#bts valentines writing challenge
look-at-the-soul · 1 year
Behind the scenes- Peaky Blinders (Part 1)
Cillian Murphy x reader
BTS master list
A/N: I wrote this to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the series… right on time before this day ends! I had to cut it into two parts because it got a bit longer… there are no words enough to thank each of you (the peaky fam) for what writing and reading has given me. This little project is really really special and I want to thank @notyour-valentine for tagging me in this request a while ago, thank you for your generosity Val, there’s a little gift between the lines for you. And for the help you provided for another part related to horses♥️
But also @heidimoreton for creating this gorgeous moodboard to go with this story! And my dear @holacia3 for the help you gave me too about horses and @forbidden-forest-witch this is for your belated birthday and the little surprise♥️
Word count: 4,745
✨ Summary: Join us at the stables as Cillian gets riding lessons for his iconic role as Tommy Shelby in the series Peaky Blinders. He came to learn all about horses, but he ended up falling in love not only with them.
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During his career, he had played several roles, learned how to walk on heels for Breakfast on Pluto, about space for Sunshine, even played a part in a film that was close to home in “The wind that shakes the Barley” about the historic war between Northern Ireland and Great Britain.
Acting was such a treat to calm -in a way- his hyperactive mind.
He preferred to not answer what he wasn’t willing to do for a role, because he’d probably do anything.
That included riding horses. Which, in reality he wasn’t a bit familiar with.
He had never even been close to one in his life. His driving skills were so poor, how would he fucking manage an animal that big?
Yet, here he was waiting in the living room of the horses sanctuary located in a remote place of England he had never heard before.
The sighting was breathtaking, the air so pure, no city noise, it was quiet, calm, everything he was looking for before the storm started, he had never been on a series before and the mental challenges of this character was the biggest of his entire career, he had never met a man as complex and with so many layers as this Tommy Shelby he had spent weeks reading, the internal turmoil this man has been through after the war wasn’t his only problem, his background included a household with lots of family problems, taking care of his younger siblings while stepping up to build an ilegal business and endless enemies that he would encounter along the way.
Cillian was greeted by the teenager behind the desk and asked him to wait because the trainer hadn’t show up that morning and she rushed to call someone else on a radio.
“Someone will be here shortly, can I offer you something to drink in the mean time sir?”
Cillian chuckled at the sir part.
“Water would be great.”
Turning around, he was able to see through the window, finding a woman galloping at speed and coming down from the horse without really stopping with just a jump.
Seconds later, the same woman entered the reception out of breath and walked straight to the girl.
“Your horse trainer called in sick again.” Cillian heard the teenager say.
“Thanks Willow, can you help me reschedule the appointment with the bank?”
“Sure, Y/N. Will you also reschedule his sessions?” The teenager pointed at him.
Until now, Cillian had only being able to watch her from behind; petite but lean frame, she had black tight pants, riding boots and a cream jumper on, her hair up in a high pony tail cascading on her upper back.
But when she turned around, Cillian was lost for words as the most angelic face met him.
And he wasn’t one bit religious.
“Mr. Murphy nice to meet you, I’m Y/N.” She offered her hand firmly along with a smile. “Our trainer isn’t available today, please accept my apologies could we reschedule?”
He stammered, not knowing what to say.
“Y/N, you could show him how to ride too.” The teenager proposed.
“I thought you’d be on your way to school young lady.” Y/N raised her eyebrows at the girl. God she was just like her aunt.
“Whatever, I was just saying.” Getting her bag, she stormed from behind the counter. “Should I tell aunt Val dinner is cancelled?”
Oh no.
She knew that look, it was the same her aunt would give her.
“Honey don’t tell your aunt anything.”
“Bye auntie! Bye Mr. Murphy!”
“Sorry, so? I think one of our trainers comes back from a horse fair on Saturday if that day works for you.”
Leaning on the counter, Cillian decided to take a risk. There was something about her.
“I’m in a bit of a hurry, would it give you a lot of trouble if you show me?”
“Not at all! I just thought you wanted a professional trainer that’s all.”
He smiled and for an instant, Y/N’s heart skipped a beat.
“Right, well… follow me this way.” She lead the way outside of the property. “Is this some kind of bucket list thing?” Mondays were usually quiet days at the sanctuary, nothing like the weekends when they were usually packed.
Cillian walked next to her, hands inside his pockets. Unsure about how much to reveal.
“I need to learn how to ride.” He chuckled a little, the script was phenomenal and he was extremely excited about it, but until now he wasn’t able to talk about the project.
Y/N guided him towards the stables, he had seen a few in movies or the telly, but being there in person, it was another story, it was huge and his heart got too excited as his eyes found the horses.
“Do you’ve a particular preference for a horse?” Y/N asked curious about the hermetic man before her.
Y/N turned around slowly to look at him. There was a subtle accent different from his voice, but she brushed it away.
Cillian tried to clear his throat, aware of the voice tone he just used, he was still practicing the accent and mannerisms he had been building over this new character.
“Okay… I can’t let you ride a racehorse if you’ve never been on a horse.”
“Why not?”
“Look, horses are just like people, they’ve their own temper, feelings, the know when we’re scared or aggressive, we don’t mess around them… I’d suggest you start with a gentle horse first.”
“You seem to know a lot about them.” Cillian observed the way she was caressing one as they walked.
“I grew up in this place, my grandparents started this sanctuary, my mother was the only child and she kept the family business, then it was my time to take over.”
“How long have you been running this place?”
“Since I was eighteen.” Y/N admitted. “This is Sally, she’s a good girl.”
Cillian observed Y/N’s moves, the way she approached the horses. And she showed him the right way to caress the animal.
“Can I touch her?”
Bringing the hose to her by the muzzle, she giggled. “She says you can.”
“What else does she says?” It felt soft and he noticed the way Sally was moving her ears.
“That she doesn’t believe you, horses are one of the most intelligent creatures.”
Cillian chuckled, accepting the snack Y/N brought over. He was fascinated by the level of trust she showed with each animal, the way each of them reacted, it was so true, as he was noticing little differences in each horse as their own personalities, it was amazing and as Y/N shared more details about the place with him, he found it was impossible to keep lying to her, she had such an energy that was so inviting, giving him a lot of comfort.
Y/N introduced him to all of the horses, caressing each of them, mentioning little details about their personalities or a couple of qualities. She seemed to know them all well and Cillian was marveled by the way each horse behaved with her. Y/N spent a good amount of time explaining him some of the basics.
“I think I learned how to ride a horse before I started walking, all my childhood I was eager to get out of school to come home and run straight to the stables. They’ve been with me through my worst moments, they own such a healing power humans do not understand about, they’re pure creatures… sorry, I’m boring you.” She mumbled feeling her cheeks burn.
“Not at all, I find it fascinating… the way you talk to them and about them, it’s magical.”
“Y/N! The foal is coming early!”
Y/N’s face went blank they still had a few week left. Turning to Cillian she apologized, but she needed to be there, so she asked Jonah the guy how took care of the saddles to show Cillian around while she was gone, but it could be hours.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine, I’m staying at the small bed and breakfast that’s close.”
And he saw her run out of the stables, Jonah explained to him they built a small facility to those special occasions. The boy around his early twenties showed him the racks full of saddles and other equipment they used, he was surprised by all of the things they had around to use with the horses.
It was until around nine o clock when Y/N came down from the stairs, after taking a long bath, she had been so tired helping in the delivery that she just wanted a cup of tea and head off to sleep.
“Jesus, what are you doing here?” She gasped closing the robe tight against her body, she wasn’t expecting to find Cillian sitting by the window.
“Well I asked if I could use the books you’ve here and they said it was alright.” He smiled gently pointing at the pile of books he placed on the table next to him, an empty cup in the corner.
“You’ve been here reading since I left the stables?”
He chuckled a little, not aware of the track of time, he had been reading. “Yes, they’re fascinating.” He debated himself whether revealing her the truth or not.
Y/N threw him a puzzled look.
“You live here? Upstairs I mean.”
She nodded. “Yes, the house was so big so I turned the first floor into the main offices, the kitchen is in the back if you need anything.”
“Thanks, I’ve been looking around at the portraits, hope you don’t mind.”
Just as Y/N was about to answer him, a loud thunder echoed through the property. it was so loud it felt like the house would come crashing down. The sound of droplets of rain against the windows followed right after.
“I’d love to stay and talk about the books with you but I really need to go.” Y/N explained just as she rushed upstairs to get changed when she came back down a few minutes later, he noticed her hair was pulled back in a loose braid, cascading down her back.
“Wait.” Cillian stopped her placing his hand on her arm, “can I come with you?”
She was unsure because of his lack of knowledge, but Cillian seemed to read her mind. “I promise to stay back.”
“Okay.” She nodded and offered a rain jacket from the small closet next to the door.
“Is everything alright?” Cillian asked her with curiosity after getting in her vehicle to protect themselves from the heavy rain.
“It’s one of my horses… he gets pretty scary of this terrible weather.” She explained absently, holding the steering wheel with such force that made her knuckles turn white.
“Tell me about him.”
“Thunder is… special, he was born on a night like this and I know doing this sounds ridiculous, but how can I stand there and do nothing?”
She looked at him for an instant, all of her feelings right there in the surface for him to see and read. Cillian nodded, fighting against the lump on his throat that formed after detecting the passion in her voice.
In silence, Cillian followed Y/N inside the barn rushing immediately towards Thunder.
“There it is my good boy.” She started caressing the horse by the muzzle, gently. The horse was extremely agitated. “Everything’s fine… just a loud noise, you know that.”
Cillian found himself staring at her, unable to look anywhere else, he was under some kind of spell.
“Shh, shh.” She held the horse by the curb rein, -he now knew some of the horsemanship-. “Listen to me, Thunder.”
Marveled by her tactics and control over the horse, he couldn’t help it but start whispering a Romany poem he recently learned as part of the script for the series he was working in. Locking eyes with the beautiful animal, he felt like time stood still, it was as if the horse was going through every layer of his mind and soul and the rest of his surroundings faded away. Eventually, the horse started to give in, coming to a calm state.
“What did you do?” Y/N asked squinting her eyes. “It takes me ages to calm him down.”
Cillian shook his head, realizing the deep connection with the horse was gone but it was impossible to explain that it wasn’t him… it was his character’s nature. It was in his blood.
“It’s a poem.” He admitted quietly noticing the storm was coming down.
“In a foreign langua-?
“Thunder!” A boy stormed through the barn directly in the horse’s corral.
“Arlo what are you doing here? You’re supposed to be sleeping.”
“I thought Thunder might get scared.” He argued, poking his head in to make sure the horse was safe.
“You’re not allowed to come here by yourself in the middle of the night.” She argued.
“But Muuuum!”
Cillian’s heart skipped a beat.
“No buts, Thunder is perfectly fine.” She transformed into a completely different person. “We’re going back to the house right now.”
“Who are you?” Arlo gave him a look, a serious one.
“I’m showing him to ride a horse, focus… on the truck now.” She then turned to look at Cillian. “The only road that could take you to the b&b is probably stuck, it would be better if you stay at the house tonight.”
He wanted to argue, but judging by the intensity of the storm, she was right.
“Sure, thanks.”
She touched the horse’s nose a few times before closing the gate. Cillian followed them in silence, still moved about what just happened with that horse.
“How long are you staying?” Arlo asked Cillian from the back seat.
“A week.”
“What’s your favorite horse?” The kid asked.
“Arlo, it’s late and Mr. Murphy is probably tired.”
He shook his head. “Just Cillian please and it’s fine.”
Y/N’s breath caught in her throat as she saw Cillian giving her a wink and tilting his head.
Parking the truck, Arlo flew inside the house, leaving a wet patch on the floor of his footsteps.
“Boots and bed.” Y/N instructed with a firm voice. “You can stop by tomorrow morning to meet the new Filly.” Cillian saw her kissing the top of the kid’s head and the hint of a smile spread on her lips. “Sorry about that.”
“He looks like you. Must be awesome to have them help you around.”
Y/N made a face. “Them?”
“Arlo and his father?” Cillian asked in confusion.
And now she was moving her head from left to right. “There’s no father around, he left us after learning I was pregnant.” Y/N looked towards the stairs where her son disappeared a few minutes ago, shuddering. “Can I offer you some tea? It’s cold.”
“‘M sorry… shouldn’t have assumed.”
Brushing off the topic, she started the kettle and Cillian went back to feel extremely comfortable around her. And considering the personal revelation she just shared with him, he needed to be honest in return.
“I’m working in a project that involves horses, but like such a real passion for horses.” He ended up confessing after meeting all of them.
“That sounds interesting.” She admitted but decided to not ask further.
“Yeah,” Cillian ran his hand over the back of his neck. “I need you to show me everything about them… please. I’m portraying a character that involves a man that used to be in love with them, horses are a huge part of this man’s soul, it’s for a BBC series.”
Y/N turned with two cups in her hands, her mind trying to register his words.
“I-I’m an actor.” Cillian revealed after an instant. “But I need you to keep this between us because I signed a confidentiality contract and I could get kicked out of it.”
“Goodness I’m sorry, thought I had seen you before but I couldn’t remember where,” an adorable blush turned her cheeks pink, “I hope you understand I don’t go to the movies a lot, my whole life is this sanctuary and my son…”
“Please don’t even say it.” He chuckled. “I actually prefer it that way.”
“I think the last movie I saw you in…” Y/N stared into the ceiling thinking about it, “was it Inception? Probably.”
Cillian smiled and he lighted the entire kitchen with it.
Pouring both cups, Cillian stood up to take them from her hands.
“So uhhm… this project? Why exactly do you need a racehorse?” She asked cautiously.
“My character is a bookmaker, he arranges races… it’s placed in 1919 so he moved around horses after World War I. It’s quite interesting.” Cillian raised his eyebrows in appreciation for the tea after taking a sip. “Fascinating actually.”
“Definitely sounds intriguing.” Y/N admitted leaning her elbow on the table.
“As soon as I started reading the script I was attracted into his world.” He smiled, revering when he got the call for the audition. “Sorry I don’t want to keep you up.”
“It’s fine, I’ll stay for a little longer checking some paperwork.” Her thumb rubbed a chip in her mug. “So would it be okay if I show you everything? From brushing the horse, how to hook the saddle? The way you should approach one?”
Leaning back, Cillian looked at her with his head tilted to the side. “I actually need to learn how to ride bareback.”
The following morning, Y/N was preparing the lunchbox for Arlo when a deep voice startled her.
“Good morning.” Cillian saw the little jump she did.
“Hello, did you sleep well?”
Nodding, he smiled in her direction. “Thank you for the accommodation, much better than the B&B.”
“So! I just came here to check the new-” Val announced from the front door just as Arlo stormed into the kitchen but she cut herself when she spotted a man in the corner, “horse, but I see you’re busy.” She replied looking at you. “Just wanted to say it’s highly approved by the comitee. Hello, I’m Val.” She greeted Cillian.
“Nice to meet you.”
“Val…” Y/N added as a warning, knowing how Val was.
“What? It fills all the requirements… great breed, elegance, experience.” She made an OK with her hand.
“Val.” Y/N repeated. “Arlo go or you will be late for school.” She kissed the kid goodbye and felt Val’s eyes on her.
Of course her best friend wasn’t talking about a goddamn horse!
“How about I see you later today? I’m about to get a bit busy.” Y/N asked, she needed to get her friend out of her house before she could keep talking about Cillian as if he was a horse. “We’ve a riding lesson about to start.”
“Have a great time at the barn!” Val gave her a look before leaving them.
After a quick breakfast, Y/N gave him a pair of high boots and introduced Cillian to the different tools they used with the horses.
“To check the heel, you have to take your horse from here.” Y/N showed him how to carefully bend the horse’s leg. “It’s important to let them know that you know what you’re doing. They’re very sensitive.”
Cillian watched intensely every single move she made, how her tone was soft while she had a firm grip on the horse. He couldn’t get to move his eyes from her as she used one of the many tools to brush the mare’s neck.
“They also love to get petted.” Y/N added as she noticed Cillian got quiet. “Would you like to give it a try?”
Finally snapping from his trance, he took the brush and tentatively started to brush the mare.
“She likes that.” Y/N encouraged him noticing the little noises Goldie was making.
“She’s beautiful.” Cillian complimented.
“One of the most gentle ones I’ve seen so far.” Y/N caressed the mare from the other side, giving Cillian space to get comfortable around Goldie. “Her owner, Cia is a great friend and client.”
“And I assume the name is because of the color?” Cillian asked with interest, toiling the soft texture of Goldie.
Y/N nodded profusely.
“She’s recovering from an injury so well, now just needs some rest and she’ll be able to go back on the road in no time.” Cillian noticed the way she whispered to Goldie, looking straight into her eyes.
And she showed him how to get Goldie saddled, adding important tips and tricks to do it right, how to do it properly. It took him a few tries to do it right, but Y/N was so patient, she even admitted that was a virtue she had to thank the horses for.
“Y/N I’m sorry for not coming yesterday.” A woman approached them. “They said I could find you here.”
“Brie don’t worry, is everything alright?” Y/N asked while she eyed Cillian from the corner of her eyes.
That’s when Bries’s eyes sparkled. “Yes! Oh! Y/N… I’ve something to tell you.”
Cillian didn’t even look at them, he was totally engrossed on Goldie, all of his senses on brushing the mare, carefully to not stand behind her just like Y/N instructed. She had been answering all of his endless questions.
“Brie what’s happening?” Y/N looked at her horse trainer with curiosity.
“I just found out I’m pregnant!” She explained with excitement, unable to contain it or hide it any longer.
Y/N pulled her for a tight hug. “Brie, congratulations! This is the best news.”
There were tears in her eyes. “That’s why I couldn’t make it yesterday, I got morning sick and stayed in bed all day. But everything is perfect!”
Y/N couldn’t be happier, by the corner of his eyes, Cillian noticed the genuine smile on her face.
“Okay, so how about you go into the office and help me with the paperwork? I will be in charge for the training from now.” Y/N wrapped her arm around Brie and gave her a tender squeeze. “Made some sandwiches, help yourself.”
“That’s delicious! I brought some chips because, well cravings!” She chuckled giving Cillian a quick glance, it had been ages ago when Y/N went to the barn to give riding lessons.
Turning again towards Cillian, Y/N noticed how good he was, and he learned fast. “You’re a natural.”
Cillian smiled pleased with his improvement, he couldn’t wait to get on the horse.
“Got the best trainer to teach me.”
As time was flying, she noticed it was almost time for Arlo to come back home. “Look, how about we take a break? I need to make lunch for my son but you can join us if you want.”
“I don’t want to disturb your dynamic, Y/N.”
Y/N shook her head. “Non of that.” After caressing the horse’s ears, she added; “come have lunch with us.”
Leaving the boots right next to Y/N’s, Cillian changed into his shoes as they walked into the kitchen, finding Brie with her back at them.
“I hope you don’t mind, I made some pasta.” She smiled at them. “Enough for all of us.”
“Brie you’re going to spoil me just like that baby with some delicious food all the time? I mightjustb open the guest bedrooms and rent them.” Y/N joked leaning over the pot, the smell made her stomach growl.
“Well given the financial circumstances that isn’t a bad idea.” Brie admitted.
“Congratulations.” Added Cillian from the corner of the kitchen.
“Thank you!”
“Mum! I’ve already chose a name for the filly!” Arlo’s voice resonated from the entrance.
“Hello, good evening to you too, can you show some modals please?”
“Hello!” Arlo went to wash his hands and started helping his Mum set the table, Cillian offered to assist the kid. “Do you like riding?”
Looking at him, Cillian nodded. “I’m hoping I won’t be an embarrassment.”
“It’s easy!”
Cillian chuckled at him. “You say that because you were born riding.”
“Are you friends with my Mum? Does it means you’re my friend too?”Arlo gave him a hopeful look. Cillian answered him with a nod. “She needs some.”
Catching the last part of the conversation only Y/N approached them with the food, Brie following her steps.
“I need you to not bother our guests.” She answered and disheveled his hair playfully.
“Y/N I was thinking on what you said.” Cillian looked at her cautiously. “If you want of course… I could pay you and stay here instead of the B&B.”
“Are you sure?” Y/N asked considering his offer.
He nodded. “I rather stay here and use the driving time from there to here and back in learning more.” Deep down he loved the familiar energy.
“Mum, say yes! I can show Cillian my cars collection!” Arlo suggested excited.
“Well, yes. How can I say no?” She accepted earning a round of happy chants from everyone.
By the end of the day Cillian learned how to get the horse saddled, it was so important to hold it firmly in place. But also he learned to listen to the horse, he needed to make sure the horse was comfortable. Y/N suggested they could go for a walk and take the horses, it was extremely important for Cillian to learn to control the horse while being on the ground first to then be able to ride one.
The following day, they spent a good amount of time working on showing Cillian how to get on the horse, it took several attempts. It was harder than Y/N made it look. But Cillian was determined to give all of him. And more than once, he found himself staring at her until she motioned him to get closer to have a better look and he’d snap out from his trance.
In just a few days he realized Y/N had a very kind heart judging by the way she treated the horses, she showed them respect and loved them with every fiber in her body. The work she did was admirable, being right there away from everything and everyone allowed him to really understand a fundamental part of his character.
By the third day in the facility, Cia paid Goldie a visit, she wanted to take her mare back home but Y/N suggested waiting a few more days until she was fully recovered. While Y/N walked Cia to her vehicle, Cillian decided to stop by Thunder’s corral.
“Hello! Is Y/N around?” Val approached him. “Arlo said she was here.”
“She went to walk Cia out after checking her mare.”
Val doubted whether to ask him directly or not, but she knew her friend better than anyone. “I hope you don’t find me or what I’m about to say rude… but I’ve seen the way you look at her, Brie says Y/N is smiling again, something she hasn’t done much apart from Arlo of course. Do you like her?”
Cillian took a step back, surprised by Val’s sharp eye. But he ended up nodding.
“Don’t look at me like I grew another head, I care about her but I also know she has been disappointed and hurt before,” Cillian looked down, not knowing what to do or say, “she likes you, secretly.”
Val’s words made him snap his head up to look at her.
“She does, I can see it in her eyes… so all I ask is give her time, slowly just like you would start riding a horse, you don’t go galloping after getting on them. She’s like a wild horse after getting kicked so many times, she acts on defensive mode but underneath she’s a softy.”
And just as she arrived, she left, leaving Cillian alone to face an avalanche to a door he closed because when he signed the contract for the Peaky Blinders series, he decided to end the relationship he was in and making the firm decision that he’d focus on this project only.
But sometimes, life has a different plan than yours.
“I came here willing to learn how to ride, but I think I’m getting so much more than that.” Cillian confessed to the thorough, extending his hand to caress the horse’s muzzle.
Part 2
A/N: Nothing, just THANK YOU! ✨♥️🚬🥃
Tag list: @lyarr24 @runnning-outof-time @cillmequick @datewithgianni @cloudofdisney @gretelshelby @gypsy-girl-08 @lespendy @onlydeadcells @fastfan @stevie75 @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @esposadomd @forbidden-forest-witch @ange-thoughts @moral-terpitude @elenavampire21 @forgottenpeakywriter @thenattitude @winchestergirl22 @zablife @elk96 @heidimoreton @imichelle-l-rigby @allie131313 @already-broken144 @peakyscillian @babaohhhriley @shelbydelrey @shaddixlife @sloanexx @sydneyyyya @adaydreamaway08 @pono-pura-vida @thomashelbyswife @darleneslane @everythingelseisextra @kmc1989 @rangerelik @lovemissyhoneybee @ironpen @kittycatcait219 @shelundeadxxxx @speckledemerald @creativepawsworld
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smolwritingchick · 8 months
Next Bangtan Gal Chapters! :)
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Hey! This is to show what's coming next as I edit the chapters I made years ago. When I do officially make it to the last chapter I stopped at, updates will be slow since I will be back writing again but I'm excited to continue the story. If you are curious to see what's to come, here are the next set of chapters I will be working on. There are a few more chapters after this before I begin making new chapters but if you want to be surprised, go on ahead and just ignore this.
I do plan to put suggestive and smutty stuff in this. I don't think I am the best at it but it's a challenge I'm willing to accept and work hard in writing so stay tuned and bear with me! :)
You Were Worth The Wait (Jennie tells Jungkook exactly how she feels about him)
It's About Time (Jennie and Jungkook officially start dating! Jennie becomes a guest judge on Produce 101. While on break, BTS spend time doing leisure activities. Jennie and Jungkook celebrate their first Valentine's Day)
King of Masked Singer (Jennie stars in King of Masked Singer and gets surprised when one of her favorite artists is one of the judges for the show. Jennie encourages Taehyung with his acting)
Ejected (Jennie finally hangs with Baekhyun and meets the rest of EXO. BTS return for ISAC as Jennie deals with issues on the volleyball court)
White Day (JenKook get caught making out during a commercial filming. JenKook celebrate their first White Day together. Jennie continues to be mentored by G-Dragon as he helps her prepare for the Fire comeback)
FIRE (BTS film for Fire. Jennie hangs with Layla and thinks about when BTS went to film BTS NOW 3 and the Save Me MV.)
Prom (Jennie helps Jungkook when he gets sick before promotions for Fire. Jennie gets bummed when she sees Prom videos and photos on social media since she never experienced it before. Wanting to cheer her up, Bangtan thinks of a way for her to experience her own Prom) (Thinking of adding some suggestive or smutty stuff in this one! Still pondering as I edit and add stuff!)
Meeting Shawn Mendes (BTS film for Running Man again. Jennie goes back to America for interviews with Buzzfeed and iHeartRadio. She supports and joins Angelina for the BBMAs and finally meets her celeb crush, Shawn Mendes.)
Taking Things A Little Further (Jennie returns to Korea as BTS prepare for their Festa. Jennie hangs with Big Bang. Jennie comforts Jungkook and calls out the Flower Crew cast for how they mistreated him during filming. JenKook start a Twitch gaming channel together) (Thinking of this being a little suggestive or smutty. I'll think about it when I get there because of one specific scene)
BTS Festa 2016 (BTS celebrate their Festa for 2016)
K-Con 2016 (BTS have a horror movie night as a member pranks them by scaring everyone. Jin and Jennie film promos for their upcoming wrestling match against each other. Jennie and Jungkook hang with her family and announce they are dating to her parents as Jungkook works hard to get the approval of her mom)
I Need You On This (BTS rent out a movie theater to watch Captain America Civil War. Jennie's dream which she had been talking about for years finally comes true. Jen has the honor to film with Yoon Mirae for the first episode of Celebrity Womance. Jennie and Jungkook spend time with his family. Jennie supports AGUST D's mixtape)
BTS in Dubai
BTS Bon Voyage Season 1
WINGS 8 (After 3 years, Jennie finally dyes her hair for a BTS comeback and films her WINGS 8 Concept video)
Wild N' Out (Jennie guest stars on the show Wild N' Out with Angelina. Matt Rife tries to shoot his shot with Jennie while he has been in her DMs for weeks.)
This Is Not A Drill! (BTS watch and support Jennie's Wild N' Out Episode. A BTS member calls out Matt Rife on Twitter for being persistent with Jennie during filming. Jennie's WINGS 8 video and concept photos are released which breaks the internet. Jungkook and Jennie discuss taking the next step in their relationship)
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kinetic-elaboration · 2 years
February 16: Valentines BTS
Behind the scenes on my Bellarke Valentines fic, Wonder, today, because I am feeling sort of down, and not introspective.
My original notes:
So what defines an early relationship?
Figuring out PDA boundaries
Wanting to be around each other all the time
Telling your friends or, if already in the same friend group, letting friends know and them adjusting to you being a couple
Romantic gestures (and them feeling a little awkward maybe?)
Sweet kisses
This is appearing in my mind as a friends-to-lovers, in-the-same-friend-group scenario. A staple for me, which is perhaps why I’m defaulting to it. That doesn’t mean it’s the best thing, I just… have such a hard time imagining Bellarke as not best friends first, because of canon being the way it is. I like the idea of exploring that moment when they let themselves admit why they keep having soft moments together, all the unspoken, etc. Now it is out in the open! And what then!
Maybe I don’t want to do this as a modern AU. Maybe I want to do this is as a canon AU where they are co-leaders for a while and then stuff happens, building on all that canon trauma etc. That would be a particularly interesting transition. But in terms of what sort of setting I want to describe, I feel like urban or semi-urban drab winter is kind of calling to me.
That’s the other thing I’m seeing. It’s February. It’s gray. It’s slushy. It’s cold.
I don’t know. I’m really torn.
Either way, I want them coming from a situation where they had both resigned themselves to always being an almost and now they are an actual. It felt like this would never come! Will it live up to the expectation? Do they even know how to do this?
I want this to be very different from their past relationships, whether it’s canon or AU: more intense, without these built in expirations or safety catches. I think they both tend to pick people who are very safe because there’s no way it could work (Clarke) or the person is not a challenge (Bellamy).
There’s something intriguing about how fucking extra they are all the time in canon, and playing with the part of their story that is just routine, everyday life, and love.
I’m really torn on the setting, which is of course going to determine a lot. I know I want a long-term friendship between them, very long term, and for them to be the leaders (either literally or in some other modern au sense) of their friend group. Lean in hard to that co-leaders kink. I want a lot of emphasis on their newfound sweetness with each other. The sense that they have always been very honest but hidden this one thing (their romantic feelings) and now that’s out, a new level of honesty unlocked so to speak. The awkwardness but loveliness of it. Navigating the new rules.
That’s the theme basically: navigating the new rules.
I also want a scene where they fall asleep together cuddled up and then they feel sort of awkward in a way they wouldn’t have before because is it going to look like they’re fucking? IS this too intimate by their own standards? Is the other one comfortable? Is this going to lead to more?
I am incapable of writing people who aren’t awkward and uncertain of their relationships looooooooooooool. A me problem. Let’s not overdo it or anything.
I’m not sure how much more detail I can get here without picking my overall universe. When I think about the Bellarke relationship, I think canon. When I think about the specific moments, I think modern au. Chilling with the gang at the coffee shop. Falling asleep on the couch.
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thoughtful-yoongi · 7 years
2/04- Elementary Card Exchange
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day one of my valentines prompt series;
Min Yoongi x Reader
words: 1.2k
lol this was supposed to be a quick drabble but i got too invested like always. enjoy!
Kindergarten year was flying by so fast, it seemed like just yesterday you were sobbing and refusing to let go of your mom’s shirt. Well, to her at least. For your young mind it felt like you had been in kindergarten forever.
With your hair in pigtails you trudged into your class already feeling drowsy. Mom had insisted on playing dress-up forever this morning. What seemed like billions of outfits later you arrived to school in a pale pink shirt and yellow overalls. “Well good morning Miss (Y/N)! Happy Valentines Day!”
Mustering your biggest smile you beamed at your teacher, “Happy Valentines Day Mrs.Grant!”
With your bucket of valentines you skipped over to your seat and sat next to your bestest buddy Yoongi. However, when you look at him you gasp in complete and utter shock! “Yoongi! Where are your valentines!”
He seemed just as confused as you. “What are valentines?”
“You know! You give people candy and cards!”
Yoongi smiled so big you could see the pink of his gums. “White Day? My dad gets my mom chocolate on White Day.”
“No! Valentines Day!”
Yoongi moved here during the summer; he said his dad got a job here in America so they moved. He’s from a place called Daegu, and he gets mad when you don’t say it right. That’s okay though, sometimes a lot of times he doesn’t say english words right either. “I guess it’s different over there in Deegoo.”
“Daegu!” See?!
“But Yoongi, if you don’t have valentines cards you can’t get any either!” While he looked unbothered a huge pout fell on your face. You yanked the top off your valentines bucket and poured the prepared valentines on the table. After dividing the pile with your tiny arm you pushed half of them over to him.
“You’re my best friend and I want my best friend to get valentines too!”
His smile came back so yours did too. And so, the valentines exchange began. Kindergartners swarmed about giving and getting and some screaming, happy to be given so much chocolate. You, on the other hand, walked hand-in-hand with Yoongi the entire time, making sure no one excluded him from the day’s festivities.
Mrs.Grant soon told the class to go back to their seats and gave permission to eat the candy. After sitting, you pulled a very special valentine out of your bag that read “Happy Valentines Day 민윤기!” Your mom had to help you write it, and find it, and know what it means… but Yoongi didn’t have to know that! Proudly, you shoved it at him until he grabbed it for himself and attempted to read.
“Heppy Valentines Day… Min Yoongi!” He stumbled a bit, but you didn’t mind at all. “You know hangul?”
“No, but I know your name!” Your small finger reached out and traced over his name written in glitter. “Min. Yoon. Gi!”
Suddenly Yoongi’s lips met your cheek, and after a moment of realization you pushed him away. “Ew! Don’t do that Yoongi you have cooties!”
He smiled sheepishly and laughed at your expression. Min Yoongi decided he liked Valentines Day.
It truly is strange how life works out.
When you reached the eighth grade Min Yoongi had to move back to South Korea; it was the biggest heartbreak you had faced by that point. You and Yoongi had been best friends since the first day of kindergarten, you had been best friends for a little over nine years.
At first you both worked diligently to stay in contact: letters, the internet, and you even got a summer job to pay for pricey international calls. However, halfway through your freshman year it was like Yoongi disappeared off the face of the earth. You had honestly worried he died, but a phone call from your mom to his confirmed it wasn’t true. On the other hand, you worst fear was coming true.
Distance was making you and Yoongi grow apart.
Then, in an even stranger turn of events, your junior year of high school you were a foreign exchange student to Seoul, where in a literal one-in-a-million chance you ended up going to the same school as him. He explained how the distance hurt too much, and admitted he had fallen for you more and more over the phone calls and letters. He thought it’d hurt less to erase you from his life completely (bonus points if you know the song reference). After lots of apologizing and making up for lost time you were best friends again… and then more than best friends.
That year you fell in love with Min Yoongi, and even after you went home you never had trouble staying in touch again.
And where are you now?
February 14th, 2018.
Opening your eyes was a mistake, because now he knew you were awake. “(Y/NNNNNNN).”
Quickly you squeezed your eyes shut and turned over. Immediately his chest was pressed to your back and he was wrapped his arms tightly around your waist. “Sorry Yoongs, I’m still asleep.”
“Really? That’s a shame, it’s Valentines Day.”
“Who gives a shit?”
“Hmmm, well I got you something.”
Suddenly your eyes shot open and you slowly turned in his arms to face him. His pale hair was in his eyes but you could still see the hope pooling in them. “Really?”
He gave a small laugh before reaching over you to grab a small box off the nearby nightstand. You hadn’t even noticed the box was there, so he must have gotten up earlier to put it there.
He handed it to you and you slowly pulled the top off. When what was inside was fully revealed you gasped, not quite believing he had kept it.
A small, clearly aging, red paper heart roughly the size of your face sat inside it. In golden glitter it read “Happy Valentines Day 민윤기!”
His voice broke you out of your thoughts, sending a rush of excitement through your veins. With caution you pulled the old paper heart out of the box and handed it to Yoongi. After gathering your nerves you looked down into the box and it was like the world stopped; certainly everything had led up to this moment.
Suddenly the hope you had previously seen in Yoongi’s eyes made sense and looking up at him you could see he was anxious, almost twitching with anticipation. You turned your face back to the box and reached out your finger, tracing the words and reading out loud:
“Happy Valentines Day (Y/N). 저와 결혼해 주시겠어요?”
After the initial shock wore off you slowly placed the box, heart still inside, on the nightstand. Yoongi looked so anxious at your silence, so you gave him a lingering kiss. “Min Yoongi?”
He nervously eyed your lips then your eyes, searching. “Yes?”
“Of course I’ll marry you.”
He smiled his iconic gummy smile, the same one you fell in love with all those years ago today in kindergarten. After the both of you laughed in overwhelming bliss he grabbed your face with both hands and kissed you like he didn’t already have the rest of his life to do so.
The both of you break away to take a breather and you wrap yourself even tighter around him. “Happy Valentines Day Yoongi.”
“Happy Valentines Day.”
daisy xoxo
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heejinnien · 4 years
bts | roses masterlist
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word count: 14k
pairing: bts x reader
synopsis: y/n is a member of the seoul behavioral analysis unit. usually, she’s the cat in the typical game of cat and mouse played with the criminals they catch, but when a mysterious string of murders has her on edge, she discovers she’s caught the attention of one of a dangerous criminal — and he’s determined to make her pay for it.
or, not all attention is the good kind.
genre: horror, angst
warnings: yandere themes, descriptions of gore, descriptions of violence, murder, the reader carries a gun because they need to defend themself against bad guys, guns, manipulation, victim blaming, this is overall just a very dark fic
author’s note: this fic was very much based around the american behavioral analysis unit and its depiction in the tv show, criminal minds. it contains dark and mature themes. i do not condone any of the character’s actions, especially that of the criminal. please do not romanticize the dark themes within this fic. thank you so much @deepdarkdelights and @youarejesting​ for giving me advice on writing this particular type of fic. thank you @flurrys-creativity​, @birbdae​, and @kassrole​ for beta reading and helping me figure out which format i wanted to put the fic in.
this was written for the bts gold net valentine’s day fic exchange, even though it’s almost a month late. thank you for bearing with me, @scarlet2007​. this was a challenging fic to write, and definitely a huge step outside of my comfort zone. i turned it into a mini-series due to the amount of action and content that goes on. the true “unsub” (see the section below on terms) will be kept anonymous throughout the fic, so please read carefully.
this month, the bts creator’s corner workshop was to step out of our challenge zone. coincidentally, i had begun work on this fic. this entire series was definitely a huge step in my direction, and now that it’s over i definitely feel as though i’ve grown as a writer.
roses is cross posted on asianfanfics and quotev
terms used throughout this fic
NIS = National Intelligence Service, the korean version of the fbi
unsub = unknown subject; used in profiling and used to refer to the culprit
positive id = a positive identification of an unknown person
SSA = supervisory special agent
BAU = behavioral analysis unit
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
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btschooseafic · 3 years
Hey you, what’s your dream?
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Pairing: platonic!oc x ot7
Details: manager!oc, predebut/idolverse, partial BTS World!verse
Summary: Aviva gets pissed off at an executive.
Warnings: This is a fictional story based on real events. The characters presented here are not the same as their real life counterparts. (TW: discussion of body shaming/ body image issues) [Masterlist]
Track 19: Valentine’s Day
Sour Candy- Lady Gaga & BLACKPINK
“I'm sour candy
So sweet then I get a little angry”
February 14th, 2013
Soonyoung woke Aviva with a big wet kiss to her forehead.
“Happy Valentine’s Day!” She held out a box of chocolates to the younger girl, beaming. Aviva rubbed her eyes and squinted up at Soonyoung, looming over her in bed. She was wearing a pretty red dress.
Aviva glanced at her phone. “Why are you up and dressed so early? Why are you waking me up so early?”
“I’ve got a pity breakfast hook-up date thing with a friend of a friend,” Soonyoung told her all in one breath. “But he only had time in the early morning, so, like, I wanted to say goodbye to you first.”
Aviva yawned. “Too bad, I was gonna make us a nice breakfast.”
Soonyoung pouted. “I could skip the pity breakfast hook-up date thing and stay with you. You’re more important, and your food tastes just as good as whatever café it is we’re going to, I’m sure.”
Aviva laughed. “Thanks for the flattery, but you should go. You’ve been complaining about how horny you’ve been lately.”
“True.” Soonyoung nodded. “Okay, I’ll go, but you do something fun for yourself today too, okay, girl?” Aviva shrugged. “Do it! I’m gonna call Hobi and make him bully you until you do!”
“Well, that’s no fun…” Aviva muttered.
Later that morning, Aviva went to the dorm as usual, to pick everyone up for their day of work. Jimin sat in the passenger’s seat next to her, unusually quiet and wearing his scarf covering his face.
“He got a cold cause he didn’t dress warmly enough when we went home for the holidays,” Jungkook told her, noticing her glancing at him every so often.
“Agh, Kookie, you didn’t have to tell her that!” Jimin protested hoarsely.
“It’s okay, manager, we still have plenty of that throat care stuff you gave us a while ago, so we’ve been testing everything that was left out on Jiminie,” Jin told her.
“Testing…?” Aviva wondered. Jimin grimaced.
“Nothing’s working,” he told her quietly.
“Hmmm. I’ve also got some special tea Soonie’s grandmother gave us over the holidays,” Aviva told him. “If you wanted to try that.” He shrugged.
“I’ll try anything at this point.” He stared at his feet. “I’m supposed to be an idol, how can I do that if I can’t sing?”
“Yah,” Namjoon said lightly.
“You can sing, Namjoon-ah,” Aviva said. He smiled at her. “...sort of.”
“Yah,” Namjoon said, again, now looking more offended.
“You could just be the hot dancer, Jiminie,” Tae suggested.
“Hmm, but Hobi-hyung,” Jimin pointed out. “And you and Kookie aren’t that bad either, Tae. Hmm, and Yoongi-hyung, sometimes.”
“Sometimes?” Yoongi wondered. Jungkook grinned as Namjoon frowned.
“Yah!” Jin said, his face squeezing up as he swung his arms around. “Joon-ah and I can be hot dancers too!” Namjoon snickered.
“You’d still be the cutest one, Jiminie,” Hoseok told him. Jimin frowned.
At the office, Jimin, Hoseok, and Jungkook went to dance practice, while Tae, Jin, and JK went to vocal practice, and Yoongi and Namjoon went to work on writing more songs. Aviva had a meeting with marketing, and then went to check on Jimin.
She found two girls waiting outside the dance studio, whispering and giggling. Aviva recognized them as some of the newer trainees, who were already fans of BTS, the maknae line in particular. They jumped when they saw her, trying to hide something behind their backs. They were holding boxes of chocolate.
Aviva smiled. “It’s alright, girls. I won’t tell the higher ups if you want to give the boys chocolates. Just don’t let their heads get too big.”
They giggled. “Thanks, manager-nim!”
“Do you mind if I wait around with you? I wanted a word with my clients.”
They shook their heads. The girls waited together in silence for a few minutes, before Aviva started up conversation again, asking what kind of chocolates they got, and how their training was going.
By the time the boys finally came out of the studio, she had given the girls her number and told them to call her if they ever had any trouble.
Jungkook and Jimin blushed as the girls handed over the chocolate boxes and then rushed off. Hoseok sighed.
“None for me?”
“You’re too old,” Jungkook told him ruthlessly. Hoseok winced.
“Aish, Avi, you’ll get me chocolate, right?”
Aviva made a noncommittal noise. Hoseok whined as the younger boys laughed.
“What’s on our schedule next?” Jimin wondered, his voice still raw.
“I’ve got vocal practice,” Jungkook told him apologetically. Jimin winced.
“I was gonna join Yoongi-hyung and Namjoon-ah if you want to come, Jiminie,” Hoseok offered. He hesitated.
“Or you can come rest in my office,” Aviva offered. “I’m just going to be working on my computer for a while, so it’ll be quiet.”
“…Okay,” Jimin said. “I could use a nap.”
As they neared her office, Aviva spotted a higher-up the boys had been having trouble with recently. She automatically shifted her body in front of Jimin, trying to hide him, but the employee saw him anyway.
“Ah, Jimin-ssi…” He sneered down at the box of chocolates. “Are you sure that’s wise?” Jimin stiffened. “You’re supposed to be having a debut soon, and they say that the camera adds twenty—”
“You have no right to speak to my client that way!” Aviva snapped. The official stared at her.
“Excuse me?”
“No. I have excused your behavior long enough,” she thought.
“Avi…” Jimin whispered worriedly behind her, gripping her arm.
“I understand that this is a competitive industry, but you have no right to say purposefully harmful things to a growing teenage boy!” She drew herself up to her full height, which was several inches shorter than the man. “How would you feel if someone had spoken to you like that when you were his age? Or is that exactly what happened? Are you stuck in a vengeful cycle because you were hurt as a child and never able to grow past it?”
“You have gone too far!” The man said, pointing his finger in her face. “I will have you fired for this! Or at the very least, suspended without pay!”
He stomped off down the hall.
“…You shouldn’t have said that,” Jimin said, looking a little tearful. “What if he really gets you fired? I mean, he’s not wrong about the chocolate, even if he could’ve said it more nicely—”
“No!” She said sharply. Jimin flinched. Aviva took a deep breath. “Jiminie, I’m sorry, I’m…” She rubbed her temples. “It’s not just you, he’s been saying comments like that to all of the boys, and to trainees even younger than you… I know people say things like that all the time, but he is definitely the worst I’ve ever personally met.”
Jimin studied her for a moment.
“Walk with me,” he said, taking her arm again.
“Where are we going?” She wondered, glancing around the hall.
“Hey, noona, I know you were standing up for us, and others, and I’m grateful for that… but it sounded a little personal too. Is there…” He massaged his throat. “Is there anything you want to talk about?”
She frowned. “I’m here to help you, not talk about myself.”
“You don’t have to,” he said. “But if you want to... talking to you helps me, a lot. I just want to return the favor. You don’t always have to shoulder everything, you know, just because you’re the manager. You’re my friend too, and I care about you.”
“Jiminie...” She groaned as he stared wide-eyed at her. “Oh, not the puppy dog eyes!” He grinned. “Fine, but keep it quiet, okay? I don’t like to talk about it much.”
“I don’t want to force you—“
“It’s not that.” She waved her hand.
“I just don’t want certain people to know, so...” She put her finger on her lips. “Okay?” He nodded, sliding his hand down to hers and squeezing. “No one ever said anything, well, not to my face… but sometimes in the changing room people would whisper, and laugh… everywhere in the media, and most of the women surrounding me at work, on the train, at the store… They’re just a lot… smaller.” She frowned down at herself. “I get that there are different challenges facing body image as a Korean man in an idol group, and especially a dancer,” she said, looking at him grimly. “But for me, my main issue is feeling too big, like I take up too much space. Especially when I moved here...”
“Idols are pushed to be skinny,” Jimin agreed. “Just as much as contemporary dancers in general, though for some different reasons, it mostly boils down to not fitting an image someone decided was the ideal long ago.” He reached out, pushing her hair back from her face. “I think we’re both gorgeous, so fuck them.” She laughed. “I’m serious.” He pouted.
“I know, thanks, Jiminie.” She looked up, realizing he’d led her to the studio. “Why are we here?”
“Cause we’re gonna ask the hyungs to help you keep your job,” Jimin said. Her eyes widened. She shook her head.
“Jimin-ah, no, I don’t want to drag them down with me.”
“Too bad.” He pulled the door open, dragging her with him. “We’re with you all the way, whether you like it or not.”
Hoseok and Yoongi had been so angry when they heard what happened that Namjoon had Jin take them home early. Jin had to basically drag them out of the room. Jungkook, Jimin, and Tae practically had to sit on Aviva to get her to stay in the studio while Namjoon left to talk to the higher-ups.
“I talked them down to three days unpaid suspension, and no mention of it on your permanent record,” he told them when he got back to the studio. He snorted when he saw Aviva’s hair, mussed from her running her fingers through it so much. He combed it down absentmindedly with his fingers.
“Thanks,” she said quietly. “I mean, I still kind of wish you hadn’t, but… thanks.” She looked at Jimin. “You too.”
“And we get to walk back, since Jin-hyung took the van!” Jungkook said happily.
Taehyung groaned. “No… I’m tired…”
“We still have several hours left, guys,” Namjoon told them. He looked at Aviva. “Ah, they want you out of here ASAP though, just in case he sees you and tries to complain again.”
“Got it.” She nodded. “I’ll go to the dorm and grab my car.”
“You don’t have to,” Namjoon said. “You can go home and rest. Jin-hyung can drop it off tomorrow.” She waved her hand.
“You know I won’t be able to sit around and rest while everyone else is working hard.”
“Well, you deserve some rest, but… yeah, I know you’re not the type.” He shook his head, smiling fondly at her back as she left.
Aviva was surprised when she walked into the dorm and Yoongi greeted her with a hug.
“They shouldn’t have done that to you,” he growled in her ear.
“Now, now, all’s well that ends well,” Jin said pleasantly. “Do you want a snack to cheer you up, Avi-yah? Maybe something sweet.”
Yoongi pulled away from her, his lips twitching slightly.
“You do deserve a treat.”
“For getting in trouble with my sunbaenims?” She wondered.
“Well, for that—” Yoongi agreed.
“Fuck the man!” Hoseok cried out from behind them, punching the air.
Aviva laughed.
“And also… for standing up for us,” Yoongi continued, more quietly. “Come on.” He took her hand. “I’ll take you out for one of those ridiculously expensive coffees you secretly like.”
“No, it’s waste of money,” she argued.
“Not for you,” he argued back.
“It’s fine,” she said. “I appreciate the thought, but I don’t want you wasting your money on me… especially when I’ve just been suspended without pay for a couple of days… just… I’m sure I can find something in the kitchen, let’s make something together.”
Yoongi’s eyes widened.
“You want to…cook with me?”
“Eh, I’m so jealous,” Jin said. “Sounds fun.”
“Baking, more likely,” she said. “But yeah, if that sounds okay with you, it would probably help me take my mind off things.”
“Okay.” He nodded, his face flushed slightly. “Let’s do it.”
Yoongi seemed a little disappointed to be making a chocolate cake for the boys, but once they started he got really into it.
Aviva offered him the bowl to lick, but he shook his head, staring at the cake in the oven in interest.
“It’s not going to bake any faster if you watch it,” she told him, her lips twitching in amusement. He shrugged. “Okay, well, don’t burn yourself. I’m going to clean up—”
“Wait!” Jin ran in, closely followed by Hoseok.
“We heard something about cake batter!”
“You can have it if you help me clean up,” Aviva bargained.
“Fine,” Hobi said, making grabby hands at her. “Just hand it over.”
“Dishes first,” she told him.
“Namjoon…” Aviva said over the phone that night. She heard him gulp.
“About that song you just posted to Soundcloud…”
“Yeah? What about it?”
“You do know there are rules against explicit content, right? And that the new Head of Marketing is aiming you specifically towards a younger audience?”
“Ah, so here’s the thing. I may have lost a bet with Hope-ah and the punishment was to record and post a song with lyrics that were, um…”
Aviva sighed, massaging her temples. “Okay, so both you and Hoseokie are in trouble, got it.”
“Is it really that bad?” He wondered.
“Honestly, I think it’s hilarious,” she told him. “But I don’t think Chief Ho Kyungso will agree. I miss Sanghoon-sunbae, at least he could take a joke…”
“Hilarious?” Namjoon repeated. “It’s supposed to be sexy!”
Aviva laughed.
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thebiasrekkers · 5 years
Shouldn’t Be -KNJ [Part 3]
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For the @btswriterscorner​ - Amor Fabula Launch Project in celebration of the month of Valentine’s Day!
Plot: Kim Namjoon is a Doctor whose most challenging client ends up teaching him about how love could heal.
Rating: PG-13 // SFW
Genre: dystopian!au/dystopian themes | angst | romance/fluff
Pairing: Kim Namjoon x Female OC (Madeline) ft Kim Seokjin
Warnings: Strong language, mentions of conversion, violence
Links: FAQ || BTS Masterlist || Admin L’s AO3 || [ REQUESTS ARE OPEN ]
Word Count: 1,698
AN: This certainly was a challenge to build a world like this. It was a bit different than what I like to write (supernatural and fantasy) but I feel satisfied with it. I hope you guys like it as well! Comments, reviews and all around messages are always welcome!
© thebiasrekkers (Admin L). All rights reserved. Reposting/modifying our work is prohibited. Translations are not allowed. Plagiarism/stealing is not tolerated by any means. Legal action will be taken in instances of theft.
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Two months had passed and Madeline had been healing quite nicely. Namjoon’s careful manner had ensured that she healed within the maximum limits of her body. However, he had gotten to know her a lot better since she was staying with him. The authorities had come by several times during that time to ask him what had happened that night but it was a strange thing that nobody was missing her. He didn’t want to pry into her life but after that amount of time, it was starting to become apparent that there would be nobody else looking for her. 
So that meant that she wasn’t of their Caste. 
He’d come to that conclusion about 3 weeks into her stay with him because with the higher castes or even the ones with him in it--they would be looking for people if they had gone missing. With that relevant information, he decided to go ahead and run her genes and her blood type since he would have access to all that information. The results of that had his heart nearly falling out of his chest because everyone was required to submit their genetic data and all health issues to the System. He had stashed the paper with the results in his room, safeguarding it as best as he could. 
Because she was a Rebel. 
However, the longer she stayed--he found out that there was more to her than the Rebellion. Namjoon found that he could talk to her much easier than his wife of 8 months. He could gaze at Madeline and not feel the chasm between the both of them. They sat outside and marveled at the way that everyone was able to rebuild with what they had. She even expressed her sorrow about how violent some of the Rebel’s were. They talked in great detail about the emotions that he’d been missing out on like the sorrow she had felt about that latter topic. 
The subjects that would come up between them were deep and profound like he had been sitting with someone from long ago near a river. He could almost imagine the scene including the cold air on his face as the stream trickled by them. 
Felicity noticed the difference in her husband almost immediately and constantly pestered him to come over. Namjoon could tell that she was a good person but she was misguided by her upbringing. His wife constantly complained to him that she needed to move in with him or for the opposite to happen. Even bringing up the fact that it had been long enough for them to conceive a child, heading to his place of work to file for paperwork herself. He had that stopped right away when he found out, finally bringing her to reality for the moment. Since then, his wife had been quiet and demure in the times that he was actually able to meet with her. 
But with the days with Madeline there, he felt no such pressure to exist. Namjoon was free to relax around her, to question things and ask her more about things he had been wondering about. She even acquired an old movie tape for them to watch together, Old Yeller. He’d never felt such joy when watching the thing, even had a few tears escape his eyes. To feel such things, it moved him and gave him a brightness that he’d been missing since being born. He found that looking at Madeline then brought him a bit of what they called happiness in his dull life. The colors in the world were finally starting to make sense, actually becoming colors that were vibrant and meant something other than the words that he learned. 
Felicity, however, had finally seen what was going on in her husband’s life. Even from speaking to his colleagues, it wasn’t hard to figure out that she needed to enter his house. That was where she found the paper with Madeline’s information and all of his notes concerning her health. That was when his wife picked up the phone to call the Authorities to report the woman that dared to invade into their lives. 
They were able to track where her husband had gone that day but he wasn’t alone. Madeline had insisted on seeing the sea, finally able to get out and enjoy the weather. They had no idea of what was coming for them, only the scream that Madeline emitted when they were charged at from the back. A group of heavily armed men came rushing towards them and separated the both of them, Namjoon confused as to what was going on while Madeline was fighting them to the best of her ability. 
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“So… that’s how it happened, Mr. Kim?”
The therapist looked over at him, his glasses sliding down his nose just a bit. Some would say that his face was perfectly symmetrical, baffling the others on his looks. His dark hair and just as dark eyes seemed to stand out in the white of the office that Namjoon was now in. The therapist noted that the man looked even more haggard since he was brought in, a combination of life stress and the unfortunate situation that he was now placed in. 
He noted that his work record and his achievements were beyond explementary, even taking a scientific approach to life itself. Now, from what he’d seen of the man--this was something strange for him to go through. Even his wife proclaimed that he had been acting strange since the Rebel arrived, even going as far as suggesting that she did some sort of mind altering drug on him. Toxicology reports came back to disprove that, much to her chagrin. However, that still didn’t show why he all of a sudden decided to help the Rebel. 
When Namjoon nodded his head, unwilling to speak to him--Seokjin jotted that down in his notes. There was no room to feel pity for the man as he should have known what would happen should he help her. The man before him had given up on everything, he could see it so there was really a couple of things he could do from there on out. 
“You do realize that we have submitted Madeline into our Converted Therapy?” Namjoon’s head shot up, eyes finally at full attention. His face dropped even more than what he thought it could when he heard the news. Seokjin, however, kept his neutral face and adjusted his glasses once he saw the reaction that came from him. Every little bit that he noticed, he jotted down and from what all that he’d seen--he might suggest the same thing for the good Doctor as well. 
“According to the doctrine we have to apply, Madeline will not remember much of you. We will start purging her emotions and other facets of her personality that she had developed according to the law. You know this, Namjoon….” He leaned out of his chair to get a better look at the man, “So why are you so upset at this news?”
Namjoon rested his head in his hands, something sorrowful coming over his body. He recognized the feeling when he watched Old Yeller with Madeline, the feeling like someone had reached inside of him and pulled something out. He now fully understood the depth of grief that was portrayed in the movie, the sense of hopelessness that he had once he knew that she would be gone...forever. Knowing that, it sent him into a fit of rage--a fit that finally burst through the dam that was taught to him since a young age. The unfair treatment that Madeline had talked about, it was all beginning to make sense to him. 
“BECAUSE I LOVE HER! IS THAT SO WRONG?!” He slammed his hand down on the table before lifting it up, sending it crashing to the side. “She was the first person to truly talk to me, speak to me in a way that didn’t need words sometimes. She understood my work and why it needed to have been done--didn’t p-push or anything, just let me be me…”
A sob came from his body, leaving his last few words broken and struggling to escape. He crouched down, crumpled from his outburst. Seokjin’s eyes were wide as he avoided the trouble but then knelt down with him, patting him on the back. He may not have understood what was going on but by all accounts, this man was having a mental breakdown and would have to be dealt with accordingly. 
“I-I want to be put through the same therapy.”
Seokjin’s eyes couldn’t have gotten any wider at his statement. The treatment wasn’t for the faint of heart, only needed for the cases of Rebels and some of the Converted when they slip off the train after the first time. He had to know why he wanted to go through it with her. He licked his lips and got just a bit closer to him, the faint keening sound that he just realized he could hear--coming from Namjoon in his grief. 
“Why, Namjoon?”
He looked up at him and the determination almost left him open mouthed. The man had decided on what he was going to do and there was no talking him out of it. 
“Because I love her and there is no use of living with my memories if I can’t have her with me. And you all have taken her from me, so what use am I to anyone now? Sign the papers and let me go.”
Seokjin sighed and got up off the ground, crossing it to his desk. He pulled out the same paperwork that he signed off on for Madeline, scribbling his name and why he was suggesting the therapy for one--Kim Namjoon. Soon, the men came and collected his body from where it sat in sorrow. It never got any easier sending someone to the Compound but it had to be done, regardless of why they decided to take the unlawful road or not. It was just a shame that someone of his caliber had to go through something like that. 
Case closed. 
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kwritersworld · 5 years
Spring Fic Exchange - Masterlist
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Here you can find all the stories written by our lovely members that participated in our Spring Fic Exchange ‘19. Enjoy reading!
Your Kwritersworld Team
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Sheer | written by @daelicious-jongbulge
➵ Band: BTS | Genre: Fluff,Romance, HS!AU | Wordcount: 582 | gifted to: @i-live-so-i-love ➵ Yoongi, your resident emo!tm kid would have never believed it if you told him he would fall in love with resident sunshine, Hoseok
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Cafuné | written by @99liners
➵ Band: BTS | Genre: fluff/comedy/nsfw | Wordcount: 3.336 | gifted to: @vanaera ➵ Cafuné (v.) running your hand through your lover’s hair.
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Sweet Histamine | written by @writingsofmyimagination
➵ Band: BTS | Genre: Smut | Wordcount: 2.663 | gifted to: @njssi ➵ Who would have thought forgetting to take your hay-fever tablets could end so sweetly.
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Spring Rain | written by @today-we-will-survive
➵ Band: BTS | Genre: Fluff, Romance | Wordcount: 861 | gifted to: @writingsofmyimagination ➵ “So much for a romantic first day of Spring picnic,” you utter clutching the basket tightly in your white knuckled fists. From where the two of you lean in the doorway of your apartment building, you have a front row seat to the torrential downpour coming down on the city. [...]
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Witchy Weddings | written by @itsthechickwiththehair
➵ Band: BTS | Genre: Fluff, Romance | Wordcount: 1.000 | gifted to: @today-we-will-survive➵ “What do you think the clouds look like today?” It was a question he asked you almost every day there were clouds in the sky. [...] The clouds looked like clouds, big pieces of fluff that drifted across the sky and occasionally spilled their tears to the earth below. You had asked him, on a day that he seemed to be feeling blue, why he liked asking you the same question every time. He smiled in response, looking up at the sky. “Because clouds are a lot like people.” [...]     
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Let me inspire you | written by @today-we-will-survive
➵ Band: BTS | Genre: Fluff, Romance, Angst | Wordcount: 1.375 | gifted to: @minstrivia ➵ It’s a short walk to Yoongi’s apartment, but one you always enjoy. The trees lining the streets of the city are in full bloom, coating the sidewalks with white and pink petals. The air smells fresh like grass and last night’s rain. You’ve always loved the spring the most. It’s a time for new things to come into fruition. And it’s when you met Yoongi.
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Dancing in the rain | written by @itsthechickwiththehair
➵ Band: Got7 | Genre: Fluff,Romance | Wordcount: 1.200 | gifted to: @restlessmaknae ➵ You packed up your things and started to head out, saying goodbye to your coworkers as you passed by their desks. Most of them looked like their souls had been ripped out of their bodies, although some of them looked a bit more awake with the amount of caffeine they had flowing through their system. You were halfway there yourself, but most of your motivation to get the project done as fast as you did was the thought of your loving boyfriend.
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Spring is here (and it’s trying to kill you) | written by @today-we-will-survive
➵ Band: BTS | Genre: Fluff | Wordcount: 1.500 | gifted to: @njssi ➵ It’s supposed to be a fun, relaxing day with your best friends, celebrating the end of the cold months and hanging out before they go back on tour but you can’t help the uneasy feeling that’s growing in the pit of your stomach as you look around the field at the tiny specks floating on the breeze. Those evil little balls of fluff and pollen are your worst enemies, and here you are completely unarmed.
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Querencia | written by @softjeon
➵ Band: BTS | Genre: Fluff, a little bit of angst | Wordcount: 3.500  | gifted to: @seokoloqy ➵  In reality there was no beauty in heartbreak. Nothing that made it easy. Only pain. The cold and yourself - stripped down to your bare feelings. It embraced you, welcoming you like an old friend, leaving you wondering if you’d ever feel warm again. | querencia (Spanish, n.) - a place from which one’s strength is drawn, where one feels at home; the place where you are your most authentic self
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I’m just a foreigner | written by @jinniesbby
➵ Band: NCT | Genre: High School!AU | Wordcount: 728 | gifted to: @bangtantannie ➵  You take a step towards the pain in the ass that calls himself Lucas and narrow your gaze.“Okay. Listen up buddy and listen well. I will never in a million years go out on a date with you.” You state firmly, poking his well-toned, chiseled chest. Wait. What? Has he always been like that?
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I saw him standing there | written by @jinniesbby
➵ Band: NCT | Genre: Angst, Romance | Wordcount: 771 | gifted to: @99liners ➵ The neighbor who doesn’t know about your swift infatuation with him. The neighbor who only makes you fall deeper and deeper in the black hole that you call a crush. The neighbor who so happens to like another girl that it honestly causes your heart to ache whenever you think about it.
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Lil something called love | written by @daelicious-jongbulge
➵ Band: BTS | Genre: Fluff, Romance | Wordcount: 825 | gifted to: @itsthechickwiththehair ➵ all life contains water and all life can be bent to your whim. 
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Blood in the water | written by @seokoloqy
➵ Band: BTS | Genre: Smut, Angst, Avatar!AU | Wordcount: 6.800 | gifted to: @sopewriters ➵ It’s just- you know- sitting here and seeing you surrounded by all these beautiful flowers like the perfect angel you are, makes me realize just how in love I am with you” or in which Yoongi sneaks you out to a flower field the night before your wedding
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The melody remedy | written by @daelicious-jongbulge
➵ Band: Day6 | Genre: Fluff, Romance | Wordcount: 543 | gifted to: @restlessmaknae ➵ In which he softy lulls you to sleep in the midst of a springtime storm.
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Sleep Morning | written by @i-live-so-i-love
➵ Band: BTS | Genre: Smut | Wordcount: 2122 | gifted to: @softjeon ➵ Sleepy morning cuddles turn into more.
Euphoria| written by @kimlinebiased
➵ Band: BTS | Genre: Smut | Wordcount: 4500 | gifted to: @softjeon ➵ Jungkook has had a crush on the leader of BTS since forever. Now that Namjoon is helping write his solo for the upcoming album, this could be his perfect chance.
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Tears & Raindrops mingle | written by @restlessmaknae
➵ Band: Ikon | Genre: Fluff, light Angst | Wordcount: 4100 | gifted to: @flora-jimin ➵ In which you bump into the CEO of a nearby bar when you are just as heart-broken as him and it doesn’t seem to go well at first.
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Balter | written by @99liners
➵ Band: MonstaX | Genre: Fluff | Wordcount: 2064 | gifted to: @flora-jimin ➵ balter (v.) to become tangled.
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A window to your heart | written by @vanaera 
➵ Band: BTS | Genre: Fluff, slight angst | Wordcount: 3725 | gifted to: @today-we-will-survive ➵ When you–Jimin’s hellbound boss who initiates ridiculous post-it wars, unnecessary height challenges, whilst giving him loads of paperwork he finds too much for an intern–do not show up at work one Thursday, Jimin is definitely over the moon. However, his supposed miracle day takes a different turn when he later finds himself in a bus stop, awkwardly comforting you after finding you drenched under the rain.
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Way down in bed stuy | written by @minstrivia
➵ Band: BTS | Genre: Smut, slight angst | Wordcount: 5000 | gifted to: @taendrils ➵ as a final farewell you fuck your sister’s unbelievably attractive knave boyfriend that you definitely do not have feelings for…again.
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La Vie en rose | written by @sopewriters
➵ Band: EXO | Genre: Fluff, Angst, Humor | Wordcount: 5500 | gifted to: @roseyjongdae ➵ It was a chaotic morning, and you were running late, and everything that could possibly have gone wrong did go wrong, and then… you found him. If only you hadn’t lost him just as quick.
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No Place He’d rather be | written by @flora-jimin
➵ Band: BTS | Genre: Fluff | Wordcount: 5300 | gifted to: @apotatomashedbybts ➵ Yoongi gets called to help out at Jin’s daycare and the following is a small, fluffy oneshot of him realizing Hoseok’s wonderful at childcare and that he’s fallen head over heels for the man.
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Fallen for you | written by @njssi
➵ Band: BTS | Genre: Fluff | Wordcount: 4400 | gifted to: @jinniesbby ➵ Your best friend returns to your life after half a year of almost no communication while he dealt with an ending relationship. However, you could have never guessed what he really had to tell you when you agreed to meet.
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A Valentines Date | written by @sopewriters
➵ Band: BTS | Genre: Fluff | Wordcount: 2000 | gifted to: @jinniesbby​ ➵ So, you and your fake boyfriend decide to spend a Valentine’s evening together doing a lot less than what most actual couples normally do. Yet, this is the most fun you’ve had in the longest time and gosh, since when did looking at Jungkook’s stupid smile get your heart to flutter like this?
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Under the cherry blossoms | written by @apotatomashedbybts
➵ Band: BTS | Genre: Fluff | Wordcount: 5800 | gifted to: @kimlinebiased ➵ Namjoon and Seokjin, high school best friends and college sweethearts, are deeply in love with each other. Just when they were about to take everything next level, a terrible accident pushes them apart, well for a while. But when the love is true, you always stick by. And for them no way is difficult enough if they are together.
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But you do... | written by @apotatomashedbybts
➵ Band: BTS | Genre: Fluff | Wordcount: 5800 | gifted to: @njssi ➵ Lee, an ordinary girl, with an ordinary wish to have a loving family. But not always all wishes come true, not even the simplest ones. She still has to know that family doesn’t always mean the same, it could be a single person too.]
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Breaking the rose | written by @bangtantannie
➵ Band: BTS | Genre: Romance, Angst | Wordcount: 6000 | gifted to: @minstrivia ➵ Lost in a world of rose and pink, what does one do when the one that abandoned them finally returns.
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Thank you to everyone who made our first event so beautiful! You all wrote amazing stories and we can’t wait to hold more Network activities in the future!
- Your Kwritersworld Team
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This week in Shadowhunters news, updates, sneak peeks, and behind the scenes. All the stuff you need to stay up to date.
Official Promotion
No place like home. 💖 Behind the scenes of #Shadowhunters Season 3B. 
Maia's spot on. Stream #ShadowhuntersSeason3 now on http://Freeform.com , On Demand, and Hulu. 
Luke always knows just what to say. Stream your favorite #ShadowhuntersSeason3 moments now on http://Freeform.com , On Demand, and Hulu.
Simon can protect himself. #Shadowhunters
Us realizing it's Saturday tomorrow. #Shadowhunters 
Current mood. #Shadowhunters Photo via @EmeraudeToubia 
And #Malec is adorable always. #Shadowhunters 
We still like you Simon. Stream the first half of #ShadowhuntersSeason3 now on http://Freeform.com , On Demand, and @hulu. 
Bow 101. #Parabatai behind the scenes of #Shadowhunters Season 3B. [2]
Truly spectacular ceilings, Alec. Stream the first half of #ShadowhuntersSeason3 now on http://Freeform.com , On Demand, and @Hulu. 
That smile.  #Shadowhunters // @willtudor1 
Lilith went out with a bang. Watch the first half of #ShadowhuntersSeason3 streaming on @Hulu, http://Freeform.com , and On Demand.
We see you, Izzy.   Behind the scenes of #Shadowhunters Season 3B. // @EmeraudeToubia 
Fierce Fray. #Shadowhunters 
Ollie isn’t afraid of a little heat, but she should be. #Shadowhunters
First Simon & Jordan fist bump.  #Shadowhunters #TBT // @arosende  & @ch8i 
Who are you in this photo? Behind the scenes of #Shadowhunters Season 2 Episode 8. #fbf 
Cheers to the weekend. #Shadowhunters [1]
Maia’s positivity is infectious. #Shadowhunters 
We were hoping it would. See the (brief) return of Valentine in #ShadowhuntersSeason3 now on http://Freeform.com , On Demand, and @hulu. 
PSA: Don't mess with Maia. #Shadowhunters 
Lounging. Behind the scenes of #ShadowhuntersSeason3. // @Kat_McNamara 
Maryse knows love when she sees it. #Shadowhunters 
Alec Lightwood = Inspiration.  #Shadowhunters
Shadowhunters In The News
MTV (video):  .@Kat_McNamara's fans leave the SWEETEST comments on her Instagram photos
International Business Times (article):  Katherine McNamara Praises ‘Shadowhunters’ Fandom For Trying To Save Canceled Show
TVFanatic (article):  13 Canceled Shows That Deserve a Proper Ending
TVInsider (article):  8 TV Couples Costumes for a Spooktacular Halloween
Entertainment Tonight (article):  'Shadowhunters' Star Katherine McNamara Teases 'Kick-Ass' 'Arrow' Season 7 Arc (Exclusive)
Twitter & Social Media Stuff
Taylor Mallory (writer) tweeted a photo:  A little piece of @ShadowhuntersTV on my mantel.  Thanks to @johnrakich for sending me one of Clary’s stunt steles. Maybe I’ll bring it out with me on Halloween. I hear it’s a big night for demonic activity...
Ed Tommasi (Freeform Creative Director) tweeted a photo:  Loved working with these amazingly talented talents! Thanks for making my job easy @madisoniseman @Kat_McNamara @DomSherwood1
Kat (Clary) tweeted a video ad for Freeform’s 31 Nights of Halloween:  Tis the season for frights and delights with #Goosebumps2Movie in theaters October 12. And keep watching @31nightsofhalloween on @FreeformTV while you wait for @Shadowhunterstv to return this Spring! #ad @DomSherwood1 @madisoniseman 
Nicola Correia-Damude tweeted a video:  Measure Your Power, Not Your Dress Size.Challenge yourself. Add some weight, a band, an interval or just get out and walk. Whatever the next challenge is, conquer it today! #selflove @ShadowhuntersTV #Shadowhunters #saveshadowhunters #malecsmama #malec #lightwoods #bodyimage
Todd Slavkin (showrunner) tweeted:  A fan has to eat. I haven’t seen trailer but I’ve seen season. Word trailer: Prague, Paris, Brother Z, Crepes, The Dance, Aldertree, Catarina, Helen & Aline #andmore #shadowhunters
Todd Slavkin (showrunner) tweeted:  Right. @AmandaMRow directs and @NappyThoughtz writes for what many will their all time favorite scene of series #malec #thedance #shadowhunters
Aisha Porter Christie (writer) tweeted:  I remember when @bryanQmiller first pitched this scene in the writers room. And I slid off my chair, overcome with “the feels” . I love this episode for so so many reasons.  #Shadowhunters
Anna Hopkins (Lilith) tweeted about attending Steamposium:  Hi Seattle friends! Can't wait to meet you and visit your beautiful city! I've never been but I'm the biggest #Frasier fan in the world so this is extremely exciting for me. #Shadowhunters #Defiance #TheExpanse #Arrow #steamposium
KLZ Events announced a new Shadowhunters convention in Brussels, November 23-24, 2019.
Harry (Magnus) shared a video of himself as Magnus on Instagram:  Insta-filters IRL. #filteredconfidence
Brian Hui (makeup artist) tweeted a photo: That time we went wandering in Paris for an hour before we got to the restaurant! [3]
Todd Slavkin (showrunner) tweeted:  There is a very good chance #goatbaby #waitforit #outtakes #shadowhunters
Todd Slavkin (showrunner) tweeted:  It was conceived to bring in new viewers, like if you'd never seen show before it would be easy entry point. Has a season one vibe in a good way. Wish it could have aired this month #ohwell #happyhalloween #youllenjoyitanyway #shadowhunters
Kat (Clary) shared a bts photo from 3B:  A lil #FrayFriday #fbf from @shadowhunterstv 3b for you angels...  #shadowhunterslegacy
Todd Slavkin (showrunner) tweeted: I do. Channel ur frustration about cancellation & delayed air dates into positive energy & cherish the knowledge that 12 epis await you & oh yeah rewatch ur fave moments #shadowhunterslegacy #shadowhunters 
Todd Slavkin (showrunner) tweeted a photo:  3B #hellojonathan #shadowhunters [4]
Todd Slavkin (showrunner) tweets that Clary will create new runes in 3B and Malec growing as a couple is an “understatement”.
SpoilerTV invited fans to submit questions for the Shadowhunters panel at MCM Comic Con. 
Kat (Clary) teases about Clary’s new runes in 3B.
Anna Hopkins (Lilith) announced on Instagram that she will be at Armageddon Expo in New Zealand.
Brian Hui (makeup artist) tweeted a photo:  Memories of Paris and the Crazy Horse show!
New York Comic Con
Kat (Clary) made a surprise appearance at New York Comic Con to encourage People’s Choice Awards voting and fans were out in full force! You can find major highlights here, but check out our New York Comic Con roundup for complete coverage later this week.
In the News:
Basic Stuff Magazine (article): #SaveShadowhunters takes over NYCC!
Guilty Eats (article):  E! Food Truck brings free food to New York Comic-Con 2018
The Series Regulars (article): #SaveShadowhunters Update: New York Comic Con Takeover
Matt Carter (article):  How Shadowhunters is working to take over New York Comic-Con (without a panel)
Matt Carter (article):  Shadowhunters star Katherine McNamara surprises fans at New York Comic-Con
Just Jared Jr. (article): Katherine McNamara Surprises Hungry Fans at NYCC with Donuts, In Exchange For People's Choice Awards Votes 
E!News (article):  Katherine McNamara Gives Shadowhunters Fans a Big Surprise at the PCAs Food Truck: Watch It Now
E!News (video):  Katherine McNamara Rallies PCAs Votes for "Shadowhunters"
Kat (Clary) and the People’s Choice Awards shared a video of Kat’s NYCC visit.
Freeform Halloween House
Harry (Magnus), Kat (Clary), and Luke Baines (Jonathan Morgenstern) visited Freeform’s Halloween House on October 3rd.
A video of Kat (Clary) and Luke Baines (Jonathan Morgenstern): Look who we found - @Kat_McNamara & @LukeBaines.
We’re here at the #FreeformHalloweenHouse preview night, celebrating @31Nights of Halloween. Enter if you dare.
Kat (Clary) and Luke (Jonathan) goofing around: #Shadowhunters x #TheNightmareBeforeChristmas.
.@HarryShumJr joined the #FreeformHalloweenHouse fun.
.@HarryShumJr or Magnus Bane?
Any room on your broom?
Dr. Finkelstein who? Dr. Rabara at your service.
This is how you celebrate the 25th anniversaries of #HocusPocus and Tim Burton’s #TheNightmareBeforeChristmas. Check out some highlights from @31Nights of Halloween’s #FreeformHalloweenHouse.
“We’re simply meant to be.”
Kat (Clary) tweeted a photo: Witchy as Hell. @lukebaines #31nightsofhalloween #FreeformHalloweenHouse #nofilter...seriously
Jim Halterman shared photos on Instagram: Much fun at the @freeform spooky event celebrating #31daysofhalloween! Even spied some #shadowhunters folks...and won #hollywoodbowl tix on the Wheel of Misfortune! More pics to come! #halloween #hocuspocus #freeform @shadowhunterstv #boo
Harry (Magnus) shared a photo on Instagram:  This just reminded me that it’s October 😱😨
Kat (Clary) tweeted a photo: We ran amok...Amok! Amok! Amok!  @harryshumjr @Shelby_Rabara @lukebaines.
Disney posted some photos of Harry, Kat, and Luke on the official press site.
Just Jared Jr. (article): Katherine McNamara & Harry Shum Jr Enjoy a Spooky Night at Freeform's Halloween House
Lindsay MacDonald tweeted a photo of Harry (Magnus):  And here we spot a wild @HarryShumJr in its natural habitat... #Shadowhunters
#SaveShadowhunters (continued)
On June 4th, it was announced that Freeform wouldn’t be continuing on with a fourth season of Shadowhunters. Here are a few major highlights. (Our full roundup for #SaveShadowhunters can be found here.)
Matt Carter posted a video thanking the fans for gifts he received in thanks for his support of Shadowhunters and an article about the same.
People’s Choice Awards
Shadowhunters is a finalist in three People’s Choice Awards categories, #TheSciFiFantasyShow, #TheBingeworthyShow, and #TheShow. Kat McNamara (Clary) is a finalist for #TheFemaleTVStar and Harry Shum Jr. is a finalist for #TheMaleTVStar. Voting on the People’s Choice Awards website can be done here.
Cast and Crew Reactions:
Kat (Clary) tweeted:  Hey angels, I just watched the amazing #ThePeopleHaveSpoken videos you've made for the show, Harry, and myself. Such an amazing fam-dom we have.
Kat (Clary) tweeted: Hey angels, between Oct 4th and Oct 8th all votes count as two votes.  :) So go vote for your favs for @PeoplesChoice #PCAs.
Kat (Clary) and Harry (Magnus) shared a fun video thanking fans for the People’s Choice nominations.
Kat (Clary) tweeted: Last week to vote for your faves for #PCAs, angels!  @peopleschoice
ShadowhuntersTV posted on Twitter and Instagram:  
Have you heard the great news? #KatherineMcNamara has been nominated. RT to vote her as #TheFemaleTVStar in the #PCAs.
.@HarryShumJr’s performances are truly inspiring. RT to vote #HarryShumJr as @peopleschoice’s #TheMaleTVStar. #PCAs
The power is in the palm of your hand. RT to cast your vote for #Shadowhunters as #TheShow. #PCAs
Yes. #Shadowhunters has been nominated. RT to vote us as #TheBingeworthyShow in the #PCAs.
Want #Shadowhunters to win #TheSciFiFantasyShow? RT to cast your vote in the #PCAs.
#TheShow that gave us #Malec. RT to vote for #Shadowhunters in the #PCAs.
“Too much” voting is only when you do it over 25 times a day. RT to vote #HarryShumJr as #TheMaleTVStar in the #PCAs.
We need you. Yes you. RT to help #Shadowhunters win #TheBingeworthyShow in #PCAs.
Luke is right. That’s why we’re retweeting to vote #KatherineMcNamara as #TheFemaleTVStar in the #PCAs.
Think #Shadowhunters is #TheShow of 2018? Retweet to vote for us in the #PCAs.
Call everyone you know. #Shadowhunters is up for #TheSciFiFantasyShow. Retweet to vote for us in the #PCAs.
Binging #Shadowhunters is already how we spend every Saturday. Retweet to vote for us as #TheBingeworthyShow in the #PCAs.
She acts with strength and passion. RT to vote #KatherineMcNamara as #TheFemaleTVStar. #PCAs
Hold our drink. It’s time to vote for #HarryShumJr as #TheMaleTVStar. Retweet to cast your vote for him in the #PCAs.
It is true. #Shadowhunters is nominated as #TheShow in the @peopleschoice awards. Retweet to vote for us. #PCAs
Have you voted for #HarryShumJr for #TheMaleTVStar yet? Retweet to vote for him in the #PCAs.
It’s no secret. The news is out. RT to vote for #Shadowhunters as #TheBingeworthyShow in the #PCAs.
The @peopleschoice awards can’t read minds. Make sure you retweet to vote #Shadowhunters as #TheSciFiFantasyShow in the #PCAs.
She’s special to us too. Retweet to vote #KatherineMcNamara as #TheFemaleTVStar in the #PCAs.
If not, get to a computer and retweet to vote #Shadowhunters as #TheShow in the #PCAs.
Us when we heard #HarryShumJr is a finalist in the @peopleschoice awards. RT to vote him as #TheMaleTVStar in the #PCAs.
Yes, every vote counts twice today. RT to vote #Shadowhunters as #TheBingeworthyShow in the #PCAs.
#TheSciFiFantasyShow with the legendary Mark of Cain. RT to vote for #Shadowhunters in the #PCAs.
Clary’s got the power, and so do you. RT to vote #KatherineMcNamara as #TheFemaleTVStar in the #PCAs.
The #Shadowhunters family needs you. RT to cast your vote for us as #TheShow in the #PCAs.
We want you to vote for #Shadowhunters as #TheBingeworthyShow. RT to vote us in the #PCAs.
Clary’s not one to give up, and neither are we. RT to vote #KatherineMcNamara as #TheFemaleTVStar in the #PCAs.
Izzy’s looking to you to help #Shadowhunters win #TheSciFiFantasyShow in the #PCAs. RT to vote for us.
And it’s lovely to see #HarryShumJr nominated in the @peopleschoice awards. RT to vote him as #TheMaleTVStar. #PCAs
You’re invited. RT to vote #HarryShumJr as #TheMaleTVStar in the #PCAs.
Luke’s looking at you to cast your vote for #Shadowhunters in the #PCAs. RT to vote us as #TheBingeworthyShow.
No, but you definitely look like a potential award winner. RT to vote #Shadowhunters as #TheShow in the #PCAs.
#TheSciFiFantasyShow that’s always fun? Obviously #Shadowhunters. RT to vote for us in the #PCAs.
Us when someone says they haven’t voted #KatherineMcNamara for #TheFemaleTVStar yet. Retweet to vote for her in the #PCAs.
It feels good to be nominated. RT to cast your vote for #Shadowhunters as #TheBingeworthyShow. #PCAs
Except for #Shadowhunters to win at the #PCAs. RT to cast your vote for us as #TheSciFiFantasyShow.
Retweeting isn’t too big of a job. We promise. RT to cast your vote for #KatherineMcNamara as #TheFemaleTVStar in the #PCAs.
She’s probably off voting for #Shadowhunters as #TheShow in the @peopleschoice awards. RT to vote for us today. #PCAs
Work your retweeting magic. RT to vote for #HarryShumJr as #TheMaleTVStar. #PCAs
#Shadowhunters is full of talent. RT to cast your vote for us as #TheShow in the #PCAs.
We could watch Clary all day long. RT to vote #Shadowhunters as #TheBingeworthyShow in the #PCAs.
#TheSciFiFantasyShow that leaves us speechless. RT to vote #Shadowhunters in the #PCAs.
Wait, have you voted for #KatherineMcNamara today? RT to vote her as #TheFemaleTVStar. #PCAs
The man’s got moves. RT to vote #HarryShumJr as #TheMaleTVStar. #PCAs
Izzy’s feeling great, because #Shadowhunters is nominated as #TheShow in the #PCAs. RT to cast your vote.
#TheBingeworthyShow that always hits the mark. RT to vote for #Shadowhunters in the #PCAs.
#Shadowhunters is always ready to take you on another adventure. RT to cast your vote for #TheSciFiFantasyShow in the #PCAs.
Take the leap and vote for #KatherineMcNamara 25 times today. RT to vote for her as #TheFemaleTVStar in the #PCAs. https://eonli.ne/2ORDw2p
#HarryShumJr has made us feel so many amazing things. RT to vote him as #TheMaleTVStar. #PCAs
Don’t worry Simon, no sacrifice needed to vote for #Shadowhunters as #TheShow in the #PCAs. Just give this a RT.
We could watch Jace train all day long. RT to vote #Shadowhunters as #TheBingeworthyShow. #PCAs
And #HarryShumJr has unlocked something in us. RT to vote him as #TheMaleTVStar. #PCAs
Don’t mess with Clary, but do RT to vote #KatherineMcNamara as #TheFemaleTVStar. #PCAs
Are you up to the test? RT to cast your vote for #Shadowhunters as #TheSciFiFantasyShow. #PCAs
#TheShow that gave us these perfect Parabatai. RT to vote for #Shadowhunters in the #PCAs.
#Shadowhunters is a binge-everyday kinda show. RT to cast your vote for us as #TheBingeworthyShow in the #PCAs.
How could you not vote for this badass? RT to vote #KatherineMcNamara as #TheFemaleTVStar in the #PCAs.
#Shadowhunters always wows. RT to cast your vote for us as #TheSciFiFantasyShow in the #PCAs.
Turning to you for help. RT to vote the talented #HarryShumJr as #TheMaleTVStar. #PCAs 
Other News
Harry (Magnus) wished his wife, Shelby, a happy birthday.
Harry (Magnus) showed us how to look cool eating a cookie ice cream sandwich.
Kat (Clary) shared a photo:  Overall, it’s been a good week... ;) #SundayPunday
Harry (Magnus) and Shelby attended the 9th Annual Veuve Clicquot Polo Classic.
Harry (Magnus) shared a photo from his time filming an episode of TBS’ Drop The Mic.
Huffington Post (article):  Awkwafina’s ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ Co-Stars Had A Viewing Party For Her ‘SNL’ Night
Veuve Clicquot tweeted a video:  Caught in the act: @harryshumjr and @shelby_rabara at #VCPoloClassic.
Girl Up tweeted:  Girl Up Champion @Kat_McNamara is at the #GirlHeroAwards! Follow our Insta story for more from the #girlhero red carpet!
Kat (Clary) tweeted photos from the Girl Hero Awards:  It’s an open and shut case... you can never go wrong with a suit. @GirlUp #GirlHeroAwards @ralphlauren​
Steve Byers is painting for charity:  Bid on a painting...maybe even this one.. and support a great cause! #BrushOfHope #Slasher #Shadowhunters #FarCry5
13 notes · View notes
peaches-of-1 · 7 years
This is the BTS Masterlist. Other lists include:
Blackpink  🐨
Stray Kids
Red Velvet
KARD   🐨
Multifandom (Also acts as a Catch All for Fandoms I don’t stan)  🐨
Monsta X  🐨
SHINee  🐨
Pentagon   🐨
🍑 = My favorites | 🐨 = Updated Last Week
Aesthetix: Aesthetics/moodboards that I have made
Suga as Adam from Beauty and the Beast
V (Taehyung) as Aladdin from Aladdin
RM as Li Shang from Mulan
Jimin as Naveen from Princess and the Frog
Jungkook as Flynn Rider from Tangled
J-Hope as Peter Pan from Peter Pan🍑
Jin as Tarzan from Tarzan
Winnie the Pooh
Jungkook as Roo
Hobi as Piglet 🍑
Jimin as Pooh
Jin as Rabbit 🍑
Yoongi as Kanga
Tae as Tigger
Namjoon as Owl
V (Taehyung) 2017
Hoseok 2018
Yoongi 2018
New Years 2018 (Black Tie)
Christmas 2017
Valentine’s Day 2018
White Day 2018
Friday the 13th (April 2018) 🍑
Friday the 13th (July 2018)
Mythical Creatures
Unicorn J-Hope 🍑
Vampire Jin
Centaur Jungkook
Merman Jimin 🍑
Incubus RM
Dragon Suga
Werewolf V
Yoongi Mermaid
Jimin + Fairy Prince
Elements (1)
Suga & Ice
J-Hope & Air
RM & Earth
Jin & Earth
Jimin & Water
V & Lightning
Jungkook & Metal
Elements (2-Requested)
Jungkook & Fire
Others  🐨
Nature Photographer RM 🍑
Nyctophilia Suga
Bias Tag RM
Sugar Daddy Tae
Yoongi’s indoor day ft. coffee
Date with photographer Tae
Travelling with Jin
Amusement park date with Jungkook 🍑
Namjoon Amusement park date
High School Sweethearts with Jungkook
Dinner Date with Hoseok
Rainy day Study Date with Jimin
Jimin at a Masquerade Ball 🍑
Jin and a Sheep/Soft Jin (Request)
Namjoon as Rhysand from A Court of Thorns and Roses
Jimin + Space
Yoongi + Trans BF
Beach Day with BTS
Fall Jungkook
Star Alien Hobi
Alien Invasion Taehyung
Hoseok Camping Trip  🍑
Jin Proposal
Jin Wedding, peony version
Hobi and goth gf
Taehyung Plus Size Barbie gf
Hoseok at his Studio Apt
BTS Barista!AU  🍑
Namjoon’s Crabs  🍑
Arctic Tundra Adventure with Taehyung  🍑
Aftercare with Jin
Hobi and femme Alien s/o  🍑
Back to School with Jungkook
Song Lyrics
Jimin + “I Like Me Better” by Lauv
RM + “Ride” by SoMo
RM + “Get On Your Knees” by Nicki Minaj ft. Ariana Grande
Jin + Hot pink
Taehyung + Lilac
Jin + Pink Variety
Jin + Silver 🍑
Jimin + Pastel pink
Suga + Orange
Jimin + Black
Namjoon + Purple
Tae + Aqua blue
Hyung line + grayscale
Tae + Aqua blue (2.0)
Namjoon + Black
Tae + Gold  🍑
Jimin + Pastel Blue
Hobi + Gold and red
Taehyung + Pastel Blue  🍑
Jungkook + Blue
Yoongi + Teal/Turquoise
Yoongi + Pink
Hobi + Silver
Jin + Grey
Namjoon + Yellow
Hobi + Black Lace
Jungkook + White and Ivory  🍑
Jungkook + Lavender
Alice in Wonderland
Jimin as Alice and Dormouse
Taehyung as Mad Hatter and Absolem
Jungkook as White Rabbit
Jin as Queen of Hearts 🍑
Yoongi as Cheshire Cat
Hoseok as Mad Hatter
Namjoon as Alice and Absolem
Gods/Goddesses (April Theme)
Namjoon as Posidon 🍑
Yoongi as Zeus
Taehyung as Hera
Yoongi as Nyx
Hobi as Ra
Jin as Aphrodite
Jimin as Artemis
Jungkook as Eros
Taehyung as Hestia
Yoongi as Tibetan Snow Lion
7 Deadly Sings
Hobi as Pride  🍑
Jungkook as Envy
Namjoon as Greed
Jimin as Lust  🍑
Suga as Sloth
Jin as Gluttony
Taehyung as Wrath
Circus AU
Normal Route- (Y/N), Jimin, Taehyung, Jin
Mafia AU
Supreme Boi
OC: Desta
Demon AU
Chapter 5 Outfits
Chapter 7 Outfits
Chapter 9 Outfits
#Flowers + Yoongi  🍑
#TeasingSex + Jin (NSFW)  🍑
#Protective + Namjoon
#Dom + Jimin (NSFW)
#Bondage + Namjoon (NSFW)  🍑
#AirplaneSex + Hobi (NSFW)
#WaxPlay + Yoongi (NSFW)
#TrainSex + Taehyung (NSFW)
#Puppers + Taehyung  🍑
#ShowerSex + Jungkook
#Wanderlust + Jin  🍑
#Koya + Namjoon
#Koala + Jimin (ft. Others)
#Soft + Jimin
Cartoon Characters (June+)  🐨
Taehyung as Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians)
Jungkook as Deku (Boku no Hero Academia)
Namjoon as Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Jin as Tamaki Suoh (Ouran High School Host Club)
Jimin as Bubbles (The Powerpuff Girls)
Jin as L (Death Note)
Jungkook as Kaname Kuran (Vampire Knight)
Jungkook as Buttercup (The Powerpuff Girls)
Jin as Neji Hyuga (Naruto)
Taehyung as Blossom (The Powerpuff Girls)
Jin as Makoto (Free!)
Hoseok as Woody Woodpecker
Jimin as Pikachu (Pokémon)
Jin as Johnny Bravo
Jin as Link (Legend of Zelda)
Namjoon as Mushu (Mulan)
Suga and Hoseok as Kiki and Lala (Little Twin Stars)
Taehyung and Jungkook as the Hitachiin Twins (Ouran High School Host Club)
Jimin as Hello Kitty
Taehyung as Kiki (Kiki’s Delivery Service)
Yoongi as Batman
Jin as Princess Bubblegum
Suga as Sesshomaru (Inuyasha)
Jungkook as Inuyasha
Jungkook as Chihiro (Spirited Away)
Jungkook as My Melody (Hello Kitty)
Taehyung as Keith Kogane (Voltron)
Hobi as Jaune Arc (RWBY)
Yoongi as Chat Noir (Miraculous Ladybug)
Namjoon as Kyoya (OHSHC)
Pride Colors  🐨
Jimin + bi colors 🍑
Yoongi + pan colors
Namjoon + Ace colors
Jin + Demisexual colors
Kookie + trans colors 
Hobi + Intersex colors
Hobi + Autosexual colors
Namjoon + Pan colors  🍑
Yoongi + Trans colors  🍑
POC bf (Trope)
Jungkook + Travel bf
Namjoon + Pink UwU bf
Yoongi + Minty shy bf  🍑
Jin + Techie bf
Taehyung + Flower bf
Hobi + Tennis bf
Jimin + Pastel bf  🍑
POC gf (Time period)
Yoongi + Rennaissance gf  🍑
Jungkook + 90s gf
Jin + Ancient Greek gf  🍑
Hobi + Roaring 20s gf
Taehyung + 70s gf
Namjoon + 50s gf
Jimin + 80s gf  🍑
Moodboard Challenges (Others in series x x x)
Jin + Nightcrawler (1/?)
Pastel Pink Jungkook (2/?)
Nature Witch Yoongi (3/?)  🍑
Hobi + Hummingbird (4/?)
Jin + Yeehonk Wedding (5/?)
Taehyung + London at Night (6/?)
Jimin + Beach (7/?)  🍑
Jungkook + Zoo Date (8/?) [Not the right number but eh]
Writinx: Things I Wrote
You fall asleep while BTS records
Red Carpet Wardrobe Malfunction
Request- BTS finding out you smoke
You’re Scared of the Dark
Accidentally Confessing
Catch You Dancing Like No one is Watching 🍑
Request- BTS Giving Aftercare
Request- Abusive ex
Request- Using a Safword
Request- Shy Strip Teasing
Request- BTS Finds You Writing member x member Smut
BTS- Finding your Fandom Tumblr 🍑
Request- Interpreter GF to BTS
Request- Birthday Sex Slave 🍑
BTS- You Put Gifts into their Luggage
BTS- They See You in Their Clothes
Request- S/o Gets Cat-called 🍑
Request- You Have Small Boobs (body positivity)
Request- You Like being Called Names in bed
Dating a Theatre Nerd- Vocal Line, Rap Line 🍑
They Hear You Sing for the First Time
Request- You take Them to a BDSM club
Request- They visit you in the hospital
Request- You’re exhausted after play rehearsal 🍑
Request- They Don’t Know you’re a professional Dancer
Request- They Spoil You with gifts 🍑
Request- You Get in a fight and they pick you up from the police
Bias Line: You’re Quiet until You’re Horny 🍑
Request- Figure Skating S/O
Request- Spoiled GF
You Send a Panty Pic
Request- Angry Sex
Request- You are in a Kid’s car and offer bf BTS a juice box
Request- Airport Goodbye 🍑
Request- See You in Wedding Dress 🍑
Request- Food Sharing S/O
Request- Food Porn in public 🍑
Request- Stuck with S/O inside car during snowstorm
Request- Denying sexytimes
Request- Teach Blowjob 🍑
Request- Rain on wedding day 🍑
Request- You call them beautiful during a casual moment
Request- Boys comfort you from having a bad day at work
Request- They see themselves as your phone wallpaper
Request- Clingy gf 🍑
Request- Nervous Around guys
Request- S/O tells them to go fuck themselves
Request- Outside date
Request- Plastic Surgeries GF
Request- BTS finds out Kookie is a Little
Request- Long Distance Relationship
Request- Meeting up with fellow ARMY who doesn’t know you’re dating a member (Vocal line)
Request- S/O working too hard to produce an album
Request- GF has scary dog that’s a teddy bear (Hyung Line) 🍑
Request- You have a big scar on your leg
<<BTS Reactions- Part 2>> 
Most to Least (MtL)
Drop Food on the Floor and Eat it
To Eat Cold Pizza
Green Room Quickie
BTS as...
BTS as Musicals 🍑
BTS voices as Type of Fabric
Undertale Characters
Mystic Messenger Characters
NekoPara Characters
Full Stories
Training (NSFW) 🍑
Love at first sight (Fluff)
(V) Taehyung
Unexpected pt1 (NSFW)
Unexpected pt2 (NSFW)
First Valentine’s Day Together:
Jin | Suga | V (Tae) | Jimin | Hoseok | Jungkook | Namjoon
Theatre Kid Series- Paused
She/Her: Prologue 1
He/Him: Prologue 1
They/Them: Prologue 1
🎪BigHit Bigtop (Circus AU)- Currently Ongoing
Prologue: Pt1, Pt2, Pt3
Choice #1.1
Choice #2.3
Choice #3.1
Choice #4.2
Choice #5.4
Choice #6.1
🌹666 So Fresh (Demon AU)- Active
Chapter 1: 
Chapter 2: 
Chapter 3: 
Chapter 4: 
Chapter 5: Part 1, Part 2
Chapter 6: 
Chapter 7: 
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9: 
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
🌇The Trusted (Mafia AU)- Finished
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
👔Bad Manager- Idol!AU while dating BTS member and having an abusive manager
Adrift (Mermaid AU)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
7 AUs
Jin + CEO!AU
Yoongi + Florist AU
Jin fluff for a friend
Raffle Winner 1 (Jin pov)
Raffle Winner 2 (Hoseok wedding)
Raffle Winner 3 (Monsta x Wonho)
Writing Challenges
Day 1- Elementary Card Exchange (Reader x Jin) 🍑
Day 2- Flowers (Reader x Suga)
Day 3- First Kiss (Reader x Hoseok)
Day 4- Love Letters (Male!Reader x Taehyung) 🍑
Day 5- Bad First Date (Reader x Namjoon)
Day 6- Already Taken (Jimin) 🍑
Day 7- First Time to Meet (Reader x Taehyung)
Day 8- Long Distance (Jungkook x Reader)
Day 9- Meet the Pet (Namjoon x Reader)
Day 10- Candy ( Reader x Yoongi)
Day 11- Perfect Date (Jimin x Reader) 🍑
2K notes · View notes
blairxeim · 7 years
Chapters: 16/16 Summary:
Each day a different pairing and prompt from a generator. One to Two fics posted a day until Valentine's Day where all remaining fics will be dumped here for a fluffy-smutty Valentine's Day binge! The stories range from sweet to bittersweet, almost every one stuffed full of enough sweet fluff to make you swear off chocolate once the big day arrives. Plan to make them more romantic as they go on, prompt permitting. Watch our boys blunder through love this Valentines day!
HEY GUYS! This was super fun and now I can take a little break (will I though? Will I really lmao) from writing. I really loved how this turned out and am dying inside at the nice response this got! I’m going to be putting a little more time and effort into some fics I have lined up. Hopefully that means less grammar issues and better content. There were a couple times I wasn’t fully happy with the chapter I put out but did so anyways so that I could keep to the set schedule. 
4 notes · View notes
aishitaeru · 7 years
5 Things (About Me)
Tagged by @thecheekybrunette​ wowie
Rules: you’ll have to tag 15 people at the end of this challenge. (lol I’m not gonna tag, do it if you want~~)
Five things you’ll find in my bag:
My phone
Germ X
Five things you’ll find in my bedroom:
Lots of canvases 
A string of ticket stubs and old prom photos (photobooth style)
Lots of books/binders
A valentines themed stuffed squid
My laptop
Five things I’ve always wanted to do:
Write something over 50k that’s completed
Travel to South Korea
See (tbh any) kpop band in concert
Decorate my own place
See Hamilton 
Five things that make me happy:
Kim Seokjin
The ocean
CATS/kittens/all felines
Finding a really good fic
Five things I’m currently into:
Really Really - Winner
Min Yoongi 
Monochrome tiedye
Frozen strawberry daiquiris
Watching Hwarang 
Five things on my to do list:
Do my write up for my interview and turn it in
Watch The Sixth Sense for my class
Take some good pics for the IG
Speak to someone about my steps for gradschool
Go to my friend’s bridesmaid dress fitting
1 note · View note
thoughtful-yoongi · 7 years
2/08- Bad First Date
Tumblr media
day five of my valentines prompt series;
day one day two day three day four
Kim Namjoon x Reader
Words: 1.3k
The guy your best friend set you up with was a handful to say the least. They had insisted this Kim Namjoon guy was absolutely perfect for you, and while you had to admit he was kind and charming and very attractive, this date had been a disaster.
Lets start at the beginning.
After twenty-five minutes of waiting you were about to take your makeup off and go to bed. If a guy is that late for your date was he even that interested? At 7:57 on the dot there was a fervent knocking on your door.
When revealed to you he was huffing from clearly running and clutching a bouquet of flowers with half the petals missing. More shockingly, a small amount of blood on his forehead. “Oh my god, you’re bleeding!”
He huffed out a hoarse laugh, “I’m Kim Namjoon, and that happens a lot.”
“Well come in, I’ll get you a bandage.” And that’s when bizarre thing after bizarre thing began to happen.
When entering he tripped what you could only assume was thin air and fell into you. You both were a mess of limbs on the floor and when the two of you finally found your way back on your feet, a million ‘sorry’s later you found a few of the flower petals in your hair.
You guided him to the small bathroom in your apartment and manage to clean the blood off the small scratch and bandage it without more incidents, although the silence was uncomfortably tense. The only thing said was an apology by Namjoon for being so late, but no explanation.
You and Namjoon finally leave your apartment to head down to a small cafe at 8:14. You casually talk about your mutual friend and he makes a comment of ‘she obviously doesn’t know how out my league you are’. It’s sweet in theory, but so far minus the tardiness Namjoon seemed quite out of yours. He turned out to hold a conversation surprisingly well, the awkward time in the bathroom considered.
Upon getting to the front of the cafe you were so enthralled in the conversation you suddenly turned to see Namjoon wasn’t beside you anymore. Quickly turning around you gasp and rush on over to him, not too far behind you where he was being held by the collar by a strange man it seemed he didn’t recognize.
“Hey punk, you’re the fucker who knocked my bike over!”
Close by you see an expensive looking motorcycle laying on the asphalt, and look back to Namjoon’s panicked expression. “I-it wasn’t me! I was just walking by!”
“Yeah right, you look like a dumb punk! You have to pay for the scratched it’s sure to have!”
You tapped on the man’s shoulder and he loosened his grip on Namjoon, who’s eyes were bulging out due to your bravery. “Hey, we were just walking by. He didn’t knock your bike over.”
The agitated stranger released Namjoon and turned his attention fully to you. A tiny crowd was beginning to form and it made you nervous. “And who are you? Another bitch who likes destroying property?”
It was when he got closer you could see the wrinkles on his face confirming he was a middle aged man. “Look buddy, we are two strangers and you have no reason to accuse us or be angry with us, so how about you leave us alone?”
He scowled and Namjoon returned to your side, leaning to you and whispering, “How are we going to deal with this?”
You simply shot him a look of uncertainty before the man coughed, “Well, I can’t do that when you’ve damaged my favorite bike. Someone’s going to have to pay for this.”
When he began advancing towards you Namjoon placed himself in front of you and blocked you from the stranger, before meeting your eyes with an intensity that shocked you even more. He may be the most unpredictable person you’ve ever met in your life.
And then somehow he became even more turbulent in your eyes. “Be ready to run.”
Without giving you time to question Namjoon punched the man in the eye before grabbing you hand and running. You heard shouting behind you but all you could focus on was getting away and Namjoon’s grip on your hand. Suddenly he turned and you were running through a crowded street market. “Where are we going?”
“I don’t” huff “really know” huff “but anywhere away from that guy.”
“Well I think there’s a park ahead.”
Within minutes you and Namjoon were seated on a bench trying to catch your breath. You looked over at him and examined his face; bandage on his forehead, sweat forming on his forehead, and bags under his eyes. He caught you looking and you coughed looking away. “Is this usually how your dates go? ‘Cos I’m not sure if my heart can take all this again.”
He laughed and it was a sound you were sure you would love to hear again on a second date, regardless of your previous words. “Actually no, believe it or not I’m usually a calm, collected mediator who advocates for peace and I’m a leader in my work.”
This threw you off. “This whole night you’ve been so..”
“Bizarre? Erratic? Clumsy? I’ll admit to the last one.”
You giggled, and unknown to you he felt the same way about your laugh as you did about his. “I feel like I’ve learned so much about you tonight but at the same time nothing at all. I was going to so you’ve been so confusing.”
He smiled, and you swore his dimples were so deep you cold get lost in them; it made your heart flutter. “Well, what do you want to know?”
“What do you do for work, whee you’re a leader?”
“I’m an idol, in a group called Bangtan Sonyeondan.”
Your eyes threatened to bug out of your head. “If you’re an idol how are you out so freely right now?”
Awkwardly scratching the back of his head he sadly chuckled, “We’re actually not too terribly popular..”
“Oh my god I didn’t mean as a bad thing I’m so sorry I should’ve thought that through-”
“It’s fine.” He laughed again, a real one this time.
In return you gave him a sincere smile, “Can I hear a song?”
He pulled out his phone and played a song called Coffee. You immediately fell in love with the music and more specifically the rap you recognized to be in his voice. “What’s your idol name? Is it Namjoon?”
“No, it’s, uh, Rap Monster.”
“Monster? This is so soft!”
He blushed a crimson red at your teasing and giggling. “Hey, just this song! We are a hip hop idol group!”
You only laughed more and laye dyour head on his shoulder, “Okay Rap Monster.”
“Don’t tease me (Y/-”
After a few seconds of his silence you look down to see where his gaze had landed and screech and move away.
A dog was peeing on his leg.
When the dog sauntered off Namjoon just looked at you defeated. “Can we go to your apartment?”
You tried to stifle your laughter at his expense and simply nod your head, grabbing his hand and slowly leading the way. “This date isn’t really going as you planned, is it?”
“No, not at all. I’d be crazy to wish for a second one.”
“Lucky for you, I think I like you enough to have a second, even after the dog pee and angry motorcycle man.”
He stopped in his place and smiled at you, “Will you see me again (Y/N)?”
You kiss his cheek as a response, and the two of you begin your way back to your apartment to find clean clothes for him to wear. Of course, not arriving until Namjoon ran into a street sign.
And that’s why Namjoon left your first date wearing your tiny athletic shorts, barely covering his behind and a miracle it even fit.
However, you were glad you agreed to a second date despite it all, because it led to many happy years together.
daisy xoxo
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Tagged by the wonderful @jeongjarsofhannie for the get to know you tag. Thanks so much for tagging me <3 I love you and your blog so much!
Rules: Answer the questions and tag followers you would like to get to know better! 
Tagging: @angelyoons @hoshi-woozi @leetaeiil @bbysquirrelsblog @jeonghan-1004svt @jeonghans--idiot @scoup-dumplings @jeonfhan as always only if you want and are comfortable doing it you don’t have too if you don’t want too! Also to anyone else who sees this and wants to do it just make sure you tag me so I can see it :)
Name: Shay 
Nicknames: Shay (it’s my nickname but I go by it so much it’s basically my name) I have other nicknames but only one or two people can get away with calling me it so yeah lol
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Height: 5′8/172 cm
Orientation: Straight 
Ethnicity:  American with a mix of Irish/French/Scandinavian? IDK my precise ethnicity lol
Favorite Fruit: ALL but if I had to choose I really like pineapple
Favorite Season: Winter (Fun fact never seen snow because I live in Florida)
Favorite Book: Maximum Ride/Confessions series by James Patterson
Favorite Flower: Hmm never really thought about it lol Carnations?
Favorite Scent: I like a lot of scents lol I don’t really have a fave
Favorite Colour: BLUE
Favorite Animal: ALL but if I had to choose polar bears
Favorite Beverage: Coffee (Peppermint Mocha)/Soda (Mountain Dew Baja Blast)/Tea/Water
Average Sleep Hours: 8-12 hours (yeah I sleep a lot but if I don’t get at least 8 prepare to die cuz I get unbearable)
Favorite Fictional Character: Yuna from Final Fantasy X/Lunafreya from Final Fantasy XV/Evie from Assassins Creed Syndicate/Raven from DC/Harley Quinn from DC/Scarlett Witch from Marvel/Mikasa from Attack on Titan/Adroid 18 from Dragon Ball Z/Hawkeye from Fullmetal Alchemist/Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII/Zack from Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core/Noctis from Final Fantasy XV/Prompto from Final Fantasy XV/Riku from Kingdom Hearts/Captain America from Marvel/Quick Silver from Marvel/Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist/Roy Mustang from Fullmetal Alchemist/Vegeta from Dragon Ball Z/Beerus from Dragon Ball Z/Erin from Attack on Titan....The list continues I have too many faves...
Number of blankets you sleep with: 1 if that...I don’t really need one here in Florida most times
Dream Trip: Ireland, London, Japan, Korea, Italy, Puerto Rico, Spain, Boston...I would love to travel the world tbh...
Blog Created: Ummm I know it was before Pretty U era...It was like a week before all the teasers started coming out :)
Hogwarts House: Everyone says Ravenclaw and I agree
Time Right Now: 1:21 PM
Lucky Number: Don’t have one
Last Thing I Googled: “5′8 in cm” IDK conversions lol
Favorite Bands/groups: I know this is a shocker but Seventeen, Pristin, SHINee, Twice, BTS, BlackPink, KARD, Red Velvet, SNSD, GFriend, EXO, NCT (mainly U and Dream if I’m being honest I’m not big on 127), Black Veil Brides, Bullet for my Valentine, Three Days Grace, Evanescence, and others I can’t really think of rn.
Favorite Solo Artist: Tbh I don’t really listen to a lot of solo artists lol IDRK any but I’ll say Andy Black
Song stuck in my head: Wee Woo by Pristin <3<3<3<3
Last movie watched: The Great Wall or Angels and Demons I can’t remember which one I watched first lol
Last TV show watched: Sleepy Hollow <3<3 but if Tuesday Night Smackdown counts then that was the last one I watched...I don’t really count it though so yeah
Dream job: Chef or Video Game Designer/Developer
Following: 313
Posts: 2,691
Do you get asks regularly: Not really but that’s alright when I do get them it’s just makes me even more happy and makes it even more special! <3 :) I love hearing from ya’ll
Do you have any other blogs: 1 but I never check it lol
What I Post About: Seventeen/Jeonghan/K-Pop with the occasional Video game/Anime post
Why you chose your url: Because I absolutely love/hate the “angel” Yoon Jeonghan
When Did My Blog Reach it’s Peak: Um IDRK if I consider it peaked at all yet but I am getting a lot more notifications and followers lately which makes me happy since I only really post garbage lol
Second game:
rules: bold the statements that apply to you!
i am 5′7″ or taller
i wear glasses
i have at least one piercing
i have blonde hair
i have brown eyes
i have short hair
my abs are at least somewhat defined
i have or have had  braces
there is something i would change about the way i look
my hogwarts house is: gryffindor hufflepuff ravenclaw slytherin
i am an introvert
i like meeting new people
people tell me that i’m funny
helping others with their problems is a big priority for me
i enjoy physical challenges
i enjoy mental challenges
i’m playfully rude with people i know well
i started saying  something ironically and now i can’t stop saying it
there  is something i would change about my personality
i can sing well
i  can play an instrument
i can do over 30 pushups without stopping
i’m a fast runner
i can draw well
i have a good memory    
i’m  good at doing math in my head
i can hold my breath underwater for over a minute
i have beaten at  least 2 people in arm wrestling
i know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch
i know how to throw a proper punch
i enjoy playing sports
i’m  on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
i’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
i have learned a new song in the past week
i work out at least once a week
i’ve gone for runs at least once a week
i have drawn something in the past month
i enjoy writing
fandoms are my #1 passion
i do or have done martial arts
i have had my first kiss
i have had alcohol
i have scored the winning goal in a sports game
i have watched an entire season of a tv show in one sitting
i have been at an overnight event
i have been in a  taxi
i  have been in the hospital or er in the past year 
i have beaten a video game in one day
i have visited another country
i have been to one of my favourite band’s concerts
i’m in a relationship
i have a celebrity crush
i have a crush on someone i know
i have been in at least 3 relationships
i have never been in a relationship
i have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
i get crushes easily
i have had a crush on someone for over a year
i have been in a relationship for at least a year
i  have had feelings for a friend
my life:
i have at least one person i consider a “best friend”
i live close to my school
my parents are still together
i have at least one sibling
i live in the united states 
there is snow right now where i live
i have hung out with a friend outside of school in the past month
i have a smartphone
i have at least 15 cds
i share my room with someone
random shit:
i have breakdanced
i  know a person named jamie
i  have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce
i have dyed my hair (bright-ish red with blue ends the way I’ve been wanting it forever but only got it done last week)
i’m listening to one song on repeat right now  
i have punched someone in the past week
i know someone who has gone to jail
i have broken a bone
i have eaten a waffle today
i know what i want to do with my life
i speak at least 2 languages fluently (I wouldn’t say fluently but I do know a good bit of Spanish :))
i have made a new friend in the past year
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thoughtful-yoongi · 7 years
2/07- Love Letters
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day four of my valentines prompt series;
day one day two day three
with twenty minutes to spare before it isnt the seventh anymore lmao
Park Jimin x Reader
Words: 544
heavily influenced by this gorgeous, amazing, wonderful song by waterparks
Park Jimin at his core does not fall short of romantic; indeed, this man could make anyone swoon their way into oblivion. Your birthday was no exception, even if he was halfway across the world.
You roll onto his side of the bed having not quite willed yourself to get up yet. “Happy birthday (Y/N).” Saying it to yourself would have to do for now, until you could Skype Jimin later this evening.
However when you went to roll out of bed your phone pinged with a surprise text from him. Rather peculiar, who knows what time it is where he is?
Have you seen it yet?
Well, that’s rather suspicious. A little too quickly you jump out of bed and it causes you to get a bit lightheaded. When you approach your door you see a sticky note you were sure wasn’t there when you went to bed last night.. what?
I wish I could be there (Y/N).
You immediately recognize Jimin’s handwriting and excitement rushes through you. How could he still make your heart flutter like this, halfway across the world. You notice a note under the first one, so you pull it up to see a second one that read:
Go look in you’ve bathroom mirror.
You suddenly become an Olympic sprinter and run down the hall to your apartment’s bathroom. Three notes are lined up on the mirror:
I hope you don’t mind I let one of your friends borrow my key to your apartment. I feel this is a good enough reason for it.
You mean so much to me, and I don’t want my absence to be a downer on your birthday celebration.
Go look on the TV in your living room.
Again, you sprint, at such a velocity you almost crash into your TV. Four notes, and you giggled seeing they were lyrics from your favorite BTS recent comeback track for obvious reasons:
우주가 우릴 위해 움직였어  //  The universe has moved for us
조금의 어긋남조차 없었어  //  Without missing a single thing
너와 내 행복은 예정됐던 걸  //  Because our happiness has been planned
Under the kitchen table ;)
You go a little more slowly this time. You weren’t too keen on getting injured on more furniture. Getting down on your knees you crawled under the table to see five notes on the underside of it.
It’s true, when you call me I become your flower, and we bloom until we ache.
I love waking up beside you, so I’m sorry I couldn’t be their on such an important day.
I want to be beside you everyday for the rest of forever.
I want to be the reason you smile always, and I wish I could see your smile at this moment.
The fridge <3
Smiling just a big as Jimin predicted, you scuttle over to the fridge and slowly inhale before opening it. Inside was a small, personal size chocolate cake with a sticky note on top.
Happy birthday (Y/N)! I love you!
Remembering his text, you make your way bag to your room and find a sticky note and a pen, sending your response back in a picture, written on a sticky note:
I’m so lucky to have you. Thank you, I love you.
weird ending?? Idk this is a quick thing ‘cos I’m sick :’) stay healthy everyone!
daisy xoxo
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thoughtful-yoongi · 7 years
2/06- First Kiss
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day three of my valentines prompt series;
day one day two
Jung Hoseok x Reader
Words: 878
You trust Hoseok with your life, and even though in the years you have known him you’ve only dated three months you had a feeling he was, as far as you could tell, ‘the one’. He was practically the perfect man; unbelievably talented, funny, but most of all so, so compassionate and understanding.
So why was it so hard to tell him?
Little did he know, he was going to be your first kiss. Yeah, you had dated before but you don’t like wasting time so you never thought to get as intimate as a kiss with someone you didn’t see yourself staying with for a long amount of time. You know Hoseok will understand, but the feeling of intimidation was inevitable as he was much more experienced than you.
So, here you sat, an hour until your date with him, already completely ready, and yes this is so cringy watching kiss scenes from your favorite movies on YouTube trying to figure out how to do it. You just wanted to do it right... no matter how embarrassing it’d be to get caught doing this.
You heard a knock on your door twenty minutes early and quickly got off the app to answer the door. Sure enough, there was your ball of sunshine.
“(Y/N)! Sorry I’m a bit early, you look pretty today!”
“Thanks Hobi, you look handsome as well. I’ll be ready in a second, do you want to come in?”
When you step aside to make room he enters and makes his way to your couch, comfy as he had been over many times. You make quick work of closing all the doors, turning off all lights, and grabbing the essentials for leaving your home. “Where are we going?”
“Just for a walk to a park or something, is that okay?”
He was trying to sound nonchalant but you knew he was very sincere in that choice; Hoseok knew how much you loved taking cute, aesthetic pictures and knowing him had probably gone to scout the place out first. “Sounds perfect!”
The two of you made small talk as you walked hand-in-hand to a park a few blocks away from your apartment, but you had never been there before. When arriving the two of you made your way towards a bench and do what the two of you do best: talk.
Hoseok is known for being quite a chatterbox and you have always found you are too when with him. Throughout all the years you have known each other that was certainly true. When you get together for a ‘casual chat’ the two of you could end up talking for hours and that’s one of your favorite things about being with him. He is so easy to communicate with and you’re guessing that is what gave you the final boost of courage to go through with your mission.
“Hobi, you’re the first person I’ve ever felt this close with.”
He laughs at your straightforward attitude, “That was random, but I feel the same way (Y/N).”
Hoseok smiles cutely at you, tightening the grip of his arm around your shoulders before looking back onto the great field of the park where a kids and adults alike were frolicking and enjoying the fresh air.
‘You’ve got this (Y/N)..’ “I’m going to be blunt,-”
“As expected of you.” He smiles sweetly at you again, though this time it looks more sincere and as a sign to keep talking.
“I want you to be my first kiss.”
The wave of surprise that fell over his face was almost in slow motion, and it must have been at the least ten seconds before he responded, “Y-you’ve never kiss anyone?”
“Nope, I never really wanted to until now..” Please to every power above may the blush on your cheeks go unnoticed.
Judging by Hoseok’s soft giggle, it didn’t.
“Well, usually you create a mood for it first, you’re just so straightforward (Y/N). You’re so cute!”
He grabbed your face gently with both hands and smiled as bright as the sun. “If you’re not going to take me seriously forget it!”
Hoseok couldn’t help but nearly roar with laughter at your pout. “Then stop being so cute.”
Your eyes locked with his and immediately the aura around the both of you changed. His eyes were filled with an overwhelming amount of sincerity and love and it made you a bit light-headed to be honest. As his demeanor changed you felt time stop, and like movie magic he slowly leaned towards you, his beautiful eyes fluttering shut.
When his lips finally met yours and you’ll admit at first it was weird, but you soon let your eyes flutter shut and tried your best to reciprocate. His hands traveled down to your waist to effectively pull you into his embrace, and your hands rested on his shoulders. Warmth and love washed over you when suddenly-
Your stomach rumbled.
Hoseok pulled away lightly giggling at you. “Lets go get some food jagi!”
You whined, “Hobi, I just ruined my first kiss!”
He quickly pecked you on the lips leaving you flustered before grabbing your hand and pulling you off the bench.
“I’m going to kiss you a million more times (Y/N), there’s no need to count.”
message me if you wanna share first kiss stories! :)
daisy xoxo
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