#bti chapter 5
remnant-verse-if · 1 month
Before the Incident - Chapter 3 & 4
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Hello everyone,
I am happy to announce that BTI chapter 3 & 4 has been uploaded. There are also parts of chapter 5 included, but only around 10K words. This update itself is around 50K words in total. I will be asleep soon after this post.
Please note, that I will most likely try fixing any bugs during the day, so keep aware of that. Other than that I hope you enjoy the new update!
I did add a new mechanic where the MC can choose to withhold their feelings for Anna/Apollo which leads to some new content. This only affects chapter 1 and a small part of chapter 2. This is an experimental mechanic, so I would love to hear some feedback about that.
As always, the link to the demo is on my pinned post in my bio. Happy reading!
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rontra · 2 years
hey, i know your work from umineko fandom and was surprised to see you in the arkngihts fandom too. I just got into it recently and was wondering when you started playing? (sorry if this double posts im having issues with tumblr) also stellar work as always
HIIIII (poses) (dont worry it single posted<3) (& thank you!!)
i'm everywhere you turn... that's scary... HAHA no but i started playing arknights back in february 2020!
ive always thought it was a good game and enjoyed it a lot, but i'm VERY bad at keeping up with mobile games because ... i hate playing them on my phone. so i played it very On And Off for a long time. also i don't think i really made any art about it back then either (but i'll have it known that pramanix WAS my wife ON SIGHT at the new account free 5★ voucher)
i enjoy picking at games like this completely at my own pace too, so i'm not very main story focused. the joke is that it "took me 2.5 years to read 4 chapters of story" and it's True
well anyway i finally downloaded it on an emulator so i've been playing consistently (every day) roughly since Break The Ice. thank you desktop computer
this means i've read a very limited # of events because i have ... not cared about them until Break the Ice (BECAUSE BtI WAS ABOUT MY FAVORITES) and my main story progress is quite slow. so please don't take "february 2020" as a statement of Old Guard Fandom or whatever because whoaw i do not have the experience to back it up and i WILL be cranky if i'm spoiled LOOOOL
i've tried to read the events that have run since BtI so i at least know about those, but i'm very picky/At My Own Pace about the whole experience bc that's what i like. i love this game so i'm just savoring the flavoring in my own way 😌 (i'm actually on chapter 6 now...!)
hope you're enjoying the game too!!!! ❤
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watchmist1412 · 7 years
Break the Ice- Chapter 5
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Co-written by @bloodredruby and @watchmist1412
BTI Fanart  // Nalu cover // Gruvia cover
Words ~ 2700
Rated K+
Summary: Figure Skating AU. After an accident Gray, a professional figure skater, has to take some time off to heal and he’s not enjoying it AT ALL. What he didn’t expect was meeting Juvia, a swimmer tired of her career, even less ending up as her coach. Lucy, an aspiring figure skater, came to realize it was a whole new experience with a pink haired weirdo and his equally weird cat by her side.
<<Previous Chapter // First Chapter
“You are not completely horrible but you do need some work. Training starts tomorrow, 7 am sharp. And DON’T be late.”
“I’m gonna be late, I’m gonna be late!!” Lucy repeated in her mind as she sprinted across the pavement barely avoiding most of the other pedestrians minding their own business. Well, she did bump into some of them and she just may have forgotten to apologize in her hurry.
Oh she was so screwed! Aquarius was going to kill her! Her first day of practice and she’s already on the verge of being kicked out! Excellent job Lucy.
Lucy was hardly ever late for anything especially an important event. She usually was on time or even a little earlier so why on the first day of pursuing her dream she managed to run late? Right, she was so nervous and excited the previous night and she couldn’t fall asleep no matter how hard she tried. When she eventually entered the land of dreams she was so exhausted she managed to sleep through 3 alarm clocks!
And she would still be sleeping if it wasn’t for Levy. Lucy had promised to eat breakfast together with her best friend so after some time and a couple of missed calls Levy decided to come to her apartment to check up on her friend. Figuring out Lucy was still asleep she started banging on the door to wake her up and fortunately that worked. Those were the benefits of having your best friend live a few doors away.
Lucy checked the time. 6:56 am. She only had 4 minutes left!
The girl unconsciously slowed down getting tired from all the running. She could see the top of the Fairy Tail rink on the distance, if she run a little bit more she could still make it on time! Lucy determined picked up her pace ignoring the pain on her feet.
Suddenly a blur of pink and black passed by her, knocking slightly on her shoulder. Lucy was ready to yell at the stranger when he turned around and she could identify him.
“I’m sorry, oh!” the man seemed to recognize her as well. “Hey Luigi!” he grinned at her
“Who’s Luigi, my name is Lucy!”
“Wow, good morning to you too. What happened, running late?” Natsu slowed down to run with her.
“I’m not late!” well not yet.
“Then why are you running you weirdo?”
“You’re running with me too! I’m not late yet but I think I can make it.”
“You have a point there. I’m 20 minutes late! And it’s the third time this week, Gildarts is going to murder me!”
“How did you manage to be that late?”
“I don’t know, I even got out of my house earlier it’s like I’m destined to be late at everything.” He said dramatically
“Well it’s my first day here and I’m almost late to it!” replied Lucy out of breath.
“You are going to be if you’re that slow. Come on.” Natsu without any warning grabbed Lucy’s hand and sped up dragging her with him.
“Hey, I can run by myself!” she complained
“Do you want to be late or not? Come on, we’re almost there!”
Lucy imagining her new coach’s wrath collected the last bits of energy and picked up her pace running alongside Natsu, their hands still intertwined. They run up the stairs skipping a few of them and went straight through the automatic doors almost running to a nearby couch.
Lucy immediately threw herself into said couch and rested her head on her knees on an attempt to catch her breath and for her heartbeats to return to a normal level. It had been a long time since she last ran like that. Out of the corner of her eye she saw her running companion collapsed into the couch too burying his head in the pillows.  She hadn’t realized when they had stopped holding hands.
After she didn’t feel like her lungs would fail at any moment. Lucy took out her phone and checked the time. 6:59 am.
“YES!” She made it, she made it! Aquarius had told her to wait in the lobby and she didn’t see the woman anywhere so she was good!
“Wha- what time is it?” asked Natsu still face planting on the couch.
“It’s almost 7 am, I made it!”
“Good for you, I’m… wait a second, what time did you say it was?” Natsu got up from the couch looking alarmed.
“7 am, why?”
“Oh man, are you serious? Are you sure it’s not wrong or anything?”
“It’s from my phone I don’t think it’s wrong. What happened?”
“I got here too early!” he exclaimed.
Lucy tried to suppress a laugh “That’s it? What’s wrong with that?”
“It means that I ran all this way for nothing! I knew that stupid clock had been broken again!”
“Hey, it’s not the end of the world if you came early. It’s actually good for you, you know.”
“Hey, I’m not willing to sacrifice my sleep for that!”
At that moment Aquarius stormed into the lounge immediately spotting Lucy and Natsu. She briefly glared at the pink-haired troublemaker who flinched and buried himself deeper in the comforts of the couch in a poor attempt at hiding. However the woman didn’t give him more thought and turned her attention to her student.
“Good, you’re here. Follow me, I’ll show you your training rink.” She turned around and started walking to the direction from which she came from, not waiting for her to follow.
Lucy turned to her running partner and stared at him not knowing exactly what to say.
“I guess I’ll see you later then.” He waved at her grinning. “Good luck!”
“Thanks! Talk to you later!” Lucy smiled back before running behind her coach to catch up.
She was about to have her first lesson! She was excited and nervous at the same time as Aquarius led her to the rink she performed the day before.
“This will be our training rink at the moment.” Stated Aquarius. “I’ll tell you if there are any changes but you will come here for now. We will discuss your training program more later for now I want to see what you can do. Leave your things on the benches.”
Lucy did as she was told and proceeded to get her skates out of her bag before she was stopped by her new coach.
“No, you will not need those yet. First you will run 10 laps around the building, I want to see your endurance level. After that do some stretches and get into the ice to do another 15 laps.”
Lucy blanched. Her feet still felt sore from her morning run and she get tired easily.
“Come on, get moving. Why are you staring at me like an idiot?”
“Yes, I’m starting!”
This was going to be a long day.
Gray executed a triple salchow for the seventh time on that day and landed wobbly on the ice. It wasn’t perfect but he was getting there. At least he hadn’t landed on his butt this time.
After the accident he had to readjust to skating back again and that involved the painfully slow process of re-learning moves. He had to be careful with putting weight on his injured leg and not overstretch it. Gray was really looking forward to going to his regular training program by now.
The black haired skater rested his hands on his knees and glanced at the clock hanging on the wall across from him. 7:30 am. Where was she?
It wasn’t like they had agreed on a specific time so Gray couldn’t complain she was late. He couldn’t wait for her the whole day though he had been in the rink for a long time already. Well, he did come a bit too early but a little more practice wouldn’t hurt. It was in his program anyway.
He had told Mira to send Juvia to his practicing rink so he didn’t have to worry about looking for her. He would just give her a quick lesson and get on with it.
A scowl slowly formed on his face. Why did he have to be the one to teach the girl? He had no idea how to do that! It wasn’t like he couldn’t pull it off if he tried but it was still too much responsibility and he had other things to do.
Gray had tried to get Cana, an instructor at the rink and his longtime friend, to teach the lesson but she blatantly refused. She was usually in charge of teaching classes both adults and children but the adult class didn’t get enough participants this year so it wasn’t formed. That particular class had never been that popular but it was just his luck that it shut down at this point.
Apparently Cana had taken 2 of her student to coach regularly into the junior league and didn’t have time for more private lessons. Also to her words he made this mess and he should be the one to sort it out. Sometimes Gray believed the woman really liked to make him suffer. He also suspected that her “other plans for the evening” had something to do with alcohol.
Gray really, really wanted to tell Juvia “I’m really sorry I can’t teach you after all you can enroll in regular classes next year if you want.” and get on with it. But he couldn’t bring himself to do that. He had made a promise, even if he didn’t know what he was promising at the time, and he would have to keep it. It couldn’t be that bad, could it?
He may have little to none experience in teaching but he was confident he could pull it off. Gray would just approach the matter like he did in any other thing. Keep his cool and everything would be sorted out. It was like Mira had said. He wouldn’t know until he tried it.
Gray snapped out of his thoughts and went back to practice. It was just a one-time thing anyway.
Juvia carefully tried to open the metal door without making any sound and peeked her head inside half hiding behind the much larger doors. She quickly found who she was looking for in the center of the rink.  Gray Fullbuster looked as elegant in real life as he looked on the TV screen while skating. Juvia still couldn’t believe this was happening to her!
She didn’t manage to get much sleep from her excitement thinking about what happened and what was coming. That wasn’t exactly beneficial for her early morning swimming practice. She had been so sleepy her coach made her go home to get some rest. In exchange she had some extra practice this week that she was not looking forward too.
Juvia unconsciously leaned more to the metal door and it ended up giving out to her weight and she stumbled forward catching herself before she face planted to the floor. So much for a decent entrance.
She quickly looked up to find the other occupant of the room. Gray had been alerted by the noise and he was now staring at her his hands still lifted in an unfinished move.
Juvia felt her cheeks grow warmer. She had a way for making a fool of herself in front of her idol.
Gray cleared his throat, composing himself. “Good you’re here.” He then skated closer to her position outside the rink.
“Juvia is sorry if she was late!”
“Nah, it’s fine. We hadn’t agreed on a time anyway.” He waved her off. “Now before we start I want you to know this is a one-time thing, okay?”
The woman nodded her head in understanding.
“I did promise this lesson but I can’t give you more. For that you can check with official courses.”
“Juvia understands! She is very happy with just one lesson” she gave him a small smile. She wasn’t expecting anything more. Even the opportunity to spend some time with her idol was amazing. It felt like a dream and she half expected to wake up soon in her warm bed and go back to reality.
“So, this isn’t your first time on the ice, is it?”
“No, Juvia has practiced alone before.” She confirmed.
“Cool, put on your skates and get to the ice. I’ll see what level you are and we’ll continue accordingly. I hope you’ve already passed the falling constantly on the ice phase.”
Juvia ended up a considerable amount of times on the cold surface of the ice. Though she was a fast learner to Gray’s joy. She may have been a little clumsy at the start but she got the hang of things quickly. At least she didn’t make Gray’s job harder.
Gray winced as his temporary student face planted into the dividing wall of the rink trying out the new move he had shown her.
Juvia had executed everything else without much trouble considering she was a beginner. Gray was almost impressed. However she didn’t seem to be able to get this one. It wasn’t much harder than the rest of what he showed her but no matter how many times he corrected her stance she ended messing it up.
Gray took pity on her the fifth time she lost her balance and almost fell to her face. “Okay, I think that’s enough.”
Juvia turned to him, sweat glistening in her forehead, trying to catch her breath but she had a desperate look on her face. “Wait, Juvia can get it right! Just one more try and Juvia will get it right!”
“Hey, don’t worry about it.” Gray reassured her “It’s natural not to be able to do everything in the first few tries. Besides you seem tired, you can’t keep on like that.”
“But Juvia has disappointed Gray-sama! She should be able to do it!”
“It won’t be good for you to continue.” Gray explained calmly. This reminded him too much of his early skating days. “I’m surprised you lasted that long to be honest. You… you did good for a first try.” He was never good at giving compliments.
However the blue haired woman’s eyes light up with that statement. “Really? You really thought Juvia was good? Thank you!” a wide smile went up her face.
Gray looked away slightly embarrassed. He really hadn’t said anything special. “So that concludes our lesson then. Again if you want to apply for more, check that with Mira in the reception.”
“Juvia is very grateful for this lesson and she is sorry if she took too much of your time! What does Juvia owe Gray-sama?”
“What? No! I chose to do this you don’t owe me anything!”
He wouldn’t admit it out loud but he actually enjoyed their little lesson. Teaching wasn’t an awful experience like he thought it would be and Juvia wasn’t that bad after all.
“But Juvia still feels bad about it…”
“Don’t. It’s fine, really.”
Juvia furrowed her eyebrows and lost herself in her thoughts for a couple of second before her face lit up. “What if Juvia bought you something to eat?”
“I told you, you don’t have to do anything!”
“Juvia insists! Just something small, it’s the least she can do!” Juvia had a determined look on her face, her eyes silently pleading him.
They stared at each other for a few seconds neither of them backing up before Gray gave up. “Fine, do whatever you want!”
“Thank you! Juvia will not take much of your time!”
“Whatever, you’re the one buying me food.”
“So where does Gray- sama want to go?” Juvia asked as they glided to the end of the rink and started pulling off their skates.
Gray thought about it. The rink cafeteria would be closed at this time and he didn’t want them getting anything expensive. But maybe… “There’s a good ice cream shop in the corner.”
Hey guys, we hope you enjoyed the new chapter! We look forward to reading your thoughts about it!
See you next chapter!
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sorav93 · 3 years
Dental Software Market 2021-2027 Size, Share, Trend, Key Palyers with Products
Dental Software Market 2020-2026
A New Market Study, Titled “Dental Software Market Upcoming Trends, Growth Drivers and Challenges” has been featured on fusionmarketresearch.
This global study of the Dental Software market offers an overview of the existing market trends, drivers, restrictions, and metrics and also offers a viewpoint for important segments. The report also tracks product and services demand growth forecasts for the market. There is also to the study approach a detailed segmental review. A regional study of the global Dental Software industry is also carried out in North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Europe, and the Near East & Africa. The report mentions growth parameters in the regional markets along with major players dominating the regional growth.
Market Segment as follows:
Key Companies 3D Diagnostix Corp. (USA) ABEL Dental Software (USA) Amann Girrbach (Austria) Anatomage (Italy) ARTIGLIO SNC (Italy) B&B DENTAL (Italy) BTI Biotechnology Institute (Spain) Dentsply Sirona (USA) DOF, Inc. (Korea) Drive Dental Implants (France) EasyRx (USA) EGS (Italy) Elite Computer Italia (Italy) Genoray (Korea) Zirkonzahn (Italy) imes-icore (Germany) Institut Straumann AG (Switzerland) Kavo (UK) LED Dental (USA) Navadha Enterprises (India) Nemotec (Spain) Nobel Biocare Services AG (UK) Ormco (USA) Owandy Radiology (USA) Schutz Dental GmbH (Germany) SICAT (Germany) Software of Excellence (UK) VATECH (Korea) Wielan
Key Types Design Software Simulation Software Diagnosis Software Others
Key End-Use Hospital Clinic
Further key aspects of the report indicate that: Chapter 1: Market Definition and Segment by Type, End-Use & Major Regions Market Size Chapter 2: Global Production & Consumption Market by Type and End-Use Chapter 3: Europe Production & Consumption Market by Type and End-Use Chapter 4: America Production & Consumption Market by Type and End-Use Chapter 5: Asia Production & Consumption Market by Type and End-Use Chapter 6: Oceania Production & Consumption Market by Type and End-Use Chapter 7: Africa Production & Consumption Market by Type and End-Use Chapter 8: Global Market Forecast by Type, End-Use and Region Chapter 9: Company information, Sales, Cost, Margin, news etc. Chapter 10: Market Competition by Companies and Market Concentration Ratio Chapter 11: Market Impact by Coronavirus. Chapter 12: Industry Summary
Get Free Sample Report @ https://www.fusionmarketresearch.com/sample_request/2015-2025-Global-Dental-Software-Market-Research-by-Type,-End-Use-and-Region
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1 MARKET OVERVIEW 1.1 Market Definition and Segment 1.1.1 Product Definition 1.1.2 Product Type 1.1.3 End-Use 1.1.4 Marketing Channel 1.2 Major Regions 1.2.1 Europe Market Size and Growth Figure Europe Dental Software Market Size and Growth Rate, 2015E-2020F (Million USD) Figure Europe Dental Software Market Forecast and Growth Rate, 2020E-2025F (Million USD) 1.2.2 America Market Size and Growth Figure America Dental Software Market Size and Growth Rate, 2015E-2020F (Million USD) Figure America Dental Software Market Forecast and Growth Rate, 2020E-2025F (Million USD) 1.2.3 Asia Market Size and Growth Figure Asia Dental Software Market Size and Growth Rate, 2015E-2020F (Million USD) Figure AsiaDental Software Market Forecast and Growth Rate, 2020E-2025F (Million USD) 1.2.4 Oceania Market Size and Growth Figure Oceania Dental Software Market Size and Growth Rate, 2015E-2020F (Million USD) Figure Oceania Dental Software Market Forecast and Growth Rate, 2020E-2025F (Million USD) 1.2.5 Africa Market Size and Growth Figure Africa Dental Software Market Size and Growth Rate, 2015E-2020F (Million USD) Figure Africa Dental Software Market Forecast and Growth Rate, 2020E-2025F (Million USD)
CHAPTER 9 GLOBAL MAJOR COMPANIES LIST 9.1 3D Diagnostix Corp. (USA) 9.1.1 3D Diagnostix Corp. (USA) Profile Table 3D Diagnostix Corp. (USA) Overview List 9.1.2 3D Diagnostix Corp. (USA) Products & Services 9.1.3 3D Diagnostix Corp. (USA) Company Dynamics & News 9.1.4 3D Diagnostix Corp. (USA) Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of 3D Diagnostix Corp. (USA) (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 9.2 ABEL Dental Software (USA) 9.2.1 ABEL Dental Software (USA) Profile Table ABEL Dental Software (USA) Overview List 9.2.2 ABEL Dental Software (USA) Products & Services 9.2.3 ABEL Dental Software (USA) Company Dynamics & News 9.2.4 ABEL Dental Software (USA) Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of ABEL Dental Software (USA) (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 9.3 Amann Girrbach (Austria) 9.3.1 Amann Girrbach (Austria) Profile Table Amann Girrbach (Austria) Overview List 9.3.2 Amann Girrbach (Austria) Products & Services 9.3.3 Amann Girrbach (Austria) Company Dynamics & News 9.3.4 Amann Girrbach (Austria) Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of Amann Girrbach (Austria) (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 9.4 Anatomage (Italy) 9.4.1 Anatomage (Italy) Profile Table Anatomage (Italy) Overview List 9.4.2 Anatomage (Italy) Products & Services 9.4.3 Anatomage (Italy) Company Dynamics & News 9.4.4 Anatomage (Italy) Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of Anatomage (Italy) (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 9.5 ARTIGLIO SNC (Italy) 9.5.1 ARTIGLIO SNC (Italy) Profile Table ARTIGLIO SNC (Italy) Overview List 9.5.2 ARTIGLIO SNC (Italy) Products & Services 9.5.3 ARTIGLIO SNC (Italy) Company Dynamics & News 9.5.4 ARTIGLIO SNC (Italy) Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of ARTIGLIO SNC (Italy) (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 9.6 B&B DENTAL (Italy) 9.6.1 B&B DENTAL (Italy) Profile Table B&B DENTAL (Italy) Overview List 9.6.2 B&B DENTAL (Italy) Products & Services 9.6.3 B&B DENTAL (Italy) Company Dynamics & News 9.6.4 B&B DENTAL (Italy) Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of B&B DENTAL (Italy) (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 9.7 BTI Biotechnology Institute (Spain) 9.7.1 BTI Biotechnology Institute (Spain) Profile Table BTI Biotechnology Institute (Spain) Overview List 9.7.2 BTI Biotechnology Institute (Spain) Products & Services 9.7.3 BTI Biotechnology Institute (Spain) Company Dynamics & News 9.7.4 BTI Biotechnology Institute (Spain) Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of BTI Biotechnology Institute (Spain) (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 9.8 Dentsply Sirona (USA) 9.8.1 Dentsply Sirona (USA) Profile Table Dentsply Sirona (USA) Overview List 9.8.2 Dentsply Sirona (USA) Products & Services 9.8.3 Dentsply Sirona (USA) Company Dynamics & News 9.8.4 Dentsply Sirona (USA) Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of Dentsply Sirona (USA) (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 9.9 DOF, Inc. (Korea) 9.9.1 DOF, Inc. (Korea) Profile Table DOF, Inc. (Korea) Overview List 9.9.2 DOF, Inc. (Korea) Products & Services 9.9.3 DOF, Inc. (Korea) Company Dynamics & News 9.9.4 DOF, Inc. (Korea) Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of DOF, Inc. (Korea) (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 9.10 Drive Dental Implants (France) 9.10.1 Drive Dental Implants (France) Profile Table Drive Dental Implants (France) Overview List 9.10.2 Drive Dental Implants (France) Products & Services 9.10.3 Drive Dental Implants (France) Company Dynamics & News 9.10.4 Drive Dental Implants (France) Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of Drive Dental Implants (France) (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 9.11 EasyRx (USA) 9.12 EGS (Italy) 9.13 Elite Computer Italia (Italy) 9.14 Genoray (Korea) 9.15 Zirkonzahn (Italy) 9.16 imes-icore (Germany) 9.17 Institut Straumann AG (Switzerland) 9.18 Kavo (UK) 9.19 LED Dental (USA) 9.20 Navadha Enterprises (India) 9.21 Nemotec (Spain) 9.22 Nobel Biocare Services AG (UK) 9.23 Ormco (USA) 9.24 Owandy Radiology (USA) 9.25 Schutz Dental GmbH (Germany) 9.26 SICAT (Germany) 9.27 Software of Excellence (UK) 9.28 VATECH (Korea)
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Dental Software Market Size, Share With Top Companies, Region Forecast 2021-2027
Dental Software Market 2020-2026
A New Market Study, Titled “Dental Software Market Upcoming Trends, Growth Drivers and Challenges” has been featured on fusionmarketresearch.
This global study of the Dental Software market offers an overview of the existing market trends, drivers, restrictions, and metrics and also offers a viewpoint for important segments. The report also tracks product and services demand growth forecasts for the market. There is also to the study approach a detailed segmental review. A regional study of the global Dental Software industry is also carried out in North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Europe, and the Near East & Africa. The report mentions growth parameters in the regional markets along with major players dominating the regional growth.
Market Segment as follows:
Key Companies 3D Diagnostix Corp. (USA) ABEL Dental Software (USA) Amann Girrbach (Austria) Anatomage (Italy) ARTIGLIO SNC (Italy) B&B DENTAL (Italy) BTI Biotechnology Institute (Spain) Dentsply Sirona (USA) DOF, Inc. (Korea) Drive Dental Implants (France) EasyRx (USA) EGS (Italy) Elite Computer Italia (Italy) Genoray (Korea) Zirkonzahn (Italy) imes-icore (Germany) Institut Straumann AG (Switzerland) Kavo (UK) LED Dental (USA) Navadha Enterprises (India) Nemotec (Spain) Nobel Biocare Services AG (UK) Ormco (USA) Owandy Radiology (USA) Schutz Dental GmbH (Germany) SICAT (Germany) Software of Excellence (UK) VATECH (Korea) Wielan
Key Types Design Software Simulation Software Diagnosis Software Others
Key End-Use Hospital Clinic
Further key aspects of the report indicate that: Chapter 1: Market Definition and Segment by Type, End-Use & Major Regions Market Size Chapter 2: Global Production & Consumption Market by Type and End-Use Chapter 3: Europe Production & Consumption Market by Type and End-Use Chapter 4: America Production & Consumption Market by Type and End-Use Chapter 5: Asia Production & Consumption Market by Type and End-Use Chapter 6: Oceania Production & Consumption Market by Type and End-Use Chapter 7: Africa Production & Consumption Market by Type and End-Use Chapter 8: Global Market Forecast by Type, End-Use and Region Chapter 9: Company information, Sales, Cost, Margin, news etc. Chapter 10: Market Competition by Companies and Market Concentration Ratio Chapter 11: Market Impact by Coronavirus. Chapter 12: Industry Summary
Get Free Sample Report @ https://www.fusionmarketresearch.com/sample_request/2015-2025-Global-Dental-Software-Market-Research-by-Type,-End-Use-and-Region
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1 MARKET OVERVIEW 1.1 Market Definition and Segment 1.1.1 Product Definition 1.1.2 Product Type 1.1.3 End-Use 1.1.4 Marketing Channel 1.2 Major Regions 1.2.1 Europe Market Size and Growth Figure Europe Dental Software Market Size and Growth Rate, 2015E-2020F (Million USD) Figure Europe Dental Software Market Forecast and Growth Rate, 2020E-2025F (Million USD) 1.2.2 America Market Size and Growth Figure America Dental Software Market Size and Growth Rate, 2015E-2020F (Million USD) Figure America Dental Software Market Forecast and Growth Rate, 2020E-2025F (Million USD) 1.2.3 Asia Market Size and Growth Figure Asia Dental Software Market Size and Growth Rate, 2015E-2020F (Million USD) Figure AsiaDental Software Market Forecast and Growth Rate, 2020E-2025F (Million USD) 1.2.4 Oceania Market Size and Growth Figure Oceania Dental Software Market Size and Growth Rate, 2015E-2020F (Million USD) Figure Oceania Dental Software Market Forecast and Growth Rate, 2020E-2025F (Million USD) 1.2.5 Africa Market Size and Growth Figure Africa Dental Software Market Size and Growth Rate, 2015E-2020F (Million USD) Figure Africa Dental Software Market Forecast and Growth Rate, 2020E-2025F (Million USD)
CHAPTER 9 GLOBAL MAJOR COMPANIES LIST 9.1 3D Diagnostix Corp. (USA) 9.1.1 3D Diagnostix Corp. (USA) Profile Table 3D Diagnostix Corp. (USA) Overview List 9.1.2 3D Diagnostix Corp. (USA) Products & Services 9.1.3 3D Diagnostix Corp. (USA) Company Dynamics & News 9.1.4 3D Diagnostix Corp. (USA) Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of 3D Diagnostix Corp. (USA) (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 9.2 ABEL Dental Software (USA) 9.2.1 ABEL Dental Software (USA) Profile Table ABEL Dental Software (USA) Overview List 9.2.2 ABEL Dental Software (USA) Products & Services 9.2.3 ABEL Dental Software (USA) Company Dynamics & News 9.2.4 ABEL Dental Software (USA) Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of ABEL Dental Software (USA) (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 9.3 Amann Girrbach (Austria) 9.3.1 Amann Girrbach (Austria) Profile Table Amann Girrbach (Austria) Overview List 9.3.2 Amann Girrbach (Austria) Products & Services 9.3.3 Amann Girrbach (Austria) Company Dynamics & News 9.3.4 Amann Girrbach (Austria) Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of Amann Girrbach (Austria) (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 9.4 Anatomage (Italy) 9.4.1 Anatomage (Italy) Profile Table Anatomage (Italy) Overview List 9.4.2 Anatomage (Italy) Products & Services 9.4.3 Anatomage (Italy) Company Dynamics & News 9.4.4 Anatomage (Italy) Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of Anatomage (Italy) (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 9.5 ARTIGLIO SNC (Italy) 9.5.1 ARTIGLIO SNC (Italy) Profile Table ARTIGLIO SNC (Italy) Overview List 9.5.2 ARTIGLIO SNC (Italy) Products & Services 9.5.3 ARTIGLIO SNC (Italy) Company Dynamics & News 9.5.4 ARTIGLIO SNC (Italy) Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of ARTIGLIO SNC (Italy) (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 9.6 B&B DENTAL (Italy) 9.6.1 B&B DENTAL (Italy) Profile Table B&B DENTAL (Italy) Overview List 9.6.2 B&B DENTAL (Italy) Products & Services 9.6.3 B&B DENTAL (Italy) Company Dynamics & News 9.6.4 B&B DENTAL (Italy) Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of B&B DENTAL (Italy) (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 9.7 BTI Biotechnology Institute (Spain) 9.7.1 BTI Biotechnology Institute (Spain) Profile Table BTI Biotechnology Institute (Spain) Overview List 9.7.2 BTI Biotechnology Institute (Spain) Products & Services 9.7.3 BTI Biotechnology Institute (Spain) Company Dynamics & News 9.7.4 BTI Biotechnology Institute (Spain) Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of BTI Biotechnology Institute (Spain) (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 9.8 Dentsply Sirona (USA) 9.8.1 Dentsply Sirona (USA) Profile Table Dentsply Sirona (USA) Overview List 9.8.2 Dentsply Sirona (USA) Products & Services 9.8.3 Dentsply Sirona (USA) Company Dynamics & News 9.8.4 Dentsply Sirona (USA) Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of Dentsply Sirona (USA) (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 9.9 DOF, Inc. (Korea) 9.9.1 DOF, Inc. (Korea) Profile Table DOF, Inc. (Korea) Overview List 9.9.2 DOF, Inc. (Korea) Products & Services 9.9.3 DOF, Inc. (Korea) Company Dynamics & News 9.9.4 DOF, Inc. (Korea) Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of DOF, Inc. (Korea) (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 9.10 Drive Dental Implants (France) 9.10.1 Drive Dental Implants (France) Profile Table Drive Dental Implants (France) Overview List 9.10.2 Drive Dental Implants (France) Products & Services 9.10.3 Drive Dental Implants (France) Company Dynamics & News 9.10.4 Drive Dental Implants (France) Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of Drive Dental Implants (France) (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 9.11 EasyRx (USA) 9.12 EGS (Italy) 9.13 Elite Computer Italia (Italy) 9.14 Genoray (Korea) 9.15 Zirkonzahn (Italy) 9.16 imes-icore (Germany) 9.17 Institut Straumann AG (Switzerland) 9.18 Kavo (UK) 9.19 LED Dental (USA) 9.20 Navadha Enterprises (India) 9.21 Nemotec (Spain) 9.22 Nobel Biocare Services AG (UK) 9.23 Ormco (USA) 9.24 Owandy Radiology (USA) 9.25 Schutz Dental GmbH (Germany) 9.26 SICAT (Germany) 9.27 Software of Excellence (UK) 9.28 VATECH (Korea)
Check Discount @ https://www.fusionmarketresearch.com/request_discount/2015-2025-Global-Dental-Software-Market-Research-by-Type,-End-Use-and-Region
Fusion Market Research™ is one of the largest collections of market research reports from numerous publishers. We have a team of industry specialists providing unbiased insights on reports to best meet the requirements of our clients. We offer a comprehensive collection of competitive market research reports from a number of global leaders across industry segments.
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fusion-kunal · 3 years
Dental Software Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2021 - 2027
Dental Software Market 2020-2026
A New Market Study, Titled “Dental Software Market Upcoming Trends, Growth Drivers and Challenges” has been featured on fusionmarketresearch.
This global study of the Dental Software market offers an overview of the existing market trends, drivers, restrictions, and metrics and also offers a viewpoint for important segments. The report also tracks product and services demand growth forecasts for the market. There is also to the study approach a detailed segmental review. A regional study of the global Dental Software industry is also carried out in North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Europe, and the Near East & Africa. The report mentions growth parameters in the regional markets along with major players dominating the regional growth.
Market Segment as follows:
Key Companies 3D Diagnostix Corp. (USA) ABEL Dental Software (USA) Amann Girrbach (Austria) Anatomage (Italy) ARTIGLIO SNC (Italy) B&B DENTAL (Italy) BTI Biotechnology Institute (Spain) Dentsply Sirona (USA) DOF, Inc. (Korea) Drive Dental Implants (France) EasyRx (USA) EGS (Italy) Elite Computer Italia (Italy) Genoray (Korea) Zirkonzahn (Italy) imes-icore (Germany) Institut Straumann AG (Switzerland) Kavo (UK) LED Dental (USA) Navadha Enterprises (India) Nemotec (Spain) Nobel Biocare Services AG (UK) Ormco (USA) Owandy Radiology (USA) Schutz Dental GmbH (Germany) SICAT (Germany) Software of Excellence (UK) VATECH (Korea) Wielan
Key Types Design Software Simulation Software Diagnosis Software Others
Key End-Use Hospital Clinic
Further key aspects of the report indicate that: Chapter 1: Market Definition and Segment by Type, End-Use & Major Regions Market Size Chapter 2: Global Production & Consumption Market by Type and End-Use Chapter 3: Europe Production & Consumption Market by Type and End-Use Chapter 4: America Production & Consumption Market by Type and End-Use Chapter 5: Asia Production & Consumption Market by Type and End-Use Chapter 6: Oceania Production & Consumption Market by Type and End-Use Chapter 7: Africa Production & Consumption Market by Type and End-Use Chapter 8: Global Market Forecast by Type, End-Use and Region Chapter 9: Company information, Sales, Cost, Margin, news etc. Chapter 10: Market Competition by Companies and Market Concentration Ratio Chapter 11: Market Impact by Coronavirus. Chapter 12: Industry Summary
Get Free Sample Report @ https://www.fusionmarketresearch.com/sample_request/2015-2025-Global-Dental-Software-Market-Research-by-Type,-End-Use-and-Region
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1 MARKET OVERVIEW 1.1 Market Definition and Segment 1.1.1 Product Definition 1.1.2 Product Type 1.1.3 End-Use 1.1.4 Marketing Channel 1.2 Major Regions 1.2.1 Europe Market Size and Growth Figure Europe Dental Software Market Size and Growth Rate, 2015E-2020F (Million USD) Figure Europe Dental Software Market Forecast and Growth Rate, 2020E-2025F (Million USD) 1.2.2 America Market Size and Growth Figure America Dental Software Market Size and Growth Rate, 2015E-2020F (Million USD) Figure America Dental Software Market Forecast and Growth Rate, 2020E-2025F (Million USD) 1.2.3 Asia Market Size and Growth Figure Asia Dental Software Market Size and Growth Rate, 2015E-2020F (Million USD) Figure AsiaDental Software Market Forecast and Growth Rate, 2020E-2025F (Million USD) 1.2.4 Oceania Market Size and Growth Figure Oceania Dental Software Market Size and Growth Rate, 2015E-2020F (Million USD) Figure Oceania Dental Software Market Forecast and Growth Rate, 2020E-2025F (Million USD) 1.2.5 Africa Market Size and Growth Figure Africa Dental Software Market Size and Growth Rate, 2015E-2020F (Million USD) Figure Africa Dental Software Market Forecast and Growth Rate, 2020E-2025F (Million USD)
CHAPTER 9 GLOBAL MAJOR COMPANIES LIST 9.1 3D Diagnostix Corp. (USA) 9.1.1 3D Diagnostix Corp. (USA) Profile Table 3D Diagnostix Corp. (USA) Overview List 9.1.2 3D Diagnostix Corp. (USA) Products & Services 9.1.3 3D Diagnostix Corp. (USA) Company Dynamics & News 9.1.4 3D Diagnostix Corp. (USA) Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of 3D Diagnostix Corp. (USA) (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 9.2 ABEL Dental Software (USA) 9.2.1 ABEL Dental Software (USA) Profile Table ABEL Dental Software (USA) Overview List 9.2.2 ABEL Dental Software (USA) Products & Services 9.2.3 ABEL Dental Software (USA) Company Dynamics & News 9.2.4 ABEL Dental Software (USA) Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of ABEL Dental Software (USA) (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 9.3 Amann Girrbach (Austria) 9.3.1 Amann Girrbach (Austria) Profile Table Amann Girrbach (Austria) Overview List 9.3.2 Amann Girrbach (Austria) Products & Services 9.3.3 Amann Girrbach (Austria) Company Dynamics & News 9.3.4 Amann Girrbach (Austria) Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of Amann Girrbach (Austria) (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 9.4 Anatomage (Italy) 9.4.1 Anatomage (Italy) Profile Table Anatomage (Italy) Overview List 9.4.2 Anatomage (Italy) Products & Services 9.4.3 Anatomage (Italy) Company Dynamics & News 9.4.4 Anatomage (Italy) Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of Anatomage (Italy) (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 9.5 ARTIGLIO SNC (Italy) 9.5.1 ARTIGLIO SNC (Italy) Profile Table ARTIGLIO SNC (Italy) Overview List 9.5.2 ARTIGLIO SNC (Italy) Products & Services 9.5.3 ARTIGLIO SNC (Italy) Company Dynamics & News 9.5.4 ARTIGLIO SNC (Italy) Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of ARTIGLIO SNC (Italy) (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 9.6 B&B DENTAL (Italy) 9.6.1 B&B DENTAL (Italy) Profile Table B&B DENTAL (Italy) Overview List 9.6.2 B&B DENTAL (Italy) Products & Services 9.6.3 B&B DENTAL (Italy) Company Dynamics & News 9.6.4 B&B DENTAL (Italy) Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of B&B DENTAL (Italy) (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 9.7 BTI Biotechnology Institute (Spain) 9.7.1 BTI Biotechnology Institute (Spain) Profile Table BTI Biotechnology Institute (Spain) Overview List 9.7.2 BTI Biotechnology Institute (Spain) Products & Services 9.7.3 BTI Biotechnology Institute (Spain) Company Dynamics & News 9.7.4 BTI Biotechnology Institute (Spain) Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of BTI Biotechnology Institute (Spain) (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 9.8 Dentsply Sirona (USA) 9.8.1 Dentsply Sirona (USA) Profile Table Dentsply Sirona (USA) Overview List 9.8.2 Dentsply Sirona (USA) Products & Services 9.8.3 Dentsply Sirona (USA) Company Dynamics & News 9.8.4 Dentsply Sirona (USA) Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of Dentsply Sirona (USA) (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 9.9 DOF, Inc. (Korea) 9.9.1 DOF, Inc. (Korea) Profile Table DOF, Inc. (Korea) Overview List 9.9.2 DOF, Inc. (Korea) Products & Services 9.9.3 DOF, Inc. (Korea) Company Dynamics & News 9.9.4 DOF, Inc. (Korea) Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of DOF, Inc. (Korea) (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 9.10 Drive Dental Implants (France) 9.10.1 Drive Dental Implants (France) Profile Table Drive Dental Implants (France) Overview List 9.10.2 Drive Dental Implants (France) Products & Services 9.10.3 Drive Dental Implants (France) Company Dynamics & News 9.10.4 Drive Dental Implants (France) Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of Drive Dental Implants (France) (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 9.11 EasyRx (USA) 9.12 EGS (Italy) 9.13 Elite Computer Italia (Italy) 9.14 Genoray (Korea) 9.15 Zirkonzahn (Italy) 9.16 imes-icore (Germany) 9.17 Institut Straumann AG (Switzerland) 9.18 Kavo (UK) 9.19 LED Dental (USA) 9.20 Navadha Enterprises (India) 9.21 Nemotec (Spain) 9.22 Nobel Biocare Services AG (UK) 9.23 Ormco (USA) 9.24 Owandy Radiology (USA) 9.25 Schutz Dental GmbH (Germany) 9.26 SICAT (Germany) 9.27 Software of Excellence (UK) 9.28 VATECH (Korea)
Check Discount @ https://www.fusionmarketresearch.com/request_discount/2015-2025-Global-Dental-Software-Market-Research-by-Type,-End-Use-and-Region
Fusion Market Research™ is one of the largest collections of market research reports from numerous publishers. We have a team of industry specialists providing unbiased insights on reports to best meet the requirements of our clients. We offer a comprehensive collection of competitive market research reports from a number of global leaders across industry segments.
PH : +(210) 775-2636
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Global Film Dubbing Market 2019 | Manufacturers In-Depth Analysis Report to 2024
The latest trending report Global Film Dubbing Market 2019-2024 added by DecisionDatabases.com
The global Film Dubbing market is valued at xx million USD in 2018 and is expected to reach xx million USD by the end of 2024, growing at a CAGR of xx% between 2019 and 2024.
This report studies the Film Dubbing market status and outlook of Global and major regions, from angles of players, countries, product types and end industries; this report analyzes the top players in global market, and splits the Film Dubbing market by product type and applications/end industries.
Browse the complete report and table of contents @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/ip/44604-film-dubbing-industry-analysis-report
Market Segment by Companies, this report covers
 BKS Dubbing Studios
 JBI Studios
 BTI Studios
 ABC Studios
 Mafilm Audio
 Groupe Auditorium Artistique
 VOA Voice Studios
Market Segment by Regions, regional analysis covers
North America (United States, Canada and Mexico)
Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy)
Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia)
Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)
Market Segment by Type, covers
 Native Language Dubbing
 Foreign Language Dubbing
 Minority Language Dubbing
 Special Language Dubbing
Market Segment by Applications, can be divided into
 Horror Movie
 Action Movie
Download Free Sample Report of Global Film Dubbing Market @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/contact/download-sample-44604
There are 14 Chapters to deeply display the global Film Dubbing market.
1 Film Dubbing Market Overview
2 Manufacturers Profiles
3 Global Film Dubbing Market Competition, by Players
4 Global Film Dubbing Market Size by Regions
5 North America Film Dubbing Revenue by Countries
6 Europe Film Dubbing Revenue by Countries
7 Asia-Pacific Film Dubbing Revenue by Countries
8 South America Film Dubbing Revenue by Countries
9 Middle East and Africa Revenue Film Dubbing by Countries
10 Global Film Dubbing Market Segment by Type
11 Global Film Dubbing Market Segment by Application
12 Global Film Dubbing Market Size Forecast (2019-2024)
13 Research Findings and Conclusion
14 Appendix
Purchase the complete Global Film Dubbing Market Research Report @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/contact/buy-now-44604
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Global Digital Movie Cameras Market 2019 by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2024
Global Movie Merchandise Market by Manufacturers, Countries, Type and Application, Forecast to 2022
Global Movie Theater Market 2019 by Company, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2024
About-Us: DecisionDatabases.com is a global business research reports provider, enriching decision makers and strategists with qualitative statistics. DecisionDatabases.com is proficient in providing syndicated research report, customized research reports, company profiles and industry databases across multiple domains.
Our expert research analysts have been trained to map client’s research requirements to the correct research resource leading to a distinctive edge over its competitors. We provide intellectual, precise and meaningful data at a lightning speed.
For more details: DecisionDatabases.com E-Mail: [email protected] Phone: +91 9028057900 Web: https://www.decisiondatabases.com/
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marketreports3 · 4 years
Research On World Friction Stir Welding Equipment Market Report 2025
This unique report on World Friction Stir Welding Equipment Market till 2025 presents quality data on the global market revenue, sales, growth rate and leading market players. The supply chain analysis completes the Friction Stir Welding Equipment market understanding for a new entrant as well as existing players. The import and export data along with consumption statistics from major countries is sure to enrich the strategists understanding of the market.
Friction Stir Welding Equipment market research report provides the newest industry data and industry future trends, allowing you to identify the products and end users driving Revenue growth and profitability.
The industry report lists the leading competitors and provides the insights strategic industry Analysis of the key factors influencing the market.
The report includes the forecasts, Analysis and discussion of important industry trends, market size, market share estimates and profiles of the leading industry Players.
Final Report will cover the impact of COVID-19 on this industry.
Browse the complete report and table of contents @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/ip/51407-world-friction-stir-welding-equipment-market-report
The Players mentioned in our report
Grenzebach Maschinenbau GmbH
Beijing FSW
PaR Systems
Nitto Seiki
General Tool Company
Nova-Tech Engineering
Stirtec Gmbh
Xi’an Yonghua
James Walker
Huayang Seals
Huhnseal AB
Global Friction Stir Welding Equipment Market: Product Segment Analysis
Desktop Equipment
Gantry Equipment
Global Friction Stir Welding Equipment Market: Application Segment Analysis
Global Friction Stir Welding Equipment Market: Regional Segment Analysis
South East Asia
Download Free Sample Report of World Friction Stir Welding Equipment Market @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/contact/download-sample-51407
There are 10 Chapters to Deeply Display the World Friction Stir Welding Equipment Market. Chapter 1 About the Friction Stir Welding Equipment Industry Chapter 2 World Market Competition Landscape Chapter 3 World Friction Stir Welding Equipment Market share Chapter 4 Supply Chain Analysis Chapter 5 Company Profiles Chapter 6 Globalisation & Trade Chapter 7 Distributors and Customers Chapter 8 Import, Export, Consumption and Consumption Value by Major Countries Chapter 9 World Friction Stir Welding Equipment Market Forecast through 2025 Chapter 10 Key success factors and Market Overview
Purchase the complete World Friction Stir Welding Equipment Market Research Report @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/contact/buy-now-51407
Other Reports by DecisionDatabases.com:
World Welding Helmets Market Research Report 2025 (Covering USA, Europe, China, Japan, India and etc)
World Inverter Welding Machine Market by Product Type, Market, Players and Regions-Forecast to 2025
World Welding Consumables Market by Product Type, Market, Players and Regions-Forecast to 2023
World Ultrasonic Metal Welding Machine Market Research Report 2022 (covering USA, Europe, China, Japan, India, South East Asia and etc)
About-Us: DecisionDatabases.com is a global business research reports provider, enriching decision makers and strategists with qualitative statistics. DecisionDatabases.com is proficient in providing syndicated research report, customized research reports, company profiles and industry databases across multiple domains.
Our expert research analysts have been trained to map client’s research requirements to the correct research resource leading to a distinctive edge over its competitors. We provide intellectual, precise and meaningful data at a lightning speed.
For more details: DecisionDatabases.com E-Mail: [email protected] Phone: +91 9028057900 Web: https://www.decisiondatabases.com/
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getmarketresearch · 6 years
Friction stir welding ( FSW ) is a solid-state joining process that uses a non-consumable tool to join two facing workpieces without melting the workpiece material. Heat is generated by friction between the rotating tool and the workpiece material, which leads to a softened region near the FSW tool. While the tool is traversed along the joint line, it mechanically intermixes the two pieces of metal, and forges the hot and softened metal by the mechanical pressure, which is applied by the tool, much like joining clay, or dough. It is primarily used on wrought or extruded aluminium and particularly for structures which need very high weld strength. Scope of the Report: This report focuses on the Friction Stir Welding Equipment in China market, to split the market based on manufacturers, Regions (Province), type and application. Market Segment by Manufacturers, this report covers ESAB Beijing FSW PaR Systems Hitachi General Tool Company PTG Nitto Seiki BTI Sooncable Gatwick ETA Technology Market Segment by Regions (Province), covering South China Southwest China East China Northeast China North China Market Segment by Type, covers Desktop Equipment Gantry Equipment Others Market Segment by Applications, can be divided into Aerospace Automotive Shipbuilding Railways Others There are 18 Chapters to deeply display the China Friction Stir Welding Equipment market. Chapter 1, to describe Friction Stir Welding Equipment Introduction, product type and application, market overview, market analysis by Region (province), market opportunities, market risk, market driving force; Chapter 2, to analyze the manufacturers of Friction Stir Welding Equipment, with profile, main business, news, sales, price, revenue and market share in 2016 and 2017; Chapter 3, to display the competitive situation among the top manufacturers, with sales, revenue and market share in 2016 and 2017; Chapter 4,to show the China market by Regions (Province),covering South China,East China,Southwest China,North China,Northeast China,Northwest China and Central China,with sales, price,revenue and market share of Friction Stir Welding Equipment,for each region,from 2012 to 2017; Chapter 5 and 6, to show the market by type and application, with sales, price, revenue, market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2012 to 2017; Chapter 7,8,9,10,11,12 and 13 to analyze the key Province by Type and Application,covering South China,East China,Southwest China,North China,Northwest China,Central China and Northeast China,with sales,revenue and market share by types and applications; Chapter 14, Friction Stir Welding Equipment market forecast, by Regions (Province), type and application, with sales, price, revenue and growth rate forecast, from 2017 to 2022; Chapter 15, to analyze the manufacturing cost, key raw materials and manufacturing process etc. Chapter 16, to analyze the industrial chain, sourcing strategy and downstream end users (buyers); Chapter 17, to describe sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers etc. Chapter 18, to describe Friction Stir Welding Equipment Appendix, methodology and data source
0 notes
watchmist1412 · 7 years
Break the Ice- Chapter 4
Tumblr media
Co-written by @bloodredruby and @watchmist1412
 BTI Fanart
Words ~ 3300
Rated K+
Summary: Figure Skating AU. After an accident Gray, a professional figure skater, has to take some time off to heal and he’s not enjoying it AT ALL. What he didn’t expect was meeting Juvia, a swimmer tired of her career, even less ending up as her coach. Lucy, an aspiring figure skater, came to realize it was a whole new experience with a pink haired weirdo and his equally weird cat by her side.
<<Previous Chapter // First Chapter
IMPORTANT NOTE! If you're not interested in reading the gruvia part of the story you can start reading right from this chapter where the nalu part starts. You won't be missing anything from the nalu side of the story.
“Are you absolutely sure you know the way?”
“Yes, we’ve already established this Levy!”
“I know… but are you sure you don’t want me to come with you?”
Lucy sighed. She was having the same conversation again and again since the day before. She loved her friend but sometimes she was a bit overprotective.
“Lev I’m sure. I’ve been in Magnolia for a few days now I think I can find my way. Besides you’ve made me memorize the map by heart, I’m not going to forget everything when I leave the house.”
“Fine! Promise me you’ll call if something’s wrong?” She was almost pleading.
“Of course I’ll call you, don’t worry. I need to do this on my own.”
“Call me when you finish too!”
“We live right next to each other. Once I get back I’ll tell you everything, okay?” Lucy reassured her.
Levy pouted. “Okay, I guess you’re right. Sorry, I’m just a little worried for you. Ah, not that I don’t think you will succeed!”
Lucy playfully nudged her friend in the shoulder. “Hey, it’s alright. I’m the one who should be anxious not you.”
“I know that… leave all your worries to me and you go blow their minds with your awesomeness!”
Lucy let out a laugh. “Well I’ll leave that to you then! I really should be going now.”
“Right!” Levy rushed to unlock her apartment door. “Wait, did you take the leaflet with you?”
“Yes, it’s in my bag. I don’t think I’ll need it though I’ve memorized the address.”
“Right… okay. Good luck then, you’ll do great.” Levy flashed a grin and gave her a thumbs up.
“Thanks!” Lucy waved as she got down the stairs of the building. The elevator was fully functional but she lived only on the second floor and it would be a waste of energy and time. Besides, it was a good excuse for some exercise.
Lucy skipped the last two steps landing on the pavement with a huge grin on her face. It was finally happening! It was finally the day she could go to the place of her dreams! She would finally go to Fairy Tail!
Lucy realized she hadn’t thought this through. All of her previous excitement had been slowly turning into anxiousness the closer she got to her destination. Now standing in front of the stairs leading up to the glass doors of the Fairy Tail building she was contemplating her decision to go inside.
What was she thinking? She should have been more prepared! She slowly realized she had no idea what to say and how to present herself. How was she supposed to approach the subject? Oh hello, you haven’t seen me since I was 5 and probably don’t even remember me, but would you mind being my coach?Yeah, like that would work.
Lucy was regretting not taking Levy with her, at least she would have some emotional support and she clearly needed that. Maybe she could call her friend and talk to her for a little while! That would make her calm down more.
The blonde let her backpack slide from her shoulder and started looking for her phone when she stopped and closed the zipper again. She couldn’t just call Levy like that. Not when she had given that brave speech of having to do this on her own and not needing any help. She just had to open her big mouth and ruin herself.
Should she just leave and come back another day? No, she wasn’t a coward, she wouldn’t just give up! Besides Lucy had come all this way she should at least go inside.
Determined Lucy took one step forward. But what if the woman wasn’t there? She hadn’t made a previous appointment maybe she couldn’t go in like that.
However, before the same traitorous thoughts get the chance to cloud her mind once again.
“Hey! Sorry to interrupt your inner turmoil but you know you’re blocking the way, right?”
Lucy lost in her thoughts hadn’t realized another person had shown up. She quickly turned around to face the source of the voice. The first thing she noticed about the man in front of her was his vibrant pink hair. It wasn’t uncommon to find people with various colored hair on the streets but the particular shade was a little unusual. It strangely suited the man who was now cheerfully grinning at her. He seemed about her age and he wore a white scaled scarf around his neck.
Snapping out of her thoughts she responded “You know it’s not polite to sneak up on people.”
“Hey, I didn’t mean to sneak up on you!” he defended himself “You are the weirdo staring at the building like you want to set fire to it.”
“I’m not a weirdo! Also why would I want to set fire to the building?”
“I don’t know… you were glaring at it pretty intensely.” He squinted “What are your intentions?”
“I’m not a pyromaniac, okay? Why would you think that?” said Lucy frustrated “And I wasn’t glaring, I was just thinking.”
“I know, I was just teasing you.” He grinned.
This man is unbelievable.  Lucy thought
“So are you going to come in?”
“I mean, if you want to glare at the entrance door all day, I won’t judge. I don’t think you came for that though. Hey, maybe you can come glare at the inside, its warmer too!”
“Okay, don’t shout you weirdo.”
“And quit calling me a weirdo!”
“Fine, fine… weirdo.” He whispered
“What was that?”
“Nothing!” The man hurriedly headed to the automatic doors and stopped right before he got it. “Come on, it’s getting really cold out there.” He then went inside.
Lucy followed the pink haired man inside the considerably warmer building. She looked around and took in her new surroundings. The lobby was colorful with plants all over the place and comfortable looking couches in the middle. Overall it seemed like a pretty welcoming place.
“So… is it your first time here?” asked the pink haired boy
“Well, yeah.”
“I would help you out but I’m running pretty late, sorry.”
“It’s fine! I can find my way by myself.”
“If you want any help go ask Mira.” He pointed to a white haired woman reading a magazine behind a desk “She’s really nice, don’t worry.”
“Okay, thank you.” Lucy smiled. He wasn’t so bad after all.
“No problem! I’ll see you around, weirdo!” he waved at her as he sprinted to a corridor.
Never mind. “HEY! What did I say about-” it was too late, the man had already disappeared.
That whole encounter had been really bizarre though Lucy found herself smiling.At least she didn’t feel as anxious anymore. Talking with that weird man had cleared her head and lifted her worries without her noticing.
Lucy turned to look at the woman behind the desk who she assumed was the receptionist and made her way towards her. She tried to get the woman to notice her presence thinking she was engrossed in her magazine but before she could say anything the woman looked up and smiled sweetly.
“Hello, how can I help you?”
Taking a closer look at the woman’s face she had something familiar about her that Lucy couldn’t place yet. Well, she had other things to worry about.
“Hi, I am… looking for Aquarius, can I talk to her?”
Please say yes, please say yes!
“Yes of course! I think she’s in the office. Take the stairs and it’s the first door at the front.”
Lucy sighed in relief. “Thank you so much!”
“No problem!” the woman smiled again. “Oh wait a moment! I think I should warn you, she just had a fight with her boyfriend so she’s a little… grumpier than usual.”
Lucy gulped. “I’ll keep that in mind, then.”
That was not good, that was not good at all! From what she remembered from the woman, she always had a bad temper. That definitely did not make things easier.
Lucy walked up to the direction she was pointed at and finally stood in front of the door that she hoped was the right one.
You can do this Lucy, you didn’t come all this way for nothing! She motivated herself. She took a big breath and knocked hesitantly on the door.
And then there was… nothing. There was no response! No sound from the inside that indicated someone had heard her or even if there was someone inside.
Lucy determined knocked again. Maybe she wasn’t heard the first time
“Go away!” said an angry muffled voice from the inside.
“Wait, hear me out I-”
“I don’t care, I can’t deal with you right now.”
“Please let me in, I have something important to tell you!”
Lucy was met once again by silence.
“I know you’re inside!” Lucy knocked once again on the door not wanting to give up. “I came all this way to talk to you and I won’t leave until you give me a chance.”
Suddenly the door opened and Lucy stumbled catching herself before she fell down. Then she was met with the very angry gaze of a blue haired woman now blocking the entrance.
“You’ve got some nerve kid, what do you want?” she glared.
Lucy stared straight back at the woman not losing her newfound confidence. “I am-”
“No, wait, don’t say anything.” Aquarius cut her off once again “I’m in a very bad mood, come back tomorrow or something.”
She started closing the door but Lucy put her foot between the door and the wall stopping her from doing that. “Please hear me out! My name is Lucy Heartfilia.” She managed to say as she tried to stop her from closing the door.
At that Aquarius loosened her grip on the door allowing it to open a bit more. “Layla’s brat?”
Aquarius closed her eyes seemingly contemplating a decision. “Fine, come in!” she finally caved in “Make it short though.”
The woman stepped away from the entrance allowing Lucy to enter the spacy room.
“So what is Layla’s kid doing here?” she cut straight to the point.
“Well, I was in town and I thought I would come visit you.” Lucy tried to slowly make her way to the point.
“Yeah, that’s nice and all. Now tell me why you’re really here. I haven’t seen you since you were a shrimp why did you decide to come now?”
There goes Lucy’s plan. She prepared herself, now was the time. “I want you to become my coach.”
The seconds of silence that followed her statement felt like hours. Then finally Aquarius squinted her eyes and broke the silence. “Are you being serious right now?”
“Yes, I want to take up professional skating.”
Aquarius sighed “Of course you do, what did I expect from Layla’s brat? And you want me to guide you in that I suppose.”
“Please, you’re the only one I could think of! It has been my dream since I was a child. I’ve been practicing for years, I promise I won’t disappoint you!”
“And does your father know about this?”
Lucy winced. She knew this was going to be brought up at some point. “My father, he… He doesn’t control my future. This is my dream and I’m going to make it reality.”
“So he doesn’t know and you came on your own.”
“He, uh.., will find out eventually?”
“Look kid, I don’t want to be caught up in your family drama. If Jude finds out about this you’re on your own.”
Lucy’s eyes brightened up “Does this mean you agree?”
“Don’t get ahead of yourself. Layla’s kid or not doesn’t mean I will be making exceptions for you. If you want to be my student you have to prove yourself.”
“I am not my mother. I will be making my own place!” Lucy was determined to get the woman’s approval.
Aquarius gave her a crooked smile “I like your spirit brat, follow me.”
Lucy smiled brightly “Thank you so much!”
“Hey, I haven’t accepted yet.” The woman frowned and stormed out of the room with Lucy on her toes.  
“So where are we going?” asked Lucy as she tried to catch up with the larger steps of the woman and failing at it.
“The ice rink.”
“I just told you, you have to prove yourself.”
“Right now?” this was not going well
“You have a problem with it?”
“No I just… I thought I would get more time to prepare.”
“Prepare for what? I want to see your skills right now not an organized performance.”
Aquarius finally stopped in front of twin metal doors and after fumbling a bit with a set of keys she opened them and stepped inside. Lucy could barely observe the world around her before the woman started talking again.
“We’re here. Do you have your skates with you?”
“Yes, they’re in my bag.”
“Good, put them on and go to the ice.”
Lucy got her skates out and stated putting them on. What was she going to do? She was confident in her skills but what if she failed? She just hoped the woman wouldn’t make her do anything too difficult.
“Hurry up!  I don’t have all day to wait for you.”
Lucy snapped out of her daze and speeded up her process eventually getting to the ice.
“So what do you want me to do now?”
“Now I want you to skate me something.”
“Like what?”
“Whatever you want, go wild. I just want to see your skills. If I like it I may consider being your coach.”
“Anything I want…”Lucy whispered to herself. She knew which routine she would be skating to! This might not be a failure after all! She knew it like the back of her hand by now.
She took her starting positions with her arms wide open and her eyes closed. She could feel the older skater’s calculating stare on her. Lucy took a big breath and let the music play in her mind as she moved to the non-existent rhythm.
When she was skating everything disappeared around her. It was just her and the ice. At that moment she forgot all about her worries, about impressing Aquarius. She was just dancing alone, her blades slashing across the ice, going through overly familiar steps.
Before she knew it she had stopped her arms clasped together for the final pose. Then all of her worries came back to her and Lucy frantically searched for Aquarius’s gaze to see if she liked it. They stared at each other silently for a few moments with Lucy’s worries only growing. Was it appropriate, did she make any mistakes?
“That routine… it was…”
“It’s my mom’s.” Lucy smiled to herself “I always saw her practicing that and she managed to teach me part of it before she… Well, I added some parts that I couldn’t remember on my own too.
“You know, you really look like your mother.” The woman’s gaze almost softened for a moment but it quickly disappeared, Lucy thinking it was just her imagination.
“I want you to know that I am very strict with my students and I expect you to follow whatever I say. I will not tolerate any tardiness or laziness from your side, is that clear?”
Lucy stared at Aquarius for a few seconds processing what she meant. Catching on, a wide grin started making its way to her face. “So this means I passed!”
“It means you’re not as horrible as I expected you to be. Damn it, now I have to sign all this paperwork because of you. Wait here I’ll be back in a moment.”
When Lucy was left alone she let out a scream of joy, spinning around on the ice in excitement. She had done it, she got herself a coach! The girl felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. She was one step closer to her dream. Oh, she couldn’t wait to tell Levy!
“That was awesome!”
Lucy yelped, startled by the sudden voice behind her. She thought she was alone when did someone come in? Looking for the source of the voice she recognized the pink-haired man from before. He was waving at her, leaning at the rink railing and a childish smile on his face.
Lucy carefully approached him from inside the rink. “It’s you again. You scared me, I didn’t know you were here!”
“Hey, maybe I’m secretly a ninja!” the man pulled his scarf up to his nose covering half of his face “Nin-nin”
Lucy couldn’t suppress a laugh “You’re ridiculous.” The man grinned at her. “Are you even allowed to be here?”
“Well… sort of? That’s why I was hiding! The crazy woman didn’t notice me at all.” He finished proudly.
“Wait, since when are you hiding?” he didn’t see her whole routine, did he?
“Since you started skating! I was passing by and I noticed you from outside. That was a really amazing performance!”
“You liked it?” Lucy smiled as she felt warming up on the inside. Someone had really liked her performance! Lucy wasn’t used to showing her skating to other people so it felt so good getting praised for it!
“Of course I did, you weirdo!”
And she was brought back to reality. “I told you to stop calling me that!”
“Then what should I call you?”
“See, that’s why you’re a weirdo. You haven’t told me your name yet, you know.” he shot a bright smile.
“Oh, right! I’m Lucy, nice to meet you!” she extended her arm.
The boy reached to clasp her hand. “I’m Na-“
They both turned around to see Aquarius glaring at them from the entrance.
“Oh no, the crazy lady’s back! I got to go!”
“WHO’S A CRAZY LADY?” She was now furious, that was not a good choice of words.
Natsu looked at Lucy with a scared look on his face “I really have to go, see you around Lucy!” and he bolted to the exit door with Aquarius throwing curses after him.
“Yeah, I’ll see you around!” mumbled Lucy.
“That brat really gets on my nerves! Does he have a death wish?” Aquarius was fuming. “YOU!”
“YES!” Lucy flinched.
“We need to talk about your schedule and the contract. Get out of the ice and follow me.”
“Yes ma’am.”
Lucy’s thoughts couldn’t help but wonder to the strange man, Natsu. Without knowing it he had helped her a lot even if he was a bit annoying, calling her a weirdo all the time. She didn’t get a chance to thank him… She would be sure to do so once she meets him again. Yeah that was a good plan! Lucy kept smiling for the rest of the day.
Hey guys, we hope you enjoyed the new chapter! We look forward to reading your thoughts about it!
Ruby has made an amazing comic about this chapter that you can find right here!
See you next chapter!
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sorav93 · 3 years
Dental Software Market 2021-2027 Size, Share, Trend, Key Palyers with Products
Dental Software Market 2020-2026
A New Market Study, Titled “Dental Software Market Upcoming Trends, Growth Drivers and Challenges” has been featured on fusionmarketresearch.
This global study of the Dental Software market offers an overview of the existing market trends, drivers, restrictions, and metrics and also offers a viewpoint for important segments. The report also tracks product and services demand growth forecasts for the market. There is also to the study approach a detailed segmental review. A regional study of the global Dental Software industry is also carried out in North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Europe, and the Near East & Africa. The report mentions growth parameters in the regional markets along with major players dominating the regional growth.
Market Segment as follows:
Key Companies 3D Diagnostix Corp. (USA) ABEL Dental Software (USA) Amann Girrbach (Austria) Anatomage (Italy) ARTIGLIO SNC (Italy) B&B DENTAL (Italy) BTI Biotechnology Institute (Spain) Dentsply Sirona (USA) DOF, Inc. (Korea) Drive Dental Implants (France) EasyRx (USA) EGS (Italy) Elite Computer Italia (Italy) Genoray (Korea) Zirkonzahn (Italy) imes-icore (Germany) Institut Straumann AG (Switzerland) Kavo (UK) LED Dental (USA) Navadha Enterprises (India) Nemotec (Spain) Nobel Biocare Services AG (UK) Ormco (USA) Owandy Radiology (USA) Schutz Dental GmbH (Germany) SICAT (Germany) Software of Excellence (UK) VATECH (Korea) Wielan
Key Types Design Software Simulation Software Diagnosis Software Others
Key End-Use Hospital Clinic
Further key aspects of the report indicate that: Chapter 1: Market Definition and Segment by Type, End-Use & Major Regions Market Size Chapter 2: Global Production & Consumption Market by Type and End-Use Chapter 3: Europe Production & Consumption Market by Type and End-Use Chapter 4: America Production & Consumption Market by Type and End-Use Chapter 5: Asia Production & Consumption Market by Type and End-Use Chapter 6: Oceania Production & Consumption Market by Type and End-Use Chapter 7: Africa Production & Consumption Market by Type and End-Use Chapter 8: Global Market Forecast by Type, End-Use and Region Chapter 9: Company information, Sales, Cost, Margin, news etc. Chapter 10: Market Competition by Companies and Market Concentration Ratio Chapter 11: Market Impact by Coronavirus. Chapter 12: Industry Summary
Get Free Sample Report @ https://www.fusionmarketresearch.com/sample_request/2015-2025-Global-Dental-Software-Market-Research-by-Type,-End-Use-and-Region
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1 MARKET OVERVIEW 1.1 Market Definition and Segment 1.1.1 Product Definition 1.1.2 Product Type 1.1.3 End-Use 1.1.4 Marketing Channel 1.2 Major Regions 1.2.1 Europe Market Size and Growth Figure Europe Dental Software Market Size and Growth Rate, 2015E-2020F (Million USD) Figure Europe Dental Software Market Forecast and Growth Rate, 2020E-2025F (Million USD) 1.2.2 America Market Size and Growth Figure America Dental Software Market Size and Growth Rate, 2015E-2020F (Million USD) Figure America Dental Software Market Forecast and Growth Rate, 2020E-2025F (Million USD) 1.2.3 Asia Market Size and Growth Figure Asia Dental Software Market Size and Growth Rate, 2015E-2020F (Million USD) Figure AsiaDental Software Market Forecast and Growth Rate, 2020E-2025F (Million USD) 1.2.4 Oceania Market Size and Growth Figure Oceania Dental Software Market Size and Growth Rate, 2015E-2020F (Million USD) Figure Oceania Dental Software Market Forecast and Growth Rate, 2020E-2025F (Million USD) 1.2.5 Africa Market Size and Growth Figure Africa Dental Software Market Size and Growth Rate, 2015E-2020F (Million USD) Figure Africa Dental Software Market Forecast and Growth Rate, 2020E-2025F (Million USD)
CHAPTER 9 GLOBAL MAJOR COMPANIES LIST 9.1 3D Diagnostix Corp. (USA) 9.1.1 3D Diagnostix Corp. (USA) Profile Table 3D Diagnostix Corp. (USA) Overview List 9.1.2 3D Diagnostix Corp. (USA) Products & Services 9.1.3 3D Diagnostix Corp. (USA) Company Dynamics & News 9.1.4 3D Diagnostix Corp. (USA) Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of 3D Diagnostix Corp. (USA) (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 9.2 ABEL Dental Software (USA) 9.2.1 ABEL Dental Software (USA) Profile Table ABEL Dental Software (USA) Overview List 9.2.2 ABEL Dental Software (USA) Products & Services 9.2.3 ABEL Dental Software (USA) Company Dynamics & News 9.2.4 ABEL Dental Software (USA) Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of ABEL Dental Software (USA) (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 9.3 Amann Girrbach (Austria) 9.3.1 Amann Girrbach (Austria) Profile Table Amann Girrbach (Austria) Overview List 9.3.2 Amann Girrbach (Austria) Products & Services 9.3.3 Amann Girrbach (Austria) Company Dynamics & News 9.3.4 Amann Girrbach (Austria) Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of Amann Girrbach (Austria) (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 9.4 Anatomage (Italy) 9.4.1 Anatomage (Italy) Profile Table Anatomage (Italy) Overview List 9.4.2 Anatomage (Italy) Products & Services 9.4.3 Anatomage (Italy) Company Dynamics & News 9.4.4 Anatomage (Italy) Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of Anatomage (Italy) (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 9.5 ARTIGLIO SNC (Italy) 9.5.1 ARTIGLIO SNC (Italy) Profile Table ARTIGLIO SNC (Italy) Overview List 9.5.2 ARTIGLIO SNC (Italy) Products & Services 9.5.3 ARTIGLIO SNC (Italy) Company Dynamics & News 9.5.4 ARTIGLIO SNC (Italy) Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of ARTIGLIO SNC (Italy) (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 9.6 B&B DENTAL (Italy) 9.6.1 B&B DENTAL (Italy) Profile Table B&B DENTAL (Italy) Overview List 9.6.2 B&B DENTAL (Italy) Products & Services 9.6.3 B&B DENTAL (Italy) Company Dynamics & News 9.6.4 B&B DENTAL (Italy) Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of B&B DENTAL (Italy) (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 9.7 BTI Biotechnology Institute (Spain) 9.7.1 BTI Biotechnology Institute (Spain) Profile Table BTI Biotechnology Institute (Spain) Overview List 9.7.2 BTI Biotechnology Institute (Spain) Products & Services 9.7.3 BTI Biotechnology Institute (Spain) Company Dynamics & News 9.7.4 BTI Biotechnology Institute (Spain) Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of BTI Biotechnology Institute (Spain) (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 9.8 Dentsply Sirona (USA) 9.8.1 Dentsply Sirona (USA) Profile Table Dentsply Sirona (USA) Overview List 9.8.2 Dentsply Sirona (USA) Products & Services 9.8.3 Dentsply Sirona (USA) Company Dynamics & News 9.8.4 Dentsply Sirona (USA) Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of Dentsply Sirona (USA) (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 9.9 DOF, Inc. (Korea) 9.9.1 DOF, Inc. (Korea) Profile Table DOF, Inc. (Korea) Overview List 9.9.2 DOF, Inc. (Korea) Products & Services 9.9.3 DOF, Inc. (Korea) Company Dynamics & News 9.9.4 DOF, Inc. (Korea) Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of DOF, Inc. (Korea) (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 9.10 Drive Dental Implants (France) 9.10.1 Drive Dental Implants (France) Profile Table Drive Dental Implants (France) Overview List 9.10.2 Drive Dental Implants (France) Products & Services 9.10.3 Drive Dental Implants (France) Company Dynamics & News 9.10.4 Drive Dental Implants (France) Business Operation Conditions Table Business Operation of Drive Dental Implants (France) (Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost, Gross Margin) 9.11 EasyRx (USA) 9.12 EGS (Italy) 9.13 Elite Computer Italia (Italy) 9.14 Genoray (Korea) 9.15 Zirkonzahn (Italy) 9.16 imes-icore (Germany) 9.17 Institut Straumann AG (Switzerland) 9.18 Kavo (UK) 9.19 LED Dental (USA) 9.20 Navadha Enterprises (India) 9.21 Nemotec (Spain) 9.22 Nobel Biocare Services AG (UK) 9.23 Ormco (USA) 9.24 Owandy Radiology (USA) 9.25 Schutz Dental GmbH (Germany) 9.26 SICAT (Germany) 9.27 Software of Excellence (UK) 9.28 VATECH (Korea)
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watchmist1412 · 7 years
Break the Ice- Chapter 3
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Co-written by @bloodredruby and @watchmist1412
Full cover  - BTI Fanart
Words ~ 3150
Rated K+
Summary: Figure Skating AU. After an accident Gray, a professional figure skater, has to take some time off to heal and he’s not enjoying it AT ALL. What he didn’t expect was meeting Juvia, a swimmer tired of her career, even less ending up as her coach. Lucy, an aspiring figure skater, came to realize it was a whole new experience with a pink haired weirdo and his equally weird cat by her side.
<<Previous Chapter 
Juvia was a bit impulsive. Alright she was a lot impulsive. She had the habit of saying what was on her mind and sometimes that wasn’t a good thing. She also tended to overthink situations and jump quickly into conclusions. Those two combined resulted in embarrassing situations for Juvia that she would prefer not to think about.
“Please, would you be Juvia’s coach?”
That was a pretty good example.
Why did she have to say that? Just why?! She didn’t even want an ice skating coach it was only a hobby. Gray-sama would think she’s such a weird person! She had to fix that immediately.
“Your… coach?” The poor man seemed really confused.
No, that’s not it! “Yes!” Damn it Juvia!
Why is she continuing it? The only thing she had to do was apologize, explain that didn’t mean to say that and everything will be fine. Then she could go home and drown in self-pity for the rest of the day. It was that simple.
Gray run his hand through his hair possibly even more confused about the whole situation. “Look… Juvia right? I don’t know where this came from but I have to refuse. I don’t even know you, I can’t start coaching you out of the blue! You should go find someone else.”
“Juvia doesn’t want anyone else!”
That was partially true. Juvia only wanted someone to teach her how to properly skate. The idea of Gray Fullbuster teaching her skating was actually quite appealing… NO. She couldn’t think like that, this is a terrible idea. She knew that yet the words were flying out of her mouth.  
“I’m still a competitive skater just because I have to take a break doesn’t mean I’ll retire. I can’t start coaching let alone for a complete stranger I need to focus on my own career!”
“Then only until you start skating again.”
“Excuse me?”
“Coach Juvia until you start competing again.”
“What? No!”
“But Juvia can…”
“NO! No way, this stops now! I don’t have time to play around and coach you I have better things to do. If you want to get a coach that much find someone else. I can’t do this and that’s my final answer.” Gray’s voice was getting louder with every word.
Juvia’s eyes widened. Now she’d done it. She had actually managed to make him mad with her ridiculous demands. The man must be really fed up with her. She felt her eyes sting a little. No, not again! Did she have to be so sensitive every time someone raised their voice? Now Gray would think she’s a crybaby too!
“Juvia is sorry.” She managed to let out, her voice trembling “Juvia didn’t mean to be so rude, she’ll leave you alone now. Juvia is sorry for disturbing your practice.” She turned around and hastily headed to the edge of the ice rink.
“Ah, wait a second!” Juvia didn’t stop to look back. If she stayed any longer she might really start crying from all the tension.
She then hurriedly took off her skates and rushed out of the skating area. That was enough embarrassment for one day she didn’t need more. That wasn’t how she imagined their first meeting at all! She just had to ruin everything with her stupid mouth.
Juvia ran all the way to the reception where she found the white haired woman from before reading a magazine.
The receptionist looked up hearing Juvia’s footsteps. “Oh, hello again. Is there a problem I can help you with?” She said with the everlasting smile.
“No, no everything is great! Juvia just wanted to return the skates.”
The woman raised her eyebrows “You’re finished already? But you just came in, is there something wrong?”
“No, just… something came up so Juvia has to leave. So… yeah.” She finished awkwardly. She was never good at coming up with excuses.
“Alright then, you can leave them on the counter. I hope you enjoyed your visit, you can comeback whenever you want.”
“Juvia will keep that in mind. Have a nice day!”
“Thank you, you too!”
Juvia walked fast reaching the exit door in a few seconds. She wanted to get out of this place as soon as possible and dive right into the comfort and warmth of her blankets. There she could drink a good cup of hot chocolate and forget that day ever happened. Yes that sounded like a good plan.
Why, just why did she have to go say that? Hello, you’ve never seen me before but could you be my coach? Yeah that’s a completely natural thing to say! Stupid.
Well… it wasn’t like Juvia hadn’t thought about taking skating lessons before. She did enjoy ice skating considerably more than swimming. However since giving up her swimming career wasn’t an option at the moment, and she could neither take up both of them at once, she gave up on the idea.
That didn’t mean she couldn’t fantasize about her and Gray skating together with romantic music on the background, staring into each other’s eyes. Like that could ever happen.
Maybe you didn’t try hard enough. Maybe you could make your dream come true.
No, she couldn’t afford to think like that.
Maybe you can be friends. You can try again.
If she started to believe that…
Just one more time.
Juvia looked at the Fairy Tail building which she wanted to get away from.
She may really go back.
Gray stared at the marked surface of the ice in defeat. He couldn’t get the sit spin right no matter how much he tried. It was all the blue haired girl’s fault! After she interrupted his practice… well… it wasn’t like he could do the spin before she came in, alhough that particular incident didn’t help the situation.
The skater ruffled his hair in frustration. Who barges into someone else’s practice and tells them to be their coach? Why did all the weird stuff always happen to him? Was he a disaster magnet or something?
And now he felt guilty about snapping on the poor girl. Her request was a bit unreasonable but Gray should have kept his calm, he recognizes his mistake. He could have just talked her out of this and make her understand why he wasn’t able to do it. But he didn’t.
In his defense he was tired from his practice and on top of that he was frustrated at himself for failing a number of times to do a basic sit spin. That girl, Juvia, had just come at the wrong time.
Gray had realized he was coming off as harsh and cold but before he had the chance to apologize the girl had fled off the room. He could swear he saw her eyes glistening before she left. That’s perfect, now he could add making a girl cry to his daily achievements. What a gentleman.
If Natsu ever found out about this he would make fun of him for weeks. If Erza found out… he didn’t want to think about that. The redhead was a good friend of his but she did tend to have a strong sense of justice. He didn’t want to know how she would react to Gray making a girl cry. It wouldn’t end up nice for him, that’s for sure.
How did he manage to get himself into that situation again? Right… it was something about being a disaster magnet. He promised himself he would apologize if he ever sees her again. That would make a very awkward conversation.
Gray was now glaring at the ice like it was responsible for all of his problems. He figured it was time to stop that day’s practice. It wasn’t like he was making any progress. A break would be good for him. He will think things logically and he could get this whole situation out of his mind.
The black haired man reluctantly glided to the edge of the rink and pulled off his skates. He proceeded to put them in his backpack and walk slowly towards the exit door locking it on the process. He then turned to the reception area to drop the keys off to Mira.
As he was walking there’s still a bit lot in his thoughts when he spotted a familiar blue from the corner of his eye. Gray froze on the spot and turned around to take a better look. And yes it was her. The object of his thoughts for the past 20 minutes.
The woman thankfully hadn’t noticed him yet. She appeared to be… staring at the ground, 5 meters from the front door, with her brows furrowed like she was thinking. He observed her for a few seconds when she suddenly looked up.
Gray flinched, his mind immediately starting to think of things he could say to the girl when she noticed him. Then he realized he had been was standing behind a pillar so he was safe for the moment. But why did he have to hide again? He hadn’t done anything wrong, she was the one who barged into the middle of his training. And he had yelled at her… which he was feeling very bad about. He didn’t think he would meet her again that soon, he wasn’t mentally prepared!
The figure skater curious of what the girl was doing hesitantly moved his head to take a better look at her. Juvia with a determined look was now towards the Fairy Tail building. Gray prepared himself; it was time to talk things out. However just before she reached the doors she sharply turned around on her heels and stared walking to the opposite direction. Not having walked 3 meters she changed her mind and headed to the front doors again only to pace back and forth the road as if she hadn’t decided where she wanted to go.
After some time Gray carefully moved from his observation spot and walked to the reception desk where Mira had been watching the situation unfold.
“Has she been there for a long time?” He asked not bothering to clarify who he was referring to.
“Oh yes! She’s been doing that for the last 10 minutes.” She seemed amused by the whole situation. “Do you know her?”
“No. Yes. Maybe.”
“Ohh interesting! Did she come here just to see you? She did leave pretty early…”
“What? Why would she…No! Whatever you’re imagining let me stop you right there!”
“So why is it that you were hiding behind a pillar?”
Gray cursed inwardly. She saw that. “I wasn’t hiding!” This was so embarrassing. “That was just a… very…umm…interesting pillar! Have you noticed the architecture of this place? It’s pretty amazing!” He mentally slapped himself. Was that the best thing he had to say?
“Yes I have noticed. I’m glad you’re appreciating the building.” And now she was mocking him. Great!
“Now do you want to tell me what’s going on?” Mira smiled innocently. That wasn’t really a question.
Gray ruffled his hair in frustration “Nothing happened. She just accidentally saw me practicing and came into the rink. That’s it.”
He glanced at the girl in question who was now sitting on the front stairs hunched over. It seemed like she decided to wait.
“So… are you gonna go talk to her?”
The skater snapped out of his daze. “Why should I?” Because you were a jerk to her.
“Well, it looks like she’s been waiting for someone and I’m almost certain that someone is you. My instinct never betrays me!” She exclaimed proudly.
“Should I remind you when your instinct told you I had a crush on Erza?”
“That was one time.”  Mira waved him off.  “Besides, why are you so scared to go talk to her anyway?”
“I’m not scared! I just… last time I saw her I may or may not have been a jerk to her.” He mumbled
“That partly explains the hiding. I knew there was something going on! Is that why she looked so miserable when she came out?”
“She was miserable?” Gray was slightly panicking. Could the situation be worse than he imagined?
“She did seem like she wanted to get out us soon as possible, I didn’t expect her to come back. Wait… did she confess to you?” the receptionist gasped. “Did you reject her, is that why you’re so awkward?”
“Mira no! Well, I did reject her but not in the way you’re thinking. Please don’t jump into conclusions by yourself.” Gray knew his friend had an overflowing imagination and was keen to make up ridiculous scenarios.
“Fine, don’t tell me! You should really go talk to her though. I still don’t know what happened but if you thought you were being rude you should go apologize.”
Gray sighed in defeat “I know, I know! It’s just that the situation is really bizarre and I don’t know how to handle it.”
“You won’t know if you won’t try.” Mira softly pushed him to the exit. “Come on now, you can do it!”
“Alright, I can go by myself.” He complained
“Good luck!”
Gray slowly approached the automatic doors which opened soundlessly not alarming the girl sitting down the stairs. He could do this. He just had to go explain the situation politely and apologize without making it worse. That was easy.
Once he stood behind her he cleared his throat to announce himself. Juvia surprised she turned around and she visibly stiffened.
Gray awkwardly raised his hand to greet her. “Hey.”
They stared at each other silently for a few seconds Gray’s hand still half raised. Realizing his position he swiftly put his hand in his pocket.
“Yeah, so…” He started again. “Sorry for earlier. I didn’t mean to sound so rude to you. I was just having a bad day overall and I was very tired.”
Juvia waved her hands around shaking her head “No, Gray-sama shouldn’t apologize! Juvia’s the one who made that unreasonable request! She shouldn’t have interrupted your practice anyway.”
“About that, I really can’t coach you after all. I’m not the right person for the job and I’m pretty sure I will be terrible at it. It’s a big responsibility.”
“Juvia understands, she didn’t mean to be so demanding. Juvia admires Gray-sama a lot and she was extremely happy to be able to meet him. Juvia should get going now…”
Gray didn’t feel satisfied from their conversation. He couldn’t let her leave like that. “Wait a moment! I can’t be your coach but if you’re interested in figure skating Fairy Tail can help you with that. You can go ask Mira for more information. Oh, Mira’s the receptionist, she’s really sweet she can help you with anything you need.”
Juvia shook her head “Thank you for thinking of Juvia but she doesn’t think she can go to professional figure skating. She didn’t mean to ask Gray-sama to be her coach, it just slip of her tongue. Juvia is more interested in skating lessons.”
“The rink offers lessons too! I can help you with that. Ah, if you want to of course.” He corrected himself. “You can come to the rink sometime and I’ll see what I can do.”
“So you will help Juvia?” She asked hopefully
“Sure, I don’t see why not. It wouldn’t be much trouble, that’s what the rink is for.”
The woman broke to an ear splitting grin. “Juvia is very grateful! She will visit again tomorrow!”
“Is it a bad time?”
“No, I’ll probably be in the rink the whole afternoon.”
“Juvia will see you tomorrow then! Juvia is very excited for her first lesson!”
“Yeah see you later.” He waved at her and turned back to the building.
That went surprisingly well! Juvia wasn’t so bad after all. She seemed very happy at the end and Gray had managed to explain the situation properly. He felt proud of himself. He would talk to Cana later to put her into a skating class and everything will be sorted out.
“So… How did it go?” asked Mira excitedly once she saw Gray approaching.
“It was fine. I think I handled it pretty well.”
“Did you apologize properly?”
“Of course I did! What am I, a child?”
“Hmm, sometimes I wonder.”
“Yeah, yeah I know. So what happened? She looked pretty happy at the end.”
“Nothing much, she just said that she wanted skating lessons so I… Oh no” Realization hit him.
“What is it?”
“No, no, no, no, this can’t be happening! Stupid!” He continued by hitting himself in the forehead.
“Gray you’re not making any sense. Tell me so I can help you.”
The skater turned to look at her with a horrified expression. “I think I offered her skating lessons.”
Mira couldn’t contain a snort of amusement. “That’s it? Well good for you, you get to socialize a little.”
“That’s not the point! And I socialize just fine.”
“Oh yeah? That’s why in the past weeks you’ve closed in to yourself? I think this will be good for you.”
“I’m pretty sure it won’t be. First of all I just met her today, and secondly I have no idea how to teach someone.”
“You won’t know unless you try it. Besides are you sure you promised her lessons?”
“Well I…” Maybe he had panicked for nothing. “I’m not sure.”
“Look, if she really meant you will teach her you can just give her one lesson. It will be good for you too to go over the basics and teaching them to someone else will make you understand it better. If you really don’t want to you’ll politely decline.” She explained.
“I’m not sure if I want to…”
“It’s your decision. Do whatever you think is best for you.” Mira smiled brightly.
“Thanks. I think I’ll get going now.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow. It’s time for me to close the rink too.”
Gray secured his backpack on his shoulder and exited the building. Tomorrow he would have to deal his problems, for now he just wanted to go home and get a good amount of sleep.
Hey guys, we hope you enjoyed the new chapter! We look forward to reading your thoughts about it! 
We have been focusing on finishing the first gruvia part of the story so Lucy hasn't got the chance to appear yet. However you can expect a lot of nalu next chapter now that the gruvia introduction is finished! From then on the chapters will be divided more equally between the 2 pairings.
On another note, the chapter was a little late because Ruby and I had been working on a nalu one-shot for the nalufluff week called "Falling to Pieces"
See you next chapter!
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Global Film Subtitling Market 2019 | Manufacturers In-Depth Analysis Report to 2024
The latest trending report Global Film Subtitling Market 2019-2024 added by DecisionDatabases.com
The global Film Subtitling market is valued at xx million USD in 2018 and is expected to reach xx million USD by the end of 2024, growing at a CAGR of xx% between 2019 and 2024.
This report studies the Film Subtitling market status and outlook of Global and major regions, from angles of players, countries, product types and end industries; this report analyzes the top players in global market, and splits the Film Subtitling market by product type and applications/end industries.
Browse the complete report and table of contents @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/ip/44606-film-subtitling-industry-analysis-report
Market Segment by Companies, this report covers
 Talkbox Subtitling Studio
 JBI Studios
 BTI Studios
 Neoplus Translation
Market Segment by Regions, regional analysis covers
North America (United States, Canada and Mexico)
Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy)
Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia)
Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)
Market Segment by Type, covers
 Native Language Subtitling
 Foreign Language Subtitling
 Minority Language Subtitling
 Special Language Subtitling
Market Segment by Applications, can be divided into
 Horror Movie
 Action Movie
Download Free Sample Report of Global Film Dubbing Market @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/contact/download-sample-44606
There are 14 Chapters to deeply display the global Film Dubbing market.
1 Film Dubbing Market Overview
2 Manufacturers Profiles
3 Global Film Dubbing Market Competition, by Players
4 Global Film Dubbing Market Size by Regions
5 North America Film Dubbing Revenue by Countries
6 Europe Film Dubbing Revenue by Countries
7 Asia-Pacific Film Dubbing Revenue by Countries
8 South America Film Dubbing Revenue by Countries
9 Middle East and Africa Revenue Film Dubbing by Countries
10 Global Film Dubbing Market Segment by Type
11 Global Film Dubbing Market Segment by Application
12 Global Film Dubbing Market Size Forecast (2019-2024)
13 Research Findings and Conclusion
14 Appendix
Purchase the complete Global Film Dubbing Market Research Report @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/contact/buy-now-44606
Other Reports by DecisionDatabases.com:
Global Film Dubbing Market 2019 by Company, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2024
Global Camera Dolly Market 2019 by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2024
About-Us: DecisionDatabases.com is a global business research reports provider, enriching decision makers and strategists with qualitative statistics. DecisionDatabases.com is proficient in providing syndicated research report, customized research reports, company profiles and industry databases across multiple domains.
Our expert research analysts have been trained to map client’s research requirements to the correct research resource leading to a distinctive edge over its competitors. We provide intellectual, precise and meaningful data at a lightning speed.
For more details: DecisionDatabases.com E-Mail: [email protected] Phone: +91 9028057900 Web: https://www.decisiondatabases.com/
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Global Friction Stir Welding Equipment Market 2019 | Manufacturers In-Depth Analysis Report to 2024
The latest trending report Global Friction Stir Welding Equipment Market 2019-2024 added by DecisionDatabases.com
Friction stir welding ( FSW ) is a solid-state joining process that uses a non-consumable tool to join two facing workpieces without melting the workpiece material. Heat is generated by friction between the rotating tool and the workpiece material, which leads to a softened region near the FSW tool. While the tool is traversed along the joint line, it mechanically intermixes the two pieces of metal, and forges the hot and softened metal by the mechanical pressure, which is applied by the tool, much like joining clay, or dough. It is primarily used on wrought or extruded aluminium and particularly for structures which need very high weld strength.
The worldwide market for Friction Stir Welding Equipment is expected to grow at a CAGR of roughly 7.2% over the next five years, will reach 280 million US$ in 2024, from 180 million US$ in 2019.
This report focuses on the Friction Stir Welding Equipment in global market, especially in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, type and application.
Browse the complete report and table of contents @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/ip/16157-friction-stir-welding-equipment-market-analysis-report
Market Segment by Manufacturers, this report covers
·          ESAB
·          Grenzebach Maschinenbau GmbH
·          Nova-Tech Engineering
·          Beijing FSW
·          FOOKE GmbH
·          PaR Systems
·          Nitto Seiki
·          General Tool Company
·          Sooncable
·          Gatwick
·          Stirtec Gmbh
·          Hitachi
·          PTG
·          BTI
·          Valmet
·          Ekato
·          Xi’an Yonghua
·          Fluiten
·          James Walker
·          Huayang Seals
·          Huhnseal AB
Market Segment by Regions, regional analysis covers
·          North America (United States, Canada and Mexico)
·          Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy)
·          Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia)
·          South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia etc.)
·          Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)
Market Segment by Type, covers
·          Desktop Equipment
·          Gantry Equipment
·          Others
Market Segment by Applications, can be divided into
·          Aerospace
·          Automotive
·          Shipbuilding
·          Railways
·          Others
Download Free Sample Report of Global Friction Stir Welding Equipment Market @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/contact/download-sample-16157
The content of the study subjects, includes a total of 15 chapters: Chapter 1, to describe Friction Stir Welding Equipment product scope, market overview, market opportunities, market driving force and market risks. Chapter 2, to profile the top manufacturers of Friction Stir Welding Equipment, with price, sales, revenue and global market share of Friction Stir Welding Equipment in 2017 and 2018. Chapter 3, the Friction Stir Welding Equipment competitive situation, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are analyzed emphatically by landscape contrast. Chapter 4, the Friction Stir Welding Equipment breakdown data are shown at the regional level, to show the sales, revenue and growth by regions, from 2014 to 2019. Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, to break the sales data at the country level, with sales, revenue and market share for key countries in the world, from 2014 to 2019. Chapter 10 and 11, to segment the sales by type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2014 to 2019. Chapter 12, Friction Stir Welding Equipment market forecast, by regions, type and application, with sales and revenue, from 2019 to 2024. Chapter 13, 14 and 15, to describe Friction Stir Welding Equipment sales channel, distributors, customers, research findings and conclusion, appendix and data source.
Purchase the complete Global Friction Stir Welding Equipment Market Research Report @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/contact/buy-now-16157
Other Reports by DecisionDatabases.com:
Global Welding Equipment Market by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2023 @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/ip/28796-welding-equipment-market-analysis-report
Global Friction Materials Market 2018 by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2023 @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/ip/37288-friction-materials-market-analysis-report
Global Welding and Cutting Equipment Market 2018 by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2023 @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/ip/36905-welding-and-cutting-equipment-market-analysis-report
About-Us:         DecisionDatabases.com is a global business research reports provider, enriching decision makers and strategists with qualitative statistics. DecisionDatabases.com is proficient in providing syndicated research report, customized research reports, company profiles and industry databases across multiple domains.
Our expert research analysts have been trained to map client’s research requirements to the correct research resource leading to a distinctive edge over its competitors. We provide intellectual, precise and meaningful data at a lightning speed.
For more details: DecisionDatabases.com E-Mail: [email protected] Phone: +91 9028057900 Web: https://www.decisiondatabases.com/
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getmarketresearch · 6 years
Friction stir welding ( FSW ) is a solid-state joining process that uses a non-consumable tool to join two facing workpieces without melting the workpiece material. Heat is generated by friction between the rotating tool and the workpiece material, which leads to a softened region near the FSW tool. While the tool is traversed along the joint line, it mechanically intermixes the two pieces of metal, and forges the hot and softened metal by the mechanical pressure, which is applied by the tool, much like joining clay, or dough. It is primarily used on wrought or extruded aluminium and particularly for structures which need very high weld strength. Scope of the Report: This report focuses on the Friction Stir Welding Equipment in Global market, especially in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, type and application. Market Segment by Manufacturers, this report covers ESAB Beijing FSW PaR Systems Hitachi General Tool Company PTG Nitto Seiki BTI Sooncable Gatwick ETA Technology Market Segment by Regions, regional analysis covers North America (USA, Canada and Mexico) Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy) Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia) South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia etc.) Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa) Market Segment by Type, covers Desktop Equipment Gantry Equipment Others Market Segment by Applications, can be divided into Aerospace Automotive Shipbuilding Railways Others There are 15 Chapters to deeply display the global Friction Stir Welding Equipment market. Chapter 1, to describe Friction Stir Welding Equipment Introduction, product scope, market overview, market opportunities, market risk, market driving force; Chapter 2, to analyze the top manufacturers of Friction Stir Welding Equipment, with sales, revenue, and price of Friction Stir Welding Equipment, in 2016 and 2017; Chapter 3, to display the competitive situation among the top manufacturers, with sales, revenue and market share in 2016 and 2017; Chapter 4, to show the global market by regions, with sales, revenue and market share of Friction Stir Welding Equipment, for each region, from 2012 to 2017; Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, to analyze the market by countries, by type, by application and by manufacturers, with sales, revenue and market share by key countries in these regions; Chapter 10 and 11, to show the market by type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2012 to 2017; Chapter 12, Friction Stir Welding Equipment market forecast, by regions, type and application, with sales and revenue, from 2017 to 2022; Chapter 13, 14 and 15, to describe Friction Stir Welding Equipment sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, Research Findings and Conclusion, appendix and data source
0 notes
getmarketresearch · 6 years
Friction stir welding ( FSW ) is a solid-state joining process that uses a non-consumable tool to join two facing workpieces without melting the workpiece material. Heat is generated by friction between the rotating tool and the workpiece material, which leads to a softened region near the FSW tool. While the tool is traversed along the joint line, it mechanically intermixes the two pieces of metal, and forges the hot and softened metal by the mechanical pressure, which is applied by the tool, much like joining clay, or dough. It is primarily used on wrought or extruded aluminium and particularly for structures which need very high weld strength. Scope of the Report: This report focuses on the Friction Stir Welding Equipment in China market, to split the market based on manufacturers, Regions (Province), type and application. Market Segment by Manufacturers, this report covers ESAB Beijing FSW PaR Systems Hitachi General Tool Company PTG Nitto Seiki BTI Sooncable Gatwick ETA Technology Market Segment by Regions (Province), covering South China Southwest China East China Northeast China North China Market Segment by Type, covers Desktop Equipment Gantry Equipment Others Market Segment by Applications, can be divided into Aerospace Automotive Shipbuilding Railways Others There are 18 Chapters to deeply display the China Friction Stir Welding Equipment market. Chapter 1, to describe Friction Stir Welding Equipment Introduction, product type and application, market overview, market analysis by Region (province), market opportunities, market risk, market driving force; Chapter 2, to analyze the manufacturers of Friction Stir Welding Equipment, with profile, main business, news, sales, price, revenue and market share in 2016 and 2017; Chapter 3, to display the competitive situation among the top manufacturers, with sales, revenue and market share in 2016 and 2017; Chapter 4,to show the China market by Regions (Province),covering South China,East China,Southwest China,North China,Northeast China,Northwest China and Central China,with sales, price,revenue and market share of Friction Stir Welding Equipment,for each region,from 2012 to 2017; Chapter 5 and 6, to show the market by type and application, with sales, price, revenue, market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2012 to 2017; Chapter 7,8,9,10,11,12 and 13 to analyze the key Province by Type and Application,covering South China,East China,Southwest China,North China,Northwest China,Central China and Northeast China,with sales,revenue and market share by types and applications; Chapter 14, Friction Stir Welding Equipment market forecast, by Regions (Province), type and application, with sales, price, revenue and growth rate forecast, from 2017 to 2022; Chapter 15, to analyze the manufacturing cost, key raw materials and manufacturing process etc. Chapter 16, to analyze the industrial chain, sourcing strategy and downstream end users (buyers); Chapter 17, to describe sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers etc. Chapter 18, to describe Friction Stir Welding Equipment Appendix, methodology and data source
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