beneath the marks is black in streams too, all pointing towards the centre of the room, as if someone lighted a fire and spread it in five, even directions. Like a ritual would have it. 
“I guess this is where we should look...” Yoongi comments in a grave voice. His fingers skip the black mark on the walls. 
“What happened here...?” you mumble in terror, mostly to yourself. It’s pretty obvious what happened here, but why would someone kill an entire family just for a ritual? 
“Whoever did this, did not mess around...” Yoongi whispers, while you near the fireplace. On top of it rest some burning sage along with some geraniums and a few buds of alyssum; all burned to almost a crisp, outside of the five even streams. The flower petals are black, almost destroyed by the fire. Burning sage is used for protection from enchantment, geranium as an alert for approaching guests and alyssum is used to deflect spells and judging by their condition, you’d say the person behind this knew much about the Kim’s. 
Your eyes then travel to the wall above; decorated with numerous runes and what must be protection spells. But truth is you never paid attention on rune’s class, so you have no idea how to read them. 
“So, we look for anything that might be suspicious?” Yoongi makes an affirmative sound, and you begin looking. Hoping you will at least find something that can help you. 
It’s been two hours or so since you started searching but you have nothing so far. You looked into every corner, under all furniture, looking for cracks in the floor, opening every cabinet and little trinket but you’ve come up empty handed. 
You’re starting to lose hope. You can’t believe you did all this just to come up with nothing. You refused to be pessimistic all day, to avoid jinxing it but now it seems your doubts became a reality. 
You have nothing to move forward from. You only know a witch is somehow involved, someone who knew what they were doing which means it wasn’t anyone from this town. 
Which means you’re screwed. 
With a huff, you stand up. “Come on Yoongi, I don’t think we’ll find anything here...” you admit, shoulders hunched but Yoongi doesn’t budge. 
“I’m not done yet. Plus, we haven’t looked into any of the other rooms yet...” he replies, not really paying attention to you. You tiredly watch as his hands dive in what seems like the hundredth box here. 
You groan, your sore muscles complaining along, and you rub your straining neck. “I doubt we’ll find anything in the other rooms either. Let’s just admit this was hopeless and return to-”  
Your words get cut short when you hear a sound coming from outside. 
Yoongi doesn’t seem to notice it, too immersed in his search, but you’re certain you heard something. Is someone else here? 
“Yoongi...” you whisper lowly, taking a step towards him, your eyes glued to the front door. 
“Wait, I think I found something...!” he mumbles with barely contained excitement, his hand searching through the outer cracks of the box. 
But then you hear it again. 
The unmistakeable creak of the wooden floor on the front porch. Meaning someone is coming up the stairs. 
“Yoongi, someone is here...” you shake his shoulder to gain his attention, to guide his focus at the impending risk of being found out. 
“I can’t get it, just use an invisibility spell or something...” he argues, finger grabbing that... something and yanking it as hard as he can. 
Panic and shame are an awful mix, flooding you at the same time as the creaks sound closer. 
“Yoongi, please, we have to get out now...” your rushed voice reflects the rhythm of your pulse, and your breaths quicken in fear. Your eyes widen and you stare at the door as whoever seems to be outside takes their sweet time to turn down the doorknob. 
A huff comes from your partner. “This is a clue; we have to get it! Why can’t you just cast a disguise or invisibility spell?”  
He obviously doesn’t understand why you’d choose to simply run but once you hear the steps sounding just outside the door you snap. 
“Because I literally can’t!” 
Thankfully your voice was barely a hiss, but it’s enough for Yoongi to hear it and look at you with a surprised gaze. 
Great, is that shame creeping back in? 
“I- I never learned how...” you admit, your voice barely a whisper this time. You avoid Yoongi’s eyes; they are sure to be filled with pity and you can’t take that just yet. You can take a lot of things admittedly, but surprisingly not this. 
The sound of steps travels through the wood again and you remember you’re about to be discovered. “Now can we please get out so I can at least teleport us somewhere safe?!” you hiss, pointing with one hand towards the door. 
Yoongi stares at you for a second too long without replying. Instead, he grabs what seems to be a small stick, stuck into the cracks of the box and with one determined move, he finally gets it out. 
“Got it! Let’s go,” he exclaims triumphant before you drag him towards the back of the house with a tired groan. 
“I used to come here as a kid, there’s a back door at the kitchen and windows we can go out of. If there are monitoring spells in all of them, we can hide until the living room is clear...” you whisper quickly, remembering all the times you came here with your parents for social visits.  
You open the door, push Yoongi quickly inside and lock it behind you. 
“Check for beepers...” you put a chair against the locked door, just to be safe as Yoongi checks the back door first. 
“Clear,” he replies “Although it seems weird the door isn’t monitored, even if it’s just a back door...” he thinks out loud. 
“Well, if it was, we’d be stuck here so forgive me for not looking a gift horse in the mouth...” you roll your eyes at him as you drag him towards the door. “Now let’s get out of here...” you open the back door and motion for him to follow you when you both hear the unmistakeable sound of the front door opening. 
Both your gazes land at the kitchen door, then at each other. 
“Run?” you whisper. 
Yoongi swallows the lump in his throat, and he nods. “Run.” 
Then you’re both out in the backyard, running through the bushes and flowers as quietly as you can. Actually, the garden is really pretty and normally you’d stick around to gaze through the flora, but this is as far from a normal situation as it could be.  
You can’t afford to stop. If you stop now and someone sees you, it’s all over. Noone would care that you had an alibi for that night; they’ll send you straight to prison. 
You reach the fence between the Kim’s estate and the forest, and both of you use the momentum to quickly jump over it, only to land ungracefully at the forest floor. 
Yoongi lays there for a second to catch his breath, but there’s no time to lose. You grab his arm, closing your eyes and recounting the spell as fast as you can, when the telltale sign of power draining takes over you and you suddenly find yourselves back into the floor of your living room. 
“Fuck...” you curse breathlessly, your body slumping down against the floor. Your muscles scream in protest, your legs turned to jelly as your lung struggle to fill up. 
Your eyes find the floating lights at your ceiling, dancing around peacefully; such an obvious contrast to what you just did, and you can’t help but wonder what your father would think of this. 
You think he’d have a heart attack to be honest.  
But your mother? She’d probably be with you all along. 
Yoongi chuckles, out of breath. “Yeah... fuck...” he agrees before groaning and rubbing his eyes. “I haven’t had that much exercise in years...”  he mumbles and you can’t help the laughter that bubbles from your lips. 
You both lay there too tired to move, your eyes naturally following the spells carved on your celling. 
And that’s when you remember. 
“So, what did we find?” you ask curiously and Yoongi scoffs. 
“We? Oh no, you wanted to leave, you get no credit for this...” he teases, still trying to catch his breath and another laugh escapes you. 
“Fair enough. So, what did you find, oh great detective Min?” you tease back, and he chuckles (an impossibly clear sound you’re sure you won’t be able to get out of your head). 
His hand dives into the pocket of his jeans. Then it emerges, carrying that slim stick you saw him dig out and he passes it to you. You take it cautiously, observing it meticulously. It’s bent at the end in an obtuse angle, frayed at the middle with scratches on its middle part and strings of something soft sticking out of it. Oh wait, it’s not a stick. 
“It’s a feather...” you observe and Yoongi hums in agreement. 
“Yeah, a black one as you can see and those scratches in the middle part?” he points to them right where you saw them before, “At first look they seem inconspicuous, but I think it’s a rune...”. The more you look at it, the more sense Yoongi’s observation makes. Yes, it is a rune, the one resembling the letter “c”, but you have no idea what it means. 
Again, not good with runes. 
“And it seems even more plausible since the feather remained intact through all the debacle,” Yoongi mumbles in thought and you turn to him. 
“You think it was enchanted to withstand the fire?” 
“Maybe. Or maybe it was used to keep the fire from going out, or for something else altogether. I can’t really tell; we’ll have to find out what that rune means...” 
His statement has you looking at the feather again, deep in thought. Someone wanted the Kims gone so bad, they not only lighted their house on fire but did everything necessary so that the fire wouldn’t go out. 
You weren’t aware the Kims had such enemies. In truth, they were one of the most respected families in Xefoto. 
So, who did this, and why? 
“Okay, so where do we go from here?” you pass Yoongi back the feather. 
He takes it back with nimble fingers, softly grazing your own. “I remember seeing a spell recipe that used a black, bent feather with a rune scratched on the middle part in another witch’s book of spells. I don’t remember what the spell was for though, so we need the book to know the details. Do you have yours somewhere around?” he asks curiously, but you shake your head. 
“No. Us witches are supposed to get our books at the age of twelve, along with our mentor. But ever since the accident, the council put a ban in everything regarding casting magic. No mentors, no books, no anything. And you won’t be able to find anything at the local library either, believe me, I’ve tried...” you admit with a sad chuckle. 
Yoongi sits up and stares at you in shock. “Is this why you didn’t know how to cast an invisibility spell?” he asks in bewilderment, voice filled to the brim with disbelief. 
You simply nod. 
His eyes widen, a glim of irritation flashing through them and he drops back to the floor with an angry huff. “I can’t believe this fucking town...” he grits through his teeth, making you shift uncomfortably next to him. 
“It’s fine really. After I’m done with college, I’m gonna search for a mentor elsewhere, so no harm done!” you rush to say, words more bubbly and cheerful than you ever felt about your situation, but it feels vulnerable to let him in, in all those aspects of your life that you hate.  
And you don’t like feeling vulnerable. Even though, with him, it’s the only thing you seem to be doing. 
“No harm done my ass...” he argues with a clipped voice, ready to say some more, when he casts a glance at your side. He sees something that makes him stop though. Instead, he looks at you for a moment longer before he turns his focus forward and clears his throat. 
You two remain silent for a few seconds, neither of you knowing what to say. Although it doesn’t feel as strange as it felt a moment ago. Somehow it feels peaceful and quiet and everything you wanted since that fateful day your parents died, and your skin crawls with the whisper of all the things you lost, as if they say you don’t deserve this tranquillity. That this too will be taken away from you because you’ve done nothing in your life to deserve this. Even though life has put you through enough things to owe you this. 
But life doesn’t care about balance or justice. It only takes, unyielding and cruel and indifferent to your sorrows until you have nothing left or you give up. 
You don’t know at what stage you are yet. 
Yoongi somehow senses the dark path your mind has taken you. He knows that for some reason, whatever you’re thinking about now isn’t good for you. The urgency to bring your thoughts back to the present tugs at him so persistently that at first, he sits there in panic, not knowing what to do. 
But the longer he sees that distant, almost resigned look in your eyes, the more words keep trying to escape his throat, until he’s sure that if he tries to voice them, no one would be able to make any sense out of them. 
So instead, he clears his throat again. 
The sound startles you, like waking you up from a nightmare and only realising you’re in the comfort of your bed, and you have to remind yourself you’re safe. 
But as your eyes fall on Yoongi again, that small seed of warmth that appeared when Yoongi first found you in that classroom, spreads the tiniest amount. 
“So how do we find that book?” he asks. 
The question has you smiling. That you know how to get. 
“There’s this guy at school, he’s mostly everyone’s weed dealer, but I've heard that for the right price, he can get you anything; besides other drugs that is,” you explain, and Yoongi sits up once again, resting his weight on his hands. This time though, it’s not rage swimming in his eyes, but excitement. 
“Okay, so let’s talk to him!” comes his enthusiastic response but you wave him off. 
“It’s best if you let me do the talking...” you warn him, knowing if he was to talk to the guy, it wouldn’t end well for any of you. 
He regards you with suspicion. “Why? Who is this guy?” 
You roll your eyes at him with a smile. 
“His name is Dean,” and Yoongi looks even more confused. 
“And he’s a werewolf.” 
next part: {5}
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labrujitadelamor · 1 year
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Imagine #4:
You always admired the way she wore her clothes, her hair, and the perfume she wore; the pendant on her neck that lingered.
You also began to admire the flavor of her ~chapstick~ and the way her fingers would tangle in yours. Your legs around her and the way her chest felt against yours…
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24k magic || series announcement || part 3
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—are all the roads to happiness paved with gold? sometimes luxury can be found where you least expect it—
these next stories are inspired by the 2016 album of the same name
**all release dates tbd unless otherwise noted**
Link to playlist: hooligans
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Track 1: 24K Magic Title: All The Wrong Places (posted here!) @mrworldwideshoulders​​ Pairing: reader x MYG Rating: rated M / R Genre: angst, fluff After getting separated from your friends during a night out, you get stuck with a hefty bill - one that you can’t pay. So when a handsome, emotionless stranger covers your tab in a random act of kindness, you’re determined to track him down and pay him back.
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Track 2: Chunky Title: I Choose You (posted here!) @mrworldwideshoulders​​ Pairing: reader x KNJ Rating: M / R Genre: fluff When your best friend abandons you at a wedding with a bunch of strangers and the guy she’s trying to set you up with is just not that into you, you decide to roll with it and have some fun instead of sulking in the corner, and your confidence earns you the attention – and the affection – of one Kim Namjoon.
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Track 3: Perm Title: Permission to Dance @mrworldwideshoulders​​ Pairing: reader x KSJ Rating: M / R Genre: strangers to lovers, fluff, implied smut You don’t do parties. They’re not for you. You’re just here to make sure your friends don’t make complete fools of themselves. However, when life of the party Kim Seokjin catches you sulking in the corner he’s determined to make sure you have a good time - no matter what it takes.
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Track 4: That’s What I Like Title: Moonshine @mrworldwideshoulders​​ Pairing: reader x KTH Rating: M / R Genre: friends with benefits, idiots to lovers, smut It was only supposed to be a one night stand. Then it turned into a strictly no strings arrangement. Now he’s ready to whisk you off to Paris for a surprise weekend getaway, just to spoil you. He’s perfect – almost too perfect – which leaves you wondering when the other shoe is going to drop.
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Track 6: Straight Up and Down Title: So Gone @mrworldwideshoulders​​ Pairing: reader x PJM Rating: rated M / R Genre: established relationship au, smut, fluff You've been dating your best friend for a while since he proposed to you. Now, it's finally time for you to propose to him…but things might not go quite like you planned.
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Track 8: Finesse Title: I’ve Got You Under My Skin @mrworldwideshoulders​​  Pairing: reader x JHS Rating: rated M / R Genre: enemies to lovers, idiots to lovers, fluff, angst, light smut Hoseok is used to having women fall at his feet - but you’re the only one that’s unaffected by his supposed charms. But one thing leads to another, then suddenly you’ve finessed your way into each other’s hearts without even realizing it – and a drunken confession about the woman who first shattered his heart just might change your mind about him.
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Track 9: Too Good to Say Goodbye looking for Jungkook? catch him in Waitin’ For You (yet to come in part 4).
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©2023 mrworldwideshoulders & onmypillow-onmytable | main masterlist | series masterlist | 
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rendangnana · 1 year
In Between
Pairing: BTS x Reader 
Genre: Fantasy| Spirit AU
Word count: 1.3k
Warnings: TBA (For now none)
Join tag list !(pm/send in an ask/reply/reblog)
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Dream and Reality
'What is happening?”
I turn my head to see who or what is behind me
'What in actual gloss is this’
He laughed, “gloss”
'What in the universe! He can read my mind?’
"Yes, I can.”
"You can what ? Y/n haven't talk a single damn thing." Jungkook's more confused.
"H-he can read my mind." I am going to throw my self to ocean of regret.
"What are you ? Are you also a ghost? " I point my brush to Jungkook, who is a ghost. " You look death, your skin is too pale for you not to be a ghost.”
"Tch, he is a low life being. Me, I'm more divine than him. I am your guardian angel. My name is Yoongi. Nice to meet you my human y/n.”
"Guardian angel ? You don't have wings like any other angel I know from internet.” I
"Yes, and I do have a wings.” He flexed his shoulder and poof, a big white wings appear from his back. Almost destroy my kitchen. “See."
"Wow that's beautiful but please refrain showing your wings next time, it's almost destroy my kitchen.”
He smile proudly and that gummy smile."Yeah, will do.”
"And what does guardian angel do ?”
"I was there to protect you from the moment you were born. From something filthy like him." He scrunched his nose and make a disgusted face to Jungkook.
"What do you mean I am filthy ? I am clean and smell nice!" Jungkook pout. Well, that was an unexpected reaction from him. Before he was all acting tough and cool and now cute like a little boy. 
"Why? Why are you protecting me from something like him? “
"I am a ghost and a human before. Don’t treat me like a thing please.”
"Do you know why he is here? In this world ? Do you know the reason why he can’t go to heaven nor hell?”
Was I supposed to know ? Is it something that everyone need to know why one cannot go to heaven nor hell? 
Yoongi sighed, "He had done a really wicked deed that make heaven reject him and hell send him here to lure more human to hell. Basically he was a nasty bad human." That was shocking. Or not. What kind of deed he made and why did he done that ? He told me he was an assassin, does that had anything to do with the wicked deed. "She wants to know about your deed boy.” Yoongi smirk. Jungkook stay silent and the air begun to feel heavier.
"Its fine, you don't need to tell me.”
No one saying anything.
"Hey," I tried to break the silent situation. "Do you know why am I can see you all? Why now when before I never see even once?" "Well I don't know how you can see me but for him, that thing want to show himself to you even when I tried to make him go away. He is so persistent and fearless." Yoongi glare at Jungkook, and Jungkook put his tongue out, mocking him. "So I never see a ghost because you scare them off?" "Yeah, I have a strong aura and power for a guardian angel.”  "But you don't scare me. For a STRONG ANGEL." "Boy you gonna regret every single of your death life if you don't keep your pretty lips shut." Jungkook hide his face behind the sofa he stood by. I giggled at how Yoongi can make this prideful man shut up straight away. Maybe he is that powerful.
"But why I can see you ? Did anyone can see their guardian angel ?" "Nope. It’s a strange case for human to see their guardian angel, unless they open their inner eye. The eye that can see every single living or death things." He stopped and touching his chin, looks like he realized something. "What is it ?" I questioned his revelation,”Huh, maybe thats why you can see me, someone must cast a spell to open your inner eye or maybe you accidentally open it by yourself." 
"Aren't your job to protect her from something like that ?""Sorry angel ain't perfect either." "By that you mean theres a chance I did it by myself ? How someone do it by their-self ? And who in the world want to cast a spell on me ?? For genius lab sake I work at a mortuary ! Some ghost cast spell on me ? Is that even possible?" I almost broke into panic attack, thinking of someone who wants to put curse on me.
"Calm your tits down woman, I never see you panic like this before. Even on your first time watching some scary shit, you didn't budge." Yoongi scoff.
"Because now I can see the real thing and even a guardian angel!" I rushed to the sofa where's Jungkook sitting and dropped my body next to him. Touching my nose bridge hoping my mind to calm.
"Do you want to close your inner eye ? " Yoongi asked, he moved to the front of sofa looking at me with his sad face.
"Well,.." I want to say yes but I saw his kitten face and now I am reconsider it.
"You know it’s a little~ bit lonely when you don't have someone to talk with even when theres is always someone near you." He looks somewhere not my eyes, I think he's shy to admit it.
I see now. I do see him.
"Okay, I will think about it. But you better still protect me from anything and help me to find the cause of this curse." He's holding to not smile.
Jungkook jump from his seat and hug me, "Yeay, so I can see you and you can see me and we can play and we can talk!”
'Its nice to have a company'
And I see Yoongi, now he is smiling too.
"Do ghost or any spiritual things sleep ?" My eyes getting heavier, from lack of sleep.
"We don't sleep but we can take a nap. And..."Yoongi said something but I am too sleepy to hear his words and I fell a sleep on the sofa in between them. The sofa is too soft with my fluffy pillow around it.
I went into my dreamland.
A big black door stood tall with a lot of magnificent carvings on it. Surrounded by a lot of black and a little of white flowers. Theres someone sitting in front of the door. Jet black hair almost cover his eyes and also he's wearing something like a robe, a black robe. He looks so calm and peace.
"Hello?", I tried to say it in low voice afraid to suddenly disturb him.
His eyes are closed. Still in the same position.
'Is he dead ?’
'I'm handling too much death even on my dream.’
I walk closer toward him, slowly. Suddenly the man in front of me disappeared in a blink.
"Long time no see little things." His voice coming from right behind me, it's so deep that make my heart drop. I gulp, my throat feels dry. It felt too real.
'I am only dreaming.'
'Is this nightmare?’
"No sweetheart. You aren't dreaming, this place is real, and it could be your nightmare." He walked to my front, I can see his face clearly now.
'Oh! that face. Handsome.'
'Wait, why he said this is real? I fell a sleep on the couch, so this must be a dream.'
"No, this aren't real. I fell asleep, so you are just my dream." I pinched my cheeks to make sure.
'Aw, it hurts.'
I rubbed my cheek in hope the pain would go away.
"So ? You sure now ?" He smirk.
'What is going on?'
"Where am I ?"
"You don't know ? You are the one who come here. You should know it."
"I don't know. Wow, a lot of strange things happening today. And now this man said my dream is actually a reality." I hold my head, giving a pose like I am having a headache.
“Yeah? And what’s that? ” He bend forward to the level of my face.
"Uh uhmm,.."
'He is too close' I can see his eyes glowing clearly behind his fringe, it's beautiful like an orb.
“Well.. I saw a ghost for the first time and met my guardian angel. And he told me that someone or me must have opened my inner eye." I tried to explain while avoiding his eyes.
"I see, your time must have come huh." He smile faintly
'My time ?’
"What do you mean?" "I cannot explain it for NOW. But someday you..”
"Hey wake up!"
The shake on my body woke me up. I cannot heard his last sentence. What's he going to say, it will bother me now.
"Hey! You need to go to work !" A big doe eyes in front me as a morning view.
"Why you woke me up on wrong timing?"
"Why ? You dreamt of me ? I am here all for you though." He raised his eyebrow and giving me a sly smile.
"Why would she dreamt of you dumb shit." Yoongi hit Jungkook head.
"No, I wasn't dreaming about you. But this dream felt so real.I met a man."
"You dreamt someone else ? My heart hurt." Jungkook pose like his heart is hurt.
'Why he like this?' You smile.
"What kind of dream ?" Yoongi asked holding his coffee mug. 'He can drink coffee ?'
"Yes, I can. So, what dream ?"
"I met a man, he was sitting in front of a big black gate and he also wearing black robe and have a black hair. And also he is handsome."
"More than me ?" Jungkook flower face pose to me.
'Don't answer it y/n. You know he is.’
"Tch, he already came for you." Yoongi looks annoyed.
“He said I came to him though. You know him? So it really wasn't a dream? "
"No, it was real, I think. He's someone they call the GATE KEEPER. Someone who open and close the main gate of hell and heaven. Whether you go to hell or heaven is determine by the color of the gate and flower around the gate.”
'Mine have a lot of black.' you think back to your dream.
Yoongi frown, did he heard it ?
"So you went to the in between ? I went there once and also saw him. He was a jerk, he literally kicked me back to earth as soon as I arrived.” I hold my laugh, imagining the scene.
"What color was yours Jungkook ?" Yoongi blatantly asked.
"Pitch black. Like a black hole." He sound proud of it.
"And yours y/n ?"
"I don't want to say it." I see Yoongi nodding at me.
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I crossed update on AO3 too.
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dtaegis · 1 year
also if namjoon really dated and broke up last year, i hope that he wasn't married or stuff. bc i remember that he said before that he wanted to be a dad and in 2018 he bought baby shoes bc "thought it was cute" and this sparkled a discussion between armies if he was already married with kids
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jjungkookislife · 2 years
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I can’t believe it’s been 1 year since D-2 💜💜
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dycia12 · 4 months
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biaswreckmepls · 6 months
Fan-Chosen BTS fics #4 - April 2024 - Day 6
tiger tale
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31319462
Author: lolainslackss
Rating: Mature
Relationships: Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung
Status: Completed
Chapters: 1/1 (13221 words)
Tags: Witch AU, Magical Realism AU, Magic AU
“Why don’t I hook you up with the people who paired me with Seokjin?” Jimin asks Jeongguk, face flushed like he’s tipsy even though they’re only drinking tea.
“What, is it like an adoption centre?” Jeongguk asks, genuinely curious. He hasn’t really put much thought into how witches and familiars are initially connected.
Jimin shoves him gently. “No,” he says, laughing. “Familiars aren’t pets, Jeongguk-ah. They’re companions. Partners.”
“So, it’s more like . . . a matchmaking service?”
Jimin snorts, amused, but then he purses his lips into a pout, looking thoughtful. “Well, I guess it is a little like that, actually.”
(Or, Jeongguk is lonely, and just wants to find his person. Fate delivers him Taehyung.)
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31319462
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ludaroace · 7 months
ok next up on the list are pac and mike who kinda operate in the ashen wolves style sort of thing except in this au the ashen wolves don’t TECHNICALLY exist but they exist in spirit (the spirit is morning crew + mike) . to get a bit of their overall story out of the way - pac was born in fargus and mike was born in the alliance, but due to Reasons (orphan) they were both put under the care of the church and lived at garreg mach from very early childhood. basically, the abyss is officially recognized as by the church as an orphanage/safe haven (most of the eggs are here) and pac and mike use parts of it on the side for less than legal stuff and it still has the same reputation for being for the less savoury people outside of the orphan bit
pac doesn’t have a crest at all - comes from an entirely commoner family in fargus (rowe maybe ? something closer to the adrestian border) and due to the economic situation he was dropped off at the church as a really young kid which is where he met mike . he doesn’t really dislike the church, but he’s suspicious of the fact that they hide so much information from people which leads him into studying reason magic and not wanting to touch faith magic . now, not going to get into spell lists for most people, but pac only knows dark magic spells because he is not traditionally and does not get traditionally trained in reason, only using the knowledge that is in the abyss library and whatever he comes up with on the fly . also not something i am going to bring up for everyone (yet) but i’m seeing his end class being trickster + levin sword or bow knight + magic bow because i'm making the decision that non-magic classes can still use magic so he gets his dark magic in whatever class he choses .
mike doesn’t know he has the crest of noa . nuvelle fell a LOT longer ago than in the canon of 3h so not only is it’s existence not really known because of that + it being disguised as other crests usually . what happened with mike is that he is far far far descended from noa but is entirely unaware of it (because his family has been in goneril for generations and the blood has been diluted) and it doesn’t really affect his day to day life to where he would be like hmmm maybe i have an undocumented crest . at some point later down the line, he’s fucking around with some people and finds the scroll of talos and against everyone’s better judgement he tries to use it (not the first time him and pac messed around with sacred weapons) and oh shit why did it start glowing . my au my rules and even though in the games anyone can use a sacred weapon but only crest bearers can use a relic without suffering consequences, but here the same applies to sacred weapons just to a lesser extent - they won’t get turned into a beast but they certainly will have a Bad Time . 
and for the specific notes:
no crest
personal skill: countercurse (If foe initiates combat, counters an enemy's magic attack for half damage)
boons: swords, reason, bows, riding
banes: lances, faith
budding talent: brawling
minor crest of noa (not strong enough to give him any of the effects tho)
personal skill: pyrotechnics (If user's HP ≤ 50% and user initiates combat, user and all enemies within a two-tile radius take 20% of their maximum HP as damage after combat)
boons: reason, faith, swords
banes: authority, lances, heavy armour
budding talent: brawling
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whiterainbow-pearl · 2 years
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“Pearl…” Said a tall guy, looking worried and trying to catch his breath. ~ Palak Gaurav - Worthwhile
At the Cafe!
“I did that for your own good.” “How much longer are you not going to tell them what is wrong? ” Asked Natasha
“Whatever, forget it! Did you order anything yet?” Exclaimed Pearl.
“Yes, your favourites… see! ” Said, Natasha
“Yummy!” said Pearl, devouring her food......
Read the rest of the story on my blog
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 3 months
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Ariana Grande is a manifesting queen ! She made alot of songs on manifestation too - 7 rings , just like magic and successful. Ariana said how every single thing we think about ourselves or others , how we react to things and what we choose to think about , what you spend time talking about , it all plays part in manifestation . Her mom taught her that if she wanted something , she could have it and it was possible.
Shawn Mendes had a book of manifestation where he wrote how he could sing high with no tension or how he sold out the Roger center, basically he used the method called " scripting ". He also recommended one to speak positive affirmations , for example , I love me . I feel calm and happy in my body .
When Billie was making music with her brother , her brother joked about how he will make her the biggest pop star in the world. Guess what ? Look at Billie now, she is so successful and popular. Everyone loves her . You speak things into existence. Joke about how you have your desires , don't make self-depricating jokes.
She manifested her fame and beauty! Read this post - click me !
Lisa dreamt of becoming a k-pop idol , a teacher said even though Lisa danced in the dance room , she acted like she is on stage. She imagined herself dancing on the stage , she acted as if she was already a kpop- idol who was performing on stage. She said that if we persist in our dreams , they will come true and we need to believe that we will become the one we want to become. I also made a post on how Lisa is a persisting icon - click me and I would also suggest you to read this post - click me.
Bruno imagined him and his band dancing and women screaming for him when he was doing interviews. He envisioned how he wanted his album to be in his mind.
Lady Gaga said that she repeated to herself everyday how " music is her life " " fame is inside of me " " I'm going to make a number one record with number one hits ". She said that you repeat the lie everyday and one day it becomes true. Like Neville said , an assumption through false, if persisted in, will harden into fact.
When Beyonce was going to perform on BT , in her mind she saw the set and she also drew the ramp.
Alia Bhatt is an Indian actress. She believes in Universe has some way of making things happen.If she wants something like a film or award or health related , she acts as if it already happened infront of her mirror.
Katrina said that if she wants something, she tries how she would feel if she already got it . She gets into the feeling of living in the end .
Anushka Sharma had a turtle in her living room , you open the turtle and put your wish inside the turtle , when your wish comes true , you take it out .When she got her first movie and she called her mom to inform her and came to know that her mom put the wish in the turtle.
Alexa had acne when she was a teenager . She would wake up every morning and say - " I have beautiful , clear, acne-free, scar free skin " and the affirmation did it's magic. It worked.
Tom Holland said that he wanted to be spiderman .Believe it or not , you speak things into existence. He also manifested Zendaya.
Taylor showed her diary she wrote when she was 13 and she wrote about her life , career , dream and reality . Basically , she did scripting too. In one of her old clips , she said that her dream was to look out into a crowd of thousands of people and make them sing the words in her song. She spoke her desires into existence. She also said that she knew shake it off was going to be a hit song and she wasn't wrong. Feel that you already have your desires and know it will happen . Don't question the how.
Meghan admitted manifesting her life.
Wonyoung knew that love dive was going to be successful and when it released it broke records and it is IVE'S most popular song. Know that you have your desires and they are yours !!
Jennifer said that to manifest you speak as it already happened. Manifest it , believe and know you will have it .
💗🍒I am sure most celebrities use the law even if they don't talk about it .Everyone is manifesting consciously or unconsciously. Why do you care if a random stranger doesn't believe in manifestation when there are rich and successful celebrities who believe in manifestation ? Manifestation is real. It's not black magic . Manifestation is nothing but you focusing on what you want and persisting in it. Your mind is powerful. You are powerful. You can have anything you want and be anything you want to be.💗🍒
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def-initely-soul · 8 months
Burn The Witch {5}
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pairing:  yoongi x reader (f.)
genre: supernatural; angst; mystery; magical society AU; magicals!AU
rating: PG-15
warnings: violence; emotional abuse; blood; bullying; mentions of murder; mature language; sexual themes
words: 4.2k
↠ {a boy who keeps running away, a girl who can’t seem to no matter how much she tries and a series of murders caught all in between of the cracks spread through what appears as a quiet little town…} ↞
or alternatively, not everything is always what it seems
previous part: {4}
It’s another few days before you move on with your plan. 
It’s already weird enough to visit Xefoto’s only club on a Tuesday night, even more so when you and Yoongi aren’t even remotely dressed for the occasion. 
This is the place Dean usually hangs around and strikes his “business deals”, so you’re bound to run into him here tonight. Eventually. 
As to how you know this is Dean’s spot... well, that’s another story. 
“Okay, it’s been more than an hour and a half and still no sign of this... “Dean” guy. Just say you wanted to take me out for a drink and be done with it!” Yoongi’s eyes are full of mirth, as he rests sideways at the bar.  
You turn on your stool to face him. “I told you, he’s really discreet about these things, you can’t just expect him to barge in and start asking around if someone wants to cut a deal with him,” you explain, ignoring his teasing attempt, before your eyes scan the room for the millionth time. “We got to wait, make sure he’s up for a conversation.” 
Yoongi’s chill demeanour dissipates, and he groans, leaning his upper body on the bar. “And how legit is this... werewolf guy?” he utters the word with great difficulty, and you can’t help but look at him disapprovingly. 
“Don’t tell me you’re one of those vampires that still believe in that “mortal enemies” bullshit...”  Yoongi groans at the obvious disdain in your voice. 
“Well, no but still... they’re werewolves,” he continues, though his voice contains significantly less confidence than before. 
“So?” you raise an eyebrow. 
“So, they’re beasts,” he shrugs his shoulders, turning his gaze away in what seems like an avoidance tactic, but you have none of it. 
“Once a month,” you observe, and Yoongi rolls his eyes at your persistence to not drop the subject. 
“Still, they’re dangerous...” 
“To whom? Humans? In that case we’re all dangerous to humans,” you retaliate, taking a sip from your drink, and Yoongi presses his lips in a thin line, clearly not having put that much thought to it before. 
“Yes, but none of us loses control like werewolves do. You must admit, a werewolf out of control isn’t just dangerous to humans but to magicals too...” he casts a glance your way, certain that would be the thing that makes you reconsider but you shake your head. 
“Are you telling me that when a vampire goes into bloodlust he’s not as dangerous and catastrophic to humans and magicals?” you answer back defiantly and Yoongi groans tiredly. 
“Oh, come on that’s different... A vampire going into bloodlust isn’t happening every month...” he explains, rubbing the base of his taut neck and you have to remind yourself to redirect your gaze. 
“No, it may not, but it’s effects are just as severe, or worse, than a werewolf transforming. Plus, werewolves know their transformation is coming so they take the appropriate measures each full moon, to not harm anyone. Can you say the same for vampires going into bloodlust?” you reply calmly and when his eyes widen, you know you have him. 
“I... No, I can’t, but still, it’s not the same...” he struggles to justify his reasoning but even in his ears, his retaliation is weak. 
“Why? Because one doesn’t get a say in their transformation while the other feeds on human blood to survive? That analogy isn’t doing your species any justice now, is it?” this time your words leave him shocked and confused, failing to give you an answer.  
Something finally shifts in his gaze, and you wonder if you managed to at least make him see things from a different point of view. 
Yoongi swallows, still taken aback before he turns to face the bar and takes a sip from his drink. You watch with mild interest as he seems to ponder over your words, eyebrows knitted together, surely struggling to digest something himself mustn’t have thought of before. 
“I...” he begins, his eyes stuck at the bottom of his glass, “I guess I’ve never thought about it like that... Wow, I sound like a douchebag,” he chuckles in disbelief at the end, his voice lowered in contemplation and almost shame. You didn’t expect him to change his mind immediately of course, but the fact that he even accepted your words for what they are, says an awful lot about his character. People tend to deny whatever doesn’t agree with their beliefs. He didn’t. 
Which makes you want to know more about him. As if you didn’t already. 
“You do...” you agree calmly, and he looks at you stunned for a moment. Before he sighs and turns to look at his drink with barely concealed disappointment. 
“But” you startle him once more, and his eyes find you again, black hair falling just above his eyes, framing them in a soft, innocent kind of way, “You’re aware about it. Which is the most I can say about other people, so that’s a start. It’s not even close to doing better but at least now you have a starting point. And you can do something about it.” 
Your words seem to shake something in him, and he hums in understanding. A soft, sheepish smile takes over his lips, showing his gratitude in a simple, discreet way. 
And then his smile turns into a teasing smirk. “You should be a professional life coach, that speech was very Tedtalk of you,” he teases with glinting eyes. You find yourself smiling at him, even though your groan. 
“I’m never saying anything to you, ever again...” you grumble, returning to your drink. 
Yoongi does the same. “Good luck with that...” he winks at you, and a groan breaks free from you throat just as your heart misses a beat. 
“Ugh, as soon as Dean arrives, I’m out of here.” 
“Isn’t he treating you right, doll?” 
The voice sounds right next to your ear, and you jump around. 
Only to see the man you came here looking for, staring at you with interest and a sinful smirk to match. 
Damn, you forgot how hot he was. 
Still, Dean’s arrival doesn’t faze you. Not like it does Yoongi (who almost spits out his drink from the heaviness of the newcomer’s voice). Instead, you look at the werewolf boy who looks like he enjoys what’s in front of him a little too much. 
“I’ll take care of you and maybe I’ll teach handsome here a thing or two if he’d like. I’m feeling naughty tonight...”  Dean’s eyes are soon upon Yoongi, drinking him in with appreciation, as one would look at a painting. Or dessert. 
Then he winks at him with all the confidence in the world and Yoongi sputters something that sound like he’s swearing. 
Although you’re sure his ears are turning red. 
“Actually, we’re here for something else-” you get interrupted by Dean, leaning over you. His face hovers above yours and one strand of hair falls across his forehead. 
“And here I thought you were back for seconds...” he whispers lowly, the timbre of his voice cascading down your spine, reminding you of things which are not appropriate for this particular conversation. 
You catch Yoongi faltering with the corner of your eye. But you don’t have your wits gathered to comment on his behaviour, too preoccupied with the man staring at you like he stared at Yoongi a moment earlier. 
You swallow the lump in your throat, ignoring his flaming eyes, trying to focus on the issue at hand. Yoongi keeps looking at you with caution, true to his promise of letting you do the talking, as his finger taps against his drink. 
“Nope. Not here for that...” you repeat, as if trying to convince yourself as well. You shake your head, trying to escape your sudden stupor and level Dean with a serious gaze. 
The werewolf boy raises an eyebrow. “None of you?” 
Yoongi coughs loudly and you put your question of it aside, to give Dean a negative shake of your head. 
He sighs dramatically as he drops his body against the bar, leisurely staring up at the ceiling. “Fine, I guess I’ll have to entertain myself differently... So, what’s it you’re really here for...?” he comments as he beckons the bartender over. 
Yoongi’s scrutinizing eyes keep following the other man, as he finishes the last of his drink. 
“We’re here because-” you begin to answer, but Dean interrupts you when the bartender arrives. 
“Ah, there you are. I’ll have a White Russian and- what were you drinking pretty boy?”  
It takes you a minute to realise he’s talking at Yoongi. You belatedly turn your attention to the vampire boy on the other side of you and you can’t help but notice the way his eyes remain stuck forward. 
Like if he stays still enough maybe Dean won’t see him. 
“It’s on me...” the werewolf boy says instead, very much seeing Yoongi through half-lidded eyes. Yoongi dares cast him a glance, only to see Dean biting his lip appreciatively. 
Yoongi grows redder than a bloody mary, returning his focus forward and you can’t help but feel curious. 
“No response? Well, then...” Dean shrugs as the bartender walks away with his order. 
You roll your eyes before attempting to, again, pick up his interest. 
“We’re here because we need you to find something for us...” you announce with a steady voice, and Dean looks at you. He looks somewhat bored now that he’s come to term with not having any of the two of you on his bed at the end of the night. 
“Doesn’t anyone, love?” he replies impassively, as his eyes wonder the now almost-full bar. But it seems his nonchalance has struck a chord in Yoongi’s demeanour. With a tired sigh, the vampire boy turns to at last talk to Dean. 
“We’re not talking about your “relaxing substances”. What we’re looking for is something a bit more arcane, and basically “forbidden” in this shitty town,” Yoongi hisses, his irritation palpable in the atmosphere and Dean raises an eyebrow at his sudden outburst. 
“Ah, so he speaks...” he comments dryly just as his drink arrives. Yoongi blinks before shaking his head and resuming his previous position, trying to appear as relaxed and calm as possible. 
Dean stares at him for another moment before, “Okay, I admit, you’ve piqued my interest. So, what is that “forbidden by Xefoto’s standards” thing you’re looking for?”. Then he takes a sip from his drink. 
“A book,” you reply instantly. 
Dean’s gaze meets your own this time. “I’m assuming it cannot be found in the public library...” 
You shake your head, and he sighs. 
“What kind of book are we talking about?” He inquiries. 
“A witch’s book,” you say, and he chuckles almost immediately. 
“Figured that much. What kind of a witch’s book?” 
What kind? There’s a lot?! 
Of course, there’s a lot! You can’t expect a witch to go around her life with only one book! 
“I...” you mumble, clearly unprepared for that type of question. The truth is you don’t know the answer. You never knew there were more than one book, so whatever you say now is bound to be wrong.  
Shame creeps up again, crawling up your spine. What kind of witch are you, not knowing there is more than one book?! 
“The apprentice’s guide.” 
Shock floods you and you turn at Yoongi, who’s just risen from his stool to look at Dean again. Dean honestly looks like his favourite dessert just arrived. 
You release a heavy breath, thankful that at least Yoongi knew what you were looking for. Though now it seems the two boys are locked into a starring match. 
Dean looks at Yoongi as if he’s ready to devour him, all heavy-lidded eyes and promising grins and you have to remind yourself to stay focused. 
Yoongi on the other hand looks at Dean with the air of calm confidence you’ve learned to pick up whenever he means business. His gaze is made of steel, staring at the werewolf boy perfectly still, willing him to challenge him just to see how far he can go. 
“Alright,” Dean replies after a while, setting his drink on the counter. “I’ll see what I can do...” 
Your eyes light up, and you jump out of your stool. “Really?” 
Dean sighs dramatically. “A deal’s a deal. I assume you’re prepared for the financial compensation...” he looks over at you with a raised eyebrow. 
You swallow your nervousness but nod either way. Truth is this will put a dump in your savings but it’s nothing they can’t handle. 
Dean hums, satisfied. “Alright. I’m gonna do my research, but you should expect it somewhere in the next two weeks.” 
“Great, thank you for helping,” Yoongi says, getting out of his stool to stand next to you. He levels his eyes with Dean in what seems to you only as a silent threat. 
Dean regards this only with a knowing smile. “I never back out of an interesting deal. Although...” he pauses to once again check out both of you. “My other offer still stands...” he continues as he leans over you once more. 
“I wouldn’t mind repeating that night sweetheart. Great things shouldn’t be done only once...” his eyes fall to your lips, and you have to remind yourself to breathe. His words wake up memories from this very bar from a year ago with stunning detail. 
Your cheeks redden, your pulse quickens and you’re pretty sure you feel something between your legs. As if merely his voice managed to remind you of the feeling his hands left on your skin. 
A cough brings you back to reality and you look towards the noise. Only to see Yoongi covering his mouth with his fist and looking over the crowd. 
Dean, of course, doesn’t miss the sound, the same lustful intention hiding in his eyes as he regards the vampire boy. “Of course, you’re invited as well pretty boy. We three would paint a stunning picture...” 
You want the ground to swallow you whole, trying to think of anything other than what Dean is insinuating. “We’re good, thank you,” you reply swiftly, trying to push a very stunned Yoongi backwards toward the exit. 
Dean’s smirk only grows at both of your flustered reactions. Then he raises his drink in a departing salute. 
And with that mental image in your head, you leave the bar.  
As you make your way back to “Selkie’s Place” for a rundown of your visit and a much-needed breather, you can’t help but think of how Yoongi reacted to Dean’s shameless behaviour. One might say the vampire boy wasn’t just angry at his advances. 
You can’t help but feel curious. 
You steal a look at his pensive figure, his eyes stuck at the road in front of him, just as the bar comes into view. 
“So...” you begin cautiously, causing Yoongi’s eyes to meet your own. “What do you think?” 
Yoongi takes in your question before, “He seemed legit. Willing to help and pretty cooperative,” he recounts in thought. “But I wouldn’t put it past him to go back on his word. We should tread lightly,” he finishes just as you pass the front gate. 
“Uh huh...” you nod dubiously, “but that’s not really what I’m asking about...” you reply calmly, opening the door to the pub. You try to tread the subject lightly, not really sure if Yoongi is up for that conversation with you. 
Yoongi stills for a second, eyes wide before, “then what are you asking about?”. His words are cautious but that same glint of mischievousness you’re used to, rises up from his voice. 
A wave of relief washes over you quickly, before you roll your eyes playfully. “Come on, you grew redder than a tomato back there...” 
“Was it that noticeable?” he muses as you reach the bar stools. 
“I’d say...” you climb up the seat, while waiting for his reply but it never comes. He has fallen silent, and you dare take a peek at him. 
He’s staring at his joined hands at the top of the counter, dark hair falling at the sides of his face and while he looks like a painting sitting like this, you realize your question must have put him in a tough spot after all. 
“I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable...” your voice is soft, remorse evident in it as Yoongi finally turns to look at you, lost in thought. 
But then he shakes his head, smiling earnestly at you. “No, you didn’t, I just...” he stops, as if recollecting whatever he was about to say to mull it over. You patiently wait, letting him say whatever he wants, in his own pace. 
“I’m... bi,” he responds finally, eyes cautiously searching for your reaction.  
Even though you suspected as much, the words still startle you. It’s another thing to believe that something is true and another thing to know it is. 
Yoongi’s eyes still look wary of you, and you realise you must have shown no reaction at all. 
You smile immediately, wanting to put him at ease. Revealing something like that is never easy. You should know. 
“Thank you for telling me,” you say softly, and Yoongi’s shoulders visibly relax. A breathless chuckle escapes him. 
He nods at you with a small smile, but his gaze turns curious, almost... expectant. 
But you say nothing as you turn to wave at Mona, coming from the kitchen. 
A moment passes where Yoongi is silent, and you refuse to look at whatever expression might be on his face. 
Instead, he clears his throat, getting rid of the sudden awkwardness. “So, about that book...” 
You almost sag down in relief. “What about it?” you ask, raising an eyebrow. 
“Have you really never seen one before?” 
You blink, unsure of how to answer. “I...” you begin, taken aback, before you sigh. “No... I mean my mom had one of her own when she was younger, but I’ve never seen it....” 
Yoongi frowns. “Is it not around your home?” 
You shake your head. “She only needed it when she was still learning, at her childhood home. She didn’t have any use for it when she got older. She already knew everything by heart...” 
Like all the times she used to practice spells back at home. Of simple ones and hexes to get through every day's chores, or just cute rhymes to make your toys float, simply because you asked her to. 
A bittersweet smile takes over your lips. Until you remember of the boy sitting next to you and you shake the memories away. 
Yoongi still looks at you intently. His eyes give away nothing of what he’s thinking but for some reason you feel... assured. Understood. Not a peck of judgement or pity resides in his eyes, and you know you can allow yourself to feel safe around him. 
You take a breath, willing yourself to get back on track. “Anyways, since you’ve seen one before, I bet it won’t take us long to find the spell now, will it?” you joke, and Yoongi gives you half a chuckle that instantly chases away your melancholy. 
But as an impromptu smile almost takes over your lips, a tall figure stumbles into the bar and your eyes go wide. You’d know this clumsiness with feet everywhere. 
Namjoon’s wide shoulders bump into someone and as he turns to apologize, you quickly redirect your gaze to Yoongi. 
It takes a second to register he was about to tease you back, but when he meets your gaze, he realizes something is wrong. 
All you can think right now is that you don’t want Namjoon tangled in all this mess. You can’t have your friend dragged into all this, no matter how much he wants to help. 
So, you signal Yoongi to stop talking before Namjoon overhears anything he isn’t supposed to. Cause if he does, there’s no stopping him in helping you. 
Yoongi’s mouth shuts immediately. His eyebrows scrunch in and his gaze turns to whoever your frantic smile is directed at, as said stranger approaches your company. 
“Heyyy, what’s up guys?” Namjoon steps up to the two of you with his signature smile, although it’s not often you see it come out so forced. You haven’t told him anything about Yoongi, so you guess his reaction is kind of warranted. 
“Hi! We were just...” you start though all possible excuses evade you and you’re left staring at your friend like a deer in headlights. 
“We were partnered for a project in the “interspecies rights” lectures,” comes Yoongi answer to once again save you from embarrassment. You are thankful for his lie, but you can’t help but wonder how he knows you’re enrolled in those classes. 
Namjoon turns to you. He doesn’t look convinced. 
He sighs. 
“Ah, I see. Well, good luck, I hear Professor Argenal is tough as nails...” he replies as he takes a seat next to Yoongi, the picture of nonchalance. 
You can tell though he doesn’t believe you, not really. He’s just letting it go for the time being. 
“I’m Namjoon by the way,” he gives out his hand to the vampire boy, who takes it warmly and introduces himself. 
“So, I didn’t know you guys hang out here!” the elf boy tries at a conversation opening and your nerves ease for the second time tonight. 
“Ah yeah, we figured it’d be easier with Y/N working, and it’s a pretty good space for studying it seems,” Yoongi replies calmly and Namjoon nods. 
“What about the campus’s library?” he inquiries. 
Yoongi startles at that, and instinctively his gaze turns to you. “I...” he begins, at loss of words. 
Why haven’t you visited the library? Ah, yeah, cause Yoongi thought it wiser to remain as under the radar as possible. 
You know the sane reaction to this question would be to try and find a reasonable enough excuse of why you can’t go to the library. But truth be told, it seems his attitude towards you two being seen together, bothers you more than you once thought. 
So, you cannot help the heated words escaping your mouth. 
“Too crowded to work,” you reply, when you see Mona beckoning you over and you stand up to go to her. “People might actually see us.” 
You only catch a glimpse of Yoongi’s bewildered gaze, before you leave the two boys alone. 
Yoongi watches you go to Mona with perplexity. He took your words for the jab that they were, but he couldn’t understand what the jab was about. 
“Uh, did you know what that was about?” he turns to Namjoon. 
The blond man looks at him warily before he sighs. “How much do you know about Y/N?” 
“Mostly what everyone does, with the small difference of actually knowing she’s innocent,” Yoongi replies quickly, somehow offended by Namjoon’s inquiry. 
A tired sigh escapes Namjoon. “Look, I didn’t mean to offend you or whatever. All I wanted to know is how comfortable you are with one another.” 
“Oh...” Yoongi deflates. “Sorry...” 
Namjoon shakes his apology off. “It’s alright. So, you already know she grew up mostly alone, with basically no friends, right?” The elf boy questions him kindly and Yoongi nods. 
“So, you should also be aware of the fact she doesn’t trust people easily. Hell, when we first started hanging out, she constantly tried to bail on me. She thought I was pulling a prank on her or something...” 
Yoongi frowns at the thought of a young you, being so hurt you couldn’t believe someone wanted to be friends. “Okay...?” 
“What I’m saying is...” Namjoon stops to rethink his words. He turns his focus completely on Yoongi before he speaks again. “I don’t know what it is you’re really doing, and I won’t ask since it’s clear she doesn’t want me to know. But what I’m getting is you don’t want to be seen on campus together?” 
Yoongi nods. 
“Why is that?” comes Namjoon’s curious question and Yoongi bites his tongue. If he tells him why, then he’ll have to tell him about helping you. And for some strange reason you don’t want that. So, he keeps his mouth shut. 
Namjoon exhales once more. “You can’t talk about that either, huh?”. He stops for a second to recollect his thoughts. Yoongi has an inkling the boy tends to do that a lot whenever its concerning Y/N. 
The elf boy finally takes a deep breath and sits up straight. 
“Your reluctance to be seen together on campus could make her think you’re ashamed to be seen with her at all.” 
Yoongi’s eyes widen and his mouth drops open. “What?! That’s definitely not it and she knows that!” 
Namjoon’s somber eyes meet the vampire boy. “I didn’t say it makes sense. I’m just telling you what might be going on.” 
Yoongi falls silent after that. It never even crossed his mind you’d perceive it as such. He thought it was a pretty smart decision on his part to avoid raising suspicion. But now after everything Namjoon told him, he knows he has to do something about it. 
He doesn’t want you thinking he’s ashamed of you. Something inside irks him at the thought. 
His eyes find you across the room, talking to Mona about something and already he tries to think of ways to make it up to you. 
“Why are you telling me this?” Yoongi asks Namjoon, his eyes still on you. 
“Cause she’s my friend. And I want her to be happy,” Namjoon admits as his gaze follows Yoongi’s. 
And Yoongi can’t help but agree with his words. 
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I've said this before, and it's such a wishful-thinking fantasy, but...wouldn't it be nice if, a few years down the line, we're thinking of the initial cancelation as the best thing that ever could've happened for our show?
There are obviously no guarantees, even if by some miracle we do get picked up. I know the odds of that are slim - but so were the odds of this show getting off the ground and even getting a second season in the first place, right?
Just take a moment to imagine with me a world where season 3 of OFMD was picked up by a streamer that actually cares about it. Imagine a final season with, say, 15 episodes and 45-minute runtimes. The budget to really go ham on the clothes and set dressing and all the things the OFMD team made magic with on a huge cut in s2. Imagine bts content and bonus shorts. There's maybe a universe where we can have that, and might eventually be this one.
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staytinyville · 8 months
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Stay Alive (39)
BTS poly!ot7 x Reader
Magical Creatures AU
Series Masterlist
Warnings: none
A/N NOT BETA. I have some polls to do once I finish this whole section of meeting all the boys families. I have one out right now here >> (01/11/23-01/18/23). It's a simple yes or no so be sure to go check it out!
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Taehyung lived on the other side of Daegu where a majority of its forest and landscaping was. The mountains were a lot like Seoul but a bit smaller. They had caves where dragons and elves lived but the place Taehyung took you to was just a large forest area with colorful foliage and plants that you had never seen before. 
The excited boy was pulling you along quickly, dragging you almost with how much he was rushing forward to find the place he was looking for. You didn’t have time to look around your surroundings, only catching small glimpses of colors and other people lingering about. Your eyes almost popped out of your skull when you both came across a large gathering of people with angel-like wings on their backs. 
Taehyung had explained to you that they were fearies. If he had his own wings, they too would look just like those. Large and black that would stretch out to be 10 feet in length. As you kept moving forward, you could only stare at his back with sad eyes. You could only imagine the feeling he must have felt to see others of his kind with their wings. It must be tough to lose a part of yourself. 
Taehyung didn’t show it though, he still continued to drag you around the forest and giggle as his eyes widened at the familiar forest of his home. 
“I'm going!” You laughed when he turned to look at you. “Wait.” You told him pointedly, catching him stop to give you a boxy smile that you had fallen in love with. 
“Sorry!” He told you, pulling you closer. “I'm just so excited for you to see my home.” He looked around once more, closing his eyes as the wind blew through his hair. 
“You don't live in a house?” You frowned, looking around to try and find some semblance of a building. 
“I mean we do but they're hidden in the forests nearby.” The man explained. “Fearies like nature a bit more than most. Hobi's kind live the same way–it connects us to nature.” He added. 
You paused for a moment to think about how Hoseok and Taehyung differed. You were clearly able to tell some differences but not all. So it left you wondering just how similar the two were and how different. 
“Do you and Hobi have the same abilities?” You asked. 
“Not at all.” Taehyung answered you, turning to walk alongside you as he continued on his journey. “Only spell casting and telekinesis. I have wings and Hobi doesn't. There are a couple of other things too.” He rambled on. 
You smiled at his boyish nature, knowing that was just the personality Taehyung had. “Like transfiguration?” You asked him, remembering how it was only Taehyung who had turned the boys into frogs. 
“Yes!” Taehyung giggled, happy to know you figured that one out. “I can do that but Hobi can't. He also can't shapeshift.” He explained nonchalantly. 
“You can shapeshift?” You gasped, giggling to yourself as you swung your intertwined hands around. 
“Into a lot of things!” Taehyung smiled, ducking to rub his nose along your own. 
However something in the distance made him freeze, quickly turning his head to find the source. You could hear some people talking followed by one or two barks of a dog.
“Oh!” Taehyung’s face suddenly lit up, his breathing turning sporadic. “Oh my gods! Hurry!” He pulled you harshly, running forward without letting you get the chance to start. 
“Taehyung!” You gasped. “I'm trying.” You yelled, getting your legs to start working. 
“Another thing Hobi doesn't have.” Taehyung’s eyes sparkled as he looked around. 
There was rattling coming from the trees and something came out from the foliage. “A familiar!” He screamed, letting go of your hand and rushing towards a small pomeranian dog that was running towards the two of you. 
“Yeontan!” Taahyunh cried, picking up the puppy. “I'm home! I made it home. I'm so sorry.” He cried, rubbing his cheeks against the dog’s fluffy coat. 
“Yeontan!” Someone called out, rushing out from between some trees in a panic. When the man saw you and Taehyung, he gasped quietly. “Taehyung.” He whispered, a large smile overtaking his face. 
Taehyung turned around, setting down the dog before lunging at the man who clearly recognized the boy. “Hyung!” Taehyung laughed, hugging the man around his neck. 
“Nothing has changed has it?” The man laughed, hugging Taehyung closer to him as he laughed joyfully. 
When they both pulled away, the man’s eyes drifted over towards you, causing his eyes to widen and clear his throat. “Taehyung?” He nudged the boy's shoulder, trying to get his attention back on you.
“Taehyung, you have a guest.” Someone spoke up, causing you to look around for the source but finding no one else in the vicinity.
“Oh right!” Taehyung pulled back, giving you a grin as he brought you closer. “Seo-Joon.” He told the man. “Yeontan.” He turned to the dog. “This is my mate, (Y/N).” 
The smile on his face reminded you of a boy who was excited to showcase a trophy. You giggled at his expression, wanting to coo at him but decided not to because of the others in the area. You would have to coddle him later.  
“Hello.” Seojoon bowed his head in greeting, you followed after. 
“It's nice to meet you.” You spoke up.
“Goodday.” Your eyes went wide as the voice came from the ground, locking on to the dog Taehyung was just crying over. 
“Oh, he just talked.” You squeaked, looking at the animal in astonishment. 
“Yes, familiars do that!” Taehyung clapped, reaching down to pick up Yeontan. “Here hold him.” 
You jumped back as Taehyung shoved the poor animal in your face, his tongue lapping out as he panted. 
“Please don't.” Yeontan sighed, closing his mouth as he hung in Taehyung’s arms. 
“Yeontan. Be nice. She is my mate.” Teahyung pouted, looking at the dog in the face. 
“Don't worry I won't.” You smiled at him.
Yeontan gave you a nod in thanks and if he could you would assume he was giving you a kind smile. You could tell the animal praised Taehyung a lot and only allowed him to touch him more than often. He seemed like those kinds of pets. The ones who got attached to their owners at a young age. At least that was what you compared him to. 
“Have you been taking care of him since I've been gone?” Taehyung turned to Seo-Joon. 
“I found him after you disappeared.” Seojoon answered, frowning just a bit. “He told me about the man who took you.”
Your eyebrows rose as you heard Seojoon’s story. Turning to look at Yeontan in Taehyung’s arms, you begin to wonder how it was he managed to escape. But then again, maybe a dog wasn’t as important as an actual faerie or dragon. 
“I was there but managed to escape in time.” Yeontan began to explain as he caught your glance. “I made it this far before Seo-Joon found me. Without Taehyung, I'm not able to turn into anything else.”
“I'm sorry I left.” Taehyung sighed, rubbing his cheek against Yeontan’s fur again. 
“It's alright, Tae.” The dog wiggled around for a moment in Taehyung’s hold. “I'm glad you're back.”
“Yes, but he doesn’t have wings.” Seojoon spoke somberly. 
Taehyung froze for a moment and his shoulders dropped. He gave a sad smile, softly curling his fingers around Yeontan’s fur. “Things were hard in the facility.” He quietly said. 
“And you can tell us when you are ready.” Yeontan cut in. 
Seojoon nodded with a reassuring smile. “You’re home now–all of you. That’s all that matters.”
“All because of my beautiful mate.” Taehyung grinned, moving to give your cheek a kiss. 
“No words will ever be able to express how much it means to have them all back home.” Yeontan bowed his little doggie head. “Welcome to the world of magic.”
Taehyung had introduced you to his parents and the rest of his family. They all gave you their thankful wishes and hugs that signaled how much they truly missed their son. It was tearful to hear Taehyung explain to his siblings what had happened to his wings but they still hugged him to make him feel better. 
Once things settled down, Taehyung had decided to take you to where his grandparents were resting. He said they would have loved you so much. He was someone who grew up with his grandparents much like how you had. You figured that if the day came when you would lose your grandfather you would feel the same sentiment as Taehyung. 
“Your world is very beautiful.” You spoke softly, sitting on a stone bench that overlooked Taehyung’s family’s crypt. “I love it so much.”
“Enough to stay?” Taehyung said out of no where. 
“Stay?” You question, turning to look at him.
“With us.” He hummed, facing you directly. “Here.” He added. “Be our mate.” He took your hands into his, fingers intertwined together as he gave you a hopeful look. 
“But—” You immediately said, not processing his words just yet.
“It's not that different from your world!” Taehyung began to defend his reasoning. “I'm sure you'll fit right in. And work? Don't worry about it! I'm sure Bang Nim can find you something.”
You grinned, eyes drifting to his lips as you watched him ramble on about the things you could do in their world. You cut him off though when he began to speak about how things would work out living with all seven of them, hand on his cheek to make him look at you.
“I have to think about it.” You smiled. 
“I hope you say yes. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” Taehyung said quietly. “I love you too much to let you go.” He whispered, leaning closer to brush his lips against yours. 
You smiled into the kiss, pulling him forward to press your lips fully into him. Pulling back, you kept your forehead against his, noses brushing together. 
“I love you too, Taehyung.”
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Series Masterlist
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consoledacup · 2 months
The wedding dance is my favorite dance for sure. And while I adore that BTS video Nicola shared (how generous is she, btw??) and watch it frequently, I really do like what we got in the final edit. Plus, kudos to Tom Verica for imagining the cutaway and springing it on the cast day of filming. Brilliant directing choice.
When Penelope approaches Colin -- after they've been longing for each other at their own wedding?? -- Colin's so game to do whatever she wants. He thinks she's going to ask him to ditch the breakfast, and he's like, where?
But it's lovely that instead, she tells him she'd like to dance with him. And as he's half-heartedly pushing back, you can tell how he's still so charmed by her. By this time, they must have danced with each other a hell of a lot. I love that Penelope constantly reminds Colin of their dance in the empty church. It was just a silly, romantic something Colin did on the fly, but clearly it meant so much to her.
"You Belong With Me" has been Penelope's anthem since before the series started, and it has been Colin's for a shorter, but no less intense, amount of time. And they're in a very uncertain state in their new marriage, so the song still really works.
They may not be ready for a real conversation just yet, but the dance erodes away some of their tension where they can just enjoy each other. And it's funny because as much as Colin postured about not caring what people thought, he's the one scandalized by Penelope's offer. But he extends his hand and leads her to the center of the room without showing any reluctance.
What's so special about this dance is that it spurs other characters to take chances too. The ton has been more or less intrigued by this match, and others have been downright obsessed. So the two lovely dancer couples who probably have very sweet backstories join in. And now it's a dance, not a scandal.
It's not just Colin and Penelope making a statement, but really, it's them giving everyone else permission to just kinda live a little. Who cares if it's a wedding breakfast? And yeah, people might be shocked later on that Penelope is Lady Whilstledown, but can they really say that if they were one of the wedding guests? Penelope has always been challenging the status quo, anonymous or not.
And then John is inspired by the couple's display of affection and rebellion and asks Francesca to join in. And Marcus, who is definitely a romantic, sees the love flowing among Violet's children and their partners and takes that opportunity to approach Violet.
The beauty of this is, the entire time, Colin and Penelope have no bearing on their surroundings or what sort of catalyst their impromptu dance has become. But the rest of the ton do. And instead of becoming scandalized by this faux pas, everyone's actually pretty charmed by it.
Obviously, the intensity during their dance is so magical and the best part of the entire thing. But I really do love how earnestly everyone else responds, too.
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